Here's hoping:
1. they celebrate their birthday on the actual day
2. they celebrate their birthday without paparazzi documenting it like animals in a zoo
3. they celebrate their birthday without a camera crew there like animals in a zoo
4. Jon and Kate are there and get along for the sake of the eight
84 sediments (sic) from readers:
I will never forget last year's birthday with sweet Collin rocking back and forth and staring into space. It broke my heart.
Geez Admin you sure have your hopes up! I'd say it is pretty much a guarantee none of that will happen...ok well maybe they will celebrate on their actual b'day, as for the rest - doubtful.
My Lord Kate is not an attractive woman is she. She has a puffy face that is reminiscent of an alcoholic's.
1. they celebrate their birthday on the actual day
Maybe if it runs in with a shooting day. If not this would be the " Big Party" for the kids. Kate just have small little parties. With only her "close nit family" and the kids.
2. they celebrate their birthday without paparazzi documenting it like animals in a zoo
Oh heavens NOOO. Kate wouldn't have any part of this. She probably hopes for the P people, tabloids, camera crews, stalkers, and everyone else. So she can get in the spotlight once again. Maybe pick up some free goodies for the kids. Since she is a working mom. She cries poor mouth all the time. Oh and has 6 of them to shop for. Must be so hard...
3. they celebrate their birthday without a camera crew there like animals in a zoo
Once again no. Kate and Jon would want this to be documented. They might even make it out to be a 1 hr eps once again. Just like last years BORING DRAMA Filled crap storyline. Kate once again is doing all the work. WA WA WA meee all the time. Jon is doing well whatever jon does. Kate talks about the past once again.
4. Jon and Kate are there and get along for the sake of the eight
On camera yes. They probably will take it as far as giving a hug or a kiss. So TLC can use this for a big surprise for all the viewers. Just to bring in viewers and big ratings. Than in a couple of weeks. Something craws up kates butt or jons and they are fighting again.
Now that the work permits for the children have been approved, and outside of the bedrooms and bathrooms and nudity, is there anything off limits for filming purposes? Even if a majority of it ends up on the cutting room floor, the tups birthday is a MAJOR event in this reality show family. I can't imagine that they WOULDN'T be filmed. Even if the public sees only 30 minutes or an hour of edited film, how many hours in front of a camera did it take to get that small bit of exploitation?
I don't care if, at times, the kids are doing exactly what they want to be doing, they still have cameras and mics surrounding them while they're doing it. What are the odds that at one time or another a camera man told the kids to repeat what they just did because he didn't get a good shot? I'd bet it's happened many, many times.
Will Jon and Kate play nice around the kids? Hopefully for the kids sake, but as far as what the viewing public will see, it will be whatever TLC wants them to see. Shots will be edited to create the best rating possible and if that's J&K shooting darts at each other behind the kids back, that's what will be televised.
Also, does anyone know just exactly what the work permits include? Are there rules for filming the children that are spelled out, or is it just a piece of paper that says, okay, you paid your money now do what you want? I'd be interested to know what that permit means in real life.
The very photo of the wrapping paper is all I need to see to know this is the way the Monkey munch is made. Khate always makes it about her & her celebrity.
This is the Gosselin kids birthday....with Khate it will always be a time to exploit, profit, and be the center of attention.
Wishful thinking Administrator.
Q: If a student wants to work as a model or performer for theater, television or the movies, what permit is needed?
A: The Department of Labor and Industry issues a Special Performance Permit for the employment of minors seven (7) to eighteen (18) years of age. This permit is for theatrical productions, musical recitals or concerts, entertainment acts, modeling, radio, television, motion picture making, or in other similar forms or media of entertainment to be performed in Pennsylvania. Children younger than seven (7) may be issued this permit to work in film or video productions, but not still photography.
If the performance or rehearsals will require any absence from school, there is a section on this permit that requires the signature of the building principal and work permit issuing officer. Arrangements have to be made to ensure that participating in the performances will not interfere with the student’s academic progress. To obtain an application for this permit, or for additional information, contact the Department of Labor and Industry at 1-800-932-0665.
§ 11.6. Supervision of child performers.
Certain minors shall be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult designated by the parent or guardian whose primary responsibility is not related to the production of the performance, under the following circumstances:
(1) Every minor under 18 years of age when the location of rehearsals or performances requires lodgings overnight at a place outside the place of residence of the minor.
(2) Every minor under 16 years of age when the rehearsals or performances are located in the permanent place of residence of the minor and if they terminate after 6 p.m.
(3) Every minor under 12 years of age for all rehearsals and performances at all times.
§ 11.7. Penalty.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this subchapter or who interferes with the Department or its duly authorized representative in the enforcement of such provisions may be deemed guilty of a misdeameanor and may, upon conviction, be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both.
Amen and hallelujah to everything in your post.
§ 11.5. Number of performances per day and per week.
(a) In counting the number of performances per day and per week, out-of-state performances shall be included in the calculation.
Interesting. So even if they work out-of-state they are protected under the PA child labor laws???
That's an awful lot of paper just to wrap six I um Just Want Ya to Know books.
Why does she always look soo mad?
We can always hope. I think the reality is that the day will be marred by cameras in their faces.
It would be nice if they could celebrate just to celebrate.
AuntieAnn, that was hilarious!!!
Thanks, Schmecky! I'm still reading but that is VERY interesting about the out-of-state conditions. I'll check too on this, but did you read anything about the MAXIMUM number of hours the kids could work in a day, week, etc.? I would assume that every time the camera is on the kids it would be considered a "performance". Is that how you read it?
§ 11.5. Number of performances per day and per week.
(a) In counting the number of performances per day and per week, out-of-state performances shall be included in the calculation.
Has she ever heard of combining shopping trips? This woman is out and about shopping more than anyone I know.
prairiemary....because she IS.
Wrapping paper, but where are the gifts? Oh I know... The 440,000 of her unsold books sitting in the basement.
Cmon ... the wrapping paper is for the kids. They needed it to wrap all Khate's Mothers Day presents!
Kate is out and about everyday, to ensure that her picture is posted all over the internet everyday.I wonder if TLC pays for all her gas too?
I hate to shop myself, but have friends that love it. I'm sure even they couldn't keep up with Kate and TLC.
That woman lives on the phone. Who on earth is she talking to 24/7? Lord knows she has no friends.
TWoP Fan said...
So what if they don't celebrate on the day? Maybe the have a party a different day, because they have a test, or a function, or a certain friend can't come or any number of things. So what? Is this a new parenting law? You can look down on a parent who doesn't celebrate a birthday on the day? What about kids who have birthdays over vacation and have it early or late?
TWOP Fan, if it's a personal scheduling/family situation reason they can't celebrate on that day it's understandable as long as that is explained to the kids. If it's to accommodate a shooting schedule and the kids are lied to, "just to get their true reaction", then it's just one more UNreal event that is promoted as "reality" and even much worse, it's one more lie being told to the children. JMO
Six Turning Six, Oh My!
Thanks SG - those are the existing child labor laws. My understanding is TLC and the Gosselins had filed nothing in Elizabethtown because they claim exemption due to documentary filming and not performance. That's where the neighbor took issue with your friend on the fan site on exploitation as the old neighborhood saw performances and long hours of filming. I believe there is good news in Pennsylvania on the horizon. Kevin, Jodi and others now have the right ears and they aren't doing media -- alot is going on behind the scenes and as Mr. Peterson said, they now have friends in Pennsylvania. New laws, proper protections should be submitted for passage very soon. That, however, does not undo the harm that was already inflicted on the 8 by the previous constant filming. It should protect future children so they cannot be exploited in Pennsylvania under the guise of "reality" television. Don't you find it fascinating that the writers of reality tv were to strike with other tv writers? So much for reality. The next step is to support the people that are going forward to make this a national law. One small victory for children at a time!
Filming takes a LOT longer than what you see!! Trust me. My brother in laws restaurant was featured on "Diners, Drive ins and Dives" and it took them 33 hours to film 6 minutes of airtime! Those kids WORK and WORK HARD!! Its disgusting!
Suzanne:Maybe the phone is like her earpiece on TV - somebody on the other end is directing her every move?"Now, Kate, get in the car.No, the black one. Now drive 3 miles and turn left.No, Kate, Left!See the big house? That's YOUR house. Turn right, Kate.Don't look at the paps!"
Thanks French Canadian as usual Khate is gonna take this birthday to exploit the kids.
So disappointing that she has to spin/twirl and twist every day of their lives. When will the Gosselin children get a day that is about them.
That is right Annaleigh.
Also, you know it is just sad on TLC's part and shows their desperation. Now they are flashing the Duggars around and trying to spin what it takes to produce these reality shows.
Oh lordie bee!
TWoP Fan said...
So what if they don't celebrate on the day? Maybe the have a party a different day, because they have a test, or a function, or a certain friend can't come or any number of things. So what? Is this a new parenting law? You can look down on a parent who doesn't celebrate a birthday on the day? What about kids who have birthdays over vacation and have it early or late?
Not sure why this is so hard to understand. The problem is not celebrating on a different day. The problem is being lied to in order to get a reaction. What does this teach the kids when they find out? To lie to get what you want. Want to get into a great college? Lie about the clubs you were in. Want to get the best job? Lie on your resume. Want to have sex with someone? Lie and tell them you love them.
Having a birthday a different day because of a test? Fine. A function? Fine. A certain friend can't come. Fine. Early or late bdays because of a vacation? Fine. This is not manipulation. The kid knows why the day is different and there are good reasons for it. But celebrating your birthday on a different day because you were lied to in order to get the shot, is manipulation. It's using them.
I cant stand the duggers. I wont watch any TLC show with kids in it.
Give me a freaking break. As if she doesn't already have wrapping paper in the house and she just has to run out to Party City for three big rolls. Oh, and then she doesn't bother to get a big bag that we know they have for rolls of wrapping paper. How much more staged can this idiot get? She just wants to have the paid papp there to click away and disseminate the photos of her with wrapping paper in her arms just so everybody knows the sextuplets' birthday is coming up.
I think that alone tells us that the birthday party will be filmed by TLC. Let's hope for the kids' sakes that it's not as awkward and uncomfortable as last year's party.
You know, this woman needs to just give it a rest. There is no reason why she can't have a nice little party at her large home, with huge property. They could invite over just a few friends and have a great time having a normal party at home. You know, just fun and games, cake and ice cream. I bet the kids would love that. Hey, she could even get a bouncy thing and put it in that 20 something acre back yard like normal people do.
Of course, it would also be nice to have some family there, but it seems that they have all been banished by queen Khate. I have to wonder if the kids will start seeking out relationships of their own when they are teenagers and driving. I wouldn't be surprised if they get in contact with some family on their own by the time they are 16, 18, 20 years old. That would really kill Khate, wouldn't it? You think she's a miserable witch now, just wait until the kids can no longer be controlled by her. That time will be here before she knows it.
Btw, what is the exact date of their birthday? Is it a weekday or does it fall on the weekend?
Interesting article about babies being filmed for a documentary and labor laws, etc:
'Babies' may have violated child labor laws
Schmecky I was just going to post this. I don't understand the logic of "a wildlife film of human babies". Just crazy. Do animals in wildlife films grow up and get teased by other animals on how they were portrayed?
Babies are not wildlife.
ITA. You can bet she's got tons of wrapping paper in the house. She will be stopping at UPS too, to pick up all the 'cash only' gifts that people send the tups. Expect that photo tomorrow.
Denise, thanks, lol. Wanna bet they each WILL be getting a copy on their bday?
If people would stop watching TLC. Kate would go away.
If Kate would go away, we will stop watching her. She's metastasized the web.
If I remember correctly, the TLC crew brought all those wrapped packages to the house last week. There was a boat load of packages.
The next day after Kate went to Toys R'Us, I believe.
I think that the big birthday party has already been filmed.
Maybe that GROWN UP PAPER that she is carrying is for Mothers Day.
I agree AuntieAnn. Kate is exactly like a cancer :\
I don't have any respect for TLC anymore. First they were obsessed with large families, then they're obsessed with little people, and NOW they are ripping off shows from other channels like Hoarders, Intervention and even The Best Thing I Ever Ate. *INSERT EYE ROLL!*
NEWSFLASH KATE just because somebody's paying attention to you doesn't mean it's positive attention!
But the Babies are CUTE they are here for our enjoyment and entertainment. I will miss them when it's over I want to watch them grow up!
Annaleigh said...
Filming takes a LOT longer than what you see!! Trust me. My brother in laws restaurant was featured on "Diners, Drive ins and Dives" and it took them 33 hours to film 6 minutes of airtime!
Don't you know that most of the time was taken up trying to get Kate to say something intelligible when she was doing her couch interviews?
I can't even imagine the level of exhaustion that production crew experienced every filming day.
Btw, speaking of the kids filming again and the PA child labor laws, I posted a comment on the thread below this a couple of hours ago about that. I think it's about time that the PA DOL do its job and visit this "workplace", i.e, the Gosselin home. I hope no one minds, but I'm going to re-post my comments in this post:
After the child labor law hearing last month, it's become painfully obvious that the PA Department of Labor really messed up (or deliberately let things slide) in the Gosselin case. Along with the PA Representatives, we all learned for the first time: how the so called investigation was dragged out; how the DOL seemingly negotiated with TLC/Discovery regarding filming (rather than doing their job and enforcing the labor laws); how the DOL did nothing about the years of past violations, agreeing only to set specific guidelines for any future filming; and most shockingly, how the DOL NEVER visited the "workplace", i.e., the Gosselin home! I remember how Gloria Allred chastised them about it in her parting remarks.
So, now that filming has begun, perhaps someone (Rep. Murt, Gloria Allred, Paul Petersen) can urge the DOL to do their job and conduct a surprise inspection of the workplace/Gosselin home during filming to make sure they are in compliance.
I know people here have mentioned that they've been in contact with Rep. Murt. Maybe someone can ask him about this? If the DOL is genuinely concerned about the child labor laws being followed, they really do need to inspect this particular workplace (the Gosselin home) during work hours (filming) - particularly since they are well aware of the fact that the employer (TLC/Discovery) blatantly violated the child labor laws for years (and would still be doing so had there not been a public outcry last year)!
Thanks, anon. I'll post it here so we don't have to give ROL any clicks.
VIDEO: Jon Gosselin Shops For Sextuplets' Birthdays - Hopes He Gets To See Them
It’s going to be a big day at the Gosselin house on Monday as the adorable sextuplets turn 6.
PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Takes Kids To The Mall
PHOTOS: Jon Does Work Around The House While Kate Does Shopping
Their dad, Jon Gosselin, was spotted Thursday stocking up on a bounty of gifts at a local Toys R Us and you can watch the video right here on RadarOnline.com.
PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin & Her Kids Play At Home
PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin And Kids Start Filming Kate Plus 8
Jon shared that he doesn’t have custody of the kids on Monday, and that he hopes Kate “lets me see them on their birthday.”
PHOTOS: Kate Drops Her Kids Off At School
PHOTOS: Kate Trying To Keep Up With The Kids
It seems impossible that the sextuplets are already turning 6 – It seems like only yesterday that they were born!
PHOTOS: Jon Gosselin At Autograph Signing Event
VIDEO: Jon Gosselin Reads Kate's New Book
Happy birthday Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel!
* Yawn. Really, who give a crap anymore? Big deal. Can these idiots stay out of the public arena for one damn day? Those poor kids, both their loser parents are addicted to "fame". Do they really think we don't know how staged it all is? As if there are swarms of paparazzi hanging out in PA in mall parking lots just waiting for one of these idiots to go shopping.
Don't Cara and Mady feel slighted that THEIR birthdays aren't such a big hoopla/filmed for tv?
PatK, actually Mady did voice her displeasure at the 3rd Bday party for the tups.
Why in the world is this idiot still letting the mother dictate his visitation?? Kate or not, there is no reason he should have to depend on her iron fist to see his own darn kids. LET HIM?? Be a man and get a court ordered visitation schedule or stop complaining.
I dont know what people see in Kate. Shes not an actress, singer, dancer. Lets face it she has no talent. Jon cant fight TLC hes going to join them agin. Thats how these two idiots make millons. I will never watch TLC even to snark on Kate.
Here's hoping they celebrate in the back yard and not the front for a photo opt.
Are those rolls of paper wrapped with a little loop at the top for carrying?
I thought "joint" custody were granted on Special Occasions such as Bdays and Holidays?
Did Jon's old idiot of a lawyer "Mark Heller" screw that up too?
Kate is not only schooling John in the public image battle, but she’s killing him when it comes to raking in the cash. As Kate walks away from divorce with job offers falling out of the sky and onto her lap, Jon has been working hard at trying to find some form of employment to no avail.
Let’s take a look at the numbers:
-Dancing With The Stars: $200,000
-Reality shows Twist of Kate and Kate Plus 8: $700,000
-Her book advance for I Just Want To Know You: Six figures
Total: Over a million.
Now let’s take a look at John:
-Sale of his BMW: $30,000
-Selling his autograph: $10 per signature
Total: Insanely less than Kate.
“It kills him that she’s sitting pretty and he’s living like a pauper,” a source who likes to state the obvious tells Star.
Worse than being grumpy, he’s mooching. He frequently asks Kate to spot him $100s and is even stealing from her house when he watches the kids! “Whenever Kate’s home, she loads up on hundreds of dollars of groceries and supplies,” but by the time she comes home a few days later it’s gone. She thinks Jon is “taking things back to his place.”
Kate is understandably pissed and likely won’t let it go on for long. Jon is reportedly looking for a job but hasn’t found anything. It is a bad economy and work is scarce, but if you were him, wouldn’t you work anywhere? Isn’t Walmart always hiring?
Earlier Kate picked up her gaggle of kids in her necessarily enormous van. Last year, the sextuplets' birthday fell on Mother's Day. Last year Kate was criticized for spending the afternoon of their birthday (which fell on the same day as Mother's Day) at a tanning salon instead of with her kids. This year we're hoping Kate will make it a priority to keep her kids close by.
Yeah, here's hoping but don't hold your breath. Knowing Kart, it'll be another one her 'making memories' splashes, unfortunately. Last years turning five party was quite pathetic. From the video it looked like maybe ten or twelve kids showed up and some of the production crew came with a couple of their babies. It looked like there were more adults than kids there and no one seem all that happy to stand near the Queen.
It's too bad these kids have a mom who is so bent on making herself look good that she uses their birthday party to satisfy HER insatiable narcissistic cravings. She was telling them, not asking them, that they loved their party. Sick woman. The whole thing could have been held inside the huge McMansion so the kids could celebrate in privacy with their playmates with hot dogs and potato chips, cake and ice cream, and party games. Nope not Kart. They could have rented a few lanes at the bowling alley or the whole alley for an afternoon, but nope, not Karts kids. They could have put the bouncy castle in the backyard, but not the children of Kate Gosselin. It was HER party, not theirs.
And did she actually think anyone believed her about being mad that the paps showed up. Shit - she lives for that kind of exposure. She turns my stomach. (or can't you tell?)
No wrapping paper -- remember last fall in the episode where the 2 nice ladies came to organize Kaart's basement? There was enough wrapping paper down there to last for the next 5 years!
You said it! How stupid is this man? I don't even want to hear one more self serving bellyaching comment from this drone. Years from now I don't think that the children will see it from either Kart's or Jon's vantage point.
As adults they will understand that their parents did not put them first or else they would have celebrated birthdays and other important holidays with both parents present and acting like parents/adults. Boy, Jon's Dad would be so proud of him, Huh?
And, Kart, doing everything for my children except providing them with a stress free fun filled birthday with Dad and Mom. This is not complicated -- If she were putting her children first this would be a total non issue. Total phonies the both of them.
NancyB, Yes and she was rude to them too. I was also amazed at the amount of supplies she has stashed in that basement. Come on, it's eight kids, not eight hundred. I think Kate is a hoarder. She's clean, but still a hoarder.
French Canadian said...
Not really a fair comparison since TLC prevented Jon from making money in the media.
Besides, this is the same blog that said was the Best Mother in the world for buying the kids a "giga ball".
And we all know who actually bought that ball.
I know, I don't believe any of it and I don't believe that he doesn't have any money. I'm sure when they got divorced that they did a fair split. saying that he is steeling is awful. In Quebec, no one is a looser in a divorce.
TLC wants to vamp kate's image and distroy Jon's. He made a lot of mitakes but I am team Jon. I read your blog almost everyday :)
Could someone tell me if we whrite believe or beleive..
Size 5.5 is European, that would be size 8 in US.
Size 5.5 US, no way!
French Canadian, that is hilarious! Of course ROL's commenters are talking about her itty bitty feet and how wonderful it is that she is donating shoes - that she got for free. You're right about the UK sizes. In Euro sizes that would be a 38-39! No way would they be talking about how small they are with those numbers (which happen to be my numbers, and I'm 5'8", which I assume Kate is too). What they should be talking about is the fact that the shoes are BRAND NEW!!!!!!!!!
I agree it's absurd that Jon is saying Kate still controls his visits. The path to correcting this issue is:
1. go to family court
2. ask for a birthday/holiday schedule that you STICK TO
Truly only in cases of extreme abuse is a mother given control over the father's visits. There's nothing to indicate that's the case here.
Jon? Be a man.
Admin - I totally agree about the visitation. I just don't get why the hell Jon is being such a fool and letting Khate call all the shots. He needs to grow a pair, get good legal counsel and have a fair, reasonable and extremely specific parenting schedule drawn up.
At this point, I'm just hoping that Jon does in fact have a good attorney. Didn't we read somewhere that he has hired someone new? I'm just hoping that his new attorney is having him document all of his requests for parenting time along with Khate's refusals to cooperate. I would be advising him to email his requests to her so that her responses are documented. After a couple of months or so, they should have some good evidence to show that Khate is in fact unilaterally dispensing parenting time to Jon and is often unreasonably withholding it, hence the need for a firm written schedule.
NancyB said...
No wrapping paper -- remember last fall in the episode where the 2 nice ladies came to organize Kaart's basement? There was enough wrapping paper down there to last for the next 5 years!
Yes, I do remember that. This post made me think of that too. I also remember that Khate was rather rude and dismissive when the organizer woman showed her the wrapping area that she had set up for her. If I recall correctly, Khate laughed at her and said something about not having time to wrap presents. She kind of looked at the woman as if to say are you crazy lady, I'm too busy for that and tried to make the woman feel stupid. In other words, typical Khate.
Believe is the correct spelling. Just try to remember use i before e, except following c. That's what we were taught in elem. school. Hope the 6 can enjoy BOTH parents being present for their celebration. Thanks so much Admin. for this blog. You are a very fair person.
Size 5.5 is Kate's TOE size. The rest of the show is on a trailer.
And HOW did the Paps know that Jon was walking out of Toys R Us with some bags of really BORING looking toys for the kids???????
I don't believe a WORD either of these two Bernie Madoff wannabe's say.
If Jon wasn't given access to the kids on their birthday's it's his own fault. Cry me a friggin river Jon.
Again, Admin, I think you have set your hopes too high for Jon to be a man. I don't understand why he didn't carry out his custody suit. To whine and cry he can't have access just isn't going to cut it since he was in a position to do something and did not.
Jon HAD a good lawyer who was aggressively pursuing his interests. He dumped him. Mr. List was playing hardball and this must have frightened TLC and Kate so much that they made Jon toe the line. Now he has an "Amicable Divorce" lawyer.I would like to understand how anybody thinks that these two people are capable of being amicable unless ordered to do so for cash.
French Canadian said:
Could someone tell me if we whrite believe or beleive..
Hi French,
If I understand correctly, it is believe.
It's I before E, except after C.
We have a lot of silly little sayings for our spelling. We learned them as children in grade school/ elementary school. :)
But, you are right about the size of Kate's shoe being the equivalent to a size 8. Kate is a good size girl. If she had tiny feet, we would all see it. I know a few women who do have tiny feet and wear a size 5 shoe. You can tell just by looking. Kate does not have tiny feet.
Have a good day French!
French Canadian: The good-Kate, bad-Jon publicity spin makes my blood boil. Do we really need this? Do their kids need to read it? Kate “schooling John in the public image battle”? The movie Dumb and Dumber came to mind. She “has job offers falling out of the sky”? Hardly!! Only what TLC sets up to push her into the public eye. If they did the same for Jon and let HIM write a book, he’d be a multi-millionaire and gold-digger Kate would be tripping over herself trying to win him back. We call her chunky – they stage a sports bra photo op with painted-on abs. We say she’s got big feet – they print that she wears a tiny size 5. It’s like mud flinging back and forth and they will not let their queen get dirty. She is just sooooo important and such a good mother, blah blah blah.
Side note: As I’m writing this, 2 Canadian geese with 6 goslings in tow are walking past my office window. Very cute, and so fitting!! Just like the geese, the little Gosselins will not be following those two grifters forever.
Laura D.
Excuse me for being so nit-picky, but all the shoe conversion charts I checked on the internet show that a woman's size 8 show (US) converts to a size 38 1/2 in Europe and converts to a size 5 in Mexico. Not sure what it matters, and I'm not sure why it's a hot topic. Slow news day I guess, although that's not correct either, what with the volatility of the stock market and unemployment rate at 9.9%
Claire, if you go to the Supadance site (the mfg of the shoes) their shoes are in UK sizes.
If you read the ad for the auction, the only DWTS person NOT to sign them was Pam Anderson. I'm sure it's because they were leather. I'm glad to see one person who stands by their convictions!
You forgot the most important one - that they will be ALLOWED to ENJOY their birthday. Remember the cupcake party for their 4th birthday? That was the last eppy I watched. I wanted to reach through the TV screen and punch her in the mouth. Icing on their clothes? HORRIFYING. I can just guess at her thought process - "I don't want to clean all those clothes!!" Well, let's see - A: you should have had a thought about that when you decided to start this mess and B: you haven't washed your kids clothes in years, bitch.
blue paper - to wrap her gifts to Radaronline
pink paper - to wrap her gifts to Eileen O'Neill
green paper - to wrap her gifts to TLC in general
French Canadian said:
Could someone tell me if we whrite believe or beleive..
Hi French,
If I understand correctly, it is believe.
It's I before E, except after C.
We have a lot of silly little sayings for our spelling. We learned them as children in grade school/ elementary school. :)
But, you are right about the size of Kate's shoe being the equivalent to a size 8. Kate is a good size girl. If she had tiny feet, we would all see it. I know a few women who do have tiny feet and wear a size 5 shoe. You can tell just by looking. Kate does not have tiny feet.
Have a good day French!
TWoP Fan said...
So what if they don't celebrate on the day? Maybe the have a party a different day, because they have a test, or a function, or a certain friend can't come or any number of things. So what? Is this a new parenting law? You can look down on a parent who doesn't celebrate a birthday on the day? What about kids who have birthdays over vacation and have it early or late?
TWOP Fan, if it's a personal scheduling/family situation reason they can't celebrate on that day it's understandable as long as that is explained to the kids. If it's to accommodate a shooting schedule and the kids are lied to, "just to get their true reaction", then it's just one more UNreal event that is promoted as "reality" and even much worse, it's one more lie being told to the children. JMO
Cmon ... the wrapping paper is for the kids. They needed it to wrap all Khate's Mothers Day presents!
Thanks, Schmecky! I'm still reading but that is VERY interesting about the out-of-state conditions. I'll check too on this, but did you read anything about the MAXIMUM number of hours the kids could work in a day, week, etc.? I would assume that every time the camera is on the kids it would be considered a "performance". Is that how you read it?
§ 11.5. Number of performances per day and per week.
(a) In counting the number of performances per day and per week, out-of-state performances shall be included in the calculation.
We can always hope. I think the reality is that the day will be marred by cameras in their faces.
It would be nice if they could celebrate just to celebrate.
The very photo of the wrapping paper is all I need to see to know this is the way the Monkey munch is made. Khate always makes it about her & her celebrity.
This is the Gosselin kids birthday....with Khate it will always be a time to exploit, profit, and be the center of attention.
Wishful thinking Administrator.
1. they celebrate their birthday on the actual day
Maybe if it runs in with a shooting day. If not this would be the " Big Party" for the kids. Kate just have small little parties. With only her "close nit family" and the kids.
2. they celebrate their birthday without paparazzi documenting it like animals in a zoo
Oh heavens NOOO. Kate wouldn't have any part of this. She probably hopes for the P people, tabloids, camera crews, stalkers, and everyone else. So she can get in the spotlight once again. Maybe pick up some free goodies for the kids. Since she is a working mom. She cries poor mouth all the time. Oh and has 6 of them to shop for. Must be so hard...
3. they celebrate their birthday without a camera crew there like animals in a zoo
Once again no. Kate and Jon would want this to be documented. They might even make it out to be a 1 hr eps once again. Just like last years BORING DRAMA Filled crap storyline. Kate once again is doing all the work. WA WA WA meee all the time. Jon is doing well whatever jon does. Kate talks about the past once again.
4. Jon and Kate are there and get along for the sake of the eight
On camera yes. They probably will take it as far as giving a hug or a kiss. So TLC can use this for a big surprise for all the viewers. Just to bring in viewers and big ratings. Than in a couple of weeks. Something craws up kates butt or jons and they are fighting again.
If I remember correctly, the TLC crew brought all those wrapped packages to the house last week. There was a boat load of packages.
The next day after Kate went to Toys R'Us, I believe.
I think that the big birthday party has already been filmed.
Maybe that GROWN UP PAPER that she is carrying is for Mothers Day.
If people would stop watching TLC. Kate would go away.
Btw, speaking of the kids filming again and the PA child labor laws, I posted a comment on the thread below this a couple of hours ago about that. I think it's about time that the PA DOL do its job and visit this "workplace", i.e, the Gosselin home. I hope no one minds, but I'm going to re-post my comments in this post:
After the child labor law hearing last month, it's become painfully obvious that the PA Department of Labor really messed up (or deliberately let things slide) in the Gosselin case. Along with the PA Representatives, we all learned for the first time: how the so called investigation was dragged out; how the DOL seemingly negotiated with TLC/Discovery regarding filming (rather than doing their job and enforcing the labor laws); how the DOL did nothing about the years of past violations, agreeing only to set specific guidelines for any future filming; and most shockingly, how the DOL NEVER visited the "workplace", i.e., the Gosselin home! I remember how Gloria Allred chastised them about it in her parting remarks.
So, now that filming has begun, perhaps someone (Rep. Murt, Gloria Allred, Paul Petersen) can urge the DOL to do their job and conduct a surprise inspection of the workplace/Gosselin home during filming to make sure they are in compliance.
I know people here have mentioned that they've been in contact with Rep. Murt. Maybe someone can ask him about this? If the DOL is genuinely concerned about the child labor laws being followed, they really do need to inspect this particular workplace (the Gosselin home) during work hours (filming) - particularly since they are well aware of the fact that the employer (TLC/Discovery) blatantly violated the child labor laws for years (and would still be doing so had there not been a public outcry last year)!
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