Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Child exploitation book falls off Best-Seller list

Maybe folks were tired of hearing about how inconvenient these children have made Kate's lavish life? After just two weeks on the New York Times Best-seller list, it's gone.


In case you forgot some of the highlights:

•After the babies turned one, Kate claims she and Jon were caring for them mostly by themselves
•Kate says she is thoroughly annoyed with fans.
•"Where I lived, the career mom was not normal, but in New York it was. It was good to fit in. I’ve learned to talk to my kids on the phone and love them from afar, reminding myself that I had to do my job. I truly enjoy the campaigns, books, shows, media.”
•In her letter to Mady, Kate insists to her that all the decisions she has made for her have been best for her even if Mady disagrees right now. She points out a time when Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor and said she wants to insstill honesty in her.
•In Alexis’ letter, Kate calls her naughty and says the changes from the divorce have been confusing and upsetting to her.
•In Hannah’s letter, she says the divorce has caused pain and doubt and shaken her.
•In Aaden’s letter, she calls him an inconsolable baby and points out the many pairs of glasses he went through at a cost of $200 each.
•In Collin’s letter, he tests and tries her authority every chance he gets.

But don't worry there's more exploitation where that came from. TLC says a new season of Kate Plus 8 kicks off June 6. Murt where are you?

60 sediments (sic) from readers:

Linda in NS said... 1

I was at Chapters the other day and later at Costco. Her book was in both stores and nobody was buying it - I asked the clerk at Chapters and she said nobody seems interested. At Costco they got 12 copies a week or two ago and still have 12. The clerk at Chapters told me they'll either return them or put them in the $1.99 markdown bin.

Kelly said... 2

Her book is also falling off the shelves and into the basement at the following popular outlets.

Amazon.com rank: 1140 last week, 714
Barnes and Noble rank: 3095

I think there is more enlightning reading on the back of a Cheerio's box. That's the number one cereal in America.

Anonymous said... 3

Murt where are you?

Don't understand this. Does Murt have the power to stop the filming of this show?

Mimi to 3 said... 4

She so deserves this. Anyone who would write those comments to her children and then make sure they are published in a book for the world to read is just more pure exploitation. I guess that means all the road trips with Steve for book signings is in the trash. Whatever shall she do? Hope this shows her highness that her star has shone and she is on her way out.

Kelly said... 5

I guess since Kate can't seem to garner interest in anything she writes, she'll be desperate to stay in the public focus and reiterate her recent reiteration about the possibility of the "Dogs" coming back. When the dogs stand up and flip her the middle paw and say, NO WAY, we'll all be blessed with another half hour episode in June of Kate taking the kids to Farmer Henry's for another organic cow. When the cow realizes where he's going to have to go, he'll stand up, flip Kate the middle hoof and then we'll be subjected to the kids going on vacation again to Bald Head Island while Steve cracks all the crab claws for her. When the crab sees Steve getting close and stands up and flips Steve the claw, there will be no more episodes for Kate.

I love it.

1. J&K series, CANCELLED
2. Clothing Line: CANCELLED
3. Cookbook: CANCELLED
4. Exploitation Book TANKED
7. Twist of Kate: KATE WHO?

Linda in NS said... 6

Nobody I know will watch her new show and some of them were die hard "fans" watching the show when the children were babies. I'd rather watch paint dry than tune in to Kate plus the exploited eight.

Irene S said... 7

When the dogs stand up and flip her the middle paw and say- Kelly

Hey when this happens please down load it to you tube!!!!!

Anonymous said... 8

As a mother who is not a professional person, I find it troubling that Kate, a trained professional nurse, should know that some of the comments she has allowed to be published will be damaging to her children.

KyPastor said... 9

Oh Kate, Kate, Kate. It's time to go home, dust of any book you can find on how to be a parent to
elementary-aged children, and memorize it. You are looking for a job. God gave you one. It was to be a mother to 8 children. Now go do it.
Learn how, then just do it. You might actually find it to be rewarding, interesting, challenging
and every day will be full of those memories you want so much to make. The payment in "I love you's" and hugs and messy art projects and lollipop kisses will have you rolling in golden moments that your bank account will never understand.

nanb said... 10

Their filming the kids again. Apparently, the tups got more vehicles to ride around in. At least they got them helmets.


According to the weather.com it's 54 degrees and look Kate is in a sundress. Brrrrr

Anonymous said... 11

It's freezing! Winter turtleneck and jacket today. Even my son wore a fleece-lined hoodie over a long-sleeved shirt today, and he's never cold. Of course he wore sandals with no socks. There are some things that never change!

Stopped at the local bookstore and asked the owner (I know him) how many of the books they sold. An astonishing FIVE, he said, and then laughed, "But four were returned!"

Anonymous said... 12

Shouldn't the new show be called "Twist and SHOUT?" (because that's all she does!)

Anonymous said... 13

"Don't understand this. Does Murt have the power to stop the filming of this show?"

No. If he did, believe me, he would stop it.

dee3 said... 14

My gosh, the children look SO much happier when they are with Jon than they are with Kate. They look downcast and depressed with her....and she rarely looks all that thrilled to be with them either.

It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for a person with narcissistic personality disorder to hide this for very long. And it's generally not an attractive picture. Due to the backing of TLC, she was able to be as successful as she was for far longer than one would have reasonably expected.
And this is what will also cause her fall/exit from the spotlight.

Because to be fair....there are certainly other reality shows on TLC featuring young children. And of course, we all ARE truly concerned about ALL of these children having better protections under the law.

But....what made this situation such a big deal as compared to all the other similar shows? IMO, it's HER. Sure, the children are cute and sure, they did get a divorce. But IMO, the most critical thing was that she is SUCH a textbook picture of a true narcissist...with NPD....that honestly, it would be difficult to actually find such a textbook example. She is so different from most people one encounters in life that there is a fascination, from a strictly objective perspective, with watching and studying her.

But like I said, I always knew this run would end....I just never expected it to last this long. True narcissists are fascinating, yes.....but eventually they always turn most people off.

Just my humble opinion, guys.

Anonymous said... 15

Rat claws crackin' crab claws.

Sick of Kart and Jons Krap said... 16

Will the laws of PA stand when they are filming out of state? They will be filming both shows when Kart drags the kids cross the country for the summer.

SG said... 17

I find it disgusting that they put helmets on the kids ONLY when they are filming for their show. I just saw it in the pics referenced above at starmagazine.com by nanb.

Anonymous said... 18

Anonymous said..."Don't understand this. Does Murt have the power to stop the filming of this show?"

No. If he did, believe me, he would stop it.

Thank you for the reply and confirming what I suspected. Why the plea for his help with this? I’m afraid there’s nothing that will stop the filming other than Jon and Kate having a simultaneous epiphany that their children should not be the money makers in the family.

Kelly said... 19


Now THAT'S the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, those kids wearing those helmets in cars that can't tip over, don't move more than 3 mph and don't even have power enough for 1 kid riding in them. It's all for show folks....all for show. Look how Kate is smiling in that picture too, just because the cameras are around.

Looks like more freebies and product placements too.

NancyB said... 20

This was supposedly posted by Clarissa, Kart's sister on her Facebook fan page.

I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life! VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE, PLEASE READ: I wanted to clarify the last update. I, in no way, asked you not to watch DWTS with malicious intent. I simply thought it would be a cool experiment to show that Kate was really a draw for the show... [continue below]

I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life! BIG FAVOR: Asking you to consider not watching DWTS anymore this season. I'd LOVE to hear that their ratings dipped again & they'll get that it's all b/c Kate left. She caused a ratings spike & I'd love to see her create a drop in viewership also. So can you do w/out DWTS for a few more weeks (till the finale)? If so, ...please take the challenge. Pass the word around to other pro-Kate sites. Thanks!!! :o)


SG said... 21

I'm sorry but I don't believe that's really Kate's sister's page. It seems it's being called credible just by word of mouth.

Isn't there any way to truly confirm it other than the assurance of various Kate fan blogs?

Until I see it confirmed by a reputable mainstream media outlet (and not based on what websites are reporting) I don't believe it.

AuntieAnn said... 22

Those are some snazzy motorized cars the kids got for their birthday. Kate will be asking them over and over if they love Mommy for giving them such a wonderful party/gifts -- and do they understand now why the show must go on if they want to continue having the best stuff money can buy. Narcissists don't give anything for the sheer joy of giving. If Discovery/TLC had any brains they'd do a three-hour documentary on NDP and use clips of Kate Gosselin for reference throughout.
I fully agree with dee3. Kate is a full blown narcissist and that is precisely why people watch her. Every time I see her on tv or read another squib about her I wonder what the hell she's going to do or say to contradict herself and she never fails to deliver. We're lucky we don't have to physically interact with her but those kids have to walk an emotional tightrope around their mother. It's no wonder they are so excited to see their dad. It must be a relief to get out from under the emotional pressure at home.

Kelly said... 23

I'll believe that's Kates sister when Kate gives my Yorkie a lap dance. Here's a heads up for ya Clarissa. I've never enjoyed DWTS more since Kate has been given the boot. The real competition begins when they boot Niecy and Chad.

Kate was a big drag on the show. If I wanted to watch something being dragged around a floor for a couple minutes, I'd go to a tractor pull on a Friday night. YEEE HAWWW.

Anonymous said... 24

"Thank you for the reply and confirming what I suspected. Why the plea for his help with this? I’m afraid there’s nothing that will stop the filming other than Jon and Kate having a simultaneous epiphany that their children should not be the money makers in the family."

What Murt CAN do (and did) is to use his "power" to make sure that background checks are performed on anyone coming into contact with the children when they are being filmed. What he CAN do (and has one)is to make sure that permits are acquired before filming is allowed. What he CAN do (and is doing) is making sure no laws are broken. What he CAN do (and is doing) is extensive research and legislating for laws to protect ALL children on REALITY television, and influence (and demand) a closer look and revamping of the child labor laws. All that is being done now.
I would say that all of the pleas for help got more accomplished in the past few months than it has in years...and it's all because we cried out for help and Tom Murt answered. His eyes have been opened, as were numerous eyes and ears of legislators in our state.
Filming cannot be stopped unless labor laws are broken, and believe me, they are being watched liked hawks right now...and they know it.

CJ said... 25

Admin ~ Please correct me if I'm wrong, and I realize CA custody laws are different than PA. Wouldn not Jon be able to stop the out of state filming of the kids? (and dragging the kids all over hell's half acre for the entire summer) Would that not be in violation of a custody agreement, if they have a valid agreement?

Troy Chula Vista said... 26

If I am not mistaken, Star magazine is a "rag" type similar to the Enquirer. I wonder how much they got paid for the shots?

Someone wrote that Jon almost killed the Ed Hardy line. I'm betting Kate's new shows will be the start of the decline of Reality TV. Remember what happened to Last Comic Standing a few years ago? It just dissappeared and went to a sister channel of NBC after only 3 or 4 episodes.

Just watch Survivor, they have resorted to basically giving the "free pass Idol" to one person (russell) just so they can run the show the way they want. I give Survivior 1 or 2 seasons more. Kates show will last the 2 or 3 first run episodes, then TLC will replace it with Cake Boss! (I hope)

LifeinOH said... 27

Kelly said:

"When the dogs stand up and flip her the middle paw "

Dogs are always a good judge of character~!

Anonymous said... 28


Do the kids have school today? Why are they filming this morning and not in school? And if they went to school then came home for filming??? Talk about a long day.

hlc said... 29

I must admit that I like Kate and don't have any interest in reading the book. I just don't think there is anything in there that we haven't heard before, so why pay for it?

MaggieL said... 30

Now that the writing is on the wall, so to speak, that Kate truly has just about used up her "15 minutes," has anyone stopped to think about what's going to happen with those beautiful children when their "mother" is no longer, even in her own mind, a "star?" What happens to the kids when the camera crew leaves again, and this time takes with it all the nannies and the cooks and the limos and the trips and the freebies and most importantly the MONEY. I really pray that Kate has saved, but I doubt there's enough money left to keep her in pedicures and tans and hairstyles and designer clothes forever. Also, as Kate has no real friends or family, save for those "paid" to deal with her, she truly will be in this alone. Even on camera, Kate is sometimes just downright cruel to these kids. What happens when the lights go out forever? Can anybody really see this egocentric b*tch actually taking care of these children, nuturing them, helping them learn and grow - by herself? I absolutely immediately fear for the psychological safety of these children. Do I think Kate "could" become physically abusive? You bet I do - which is why I so hope that the PA Dept of Children and Families will be watching AFTER this is all over. The public will be ever so happy to never see or hear of this woman again, but once "we" get our wish, what happens to those children?

Anonymous said... 31

Kate has millons saved up. Kate will never give up trying to make as much money as she can.

Anonymous said... 32

I can see Kate being on tv but not the kids. If people like her that much to watch her alone with out the kids fine. I hope for the sake of the kids that new show with them is only a few times a year and not a full time show.

MaggieL said... 33

OK, let's say that's true, she has a TON saved up. Even if she had saved every penny those kids have earned for her, EVERY penny, once the gravy train stops and there is no more income, there is NO WAY she can continue to live the lifestyle she is currently living for very long. My concern is that once this ridiculous ride is over, she's going to be ALONE with these kids, or at the very least, stuck at home far more than she would like because she has nothing else to do - no job to run to to get away from the kids. I ask again, what happens to the kids???

Markiesnana said... 34

That Facebook posting sounds very phony! Isn't Clarissa the sister who makes and sells jewelry online?
Because if so, I remember a couple of years ago that she did not want to be dragged into anything Kateful.

Anonymous said... 35

"Do the kids have school today? Why are they filming this morning and not in school? And if they went to school then came home for filming??? Talk about a long day."

No. The tups do not go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Mimi to 3 said... 36

The sister who makes and sells jewelry is Chris. Clarissa lives close to her parents. She is the Christian sister who had her own blog for a while. There is no way this blog is for real. First of all, why would Kate's mother have kept totally silent for all this time and then come out publically to 'support' Kate and talk about the 'haters'. Don't get me wrong, she is Kate's mother and I don't blame her a bit if she is hurt by what is said about her daughter. And no doubt, Kate has hurt her very much by cutting her totally out of her life. I could see her possibly coming out and just simply saying 'I support my daughter. I love her and my grandkids'. But to take it a step further -- nah, that's the giveaway to me that this is not real. Imperfect Women is just a big Kate fan site and has been for a long time. And Clarissa would have to have changed big time from the way she was on her blog. She would not be encouraging anyone to not watch a show so the ratings would drop, that is just not the Clarissa I have read before. Nothing at all like her. The picture of Charlene Kreider does not look like the photos of her I have seen before either. It is fake. Just like so many other things in Gosselin world.

MickeyMcKean said... 37

Yesterday I drove to Sacramento and wound up killing some time between appointments at a huge mall. While there I found a Barnes & Noble book store.

I went in and found a "Mother's Day" table but Kate's book was not on it! :)

So I asked a clerk about the book and he looked it up on the computer. We went to the shelf where it should be but alas, no :)

So he goes back to the computer and then tell me to wait. He comes back with a copy and tells me "it is on a back table". I crack up :)

I asked what the price was and he said whatever the price is on the back - $22.99!! :)

After I looked at the book, as I was leaving, another clerk asked me if I found everything. I told him yes, and that I came to check out Kate's new book and hey, do you know if it is selling? He said, "well I'm on the clock and can't really comment even if I have my own opinions but I have noticed that authors who write books that exploit their kids do NOT sell very well."

I smiled, he smiled. We understood each other's point of view perfectly :)

ATDP said... 38

Imperfect Women is a website run by Kate Fans who think they have a brain - they actually all share one. It's the old "Gosselins Don't Need our Pity Crowd". I hate to say this but when I would read the old site I would cringe at the posts by "Guinevere", when Imperfect Women came to fruition and she revealed herself - I was shocked to find out I know this woman. She works in an educational setting and to know this woman is a such a Kate fan/apologist is shocking, but not surprising, I always figured her to be ignorant.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 39

"No. The tups do not go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Great! So if they're not in school, they're working!

"Admin ~ Please correct me if I'm wrong, and I realize CA custody laws are different than PA. Wouldn not Jon be able to stop the out of state filming of the kids? (and dragging the kids all over hell's half acre for the entire summer) Would that not be in violation of a custody agreement, if they have a valid agreement?"

Yes, Jon could stop it. He DID stop it back in the fall! Most family law orders give parents joint LEGAL custody, meaning decisions such as medical, educational, must be agreed upon or you have to go back to court and have a judge decide. Typically you might see one parent who wants a child to maybe have some corrective surgery and the other doesn't want to undergo the risk of surgery if it's not necessary--you have to go to court and have a judge decide.

CLEARLY, Jon is consenting to filming and dragging the kids out of state. Shame on him. This is the same guy who told us the kids no longer want to film and were tired of being dragged hither and yon. Whatever Jon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 40

If that were really Kate's family on facebook, which I doubt, maybe they should stop spending so much time screwing around on facebook and spend more time repairing their relationship with Kate so they can see the children if they are so supportive of them. Where were they at DWTS? Everyone else had their family there.

What gave it away was the term "haters." That's a term that has been coined on blogs, it's doubtful they would use that unless they've been lurking around here and elsewhere for awhile, which is just odd.

The paparazzi is there daily, we have not seen one photo of extended family coming or going. Kate has made it crystal clear her family is not in their day to day lives, her words.

Anonymous said... 41

Tony used the term "haters" quite a few times when he was partnered with Kate. Why would her family not be familiar with this term?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 42

I don't recall that nor could I find any quote from him saying that in a quick search. Where?

If it is them, they need to work on repairing their relationship in person, not on facebook--which Betty White called a giant waste of time.

A real person ;) said... 43


TVGuide.com: She's a very divisive figure. Are you concerned about how that will affect voting?
Dovolani: I'm new to this whole thing about hating somebody and I don't understand why people hate her. Our show is so positive that it's going to be difficult to hate someone. I love our show. It's the only show you can watch with the whole family. For me, it's mindboggling to think people think negatively in general, let alone at someone they don't know. I guess if you're a hater, don't watch when we're dancing. ... Honestly, I think the side she has shown — not what the tabloids have shown — there's nothing wrong with her. She's a mom taking care of her kids. She doesn't buy into the tabloids. She's a great role model for her kids.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 44

All right you're right! Apparently Tony did say "hater." Still find it odd family goes on facebook to show support. Doesn't it make more sense to show support, I don't know, in person?

NancyB said... 45

You would certainly think so.

So, if it truly is Clairissa, her sister scams (and yes it WAS A SCAM since she put forth VERY LITTLE effort into 'dancing') roughly $250,000 +/- and much more in perks and freebies off of ABC and Dancing With The Stars and Clarissa now wants their ratings to fall because her talentless sister got canned weeks beyond when she should have been gone? Nice.

If I were ABC, I'd be putting a stop payment on her big fat check for not taking anything-other than the $$$$$$$ seriously.
And if this is really Kart's family's page then stupid must run in their family, IMO.

Linda in NS said... 46

Tony apparently said "She doesn't buy into the tabloids. She's a great role model for her kids." The corporate line was nicely spouted (quoted?)by Tony. I say this because the next time he was interviewed he mentioned how Kart reads the tabloids and is so very upset by what is negatively written about her.

Why can't the PA children's services step in and stop this abuse of the children? Have they no backbone?

Kelly said... 47

Tony spins more with his words than he does on the dance floor. In the above mentioned quote, Tony says, "She doesn't buy into the tabloids" however, in a previous interview, Tony was quoted as saying that he and Kate would read the tabloids every day and they upset her. Which is it Tony, does she or doesn't she? Only her dance partner would know.

just.me said... 48

Kart's book has fallen to #1571 on Amazon today!

Kelly said... 49

Kate's book on Barnes and Noble today is at 3269. Her book numbers are dropping quicker than a cheap prom dress.

Kelly said... 50

Karts book standing today, Thursday, 5-13-2010


If it gets any further down the list, we're going to need the crew from Ghostbusters to find it.

Anonymous said... 51

"Why can't the PA children's services step in and stop this abuse of the children? Have they no backbone?"

By doing what? Yes, exploitation is abuse, but it's out of the jurisdiction of PA Child Services. CPS has no legal power if the children are well taken care of, which means they are being fed, they are clothed, they are housed, and there is no evidence of physical abuse. Who knows if they have been called in at one time or another? Those records are kept out of the public's eyes.

Anonymous said... 52

"Why can't the PA children's services step in and stop this abuse of the children? Have they no backbone?"

By doing what? Yes, exploitation is abuse, but it's out of the jurisdiction of PA Child Services. CPS has no legal power if the children are well taken care of, which means they are being fed, they are clothed, they are housed, and there is no evidence of physical abuse. Who knows if they have been called in at one time or another? Those records are kept out of the public's eyes.

Anonymous said... 53

"He said, "well I'm on the clock and can't really comment even if I have my own opinions but I have noticed that authors who write books that exploit their kids do NOT sell very well.""

Interesting! Did he mention what other authors in recent memory have exploited their children?

Anonymous said... 54

"Kate's book on Barnes and Noble today is at 3269. Her book numbers are dropping quicker than a cheap prom dress."

What's happening with this much publicized extensive book tour?

just.me said... 55

Kart's book is #2241 on Amazon right now.


Anonymous said... 56

"He said, "well I'm on the clock and can't really comment even if I have my own opinions but I have noticed that authors who write books that exploit their kids do NOT sell very well.""

Interesting! Did he mention what other authors in recent memory have exploited their children?

Kelly said... 57

Karts book standing today, Thursday, 5-13-2010


If it gets any further down the list, we're going to need the crew from Ghostbusters to find it.

Administrator said... 58

All right you're right! Apparently Tony did say "hater." Still find it odd family goes on facebook to show support. Doesn't it make more sense to show support, I don't know, in person?

Administrator said... 59

I don't recall that nor could I find any quote from him saying that in a quick search. Where?

If it is them, they need to work on repairing their relationship in person, not on facebook--which Betty White called a giant waste of time.

Anonymous said... 60

Tony used the term "haters" quite a few times when he was partnered with Kate. Why would her family not be familiar with this term?

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