The kids bolted off the bus to Jon this afternoon, thrilled to see Daddy on their birthday. We're glad Kate "let" him have visitation today according to him, or whatever his arrangement is with her now.
22 sediments (sic) from readers:
The kids are happy on their birthday! Thank God!
Wow! Look at the smiles and joy on their faces!
Although Jon has his numerous faults (different girlfriends, no backbone, no ambition, fame and money hungary), you really can't fault him for being a good Dad. Kids can't make up or pretend their affections. Kids at this age just don't have any filters. I love seeing them happy for their Birthday and glad to see some geninue smiles and laughter.
Oh, my! The kids are bursting with joy, aren't they? I hope they have a most wonderful, and private sixth birthday celebration with their dad. It's quite amazing, the difference...
Now this is pure innocent love ! It brings tears to my eyes.They need to be with Jon and not Kate. This is happiness ......and they deserve more of it !
I saw a picture posted over at Preezi's with Jon standing inside the doorway with Kate ??? Strange~~~~~~~~
Compare this with the photos taken outside the house when Kate breezed in and breezed right back out after leaving DWTS... like night and day, isn't it? Say what you will about Jon's personal choices and actions, but it's pretty obvious his relationship with his children is quite different from his ex-wife's.
The children do look happy to see Daddy.
Isn't is crystal clear who these beautiful children are happiest with? Happy Birthday, Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Collin, Joel and Aaden!
They look really happy with Jon. As compared to when they are with Kate.
One of the pics on ROL showed Jon bending down and kids hugging all over him, even from behind. It touched me because it was just a beautiful sight - no matter who it was. I would blink back tears on a picture like that of anyone, but I'm glad the Gosselins were so joyful in that moment.
God bless those kids. They do look happy and that's all that matters. A picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures of the kids in unscripted moments that show a smile and genuine happiness speak volumes.
If only the parents would use their minds as a snap shot of these short years instead of paparazzi backups, the smiles and greetings would be priceless and the minds eye will never forget.
It's been my experience that you remember the joyous moments not with your eyes, but with your heart. Good thing too because I'm not so good about taking pictures.
Now THAT'S a happy birthday!
They kids look so happy and delighted to see Jon, if only all their school pickups were as joyful.
Jon is "between jobs". The school is 40 minutes tops from his apartment. Why isn't he driving and picking up the children from school each day so they don't have to deal with this.
Awww... little Hannah's face is priceless!! So glad he got to spend time w/ them on their birthday.
"Jon is "between jobs". The school is 40 minutes tops from his apartment. Why isn't he driving and picking up the children from school each day so they don't have to deal with this."
Because it would be three hours on the road for him each day? Would you want to do that? I did, and it's no picnic.
Jessica, because Kate won't let him do that.
is it Kate won't let him or that he don't have the time?
One of the pics on ROL showed Jon bending down and kids hugging all over him, even from behind. It touched me because it was just a beautiful sight - no matter who it was. I would blink back tears on a picture like that of anyone, but I'm glad the Gosselins were so joyful in that moment.
Oh, my! The kids are bursting with joy, aren't they? I hope they have a most wonderful, and private sixth birthday celebration with their dad. It's quite amazing, the difference...
The children do look happy to see Daddy.
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