Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weekend tanning

Cargo pants, t-shirt and flip-flops? Kate is sticking to her new more hands-on Mom look.

73 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

I hope she spends mothers day with the kids She runs all over when shes home. I dont know why she needs nannys? If shes doing her show I could see her needing some help. She doesnt need to do book tours and other stupid stuff.

PJ's momma said... 2

OK, deep breath. This is a nice, casual look. I use it myself. But I don't understand how she expects anyone to buy her laughing 'who has time for plastic surgery' claim. Those boobies are at least double what they were. I say that with a hint of envy because she used to have the same small breasts I do, and no bra can take you from an A/B cup to that. (I joke that I only make silver dollar pancakes at my mammo - I literally could not make cleavage on a dare.) I envy anyone with a rack, am not just 'jellus' of Kate. Just admit you got implants (blame the kids for ruining your breasts or whatever) and move on! Don't lie - tell the truth and people won't see a reason to pick you apart as much. Sure, they will still look for stuff to talk about, but at least your constant lying and contradictions and evasiveness would not make you look as suspect.

Anonymous said... 3

PJ's momma: Don't be envious--those gigantic bazooms make her look 20 poumds heavier. Judy

pa mom too said... 4

I don't understand the lying about the implants either, especially when she told the doctor she wanted them when she was in his office before the tummy tuck....and he told her to buy a better bra. Remember the Hawaiian wedding pictures, and then the pictures of her in the bikinis ? Ahh, no, she didn't have a boob job. haha ! I think some people just like to lie...anything is better than the truth with people like this.
I just thought of something. She didn't have them done when the tummy tuck was done , but maybe the "better bra" was a set-up for when she would have them done. She could always say Dr. Glassman told her to get a better bra, so she did. LOL !

Anonymous said... 5

I want that "better bra!" Maybe she could be a spokesperson for the company, do the commercials for them, and appear on one of the home shopping networks hawking it.

fidosmommy said... 6

I'm worried about all this tanning she does. My concern goes beyond the obvious health risks. I hope her daughters don't pick up the idea that their natural skin color is not good enough.

Is it possible she goes in for spray tanning?
Just a thought.

mary said... 7

I have big breasts (D Cup) and they are a pain in the back! I would love to have smaller breasts (a nice full B Cup)I have to buy extra large tops, I look heavier than I am and I will never be able to wear a bikini (because mine are real)

Actually, looking at that picture again, Kart's look bigger than mine. Sad.

Tanning like that is going to age her very fast.

Kelly said... 8

I wonder if Kate had to ask the kids if she could borrow some of their money so she could get, yet again, another tan?

After all, Kate doesn't work, the kids do. Oh WAIT!!!!! Maybe Kate got the money from the State of PA. She has said in the past that society has an obligation to support multiples since modern medicine promotes it.

Not a picture YET of Kate taking the kids to a birthday party, an outing at the park, a trip to the zoo, a drive to the library, the shoe store, the toy store, the food store, ANY STORE. It's all about Kate.

Kelly said... 9

Just a little off topic but worth knowing about. Much more important that Kate Gosselin.

If you didn't see me on the national news tonight, you probably weren't watching television. This morning, I got up at 6am, made the coffee went into my office to read the newspapers online and was reading an article about Yeardly Love, the UVA student and Baltimore native who was savagely beaten to death by her ex boyfriend last weekend. While reading this article in the Washington Post, there was mention that the Westboro Baptist Church was going to show up at her funeral this morning to protest. These people are lunatics who recently were sued by a father of a deceased soldier when they showed up at the soldiers funeral to protest with the most vile and despicable words towards soldiers and this particular one.

I was so incensed that they were going to defile this innocent victim and cause more grief to her family, I got up, grabbed my car keys, a dozen eggs from the fridge and headed to Towson Maryland to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, where the funeral was going to be held and where this group of thugs were going to protest. When I got there, I found about 100 other people who were there to protect the family from these thugs and we stood guard to block out the Westboro Baptist folks so the family didn't see them.

ABC World News was there and of all the people to interview, they chose me. Camera's surrounding me from CNN, WBAL TV, ABC, and Fox News channel. I'm standing there in a t-shirt that I slept in, helmut hair, a five o'clock shadow and holding a store bag with a dozen fresh eggs, trying to hide it behind my back from the cameras. They asked me why I was here and I told them I was here to make sure the survivors didn't have to witness anyone make a mockery of their grief, their loss and their daughter's memory. If you saw me, I looked like hell but what the hell.

The Westboro people didn't have the nerve to show but thankfully, there were others who felt the same as I and showed up for the same reason. If you see me on the news, I was with the good guys.

Gone too soon.

prairiemary said... 10

mary, it does not matter if the tanning ages her, she will just use the kid's money for plastic work on her face, that's probably why she doesn't care! Okay everyone, here I go-I have implants! For 28 years now,and am having pain,hardness,will likely be getting replacements in the next few months, am SO,SO,SO SORRY, that I ever listened to my husband,and got them,SO SORRY. To get them removed, with nothing put back, I would be a centerfold for National Geographic.

AuntieAnn said... 11

I know Kelly. I guess we should all get free milk too, since medicine promotes it's healthy goodness. Kate's thinking is fucked.

Anonymous said... 12

Good going Kelly. That poor girl never did anything to anyone.

Lauren said... 13

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on 15MinGS!

PJ's momma said... 14

That's honorable of you, Kelly. But I guess you learned that Westboro stirs the pot by threatening to be at a service member's funeral much more often than they actually show up! Cowards..........

TVSnark said... 15

I wish I knew you in real life. You are an incredible man and a person who doesn't just sit around and complain about things but takes action.

That was a wonderful thing you did today. I'll look for you on the news. I'm sure you're adorable.

LifeinOH said... 16

Cowards, is right, PJ. Good job Kelly. I'll check for you on CNN tonight!

LifeinOH said... 17

Thanks Lauren & Happy Mother's Day to you and all the rest of the moms here!

LifeinOH said... 18

FakeMrsGosselin twittered:

"Trying to not let the kids bday overshadow Mothers Day. I never focus on myself, so I really should this year -- for the kids. "

HI 50 said... 19

Kelly, YOU ROCK! Great to hear you're in the world, making a difference!

To all the Moms & Mr. Moms, HAPPY Mother's Day! Hope your days are filled with love, laughter, hugs AND LOTS & LOTS of presents....hahahahaha

koopdedoo said... 20

Kelly, thank you for protecting Yeardley's family. I live just west of Baltimore, my oldest child is looking at colleges, I so identify with their loss and pain. Somehow, I missed your interview - off to check the local station websites.

Peace to all. Happy Mother's Day.

dee3 said... 21

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms here. The real moms. The moms who actually want to spend time with their children, protect their children, feel a responsibility to raise the next generation, keep their children safe, keep their privacy private, make sure their children know they are loved.

And Bravo Kelly. Good Karma will come to you.

Irene S said... 22

Kelly, I am glad people did not show up to humiliate that family. That is a very very sad story of what happened to that young girl. These kind of tragedies rip apart 2 families. I can only imagine.

As far as Khate we knew this was coming. Khate prances down the Rodeo Drive of Reading, Pennsylvania in whatever mode the PR takes her in. It doesn't change a thing. It is all about Khate. Lordie bee!

IATK said... 23

dee3, good to see you again!

Kelly, kudos to you for standing up for what's right.

And to all the 15 minute bloggers:

Happy Mother's Day to moms, step-moms, and dads who have lovingly stepped into the role of Mr. mom. There's no other job more rewarding than nurturing a young soul.

We'll be getting together this afternoon with four generations of moms and I can't think of any better way to spend the day.

Anonymous said... 24

"Khate prances down the Rodeo Drive of Reading, Pennsylvania in whatever mode the PR takes her in."

Penn Street or 5th? ROFLOL just thinking about it!

LisaNH said... 25

Kelly, thank you for taking a stand against that vile church group. Talk about "haterz". Those people are beyond contempt. My admiration goes to people like you and the Patriot Guard Riders. Through my work, I have had the distinct honor of working with the PGR on a couple of occaisions. These people are heroes. They are respectful and try to be unobtrusive when it comes to military funerals. They are a presense at services but they don't try to garner attention. They essentially stand guard. It's quite a sight to see when they act as escort.

Anonymous said... 26

"The Westboro people didn't have the nerve to show but thankfully, there were others who felt the same as I and showed up for the same reason. If you see me on the news, I was with the good guys."

They threatened to show up at a local university here. Extra security was hired, additional man-power brought in, but thank goodness, their bark was worse than their bite. The church had planned to picket the screening of "The Anatomy of Hate," which is about hate groups and features Westboro. It skipped the university and redirected its effort to celebrating the deaths of 29 coal miners outside Catholic churches in Wheeling, W. Va.

Anonymous said... 27

Kelly- bless you for helping that family in their time of need. Many coins were dropped in your Karma bank for sure.

Your actions are an example of how to treat a family (especially a mother). The comments on this site are absolutely a disgrace. How could people try (and fail I might add) to degrade any mother the way the majority do? Perhaps the could follow your lead and show some humanity.

SG said... 28

Does she really do the tanning beds? What about the worry of skin cancer? She always said she worried about not being there to take care of all her children. Why chance shortening your life?

I also noticed she said this about Mother's Day:

In other news, the mother of 8 recently told People magazine what Mother’s Day means to her. She said, "Mother's Day means that my sextuplets turn a year older every year, so that's what I think of when I think of Mother's Day."

Yes, she mentioned she loves all 8 of her kids after that but still... to only mention the tups on what Mother's Day means to her... sad.

SG said... 29

LOL Kelly! Good job. I'm almost sorry the egg throwing didn't pan out. Put up a link to your interview if you find one!

nancy grovert said... 30

I, too, am worried about Kate's tanning. Do we know if this is organic or a safe spray on tan? Can we ask Murt to add this to the list? If she is doing something unsafe, then we, as child advocates, must continue to point it out. Suppose she gets cancer or something who will take care of the kids since Jon is not working and Kate is the only one bringing in cash. Also what about flip flops. I do not think they are safe shoes to wear when driving a car. Wearing them could increase her chances of being in a car accident. Any thoughts?

mommyinca. said... 31

Happy Mother's day, mamas! I wish you all a restful and peaceful day! Kate, if you read here, I wish you a peaceful day as well. I know you must love your children and I hope you understand that although we don't know you or your children, we just want to see better safeguards for them. It's not about your fake tans, boobs, shoes, etc. When you take that all away, you are still a mother, chosen by God to protect His children. Please take a moment and think about that.
Blessings and peace to all!

LancasterCountyMom said... 32

thank you to you and the other folks who showed up at the funeral to protect the family from those fake Christians from the Westboro Bully Church. It is sad what they do to grieving families. If anyone finds a video link could you please post it? (I do not have cable TV anymore as a protest against TLC.)

Paprika said... 33

If she wants to be it. I do not care. That is her right to do so. But she should be careful. I have had pre cancerous skin bumps taken off my face and it does not tickle. They also leave scars.

Happy Mother`s Day to all!

KyPastor said... 34

I'm thinking Kate does the tanning in order to look like she belongs in the family. Everyone else has darker skin than Kate.

My adopted nephews are darker skinned than their parents. It has been distressing to the older boy for years that his parents are white. Maybe Kate has had a similar feeling of disconnect.

Haddie said... 35

Maidenform, kids. I went from a D to a B after weight loss and you can't even tell. I've had girlfriends tell me they can't believe I didn't lose a cup size! Well, I did, and a push-up bra gave it back. Plus, they are much more comfortable than any other bra I have tried.

SG said... 36

Spray tanning and flip flops? Tell Murt? Why? So he can make them illegal in PA? That has nothing to so with Child Labor Laws.

SG said... 37

I agree that it is her right to tan. I'm just surprised that she would do tanning in a bed IF that's what she's doing. I don't know anything about spray tanning. Does that cause cancer? I never heard that.

LifeinOH said... 38

WG has the Allred testimony up.

LifeinOH said... 39

I have heard rumblings lately about lung issues concerning breathing in the spray tan formula. Who knows what is in that stuff?

emschick1128 said... 40

She's going to be sorry 20 years from now when she looks 75 instead of 55 and her skin is like leather.

MickeyMcKean said... 41

SCARY! Is Kate Gosselin one of the worse TV moms?

PLEASE NOTE: 4 out of 5 listed are characters on a TV show BUT KG is playing herself and still made the list!!! LOL

The 5 Worst Mothers on Television Today
Written by Julie Miller | 06 May 2010, 4:40 PM

5. Celia Rhodes, Gossip Girl
Portrayed By: Caroline Lagerfelt

4. Colleen Donaghy, 30 Rock
Portrayed By: Elaine Stritch

3. Celia Hodes, Weeds
Portrayed By: Elizabeth Perkins

2. Kate Gosselin, Jon & Kate Plus 8
Portrayed By: Kate Gosselin

America’s most famous reality mom has been exploiting her eight children since their birth, allegedly even faking Christmases to get an honest reaction from her offspring before revealing to them that it is not actually the holiday. Additionally, Kate has whored out her children’s memories in a series of books and has left her family for weeks at a time to compete in Dancing with the Stars and complete book tours.

1. Evelyn Harper, Two and a Half Men
Portrayed By: Holland Taylor

French Canadian said... 42

Kate Gosselin Throws Sextuplets a Birthday Pool Party

SAHM said... 43

Well.... hopefully they have a heated pool cause its too darn cold for a pool party this wknd!! In the ROL post, they talk about family members being there.... ummmm.... what family members?? Because all i see is the bodyguard and his family and the nanny. What about Jon?? What about Kevin and Jodi??? What about Jon's brother Mark?? What about Jon's mom?? Maybe they all arrived before the P-people were there to get photos of them. DARN!

SAHM said... 44

Also, tanning salons have stand up versions of tanning beds. So if Kate has a phobia w/ germs she surely wouldn't be laying in a nasty tanning bed... she would probably go for the stand up version. Just sayin. :)

Irene S said... 45

Yes, what would a Gosselin event be without that Bodyguard. Ooohhh llaaa llaaa!

Yes, Mickey to be a real mom & make that list as a bad mom at that. Now, that takes talent only a mother like Khate Gosselin could achieve.

Judy said... 46

Don't the little kids have any friends that they could invite to their party? I remember from my sons younger days, he had half of his class at his birthday parties.And now years later my grandchildren are having parties at bowling alleys,Funland,and pizza places.
How much fun could it be for them to have Steve and his family there anyway?
It's really sad that you have to invite your PAID friends to attend your kids party.Of course we all know that all of Kates friends are paid help.
So sad for those kids.But at least they will have it recorded by TLC for later reference.
Oh and yeah.......we'll get to see it also !!!

AuntieAnn said... 47

That IS Kates new family. She doesn't allow them to see Kevin and Jodi since she booted Jodi off J&K+8. It would be nice if she'd at least invite their cousins. They've done nothing but I suppose are just guilty by association. Kate has her ways to punish people.

I hope the kids had a good time in the privacy of their home.

Look at Cara in the photo - they always look so stressed around Kate.

Anonymous said... 48

Kate had Steve and his family over for mothers day. Its weird she spend holidays with them and not her family.

marnie said... 49

Just saw the pics on ROL. Unbelievable! She is so desperate to get more attn she will wear a bathing suit for the paps THIS early on? It was 50 degrees here today, with winds at 20-30 mph. Wind chill has got to be 35, tops. And ROL claims her 'friends' and 'family' were there - just the nanny and STEVE's family, that is. So they just out and out lie for her now? Hey, if there were actual family members there, you know the pics would be front and center for her PR image to benefit. The paps would have gotten top $$ for any pics of her actual blood relatives at the house.

SaveTheChildren said... 50

Wonder if Kate called her mom on Mother's Day?

Carolina Gal said... 51

Anonymous said...
PJ's momma: Don't be envious--those gigantic bazooms make her look 20 poumds heavier. Judy
Thank you! Everyone keeps saying they think Kate gained wgt., but I think it's the boobs that make her look like she gained wgt! Plus, PJ's momma, don't be envious, I think the big boobs are not so popular anymore. I love the fact that some of the popular celebs in Hollywood HAVEN'T had boob jobs...Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Anniston. Little ones are much "easier to take care of". Besides, I never had anything but a b, til I got they're bigger than I'd like, still not Kate's size, but still bigger than I want! Again, if Kate's mouth is open, she's lying! Course she had a boob job! I guess the sheeple will believe anything, idiots!

Carolina Gal said... 52

Yes, she mentioned she loves all 8 of her kids after that but still... to only mention the tups on what Mother's Day means to her... sad.
It's the tups that are keeping 'Mom' in the life she always wanted to (and did) become accustomed!

Poor Kate, she's probaby wondering how she could insure that the paps get shots of them in the pool this summer. Perhaps she'll have a 'viewing platform' built for them to be able to get snaps of all the pool activities! Nah, she 'hates' those paps...right?

dee3 said... 53

Kate had on a bathing suit yesterday? Seriously?

My God, it was COLD here yesterday. I had my winter jacket on....over a long-sleeved hoodie. And really windy, which made it even colder. And I don't live very far from her.

Yesterday was NOT a day to have a pool party. Maybe a week or so ago but not yesterday.

sfsdgfdgdf said... 54

Kate's book is not on the NYTimes best seller list this week. I'm glad no one wants to buy personal stories of their childhood. Now that's the best birthday present they could receive.

judi said... 55

Hi, everyone, I have been lurking and reading here sometimes. Kate is not a "real mom", she just plays one on tv!

Anonymous said... 56

I think her main interest is Steve. She probably is ever so friendly to his wife to keep things as they are.

Markiesnana said... 57

OK, Kate's big day is over.
NEXT is Father's Day. And, yes, Jon, with all of his stupid moves is remembered by former viewers as a good Dad who was a sort of Mr. Mom with those kids.
I am hoping that Kart will make sure he has a good Father's Day.

Lily said... 58

Girlfriend is still wearing those same cargo pants today (Monday, 10 May) to drop the kids off at the bus stop. Someone needs to do a load of wash.

Anonymous said... 59

A pool party? I wouldn't even get outside the car to pump gas late yesterday afternoon! I made my son do it (and I was wearing a winter jacket)! The windchill made it feel like it was in the low 40s, high 30s (and yes, I'm a local!). They're nuts...even with a heated pool.

Kelly said... 60

Dee 3,
Kate can wear a bathing suit in the Artic Circle. After all, she IS the Ice Queen.

Lily, I noticed the same cargo pants today as she had on yesterday too. I'm hoping that's the ONLY thing she is wearing, two days in a row......EWWWWWWWWW

PJ's momma said... 61
This comment has been removed by the author.
PJ's momma said... 62

Well, the mom-on-the-go look did not last. She's on ROL now, in high heels, trying to load some boxes. That in itself is not laughable (nor shocking), but the pants she chose to pair with the heels is. Those are best left to be worn with flat shoes or sandals, or even cute sneakers. She looks ridiculous. What REALLY made me laugh is that the ROL spin doctors actually compared her to Victoria Beckham, in their usual, twisted fashion! Hilarious!

AuntieAnn said... 63

Wonder what's in the box. Eight Golden Platters? Jon's head on a platter? Cash gifts from the fans?
The first load of returned IJWYTK books?

socr8s said... 64

Sometimes I think the ROL people are making these ridiculous statements "tongue in cheek". They couldn't possibly think that we take their statements seriously. It must be a hoot to read the sheeple posting in agreement. Unless the ROL peeps are sheeple replying to their own postings.
The statements are so outlandish that no sane person can take them seriously.
I'm pretty sure that TLC pays for the postings so the ROL people might just be amusing themselves.

Wiley C said... 65

I wasn't sure where to post this as it most certainly doesn't merit messing with the kids' birthday posts but I found this man intriguing. He's Peter Buffett, son of Warren Buffett, one of the world's wealthiest men. He had this to say:
"Entitlement is the worst thing ever and I see entitlement coming in many guises. Anybody who acts like they deserve something 'just because,', is a disaster."
The whole article is at:
Kate really, REALLY needs to read this book!

Wiley C said... 66

Also, ARE a hero among heroes. God bless you and the other good people who came forward to protect that young woman's family from further heartbreak.
I just don't get why they felt it necessary to protest there. No sense at all....

Wiley C said... 67

I wasn't sure where to post this as it most certainly doesn't merit messing with the kids' birthday posts but I found this man intriguing. He's Peter Buffett, son of Warren Buffett, one of the world's wealthiest men. He had this to say:
"Entitlement is the worst thing ever and I see entitlement coming in many guises. Anybody who acts like they deserve something 'just because,', is a disaster."
The whole article is at:
Kate really, REALLY needs to read this book!

PJ's momma said... 68

Well, the mom-on-the-go look did not last. She's on ROL now, in high heels, trying to load some boxes. That in itself is not laughable (nor shocking), but the pants she chose to pair with the heels is. Those are best left to be worn with flat shoes or sandals, or even cute sneakers. She looks ridiculous. What REALLY made me laugh is that the ROL spin doctors actually compared her to Victoria Beckham, in their usual, twisted fashion! Hilarious!

Anonymous said... 69

I think her main interest is Steve. She probably is ever so friendly to his wife to keep things as they are.

Anonymous said... 70

Kate had Steve and his family over for mothers day. Its weird she spend holidays with them and not her family.

marnie said... 71

Just saw the pics on ROL. Unbelievable! She is so desperate to get more attn she will wear a bathing suit for the paps THIS early on? It was 50 degrees here today, with winds at 20-30 mph. Wind chill has got to be 35, tops. And ROL claims her 'friends' and 'family' were there - just the nanny and STEVE's family, that is. So they just out and out lie for her now? Hey, if there were actual family members there, you know the pics would be front and center for her PR image to benefit. The paps would have gotten top $$ for any pics of her actual blood relatives at the house.

French Canadian said... 72

Kate Gosselin Throws Sextuplets a Birthday Pool Party

SAHM said... 73

Also, tanning salons have stand up versions of tanning beds. So if Kate has a phobia w/ germs she surely wouldn't be laying in a nasty tanning bed... she would probably go for the stand up version. Just sayin. :)