Credits roll. At least they didn’t make the kids run around somebody’s yard with a parachute for hours and hours in the hot sun to get the shot. That was back when they could film as much as they wanted to. Those darn child labor laws they’re actually being sort of forced to comply with are really problematic, aren’t they? The credits this time are a bunch of still shots of the kids, with each of them shouting their names--it’s actually pretty cute. These kids are really quite sweet, I always thought they were. It makes me so sad though we even know who they are.
Kate missed the crew. Kate remembers the moment she told the kids they weren’t going to film anymore. The kids were shocked, confused, had an outburst. This is all to try to convince us that the children really just love the filming and need the filming and how cruel of Jon to take it away! But to me it just makes Kate look even worse than she already does. She was filming her children so much they got attached to a camera crew? There is absolutely no reason children at their age should be forming meaningful attachments with a crew. Try family members and friends their own age, for starters.
When your children are shocked, confused and having outbursts over a camera crew not being in their lives anymore, maybe it’s time to reassess your priorities. Also I’m just wondering, were they shocked and confused when they didn’t see Aunt Jodi anymore, or their grandparents, or how about was it shocking and confusing to have Kate take off for L.A. for days and weeks leaving them with 22-year-old nannies? Was the divorce shocking to them? I also need to point out that Jon’s story is slightly different. He in fact said the children are “UNANIMOUS” that they don’t want to film anymore, and would rather be swimming in the pool not going on trips. “We filmed 152 episodes. What more can you possibly still film?“ Jon said. So believe who you like, but they can't both be telling the truth.
Kate also never acknowledges the fact that these children may very well do their best to love this because they know that makes Mommy happy. Kids will say and do anything at this age to make Mommy happy--that is normal. I did it, we all did it. Kids aim to please. I wish Kate would have a conversation with them about how they can be honest with her, that even though Mommy loves this it doesn’t mean you have to too and I won’t be mad if you want to tell me you don’t like it anymore. Instead of just assuming they‘ll come to her when they don‘t want to film anymore. Maybe she has. Just a suggestion. And what’s been said a thousand times, kids this age are too young to make the call. That’s what adults are for. I’m also going to say one more time, Kate has a giant, glaring conflict of interest in filming her kids. And thy name is money. She has no credibility, sorry, she doesn't.
Count the times Kate directly or indirectly throws Jon under the bus: That’s one!
The crew shows up at the house for the first time since that mean awful Daddy told them to go away, and we know by the paparazzi photos they bribed the kids with presents, but of course they don‘t show us that part of it. The kids are excited to see them--I don‘t find this comforting, I find it weird. Like a kid who is excited to see the gardener or something--I‘m not degrading that profession, I‘m just saying you’re supposed to come to the house and do your job and you don‘t form attachments with children who aren‘t even yours because that’s creepy. It does not escape my attention that Mady however is not excited at all. She stands off to the side, hugging a baby doll and bending her head solemnly.
“Everything is back to normal,” Aaden says. And this is totally spun to make it look like he’s talking about the camera crew. Number one, you’re saying a kid thinks a camera crew is normal? This whole thing is so incredibly creepy I can’t take it. I honestly did not expect to be this creeped out. But number two if you listen to the conversation before, Aaden was talking about how he now has his “elephant pillow” and couches down in the basement and I think he was talking about how the dance floor was removed from the house after Kate got voted off DWTS, and now that is why everything is back to normal. Sure enough just seconds later Collin explains the dance floor is gone and things are normal now. These kids are NOT talking about the camera crew at all, they were talking about DWTS screwing up their basement and play area. TLC is bending over backwards though to convince us the kids love this, just love it! It’s their normal! Yeah their creepy normal. TLC--defensive much?
Did all these men have their background checks? Fingerprints? Livescans? The kids are jumping all over them and now are alone with them in the basement.
“It’s good that the paparazzi went away,” Collin says distinctly. Poor baby. He has to cover his poor little face every time he goes out. Think he was just playing peek-a-boo now? He just told us he doesn’t like the paparazzi--we were right and Kate’s defenders were wrong, again. Sadly Collin doesn’t realize that filming yet another season of this exploitation ain’t helping the paparazzi go away anytime soon.
Yawn, they’re out in the yard playing with the motorized cars. We saw paparazzi photos of that too, which I quickly am realizing are sort of like little spoilers for these episodes! It’s boring enough watching somebody else’s kid play with an electric car, but really boring when you already saw a bunch of still photos of it. Kate did not get each child their own electric car not because that would really be spoiling them and would be greedy and they already have a ton of toys and electric cars are really expensive, but because they didn’t all fit in the garage--she did the measurements. Really, this is what she says.
Kate “offered” to give the kids to Jon on their birthday. She says it like she also offered to loan him a hundred grand or something. My goodness how generous of her! I think she sometimes forgets they’re his kids, too, and he‘s entitled to see them. Still if Jon has a problem with Kate totally running the program, he can go to family law court and fix it, so I don‘t have a lot of sympathy for him. It’s as obvious as the nose on Kate’s face TLC is simply sending Jon regular checks to shut up and go along. He has no shame.
Kate says she didn’t like sending the kids off to Jon’s on their birthday, and they had cupcakes and gum. Eww, two things these kids do not have a good history with! Fair enough, sending them to Daddy on such a special day is hard. I get that they don’t get along well enough to have a party together yet--that‘s also fair. Who wants a birthday where Mom and Dad are fighting the whole time? I hope someday they can be amicable. I don’t have anything more to say about this except that this is what happens when you get divorced--a lot of sadness.
The six-year-olds are in highchairs.
The Florida trip is a surprise. Alexis guesses they are going to the North Pole. Hey, that’s not a bad guess as that’s about the only place they haven’t been yet on this show! Jon awhile back suggested a trip to the moon. I liked Jon better when he was pissed about this stuff.
Jamie has been Kate’s best friend forever. She has? I thought Beth was her best friend. Then Carla. Where’s she? I see a pattern here. Jamie‘s left her own young kids behind to be sort of a nanny on this trip. The whole thing is odd. Let me guess, Jamie just loves them. That phrase is the kiss of death for any family or friends on this show. Is Jamie getting paid or just doing this out of the goodness of her heart? Why is it okay to pay Jamie, but not Aunt Jodi who also went on trips with them?
Kate should know that rich people don’t actually do their own packing. That’s what nannies and assistants are for. She wants so badly to be rich, I’m just trying to help.
Kate did not tell the kids where they were going because the media could be alerted “by certain ones.” Throwin’ Jon under the bus number two! So basically, she didn‘t tell Jon she was taking his children out of the state? No tears for Jon though, go ask a judge to make an order she is not to do that without his consent, this kind of order is made all…the….time. It's as standard now as power windows.
It’s completely disturbing that at the airport when Kate is walking with the twins to get something to eat, total strangers are shouting her name at her. You do not do that period when someone is with their kids, I’m sorry. The twins look sort of dazed by this, like they‘ve been through all this before. At least this time when the sextuplets approach a complete stranger and start talking to him and touching him and basically becoming his best friend, he’s wearing a police uniform.
On the plane Mady is ticked because she wants the middle seat and Kate is making her take an aisle seat. Why is this so important to Kate? Both seats were empty. Why can’t Mady sit where she wants? She didn’t ask to go on this trip. She didn't ask to be pulled out of school. Mady is, 90% of the time, completely justified in the things she is protesting about. She’s got this odd reputation as the brat when really she is just standing up for herself. All the other kids are doormats, which they probably can‘t really help at this age.
Penguins were there to meet them off the plane. Yeah I’m sure that penguin prefers to be on a hot tarmac in Orlando waddling around a bunch of loud obnoxious humans rather than gliding off a glacier in South America. I’m just gonna tell you I am a total extremist when it comes to zoos--I don’t believe wild animals should be held in captivity for any reason whatsoever, even if it’s a sanctuary and supposed to be educational. I have not been to a zoo or a circus period since I was in middle school. I may make an exception for an injured animal who can’t survive in the wild. Go watch a documentary on Antarctica if you want to see penguins.
The next morning, Alexis is crying and throwing up. Unbelievable, Kate actually shows us the Ziploc bag containing her watery pink vomit. What, is Ziploc a sponsor? New Ziploc smartseal, now you can hear and feel the bag closing from edge to edge so you know your vomit is protected. Presumably Kate decides Alexis can’t go along to Discovery Cove today. Vomit, double ear infections and constipation never stopped her from filming her kids before, why stop now? Oh, right, because there’s some people who actually make laws now who are watching. I bet you anything there was a production meeting where it was decided they would never be able to do damage control for dragging a vomiting child along on a trip--they had no choice but to leave her behind. An insider reported that Aaden was seen vomiting at Discovery Cove too. Since illnesses quickly get around to all the kids, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Mady can’t even breathe in her wet suit, she hates it. I put one of those on once for snorkeling in the Red Sea and hated it too. It feels like once you get it on you’ll never be able to manage to peal it off. Claustrophobic. But Kate forces her to put it on. Doesn’t Kate know the easiest way to get on a wet suit it to actually get it wet?
They swim with stingrays. Fun enough. Kate says she has low blood sugar which is just an insult to diabetics. Someone in my immediate family is Type 1 diabetic, yeah, since she was a teenager, and low blood sugar means she starts talking like a drunken sailor and if you don’t do something quick, passes out. I was there once a couple years ago when she almost died and she had to go by ambulance to the ER. Yeah, it is not a joke thanks. Burgers for lunch for everyone, Kate refuses to give the kids a choice as to what they want to eat.
After lunch, Kate doesn’t appreciate the exotic birds but the kids love it. Look at, as long as your bikini fits you right and covers all your girl parts, I don’t have a problem. I know others disagree. After birds they swim with the dolphins. I feel so strongly about this, it is horrible to keep dolphins in captivity, any kind of captivity, period. It is even worse in other countries like Japan. You should rent The Cove, a disturbing documentary about the world‘s largest supplier of dolphins. People who can’t think in terms of shades of gray assume that just because dolphins have a permanent smile on their face they’re happy with their captivity. Much like how a declining number of people believe that just because the Gosselin kids have a smile on their face at times, they too are happy with their captivity. But I suppose the dolphins don’t know any better, a lot of them have always been there. The parallels to these kids are astounding.
The next day, Kate quickly takes Alexis, who I guess is feeling better although no one confirms this, to the stingray pool and to swim with dolphins. She absolutely loved it. But I think she loved having her mom to herself more. Actually, it wasn’t all to herself. She had to share her with a camera crew and 3.3 million other viewers. Why do moments like these have to be filmed again?
Oh, this is rich! “I was determined as I always am to give the kids as paparazzi free a life as possible,” Kate says as the bus pulls up to ride an airboat to their birthday party. Oh, so that’s why you signed up for DWTS, Kate Plus 8, and Twisted Kate, I see now! To make the paparazzi go away! I can’t help it I’m just angry now. Collin just said how much he can’t stand the paps. How can you make your 6-year-old baby continue to endure this? I’ve said this before, Kate seriously acts like just one day she was going out to fetch the morning paper and a bunch of paparazzi showed up at the doorstep snapping photos and never left. Not that she actively pursued fame knowing full well almost all famous people have to deal with paps at some point.
An insider who says she is the niece of the guy who runs the boats posted on Kate’s blog that they road this boat around basically all day long getting the right shots. And that, of course, Kate was rude. Everyone has speculated the production crew ran to Florida to try to escape filming laws in PA. Except, oops, Florida has their own laws too, such as having an on-set liaison to work with the Labor Department at all times. Who was that person pray tell? I don’t see anyone else in the boat but Jamie and Steve.
They stumble upon an alligator and Kate freaks and runs away. The alligator “won’t come out because she has babies,” the airboat guy explains reassuringly. Ha, even an alligator knows not to exploit her children. The alligator hisses at them menacingly. Well, no wonder, they’re basically ambushing her and her babies with a giant boat so loud everyone needs to wear earphones. Humans are so freaking dumb to poor animals, it's ridiculous.
They arrive at an empty pavilion for their sad birthday party with the bodyguard and Kate’s new best friend. No Daddy, no friends, no family. Here comes Mady to tell it like it is. First of all, their birthday was a week ago, she exclaims. Right on! Then Mady points out that she and Cara only had one birthday celebration. Correct again.
Jamie then tries to offer Mady water. Her tone is really sweet and helpful, which is a nice change from her own mother denying her water last time she was thirsty. Then Mady says tearfully…brace for this, this is really disturbing…. “I don’t want water because nobody cares about me, I want to die.”
Wow, just wow. Why in the world would any parent in their right mind ever, ever allow a statement like that to be aired on T.V.? I am beyond shocked and appalled. I am outright disturbed. I don’t care if Mady was just being dramatic, this is not a healthy statement for any ten-year-old to make period, and should be addressed in therapy and not on T.V., end of story. It is so incredibly sad that Mady basically has to threaten suicide to get anyone to give her the attention she deserves.
You’re right, Mady. Three birthday parties is bullshit. A birthday party staged just for the cameras a full week after the actual birthday that your mother even pulled you out of school for is even bigger bullshit. Fight on. So far, I have not seen Mady complain about one single thing that she wasn’t completely justified in making a stink about this entire trip. This girl does not screw around complaining that her lemonade ain’t cold enough, she is complaining about legit injustices here.
Kate pulls Mady aside and gives Mady some bizarre explanation about how the babies were still in the NICU a week after they were born and that’s why they’re celebrating a week later. Huh? WTF? “We were early too and you only celebrated one day,” Mady retorts. Ha, this child is wonderful. And so smart.
Kate, just admit it’s for the cameras. Mady would respect you a lot more. Kate tries to explain that because of the divorce and because they’re multiples they had a party with Mommy, then Daddy, and now this one. That explains the first two parties, but does nothing to explain the third one. Still no adequate explanation for yet another party and this discussion has gone on for like five minutes now. Mady is 100% right, this is borderline spoiling these poor kids now with all the parties, and not even remotely fair to her and Cara.
Admit it’s for the show, admit it! Mady is still grappling to understand why this is happening. Mady, there is no explanation for this other than the cameras. But I admire you for trying to make sense of your crazy mother.
Orange juice squeezing contest. I’ve never watched a birthday party without any guests whatsoever. It’s weird. Like it’s 1920 and the kids are in a sanatorium isolated with TB or something.
Oh my goodness, my blood pressure. Please somebody rescue these twins. During the squeezing, Kate snorts, “Cheaters never win and winners never cheat!” Then Cara sort of echoes to Mady, basically, you’re cheating so you’re a loser. Isn’t that just another way of saying what Kate just said??? Kate explodes on her, sends her away from the table, telling her she‘s “done.” W….T….F? Kate started talking about cheaters first. But because Cara said someone was cheating, now she’s done? Cara holds her hands out dumbfounded and says “I didn’t!” Even Mady comes to Cara’s defense, throwing something aside and stomping off with her to time out. Aw. The funniest part is Kate is shouting at Mady that she’s fine she can stay at the table, but Mady stomps off anyway ignoring her. It’s sort of satisfying to see the kids band together against crap lik

Piñatas. How 80s! Love it. Mady and Cara get their own piñata. In a very quick edit, they beat out a little candy and then beat it some more until realizing they've already emptied it all out. Kate cackles like a Disney villain at all the candy being gone. She is mean to her twins, period.
The little kids are spending an awful lot of time on the couch narrating this episode. Toward the end Hannah is starting to look really tired of this, leaning back on the couch, scowling and crossing her arms. But this isn’t work mind you. This is fun for them. It’s work for Kate but not them. This is according to Kate. They were not even paid for all this garbage until a government agency made TLC pay them--astonishing.
The kids are still smacking each other? Way too old. And I like how those kids don't go to time out, but Cara does, for just echoing what Kate just said. There are two people singing happy birthday to the kids. Kate and Jamie. This just keeps getting sadder.
As we finally wrap up, Kate laments that having six kids who are six years old just means that she’s old. And that six is just a big baby. Okay, crazy. I love how this is all about Kate and getting old, and not about what a wonderful thing it is the children are another year older. I personally think six is one of the best ages a child can possibly be. They are old enough to actually do cool stuff, you can have a conversation with them that isn‘t just about cookies and Dora the Explorer, but they still say really adorable things. Six all the way, baby. I mean big kids!
Well, Kate hasn’t changed much in nine months, sadly. And this show is missing a big other half--Jon. The whole beauty of why Jon and Kate Plus 8 worked was because of the dynamic those two had. People were fascinated to watch that couple, admit it or not. I don’t know how much longer this format of just Kate will last, who knows maybe it will work, maybe it won’t. But anytime I’ve seen a show retooled without a major character, it’s tanked. Every single time. Wow, I just called Jon a character. Now I'm creepy too.
99 sediments (sic) from readers:
This is an amazing recap. It makes me so sad. What a life these kids have - if you can call it that.
Mady for president.
Excellent recap. I wanted to add a couple points. How sad for Jon & his new lady, sitting at home watching this BS and hearing Kate say "yea they had cupcakes and gum" "at his Apt" She even corrected herself when she said house first. He may have handled his new found FREEDOM from kate very bad and public, but at a basic human level, he didnt deserve that to be said let alone aired on TV.
Did anyone see Collin? on the right of the screen during the couch scenes? That poor kid NEVER spoke and looked so sad. They even made sure he wasn't in the "close-ups" when the sibling next to him was talking.
And the second hour show, OMG. How can Merideth Viera EVER have any legit opinions about Kate? What happens when the tide turns and the sharks start feeding on Kate? Will Merideth be the lone voice of reason for Kate? Ha HA! I thought all reporters were supposed to be middle of the road (well except ROL). She is simply a paid spokesperson for TLC. I predict her CBS contract is up soon, and she will be working for TLC. Perfect transition!
The OTHER Kate (from People) is a wack job. She is so far up Kates rear just so she can keep the ratings hot. Another paid spokesperson. The guy from Inside Edition, another wack job. His only concern is ratings to. He wants that idiotic show of his to be able to rehash the same story ... over and over...and over. I think they just stopped running the story about the lady from Who's Eating Gilbert Grape and how big she was. Tabloid trash!
Oh, one more thing. WTF was kate wearing at the airport? Admin you said as long as the bikini covered the girl parts? Well what would you say about appropriate airport wear? :) At least Jamie was dressed for real MOM work. Kate probably wanted to maintain that Star look, while actually looking like a complete tramp. The only thing better would have been if the heels were just a little higher and were clear.
Great recap and very entertaining. Someone mentioned on another blog that the pinata wasn't empty to begin with. The twins whacked it several times and all the candy fell out. Then Cara hit it and broke the string and began beating on it again thinking there might be more candy in it. I just wanted to point that out and correct it if necessary.
I'm so glad I didn't watch this show because I would have thrown the remote through the screen. And what do you suppose Jamie's kids think about their mom gallivanting around the country with the Gosselin kids instead of with them? How can she possibly explain this to them?
I won't watch The Cove because I know I would need therapy. I knew zoos were wrong by the time I was 5 and saw a lion pacing back and forth over and over again. Haven't been back to one. Does anyone else see the irony of the exploited children visiting the exploited animals? Simply repulsive to me.
And just wait until Kate has eight - count them - eight teenagers ganging up against her. And it will happen. These kids are going to be paying her back in spades for the rest of her life for every hurtful remark, cackle, and prank she has ever played on them.
And we'll hear her complain that she spent her whole life trying to be the best mom possible and they don't even appreciate her. Those kids will definitely be her Karma.
Great recap. Sorry you had to sit through it. She is a monster.
OMG Admin. You posted "Then Mady says tearfully…brace for this, this is really disturbing…. 'I don’t want water because nobody cares about me, I want to die'.” This is heart wrenching. Absolutely terrifying that a 10 year old would make that statement. Kate is SICK SICK SICK to do this to her children. Come to think of it the entire recap was disturbing. Kate let her kids swim with the sting rays? Steve Irwin was killed by a sting ray. WTF is that stupid, stupid woman thinking! Oh, gee, answered my own question; money and fame. Can't somebody take these poor kids off TV. To all the Kart fans how can you excuse your "hero" for subjecting her children to this. You think they won't be damaged? Well take a look at poor little Mady. I wish I could bring her home with me where she'd have a good home and time to be a child. I feel so bad for that little girl; her childhood has been taken away from her forever by that woman who calls herself mommy (dearest).
Thanks ADM, well done. Tis so very sad to see Kate in action doing the same ole same ole. I so miss those great eye-rolls Jon did so well. Best wishes I send for the 8.
Excellent recap Admin. Well written, great editoral content and really gives those of us who didn't watch an insight about the greed this woman has and the heart of cold frozen ice that pumps in that remanufactured body.
Outstanding, spot-on narrative and expose' on the Manipulative Money-Making Machine known as TLC and Kate Gosselin. I hope and pray that Representative Murt, Paul Petersen, Meredith Vieria, sponsors, TLC bought-and-paid-for gossip sites, television entertainment programs, television talk shows, and other endorsers of this "approved" child abuse read this, educate themselves, stop buying into, and STOP promulgating and promoting this tripe. Those children need protection, they need their education, they need FRIENDS their own ages, and they need the physical and emotional love, support, and protection of their family, including grandparents, aunts and uncles--NOT a paid television crew. Those precious children are simply serving as a conduit for Kate's narcissistic compulsion for and obsession with fame. And what kind of mother gives her twin daughters empty pinatas and then cackles about it. She is sadistic and cruel.
Great recap, but you forgot my favorite part where Kate was freaking out at discovery cove that she had to get seven kids seated and lunch and she had no idea how she was going to do it cuz her "helper" was not there...the PA says to her, do you want us to get the food, just tell us what to get...and Kate says, no I have to do this myself and goes back to whining about not knowing how she will manage lunch all alone. Ugh.
I didn't watch the show, so thanks for the recap, but wow this makes me sad for the kids. I feel bad for the little kids, but Mady and Cara...ahhhh. :( It's really good that Mady is speaking up, but it's only going to make it much worse for her. She shouldn't stop though, she needs to fight, fight and fight some more. Kate will keep showing this stuff on tv because she thinks people will feel bad for her having to deal with Mady, but hopefully she will slowly but surely dig herself into the ground instead. There are so many injustices here, I don't even know where to begin, so I'll go with just one. ~~Empty pinatas for Mady & Cara ?.... why ?? To make fools out of them ? And Kate is laughing over this ? She is one sick horrendous bitch. Karma needs to take a huge bite out of her nasty ass very soon.
I did not watch the show and I am so glad. I literally got tears in my eyes reading this.
How can a MOTHER be so greedy and narcissistic to let her children go through these things?
Kate thinks mothering is GOING and GETTING.
She is so very wrong.
Admin ... Thanks for the great recap. I didn't watch either episode, but without a good recap, I might have been tempted to watch the next episode.
Thanks for the recap. Sounds like I missed nothing except more of the same. I'd like to wish that Jon would watch this and gain his 'mojo' back to fight - but we know that won't happen.
Fingers and toes crossed the ratings are sooooooooo bad TLC figures out that the end is near.
Just another girl...
Great recap! I didn't watch it, but I will watch it eventually I'm sure... once the viewing doesn't count. I hate that I can't really comment on how horrible the show is and how Kate treats her kids because I didn't watch it. While I find your recap seems very honest and spot on I hate to debate based on someone else's opinion. Especially since it will be accused of being biased.
I really feel for Mady. Cara too. What about a warning to the children first before they go to time out? You should always warn a child first before sending them to time out. You should give them a chance to correct the behavior. One instance where you wouldn't warn for is for hitting. No hitting should be a set rule for the children. Of course, how would they really learn that if their own mother hits them?
Low blood sugar? Yeah, right! What a convenient excuse for her irritability. Where was that excuse the last five years?
By the way, Admin, there are a several different kinds of warm-weather penguins. ;)
I am in shock for poor Mady and Cara. Especially Mady - her statements are scary. She knows what they are doing is false, and she is unable to protect her sisters and brothers. She throws herself in front and tries, but the birth mother is too hell-bent on getting things for the camera.
Poor poor Mady. I worry for all of them, but especially Mady and Cara. They are overlooked, expected to monitor the younger children and pretend their birth mother's OPEN PREFERENCE of the sextuplets is ok with them.
She didn't care about the twins at all. They are not the money-makers...but by God for that poor girl to say she wants to die breaks my heart.
I wonder how we can start a public class action suit against TLC for child exploitation? Is there a way moderator???
I'm going to call Rep. Murt's office since he needs to get on the PA Labor Dept. (useless as they already proven to be) to verify state law was followed in Florida. Maybe HE has a fellow statesman he can contact there to have Florida's Labor Dept. check things too.
I feel so angry, sad and defeated - there must be a way to get all children out of reality television. I get mad enough over drivel like "wifeswap" and this trainwreck.
That was a great recap Administrator. I read some others on different blogs and felt yours is the best. I felt like I was there. Thank goodness, I wasn't.
BTW......ROL has a new video of Jon up this AM. It's pretty disturbing to me.
How could 8 beautiful,confused,used children, be so lucky to have these two losers as parents ?
My first thought, after watching this video was that Hailey must have needed money for her habit.
"He in fact said the children are “UNANIMOUS” that they don’t want to film anymore, and would rather be swimming in the pool not going on trips."
This statement is so accurate. When I was a child, my father traveled a lot for work. My mother and I went with him the majority of the trips he took (mostly road trips). At that age, the last thing I wanted to do was travel when all my friends got to stay home on weekends or holidays. I thought being home was the greatest thing, only because we spent a lot of time on the road.
Looking back, as an adult, I recognize that I did get to see some amazing parts of the United States and Canada. But as a child, I felt that being home was more fun than traveling.
"By the way, Admin, there are a several different kinds of warm-weather penguins. ;)"
Which ones are native to Orlando?
Stinyrays in captivity have their barbs cut off. It's is a barbaric practice. Just so we can all swim around in their little bathtub with them.
I didn't watch it, but from reading the recaps, I am horrified at some of the comments and behavior coming from Kate....My heart breaks for Mady, as I have a 10-year old daughter, and I can't imagine my daughter saying these things.
How ANYONE can defend this woman is beyond me....her fans are as delusional as she is....
Thanks, Admin. Great recap. This story is just a never ending tragedy. When did it become okay to treat our children as "things" for ratings. I'm at a loss for words right now...
OT, but I found this on ROL yesterday. Either everyone there is blind or just plain stupid. ROL reports that Katie Irene is wearing a glamorous black & white dress and heels (for Target shopping). Check the pictures, she's wearing a b&w Tanktop, black short shorts and 4" heels. Me thinks she needs a street corner to stand on.
During the orange juice contest, one of the tups hit another one of the tups hard. Then the receiving tup paid back with a hit to her sister. Yes, the hitting of each other continues on.
By the way, Admin, there are a several different kinds of warm-weather penguins. ;)"
Which ones are native to Orlando?
And which ones are native to airports?
I knew I couldn't watch this episode even if I wanted to because of the animals involved in the filming. How horrible that one of the most intelligent creatures on earth is reduced to performing tricks and giving rides to shreiking tourists.
I didn't watch, but it seems like I didn't miss anything new--SSDD. I feel for Mady, though (as well as the other children). It's really sad--she sees the absurdity and craziness around her and tries to voice her feelings, but her mother will have none of it.
Are the six-year olds really still in high chairs? My 2 1/2 year old niece refuses to sit in one anymore--I can't imagine the ridicule that the tups will get in school.
Thank you Admin for writing such a detailed recap.
I feel sick to my stomach.
I don't know how TLC can justify the unabashed favortism towards the Gosselin 6.
My heart goes out to Mady. Can you imagine the anger and frustration she feels because she is ignored and mistreated by her mother.
I'm concerned for Cara as well. She's the quiet one who keeps things to herself but once she snaps, she goes off and everything comes out.
Jamie Cole Ayers is doing an "Aunt Jodi" by being kind to the kids and making Kate look like a bitch. Her days are numbered.
"Which ones are native to Orlando?"
Only the mechanical ones built by Disney Imagineers in the theme parks.
Thanks Admin, very good recap. It's a chore I'm sure you don't enjoy so I really appreciate you taking the time to write it. I really didn't expect that much had changed with this beast of a mother, but it has. She's obviously getting worse.
I'm with you all the way about zoos and animal captivity, but that's another topic.
And yes, screw Kate Gosselin. My son has type 1 diabetes. If she wants to know what low blood sugar is she should come to our house and watch what happens when someone actually does have a real low. Not pretty. Maybe she'd like a hit of glucagon when she's bitching about a phony low sugar episode. I'll gladly give her a shot right in the ass. If she had a child with a serious, incurable disease I doubt she'd be able to handle it at all. She'd demand a nurse come and live with her. Oh wait, she's already demanded that.
As despicable as she is, she must be a better mother than 4 count 'em 4 kids could never agree on a restaurant, and the entire G8 just loves, loves, loves filming and 6 of the younger children love the exact same clothing. Whatever did I do wrong?
Reading your recap re-affirms every reason that I can't not stand Kate Gosselin or tolerate this show.
God Love Mady, I wish Jon had the strength and resolve she has because this bullshit would have finished long ago. It's very concerning to me that not only does this child say that she wishes she were dead but that her mother is completely oblivious to it.
As I mentioned in another forum, the empty pinata is going to be the epitome of these children's life's, bells and whistles on the outside and nothing on the inside.
This just gets more and more outrageous! TLC and Kate remind me of a dictator's rise to power in a banana republic: in the beginning he looks relatively harmless and maybe even benevolent;little by little he takes over, while the people stand around in disbelief;pretty soon he has all the power and pays his enforcers to keep it, and nobody is able to stop him.Some of the people even think what he is doing is for the good of the country, because his propaganda machine is so effective.
OK, maybe it's farfetched, but I can see that many of us feel very helpless to effect any change, since anyone in opposition is thrown under the bus or placed under a TLC gag order.
Maybe Rep.Murt and Al Walentis will be able to overthrow this dictatorship. I really hope so.
Excellent recap! The Lying Channel needs to see this.
Judy said...
BTW......ROL has a new video of Jon up this AM. It's pretty disturbing to me.
I wonder how long ROL has been hanging on to that video? It's interesting it comes out right after Kate's show gets poor ratings.
When the crew got there...NOT ALL THE KIDS WERE SMILING.
And are these the same guys that taping the kids naked? Where is the video that did not get aired? All the out takes and B-roll?
Kate K. you are a loser. Jon, grow a pair, at least for your kids.
I also noticed one of the dolphins had a broken lower jaw. From banging itself against the wall of its tiny tank?
And Cara. Something wrong there. Much too quiet. And poor, poor boys. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.
I don't think SG meant that penguins are happy in airports. I think she meant there are different penguins that can live in warmer climates. At least that's how I took it.
Admin~ I had never thought of dolphins/penguins/elephants/etc being in captivity as being a bad thing...I've always thought they were "rescued" and kept safe in captivity. Thanks for bringing the reality of their lives to light. It's very sad and it IS barbaric how they are treated :( I've never been to Sea World and I never will go now that I know :(
What is wrong with ROL? Today they have a year old video of Jon which reveals him in a very poor light. They are sooo obvious in pushing Kate and trying to denigrate Jon. (I certainly don't agree with Jon's choices, but I think he is trying to clean up his act...and I have always had a soft spot of him)
Your recap was wonderful. My heart is so heavy for those children. How I wish I could befriend them, but, alas, that will never happen. I do pray for them, however, and trust that eventually life will get better for them...hopefully sooner, than later.
These 2 comments are from a group of Kate lovers. These people who claim to have such high morals and standards are the very ones who turn on a child who is dealing with life the only way she knows how to. These same people who so sanctimoniously say how horrible it will be for these children to read all this stuff about their mother on the Internet in a few years, yet they write this crap about a child? Deranged and idiots comes to mind:
From what I saw, Mady actually threw a napkin or some kind of cloth at Kate. Kate really is in an impossible situation though with Mady as long as the camera's are running. But if it were me, I'd yell a big "CUT", completely stop the party and everything going on, and deal with "little miss too big for her britches" Mady. The world SHOULD not revolve around "Madys behavior".
2nd comment:
Mady needed to just sit her butt down. I hate to be mean but she's at an age that she's old enough to realize that w/out those younger brothers and sisters she wouldn't even be having that fun trip. Yes, I know this sounds harsh, but it's the harsh reality of it. And in truth the extra birthday party was unnecessary, IMO but it happened and there was no need for a child Mady's age to throw a fit. She and Cara got to have their own pinata. The only thing that I could see the tups got special was sung to again and a dolphin from the cake.
Outstanding recap; I went through a range of emotions while reading it because I'm helpless in saving these kids before the end of this week. Whereas in time the public can make a difference by not watching this show, for now the kids are being forced to WORK.
On your discussion thread Anonymous posted: "Kate surprised me. I thought the shows were great and the kids seemed happy."
I beg to differ. Obviously the biggest example is Mady saying she wants to die. I can relate to her pain; I am the oldest and was spoiled until my brother showed up 3 years later which is when my parents got their token boy child to carry on the family name. I was pushed aside but didn't realize what was going on until later. But the favoritism displayed was just in our home; I can't imagine what it would have been like to have cameras in my face while I was processing my emotions about my parents and brother - and later realize it was filmed for the public's *entertainment*!!!
To the loverz who say these kids are happy because of all the material things in addition to living in a big house, you are sadly mistaken. Money cannot buy happiness and evidence of this statement was shown in several scenes. Open your eyes. To say that all these kids will be "normal" after living in a fishbowl - where statistically the odds are against them - is IMO disturbing. It seems as long as you are entertained today, to hell with whether or not these kids will wind up being fully functional and productive adults tomorrow.
Re ratings, I have mixed emotions. It was no where near the 10 mil mark where it was a year ago with the divorce announcement, but 3 mill viewers will keep this train wreck on the tracks. At least there is hope that because these shows were so bad that next time even the haterz will not feel the need to tune in. Not to watch the show is the only way to SAVE THE 8.
BTW I am disappointed in GWOP. They will no longer allow people to post things like what I have at the bottom of this post - asking posters not to watch K+8 - because GWOP is a blog to talk about the show.
Well guess what, I am well aware that I have no control over other viewers. If someone wants to watch the show so they can add their 2 cents on a blog they are going to turn on their TVs. The loverz watch to keep their queen on TV, and IMHO the joke is on the haterz who say they are child advocates but yet still have to watch to see the kids. Yes IMHO these people are hypocrites and I hope that now these two shows were so bad that they will not tune next time.
I post the below comment because I don't think everyone understands that just because they want or feel the need to see the train wreck in a first run episode that they are in fact feeding the monster Katezilla (which pays for her lifestyle), TLC, as well as keeping the Gosselin children WORKING.
Now it is being said that TLC counts YouTube views the week after it airs a show. OK, if/when I get bored and have to see the show(s) I will wait to do so.
JON GOSSELIN: I hope you watched the shows and noted each and every child mannerisms and comments, specifically Mady. I hope you saw all the red flags all over the place. I hope and pray that you realize that it may come down to you once again saving them from TLC and Kate even if you will be sacrificing your lifestyle and/or freedom. The public is doing everything they can legally do to save the 8 but it takes time! How much more emotional toll do you think your children can handle? Jon, is allowing the filming to continue worth it?
Loved your recap. The only thing I would have liked to see you comment on and you missed was Kate in the airport telling everyone how the kids would "melt down" in 20 different ways....when the kids were being perfectly fine. Then Alexis asked her what she was talking about...the kids are smart.
Anyone catch the strange shoes kate and/or Jamie wore to the airport?
Can someone please explain how clicking on youtube helps TLC? Does youtube pay TLC per click for driving traffic to their site? Otherwise how can it benefit TLC--if they aren't making money off it? They can't use it to justify ad revenue for the tv show, it's two different things.
Thanks in advance.
Just watching the second part..."inside Kate's World". I can't believe TLC put this stuff on air. Kate comes off, IMO, looking like an idiot who went to TLC and said "I want to be famous and have lots of money" and let TLC have their way with her. Steve comes off less as a bodyguard and more as a protector of the family and more of a protector of the "brand". And it makes it seem like all the press about Kate and her book tour....arriving late, leaving early, not looking up, right on cuz the footage they choose to use for this show anyway shows Kate in a supply closet being talked out by Steve because she is unhappy that there is no one at her signing and she does not want to do it. She talks about hair extensions like they are horrible and why would you get them and then is shown getting her's put in. Its like you can almost hear the TLC people saying, a makeover will be GREAT press, lets change your hair, it will get you the cover of People...Oh, and they talk about her dancing schedule..."I practice everyday from 12-4 and then am done when they come off the school bus"...except they put the time that they are filming on the screen...2pm. I almost feel sorry for Kate. I don't think she has any control over her life anymore at this point. TLC is running the show and she doesn't care cuz she wants the attention. To bad she is ruining her family to get it.
MickeyMcKean- I totally agree about the red flags. What is Mady going to have to do to get herself heard? When I worked with kids as a therapist this would have been a huge warning signal that this child is in severe distress.
It could be that the reason Jon is getting trashed by Kate on every appearance, and that video of him in St.Tropez apparently stoned was released by Hailey (but we all know it's TLC), is that maybe with his contacts with the children in his own home he is getting some information that is making him think twice. He seems to be providing a relatively normal life for them when they are with him, he has stated that he is cleaning up his act, and the kids all seem to like Ellen.
Kate recently said her worst fear was to be seen as a horrible mother and have a judge take her children away. Did that just come out of the blue? Is she afraid that Jon might be able to provide a more stable home for the kids at some time in the near future?
If that's her worry, we can all look forward to more Jon bashing and even more drama as the bleat goes on.I really hope Jon reads this blog.
I did not watch, so thanks Admin for the excellent recap, tragic as it is. Kate IS a horrible mother, and she should be looking over her shoulder. If I had any power she would be investigated thoroughly and remedial actions taken for those poor kids. None of it is any good and no one "wins" except perhaps TLC with millions and millions made on the backs of innocent children. Shame, shame, shame.
I actually think Mady is the only one that may not suffer any damage. She seems to see through the BS. She is able to stand up to her shrew mom and voice an opinion. She will bolt from that house as soon as she can. I bet she goes to a college as far away from Kate as she can. This will be the one to write the tell all book. That is one book I would surely read.
Mickey McKean said:
"and IMHO the joke is on the haterz who say they are child advocates but yet still have to watch to see the kids. Yes IMHO these people are hypocrite...Now it is being said that TLC counts YouTube views the week after it airs a show. OK, if/when I get bored and have to see the show(s) I will wait to do so."
So, when/if you get bored and HAVE TO see the shows, you will wait to do so. My question is when you do view it on youtube will YOU be a hypocrite? Please explain your answer.
Why are you reading this blog and GWOP's blog if it is a place to read about the show yet you are against anyone watching the show?
"Jon, is allowing the filming to continue worth it?"
I'm sure it is to him...probably $20,000 a month worth it. I'd bet TLC is paying that amt. to Jon to allow his kids to be filmed. Face it, K&J are well past 'appealing to their sense of decency, fairness, kindness,, etc.'
For the record, I watched the clip on Youtube, that someone posted, where the twins broke into their pinata, and while there's just so many things to snark on in this show, the pinata DID produce candy when first hit. Snarking on things that didn't happen only gives the fans more to trash us over. When they went back for a 2nd 'hit' on the pinata, yes, it did NOT have anymore candy and Kate did laugh heinously.
great recap. the stuff that comes out of Kart's mouth never seems to amaze me.
Disappointed to read this...
Just another girl...
Anonymous said...
I actually think Mady is the only one that may not suffer any damage. She seems to see through the BS. She is able to stand up to her shrew mom and voice an opinion. She will bolt from that house as soon as she can. I bet she goes to a college as far away from Kate as she can. This will be the one to write the tell all book. That is one book I would surely read.
It's a possibility that Mady will be alright since she speaks up. But I think it's more of a possibility that she won't be. Where would a 10 yr old girl come up with saying she wants to die ? What are the sheeple saying about this ? According to them, the kids have everything they could ever want or need and have wonderfully happy lives (they ramble on about all of the material things) and if that's true, why would she want to die ?
They don't have what they really need, and they'll never have it as long as Kate wants to be a star on the backs of her children. I just don't see future happiness and stability with these children. They are either going to need extensive counseling because of emotional issues, they'll turn to drugs and/or alcohol, or they'll turn out like Kate and think the world and all the planets owe them something because they are special. But then when they don't get it... that's when all of the other problems will surface. I think that is what's going to happen to Kate too when her balloon pops.
True about Jon: back in the day, before I really knew how horrible this whole thing was, the ONLY reason I would watch a few minutes of it here and there was to see if Jon would ever tell that horrible shrew of a wife off. He never did. I didn't even know their names back then, I just knew she was vile to him every moment on camera and it was just gross.
I didn't watch the show Sunday night and never will watch any of it, but yeah, it's gotta suck for the twins to know the only reason anyone pays any attention to their family is because of the younger six kids. Not them. THEY aren't special, the tups are. Gawd.
It's Cara I worry more about. I was like her with my narcissistic, crazy mother. I kept my mouth shut, tried to get along, tried to smooth things over all the time as I got older. It never worked, of course.
And I ended up totally blowing up at her in a huge way when I was 19.
And to this day, I have nothing to do with her. Haven't seen her or spoken to her in 12 years and it's wonderful.
TLC's statement:
Premieres Attract 1.2M Plus Total Viewers Led by Kate Plus 8 (3.4M)
TLC’s summer of premieres, dubbed TLC Summer, kicked off on May 27, with a dynamic line-up of new and returning series, each garnering 1.2M total viewers or more.
Kate Plus 8: 6th Birthday Surprise drew 3.4M P2+, followed by Kate Plus 8: Inside Kate’s World(3M), Cake Boss (2.4M), The Little Couple(1.5M), Mall Cops: Mall of America(1.5M), Police Women of Memphis (1.3M) and Toddlers & Tiaras(1.2M).
Premieres airing from 5/27-6/6 have posted double-digit delivery gains vs. the respective time slot premiere average in all key demos.
The return of Kate on Sun, resonated with viewers. Kate Plus 8: 6th Birthday Surprise(9 p.m.) delivered 3.4M P2+, posting triple-digit gains vs. TLC’s 2Q10 to-date time period average in all demos, and ranked #1 among all ad-supported cable (excluding award shows) in P/W 18-49 and 18-34. Kate Plus 8: Inside Kate’s Worlds (10 p.m.) garnered 3M P2+, also posting triple-digit gains vs. TLC’s 2Q10 to-date time period average in all key demos. Both premieres posted double-digit delivery gains vs. the Nov 09 Jon & Kate Plus 8 premieres.
In addition, Kate Plus 8 specials catapulted TLC to rank #4 among broadcast and ad supported cable in W18-34, beating NBC, CBS and CW.
The two-hour special didn't have the 10+ million viewers as the premiere last year; however, it seems like TLC is satisfied with its ratings nonetheless.
Next Kate Plus 8 is July 11.
Filming won't stop so I do plead with Kate and the crew, please leave Mady and Cara off camera. If Kate and TLC cannot say/show anything positive towards the twins, then don't film them at all!
Both Kate, TLC, and its crew showed their true colors as Mady was filmed saying nobody cares about her and she wants to die. Did anyone put the camera down and stop filming? Did Kate even acknowledge what she said and ask Mady why she felt that way? This is why it is important that a child advocate be on set.
It looks as if TLC would be satisfied if Kate Plus 8 received 1+ million viewers; so unfortunate for the Gosselins kids, especially Mady and Cara.
To Admin: I know this isn't the thread to address this but I don't know where else to post it. On ROL today they have a old video of Hailey and Jon in France. ROL headline states: Jon Gosselin Stoned. The first sentence states,
"In what may be Jon Gosselin’s biggest embarrassment yet, has exclusively obtained a never-before-seen home movie showing the former reality star and his then girlfriend Hailey Glassman stoned out of their minds." The article continues with sources stating the above and other embarrassing things about Jon.
My question to you as an attorney is do you think Jon could sue ROL because ROL is declaring as a FACT that he is stoned. They are not saying in the sentence that sources say he is stoned or it appears to them that he may be stoned. ROL is stating he is stoned. At minimum couldn't Jon get an out of court settlement for slander and ruining his reputation. Proof that it has hurt is reputation are the hundreds of comments that follow the article. Please comment on this. Thank you for all your hard work.
I haven't watched the video. But if they are saying he is stoned and in fact he was not stoned (for instance maybe he was tired, or on perscription drugs, who knows) yes he can sue. It all turns on whether it is true or not.
You can say whatever horrible things you want to about people as long as it is TRUE (which is why I find it awfully interesting no one has bothered to sue Aunt Jodi for her many statements about Kate and Jon if they are such lies as Kate claims...what, could she actually be telling the truth??)
It is one thing to speculate IF someone may be doing this or that, as we do often here. But if you LIE about someone, say they are having an affair, doing something illegal or unethical, try to interfere with their employment maliciously or accuse them of doing drugs or anything about their reputation (the statements have to HARM you) when in fact they are not, you could be sued for defamation--libel or slander or both.
maggie said...
Mickey McKean said:
"and IMHO the joke is on the haterz who say they are child advocates but yet still have to watch to see the kids. Yes IMHO these people are hypocrite...Now it is being said that TLC counts YouTube views the week after it airs a show. OK, if/when I get bored and have to see the show(s) I will wait to do so."
So, when/if you get bored and HAVE TO see the shows, you will wait to do so. My question is when you do view it on youtube will YOU be a hypocrite? Please explain your answer.
Why are you reading this blog and GWOP's blog if it is a place to read about the show yet you are against anyone watching the show?
First of all, are you the GWOP moderator named Maggie who posted the new policy because you don't want the posters to feel guilty if they watch the show?
Second, when I get bored could mean next year or not at all. I have a life that includes a lot of livestock which does keep me busy and away from a computer.
Now for the record when it was raining this past Feb was when I got bored and got around to watching the first day of school episode and the dude ranch one. This is why I know that life will go on if you do not see a first run episode.
I do not feel the need to see the train wreck in person, not if watching means I keep the children W-O-R-K-I-N-G. I am satisfied reading recaps versus watching the episodes.
Yes I believe I am a child advocate so I read the blogs. I get information, i.e., who the sponsors are these days. I am one of the people who behind the scenes writes letters - not only to sponsors but also Maria Shriver asking her to reconsider having a child exploiter attend her function, as well as Rep. Murt. I also wrote to journalists asking them to do an expose on the Gosselins. In fact two of my recent letters to journalists were posted on GWOP and here - one of them was to Anderson Cooper, perhaps you saw it?
I specifically posted those letters to get people motivated to do something proactive. It worked. There are ways of helping getting the kids off TV, one is to write letters and the other is to not to tune in to watch Kate + 8.
I have picked up the phone and called Gloria Allred's office and I have sent money via PayPal to A MINOR CONSIDERATION. If people are uncomfortable about sending $ via PayPal, cash works too.
Bottom Line: I take getting the Gosselin children off my TV seriously but I can't do it alone. Thank goodness Kate helps the cause every time she opens up her mouth or does DWTS. The best and easiest thing people can do though is not to tune in or click on any stories about her. Kinda simple really.
Do I consider myself a hypocrite if I watch an episode that is not new? Hell no. I know that if I want some ammunition to fire me up, I know I can go to YouTube and find an unlimited vault of reasons to get my TV Gosselin-free. Unfortunately, at some point in the future, each of the G kids will find themselves there too.
BTW as for whether or not GWOP has jumped the shark like another poster has suggested, I personally don't give a rip who Kate does, what she wears or even if she had a boob job which is what is discussed a lot on GWOP. Yes I can at times be snarky but generally speaking that is not my style. See as far as I'm concerned Kate can have her own show - just keep the kids off it.
What I do care about is about those kids who if they are lucky enough to survive their childhood I believe it will be a miracle.
I am sure that Khate would love to turn the twins over to Jon, but she needs them for the name of the program Kate+8. Kate+6 doesn't rhyme.
As for the video of Jon, it's just damage control by TLC to discredit Jon and make Khate look better.
Mady making that comment is just spin chilling.I cant believe TLC let that go to air.That child is crying out for some attention.TLC and kate know they need to get Mady and Cara on tape...if they dont have footage of them...people will be saying HUM...I thought ALL the kids loved being filmed again,and its not hurting them,and everything is back to normal!
What a double edged swoard for them.I'm sure they could have found 15 seconds more of Mady to show other than that comment.
I'm sure this will be turned around 100 ways.Like Mady was tired...Madys low blood sugar...Madys jealous of the tups...Mady needed a nap...Mady was hungry...ect ect.Well I'm sorry You can see how damaged this child is.This is a child who feels like she is nothing in her family..I do believe she's smart enough to know that if she speaks up while she's being filmed,she might have someone listen to her.I'm sure she's gonna pay for this big time.Just like Colin.You will smile and you will look happy OR ELSE!
Jon how can you sit by and let you'r kids live in fear?
SoCalGal said...
I am sure that Khate would love to turn the twins over to Jon, but she needs them for the name of the program Kate+8. Kate+6 doesn't rhyme.
There were episodes where Mady and Cara were not featured, just the six.
If filming continues, she can keep the name Kate Plus 8 but give us some lie about the twins at summer camp or something. I'd rather hear some lie than to have the twins put through another horrible situation again. It's obvious that the twins do not like filming. TLC and Kate both know the biggest draw are the sextuplets, anyway.
Filming won't stop so like I said, "If Kate and TLC cannot say/show something positive towards the twins, then don't film them at all."
Mickey, I am not Maggie, the GWOP moderator. I do post on GWOP under Maggie though. You can tell us apart because Maggie,the moderator, uses bright blue ink in large letters and my name is in standard black. Thanks for clarifying and answering my questions.
Without the show, there would be no more GWOP. Of course they aren't going to promote not watching the show. I figured that out a long time ago when my posts stopped showing up.
I really think very highly of any blog who allows promotion of not watching the show. If they don't allow that, I simply don't participate. To me they don't have the kids best interest at heart, just self interest. One person watching and reporting like admin did works fine for me. I'll take her word on what was going on. I don't need to hear the same thing from 500 different people.
If you really truly care about what is happening to these children and all children in reality programming, hit them where it hurts, advertising dollars, and don't watch.
maggie, Mickey does not want to watch the show. She is only pleading with the gawkers to hold off until the ratings have been counted.
I didn't watch either episode. However, that being said, I think there's a difference between promoting not watching the show and berating those that do. The former is okay; the latter is not.
I watched Jon and kate from the start...It didnt take me long to figure out that something wasent right in Gosseling land.GWOP was the first site I found where other people had the same questions and concerns that I did.I have posted asking that people please dont watch the show.I havent had my comments refused.I dont make fun of people for watching,however I do wonder why the same people who bitch and moan about kate people who say get her off the air....Some of these people say...I just HAD to watch or I couldnt help but peek...I just guess I dont understand.
Its easy to me I guess.I dont go running around the net looking for everything kate...I dont click on links with kate...I dont ever dare go to that radar.I dont care what she wears or how much coffee she drinks.I know NOT watching the show in time will go away!
Kate and TLC dosent care what we say.They are happy that we say ANYTHING...good or bad.Kate says 90% of the people who watch me hate me.She dosent care...her smug smile says it all...she and TLC are laughing all the way to the bank!!
Haven't been to GWOP in awhile but I just took a look. I don't understand why pleas to watch or not watch is a problem for GWOP. It's your opinion.
GWOP now has 21 rules. Being that I'm a Republican, I'm trying not to expand my rules THAT much. :-) As long as you are respectful and not a snot about it, I will continue to allow posts asking people to watch, or not watch. I don't see the problem.
PaMa said...
I didn't watch either episode. However, that being said, I think there's a difference between promoting not watching the show and berating those that do. The former is okay; the latter is not.
I would like to apologize to anyone I may have offended.
I know I can get overly passionate about getting these Gosselin kids off my TV and back into a private life but Mady's bone chilling comment about wanting to die bothers me on so many levels.
I feel so frustrated about not being able to personally stop the filming of these kids but I can't do it alone. Jon who has power does not seem to want to do it and I do not have control over all the TV sets in this country.
My option is to voice my opinion on the blogs.
I'm just disappointed at the rating numbers; fact is I secretly hoped and prayed that they would be around 2 million for the first show so TLC would know it was a sinking ship. Now that we know what they are, I know that the numbers will have to be a lot lower before TLC voluntarily cancels this Gosselin circus.
Would somebody please alert the PA Child Services and Rep Murt about Mady's comment and how it was allowed to be aired along with Kate's inattention/inaction to it!
I watched as much of the Jon and Hailey video as I could stomach (about half) before shutting it down. It wasn't a shining moment for Jon, but I thought he appeared sober, whereas Hailey was totally, embarrassingly, stupidly, pathetically out of control.
22Starz @ 7:11, imagine Mady's classmates, friends and teachers hearing her say she wants to die. What about Jon, Kevin, Jodi, grandparents, other aunts and uncles.. ? There is no reason on the face of this earth to show Mady having any bad moments, let alone something like that !! If Kate thinks she'll gain sympathy for her tough life by embarrassing her children on tv, she is even more twisted than anyone previously thought. I wonder if anyone took even one moment to talk to Mady about the way she feels, or is she just always (as it appears) shoved aside ?
One more thing... maybe it's good that Kate thinks it's peachy to show these things on tv. Everyone can see what a horrible witch she is (other than the sheeple, but who cares about them ) and this could end up being the nail in her coffin of fame, which will finally allow the kids to get off the tv screen.
Kate pulled Mady aside and away from the others when she spoke quietly to her about why the tups were having a third birthday party.
I'm mystified by this whole scene. Why in the world would you make a point of allowing an upset child some privacy when there are few people around, and then turn around and zoom in with a mike and camera and televise it to 3.4 MILLION people? If it wasn't so terrible it would be laughable.
Kate's response might have been an honest reaction to Mady's unhappiness, but why was it necessary to sell it to the public? Were they trying to repair a mommy image at the expense of embarrassing a child? This is exactly what a thinking mother would NOT do.
I completley agree. The camera crew couldn't predict that Mady was going to say that. But once she did say that, why didn't Kate turn to the crew and say please turn those cameras off while I talk to my daughter, or at least go film the tups instead.
Your daughter is saying she wants to die, this is an emergency, and Kate needed to handle it right away IN PRIVATE.
IDModo said...
This just gets more and more outrageous! TLC and Kate remind me of a dictator's rise to power in a banana republic: in the beginning he looks relatively harmless and maybe even benevolent;little by little he takes over, while the people stand around in disbelief;pretty soon he has all the power and pays his enforcers to keep it, and nobody is able to stop him.Some of the people even think what he is doing is for the good of the country, because his propaganda machine is so effective.
OK, maybe it's farfetched, but I can see that many of us feel very helpless to effect any change, since anyone in opposition is thrown under the bus or placed under a TLC gag order.
Maybe Rep.Murt and Al Walentis will be able to overthrow this dictatorship. I really hope so.
It is not farfetched at all. It is exactly what's happening with Kate !!
Administrator said...
I completley agree. The camera crew couldn't predict that Mady was going to say that. But once she did say that, why didn't Kate turn to the crew and say please turn those cameras off while I talk to my daughter, or at least go film the tups instead.
Your daughter is saying she wants to die, this is an emergency, and Kate needed to handle it right away IN PRIVATE.
If the show was a LIVE broadcast, there wouldn't have been much of a choice, but for this to happen with Mady, and Kate not saying anything AND the crew to keep filming it, then to include it in the show is downright despicable and all of those adults should be ashamed of themselves. Kate being #1 because Mady is her child and she doesn't care.
Kate, you are not a horrible mother at are a horrendously horrendous mother and a judge needs to take your kids away from you because you are destroying them ! You want sympathy all the time with your pity parties, but when do your kids get even one iota of sympathy from you ? You don't like it when people aren't loving you, but when do you show love and compassion to your children ? You make me sick !
I wonder if Mady makes comments like that when the cameras aren't rolling, to the point that it doesn't have the same impact on the people who have heard it before?
Personally, I think the older girls are getting a raw deal. People see the footage and think they are getting a fun trip when in reality, they are constrained in what they do on these trips by the filming requirements. Everything about their lifestyle is definined by the needs of their family business. I noticed the disparities in birthday parties early on and wondered when someone would confront Kate about it.
As for people who think Mady should be grateful for what she receives through her siblings, I think Mady values time and attention more than a trip to an amusement park or a toy. I think she wants to feel as valued and loved as the rest of her siblings, which is hard to do when the show revolves around the tups.
Mady and Cara had no choice in whether or not their parents would risk multiples with fertility treatments, but in my opinion, they are paying the highest price. The pieces of the time and attention pie became much smaller the minute Jon and Kate decided to risk completing the cycle after hyperstimulated ovaries. For that alone, I'm willing to give Mady some breaks for her behavior. She's dealing with a difficult, risky family structure in the only way she can.
This is a perfect example of the need for an on-site teacher that should be present and monitoring every second the cameras are rolling. Kate and TLC have just demonstrated that they have flawed judgement when it comes to deciding what is morally and emotionally acceptable while filming these children.
"I'm sure this will be turned around 100 ways.Like Mady was tired...Madys low blood sugar...Madys jealous of the tups...Mady needed a nap...Mady was hungry...ect ect.Well I'm sorry You can see how damaged this child is.This is a child who feels like she is nothing in her family.."
I don't care how low the blood sugar is, or how tired a child is, making a comment that she wants to die is NOT NORMAL. It's a cry for help. No excuses in the world will ever be able to cover that up.
I couldn't make it past the People paywhore mouth piece who said "Kate has a job? What's wrong w/ having a job?" Uh, then WHY does JON get threatened w/ a massive lawsuit if he moonlights? Because TLC KNOWS what side their bread is buttered on. Hypcrites, they name are Kate and TLC. And, Kate, you can cut that "it's to support my kids" crap. It's an ego petting pure and simple!!! To whoever made this blog, BRAVO to you! It's my *new* go-to place. GWOP has changed and not for the best. I'm not knocking them, but it's just not what I seek. I personally don't buy that "we're not recapping the show because we're TRULY taking an anti-Kate stand". I think they're bored of her. Well... we aaaaall are! But if you don't get the REAL word out, you have otherwise indifferent people perhaps believing Kate's/TLC's lies!!! It's like 'Little People, Big World'. People think Matt Roloff is "fine". Tsk. That's what happens if you: "DON'T QUESTION REALITY!!!"
3 million people had nothing better to do than tune into this? We need some kind of National Go Do Something Useful project. What a total waste of airspace!
Mady is the truth - she always has been. She is very whiny and bratty because God has blessed her with a gigantic brain and she has never, not ever, drunk the Kool-aid. Even her bad behavior speaks volumes about the problems with which she is being raised. I remember the early episodes when the tups were infants and Mady and Cara had just turned four. Mady was seen reading a note from her mother and you could see then this incredibly articulate, smart, special little girl. You could understand her perfectly at four yet the tups need subtitles at six. Mady has been hip to this cherade from the get go and she can do the math on how much she and Cara get the shaft.
While I do not like the idea of breaking up families, I think that Jon should take the twins and leave Kate with the tups. Jon was always the better parent, IMO, and I always felt that he had a special twinkle in his eyes for the twins. He even said it, when it was a family of four, he thought it was perfect. To him they are also special and beautiful and valuable (though not the money makers their mother prefers). I think having children full time will drag him out of this silly stage he is in and it will be great for the twins to get some personal attention from a parent who truly adores them.
I stopped watching Khate and any TLC programming about a year ago. They, including Jon, have a very toxic way to make a living. I do not agree GWOP should stop bloggers from advising other bloggers to watch or not watch this channel/show. It is our democratic right to voice our opinions in an attempt to influence the decision/thoughts of others. Personally I have never advised anyone to stop watching this trainwreck. I figure Khate does that every time she opens her mouth or films her 8 children and eventually the message will get through. It is child exploitation/abuse cloaked in free trips and toys.
Anonymous @ 1:53 PM you said it! Jon love the twins and you can tell from the time we used to see that he spent with each one. Mady was the non athlete but he spent special time with her. Cara loves snowboarding and he took her out west for a snowboarding trip and she adored it. He is, by far, the better parent. Better with the tups too. Remember Kate sitting in the furniture store on her big arse perusing the freebie bed magazine. Poor Collin wanted her to help him so badly and it was Jon who had to take that dear little boy out because of his impacted stool. The fact that the cameras filmed that is disguisting. Pedophiles behind the cameras if you ask me.
I finally got a spare moment to check again after everyone kept saying it wasn't empty. You are right, the twins hit it and a little candy comes out first. After they apparently emptied it Kate laughed at them when there was no more candy.
The edits were very quick, I apologize if I didn't realize that. Off to change it in the recap.
Ok, I have to chime in here. I absolutely detest Kate Gosselin and TLC; however, I think a mountain is being made out of a mole hill on the Mady comment. I didn't watch but caught some of the show on Youtube and watched the part where Mady was distressed at the birthday party. What I thought I heard was "I'll just die" as some dramatic response to not getting her water, not "I want to die". Could be wrong, but Mady, God love her, is dramatic just like her mother. What for sure she did say was that no one cares about her----so true since her mother fawns over the tups (her money makers). Mady is one insightful little girl. Bottom line: the twins are getting the shaft.
Watching the orange squeezing contest, it was obvious that the tool they were using was difficult and probably required a lot of strength. Even Jamie and Kate looked like they had to squeeze really hard in order to get the juice out. Could you imagine the little kids trying to do it?
I LOVE HOW QUICKLY MADY SOLVES PROBLEMS! She saw how hard it was and figured it would be easier to squeeze with her hands. Instead of insulting her with the "cheaters never win" comment, a proud mother would compliment her with a "What a great idea! Look how much juice you're making doing it your way!". It's just a silly contest -- did it really matter who won in the end? Kate, sometimes you need to breath and just have fun with your kids.
I guess TLC doesn't read the blogs because you would think they would cut out the infamous Mady comment everyone is talking about. Nope, still there sadly.
I just felt like there needs to be some "positivity" (Yikes! Did I just say that?) on this board regarding Mady in this special.
We cannot know whether Mady's threat was serious or not, we're not in her head.
However I think it's dangerous to dismiss comments like that as just being dramatic. What if she isn't just being dramatic???
All that aside, regardless of what was meant by the statement....why in the world would you ever, ever air it??? That poor child.
I'm Tivoing this tonight to see if they did cut it out like others say they did! Isn't that admitting guilt?
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what mady was doing, tossing aside the hard to use juicers and just using her hands. That's when Kate said cheaters never win. Who made the rules anyway? Who said you couldn't use your hands?
I think Mady was being resourceful too. If one tool doesn't work you find another one--that's smart. Instead she is called a cheater and then there's a big confrontation with her mother and sister over it. So sad. It would be different if the game said no hands.
Admin ~ the 'I want to die' line is still on the Youtube video.
The other line of BS that bothers me is when Kate is explaining to Mady why the tups are having a third birthday party... They were still in the NICU, they were early. Does that mean she'll be having birthday parties for the next 6-7 weeks? As Mady says, we were early too and only have one party.
Geeze, my son was 6.5 weeks early and we only celebrated his birthday on his day of Birth.
I live on the West Coast and the 5PM showing of the birthday special did have the infamous comment in it. Maybe they changed it for the later broadcast tonight.
So I'm surprised to hear that people are saying that it wasn't there.
I totally agree with you. Isn't that what the word 'birthday' means? It is the day you were born.
I get that doctors give you an approximate due date so you know when to expect the birth of your child. Some people might even plan on giving birth on a specific day.
Kate, unless the doctors decided to put the sextuplets back into your belly and do another c-section a week later, your kids only have ONE birthday. That's the day they decided they no longer want to be in your belly.
I agree with the poster above who said the twins should go live with their father. It is very obvious they don't want to be filmed and Cruella (Kate) only uses them for the drama effect. They could reconnect with their extended family, Kevin and particularly Jody who truly loves them and who would nurture them and would always be there for them. They could do girly things with Jody, have slumber parties, have friends over, etc. normal things that girls do at that age. They could find activities that they enjoy, excel in and gain confidence. They need someone to guide them through the teen years. They need to know they are valued and truly loved for who they are. They will never get that where they are now and it's not going to get any better.
Makes you wonder about all these so-called "stars" and celebrities" who support Kate and say she is a great mother - how do they treat they own kids? Is it acceptable to them or are they a bunch of hypocrites? But I guess it all comes down to the almighty $$$$ and that is more important than a child's well being. So so said isn't it.
There is one special I will watch. When the kids are 18, their bags are packed and they are walking out the door and tell their mother she'll be hearing from their attorney!
By the way, did anyone notice this? Near the beginning, to emphasize the sadness and desolation of the kids' lives without cameras, TLC filmed in black and white, showing the distant, fuzzy house from behind an empty, slightly moving (as if just vacated) swing. You can almost hear the ghostly sound of no joy, no laughter, no life...just...emptiness...
THEN, what is this--color, music, life, laughter--the cameras are back! Praise be! The children are ALIVE again!
How disingenuous and pathetic.
FYI, I didn't watch this on YouTube...watched TLC last night and saw both shows. It was on TLC that I did NOT hear the "I want to die" comment last night (Wednesday).
>By the way, Admin, there are a several different kinds of warm-weather penguins. ;)"
Which ones are native to Orlando?
And which ones are native to airports?
I knew I couldn't watch this episode even if I wanted to because of the animals involved in the filming.
yes, soon they will need a disclaimer:
No children were harmed in the filming of this show.
If only it were true. Or unnecessary.
I watched the first ep a few days after it aired. got bored and didn't finish for a week. Haven't watched the second one yet.
The complaints about the three parties reminded me of when I was a kid and my brother would get gifts from his godparents and my godparents were just... gone. no one knew where. perhaps my father pissed them off or sent them packing like he did with my grandmother - and like Kate did with Aunt Jodi. Anyway, I felt left out, at the time. My brother's godparents were nice, but they were his.
Sorry so behind. We had bunnies in our yard. Now we don't :-(
I am sure that Khate would love to turn the twins over to Jon, but she needs them for the name of the program Kate+8. Kate+6 doesn't rhyme.
As for the video of Jon, it's just damage control by TLC to discredit Jon and make Khate look better.
TLC's statement:
Premieres Attract 1.2M Plus Total Viewers Led by Kate Plus 8 (3.4M)
TLC’s summer of premieres, dubbed TLC Summer, kicked off on May 27, with a dynamic line-up of new and returning series, each garnering 1.2M total viewers or more.
Kate Plus 8: 6th Birthday Surprise drew 3.4M P2+, followed by Kate Plus 8: Inside Kate’s World(3M), Cake Boss (2.4M), The Little Couple(1.5M), Mall Cops: Mall of America(1.5M), Police Women of Memphis (1.3M) and Toddlers & Tiaras(1.2M).
Premieres airing from 5/27-6/6 have posted double-digit delivery gains vs. the respective time slot premiere average in all key demos.
The return of Kate on Sun, resonated with viewers. Kate Plus 8: 6th Birthday Surprise(9 p.m.) delivered 3.4M P2+, posting triple-digit gains vs. TLC’s 2Q10 to-date time period average in all demos, and ranked #1 among all ad-supported cable (excluding award shows) in P/W 18-49 and 18-34. Kate Plus 8: Inside Kate’s Worlds (10 p.m.) garnered 3M P2+, also posting triple-digit gains vs. TLC’s 2Q10 to-date time period average in all key demos. Both premieres posted double-digit delivery gains vs. the Nov 09 Jon & Kate Plus 8 premieres.
In addition, Kate Plus 8 specials catapulted TLC to rank #4 among broadcast and ad supported cable in W18-34, beating NBC, CBS and CW.
The two-hour special didn't have the 10+ million viewers as the premiere last year; however, it seems like TLC is satisfied with its ratings nonetheless.
Next Kate Plus 8 is July 11.
Filming won't stop so I do plead with Kate and the crew, please leave Mady and Cara off camera. If Kate and TLC cannot say/show anything positive towards the twins, then don't film them at all!
Both Kate, TLC, and its crew showed their true colors as Mady was filmed saying nobody cares about her and she wants to die. Did anyone put the camera down and stop filming? Did Kate even acknowledge what she said and ask Mady why she felt that way? This is why it is important that a child advocate be on set.
It looks as if TLC would be satisfied if Kate Plus 8 received 1+ million viewers; so unfortunate for the Gosselins kids, especially Mady and Cara.
great recap. the stuff that comes out of Kart's mouth never seems to amaze me.
I did not watch, so thanks Admin for the excellent recap, tragic as it is. Kate IS a horrible mother, and she should be looking over her shoulder. If I had any power she would be investigated thoroughly and remedial actions taken for those poor kids. None of it is any good and no one "wins" except perhaps TLC with millions and millions made on the backs of innocent children. Shame, shame, shame.
Can someone please explain how clicking on youtube helps TLC? Does youtube pay TLC per click for driving traffic to their site? Otherwise how can it benefit TLC--if they aren't making money off it? They can't use it to justify ad revenue for the tv show, it's two different things.
Thanks in advance.
When the crew got there...NOT ALL THE KIDS WERE SMILING.
And are these the same guys that taping the kids naked? Where is the video that did not get aired? All the out takes and B-roll?
Kate K. you are a loser. Jon, grow a pair, at least for your kids.
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