Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kate Plus 8 Discussion thread -- 6/6/10

Two whole hours of this tonight. 6th Birthday Surprise, followed by Inside Kate's World.

203 sediments (sic) from readers:

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MickeyMcKean said... 1

Thank you in advance for doing this.

I sincerely hope that a recap written by someone who can make it witty, funny and entertaining, will keep at least one viewer who might be sitting on a fence deciding whether or not to watch tonight from turning on their TV and adding to the ratings.






WastingTime said... 2

to anonymous:

bla bla bla bla bla.

This is a community of people who are discussing an issue that we all feel strongly about. "Wasting time" is going to blogs with opinions you don't like and trying to bully them into thinking like you do.

Yes, time is valuable. Use is for more than defending a media whore and child exploiter.

just wondering said... 3

I won't watch the debacle. Her voice makes me want to throw things. I'll wait for the recap & I might even skip that..

Anonymous said... 4

How said is it we have to place bets whether children will turn out just fine. If you're betting, that means there's a chance they won't be just fine. Shouldn't it just be a given that children will turn out fine if they are provided a happy, healthy, normal environment? And if they don't, it's nothing you did.

Would you film 130 episodes of your children's private lives and then just flip a coin and hope they turn out all right? Because I know I would never gamble with my children's future happiness.

MickeyMcKean said... 5

Oops it seems that I misread this thread. I thought it was set up to be the recap thread, not a discussion thread.

Well, I for one will NOT be watching no matter what so I doubt I will be able to add anything to this thread.

But then I noted Anonymous' post:

Hey Anonymous - I happen to believe that the Gosselin children will NOT turn out just fine. Statistically, based upon information from other case studies and professionals, the odds are against them.

Also, there really is no reason to continue to debate this issue as the official results regarding each Gosselin child will not be known for several years.

As for this blog, if it gets just one person to turn off their TV and not watch Kate + 8 then this blog and its Admin has in fact served a purpose.


Anonymous said... 6

So you admit that what they are doing is not normal....your only contention is they will get through it just fine.

I hope the kid down the street who tortures frogs will be just fine. I hope the kid who is raised by a nanny will be just fine. I hope that kid who is beat up by his drunk father every day will be just fine. But I wonder if they won't.

Jessica said... 7

Dear Anonymous, Please identify yourself as I will take that bet. I guarantee you they haven't grown up normal yet, they have been filmed and secluded for years. Healthy? Didn't a number of child stars look happy and healthy? Image, Anonymous, it's all an illusion-- all packaged for your entertainment and sales dollar.

JudyK said... 8

Just a reminder that The Next Food Network Star is on tonight for a 2-hour special beginning at the same time Kate + 8 is on, although I'm beginning the name of the show should be Kate + 6, because I haven't seen the older girls anywhere. I will be watching NFNS.

JudyK said... 9

*beginning to think the name of the show...sheesh.

Anonymous said... 10

Don't Tune In!

Tune in to the Food Network! The Next Food Network Stars airs tonight at 9pm pacific.

Anonymous said... 11

This flawed argument goes both ways. There's no evidence the children WILL be screwed up when they are older--they are not adults yet. But there's also no evidence they WON'T be screwed up! Where your evidence everything is going to be just fine????

Pa Mom ALSO said... 12

"I bet the Gosselin kids turn out just fine."


By the Grace of God, I hope you're right. Isn't that what we all want for these precious children? If I were a betting person, however, I wouldn't put my life savings on the line. The track record for child actors (and that's exactly what they are)isn't encouraging. This is exactly why Paul Petersen continues to fight for their rights, exposing exploitation for those whose own parents (and television networks) fail to do so.

There was no "evidence" in 1966 that Anissa Jones was "screwed up," and yet she died tragically at her own hands from a massive drug overdose. There was no "evidence" in the early careers of Scotty Beckett, Todd Bridges, Dana Plato, Bobby Driscoll, Danny Bonaduce, Lindsay Lohan, Corey Felman, Macaulay Culkin, Steve Urkel (to name a few) that they were screwed up. Just because there's no "evidence" NOW (which, of course, I disagree with...I believe that there are indications that these kids' lives are in emotional turmoil), sadly, it doesn't mean that there won't be in the future. There's hope for them. This will only happen by getting the cameras out of their faces and giving them back their childhood -- before it's too late.

NOT URKLE said... 13

I think he went to college and is doing fine, unless you've heard something I've missed.

He's also H-O-T~!! Hard to believe but he turned into quite the man!

PA Mom ALSO said... 14

Not Urkle...

Jaleel White, who played Steve Urkle. How many Urkles are there? LOL! I remember that when "Family Matters" was cancelled in the late 90s, he was obsessed wtih the character and sank into major depression because he couldn't deal with the fact that his character was no more. Wasn't it erroneously reported that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head? I have no idea what he is doing now...hope he's doing fine!

LifeinOH said... 15

I totally forgot it was on tonight! we've had a busy weekend. I haven't even read any comments in the last several posts yet.

I second anyone else who has said "DON"T WATCH."

If we object to it and we watch, we are complicit.

Laura D. said... 16

Here, here, Micky. I will not watch. The rain cleared up here in Toronto and we have stoked up the BBQ. There is more to life than watching some hack in a gold bikini and her kids enjoying their free vacation. My kids are 1000 times more interesting, not to mention my dog and my cat. Cheers everyone, see you tomorrow for the re-cap :)

Anonymous said... 17

I don't like to post as ANONYMOUS so tell me the technical way to fix it. I am not computer-savvy. MY POINT IS: this blog does NOTHING to stop Kate Gosselin from filming her kids, and I think the Gosselins are going to be on TV for a long time. Nothing seems to be able to stop them, especially blogs like this

Anonymous said... 18

The blog never claimed to have the power to stop Kate, what is your point?

IDModo said... 19

Anonymous- Go to "select Profile". click on Name/URL, choose a screen name and type it in, forget about URL, click on continue, then go on to post comment.

IDModo said... 20

LauraD- We're kind of neighbours, I live 35 miles down the road in "The Hammer".Glad to see so many Canadians on this blog!Hope your BBQ is great. I will be watching Next Food Network Star.

LifeinOH said... 21

cherier1 said...
Very interesting article about Bravo and it's reality shows. Significant for this blog in how viewer comments on the web are scanned and processed and sometimes manipulated through tweets and other scoial media.

PA Mom ALSO said... 22

"MY POINT IS: this blog does NOTHING to stop Kate Gosselin from filming her kids, and I think the Gosselins are going to be on TV for a long time. Nothing seems to be able to stop them, especially blogs like this"


What blog does stop them? Does this mean no site should discuss the exploitation of these kids? Does this mean that we can't call attention to the atrocities being committed in the name of greed? Does this mean that Paul Peterson shouldn't have a website devoted to the protection of child actors? Should we just stick our necks in the sand, hoping all of it will go away? What will stop them (or at least cause a slow demise) is the lack of ratings. This can be done by NOT WATCHING. Ratings plunged dramatically last year because viewers were sick and tired of the whole charade. It can happen again.

marnie said... 23

I predict ratings will be pretty good tonight, due to curiousity. the real test will come in 2 weeks. I think ratings will dive, big-time as they did last year. I truly do not think anyone cares about this woman any more, even for the train wreck factor.

prairiemary said... 24

Am hoping for a re-cap,as I will be watching the Blackhawks beat the Flyers!! Better than contributing to the ratings for the Queen Bee!

alana said... 25

To Anon. Asking How Kids Will Turn Out,

As Dr. Phil-Phull-Of-It says,
"The best predictor of FUTURE behavior is PAST behavior..." I believe this to be true.
Look at those children now; they have some serious issues that aren't going to just disappear when the cameras,, do.

susie said... 26

I think the only experts on whether exploiting multiples causes them harm would be the Dionne Quints. We all know how they feel, the actually took the time to write to the septuplets family to warn them of the mental anguish it caused them. Too bad Kate can't see past her bank account to understand the damage that is being done

prairiemary said... 27

Anonymouse-sorry for off topic Admin.,never do it again!-I have Food Network, from Star Choice,been checking the t.v schedule all day, but it is not listed? Wanted to catch it after the HG.

Hawks Fan said... 28

Blackhawks all the way tonight. Even if the Hawks start to lose ( Heaven forbid) there will be no way that wretched woman's face will appear for even a minute on my TV. I also really doubt I'll read the recap. The only thing I want to read is the ratings tanked and the show is being cancelled. Please don't watch. It's not that hard to do. We CAN make this happen if we all stick together.

Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods also has a show 2 hours premiering at the same time on the Travel Channel called Dining with Death. He'll be traveling the globe trying foods that can be deadly if not prepared properly. The 2nd hour he will be sampling creepy crawlers. That's what I'm taping while the Hawks are on.

Judy said... 29

marnie said...

I predict ratings will be pretty good tonight, due to curiousity. the real test will come in 2 weeks. I think ratings will dive, big-time as they did last year. I truly do not think anyone cares about this woman any more, even for the train wreck factor.
Marnie, I agree with your entire statement.
I predict that even Tony,Pam,Neicy,Brook,Sherri, of her so-called new found friends, will be watching to see if she is as big of a bit## as they remember.
I only pray that Meredith Vieira (The Today Show) will be watching.I'm over her kissing up to Kate with the fluffy marshmellow questions like all the other so-called journalist.Is everybody so darn blind as to see what she is made of?

Kelly said... 30

I'm not watching. Just came back from Blockbuster with "The Blind Side". Gonna love me some Sandra Bullock tonight.

pa mom too said... 31

I'll be playing on the computer until my daughter's movie is over at 9:30, then I'll either put the Food Network or HGTV on and we'll watch that. I'd much rather watch people cooking or buying houses, than be pissed off seeing her on tv.

mommyinca said... 32

I'm not watching either. BUT, I was hoping someone here or somewhere that's Team 8 would watch if only to monitor for inappropriate filming that we could report back to Murt, Peterson, etc. Plus one more argument for at least one person watching is to call Kate out on her BS that everyone seems to take for God's word.
However, as I said, I will NOT be watching and think ratings will tank in a few weeks. God willing.

Kelly said... 33

Z will be watching, just read his blog tomorrow. Don't bother pissing yourself off by listening to her whining voice, seeing her horrible acting and that GOD AWFUL CACKLE. Root canal anyone?

JudyK said... 34

Mommyinca, hope you are right about her tanking. She's already receiving criticism for her Twist of Kate show related to the garbage collection. You can Google and see an article on page 2 stating, "Kate Gosselin is Literally More Rubbish Than Rubbish is Rubbish."

Kelly said... 35

Kate Gosselin gives rubbish a bad name. Keep the rubbish out of this.

Kelly said... 36

I had a rough night on Friday and still dealing with the aftermath. I came home from work, went up to my bedroom, turned on the window a/c, closed the door and went about my usual duties.

When I headed up for bed, several hours later, the window air conditioner, vibrated itself out of the window and was hanging on the side of the house, still plugged into my wall, STILL RUNNING while three birds found their way into my bedroom and had a great time, flying around, pooping, shedding feathers and going totally postal when I walked into the room. Took me nearly an hour to get these fine feathered friends out of my bedroom and get it all cleaned up. Now THAT'S a television show I would watch.

prairiemary said... 37

Now that sounds like the Kelly I was reading when I first found this blog, during the book signing that Admin. risked her life for!Good to have you back Kelly!

bbsak said... 38

Anonymous said...
I don't like to post as ANONYMOUS so tell me the technical way to fix it. I am not computer-savvy.


To post using a screen-name you use the same procedure as when you select anonymous, but instead, choose "Name/URL".

1. Click the down arrow below the comment box where it says Comment as and "select profile".
2. In the drop-down menu, right above where it says 'anonymous', enter your user-name.
3. Leave the box that says URL, blank.
4. Click "continue" and you're done!

Carol said... 39

Not watching it. There's no way I could stomach her voice for even a minute AND I happen to find anything with her in it incredibly boring. I was never all that interested in the kids. When they were younger, I just thought "why would I watch a show with screaming toddlers?"

pa mom too said... 40

wow Kelly, what a mess with the birds. :( And I'm surprised the cord didn't rip out of the air conditioner.

Carolina Gal said... 41

Just because I think he deserves to have his name spelled correctly (I sent this to Z also and he thanked me and changed it) Paul Petersen's name is spelled PetersEn, not PetersOn.

I think Gary Coleman, were he able, would attest to 'greedy' parents taking their kids' money. That is exactly what Kate (and Jon) are doing and have been doing, until Pa told them they had to honor the law and 15% (WOW, big deal) now has to go to the kids...that's 15% divided by 8. So, Kate gets 85% to blow, and that's exactly what she does with it I suspect. Stupid, new money people, clueless. I wonder if she REALLY thinks this will continue? But, I'd bet my last $1, she's not saving much, if any money, unless of course, it's to HER retirement.

I'll be watching NFNS, love that show. Next week, we can add Next Design Star on HGTV. FN at 9, Design Star at 10, yeah!

IATK said... 42

Will not be watching...this week, this month, this year...will not be watching. TLC is blocked on our remotes.

Carolina Gal said... 43

mommyinca - Admin is watching, then will do a recap.

Kelly said... 44

Ten more minutes and "The Blind Side" will be playing on my flat screen. Go Ravens. I just reordered HBO so I can watch the new season of Hung and Entourage. Great shows for Sunday night entertainment. The new season starts in two weeks.

lolly said... 45

Watching James Taylor and Carole King...

Katesucks said... 46

Wouldn't watch tonight's tripe if it were the only show on the tube. I'd much rather sit by my front window and wait for it to get dark so I can see my newly installed solar landscape lights go on for the first time. And we didn't even need Steve Thomas to come install them for us. What do you think about THAT Kate?
Here's hoping for craptastic ratings tonight!

Anonymous said... 47

Why would anyone want to go "inside Kate's world?" Yuck!

Me? I'm watching the premiere of Next Food Network Star, one of my favo summer reality shows!

Kelly said... 48

Gotta Run Gang, The Blind Side is playing right now. Have a great week.

bbsak said... 49

"MY POINT IS: this blog does NOTHING to stop Kate Gosselin from filming her kids, and I think the Gosselins are going to be on TV for a long time. Nothing seems to be able to stop them, especially blogs like this."

IDK who originally said this, but I don't completely agree. It's been quite evident in past changes in the direction of the show, changes made to aired episodes/reruns/DVD's, mentions in Kate's blog/PR ploys, etc, that blogs such as this ARE noticed by TLC and have made a difference. We haven't stopped the show, but we've succeeded in making them recognize that we're watching them, be more aware and make some changes. I firmly believe that if it hadn't been for bloggers and AMC, child labor laws would have stayed the same in PA for years.

Blogger's voices have been heard by TLC and the Gosselins and I hope that our collective voice will continue to be heard and changes made, however I also believe that the only thing that will bring an end to TLC's exploitation of the children is the end of advertising dollars for the show. And, we all know the only way ad revenue will stop is if viewer numbers drop.
We have to stop watching anything Gosselin.
We have to stop watching TLC.
We have to stop supporting the show's advertisers.
We have to continue writing letters, blogging, and making our opposition heard.
It may take years for them to stop filming the children, but does that mean that we shouldn't try and in the meantime bring more awareness to the situation? NO

Thank you Admin for giving us this platform to express our opinions and help bring awareness of the contradictions between TLC/Kate's script and reality and the continued exploitation/abuse of the Gosselin children.

fade2black said... 50

Watch this tripe? Are you kidding? James Taylor/Carole King: Live At The Troubadour is on PBS!

Hawks Fan said... 51

Kelly said...
Ten more minutes and "The Blind Side" will be playing on my flat screen. Go Ravens. I just reordered HBO so I can watch the new season of Hung and Entourage. Great shows for Sunday night entertainment. The new season starts in two weeks.

Kelly, I'll be picking up HBO again soon for that very reason. If they plan on keeping Karts Krapfest on Sunday nights, let her try and compete against these show and TRUE BLOOD which starts June 13th.. She'll be lucky if she breaks a million viewers.
3-0 HAWKS!

Anonymous said... 52

Premiere of "Drop Dead Diva" on Lifetime, right now!! ~ Administrator said... 53

Well I set my tivo yesterday to capture the episodes since I was out today. Came back 15 minuts into it and it wasn't recording! Even my tivo apparently doesn't want to watch this dribble. It is staging a mutany.

I've recorded a later airing and I'll have to use that one for the recap.

AuntieAnn said... 54

I came in to cook supper. I'm going back outside now. My Virginia Creepers are growing fast, so I started building a trellis this afternoon and got a nice tan as a bonus.

I am going to read the recap. But somehow after this beautiful afternoon outside, that bitch became insignificant in the greater scheme of things. Child exploiters/narcissists can ruin your day. And kids lives.

SoGlad said... 55

Wouldn't miss seeing Kate and the kids.

Carolina Gal said... 56

Does anyone watching the NFNS, think the problem w/Dzinia's eye is she keeps putting her finger that is soaked in lemon juice in it? LMAO...and is it Nick the chef/trainer?, he's driving me crazy. So far, I'm putting my money on Aria...she's good!

the tree said... 57

I'm not 'anonymous'. Thanks for the technical help.

pa mom too said... 58

Food Network is on , I'm finishing up washing some clothes, folding towels...all that fun stuff, and I'm taking breaks on the back porch since we're finally having a nice cool evening.
NO KATE....yippee !

pa mom too said... 59

Carolina Gal said...
Does anyone watching the NFNS, think the problem w/Dzinia's eye is she keeps putting her finger that is soaked in lemon juice in it? LMAO...and is it Nick the chef/trainer?, he's driving me crazy. So far, I'm putting my money on Aria...she's good!

I'll betcha Kate does the lemon juice in the eyeball trick too when she wants some actual tears to make her lies and pity party look more real. Usually she skips the lemon juice though, and just dabs dry eyes. ;)

mary said... 60

Watching flyers vs blackhawks and then my husband turns on Classic Orioles vs Phillies (1983) during commercials. Yes watching 1983 baseball reruns is a lot more entertaining than a shrew and her 8

prairiemary said... 61

Wow,what a great game,action-packed entertainment!! Hawks winning,5-2!

Pamela said... 62

I am in Oregon and Kate is on from 4 to 11. My TV is not going there. It was enough watching her upstage the kids over an alligator. You would think it had wings LOL. If you would post the sponsers and the addresses I will write.

pa mom too said... 63

my9cats said...
ok so I did not watch and neither did a lot of you but you still have 58 comments on what? The same old crapola? Stop watching is one thing, to stop talking and obsessing about her is another. You simply cannot do it. So what is the point? Stop, stop stop and shut down this blog if you want to end Kate Gosselin in your life.

That's funny since you're commenting here too. haha !

pa mom too said... 64

itsaboutthekids said...
my9cats has a blogger id by her name. Nice try.

Also, she's so much nicer!
Did I make a boo-boo ??

Kelly said... 65

I just took a break from watching Blind Side. I didn't watch Kate and her Krew but I still enjoy the camaraderie of the bloggers on here who talk about their sick cat, my dangling air condioning window unit and the other not on topic conversations we have here.

The world doesn't revolve around Kate. Right now, the world is revolving around that smashed window a/c unit that I had to unplug and watch it fall to the ground in a hundred pieces as well as those friggin birds that broke into my bedroom, rendered havoc and I'm sleeping in a different bedroom tonight until the cleaning people get here tomorrow.

I don't know what happened to Kate and the Asian 8 tonight but right now, my a/c unit is broken, my bedroom looks like the Duke Lacrosse team spent the night there eating prunes and drinking Taylor Lake Country Red and I'm not whining.

LisaNH said... 66

Guess what I'm doing right now? Not watching whatever the new fangled Kart show. (I'm not even sure if it's still on right now.).

Funny, I had a lovely day with my Mother. We shopped, laughed, recapped funny stories from my childhood. How sad that the Gosselin children will more than likely never have that experience with their mother. Kart has worked so hard trying to create the image of "creating memories". But what will the memories be that she supposedly created for the kids?

Kelly said... 67

I'm sorry for my last response invoking your name. My ID has been stolen as well.

SG said... 68
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 69

The best way to prevent imposters....and wow people seriously? .... is to get a google count and use it to post, and then get a little thumbnail picture of anything at all beside it. Then we always know it's you by the google account and pic.

pa mom too said... 70

prairiemary said...
I see SchmeckyGirl is posting on the BabyMama site. Isn't that a pro Kate sight? Which side of the fence is she on? She seems to post one way there and one way here. Interesting.

I think she posts the same way there, she's just a little more outspoken here. I love her posts, and I love that she posts on BM's blog because I always picture BM blowing steam out of her ears since SG doesn't drool over Kate. BM likes her though because she's always a gracious poster. :)

Kelly, I'm glad you explained the rest of the story about the AC unit because I was picturing you pulling it back up into the window by the cord, and wondering how you managed that with only 2 hands. haha !

Jeez, I guess I picture a lot of things. Oh well. LOL !

SG said... 71
This comment has been removed by the author.
nanb said... 72

My daughter just came to me. The first words out of her mouth. "Have seen Kate Gosselin recently? What did she do to herself?"

My daughter turned on the TV, was watching didn't recognize Kate until she heard her voice! She says she had too much plastic surgery and way too much tanning!

I promised her I would pull up a DWTS clip for her to laugh at!

SG said... 73

Thank you pa mom too!

PRAIRIEMARY said... 74

SchmeckyGirl!!!!!!That is not me making those posts!! I last posted that the Hawks were the hockey game over Philly!! These posts are NOT MINE!! Some smart a$$es are going around and stealing identities, you know I don't talk like that!! This REALLY ticks me off, some really immature sheeples out tonight,figures.

prairiemary said... 75

Just so you know,my post with all capital letters is really mine,did not notice until it posted,sorry,but I am pretty ticked off,STUPID SHEEPLE!Nothing better to do than kiss the Queen Bee's A$$.

SG said... 76

prairiemary (the REAL prairiemarie)

LOL! Sorry about that! They caught me in a pissy mood because I'm trying to get my daughter's videos from my digital camera/recorder to DVD and it's taking forever. I should just let TLC do all my recording for me... for the memories!!!

My apologies if I went off on you, even politely. ;)

Well at least the imposter was having fun... they must need to vent because Kate's shows are going down the toilet.

prairiemary said... 77

Yes,good idea about a thumbnail i.d,though I will need help doing it.SchmeckyGirl,I admire what you have to say, no matter where you say it.I am certainly not the kind of human being that would all of a sudden post crap like that,about you,or any posters on here.Sorry someone is trying to cause trouble.

prairiemary said... 78

Thanks,SchmeckyGirl,totally don't need to apologize,you are always a sweetheart, even if you don't agree with people. :)

Darcy said... 79

I am in Disney World with my son, far away from the influence of Kate - in fact, TLC isn't even available on the resort TVs!

We've been here since Wednesday, this is my first time on the laptop, and I realized I hadn't thought about anything Gosselin in five days! Gotta love it in a G-Free zone!

Lauren said... 80

I'm watching X-Files on Netflix. The "love to hate Kate" drama is fast losing it's appeal.

It's good to be in the G-Free zone!

my9cats said... 81

This is the REAL my9cats.
A few weeks ago my ID was hijacked on GWOP, now here. Today I commented on JJ about how this seems to be the newest fad. At least I am in good company: schmeckygirl, iatk, kelly, and anyone else I may have missed. Totally pathetic. Don't know how I can prove it's me. Maybe posting pix of my 9 cats?

BTW Tabitha is feeling better. Tonight she willingly sat on my lap. Tuesday to the vet for a checkup. In 6 weeks the splint will be removed.

Didn't watch tonight. Couldn't be bothered.

MickeyMcKean said... 82

Anonymous said...
The best way to prevent imposters....and wow people seriously? .... is to get a google count and use it to post, and then get a little thumbnail picture of anything at all beside it. Then we always know it's you by the google account and pic.

ITA and the added bonus is that it is easy to find your last post when you use a photo icon. So once you find your icon, then you read from that point below so you are caught up on all the comments in the thread.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 83

To all the Khate fans/losers:

Do you even realize how similar you are to your idol, Queen (Bitch) Khate? Just like Khate the Hypocrite, you all complain that the anti-Khate people waste their time blogging about her and her shows, yet you idiots waste tons of your time coming to blogs such as this one and make posts posing as other regular posters.

You morons need to grow the eff up and stick to your own blogs that you surely enjoy more than this one. I've checked out a couple of the "fan" blogs for all of three minutes on maybe two occasions, and left. I have no desire to read those blogs and I certainly feel no need to post there trying to convince the regulars that my opinion of Khate is correct and theirs is wrong. To each his own. Take your own advice and quit wasting your time here.

Anonymous said... 84

First they copy and paste everyone's posts on truth sites and make fun of people. When that didn't work, they made it their life's mission to "out" people. When that got them nowhere since nobody gives a crap who people are, now they come here and impersonate people.

Too funny. For people who hate sites like this so much, they sure spend a lot of time talking about them, making fun of them, and reading them.

Irene S said... 85

Kelly we will get you some a/c. Is that really you???Just glad you are back.

David Z watched hour number 1 it was about all he could stomach. There is no hope for Kate. Those 8 kids really have a sorry sad mother.

Anonymous said... 86

Click on name for a recap of tonight's two hour special from EW's Ken Tucker.

Here's a few quotes:
"The two back-to-back episodes of the new series Kate Plus Eight could have used a combo-title: The Horror, The Horror."

"Kate did the shrieking and cooing — the kids were much better-behaved than that."

"Kate Plus Eight was grim stuff, even when the kids looked so happy frolicking with dolphins. I hope you were watching Breaking Bad instead; fictional meth-heads are more entertaining than a real-life hair-extension-head mom."

Anonymous said... 87

So good to see that people actually did not watch instead of giving in and seeing her miserable attitude!

If ratings for tonight's special are low, do you think TLC will blame this on other special tv events? Or were their egos really that huge to think they could overshadow other shows like the NBA/NHL finals, MTV Movie Awards (with Sandra Bullock's first tv appearance), etc.?

What kind of ratings do you think they were trying to pull in?

Ankaret is STRANGE said... 88

Aaden, "Everything's back to normal!"

These were the some of the first words on the new show when Kate surprised this kids with the camera crew on the first day of filming! I loved that he said that b/c it dispells the common notion that the kids hate having the cameras around and it is harmful to them! Go Aaden! Love ya!

I have to say, Kate seems so much more at ease in this show than she did in "Jon & Kate," makes it even more evident to me that she made the right choice and it, in turn, is making a better, happier life for her and the kids!


Anonymous said... 89

Look at the time stamps on the imposter/id posts....most are during the 2hrs Kate was on tv. Must see tv must not have been that riviting. HA

Anonymous said... 90


When you recap this episode please pay careful attention to the beginning of the "birthday party" scene at the park.

Please, please tell me I'm wrong in hearing Mady say something like, "I don't want a water bottle because nobody cares about me. I want to die." She said this right after she complained about why they were having a birthday party when their birthday was over a week ago.

Mady always speaks the truth...but THAT TRUTH IS TOO TELLING!!!! Those words are something no one should take too lightly, especially from a child that age and in this crazy, unfortunate situation.

Unfortunately, Kate sideswipes Mady's complaint and explains why the sextuplets deserve this extra birthday party.

Free Mady! Free Mady from Kate!

pa mom too said... 91

The immaturity of the Kate fans never ceases to amaze me ! They are pathetic, just like their idol.

Anonymous said... 92

So proud of myself! Did not watch Khate. Did surf the channels at one point and caught a second of Jim Moret- looked like he was probably defending her like all the other entertainment shows. Seems like this 2 hour premiere was just a premise to spin- especially after the DWTS disaster. Saw the kids "welcoming" the crew back on promos and it all seemed so fake! I loathe this woman and her entire brand. Drop Dead Diva was so enjoyable!

LifeinOH said... 93


VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Feared A Judge Would Take Away Her Kids!VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Feared A Judge Would Take Away Her Kids!
Posted on Jun 07, 2010 @ 05:44AM print it send it

Following the premiere of Kate Plus 8 on Sunday night, TLC aired an eye-opening special look at a post-divorce Kate Gosselin, and has all the details, including Kate's shocking revelation that when her ex-husband Jon launched a custody battle, she read about it on the internet!

Watch the video on

Kate went on to admit that "every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible" at mothering, and that a judge would take her children away from her.

Kate's bodyguard and good friend Steve Neild also speaks for the first time and opens up about "threats left in the mailbox, threats left at the front door."

PHOTOS: Kate And Bodyguard Steve Neild Head For The Airport

On a more upbeat note, Neild talked about how Kate has finally learned to relax around her fans, but that sometimes an over-zealous fan can be an unexpected danger.

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Goes Out For Some Primping

Kate is shown breaking down on the day she learned her ex-husband Jon was going to contest their custody agreement, a battle he has since dropped.

PHOTOS: Steve Neild Snaps Pictures Of Kate With Fans

Every mother's fear is that they are a horrible parent?!?? WTH? We all have moments of self-doubt, question what we did or said etc but I hardly think every mom fears that they are a horrible parent.

I think Kate knows on some level that SHE has made some horrible decisions as a parent.

LifeinOH said... 94

It's obvious that the main problem with "Kate Plus 8," the retooled one-woman post-divorce version of "Jon and Kate Plus 8," is that there's too much Kate.

Where once she and Jon Gosselin could each share the narrator's duties, it's now all her grating voice, either pleading for sympathy or complaining about how life their lives are as they try to keep the family business - self-exploitation - going.

In the return of the show Sunday on TLC, the sextuplets were turning six and quite happy about it though it was somewhat telling that they can't quite read or spell or recognize when the name of one of their main helpers Jamie is spelled out to them. The 10 year old twins are now so mature they could possibly take up the alternate narrator job.

The story of the episode was traveling to Orlando, and Kate used the moment to recall how chaotic it was last time she flew with the brood.

The youngest kids were as excited to see the camera crews returning as if they were welcoming their own private circus to town. First thing, they urged the crew to come downstairs and see that it was all back to normal. "The dance floor has been taken out after mommy was eliminated." They were meaning from "Dancing with the Stars," not from their marriage.

IATK said... 95

Jun 7 2010 12:13 AM ET
Two hours of 'Kate Plus 8': I watched them so you didn't have to

by Ken Tucker

The two back-to-back episodes of the new series Kate Plus Eight could have used a combo-title: The Horror, The Horror.

In the first, which TLC called “6th Birthday Surprise,” the Jon-less Kate Gosselin took her eight kids to Florida’s Discovery Cove to shriek at alligators and coo over dolphins. Kate did the shrieking and cooing — the kids were much better-behaved than that:

The idea in this first hour was to prove how much the Gosselin twins and sextuplets missed the Jon-enforced hiatus from filming the TLC show that made the clan famous. “I missed you guys a lot!” squealed one of the kids as the production team re-entered the Gosselins’ Pennsylvania home. “Everything is back to normal!” yelped another one. The camera operators obliged with hugs and horsey-rides, and as one child said, “The crew got sweated.” Kids say the darnedest things — Art Linkletter must have been rolling over in his new grave.

In happier days, it was easy to buy in to the Jon & Kate Plus Eight scenario, because the children were so little, and Jon and Kate were such a team, that the family really had to ignore the cameras and react to each other as they cooked meals or took a family walk to the local 4th of July town parade. (You remember the pre-paparazzi days, some of you, I know you do.)

But now everything is tinged with weary familiarity and bitterness. Kate talked about how she let Jon have the sextuplets on their actual sixth-year birth date, making sure to add that the kids came home “chewing huge wads of gum.” (Translated: The bastard gave them sugar!) Kate sat in the airport before the Florida flight and told the kids all the things they were going to have a “meltdown” over during their trip — was it any wonder that the tempermentally-moody Mady threw a few massive temper fits? Mom practically compelled them into existence.

(continues on next post)

IATK said... 96

(continued from previous post)"Two hours of 'Kate Plus 8'..."

My wife pointed out that Kate has a new way to refer to her long-standing crabby behavior with the children: “low blood sugar,” an apparently undiagnosed excuse for losing it during moments when the kids are squalling in their airline seats or disagreeing on what to eat in a restaurant. What were Kate’s parting words during this first episode? That the sextuplets’ sixth birthday “just means that I’m old.” It was edited to seem as though it was all about her. The second hour was called “Inside Kate’s World”: Thrilling footage of the Great Hair Extension Operation, Kate’s historic Dancing With the Stars appearances, and testimony from silver-fox hunk-bodyguard Steve Neild:

Bodyguard Steve was seen canceling a DWTS practice during a limo ride with Kate, who said tearily, “I don’t have the mind capacity to dance.” He spoke of the threats Kate receives “in the mailbox and on her doorstep.” Steve said “people either love her to bits or they hate her.”

This second hour was all about Kate as a media figure both willing (it’s “my job,” she said repeatedly, which I guess included the 9 a.m.-to-1 a.m. the following day hair-extension application) and unwilling (balking at a book-signing, at dance rehearsals).

The thing is, I’m sure you could get footage of what we used to call real celebrities exhibiting the same kind of behavior. Kate Plus Eight tried to make that point, hauling on Inside Edition‘s Jim Moret to say that no one calls Angelina Jolie a bad mother when she goes off to make a movie, so why blame Kate?

Fair point. Jolie’s job earns her a paycheck for playing characters, whereas Kate earns hers being the same real person. But I’m glad I don’t have to watch Jolie sobbing in the back of a limo that this rehearsal thing is just too, too much, or see her at home yelling at a daughter to “Walk away!” when the kid calls a sibling a “cheater.” (That Mady, she’s in for a lifetime of psychoanalysis, I fear.)

I have sympathy for Kate’s predicament: She didn’t know what she was buying into when she started the original series, and now she seems too immersed in the messy thicket of celeb-reality to know when to stop, how to stop, or whether she can stop.

Kate Plus Eight was grim stuff, even when the kids looked so happy frolicking with dolphins. I hope you were watching Breaking Bad instead; fictional meth-heads are more entertaining than a real-life hair-extension-head mom.

Anonymous said... 97

This is my first post decided to get the google account and try and keep impostors away.

Kate's new shows sound horrible, I read Z's review and am glad I didn't waste the two hours of my life.

NancyB said... 98

I found this on another blog:

Kitty is taking one for the team!!

Ill do the dirty work - but its hard. (I wanted to do this for myself but someone wanted to know about the advertisers. I am a Child Advocate with CASA so, Its just not in me to watch for pleasure). But I already feel sick and pukey, so....So far:

Taco Bell - New Meal Deal
ABC Family - Secret Life of the American Teenager
Chase Credit Cards (Blue Print)
Kleenex - (New) Hand Towels
Nexxus (Hair Products)
High Fructose Corn Syrup (Corn Refiners Association)

6/06/2010 5:26 PM
Blogger Kitty The Dog's Blog said...

Disney - Alice in Wonderland DVD
Cisco - Valet
Hefty - Unscented Odor Block trashbags
Weight Watchers Online
Home Goods
University of Phoenix
(Local - San Antonio) Cavender Buick/GMC
ABC Family - (New Show) Pretty Little Liars
National Assoc. of Realtors
Samsung - 4 Door Refrigerator
Red Baron - Pizza by the Slice
DisneyWorld - Dining Plan
Ford F-150
AT&T - Mobile
Playtex - 18 hour bras
Toyota Camry/Corolla
Road Runner International Oneprice
TLC shows: The Little Couple, One Big Happy Family, Cake Boss

6/06/2010 6:01 PM

Carolina Gal said... 99

Not sure if this post will be added when Blogger is back up, but do we now have just one die-hard Anonymous poster?

As for impersonating, seriously, when someone says something like the person who was impersonating "prariemary", you can't tell they're a fake? I knew when I read that post, it wasn't her, it was an impersonator. The REAL prariemary is sweet and feels the same as most of us here, why would she all of a sudden 'change sides'?

Intel said... 100

Kitty forgot to add intel to her list.
I watched and heard them say "Kate plus 8 brought to you by Intel" at least twice. Why is intel not on the list?

pa mom too said... 101

cherier1 said...

Watch the video on

Kate went on to admit that "every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible" at mothering, and that a judge would take her children away from her.
I shortened your comment.
Just because Kate sucks as a mother, and she KNOWS she does...why the hell is she speaking for all mothers ?? Every mother's greatest fear my ass. I have 4 kids and I never thought I was a horrible mother, and I sure as shit never worried about some judge taking my kids away from me. Why is this piece of shit on tv ?

Jessica said... 102

"On a more upbeat note, Neild talked about how Kate has finally learned to relax around her fans, but that sometimes an over-zealous fan can be an unexpected danger."

I guess Kate is a slow learner - Steve now has to assure people that his client can now relax (does that mean be gracious to) her fans -- took three years but ok. Then Steve gives a shout out to Baby Mama -" an over-zealous fan can be an unexpected danger." Yes, Steve, right again. Just wonder Steve, what on earth did you do to get this job when you puff how you guarded dignataries? Hmmmmmmm, thinking there maybe more to that story.

Carolina Gal said... 103

Here's an article on the viewership. Nothing like last year's is it?

Jun 7 2010

04:29 PM ET

'Kate Plus 8' specials way up in viewers
by Lynette Rice
Categories: Cable, News, Reality TV, TV Ratings
Image Credit: TLCThe premiere of the first of two Kate Plus 8 specials was a boon to TLC on Sunday: The episode titled “6th Birthday Surprise” averaged 3.4 million viewers while “Inside Kate’s Worlds” attracted 3 million. Both episodes not only posted triple-digit gains over TLC’s second quarter averages in the time period but earned double-digit ratings and delivery gains over the November 2009 airings of Jon and Kate Plus 8.

The Kate Plus 8 specials — which focus on the divorced mom’s complicated home life — are different from Twist of Kate, a new TLC series debuting this fall in which the mother of eight will travel the country to meet families with challenges at work or at home and attempt to “walk a mile in their shoes.” It’s unclear how many specials TLC will produce, but the next one airs July 11.

jessica said... 104

Kate went on to admit that "every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible" at mothering, and that a judge would take her children away from her.

I find this disturbing. I have never had this thought. Would I be granted a do over would I change a decision or two, probably. You got to go very low to fear being a horrible mother to the point that a judge would consider taking your children away. This is "every mother's greatest fear"???

As in business, the higher up you go within a company, the more the reality changes to unreality because employees have a vested interest in being liked by superiors then actually telling you the honest truth if the news is bad.

Kate got rid of people who would have played the grounding role. She is now surrounded by handlers who have an interest in staying employed and not being honest with her and in my opinion, therein lies some real fear.

Gosselin Gossip said... 105

'Kate Plus 8' Specials Way Up in Viewers
by Lynette Rice

The premiere of the first of two Kate Plus 8 specials was a boon to TLC on Sunday: The episode titled “6th Birthday Surprise” averaged 3.4 million viewers while “Inside Kate’s Worlds” attracted 3 million. Both episodes not only posted triple-digit gains over TLC’s second quarter averages in the time period but earned double-digit ratings and delivery gains over the November 2009 airings of Jon and Kate Plus 8.

The Kate Plus 8 specials — which focus on the divorced mom’s complicated home life — are different from Twist of Kate, a new TLC series debuting this fall in which the mother of eight will travel the country to meet families with challenges at work or at home and attempt to “walk a mile in their shoes.” It’s unclear how many specials TLC will produce, but the next one airs July 11.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 106

"On a more upbeat note, Neild talked about how Kate has finally learned to relax around her fans, but that sometimes an over-zealous fan can be an unexpected danger."


Did he mention any names? LOL! Did he say that there is a "watch-list" with the names of those fans on it, perhaps one fan in particular? ;-)

Anonymous said... 107

Just heard on Showbiz Tonight that the ratings were 3 million for each show- 6 million total. I'm hoping people just checked out to see the kids and the viewership will go down. Also saw bodyguard saying that Khate is more recognizable than royalty- WTF- I guess he's kissing up for that paycheck! I loathe this woman!

Anonymous said... 108

Kate's prior mentioning and now Monet trying to put Kate in the same class and sphere as Angelina Jolie (and Brad Pitt)'s parenting burns me to no end. They may have nannies helping, but they always have their kids or one parent with them at all times. The day we see the Jolie-Pitt kids in a reality show, that's the day Kate can compare her parenting. Octomom and Kate = Angelina, in their dreams.Perhaps it is Kate's comments such she is "thankful Jon made himself available" when we see and hear differently, or those little jabs at Daddy's apartment and the kids sleeping on the floor. Poor Mady is going to hated again because Mommy sets it up so, Jon gets thrown under the bus because he isn't able to have a TLC funded elaborate party in Florida. Kate is about as subtle at throwing people under the bus as that fake-rack she proudly displays, I guess we all have had our memories wiped of Dr. Glassman critiquing the girls.
Kate's dissing/bragging of the all of the trips that family has took on TLC's dime is disgusting. There are families in America and around the world that don't even know what the word means. Americans are getting back to doing what is simple, free and the basics...using their minds to create fun and memories for their kids. I bet their is no "meltdowns" or entitlement issues either.
Jon, take those kids fishing or a local ballgame (better yet, sign your kids up for T-Ball) again. They had a great time and you don't need TLC cameras. That is the memories your kids will remember. And Jon, nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker, do it. I hear your ex is on the way to help such workers, it is probably going to be her downfall yet. Screeching in disgust or fear gets old mighty fast when people are trying train someone do their job.

GKWay said... 109

Apparently more people tuned in to watch this train least 3.4 million for K+8 and 3 million for Inside Kate's world. What are people thinking???

I was busy spending time with my kids and family members.

prairiemary said... 110

Aw,thanks,Carolina Gal, such a nice compliment! It was the first time I ever saw any impersonators,never mind having one impersonate me! Yes,you are so right,as I do feel the same as others here, if I didn't, then why would I bother posting on this site? Those who feel differently than most here do,are just wasting their time,and have fewer working brain cells.More like their blessed kate.

PJ's momma said... 111

I watched a little on youtube, the part where the crew came in. Yes, the little kids seemed excited, but if you watch it, look carefully at Mady on the right side of the door. She looks absolutely.........defeated It made me very sad to see that little girl looking like that. At one point, she sort of holds the door open so the camera can get a better shot, but she is looking down and appears emotionless, clinging to a toy, while she does it. I read elsewhere that Kate gave Mady and Cara their own pinata -and it was empty, and she was cackling in the background when they discovered that. How cruel. I wish her parents would pay attention. This is not good for those kids, and the older kids' reactions show that.

fidosmommy said... 112

Kate has threatening notes in the mailbox and threats at the front door? And still she wants to be on TV with her children? That might lend some credibility to her fear of being a horrible mother.

Kate has the occasional over-zealous fan who can be an unexpected danger? And still she has her personal bodyguard lugging her shopping bags and keeping his hands busy so he can't actually protect her from these nuts?

PJ's momma said... 113

So I guess I'm answering my own post here. I watched a little more on youtube, and it just baffles me. Mady complains repeatedly that the kids are getting 3 parties and she and her twin only get 1. Pay attention, parents! That is NOT OK! My husband has been pushed aside in favor of his sister, his whole life, and it is very damaging, even (especially) at 45! Then Kate talks about all the meltdowns that are to come, and complains about sibling rivalry, and what does she do? Starts a contest to see who can squeeze the most orange juice. Makes the pinata bashing a competition (and yes, the eldest girls picked an empty one). Then she banishes Mady when she calls someone a cheater and a loser. Saddest of all to me........nobody at this party except Kate, Jamie and the kids. Nobody. Not one friend, not one family memmber, nobody. I assume the other two parties were similar, but I hope to heck that they at least got to have some friends over (besides the adult Neilds) because it was at home. Just like last year - it looks absurd to have this park reserved and the shelter reserved and there is almost nobody in it. We had very simple parties as kids with cupcakes (which Kate mocked Jon for getting the kids), but we had our little friends over and we had a ball, sitting on balloons, pinning the tail on the donkey, fawning over every little inexpensive gift, etc.
I feel sad now.

NancyB said... 114

pa mom too said...
cherier1 said...

Watch the video on

Kate went on to admit that "every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible" at mothering, and that a judge would take her children away from her.
I shortened your comment.
Just because Kate sucks as a mother, and she KNOWS she does...why the hell is she speaking for all mothers ?? Every mother's greatest fear my ass. I have 4 kids and I never thought I was a horrible mother, and I sure as shit never worried about some judge taking my kids away from me. Why is this piece of shit on tv ?

DITTO THAT!!!! ~ Administrator said... 115

A lot of people are saying there was 3 million for the first episode and 3 million for the second for a total of 6 million.

No, there were 3.4 million for the first episode and then those 3 million tuned in for the second. It was probably the same 3 million watching the first one! .4 Million actually dropped away for the second episode. Calling it 6 million is misleading.

Nowhere near Dancing with the Stars' ratings but still good for TLC. Next week will be the true test.

Haven't watched yet didn't have time yesterday, will try to recap tonight!

Boston Bonnie said... 116


When you recap this episode please pay careful attention to the beginning of the "birthday party" scene at the park.

Please, please tell me I'm wrong in hearing Mady say something like, "I don't want a water bottle because nobody cares about me. I want to die." She said this right after she complained about why they were having a birthday party when their birthday was over a week ago.

Mady always speaks the truth...but THAT TRUTH IS TOO TELLING!!!! Those words are something no one should take too lightly, especially from a child that age and in this crazy, unfortunate situation.

Unfortunately, Kate sideswipes Mady's complaint and explains why the sextuplets deserve this extra birthday party.

Free Mady! Free Mady from Kate!

How sad and scary that a young lady would utter such words. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and fear in my heart that she is feeling so bad.

NancyB said... 117

I heard from someone at work that Kate described Jamie as loving the children as much as she does and as basically the 8's 2nd Mom. That is a little odd to me as she lives in Mich and before 2 yrs ago they had not seen each other in many many yrs.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 118

"Also saw bodyguard saying that Khate is more recognizable than royalty- WTF- I guess he's kissing up for that paycheck! I loathe this woman!"

In what country? I guarantee you that people in the UK recognize Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles more than they do Kate Gosselin!
Is he nuts?

NancyB said... 119

I copied this from another blog & I believe it:

This was taken from a poster at KAte's Take blog on the lovebug posting:

On he kids airboat rides in Florida, they went to my uncles tour...Boggy Creek Air Boat Rides In Souh Port. And my uncle drove them around ALL DAy with NO breaks! Im sorry but if anyone has been to Florida in he summer you know that 98 deg. feels like 106! kate wouldnt even share sandwhiches hat she had for the camera crew! later that day the boat crew and captain found 3 FULL trays of food in the trash! As an Airboat captain you work for tips, just like a the end of the day she did NOT leave a tip and had booked the WHOLE day so the captains didnt make any money! Kate in my book is worthless! and the way she uses her childrem for fame is CRAZY! she should be locked in a looney bin!!!

Posted by: Melissa H. | 06/07/2010 at 10:40 AM

IF this were true it would not surprise me

AuntieAnn said... 120

'Jon & Kate Plus 8' season 5 premiere shatters TLC records.The heavily promoted fifth-season premiere of Jon & Kate Plus 8 posted record ratings for TLC on Memorial Day. The hour-long episode [snip] attracted a whopping 9.8 million viewers...

And this year's Kate Plus 8 lands a mere 3.4 million viewers? Looks like Jon is worth 6.4 viewers. Suck it up Kate.

prairiemary said... 121

Sweet PJ's momma, how caring you are about that lonely birthday party.When my girls had parties,we would invite the entire class,usually 25-28 kids,plus our family members.I would always make a cake,decorated myself,lots of games,food,fun,like other moms did.At the 6 year old's party,only kate's 8,no friends or family, and we did it ourselves,at home! Why does she make such a big deal over just her own 8 kids? This complaining she does is totally insane! The definition of insanity is-"Doing the same thing over and over again,but expecting a different outcome." Yep,she's insane.

IDModo said... 122

If Kate is in danger for her life, like Steve seems to be implying, has she considered what her being hurt or worse by a "fan" would do to her kids? And if they are with her, how safe are they? Can this poor excuse for a mother not see how potentially damaging her continued public behaviour is?
On the other hand, Steve may be inflating his own self-importance by suggesting he is playing an indispensable role in keeping Kate safe; although if I were Kate, I would not want a bodyguard who was as delusional as that.I would want a bodyguard who was near enough to ward off attackers, and who didn't have his hands full with my purse, jackets etc.
IMO those two royally deserve each other.

pa mom too said... 123

Pa Mom ALSO said...
"Also saw bodyguard saying that Khate is more recognizable than royalty- WTF- I guess he's kissing up for that paycheck! I loathe this woman!"

In what country? I guarantee you that people in the UK recognize Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles more than they do Kate Gosselin!
Is he nuts?

Yes he's nuts. Kate is nuts, TLC is nuts and they are all using the children to make money ! All of those adults, and not a damn one of them cares about the children. The whole thing is disgusting ! ~ Administrator said... 124

I'm watching, and Collin just said he doesn't like the paparazzi. We were right and they were wrong--ha!

pa mom too said... 125

Administrator said...
A lot of people are saying there was 3 million for the first episode and 3 million for the second for a total of 6 million.

No, there were 3.4 million for the first episode and then those 3 million tuned in for the second. It was probably the same 3 million watching the first one! .4 Million actually dropped away for the second episode. Calling it 6 million is misleading.
Exactly ! 3 million MORE people did not tune in , because if that's the case there would have been 6 million viewers for the 2nd show. It was the same 3 million, and that number is very disappointing because there are not 3 million Kate fans. If Kate's 90 / 10 percentage was right, then far more non fans than fans watched last night.

Livvy said... 126

Boston Bonnie said...

When you recap this episode please pay careful attention to the beginning of the "birthday party" scene at the park.

Please, please tell me I'm wrong in hearing Mady say something like, "I don't want a water bottle because nobody cares about me. I want to die." She said this right after she complained about why they were having a birthday party when their birthday was over a week ago.

Yes. BB. Just watched on youtube and that is exactly what Mady said. Really surprised they left it in. Sad......

pa mom too said... 127

Administrator said...
I'm watching, and Collin just said he doesn't like the paparazzi. We were right and they were wrong--ha!
Yes but Collin's just being a little stinker head because his mommy dearest said she shields them from the paps as much as possible... or whatever it was that her royal hiney said.
Of course we know she's full of it, and Collin is telling the truth ! Kate is completely enthralled with the paps and she loves every minute of it. Hell on how the kids feel, she wants to be a star....and that's all that matters.

Twinner said... 128

"every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible"

I'm not a parent yet (cross fingers) but isn't every (or most) mother's greatest fear harm coming to their child?

Anonymous said... 129

I find it hard to believe ALL those people watching DWTS allegedly for Kate don't have cable and couldn't find their way over to TLC.

She is not as in demand as they want us to believe.

IATK said... 130

Twinner, the potential for harm to my children was always my fear. And now I feel the same for my grandchildren when they are in my care. I think it's an instinct to protect your young and comes with an automatic reflex action.

my9cats said... 131

Thanks Administrator for clearly addressing that 3.4 and 3 million viewers do not make 6. I addressed this on Moon's old site when the divorce shows were on. ROL made it seem as though MILLIONS watched. Suffice it to say if 3.4 watched the first show which featured the kids, and 3 in Kate's portion, there is a message there in that 400,00 left after the kids were done and did not stick around for Kate. I didn't watch but from reading the comments on the glorification of Kate, methinks they doth protest too much.

my9cats said... 132

Pa Mom ALSO said...
"Also saw bodyguard saying that Khate is more recognizable than royalty- WTF- I guess he's kissing up for that paycheck! I loathe this woman!"

In what country? I guarantee you that people in the UK recognize Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles more than they do Kate Gosselin!
Is he nuts?"

I guarantee in THIS country QEII and Prince Charles are far more recognized than Kate and Ratclaw.

OT, I remember when Princess Diana died my dear late dad, a burly retired Navy captain (WWII, Korea, Vietnam) had tears rolling down his face when he learned about the POW's death. Seeing Dad express emotion touched my heart.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 133

Anonymous said,

"When you recap this episode please pay careful attention to the beginning of the "birthday party" scene at the park.

Please, please tell me I'm wrong in hearing Mady say something like, "I don't want a water bottle because nobody cares about me. I want to die." She said this right after she complained about why they were having a birthday party when their birthday was over a week ago.

Mady always speaks the truth...but THAT TRUTH IS TOO TELLING!!!! Those words are something no one should take too lightly, especially from a child that age and in this crazy, unfortunate situation.


Hearing about this disturbed me so much that I checked it out on Youtube to see if it were so--and, yes, that is EXACTLY what Mady says.

It starts at .32, when you can hear Mady groan.

Anonymous said... 134

Stevo's job also appears to buck up Kate when all her adoring public fails to show up for book signings and Kate's narcissism cannot handle it.
So appropriate since the sextuplets turned 6, they are being raised by an emotional stunted six year old mother.

Carolina Gal said... 135

my9cats - I'm not getting the association/connection w/Princess Diana and the POW's death??? Was the POW the limo driver? 'splain please??? :)

Also, doesn't it count as viewers if we check it out on Youtube?

Anonymous said... 136

Kate surprised me. I thought the shows were great and the kids seemed happy.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 137

".at the end of the day she did NOT leave a tip and had booked the WHOLE day so the captains didnt make any money!"


But why would Kate leave a tip? Everything is free for her! There's nothing out of her pocket on these excursions. I would think that everything was paid for by TLC. They would have taken care of the bill, and settled accordingly, leaving a tip (if they weren't too cheap to do so!). You wouldn't expect Miss Kate to cough up anything in the way of gratuities, would you?

Carolina Gal said... 138


JustAWish said... 139

IMO it would have been a better show if Jon could have been there with them. Not the unhappy Jon from last season tho.

Totallydisgusted said... 140

After reading some of the comments regarding the show and in particular the ones regarding Mady's meltdown at the beginning and the pinata I had to watch on youtube.

We have seen and heard time and time again how the twins are shoved to side and treated poorly - Mady denied water, school slips not signed (probably interfered with filming), etc., but when they were given the pinata and Kate said something to the effect that it was the empty one and then laughed was shameful and totally disgusting. It again shows just how mean spirited this woman is. We can all just imagine how they are treated at home. It is so sad and unfair for these girls.

Someone needs to step up to the plate (Jon it's really time for you to put your kids first). I know we have all said this before but its getting worse and something needs to be done before it is too late.

Also, I'm no prude but her choice of a bikini was inappropriate. If she wants to show off her bikini bod take it to a pool in Vegas.

Hawks Fan said... 141

From what I understand TLC tracks youtube hits for 8 days. Irene may be able to confirm. I thought I read a post stating this.

AuntieAnn said... 142

Hearing about this disturbed me so much that I checked it out on Youtube to see if it were so--and, yes, that is EXACTLY what Mady says.

Oh for pete's sake that woman is so nauseating. It's a 'high order multiple' thing my ass. Mommy gave a party, daddy gave a party and then TLC made them WORK for a third party.

Mady is going to own Kate in the future. She's done with all this bs. I don't blame her a bit for throwing a fit. (Virginia Pen, I don't think she said I want to die, I think she said 'nobody cares about me, I'll JUST die').

Carol said... 143

Ok I watched that one clip from the last part of the show and was struck by a couple of things: during the orange squeezing competition (why must everything be a competition with this woman? Why not teach them cooperation?) she says to Aiden "come on, you're a boy, squeeze HARD" then later during the pinata thing she tells a boy swinging at it "come on BEAT IT LIKE A MAN!"

What is her deal with gender roles? It's really weird. I can totally see her emasculating her boys as she did Jon as they get older. Putting them down for not fitting into her idea of what a man is and what a man does. Those poor kids.

And dear GOD Mady and Cara. I really feel for them. Good for Mady for standing up to Kate, though. She says what needs to be said. Kate leaning back and actually cackling when the older girls' pinata turns out to be empty was just disgusting. Really disgusting. So not only do they get to see their younger siblings constantly get more attention than they do (after all, their family wasn't special enough to be on TV until the tups came along), they watch them get three birthday parties, and then they get an empty pinata.

And I didn't realize the older girls were already ten. I thought they were more like 8. It looks as though pre-teen moodiness has set in and let me tell you: Kate is in for the ride of her LIFE. IF she sticks around enough to even experience it. Whoooo. Teen girls, an interesting experience and she will get to experience FIVE of them. Ha! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

And I agree with whoever said it seemed weird that the whole pavilion was so empty except for them. There was seating enough for 100 people in that thing! And there were eight kids and what appeared to be two adults, besides the camera crew. So maybe 15 people max. In that big empty covered pavilion. How strange.

And it just keeps striking me how fake she is. Always.

LifeinOH said... 144

Carolina Gal, POW = Princess of Wales - I had to think for a minute too. I automatically read Prisoner of War.

LifeinOH said... 145

Twinner said...
"every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible"

I'm not a parent yet (cross fingers) but isn't every (or most) mother's greatest fear harm coming to their child?


EXACTLY! You nailed it. Only a narcissist would make it all about them and in such a telling (Freudian) way.

my9cats said... 146

Carolina Gal said...
my9cats - I'm not getting the association/connection w/Princess Diana and the POW's death??? Was the POW the limo driver? 'splain please??? :)

Also, doesn't it count as viewers if we check it out on Youtube?"

Sorry CG, POW=Princess of Wales.

my9cats said... 147

Totallydisgusted said...
"Also, I'm no prude but her choice of a bikini was inappropriate. If she wants to show off her bikini bod take it to a pool in Vegas."

ITA this coming from the woman who demanded to be dressed modestly on DWTS because she is the mother of 8, count 'em 8 kids.

LifeinOH said... 148

Auntie Ann said
(Virginia Pen, I don't think she said I want to die, I think she said 'nobody cares about me, I'll JUST die').

OMG. I haven't seen or heard this for myself, but if your posts are accurate, I am so flipping pissed! Some will say this is typical dramatic Mady. I SAY Mady tells it like it is and is then seen/treated as the black sheep in a dysfunctional, sick family system. She is actually the healthy one who won't put up with or ignore the BS.


my9cats said... 149

cherier1 said...
Carolina Gal, POW = Princess of Wales - I had to think for a minute too. I automatically read Prisoner of War.

LOL Sorry all.... when you spend 8 hours a day speaking in acronyms it tends to trinkle down after hours. Sorry LOL

LifeinOH said... 150

Carol, I agree with the strangeness of the gender role fixation. It is so out of place in today's society. And so limiting for her children. What parent wants to limit her child in that way?

I didn't see any of it, but if she knew the pinata was empty and let them swing at it thinking they would get candy, that was just humiliating and passive-aggressively hateful.

Sucks to her.

amyf said... 151

1) why is Jamie on vacation with this family rather than wherever with her own family?

2) I wonder how much input Kate has with TLC over what footage gets shown. I'm quite positive that poor Mady isn't unpleasant ALL the time - it's so disgusting that she's only ever shown that way.

LifeinOH said... 152

meant Sucks to BE her.

AuntieAnn said... 153

I've watched about three minutes on Youtube. Those kids seem out of control smacking and hitting each other and screaming. They've got all the stuff they need except a real mother who isn't shilling them for what she can get. We can diss her all we want on here and it might not do a thing, but in the long run, those kids are going to be such an emotional mess that she's going to regret what she's done to them and THAT will be her undoing. She's not going to be able to handle them, you can see it happening. They really don't know which way to turn. If and that's a big if, she loved them, she'd pull up the pegs and stop this circus right now.

amyf said... 154

Oh, did anybody notice (I guess I'm admitting to having watched; don't yell at me) - they recreated the sign that Jon posted on the gate when he cancelled filming. I'm pretty sure I remember Kate ripping the original down, and ALSO they fixed the spelling on a couple of words that were wrong on the real one. Just one more example of staged/fake stuff.

fidosmommy said... 155

I didn't watch, but you are right - Kate did rip down the sign. The words "penelty of trespass" and the name "Johnathon Gosselin" were on the original sign. I'm really scratching my head that TLC figured viewers would not notice the words were now spelled correctly.
Then again, maybe the fans didn't notice the first time.

fidosmommy said... 156

I didn't watch, but the way the pinata incident has been explained is that Kate gave Mady and Cara their own pinata. The took several good swings at it, it opened up, candy went everywhere, and then Cara decided to hit it again. It fell to the ground and there was no MORE candy in it. That's why it was "empty".

Since I didn't watch I have to go with what I've been told about it. Maybe somebody will post a video clip of it sometime next week so I can see for myself.

Troy Chula Vista said... 157

I really feel for Jon. Think about it, no matter how much of DB he was or contrived drama Kate has with him, he didn't deserve to be sitting on a couch somewhere with his new GF and hear Kate say "oh they had cupcakes and gum at his apartment (she corrected herself when she said house)" what a complete *itch! Did she really need to wear her hooker heels and Corner skirt and let the girls out top? She thinks she is an Icon and needs to dress the star part? All I can say is .. OMG! tick tock tick tock

Linda in NS said... 158

Kate went on to admit that "every mother's greatest fear is that they're horrible" at mothering, and that a judge would take her children away from her. Really? Kate speaks for all mothers? Well she doesn't speak for me. I raised three wonderful children (now adults) and MY greatest fear (still) is that I will lose one of them. To ME there is no greater fear than a child passing before their parent. Kate is totally fucked up. That stupid, stupid woman.

Linda in NS said... 159

OK after I posted my last comment I realized why Kart's greatest fear is the judge would take away her children. She'd lose her little money makers and have to get a real job. She has no talent whatsoever so she'd have to go back to nursing and she's "too famous" LMAO for that.

pa mom too said... 160

I didn't watch the show on tv, or on youtube...Kate just makes me ill. I cannot understand a mother being this way with her children. She needs help asap. Can't anyone from TLC have enough decency to step in and say enough is enough already , this woman is harming her children, and WE are helping her to do it ? Give her the damn money that she would have made to fulfill her contract, and get her the hell off the tv with those children !

IDModo said... 161

I think Kate is talking about a real fear. We have no way of knowing, but I would bet lots of money thar CPS is very familiar with Kate.I would imagine they have had lots of calls, and they are bound by law to investigate EVERY ONE.Due to PA's antiquated child abuse laws, CPS has had no way to say that she is actually abusing her children (Must be continuous and cause serious bodily harm, or be life-threatening); but that doesn't mean that they did not investigate every report. So I would think that she is quite familiar with the CPS social workers, who may have given her some child-rearing advice and commented on her parenting style.
This is speculation on my part, and we will never know, because CPS has strict confidentiality rules.It's too bad that they are completely hamstrung by the narrowness of the PA laws.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 162

Due to PA's antiquated child abuse laws, CPS has had no way to say that she is actually abusing her children (Must be continuous and cause serious bodily harm, or be life-threatening);


You are mistaken. PA child abuse laws are very clear and do, in fact, include emotional abuse..."An act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes nonaccidental serious mental injury."

If these kids aren't being "mentally injured," then I don't know what you'd call it!

Anonymous said... 163

IDModo said...
If Kate is in danger for her life, like Steve seems to be implying, has she considered what her being hurt or worse by a "fan" would do to her kids? And if they are with her, how safe are they? Can this poor excuse for a mother not see how potentially damaging her continued public behaviour is?
Kate mentioned needing protection for the family, but never explained how/why Steeeve is always with her and only with the kids when they're all together.

IMO, Kate/TLC/Steeeeve have created much ado about very little and are justifying their actions. Had they simply treated her as she was - a nobody - and let her travel as almost all celebs do - by themselves, this would have never become the circus it is today. But, IMO, Kate's proven to be incapable of handling the demands of schedule keeping, appointment making and keeping, travel arrangements, etc (the NY hotel scene with Steeeve explaining the day's plans to her as an example - she had NOT A CLUE what he was telling her was on the schedule). I honestly don't think she can cope with her life's demands and makes much more about everything than there is. I think she believes the crap she's trying to sell the fans about how hard her life is. Just call him what he is - a handler, Steeeeeve, otherwise known as Mr. Rat Claws.

As for the note on the doorstep - I'll bet any money they're referring to the note left at the old house.

bbsak said... 164

I don't know if tv viewing numbers carry more weight for TLC than YouTube, but imo, if you're going to watch on YouTube, you might as well watch the show when it's on tv since TLC counts them all. A viewer is a viewer as far as TLC is concerned and each time a clip is accessed it's one more hit for them. ZonTV did a entry on this and it's been mentioned on this blog a few times since then.

Irene, do you have that info handy by any chance?

bbsak said... 165

cherier1 said...
I didn't see any of it, but if she knew the pinata was empty and let them swing at it thinking they would get candy, that was just humiliating and passive-aggressively hateful.

Kate knew nothing about what was going to be awaiting them at the pavilion, but her actions were still humiliating and passive-aggressively hateful. She she did none of the prep for the party and only put in 'requests' to production. But that's no excuse for her reaction. Had she been at all in-tune to the feelings of her older daughters she'd have been upset for them rather than mocking the situation. She just doesn't 'GET IT'! No way, no how. She can't see past her own narcissistic self to compute the fact that her children are affected by her lousy parenting choices and actions and the skewed, fake, reality-tv life she's dragged them into.

bbsak said... 166

amyf said...
Oh, did anybody notice (I guess I'm admitting to having watched; don't yell at me) - they recreated the sign that Jon posted on the gate when he cancelled filming. I'm pretty sure I remember Kate ripping the original down, and ALSO they fixed the spelling on a couple of words that were wrong on the real one. Just one more example of staged/fake stuff.

Yes, Kate ripped the sign down, but there were 2 signs. The original (even Jon's name was spelled wrong) misspelled sign and the corrected sign that Kate took down. IMO, the clip you saw was not a re-do, but simply taken from footage before it was taken down.

bbsak said... 167

fidosmommy said...
I didn't watch, but the way the pinata incident has been explained is that Kate gave Mady and Cara their own pinata. The took several good swings at it, it opened up, candy went everywhere, and then Cara decided to hit it again. It fell to the ground and there was no MORE candy in it. That's why it was "empty".
Since I didn't watch I have to go with what I've been told about it. Maybe somebody will post a video clip of it sometime next week so I can see for myself.

Kate said something like 'oh, it's empty' and than went on to laugh when the girls were hitting it. I don't think there was ever anything in it. The show was on at work and I didn't get a great look at it, but I remember Kate's comment and not seeing anything come out of it. It's Kate's comment that bothers me - that she found it funny that the girls were getting nothing.

Markiesnana said... 168

I didn't watch and won't watch.
I just wanted to state that these children don't deserve this!
Also, I believe Mady's life is hanging in the balance.

IDModo said... 169

PaMomALSO: Yes I did know about the NON-ACCIDENTAL serious mental injury. The catch is that it has to be non-accidental, i.e.purposeful to cause the mental injury. That would be extremely hard to prove. Being a stupid, insensitive parent is not enough to meet these criteria.
I agree with you 100% that the children are being mentally injured, and I would add emotionally neglected and possibly physically abused (the wooden spoon); but the PA laws say they are not. I have written to Rep.Murt twice about this issue and he is aware of their inadequacy.
I was so glad to hear that you had also read the laws! I was beginning to think that I was all alone! ~ Administrator said... 170

Actually it is not that hard to prove child abuse once a social worker actually files a petition. The standard of proof in Pennsylvania is only "preponderance of the evidence" which in layman's terms is basically, is it more likely than not it happened? This is nothing like criminal court--beyond a reasonable doubt. Much higher standard. The problem is they don't file cases on most families. A judge can't force a social worker to file a petition--he can only deal with it once filed. Courts are already clogged with the drug abusers neglecting their kids, which make up the bulk of child abuse cases.

The problem is actually getting social workers involved in the first place--many referrals are evaluated out. I also think these kids would be worse off in foster care, for that reason alone I'm not getting into this discussion again.

fidosmommy said... 171

bbsak said...
fidosmommy said...
I didn't watch, but the way the pinata incident has been explained is that Kate gave Mady and Cara their own pinata. The took several good swings at it, it opened up, candy went everywhere, and then Cara decided to hit it again. It fell to the ground and there was no MORE candy in it. That's why it was "empty".
Since I didn't watch I have to go with what I've been told about it. Maybe somebody will post a video clip of it sometime next week so I can see for myself.

Kate said something like 'oh, it's empty' and than went on to laugh when the girls were hitting it. I don't think there was ever anything in it. The show was on at work and I didn't get a great look at it, but I remember Kate's comment and not seeing anything come out of it. It's Kate's comment that bothers me - that she found it funny that the girls were getting nothing.


Thanks, bbsak. You know, the way Kate used to slap Jon and then laugh tells me there is a kind of sick sense of humor going on there.

IDModo said... 172

Admin: It's probably different here in Canada; the Gosselin kids would probably not go into foster care but there would likely be a supervision order issued; a CPS worker would be assigned to make sure that the abuses were not continued.
The "set teacher" wil fill that bill admirably when and if the new law is implemented.
I respect your reason for not wanting to get into this discussion again.

cathy518 said... 173

I don't hold out any hope that a "set teacher" would make a difference in the lives of these children. TLC would be hiring said set teacher and you can bet all your monkey munch that this teacher would be signing a confidentiality agreement and would be by all design bought off at the get go by TLC to affirm that the children are thriving.
What bothers me most currently is what is going on with Mady. I didn't watch but from all reports, she is shown melting down again and again. Just as TLC gets Kate mileage out of her being awful, they are exploiting the distress of this child for ratings. People will tune in to see the train wreck of Mady's childhood. For Shame.

PA Mom ALSO said... 174

"Yes I did know about the NON-ACCIDENTAL serious mental injury. The catch is that it has to be non-accidental, i.e.purposeful to cause the mental injury. That would be extremely hard to prove. Being a stupid, insensitive parent is not enough to meet these criteria."

Forcing these kids to work and therefore causing emotional and serious mental injury can be proven if the case falls into the hands of a competent social worker, and the complaint is filed. If it can be proven that the responsible party KNOWS that the circumstances at hand (working and filming) may result in emotional and mental injury, it would fall under the non-accidental clause. Therein lies the problem -- being able to prove that she knows her actions may result in emotional injury. It doesn't matter if the party is deliberately causing mental injury; the mere fact that the party KNOWS her actions may result in such injury can result in charges being filed. Either she's a great pretender, or she really is that blind and stupid. It would be difficult to prove.
I'm not taking credit for reading the laws -- I've known about them for some time!

IDModo said... 175

The Set Teacher should be hired and supervised by the PA DOL. TLC would likely be billed by them for his/her services but I imagine he/she would not be paid directly by TLC. I believe this is how it works in California. The Set Teacher must have complete independence from the film company in order to advocate for the children.
Of course the Set Teacher would maintain professional confidentiality rules in terms of disclosing information to the media or other persons, but reporting abuse to his/her superiors and CPS supersedes any confidentiality agreements, because reporting is mandated by law.
That's why I think that the presence of someone whose sole job is to advocate for the children is going to make some changes in their lives.Mady will have someone that must listen to her and act upon what he/she hears.

PA Mom ALSO said... 176

"The Set Teacher must have complete independence from the film company in order to advocate for the children."

Absolutely. Otherwise, it would defeat the entire purpose if the Set Teacher were bought for and paid by TLC. The teacher would know where his/her bread is buttered and therefore would not necessarily be an advocate for the child. It would be easy for the teacher's head to be turned the other way -- especially when the film company is paying them directly. Reporting any violations or concerns would be like biting the hand that feeds them.

cathy518 said... 177

I don't hold out any hope that a "set teacher" would make a difference in the lives of these children. TLC would be hiring said set teacher and you can bet all your monkey munch that this teacher would be signing a confidentiality agreement and would be by all design bought off at the get go by TLC to affirm that the children are thriving.
What bothers me most currently is what is going on with Mady. I didn't watch but from all reports, she is shown melting down again and again. Just as TLC gets Kate mileage out of her being awful, they are exploiting the distress of this child for ratings. People will tune in to see the train wreck of Mady's childhood. For Shame.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 178

Due to PA's antiquated child abuse laws, CPS has had no way to say that she is actually abusing her children (Must be continuous and cause serious bodily harm, or be life-threatening);


You are mistaken. PA child abuse laws are very clear and do, in fact, include emotional abuse..."An act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes nonaccidental serious mental injury."

If these kids aren't being "mentally injured," then I don't know what you'd call it!

fidosmommy said... 179

I didn't watch, but the way the pinata incident has been explained is that Kate gave Mady and Cara their own pinata. The took several good swings at it, it opened up, candy went everywhere, and then Cara decided to hit it again. It fell to the ground and there was no MORE candy in it. That's why it was "empty".

Since I didn't watch I have to go with what I've been told about it. Maybe somebody will post a video clip of it sometime next week so I can see for myself.

cherier1 said... 180

Carolina Gal, POW = Princess of Wales - I had to think for a minute too. I automatically read Prisoner of War.

Hawks Fan said... 181

From what I understand TLC tracks youtube hits for 8 days. Irene may be able to confirm. I thought I read a post stating this.

JustAWish said... 182

IMO it would have been a better show if Jon could have been there with them. Not the unhappy Jon from last season tho.

sandyurbahns said... 183

This is my first post decided to get the google account and try and keep impostors away.

Kate's new shows sound horrible, I read Z's review and am glad I didn't waste the two hours of my life.

Anonymous said... 184

So proud of myself! Did not watch Khate. Did surf the channels at one point and caught a second of Jim Moret- looked like he was probably defending her like all the other entertainment shows. Seems like this 2 hour premiere was just a premise to spin- especially after the DWTS disaster. Saw the kids "welcoming" the crew back on promos and it all seemed so fake! I loathe this woman and her entire brand. Drop Dead Diva was so enjoyable!

Ankaret is STRANGE said... 185

Aaden, "Everything's back to normal!"

These were the some of the first words on the new show when Kate surprised this kids with the camera crew on the first day of filming! I loved that he said that b/c it dispells the common notion that the kids hate having the cameras around and it is harmful to them! Go Aaden! Love ya!

I have to say, Kate seems so much more at ease in this show than she did in "Jon & Kate," makes it even more evident to me that she made the right choice and it, in turn, is making a better, happier life for her and the kids!


Anonymous said... 186

Click on name for a recap of tonight's two hour special from EW's Ken Tucker.

Here's a few quotes:
"The two back-to-back episodes of the new series Kate Plus Eight could have used a combo-title: The Horror, The Horror."

"Kate did the shrieking and cooing — the kids were much better-behaved than that."

"Kate Plus Eight was grim stuff, even when the kids looked so happy frolicking with dolphins. I hope you were watching Breaking Bad instead; fictional meth-heads are more entertaining than a real-life hair-extension-head mom."

prairiemary said... 187

Sweet PJ's momma, how caring you are about that lonely birthday party.When my girls had parties,we would invite the entire class,usually 25-28 kids,plus our family members.I would always make a cake,decorated myself,lots of games,food,fun,like other moms did.At the 6 year old's party,only kate's 8,no friends or family, and we did it ourselves,at home! Why does she make such a big deal over just her own 8 kids? This complaining she does is totally insane! The definition of insanity is-"Doing the same thing over and over again,but expecting a different outcome." Yep,she's insane.

prairiemary said... 188

Yes,good idea about a thumbnail i.d,though I will need help doing it.SchmeckyGirl,I admire what you have to say, no matter where you say it.I am certainly not the kind of human being that would all of a sudden post crap like that,about you,or any posters on here.Sorry someone is trying to cause trouble.

PRAIRIEMARY said... 189

SchmeckyGirl!!!!!!That is not me making those posts!! I last posted that the Hawks were the hockey game over Philly!! These posts are NOT MINE!! Some smart a$$es are going around and stealing identities, you know I don't talk like that!! This REALLY ticks me off, some really immature sheeples out tonight,figures.

nanb said... 190

My daughter just came to me. The first words out of her mouth. "Have seen Kate Gosselin recently? What did she do to herself?"

My daughter turned on the TV, was watching didn't recognize Kate until she heard her voice! She says she had too much plastic surgery and way too much tanning!

I promised her I would pull up a DWTS clip for her to laugh at!

Anonymous said... 191

The best way to prevent imposters....and wow people seriously? .... is to get a google count and use it to post, and then get a little thumbnail picture of anything at all beside it. Then we always know it's you by the google account and pic.

LisaNH said... 192

Guess what I'm doing right now? Not watching whatever the new fangled Kart show. (I'm not even sure if it's still on right now.).

Funny, I had a lovely day with my Mother. We shopped, laughed, recapped funny stories from my childhood. How sad that the Gosselin children will more than likely never have that experience with their mother. Kart has worked so hard trying to create the image of "creating memories". But what will the memories be that she supposedly created for the kids?

Pamela said... 193

I am in Oregon and Kate is on from 4 to 11. My TV is not going there. It was enough watching her upstage the kids over an alligator. You would think it had wings LOL. If you would post the sponsers and the addresses I will write.

mary said... 194

Watching flyers vs blackhawks and then my husband turns on Classic Orioles vs Phillies (1983) during commercials. Yes watching 1983 baseball reruns is a lot more entertaining than a shrew and her 8

the tree said... 195

I'm not 'anonymous'. Thanks for the technical help.

SoGlad said... 196

Wouldn't miss seeing Kate and the kids.

Kelly said... 197

Gotta Run Gang, The Blind Side is playing right now. Have a great week.

lolly said... 198

Watching James Taylor and Carole King...

Carolina Gal said... 199

mommyinca - Admin is watching, then will do a recap.

itsaboutthekids said... 200

Will not be watching...this week, this month, this year...will not be watching. TLC is blocked on our remotes.

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