They also report:
1. Some of the kids are happy to film again because they missed the companionship of the crew
2. Others of the kids are not happy to film again
3. Kate's terrified of losing fans and is eager to do a show again
A few questions: Has the crew had their background checks? Livescans in? How many hours are the children working? How much is being paid to EACH of them and more importantly, how much is being put in TRUST UNTIL THEY'RE 18? Is there a set teacher at the home? Is Colin being forced to work when he would rather hide his face behind his jacket? Has the Department of Labor ever gotten around to inspecting the set/home? Are the children permitted to go to school events, sleepovers, friends' houses if it conflicts with the filming schedule, or is the crew their social life now?
We still do not know the answers to ANY of these questions. Does that concern anyone?
120 sediments (sic) from readers:
It concerns me, not that I count. Poor Collin; that jacket over his face says so much. These children are in pain and need so much individual attention from people who love them and from trained professionals, not this protracted dog and pony show.
Kate needs to have her ego stroked some other way. Her children are no longer useful in her "Look at Me and Give Me Money For Nothing" schemes.
Doesn't look like the locals are too appreciative of Kart's pre-planned bus stop photo ops:
(Warning: Dlisted not for those easily offended by vulgarities)
Collin isn't the only one who displays an aversion to the constant acting and filming.
Remember when Mady posted a sign with a drawing of a camera, stating "No Cameras"?
That surely tells it all.
I just want to hold and comfort this little boy.It's a shame that his mother doesn't care about his feelings. She only cares about herself and of course her bank account.
As a grandmother, I just can't imagine sitting back and letting a daughter threat my grandchildren the way she does.Never would it happen !
Aw that pic is so sad.
Of course we don't know why he's covering his face... Could be because of the paps... Or he had a bad day at school... Or he wants his father... Whatever the reason it's sad that Collin has no privacy in these moments. The little girl behind him (Leah?) looks sad too.
The questions that you posed cover every base. This picture has haunted me since I saw it on Thursday. I feel very sad for these kids. I really like that you added the last question. Are the children permitted to go to school events, sleepovers, friends' houses if it conflicts with the filming schedule, or is the crew their social life now? I had not thought about that conflict of interest, which is certainly quite plausible with 8 kids social schedules vs the filming schedule.
The questions that you posted are proof in themselves that your motives as a caring, thinking person lies with protection for these children and all children. Anyone that misses that fact must not be firing on all cylinders, brain power wise, IMO.
Those are the complicated questions that neither, TLC, Khate or Jon are willing to give answers too.
All, I am hoping for is there is not an audience left. Khate is taking a pounding in the media no matter what TLC says. They have an article on the TLC Jon & Khate plus 8 fanpage on facebook. It has a link to a U.S.A. article that looks like a TLC infomercial. There are over 300 comments & they are negative about 90% of them. The public is turning on this. Let's hope there is not an audience. That is the only way I see them ceasing filming.
Thanks Admin!
This picture of Collin is so sad. I don't think I want to look at the rest of the pictures because I feel sometimes there is little any of us can do to stop this type of abuse. Filming and invasion of privacy, against your will, is abuse. The "parents" just don't get it or don't care because of the money involved.
Great questions. I also wonder if the paparazzi shoots at the bus stop are somehow being staged or encouraged by TLC? If so, what's the difference between those photo ops and the magazine shoots like the Good Housekeeping cover? If they are nothing but PR opportunities, whether anyone besides the paps get paid or not, isn't it just another form of working for the kids?
I just can't imagine what kind of person seeing those sad faces, especially the hiding behind the jacket behavior, continues to shoot pictures. The behavior of those photographers is reprehensible. Don't they have kids of their own? If I was Jon, Kate or the nanny I'd be ruining their shots by flippng them the bird or yelling to leave us alone. I wouldn't stand there and pose for them. I'd be begging the other parents to stand in front of the photogs and block their shots. If those were my kids, there's no way they'd get any useful shots out of the bus perp walk.
I will concede that it is possible Collin was already having a bad day and was upset about something before this picture was taken. Even so, if these children were not on TV and nobody was interested in taking their photos, he could have had his bad moment in private. Like most kids are able to do. Instead, because of his parents, he has to endure having a camera in his face when he gets off a bus, when he's out shopping with his mom, when he's in a bad mood or when he's mad. He is a commodity with no
hope of being just a little boy who feels little boy emotions without the world looking on.
Kate, Jon, TLC, Radaronline, everybody - are you even aware of the harm being done to these
precious children?
Chrissy said...
Great questions. I also wonder if the paparazzi shoots at the bus stop are somehow being staged or encouraged by TLC? If so, what's the difference between those photo ops and the magazine shoots like the Good Housekeeping cover? If they are nothing but PR opportunities, whether anyone besides the paps get paid or not, isn't it just another form of working for the kids?
Oh, I totally believe that the school bus photos are staged. They're only there to keep Khate and the kids in the public eye until the new shows hit the air. There's only four weeks of school left, so they have to make sure they get as many photo opps in as they can.
Has even ONE school day gone by this year where there weren't any paps at the bus stop? How can these kids function well in school, knowing the circus that's ahead of them at the end of the school day? It has to affect their education.
And it's ridiculous they will be in Kindergarten next year when they turn seven years old!
Right it doesn't matter if Colin was hiding because he didn't want his picture taken, or he wasn't feeling well, or he had a bad day, or the sun was too bright. Bottom line is why is there a camera up in the face of a six-year-old little boy who needs a moment? Oh, right, his greedy parents.
Anyone out there know is there some kind of clinical name for wanting to keep your kids perpetually three years old? I feel like this should be some kind of syndrome. Holding them back in school, refusing to feed them very much food so they don't grow too much, babying them, making them wear clothes that are too small for them, thinking their babytalk is cute.
This picture strikes me as the photo that Collin will hold up when he is 21 and asks why someone didn't step in to help him and his siblings. These children are paying a horrible price to "entertain" Kate's fans.
Well, Rep. Murt, Jodi and Kevin, and a scant few others have TRIED to help these kids. But they are always assigned an ulterior motive and dismissed.
I do know the answer is not to ignore what's happening, stop talking about it. That never accomplished anything. I suppose if we had just ignored slavery or the civil rights movement it would have gone away. Ha, not likely.
Such a sad photo. Such a disgrace on everything Kate and Jon have put these little angels through.
They never asked for this uncalled for fishbowl reality drama.
A childs life should be simple, kind, carring, fun and loving. Not full of fear, sadness, exhaustion, invasion, and regret.
I wish Kate and Jon would take off the horse blinders and WAKE UP. Your children dont need this show, the best of everything, the vacations, the free swag, the free products, mommy and daddys procedures, tanning, hair, nails, cars, $$$$$, big house, toys and etc. All they need is 1 on 1 attention and love. Granted you do need $$$ for many things. But you dont need this life. GIVE IT UP.
I wonder if that is Khate at the side. That outfit looks like one she wore. Hopefully, she did not ask Collin to pose like that.
Below is are excerpts from an interview with Bill Hayes, producer of Figure 8 Films. These are children with hearts, minds and souls. It doesn't sound to me like that was a concern of the production company. Either way, on or off the show, the kids have never had a chance. There will always be cameras focused on them as long as it is allowed by the parents. Draw your own conclusions...
Family Man
Meet the producer behind Jon and Kate, Table for 12, and 18 Kids and Counting.
By Jamin Brophy-WarrenPosted Friday, Nov. 27, 2009, at 7:39 AM
"In the summer of 2005, television producer Bill Hayes was sitting at his desk in Carrboro, N.C., when his partner and production manager Deanie Wilcher told him about a potential lead. Hayes and his company, Figure 8 Films, had been looking for large families to serve as documentary subjects, and the family Wilcher had found fit the bill: twin daughters and a set of sextuplets. Hayes picked up the phone and called the young Pennsylvania couple, who were excited about television and liked the idea of creating a visual memento for their eight children...."
...Had there been no divorce, no paparazzi, no "Team John" and "Team Kate," Figure 8 would still be camped out in the Gosselin home, cameras in hand, following those eight precocious children from room to room, grade to grade. "It's sad, because we were in the middle of our stride," Hayes says. "There were still so many stories to tell."
How does anyone see this as a GOOD thing for the children?
In all fairness, the paps have those telescopic lenses they zoom in with. I really don't think Kate would let a pap get close to the kids. As for paps being at the bus stop, the police should show up and send them on their way. I'm sure there are legitimate charges they could threaten them with.
Some of them are telephoto shots, that's true. Does that make it right? The kids are certainly aware they are there. But a good way to tell it's a telephoto is if the background is very blurry. Here, everything is in focus which leads me to believe it was up close and personal.
The bus stop is a public place, calling the cops would do nothing. Believe it or not the paps have a right to take pictures of people as long as it's public property. Calling the cops is not the solution. But Kate could stop going on shows like DWTS and Twisted Kate and make herself no longer relevant, now that might help.
Yes that's Kate. The nanny was there too just behind her.
Think they wouldn't let the paps get close to the kids? This pap is allowed to have a conversation with them! There is also VIDEO of two of the kids going right up to the fence to talk to the paps and squirt waterguns at them. They are no more than two feet away.
My heart breaks for Collin and the others. It doesn't matter why he's upset, it should be private. I well remember my kids coming off the bus hot and tired and wanting a cold drink and little cuddling. I can't imagine them having to deal with a camera in their faces when they felt that way.
WTH, pick your kids up AT SCHOOL to give them some peace! I don't care if it's a long drive. Think about how they feel on the long drive home and then facing intrusive cameras! Let the nanny pick up the kids if you are too busy, Kate! Nanny takes them to the doctor...she could pick them at up at school!
Kates biggest fear is losing her fans? Not a fear that her kids have lost their childhood or their privacy or their identity? That their physical/emotional well-being has been damaged by all this?
I imagine the topic of conversation at the dinner table would be telling the kids if they don't go back to filming, they're going to lose THEIR home and that they wouldn't want that now would they?
I didn't say that Jon wouldn't let the paps/kids get close to each other, I said I didn't think Kate would let the paps get close to the kids. I saw that video and thought that was very irresponsible of Jon!
Also that picture above doesn't look that clear to me, but I haven't seen the rest of the pics, so cannot agree or disagree. I do agree, however, that the paps should lay off the kids!!
I'm wondering if we shouldn't all be contacting Murt again? He seemed much more inspired to help when he was being flooded by emails...
Administrator, I agree that the bus stop is a public place, but are there not "nuisance laws", etc.?
Look at the focus in that picture - that's not a telephoto lens. Poor kid.
It's very hard to try to stop these paparazzi because of the First Amendment. There is no law and probably never will be a law preventing a "journalist" from snapping photos from someone from a sidewalk.
No they wouldn't fall under nuisance, unlikely. Nuisance laws usually have to do with property--unmowed grass, cluttered yards, and barking dogs. Oh wait, I guess the kids are more or less Kate and Jon's property.
You COULD try to get a restraining order but that is very hard to prove too. You have to prove you're in danger and that usually refers to someone physically attacking you, not snapping a photo. And are they supposed to get ROs against every pap in the business?
Trying to stop the paparazzi is an uphill battle. They would have much better luck as someone suggested, driving the kids to school, having them play in the backyard, developing a much more quiet life as a nurse or IT tech instead of as celebs. If they stay quiet, people will lose interest. They have only themselves to blame.
I'm not saying I believe Kate actually said that, it is a tabloid. But if she DID say her greatest fear is losing her fans? Who does that remind you of?
Mommy Dearest....her entire existance revolved around gathering and maintaining fans. She lives and breathed for it. Such a cultish cheesy movie and yet....it's on the money. It's really worth watching this scene which sums up narccisism. "I am not one of your fans."
Also this one where she won't let her win....gee kinda reminds me of that marathon last week with Cara.
Kate definately does the "bus stop" so publicly on purpose. She doesn't care about the affect on her children. If she did, she and Jon would drive them to school themselves to ensure their privacy. It is possible to keep out of the eye of the photogs. Sandra Bullock proved it, numerous other real celebs do it all the time successfully.
Another observation that convinces me that these "photo ops" are contrived by Kate is that she is always dressed to the nines (well Kate style anyway with the too short skirts and too low tops - even in winter). If she was a true Mom to her kids, she wouldn't care how she looked when she was with them because she'd be more concerned about how their day went, what they learned, what they did at recess etc... But by going to the school bus in full make up and hooker heals she's showing the world, it's about Kate not her children.
Administrator said...
I'm not saying I believe Kate actually said that, it is a tabloid. But if she DID say her greatest fear is losing her fans? Who does that remind you of?
Mommy Dearest....her entire existance revolved around gathering and maintaining fans. She lives and breathed for it. Such a cultish cheesy movie and yet....it's on the money. It's really worth watching this scene which sums up narccisism. "I am not one of your fans."
OMG!! This made me laugh so hard. This is an inside joke with my mother and me. When we're joking around I will say that same quote to her from "Mommy Dearest" LOL.
On the other hand, it's sad that Kate's children will never have that same bond with their mother that most of us do.
I’d like to address a few comments from above:
“All, I am hoping for is there is not an audience left.”
and ….
“I don't think I want to look at the rest of the pictures because I feel sometimes there is little any of us can do to stop this type of abuse”
and …
“But Kate could stop going on shows like DWTS and Twisted Kate and make herself no longer relevant, now that might help”
If each and every one of us, and all others who are sickened by the continued exploitation of the Gosselin children, would unite and NOT watch even one episode of the new Kate+8, the ratings would plummet. Sometimes I think those of us who are not fans and watch for whatever reasons, (watching a trainwreck syndrome?) make up a vast number of the viewing audience. Kate’s continual whining and obvious selfishness during DWTS opened a lot of peoples’ eyes to what she’s really all about. The poor sales of her latest so-called book and all the negative publicity prove that. If you want to watch her, watch her Twisted show or watch her on Youtube. Her fan base has dwindled. Let’s keep it that way.
You can be assured, TLC and Kate don’t care if the viewers love or hate the show, ratings ($$$) talk and high ratings equal advertising dollars in their pockets. Low ratings equal no advertisers. TLC is counting on us as much as they’re counting on Kate’s fans to provide the ratings they need to keep the show alive. We CAN do something. If you seriously want the filming of the kids to stop, DO NOT WATCH the show. WE can make Kate no longer relevant.
Will we??? Sadly, I have my doubts. I think watching Kate and reading and blogging about her have become addictions. Addictions are extremely difficult to stop. TLC is counting on there being enough people out there who won’t be able to ignore the show. Our addictions will be putting money in their pockets and TLC/Kate/Jon will be laughing all the way to the bank. And we’ll be blogging about how disgusting it all is. What a nasty, vicious circle.
And regarding this comment: “I suppose if we had just ignored slavery or the civil rights movement it would have gone away. Ha, not likely.”
I think you need to take a little break comparing the Gosselin situation to slavery and the civil rights movement. Yes, eight children are being exploited and are working to support their parents. It’s a disgrace and terribly sad, however, I think spending inordinate amounts of time reading and posting on blogs can distort things. Eight exploited children do not compare to the enslaving of a vast majority of a race of people!
We still do not know the answers to ANY of these questions. Does that concern anyone?
Ha! Not in the least. Lordy be! Why the heck would complete strangers need to know that? Kudos to Kate for keeping that private stuff private. Really, think about it ladies. Should you know when the kids sleep over friends' houses?
How very sad. I'll always remember the one episode of J&K+8 when Mady got off the school bus and was extremely upset over something. Once she was in the house, the camera guy got right in her face when she was crying, and she took off running away. There is no reason for any of this , and it's disgraceful. Those poor children. :( How happy they would be knowing their parents loved THEM, and not because of the money they were able to make for them.
Just because Rep. Murt is not making his actions public at this time, we should not assume that he is not active. He is working on writing new legislation which, I am sure, he wil tell us all about when it is ready.I know this because he emailed me back after I sent him am email about 2 weeks ago.I think we should just let him get on with his job and not flood him with more information. He is well aware of the abusive aspects of the Gosselin situation and is taking steps to change things.I know how frustrated we all get that the wheels of Justice are so slow!But they are grinding....
"1. Some of the kids are happy to film again because they missed the companionship of the crew"
That's sad.
Where are the play dates?
Why don't the kids have any school friends come over?
The kids can't differentiate between a friend and a guy with a camera?
So anyone who is "NICE" is considered a friend.
Way to go on the lousy parenting Jon and Kate.
The kids shouldn't be "friends" with the camera crew and Jon and Kate should have MADE THAT CLEAR to their kids.
What about predators and people who might want to take advantage of them. Will they be able to discern that for themselves.
I think, the PR machine makes sure that there are pictures of them on a regular base. It's not the paps faults but Kate's.
She is over expose for a reason.
Did you see on JibberJabbers blog the picture with the nanny in the blue bus.. I always tought that Kate was alone that day with the kids...
I believe she went in LA on Thursday. I don't rememeber where I saw that, but she went there for DWTS things. Maybe that is the reason we don't see any pictures taken the last days
For anyone who is interested, I can promise you, with almost absolute certainty, that Kart posts as "Moving Forward" on ROL. Judy
I called Rep.Murt's office and suggestd that they should at least have a gaurdian there (without a contract from TLC)until they can change the laws,having that person there would change the situation.
I agree we can't rely on what these "inside sources" say, but I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that Kate is worried about losing a lot of the attention she's become accustomed to. Broken record here, but she's proven she's got no real talent that warrants her having a "career" in show business. When you have nothing going for yourself, what's a fameho to do but go back to what worked in the first place - filming the kids and rally up the fans again.
What is telling is that we're not seeing a lot of Mady and Cara. I think they have figured it out, especially Mady. She just might be the sextuplets savior in the future when this comes crashing down on them.
The question was not and never was WHEN are the children having playdates. No one cares when. The question was, ARE the children able to have playdates when the filming schedule intereferes with it? I can't remember one episode where one of the eight children was gone because of soccer practice, a playdate, a bday party. It's either all eight or none of them. In constrast, on Little People Big World it is almost always a combination of the children home and out, no one seems required to be home when filming is going on. It goes a long way with the "reality" of that show.
Common tactic of those who cannot come up with any other way to refute what we say: twist or slightly distort what we say and then refute the distorted version instead of the actual version.
KateRox - It's not a question of when but if they are able to have a normal life that includes sports, activities and playdates. Are they treated as a collective or as individuals?
KateRox said...
We still do not know the answers to ANY of these questions. Does that concern anyone?
Ha! Not in the least. Lordy be! Why the heck would complete strangers need to know that? Kudos to Kate for keeping that private stuff private. Really, think about it ladies. Should you know when the kids sleep over friends' houses?
You know what's creepy? You are. "Kudos to Kate for keeping stuff private"? WTF??!! She sold her kids lives to a production company and let them film every little PRIVATE moment and show those PRIVATE moments on the television so that they will never be PRIVATE again. Are you out of your mind?
I found the comment's about what a "real" mom wear's to pick up her kid's hilarious. Just the other day I heard two mean girl mommies trash talking another mom for dropping her kid's off at school in her PJ pant's & a baseball hat. I'm curious what should a "real" mom wear??? Is there some uniform I'm not aware of? A "real" mom's guide to dressing? I had no idea what I wear could be making me less of a mom...I guess I will have to tell my children I've been a fake mom all these year's.
"If she did, she and Jon would drive them to school themselves to ensure their privacy."
I doubt it. It would mean that they would be on the road THREE HOURS every day (there and back, there and back). Would they really have the time and energy for the daily road trips?
I could care less what Kate wears. Clothes don't make the mom. It's a huge deflection to get caught up worrying about her clothes, her hair or her physical condition. I think she looks great - and I sure don't like the person I've been shown.
"Anyone out there know is there some kind of clinical name for wanting to keep your kids perpetually three years old? I feel like this should be some kind of syndrome. Holding them back in school, refusing to feed them very much food so they don't grow too much, babying them, making them wear clothes that are too small for them, thinking their babytalk is cute."
1. The parents did not hold them back in school. It was not their decision. It was the school's decision. They were not on target for Kindergarten and were a better match for the school's Pre-K program. The parents could have screamed and kicked and demanded that they be in Kindergarten, and their cries would have fallen on deaf ears.
2. There is absolutely no proof that food was withheld from them. Cameras aren't around them 24/7. Viewers do not know what they eat, when they eat it or how often they eat. They are tiny kids, slightly built, perhaps without voracious appetites, and maybe they eat frequently, only small amounts each time. Lots of kids do that.
3. Wearing clothes that are too small for them? I've never seen that. In fact, they seem to prefer clothing slightly over-sized. Look at the photos of the boys in their shorts and polos, and the girls in their dresses (knee-length or below). I've never seen them in anything that was too tight or out-grown.
Chrissy, Twisted Kate has taught her children that the paparazzi are EVIL. You can't have it both ways....TKate is the one that made that family famous, and keeps them in the public eye, it's her fault that they are chase her everywhere. It's POINTLESS at this time to teach her kids to hate the photgraphers.
It puts the kids in a NO WIN situation.
Also....TKate has enough money that she could hire a driver to pick up kids at the school.
Guess she would rather spend the money on boobs, clothes and hair/nails.
Plus, with her book writing, book tours, TV shows, reading blogs, talking on phone...how much quality time does she spend with each individual child. Do the math. 3 minutes a week?? A month?? To love and teach them values and life skills? Vocabulary, homework, addressing their concerns? 30 seconds a week???
These kids are being raised by strangers.
She has enough money NOW to be a full time parent, all else are EXCUSES.
Anonymous, you make some good points. There is a tremendous amount of speculation that goes on with these blogs and some things that are merely that, speculation, become "fact" after speculation has been read and repeated often enough.
I am no Jon or Kate fan, but I would like to see more accuracy and when things are pure speculation people should point that out, instead of taking it for the gospel truth and then spreading it from blog to blog.
I, too, haven't seen the kids wearing clothes too small for them, and actually thought many times that the boys are wearing shorts and shirts that are rather baggy.
I think the whole thing about the kids getting two grapes and a piece of cheese for a meal has been blown out of proportion. I remember Kate serving quite large portions of her chicken cattechori although lots of people saw the complete opposite. When my kids were small, they ate like birds and my son was especially finicky. I used to worry to death about what seemed to be so little food that they were consuming. I think that's a common experience with a lot of parents with toddlers---they don't eat a lot. With J&K, it's a major area of neglect when we don't know that at all.
I think there are more important things to be concerned about rather than spending time dwelling on pure speculation. I guess the general consensus is the kids are so neglected that they're underweight and their brains aren't being nourished enough. We don't know that.
I'm more concerned about all the photos of them on the internet that will be there forever, for kids to find and tease the Gosselin children about, and for perverts to use for their own enjoyment. If those aren't reasons enough to keep your children out of the limelight, I don't know what are. I despise Jon and Kate for subjecting their kids to that and continuing to do so. They are celebrity hounds with no talent to offer, only their 8 kids. I have no respect for TLC for using them for their huge profits. There are many things like that to be angry and frustrated over. Wish people would get a grip, but that's not going to happen.
Kate infantilized her children by making them sit in highchairs, wearing bibs, long past the time when they should have been able to eat properly; by not allowing them toys and activities that would have contributed to their development (markers; getting dirty in various indoor and outdoor activities; not allowing ice cream; stating publicly that she thought their baby talk was cute, when they were old enough to say things properly; books with letters, numbers and colours, and the time to teach them); by cutting up their food for them when they were able to do it for themselves. I could go on and on. But I don't think she deliberately curtailed their food to stop them growing: I think Kate has no idea whatsoever about appropriate parenting skills for childen's developmental stages. I also believe that what drove the infantilization was Kate's need to feel safe by totally controlling her environment.The clinical name for this would be OCD. I am not diagnosing, Kate joked about it herself briefly on one episode.
This would be why the children were not ready for Kindergarten. There are certain skills that children need to have for kindergarten; Jon and Kate did not prepare them adequately, nor did
their parents' demanding schedule allow the time for the tups to acquire those skills.
This reminds me a bit of Chaz Bono.
What he is going through right now should be a private thing but because his parents forced him in the limelight as a child, the country knows her/him and is interested in his story.
I'm not blaming Sonny and Cher because they really didn't know any better but I think Chaz is a good example of how early fame affects your life in your adult years.
Holding children back from kindergarten is not an unusual practice, especially for children born in the summer months. There is much discussion about the advantages to being the oldest in the class rather than the youngest. I was born in the summer and was the youngest...got my drivers license after everyone else and was almost 18 when I graduated.
No biggie in the grand scheme of things.
I made my child wear a bib until he was about 4, cut up his food until he was about 6, spread a sheet under his chair at meal times, limited his "dirty" activities and the second he was done with them, bathed him and put clean clothes (color coordinated, of course)on him. I carried the disposable towelettes wherever we went and was not afraid to use them. However, he was read to every night and went to daycare/preschool for 2 years (4-6). He was in the GT (gifted and talented) classes all through school, graduated with honors, went on to college. He is now 25 and a productive and caring member of society. He has a well paying job that surpasses most people his age. Sometimes I think that I have OCD, as everything had to be clean and perfect (and still does!). That could be part of Kate's problem as well.
The kids only have the crew. They dont have kids their own age to play with otside of school. They dont have a normal life at all.
1. 6 kids all not on target? Sad, don't you think? If Kate wasn't so worried about their hair ribbons matching and maybe taught them how to read, maybe some of the kids would be "on target." I don't think they should all be kept at the same level if they are NOT the same level.
2. Yes, little children don't eat.
3. One of the boys cowboy boots HURT him but Kate made him walk over a mile because "they were cute."
More excuses?
I think now is the time you tell us that we'd sell our kids too and that we can't know what kate is going through because she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids!!
"You know what's creepy? You are. "Kudos to Kate for keeping stuff private"?"
Ouch. That was rather nasty. I understand what she's trying to say. Play dates, sleep-overs, their school activities, names of friends are kept private. There daily schedules aren't posted anywhere and haven't made it to the internet. Of course their lives were sold to TLC and private moments that should be kept private (including the letters to the children) will never be private again. But you don't know where they are every waking minute of every day, when they have sleep-overs, if they go to movies with their friends, etc. When was the last time you saw the camera crew filming when one of the twins ate supper at the home of a friend, or the girls at a soccer game on the field on the opposing team? You haven't...yet.
I do not consider this statement an excuse:
There is absolutely no proof that food was withheld from them. Proof being the key word.
Nor is it an excuse to state we do not know what the children eat or that the children wear oversized clothing.
Why try and dispute the obvious?
I don't see Kate as the type of person interested in having any other children at her house..not for a play date, dinner, much less a sleep over. My impression is those kids are completely isolated except for school.
I see where Kate was at the tanning studio today, Saturday. With all the children in school now, wouldn't you think she would get her tan on a school day so that she could spend Saturdays with the children.
Anonymous said...
"If she did, she and Jon would drive them to school themselves to ensure their privacy."
I doubt it. It would mean that they would be on the road THREE HOURS every day (there and back, there and back). Would they really have the time and energy for the daily road trips? "
But the children have to do it and then be subjected to paps when they are tired, cranky and hungry. I guess it depends upon what your priorities are. If they choose to send them to school so far away, perhaps that should be taken into consideration. The nanny could have that responsibity or it could be split between the parents and the nanny. There is no excuse for the children bearing this burden.
browneyedgirl said...
I could care less what Kate wears. Clothes don't make the mom. It's a huge deflection to get caught up worrying about her clothes, her hair or her physical condition. I think she looks great - and I sure don't like the person I've been shown."
Complelely agree. People tend to post those things out of frustration, I think.
Anonymous said...
I don't see Kate as the type of person interested in having any other children at her house..not for a play date, dinner, much less a sleep over. My impression is those kids are completely isolated except for school. "
She is not a giver. She has said so herself. I think she does what is easiest for herself.
momsby said...
I found the comment's about what a "real" mom wear's to pick up her kid's hilarious. Just the other day I heard two mean girl mommies trash talking another mom for dropping her kid's off at school in her PJ pant's & a baseball hat. I'm curious what should a "real" mom wear??? Is there some uniform I'm not aware of? A "real" mom's guide to dressing? I had no idea what I wear could be making me less of a mom...I guess I will have to tell my children I've been a fake mom all these year's. "
I think what is being said, Momsby, is that most people do not dress for the bus. If they are going somewhere later or have been somewhere beforehand, no problem. Not that it really matters to me what she wears. I don't care.
Let's concentrate on the photo of Collin, shall we? How does that photo make you feel?
IDmodo - I agree with your comments. Some other examples are the episode where Kate stated that they had not mastered some basic skills that the tups needed to enter kindergarten and then showed the girls at the kitchen table trying to use sissors for the 1st time--it was sad to see that. Tieing shoe laces is another example, she kept those kids in the velcro closures which if she had taken the time to teach them how to tie their shoe laces it would have been another skill they had under their belts. I can not remember even ONE episode where we saw Kate or Jon reading to the tups or picture books. I can remember seeing Mady reading on the couch but never Kate & Jon engaging the 6. They used the TV to put them to sleep as their routine instead of books. They showed that on one or two episodes and then on another episode Kate vehemently stated that the kids watched no TV. Their filming schedule of 152 episodes in such a short time period (a yr and a half?) negated either parent expending the time so that these children could master the proper skill set for timely entry into kindergarten. Rather that so many trips why didn't TLC hire teachers to come to the house and do those activities with the kids --that would have been a lot more real and beneficial for these kids, IMO.
One of the boys had mastered his bike without the training wheels before they moved but now we see all of them still on the tricycles. Why don't they buy them bikes that fit them properly?Those are the same bikes that Ellen bought for them. Maybe they will get new bikes for their BDay.
"But the children have to do it and then be subjected to paps when they are tired, cranky and hungry. I guess it depends upon what your priorities are. If they choose to send them to school so far away, perhaps that should be taken into consideration. The nanny could have that responsibity or it could be split between the parents and the nanny. There is no excuse for the children bearing this burden."
I totally agree. But I would imagine that, in the eyes of the parents, the transportation service is there for a purpose, which is to relieve the parents of driving to school. After all, the children don't have tanning appointments and spa visits and other important schedules to keep.
If the nanny would have the responsiblity of driving the children to school, then who would stay home with the tups on Tuesdays and Thursdays? If the nanny drives, that would mean that the tups would have to accompany the twins to school on their days off. Do you think that the parents would stay home with them? The younger ones certainly couldn't stay home alone while the nanny is driving the twins to school.
"I can not remember even ONE episode where we saw Kate or Jon reading to the tups or picture books."
But that doesn't mean that the don't! We don't see their bedtime routine. We don't know what they do 24/7. We don't know that none of the nannies reads to them.
"That's sad.
Where are the play dates?
Why don't the kids have any school friends come over?"
Again...you don't know that they don't! Good grief! Just because this isn't on film doesn't mean that it doesn't happen! If it were on film and if every waking (and sleeping) minute of their lives were being filmed, then we'd hear complaints that they don't have a minute of privacy. Should their schedule be published so that America knows exactly when and where their playdates are held, and when their friends come over. You'd be screaming bloody murder if this happened, saying every minute of their privacy was given compromised.
I feel like no matter what Kate does, some people will criticize those choices. Like, I can imagine that if she or the nannies did drive the kids to/from school, some people would say that's not fair to those kids because it's depriving them of their normal childhood (the normal childhood experience being riding the bus with friends). I think it better to have them ride the bus. They get to bond with their friends, feel normal like their friends, and have mom or Nanny Judy or whoever waiting there to pick them up in the afternoon.
Collin looks like he's doing the perp walk. You know, hiding his face from the press.
Anon - re: Tuesday & Thursday & the bus: surely the parents could work that out. Or the kids could get picked up most of the time rather than never. Something needs to be done.
Stephanie - What do you suggest be done so Collin, for example, never has to experience that again?
Anonymous said...
"You know what's creepy? You are. "Kudos to Kate for keeping stuff private"?"
Ouch. That was rather nasty.
Not nasty at all. Anonymous, I see what you're doing in trying to divert the issue away from discussing the real problem, which is the exploitation of those kids. There actually is no way to defend it.
Yes, I find it very creepy, don't you? Does it not disturb you that Kate's fans want to see it continued?
Anonymous, but it's okay with you, instead of filming them having any friends ,but quite okay to film them on potties, changing clothes,impacted bowels?? Give your head a shake!!
I don't like seeing that photo of Collin, either...IF, indeed, he was hiding his face from being in a photo. But, I do want to state that we don't know that's what he's doing. He could have been playing around with Aiden or just joking around. Kids that age do crap like put their sweatshirts over their head and think it's funny.
I still think taking the bus is the lesser or two evils. If Kate picked the kids up at school, the paps would show up there. That wouldn't be good for the privacy of the students/staff, AND it would also mean the G kids have one less place that are theirs without the paps.
I don't like seeing that photo of Collin, either...IF, indeed, he was hiding his face from being in a photo. But, I do want to state that we don't know that's what he's doing.
You're right, we don't know what he was doing. Maybe he was wiping perspiration off his face. I'd like to see some perspective added when viewing things we have no idea about instead of jumping to conclusions. Perhaps he WAS sad, or tired, or got dirt in his eyes.
Will this photo become part of the litany of pure guesswork about what's going on in all the photos that are constantly being published? I can honestly say, I don't get why such minutia is hashed and rehashed, I really don't.
Anonymous said...
Anyone out there know is there some kind of clinical name for wanting to keep your kids perpetually three years old?
Yes, it's called Münchausen-by-Gosselin Syndrome. The symptoms include: dressing your kids in matchy-matchy outfits well past toddler-age; keeping them from attending age-appropriate school levels; arranging their educational needs around "shooting" days; ignoring them/not interacting with them enough for them to develop age-appropriate language skills; and basically retarding every area of normal developmental growth so that you can earn a few more bucks off their innocent backs.
As for the bus stop issue: any normal, protective mother would not put up with the invasive paparazzi presence at every drop-off/pick-up. If Kate really cared about her kids, she or the nanny would drive them to their school, and pick them up every afternoon in that hideous Darth Vadar van. Kate has a choice in this -- she's not a victim to the paps in the parking lot. SHE loves/craves/needs the attention, and she purposefully uses her kids as bait on the paparazzi's hooks. ANYTHING to keep her ridiculous mug (that would be "rEdiculous" for the Sheeple -- don't want to confuse them with correct spelling) in the tabloids. If I were a parent of one of the non-Gosselin kids on that bus, I'd be royally pissed off. Kate is a willing participant (dare I say orchestrator??) in the pap's torment/abuse at the bus stop -- and Kate can make it stop in an instant. She CHOOSES to force those poor kids to endure the invasive cameras. No protective, loving mother would ever allow such a thing.
Claire said...
I don't like seeing that photo of Collin, either...IF, indeed, he was hiding his face from being in a photo. But, I do want to state that we don't know that's what he's doing.
It doesn't matter WHAT he was doing. Wiping sweat, hiding, crying, looking for a lost toy in his jacket -- who cares??? The point is, HE SHOULDN'T BE PHOTOGRAPHED at the bus stop. He's coming home from school. Period. WHY is this photo-worthy??? What mother would allow her kids to be exploited in such a way?
Stephanie & Claire: Go look at the full photo and then tell me it's nothing.
Bottom line: no privacy for the kids. They come home hungry, tired and cranky and the paps are there to catch it.
How would you feel if it were your child?
Stephanie said...
I still think taking the bus is the lesser or two evils. If Kate picked the kids up at school, the paps would show up there.
The paps would NEVER be permitted on the grounds of their very exclusive, private school. The reality is, the BEST option for the kids is that they be driven to/picked up by Kate/the nanny/Jon or WHOEVER is on child custody duty that day. The public parking lot with the bus is the worst option for them, as neither parent feels the need to shield the kids from the paparazzi. This is just further evidence that Kate and Jon WANT the photos/attention, etc. They HAVE A CHOICE to give their kids more privacy, yet they don't choose that option.
I've just recently come across a bunch of Gosselin blogs, and I find it so amazing that SO many posters refuse to admit that both Jon and Kate have a CHOICE in all of this. They are not victims. They are making very deliberate choices -- unfortunately these are choices that benefit the parents, while the welfare of eight innocent kids is at a very distant second.
Period. WHY is this photo-worthy???
It isn't, except there are a whole lot of people who click on those photos, put them on blogs and discuss them for weeks and months on end, creating a big money-making opportunity for the paps! If NO ONE even bothered to look at them and discuss them ad nauseum, the paps would look elsewhere.
Of course he shouldn't be photographed, but then it's the public need to view them that drives the market.
Posh is right. The parents have control.
Instead of blaming us for objecting to the pictures, try blaming the parents for creating the circus in the first place and allowing it to continue.
Instead of blaming us for objecting to the pictures, try blaming the parents for creating the circus in the first place and allowing it to continue.
I have blamed the parents, over and over. And they are now in the process of starting their exploitation of the kids all over again.
I said it earlier, and I'll say it again. Quit watching, quit talking about it, quit obsessing about it, quit searching for articles and pictures to dissect and they will go away, which they should and the sooner, the better. All this chatter plays right into the hands of TLC, especially when the show starts up again. TLC is counting on it, banking on it.
The Gosselins wouldn't have lasted as long as they have were it not for this continual controversy. Let it go and allow it to go away. None of this is helping those poor kids. Everyone says they deserve peace and privacy. I don't see how we're giving them any of that!
Claire said...
Of course he shouldn't be photographed, but then it's the public need to view them that drives the market.
Claire, are you a Kate fan and in favor of the upcoming Kate plus Eight show? Because as long as the children are part of a reality show they will be photographed at the bus stop and anywhere else they happen to be. That's how TLC promotes the show, by keeping them in the news. If anyone feels the kids shouldn't be photographed out and about, then they shouldn't add to the ratings by watching the show. JMO
Claire, I read your last post after I posted so you've answered my question about if you would watch the show. I definitely think we shouldn't watch and contribute to ratings. That's what drives the bottom line. I'm not so sure not talking about it will make such a big difference. I just don't know.
The thought has been formulating in my mind for some time now, that we, the anti-Kate people, are as much to blame for this huge mess as the pro-Kate people. Between the two factions, we all have more or less told TLC that Kate is a commodity that is deserving of a whole lot of our attention.
I’ve obsessed over the situation, done my share of searching the tabloids and reading every article I could google up. At times, I’ve made myself miserable over it all.
The most promising thing that has come of it all is the recent hearings conducted in PA. Perhaps further investigations will follow and the rules set forth will be enforced. I see nothing wrong with trying to follow up on any of that.
I can no longer participate in the continual droning on and on about Kate’s big TOE, and her boob jobs, and her poor choice in clothes and how her hair looks on any particular day and how tan she gets and analyzing whether she is smiling or not and why the kids’ bicycles still have training wheels. None of that is good for the kids, and I highly doubt they’ll say, when they read all these blogs in the future, thanks so much for being so kind and caring.
I’m afraid, when the show starts up again with the kids, the ratings are going to skyrocket, and I cannot stand the thought that people who claim to be so concerned are going to tune in and give TLC and Kate exactly what they want. They love the controversy and I won’t be a part of giving them what they want any longer.
Good night all.
That was a pretty harsh post and I agree with every word.
Anonymous said... "I can't remember one episode where one of the eight children was gone because of soccer practice, a playdate, a bday party. It's either all eight or none of them."
The last few episodes of the show the twins were missing quite a bit due to school or when Cara chose to go shopping with her grandmother. It's always been all SIX though in their matching outfits.
Anonymous said... "If she did, she and Jon would drive them to school themselves to ensure their privacy." "I doubt it. It would mean that they would be on the road THREE HOURS every day (there and back, there and back). Would they really have the time and energy for the daily road trips?"
That stopped with the divorce. Prior to that Jon was driving the 6 to and from pre-school, an hour each way.
The smart thing would have been to a) buy a house closer to the school they knew the kids would be attending or b) have the kids attend the nearby school. I think it's horrible that any kid (let alone 5 yr olds) would have to commute 1-2 hours each day when it's well within their parents means to have them educated closer to home.
I find it hard to believe that all 6 weren't ready for Kindergarten. Especially considering Kindergarten itself is preparation for elementary school. Why did the 6 attend pre-school instead of Junior Kindergarten last year? Were they held back then too? The only thing a kid needs to know for Junior Kindergarten here is how to count to 10, most of the alphabet and be potty-trained - they take 3 year olds for goodness sake! It's a bit startling to think that the 3 year olds in my area were at the same level as the Gosselin 5 year olds. So I have a really hard time believing all 6 were held back by the school.
As for the Collin photo this should be Exhibit A and used to pass a law prohibiting paparazzi photographs of ANY child. I've heard of people being chastised and even thrown out of parks for taking pictures of their own child because a stranger's child might be in the photo, yet it's okay for paparazzi to stalk and photograph children because they're "public figures"??
I think it's disturbing on all levels. None of these children chose to be born, none chose to be famous, yet they're subjected to constant harassment and invasion of privacy and it's all perfectly legal. It makes me sick.
I agree with you and have said the same thing over and over. Some people are just obsessed with Kate and by clicking on links and watching her shows, even though they don't like her, they ARE contributing to the bottom line and it WILL drive ratings and keep the kids on TV. I don't understand why people don't get this.
If you're concerned about keeping the kids off of TV, WORK BEHIND THE SCENES.
Happy Mother's Day everyone at 15 Minutes Gosselin style
Claire, I agree with you that the blogging about the Gosselins has taken on a life of its own.
However, the show with the kids tanked last fall. The re imaging of Khate Gosselin has failed, Dwts was a mess, and the book is dead on arrival. (although Khate was going to sell more books than Sarah Palin) I really don't think while she drives & stirs controversy she is going to be successful in the shows.
I just want to see the show Khate plus 8 shelved. The kids have been through enough. Their privacy, their childhoods have been stripped of any normalcy at the hands of TLC, Figure 8 and Jon & Khate.
I am not going to watch it. There is no way to get rid of the show any other way then to not tune in. As far as not talking about it anymore. My commentary will not make or break Khate's bottom line. The #s on the ratings will. She has not broke through yet this past year except when they announced Divorcing.....something that should have been left in the world of privacy for the sake of the kids.
OK, maybe I'm naive but aren't there other bus stops between the school and this particular bus stop? Why can't Kate ask the school for permission to vary the bus stop in order to make the potential for the paparazzi harder to get the pics? MHO is that she is the one calling them and that would cut into the 'face' time.
Also, why can't the kids have a combination transportation, both bus and car? I know that I plan my car trips so if I need to go to the market I choose which one based on other trips I need to make.
Besides, who picks a school for their kids that is 1-1/2 hours one way? I wouldn't want to commute that amount of time and I'm not 6 years old!
Bonnie said...Besides, who picks a school for their kids that is 1-1/2 hours one way? I wouldn't want to commute that amount of time and I'm not 6 years old!
It's part of the Golden Platter Plan devised by Kart. Never mind if the kids are on the bus three hours a day, that gives her another three hours of not having them around so she can text, tan and get her toenails done.
As far as blogging smack about her, that's her tough luck. You get what you ask for and she asked for it. If nothing else, it's created awareness that Kate Gosselin is not as real as she claims to be. Admin has it posted on her flag - this is a blog chronicling every move Jon and Kate and TLC make on their quest to get rich off the backs of their children - as the reason to comment here. It would be worse not to point out the glaring lies of this pack of wolves.
GoPoshGo - "Münchausen-by-Gosselin Syndrome" You nailed it.
"Besides, who picks a school for their kids that is 1-1/2 hours one way? I wouldn't want to commute that amount of time and I'm not 6 years old!"
40-45 minutes each way. The school has many Reading students because it's the best one in the area. Reading doesn't have anything comparable.
Hmm, the whole bus vs driven to school debate is IMO kinda pointless if, as we suspect, Kate tips the paps off as to where she'll be for photo ops. Granted, the bus stop is one place the paps would know as being a good spot for photo ops of J/K, but considering the amount of "parent and kids" photos out there verses "nanny and kids" photos out there, it makes one think that the paps are being tipped off that yes, a parent will be picking the kids up this afternoon, if you want photos. (of course, the other alternative is that there are an equal amount or more "nanny and kids" photos that are just not published, but from what we know of Kate, I doubt that's the case).
I'm beginning to think that boarding school would be the best option for all concerned - Kate can continue to do what she wants (well except Kate + 8), so can Jon, and the kids have somewhere they are protected from paparazzi, get to play with friends after school, and have "sleepovers" every night if their friends are their roommate, they don't have to work (filming tv shows, or interviews, etc), get decent meals each day,
Marie said..."I agree with you and have said the same thing over and over. Some people are just obsessed with Kate and by clicking on links and watching her shows, even though they don't like her, they ARE contributing to the bottom line and it WILL drive ratings and keep the kids on TV. I don't understand why people don't get this."
Yep, it is the controversy that keeps Kate going. Perfect PR for her.
If you read any of the polls that were going around when she was on DWTS, the vast majority of votes were against her. She doesn't have a large enough fan base to influence the polls. So if her show gets the big ratings we know it won't be coming from fans.
What I don't get is what is being accomplished at this point. Jon was the one with the power to keep the kids from being filmed. He caved. The permits are in place, it's a done deal.
My interest has turned from the Gosselin train wreck to what is truly motivating the watchers.
Cherier 1,
Sorry it took me so long to get back to your question's. I think that Stephanie, Claire & some of what Marie have said, reflect my thought's on the matter. I think "we" all are, also to blame for the continued paparazzi interest in these children. If nobody bought the tab's, clicked on the links & discussed what was in the pic's endlessly would not the monetary value of those pictures go down? I do still find the daily critique of Kate's clothes & hair, shoes etc..ridiculous!
I too, was "held back" by my parents, I did not start kindergarten until age 6 (August b-day). Personally, I would have been FINE had my mother chose to send me at 5. I was valedictorian of my HS class, and graduated college summa cum laude (full time college/full time work with two children under 12 & 3.89 gpa).
Per my moms reasoning, my intelligence levels met the criteria but my emotional/social skills did not, and she chose to wait. It didn't hurt me.
Same exact situation with my younger sister (also August bday). She would have had legitimate problems had she gone to school at age 5. She still struggled.
My own children: I sent my oldest son to kindergarten at age 5, and later wished I'd waited till he turned 6, school was hard for him. My younger son, I did wait ... and he would likely have been fine going at 5, he breezed through school.
Bottom line is: we ALL turned out fine, regardless of starting school at ages 5 or 6. We are ALL happy healthy successful adults.
The bigger issue with these kids is the FILMING, not whether or not they are in kindergarten yet. I am of the opinion, however, that they were likely "evaluated" as a set, regarding kindergarten readiness, as opposed to individually. But it won't be that big of a deal 12 years from now.
Their entire developmental years being shown over and over on TV in reruns and new episodes, dvds, whatever?!? That WILL be a big deal. A whole lot bigger deal than whether or not Kate was appropriately dressed for the bus stop.
Criticisms of Kate's physicality detract from true issues regarding the filming of these kids. She's a pretty woman, she's in good shape, she often dresses quite well regardless of the length of her skirt or the visibility of her cleavage. She's a very attractive woman, and she's a very ugly person. IMO!
The kids should be the focus, not kate's shoes.
According to Berks Cty your child must be 5yrs old by Sept 1 to attend kindergarten. The Tups were 5 on 5/10/2009. They should have been in kindergarten not pk.
But maybe they attend school in a different county which might have another date requirement.
dhwh1993-I tend to agree with you about holding the child back for underdeveloped emotional/social skills. My grandson entered kindergarten @ 5yr but spent another year there for these exact reasons. He is a sophomore in hs now and doing just fine.
The only thing that bothers me is that were all the tups emotionally/socially underdeveloped. Or were some of the tups held back just to keep the tups in one unit? If this is so isn't it unfair for the normally developed one's to be held back?
I feel Mady is very smart,remember she refused to be Kates Maid of Honor at 2nd Wedding,she knew something wasn't right.
Who has a renewal at 9 yrs.if you are poor(what she wanted all to think)?
I went to send money to the family,and told my daughter and she was in the KNOW and told me not to. It was in beginning,just like most of you probably did.
dhwh said
"The bigger issue with these kids is the FILMING, not whether or not they are in kindergarten yet. I am of the opinion, however, that they were likely "evaluated" as a set, regarding kindergarten readiness, as opposed to individually. But it won't be that big of a deal 12 years from now.
Their entire developmental years being shown over and over on TV in reruns and new episodes, dvds, whatever?!? That WILL be a big deal. A whole lot bigger deal than whether or not Kate was appropriately dressed for the bus stop.
Criticisms of Kate's physicality detract from true issues regarding the filming of these kids. She's a pretty woman, she's in good shape, she often dresses quite well regardless of the length of her skirt or the visibility of her cleavage. She's a very attractive woman, and she's a very ugly person. IMO!
The kids should be the focus, not kate's shoes. "
Very well said. It lessens the credibility of this site when the focus is taken off the kids.
I AGREE with all who said, it was unlikely that every single one of the tups was either ready or not ready for Kindergarten. It's just another "con" on the list of pros and cons of being a gosselin kid. I imagine SOME were ready to go, some were not ... and Kate decided that they would either go as a "set" or not at all. SHE is one of the biggest factors detrimental to any sort of individuality within the set of sextuplets. They are six separate, wonderful, individual KIDS.
some interesting questions but I don't see how some of them are anyone's business besides the Gosselins.
I feel Mady is very smart,remember she refused to be Kates Maid of Honor at 2nd Wedding,she knew something wasn't right.
Who has a renewal at 9 yrs.if you are poor(what she wanted all to think)?
I went to send money to the family,and told my daughter and she was in the KNOW and told me not to. It was in beginning,just like most of you probably did.
I AGREE with all who said, it was unlikely that every single one of the tups was either ready or not ready for Kindergarten. It's just another "con" on the list of pros and cons of being a gosselin kid. I imagine SOME were ready to go, some were not ... and Kate decided that they would either go as a "set" or not at all. SHE is one of the biggest factors detrimental to any sort of individuality within the set of sextuplets. They are six separate, wonderful, individual KIDS.
Cherier 1,
Sorry it took me so long to get back to your question's. I think that Stephanie, Claire & some of what Marie have said, reflect my thought's on the matter. I think "we" all are, also to blame for the continued paparazzi interest in these children. If nobody bought the tab's, clicked on the links & discussed what was in the pic's endlessly would not the monetary value of those pictures go down? I do still find the daily critique of Kate's clothes & hair, shoes etc..ridiculous!
Happy Mother's Day everyone at 15 Minutes Gosselin style
Claire, I agree with you that the blogging about the Gosselins has taken on a life of its own.
However, the show with the kids tanked last fall. The re imaging of Khate Gosselin has failed, Dwts was a mess, and the book is dead on arrival. (although Khate was going to sell more books than Sarah Palin) I really don't think while she drives & stirs controversy she is going to be successful in the shows.
I just want to see the show Khate plus 8 shelved. The kids have been through enough. Their privacy, their childhoods have been stripped of any normalcy at the hands of TLC, Figure 8 and Jon & Khate.
I am not going to watch it. There is no way to get rid of the show any other way then to not tune in. As far as not talking about it anymore. My commentary will not make or break Khate's bottom line. The #s on the ratings will. She has not broke through yet this past year except when they announced Divorcing.....something that should have been left in the world of privacy for the sake of the kids.
Posh is right. The parents have control.
Instead of blaming us for objecting to the pictures, try blaming the parents for creating the circus in the first place and allowing it to continue.
Below is are excerpts from an interview with Bill Hayes, producer of Figure 8 Films. These are children with hearts, minds and souls. It doesn't sound to me like that was a concern of the production company. Either way, on or off the show, the kids have never had a chance. There will always be cameras focused on them as long as it is allowed by the parents. Draw your own conclusions...
Family Man
Meet the producer behind Jon and Kate, Table for 12, and 18 Kids and Counting.
By Jamin Brophy-WarrenPosted Friday, Nov. 27, 2009, at 7:39 AM
"In the summer of 2005, television producer Bill Hayes was sitting at his desk in Carrboro, N.C., when his partner and production manager Deanie Wilcher told him about a potential lead. Hayes and his company, Figure 8 Films, had been looking for large families to serve as documentary subjects, and the family Wilcher had found fit the bill: twin daughters and a set of sextuplets. Hayes picked up the phone and called the young Pennsylvania couple, who were excited about television and liked the idea of creating a visual memento for their eight children...."
...Had there been no divorce, no paparazzi, no "Team John" and "Team Kate," Figure 8 would still be camped out in the Gosselin home, cameras in hand, following those eight precocious children from room to room, grade to grade. "It's sad, because we were in the middle of our stride," Hayes says. "There were still so many stories to tell."
How does anyone see this as a GOOD thing for the children?
This picture strikes me as the photo that Collin will hold up when he is 21 and asks why someone didn't step in to help him and his siblings. These children are paying a horrible price to "entertain" Kate's fans.
Stephanie said...
I still think taking the bus is the lesser or two evils. If Kate picked the kids up at school, the paps would show up there.
The paps would NEVER be permitted on the grounds of their very exclusive, private school. The reality is, the BEST option for the kids is that they be driven to/picked up by Kate/the nanny/Jon or WHOEVER is on child custody duty that day. The public parking lot with the bus is the worst option for them, as neither parent feels the need to shield the kids from the paparazzi. This is just further evidence that Kate and Jon WANT the photos/attention, etc. They HAVE A CHOICE to give their kids more privacy, yet they don't choose that option.
I've just recently come across a bunch of Gosselin blogs, and I find it so amazing that SO many posters refuse to admit that both Jon and Kate have a CHOICE in all of this. They are not victims. They are making very deliberate choices -- unfortunately these are choices that benefit the parents, while the welfare of eight innocent kids is at a very distant second.
Those are the complicated questions that neither, TLC, Khate or Jon are willing to give answers too.
All, I am hoping for is there is not an audience left. Khate is taking a pounding in the media no matter what TLC says. They have an article on the TLC Jon & Khate plus 8 fanpage on facebook. It has a link to a U.S.A. article that looks like a TLC infomercial. There are over 300 comments & they are negative about 90% of them. The public is turning on this. Let's hope there is not an audience. That is the only way I see them ceasing filming.
Thanks Admin!
I just want to hold and comfort this little boy.It's a shame that his mother doesn't care about his feelings. She only cares about herself and of course her bank account.
As a grandmother, I just can't imagine sitting back and letting a daughter threat my grandchildren the way she does.Never would it happen !
Doesn't look like the locals are too appreciative of Kart's pre-planned bus stop photo ops:
(Warning: Dlisted not for those easily offended by vulgarities)
It concerns me, not that I count. Poor Collin; that jacket over his face says so much. These children are in pain and need so much individual attention from people who love them and from trained professionals, not this protracted dog and pony show.
Kate needs to have her ego stroked some other way. Her children are no longer useful in her "Look at Me and Give Me Money For Nothing" schemes.
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