Colin, CENTER, hiding from the Paparazzi AGAIN outside Austin's Restaurant in Reading. And the media is starting to notice. Still think he must just be playing peek-a-boo? This is the second fourth time he's been seen in public trying to hide his face. It's not peek-a-boo anymore, it's happened too much:

Their first full day of being six years old and apparently with no school today, where else would the Gosselin kids be but back to work!
After, Kate took the kids, along with Steve and a nanny, to Austin's Restaurant in Reading (above), where Colin hid his face on the way in. How did the Paps know to show up there? Either they are tailgating them, or someone is tipping them off--both of which are scary.
The kids paraded their new birthday presents for the cameras for the upcoming Kate Plus 8, which starts June 6. Explain how this is different than the Dionnes. We will forever stand behind this: It is not okay to film children's private moments like this. And it is not a parents' right to exploit their children just because they're the parents.

After, Kate took the kids, along with Steve and a nanny, to Austin's Restaurant in Reading (above), where Colin hid his face on the way in. How did the Paps know to show up there? Either they are tailgating them, or someone is tipping them off--both of which are scary.
310 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»It's NOT WORK! They are "just playing."
Very organized, structured, scripted PLAY!
Looks like a whole different crew for the kids to become attached to.
Simply heinous.
I love how people say its not work the kids are playing. The cameras are so close to theyre faces. How could anyone act normal with cameras and people so close to them?
When I saw this picture earlier, the first thing I saw was the camera and mike, stuck right in their faces and it made me angry.
It's just starting all over once again and Kate is loving the attention.
New pics up at ROL of Kate, Steve and a babysitter taking the kids out to dinner.
I can't believe a mother can't take her own kids out to eat without a bodyguard and a babysitter.
They are not infants Kate!Take some responsibilty of your children, step up, for once and be a mother.
I blew up the pic a little and I'm pretty sure the babysitter is Kates friend Jamie who was inn the pics in the airport returning from LA. So. I wonder if Jamie is going to replace Jon in the interview portion of the show?
I think Jamie replaced Jon in lots of places........
Those pictures are Maddening. They really are. This is a travesty and an abuse of children that is going unchecked. The Gosselin kids don't mean a damn to me, just being the Gosselin kids, anymore than the kids down the street are some other family's kids.
HOWEVER, these kids are KIDS and they are being treated like trophy's, dogs in the Westminster Dog Show, Toddlers and Tiara's, exploited like NOTHING I have ever seen. This is just SO wrong on every level. What kind of parent would stoop this low and not protect their child, be it one child or 8 children?
I'll stop here with my response as those pictures are just so wrong, it is abuse that borders on human trafficking. This is just wrong wrong wrong. I am pissed.
Kelly, I couldn't agree more. How as that little boys' parents could you film him day after day knowing he is going out in public having to cover his little face from the photographers??? He is SIX. He does not deserve this. I don't know what else to do. It makes me SICK.
Stop the show, go back to a regular job, folks will lose interest. Do they not understand the more shows they continue to do instead of getting real jobs, the longer the interest will stay? They can't fucking get some IT tech/nurse training, downside, and go back to a normal life and give their kids NORMAL LIVES??? They are DISGUSTING.
This is no different from the Dionne quintuplets' situation. Just substitute TLC for the government. As a Canadian, I am ashamed of how the government treated the Dionne family. TLC and Kate should not ignore the lessons to be learned from the Dionnes. This is such a sad case of history repeating itself.
"I don't know what to do. It makes me SICK" - that's exactly what has been echoing in my head since reading the latest. You can't tell me that this woman doesn't know what she's doing is wrong. She has sold her soul, that's for sure, but it's those children who just keep paying the price. I'm not a normally a physically agressive person, but I really want to smack some sense into her!
The nanny behind Kate is actually Kate's *special* friend, Jamie Cole Ayers.
I know what to do and if anyone is on the east coast that wants to stand, lock step with me, here's what has to happen.
I live 1.5 hours from Wernersville PA. There has to be SOMEONE who wants to stand out front of the Gosselin home with signs and picket this abuse. Hell, we'd do it in towns where we knew children were being exploited. DAMN, I did it last weekend to protect Yearley Love's family from a fanatical group that wanted to protest her funeral and she was the VICTIM!!!!
I'm not going to sit around and read blogs, respond with snarky comments anymore and watch children being "Pimped" for the parents benefit.
TLC may have big bucks, big lawyers and intimidation techniques but as my Dad always said, "Right always wins". It's time we stop relying on Rep Murt, PA legislature and all the others who condone this or act like they are against it.
It's time to stand out front, stand up tall and say "enough is enough". I know there are many on this site and other blogs who are too far to even consider the idea but I also suspect there are plenty that lurk on these sites that will do the right thing.
I'm willing to put myself out there, organize it, lead it and make a statement to STOP this ABUSE. Saturday, May 28th, 2010 Noon time, Heffner Road. Stand up or stand down. Just stand for something. It's not about Kate or Jon, it's about right and wrong and there is nothing right about the way these kids are being exploited.
Who are they trying to kid. If they had put those kids in a caged circus wagon and driven around the country showing them off for an admission it wouldn't be any different than what they're doing now. Jon and Kate are contemptible assholes, both of them.
According to Child Labor Laws in PA, may the twins be taken out of school for an entire day of filming (tups didn't have school today)? This wasn't just a day off from school...they were WORKING. Interesting question for Mr. Murt.
Gotta wonder where Jamie's kids are? In Michigan with their father while she and her 'friend' pimp out The Gosselin kids? I guess 'Kate + 8 plus Jamie + 3' just doesn't have a good ring to it.
Auntie Ann, thanks for the idea. Check out the new tiger graphic.
Escrow -You crack me up! I did the same thing and I agree it is her - again.
If Jamie appears on the show do you think she will get paid? The new Jodi...
Perfect, Admin...You couldn't have found a more accurate depiction. I hope it catches TLC's attention, because that's exactly how those kids are being treated. And it's sickening.
Kelly - If I wasn't on the west coast I'd be there with you. Make sure that you touch base with WG because parking is quite tricky on that road and she can advise you where you can legally park and people should consider car pooling.
Ugh. I am so disgusted. This is beyond sick. What parent could put their child(ren) through this and have a clear conscience? Obviously Kart isn't human. Unbelievable.
OT: I know I don't post very often, but I am here most days keeping up. Apparently I am here too often, because I dreamt the other night that I ran into Jon and I was imploring him to stop using the kids, to get them off TV. Just begging him, and then Kate showed up and then I woke up.
I know it sounds like I am making this up ( I hesitated to even post this) but it is just too weird to make up. Even my subconscious is preoccupied with keeping the kids safe.
Oh, and Kelly I would totally join you if I didn't live so far away.
That graphic is slamma jamma money!!!!! :)and should remain on this site as the official logo. One of those also needs to be afixed to the front gate of the orphanage.
Kelly et al: When you are done protesting at the rich people's house in Wernersville, take a ride with WG into Reading, PA, which is a high poverty area and help feed some starving kids. Maybe you can help the high number of homeless there also? That would be a real cause to stand up for, not some happy, healthy, kids who are on a TV show.
Oh, that just chaps my hide. That little boy has repeatedly indicated he does NOT want to be photographed and he should have a choice! His mother is a failure and so is his father. They are supposed to be protecting him AND his siblings, not trotting them out for photo displays and filming all the time. The people who take their photos are just as bad. He's a small boy - leave him (them) alone!
Kate is absolutely disgusting, and this makes me sick !
And yes, that manly looking woman behind manly looking Kate is none other than Jamie. Why exactly is Steve there ? What a bunch of two-bit clowns. Those poor kids. :(
Kelly, good luck with the protest. If I didn't live on the other side of PA (near Pittsburgh), I'd join you.
Jama et al: this issue should be at the high end of the G's bucket list. But, alas, giving back has never been a priority. Just take take take on the backs of those kids. Yesterday, photo op for Kate at UPS with the box falling off the dollie. The newest freebie. Shirts and hoodies for the 8 and here she is parading them out to dinner modeling them tonight. Mady was was the first to protest and me thinks it's Collins turn for his new and improved happy dance protest.
How can the pro Kate fans look at those pictures and think there OK. Poor Collin,He looks like he might be crying and doesn't want the cameras filming him with tears streaming down his face.I think Collin is a kid who marches to a different drummer and Kate doesn't like that.She likes to be in control so she "Lays down the law."(Her own words)I wish the kids had a soft place to land when they got home from school.Maybe they had a bad day at school.Maybe they just wanted to be alone or talk to mom or dad about their day. They come home from school and have cameras and booms shoved in their faces.What a shame. That's a million dollar house not a home.
justme....maybe (probably) they just want to be alone (a kid)...
Back to the salt mines for the kids. How very, very sad. All the positive commments from her supporters make me ill. They are doing nothing more than perpetuating the exploitation of these children. Wonder how Paul Peterson and Gloria Alred feel about this? Kate boldly goes forward as if he she's doing nothing wrong. I don't get it. Money and fame are truly her god.
justme...i clicked on the link and looked at all the pics which probably took all of 10 seconds to take and his face was covered in every one of them. And it appeared that they parked as far as possible ...... to create more drama at Collins expense...kate was right behind him....she knew what he was doing
Unbelievable. This is the child who was rocking back and forth at the 5th birthday party last year to comfort himself. He doesn't yet have the words to describe what he feels and needs. He's telling the adults in his life in the only way he knows how: physically rocking and covering his face. They have only to look to listen.
I am beyond repulsed.
If I was anywhere near PA I'd be there with you Kelly. Someone has to stand up against this!
Doesn't anyone care how terrorized these kids will feel with protesters in front of their house?
What are the odds that Jamie is living over the garage? Just a guess...
Just my opinion, but on second thought, I think a protest would be better suited at the offices of TLC and not the home of the kids. Somehow that just doesn't feel right to me.
Love the circus logo!!
I feel for the kids who are terrorized from within...lame....go away
anon, then maybe their MOTHER should have thought of the consequences of her actions before she sold her children to TLC ! But no...all that matters to her is the money her children are earning for her. She is a disgrace !
Kelly, I'd be with you if I wasn't on the other side of the country.
Anonymous, NO, we are not worried about the kids being "terrified." What do you feel when you see that boy covering his face? Joy? Entertainment? Anticipation of the new show?
One more thing, anon. If the children saw protesters on the street, maybe they would feel that someone is finally speaking up for them. Those kids don't need TLC to buy them toys and take them on trips, they need parents who love and protect them, and are not only out to use them. Parents are supposed to support their children financially... it is not the job of the children to support their parents ! This is ALL wrong, and it needs to stop.
Did Kate manage to have the restaurant closed to other customers while they were there?
Funny how Jamie pops in and out. Where the heck are HER kids? Did Stevie drive down just for the outing?
This is insane.
TheresaB, if you read over on BM's blog, those fools are jumping with joy and counting the seconds until the show starts. They can't wait to see the kids, and drool over their idol. They probably ran out and bought matching sundresses for the event.
People on the street aren't going to terrify those kids. The poor kids live in the same house with the woman with fake hair, boobs, teeth, nails, etc and a personality that would put fear in the devil himself. What could be scarier than that ?
I don't understand how Kate can see these pics and not put a stop to this. Poor Collin. Give the kids their dignity and privacy.
I think a real protest would be great... But I agree that a protest of TLC may go farther. Kate lives on a quiet road. There is more chance people will see the protest and be made aware if it is done in a business area. IMO.
What does trying to artificially manipulating the ratings prove? I don't get it. So ratings went down when Kate left, no one is disputing that. The trainwreck is gone, so you look away. Also does she not know how ratings work? They are based on a sample, not everyone who watches.
Again, Clarissa needs to spend more time with her nieces and nephews and less screwing around on facebook and trying to manipulate tv ratings for no rational purpose.
I do think a protest is better suited for TLC, not at their house.
Love the Gosselin Circus poster! I always dreamed of taking my children to a circus but I'm against their having elephants and lions etc doing "tricks" for the entertainment of people. Now to think they do it with children too. TLC really is despicable. How can anyone see that pic of Collin and not "get it"?
Schmecky I've been against circuses since I was about 10. I was so excited to go and I went and I ended up crying feeling sorry for all the dog and pony tricks the animals were made to do over and over. It just didn't seem natural. Haven't been since, they make me sad. :(
Uh, I don't think Jamie is living in the garage apartment. From the pictures I've seen online, Kate's special friend, Jamie doesn't get the punishment of severeness for being in Kate's room (or bed). Those rumors that were circulating around for the past few years about Kate having an affair or possibly with her trainer, that people wouldn't guess. Guess Stevo was the beard after all.
Poor Collin, that witch should be flogged for what she is doing to him and the other children, they are being forced to film so Mommy can be rich. TLC and Kate Gosselin are destroying the souls of those precious children.
(lol, that's the way Jamie...keep leaning out so the world sees you, we all seen how you like to advertise your special relationship with Kate and her kids. Another fame-ho in the making. Another set of kids to feel sorry for, fame and greed are diseases.) Meanwhile, Steve keeps convincing Kate he's her friend and she needs protection---all the way to the bank.
Please review the posting rules at right, there have been some changes, so your posts will get through. Thanks everyone.
This gives a glimmer of hope:
(Thanks to French Canadian for posting it)
Needless to say that we at AMC will be watching VERY closely as the Gosselin children enter another production process...and this time our concerns will be announced BEFORE the horse leaves the barn. We have some solid friends in Pennsylvania now.
Paul Petersen
April 26 at 6:54pm"
I don't think Paul Petersen and Gloria Allred are going to let this slide. What might happen now is, because they've waved the red flag, Murt is going to make sure DoL is following the rules this time. That could make it ugly for TLC if they want and I think they want to because they sloughed off the last go round and got caught. Kart's not going to like having the Department of Labor in her face. I think if we wait this one out awhile, this new show will tank. They've had their wings clipped some so they'll have a problem coming up with interesting storylines, being shot in shorter periods of time, etc. Even if they film outside of PA, how many out-of-state vacations can people watch?
The most effective protest is also the simplest and the least costly and time consuming - just REFUSE to turn on any TV program showing the kids for even a second. I am convinced that there are far more people who SAY they are upset about the children being exploited than there are fans tuning in. Just seeing the meager sales numbers from her book is verification of how few fans Kate has left.
I really try not to be judgmental, but I must admit that I have no patience for anyone who professes to be concerned about the children but then tunes in to watch them. That is the height of hypocrisy. Kate's new show with the kids will die a very quick death if everyone who says they are concerned for the children stops watching them. It is that simple.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh or have offended anyone. I just feel very strongly about this point.
Have a good evenine.
Looking at all the pics of the 8 walking advertisements for Peace Love World, why in the world is Jamie carrying a 6 year old on her hip? Just like the new 500 dollar cars they were being filmed in, these kids are way too old for this stuff. But as usual Kart wants to keep the kids looking as little and young as she possibly can.Gotta keep those kids "marketable." I wonder if besides the freebies, she's also collecting cash for having the kids wear these clothes and play with Fisher Price cars?
She is the reason they are still in pre-k at 6 years old. She is a disgrace to motherhood.
Jamie & Kate, plus 8... Sounds just as good as the original show.
KaydarOnline posted on their site a while back that Kate wanted Jamie to move to PA and that Kate would help her out financially until she gets situated.
Kate even offered Jamie a spot on Kate Plus 8 so she can earn some money. But the show was canceled after Jon thru a fit over the name change.
Well, the kids are back, the show is filming and yep, that's Jamie jumping in front of the camera.
Best thing we can do is not watch... Or just wait for it to hit youtube.
SchmeckyGirl- I have been spending the week at a Social Justice Camp put on by my church and we have been looking at effective nonviolent protests. You are absolutely right, the most effective protest would be to picket TLC. Not just once, but every day. Alert the media before you do. Put together a press release containing everything you want people to know and hand it out.If possible arrange to picket TV stations that air the show, also with press releases. Do this in every town across America.
Ask all your churches to pray for the kids by name (Just first names) during the service.Get this issue into the public eye as much as possible.Name advertisers in leaflets and press releases.
Let TLC know that we will go away when the Gosselin kids do, and not before.
TLC needs to know how they will benefit by taking the show off the air.They will benefit through increased audience and more people seeing their advertised products. TLC will act only in its own self interest. Let them know that there will be a general boycott of their channel until this stops.
Set up a website to organize this across the continent.
I am in Canada and for reasons of health can't take on a project of this magnitude but would be willing to participate if someone else could.
Justice Camp has been an amazing experience!
this is not second time
look at collin
I agree with Kelly; some type of protest needs to happen very soon. I am ambivalent about the location, however.
A protest at TLC could just be swept under the rug unless there was a huge turnout. Something like that usually takes a while to plan.
A protest at the Gosselin home would be better in terms of coverage, IMO, and might disrupt filming. I would not, under any circumstances, want to add any additional anxiety or stress to the already stressful conditions under which the children are forced to live and work.
It would be just like Kate to find some way to blame the kids for the protesters!
If we had a way to communicate to the children that we were on their side . . .
Can we discuss this further? I think it's a good idea, but I'm not sure about the location. I'm in California, but this is important enough to me to fly back East to participate. This is simply unbearable, and as Kelly said, blogging isn't enough.
Thank you, Kelly. There are too few like you.
No more terrorized than they are with paps taking their photos or film crews sticking cameras in their faces....
How is it possible that there are SO many deluded people out there defending Kate as a "great mother" and still falling for the raising-eight- kids-alone garbage? Most of these comments are really disheartening. :-(
Justice for All said:
The most effective protest is also the simplest and the least costly and time consuming - just REFUSE to turn on any TV program showing the kids for even a second. I am convinced that there are far more people who SAY they are upset about the children being exploited than there are fans tuning in. Just seeing the meager sales numbers from her book is verification of how few fans Kate has left.
AMEN - I have not seen the show since I went cold turkey in Sept. 2008. The recaps that Z did all of last year were excellent. I have watched utube and Hulu epi's some of the time. If we all organized to NOT view the message will be crystal clear. No Ratings=No $$$$=No Show.
In Nova Scotia, when parents divorce, the children are often asked which parent they want to live with if there is a custody dispute. Even children as young as the sextuplets are as they are open and honest. Why can't Rep Murt's committee subpoena those children and ask them, without their parents present (but with a rep from children's services perhaps) and ask them if they want to continue filming. They're all old enough to give their point of view on this intrusion into their lives.
Kelly I would be there if the distance wasn't so great and I agree you should protest at the McMansion. That would draw the "paps" in droves.
I have to admit the one and only reason I watched DWTS was because Kart was on it. I've never watched it in the past and don't now. Kart was the draw simply because she has no talent and I wanted to see just how low she would sink for money. I loved watching her humiliation week after week.
Whatever happened to Kate + 8 supposedly only being a few specials ? They are filming all the time, and at the end of one of the radar articles, it said 12 episodes are set for summer. 12 episodes are 3 months of shows. How is that "specials" ?
As for the protesting, it should be done in both places, the house and the TLC offices. Remember how mad Kate was when the sign was put up on the gate, that no filming was to take place ? She ripped it off and threw it in the grass.
I highly doubt Mady and Cara want to be filmed, Colin is continually showing his displeasure...and who knows which of the other kids don't want to do it. I wouldn't put it past Kate to try and guilt the kids into it, she probably starts her fake woe is me pity party, we'll lose everything and have to live in a box in the woods, we won't have any food to eat....
The photos of Collin are quite disturbing.
To all the lovers who are happy that this show is being filmed again - in my humble opinion YOU are sick and twisted and I do not think it is a stretch to call you a child predator. Yep I said predator since you want to watch these children even though they themselves are protesting to the best of their ability at 6 years old.
How can you see these photos and justify why these kids should work for YOUR personal entertainment?
If I was not in CA I would be there with you whether or not it was in PA or in front of TLC.
These pics show just how awful it is for these kids, as it was for the Dionnes, to be born into a family of multiples. I don't know why anyone would wish this upon their family.
The Dionnes sent a letter of warning to another multiple family and it was widely circulated. Why oh why didn't the Gosselins take heed?
Isn't TLC's headquarters in MD, just outside of DC? I ask because I live in VA, just outside of DC on the other side, and would have NO problem attending any protest at their headquarters should one be arranged.
My heart aches for that poor little boy. He obviously knows the cameras are there and is trying to protect himself. Step up Kate & Jon and protect your children! You are destroying them little by little, bit by bit and you are disgusting!
Thank goodness for women like Kelly! I'll be wishing you the best from Canada. When I was little my mother used to tell us kids about what she saw living so close to the Dionne Quintuplets, how much time was taken filming them and how they'd look so unhappy. Filming is work!
And for anyone who says Kate and Jon need to work their children to support them ... I say b.s. My parents had 5 kids, my grandparents had 12 and none of us kids worked! We never went to Disneyland or rode little motorized cars ... but we sure were happy and had great fun being kids. Children are not born to work. It's simply wrong.
Am I going to watch even 1 minute of this new tv show? NO! Have I stopped watching anything TLC now? YES (since 2008)!
Can you put yourselves in the shoes of a 6-year-old and imagine what it's like to go on vacation to a fun place, only to find cameras in your face trying to record your every expression of joy? NOT FUN! Or playing in your own driveway with a new toy? NOT FUN! Or going out to eat or on a shopping trip, on one of those rare occasions when your mother decides to take you? NOT FUN! Or being picked up or dropped off at the bus stop, when your either half asleep because it's so early in the morning or tired and cranky after a long day at school and a long bus ride home? NOT FUN! This is what the Gosselin 8 must endure. :(
But, oops, I forgot that they don't know any differently ... kind of like the orcas at Sea World or the lions and tigers in the circus or the zoo that are born in captivity and only know a life or performing and/or being gawked at by masses of people. It's just too, too sad that such a parallel even exists.
I think the protest should be kept away from the kids. No need to stress them out any more than they already are.
TLC headquarters is a logical location to protest against the exploitation of reality show children, but I doubt it's going to effect much change in TLC's policies.
What about Harrisburg, PA where Rep. Murt is addressing this issue and working on proposals for new laws. A protest in support of his efforts and to let the lawmakers know this issue isn't going to just go away might help sway a few of those who are dragging their feet and resisting making any changes. Until there are specific laws, TLC is going to pay no attention to how they treat the Gosselins or any other reality show children.
Supporting change, one state at a time...
Barbara in VA said...
Isn't TLC's headquarters in MD, just outside of DC? I ask because I live in VA, just outside of DC on the other side, and would have NO problem attending any protest at their headquarters should one be arranged.
I just posted suggesting Harrisburg as a possibility, where Rep. Murt is working on proposals right now. But what would everyone think about a protest in both locations at the same time... just a thought.
PLEASE, No demonstrations at the Gosselin home. This is what we're protesting against, the invasion of the privacy of these children. These kids are too young to process the intent of our actions and may very well blame themselves for what is sure to be a negative reaction by their parents. JMO
I am very sad for those children. They are not monkeys in a zoo for their antics to be viewed for public entertainment.
Apparently, Jon and TLC/Discovery came to some kind of "agreement" so that they would have his permission to film the children again--so I have officially given up on Jon. He may be the more relaxed, fun parent, but he also has dollar $igns in his eyes when he looks at his children.
And Kate? Well, IMO she'll never come to her senses. She will make excuses and rationalize any and all of her behavior--even after the fame and fortune has goe away and some of her children are adults and perhaps no longer speaking to her--it'll always be somebody elses's fault/problem.
I agree with others that he best way to help the kids is a peaceful protest, writing to authorities, and not tuning in or recording the show.
I'm afraid that if you were to protest at the house you'd be labeled as kooks or haters. You need to think about this rationally. I think you would be better served to do it at Rep Murt's office (or at the DOL) or at TLC HQ. Doing it in front of their house would be too easily swept under the rug and you'd be labeled as a bunch of "nuts"...Unfortunately I live in AZ so I will continue to do my part by not watching anything on TLC.
Please go to TLC and protest. Please. Please please please stay away from the sprawling Wernersville orphanage.
I agree with those above that think the protest should be kept away from the kids. If you were to do it at the house kate would find some way to point it out to the kids and turn it around so that it would be their fault...."look at what happens, you don't smile enough when you're with me"..."look at what happens when people think you don't want to film"..."look at what happens when you cover your face Collin!"...etc., etc., etc. She is shameless and the protest would be all their (the kids) fault.
I get what Collin’s doing because my 6-year-old boy did the same thing. We had reports from his teacher last fall that whenever he got frustrated he would get off his chair, sit on the floor and cover his face. We were surprised to hear that b/c he would never do it at home. We figured out that when he’s home with his loved ones he is not afraid to voice his frustrations whereas at school he felt insecure and just wanted to “disappear.” Poor little Collin doesn’t even seem to trust his own mother with his true feelings; either that or he knows she doesn’t want to hear it. My stomach churns when I think about these poor little kids.
Laura D.
Maybe someone should email the pictures of Collin to Rep. Murt.
"TLC headquarters is a logical location to protest against the exploitation of reality show children, but I doubt it's going to effect much change in TLC's policies."
Bad idea. TLC is narcissistic, just like Kate. It all about the money, and only the money. Any publicity for them is good publicity. They'd probably welcome it, as long as it got them in the news and media coverage.
Bad idea for the Gosselin home. These kids need their privacy. You'd be doing exactly the thing we are preaching against...invading their privacy.
Harrisburg. Maybe.
The protest needs to be in a place where it will receive maximum attention from the paps/media without stressing the children.
I'm not sure at this point which would be best, but I'm leaning towards Mr. Murt's office - which would also reinforce to the paps/media/country that Mr. Murt is working on legislation to protect children in reality tv and that the Gosselin children are still very vulnerable even though no charges were levied against the parents or TLC.
itsaboutthekids said...
PLEASE, No demonstrations at the Gosselin home. This is what we're protesting against, the invasion of the privacy of these children. These kids are too young to process the intent of our actions and may very well blame themselves for what is sure to be a negative reaction by their parents. JMO
I disagree, what better way to show the kids that they have support from outside the family - that it's OK if they don't want to film and that there are people who would support them if they needed help. J&K keep those kids sheltered from social interaction outside the family and maybe part of the reason for that is so any feelings they are having that their lives are "not right" are not validated by non-family peers, which makes it harder for them to be able to speak up. JMO
"Maybe you can help the high number of homeless there also? That would be a real cause to stand up for, not some happy, healthy, kids who are on a TV show."
HAPPY? Did you say HAPPY? Geez, Louise, open your eyes! These kids haven't been happy in a long, long time!
I totally agree about not watching and causing the ratings to rise. As long as people STOP watching, her shows will fail. That is all that matters to TLC and Kate. They have already proven over and over again that all they care about is the almighty dollar. Kids be damned. I believe Collin is crying. Just the position of his hands looks like he has been crying. Who knows if it's because of the cameras or his mother yelled at him. She has such an arrogance complex that nothing gets through her thick hard shell. Protesting won't matter to her, in fact I think she would love it. Why? Because she has the bully pulpit of a TV show that she can get on and tell how 'things really are'. That 'no one understands how hard it is to be a single parent'. The protest would need to be huge to make a difference. So, don't watch the shows. But if you do protest, make it big.
Anonymous said...
"Maybe you can help the high number of homeless there also? That would be a real cause to stand up for, not some happy, healthy, kids who are on a TV show."
HAPPY? Did you say HAPPY? Geez, Louise, open your eyes! These kids haven't been happy in a long, long time!
Exactly. Way to nail it, Anon.
Geez Louise, I do not know these kids, do you? I think not. Don't you all say they are so happy when Jon is at the bus stop? Open my eyes to what? A picture on the internet? Are you that stupid and naive to think a picture of a child taken at one nan-second of their life means anything? Get a grip. Even if you believe they are not happy, a lot of people are not happy in this world. How many are healthy, or have homes, or are not being abused. Go help some kids who needs it. You don't seem too happy either. Shall I protest your house?
I was on Team Jon for quite some time, but recently have second thoughts. It changed for me when Jon allowed filming to continue with his children.
I guess I had too high of hopes that Jon would rescue those children from their mother.
I will admit though, that there are times I still feel sorry for him.
He was in that horrible marriage with Kate for 10 yrs. He endured things that none of us can not even imagine.Just what we saw on TV and that was enough for me.
I have known men like Jon that stay in the marriage for fear of losing it all , including the kids.
That's exactly what happened to Jon. He lost it all.The mansion, furniture, his personal belongings,his transporation,his money and worse of all.....his kids.
Most people were laughing at those pictures of Jon moving into his new apartment with thrash bags.
I personally found it very sad.
Here's my thoughts about Jon.Why should he be the one living from place to place, sleeping on couches,living out of trash bags and not able to see his kids when wants too ?
Why is Kate living in the mansion with all the furniture, wearing $300 "hooker" shoes,tons of cheap-a** looking clothes, driving expensive cars, having tons of plastic surgery money to toss around from surgeon to surgeon,those new "horse teeth", not to mention those cheap-a** dresses ?
I for one do not think it's right that Kate got it all and Jon got the shaft!
What happened to fairness? Kate never worked and some say that neither did Jon. Well, he did until Kate made him quit and stay home to take care of the kids.
Has anyone ever seen Kate take care of those kids all by herself? Not me.
Sorry for the rant, but it just makes me angry that she gets all the glory for being a pitiful excuse for a mother.
Jon was and is, the only true loving parent those children have.
And to top it all off, he had to use his divorce settelment to pay Kate $23,000 per month support???
As I see it.....she got it all and its still coming in for her.
God help those poor children, for nobody else has the power .
If we can FINALLY get the word out to boycott the show it will work if everyone sticks to their guns. I've been advocating this for ages but other places would never print the posts and would NEVER promote not watching the show. Then the next day there would be hundreds of posts "I was just flipping through the channels and happened to see"..... Curiosity gets the best of people. I don't know what it is. People being afraid they wouldn't be able to snark the next day?
We've tried everything else. We have written to sponsors, contacted news outlets, contacted shows Kart's been appearing on, even contacted a political figure, and yet the show goes on. They ONLY way we're going to get them to stop this madness it to hit them where it matters and that's in their ratings. It's time to get serious about this people. We are these kids only hope.
I think a peaceful protest at the Gosselin home would be ok IF, people were quiet and just held signs. No talking, shouting, etc. NO yelling at Kate or Jon if they are there. Don't face the house, appropriate signs, etc. The silence could represent the loss of childhood. Idk...just a suggestion.
Betty, thanks to TLC and their parents, we DO know these kids. We know when and how they were potty trained. We know their personalities. We know their speech patterns and deficits. We know their likes and dislikes. We know how they act when they're sick. We know how Kate reacts when they are sick or hurt. We know more about these kids than we should. That is the point. The kids have been robbed of their privacy and childhoods. There will always be children hurt and abused in this world as long as people are willing to turn away from it.
If anyone has a problem with these photographers following the family around take it up with Jon Gosselin. These are his INF buddies (read WG's blog). He alerts them to their every move. The fat loser even took them to his new apartment, paraded the kids on his tiny little balcony (yes all those kids on a tiny balcony - was that safe?) just to make a few bucks and keep his fat mug on the internet. You do all realize the Gosselins currently are off TV and ONLY exist on the internet on these types of blog and on the Gossip sites. You do realize that the kids have been off TV for almost a year and have only been seen on this blog and others that continue to invade their privacy and post their pictures.
No mommyinca we do not know these kids. All we see are pictures and we all draw our own conclusions. What I saw was a bunch of kids with one with his hands over his face. He could have been playing peek-a-boo for all i know since I could not even see his features to ascertain if he was smiling and playing around or not. If you know that much about that, you have a little problem. You know their likes and dislikes? Really? YOU know more about these kids than is healthy. These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them.
Betty White said
"Even if you believe they are not happy, a lot of people are not happy in this world."
First, please don't insult the great Betty White by using her name.
Secondly, your quote (above) says it all.In others words: "Tough shit, kids. Life sucks."
LOL!!! Are you kidding me? That's your argument? You didn't say if you are against the children being filmed for the show though. They are filming already. They will be on tv again next month.
Both Jon AND Kate parade their children around for the paps. We don't support Jon for that either and I'm not sure what gave you the impression we did. The only comments we make about that are that the kids at least seem happy to be with him.
And yes, a balcony is safe for children that age as long as they have adult supervision and Jon was there. The kids only weigh about 30-40 lbs each. Three of them equal the weight of an small adult.
just a thought, Kelly, when you protest blow up the pic of Collin covering his face and use it on a poster. Does this pic look like a child that wants to be filmed?
wondering where the property line is, trespassing issues. Hope you have a good turnout and speak for all of us on the west coast that wish we could be there
it should be about ur own kids, et al.
Diversion, mislead, argue, incite, denial.
It doesn't work here. Go peddle it somewhere else.
PaMa hit the nail right on the head. These kids were born into captivity and born to perform. Look at them in their new sponsor clothes - the same sponsor who just put up a blog mentioning the kids wearing these clothes. They can't have the kids do ads or model because that would subject them to labor laws covering those fields. Instead they live their own Truman Show existence - wear this, eat that, play with these toys, drink this juice, etc. It's disgusting.
He wrote 3 strories...one is wrong, number 3...Pam story is suppose to be right.
PAM ANDERSON zinged the insufferable, self-centered KATE GOSSELIN before she got dumped from “Dancing with the Stars.” Chatting with other contestants backstage, Kate referenced her Eight and said: “No one can understand what it’s like to be a single mom!” Pam piped up, informing her that she’s a single mom with two boys, 12 and 13. Said My SpyWitness: “Kate was shocked. She told Pam she had no idea she was a mother!” Pam shot back: “If you ever stopped talking for a minute, you’d be amazed what you could learn!” Again, Kate was shocked – speechless!
Betty White,
The difference is that TLC and their parents are MAKING MONEY off of those children and ignoring the fact that filming their lives is ruining their lives.
I wonder if Kate thinks she just knows better than everyone that is saying it is bad for the children or if she just doesn't care.
The one argument that drives me insane is when the Kate defenders say that the children don't have to film if they don't want to.
First, that's what Jon and or Kate said. Doesn't necessarily make it true.
Second, how exactly would that work?
Do they ask the children. "Okay, children... Anyone who gets filmed on camera gets to do a fun activity or go to a fun place or play with new toys or eat at a nice restaurant or even get to eat their dinner at home... Anyone that doesn't can just go to their rooms and play by yourself or eat by yourself in the kitchen... Which one do you want to do?"
I can't imagine even a child that doesn't want to be filmed deciding to give up a fun activity or dinner with their family. And if they are strong enough to do that, how sad for them.
I can just imagine the "family decision" to film again... "Kids, if you want to be able to live in this house and afford to drink milk and go to all sorts of fun places like the zoo and Sesame Place and Disney World, we have to do the show again and have cameras everywhere you go, otherwise we will have to move away to a small house with no pool and no big driveway and not go anywhere because we can't afford it. Remember the Statue of Liberty you were so disappointed you couldn't see? Now we can go! So what do you want to do kids?"
NowWhat? said:
"If anyone has a problem with these photographers following the family around take it up with Jon Gosselin. These are his INF buddies (read WG's blog). He alerts them to their every move."
We don't know how true this is and neither does she. It's all hearsay and gossip. I don't doubt he has courted the paps, and that TLC PR does the job for her.
But to make him totally responsible is a stretch. How does he know what restaurant they're going to? Do you really believe he knows all their moves, even when Kate is with them alone, and so is able to always tell the paps where to find Kate and the kids? I have my doubts...
I don't think planning should be done on such a public blog.
I've seen the mention a couple of times here of "WG's blog".
Sorry, but I don't have a clue what that is. Can someone tell me?
The point is we know these kids because of the 100+ episodes plus the books where Kate reveals all sorts of details about her kids. I don't see what was so difficult to understand about my post. I wasn't talking about creating a story from a few pics. I'm talking about drawing conclusions from all the info that Kate has sold to TLC. It is people who defend Jon and Kate's actions that have a problem, imo.
These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them.
No. These kids are being robbed by their parents, TLC, Kate's fans and anonymous defenders who feel any criticism of child-exploitation is "none of our business."
Shall I protest your house?
If I force my kids to work, shove cameras, mikes and strangers in their faces and continue to pimp them out when they are obviously distressed and going through turmoil -- yes, I'd hope you would speak up and protest at my house.
I agree completely about fairness. Plus, it disturbs no end that he is constantly presented as a "douche" who "won't get a job" when in fact TLC prohibited him from doing so. All that nonsense with Michael Lohan and the Ed Hardy guy last summer was him trying to get a job.
As with Kate, their show led them to believe they were tv "stars" of some kind, so he tried for another TV job. She has no talent, either, but for some reason TLC backed her. So he's presented as the failure.
I know - he was in it with her, his hands, like hers, are not clean. But I still feel some degree of sympathy for JOn is b/c he was the one with corporate power and money deployed against him.
I am even reserving judgement about him allowing filming of the kids to resume. We have no way of knowing what kind of pressure was brought to bear on him. It would take an exceptional person to stand, as an individual, up to the power and pressure of a monied corporation with huge tentacles.
MissyL said:
"what better way to show the kids that they have support from outside the family - that it's OK if they don't want to film and that there are people who would support them if they needed help."
I seriously doubt the children will see any such demonstration as "support." In the first place, they're probably conflicted over filming. They may not like it, but want to please their mom, and go on fun trips and get great toys.
Secondly, they are more likely, at that age, to agree with their mother's interpretation of such a demonstration.
I'd guess thye would see it as against them personally. It might even make them frightened.
I think any such demonstration at their home is very misguided and probably a bit hypocritical. Isn't the idea to support their privacy - not make them more of a media story.
These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them.
These kids have been robbed of their childhood because their parents, knowingly or not, put their desires in front of the emotional needs of their children. Jon said as much and then backtracked.
You do all realize the Gosselins currently are off TV and ONLY exist on the internet on these types of blog and on the Gossip sites.
The Gosselin children also, and will always exist on every DVD sold or will be sold, certainly nationwide and possibly worldwide and on TLC's website which continues to promote sales with cuts from each episode. With or without a show on TV these children will never, NEVER get back what they've lost...a private childhood. Every adult is afforded the right to their privacy if they so choose. Why aren't the kids given this same right? Fans think it's no big deal. Many of us happen to think it is.
I do not know these kids, do you? I think not........Go help some kids who needs it.
If you don't know these kids, how do you know they DON'T need help? And when did it become acceptable to tell others what causes they should or should not support?
TheresaB said...
I don't think planning should be done on such a public blog.
TheresaB, I agree.
it should be about ur own kids said...
These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them.
So you agree that the fan sites that post many more photos and videos of the kids and spend just as many hours discussing them are robbing them? Good to know.
Since there is no doubt in my mind that Kate and/or TLC reads these blogs, I will not be surprised when someone holds Collin's hands from now on in order to prevent him from making his public statements to the best of his 6 year old ability.
now that you mention it said...
Shall I protest your house?
If I force my kids to work, shove cameras, mikes and strangers in their faces and continue to pimp them out when they are obviously distressed and going through turmoil -- yes, I'd hope you would speak up and protest at my house.
I love your response! I really don't understand that just because the kids live in a big house, has clothes, food on the table (we hope anyways!) and toys that they are not suffering emotionally, spiritually and physically. Just because it looks good from the outside and yes they are not begging on the streets, barefoot, torn clothing but those kids you see on TV are most likely in that circumstance because their parents are ill or have died. You still see the love the parents have for their children and you see their defeat and shame. The Gosselin parents are not 'down and out', are not ill and is still very much alive. They chose to put their kids in the situation they are in because they love the money, they are greedy and they love themselves more then they love their kids. That is what is comes down to. They profess that they love the kids but they love themselves even more. They are not willing to live for the kids or die for them. They are not willing to sacrifice for them with going to a smaller home, trying to fix their marriage, getting a normal job outside of the spotlight/media industry nor are they willing to just let the kids be kids with a normal childhood. It doesn't seem like any of the extended families are willing to do anything for these kids (except for Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi). I have to leave my kids today with a new nanny and they both were so sad (new situation, new nanny) and I felt so guilty and cried all the way to work. I know my kids will adjust but I felt so awful. I really don't understand J&K and what in their genetic make up that allows them to think that putting their kids the spotlight is OK, especially seeing them so distressed. I just want to give all the kids a big hug and reassure them as I would want to do with any child that is feeling and looking sad.
it should be about your own kids said...
These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them.
You really believe that? I'd like an explanation please. I don't understand that thought.
All that nonsense with Michael Lohan and the Ed Hardy guy last summer was him trying to get a job.
Am I the only one who's noticed that Jon hasn't worn Ed Hardy in months and months? I think after the deal fell through, he stopped wearing the brand but I guess he will be FOREVER associated.
I do agree thought that not watching the show will be the best protest. The only thing that matters to TLC is money and ratings equal money.
If you do stop watching the show email TLC and let them know why.
I don't watch any reality shows that have children as the main "characters". Are there any that the children just show up in the background or just rarely? I guess I don't watch any reality tv now that I think about it.
Kelly, thanks for being one of the few that will actually do something, that CAN do something. There are pros and cons to protesting in front of the home, yet that is ground zero for this travesty.
I am sure, since you live in the area, you have seen this family going about their daily basis; whereas we only see what is going on through the internet...it is more personal for you, it is in your community, your schools, your children might be friends with these kids...
I applaud your attitude of action! For those of us that live too far (I am in TX), we can: not watch her shows, not buy her merchandise, not purchase goods and services from companies that endorse the Gosselin family.
Good luck with your protest..don't be surprised if you are the only one that shows up, most people are just talk and are afraid to take a stand.
SchmeckyGirl said...
The one argument that drives me insane is when the Kate defenders say that the children don't have to film if they don't want to..."
Tell it Schmecky! It's disingenuous at best to suggest these children actually have a real voice in the filming of their lives. Adults and children are never on equal footing when it comes to life decisions. There is always a power differential whether they want to admit that or not.Kids are easily manipulated by those who stand to benefit the most and whose value system is skewed by money and fame.
TheresaB said...
Kelly, I'd be with you if I wasn't on the other side of the country.
Anonymous, NO, we are not worried about the kids being "terrified." What do you feel when you see that boy covering his face? Joy? Entertainment? Anticipation of the new show?
Of course you're not worried. That says it all. You don't care about how the Gosselin children feel. Consequences of your actions are irrelevant as long as you get to feel good about yourself and get attention for being a "child advocate."
pa mom too said...
anon, then maybe their MOTHER should have thought of the consequences of her actions before she sold her children to TLC ! But no...all that matters to her is the money her children are earning for her. She is a disgrace !
What is disgraceful is that people think they are absolved of all responsibility for their actions because "their mother did this to them." If you were to protest in front of the Gosselin household and scare those kids, you and only you would be responsible for that choice.
Oh give me a break, Happily Anonymous.
Where have I said I was a "child advocate?"
Sarcasm is lost on people who get pleasure from watching children, isn't it?
Anonymous said...
I get what Collin’s doing because my 6-year-old boy did the same thing. We had reports from his teacher last fall that whenever he got frustrated he would get off his chair, sit on the floor and cover his face. We were surprised to hear that b/c he would never do it at home. We figured out that when he’s home with his loved ones he is not afraid to voice his frustrations whereas at school he felt insecure and just wanted to “disappear.” Poor little Collin doesn’t even seem to trust his own mother with his true feelings; either that or he knows she doesn’t want to hear it. My stomach churns when I think about these poor little kids.
Every child is different. Just because your child covered his space for a specific reason doesn't mean you can claim to know why Collin covered his face. You don't *know* the child.
Funny how when it's just Kate babysitting the kids, and I say babysitting because she's hardly a parental authority, they are allowed to ride those little cars with no helmets. Now that there are cameras in the kids faces and Katie will be scrutinized more heavily, out come the helmets.
Coincidence? I don't think so!!
Your juxtaposition of the Gosselin/Dionne photos speaks volumes.
SchmeckyGirl said...
"Do they ask the children. "Okay, children... Anyone who gets filmed on camera gets to do a fun activity..."
SG -- I'll bet they DO use tactics like you suggested to manipulate the kids into agreeing to be filmed. I posted this story last year on another blog, but I think it bears repeating: I saw Jon & Kate at one of their last Church Beg-a-thons (shortly before the scam was revealed; the show was still on the air), and they described the show as "Our Family Job." They said they told the kids that they had a choice: they could all do the "family job" and be together all the time, or mommy and daddy would have to get jobs [outside the home] and the kids would never get to see them.
Yes, my jaw dropped too. Everyone please take a moment to absorb that astonishing load of mental child abuse.
Sounded less like a choice to me at the time, and more like a very thinly veiled threat/terror tactic. What child would choose NOT to be with his/her parents? Moreover, how cruel to basically corner the kids into "wanting" to be filmed, lest they be left feeling "responsible" for why mommy and daddy are never around. How confusing must this be for the kids after what has transpired since? They "agreed" to be filmed, and now mommy and daddy are around less than ever. Jon and Kate are cruel, selfish, soulless people.
I have no problem with anyone watching Twist of Kate. While I don't support watching any show on TLC because of their other programs that exploit children, I don't care if anyone watches Kate's own show if that's what they want to do.
Kate having a show to support her family without the exploitation of her children is fine with me. Yes, her "career" was built on the backs of her children but if she or Jon move on to something else because of that I won't fight it.
If Kate is always away from her children because she is filming then that will be another issue... If she drags her children from hotel to hotel to be with her while she is filming then that too is another issue...
I wonder how well her show will do with just her and no children. I imagine that some will tune in just to watch how she works and plays with others...
Every child is different. Just because your child covered his space for a specific reason doesn't mean you can claim to know why Collin covered his face. You don't *know* the child.
Unless this is being done now, maybe appointments with certified child psychologists are in order...the counseling Kate mentioned several months ago that she would be getting for the kids. When Mr. List was Jon's attorney he said the kids still had not received counseling. How long do they have to wait?
True, we don't know why Collin covered his face. But he has done it more than once when being filmed or photographed out in public. Regardless of why he is covering his face, why should it be out there for pubic consumption? Why aren't his parents protecting him from this?
Anonymous said: Every child is different. Just because your child covered his face for a specific reason doesn't mean you can claim to know why Collin covered his face. You don't *know* the child.
Geez, this is a tough room. The fact that we don’t actually “know” these children has been more than kicked around the block here, but the question as to what is causing this behaviour has been put on the table for discussion. I’m just saying my son who was the same age covered his face when he was frustrated. That is a fact. It is more than plausible that Collin, being in a frustrating situation which he had no control over, was doing the same thing. Are kids really all that different when it comes to basic instincts? I think if you do your research you’ll find they are more similar than different.
Just my humble 2 cents.
Laura D.
I wonder *how* she is going to help other women?? She can't cook, bake, clean, do laundry, help sick kids, garden, dance, do crafts, sew, be a friend, go to church,do little girl's hair, put it window screens, maintenance, yard work, hang mini-blinds, decorate,,....yawn...
She can, however, teach people how to defraud the medical community, their families, their marriages, the state of PA, to name a few.
She can also teach how to neglect and financially gain from her kids!
She can also teach how to sell your soul..
On a side note, I laugh when paps say, 'her pal and bodyguard'....just setting it up, for when it is just 'her pal'....
Markiesnana -
WG = Werny Gal = screen name for admin. @ small town gosselins blog - link is on the sidebar of this page.
GoPoshGo said...
J&K re. Family Job
When I was 17, my parents asked me if I wanted to have a baby brother or sister (it would be a half-sibling) and I said of course, I would love it and said that I'd help out, etc. Lo and behold they had my baby brother and basically I had to babysit him after school everyday and on the weekends. I felt like a mother at 17 and even though I loved my brother and parents, I felt resentful. My older brothers all got to have their own social life but I couldn't and had to ask permission if I wanted to do anything. My parents would leave me with my brother till late, my homework suffered and that is the reason I walked out at 18 as soon as I graduated. The next week, they hired a nanny. The only time I bought up how unfair it was for me to be the primary caretaker for my brother to my parents, they said to me..."Will when we asked you if you wanted a sibling, you said you did and said that you would help so you need to help the family".
That is the Gosselin parents and now the kids are 'helping'.
Some comments are posting out of order. Wonder why? New ones posting farther upthread.
This just infuriates me to no end. This is pure speculation on my part, but I've often thought that Collin might be somewhere on the autism spectrum or have a sensory disorder. My daughter does, and she would react in a very similar fashion to someone invading her space like this.
This just makes me so, so sad. I honestly do not see how a mother can do this to her kids. My mother was a narcissist, but even she would have drawn the line by now.
I've read all the posts, some pro, some con on me organizing a protest in front of the Gosselin Home. I've also read the suggestions to do it in front of TLC Headquarters in Bethesda MD or in Harrisburg PA and all of them are good. I live 1.5 hours from the Gosselin Home, 2 hours from Harrisburg and 45 minutes from Bethesda Maryland. In order for this to be noticed and action taken, the protest in Harrisburg or Bethesda would have to be during the daytime, preferably during the middle of the week, at noon when people are outside of their offices heading for lunch.
The only problem I see with conducting one in Wernersville would be issues of being on private property, either Gosselins or their neighbors and if it were across the street, who's property we would be on in doing this. From what I've been told, the street they live on is only two lanes with no sidewalks and nowhere to park.
It would probably be more practical to do this in front of the TLC/Discovery Headquarters with signs stating for them to stop exploiting minors and toddlers on their airwaves, with no mention of Gosselin or the other exploitative shows. I'll arrange it for Wednesday, May 26th noontime, in Bethesda unless someone else has a better idea.
Those that can, "DO". Those that can't, Make excuses"
I think these children have been breadwinners long enough. They should not be working on their day-off from school - or any day for that matter. The Gosselins have made enough off of these children - TLC need to retire the children.
Geez, this is a tough room. The fact that we don’t actually “know” these children has been more than kicked around the block here, but the question as to what is causing this behaviour has been put on the table for discussion. I’m just saying my son who was the same age covered his face when he was frustrated. That is a fact. It is more than plausible that Collin, being in a frustrating situation which he had no control over, was doing the same thing. Are kids really all that different when it comes to basic instincts? I think if you do your research you’ll find they are more similar than different.
Just my humble 2 cents.
Laura D.
There are other "more than plausible" reasons the child could have been covering his face that have nothing to do with the paparazzi. That is fact.
Whatever the reason for him covering his face the fact is that HE'S COVERING HIS FACE because he doesn't want to be seen.
Lights, Cameras, tough shit kid.
About the kids and privacy thing: I think I've told this story here before, but maybe not.
I have a 16 year old daughter. When she made the high school cheerleading team, I was told we could order this yard sign in the shape of a megaphone with her name and high school name on it. It's a very popular thing to do for band members, football players, cheerleaders, etc. It's cute.
But she said absolutely not. She's very social, has tons of friends, but is also a very private person and the idea of a sign in our front yard advertising her name, where she goes to school, and her main extracurricular activity gave her cold chills.
I respected her wishes and did not order one, though the proud mom in me sort of wanted to brag. But I know how private she is and so no sign. You can call me the Anti-Kate.
I wonder what filming has been done on a "Twist of Kate"? TLC knows or should know Kate herself has never been the draw so the kids are again back to work. But Kate should never again pen another word about how much these children cost her in time money or effort. It is clear as day they have paid their way and the way for TLC, Discovery, and J&K. I am willing to bet the Twist of Kate show never airs or if it does fails, wasn't this show Kate plus Eight supposed to be just a few specials? Yeah right!
It doesn't matter why Colin was covering his face, but it's awfully funny he is covering his face while a camera is following them around. I am so sick of excuses from people acting like it's all well and good. It's not. The fact of the matter is the cameras should not be on those children while their mother prances along happy as a fly on $hit because her kids are working for her again. I can just picture her crying when J&K+8 was stopped, about how it ended too soon. omg, boo freaking hoo... go out and get a job and support your children !!!
I would not be at all surprised to see the kids make some sort of cameo appearances on "Twist of Kate" if low ratings dictate a need to do so. I hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.
kate gosselin please note.
the outgoing british prime minister mr gordon brown yesterday allowed the paps. to take a picture of his 7 and 3 year old boys as they left downing street for the last time..mr brown has never ever let his boys be filmed or photographed before.there will not be any more photos taken.
I agree TLC/Discovery Headquarters is the place to protest. People need to protest there more than once. So they get it we dont like kids on reality shows.
I don't care who is covering their face or not covering their face: selling your children's private lives for public consumption is NOT OK. Period. I don't see any gray areas here, people.
At least child actors are ACTING. Playing a part. Protected by the laws created for child actors.
These kids are having their lives sold for a buck. It's a lot of work, it's not fun, and it's not good at all.
Anonymous said...
I wonder what filming has been done on a "Twist of Kate"? TLC knows or should know Kate herself has never been the draw so the kids are again back to work. But Kate should never again pen another word about how much these children cost her in time money or effort. It is clear as day they have paid their way and the way for TLC, Discovery, and J&K. I am willing to bet the Twist of Kate show never airs or if it does fails, wasn't this show Kate plus Eight supposed to be just a few specials? Yeah right!
I totally agree with you. I will be very surprised if it ever ends up on tv. It was supposed to be starting now, but as you can see, TLC got what they originally wanted... THE KIDS.
I just wrote an email to peaceloveworld.com expressing my opinions about using the already exploited Gosselin children as billboards for their company. I asked them to reconsider. It seems to me they have a nice concept and a nice product, but using the Gosselin children to promote their product is just further exploitation if the children are not being paid money, not shirts, for it.
I think you made a very wise decision on when, where and what to protest. If you have any suggestions on what can be done without actually being able to be there, I would be more than happy to help. Please let me know.
Hi Laura D,
You know, when my youngest son, the baby, was looking for an escape at school.....he would cough! A lot and hard and sounded bad, teachers always asked if he needed a drink. He got away for a bit and could regroup. Kids find ways to cope and I hope these kids do find ways to cope. I don't see how anyone could look at Collin covering his face and think he wants to be there or is playing. I don't see that. JMO.
Good luck! I'll be on vacation, but, I will be thinking of you.
If you are lurking, Hi Judi. Glad to see you. Hope all is well with you.
For those of us that are too far away (West Coast, Canada, other countries), can we do anything to get other people nearby to join Kelly in his 'silent' but very strong protest? How do we rally those that can be present to show up? A FB group, how about asking WG or her newspaper friend to spread the words to the locals? Maybe AMC (Paul Peterson) has contacts in the area or clients that will show up?
Just brainstorming so ideas!
Itsaboutthekids said:
If you don't know these kids, how do you know they DON'T need help? And when did it become acceptable to tell others what causes they should or should not support?
I totally agree with you.
NancyB said...
Itsaboutthekids said:
If you don't know these kids, how do you know they DON'T need help? And when did it become acceptable to tell others what causes they should or should not support?
I totally agree with you.
Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?
Just my opinion but I think that you are crazy if you go to the house to protest for a couple of reasons. First of all, someone could get arrested - you need to seriously look into getting some type of permits. Secondly, it will draw attention to them and people will tune in to see the new show to see what all the hub-bub is about. It will give them ratings - or is that what this is about....ratings! I would not put it past her PR to pull something like this. After all, they've got to keep her relevant and in the news.....I'm scratching my head wondering if this is for real now.
Looks like collin was hiding from kates tv show cameras. Looks like he doesnt want to be filmed for Kate plus 8.
Regarding a protest...
Protest at Discovery HQ - not the Orphanage.
1. I have read on another blog (now discontinued) that the local cops will TICKET anyone who EVEN STOPS in front of the orphanage.
2. Kate's PR will spin it to make her and the kids looks like victims.
If this article is correct, I understood that the children are NOT supposed to be on a "Twist of Kate".
Is Collin Gosselin Hiding From Kate Gosselin’s Cameras?
Posted by Erin Blakeley on May 12th, 2010 at 12:20 pm
It appears that not all of Kate Gosselin’s kids are eager to continue their stint as America’s First Family of reality TV.
Just yesterday, Kate took the eight out to dinner at Austin’s restaurant in Reading, Pennsylvania, an outing that was filmed for a segment on Kate’s new show, ‘Twist of Kate.’ For the most part, her kids seemed to enjoy splashing in the rain. But not Collin Gosselin, one of Kate’s sextuplets, who held his hands over his face, and darted behind one of his sisters, in an apparent attempt to hide himself from the cameras.
It is simply impossible to deny that while putting these kids on a TV show may provide for their financial needs, it ignores other important aspects of their emotional well-being—such as being able to spend time with their family without feeling under siege. I have to wonder how it feels, if you’re Kate Gosselin, to see the type of displeasure that the constant presence of cameras causes for her kids, at least some of the time. Does it make her question her decision to put them on another TV show? Does she really feel as if she has no other choice?
My quick take on this is that if that were me and I saw one of my kids reacting this way, I’d cut the cameras and bag the plans for the show. But then again, I don’t have eight mouths to feed, and her situation in life is so wildly different from mine that it is almost hard to say.
Colin has "puffy" eyes. Real reason behind the "covering" of his face?
Kelly, I totally understand your desire to protest. I just don't want to give Kate or her "fans" any more tales of woe to peddle to the paps - I don't want to extend her 15 minutes any more than it already has been!
I've been involved in protesting animal cruelty in the past. When we were targeting companies that tested products on animals, we would write to them and tell them that we would no longer purchase any of their products until they STOPPED. And we would ship back to them all the products we owned that were made by their company as a further statement. Because when it's a corporation, money talks.
As an alternative to picketing, I would recommend making lists of all companies who advertise on any Kate show, as well as any companies giving them freebies for product placement. Then I would ship them back their products and let them know I'm DONE with them until they show some moral backbone.
If you truly feel (as many do) that TLC is just as guilty as Kate & Jon, then do the same with all companies who advertise on TLC and let these companies know that you feel TLC is run by a bunch of exploitative jerks.
If enough people do this, it WILL get their attention. There are a lot of shows to advertise on that are less controversial and they'll figure that out. BOTTOM LINE: no advertising revenues = NO SHOW.
Anonymous said...
Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?
That was supposed to say "tell others how they should and should not..."
Is there any way we can get a petition going and Kelly can present it to the offices at TLC? We would have to get it going viral since the date is coming up soon. Still, what I think it's really going to take is everyone not watching.
Digg, Reddit, FB, all the blogs we belong to, DWTS message boards, etc, etc, etc.
Hi bloggers. Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. I love the tiger picture. Yes, Steve the married bodyguard sure is making the dough! He is with Kate alot more then his family gets to see him.
Anyway, Kelly, thanks for stepping up. I am offering for the protest day anyone who cannot be there to come to the facebook group, 4-8 Please boycott Kate plus 8 & TLC You can also link by clicking on my sign on name.
Hi Diane, NancyB & everyone!
When protesting in front of the TLC/Discovery building on the 26th of May, this will in no way be given Gosselin any publicity which we all know she craves. There will be no mention of her show, her name, her children or anything about her on any placard or sign.
The only thing in writing that will be visible to anyone who notices will be an objection to TLC/Discovery exploiting children in their programming. In addition, a placard with advertisers who support these types of programming would be useful as well.
We all know that the Gosselin children aren't the only ones who's parents are out there pimping them out to every pedophile who has a flat screen tv. They also aire Toddlers and Tiara's as well as a few other freak shows for public consumption. The Gosselins aren't the only victims of this abuse.
Perhaps when advertisers get wind that people are actually doing something constructive and others who don't visit these blogs see the outrage, the advertisers will pull back too.
anon said "Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?"
Let's be realistic here. Yes, most parents don't need to be told how to parent, but occasionally parents don't act in the best interests of their kids. We all know adults who were abused as children and we also all know of cases of child abuse in our own neighborhoods or towns. There's enough of it that you'd have to be blind or in denial to not see it. That's why we have children's services and other agencies that advocate for and protect children.
Anonymous said...
Itsaboutthekids said:
If you don't know these kids, how do you know they DON'T need help? And when did it become acceptable to tell others what causes they should or should not support?
Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?
It is ALWAYS acceptable to speak out when child exploitation / child abuse is suspected. If you don't see it, fine, your choice. I see it and I will continue to speak out, not only my right but my responsibility.
For those who are planning to attend the peaceful protest in front of Discovery Communications in Silver Spring Maryland on May 26th 2010 12 noon, the address is One Discovery Pl, Silver Spring, MD 20910
I'll be there, either alone or hopefully with a contingent of others who are looking for some real Hope and Change.
There was a protester at the house last year. I remember seeing the pictures.
Anyone else heard that Kate and the kids have headed to Orlando? If true, that might explain why Steve and Jamie were both seen at the dinner outing.
I know the school year is nearing the end, but this is twice now in the past month they've been pulled out of school for "vacation"/filming.
Disgusting what she's doing to those kids.
itsaboutthekids said...
It is ALWAYS acceptable to speak out when child exploitation / child abuse is suspected. If you don't see it, fine, your choice. I see it and I will continue to speak out, not only my right but my responsibility.
That's true you should, have you contacted child services? B/C you should, someone should have the children checked out so we can put our minds to rest.
"Is there any way we can get a petition going and Kelly can present it to the offices at TLC? We would have to get it going viral since the date is coming up soon. Still, what I think it's really going to take is everyone not watching."
What would this accomplish? What would a protest accomplish? We know TLC. It's all about money. They have no morals. Ten thousand petitions isn't going to make a difference. They'd tear up a petition and laugh in our faces. Showing up before legislators on the steps of the state capital would have a much greater impact. They are the ones who can enforce VIGOROUS legislation and keep a close eye on the filming. They can make it totally miserable for TLC, slapping them with fines at every turn. Get them where it hurts...in their wallets!
I wonder if Jodi and Kevin will be interested? Does anyone know how they can be contacted? Maybe Jodi sister's blog?
It would be worth a try, I guess. I'll try giving it a shot.
"These kids have been robbed by people like you who continue to post their photos and spend your time talking about them."
Are you aware of the fact that it's because of people like us that legislation is now in place requiring permits, background checks, with additional legislation protecting ALL children on reality television? This all came about because our cries were heard. Sit back and do nothing? I don't think so!
Robbed by people like us? Of course! We're the ones exploiting our children, living off them, making them support us, and stealing their childhood. If it wouldn't be for us, the parents would never have thought about filming! Get real!
I just clicked on Austin's Restaurant on the link.
Then I clicked on their menu for special events.
Wow! This really sounds like a place that 6 year olds would pick! LOL
Surely there must be a kid-friendly restaurant in the area.
Go click on the pics and see the menu, complete with Happy Hour!
My granddaughter picked Chuckie Cheese's Restaurant when she had her birthday.
Intel was a large sponsor of the show.
I don't see you turning your computers off.
Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?
I think if you put it all out there and collect a check for it - you are fair game.
I sent an email to Jodi's sister letting her know about the silent/peaceful protest.
Hi Admin,
I belong to a blog called 15 mins, Gosselin Style (handle is GKWay) and the latest posting is talking about the kids being filmed again and some of the bloggers will be setting up a protest on May 26th at noon in front of Discovery offices.
We thought it would be great if you or anyone that you know who is close to the area can come out and show your support and bring awareness to the public with how TLC / Discovery is exploiting toddlers and minors. The signage will be generic and nothing specific about the Gosselin Kids will be mentioned.
We are hoping that you could let Kevin and Jodi know and hopefully spread the word to your supporters and any child advocate.
This is the blogger who wanted to actually do something instead of just typing and blogging. He's been a great advocate of getting TLC to stop exploiting children. I hope it brings awareness to the public.
Kelly said...
For those who are planning to attend the peaceful protest in front of Discovery Communications in Silver Spring Maryland on May 26th 2010 12 noon, the address is One Discovery Pl, Silver Spring, MD 20910
I'll be there, either alone or hopefully with a contingent of others who are looking for some real Hope and Change.
Thank you for your time and I hope you will consider coming out.
Warm regards,
GKWay (Gosselin Kids all the way)
Thank you Kelly! Will pass on the word! It cannot hurt & I think it is a great idea!
--Anonymous said...
Intel was a large sponsor of the show.
I don't see you turning your computers off.--
Admin. Can I please say, "Bite me?"
I just sent an email to Paul Petersen at AMC as well! Let's cross our fingers and hope it rallies some troops!
Good luck and Kelly, I will be thinking of you and thank you for your heroism and bravery! Whether the kids know it, you are their one and only hero! Make sure you bring your other cop friends so you don't get hassled by the other cops in the area.
I was also going to post this peaceful protest information at A Minor Consideration but I think it might be important to have some contact information for those who want to attend but have questions. Kelly, I don't know if that's you and how much of your personal information you want out there. Any ideas?
What happened to rule #1?
1. Please do not use Anonymous unless you absolutely have to--like you have legit inside information
These people don't seem to be offering any inside information or anything legit for that matter.
A protest wont' do anything besides give these 2 clowns more exposure.
Instead, the best thing to do is not watch the upcoming shows. Let it tank. That's the best way to protest IMO.
Don't Tune In
noname4you said...
--Anonymous said...
Intel was a large sponsor of the show.
I don't see you turning your computers off.--
Admin. Can I please say, "Bite me?"
It's the truth. Kelly wants to list all the sponsors well Intel was one of them.
People are always saying we are boycotting the sponsors of the show. It appears they only boycott what is convenient to boycott.
Intel doesn't care whether or not they are advertising or not on this program. Their ad agency does the purchasing of ad time on venues so vast and wide, they have absolutely no idea. The agency does the buying of ad time when the budget is determined.
There are others who are advertising through product placement that can't afford the network rates but get the plug none the less.
I will be happy to forward my information to Irene on her facebook page if anyone wants to contact me regarding this planned protest. As I am putting my face out there in the public eye on May 26th to protest this abuse, I have no problem with anyone who is sincere in wanting to contact me to ask me questions.
What I don't want is flamers, haters or those who want to make idle threats. Flamers and haters would be ignored but those making idle threats would be dealt with according to the laws that protect us from this abuse.
If Paul Peterson responds to you and is interested in knowing more about Wednesday, I'll write him and give him all my information as well.
jibberjabbers said...
Colin has "puffy" eyes. Real reason behind the "covering" of his face?
First of all, that is Joel in the link above, not Collin. Secondly, when the "hiding" pic was taken, they were wearing hoodies. This picture
shows Joel in a polo shirt. I am having trouble connecting the two picture at all.
Kelly, I live in Ca or I would be there "with bells on".
You post on the Z on TV site, don't you? He might be able to get the word out in the Baltimore area.
Yes, I do post on the ZonTV site.
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I just read about it today. I wish Kart would take a page out of Jude's handbook to parenting.
JUDE LAW has won USD 15,000 (GBP 10,000) in damages after suing the editors of a British magazine for publishing photos of his children.
Law was appalled when pictures of his three children with ex-wife Sadie Frost holidaying with him and girlfriend Sienna Miller in the Caribbean at Christmas (09) appeared in Hello! magazine.
The images of his sons Rafferty, 12, and Rudy, seven, and daughter Iris, nine, on a secluded beach were purchased and published by the U.K publication in January (10) and Law hit the editors with a breach of privacy lawsuit.
The case was settled in court earlier this week (05Apr10).
As part of the agreement, Hello! bosses have been ordered to cover Law's legal costs and they have agreed not to publish pictures of the actor with his kids until they reach the age of 18.
The settlement also states the magazine must not publish any images of Law in circumstances where "he has a reasonable expectation of privacy".
This information is on the side bar @ Truth Breeds Hatred (link on this blog's sidebar) By the way Anon Intel is not listed. Could you post the link showing that Intel is an advertiser.
Advertiser Boycott request
As a follow-up to our call for a advertising boycott of TLC's J&K+8 advertisers here is a partial list prepared by the Facebook Group "Boycott Jon and Kate"/Ed Hennessey. This is their list and any accolades for collecting it belongs to them. They also have email addresses so that you can email the advertisers directly. Direct link
Please note that the request is that advertiser remove their ads completely from TLC reflecting a growing concern with the child exploitation programming on the station.
Update - 08/25/09: Nestlé USA is no longer advertising on the John and Kate Plus Eight show. Brands include: NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE®, NESTLÉ® NESQUIK®, NESTLÉ®
Letter to advertisers (suggested text)
You may use this text for your email - just cut and paste and add your name/address and send. Here
A couple of things:
It was posted on another site that according to the Greater Reading Online that Steve & Gina were divorced as of April 2009. I don't know how true this is.
I love the fact that Jon wasn't allowed to enter Kate's inner sanctum but Jamie is. I wonder if she has a key to the padlock, and if the other "friend",the big exec at TlC has one.
First of all, that is Joel in the link above, not Collin. Secondly, when the "hiding" pic was taken, they were wearing hoodies. This picture
shows Joel in a polo shirt. I am having trouble connecting the two picture at all.
I stand corrected.
Please don't physically protest, protest by not watching the show. Jodi and Kevin are staying out of the limelight. They have their own family but are doing things the right, quiet way this time. They lived and they learned. By the way - Kevin never tried to sell a book -- that was planted and picked up in the media. They are working with the appropriate people now. They did not make a mint off of their nieces and nephews - that is another general statement put out there by Kate without specifics to guide the public into assumption. People think they paid off the house etc etc. These people do NOT know the truth behind any such payments. Jodi and Kevin have good contacts that can help them. More attention of any kind, no matter how well intentioned will bring media and controversy which will bring ratings because, unfortunately, America loves a good controversy.
I know you mean well but please think this through. Believe me I know how you can get all worked up -- I firmly believe the children are exploited, I think it is pretty obvious they are not being filmed doing their everyday things when they can't even move in their little cars because of camera, sound people and Kate are all in the way. I realize it is your right but the best thing in my opinion from someone who knows information, stay off the Kate adoration sites - just ignore them -- I GUARANTEE you they do not know any more than you do and are a plethora of misinformation --
You are not going to change anyone's minds on the adoration sites. They do not know the family and they are buying into the public relations image. There will always be people who do that. I know it is hard to understand when you see exploitation so clearly. IMO - They hate just as much as the so-called hate sites that they object to.
Things you can do to help -- Write your Representatives letters to make this a National issue to protect children in Reality Television. Contribute to a Minor Consideration if you can. Boycott sponsors and send a short note on why you are boycotting. Don't criticize Kate's looks or who she is or is not sleeping with and she is not Steve's girlfriend, never was. Stay credible.
The national spotlight on Dancing with the Stars did not help her because they showed footage of her personality. People on DWTS
are not going to say anything bad because of their own PR and handlers to stay away from this controversy.
The lack of book sales speaks volumes, the polls of people objecting to another show with the children are very high. My opinion on her other show - it's her right to earn a living as long as the children are out and people can choose to watch or not watch.
I sincerely hope I didn't offend anyone as I feel your frustration but things look to be moving in the right direction. Maybe patience would be the best idea for the moment. JMO
Kelly, you are absolutely right about Intel using an ad agency.
I used to work for a BtoB IT publishing company and they advertised in our magazines.
The ad agency decides where the money budgeted for advertising gets spent.
bearswife - Thanks for posting about Jude Law, but my understanding is that the British laws have made it illegal for paps to photograph celeb kids. No such law in the good 'ole USA. :(
Werny Gal said...
anon said "Maybe around the same time it became acceptable to tell others how they and should not raise their children?"
Let's be realistic here. Yes, most parents don't need to be told how to parent, but occasionally parents don't act in the best interests of their kids. We all know adults who were abused as children and we also all know of cases of child abuse in our own neighborhoods or towns. There's enough of it that you'd have to be blind or in denial to not see it. That's why we have children's services and other agencies that advocate for and protect children.
Children's services isn't involved because the Gosselin children aren't being abused. Just because you and others disagree with Kate's choice to put her kids on reality TV doesn't make it abuse. She has made a choice for her kids. I wouldn't make the same choice, but then again I wouldn't make many choices that other parents make for their children. That doesn't mean that I think those parents are abusing their children.
socr8s said...
A couple of things:
It was posted on another site that according to the Greater Reading Online that Steve & Gina were divorced as of April 2009. I don't know how true this is.
If Steve and Gina were divorced, the link provided would give evidence of this, if in fact, they filed in Maryland which is where they live. There is no evidence of this in the public record.
As an aside, if you click this link, you can also find out what happened with Jon Gosselin and his suit with TLC. It's abbreviated but it gives the facts.
Would you mind if I ask what your role in all this is? Are you a family member, a friend? Or are you just coming here making suggestions? It helps when asked to take something this serious, we know who we're dealing with.
Jude Law had a short reality series about traveling around the world on his motorcycle. He refused to let the cameras film any of his kids. Imagine that, having a job, even an entertainment job, without having to exploit your kids at the same time. But I suppose he should be asking them whether they want to be filmed. Let the kids decide what's best for them.
I just said there was a posting on Greater Reading Online. I also said I didn't know if it's true or not.
I have spent my entire career in advertising. And yes, the media buyers do make buy decisions for clients. HOWEVER, if a client says they don't want to run somewhere, the agency is not going to go against the client and buy it. The media buyers/planners make recommendations, not mandates. The client has to approve the buy, ultimately. So pressure on the client can have an impact, whether you think so or not.
Parents allowing a Korporation to take over their family & call the shots for their children is just not right any way you slice it.
The Gosselins are a perfect example of the Komplete Korporate takeover of a family.
By all means protest. I am so glad ya'll decided to leave the Orphanage out of the protest but are going to do it.
Kelly, It probably isn't true. But Gina is either a fool or is Mother Theresa reincarnated.
I imagine it would be hard for jude Law to travel the world with his kids on a motorcycle all together. Just sayin'
Sadiemay, the first half of the entire series was all about their preparations for the trip. (Which they seemed to think was very interesting, but oh well). Their wives were featured, their homes, their extended family, and there was plenty of opporunity to feature the kids. They did not. They even blurred their faces when they saw him off. See for yourself, it was called Long Way Around.
The fact that he didn't take the kids on a motorcycle trip had nothing to do with not filming them. He doesn't want his kids filmed or photographed period for any reason.
I don't think there is any parent out there, or should I say, "Any GOOD Parent" out there who allows their children to be part of a conversation regarding the children's welfare, right to privacy or decisions that are so innate to parental choice.
Yes, parents do have to take into consideration their childrens wishes pertaining to sleep overs, sports, participation in extracirrucular activites and consider their opinion.
Having a family meeting which includes children under the age of 10, which the Gosselins have stated they have done in an effort to include the kids in the "Family Job" is not a conversation or a family meeting that is in the best interest of the children.
During my divorce of 11 years ago, I got full custody of my oldest son. I sent him to the high school that I attended when I was a puppy. He couldn't stand it, wanted to leave after he didn't make the baseball team.
I told him that I'll honor his wish after he completes the first year, which was three months away. My point to him was that you just don't quit something you started because the going gets tough. After he completed his first year, I considered his wish to go back to the public school he wanted to attend, to be with his friends, where he felt comfortable. That's when you consider what's best for your child.
Hosting a camera crew with children who can barely spell spaghetti and bribing them into contributing to the "Family Business" with insinuations that if they didn't contribute, they wouldn't see Mom or Dad is wrong.
Kids can't decide what is right or wrong. Their minds aren't developed at this age. They are self focused on what they want instead of what they need. Parents are supposed to be their filter.
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