Friday, May 7, 2010

Gosselin kids need helmets, therapy, non-matching clothes, and time with mom and dad for their Birthday

This blogger has made a list of the birthday presents the Gosselin children really need. With the exception of a dog (they have not shown they can be committed and responsible enough to take care of a high-maintenance animal like a dog), we agree.

43 sediments (sic) from readers:

IDModo said... 1

Jon's former attorney, Mr.List, said that the kids have NOT yet been seen by a (mental health) professional. Some more therapy is definitely required! For both parents too IMO.The blogger could have added privacy from the constant media attention as well. Otherwise, great list!

Judy said... 2

If I could wish for any gift for these children, I would wish for privacy. That's a free gift that only a parent could give them and as we all know, that's not going to happen.

Does anyone other than me, wonder why God allows people like Jon and Kate to even be parents?

These two just don't deserve the honor of parenthood.

Irene S said... 3

Privacy! Privacy! Privacy!

Khate & Jon sold their children's privacy along time ago. The fact that they know they have and have refused to do anything about it speaks volumes of what their real intentions are.

Khate: it has never been about the kids. Even on the Khate take blog post you turn it all around about you, over~n~over again.

Suzanne said... 4

What do these kids really need? A time machine to take them back to before they were born and then be able to pick better parents who don't look at them as dollar signs!

Diane said... 5

Hi DeKon,

Privacy would be wonderful. And, I certainly agree with therapy for all. And, please, no more dogs! But, I would wish them peace in their lives. Hopefully, Jon and Kate can decide that they love their kids more than they hate each other.

GKWay said... 6

Suzanne said...
What do these kids really need? A time machine to take them back to before they were born and then be able to pick better parents who don't look at them as dollar signs!

Suzanne, I love this comment and one of the other bloggers at smalltowngosselins put this great poem up. I think it is a great message for Khate for Mother's Day!

A Newborn's Conversation with God

A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow,
But how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.."

The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have
To do anything but sing and smile to be happy.."

God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you.
And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.."

Again the small child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand
When people talk to me if I don't know the language?"

God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words
You will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will
Teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach
You how to pray."

"Who will protect me?"

God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach
You the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth
Could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave
Now, please tell me my angel's name."

God said, You will simply call her, " Mom ."

Lift a mother's spirit; send this to every mother you know (no matter how old her child is).

Happiness is wanting what you have, not getting what you want!!!

Anonymous said... 7

Judy said "Does anyone other than me, wonder why God allows people like Jon and Kate to even be parents?"

Judy, God said NO but Katie Irene believed she knew better than God.

Laura D.

Anonymous said... 8

Laura D.,
That must do for all mothers/parents that have had help conceiving their children.
Oh ye of little faith.

AuntieAnn said... 9

Anonymous said...
Laura D.That must do for all mothers/parents that have had help conceiving their children.
Oh ye of little faith.

Ho boy. Let's not get into *that* argument. What's done is done. The fact of the matter is that the kids WERE born and ARE Jon and Kate's to look after. What they've failed to do as parents is to provide FOR them instead of turning them into a commodity so they could live OFF of them.

jibberjabbers said... 10

Judy said "Does anyone other than me, wonder why God allows people like Jon and Kate to even be parents?"


Yeah, I believed God said no.. So Kate decided to take fertility pills. Even went to the hospital once for Overactive Ovaries.

Her 1st doctor refused to give her a second treatment. So she dumped that doctor and went with a new doctor. And the tups were conceived.

The info is all on btw.

overthehill said... 11

my wish for the gosselin children is that they get their feet measured .
here in the uk we have just watched the episode were those children walked to a farm .poor aiden his stupid cowboy boots were to small.
do children get their feet measured in the usa?

Happy Mother's Day JJ said... 12

I think what they need is to see Jibber Jabbers blog where there are pictures up (for some odd reason) of their mother's crotch and nipples. Clearly their mother was violated by a zoom lens and did not know that black dresses become see thru when you are being pursued by photographers' light. Many people who are in the public eye have been violated this way also.

jibberjabbers said... 13

overthehill said...
do children get their feet measured in the usa?

Yes they do... The only reason why Aaden shoes were small is because he outgrew them.

And Kate, being all about "symbolism", decided it would be "cute" to have Aaden wear his cowboy boots to the farm... Instead of letting him wear something that fits.

She then decided to trash him for complaining about his feet. "Be a man Aaden"...

What kind of mother does this? An attn whore of a mother..

They're 6 and still she has them in Matching Outfits...

Irene S said... 14

Oprah is having this big weekend in New York and is going to give information about OWN Network launching.

Any signs of Kate attending?

SG said... 15
This comment has been removed by the author.
SG said... 16

Crap! I meant I did NOT agree with the God and fertility comments. Darn BlackBerry.

JonandKatesuck (fka Katesucks) said... 17

Re: The kids getting fitted for shoes...didn't one of the last episodes have Kate taking her kids to the shoe store for the 1st time ever? I think they were running amok-I didn't watch the episodes past divorce announcement, so I don't know for sure. Anyone recall? Was it the gymnastics episode?

NancyB said... 18

Auntie Ann - Well said!

Werny Gal said... 19

I've been in the Toy'R'Us shown above many times and I'm surprised they allowed the cameras in there. As much as they're said to dislike the "coupon nightmare" Kate at the local Target, they do a very good job of protecting her in the store. Got to go check out that birthday list now, what a great idea. I hope private birthday messages besides the public ones posted on Kate's blog is on the list.

Judy said... 20

Yes, the kids did go to a store, for the first time,to get shoes.Kate had a way of taking all the excitement for them away.
Of course it had to be about her like always.
I could not believe that a five yr old child had never been to a shoe store .That is just sad.
Have they ever got to do anything that normal kids do?

Anonymous said... 21

Jon and Kate like to make big money off those poor kids. I would never put my kids on tv. I would worry someone would try and break into my house and snatch one of them.

jibberjabbers said... 22

I don't believe Kate had fertility problems anyways. She just wanted multiples and fertility treatment were the key to her getting her wish.

NancyB said... 23

overthehill said...
my wish for the gosselin children is that they get their feet measured .
here in the uk we have just watched the episode were those children walked to a farm .poor aiden his stupid cowboy boots were to small.
do children get their feet measured in the usa?
I know...that was a very upsetting episode for the reason you mentioned and the scene in the barn and her very stupid comments about the high cost of milk. Kart's over the top overt camera mugging and chumming with the camera man and crew in the cow barn while basically ignoring her kids who were having a dispute/tussle about who would get to go 1st at something the farmer's wife was doing with them disgusted me. Here is what Dr. Lillian Glass had to say about this episode:

"I hated how Kate treated Adan. I hated how she said those kids were whining when they were walking to their neighbor’s farm to milk the cows. You can’t walk a mile as a child if you aren’t used to it. Your feet will hurt and you will get tired and sore. Those kids were tired and sore. That is why they were whining! They were uncomfortable! Let any adult who hasn’t walked a mile in a while do it and see if they don’t get tired and whiney.
Her abusive hostile harsh tones to precious Adan sickened me . There was no need to scold him. He didn’t do anything bad. No wonder this little guy looks so stiff and tense in his body language all the time and his face is so serious and worried so much of the time . He is no doubt, in fear that Kate is going to give him hell for the slightest infraction, so he tries to tow the line.
When she said to Adan “BE A MAN YOU’RE FIVE ! DON’T CRY BE A MAN! I wanted to scream in her face “ BE A LOVING MOTHER NOT A BITCH ! IF YOUR LITTLE BOY CAN’T CRY BECAUSE HE’S HURT OR UNCOMFORTABLE- THEN YOU, KATE DON’T CRY YOUR PHONY TEARS FOR THE CAMERA! BE A WOMAN! BUCK UP! How would you like it if you were spoken to like you spoke to Adan?
What she said to Adan was clear projection ! Those are exactly the words she wanted to say to Jon” BE A MAN- BUCK UP!” But say those words to Jon. Don’t say them to a little boy and traumatize him. Those words were to be said to Jon not a sweet child who didn’t want to walk because he wasn’t used to it and his little feet hurt him.
Her insensitivity made me livid! There is no doubt that this type of behavior is a sure fire way to emotionally scar and mess up a child! Not allowing a child to express his emotions is abusive! You are training him to repress what is natural and what he feels. He could turn those emotions inward and get seriously ill as studies have shown. Or he could turn those emotions outward and really act out inappropriately. None of this is good and it falls on your shoulders in terms of how poorly you are training him.
Dr. Lillian Glass

NancyB said... 24

In reading the rest of the Dr. Glass article these parts seem particularly timely:

It was awful to see Kate alone with those kids. She took the joy out of any situation with them, harping on them all the time and now allowing them to just BE! When we used to see her with Jon, he was the buffer. She took things out on him, so she didn’t have to take things out on the kids. Now that he is out of the picture, those poor kids may no doubt get the direct effects of Kate’s hostility.
No matter what you say about Jon, he is a loving and affectionate daddy. The kisses and hugs are so important to the kid’s psyches and to their emotional development. Hopefully his love will cancel out the effects of Kate’s harshness and nastiness towards them.
He better fight for joint custody of those kids and not be selfish. They need him desperately! He can’t leave them alone with Kate all the time. Then they will be completely messed up! This way they at least have a chance. While he is an eff up in his personal life, he is not an eff up around the kids. Kate is an eff up around the kids- a mean (Mady;s words) and nasty one. I hate how she talks to them, I hate the sarcasm and snide comments and remarks and I hate the tone of voice she uses to them.
And no Jon doesn’t get a free pass but he gets some kind of a pass for having the crap bet out of him emotionally and for being physically abused with” love slaps. Yes he was much like the kids in that he didn’t speak up and set boundaries. He could as an adult but the kids can’t as kids.
When he finally spoke out, he spoke through doing all kinds of self destructive things, This may very well happen to many of the kids when they do eventually speak out, after being verbally abused and physically abused by Kate. I hate to think about it! That is why they all need therapy so badly.
Mady is speaking out NOW . As we watched the show for the past 5 seasons, we couldn’t understand why she was always so upset and rebellious. Now we fully understand. She was reacting to Kate, no doubt.
But back to Jon. It just came out through disgusting Michael Lohan’s secret audio taping of his buddy Jon, that Jon said to his best friend, “Toxic father Brutus Lohan” that "I put my kids out there to every pedophile on the planet and they never got paid for it." It is horrific enough that this private conversation was taped, but even more horrific that Jon actually spoke these words! He and Kate were clearly pimping those kids out and now he admitted it. Thank God they are off the air so they won’t be pimped any longer.

NancyB said... 25

Here is the rest of it:

And for you blinded Kate lovers, if you cannot see through her abuse and nastiness and still love her and see het doing no wrong, like I said in earlier blogs, you are identifying with her for some reason. Either your man did to you what Jon did to her, or you are like her personality -wise. Being a bitch and abusing others is not being a strong woman, In fact, It is being a very weak woman with a weak character.
There another reason you can’t see past her egregious behavior. It has to do with scientific research, that was conducted back in the in the 1970’s. Studies found that those who are physically attractive are perceived as being more successful, kinder, sexier friendlier and even less guilty of committing a crime.
That’s right, I am talking about classic studies where people were shown photos of two people and told they committed the identical crime. Those who were perceived as being more attractive, got off scot free. That is what many of you blinded Kate lovers have done here. You have given her the free pass and let her get away with her crime of verbal and physical abuse “ scott free”
There is no question that Kate is now physically beautiful – especially when you see earlier photo of her. She was cute in the earlier seasons, but now she is stunning. Objectively speaking, she is in great physical shape, ( thanks to a trainer and to Hailey Glassman’s daddy) she is now stylish in her dress, and even though her hair 1960’s do has become a joke visa Halloween wig, it does look cute on her. Her face is proportional as is her small nose and her large blue eyes are absolutely beautiful .S he has a beautiful large white shiny teeth a a lovely smile.
But when all that sarcasm comes out of her mouth and abuse and yelling it’s not lovely. She turns from being beautiful to being UGLY as sin. If you could get past her looks, you would not be giving her a free pass.

NancyB said... 26

The end of Dr. Glass article:

Now that the show as we know it has come to end, and the divorce will soon come to an end, there is a good chance Jon will finally step up! But you Both need to step away from the limelight and the cameras and tend to the precious gifts God blessed you with. They are more important than any show or any episode!
Get them into therapy immediately ! Kate, stop being so mean (Mady’s words) to your kids! God gave you kids to love and to treat with kindness and affection, not to yell at and to verbally and physically abuse. There are other ways you can keep them in line. Watch Nanny 911 or Super Nanny.
You can change up your image and look pretty all you like, but always know that “pretty is as pretty does.” You need to ACT as pretty as you LOOK around these kids. Don’t continue to show them the ugliness we witnessed for the past 5 seasons! Be a good mother and get yourself and the kids into therapy while there is still some hope! And Jon- here we definitely agree with Kate on this one- GROW UP! MAN UP! AND STEP! And while you are at it get yourself into therapy as well.

Anonymous said... 27

OK Anonymous, Schmecky, et al: I was just poking a little fun at Katie Irene because I took Judy's God comment to be tongue-in-cheek. It's well documented how Kate manipulated the system to conceive her multiples; I was not slamming all women who resort to fertility treatments. I currently have two friends who are on fertility drugs. Let's all lighten up a bit.
Laura D.

AuntieAnn said... 28

Either your man did to you what Jon did to her, or you are like her personality -wise.

Thanks for this NancyB. I agree with what Dr. Glass says - but what I don't understand is why people say "what Jon did to Kate". Did what? I'm not defending him, I think he's a grifter too, but all he did was leave her after she had made it so miserable for him and the kids that he had no choice. She's damn lucky he didn't rip her tongue out in the middle of one her miserable scoldings. She told him the marriage was over.
And, we don't know if Jon's suspicions that Kate was banging Ratclaws were wrong.

jibberjabbers said... 29


Jon didn't leave Kate. Kate left him. On October 2008... Jon's didn't date Hailey til July 2009.

All the other skanks, there is no proof he did anything with them. Besides all that crap occurred in 2009... That's AFTER Kate broke it off with him in October 2008.

Kate admitted to this in "Kate - Her story" which aired on November 2009. Which she states, "Our marriage was over sometime last year".

Anonymous said... 30

It takes two to break up a marriage. I never believed it was all Jon's fault as Kate would have us believe. Nor was it all Kate's fault.

IATK said... 31

Actually, I think it took three to break up this marriage...Jon, Kate and TLC.

How much did TLC know about the marriage, and yet continued to film portraying them as one big happy family? Were they aware of the "contract" that Kate presented to Jon? I would be curious to know what they knew when. How could the production crew NOT know? Lots of unanswered questions.

IATK said... 32

I think it's quite telling about the influence and power of the corporate world in that Jon and Kate broke their marriage contract yet continued filming as if nothing had happened, yet Jon was strong-armed when he pulled the kids off the show and tried to break the filming contract with TLC. Wouldn't you love to have been a little mouse behind the scenes during all those damage control meetings.

NancyB said... 33

itsboutthekids - How right you aare. Oh, they knew.

AuntieAnn said... 34

Yeah, that's what I meant...he left after she told him too. Guess I worded it wrong. What he did after that isn't like he did it while they were still under the same roof, whereas I have my doubts if Kate was so freaking true to her marriage while they were still living together. It looked like she was having a pretty good time out there on the road with Ratclaws. If that had been Jon on the road with a female 'handler' Kate would have had that stopped.

IATK - I totally agree about TLC. It all stinks like anchovies.

amyf said... 35

OMG, I forgot about Mother's Day. I can only imagine what kind of farce they're going to set up for the cameras. I hope they're at least going to give the kids a good birthday with both parents being well-behaved and film crews nowhere in sight.

Lexie said... 36

New photo of Collin hiding his face! It may not be very recent but we definitely haven't seen it.And it was fitured in the second part of the E! special, not in the one from back in 2009.
I uploaded it here:

And while I was at it, I also made this picture:
It's a compilation of all the pictures I could find of the children hiding their faces(mostly Collin) with some text...
I've posted here before but I will chose a fake name because I would normally log in with a blog ID but I really don't want to be hunted down by the sheeple for the second picture especially...

amyf said... 37

OMG, I forgot about Mother's Day. I can only imagine what kind of farce they're going to set up for the cameras. I hope they're at least going to give the kids a good birthday with both parents being well-behaved and film crews nowhere in sight.

AuntieAnn said... 38

Yeah, that's what I meant...he left after she told him too. Guess I worded it wrong. What he did after that isn't like he did it while they were still under the same roof, whereas I have my doubts if Kate was so freaking true to her marriage while they were still living together. It looked like she was having a pretty good time out there on the road with Ratclaws. If that had been Jon on the road with a female 'handler' Kate would have had that stopped.

IATK - I totally agree about TLC. It all stinks like anchovies.

itsaboutthekids said... 39

Actually, I think it took three to break up this marriage...Jon, Kate and TLC.

How much did TLC know about the marriage, and yet continued to film portraying them as one big happy family? Were they aware of the "contract" that Kate presented to Jon? I would be curious to know what they knew when. How could the production crew NOT know? Lots of unanswered questions.

Anonymous said... 40

It takes two to break up a marriage. I never believed it was all Jon's fault as Kate would have us believe. Nor was it all Kate's fault.

NancyB said... 41

In reading the rest of the Dr. Glass article these parts seem particularly timely:

It was awful to see Kate alone with those kids. She took the joy out of any situation with them, harping on them all the time and now allowing them to just BE! When we used to see her with Jon, he was the buffer. She took things out on him, so she didn’t have to take things out on the kids. Now that he is out of the picture, those poor kids may no doubt get the direct effects of Kate’s hostility.
No matter what you say about Jon, he is a loving and affectionate daddy. The kisses and hugs are so important to the kid’s psyches and to their emotional development. Hopefully his love will cancel out the effects of Kate’s harshness and nastiness towards them.
He better fight for joint custody of those kids and not be selfish. They need him desperately! He can’t leave them alone with Kate all the time. Then they will be completely messed up! This way they at least have a chance. While he is an eff up in his personal life, he is not an eff up around the kids. Kate is an eff up around the kids- a mean (Mady;s words) and nasty one. I hate how she talks to them, I hate the sarcasm and snide comments and remarks and I hate the tone of voice she uses to them.
And no Jon doesn’t get a free pass but he gets some kind of a pass for having the crap bet out of him emotionally and for being physically abused with” love slaps. Yes he was much like the kids in that he didn’t speak up and set boundaries. He could as an adult but the kids can’t as kids.
When he finally spoke out, he spoke through doing all kinds of self destructive things, This may very well happen to many of the kids when they do eventually speak out, after being verbally abused and physically abused by Kate. I hate to think about it! That is why they all need therapy so badly.
Mady is speaking out NOW . As we watched the show for the past 5 seasons, we couldn’t understand why she was always so upset and rebellious. Now we fully understand. She was reacting to Kate, no doubt.
But back to Jon. It just came out through disgusting Michael Lohan’s secret audio taping of his buddy Jon, that Jon said to his best friend, “Toxic father Brutus Lohan” that "I put my kids out there to every pedophile on the planet and they never got paid for it." It is horrific enough that this private conversation was taped, but even more horrific that Jon actually spoke these words! He and Kate were clearly pimping those kids out and now he admitted it. Thank God they are off the air so they won’t be pimped any longer.

NancyB said... 42

Auntie Ann - Well said!

SchmeckyGirl said... 43

Crap! I meant I did NOT agree with the God and fertility comments. Darn BlackBerry.

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