TMZ has some exclusive photos of the kids in Florida filming Kate Plus 8 last week (during school). When the working vacation was over, Kate left directly to L.A. and the kids flew home with four nannies, according to an eyewitness at the airport.

The family took a private tour of the Everglades on Boggy Creek Airport rides.
TLC, did you comply with Florida's child labor laws during this shoot? Where is the Cordinator of Child Labor liason required to be on set? Did you get the required permits?

173 sediments (sic) from readers:
A boat ride in crocodile infested waters... Yikes. I'm not sure I'd enjoy that with my little girls.
Schecky: Then don't go. No one is asking you if you would enjoy that. You go to Florida all the time. This is a pretty fairly common tourist attraction. So is Gatorland Zoo.
by the way, my kids wish they could "work" like the Gosselins. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shouldn't the BODYGUARD be with the KIDS....not Kate. No one is going to kidnap HER.
As usual, only thinking about herself.
After reading the law, it sounds to me as if the coordinator is just someone on set - could be a crew member - who will respond to any requests. So we might not know who it is or "where" to find them.
"The employer shall designate one (1) individual on each set where minors are employed, or in each touring company which includes minor employees, to act as Coordinator of Child Labor. The coordinator shall respond to all communications from the division regarding the employment of minor(s). The employer shall provide the name of the coordinator(s) to the division, the minor, the minor’s parent(s), guardian, and/or chaperon."
What do they do with Ratboy and Jamie? Do they make them lie down on the floor of the boat while the cameras are rolling in order to give the shots a more 'real' effect? Gag.
Who would you contact to see if they did comply with the laws?
They couldn't wait to take this vacation for another month, when school is out?
Another boring episode of the Gosselins on vacation. Really!!!! Who wants to sit down for a half hour and watch someone elses vacation film footage, while the mother cackles during the filming or goes off like a roman candle?
"Another boring episode of the Gosselins on vacation. Really!!!! Who wants to sit down for a half hour and watch someone elses vacation film footage, while the mother cackles during the filming or goes off like a roman candle?"
LOL!! I'm thinking of Betty White's comments on SNL when she said that in her day looking at someone else's vacation photos was considered a punishment!
According to the Child Labor Laws, the employer must POST the permit where the child is working. Was this done?
I agree with Kelly, just another boring episode of the Gosselins on vacation. Big deal.
But I do have a question: why is there yet another birthday party in Florida with pinatas for the tups?
Was it because something was filmed at the real party in PA that is still on the editing room floor?
Also, what about Mady and Cara? What do you think is going through their minds when they see how their siblings get more than one birthday party, and no doubt more presents than they got at their one party in October?
When it finally dawns on the twins that their life in a fishbowl is because of the tups, how will Mady and Cara deal with their mixed feelings for their brothers and sisters?
Isn't there enough stress in the house without adding sibling hostility between the twins and the tups?
Just a heads up for all you book fans of Kate Gobblin.
Amazon rating today: 3591
Barnes and Noble: 4408
This book is so far down in the hole, it just might reach China by this evening.
I don't think there are any crocs in Florida. Alligators but not crocs. The only croc that can be found in North America is Kate Gosselin.
AuntieAnn said...
What do they do with Ratboy and Jamie? Do they make them lie down on the floor of the boat while the cameras are rolling in order to give the shots a more 'real' effect? Gag.
Kate must not have been carrying a purse when she went on the boat because it doesn't look like Steve is on there...just Jamie. But maybe he was following along in a rowboat just in case a crocodile tried to ask her a question. Jamie might be included in the filming, just like she was on the basement organizing show. Good old BFF Jamie. ;)
CanineDivine said...
They couldn't wait to take this vacation for another month, when school is out?
This wasn't officially a vacation since Kate doesn't take the kids anywhere. This was work, and money is more important than silly old school stuff.
Wahoo...Kelly is back in action and in fine form! I love it :) Kelly I wish I could be there with you next Wed and everyone else. I hope someone films everything and puts it on YouTube for all of us to watch so we can see what happens.
Great job!
There are some crocs in Florida. But you are right, alligators are much more common. I wouldn't go on a boat in alligator infested waters either. lol.
Original Linda said...
Schecky: Then don't go. No one is asking you if you would enjoy that. You go to Florida all the time. This is a pretty fairly common tourist attraction. So is Gatorland Zoo.
But it's free! I would have to go! Regardless of how dangerous it can be.
I'd go to Gatorland though.
MickeyMcKean, if Kate had a heart and a soul, it might bother her about Mady and Cara, and how they probably feel about so much attention being paid to their brothers and sisters. But since she doesn't, and since the sextuplets are the moneymakers...it's all good with Kate. If they complained about it, or were upset over it, she would tell them to deal with it.
No offense to Bret Michaels (love ya!) but if I saw Kate from the back I would SO THINK it was Bret Michaels!! It looks horrid at least Bret wears a bandana around his head so you can't see where the real hair ends and the extensions begin.
Original Linda,
Do you have videos of your kids posted on youtube?
Do pedophiles get their jollies watching YOUR KIDS?
Yeah, they'd love to "work" like the Gosselin kids. Sure they would.
pa ma too,
It looks like it could be Steve seated next to another man at the back of the boat in the bottom photo. I could be wrong although I can't imagine Kate going anywhere without him. Fans could easily be lurking among the aldergaders ya know. Is Gina stupid or is the money so good she just goes along with this crap?
Rat claws was on the back of the boat, right by the fan blade if you look closely at the picture. Either that's him or they went to Boat USA and bought a rat claw decoy head so the fans would stay clear of Kate and the krew.
On closer inspection of those pictures it looks as if they only brought six kids on board. Maybe Cara and Mady passed on this one?
AuntieAnn, ahh yes...I see him now. Thanks. :)
Kelly, LMAO over the rat claw decoy head.
Not only is Rat claws in the back of the boat but it occurred to me that as an adult male he may be the only one who would really enjoy an airboat ride.
I mean, Kate only enjoys something because it is free ... who knows about Jamie and whether or not her kids got to go too ... but then I remembered that Alexis loves alligators so if she has not outgrown this phase she would enjoy this educational opportunity if she got to see one alligator in the wild.
For the record as an adult female I would enjoy an airboat ride but then living on a ranch I know that getting dirt on my clothes is nothing to get upset about. Kate, on the other hand, will only enjoy the free ride if she does not get dirty - and neither do any of her kids. It does not matter if someone else does her family's laundry these days, some things about Kate will never change.
Kate's newest blog so you won't have to click.
Well, I guess my 'gift of gab' has finally begun to pay off. Instead of only using my vocal range to manage my children, I was recently given the opportunity to hone my skills and use them for a different cause.
Entertainment Tonight asked me to be a special correspondent for DWTS.
Of course I jumped at the chance not only to reunite with my much missed dancing friends but largely to challenge myself while learning a new skill ...
I have been interviewed hundreds of times over the course of the last six years and each time I longed to hold that large microphone myself!
So this was it ... My chance to be on the other side of the microphone? I was determined to give it a shot!
From the moment I stood on the ET set to do my promotion pieces as a correspondent, I learned that, although my voice projection will take practice (imagine that!), this was a fun challenge!
Unlike my days of dance ... I'm at home!
It was a marvelous experience that I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to do ... Thanks to all who had a part in making this happen for me!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
Original Linda,
I suspect YOU wish your kids could work like the Gosselins.
I agree with the previous posters that there will be resentment because of all the special attention and freebies and perks the tups get.
I so hope all the children are finally getting some therapy...but when would it happen? They are in school or filming or taking care of daily needs.
This will be one gigantic flop...just like the book. I hope TLC loses money.
No sponsors and a big contract to Kate.
NO ONE will watch Kate and kids. Not without Jon there....it will be worse than the neighbor's vacation pictures...
I must admit the only thing that kept me watching the last season was waiting and hoping Jon would finally tell Kate to go to hell.
I think Jon was close when Kate made the guys installing the solar panels crazy. They all had her number.
Take the stick out Kate!
Kate's latest blog is IMO much ado about nothing - she FAILED miserably!!!
This was the same week the kids went to Discovery Cove.
The kids celebrated their Bday once again... In Florida with pinatas etc etc...
So, if I am correct, the kids celebrated their bdays for almost an entire week.
* Sunday with Kate
* Monday with Jon
* Tuesday again with Kate and TLC
* And again in Florida (Wed-Friday)??
Surely that's a typo in Kate's blog entry. Shouldn't it read "gift of GRAB"???
Re: Kate's Blog
I think the ghostwriter's first draft went more like:
Well, I guess my 'screeching voice and hyena cackle' has finally begun to pay off. Instead of only using my vocal range to holler at my children, I was recently given the opportunity to make an ass of myself for a different cause.
Entertainment Tonight was contractually forced to ask me to be a special correspondent for DWTS.
Of course I jumped at the chance not only to get away from my kids, but largely to make big bucks at another skill I don't have...
I have been interviewed hundreds of times over the course of the last six years and each time I longed to take that microphone and shove it up someone's arse.
So this was it ... My chance to really display my ineptitude as an interviewer. I was determined to give it a shot!
From the moment I stood on the ET set to do my promotion pieces as a correspondent, I learned that, although my voice is extremely annoying (imagine that!), this was a fun challenge...for me and me alone!
Like my days of dance ... I'm no good at this either!
It was a marvelous experience that I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to do ... Thanks to all who didn't blow their brains out while making this happen for me!
It's a beautiful day as long as I'm in LA! :0)
At least Kate is admitting she LONGS to do things like this, be a big time correspondant for something like ET. It's pretty obvious her children were just a vehicle to fame and fortune and a flashy celebrity career.
About Kate's newest blog.... omg, if that woman was any more full of herself, she would freaking explode !! Not only did she say the other day about how alive she was, but now she says she's home. So let's see....she's alive and home when she's not home, but when she is home, she's miserable and can't wait to leave. Nice.
Someone tell me why this person ever had children , unless it truly was because she had a plan that she needed to set into motion, and she needed children to do it. She gets more and more disgusting as the days go by.
Or it should have said "Grift or Grab"
~~~~~Well, I guess my 'grifting and grabbing' has finally begun to pay off.
Yeah notice how she said has finally begun to PAY OFF.
Freudian slip???
Her pay off began the day she had the sextuplets.
Freud didn't wear a slip. He was a guy.
Original Linda,
MY kid doesn't want to work like those kids! She rather prefers her anonymity in the world. I agree with her.
At least when I take HER places, it's not to work for the cameras. She can relax and enjoy the trip!
Too bad for the Gosselin kids.
I think it's safe to say that Khate's PR are the ones writing the 'drivel' called her blog. Just like real celebrities that have people sending tweets on their behalf and writing blogs, Khate can finally feel like a real celebrity because she has all these 'pee-ons' working for her. I would love to see the day when she has a disgruntled 'pee-on' do her blog and they actually tell the truth about her instead of the spin.
I'm sure if she pisses them off enough times, it will happen. I can only hope but it seems odd that no one has really spoken out about her regarding the horrible way she treats 'staff' and anyone she deems 'workers'.
Oh Kate, you keep posting about how you are so good at being a mommy,an author, and so good on camera, and so comfortable with your celebrity, and now you are wanting us to believe that you are at home behind the camera and have found your true niche, and are ready to take the world by the tail if given a correspondent's job.
There is only one problem, Kate. You suck. You lack the work ethic, the skill, the grace and the intelligence to be an interviewer, and above all you lack curiousity about the world around you and the people in it. That is why the books you "wrote" bombed. You are still looking in the mirror with the hair brush posing as a microphone interviewing yourself, just like you did on that show your ex-husband was on, you know the one where you lied repeatedly about how you would always be together,critics be damned. A lie you told in front of your kids who were assembled under the pretense that was a marriage vow renewal ceremony.
Anyway, Kate, you have this annoying habit of vowing things that don't come true and have no basis in reality. You didn't stay married, you didn't win DWTS, you didn't write a best seller, you didn't protect your children from this crazy TLC life you have thrown them in, and you will not now, or likely ever be great at anything, unless and until you seek counselling. You have serious needs to be the centre of attention, at the expensse of those you should love most in the world, your kids.
Remember when Kate was sad that she might not be able to afford to take the girl tups to American Girl for their 6th birthday? Well, she topped it, didn't she!!
Kate didn't write that blog. She doesn't have those language and grammar skills, and I doubt she knows the meaning of the word, "hone."
These are great, hollywood tuna:
Without all the hollywood lighting.
Kate Gosselin and the Kids - Dancing with the Stars Leaves Kate Out?
Dancing with the Stars should have helped Kate Gosselin continue her career path of being a reality TV personality, but it may have left her out of the loop in Pennsylvania and come at a price at her best reality series asset - the kids!
Kate Gosselin and the Kids - Dancing with the Stars Leaves Kate Out?
A report from In Touch contends Kate's parenting skills are tough and that is losing the children, while Jon is coming off as the good guy. The report reveals that Jon and Kate have been trying to get along for the sake of their children, but their different parenting techniques are threatening that truce.
Kate thinks that Jon is deliberately undermining her authority.
"Instead of working together, he seems to be trying to turn the children against her," an insider says.
Kate will again leave the children for another west coast swing and her very important final dance in front of 20 million TV viewers on DWTS.
The insider claims as Kate, 35, grows more distant, Jon, 33, is sincerely trying to reconnect with his kids.
"He moved to an apartment 10 minutes away so that they can feel some stability," says the friend. "They love having him around," notes a source. "He's been a good dad lately."
What about HIS authority? He is their father. I'm sure her idea of working together means do it my way.
I definitely think it's best for the kids if they agree, but obviously they have two different parenting styles and always have. Jon just let Kate have her way when they were married. I don't see these two ever coming to a compromise until and/or unless they both agree that being parents to these children is the most important job of all. Jon, maybe. Kate has as much as said she prefers celebrity to staying home with the kids. Why does she care how Jon parents them if she doesn't want to be with them except for filming...except, of course, for her need to control everything?
I'm sick of these two putting the kids in the middle of everything they do. Grow up and think of the kids first for a change!
Too funny that Kate says she wants to be 'challenged' and 'do the hard things'. That is utter BS. She claimed she wanted to make fun of herself and laugh at herself on DWTS. She didn't look like she was laughing at herself with all those pathetic smirks on her face. She looked angry enough to strike like a rattler at times.
And how she thinks she will ever be a 'correspondent' -- what a joke -- with her 'whaddayathink', is just beyond me. She's a joke all right and there is plenty to laugh at. Just keep on providing the material Kate and we'll laugh.
For DWTS fans, these tweets were on the DWTS site.
EvanLysacek LARRY KING LIVE's “The DWTS Hour” airs this Friday, May 21 at 9pm ET/6pm PT on CNN and repeats Saturday evening. Please tune-in!
atrebunskaya Gmorning all:)On my way to tape Larry King Live.All the finalists,judges and our hosts going to be there.Very exciting!
Admin: Longtime lirker, love this site. See link andn post if appropriate.
Anonymous @ 9;32 ~ yep, and the law also requires that it be posted at the school.
Mickey @ 9:47 ~ really inciteful comments and quite probable, actually.
Kelly @ 9:48 ~ God bless Kelly!!! I've come to depend on my fix of a big daily laugh from you and you sure do not disappoint!!! Oh, a lady a few threads back (yesterday) was trying to hook up with you for next Wed. @ TLC --did you see her comment?
Itsabout ~ Exactly...nobody. Which leaves me thinking that the current regulations are so very weak and without accountability for enforcement and TLC ofcourse takes full advantage of this. It's pitiful really, because this is not rocket science...it would not be of great difficulty to re-write the regulations so that they are current with this century, actually this decade and have some teeth. Maybe Murt will do this, I surely hope so. The current ones are nearly totally worthless and an exercise in futility as they mean basically nothing, IMO.
CanineDivine...what and hold up filming? Hell NO.
Such great comments from all of you. This is a special group IMO.
Kimmie ~ You have not yet posted on this thread but I have been thinking about you--there is a Kimmie that I know fairly well that has posted @ Z's for many months. I am VERY sure that you are not the same Kimmie--I am requesting that you name yourself Kimmie2 or something to differentiate yourself... to avoid confusion.
Cherier1 @11:28 ~ I am in agreement.
Kart is wayyy below sub par in the interviewer role that it is laughable.She is wooden and very amaturish or thinks she performed so poorly on ET that it was an embarrassment. She has no on-camera talent whatsoever … beyond yelling at children, of course. The way she butchers the English language is childish and not at all cute. (forerunner rather than frontrunner - I wonder if she even knows the difference?)IMO, she is not all ready for “prime time” and she has a tremendous gap to fill in order for her to learn how to effectively appear on television.
In case you missed them, kate's new look:
There's all good:
mama mia,
I loved your post! So eloquent, so succinct; no one could have said it better.
Great article here:
Show Participants Raise Concerns
Kevin and Jodi Kreider, who have appeared on the popular TLC reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, also want federal guidelines for kids. The show followed the lives of Jon and Kate Gosselin and their children — one set of sextuplets and one set of twins.
"Our focus is that laws do need to be passed that protect children for the future," Kevin Kreider, the brother of Kate Gosselin, said on CBS' The Early Show in May.
Kreider and his wife said they were concerned because virtually every aspect of the children's lives took place in front of a camera. When they raised concerns about the effects on the kids, the Kreiders said, they were banished from the lives of their nieces and nephews.
Child psychiatrist and media expert Dr. Michael Brody said allowing cameras to invade children's privacy may cause them to believe there are no boundaries.
"It borders on abuse, and it sets the groundwork for abuse because the child might think that his body doesn't belong to him," said Brody, adding that cameras in the home create confusion over who's in charge — the parents or the producers.
And because their images are widely available on the Internet and on rebroadcasts, children may be vulnerable to criticism and ridicule for years, Brody said.
Sorry - just noticed the NPR article is from May 21, 2009.
@ NancyB Thank you for telling Kelly about my previous thread.. I appreciate it! :o)
@Kelly Hi Kelly- as NancyB was kind enough to repeat, I'll be attending the protest next Wed., and would like to know if you would like to meet up? I'll be bringing my 17 year-old daughter as well. I always enjoy your posts,and
would love to meet up with you and/or anyone else from this blog! I wanted to stage a protest myself last year, but at the time , nobody seemed to think it was a good idea. So happy it's finally happening!!
It's still good to review what was said during those first interviews. I'm guessing this is exactly why Kate kicked out Kevin and Jodi. They were about to upset her plans to make money off those kids. A far worse fate than K&J getting a few bucks for trying to help out.
Kreider and his wife said they were concerned because virtually every aspect of the children's lives took place in front of a camera. When they raised concerns about the effects on the kids, the Kreiders said, they were banished from the lives of their nieces and nephews.
I was wondering,with the way she spoke while interviewing at DWTS-whaddayathink?-did she actually graduate with grade 12 english? Her use of words in "her" blog are easy to see that it is NOT her,as she has no understanding of basic english skills. I was ashamed for her at that infamous interview!
Anonymous said...
I was wondering,with the way she spoke while interviewing at DWTS-whaddayathink?-did she actually graduate with grade 12 english? Her use of words in "her" blog are easy to see that it is NOT her,as she has no understanding of basic english skills. I was ashamed for her at that infamous interview!
I couldn't believe when she said that...and didn't she say it twice ?? jeez, like once wasn't enough. I thought she was using her cartoon voice for that part. She must still be holding out hope for the animated movie. LOL ! And if she happens to do another interview somewhere down the road (omg, what am I saying ? Of course she will !) , she needs to lose the cutsey-pie teenage girl talk because everyone knows it's as fake as her weave.
Werny has a new post up abt the PA Dept of Labor and their total lack of action/response to Mr. Murt's requests. It's infuriating. I'm trying to understand how a government official can just ignore Mr. Murt and get away with it. What am I missing?
Kelly and others,
I can not be there Weds., but I would like to support you and the group.
What can I/we do? Should we call and email TLC at noon? What do you all think about this? I'm talking a succinct and direct message: children should not be on reality TV. Period.
Auntie Ann, loved your version of Kate's Blog. Very funny.
Here are six reasons to prove that Kate didn't write that blog:
vocal range
The above words are beyond her limited vocabulary.
Jon has introduced the tups to the new girlfriend.
Auntie Ann, I too LMAO at your version!
TheresaB said...
"Original Linda,
Do you have videos of your kids posted on youtube?
Do pedophiles get their jollies watching YOUR KIDS?
Yeah, they'd love to "work" like the Gosselin kids. Sure they would."
cherier1 said...
"Original Linda,
I suspect YOU wish your kids could work like the Gosselins."
You both took the words right out of my mouth! Methinks "Original Linda" would LUVVV to have her kids supporting her and her hubs, then she too could live like Kate...which is what this is all about, IMO, w/these sheeple.
Why can't Rep. Murt do much? Because it goes back to grade school. The legislative branch drafts the laws. The judicial branch enforces them. Since Murt is a rep., he's in the legislative branch. He can only draft laws, but he can't make the judicial branch enforce the laws he comes up with.
That said it's appalling that no one appears to be checking up on them. Did they ever do that homestudy? There are clear past violations so they should be keeping a close eye on them, a new crew was suddenly railroaded in as soon as Jon was bought off and allowed the kids to be filmed again, they have taken off to another state (state hopping), and no one cares to return Murt's phone call. If they ARE complying, why all the secrecy? What are they trying to hide? No, enforcement of the LAWS are not none of our business or a private matter. They are public laws, and their compliance is a public matter. That's why the courts are open to the public.
It all goes back to PA's conflict of interest in this whole thing. They WANT Jon and Kate to film and they want to keep them happy--it's for the good will of the state. Which is exactly why an INDEPENDENT agency should oversee filming violations. They are going to delay returning a phone call until the cops are knocking on the door.
One final question. Wouldn't Kate and Jon, as these children's parents, want to be sure a child molester isn't working around and alone with them? Wouldn't they want to see the Livescans? Tons of parents look at the child molester web site before moving to a neighborhood to see where any live. But these strangers are filming children right in their own home. I hope as parents they asked for thorough background checks on the revolving door of people who have been around their children.
I don't see the permit posted on the wind boat thingy....maybe they could tie it to the fan???
Oh, glad that you posted that the crew is all new. This is what I thought. I remember the crew from last year and this is a different group. Yet, Kate has said that the children are thrilled to be filming and that it is the same 'ole crew that they know and love. More lies?
Carolina, it's ok. Thx.
BTW, I keep forgetting to comment on something I thought of the other day while reading Kate's description of her show Twist of Kate. She says she'll be going into homes of fans, those who have written telling them how they love the family, her, blah, blah, blah. I'm afraid I'm going to have to watch one show! I want to see what a "real" fan looks and lives like. What kind of person they appear to be, and especially, what kind of relationship they seem to have w/their husbands and kids. This could be very telling, no?
PS, Jay Leno talking about KG w/Bruno and Carrie Ann.
Thanks TNTG. She's such an easy target. I just wish TLC would stop this charade. From supermom of eight to DWTS to her blog, it's phony from start to end.
Admin, I really don't think Jon or Kate have ever given much thought about anything happening to those kids that could potentially harm them. They're too involved with raking in money and getting their faces plastered all over the place to worry about such nonsense as pedophiles. They used to be concerned but they've gotten pretty lax about it, what with having paps and fans hanging over their fence. I'd put a stop to that in short order if I was them, but exposure is their top priority.
And not only do they have the production company around them, there's a lot of trees and bushes at the back of their property where any nutjob could hide out and wait until the right minute. I hope someone has the brains to check things out on a regular basis around that place. If they'd kept the dogs they would have had the best alarm system they could ever ask for, for letting them know if intruders were lurking around the place. Idiots. They should have five guard dogs watching the place. But no, Kate gets the bodyguard.
Speaking of which - Is Kate carrying Ratboy's flip flops in that pic?
Forget my own personal desire to remain anonymous (no I am not jealous of Kate's "fame" not EVERYONE wants to be famous, many DON'T), it horrifies me to think of my kids being famous, millions of people knowing my kids, millions being in my home seeing where they sleep eat and pee. I wouldn't be able to SLEEP if all of America knew them like the Gosseliln kids. It's so disturbing. Does this disturb others with kids?
AuntieAnn, No they are not Steve's flip flops. If you look closely, you can see that they are Skechers Tone Ups.
"I wouldn't be able to SLEEP if all of America knew them like the Gosseliln kids. It's so disturbing. Does this disturb others with kids?"
Tremendously. In fact, in the "old house," she was even so brazen as to report where the kids slept (the "disturber" banished to the basement). I couldn't sleep at night knowing one of my kids was in the basement and the entire world knew about it. Of course, now we realize that it may have been Jon who was sleeping down there!
"Werny has a new post up abt the PA Dept of Labor and their total lack of action/response to Mr. Murt's requests. It's infuriating. I'm trying to understand how a government official can just ignore Mr. Murt and get away with it. What am I missing?"
This is what I have been saying all along. The protest should not be at TLC -- absolutely NOTHING is going to come of it. If any difference is going to be made in the lives of reality television children, the place to be is in Harrisburg. You'll get more coverage there, and be in a place to call attention to the state's laziness on these issues.
Carolina Gal said...
BTW, I keep forgetting to comment on something I thought of the other day while reading Kate's description of her show Twist of Kate. She says she'll be going into homes of fans, those who have written telling them how they love the family, her, blah, blah, blah. I'm afraid I'm going to have to watch one show! I want to see what a "real" fan looks and lives like. What kind of person they appear to be, and especially, what kind of relationship they seem to have w/their husbands and kids. This could be very telling, no?
They might be "real" Kate fans but I have to think they are going to be hand picked to show Kate in the most favorable light and every aspect of their appearance, personality and background will be selected, edited and used towards promoting Kate's 'celebrity'.
I still don't quite understand the concept of this show. Even for the fans, most of what I read is about how they miss seeing the kids. What has Kate alone got to offer that warrants taking up thirty minutes of air time? Does it seem like TLC is grasping at straws here?
It all goes back to PA's conflict of interest in this whole thing. They WANT Jon and Kate to film and they want to keep them happy--it's for the good will of the state. Which is exactly why an INDEPENDENT agency should oversee filming violations. They are going to delay returning a phone call until the cops are knocking on the door.
So Admin, who, what or how do you get the cops to knock on the door? Can the general public apply any pressure or are the Gosselin children just SOL.
Just saying said...
AuntieAnn, No they are not Steve's flip flops. If you look closely, you can see that they are Skechers Tone Ups.
Oh no!! Don't tell me that. I have a pair of Sketchers Shape Ups!! Now I can never wear them if Kart wears them too! Guess I'll have to switch to Reebok! Sigh! And I loved my Sketchers too and now they are ruined by Kart.
"Why can't Rep. Murt do much? Because it goes back to grade school. The legislative branch drafts the laws. The judicial branch enforces them. Since Murt is a rep., he's in the legislative branch. He can only draft laws, but he can't make the judicial branch enforce the laws he comes up with."
And trust me, he's trying. I spoke with him after the hearings (he e-mailed me, and called me, I didn't call him), and he is so frustrated with what is happening in the state system. He was also very concerned that TLC got off scott-free for not having a work permit all those years. He is passionate about getting laws enacted. If voices want to be heard on this matter, perhaps the state needs to be called out on the lack of background checks, permits, compliance, etc.
One way to do this is to show up in Harrisburg. News coverage on this would at least make the public aware that the state is dragging its feet (and HAS been dragging its feet) on these issues.
I went to the hollywoodtuna site to view the photos.
The first thing I noticed is that Kate tucks only ONE are of her shirt into her jeans.
That's the front, which she wants to stay pulled down to show her chest more.
If it wasn't tucked in, it might relax the fabric and pop up an inch or more, thereby covering up more of her chest. She wouldn't want that.
Janet Palazzotto posted this on the 4-8 Please Boycott FB page.
For those who think background checks aren't that important....what if this was YOUR child on the set (in the production home). Why is this an issue that even needs to be debated? Is it so awful to want to keep child molesters AWAY from children?
Nickelodeon Production Assistant Arrested for Child Molestation
Saturday, December 17, 2005
"Original Linda,
Do you have videos of your kids posted on youtube?
Do pedophiles get their jollies watching YOUR KIDS?"
ANY parent who wishes this for their children -- having them filmed naked, having a constipated child filmed while his father pulls feces out of his rectum, seeing a child alone and sick on a laundry room floor, denying a child water, telling a child that she didn't even want to hear him breathe, whacking a chld's butt (with hand or wooden spoon) -- ANY parent who wants this for their child should be investigated by CPS.
itsaboutthekids, thanks for the link. What's a better place for a pedophile to get a job other than working closely with children ? How convenient too, they don't even have to go out looking for them.
I will never understand a place who does not do background checks especially when children are involved. They are just asking for trouble.
I agree, Anonymous, about CPS investigation, but.......(Loud Chorus) .."It's not Child Abuse in Pennsylvania!" Please, SOMEBODY, read the PA child abuse laws. Then write your congressman to see about getting them changed!
I'm sitting up here in Canada feeling totally helpless to do anything about this issue, except to keep reminding people about it. I realize that I sound like a broken record.
Anonymous said.."telling a child that she didn't even want to hear him breathe"
Sorry for being picky, but it was Jon that she told not to breathe.
Kart's book is #8171 on Amazon this morning!
I agree with Anonymous about demonstrating in Harrisburg. If the State of PA would enforce even the very loose laws in existence TLC would be screwed. And if Mr Murt could get some stronger laws passed it would put TLC in a tailspin.
If part of the laws where to enforce the length of time the children could be filmed each day and the number of days in a week they could be filmed it would really help.
But the ultimate goal is for the kids not to be filmed at all.
Part of the reason the Gosselins are scrutinized so heavily is because the kids have spent SOO much time in front of the cameras. No other reality series has railroaded through this many episodes in such a short few years. Now they are barrelling through a bunch more in a short period of time. Kate ADMITTED they filmed year round, this was after many people insisted oh, it's only for a few months out of the year. No it's not.
I'm going out on a limb here, I think there should be an overall limit for how many hours a child can spend in front of a reality camera.
For instance it might go something like, maximum of four hours a day, five days a week, not to exceed 20 weeks a year. Fill in your own appropriate numbers. When they're out of time, they can't film anymore, too bad so sad.
Maybe a lifetime limit of 2,000 hours or something.
I'm sure the kids have hit in the neighborhood of 5,000 hours by now.
I'm sure the kids have hit in the neighborhood of 5,000 hours by now.
Precisely. What more do Kate & TLC want from these kids as far as filming them goes. We've seen enough vacation films to know they go places and see things. Whoopdedoo. We've seen them playing, fighting, laughing, crying, hitting, eating, sleeping...you name it, it's been filmed. Enough already. It's like a sick obsession to keep filming them and the people who should put a stop to it - their parents - won't. Are they trying to outmatch the Dionne disaster?
I'm with the other posters who think a protest in PA on June 3 when Paul Peterson (and perhaps Gloria Allred?) will be in attendance is a great idea.
There's no reason we can't have 2 protests, is there?
Also, what about the idea of calling, faxing and emailing TLC at noon during the protest on the 26th to show our support for no children in reality tv?
The Names the Game said...
Anonymous said.."telling a child that she didn't even want to hear him breathe"
Sorry for being picky, but it was Jon that she told not to breathe.
Actually there was an episode where Kate put one of the boys in time-out for crying and told him "I don't even want to hear you breathe."
One way to get the kids off the air is to make this a political issue.
Someone should write an expose' along the lines of the two Inquire articles. I think someone posted them in the comments under her book at amazon.
Then post the article as a diary on several large democratic and republican sites.
One that gets read by many politicals is dailykos.com.
"Someone should write an expose' along the lines of the two Inquire articles."
"Sorry for being picky, but it was Jon that she told not to breathe."
One of the boy tups (can't remember which one) was sitting on the steps in the garage that lead to the house. She said to him, "I don't even want to hear you breathe."
She may have told Jon that, also, but her telling the child is on film.
Yes, Kart put little Joel on the step in the garage and told him "I don't want to even hear you breathe". Someone showed that and then had a picture of little baby Joel in his incumbator in the hospital with all the tubes in him helping him breathe, and I think the caption was "What a great mother".
"But the ultimate goal is for the kids not to be filmed at all."
Which is most likely never going to happen, but by watching every move TLC makes can certainly make it miserable for them. The best way is to start in Harrisburg, making sure the politicans know that looking the other way is not going to happen. We want to know that these laws (permit, background checks, posting of permits, etc. etc.) will be complied with.
News coverage on a protest, and calling it to the attention of the public might get them in do-something mode, rather than just sitting on this, pretending it's going to go away.
"I agree, Anonymous, about CPS investigation, but.......(Loud Chorus) .."It's not Child Abuse in Pennsylvania!" Please, SOMEBODY, read the PA child abuse laws."
I know it's not. I'm in PA. However, every incident MUST be looked into. What comes of the investigation remains to be seen, but at least CPS is aware that there is a potential problem.
"Also, what about the idea of calling, faxing and emailing TLC at noon during the protest on the 26th to show our support for no children in reality tv?"
You know, it's a waste of efforts. THEY DON'T CARE. How many have bombarded TLC with comments, protests, etc., only to have received the generic, "Thank you for your comments" return e-mail. It's all about the money. It was either Jodi or Juli who once wrote that you can't fight an entity such as TLC.
They will do what they want, and I'm afraid that by protesting, we're giving them what they love. Publicity. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative publicity. They love media attention. Nothing is going to change by having a protest, or by calling them or e-mailing them.
It may make US feel better, but in the end, the cameras will keep rolling.
Better to show up in Harrisburg.
I might be wrong, but on that Hollywoodtuna website one of the pictures showed what I imagine is a nanny. She sure looks alot like that Stephanie Santoro. Isn't she the girl that Jon had babysitting the day that Kate wasn't allowed through the gates?
I remember Khate on the View talking about her 'Mother's intuition' and how she had a gut feeling about this 'babysitter'.
Thanks, Anonymous in PA, I was beginning to think nobody was listening. I'm glad to hear that they investigate all reports.
There are SOOO many great thoughts and comments in this thread, but they get lost when Anonymous quotes and answers another Anonymous, etc. May I ask the Anonymous posters to choose a screen-name so that we can put a face and name to your opinions, give credit where it's due, and appreciate the the individual they're coming from? Please
1. Where it says Comment as: 'Select Profile' - Instead of selecting Anonymous from the list - choose Name/URL instead.
2. The pop-up box will say 'Edit Profile'. On the line that says 'Name' enter your chosen
3. Leave the URL line blank.
4. Click 'continue' -- and you're done.
Ellie said... I might be wrong, but on that Hollywoodtuna website one of the pictures showed what I imagine is a nanny. She sure looks alot like that Stephanie Santoro.
I saw the pic also, and thought the same thing. I have to admit that the woman in the pic with the family last week sure looks like Stephanie Skankoro, but imo, it's two different women. Was it Stephanie or the woman in FL who was with the kids last summer? IDK, but they look enough alike to be sisters.
Did you think it was fishy that Rep. Murt got involved at the same time Jon was filing for custody with his new lawyer which happened to occur when Kate was releasing her new book and all the hoopla ended just as quickly. Same thing with Kevin and Jodi. Same thing happened last year too. Something is going on.
HI Gang,
Been out on the boat this weekend and am going to catch up on all the chatter. I had to share this as I just heard it on the way home and it reminded me of Jon Gosselin. First line was
"Gonna get me a job in the morning" The rest of it is all about Jon.
Actually, it was supposed to be this clip. It is SOOOOOOO Jon Gosselin. If someone could photoshop it with Jon's pics and post it, this would win an academy award.
Kimmie said... "Did you think it was fishy that Rep. Murt got involved at the same time Jon was filing for custody with his new lawyer which happened to occur when Kate was releasing her new book and all the hoopla ended just as quickly. Same thing with Kevin and Jodi. Same thing happened last year too. Something is going on."
Do you have all those dates handy and could you post them? I'm very interested in seeing how they all coincide. Thanks.
Kelly said...
Actually, it was supposed to be this clip. It is SOOOOOOO Jon Gosselin. If someone could photoshop it with Jon's pics and post it, this would win an academy award.
haha Kelly. Good one !! I am a huge country music fan, and I think this song should be dedicated to Jon .... every time it comes on the radio, I can't help but think of him. ;)
Kimmie said...
Did you think it was fishy that Rep. Murt got involved at the same time Jon was filing for custody with his new lawyer which happened to occur when Kate was releasing her new book and all the hoopla ended just as quickly. Same thing with Kevin and Jodi. Same thing happened last year too. Something is going on.
May 22, 2010 5:51 PM
i did not post this. that's the second time someone has posted with my name.
My biggest fear for the Gosselin children is their being left in Kart's care when her balloon is burst.
She's still flying high, imagining a fabulous career ahead of her. But that's not going to happen.
Her children will suffer her wrath when she falls, and she will find a way to make it all their fault.
"Did you think it was fishy that Rep. Murt got involved at the same time Jon was filing for custody with his new lawyer which happened to occur when Kate was releasing her new book and all the hoopla ended just as quickly."
Actually, he's been involved with this long before that.
I'll be quite honest with all of you about Rep Murt. My opinion is that he was playing for air time and public opinion as most politicians do. There will be nothing from Rep Murt until election day, unless he reads these blogs, has a sense of determination and makes this a cause, not for re-election but for determination.
Rep Murt will be a silent figure until and unless people swamp his email address, his office phone number and his position as a representative and continue to make it known that we're more interested in law makers in his position to make positive changes for exploited children than stupid laws where people are fined for seatbelt violations, talking on cell phones while talking and all the other bullshit these elected officals justify their paycheck for. Flood their office phones and their emails. They work for us, not their own personal gains.
I really don't 'get' the need for anonymous postings. It's not like anyone wants you to give your real name, home state, address, etc. If there is a "name" attached to a comment, as opposed to 'anonymous' at least we know when we're responding to different individuals, or whether we're posting to the 'same' anonymous all the time. I think there was approx. 6-8 anonymous postings on this thread so far, I have no idea if they were all the same person on 6-8 different people. If you having trouble coming up w/a screen name, here's some suggestions...ABC, 123, XYZ, Girl, Guy, Lady, Woman, Noneofyourbusiness, SusieQ, etc. you get the idea....right?
I have felt all along that a peaceful demonstration of the reality shows w/kids, would be best done at the state level, especially now that we know they are meeting and what date. I'm such a 'rebel' (translated: b*tch) I'm inclined to put some pressure (via signs) on the PA Labor Dept. as in, what is their 'reason' for being unwilling to agree to Rep. Murt's requests? Is there $$ being exchanged? What are they getting out of this setup? I guess I'm cyncal, I don't trust any of 'them'. I do trust Rep. Murt.
Just saw a TLC summer commercial on the Science Channel and noticed that Kate Plus 8 is a TWO hour special event.
Pics are finally appearing on the internet of the Gosselins' Florida "vacation". Is it really possible to abide by the PA labor laws and get enough footage to fill two hours of programming? Or will this "reality" show be much heavily-scripted to get the necessary scenes filmed?
Let's compare to non-abiding footage: How many episodes were focused on their two-week(?) vacation in North Carolina last season?
1. "Renovations & Vacations"
2. "Beach & Kitchen Revivals"
3. "Battleships & Barbers"
4. "Tea Party"
(I cannot recall if they were all half-hour episodes, but that is almost two hours of programming dedicated to that much extended vacation. Of course, there is additional non-vacation shots as well as Kate's monologue included in each episode.)
Does the PA labor dept. require documentation or proof that TLC is in compliance? If not, at least some of us are keeping as close of an eye as possible.
It's interesting to notice that PA pics pop-up within a day or so, but the Florida pics are only starting to appear to now (even though the "vacation" was last weekend). Very, very interesting.
"I'll be quite honest with all of you about Rep Murt. My opinion is that he was playing for air time and public opinion as most politicians do. There will be nothing from Rep Murt until election day, unless he reads these blogs, has a sense of determination and makes this a cause, not for re-election but for determination."
I'll be quite honest, too. I know the man. I have spoken with him (LONG conversations) and he is not out for political gain. He is very passionate about this, more so than any politician in recent memory that I've come across. He is trying to do his job here, but is met with frustration upon frustration.
The thing about him is that he responds to concerns. I can't tell you how many people who have heard from him, but it's been a multitude...people from out of state. In fact, one blogger e-mailed him after the hearing, and he called her that night. She's not even from the state. He is not silent, nor does he intend to be.
He is our only hope when it comes to PA laws regarding children in reality television. Continue to "swamp" him with phone calls and e-mails. He does not turn a deaf ear.
"i did not post this. that's the second time someone has posted with my name."
Are you sure someone posted with your name? Go back and check the original post and subsequent posts. Perhaps someone picked up a quote and carried it through, thinking you were the original writer of that statement.
Oh, sorry. I forgot to add the link:
Administrator said...
Why can't Rep. Murt do much? Because it goes back to grade school. The legislative branch drafts the laws. The judicial branch enforces them. Since Murt is a rep., he's in the legislative branch. He can only draft laws, but he can't make the judicial branch enforce the laws he comes up with.
The executive branch of government is the one that enforces the laws. The judiciary interprets the laws. The head of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is the Secretary of that department, who reports directly to the governor of Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is part of the executive branch.
...I am guilty of posting anon. I'm the only that said this has to be made into a political issue.
It's child abuse in my book.
Kate choose 8 kids, they should be raised by a parent, not 100's of babysitters.
Her finally paid off comment spoke volumes to me. Her intent from day one was fame from multiples.
SchmeckyGirl said... - "Actually there was an episode where Kate put one of the boys in time-out for crying and told him "I don't even want to hear you breathe."
Thanks for the correction. I should have known Kate would say something like that to one of her kids, as well.
Gabby22 said... "Her finally paid off comment spoke volumes to me. Her intent from day one was fame from multiples."
Gabby, didn't that "finally paid off" comment come from the blog? You have to believe she's writing that blog, to believe she made that comment. I don't believe, for one second, that she's the one writing the blog.
I do agree, her intent has always been to be famous for being the mother of multiples
Names....I saw the quote here or Pity site.
I thought I had posted this before, but can't find it so I will post again:
Notice season 4 they did 41 episodes!!
There are no unscripted reality shows. Remember, lights, staging and camera angles!!
Original Linda said...
Schecky: Then don't go. No one is asking you if you would enjoy that. You go to Florida all the time. This is a pretty fairly common tourist attraction. So is Gatorland Zoo.
No one asks anyone at a blog what they think! Schmecky was just sharing a thought, as does everyone here, shares a thought. Are you her mom or something? Do you feel you need to follow her here and 'keep tabs' on her?
MoonandMango said...
In fact, one blogger e-mailed him after the hearing, and he called her that night. She's not even from the state. He is not silent, nor does he intend to be.
MoonandMango - That was me. I was very impressed by Rep. Murt and was floored that he actually called me probably no more than 3 hrs. after I sent that email. IMO, speaking w/him, it was clear he is very passionate about this, and he must have stated 3 times in our conversation that it "pained" him to read my email with the situations/episodes I described. I shared w/him about Joel (or Aaden) being put on the laundry room floor while sick, about Colin being "relieved" of his constipation on national TV and of the epi in the new house where Mady was kicking the 'crap' out of Leah or Alexis, while the cameraman filmed it all. I spoke w/him twice actually. I believe the next call was about 5-6 days later. I emailed him another time or two w/links (per his request) to various episodes online that haven't been cleaned up by TLC.
As you can 'see' from my screen name, I am NOT a resident of PA.
Saw this posted on ROL and haven't been able to quit laughing:
"If her nerves hasn't gotten the better of her, Kate might have been seriously in the running for that famous disco ball trophy."
I know ya'll don't agree with me, but I'm going to go out on a limb all by myself and say that I DO believe Kate is writing a lot of what appears in the blog. I think she has help, perhaps a publicist, but the stiff sentence structure, style, and wierd use of descriptive words fits Kate's style to a 'T', imo.
When Kate speaks she frequently misuses words (interviewing Evan for ET, she said 'forerunner' rather than 'frontrunner'), makes them up, and uses words not commonly used in everyday conversation. I think her blog reads like it's been edited down to the bare bones, with words chosen to impress (impress Kate herself). IMO, the blog reads a lot like many of the sentences in the latest book that felt cold and impersonal. I think after the blog is written, she changes and inserts words to make it sound professional and impressive (things she aspires to be) and it comes off sounding fake.
Or not.
Okay, let's open the champagne!
Kart's book is #11,262 on Amazon right now!
"If her nerves hasn't gotten the better of her, Kate might have been seriously in the running for that famous disco ball trophy."
I just want to know what in the heck they're smoking. I might want some of that stuff! LOL!!
"MoonandMango - That was me. I was very impressed by Rep. Murt and was floored that he actually called me probably no more than 3 hrs. after I sent that email."
Hi there! I know you!
Linda In PA said...
Saw this posted on ROL and haven't been able to quit laughing:
"If her nerves hasn't gotten the better of her, Kate might have been seriously in the running for that famous disco ball trophy."
omg, that's funny ! Are they talking about the same Kate we are talking about ? The only thing Kate is in the running for is Absentee Mother of the Year. ok, there's quite a few more things, but I'll stop there. ;)
It's nice to look good in a bikini but I think Kate is taking it to an EXTREME.
It looks like she is obsessively working out to the point that she has no body fat. Gross.
How is that healthy or attractive? Her body is starting to look very masculine.
It's just more of her EXTREME personality. There are no soft spots with Kate, she's cold and hard in almost every aspect of who she is.
"MoonandMango - That was me. I was very impressed by Rep. Murt and was floored that he actually called me probably no more than 3 hrs. after I sent that email."
Hi there! I know you!
S - I had a hunch that might be you, after reading a couple of your comments.
I agree Lauren. Kate doesn't need to make herself look even more masculine than she already looks.
And I think she would look so much nicer in a suit that has a little skirt on it, instead of the string bikini. She might think she has a great body and she wants to flaunt it....but she needs to cover it up. She doesn't need to be running around with her children, boobyguard and all the film crew with her butt cheeks hanging out, and everything else in the front barely covered up. She was so worried about dressing like a respectable mom on DWTS...but then she slaps on the itsy bitsy bikinis a few weeks later. Go figure.
"As you can 'see' from my screen name, I am NOT a resident of PA."
If he were out for political gain, and doing this for "air time," he most certainly would be calling only people in PA. He would have nothing to gain by responding with phone calls to those who have no voting power.
S - I had a hunch that might be you, after reading a couple of your comments."
L -- Yup. This be me!
I'm the first to be skeptical of politicians and their motivies. I think few do anything without an ulterior motive. Problem is I can't figure out Murt's motive other than he feels the laws are inadequate. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Public opinion? For as many of his voters who don't like this family and think they are exploited, there are just as many who have worked for the show in some form (think all the trucks parked at the house--that's a lot of people), not to mention all the people who benefit from the "good will" they bring the state--tourism, etc. Not to mention people who want to film in PA in the future.
I think for every vote he gains from those of us who think the kids are being exploited, he also loses one from people who think he's driving away a money making machine.
Money? Absolutely no evidence he's making a dime off this.
Hot issue? Let's be honest, for us this is important but for the average PA voter, I think they're more worried about their son in Iraq, or their husband working in unsafe mines, than a few kids. If anything he looks a little silly getting all caught up in some reality family on DWTS when there are lots of other important things going on, to the average person unaware.
In fact I see nothing but negative consequences for Murt.
Admin, I hope you're wrong about Murt. I have a feeling he is a very devoted father, and most likely feels somewhat protective of these 8 children. Lord knows, someone needs to, besides us.
Right well my point was I can't figure out a motive, other than a PURE motive. As you say, he's concerned about the 8 kids. Imagine that, someone concerned about the kids.
"Admin, I hope you're wrong about Murt. I have a feeling he is a very devoted father, and most likely feels somewhat protective of these 8 children. Lord knows, someone needs to, besides us."
That's exactly what he said to me --when the parents won't protect these kids, who is left? He was adamant that in this case it's the state's responsibility to protect them.
Admin & Carolina Gal - He may just be doing it because it's the right thing to do! I sure hope so.
Does anyone know if Representative Murt is up for re-election this year?
Rep. Tom Murt (R-152nd dist.) will face Democrat Robert McGuckin in the fall.
PA reps are ALWAYS up for election every two years. Everyone is. So it's not like it's just an election year and he's doing it for votes. Every other year is an election year, you are constantly thinking about elections. There is no break from elections. There is no time when someone won't be accussed of doing something for an election. If the term were longer it would be different.
And he is being lambasted in the media for going Hollywood. If anything this is hurting him, not helping. The "he's doing it for votes and public opinion" does not hold up--he is quite frankly being ridiculed. (Why everyone who dares stand up for these kids is treated like this I don't understand.)
Cherier, my suspicion and hope is he is doing it for the right reasons. I can't figure out any other plausable reason.
On a side note, I think it's significant Rep Murt is a Republican. I am a long-standing Republican, Republicans do not like regulations. We don't LIKE a lot of laws and rules to follow. We support businesses (the film industry, PA tourism, etc.) But we accept regulations and advocate for them when they are good ones that are necessary. So it's very significant when a Republican stands up and says these laws are terrible and inadequate we need more laws, even if it makes things harder on businesses. It's rare for a Republican to say, I want to pass more regulations.
From my point of view, watching American politics from a Canadian perspective, the fact that Rep.Murt is a Republican is what convinced me of his sincerity. Any Republican that appears to be fighting a big business interest such as TLC has got to be on the level, IMO.Then when he bothered to answer my email from here in Canada and suggested that I call him, I was sure he wanted to find out all he could about the issue at hand and to correct the injustice.
I am a lifelong New Democrat but if I were in PA I would vote Republican just this once.
Sorry I meant EXECUTIVE branch. The Dept. of Labor is the executive branch. They are supposed to be enforcing the laws! If the people enforcing the laws are corrupt themselves, what can you do?
That's a very good question. Doesn't the Executive Branch report to the Governor? There has always been a question in my mind about whether the Governor had a vested interest in not looking into TLC's violations (as you previously posted about)
It seemed to me that the initial investigation took an inordinate amount of time to complete so ineffectively. The whole investigation was done completely half assed on purpose, IMO.
In fact I see nothing but negative consequences for Murt.
May 23, 2010 7:54 PM
Carolina Gal said...
Admin, I hope you're wrong about Murt.
Admin, I just meant I hope you're wrong about Murt suffering negative consequences. But, as we all know, no good deed goes unpunished!
Admin- Doesn't the Executive Branch report to the Governor? I have been suspicious for the last year, for many of the reasons that you blogged about in an April post that also covered the conflict of interests issues. I mean come on, how in the world can the Labor Board take more than a year to "investigate" and end up doing such a blatantly negligent investigation unless the outcome was fixed from the beginning. These folks would have to be morons to have come up with the findings that they did unless it had been sanctioned at higher level. JMO. Murt is the real deal.
Admin- Doesn't the Executive Branch report to the Governor? I have been suspicious for the last year, for many of the reasons that you blogged about in an April post that also covered the conflict of interests issues. I mean come on, how in the world can the Labor Board take more than a year to "investigate" and end up doing such a blatantly negligent investigation unless the outcome was fixed from the beginning. These folks would have to be morons to have come up with the findings that they did unless it had been sanctioned at higher level. JMO. Murt is the real deal.
itsaboutthekids, thanks for the link. What's a better place for a pedophile to get a job other than working closely with children ? How convenient too, they don't even have to go out looking for them.
I will never understand a place who does not do background checks especially when children are involved. They are just asking for trouble.
MoonandMango said...
In fact, one blogger e-mailed him after the hearing, and he called her that night. She's not even from the state. He is not silent, nor does he intend to be.
MoonandMango - That was me. I was very impressed by Rep. Murt and was floored that he actually called me probably no more than 3 hrs. after I sent that email. IMO, speaking w/him, it was clear he is very passionate about this, and he must have stated 3 times in our conversation that it "pained" him to read my email with the situations/episodes I described. I shared w/him about Joel (or Aaden) being put on the laundry room floor while sick, about Colin being "relieved" of his constipation on national TV and of the epi in the new house where Mady was kicking the 'crap' out of Leah or Alexis, while the cameraman filmed it all. I spoke w/him twice actually. I believe the next call was about 5-6 days later. I emailed him another time or two w/links (per his request) to various episodes online that haven't been cleaned up by TLC.
As you can 'see' from my screen name, I am NOT a resident of PA.
Saw this posted on ROL and haven't been able to quit laughing:
"If her nerves hasn't gotten the better of her, Kate might have been seriously in the running for that famous disco ball trophy."
I went to the hollywoodtuna site to view the photos.
The first thing I noticed is that Kate tucks only ONE are of her shirt into her jeans.
That's the front, which she wants to stay pulled down to show her chest more.
If it wasn't tucked in, it might relax the fabric and pop up an inch or more, thereby covering up more of her chest. She wouldn't want that.
"Werny has a new post up abt the PA Dept of Labor and their total lack of action/response to Mr. Murt's requests. It's infuriating. I'm trying to understand how a government official can just ignore Mr. Murt and get away with it. What am I missing?"
This is what I have been saying all along. The protest should not be at TLC -- absolutely NOTHING is going to come of it. If any difference is going to be made in the lives of reality television children, the place to be is in Harrisburg. You'll get more coverage there, and be in a place to call attention to the state's laziness on these issues.
Forget my own personal desire to remain anonymous (no I am not jealous of Kate's "fame" not EVERYONE wants to be famous, many DON'T), it horrifies me to think of my kids being famous, millions of people knowing my kids, millions being in my home seeing where they sleep eat and pee. I wouldn't be able to SLEEP if all of America knew them like the Gosseliln kids. It's so disturbing. Does this disturb others with kids?
Oh, glad that you posted that the crew is all new. This is what I thought. I remember the crew from last year and this is a different group. Yet, Kate has said that the children are thrilled to be filming and that it is the same 'ole crew that they know and love. More lies?
Auntie Ann, I too LMAO at your version!
TheresaB said...
"Original Linda,
Do you have videos of your kids posted on youtube?
Do pedophiles get their jollies watching YOUR KIDS?
Yeah, they'd love to "work" like the Gosselin kids. Sure they would."
cherier1 said...
"Original Linda,
I suspect YOU wish your kids could work like the Gosselins."
You both took the words right out of my mouth! Methinks "Original Linda" would LUVVV to have her kids supporting her and her hubs, then she too could live like Kate...which is what this is all about, IMO, w/these sheeple.
Kelly and others,
I can not be there Weds., but I would like to support you and the group.
What can I/we do? Should we call and email TLC at noon? What do you all think about this? I'm talking a succinct and direct message: children should not be on reality TV. Period.
I was wondering,with the way she spoke while interviewing at DWTS-whaddayathink?-did she actually graduate with grade 12 english? Her use of words in "her" blog are easy to see that it is NOT her,as she has no understanding of basic english skills. I was ashamed for her at that infamous interview!
Sorry - just noticed the NPR article is from May 21, 2009.
Admin: Longtime lirker, love this site. See link andn post if appropriate.
Kate Gosselin and the Kids - Dancing with the Stars Leaves Kate Out?
Dancing with the Stars should have helped Kate Gosselin continue her career path of being a reality TV personality, but it may have left her out of the loop in Pennsylvania and come at a price at her best reality series asset - the kids!
Kate Gosselin and the Kids - Dancing with the Stars Leaves Kate Out?
A report from In Touch contends Kate's parenting skills are tough and that is losing the children, while Jon is coming off as the good guy. The report reveals that Jon and Kate have been trying to get along for the sake of their children, but their different parenting techniques are threatening that truce.
Kate thinks that Jon is deliberately undermining her authority.
"Instead of working together, he seems to be trying to turn the children against her," an insider says.
Kate will again leave the children for another west coast swing and her very important final dance in front of 20 million TV viewers on DWTS.
The insider claims as Kate, 35, grows more distant, Jon, 33, is sincerely trying to reconnect with his kids.
"He moved to an apartment 10 minutes away so that they can feel some stability," says the friend. "They love having him around," notes a source. "He's been a good dad lately."
What about HIS authority? He is their father. I'm sure her idea of working together means do it my way.
I definitely think it's best for the kids if they agree, but obviously they have two different parenting styles and always have. Jon just let Kate have her way when they were married. I don't see these two ever coming to a compromise until and/or unless they both agree that being parents to these children is the most important job of all. Jon, maybe. Kate has as much as said she prefers celebrity to staying home with the kids. Why does she care how Jon parents them if she doesn't want to be with them except for filming...except, of course, for her need to control everything?
I'm sick of these two putting the kids in the middle of everything they do. Grow up and think of the kids first for a change!
Kate didn't write that blog. She doesn't have those language and grammar skills, and I doubt she knows the meaning of the word, "hone."
Freud didn't wear a slip. He was a guy.
This was the same week the kids went to Discovery Cove.
The kids celebrated their Bday once again... In Florida with pinatas etc etc...
So, if I am correct, the kids celebrated their bdays for almost an entire week.
* Sunday with Kate
* Monday with Jon
* Tuesday again with Kate and TLC
* And again in Florida (Wed-Friday)??
I agree with the previous posters that there will be resentment because of all the special attention and freebies and perks the tups get.
I so hope all the children are finally getting some therapy...but when would it happen? They are in school or filming or taking care of daily needs.
Original Linda,
I suspect YOU wish your kids could work like the Gosselins.
Kate's newest blog so you won't have to click.
Well, I guess my 'gift of gab' has finally begun to pay off. Instead of only using my vocal range to manage my children, I was recently given the opportunity to hone my skills and use them for a different cause.
Entertainment Tonight asked me to be a special correspondent for DWTS.
Of course I jumped at the chance not only to reunite with my much missed dancing friends but largely to challenge myself while learning a new skill ...
I have been interviewed hundreds of times over the course of the last six years and each time I longed to hold that large microphone myself!
So this was it ... My chance to be on the other side of the microphone? I was determined to give it a shot!
From the moment I stood on the ET set to do my promotion pieces as a correspondent, I learned that, although my voice projection will take practice (imagine that!), this was a fun challenge!
Unlike my days of dance ... I'm at home!
It was a marvelous experience that I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to do ... Thanks to all who had a part in making this happen for me!
It's a beautiful day! :0)
Not only is Rat claws in the back of the boat but it occurred to me that as an adult male he may be the only one who would really enjoy an airboat ride.
I mean, Kate only enjoys something because it is free ... who knows about Jamie and whether or not her kids got to go too ... but then I remembered that Alexis loves alligators so if she has not outgrown this phase she would enjoy this educational opportunity if she got to see one alligator in the wild.
For the record as an adult female I would enjoy an airboat ride but then living on a ranch I know that getting dirt on my clothes is nothing to get upset about. Kate, on the other hand, will only enjoy the free ride if she does not get dirty - and neither do any of her kids. It does not matter if someone else does her family's laundry these days, some things about Kate will never change.
pa ma too,
It looks like it could be Steve seated next to another man at the back of the boat in the bottom photo. I could be wrong although I can't imagine Kate going anywhere without him. Fans could easily be lurking among the aldergaders ya know. Is Gina stupid or is the money so good she just goes along with this crap?
Original Linda said...
Schecky: Then don't go. No one is asking you if you would enjoy that. You go to Florida all the time. This is a pretty fairly common tourist attraction. So is Gatorland Zoo.
But it's free! I would have to go! Regardless of how dangerous it can be.
I'd go to Gatorland though.
CanineDivine said...
They couldn't wait to take this vacation for another month, when school is out?
This wasn't officially a vacation since Kate doesn't take the kids anywhere. This was work, and money is more important than silly old school stuff.
Just a heads up for all you book fans of Kate Gobblin.
Amazon rating today: 3591
Barnes and Noble: 4408
This book is so far down in the hole, it just might reach China by this evening.
Schecky: Then don't go. No one is asking you if you would enjoy that. You go to Florida all the time. This is a pretty fairly common tourist attraction. So is Gatorland Zoo.
by the way, my kids wish they could "work" like the Gosselins. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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