October 2009....
- Jon disputed Kate's claims that the eight kids were devastated when the cameras stopped filming. Jon suggested that Kate manipulated the kids into “crying and wailing” by telling them lies, such as "'Oh, Daddy's put a halt on filming. Your friends are going to go away.’ She probably worded it in a way that's a violation to them, or their sense of security."
- "I don't care if [my kids] hate me, because I know what is best for my kids. I will pull them off."
- "[Kate's] throwing me under the bus. Her and TLC. They don't like me because I want to pull my kids off TV. They made $186 million last quarter, $143 million of that from Jon & Kate Plus 8....She needs to get on board with her own life and get away from TLC and get out of Kate Gosselin world. She doesn't want to hear it because she's so brainwashed from TLC."
- "The kids are unanimous. They don't want to film. We filmed 152 episodes. What more can you possibly still film? You want us to go to the moon? You want us to take the kids and go to Korea? Are you crazy? They don't want to be on a four-cylinder bus in Korea. They want to be home in the pool."
Now today, Jon had this to say to Star:
- Now, filming is OK because, "It's not like before. It's not like 52 episodes in one season. It's OK. It's like five. And you know, they haven't said anything to me and that's Kate's business too. I know it's my business as a father but there's a lot of paperwork and stuff like that so ... they seem fine with it, no pressure. I don't know if I would do it again. That's like the grass is greener...sometimes, and sometimes not. I've experienced both."
- "They're not dumb. They know what's going on. They hear things and see things."
- "I don't want the camera coming home. That's just the type of person I am. I want a more private life."
- "We'd filmed 128 episodes. It was getting insane. It was just a bad time last year. Everything happened. It was like a tornado. I was thinking of my kids and what am I gonna do and just kind of like, wasn't into it anymore."
http://www.parentdish.com/2009/10/09/jon-gosselin-loves-his-kids-his-girlfriend-and-the-jews/ http://www.starmagazine.com/jon_gosselin_fathers_day_plans/news/16999
56 sediments (sic) from readers:
Blech. Go away, Jon. You suck too.
Didn't Jon say that he had put his kids out there for all the pedophiles of the world? I guess now that it's down to only five shows per season, it's okay because the perverts are looking elsewhere for their thrills...not as many shows to amuse them.
TLC is once again the hand that feeds Jon, so what else COULD he say?
Again, Jon is just reading off a script. Sounds like he's just replying to what Bloggers are complaining about.
Jon who?
It really gets me that JON doesn't want to film so Jon kicked the cameras out because he wants privacy, but he is still making his kids do it.
Administrator said...
It really gets me that JON doesn't want to film so Jon kicked the cameras out because he wants privacy, but he is still making his kids do it.
Exactly right. Idiocy. Greed.
Too much paperwork and 'stuff' to get off his butt and save his kids from TLC's grip is what he's saying. They must be paying him pretty well. Man this guy gives new meaning to the word grifter.
I've never heard him mention he was a welder before.
Jon said:I know it's my business as a father but there's a lot of paperwork and stuff like that so ... they seem fine with it, no pressure.
Can someone explain to me what he means about "there's a lot of paperwork and stuff like that so..." I don't understand what he's aying about paperwork???? I was also very aggravated that he wants privacy for himself but not for his 8 children??? Is he nuts?
He tried to. But remember, TLC sued him? And Kate begged Jon to let TLC film the kids. You can't just blame Jon.
I guess "paperwork" meant LEGAL crap.
And in the words of Katie: The kids missed the camera crew...
I blame Kate and Jon. I blame TLC too but the bulk of the blame lies on Kate and Jon. They are their kids, their responsibilty, they chose to sacrifice their privacy, probably for the rest of their childhoods, to make a buck.
Either one could stop easily at any time. It is a complete cop-out to say, oh my gee golly but they'll get sued! Ooo, I'm scared! TLC can't throw them in jail, all TLC can do is clean them out....who cares? Kate said she has a ton of bills anyway, they weren't even in debt before TLC came into their lives, if anything TLC has made their financial situation worse. They may have more money but they have more expenses now.
The worst that can happen is TLC drains all their money if they even HAVE any. Then they can go back to being normal people. Big whoop.
I do not get why they should be afraid of TLC.
"I know it's my business as a father but there's a lot of paperwork and stuff like that so ... they seem fine with it, no pressure."
Wow, I feel sorry for these kids.
Because Jon can't be bothered with paperwork, he is allowing his Kate to exploit his children. Jon is a total D-Bag.
It's amazing to me how money and fame have poisoned Jon and Kate.
I think the paperwork he is referring to is what TLC has to file to keep the kids work permits legit. They now have restricted work hours and conditions, which they didn't have when they were younger and filming 128 or 152 episodes. I also see Jon is manipulating the meda again trying to make people feel sorry he can't afford more than a 1 bdr apt and sleeping bags for the kids.
Had to laugh when I read Jon's response where he says he didn't much like the camera end of the show. He handled the business end, with demographics and things.
That's probably another reason why the show lost most of their audience. Jon was handling the business end of it. He's BROKE!! How could he handle the business end of anything?????? He can't even hold down a JOB.
"I do not get why they should be afraid of TLC."
TLC would clean them out. They'd take the house, the cars, every cent they have. They have eight kids. Where would they go...what would they do? They have every reason to be at the mercy of TLC. It's not only cash they would take. It's also assests...everything they need to survive. It's easy to say, oh, just start over again and live like normal people. What would they use, for example, as funds to buy a house? Where would they get a car? Food? It would be a different story if they could make a clean break from TLC (no strings attached) and just walk away, without the legal consequences that come with it.
Should they ask the puhlic and state to help? It would be "Woe to us. TLC stripped us clean because we fought to save our kids. Can't you help us? We've done this for our eight kids." Back to the churches for donations.
Contracts can be broken, but in the case of an entity like TLC, guess who would win? It's too late. No turning back now. They've experienced the good life and it's full speed ahead.
The kids probably haven't said anything to Jon about their feelings re: filming because Kate and TLC has told them not to (under pain of severeness). I wonder if they had to ink their tiny thumbprints on confidentiality agreements as well.
It doesn't matter whether or not the kids LIKE being exploited by TLC. That's not a child's decision to make.If Jon had half a brain he would realize that the cumulative effect of destroying the children's childhoods over a period of years could result, down the road, in some pretty messed-up kids.
Why does he want a more private life for himself, but thinks it's OK for his kids to be pimped out on television to satisfy the voyeurism of the North American public? He is behaving as if he, Kate and the children were all the same age, with the same powers of discernment and ability to make choices.
I tthink it's time for Jon to stop trying to be his children's indulgent friend and playmate, and start being the father they desperately need and deserve.Sadly, I don't believe he's capable of making that leap.
Do you think public opinion would really let TLC clean Jon and Kate out and throw them on the street? People would be outraged. Kate lovers would be outraged, those that support the kids would be outraged too. Everyone would.
Even if TLC did make the mistake of taking every last cent, people start over every day. It's not a matter of can they start over, it's that Jon and Kate don't want to risk having to start over.
Both of them are choosing the money over the kids. They are cowards.
"Do you think public opinion would really let TLC clean Jon and Kate out and throw them on the street? People would be outraged."
I don't think public opinion would even enter into it. Do you think TLC would really care that the public would be outraged? We've seen them at work. They don't have a moral bone in their entire body.
Jon-boy, speaking out of both sides of his @$$:
Jon Gosselin looks for jobs in the television industry
Lindsay Pepino
Jon Gosselin, former star of Jon & Kate Plus 8, says he wouldn’t mind getting back into the television industry.
On Wednesday in Los Angeles, he told Us Weekly, "It would be nice to have a job on television again. I'm not so sure about reality. I'm just exploring my options right now, meeting with certain people about different ideas. I can't talk about it; you have to stay tuned.”
The father of eight is still under contract with TLC as part of a settlement and over the past several months, he was allegedly “approached to do several projects like invest in new companies or be the face of a certain product." He is also looking for a more conventional job that is full-time.
On the other hand, his ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, has had limited issues with finding work. She was seen on the tenth season of Dancing with the Stars and is working on two new TLC projects.
Jon admits the former couple doesn’t talk about business even though Kate hopes he will find a job.
"We talk about: 'Hey, I'm going to be there at 2 p.m. to pick up the kids. Is there gas in the van? Good.' That kind of thing."
Currently Jon is seeing 23-year-old Ellen Ross. He describes their relationship that began on a blind date as being “really different.”
"We just kind of hit it off, backyard barbeques in Pennsylvania, hanging out, good times. She knew of me and all that stuff [and still] saw me as a normal person."
Jon finds it hard to talk about his personal life and confesses he and Ross are taking things “day by day.”
"I have a hard time talking about my personal life because of everything that happened last year. I just stray away from it. We just want to be left alone."
Administrator said...
"Both of them are choosing the money over the kids. They are cowards."
Hi Admin. They certainly are. Lazy cowards. Your comment reminds me of a quote from Ambrose Hollingworth Redmoon:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
The well-being of the kids should be more important than anything else.
"Invest in new companies" -- are you kidding me? How can you invest in companies if you are not working? These 2 are the worst kind of idiots to be in the public eye in forever. They are both disgusting.
Pa Mom Too said...
TLC would clean them out. They'd take the house, the cars, every cent they have. They have eight kids. Where would they go...what would they do? They have every reason to be at the mercy of TLC. It's not only cash they would take. It's also assests...everything they need to survive. It's easy to say, oh, just start over again and live like normal people. What would they use, for example, as funds to buy a house? Where would they get a car? Food? It would be a different story if they could make a clean break from TLC (no strings attached) and just walk away, without the legal consequences that come with it.
That's where business acumen would come into play. If Jon had any, if Kate (Miss Organized and Budget-Minded) had any, they would have been salting away the funds for their future from the very first special. They would have bought a house that was manageable WHEN THE GRAVY TRAIN STOPPED, they would have put the
luxuries on a dream list instead of on must-have-NOW list, etc. The money burned a hole in
their pockets and RIGHT NOW is all that matters.
"They would have bought a house that was manageable WHEN THE GRAVY TRAIN STOPPED, they would have put the
luxuries on a dream list instead of on must-have-NOW list, etc."
Right. And they were novices, seduced by fame and fortune. They didn't have the foresight to see that the gravy train would end. It was seize the moment, and go for bigger and better things. They were young and naive and had to have the lifestyle of the rich and famous. They saw how the other half lived and figured they could have it, too, never realizing that they were at the mercy of the entertainment industry that could and would throw them to the wolves at the drop of a hat.
We don't know what's in the contract. Is there an opt-out clause? Can she just walk away with no penalties? Even if she could, would she? I doubt it. And that's where the tragedy lies. She's not going to pull the plug and TLC knows it. TLC also has ratclaws, and they have her by the neck and him by whatever cajones he has left.
Yeah, it's not like before, now he REALLY needs cash bad.
He's making 70,000 a year from TLC and all he has to do is stay in bed all day. There ya go. That's motivation for ya.
Ok, long time zluker all the way around and I am on board with them both being worthless.....but I have to ask. These 2 have made millions in the past few years. If TLC is footing the bill for most of the larger expenses they have, then where is that money? They should have enough to tell TLC to go fly a kite and live happily ever after, whether it be single or together 9and frankly I could care less which). I know John is over a barrel of sorts, but Kate has the money to do the right thing NOW and get her kids off tv.
IDModo said...
I think it's time for Jon to stop trying to be his children's indulgent friend and playmate, and start being the father they desperately need and deserve. Sadly, I don't believe he's capable of making that leap.
Nope, he won't. Because for all the moaning and complaining he did, it turns out he wants to be a celebrity just as badly as Kate. But they both know the kids are the better dollar earners than they are so it's easier to exploit them and let them do the work. To hell with what happens to their lives when this is all said and done.
They're the last word in sleaze, both of them.
Anonymous aka MelissaF said...
"...but I have to ask. These 2 have made millions in the past few years. If TLC is footing the bill for most of the larger expenses they have, then where is that money? They should have enough to tell TLC to go fly a kite and live happily ever after, whether it be single or together 9and frankly I could care less which). I know John is over a barrel of sorts, but Kate has the money to do the right thing NOW and get her kids off tv"
I recall on THE VIEW last fall - I believe it was the episode with Posh Spice - somehow the subject of money came up and Kate said, "when is there ever enough money?"
That is the moment when I knew Kate would never ever stop exploiting her own children for her own personal fame and fortune.
That is also when I knew that the only way to get the kids off TV would have to be up to outside influences such as the public not watching the show and writing letters to the sponsors!
and/or the State of PA stepping in and changing their child labor laws.
Now that Jon has also shown he is in it for the money - and even if I did not see the scene I worry about Mady after she said she wants to die and yet filming is continuing - IMHO Jon is as sick and twisted as Kate when it comes down to letting his children support him and his lifestyle.
Bottom Line: Jon and Kate are nothing more than mere breeders who are pond scum.
melissaf, that is the million dollar question. My guess is that they (especially Kate) want the celeb life style to continue. She lies and says she's not yet financially set. If they would stop living so large they WOULD be set.
I'm not sure why there's not more outcry when Kate says she has no money. To me that just makes her look like a total irresponsible fool. TLC made millions for them, multiple sources have confirmed how much money they made including Jon. Why on earth are they not completely set for life????
Laura D. said...
My guess is that they (especially Kate) want the celeb life style to continue.
IMO....Kate is more turned on by the cameras than she is with the money.
The money is just an added bonus to her.
But they both know the kids are the better dollar earners than they are so it's easier to exploit them and let them do the work. To hell with what happens to their lives when this is all said and done.
Kate and Jon are too shallow and simple to project what is going to happen a few years down the road. Kate probably believes because she's so strict with the kids, that there will be no major problems when they become tweens and teens, as well as young adults. Sadly, the psychological fallout, and the acting out these kids are going to exhibit, will come back to bite them in the butt. Time is ticking away til the twins begin giving them all kinds of grief...the tups won't be far behind.
It's life situations and decisions like these, that extended families are worth their weight in gold. They'll lovingly tell you all the pitfalls of what could arise out of your decisions. Sadly, Kate knows better than anyone, so she opted not to listen to them and to cast them from their lives. I hope they'll be available to those kids when all the s^#$ hits the fan. They'll need someone. Yes Kate and Jon, too soon old, too late smart".
Kelly or Anybody, Is he making 70k a year or per episode?
When I saw those numbers, I assumed they were per episode since I can't picture Kate working for just 700k/season. Can't believe the kids are making so mush less than Kate.
Carolina Gal,
Kate isn't going to stick around when it hits the fan. Those kids will be on their own with their problems. She won't deal with it, nor will she take any blame for it. Her track record shows that it's always the other person who's done wrong, never her. Narcissist.
oops -I hit post too soon.
She's made sure the kids are alienated from the ones that could help them the most, which is Jodi and Kevin. It's like she's set the trap for her own children to fall into. Someone said narcissists eat their young and after everything she's done to her kids, I believe it.
Kelly said...
He's making 70,000 a year from TLC and all he has to do is stay in bed all day. There ya go. That's motivation for ya.
Anonymous said...
Kelly or Anybody, Is he making 70k a year or per episode?
When I saw those numbers, I assumed they were per episode since I can't picture Kate working for just 700k/season. Can't believe the kids are making so mush less than Kate.
Jon is not being paid per episode. The general consensus is that TLC pays Jon $25,000 per month, $20,000 of which goes to Kate for court mandated child support. That leaves him with $5000 a month "salary" (hush money). I don't think any documents have been shown to prove this. It's just what's being said. That gives him $60,000 a year. The numbers change slightly depending on what someone has read.
I've also read that TLC is paying $700,000 (total) for filming Kate+8, $500,000 to Kate, $200,000 to the 8 (they split that 8 ways). But then I've heard the kids get 15% of the total that is paid for filming. With the Gosselins, is there anything that can be known for sure?
Please see rule number 4, which has been a rule for several weeks.
I'm not interested in being another Gosselin blog that spends all its time talking about other Gosselin blogs/bloggers. Save it for elementery school.
In an ideal, moral world, TLC would have advised Jon and Kate Gosselin to have their own lawyer present when they signed the first contract. Someone above (Pa Mom Also or Too)
said they were novices, complete greenhorns on
what they were signing. I think that is immoral, although it is not illegal. I am as concerned about ethics as I am legalities. For that reason alone I am miffed with TLC.
"I think that is immoral, although it is not illegal. I am as concerned about ethics as I am legalities. For that reason alone I am miffed with TLC."
I said they were novices, and they were indeed. However, we don't know that TLC didn't advise them, or give them the option of having legal representation. Being so naive, perhaps Kate and Jon declined because of the expenses involved, and because they were greenhorns, they just trusted TLC.
Oh, I can picture that conversation!
Jon: Maybe we need a lawyer before we sign away our eight kids.
TLC: A lawyer? Naw, you don't need a lawyer. Lawyers just mess everything up. File motions and delay things and talk latin mumbo-jumbo and steal all your money. Bunch of crooks! We'll take care of you. We love your kids, we wouldn't make you sign anything that wasn't best for them.
Jon and Kate sign away.....
Sitting here playing with numbers yet again. It's been suggested TLC is paying Jon $25K/ month. Works out to $300K/ year. Sure hope for the dumb schmucks sake they are paying him on a W-2 and not a 1099. If it's a 1099 he's going to owe approximately $150K in Federal/ State/ Local and FICA taxes. He's probably spending it all and not making any tax estimated payments. And I'm sure he wasn't smart enough during the divorce to have it written in that he can claim some of the kids on his return.
60,000, 150,000, 300,000.....don't all of these figures whatever Jon may be getting paid sound incredibly LOW? He's sold his kids out. His kids are only worth 300k?
He does realize TLC is raking in millions upon millions right? On HIS kids. HIS.
This really isn't much different then coming up with an invention that will end up in every American home, like say a washing machine, then letting Whirlpool rake in all the cash for it. It's YOUR invention you idiot, you're supposed to get the money.
"Naw, you don't need a lawyer. Lawyers just mess everything up."
And that was said while their own attorney was at the table! LOL!! Still, TLC didn't hold a gun to their heads and force them to sign without an attorney present. Anyone with any common sense would know that you don't sign a contract without having an attorney looking it over. At that time they did have "friends," and family members to whom they were still speaking. Wouldn't you think that someone in their circle would at least have had some business sense to point out to them that it would be advisable to have an attorney review the contract?
I wonder if Eileen O'Neill came to their house personally to get them to sign the papers or sent an underboss. Whatever, they were all adults who didn't have the best interest of the children in mind when they bought & sold their privacy. The only thing Jon and Kate saw were visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads.
Jon's just repeating the process again by settling with TLC for a piddly amount. He's a lazy ass. He's morally corrupt AND stupid.
Admin ~ I personally don't care how much Jon (or Kate) are getting from TLC. Reason - they are both incredibly low life grifters who have been selling out the Eight for years. All of the money earned should have gone to the kids. They can't see beyond the dollar signs to see what's coming down the road tomorrow. J&K found a gravy train and think it will last forever.
The point of my calculations was to show (that if he is getting 300K) how stupid he is. If the numbers being kicked around are even close to correct, he'll be in a big pile o horse shit come tax time. If TLC is paying his share of the child support & giving him a monthly allowance, they will be 1099-ing him for the full amount. Numbers in the rumor mill:
support 20K/ mo = 240K/ yr
monthly stipend 5K/mo = 60K/ yr
He WILL OWE around $150K in taxes. Can't deduct the support payments from his income. Wonder if he can pull the tax money outa his arse?
Jon is not being paid per episode. The general consensus is that TLC pays Jon $25,000 per month, $20,000 of which goes to Kate for court mandated child support. That leaves him with $5000 a month "salary" (hush money). I don't think any documents have been shown to prove this. It's just what's being said. That gives him $60,000 a year. The numbers change slightly depending on what someone has read.
This is incorrecet. Jon pays the $20,000 per month but it is not from TLC. The $20,000 is from Jon's proceeds from the divorce. The money was put in escrow so Jon can't touch the child support money. I think this 20,000 is possibly from the equity that Jon and Kate had in their home. It is a fact that they put down around 300,000 or more as a down payment. Then they made money payments of around $10,000 per month. Kate owns the house now so I think they gave Jon his share of the equity that was built up from the home when they divorced. Also, Jon had to have some monies left over from their show proceeds.
But TLC does pay him $5,000 a month to do nothing. All of this information was provided on the Nancy Grace legal show. Mr. List was Jon's attorney and shared the above info. You can get the transcript for of Grace's website.
Maybe the "rift" between Kart and her family started with her sick burning desire to put the kids on t.v., then escalated with J&K's naivete'in NOT hiring their own lawyer, and on and on until HER family had had enough.
I've wondered why most people assume Kart was the one doing the dumping of her family, not the other way around. The fact that her mother and sister, in particular, seem to sit around pining over Kart and the kids and letting the blogosphere know how they "wait for her return with open arms" (my words), is my proof of who did the initial dumping. Actually with Kart, I think the only thing one has to do to initiate a permanent rift is be slightly critical of her. Maybe it was the promise of money from TLC that gave her this feeling of power over her family, something she'd wanted for a loooong loooong time. Like her whole previous life.
alana said,
Actually with Kart, I think the only thing one has to do to initiate a permanent rift is be slightly critical of her.
I tend to agree. I don't see her as someone who can let go of a real or perceived criticism. It so sad and it happens in families all the time.
alana - It was my impression that Kate and her family parted ways, when her father's church donated all kinds of items for the babies, cribs included. Kate didn't want mismatched items, nor did she want used clothing. Kate being Kate, wasn't shy about telling her father this. I'd guess that is when and where the rift started. Afterall, her parents had been keeping the twins when she was hospitalized with the tups.
Pay attention to the end of the video. Jon says he is seeing a lot more of his brother and family, because they didn't want to be involved in the filming.
I think that could very well be a nice way of saying they refused to condone the filming. And anyone who didn't support the filming Kate cut out. Now that they are divorced Jon can see who he wants when he wants.
A figure the sheeple like to throw around is that Kevin and Jodi haven't seen Jon and Kate in 2 years....just because Kate says it doesn't make it so. We have pictures right here on the blog from earlier this year--Jon went to a bar with Kevin and Kevin, Jodi and Benny came to the house. I don't know when KATE last saw them, but they were seeing Jon recently. Incidentally, after Kate divorced him. Coincidence?
But they both know the kids are the better dollar earners than they are so it's easier to exploit them and let them do the work. To hell with what happens to their lives when this is all said and done.
Kate and Jon are too shallow and simple to project what is going to happen a few years down the road. Kate probably believes because she's so strict with the kids, that there will be no major problems when they become tweens and teens, as well as young adults. Sadly, the psychological fallout, and the acting out these kids are going to exhibit, will come back to bite them in the butt. Time is ticking away til the twins begin giving them all kinds of grief...the tups won't be far behind.
It's life situations and decisions like these, that extended families are worth their weight in gold. They'll lovingly tell you all the pitfalls of what could arise out of your decisions. Sadly, Kate knows better than anyone, so she opted not to listen to them and to cast them from their lives. I hope they'll be available to those kids when all the s^#$ hits the fan. They'll need someone. Yes Kate and Jon, too soon old, too late smart".
"They would have bought a house that was manageable WHEN THE GRAVY TRAIN STOPPED, they would have put the
luxuries on a dream list instead of on must-have-NOW list, etc."
Right. And they were novices, seduced by fame and fortune. They didn't have the foresight to see that the gravy train would end. It was seize the moment, and go for bigger and better things. They were young and naive and had to have the lifestyle of the rich and famous. They saw how the other half lived and figured they could have it, too, never realizing that they were at the mercy of the entertainment industry that could and would throw them to the wolves at the drop of a hat.
We don't know what's in the contract. Is there an opt-out clause? Can she just walk away with no penalties? Even if she could, would she? I doubt it. And that's where the tragedy lies. She's not going to pull the plug and TLC knows it. TLC also has ratclaws, and they have her by the neck and him by whatever cajones he has left.
He tried to. But remember, TLC sued him? And Kate begged Jon to let TLC film the kids. You can't just blame Jon.
I guess "paperwork" meant LEGAL crap.
And in the words of Katie: The kids missed the camera crew...
It really gets me that JON doesn't want to film so Jon kicked the cameras out because he wants privacy, but he is still making his kids do it.
Again, Jon is just reading off a script. Sounds like he's just replying to what Bloggers are complaining about.
Didn't Jon say that he had put his kids out there for all the pedophiles of the world? I guess now that it's down to only five shows per season, it's okay because the perverts are looking elsewhere for their thrills...not as many shows to amuse them.
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