Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Kate and the kids put flags in the lawn over the long weekend.

136 sediments (sic) from readers:

Paula said... 1

Boy, could those kids look anymore happy? . Kate can take the joy out of anything can't see?

JudyK said... 2

Ha, just as I predicted earlier--the Memorial Day photo op in the front yard. Wonder if she actually visits any family graves.

Anonymous said... 3

The article says Cara is going off to a sleepover at a friend's house. Not saying it's not true and I think that's great....except, how the hell do the Paps know that??? Is Kate talking to the Paps? Do they have some inside source with a nanny? That is a creepy statement.

Livvy said... 4

TLC is filming a Memorial Day episode. If true, happy for Cara's sleepover with a friend. Interesting how the paps would know that.

escrow said... 5

Again, not a smile in the crowd. I'm sure they didn't place those flags correctly. The kids may eventually be released from filiming but they will be forever stuck with that succabus of a mother thing.

mommyinca said... 6

"But mommy, what does freedom even mean?"

Anonymous said... 7

How normal is it to announce your daughter is going to a friend's house for a sleepover? My daughter had her friends in for sleepovers at that age and also slept over at her friends' homes. None of the parents of these children felt the need to issue a press release.

Anonymous said... 8

Which goes to show Kate or at least her people read the blogs and know that we are concerned the kids are not allowed a social life outside their siblings and the show.

Therefore the need to issue a press release: Cara heads off to sleepover at friend's house!

Defensive much, Kate?

fidosmommy said... 9

All I can say is I love seeing them NOT dressed all alike. I can't believe Kate allowed their pictures taken looking like individuals!

Judy said... 10

I'd love to see these same pictures with Jon instead of Kate.
It would be a sure bet that they would smiling and hanging onto Jon's every move.
That woman is just plain mean and a horrible mother and it shows in every picture with her kids. It is a different story when she is around the cameras and other adults.
Those kids have a fun, loving childhood to remember, don't they?

SG said... 11

That's great Cara is at a sleepover! Not so great that we know it...

PatK said... 12

I'm guessing TLC provided the flags. Otherwise, this wouldn't be happening.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 13

Geez, I just looked at all six photos and I saw not one single smile in the bunch! Khate is directing things as usual, starting with coming out of the garage and apparently telling the kids where to go and how to place the flags. The kids look like they're being forced to do it and want no part of it. I think even they (especially Cara and Mady) can see now that everything is for show on the front lawn. Hey kids, break free from that witch and go play in the back yard in privacy!!

Here are all the photos:

PHOTO 1 - They all emerge from the garage as Khate, with flags in both hands, directs the action and points out where they will be staging this little show for the cameras. The kids, with glum looks on their precious little faces, follow along knowing they have no choice.

PHOTO 2 - Wow, the kids really do not look happy at all about this little staged flag ceremony. It looks more like they're being marched off to some sort of punishment. Look at those faces, poor kids!

PHOTO 3 - My gosh, they look like they're at a funeral for their pet goldfish or something! So glum!

PHOTO 4 - Kids look bored, Khate looks pissed (as usual).

PHOTO 5 - Yikes, I wish I knew what Mady(?) is thinking here as she looks at Khate. Probably that this is going to be one heck of a long summer!

PHOTO 6 - Heads all down, the kids cannot wait to get this farce over with.

Okay, someone has to say it, so I will be the one even though I know the Kate lovers will commence the bashing once we mention this - WTF is up with those melons? Holy cow, either that's one hell of a bra, or she gains most of her weight in her chest. (See Photo 2)

NancyB said... 14

Why is it that Kate has the kids for every holiday? Jon is not wrapped too tight, IMO.

AuntieAnn said... 15

They're filming this? Well it makes sense now, because it had me wondering why Kate would bother to do this touching scene with her kids. If TLC wasn't there she'd be getting the nanny to do her toenails, being that the spa is probably closed for the holiday.

I don't see Stevie, did she let him sleep in this morning?

MickeyMcKean said... 16

First thing I noted is that they were not dressed alike, which of course is a good thing.

Did Kate forget to tell the nanny to put out matching clothes for the photo op?

Or is Kate starting to let the kids be individuals, even if they are still in high chairs at 6 years old?

I think it would be interesting to find out if Jon has high chairs at his apt. My guess is no.

Mimi to 3 said... 17

I think photo no. 4 is Kate looking hither, thither and yon to make sure the paps are there to get her photo.

The kids do look miserable. Not a smile in the bunch. Of course, how could you expect them to with the frowning witch of Wernersville for a mother.

K8STFU said... 18

TLC is paying ROL's goonies to take pictures of the family honoring our military for Memorial Day.

TLC is probably also filming this for an upcoming 4th of July epi. ( we can't hear the dialogue in the pics, right?)

2 birds with one stone, done !

IDModo said... 19

Maybe the kids were told that they could not smile or have any fun because Memorial Day is a solemn and serious day to remember dead solsiers.
Or maybe they aren't smiling because their mother has just sucked all the joy out of their little souls.
At least Mady knows the truth.

prairiemary said... 20

She may as well sub-divide the land Behind the house,as they are always in the Front!! Maybe there really is no back yard!She sure has lost her huge chicklet smile,must have forgotten it back in california,with all her important friends.Poor kids,some holiday.Some life.

Anonymous said... 21

Silly they've already filmed the 4th of July, remember Joel waving the flag back in April!

PatK said... 22

Now that I think about it, wasn't there already a flag planting episode with Jon at the old house? In remembrance of 9-11, if I recall.

So, if they really are filming this, it looks like TLC needs to come up with some new scripted material. *yawn*

NewEnglander said... 23

This is such a smack in the face for all of our brave troops and military people, serving here and abroad that Kart would use this day, a sacred day for all those who sacraficed so much, to use as a photo op.

So many brave military people have given the ultimate sacrafice so that bone heads like the Gosselins have the liberty to live like neuvo riche idiots. So much for gratitude from them.

Sorry to go on a rant but the military has a very special place in my heart and I do what I can to support them with care packages or a simple "Thank you for your service" when I see someone in uniform. It boils my bunions that those who are the real heroes, who deserve to be admired and appreciated do their jobs because of duty and love of country, while idiots like the Gosselins are admired for having 8 kids. There are so many people out there in our great nation doing things so much more important than DWTS or Kate Plus 8 or whatever. Talk about people who are undeserving of the accolades and wealth, it's the Gosselins.

PA Mom ALSO said... 24

Where is the photo of the kids in high chairs?

JudyK said... 25

As usual, no touching, no life, no joy...Kate is a miserable mother and human being. Just there for the photo op. Where is Jon? I want to see some hugs and smiles on the children's faces again. Please take these children away from Kate. Gawd, I hate her.

NancyB said... 26

Nobody Likes A Narcissist -
Hello! I've been thinking about you for the last 3 days! I've missed you and I am glad to see you posting again.

NancyB said... 27

Oh my Gosh - NLAN thanks alot for posting the links. These children do not look happy at all. This is very distressing to me. They should be happy as clams today --and it's not just one kid having an off day. All of them look miserable. GRRRRRRRRRRR

NancyB said... 28

prairiemary said...
She may as well sub-divide the land Behind the house,as they are always in the Front!! Maybe there really is no back yard!She sure has lost her huge chicklet smile,must have forgotten it back in california,with all her important friends.Poor kids,some holiday.Some life
This about says it all.

NancyB said... 29

New Englander,

Eloquent truth that you spoke in your comment. A really fine woman that posts on another blog that I follow (not Gosselin related) posted yesterday that her very brave son with the most charming smile who was a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division went on a mission in the Khost province on Monday, one his unit had been planning for a while. He was killed in action on the May 24th. Chritopher Barton was 22. He has a young widow...and he was due home on June 15th which really is getting to me.

I am shocked and deeply saddened. Nothing I can say will make things better right now because there is no pain greater than the death of a child. His Mom had told us many months ago that he could have chosen from many different (and safer) careers in the military, but choose infantry because "someone has to do it". I think that he accomplished a great deal for such a young man - parartrooper, special forces and he will be missed.

Chris' remains will be at Dover Air Force Base until later this week, when he will return to his small town in North Carolina for the final time. His friend, Pfc. Austin Haskins, who will ship out himself to Afghanistan in a couple of months, will escort Chris back to the Land of the Pine and be with him all the way home.

His Mom told us that they started a foundation to make sure that he will never be forgotten.

I found this amazing site on CNN called Home and Away. There are maps of US, Afganistan & Iraq. You can click on any town and locate the person you are looking for. You can also type in their name. When I clicked on the map - right away Pfc. Christopher R Barton's page popped up. It has a picture of Chris, and he looks so very much older than his 22 yrs. in this picture. His bravery shows in this picture, IMO. It lists Unit C Troop, 1st Squadron,33rd Calvary Regiment,3rd Brigade Combat Team,101st Airborne Division. It also states that the fatal incident occurred in Khost Province. Died of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using small arms fire. There is a place to post memories and or messages. I was stunned to see the maps. Soooo many fine men and women gone too soon. I was impressed that CNN has kept this site all of these long 8 or 9 yrs. Good for them.

Rest in peace, dear Christopher. You were loved.

PA Mom ALSO said... 30

"She may as well sub-divide the land Behind the house,as they are always in the Front!! Maybe there really is no back yard!"

Not all of it is yard. Much of it is woods and rocky areas. I wouldn't want my kids playing back there.

pa mom too said... 31

oh wow, what fun. I wonder if there are truly any moments at all during any day of any week when Kate acts like she enjoys being around her children. If this was a rare thing, it could be overlooked...but it's continuous. She always looks miserable when she is with them, and you know the saying....when mom isn't happy, no one is happy. And it couldn't be more true in this case. I swear she could suck the life and fun out of anyone (maybe she's a vampire), and it's really sad that these 8 children who did not ask to be brought into this world, cannot have a happy life because their mother doesn't want to be bothered by them . The only time they get to see their mother smile is when a TLC camera is stuck in her face. And that will screw them up too because they know that's the only time she is happy. I think a recall needs to put out on her because she sure the hell is defective !!

JudyK said... 32

NancyB, that was a sweet tribute to the paratrooper son of your friend. It puts things in perspective and makes us realize what real sacrifice and loyalty are all about.

MSB said... 33

I think that what makes me sad for the children is finally (hit to the head) realizing how their mother looks so unhappy and bored whenever she is home. Smiles in CA and FL, witchy face in PA. And equally sad to realize that unless the cameras are there for a staging, there are no holiday barbecues for this crew, no cousins over for hot dogs and corn and watermelon, not even family friends with their children, no, not unless it's being filmed. I am quite sure that as soon as that garage door rolls open, they are all aware that Mommy is staging something for the cameras. So so sad. She is either out of town promoting herself, or at the nail salon (I wish I had been able to visit a salon 1/10 as often when my children were young). Nothing but the camera makes her happy, and even staging her flag ceremony, or her weekend crafting can make her smile for them, since there is no paycheck involved. She simply does not care to put on any kind of happy face when she is stuck in PA with her children. That's the impression I get.

pa mom too said... 34

NancyB, that's so sad about Chris. :( Tears are rolling down my face...
God Bless You Christopher, and Rest in Peace

pa mom too said... 35

MSB, the kids are getting older now and they have to see what's happening with their mother. I can't even imagine how they feel knowing she is only happy when she is away from them, and she only smiles with them when the cameras are filming her. Such a sad life for the kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 36

NancyB- Hi! Yes, I've missed posting. First, I took a couple of weeks off from the blogospehere hoping that Khate would go away if I ignored her. Darn it, no such luck! Then I came back but only read the posts and had a hard time keeping up with all the comments. But, this long weekend, Ive stayed up late a couple of nights reading everyone's terrific comments on the last dozen or so posts. I'll try to stay on top of things from now on because I really missed reading everyone's comments, not to mention, the informative and entertaining posts by our Admin.

NancyB, your post regarding your friend's brave son really is moving and touching and yes, it does serve as a solemn reminder of what today is all about. We are all indebted to so many brave young men and women who serve this nation, and to their families for their courage and sacrifice.

NancyB said... 37

JudyK & pa mom,
I really thank you for your comments. I did not know Chris personally but I am close with his Mom and it has hit me hard. I wanted to include in my post a gorgeous picture of him in his airplane in Khost but Iunfortunately I have not yet mastered how to post a clickable link. I did send the pic to Admin. and I am hoping that she can add the clickable link to my post...I don't know if that's possible. It's an amazing photo. Your posts mean a lot to me :)

NancyB said... 38

NLAN - I have a great favor to ask of you. I want to send you an email so I thought that I could send it to Admin and she could forward it to you if you agree and if she is willing. Let me know if it is alright with you. Thanks and so glad that you are back!!!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 39

If you all think these pics are bad, you have to go see the photo at JibberJabbers!

Khate having fun with the kids.....NOT!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 40

NancyB - Thanks, it's good to be back with everyone here! Sure, you can send something through Admin if she's willing. Does that mean that I need to email Admin so she has my email? I can do that no problem, just let me know!

Markiesnana said... 41

The only family I know of that has acres and acres and many rooms to be in....and is constantly out in the driveway.

pa mom too said... 42

NancyB, even if your link is not clickable, we can still copy it and then paste it in the address bar. Thoughts and prayers for Chris's mom and family.

pa mom too said... 43

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
If you all think these pics are bad, you have to go see the photo at JibberJabbers!

Khate having fun with the kids.....NOT!

I didn't click on your link yet, but they might be the same as these pictures from radar. I think Kate needs to change her name to Super Bitch or if she wants it to sound more "child friendly" , she can go with PicklePuss Deluxe.

JudyK said... 44

@Nobody Likes a Narcissist--loved your comment in regard to the pic in your link! I sent NBC a scathing letter about Kate and their upcoming interview, but today I noticed they were covering another TLC show that's starting soon. TLC seems to be paying off a lot of folks for Kate coverage--NBC, ABC, a certain gossip site...sort of akin to buying friendship. Pathetic.

CJ said... 45

Hey, don't cha go pickin on little ole Mz Katie Irene. The girl's gotta get all the face time she can this week cuz her new show premiers in just seven days. Can't have ya'll forgeting about her.

(sorry, I just feel a little bit snarky today)

pa mom too said... 46

Markiesnana said...
The only family I know of that has acres and acres and many rooms to be in....and is constantly out in the driveway.
Wait until the driveway picnics start when they can have picnics on the patio by the pool instead. They also have that nice grassy area back there where they camped out and had movie night. But no...they'll continue to be plastered in the front of the house, in perfect line of the cameras . It's sickening.

prairiemary said... 47

NancyB-As a mom who has lost a child,I salute young Chris,and send hugs to his mom, how brave she was to let him go,nothing but respect for those fighting for our freedom.If only kate even cared a little bit.If only.

Lauren said... 48

So is this more paparazzi/photo trickery?

There are the pictures of Kate and the kids waving flags. Later on in the day I checked Radaronline and there are pictures of Kate and the kids wearing different outfits and the flags are gone.

Kelly said... 49

Hey Gang,
Notice how I haven't been on the blogs these past two weeks? Kate and TLC love the blog action and they both read it. Less chatter, less Kate. Next week is her opening show. Hopefully you won't watch it and more than that, hope you won't comment on it.

When we comment on the show, TLC know's we're watching. I won't watch, won't comment, won't share my thoughts. It only fuels the fire. Just because.

I'm otta here.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 50

I've said this before, but I'm going to post it again just in case anyone wants to try it. If you want an easy way to give other readers here a clickable link, just copy the link and instead of pasting it into your comment (where it won't be clickable), paste it into the URL box here when you select a name to post with.

Simply click on Select Profile to get the drop down menu, and scroll down to Name/URL. Type in your screen name in the Name box, then paste the link in the URL box.

Then post your comment and tell us to click on your name, which will take us to the article or site that you're linking to, (much like I link to a tinypic image with my name).

In the alternative, try this code:

[a href=""]put name here[/a]

EXCEPT, the four places where I've put [ and ], you need to put < and >.

You can retype the code I have here, and change the [ and ] to < and >, then save that code in your notepad, or somewhere else.

Then, when you want to do a clickable link, copy and paste that code here as a format to use.

Next, go and copy the URL for the article and paste the URL right between the quotes in the code (starting with http and ending in .com in my code above).

Finally, where it says put name here, just type whatever you want to call the link.

Try it and you will get the hang of it!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 51

pa mom too said...

Wait until the driveway picnics start when they can have picnics on the patio by the pool instead. They also have that nice grassy area back there where they camped out and had movie night. But no...they'll continue to be plastered in the front of the house, in perfect line of the cameras . It's sickening.


Uugh, the picnics/photo ops! I can't remember what post it was in, but I read a comment here over the weekend where someone pasted in Khate's latest TLC blog and she was talking about it being summer. She cited the things summer brings, including "picnicking in the sun (my favorite!)."

Puke! I immediately thought, Oh great, we've been warned.... here come the fake, phony, photo op picnics on the front lawn and near the driveway. Because you know if those awful paparazzi are hanging out at your front fence and bothering you so much, it wouldn't make sense to eat lunch out back on the picnic table on the patio (or a picnic blanket on the lawn if you choose). Nope, cause then nobody would see you and care about your dumb little picnic.

AuntieAnn said... 52

ROL caption:With arms crossed and a furrowed brow, Kate is deep in conversation.

Oh good grief. That's not deep conversation, that's some serious pouting she's got going.
I need to borrow little Aaden's barf bowl.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 53

Kelly said...

Hey Gang,
Notice how I haven't been on the blogs these past two weeks? Kate and TLC love the blog action and they both read it. Less chatter, less Kate. Next week is her opening show. Hopefully you won't watch it and more than that, hope you won't comment on it.

When we comment on the show, TLC know's we're watching. I won't watch, won't comment, won't share my thoughts. It only fuels the fire. Just because.

I'm otta here.
May 31, 2010 7:30 PM

I am calling total BULLSHIT on this post! That's NOT Kelly, but nice try you Khate lovers! Losers.

Admin - if you can, check the IP on that post and you'll see it's not him.

Hawks Fan said... 54

NancyB This was very sad about Christopher wasn't it? I'm sure Kart didn't give a thought to soldiers like him or the parents who sacrificed their children. Just another photo op for her.

BTW...I know we have a lot of Pa residents here but I just gotta say ..GO Blackhawks!

Chrissy said... 55

What about the photos of Kate "crafting" on her front porch? Come on ladies, don't we all do our arts and craft projects sitting on the steps wearing our best clothes? I mean it's not like she's got a huge basement to do them in, right?

pa mom too said... 56

Nobody Likes a Narcissist, I saw that too (about summer and the picnics) and thought the same thing you did. I'll never forget one of her first driveway picnics right after she filed for divorce. She was sitting there like death warmed over so people would feel sorry for her. The kids were going through so much, but instead of Kate comforting them , she plops them on a blanket in front of the garage doors so the paps can take pictures of them. If she had an ounce of compassion in her heart, she would go to a psychiatrist for extensive therapy and try to change her ways for the sake of her children. But it will never happen.

Justice for All said... 57

Well, at least Kate is teaching the kids to respect the flag (yeah, right). Photo 3 shows a flag (or flags) laying in the mulch by the car, and Photo 6 shows the kids dragging them on the ground. Nice, Kate. Real nice.

NancyB, I'm so sorry to hear the tragic news about your friend's son. He sacrificed his life for his country and countrymen, and that ignorant fool Kate is using the sacredness of Memorial Day as a photo op.

Starz22 said... 58

Cara going for a sleepover?? I dont believe that for a minute.This just cant be true...Its more damage control for kate.There is no way kate is going to let one of these kids be free.God forbid they say something thats not scripted for them.

Could you imangine the "contract" this family would have to sign.The rules they would have to speaking about anything.I dont believe for one minute that any of these kids will ever have a "real" not paid for or approved by TLC friend,until this madness stops!

There is no way tlc or kate will risk one of these kids saying something they cant control.Something as simple as "I hate the cameras being there" could be very damaging for them.

LifeinOH said... 59

Big hugs, NancyB. RIP Christopher.

I don't think that's Kelly posting, either.

Re: the picture: SSDD

Melissa said... 60

I had to stop reading after I read your post. First, I was crying too hard to see. Second, this tragedy puts the whole Kate Gosselin saga into sickening perspective.
Please give my condolences to Christopher's family. I cannot imagine their grief.
You mentioned something about the family starting a fund in Christopher's name? Is there a way to make a donation, or is it too soon?

AuntieAnn said... 61

Justice for All said... "and that ignorant fool Kate is using the sacredness of Memorial Day as a photo op."

Church members, fallen soldiers, kids, relatives, makes no difference to Kate who she uses as long as there is something in it for her. Narcissists are opportunists.

pa mom too said... 62

Starz22 said...
Cara going for a sleepover?? I dont believe that for a minute.This just cant be true...Its more damage control for kate.There is no way kate is going to let one of these kids be free.God forbid they say something thats not scripted for them.

Could you imangine the "contract" this family would have to sign.The rules they would have to speaking about anything.I dont believe for one minute that any of these kids will ever have a "real" not paid for or approved by TLC friend,until this madness stops!

There is no way tlc or kate will risk one of these kids saying something they cant control.Something as simple as "I hate the cameras being there" could be very damaging for them.

I totally agree with you. I can't see Kate letting one of them out from under her claws...God only knows what they would say once they started opening up and talking to their friends. I'm surprised she doesn't have them home schooled just to be on the safe side. I think this is another reason she will not take them for counseling. Even if she was sitting right there with them, she would not be allowed to speak for the children and say the things she would want the counselor to hear.

LifeinOH said... 63

I hope Cara had a sleepover! I'm sad it had to be made public.

LifeinOH said... 64

Re: the driveway. My kids play there on occasion: sidewalk chalk, shaving cream, painting etc.

The Gosselin driveway is like living in a fishbowl. I can say with confidence, that if those were my kids, we'd have a concrete patio/play area in the back where they could do those things and not be in the public eye.

But that's because I would choose NOT to be in the public eye for photo opps on a regular basis.
That's the difference: it's a choice and Kate's choice is clear.

LifeinOH said... 65

pa mom too,

Sadly I think you may be right. Kate can't control what they say at a therapist's office.
Can you imagine what the children might say?

pa mom too said... 66

How do the paps know Cara had a sleepover and not just a play date at a friend's house ? Did they follow Kate when she took Cara to the friend's house , and did they stay there to make sure Cara didn't leave until the next day ? Or did Kate tell them Cara was having a sleepover ? The whole thing is freaky.

justme said... 67

Cara having a sleep over at a friends house???Kate, the controlling b@*#h that she is, expects us to believe that line of b.s.Isn't Cara the twin that's close to her Grandmother Gosselin? Maybe she got to have a sleep over at grandma's house.I hope wherever she was she was happy.

Justice for All said... 68

fidosmommy said...

All I can say is I love seeing them NOT dressed all alike. I can't believe Kate allowed their pictures taken looking like individuals!

Don't give her too much credit. She has a few different clothing lines to promote, don't ya know!

Anonymous said... 69

I hope Admin lets this go through. This is where This.Army.Mom posts and she notified DD of his passing. I'm hoping Pat passes on all of our condolences. It is truly very,very sad. She was so looking forward to his return.

fidosmommy said... 70

There are some pictures I viewed yesterday (can't remember where) - one showed Kate with a serious pout on her face, arms crossed. Cara is standing on a mound looking at Kate, Mady is on her knees on the ground with an unidentified friend. I'm hoping it's a school friend, a cousin or somebody she knows outside of TV land and not merely a child of a cameraperson who went along for the day.

Judy said... 71

If you look close at the pics, there is a little girl playing in the rocks with Cara.I think maybe she stayed overnight with Cara. Like others, I don't think Kate would allow any of the kids staying over at any friends house. Too much can be said.
BTW...any comments on the new ROL video of Kate @Target? ~ Administrator said... 72

Can anyone tell what Kate bought? The box says "deck" but I can't make out the rest.

MickeyMcKean said... 73

Re: Deck Box

It appears to me that it is nothing more than a large plastic storage box that needs no tools to assemble, takes 5 minutes to put together and rain will not hurt it.

Out here in CA you can find similiar plastic storage boxes in Lowes and Home Depot.

AuntieAnn said... 74

It's a new hiding place for Stevie. You know, for when people want her autograph around the pool, he can jump out and rescue Kate. Whatta man.

MickeyMcKean said... 75

Re: Any comments on new ROL video of Kate @ Target

Before I even saw the video - and knowing that Kate does NOT talk to paps - I then realized that I bet she would seize the opportunity IF she could plug her show that will be on the air for the first time this week.

What an actress! [NOT] She hates to be bothered in the parking lot which is why she has Target guy with her to protect her in lieu of Steve. BUT she knows there is a show to plug and she better remind her fans that she is just happy to have a job, that she NEEDS this job to feed her many kids. Kate knows her book tanked, she was a fool on DWTS and her only hope is the new show.

Well, I still say her 15 minutes are running out fast. I'm sure there will be a little surge of viewership in the beginning - mainly just out of curiousity - but then, zip, nada, zilch!


IATK said... 76

Admin, I might have missed this in a post somewhere, but will you be giving a recap of the show?

Sara said... 77

Where is Kelly??? He left alot of us hanging. Can someone let us know what happpened with the protest???

Carolina Gal said... 78

Admin - the box looks like it contains one of those storage chests for outside, mostly for folks who don't have a shed or a garage to keep their things in to keep from getting wet, like clippers, pruning shears, etc. I live in a townhouse, so I have one, even though I do have a shed, it's filled w/other junk! LOL..that or maybe something to hold chopped wood for the fireplace? I think I also see the word "deck" on the box, so maybe it's some kind of storage for chairs cushions, etc.

Carolina Gal said... 79

IATK - He left alot of us hanging...I don't believe anyone knows what 'happened' w/him? I'm thinking if he went to or did the protest, he'd have posted it here, upon returning. Hopefully, he is ok.

Carolina Gal said... 80

Sorry, that last post should have been addressed to Sara!

pa mom too said... 81

From the link with Kate at Target, did anyone notice the dress she is wearing ? It looks like it should be a top and a skirt, but she has the skirt hiked up under her boobs, I guess to make the skirt shorter than it's supposed to be. She is such a fashion diva. LOL ! You can really tell in a few of the pictures, but here's one to check out...look at the side as it starts to wrap around the back. (I didn't pay attention on making a clickable link, so just copy the link, and paste it in the address box, then click enter)

Helllooooo said... 82

I am wondering that too. Admin, do you know what happened in
Maryland? Helllloooooo. Kelly.

Anonymous said... 83

Carolina. I feel scammed. I am sorry if something happened to Kelly but he was on here all the time I cannot help but feel it was a prank. Thought anybody?

SG said... 84

Maybe Kelly got arrested protesting. Maybe TLC paid him off to cancel. Maybe Kelly ran off with Kate.

I guess I'll never get a motorcycle ride from him now. *sigh

SG said... 85


How can you really know who any of us are? I'm one of the very few who has my life story and pics on my blog so I feel others know at least a little about me... But I always take anything anybody presents themselves as with a grain of salt. I won't argue them or fight them... But I don't necessarily take their word for it. Maybe he's a fake... Maybe he has a legit reason for falling off the face of the earth. I say trust no one until you have proof. Never give out personal info. Never give anyone money. JMO.

Anonymous said... 86

Lol! SG!!!!!

IATK said... 87

I just received this in my email:

Murt to Unveil Legislation to Update Pennsylvania’s Child Labor Laws

WHAT: Following a recent House Republican Policy Committee hearing, Rep. Thomas P. Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) and several Republican lawmakers will unveil legislation to update Pennsylvania’s child labor laws related to television and film production in the Commonwealth to ensure the interests of child actors and performers are protected.

WHO: Murt; Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks); Rep. John Taylor (R-Philadelphia); Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery); and Rep. Tom Quigley (R-Montgomery). Dr. Rebecca L. Gullan, Ph.D., assistant professor of Psychology, Behavioral and Social Sciences Division, Gwynedd-Mercy College; and Kevin and Jodi Kreider, relatives of reality television stars, will also be in attendance.

WHEN: Thursday, June 3

TIME: 11 a.m.

WHERE: Hatboro Borough Hall, 414 South York Road, Hatboro.

WATCH IT LIVE: This event will be streamed live at Log on at 10:55 a.m.

News Advisory
Office of State Representative Thomas P. Murt
SEAN YEAKLE (717) 787-3406

SG said... 88

Cool! Thanks for the info. Will anyone be following it? I couldn't get the online stream up last time. Please keep us posted.

NancyB said... 89

Regarding Kelly,

I heard from an indivdual that he experienced being agressivly cyber-stalked (Wikipedia's definiton when it happens to adults as opposed to when it happens to kids, then it's called cyber-bullying). I have no proof that this is the reason that he's gone missing. I do believe that Kelly represented himself truthfully when he posted here and previously at Z's. JMO. ~ Administrator said... 90

Yes I'll be doing recaps of Kate Plus the exploited 8.

IATK said... 91

Thanks, Admin ;) I'm looking forward to it. said... 92

Where's Kelly?

I keep checking for updates, but there's nothing.

Doesn't ANYONE have his email address or phone number?

SG said... 93

I will be happy if Kelly was the real deal, but not surprised if he wasn't. That's messed up if he was cyberstalked, but who would choose a cop to stalk?

I'm stumped. What would he have to gain by faking? Wasn't he on the Facebook page or something? Didn't Irene and him communicate? Is Irene still around? I need to take notes so I can one day write a book. Where's Beth Carson when you need her? I want to nap while she writes it for me.

Anonymous said... 94

I don't understand the obsession the Kate krazies have with cyberstalking. What is the point of "outing" someone? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Do they feel accomplished? Do they feel this helps Kate?

pa mom too said... 95

SchmeckyGirl, you wouldn't want to nap too much while Beth was busy writing because you'd need to go to the salon for your manicures and spray-on tan. :)

Anonymous, the Kate crazies would stick toothpicks in their eyeballs if they thought it would help her. Every little bit counts when it comes to helping a struggling single mom with 8 kids.

Linda in NS said... 96

I thought Kelly was the real deal but now am having second thoughts. Same with Irene. Odd they both disappeared around the same time. Sounds to me, though I hate to think it, they're in Kate's camp and were "spies". I would like to see them come back and prove they aren't but, with that thought, if they come back it's becuse TLC is doing damage control after reading this thread. They thought their work was done and left.

IATK said... 97

Linda in NS,
Irene has been busy setting up a facebook page (the link is above) that focuses on getting legislation passed to provide better protection for reality show kids. She also has a petition started there to boycott the new show. You'll find some great information there about how there were already laws on the books in PA that would have given the Gosselin children more protection and a portion of the show proceeds, yet these laws were ignored by TLC and not enforced by the PA Dept. of Labor. It's a real eye opener!

Another good link is the A Minor Consideration facebook page:

SG said... 98


Does Irene know what happened to Kelly?

Anonymous said... 99

No, the current PA law doesn't have anything that would have added extra protections for the kids . . .they just didn't get permits.

That's why the law needs to be changed.

MickeyMcKean said... 100

Just my 2 cents re Kelly:

I still am under the impression that Kelly is the real deal, an ex cop who tried to make a difference by staging a peaceful/lawful protest. Perhaps he was the only one who showed up and/or he was overall disappointed with the turnout.

I know I got the impression from him on this very blog that he didn't think that with me in CA it was a good enough excuse to not show up. What Kelly did not know is that my BF would be attending if his schedule would have allowed him to do so since he was in the area. It just so happens that as I type this post my BF is in Berks county.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that I am NOT 100% involved in All Things Gosselin in my daily activities. There have been times I get so frustrated with the current events (like when Jon backed down to let the kids be filmed again) that I have to remind myself that there is just too much money involved. Besides, the parents themselves are sacrificing their own children for fame and fortune so why should I care about these kids? It is a good thing that I am aware that I have a life - there really is only so much that is under my care, custody and control - so whatever God has planned for these Gosselin kids is what it is.

Whereas I will always put forth the effort to save the 8 because I feel connected to them if for no other reason than we have the same birthday, there really is only so much impact I have.

I do know that the best and easiest thing that I can personally do - what will make the biggest impact - is NOT to watch or record Kate + 8. NO viewers = NO show.

I sincerely believe this show, like Kate's book, will tank big time for all the reasons that other posters have mentioned here and on other blogs. The kids have lost the little kid cute factor, they are nothing special other than they act up a lot, and in this economy they are just a bunch of kids who get to go on free trips where most hard working honest parents these days are struggling to make ends meet and keep a roof over their heads.

So IMO perhaps Kelly, based upon what happened on 5/26, also has been reminded that he has a family and a life, and whatever is going to happen in the Gosselin saga will happen no matter what.

In other words, the Gosselin trainwreck will continue until it runs out of tracks.

My POV is that I do see light at the end of that tunnel.

As for stalking, and because I believe he is an ex cop, I am pretty sure that Kelly would not be threatened to the point of backing down. No, he would notify the authorities and have the matter investigated. I base this opinion on the fact that I know a lot of guys in law enforcement.

Perhaps we will find out in time what happened, or we will never know. In the meantime you guys can count on me to NOT tune in or record Kate + 8 and to continue doing what I can do, write letters to sponsors, make contributions to A Minor Consideration, etc.

Admin - thank you for doing a recap. I asked GWOP if they were going to do recaps because I felt it would keep people from tuning in and it was that day they announced that they were not. Whereas I accept their decision, I also think that a recap may keep others from tuning in too and I just can't point out the obvious enough: NO viewers = NO show.


IATK said... 101

This is information posted by Janet Palazzotto, a child advocate working alongside Paul Petersen and A Minor Consideration advocacy organization. Janet posted this on the Z on TV blog several days ago. The link is at the bottom. This is just a part of what she posted but this is still rather long so it might take a couple of posts to get it all in.

...What happened in Pennsylvania is serious. A production company was deemed in violation of a child labor law where work permits were needed to be in place for 8 minor children.

A work permit is not just a piece of paper..along with that is attached a child labor law that is in place to protect minors while they are in front of the camera for the purposes of entertaining the public and surrounded by strangers, adults and a reality TV show contract that defies our basic codified contract agreement through our Theatrical Union contract that clearly states:

Codified Basic Agreement (Feature Film/Television) Agreement SEction 50
"When minors are hired and employed within states other than California, the Producer shall be required to determine and comply with the prevailing law governing and defining minors."

Well now, The PA Codes defining minors in entertainment in the State of Pennsylvania through the language in the child labor law state very clearly that if a parent or teacher or anyone in the performances is paid..then the minor shall be deemed employed!
That is one of the most easiest and clear cut regulations I've ever seen in any state law regarding minors in this indsutry!

Not rocket science..give it to a 5th grader and they'll interpret it in a second and state that YES the children are working and employed and yes, they should have fallen under the regulations in this law from pre-production of this show (someone corrected me one day and said it wasn't 5 years) well it was if we count the time discussions came about and the producers PER OUR theatrical union contract agreement were to research the law and determine and comply with the regulations of the prevailing law.

Lobbyists, high paid lawyers and not ONE determined, per that very specific PA Code definining employment that the children were working and an employer/employee situation should be established and that work permits needed to be in place along with all of the regulations stated within this law! Ironic that everyday people now are reading it and getting it and understanding it very clearly!

IATK said... 102


Employment—A minor engaged in a performance shall be deemed employed, if any person, including the performer, his parent or teacher, receives remuneration from the performance or if any performer in the production is paid for performing.

(c) Special performance permits shall be issued only when in the judgement of the Bureau there is adequate provision for the educational instruction, supervision, safety, health and welfare of the minor and for the safeguarding for the minor of the earnings derived by the minor from his performances, and only when the requirements of this subchapter have been met.


PA CHILD LABOR LAW - refer to section 7.1

And what happened in the end..only a slap on the hand, where there are very strict fines for violoations of that law x 8 children x how many 6 month periods where they did not have a work permit in place!

This is serious. Minors in reality TV are not just participants they are working per this industry's interpretation of such as they are filmed for the purposes of entertaining the public and it's shameful for anyone to invade their privacy and replace the walls of their private safe haven, their home with glass, all the way to the bedrooms and baths inviting camera crews inside to film ALL of this without our basic code of regulations and a child labor law surrounding them to make sure their welfare is addressed even if FANS who see the edited film believe the children are just fine and even parents who give interview after interview and say, oh...the kids are having fun and can't wait for the camera crews to come back.

IATK said... 103

Hi SG, I haven't heard Irene say anything about Kelly other than she did say the protest didn't happen. No more than that. Irene is starting to organize for a protest in the fall in which she plans to be there on-site. I believe she is planning to have it at the TLC headquarters in Silver Spring, MD and will be posting more information on her "4-8 Please Boycott Kate plus 8" facebook page.

mommyinca said... 104

Just because Kelly isn't here doesn't mean he's in cahoots with TLC. I think that's a stretch. Maybe he's done talking about the Gosselins. Maybe he's fed up with all of this. Maybe he was frustrated that no one showed up for the protest? I don't know but he has every right to bow out without giving any explanations. I would of course think differently if we were an organized support group or something where we actually knew each other personally, yk?

Anonymous said... 105

Okay, but how does the permit make them safer? . . .the current PA law has no teeth! It doesn't even require payment to minors for performing.

The law needs to be changed so that there can be better protections in place. It looks like the Labor Board got more for them than was required by law.

A fine for a summary offense is nothing. Hopefully Rep. Murt's law will be addressing that . . . .

Suzfl said... 106

Re: Kelly - maybe he just felt like he was done.

Back a few years ago I was in a fan club/forum for a singer. There was one lady in particular who was really involved in it - she went to all the concert dates, won a lot of meet & greets, got to know a lot of people through the forums, posted a lot of stuff, really immersed herself in all of it.

Then one day she posted that her life was out of balance and she'd let the fan club and forum activities take over her life, and realized that she needed to stop cold turkey. She didn't think she could just 'cut back' on it. And she just disappeared. We were all surprised, since she had been so involved! But she stayed disappeared, and never looked back. She was just done.

Maybe that's what happened to Kelly. He's just done.

IATK said... 107

Hi anon,
I totally agree that what Rep. Murt is doing is absolutely needed in order to tighten the laws specifically for children in reality shows.

There's so many layers to the current laws but it appears once it was decided that the children DID require work permits they automatically fell under child labor law requirements.

The section below COULD have been applied and due diligence paid to these kids, including pay, but as I understand, because of the "judgement of the bureau" it appears they decided to leave it up to the parents and TLC to police themselves I guess. This is my interpretation and I don't understand all of this. Maybe Admin could provide more insight.

(c) Special performance permits shall be issued only when in the judgement of the Bureau there is adequate provision for the educational instruction, supervision, safety, health and welfare of the minor and for the safeguarding for the minor of the earnings derived by the minor from his performances, and only when the requirements of this subchapter have been met.

Anonymous said... 108

True, but all that that section requires is something "adequate". It doesn't require that the kids be paid.

I just hope more is being done now with changes to the law.

bbsak said... 109

Thanks for the html tutorial for posting URLs! And the tip about pasting the link into the URL box under our screen name is fabulous info! So easy to do and it makes it so easy for others to click.

bbsak said... 110

Anonymous and anonymous,

So that we can put a face/name to your posts and follow your thoughts through the various threads here, would you choose a screen name, please? It's easy, really.

1. Click on 'Select Profile' to get the drop down menu, and scroll down to Name/URL.

2. Enter your chosen screen-name in the box that says Name.

3. Leave the box that says 'URL' blank.

4. Click 'Continue' and you're done. :o)

Thank you so much!

bbsak said... 111

Anyone else notice Kate's new necklace since DWTS? Looks like she added something to the 2 diamond solitaires necklaces sheds been wearing.

bbsak said... 112

Or maybe not -- further photo viewing makes me want to retract my previous observation. :o(

Carolina Gal said... 113

Ignore this post, I'm just 'trying' the URL posting to see if I've 'got it right'. Thanks.. ~ Administrator said... 114

No more discussion about other posters, it is getting old. Move on.

Kelly said... 115

Hello folks let me explain what has been going on with me as I do see some quetion of me. I did go to the protest as planned. 6 people showed up. We were to the west side of the building for about 20 mins prior to being forced to leave. We were threatened with arrest for public nuisance. We reconvened about 3 blocks down in a beautiful park and the state if MD police required us off public property with our protest signs. It was disheartening from attendance to be strong armed. Pa mom has some pictures she will send our Admin. I will
report more later however I have had a major flare this week and have literraly been out of commission.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 116

bbsak said...

Thanks for the html tutorial for posting URLs! And the tip about pasting the link into the URL box under our screen name is fabulous info! So easy to do and it makes it so easy for others to click.

You're welcome!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 117

bbsak said...

Thanks for the html tutorial for posting URLs! And the tip about pasting the link into the URL box under our screen name is fabulous info! So easy to do and it makes it so easy for others to click.

You're welcome!

Suzfl said... 118

Re: Kelly - maybe he just felt like he was done.

Back a few years ago I was in a fan club/forum for a singer. There was one lady in particular who was really involved in it - she went to all the concert dates, won a lot of meet & greets, got to know a lot of people through the forums, posted a lot of stuff, really immersed herself in all of it.

Then one day she posted that her life was out of balance and she'd let the fan club and forum activities take over her life, and realized that she needed to stop cold turkey. She didn't think she could just 'cut back' on it. And she just disappeared. We were all surprised, since she had been so involved! But she stayed disappeared, and never looked back. She was just done.

Maybe that's what happened to Kelly. He's just done.

itsaboutthekids said... 119

Hi anon,
I totally agree that what Rep. Murt is doing is absolutely needed in order to tighten the laws specifically for children in reality shows.

There's so many layers to the current laws but it appears once it was decided that the children DID require work permits they automatically fell under child labor law requirements.

The section below COULD have been applied and due diligence paid to these kids, including pay, but as I understand, because of the "judgement of the bureau" it appears they decided to leave it up to the parents and TLC to police themselves I guess. This is my interpretation and I don't understand all of this. Maybe Admin could provide more insight.

(c) Special performance permits shall be issued only when in the judgement of the Bureau there is adequate provision for the educational instruction, supervision, safety, health and welfare of the minor and for the safeguarding for the minor of the earnings derived by the minor from his performances, and only when the requirements of this subchapter have been met.

Administrator said... 120

No more discussion about other posters, it is getting old. Move on.

bbsak said... 121

Anyone else notice Kate's new necklace since DWTS? Looks like she added something to the 2 diamond solitaires necklaces sheds been wearing.

CJ said... 122

Hey, don't cha go pickin on little ole Mz Katie Irene. The girl's gotta get all the face time she can this week cuz her new show premiers in just seven days. Can't have ya'll forgeting about her.

(sorry, I just feel a little bit snarky today)

pa mom too said... 123

NancyB, even if your link is not clickable, we can still copy it and then paste it in the address bar. Thoughts and prayers for Chris's mom and family.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 124

NancyB - Thanks, it's good to be back with everyone here! Sure, you can send something through Admin if she's willing. Does that mean that I need to email Admin so she has my email? I can do that no problem, just let me know!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 125

If you all think these pics are bad, you have to go see the photo at JibberJabbers!

Khate having fun with the kids.....NOT!

NancyB said... 126

NLAN - I have a great favor to ask of you. I want to send you an email so I thought that I could send it to Admin and she could forward it to you if you agree and if she is willing. Let me know if it is alright with you. Thanks and so glad that you are back!!!

MSB said... 127

I think that what makes me sad for the children is finally (hit to the head) realizing how their mother looks so unhappy and bored whenever she is home. Smiles in CA and FL, witchy face in PA. And equally sad to realize that unless the cameras are there for a staging, there are no holiday barbecues for this crew, no cousins over for hot dogs and corn and watermelon, not even family friends with their children, no, not unless it's being filmed. I am quite sure that as soon as that garage door rolls open, they are all aware that Mommy is staging something for the cameras. So so sad. She is either out of town promoting herself, or at the nail salon (I wish I had been able to visit a salon 1/10 as often when my children were young). Nothing but the camera makes her happy, and even staging her flag ceremony, or her weekend crafting can make her smile for them, since there is no paycheck involved. She simply does not care to put on any kind of happy face when she is stuck in PA with her children. That's the impression I get.

JudyK said... 128

As usual, no touching, no life, no joy...Kate is a miserable mother and human being. Just there for the photo op. Where is Jon? I want to see some hugs and smiles on the children's faces again. Please take these children away from Kate. Gawd, I hate her.

NewEnglander said... 129

This is such a smack in the face for all of our brave troops and military people, serving here and abroad that Kart would use this day, a sacred day for all those who sacraficed so much, to use as a photo op.

So many brave military people have given the ultimate sacrafice so that bone heads like the Gosselins have the liberty to live like neuvo riche idiots. So much for gratitude from them.

Sorry to go on a rant but the military has a very special place in my heart and I do what I can to support them with care packages or a simple "Thank you for your service" when I see someone in uniform. It boils my bunions that those who are the real heroes, who deserve to be admired and appreciated do their jobs because of duty and love of country, while idiots like the Gosselins are admired for having 8 kids. There are so many people out there in our great nation doing things so much more important than DWTS or Kate Plus 8 or whatever. Talk about people who are undeserving of the accolades and wealth, it's the Gosselins.

IDModo said... 130

Maybe the kids were told that they could not smile or have any fun because Memorial Day is a solemn and serious day to remember dead solsiers.
Or maybe they aren't smiling because their mother has just sucked all the joy out of their little souls.
At least Mady knows the truth.

AuntieAnn said... 131

They're filming this? Well it makes sense now, because it had me wondering why Kate would bother to do this touching scene with her kids. If TLC wasn't there she'd be getting the nanny to do her toenails, being that the spa is probably closed for the holiday.

I don't see Stevie, did she let him sleep in this morning?

SchmeckyGirl said... 132

That's great Cara is at a sleepover! Not so great that we know it...

Anonymous said... 133

Which goes to show Kate or at least her people read the blogs and know that we are concerned the kids are not allowed a social life outside their siblings and the show.

Therefore the need to issue a press release: Cara heads off to sleepover at friend's house!

Defensive much, Kate?

Livvy said... 134

TLC is filming a Memorial Day episode. If true, happy for Cara's sleepover with a friend. Interesting how the paps would know that.

Paula said... 135

Boy, could those kids look anymore happy? . Kate can take the joy out of anything can't see?

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