Radar has the first sneak peak of Kate Plus 8 and the trip to Orlando where the children were pulled out of school. And there are the kids all lined up on the couch doing their own interviews. But this isn't working, right?
72 sediments (sic) from readers:
Oh, Lordie bee the 2nd hour the Kate defense league will feature journalists to defend the good for nothin' grifter. That is something. I guess we will be seein' Natale Morales afterall!
Silly admin, of course they aren't working. All of my kids regularly line up on the couch for interviews with a camera crew...it's called "playing". (sense the tone...lol)
She thought the gator was going to leap out there and have HER HEAD...not her kids' heads, but HER HEAD...same old NARCISSISTIC KATE. I HATE THIS WOMAN, I HATE HER.
Wow, I get to be the first poster?? LOL...
Just more of Kate making herself the 'center' of attention squealing and carrying on like a fool. Notice how she says she thought the gator was going to jump up and bite her head (no such luck)...not the kids' head, HER head. What a peach! God, I can't stand that woman!
Why didn't TLC just name it "The Kate Gosselin Show"? Isn't this really what it is?
OMG, I said EXACTLY the same thing but it hasn't posted yet!!!!
I noticed that too - she wasn't concerned about the children's safety, she turned without a thought for them and looked like she was going to make a bee-line to Steve,
Actually most kids get all dressed up and sit lined up on the sofa and give interviews; they just happen to have cameras there to capture it.
Oh my gosh! That was a honest and truly horrible sound. Poor Kate.
Why in the world should we click on ROL? So they get an idea on how many people may be tuning in Sunday night? They are as bad as TLC and are on their payroll. I thought the idea was to get away from watching this family? No clicking on that link for me and I hope more follow the philosophy of not watching these kids.
Anyone see or hear the Murt hearing?
This looks like the old show. The kids are dressed the same, Kate is screeching, and Kate sits on a couch to talk to the camera about absolutely nothing. Except herself.
There is NO point in watching this show. It was taken off the air in 2009 for a very good reason. It need not come back.
SG, it wasn't broadcast, due to technical difficulties.
Here's an interview w/him, that Nancyb posted on the last thread. Click on my name..
You can read about it here:
Z on TV is running some good articles about the hearing and child labor laws.
The momma-gator knew how to protect her young instinctively; something Kate should have learned that day! She was probably pissed about all the shrieking disturbing her young gators - I would have hissed at Kate too!
It's amazing that there are at least four adults (two bodyguards included) and the kids are the ones closest to the edge. With all that shrieking and flailing, I was a little concerned those kids could have easily fallen into the swamp. I guess the bodyguards aren't there to protect the kids; as long as Kate doesn't fall in, they'll get a paycheck. (It's been awhile since I've been at the zoo, but I remember always being told to be calm and quiet so I wouldn't disturb the animals in their exhibit.)
Obviously Kate wasn't worried about her kids -- she didn't realize/care that the gator would get her kids before herself. Thanks for keeping me safe, mommy!
I'll have to rely on the recaps because I cannot bring myself to watch even a clip of the show. So she's still screeching is she?
Looks like they extended the couch for the kids to be interviewed now too? You're right Admin, this isn't working at all is it?
Why do so many people revere a mother who could exploit her children the way Kate Gosselin does? What is so admirable about that?
So many questions, so few answers.
It's amazing how it's always about the 6. I thought she had 8, count 'em 8, kids.
The Name Games, thx for the link re: Murt
I didn't click the link. I didn't want to hear her screech and see her pull all the attention to herself again - standard Kate mode.
Barbara, I think it has to be an issue with the twins or will soon become one. I read the People article at the doctor's office a couple of days ago and Mady spoke out about celebrating the tups birthdays when it wasn't their birthday. Mady sees the inequity for sure.
Carolina Gal, I guess the 'gator isn't in her 10% fan base ;)
Auntie Ann - I don't get it either. I don't think I ever will. They seem to see her as strong and in control and admire her for that. I see her as overbearing and controlling and don't admire her. What they see as great parenting, I see as PR spin and a (mostly) behind-the-scenes team. What they see as providing for her kids, I see as using her kids for fame and fortune.
I hiss at Kate all the time she just can't hear me all the way from Australia.
If there is a "next time" I hope the gator has better aim.
I was minding my grandchild last night and watching Say Yes to the Dress at my daughters. A clip of Kart was shown and that woman drools drivel. What was this about her planning a surprise (that we all heard about months ago) to Discovery Cove! THEN she had the audacity to say she would be taking the children alone. Well just off frame was Rat Claws. I'm sure the nanny's weren't far away either.
Kate is so full of bull shit her blue eyes have turned brown.
Didn't click the link either. For that matter, I don't even go to ROL. They are sewn at the lips with Gosselin and TLC. Won't be watching the show on Sunday either. I'd rather have a root canal.
E News showed preview of Kate's pity party and old faithful rat claws speaks! He exclaims that Kate has 'been betrayed by people close to her'.
And to that I say
That woman has used and abused more people than she's been betrayed by.
And NO, I will not tune in to any of the crap TLC decides to sully the airwaves up featuring that wretched woman, or her working children.
I was babysitting at my daughter's last night and she has TLC. A clip of Kart was shown and I thought what a total load of bullshit. Kart was saying it was a trip she was making with the children alone. Well her boyfriend was there; you could see Steve just off to the side and, if memory serves me correctly, in the pictures taken there were nannies present. Why does this woman lie so chronically.
The scene of her and the alligator - no worries there Kart. The alligator has more sense than to attack something so toxic. The poor alligator, after all, did have a young'un to protect.
Kate was on "The Today Show " this morning and I just don't know what to say. She was running her mouth on and on about her TLC crew "family" and how much they mean to her and the kids. Apparently they help her with chores, moving boxes and whatever she ask them to do. But, get this....she admitted that they also BABYSIT her kids ! This woman thinks its ok for the crew to be around her kids but not any of Jon's friends ? What a sick demented person she is.
Oh yeah, she made a point of throwing Jon under the bus as many times as she could get in.
Oh for the love of Pete! Why would you go out to see alligators in their natural habitat and then FREAK out when you spot one? She said this morning on the Today show one of her biggest mistakes was getting married so young. Well she sure doesn't seem to have matured any. She sounds like a screeching adolescent, something like my teenage daughter and her friends would sound like in the same situation. PLUS if there were any boys with them (ahem, boobyguard) it would be even worse. She needs to grow up. There is nothing attractive or admirable about her behaviour. Screaming, crying, blaming, whining...yup Kate you seem to be intellectual stuck at 16 yrs of age.
Hawks Fan said...
Why in the world should we click on ROL? So they get an idea on how many people may be tuning in Sunday night?
I actually think we should click all day long and then not watch the show. They will anticipate a large audience and then wonder where all the potential viewers went.
No longer hungry for breakfast. Just saw Kate with her fake, plastic smile waiting to promote her new shows this morning on the Today Show. Time to switch to GMA.
Did anyone here write to Pull-Ups about showing a little boy on the pottie in a commercial?
I just saw the commercial and now they only show him from the neck up when he's on the pottie and says "I did it." I don't think I ever saw it before but I read people comparing it to the Gosselin kids and they said they actually showed all of him sitting on the pottie.
Anyone see that ROL is claiming that text messages prove Jon faked the apartment trashing?
I noticed too how she jumped back on the seat and left her kids standing near the railing of the boat, and was only worried about the alligator taking her head off. Way to go Kate...you should be proud.
I can't wait to hear the "sheeple excuse" for this one.
Here is the ROL article for those who don't want to click on it:
Jon Gosselin tried to blame his ex-girlfriend for burglarizing his apartment, but left an electronic trail that proves otherwise.
RadarOnline.com has exclusively obtained text messages -- sent from Jon to his then girlfriend, Hailey Glassman -- which may prove he staged the now infamous break-in at his apartment in Manhattan back in December.
New York police recently cleared Hailey of any wrongdoing and closed the case.
But now RadarOnline.com has text messages that show when Jon blamed Hailey for stealing his TV in the break-in he had already told her to come and take it!
That never-before-revealed evidence proves that Jon knew she didn’t steal the TV.
The couple had been living together and was in the middle of a break-up. Days before he reported a break-in, Jon texted Hailey.
On December 16, 2009, Jon texted, “Leave the key on the counter. Not kidding. I told u if u choose them our friendship is over. Your choice. That’s not manipulation, that’s your choice.”
Jon then texts Hailey she needs to be “Out before Christmas. Take the furniture and t.v. That is a gift.”
The TV is the crucial part as Jon later accused Hailey of stealing it in the break-in.
On December 17, Jon texted Hailey, “That’s fine, I’m understanding. Do u know why u have to move out, let me explain. If I were to get evicted, they would seize the apartment and all.”
He then writes, “I can’t text my plan.”
It’s damning evidence considering Jon claimed the break-in happened over Christmas while he was in Pennsylvania spending the holiday with his family.
According to the NYPD, Jon then claimed that his ex-girlfriend Hailey slashed furniture, stole his TV and left a note with her name pinned to a dresser with a knife. As RadarOnline.com first reported sources say New York police investigating the "ransacking" of Gosselin's apartment believed the event was a publicity stunt.
Glassman was cleared as a person of interest in Gosselin’s break-in last week. In an exclusive statement to RadarOnline.com, Glassman’s attorney, Stephanie Ovadia said, “I think the text messages speak for themselves. We’re glad the NYPD has closed this file and that the truth has finally come out.”
There will be some very very big rebelion with Cara and Mady real soon, I have a 10 year old and an 8 yr old... she is already showing me some pre-teen attitude so watch out.. it will be X2 and blown out even more later inlife because she puts inphasis on her 6 which made her famous, let's be realistic anyone can have twins, that will never make anyone famous.
She was on the TODAY show this morning saying how she loves the crew and that the kids love to film, but they panned out on some moments from the new show where Mady throws a fit in Florida and Collin is screaming, and she mentions she thinks she ruined the trip because it was nap time and they should not be there right now... YEAH SURE they LOVE filming.
She mentions again that she HAS to work to provide for her kids that every mom does this. OK then COME ON TLC I WANT TO MAKE A SWEET MIL PER YEAR TOO... you can come publish my bed side diary....
Here is Kate on the Today Show if anyone is interested:
I wonder if Jon has this as one of his ringtones.
Why was joel the only one wearing ear protection? All the other children should of been wearing this ear protection also. Being on that kind of boat you should wear proper ear protection, life jacket and safety glasses.
All the clips ive seen lately are pretty much the same old storyline. Kids get to go on some trip. Kate talks, screeches, blabs on and on. She talk about how hard it is doing everything by HERSELF. When we can see a bodyguard, steve and jamie. Does she really think we are all blind and stupid. Hello Kate we see them we also see the nannies /sitters at times.
Off the subject when is joel going to get speech therapy? That child needs help before he gets picked on.
Kate was with her BFF Mereith Viera on the Today Show this morning.Apparently the production crew is just like family. The crew will help her around the house,like moving boxes,some will even come over to babysit if need be. So it was a LIE that she was doing it all on the trip to Orlando.She had the production crew at her beck and call, Mr. Gray to take the boy's to the restroom and her BFF Jamie to 'lay down the law' to the kids.By the way.....Where's Jamie's kids? I'm sure they would have enjoyed a trip to Orlando too.Oh forgot...can't take the spotlight off Kate's kids especially the tups.Those little moneymakers.
Poor Kate? what the hell was she expecting going into the swamps to spot alligators? That it would come up and kiss her on the butt? Honestly.
Yeah cherier, Mady has had her number for a long time!
Instead of posting links to radaronline where they are taking note of how many people are "clicking" on those links, you should be posting links like this to advocate against children in reality shows.
I'm getting annoyed at the blogs who say they are against these shows, yet continue to promote them by providing links to them.
I won't click on the link either. That woman's voice raises my blood pressure. I like the comments though!
US Magazine has a link to Kate's interview this morning on The Today Show .
It is listed as "Jon Gosselin Drops Child Custody"
What a sick woman she is. She truly needs help badly , but everyone just keeps turning their heads the other way.
Kate lives in a world of all things that are fake,phony, lies, pretense and almost criminal.
And as far as Jon goes ? I still am in shock that he sold his kids out to the highest bidder, just like their mother.I just truthfully don't think he had a choice. TLC and his ex had him under a hard rock and he was broke and didn't know who to turn to for help.
Those poor kids have lost any remaining hope of a happy, productive, loving adulthood, let along a childhood.
The crew will help her around the house,like moving boxes,some will even come over to babysit if need be.
I wonder if the crew have had their PA mandatory background checks? So many 'fans' (& I would bet Kate & TLC are included) have argued that background checks weren't necessary since the crew is NEVER alone with the children.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. ~Mark Twain
Wow... I too can't click on the link. But looks like a job to me. Please someone stop this. 15 minutes is long up. Beg everyone you know to NOT watch the show. Ratings are the only way to maybe stop the insanity.
Free the 8!
Just another girl...
I don't believe background checks are mandated in Pa for this type of thing.
Do not watch! The recaps will all be great!
Actually someone posted the law awhile ago, they're required for anyone who regularly works around minors. And IIRC the negotiated settlement with the labor dept. required background checks.
Now Kate is having these STRANGERS babysit!!! This is not the sweet teenager next door these are random people in the movie business.
Kate calls the crew, "beloved" by their family. And even if those kids love these people which wouldn't surprise me, (kids can always spot the nicest people in the room), there's no way they can understand the long range effect of having their private lives splashed across TV screens or googled on-line for the rest of their lives.
Anonymous said...
Now Kate is having these STRANGERS babysit!!! This is not the sweet teenager next door these are random people in the movie business.
Doesn't matter to Kate who watches her kids , as long as it's not her .
Wouldn't you think she would rather have their father babysit them , than strangers behind a camera?
cherier1 said...
Carolina Gal, I guess the 'gator isn't in her 10% fan base ;)
Sources say that the gator was demanding that she get 15% of the profits from that episode.
This gets more and more disgusting as the days go by.
Yeah, how exactly does Jamie Ayers explain to her own children, "Well, dears, Mommy has to go to Pennsylvania, take an airplane to Discovery Cove and babysit Auntie Katie's kids while they swim with the dolphins and take cool boat rides and eat birthday cake when it's not their birthday! You don't get to come. You be sure to do all your chores, get your homework finished, and kiss Grandma and Grandpa goodnight even if they smell like coffee. I'll tell you all about it when I get back!"
When I watched that screeching gator clip, something occurred to me. My dad left my mom high and dry with little to no child support to raise us 4 kids. I'm sure she was devastated and terrified and cried many a night. We never knew it. I'm sure there were things that scared her in her life like Kate appears to be scared by gators. We never knew it. She kept all her fears hidden from us because we were children and wouldn't have understood. To see her melting down in any way would have scared us to death. Now at 46, I see my mom as pretty self-centered and narcissistic - but she did what she had to do to raise us and protect us (even making the drive across town to an obscure grocer because of the shame of using food stamps fun), and I am very grateful for that, after seeing this sham of a mother look out for #1 constantly, with zero regard to how it affects those kids.
Didn't the crew bring presents? Like maybe the Cadillac cars? Well, that would be a huge turn-off to a pack of 6 year olds, wouldn't it? I'd sure snub anybody who brought me an extravagant gift before I'd entered Kindergarten!
Wonder what the twins got? Remember them? It wasn't their birthday either, but hey.
My parents could have bought me little cars. The little boy down the street had one since his father worked for Ford Motors. My parents knew where to get one. But, cruel as it might sound, my parents gave me my older sister's trike and then bike when I was old enough to ride them. When I turned 10, they bought me my own bike, a Schwinn one speed. I loved it. It set me free to ride with all the friends I could friends anytime we could. The boy down the street could only ride with one person at a time, so he outgrew (physically and mentally) the little car. It wasn't long before he put aside the car and went for the cheaper, simpler bike. The bikes and the freedom to ride them stayed for years and years.
My parents knew what they were doing! I wish Kate had just bought the kids bikes for their birthdays! Forget the big-shot gifts and give them what helps them grow and mature!
The first thing I noticed is the little guy on the left hand end of the couch, somewhat withdrawn from the group. The rest are all appearing eager to talk, but he looks very hesitant. I'm thinking he is a child who likes order, predictability, and calmness--no crowds, etc. I may be wrong, but he looks very uncomfortable.
Jaycee said...
The first thing I noticed is the little guy on the left hand end of the couch, somewhat withdrawn from the group.
That's Aaden. He is withdrawn. He rarely smiles unless he sees that it's Jon who is picking them up at the bus stop.
In the video it seems to be Hannah and Alexis who want to talk. Joel is in the middle of them and he says very little. Leah is interested in her shoe and Collin is watching her deal with her shoe. In other words, if you watch the individual children - instead of seeing them as a group on a couch - they are not
all terribly comfortable on that interview set.
The enthusiasm of Hannah and Alexis and Joel's
short involvement overshadow the other kids.
That may be enough to convince Kate that the kids "love" being filmed. She doesn't notice the less vocal children.
I thought it was a sad scene.
Were Cara and Mady on the boat with them? I didn't even see them. I saw Steve and the other guy, the tups and then of course I saw Kate literally bouncing up and down, making a major fool of herself, drawing the kids's celebration attention onto herself.
And I could swear I hear someone saying "Shhh" while the kids are yelling, I mean talking, in the clip.
The twins were there; Mady was sitting next to Kate, and Cara was in the seat behind them with Jamie. They were surprisingly the quietest of the bunch in the boat, especially vocal Mady. (Or, maybe Mady and Cara know how to behave around animals in the wild.)
The twins are no more than tv extras in this family to add to that wow factor of 8, count 'em 8 kids! They'll soon turn into Where's Waldo guest spots - no tv lines and you'll be lucky to spot them in the background.
I won't watch anything Gosselin but I wonder if the tups speech has improved since they've been in jr K or are subtitles still used.
Jaycee said...
The first thing I noticed is the little guy on the left hand end of the couch, somewhat withdrawn from the group.
That's Aaden. He is withdrawn. He rarely smiles unless he sees that it's Jon who is picking them up at the bus stop.
In the video it seems to be Hannah and Alexis who want to talk. Joel is in the middle of them and he says very little. Leah is interested in her shoe and Collin is watching her deal with her shoe. In other words, if you watch the individual children - instead of seeing them as a group on a couch - they are not
all terribly comfortable on that interview set.
The enthusiasm of Hannah and Alexis and Joel's
short involvement overshadow the other kids.
That may be enough to convince Kate that the kids "love" being filmed. She doesn't notice the less vocal children.
I thought it was a sad scene.
Were Cara and Mady on the boat with them? I didn't even see them. I saw Steve and the other guy, the tups and then of course I saw Kate literally bouncing up and down, making a major fool of herself, drawing the kids's celebration attention onto herself.
The first thing I noticed is the little guy on the left hand end of the couch, somewhat withdrawn from the group. The rest are all appearing eager to talk, but he looks very hesitant. I'm thinking he is a child who likes order, predictability, and calmness--no crowds, etc. I may be wrong, but he looks very uncomfortable.
My parents could have bought me little cars. The little boy down the street had one since his father worked for Ford Motors. My parents knew where to get one. But, cruel as it might sound, my parents gave me my older sister's trike and then bike when I was old enough to ride them. When I turned 10, they bought me my own bike, a Schwinn one speed. I loved it. It set me free to ride with all the friends I could friends anytime we could. The boy down the street could only ride with one person at a time, so he outgrew (physically and mentally) the little car. It wasn't long before he put aside the car and went for the cheaper, simpler bike. The bikes and the freedom to ride them stayed for years and years.
My parents knew what they were doing! I wish Kate had just bought the kids bikes for their birthdays! Forget the big-shot gifts and give them what helps them grow and mature!
Yeah, how exactly does Jamie Ayers explain to her own children, "Well, dears, Mommy has to go to Pennsylvania, take an airplane to Discovery Cove and babysit Auntie Katie's kids while they swim with the dolphins and take cool boat rides and eat birthday cake when it's not their birthday! You don't get to come. You be sure to do all your chores, get your homework finished, and kiss Grandma and Grandpa goodnight even if they smell like coffee. I'll tell you all about it when I get back!"
cherier1 said...
Carolina Gal, I guess the 'gator isn't in her 10% fan base ;)
Sources say that the gator was demanding that she get 15% of the profits from that episode.
Do not watch! The recaps will all be great!
Oh my gosh! That was a honest and truly horrible sound. Poor Kate.
Why didn't TLC just name it "The Kate Gosselin Show"? Isn't this really what it is?
Silly admin, of course they aren't working. All of my kids regularly line up on the couch for interviews with a camera crew...it's called "playing". (sense the tone...lol)
Why was joel the only one wearing ear protection? All the other children should of been wearing this ear protection also. Being on that kind of boat you should wear proper ear protection, life jacket and safety glasses.
All the clips ive seen lately are pretty much the same old storyline. Kids get to go on some trip. Kate talks, screeches, blabs on and on. She talk about how hard it is doing everything by HERSELF. When we can see a bodyguard, steve and jamie. Does she really think we are all blind and stupid. Hello Kate we see them we also see the nannies /sitters at times.
Off the subject when is joel going to get speech therapy? That child needs help before he gets picked on.
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