Monday, June 28, 2010

Jon gets giant tattoo on his back

In a bizarre move, Jon has gotten a huge tattoo of a Korean dragon on his back. So that's where the college funds are going! According to Radaronline, the tattoo was designed by Never Say Die Tattoo in Harrisburg and took 14 hours to complete. Custom, full back tattoos can cost over $2,000 and sometimes much more.

"I have planned this tattoo for years now,” Jon said. "I wanted something that resembled a rebirth or a change in me.” We're guessing maybe Kate wouldn't let him get this when they were married?

As for the kids? "They love it," Jon says.

41 sediments (sic) from readers:

ICSillyPeople said... 1

Yep ... this is what I would do with my leftover cash to celebrate my $0 bank balance, my insurmountable child support payments, my inability to obtain a job, and my public perception that I'm a deadbeat/former con artist team waiting for the next group of suckers to use my infamousness to pay my way through life while I do virtually nothing ..... SCORE!!!

IDModo said... 2

I'm going to be really unpopular for this, but I like body art (on other people).Lots of people nowadays get a tat to commemorate something.
Jon may not have paid for it; it would be good free advertising for the tattoo studio.
If the kids paid for it, that's not right, but it doesn't begin to add up to the amount of their money that Kate has spent enhancing(?)her body.
At least it's art of a sort, which is more than you can say for the fake boobs, Botox Robot face, tooth veneers, and the $21,000 worth of extensions.
There is a possibility that Jon is sincere about making a change in his life that is more positive than previously,even though he is showing it in a way that some might consider adolescent.I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

PJ's momma said... 3

Reminds me of many of our food bank clients. They come in reeking of cigarettes and/or booze, sporting fresh ink, and then get mad because I don't have bus passes to give them, after they just got a cart full of free food. They, and Jon, make me want to SCREAM. Grow up and get your head out, people! It's not all about you all the time!!! Take responsibility for your own life instead of standing around whining with your hand out all the time!! Losers.

Judy said... 4

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I have been using the above statement for a year now when it comes to Jon.I guess I wanted to believe that these eight kids had one decent parent that was on their side.
Everytime Jon does something good, he back paddles and acts like a stupid jerk. I will admit that I am from the old school and I hate tatoos. I think if God wanted you to have a picture of a dragon across your back, he might have just put it there.That also goes for Kates silicone boobs and her face full of botox.
I don't think Jon is being a good role model for his children with this stupid trick.
Guess those children don't have anyone watching out for them anymore.
It stinks to think that these two idiots and losers, blow all this money and neither one of them has a job !

IDModo said... 5

Fair enough, Judy, I knew my stand on this would be unpopular!I'm stickin' by it anyway!I'm well aware that not everybody likes tattoos and that I'm probably in the minority. ~ Administrator said... 6

I have absolutely no problem with Jon getting whatever tattoo he wants to. It's his body to deface.

I am suspicious how he got this though. If he so much as used one dime of the children's, then yes I have a problem with it. Just like I have a problem if Kate spends their money on her body with her botox and surgeries and hair.

LisaNH said... 7

I'm with you, Admin. If he used the childrens earnings, then he is no better than Kate. If, by some chance, he used his money, then go for it. I don't care if he shaves his head and has a tat of Tweety Bird put on it.

betsy said... 8

Well he got a tattoo and what differece does it make, maybe its what he always wanted as he said and he is happy

IDModo said... 9

All their money, his and hers, is the kids' money; she would not have a "career" if it weren't for them, so anything she makes as the Mother of 8, includingt DWTS and interviews, is their money. Jon and Kate have no money that was not earned in some way by the kids, either directly or indirectly.
Kate would be an obscure Pennsylvania housewife if it weren't for the fact that she had those kids.

alana said... 10


I'm with you about tattoos. Enough weird stuff is going to happen to my body before I'm dead, some pretty ugly things (age spots, moles...) that are permanent and I have no control over. I can't see marking myself up with really ugly colors and "theme pictures" that I may regret, and doing it on purpose! It's expensive to remove them, some cannot be removed, most still look pretty awful after they are removed.

As for Yawn... oh brother, what A TOOL. I'll never believe he's changed anything as long as I continue to see his big whoopee changes on the internet and in tabloids. He is SO STARVED for just a morsel of what Take has, he can just taste it!
The pic of him (and his back fat neck roll) laying on the table in the tattoo parlor was a pic I could have lived without. Now I can't eat dinner - YUK!

AuntieAnn said... 11

Kate would be an obscure Pennsylvania housewife if it weren't for the fact that she had those kids.

Period. End of Story. Actually, that statement should be tattoed on HER freaking forehead. ~ Administrator said... 12

But wait a minute. TLC is just paying him off to let the kids continue to be filmed, right? Jon isn't working. He isn't doing IT. He isn't acting or doing other reality shows. Far as we know he putters around with his girlfriend and visits the kids once in awhile.

So unless this guy gave him a free tattoo, was he not dipping into TLC's hush money? The money he took in exchange for Collin's privacy?

They are both disgusting.

betsy said... 13

I wonder what his mom thinks of him being out of work, no income, 8 kids and a ex wife who loves to throw their kids in front of the camera

justme said... 14

Jon and Kate are trying to one up on each other.Playing the Tit for Tat(pun intended)game.

Carolina Gal said... 15

Judy said...
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I have been using the above statement for a year now when it comes to Jon
I'm with you Judy. If I had a nickel for every time I've 'given Jon the benefit of the doubt' and everytime I thought, maybe, just maybe this time he IS turning over a new leaf. Pfft...he's a loser, the end.

Anne said... 16

I'm not into tattoos for some of the same opinions other posters above stated. I don't have any and don't find them attractive. However, the tat appears to be the twins DOB and their names in characters (Korean characters?) and then the 'tups DOB and names in characters on the scroll that the dragon is holding. IMO, it is a "better" tat than some things that people put on their body. (Casey Anthony and "La Bella Vita" comes to mind.) I can guess that the kids might have been "excited" about that tat if Jon told them that he was putting their stats on his back because he loves them so much (or however he would put it.) To some kids that are starved for positive, pure, attention, it might be meaningful.

SG said... 17

That was all the same stuff he had put on his motorcycle that TLC took. Guess he figures they can't take his skin.

fidosmommy said... 18

Jon Gosselin turns over new leaves every few weeks. So what's going to mark the next turn of the page? A spiked tongue? Orange and green hair? At least he could throw out the Ed Hardy shirts when he realized how stupid they were. This stupid is forever.

I would hate to see that tattoo of his in about 40 years. The words are going to be Wrinkle, Fold, Sag, Gravity........

PatK said... 19

OMG, that's hideous. I guess it's my age, but I can't stand that much "ink" on the human body.

You're really attractive now, Jon. Not.

Heide said... 20

"Tit for Tat"

JustMe, THAT was funny!!!

Hawks Fan said... 21

I haven't seen anyone mention the other scroll with 4-08-10. Under it it's being reported that it says Ellen in Korean. He really is a dumb shit.

Personally I think the tat is another famous Gosselin freebie. Why else would numerous pics of the tattoo in progress get released to the mags along with the name of the pace where he got it?

Does this tattoo place really think people will be flocking there to get a tattoo because this fat loser got a tattoo there? Not even the sheeple can stand him. I think if this was the case, it was a big marketing mistake on the part of the tattoo parlor.

Lauren said... 22

Jon is such a douche-bag.
Dude, grow up.

maggie said... 23

Oh, the irony of it all! Wow! He has been planning this for YEARS. A Rebirth? The only reason ROL has it on their website is they are paying Jon for the photo and story. And of course, the tattoo shop is either giving him a discount or giving it free because they are mentioning the shop's name.

Sounds like the same old Jon to me. Get something free or discounted (tattoo and then get more cash by letting the tabloids (ROL) print the story. Regardless if it is true or not, the vast public will think he spent a huge chuck of money on vanity when he hasn't been employed in the past 5 or so years.

What in the heck is Kate going to say when her 5 teenage daughters want huge breasts implantslike hers and then proceed to dress like tramps. And what is Jon going to say to his 3 teenage sons when they want tattoo's all over their bodies of their new girlfriends names? Remember that Hailey was Jon's soulmate! Yeah.

sander said... 24

Sigh. Remember the Sheeple Mag article last year when Jon told "his side"? It was late May or early June. The interview was done in NY in the offices of his new PR firm at the time and he often answered questions with "I'm going to keep my family matters private" or something like that. After the photos of the bar romps with the teacher, I really hoped he'd learned a lesson (that Kate and TLC had set him up) and that he would behave and come out smelling like a rose. Sadly, no. Three weeks later he's on a yacht in the south of France with his new soulmate Hailey and new BFF Christian Audigier, smoking and drinking. And we all know the rest.

It's frustrating because it's obvious the kids love him like crazy and he's always been the more hands-on non OCD parent. While getting a tatoo isn't the worst thing in the world, when he does stuff like this it just gives Kate more of an opportunity to say "see.....hello!?" This will be discussed on the View and he will be mocked. Interesting though, how TLC seems to permit Jon to do business with ROL.

IDModo said... 25

Jon probably has a profit-sharing arrangement with ROL whereby he is paid for allowing them to take his picture, and TLC allows it because it gives them fodder for whatever Jon-bashing they want to do next.
ALL of them: TLC, ROL, Jon and Kate,INF, ABC etc. are involved in an incestuous relationship to make the maximum amount of profit.
That's the real relationship story! They are all (metaphorically) in bed with each other, and Jamie and Steve don't even figure into the equation.

maggie said... 26

sander said:
Interesting though, how TLC seems to permit Jon to do business with ROL.
I think TLC approved Jon's tattoo story/photo's in ROL to get the negative attention off of Kate. The timing is very interesting. The media was picking up on Kate's fake boobs and badly done botox eyebrows. Of course, TLC loves this story about Jon's huge tattoo because it points out ONE important thing: Jon is more of a fool and than Kate (at least it appears that way).

Anonymous said... 27

Is it just me or do the dragon's eyes have kind of a strange look in them for a dragon? Not sure how to describe - bored, dumb, tired - certainly not fiery, excited or full of life IMO.

GoPoshGo said... 28

"I haven't seen anyone mention the other scroll with 4-08-10. Under it it's being reported that it says Ellen in Korean."

My guess: it's the date his divorce became final ... and the inscription beneath it is Korean for "Finally got away from the bitch."

TheresaB said... 29

My guess: it's the date his divorce became final ... and the inscription beneath it is Korean for "Finally got away from the bitch."

THAT would be a good tattoo.

Anonymous said... 30

Just curious, what do they sheeple have to say about his fugly tattoo? are the sheeple saying that Jon is a douchebag tool?

Or are they saying Jon has a right to do to his body what he sees fit, he can spend money however he likes, and what he does is none of our business?

Because if they're saying anything but what they always say about Kate, they're hypocrites.

TheresaB said... 31

Or are they saying Jon has a right to do to his body what he sees fit, he can spend money however he likes, and what he does is none of our business?

Because if they're saying anything but what they always say about Kate, they're hypocrites.

Oh, you funny.
Jon has NO RIGHTS to do anything.
He can't drink, date, smoke or get tattoos. He can't have friends or be friendly. He can't do charities or fund raisers because we all know he's ONLY DOING IT FOR ATTENTION.

Here Kitty said... 32

Why do the dragon's eyes look like those of a cross-eyed Himalayan cat?

Boston Bonnie said... 33

That is one expensive tattoo for someone who isn't working but living off his children. Not impressed with either one of them at this point.

Yes, the kids might think it's cool but doing it while allowing your children pay for it is NOT cool.

Anonymous said... 34

STOP IT JON! RIGHT NOW. Stop being a drama whore and embarassing your children to no end. And why is it the cameras needed to see this? You have been a parent for 9 years, time to put your children first. You are acting selfish and ridiculous, your tatoo is insane, but having it photographed, more insane. I feel terrible for the kids.

mama san said... 35

The dragon is authentic Korean. Each Asian nation has a certain number of talons by which one can recognize. Korea has three. I feel that Jon is entitled to honor his heritage as much as the Irish have the shamrock. BTW, I am Polish and we have an Eagle. A reminder a long time ago Jon mentioned that he was saving his money and also going to therapy. Jon is trying to Learn and Grow. and -- w/o chickens.

Anonymous said... 36

STOP IT JON! RIGHT NOW. Stop being a drama whore and embarassing your children to no end. And why is it the cameras needed to see this? You have been a parent for 9 years, time to put your children first. You are acting selfish and ridiculous, your tatoo is insane, but having it photographed, more insane. I feel terrible for the kids.

mama san said... 37

The dragon is authentic Korean. Each Asian nation has a certain number of talons by which one can recognize. Korea has three. I feel that Jon is entitled to honor his heritage as much as the Irish have the shamrock. BTW, I am Polish and we have an Eagle. A reminder a long time ago Jon mentioned that he was saving his money and also going to therapy. Jon is trying to Learn and Grow. and -- w/o chickens.

maggie said... 38

sander said:
Interesting though, how TLC seems to permit Jon to do business with ROL.
I think TLC approved Jon's tattoo story/photo's in ROL to get the negative attention off of Kate. The timing is very interesting. The media was picking up on Kate's fake boobs and badly done botox eyebrows. Of course, TLC loves this story about Jon's huge tattoo because it points out ONE important thing: Jon is more of a fool and than Kate (at least it appears that way).

maggie said... 39

Oh, the irony of it all! Wow! He has been planning this for YEARS. A Rebirth? The only reason ROL has it on their website is they are paying Jon for the photo and story. And of course, the tattoo shop is either giving him a discount or giving it free because they are mentioning the shop's name.

Sounds like the same old Jon to me. Get something free or discounted (tattoo and then get more cash by letting the tabloids (ROL) print the story. Regardless if it is true or not, the vast public will think he spent a huge chuck of money on vanity when he hasn't been employed in the past 5 or so years.

What in the heck is Kate going to say when her 5 teenage daughters want huge breasts implantslike hers and then proceed to dress like tramps. And what is Jon going to say to his 3 teenage sons when they want tattoo's all over their bodies of their new girlfriends names? Remember that Hailey was Jon's soulmate! Yeah.

sander said... 40

Sigh. Remember the Sheeple Mag article last year when Jon told "his side"? It was late May or early June. The interview was done in NY in the offices of his new PR firm at the time and he often answered questions with "I'm going to keep my family matters private" or something like that. After the photos of the bar romps with the teacher, I really hoped he'd learned a lesson (that Kate and TLC had set him up) and that he would behave and come out smelling like a rose. Sadly, no. Three weeks later he's on a yacht in the south of France with his new soulmate Hailey and new BFF Christian Audigier, smoking and drinking. And we all know the rest.

It's frustrating because it's obvious the kids love him like crazy and he's always been the more hands-on non OCD parent. While getting a tatoo isn't the worst thing in the world, when he does stuff like this it just gives Kate more of an opportunity to say "see.....hello!?" This will be discussed on the View and he will be mocked. Interesting though, how TLC seems to permit Jon to do business with ROL.

Here Kitty said... 41

Why do the dragon's eyes look like those of a cross-eyed Himalayan cat?

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