Monday, June 28, 2010

New domain name for the blog is now

You can now find the blog at or our old address

And we have a new email too! Admin @ realitytvkids . com. (Fix the spaces to use it.)

All the comments are back. Thanks for making this a great blog and elevating us to the next level!

39 sediments (sic) from readers:

mommyinca said... 1

I don't know why but this reminded me of when the kids are trying to come up with names for Frosty the Snowman... "What about oatmeal?" Sorry really random.

My suggestions would be to incorporate the essence and goal of this blog in the new title. What is the goal of your site? "" "LoveGosselinStyle" (a twist to the old show "Love American Style")

NancyB said... 2 or something like this?

Wow, Admin our own domain name, that's very cool! ~ Administrator said... 3 is the one I have right now. When interest finally dies for the Gosselins the blog can still discuss this important issue as it relates to all kids should I want to continue it.

mommyinca said... 4

Oh good idea!!! Keep it generic is smart :)

AuntieAnn said... 5 ??
Just a thought.

NancyB said... 6

Admin - I think you chose well. It is an excellent domain name!

JudyK said... 7

How about ""?

MickeyMcKean said... 8

Morning Admin,

Before I even opened up this thread my first thought was I agree, it is time to get rid of the "" since the divorce is a done deal and life has moved on.

Then I thought why not change it to what is at the top of this page which is ""? After all this blog is referred to as "15" at other blogs.

BTW, now is a good time to tell you that you have done an amazing job here on this web site, and I like that my comments are either immediately published or as soon as possible. I can't tell you how frustrating it is - when all things Gosselins is frustrating! - when I have to wait hours on GWOP to even see if my post is posted.

Anyway, I rarely go over to GWOP these days, the first web site I found and discovered I was not alone in thinking something did not smell right with the Jon and Kate. In fact I don't think I have been over there in a week and I admit a lot of it has to do with GWOP's new rule about not allowing any PLEADING TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM WATCHING KATE PLUS 8.

In other words, my POV is that GWOP would prefer to keep the kids w-o-r-k-i-n-g so their posters can primarily snark on Kate. I really don't care if Kate has her own show or shows, as long as the kids are OFF MY TV!!!! But to keep the kids front and center of my TV and computer - when all kids should be able to get ice cream without being stalked by cameras - is IMO sick and twisted.

Sorry, I got off topic ... then I thought about "" and I see so did mommyinca. GMTA in CA! :)

As for your idea about keeping it generic, I would suggest you might consider this in the future when this Gosselin mess winds down. Fact is, this blog really is more about the Gosselins - Jon, Kate and the kids - than any other reality TV kids.

I can't speak for others but I know I no longer watch reality TV shows with kids in them. Jodi, Kevin, and Paul Peterson have really opened my eyes to what Jon, Kate and TLC have done to these 8 kids in particular. I know I will always feel connected to the G8 since I used to be a fan of the original show but a long time ago I started to feel guilty about watching these kids and that to me is not what I consider "entertainment".

Now I'm willing to forego seeing the Gosselin kids on a regular basis and trust that the nannies, teachers, neighbors, and parents of their classmates are picking up the slack. I hope these outsiders are showing these kids "normalcy" as much as possible because their own grifting parents do not because they have other priorites and the children are after thoughts.

I hope and pray that these kids do get counseling because I truly believe they need it. Otherwise I fear it is more likely than not that in the future one or all of these kids will be in tragic headlines.

Once filming of the 8 Gosselin kids has once again stopped (I've given up that Jon will have another "epiphany") because the viewing public stops tuning in so there is NO Ratings = NO Sponsors = No Show, I am pretty sure I will not be posting on blogs.

See, I really have a life off this computer and I do spend a lot of time reading about this family in PA who would not even be known to me if it was not for the fact that Kate manipulated medical science to have the six pack.

If only Kate had been happy with the beautiful set of twins,
If only Kate had been happy to have additional children and then to feel blessed that they were healthy and not just see them as $$$ signs,
If only Kate could love each and every one of them for themselves and not because their mere existence could make her a "star" and keep her on TV,
If only ...


TO SAVE THE 8 DO NOT WATCH OR RECORD KATE PLUS 8 ~ Administrator said... 9

Thank you Mickey. Thanks to people following the rules most of the time, I can keep moderated comments off and not have to check in. When I have to go to moderated it helps that I get them on my phone so I don't always have to be home to approve them.

sadie said... 10

This is a fantastic blog site and so happy to be able to join in and read evryones comments..I like Kids can't make that choice and parents do and its always benefiting the parents wallet and fame and its really not about the kids

Linda in NS said... 11

Hey, Admin. I like "It's NOT Reality for the children" or "far from reality for the kids"

SG said... 12

I think you got some good suggestions already. I do like "15 minutes" because it's pretty generic but fitting.

Carolina Gal said... 13

Ditto what SchmeckyGirl is cited at other blogs by just "15 Min." blog.

sandra said... 14

Lets call it hootervillekate.ugh....she has been flashing them things around far too much lately

Anonymous said... 15

Great on moving on to your own domain.

I like
or or

JudyK said... 16


Markiesnana said... 17

Mickey said his eyes were opened by Jodi, Kevin and Paul P. It made me think:

Anonymous said... 18

I'd vote for It's really the most appropriate choice.

JudyK said... 19

Markiesnana said...
Mickey said his eyes were opened by Jodi, Kevin and Paul P. It made me think:
Markiesnana, change it to:, and I'd go with that, too.

Anonymous said... 20 -- keep the brand.

Anonymous said... 21 ????

LisaNH said... 22

MickeyMcKean, I, like you, used to post over at GWOP. They were also the first source I found when I started getting the same hink that something was not right in Gosselinville. But over time I began to branch out and found this site. I have nothing against GWOP, but like you, it took too long for comments to post and when they were I could never find them LOL.

I do enjoy this site. It is intelligent, informative as are the people who post here. I enjoy reading the posts and when inspired I contribute.

Okay that being said (sorry if I went off topic there for a moment) I really can't come up with anything as good as the suggestions on here for a new domain. I think they're all really good. Whatever you chose, Admin, I'm sure will fit the purpose of the domain very well.

Lynn W. said... 23

Admin, you've done a marvelous job with this blog site, IMHO. I like the domain names that are generic so the continued fight for the underdog children whose parents are selling them out keeps going. Hopefully the Gosselin children will be just a fading memory soon. ~ Administrator said... 24

just testing the new comment form!

mommyinca said... 25

Hey Admin~ Not sure if anyone else is having this problem but I can't get the link to the new site to work. It just says it can't find that domain. ~ Administrator said... 26

There's a transition period of 1 to 3 days and then it should work for everyone. It's working for me.

Linda in NS said... 27

The new link works for me BUT on the old link the comments have disappeared also.

Anonymous said... 28

How bout!

Markiesnana said... 29

Linking to the new site worked fine for me right away. Sounds good.
This isn't about reality TV, but children and TV and stardom in general:
As everyone knows Miley Cyrus is a minor; but, just as Kate lies about her surgery, Miley has been laughing at the press who ask her about possible recent surgery. Seems like everyone who wants to be noticed or shaped into what Hollywood says is "the look" immediately runs to get their body operated on to fit the expected mold.

Anonymous said... 30

Congrats on the domain! Not many Gosselin-related blogs have their own from what I see, so I'm glad you're moving on up. :)

BabyMama said... 31

How about "SchmeckyGirls Two Faces of Kate"

SG said... 32! I love it! Great suggestion! Although it's not very generic.

Carol said... 33

I like the new name. It proves you do NOT have any sort of interest in keeping the Gosselin interest alive. After the Gosselins inevitably fade away (and they will) the focus can turn to other "parents" whoring out their minor children for fame and money by selling their private lives and identities to the highest bidder.

Markiesnana said... 34

Linking to the new site worked fine for me right away. Sounds good.
This isn't about reality TV, but children and TV and stardom in general:
As everyone knows Miley Cyrus is a minor; but, just as Kate lies about her surgery, Miley has been laughing at the press who ask her about possible recent surgery. Seems like everyone who wants to be noticed or shaped into what Hollywood says is "the look" immediately runs to get their body operated on to fit the expected mold.

Lynn W. said... 35

Admin, you've done a marvelous job with this blog site, IMHO. I like the domain names that are generic so the continued fight for the underdog children whose parents are selling them out keeps going. Hopefully the Gosselin children will be just a fading memory soon.

Anonymous said... 36 -- keep the brand while broadening the scope.

Markiesnana said... 37

Mickey said his eyes were opened by Jodi, Kevin and Paul P. It made me think:

sandra said... 38

Lets call it hootervillekate.ugh....she has been flashing them things around far too much lately

Linda in NS said... 39

Hey, Admin. I like "It's NOT Reality for the children" or "far from reality for the kids"