When asked if she could retire right now, Kate said sadly no. Then she blamed it all on Jon for the legal bills. Kate, why in the world have you not saved enough to retire right now? You've been doing this six years. The legal bills did not even start until just last year!
"The main goal of the show was to save for college." I thought the main goal was to preserve memories on film. That's what you always said before.
"All the truth, the facts the way it is." Why are you so defensive, Kate?
Unbelievably shocking mismanagement of the children's money.
221 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»When one lies so much its even hard for them to keep track of it after awhile. They filmed because she said they didn't have time to film their kids, then it was because of the trips, now college. Who is to even say these kids will go to college, maybe some but doubt all
Is everyone as outraged as me at the way this woman is pissing away their money on her manicures and hair and clothes????
Don't spend a dime until you have your kids SET FOR LIFE. Then maybe you can get a pedicure. Bitch.
And why do the kids have to pay HER legal bills? It wasn't their idea to get divorced.
Let's assume TLC has paid for EVERYTHING and by some absurd universe it's not income....why doesn't she tell TLC, instead of paying for my 7,000 haircut, why don't we give me a 500 dollar haircut (hey, that's no supercuts!) and put the rest in my kids' college funds???
If she's so poor why isn't she asking TLC to pay the kids in cash not haircuts??? What a dumbass bitch I am so mad.
Ummmm for someone who claims she is poor than whats up with all the shoes, handbags, clothes, manis, pedis, shopping trips all over PA, NY and LA? Someone who claims they need money and spends like her needs to have her head examined
The interviewer was trying to call her out as respectfully as he could. He was like didn't you just do DWTS weren't you one of the highest paid??? Of course she didn't answer his question.
ou know what's funny? Doesn't this just sort of make TLC look like schmucks??? They're not paying this poor woman enough to be set for life somehow? They've basically bought their souls and Kate isn't set for life?
For all she and TLC are in bed together, I think this just makes TLC look like they are taking complete advantage of her--and her look very, very dumb. Get an accountant.
Boo fricking hoo Kate. Maybe what you should do is what the OTHER professional uterus (Octomom) did and set up an online beg site. I'm sure there's 10 or 15 Sheeple out there that'd give you some bucks. This way you can put it in your ATM's, oops, kids, college fund. Or is that your hair/mani pedi/clothes/travel fund? Oh they're one in the same, never mind.
She is such a liar. I can't stand her!
What bothers me the most was the statement about putting away for the kids - after food and other bills, etc. Like whatever PENNIES we'd have left of course we'd put away for them....
Just because she allows TLC to film her kids take a shit, eat, sleep, hit each other, take tantrums, yell, run, play, doesn't make TLC responsible for everything
Was it just me or did she never change expression throughout that entire interview?
Her mouth moved but her eyes looked dead. Or bored. She looked like a wax figure with a mechanical mouth.
I'm sure Kate is still crying poor, but this isn't a recent interview.
Not that the interview isn't relevant, but it was taped while she was still on DWTS.
Golly. Let's see how this woman could have prevented this disaster. A few month's hair care @$21,000 -- well, that's potentially four years of tuition at a state school, or 1 year at a private college.
This woman could have funded all 8 kids' college careers on her vanity budget alone -- the manis, the pedis, the fake tans, and, oh yeah, the plastic surgeries.
But she chose not to, didn't she? Oh, boo-hoo.
Those poor, helpless (and hopeless) kids. Losing the parent lottery in life just sucks.
"We'd already lost our privacy at that point and I don't look at that to be a complete negative"
Well, the truth finally slipped out of her mouth. Not only does she not look at it to be a complete negative, it was her magnum opus, her whole purpose for having those babies. She could not have achieved fame any other way.
Hello, I see two blatant lies in this film. 1.) The kids and her see the crew ALL the time, in the first episode of Kate plus 8, she clearly says "the kids have not seen the crew, I have". This she clearly states as they are showing the scene of the kids screaming as the crew comes back. 2.) I saw an interview when all the mess was going down about TLC, Jon and when the hearing took place with Rep Murt, and Kate said (speaking of the money put away for the kids) That it was HER idea and they had a SUBSTANTIAL sum put away for each child. I remember it well, because she sounded almost angry that the kids would have that much money put away. This was right after everyone found out that TLC had put the money in a trust for the kids, after the investigation. What a LIAR. It is all on tape.
As far as the paps would still hound them. Has this idiot never seen the shows/articles "whatever happened to..." Very famous people have dropped out of the public realm and are no longer chased by fans nor the paps. She really thinks she is special. Idiot.
Kate, why in the world have you not saved enough to retire right now? You've been doing this six years. The legal bills did not even start until just last year!
Are you kidding? You think she made enough in the last few years to retire? In what universe do you live? Even if she never spent a dime beyond feeding and clothing her children and they had not purchased their current home, she would not have the $ at this point to raise 8 children and put them through college if she were to "retire." Get real.
Okay, I am so incensed right now that I haven't even read the other comments before posting my own. This woman is such a F------ LIAR that she makes my blood boil. Love the way she always says, "In all honesty" and "honestly"--yes, Kate, HONESTY IS WHAT WE EXPECT, so no need to always pre-empt everything you say with that or inject "honestly" into everything you say, because it certainly has the opposite affect and makes me believe you are anything but honest. Did anyone notice the way she started kicking her leg when she was talking about not having enough money for college educations. And SHE does not have legal bills...TLC used their attorneys and has paid them. I am so sick of this FAKE LYING B-----. UGH.
Even with taxes, the woman has had several million dollars run through her hands over the last six years, what with J&K+8,DWTS, interviews and guest appearances, her books,child support,and now Kate+8.
One million dollars put in a high interest bearing account or into the hands of a good money manager, would make enough interest for her and the kids per year to live on at least comfortably, if she were to downsize her expectations and her lifestyle.
We recently sold our house and were able to put enough away to ensure that our granddaughter will have a 4 year university education.There was never a question about whether this would be done, that's what families do for their children and grandkids if they are able.
Of course I had to give up Botox, plastic surgery, boob enhancement, manis and pedis, revealing wardrobes, orange tans..No sacrifice is too great...especially when you're 67 years old!
She has racked up some dough the last few years with her book tours, speaking engagements, reruns and videos of her kids, DWTS alone, a half a million bucks plus some, TLC is paying this dope 75.000 an ep..so don't give me this crap she is broke and has to work, hogwash..
College education may not be the sole responsiblilty of the parents, but their elementary and secondary education are. So Jon and Kate chose to spend what, $70,000 a year on tuition, and that with the younger children only going 3 days a week. It will be more next year. Is THAT necessary? It might be that a the age of 20 the Gosselins will look back and say that they preferred their time at their exclusive school over having a large bank account when they got out on their own. However, it seems to me that they might just as easily say that they could have had a decent enough education AND a hefty bank account if they had gone to a less exclusive school.
The point being that the kids are paying for their own elementary and secondary education and the parents are OK with that. I have problems with it,
My parents thought they OWED their children a college education. I appreciated their thinking more than I could ever say. In fact, my dad told me he would pay for my first year of graduate school and fixed up the recreation room in our house so I could have a private study room. I set up a repayment schedule with him, then he ripped it up. I can never say thank you enough to my parents for saving all their lives - scrimping in many cases - to pay for our education so we would not end up with nothing when we graduated.
Different strokes for different families. Not all families can do that. Jon and Kate could have.
First of all, THE KIDS SHOULD NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING FOR THEMSELVES!! Nor should providing for them come at their expense.
Secondly, I think that Kate has more than enough money. She just plays poor so she can justify her famewhore ways. Whether or not the kids will end up seeing very much of that money is a different story. I think Kate just wants to be able to get as much money as she can because she doesn't ever want to work a normal job again. She has become accustomed to a certain way of living and I highly doubt she'll be giving that up. I honestly think she would sacrifice her children's college fund to make her own life more comfortable.
Is it a FACT that TLC pays all Kate's legal bills? Do we KNOW what Kate pays per month for her kids tuition?
It was funny when Billy Bush mentioned that her latest book was sure to be a huge success. Oops, guess not.
Hey Real World,
They've made over 2 million dollars doing the J&K plus 8 episodes. She just made five hundred thousand dollars for DWTS, she gets two hundred and fourty thousand dollars a year in child support, she's getting big bucks for Kate plus 8 this year plus the advance on the book that just flopped. She should be set for life, most people would be.
She and her ex have squandered the money. Look how she furnished that mansion. They barely had any furniture when they lived in Elizabethtown PA. She's a friggen liar and a master manipuplator and again, she gets a pass in the press with softball questions and evasive answers. God I hate this friggin womans voice.
No matter how much money this woman makes, it will NEVER be enough. she is addicted to the money and fame and creates one lie after another. It was said on the show by Jon that when the kids wanted to stop filming, they could. Guess Kate forgot about that. I'd bet these kids would give up the show in a minute for their privacy back.
Don't cry poverty lady when you are wearing 2 yes two diamond necklaces, sporting expensive shoes, clothes, purses, hair and makeup, manis and pedis, plus living in a million dollar home..cry meeeeeeeeeeeee a river somewhere else
Ohhhhh yeah lets not forget the expensive vehicle she bought less than a year ago that has no room for all her rugrats...nice...shes living like a queen
My sisters friend did a commercial that paid well lets say she was able to live off of that very comfortably for a long time, years..
I'm speechless that she would still use such a lame excuse for wanting to stay in show-business. Give me a break already. What happened to frugal, organized, coupon-clippin' Can-do Kate. She's got balls, that's all I have to add.
I thought the state of PA set up college funds for them already?
I guess is a PA college not good enough for them? Who knows if they will even GO to college.
If I was saving for my child's college, I sure wouldn't be getting my nails done as much, wearing the expensive clothes and getting hair extensions.
Anonymous said...
Do we KNOW what Kate pays per month for her kids tuition?
Last summer Kate was at Kinko's making copies of financial notes. We know that because she held them up for the camera to see. Those who saw the pictures online said there was a bill
listed for $70,000 and it was in the school
column. What else could that be besides tuition, or at least a deposit on tuition?
Also, that particular school used to post the tuition. Cost is no longer part of their site.
However, their school is part of a larger
corporation, and some of the same schools across the country do list tuition costs. $70,000 is not impossible, and may even be low.
I think the more you beg the more brazen you become. I think once the money starts rolling in you start to lose a lot of shame.
She may pay big bucks like maybe 7 thou for the first kid, than 6 thou for the second and i'm sure she gets a reduced price for each other kid...thats how the private schools work..anyways who cares...she can afford it, she is making millions now
Kara said...
I thought the state of PA set up college funds for them already?
The state of PA set up a fund that the public could CONTRIBUTE to for the kids education. The state of PA did NOT put money into that fund.
From the link you posted:
"The accounts were setup, but not funded by the State of Pennsylvania so interested citizens could donate for their college tuition."
I took a lot of psychology in school and it's too bad that they focus on her face rather than her whole body during this interview. A few times, it was her whole body and as soon as she started speaking, her foot/leg started jumping or twitching. His foot was jumping/twitching also. We generally are unaware of (and therefore can't control) our body language, and that nervous tic is a sign of deception or discomfort - on both sides.
Anyway, that's my armchair psychology for the day and I'm off for a REAL and non-photographed run (and the latter is only because the rock-n-roll marathon that happened today sold out before I could sign up, boo hoo!). Enjoy your weekend, all!
"Last summer Kate was at Kinko's making copies of financial notes. We know that because she held them up for the camera to see. Those who saw the pictures online said there was a bill
listed for $70,000 and it was in the school column."
I can't believe I missed that. Whatever, I'd need to see that for myself.
She could be wearing a dress made of money, swimming in an ocean of money, with a money boat filled with money on hand to pick her up to take her to an island consisting of nothing but money trees and she would STILL not think its enough. Its never enough for her. So .. her kids have to work to pay her bills. And do you really think she gives a rats a@@ if they go to college? The only reason she would want that is so that they were out of the house. She is just vile.
Okay, I just on gave my husband and abridged version of the Gosselin saga (and the hair extentions and pedi/manicures)and then showed him the video. His response was "If I were in charge of TLC I'd tell the b&^ch to hit the bricks!" LOL.
He's an ex cop and as soon as the video started he said "She's a good liar. She's maintaining good eye contact."
All I can say is that anyone, including reporters or anyone else, who believes anything she says is a fool.
I hope somehow, someday, those kids get out of that situaion. Those poor kids.
Anonymous said...
Is it a FACT that TLC pays all Kate's legal bills? Do we KNOW what Kate pays per month for her kids tuition?
What is a fact is that if you have your children filmed for SIX YEARS and do not have a simple college fund that would cover any school they wish to go to, you have absolutely pissed away their money and are a complete and total idiot.
There is no reason, none, the kids are not set for life before Kate puts one fake nail on her little finger. The fact that she is claiming she doesn't have enough just makes her look like a total dumbass.
I wonder why MSN decided to post this couple month old Access Hollywood clip now...?
Liar, liar, white pants on fire!!!!!!!!!
"Is it a FACT that TLC pays all Kate's legal bills? Do we KNOW what Kate pays per month for her kids tuition?"
Without knowing exactly how much tuition will increase through their remaining school years, if all eight remain in the school, from Kindergarten through graduation she will have spent (ballpark)1.6 million for all eight kids. There is no discount for siblings.
The state of PA DID NOT set aside funds for college. An account was set up for DONATIONS. I have no idea how much, if any, is in that account. This was set up with the stipulation that the children attend school in PA. Each of them could get a good four-year college education at a state school for a total of less than $400,000. Why didn't she just sock away the DWTS money,and presto, all eight kids' college tuition would be paid for.
"$70,000 and it was in the school column."
That would be just about correct for this year's tuition for all eight. Schools and colleges websites published the annual tuition, but it was not broken down. It just gave one rate, which was for upper school. The tuition is different depending on the grade level.
Watching this video made me want to spit nails!! I apologize for the long post, but now i am pissed!!!
Kate's got her priorities in the wrong place! She made the comment that she has HUGE legal debt. And that is your kids fault how????? Having legal debt is not a reason to continue to pimp out your little money makers so they can pay that off for you. Nor is it so you can have fake boobs, fake teeth, fake hair and fake nails. She said that they started the show to pay for college. Thats great... so you have been on tv for the last 3 years, made XX amount of money and don't even have that for them.... WTH??!!! If only the kids knew and understood what the hell is going on. I would totally divorce her if i were them.
My husband grew up in Sinking Spring - next town over from where Mrs. Gosselin lives. My husbands grandmother had 14 kids and raised them all there in the Reading area and did not have any of the luxuries that Kate has... but you know what... they turned out just fine!!! My husband went to public school there and he turned out just fine! His parents weren't the richest parents out there, but they seemed to find a way to put him in after school activities, go places during the summer, camp, etc. They did not live in a 1.2 million dollar home, they did not own a pool - in fact they went to the public pool if they wanted to swim. They did not own an $80,000 vehicle, they did not have cosmetic procedures done, they did not buy name brand clothing or shoes. But they turned out just fine!!!
Kate is only trying to convince herself that what she is doing is the right thing when she says that a nursing job can not provide for a family w/ 8 kids. According to salary.com, Mrs. Gosselin could make up to as much as $90,000 being an RN as a surgical asst in the Reading area (yes i know she is not even close to having a degree like that, but she could work on it). An IT Tech can make up to as much as $207,000 in the Reading area. SO... yes you can Kate be a nurse and still provide for your family.....IF... you don't live in a 1.2 million dollar house w/ a pool, if you don't have nannies, grounds keepers, a body guard, hair extensions, fake boobs (that you will have to have redone in another 5-10 years), a fake tan, fake nails, an $80,000 SUV that doesn't even seat all the kids plus you. It would provide for a family w/ 8 kids if you didn't have to have botox, $400 shoes and shop at Ann Taylor or send your kids to private school.
I could go on... but my brain is fried and my head is spinning!! I can't believe this woman!! I swear... next time I am visiting my husbands family in Sinking Spring and i run into her at Target... she will get an earfull from me.
Kelly said:
Look how she furnished that mansion. They barely had any furniture when they lived in Elizabethtown PA. She's a friggen liar and a master manipuplator and again, she gets a pass in the press with softball questions and evasive answers.
Au contraire Kelly. The G's did not furnish the McMansion, (and someone help me out here) I believe it was Stanley furniture, that provided furniture for the whole house. Not sure why, they sure haven't shown much of it. But, when they were moving in, the furniture manufacturer had a web site that even had a few pages dedicated to pics of some of the furniture that was going in the Gosselin household.
I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?
Exactly, Kate's legal bills are not the children's problem. They didn't ask her to get divorced. They didn't ask their mother to hire an attorney to cut their dad out. How does Kate think other families who get divorced pay their lawyers? They all have TV shows to put their kids on?
And by the way I don't buy that this was an expensive divorce compared to the average "celeb" divorce. It was railroaded through in a few months and there wasn't even a trial. If it went on for years of course it would be ridiculous. But this was so quick. You can't bill more hours than there are in a day.
Are you kidding? You think she made enough in the last few years to retire? In what universe do you live?
How exactly do you think other familes with eight kids raise them??? Of course she has made plenty to retire. That is if she actually saved it and didn't blow it. Why would you sell your family to TLC and not have enough by now to live high on the hog? That just screams incompetance.
A year or two ago, Linda (original) on BM's site shared that she called the school, and asked about the tuition. I've heard the tuition fig. several times, and IIRC, I believe $70,000/mo. is pretty close to accurate. I don't believe any school is worth that much money. It appears the school is considered 'exclusive' in the area and it seems it is a status symbol, if your children attend. I think that was one of the first things that Kate wanted, and no, I don't think it had anything to do w/her kids getting a good education, I think it had to do w/her wanting to 'show the neighbors' she was as 'good' as they are. IIRC, the twins started that school before they were on TV.
My point is, Kate is not going to eliminate that expense, (which I suspect is her biggest one a mo) as she perceives the school to be a "status" symbol. Kate receives $20,000/MO. in child support. If she eliminated the school expense, along with many of the other frivolous things mentioned here, she would have no trouble living on a nurse's salary. Do you think all that money actually goes towards the kids?
Bottom line, Kate will never willingly go back to living a lifestyle that she considers "beneath" her.
I feel terrible for this financially-burdened woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?
"And by the way I don't buy that this was an expensive divorce compared to the average "celeb" divorce. It was railroaded through in a few months and there wasn't even a trial."
That's exactly why PA has no-fault divorce -- it's fast and uncomplicated.
She's a LIAR - In this video she states that the beloved crew care so much about the kids that they have come to visit since they quit filming last fall. Really Kate? On her new show she specifically stated that the kids had missed the film crew sooo much. That she had seen them here and there but that this was the 1st time the kids had seen the beloved crew since they quit filming!
I hate to even start talking about this, it enrages me so much. What does Kate think other families are doing in these economic times? Cutting back! She's an affront to honest, hard working, God-fearing, good people. I can't even imagine what she is doing w/the money, since so much is given to her and her family. (Doesn't she have free groceries for life from Giant?) Her display of pure gluttony and shameless self-indulgence, sickens me. There are so many people, so much more deserving than her. I am confounded by the whole "Gosselin story". They were so blessed, yet she and Jon, have exhibited been given.
I believe it was Ashley Furniture. I was looking for new furniture arounf that time and immediately ruled Ashley out.
I posted my previous comment before reading all of the above comments. So you immediately caught this lie also! She is a bad liar - she can't even keep her lies straight. Pathetic
Having lived in this area all my life, and having owned property here (house exceeds Kate's in square footage although not in acreage), I can pretty much figure out her expenses -- tuition, mortgage, taxes, pool maintance, landscaping, utilities, nannies, food, etc.). The amount he pays in child support does not, by any means, cover what she needs on a monthly basis to support the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.
If she's screaming poverty, then she should have stayed in E-Town and put an addition on the house, although the neighbors wouldn't have been all too happy!
She's using their college money to keep them in private school now. That place they go is NOT cheap. Not everyone has money for their kids to go to college so it bugs me that she feels so entitled and that we should all feel badly for her. She chose to "try one more time"..not us. I doubt that if it were a single birth, she would still have college money for just the 3. It's a sympathy plea that makes you gag. What about those parents who both work 8 hr jobs and have 6 kids and don't get offered celeb work? Just spit on them because Kate Gosselin is all that matters and that HER kids have EVERYTHING. She could have stayed in the cheaper house..it had room for them all..just not ENOUGH room for the kids to get lost in so she could have her "me" time.
This is the most real, reality show ever to be put on TV.
Yep.....most 6 yr olds pay for their mothers divorce and legal bills.
Guess TCL wasn't whispering in her ear piece on that interview.
In my 64 yrs, I have met many people, but never, have I ever met anyone that makes my blood boil like Kate Gosseiln does.
I have to believe that someone as vile as she is, will someday have to pay for the destruction of her own family and the heartache they will endure as adults.
There are so many people, so much more deserving than her. I am confounded by the whole "Gosselin story". They were so blessed, yet she and Jon, have exhibited been given.
Obviously, this should have been "yet she and Jon have exhibited no appreciation for all they have been given".
I thought it was Lane Furniture, but I could be mistaken.
The only decent peices of furniture she has is what they brought in.
I'm really into design and the thing that I notice most is the lack of the personal touches that make a house a home.
It's truly not a home... it's a filming studio and lacks any warmth.
"I've heard the tuition fig. several times, and IIRC, I believe $70,000/mo. is pretty close to accurate."
LOL!! No school costs $70,000 a month! That's the yearly tuition!
And no, it's not a status symbol. It's the best education anywhere in the state, and those kids are exactly where they should be. In addition to receiving the best in educational opportunities, they are loved and protected there, as they should be. However, if she can't afford it, then she should be looking elsewhere. There are other private schools in the area that are very good for a fraction of the cost.
If she wants a "status" school, let's see if she enrolls them at The Hill, at a cost of $45,000 a year for boarding students, or $30,000 a year for day students.
It's in their neck of the woods, but they're not old enough for admission...at least, not yet!
I curious as to what she would be doing now if TLC had never come knocking. How would she be paying for her kids. Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey supported their sextuplets without a show or having either parent be in showbiz or media work. I also thought that Govenor Knolls of PA had set up college funds for the kids. I read it a long time ago and don't have the source for that any longer. I think it was just a fund though that people could donate too in their name. Guess no one donated.
Carolina Gal said....
(Doesn't she have free groceries for life from Giant?)
I thought it was a $5,000 gift card. Again, I know I could be wrong. It's been awhile. 5K would buy lots of milk and baby food.
All I have to say is....Kate is a moron! Does she honestly believe that this BLESSING will last forever?
She is a dumb bitch if she hasn't saved enough money to retire.
"People are out to make us look bad," she said. This quote is from Kate from her interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune in May 2005.
She cried the 'poor pitiful me' sob story and then tried to retract it -- it seems as a lot of Pennsylvanian's were onto her little games even back then.
Ah but Judy, she won't pay. She'll never own up to it. It'll be the kids fault, the ex's fault, her parent's fault, even TLC will share the blame but Kate never will. It won't matter either because by then she will have found someone else to suck the life out of. Narcissists do that.
What happened to the Hayes family? Is that show finished? It boggles the mind to think how, on a policeman's salary, he can support a family of 12. And yet, they're doing it and not crying poverty!
Ya know whats really scarey, ROL has not posted any new pics of their Queen B in the past two days. Where is she now or should I say where are they filming now? There was several days that ROL kept mum about her whereabouts till someone spilled the beans that they were all at Discovery Cove filming...
The Hayes family was going the same route as the Gosselins, remember the piano they got cause one of the kids wanted to take lessons...
Kate thinks that without TLC she would be forced to live like this
Instead of like this:
These kids are sent to an exclusive private school which their mother pays for by selling their childhoods to TLC for public entertainment, and while she gushes on and on about all the life experiences they are having, she gives them the break up of her marriage, nannies to raise them, and the lesson that a family dog is dispensable (while claiming that she figured out kids are like dogs, you don't send them back when they are become difficult to handle) and the dogs are where now? Kate Gosselin is a vile human being and not worthy of the title "mother".
"She cried the 'poor pitiful me' sob story and then tried to retract it -- it seems as a lot of Pennsylvanian's were onto her little games even back then."
I live here. I was onto her since Day One.
Carolina Gal,
I wasn't aware that the furniture company provided all that furniture for the Gosselin Home. If they did, she still has nice oriental rugs in every room and every room is furnished to the 9's from what the cameras have shown. Even knowing that she had a complete kitchen makeover last year while she took the kids to Bald Head Island with Ratclaws, that's even more maddening.
There was nothing wrong with the kitchen she had originally, other than the refrigerator that she kept harping on as being dirty and it took her an entire day to clean. Yeah RIGHT!!!!! My heart bleeds peanut butter for Kate Gosselin.
Anonymous said... Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey supported their sextuplets without a show or having either parent be in showbiz or media work.
The septuplets were conceived as the result of fertility drugs.
The McCaugheys were the recipients of many generous donations, including a 5500 ft² (511 m²) house, a van and diapers for the first two years, as well as nanny services, and even the State of Iowa offering full college scholarships to the babies upon their maturity and graduation from high school to any state university in Iowa. U.S. President Bill Clinton personally telephoned Mr. and Mrs. McCaughey to wish them his congratulations.
By the time of the septuplets' tenth birthday in 2007, the family was declining most requests for interviews, other than annual stories with KCCI and Ladies' Home Journal.
No pics for a couple of days? Wanna bet she's already left for NYC for The View taping? I'm sure she'll need to have Ted re-do her weave beforehand and get some shopping/photo ops in.
Another thing I'm not buying with more of Kate's lies. She claims to have massive massive legal bills as a result of her divorce. I'm calling b.s. on this too. My separation and divorce lasted nearly four years when it should have been done in two. The attorney's continued to postpone hearings, scheduled conferences upon conferences to mediate issues and after my ex fired two of her attorneys, the entire process started over again with postponements.
Three days before the hearing, she yet again fired her attorney, hired a new one and I was informed that the new attorney wanted another postponement to bring himself up to speed on the case so this dragged it out even longer.
There were three kids involved and the only thing I was contesting was permanent alimony since my ex was the one who had the affair and I was going to fight tooth and nail that she get no alimony due to that.
In the end, when the hearing happened, which lasted an entire day, the judge granted the divorce, denied her alimony and set the child support for two of my children who were under the age of 10 and granted me full custody of my oldest child as it was his wish to live with me.
In the end, after all was said and done, the divorce cost me over $50,000 in attorney fees, both mine and hers and still wonder why I had to pay her attorney since she was the one who cheated but considering that she had no income other than mine, in Maryland, the courts are totally biased towards the males.
Anyway, with that said, I didn't make the income that Kate and Jon were bringing in but then again, their divorce process didn't even last a year. With the money she is pulling in from all these shows, I find it suspect that she is claiming the "legal fee" card to explain her need to continue exploiting her kids on television.
So, let's assume that her legal fees for nine months of multiple attorneys added up to a gross of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. She's getting that in child support from Jon, not counting all the other gigs she's pimping the kids on plus her DWTS fiasco.
I'm not buying her legal woes. IT's all for public sympathy and her need for money money money.
An interesting read:
It was indeed Lane furniture. I was shopping for a new livingroom set at the time and I told my husband "Absolutely no Lane furniture.: Then I wrote Lane and told them why.
BTW... My experience with a Lane recliner leads me to believe Lane furniture is crap anyway.
I think that the reason she has not surfaced for a few days is that she looks like the Frito Bandito. She is probably having some additional botox to correct her current eyebrows at the hairline look prior to the View.
Arrived in TN, got something to eat (Ruby Tue)and decided to whilst away the time reading 15 on my cell. I nearly choked on my yummy burger. This woman is all crass and brass. Why can't a responsible journalist (is there any anymore) list all the lies and contradictions and DO A DAMN PROPER INTERVIEW. Why is Teflon Kate always getting a free pass?
"It's the best education anywhere in the state, and those kids are exactly where they should be. "
How can you know that, when they've never been anywhere else? Do other moms on this site that live in Pa. that feel the same way?
"In addition to receiving the best in educational opportunities, they are loved and protected there, as they should be."
Yes, they should be loved and protected, every child should be, by their PARENTS. But, I guess if you're paying $70,000 a yr. that should earn you a bit of "love and protection". I'm sorry, I have a hard time fathoming that there is NO public school in the area much less in PA, that doesn't have a good education system. If there really isn't, then I'd think that the state would have parents screaming and up in arms demanding better public schools.
Kelly, that WAS an interesting read! Thanks for posting it! It is somewhat encouraging to see that there is hopefully some help on the horizon for kids on reality shows and maybe at the national level. I noticed even Jim Bob got his comment in, they're all the same, "we're just doing what we'd do, whether the cameras are there or not". Geez.
I found this to be of major interest from the article!
"Because of the murkiness at the state level, union leaders want lawmakers in Washington to take on the issue. In February, AFTRA officials met with an aide to the House Labor and Education Committee to call for federal standards for wages, work conditions and educational requirements for child performers across all genres"
One would think all that would be required to determine if these people/kids are "just doing what they'd do" cameras or not, is ask some of these film crews, under oath, if that's the case? Do they at times have to "re-do" a scene? Is a "plot" or scene set up, etc.
She is somewhere in NY and not PA right now getting herself all prepped for the view next week. Whoopi is drinking heavily right now jus the thought of having to work next to this vile thing again is giving her the creeps..
I'm not going to try to figure out how much money Kate has coming in or going out. All I'm going to say is - Kate, if money is tight how about doing what the rest of us responsible adults do when in that situation - cut back on expenses. Oh, I forgot you are better than us commoners.
First of all, I'm glad that Billy Bush has pulled his head out of his A$$. He has been admiring Kate for such a long time but now it seems like it's over.
Second - something is up!!! Kate and her team have her next career move ready. Why would they release this video??? Something is in the wind for Khate.
I love how Billy asks Kate about selling her family's privacy!!!
Kate sort of scrambles when Billy asks her about money retiring. I guess all that intense media training was for nothing.
Gee, what can one say that hasn't been said before about Kate.
Judy- re the lack of personal touches in Kate's home: I read somewhere (I think on the Duggars' blog)that homes on reality shows don't have personal touches because all pictures have to be credited with the artists' name, anything with a brand such as Disney decor has to be blurred out;it's all about product placement or the lack thereof. No toys unless they're sponsor's toys;no posters;it's truly a film studio, controlled by TLC for profit only.
To add to my comment - I think it is absolutely disgusting that Kate is intentionally holding her kids back in school to film.
Her kids are behind and having developmental issues because they are sextuplets. And she makes it worse for them by holding them back. That makes me sick. And for what, her Tairdo (Ted+hairdo) and getting a mani/pedi. Sickening.
When is she on the View? She better hope her additonal botox injections get the job done before she has to go on!
PatK said... I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?
Ummmm. Would you mind sending a Target gift card instead?
Lauren said...
First of all, I'm glad that Billy Bush has pulled his head out of his A$$. He has been admiring Kate for such a long time but now it seems like it's over.
Second - something is up!!! Kate and her team have her next career move ready. Why would they release this video??? Something is in the wind for Khate.
I'm pretty sure the interview was scripted. Kate's answers rolled off her forked tongue way too easily and if Billy had asked her those questions off the cuff, he'd be shuffled out of there by old Ratclaws the same way Admin was at the book signing. Kate is incapable of impromptu Q & As and was totally prepped for this.
I agree something is up, though. There has to be a reason they're releasing this interview so long after DWTS.
"PatK said... I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?"
AuntieAnn said... "Ummmm. Would you mind sending a Target gift card instead?"
Auntie Ann! Didn't you read the Gosselin rules on donations? Cash only!! :) Back when Jon was running their website this was one of their 'requests', wish I could find it to quote directly (anyone...?)
"It's the best education anywhere in the state, and those kids are exactly where they should be."
Then why are all eight a full year (plus!) behind their peers in education? IIRC the twins will be entering 4th grade in September while the sextuplets will start senior kindergarten. Personally if my children were that far behind I'd be seeking out another school. Like one close to home so they don't spend two hours on a bus each day.
If you watch the first special "Twins, Twins & Sextuplets" there is 5yr old Mady reading the instructions left by Kate for the care of the sextuplets. I dunno a 5yr old with the reading skill she showed there suggests she's intelligent with no need to be held back especially at an age where you're only required to know the alphabet, count to one hundred and use scissors without harming yourself.
It's just odd to me and I don't understand how *every* child in this family would be held back! I could summarize given that the twins are a year behind that it's a school thing. But Kate stated the sextuplets weren't "ready" and were held back a year. So I wonder if it's that SHE wasn't ready. If that's the case it fits right in with her selfish agenda - hold `em back to keep them younger longer, then ditch them all on the nannies when fame finally comes a'callin.
Speaking of which... anyone have that photo of Kate & the twins from the twin parade? The twins were 1-2 years old and there's a sign on them "Gosselin twins". Even then she was trying to gain accolades for her golden uterus.
I hope when Kate shows up on the View Whoopie asks "So Kate, you do realize people think you are a liar,a child abuser and an all round vile human being, right?" followed up with "how's the dogs?" and "What does your church say about your chosen career?"
AuntieAnn said...
PatK said... I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?
Ummmm. Would you mind sending a Target gift card instead?
Cash donations and Target gift cards are accepted. Please place under the sofa cushions.
I just relistened to the above interview, and it is so scripted. She clearly had her answers prepared with the help of her PR people.
I see she is now extending the need to film to include college tuition. Let's see, first it was to preserve memories, then it was to put food on the table - at $22,000 per episode, with TLC paying mortgage, lawn, pool care, cleaning bills, and help for their "set." It seems to me $22,000 per episode would be enough to feed them for at least a couple of years. She is now mentioning she needs to put money away for their college educations (another 12 years of filming for the tups), since admittedly she has put very little money away for this. Well, whose fault and choice was this? Ask the kids if they would prefer to stop filming and have some privacy or have an "alleged" college fund.
Major legal debt!!! Does this mean that Kate actually had to take money out of her own pocket. Any major bills that she does not have to pay for, she never mentions. Mortgage, etc.. as TLC pretty much pays for everything. So you have to buy food when not filming, and choose to send your kids to private school. You still have earned money welll beyond to take care of that.
Never mind all the money she has made off of chuch offerings, public speaking engagments/appearances, three books, book tours fees, $20 cash autographed pictures, photos ops, TV and magazine paid interviews, DWTS, Kate Plus 8, Twisted Kate, and all of her other exploitation.
Never mind the freebies.... don't even get me started. Too many to list unless someone wants to rehash them.
What exactly does this woman pay for???? Other than all her own beautification. And I use that term very loosely...
1) Tuition
2) Food when not filming
She gets the kids clothing for free, as she advertises by having the kids wear their paid for matchty outfits. Shoe store episode for sneakers were obviously sponsor paid, as they advertised the store. How much of this grubbling for freebies do we not see?
Khate makes me sick. She reminds me of a small child who thinks they should get whatever she wants when she wants it with very little to no appreciation. I think she has been so overindulged by sponsors who give her free clothes, food, toys, etc... that she expects it now.
So what expenses does she really have that she could not have put enough money away for these kids by now with all the money she has been paid along with all of the freebies. Other than her own greed.
This is the most Realist Reality Show out there, honestly the most realist there is. = )
She has evidently always been more concerned about what she can "get", rather than what SHE can do for her family.
Remember how her kids were behind in things such as using scissors and being trusted with things like markers?
Children are ALL messy. But, with Mom & Dad sitting with them and guiding them, they can become expert with these things. It takes time and training.
If only the time that she spent "culturing" them on trips was spent on sitting on the floor with them, or at a low table doing fun games which increased their understanding and skills. I just hope that some of the nannies were able to help in that type of situation.
Kelly said...
An interesting read:
Thanks for the link, Kelly. I'd like to see it on the front page here. It needs to be seen by as many people as possible.
Freakin' unbelievable!!! So I guess she'll be on The View complaining that there's not enough money for the kids to go to college. Who's fault is that? I cannot believe TLC is allowing her to even open her mouth because don't they get how she sounds? Look at how many people are unemployed or just barely making it and this woman, who pulls in 6 figures with NO talent, is belly aching! Geez, she could write a check and pay off her attorney fees with what she made on DWTS. She is absolutely the worst.
I think we know that Mady and Colin will have college money.. Madys' best seller "lies my mother told me and you and you and you" Colin "how I survived Kate Gosselin" When the little moneymakers get older and even the sheeple don't want to watch, and the kids have moved on, and people say Khate who??? then she will be broke in more ways then one.
Honestly, if you saw the June '10 episode of Kate Plus 8 (I watched it on You Tube), it is CRYSTAL clear that Mady and Cara have had enough. I think it is part 4. Mady is disgusted by her mother's hypocrisy and Cara has totally and completely withdrawn. Their actions speak volumes on whether they want to continue with this show.
Never mind Collin hiding his face every time he sees a camera. I am sure he is prompted or bribed when TLC crew is there. The boy tups are almost like the forgotten children as they barely say or do anything, but rather try to stay in the background. How telling must it get. Sure, they scripted Aaden to say Everything is back to normal with no reference. The poor kid was probably parroting what had been said Khateful, with the promise of a reward, and this sick bunch chose to misrepresent his comments.
I truly feel for the G8. I truly wish all 8 were confidentially asked by a psychologist if they still wanted to still film, with no input from Khateful. I guarantee only 1 or 2, if that, would still want to be filmed. What a self absorbed, money grubbing piece of crap this witch is. She WILL answer for this one day, and her children will hate her for this. She is so narcisstic, she can't stop her insane ego. Can't wait for the books from the kids. They will have a chance to respond to Kate'sm "I Just Want You to Know " book. Mom, I Just Want You to Know, you ................ It will all come out then. The children are not old enough to enter into any contract/confidentiality agreement with TLC. What goes around, comes around.
There's one thing that keeps coming back to me. I have a feeling that Kate will work it so that the blame is placed on the children for their own misery. Kate will, no matter what, still have fans that believe her side. They will follow her to her grave believing she is a super hero. Kate is already setting the stage for her fans to turn on Mady. It's already happening. Fans are already defending Kate's actions towards Mady. That child needs a RELATIONSHIP with her mother. She doesn't need her mother airing her vulnerable moments to the world for scrutiny!
This is what any normal, sane person can see.
I watched an old interview from the View where Kate had called in to talk to the girls. Lisa Ling was filling in for some someone. Lisa kept saying "There has to be other ways to support your kids than on TV". She kept shaking her head like she was in disbelief that Kate herself was so lost in her own life, that she wasn't even CONSIDERING the impact it could have on her children.
Kate is so far gone chasing fame, and she has left her children in the dust.
Notice that she did not mention mortgage, insurance (home or car)- TLC films both and most likely pay both bills, medical bills (no mention)-probably all on TLC insurance policy. Kids clothes are generally sponsored, never mind her unending Target Cards, for advertisement.
She may have had to pay attorney fees for her chosen divorce from Jon, but how many of us have not paid for this, without calling it MAJOR LEGAL FEES. Translation- It came out of her own pocket, and was not paid for by TLC.
Since her home is the TLC set, what exactly is she paying for? I am only hearing food and tuition at this point, and with all the money she has earned, this should have been a piece of cake. Sound like she is hoarding Khate dollars. And wants someone to step forward to offer college scholarships or contribute to college funds.
Khate is if the greediest bitch. She wants someone/anyone to pay for her 8 kids, in spite of ample funds, as she does not wish to spend her money on her kids. Oh the irony. The same kids who are earning/providing for her hoarding money, so she can live in the lap of luxury.
Khate... Meet Hell. Such a Christian, honest, giving, truthful, ungreedy, caring, selfless woman.
I'd love for someone with full Gosselin knowledge to interview Kate. When she babbles about how the crew loves the kids and even visited them when they weren't filming and how positive that is for the kids have the balls to ask her about Beth, Carla, Jodi, Kevin, cousins, etc. Weren't they positives that would have been in the kids lives without the show? Wouldn't it be more positive to have people without a financial interest in the kids (i.e. crew) involved in their lives? Of course then she'll babble about Jodi and Kevin profiting off the kids which is BS, but even say it wasn't, would they have had the opportunity to profit off the kids without the show.
I really hope Al's book finally blows the lid off this woman's trail of lies once and for all.
In my above post, I mistakenly said six figure salary----it's a seven figure salary (and she can't pay her legal bills and put her kids through college?!!!)
Boy, I hope the women on The View are not muzzled (please, Whoopie be there) and go after Kate. I think she's on July 2.
And my guess is the same as yours----she's in NYC now prepping and primping for the show. Radar will probably have pics next week of her and Steve running around town. This is the way TLC always promotes her (The View, The Today Show, pics by paps, etc.---always safe TV).
It would be great timing for Al's book to come out next week when she's on The View and her next "Kate Plus 8" will soon air. Should be an interesting next two weeks.
Speaking of which... anyone have that photo of Kate & the twins from the twin parade? The twins were 1-2 years old and there's a sign on them "Gosselin twins". Even then she was trying to gain accolades for her golden uterus.
I saw the video on YouTube. It's called Jon and Kate Plus 8 - And then came the twins.
It's about 5 minutes long and at 2:50 or so the twins are in their stroller, a Stars and Stripes Forever banner over the hood and "The Gosselin Twins" sign on the side. It was July
4, 2001.
Some have suggested it was a 4th of July Kids on Parade day at Wyomissing (sp?) so it would make sense to do that. But nobody seems to be able to say it's a regular event or not. It's never been mentioned outside of the Gosselin Twins sign.
fidosmommy said... But nobody seems to be able to say it's a regular event or not. It's never been mentioned outside of the Gosselin Twins sign.
Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.
Parade categories include:
Baby Carriages; Boys and Girls Decorated Bicycles; Classic
and Antique Cars; Costumes, Express Wagons; Skates and
Blades; Tennis Racquets; Small, Non-Motorized Floats;
Motorized Floats; Pets; Scooters; Groups and Visitors.
Maybe it was a "decorated baby carriage" event? Don't know if it's done yearly, but it looks like the typical events that are done all over the country in small towns.
2exhausted2name said...
“Speaking of which... anyone have that photo of Kate & the twins from the twin parade? The twins were 1-2 years old and there's a sign on them "Gosselin twins". Even then she was trying to gain accolades for her golden uterus.”
I do not like Kate one bit, yet I have to say, because she and Jon decorated a stroller to participate in a Fourth of July Parade back in 2001 doesn’t mean she was trying to gain accolades. Not saying she wasn’t either, but with all the things we know she DOES do with no regard for the children, isn't there enough material without searching out an incident from 9 years ago that COULD be interpreted she was looking for accolades. I suppose all the other parents of babies in strollers were just enjoying participating in a small town July 4 parade, and Kate was famewhoring.
Khateful said...
Notice that she did not mention mortgage, insurance (home or car)- TLC films both and most likely pay both bills, medical bills (no mention)-probably all on TLC insurance policy. Kids clothes are generally sponsored, never mind her unending Target Cards, for advertisement.
She may have had to pay attorney fees for her chosen divorce from Jon, but how many of us have not paid for this, without calling it MAJOR LEGAL FEES. Translation- It came out of her own pocket, and was not paid for by TLC.
Since her home is the TLC set, what exactly is she paying for? I am only hearing food and tuition at this point, and with all the money she has earned, this should have been a piece of cake. Sound like she is hoarding Khate dollars. And wants someone to step forward to offer college scholarships or contribute to college funds.
Khate is if the greediest bitch. She wants someone/anyone to pay for her 8 kids, in spite of ample funds, as she does not wish to spend her money on her kids. Oh the irony. The same kids who are earning/providing for her hoarding money, so she can live in the lap of luxury.
Khate... Meet Hell. Such a Christian, honest, giving, truthful, ungreedy, caring, selfless woman.
Why should she have mentioned any of those things? She wasn't itemizing her expenses, she was responding to a question about whether she had enough money to retire. She didn't cry poverty, as everyone here is claiming. If you had a conversation with a friend who discussed being worried about how her kids' college educations were going to be funded, would you complain that the person was "crying poverty"? Somehow, I doubt it.
2exhausted2name said...
"PatK said... I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?"
AuntieAnn said... "Ummmm. Would you mind sending a Target gift card instead?"
Auntie Ann! Didn't you read the Gosselin rules on donations? Cash only!! :) Back when Jon was running their website this was one of their 'requests', wish I could find it to quote directly (anyone...?)
"It's the best education anywhere in the state, and those kids are exactly where they should be."
Then why are all eight a full year (plus!) behind their peers in education? IIRC the twins will be entering 4th grade in September while the sextuplets will start senior kindergarten. Personally if my children were that far behind I'd be seeking out another school. Like one close to home so they don't spend two hours on a bus each day.
If you watch the first special "Twins, Twins & Sextuplets" there is 5yr old Mady reading the instructions left by Kate for the care of the sextuplets. I dunno a 5yr old with the reading skill she showed there suggests she's intelligent with no need to be held back especially at an age where you're only required to know the alphabet, count to one hundred and use scissors without harming yourself.
It's just odd to me and I don't understand how *every* child in this family would be held back! I could summarize given that the twins are a year behind that it's a school thing. But Kate stated the sextuplets weren't "ready" and were held back a year. So I wonder if it's that SHE wasn't ready. If that's the case it fits right in with her selfish agenda - hold `em back to keep them younger longer, then ditch them all on the nannies when fame finally comes a'callin.
There is more to being ready for kindergarten than knowing the alphabet, being able to count to one hundred and using scissors without harming yourself. Children are expected to have a set of cognitive, social and motor skills. Go look at any school readiness assessment and see for yourself.
I'm not sure why it's so difficult to accept that the sextuplets were not ready for kindergarten last year. Nobody watching them on television is positioned to make that call. Is it really so difficult to believe that the parents and the educators working directly with the children have a better sense of their readiness than television viewers do?
Oh I forgot, she made no mention of paying real estate taxes or car payments. Guess TLC is paying these bills as well as this is part of their "set" (filming kids in house, and in cars) and of course she needs her car payments made to get to all of the staged photos opps set up by TLC and other TLC filmed events, to keep her piggish mug out there.
Back to it appears she is only paying for tuition for kids, and food when not filmed or not traveling, or getting ready to travel.
So, why is there no money in the college funds for the 8/9 of the workers? Disgraceful. Kate will never come out and say what TLC pays for, but by ommission, I think it speaks volumes. Where is the money, greedy Kate?
In response to Anonymous @ 11:13 -
People are PO'd because they don't feel she needs money, that she could pay her legal bills off easily. I have no idea what her finances are, but she's raked in a ton of money, both from the JK+8 episodes (150 of them at $22,000 a pop) and made a bundle from DWTS and was getting a hefty income from TLC and alimony ($120,000 a month, according to Jon's former attorney, Anthony List.)before the new K+8 episodes began filming.
Speculation is rampant regarding what TLC actually pays for, how many freebies she gets, etc. I don't think anyone knows what her actual money situation is.
Kate complaining about money problems on a TV interview program is ludicrous, low class, in poor taste...well, it's Kate.
Anonymous said...
"I'm not sure why it's so difficult to accept that the sextuplets were not ready for kindergarten last year. Nobody watching them on television is positioned to make that call. Is it really so difficult to believe that the parents and the educators working directly with the children have a better sense of their readiness than television viewers do?
On the one hand people say Kate has hindered their normal development so they'll stay interesting for TV, and on the other hand people say the kids were ready for kindergarten. It can't be both. LOL
Anonymous- If you listen to the above interveiw- Khate mentions tuition twice, second time for kids 9 and 6 years old. This woman, in my opinion, is trying to expand her face in the media, and now try to get people to contribute to a college fund for her kids. What person making millions of dollars per year cries about college funds for 6 and 9 year olds. Seriously, this is ridiculous, and you must know this if you have kids. Never mind, she has not put much money away for the 8, with all of the money she has made. These kids should be getting 8/9s of the pay from her Kate Plus 8 shows. Let her use her other earnings to support her kids, which is what parents do. What a greedy self-centered withc.
I read somewhere, it may have even been on this blog a while ago, that the Gosselin house is actually in the name of a trustee.And that it's paid for.
Could it be that TLC owns the house, and what Kate got in the divorce was the right to live in it, not the house itself?
That would explain why she never talks about mortgage payments or insurance - she doesn't have any.
Anonymous- If you listen to the above interveiw- Khate mentions tuition twice, second time for kids 9 and 6 years old. This woman, in my opinion, is trying to expand her face in the media, and now try to get people to contribute to a college fund for her kids. What person making millions of dollars per year cries about college funds for 6 and 9 year olds.
I did listen to the interview; I simply disagree with your interpretation of it.
Since she made no mention of a college fund to which the public can contribute, I don't see how you can conclude that she is asking anyone to contribute anything. She wasn't "crying" about college funds. She was asked whether she is in a position to retire and answered the question. This is much ado about nothing.
did listen to the interview; I simply disagree with your interpretation of it.
Since she made no mention of a college fund to which the public can contribute, I don't see how you can conclude that she is asking anyone to contribute anything. She wasn't "crying" about college funds. She was asked whether she is in a position to retire and answered the question. This is much ado about nothing.
Well Anonymous, I simply disagree. Kate has been crying poverty since day one. And she is now mentioning college tution and HUGE attorney fees. This is so Kate Gosselin. Why can't she simply say she pays her bills and will need to have millions come in every year to do so. That would be more honest than what she is presenting. Most college students get grants. scholarships, loans, self-pay etc.. to pay for their education. She is projecting debt that is not even there yet.
Better yet, put the kids' one ninth of earnings of each episode they appear in into a college fund and this will solve the problem. WALA!
Kate can use the earnings from her books, appearances, other show, Child Support, etc. to pay for the children/household bills in the meantime. Like every other parent does.
"would you complain that the person was "crying poverty"? Somehow, I doubt it".
If someone made the money she did, yeah, I'd be thinking WTH have you done w/all the money the kiddos earned?
would you complain that the person was "crying poverty"? Somehow, I doubt it.
Sorry, this quote was what I was responding to...If someone made the money she did, yeah, I'd be thinking WTH have you done w/all the money the kiddos earned?
I could be wrong, but I thought the house was in a trust fund so the kids would get it down the road. Not a lawyer or CPA so I don't know why one would do that. But being in a trust could be why the judge didn't rule that the house be sold and the assets divided?
Whenever Kate Gosselin goes out publicly and says she needs something, it's like she thinks there's a fairy out there granting wishes. Maybe in the beginning people were willing to help, but not any longer.
My feeling is that she's not asking for college fund donations, but she is justifying her selling the kids' privacy to TLC. She's been getting criticism for all the personal body work and her spending, so this is her PR working overtime to justify the filming. Her explanation that she has big legal bills and no sizable college fund has opened, IMO, a can of worms. Where has the money gone?
Kate doesn't realize, because she's too dumb, that her statement just proves exactly why parents CANNOT be trusted to manage their children's money.
Where HAS the money gone? What did you do with it, Kate? If she put just a fraction of her DWTS earnings in a 529 account today, with interest they would probably all be more than rolling in it at 18.
Either Kate has no idea how to manage money, or TLC is taking her for a ride, or both. Either way, her statement that she is not set for life makes somebody look very dumb.
All of Jon and Kate's assets were divided by their divorce. Any retirement savings also would have been split between the two. Even if she had managed to save enough to take care of every future need for herself and eight dependents, half of it would have gone to Jon.
So? Jon should have enough to put the kids through college too. It's still the same amount of money they earned from the show for SIX YEARS, just split in half.
"I'm not sure why it's so difficult to accept that the sextuplets were not ready for kindergarten last year. Nobody watching them on television is positioned to make that call. Is it really so difficult to believe that the parents and the educators working directly with the children have a better sense of their readiness than television viewers do?"
Amen! Is it so difficult to understand that neither Kate nor Jon decided placement of these kids in the educational program? Testing determines this. The school places these chidren in the program where they will best succeed academically. Kate could have yelled and screamed until she was blue in the face for the kids to be placed in a particular grade/academic level, and it wouildn't have mattered. This determination is up to the school and the educators, not Kate.
Eight children's total four-year college education at a PA state college would cost less than what she earned on DTWS.
In addition, the college fund set up by the state, in which donations were collected, must contain some money as well.
The deed to the house is:
William R. Blumer, Trustee under the CWM Revocable Trust Agreement dated October 17, 2008.
A revocable living trust avoids the probate process because you collect your assets and transfer them to the trustee before you die. If you fail to do this, you will not avoid probate. When Kate said "All mine" as she looked out her new kitchen window, she may have meant that the property is hers unless she changes the trust. Jon may not have wanted any part of it. At any rate Kate has assured that should she die, the property will not have to go thru probate court and automatically goes to her children. She has taken good advice.
BTW, the pictures of the house on the link above were taken BEFORE the Gosselins bought it. The furniture belonged to the former owners.
Reality Check~ Even if Kate got half of whatever was split, remember that was last year before she did DWTS, Kate Plus 8, the new book, etc. Jon won't see a penny of those earnings even though none of that would have even happened without Jon. (meaning Kate's fame is due to the family that her and Jon created).
I doubt Kate got a nickle from her last book. Publishing fees have to be paid first. You have to sell a certain number of books before you can start collecting money. Whatever that number is, I doubt Kate reached it. And some people think she got an advance. That, too, would have to be paid back before she could see any money.
She can change the trust and pocket the money from the sale of house---I wouldn't put it past her. You think maybe Jon had no say so in the house purchase and the trust since their marriage was over anyway? Maybe that's why they wanted a place with a separate apartment, to keep up appearances but Jon blew it. I bet when TLC finally gives up on her, the house will be put on the market since she doesn't like Wernersville and can't write off the filming at the house. Kate is not a country girl.
Hard to have any sympathy for this witch. She is sitting there with her $7000 hairdo wanting the ordinary guy and gal to feel pity that she doesn't have enough money to retire?
Neither do I or a lot of other folks and I bet most of us are taking better care of our families than she is!
So much has been given to this woman and yet not enough according to her attitude. UGH!
Admin said: ..."Where HAS the money gone? What did you do with it, Kate? If she put just a fraction of her DWTS earnings in a 529 account today, with interest they would probably all be more than rolling in it at 18."
Excellent point, Admin, if we were dealing with a normal person. But were not, we're dealing with the mistress of greed herself. This is the woman who said on the record in a newpaper interview when the tups were one (and then tried to retract it) "she feels society has a responsibility to help with the children, since modern medicine promotes the use of fertility drugs, which can lead to multiple births." She has never wavered from that, no matter how much money she has made. That fact that there were no accounts previously set up for the children until the a law made her- proves that. The money they've made from the show? Hers. The money from DWTS? Oh, DEFINITELY so hers! College fund for the kids?????*sound of crickets* Since she is STILL thowing out the no money for college because -insert excuse of the month- proves she is still waiting for a magical freebie to show up like the cases of paper towels from the old days.
During the time Jon was accused of removing money from Kate's account, and Kate went on the View saying she had bills in her purse she couldn't pay,ROL posted the legal documents pertaining to that fiasco. With the docs was a copy of an email from Kate's banker talking about Kates "other 11 accounts." No one knows what is/was in those 11 accounts.
It seems my post is too long for one posting, so I'm going to split it between two postings. Sorry for the length -- I've been lurking for a while, and finally needed to vent.
As an educator myself (and the daughter of a KDG teacher with 35+ years experience), I know there are many aspects to consider when assessing a child's readiness for KDG -- motor (both gross and fine), language, & self-care skills; listening skills; social skills; and even the size and age of the child. For example, in our PA County a child must be 5 years old by Sept. 1 of the current school year to enter KDG. My daughter won't turn 5 until the end of January 2011, so she can't start KDG until the 2011/12 school year. She'll be 6 for most of KDG.
We don't know why the G6 are being held back; it could be for any number of the above reasons. That said, a couple things do seem fishy to me. Someone please correct me if I have the timeline wrong, but I believe the tups didn’t start preschool until they moved to the McOrphanage, which would have put them at 4-going-on-5 that school year. I find it hard to believe that the parents had *NO* idea that the tups were so far behind their peers (okay, it’s Jon and Kate, so maybe not so much of a surprise). Jon and Kate already had two smart, developmentally on-target daughters to provide a comparison (oh, and let’s not forget the nursing certificate that should have rounded out some of Kate’s knowledge on child development … cough, cough). If the tups really were developmentally delayed enough to keep them out of KDG, their “problems” should have been recognized by the parents LONG before the kids were essentially KDG-age. Yes, Kate and Jon are not professional educators; but, any parent would see a red flag if his or her child weren’t speaking/interacting/developing at an age-appropriate level. My point is, if the tups *truly* are delayed, instead of posing on the driveway for the paps and/or filming fake vacations for TLC, they should have been placed into a structured preschool program much earlier than 4-5 years of age. If they truly were/are skill-deficient, a good preschool could have helped them bone up on the skills in which they were lacking, and would have prepared them to enter KDG at an age-appropriate time. Could these skills have been worked on at home? Absolutely. But I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that neither Kate nor Jon was spending regular, structured time working on the kids’ developmental issues.
{the rest of my post]
The other stinky fish to me: I find it very hard to believe that *all* six kids are so equally delayed as to justify holding them *all* back for the same amount of time. These are not even identical multiples – they are six, individual children who happened to have been born at the same time. It’s a real stretch to assume that all 6 are at the same (or lacking, as the case may be) developmental level, such that all six need to be held back from KDG. It’s statistically unrealistic, and frankly I don’t buy it.
I think the reality is what most posters have assumed. Jon and Kate took no real interest in their kids’ welfare or development. They were seduced by the dollar signs, and from the moment the ink was dried on the TLC contract, the well-being of the kids came at a distant second to their money-grubbing interests. Filming took precedence over care-free playing; staged photo-ops on the driveway and pretend vacations for TLC’s camera crews were the priority over the children’s developmental needs.
BTW, it’s neither here nor there, but kids are only required to count to 10 to enter KDG, and not to 100 as posted by others up-thread.
SO, before any of the trolls or sheeple jump all over me, let me say that (along with my professional experience), I have twin boys – born prematurely (one was just 3 pounds at birth) – and each had his own difficulties to overcome as a newborn. Now, at 2 years & 3 months, both boys can count to 10 (and back down from 10 to zero). Are they geniuses??? Doubtful. They’re likely smart little boys … but their accomplishments are scaffolded by the time my husband and I spend interacting with them, AND because we enrolled them in a preschool when we noticed some developmental delays. Nothing huge, just 3 mornings a week for 3 hours at a time. My point: my premature, struggling boys WILL be ready for KDG when their time comes.
On a separate note: Kids don’t need to be sent away for an hour bus-ride to get a good education or much-needed nurturing in PA. I live in PA, and I know for a fact that there are excellent schools throughout the state, both public and private. I’ve also taught in both private and public schools, and I can say with certainty that there is little to distinguish the caliber of student between the two – other than the fact that one’s parent can pay an exorbitant tuition and the other’s can’t (or chooses not to). Exclusivity never equals superiority when judging intellect, commitment, or work-ethic. There are excellent teachers and students in both private and public schools, just as there are dolts and ne’er-do-wells in both venues. Trust me, I’ve taught in both, and I’ve always been more suspicious of the private schools, as ability to pay the tuition often supersedes more noble requirements (like a good work ethic or GPA). It annoys me to no end when posters “in-the-know” (i.e., those whose kids also attend the G8’s school) post on this and other blogs about how “above it all” they are: those kids and their parents NEVER gossip, never talk about the Gosselins, never mock the Gosselin kids … and all because they attend this particular school. Whatever. They pay a lot of money, but trust me, kids are kids, and parents are parents. Bank accounts may vary. Human nature does not.
Go Posh Go, excellent. Truly excellent.
I will say, however, that Kate did admit at one point that SOME of the younger children were ready and SOME were not ready for Kindergarten.
She didn't want to separate them out. (And it made filming a lot easier, but Kate didn't say that part)
I absolutely agree with your comments about the school. Outside of cost, I can see very little
superior to public education, especially in a smaller community. I have said before my honetown has one of these same schools and one of my good friends attended. One day when my school was on break she had classes and invited me to go with her. She was in 11th grade, I was in 10th = she was a year older. I found my public school classes were actually AHEAD of hers, and some of the 11rh grade classes were doing things my 9th grade class had done. I was not impressed. And I REALLY hated the uniform idea, too.
As far as college readiness, her school had
students accepted to some fine schools, many in the North East. My public school had students accepted at Duke, Princeton, U of Chicago, Vanderbilt, Yale, UCLA, Carnegie-Mellon, Vassar,
Bryn Mawr... you get the picture. Schooling is whatever you make it. You can get an exceptional education in any school without paying through the nose to do it. It takes dedication, a willingness to learn and perhaps best of all, parents who encourage learning in the student at home, beginning at a young age.
GoPoshGo said...
On a separate note: Kids don’t need to be sent away for an hour bus-ride to get a good education or much-needed nurturing in PA. I live in PA, and I know for a fact that there are excellent schools throughout the state, both public and private.
I'm not getting into a public vs. private school debate and don't doubt that there are excellent schools among both. Obviously, though, there are parents other than Kate Gosselin who have made the same choice that she has for their children's education and many who choose to have their children ride the same distance since there's a bus full of kids. The only reason this is an issue is because it's Kate Gosselin. I'm assuming that you think that you and your husband should be making educational decisions for your children. Why can't you respect Jon and Kate's right to do the same without judging their choice? Just because it is not the decision that you would make does mean it is wrong.
I'm not getting into a public vs. private school debate and don't doubt that there are excellent schools among both. Obviously, though, there are parents other than Kate Gosselin who have made the same choice that she has for their children's education and many who choose to have their children ride the same distance since there's a bus full of kids. The only reason this is an issue is because it's Kate Gosselin. I'm assuming that you think that you and your husband should be making educational decisions for your children. Why can't you respect Jon and Kate's right to do the same without judging their choice? Just because it is not the decision that you would make does mean it is wrong.
Correction: does NOT mean it is wrong.
why does no one ever question Kate on how she and Jon spoke at all those churches fairly recently and collected money from a plate passed around? and from photos sold for $20 cash? How disingenious was that!!
Anonymous, please pick a name. I think the concern most people have, which is my concern, is whether filming decisions have influenced their education.
They can make their own choices for their education as long as the kids are getting one. The concern I have is, are they so behind because they were too busy filming trips to Disneyworld to do the proper activities to prepare for school? And is the decision to hold them back motivated by a desire to keep them little and cute (to max out their time on the show) and to have more time to film?
That is the issue for me.
Anonymous said...
I'm not getting into a public vs. private school debate and don't doubt that there are excellent schools among both. Obviously, though, there are parents other than Kate Gosselin who have made the same choice that she has for their children's education and many who choose to have their children ride the same distance since there's a bus full of kids. The only reason this is an issue is because it's Kate Gosselin. I'm assuming that you think that you and your husband should be making educational decisions for your children. Why can't you respect Jon and Kate's right to do the same without judging their choice? Just because it is not the decision that you would make does mean it is wrong.
Correction: does NOT mean it is wrong.
Certainly not wrong, but IMO, it's a flawed way of thinking and reasoning. GoPoshGo, thank you for saying so eloquently, what I have felt, not just w/the Gosselin children, but for all children, in making a case for public education. I am all in favor of it! But, as you said, I think the student needs to know and be receiving the props from home.
I guess my point is if Kate is whining about how
she's got all these bills, is it possible that the children will feel guilty about being the cause of big education bills? Children take on a lot of unwarranted guilt when there is stress at home. Public education costs a whole lot less.
Also, the point is what the Admin said - the kids need to have their education begin at home, and trips to Disney are not the same as
learning to do age appropriate activities.
I agree with the Anonymous who is making an eloquent case for assuming the best about the Gosselins' education. It's a good school, no one has ever said otherwise. They filmed very little this year. They had short trips to California and to Florida, both toward the very end of the year. Kate obviously was doing school work with them on the show, probably in anticipation of their Florida trip. It's pre-k. Come on, it's not med school, lol. The twins are reported to do very well. Most kids can afford a vacation and a few days off.
You cannot send 8 kids to private colleges for 4 years in PA for $500,000. Check the link to my name. $27,500 x 4 years x 8 children = $880,000. Those are 2003-04 prices. Prices keep going up. Add more for expenses like books and transportion. I figure one of the kids will go to law school. She'll need well over 1-1/2 million dollars to finance that, and she may have only one or two more years to make this money.
"Children take on a lot of unwarranted guilt when there is stress at home. Public education costs a whole lot less."
Agreed. Public education would be the answer if she were living in poverty. I don't believe that she is. These kids have been through so much stress and upheaval in their young lives. Do you think the answer would be to add even more confusion and bewilderment by uprooting them from a school where they have friends, know the routine, are safe and secure, and force them to adapt to a public school system simply because she's claiming financial hardship?
Not to debate public vs. private school education, but if one lived in a district where the public school system rated average to below average and teachers were being replaced right and left because of sub-standard performance, should the parent keep the child in that school simply because he's adamant about supporting public education, when the alternative would be to enroll the child in a private school that was ranked, academically, in the top five private schools in the state, providing, of course, that the parent could afford the private school?
"You cannot send 8 kids to private colleges for 4 years in PA for $500,000."
I believe the poster wrote PA STATE college, not a private college. And, yes, you can.
I agree with GoPoshGo that there are excellent schools, both private and public throughout the commonwealth of PA. Jon and Kate have chosen a very good one for their children. The school has an excellent reputaion.
It is not unusual to have children born in late spring and summer held back before entering kindergarten. Lots of moms of multiples have to decide whether to keep their twins or triplets together or separate them. Each family does what they think works for their situation. Personally I wouldn't worry about separating sextuplets. That's a big group to keep together! The decision was made when they were 4, though. It doesn't surprise me that 'preemies' born in late May spent an extra year at home. Makes sense, really. GoPoshGo, your twins sound really smart. Counting backwards isn't easier for 2 year- 3 month olds. Good job, mom! They'll have a good preschool program, involved parents, AND be an extra month or two older than the Gosselin kids when they go to kindergarten.
Oh, state school. Yes, you can get 8 kids this year under half a million. You limit choices when you say they can only go to state schools. Penn State, for example is $24,000 for room, board, and tuition. Times 8 kids for 4 years and we're back at the $800,000 mark this year. Textbooks, etc. add quite a bit more. The less expensive state colleges (originally teacher colleges) don't have the better engineering programs, for example. Cute little Colin might want to go to Duquesne, Lehigh, or Drexel. Then what? They are over $40,000/year in 2010-2011.
Besides, who says they have to stay in state? $500,000 can buy you 8 college degrees. They may not be the degrees they want or at in the programs the Gosselins want. If they want to pursue the money to get more options, I say, go for it.
Point number one: If you've been on a TV show for six years and don't have enough money saved to put eight kids through college, you're pissing it away. Go look at your finances again and think twice about those extensions and that mansion.
Point number two: If you still can't afford college, fill out a FAFSA form like everyone else. The government will help EVERYONE who wants to go to college with grants, scholarships, and if you have to, low interest loans. I went to a state school, the tuition is fixed but the living expenses are just an estimate--I lived very comfortably on almost HALF of what they estimated I would need to budget. I didn't go on vacation or buy anything but necessities--I lived in the dorms and had a blast and it was the cheapest way to live anyway, I had roommates, and I ate the cafeteria food which was also cheap. You are in college you can buy nice things and live nice eat nice later when you're working.
Lots of kids put themselves through college because their parents chose not to save for them or couldn't save. I'd say the Gosselin kids have worked enough to put themselves through and should be set by now and not be expected to struggle with this financially when they are 18.
Just an example, I think when I went to school my parents made about 55,000 between them. Not poor, but by no means rich. I got several thousand dollars in grants based on FINANCIAL NEED alone. Not to mention academic scholarships I also got--and I was maybe only in the top 25% I wasn't top of the class. There is lots of aid out there if you know how to get it. Usually it involves filling out a simple form. The more siblings you have the more likely you'll get aid.
With Kate's income right now FAFSA will take one look at it and say no, you pay. You can afford it. If she's back to a more average income by the time they are 18, they will help them out.
The average cost of state colleges in PA is $16,000 a year, including room and board. If she moved to an area where the kids could commute, it would be half that amount. The fund that was set up by the state can be used if the kids go to a state college. She could tap into that as well. I wish some sharp interviewer would present her with this fact when she moans and groans about college costs.
"Besides, who says they have to stay in state?"
Nobody. But if she wants to use that money in the state fund, she'd be a fool not to. That is, if it's a substantial amount.
By the way, those former state teachers colleges have changed dramatically for the better over the years. They are competitive, and no longer the schools you go to when you aren't accepted anywhere else.
Isn't HE kicking in to help with college costs?
I wonder if TLC knows that Kate is trying to manipulate them?
I can hear Kate say something like "Oh that mean old TLC didn't pay me and my kids residuals and NOW they can't go to college."
Kate is trying to pull a fast one against TLC.
Penn State is HARD to get into. A lot of people have to go to 2 year schools to start before they managed to squeeze their way in. It attracts a lot of out-of-state students looking for a good school but cheaper option.
Maybe Collin might do engineering--their program is 17th in the nation this year. A lot of their programs are top ranked--architecture, journalism. They hand their students internships at some of the best companies in the nation. U.S. News rated it 47th on its best colleges list. Lots of public schools are on this list like California and Michigan. This is ABOVE expensive prestegious schools like Boston University, Syracuse and Virginia Tech--all private schools people think are amazing that may be options for the Gosselin kids.
This snotty private is best attitude Kate seems to have developed just isn't based on reality. Nor does it always make financial sense when raising this many kids. "Everything but the best" is why I suspect she is still crying poor SIX YEARS after she first put her kids on TV.
Penn State is a GREAT school. My point about Penn State is that it is a PA STATE school that costs what the average private school in PA costs. I know it's a good school. An engineering degree from PSU is worth a lot of money and will open doors for Colin. But it also costs a lot of money.
Kate didn't invent the "private is best" attitude. An engineering degree from PSU is great. From Drexel? Even better. It may not be right, but it's the way things are. I would want my kids to have that advantage in a job interview if they can get in and we can afford it together. I don't blame Kate for wanting enough in the accounts for all 8 kids to choose a good school 9even private0 and pursue the degree they want.
By the way, there are no engineering degrees at the cheaper PA state school that Jon hangs around (Kutztown?) It may be a good school, but the PA state colleges don't all have the programs every kid desires. You don't go to a cheaper state school to be an engineer if they don't offer that degree. That was my point.
Kate is waaaaaaay over the income limit to get a dime from a FAFSA application.
She and Jon (and the kids!) are footing the whole bill.
It's her choice to send the kids to a good private school. I'd much rather see the money go to a quality education than to have her spend it on hair extensions and designer clothes. If she insists on private education, then let HER make the sacrifices by doing without frills and flourishes of material possessions.
After all, doesn't she do everything for the kids?
I am disagreeing about teh mansion, too. It's a good deal. The one problem, and only one that I can see, is the exposure to the lenses of the paparazzi. It's far enough away from the road to shield them from the average fan's camera. WernyGal had some lousy pictures up of them from the road. They weren't that great, certainly not tabloid-worthy.
When they bought the house, there was no paparazzi problems. I think they need evergreens, now. They are expensive to put in, but they have show income back now. Hopefully they'll go in early fall after she's been paid and it's the right time to plant.
I would want my kids to be happy and not always feel like money is the only way to have happiness, and I don't want them paying for their entire childhoods when it's my responsibility. It is really a myth that having the best school on your resume gets you the best job. That may be true of Harvard but doesn't matter as much once you get past the Harvards and Yales. And while it may get you your first job, when you get the second job doubtful they'll even ask where you went--they just want to know what you did at your first job. They look at so many other factors. I barely was asked about my school when I interviewed for CNN Wolf Blitzer Reports and got an internship there. My PUBLIC school had a connection there and that was my IN. Grades play a role too. If you screw around at Drexler and pull C's, versus the student who is pulling straight A's at Penn State, the Penn Stater is getting hired not you.
Some of the best attorneys I have worked at went to unaccredited law schools because they couldn't afford fancy classes to get the best LSAT scores and couldn't afford fancy accredited law schools that drains everyone's life savings. They have the passion for it and they made it work and do well.
If Kate is waaay over the limit to get something from FAFSA, then why can't she save enough for school NOW? Besides FAFSA looks at current circumstances and as stupid as this bitch is doubt she will be rolling in much when they are 18.
I don't know where Jon is hanging out but there is only one state school in PA--Penn State. They have many satellite campuses throughout the state that are ALL Penn State. Typically if you're doing a 4 year but couldn't get into the main campus, you start doing 2 years at a satelitte and then transfer in for year 3 and 4. You're usually doing general ed classes anyway most of the first few years so you can do this in Altoona or wherever.
Since one in five graduates are Penn Staters, chances are someone at the company you want to work for is your foot in the door.
It's her choice to send the kids to a good private school. I'd much rather see the money go to a quality education than to have her spend it on hair extensions and designer clothes.
I agree. Except, aren't the extensions free? I thought we knew that?
I don't think her clothes are out-of-range for middle class. The Loft is affordable and at every mall around me. She has to wear something, right?
By the way I paid an obscene amount of money to go to a top ranked law school, private, for the name and ranking and prestige and because everyone told me I must go there over my other choices to have the best chance at a great job. Everyone around me was deep in the hole doing the same thing. When you go to school for seven years, few parents are willing or able to support you anymore. And when you get to be 22 you start thinking it's a little pathetic to still have your parents paying your way and you don't want their help anyway. Since I know so many attorneys now who just went to an unaccredited school and are doing just fine, I sure am questioning it.
If everything is free, then why doesn't she have something saved for college for these poor kids???? She just said she doesn't.
We already established there is no way her legal bills have eaten every red cent. The divorce was the quickest we've ever seen in Hollywood! You can only bill so many hours in a day, even if they billed her eight hours a day for six months a couple dances on DWTS would pay it off. You're telling me that ALL TLC has ever paid her was just enough to cover a divorce bill? Not buying it. TLC is taking her for a ride if so and they are even worse than I thought. Shame on TLC for not paying this woman enough to put her kids through college. Like I said before, this just makes TLC look bad.
"y point about Penn State is that it is a PA STATE school that costs what the average private school in PA costs."
How so? Isn't Penn State about $21,000 a year? Private colleges, such as Albright (in her area), is $44,000; Drexel, $46,000; Lehigh, $49,000, Bucknell, $52,000, E-Town (in her old neighborhood), $42,000.
Yes, we are college shopping!
Lost a long comment to the intertubes. Sorry, too long to repost.
Short version:
-Agree about private university not being worth the money for some people. Public is just fine.
-Kate has some saved some, not all. Another year of Kate + 8 and some extra work and she should be good.
-There are lots of state colleges in PA: Kutztown, Millersville, East Stroudsburg, West chester, SRU, CUP, and more
With six kids in college at the same time, she'd be better off NOT working - she'd get enough financial aid to pay for college.
See, why can't an interviewer ask any of the obvious questions we are all posting here?
There should be absolutely NO reason why they all don't have enough $ in a college fund for EACH AND EVERY ONE of them! Oh wait, she only started to put away 15% of their TOTAL earnings for ALL eight of them just recently, when FORCED TO BY LAW! Someone, please make her squirm, ASK HER THE OBVIOUS QUESTIONS, the questions that should be asked!
To A Real Person:
I'd like to point out that you can actually sent 8 kids to a private college for $0.
Yes, I have sent kids to college, and made use of financial aid.
However, when you are filling out all of your applications, be aware that colleges will determine the amount they expect from the parents by the number of kids in the household who are attending.
So, in other words, if they are bright and have great grades, they no doubt will be accepted but not charged the typical tuition because there are SO MANY of them attending at one time.
In that case, however, Kate would do well to be working at a "nurse" job or something else....not bringing in millions from show biz.
Can anyone from PA dig into it and find out how much "donated" money is in that TAP(?) college fund? Can't it be made public knowldege? Someone is overseeing it, right?
The clothes, nails and hair are just a drop in the bucket. The money drains (except for tuition, which is truly "for the kids") are the home/pool utilities and upkeep for a house they don't need, nannies, surgeries, luxury cars, etc. It's all about lifetyle and a warped sense of entitlement. Even the legal bills could have been kept to a minimum if these two idiots hadn't convinced themselves they are true "stars" and felt the need to make every aspect of their split public, and therefore more difficult to resolve. They both sicken me.
A visit to the Pa TAP Fund page www.makecollegepossible.com/FAQ seems to indicate that the TAP funds are no longer limited to PA state schools. Private and out of state schools could be used if they are eligible. There is a list of eligible schools to click on, but the page wasn't working.
My understanding of the TAP fund is limited, but if I understand correctly, because the funds were opened when the tups turned one in 2005, the funds would enable the tups and twins to attend college at 2005 tuition rates.
I realize Kate feels by virtue of having six children born from her magic uterus simultaneously, college is another cost she feels she shouldn't have to pay for. However, I hope whomever advises them financially has put their foot down and insist those accounts are funded. She and Jon have been whining about college for so long, I wonder what's the true motivation? Seeing that their 8 children get a college education or still trying to obtain that last mother of all freebies?
Instead of more interviews with Kate running her fingers through her $21,000 hair, dabbing tears from her frozen eyes and whining about being unable to retire and stop exploiting her kids on TV, maybe there should be alot more emphasis made on the Hayes family. Somehow, they have managed to raise two, count 'em *TWO* sets of twins and sextuplets, one being special needs. They are close with their extended families, the kids have friends and participate in activities, heck the Dad even manages to work full time and coach a baseball team! Yes, they did put their family on TV, but what they have done thus far has been limited to showing their actual everyday life and normal outings, not jetting off to ski resorts or having fake wedding vow renewals. They've kept it real and brief and for that I don't begrudge them wanting to earn some extra income. America needed to see that not all people who have large families via fertility treatments are helpless victims socieity is obligated to support and idolize
I just don't understand why everyone is so hung-up about college for the Gosselin kids.
Holy cow....they are not even in first grade yet !
I'm not sure any of them will even make it to college. No one knows what their future has in store for them but, with parents like they have, a wonderful, happy, sucessful future is not very likely.
These children have not not been raised in a normal household, so normal, more than likely won't be knocking at their door.
boo said:
The money drains (except for tuition, which is truly "for the kids")
Honestly, while the kids of course get an education in the process, I genuinely believe the reason for the private school was much more for Kate to 'prove' to her neighbors, she was "one of them". Do I think Kate ever gave serious thought to her 8 children's future, their success and achievements, scholastically or otherwise; no, Kate has never put anyone before herself. She's probably whining now about the college funds not being there, so she can get her hands on the money, if possible. Do I believe all 8 of her kids will go to college? I don't believe so. Let me be clear, I don't think ALL kids are cut out to go to college. Wonder if they can use any of the TAP funds that may be available at 18, to pay for in-depth counseling?
Posh - I vaguely remember the sextuplets going to preschool at their church when they lived at the other house (maybe 2 afternoons a week?).
Personally, ANY preschool would be great, I would send my kiddos to the closest one. Preschoolers do not need to be on a bus for extended periods of time.
The college begging: I am thinking that Ms. Khate is hoping that some institution of higher learning will hear her plea and step up to donate college educations to her children. At least that is what I hear from her plea. Not "help me pay for it" but "give it to us because we are special."
Judy said...
I just don't understand why everyone is so hung-up about college for the Gosselin kids.
Holy cow....they are not even in first grade yet !
But NOW is the time - actually past time - to be thinking about it. Putting money into a special college fund can't begin too soon.
That said, however.... Even if they don't all go to college, they should all have funds available - funds they earned, BTW - for them to get started in life after high school. Collin might want to go to a trade school, Alexis might want to go to massage school and Mady might want to join a college sorority, which is an additional expense over school costs. That money should be there for them to decide what to do with - college or other ventures. It's their money.
Betsy said...
Ummmm for someone who claims she is poor than whats up with all the shoes, handbags, clothes, manis, pedis, shopping trips all over PA, NY and LA? Someone who claims they need money and spends like her needs to have her head examined
She would have enough money (and the kids would have fantastic college funds) if she'd stop spending it all on herself. What a nasty bitch ! Those kids will be lucky if they have enough to buy a cheeseburger by the time they are 18 !
At the end of the day, we all know her priorities are wrong (i.e. money is the most important thing to the kids). But she will not change, as she is clearly narcissistic, so in her mind, she is doing the right thing. I truly believe in karma, and at some point, it will come back to her.
I do wish a journalist/tv personality would actually confront her with her many inconsistencies, but clearly, there are other factors in play behind the scenes (TLC/production company partnerships with entertainment shows and websites). ET kisses her behind b/c they are aligned with ABC (DWTS). Radar Online obviously has a financial deal with her that is blatantly obvious to most intelligent people.
In time, she will go away, we can only hope....
Anonymous said...
"I'm assuming that you think that you and your husband should be making educational decisions for your children. Why can't you respect Jon and Kate's right to do the same without judging their choice? Just because it is not the decision that you would make does mean it is wrong."
Perhaps I wasn't clear in my post, or you misunderstood what I wrote. I'm not judging anyone's decision to send their kids to a private school. My point was that the school the Gosselins attend, while excellent, is not the only choice in PA for a wonderful education. There are plenty of schools closer to their home that they could attend. There are plenty of schools CHEAPER than what they're paying for now. Jon and Kate can enroll their kids in whichever school they choose; but, the reality is that the private school is an excess, not a necessity. Yes, as you pointed out, other parents choose that same school for their kids, and force their kids to make the same excessive trek for their exclusive education. I’ll never agree that an hour-long commute is good for ANY child. That said, I haven't heard any of these parents griping about their inability to pay the bills in their purses. Nor have I seen any of these parents forcing their kids to work in order to pay the private school's tuition.
Jon and Kate can send their kids to whatever school they deem appropriate for their kids' needs. I have no problem with parents who make good decisions for their children's well-being. What I *DO* have a problem with is Kate claiming that she is struggling financially when she's made money hand-over-fist from TLC-DWTS-Church-beg-a-thons, etc -- and when she's receiving over $20,000 per month in child support. If claims of these financial woes are true, then she clearly can’t afford to send her kids to such an exclusive school. Additionally, what I *DO* have a problem with is Kate forcing her kids to work (and insisting that Showbiz is the family’s only career option) in order to support their exorbitant lifestyle.
Bottom line: If you have to prostitute your kids in order to pay their school tuition, you CAN’T afford the school. There are other options in their geographic area which could provide an equally excellent education without nearly the cost (or the commute). I’m not against private schools, but if placing the Gosselin kids in a good public school would mean they didn't have to work to support their lifestyle, then I'm all for the switch.
Educational decisions as long as you are following the state laws are none of business. Except that is if you are putting your six year olds to work to pay for it.
Whether they are plowing a field, making shoes in a factory, a child prostitute, or filming for a reality show, if you are making your kindergarteners pay for their prep school I have a problem with it. It is our business just like any child this young working this much should be a concern.
EXCELLENT last post!
Jon said in an interview that HE is paying the tuition, which is why the child support is so high. We know that the tution was figured into the divorce settlement because she had the yearly amount included in her hand-written accounting that was shown on the photo at the copy shop.
If it's true that Jon is paying the kids' tuition, then that just supports my argument even more. Who pays Jon's salary? TLC. Why? Because he let them film the kids again. So, who's really *working* to earn Jon's income? The kids. On his own, he cannot afford to pay for their school (or his tattoos or trips or whatever else he does to fill his days).
Neither Jon nor Kate has demonstrated an ability to afford their lifestyle on his or her own merits. Without the hefty paychecks from TLC, Kate could not afford her current lifestyle either. And the only reason TLC is interested in her is because they want to film the kids. Why do you think "Kate + 8" is already airing, yet Twisted Kate is barely even mentioned anymore?
Both Jon and Kate's incomes are contingent on the eight children working for TLC. Period. I don't care which parent is signing the tuition checks. Either way, the kids' education (and their parents' lifestyle) is being financed by 8 working children.
"Why do you think "Kate + 8" is already airing, yet Twisted Kate is barely even mentioned anymore?"
Because TLC couldn't find anyone other than pathetic sheeple (who would make a fool of themselves on national television) who would want her advice?
Why is it that no inteviewer has ever asked her the question: "Kate, if you are so concerned over college expenses, and finances are such that you are worried about supporting your children, why didn't you stay in E-town, put a small addition on your house, and enroll your kids at Mt. Calvary, Living Word, or Dayspring, which are very good private schools? Your living expenses and education expenses would have been cut in half.
I'm sure there would have been plenty of uummmmmms in her response.
Where's Whoopi when you need her?
first time poster.
I love the pic posted with this thread. So clearly Kate is saying "Honestly? Here's my story of the day, so pay close attention - I demand it. You WILL believe this." When she gets that frozen stare, she is concentrating on keeping the story straight.
GoPoshGo said "The only reason TLC is interested in her is because they want to film the kids."
I just had a creepy thought.TLC reminds me of the pedophiles who get into relationships with mothers with children, in order to be close to the children.
IMO, it is the student and not the school that determines success. An intelligent, driven, motivated child attending an average, less expensive school will do much better in life than an intelligent, undisciplined, unmotivated child will in an expensive, private, highly rated school. I have seen it over and over again.
I am not saying that the G kids are simply average or unmotivated. However, without parental guidance, it really isn't going to matter in the long run what schools they attend.
The tups are going to be more than 7yrs. old starting regular K. I personally have never heard of this before.
"The tups are going to be more than 7yrs. old starting regular K. I personally have never heard of this before."
They will start Kindergarten in the fall. They are six years old. They were born on May 10, 2004. They won't turn seven until the end of their Kindergarten year.
"It annoys me to no end when posters “in-the-know” (i.e., those whose kids also attend the G8’s school) post on this and other blogs about how “above it all” they are: those kids and their parents NEVER gossip, never talk about the Gosselins, never mock the Gosselin kids … and all because they attend this particular school."
That's interesting, because I would think that bloggers would be more inclined to listen to "facts" from people "in the know" whose children attend the same school, may be in the same classes with the Gosselins, live in the same community, or are involved with the school in some way than to listen to rumors and speculation from those who have never been to the area, much less the school, and have no knowledge of its academic standings, curriculum or any "talk" that may or may not take place among parents and students. I don't recall reading any posts from bloggers who think that they are "above it all," so I guess I am missing quite a few posts.
I guess whatever floats the boat!
@ Anonymous: A random post from a person who *might* be a parent of children who attend the the same school as the Gosselin kids does not provide a comprehensive insight into the G8's experience at that school. One poster cannot speak for all students/parents/staff who are affiliated with the kids' school. Moreover, being affiliated with a private school does NOT provide immunity from human nature. You all "in the know" can claim all you want that nobody at the school gossips about the Gosselins, or is openly hostile to the kids at the school. Doesn't make it fact, as yours is just one individual's experience with the school (if that's even true).
Frankly, you need to get over yourself a bit. While most of us don't have kids attending the G8's school (mine are too young), we certainly have access to its curriculum and academic standing. There are plenty of schools in the surrounding districts with equal or better standing, so frankly I'm not all that impressed.
As for talk among parents and students, no single person can lay claim to knowledge of every student/parent or parent/parent interaction. You need to realize that the distinction of "private" school does not exempt its members from being human beings. You can delude yourself into thinking nobody in the school gossips about the Gosselins -- or worse, mocks them. But you're fooling yourself.
Which brings me to naming the inevitable elephant in the room: You "in the knows" claim to be above gossiping about the Gosselin kids, yet here you are posting on this blog and on other Gosselin-related blogs. If you're so above the gossip, why are you even here to begin with????
And before you try to argue that you're "setting the record straight" -- let's just recognize that, at the end of the day, you're just gossiping like the rest of us. You can't speak for the Gosselins any more than the rest of us can. Get over yourself and stop pretending you don't love having your 15 seconds of fame as someone who is vaguely involved on some peripheral level of the Gosselin lives. Makes you feel pretty important, huh? It's no wonder Kate chose that school. Birds of a feather....
Sorry........... I was wrong regarding what age the tups will be when they begin Kindergarten, but the rest of my above comment still stands.
Anonymous - Do you spend time at the school the G's attend on a regular basis? Are you good friends with every parent and have knowledge of all the interactions between parents and other parents, parents and children,etc. If not, I don't think that you can make such blanket statements. It does sound to me as if you think you are "above" the rest of us simply because your children "might" attend this expensive school.
@ Anonymous: A random post from a person who *might* be a parent of children who attend the the same school as the Gosselin kids does not provide a comprehensive insight into the G8's experience at that school. One poster cannot speak for all students/parents/staff who are affiliated with the kids' school. Moreover, being affiliated with a private school does NOT provide immunity from human nature. You all "in the know" can claim all you want that nobody at the school gossips about the Gosselins, or is openly hostile to the kids at the school. Doesn't make it fact, as yours is just one individual's experience with the school (if that's even true).
Frankly, you need to get over yourself a bit. While most of us don't have kids attending the G8's school (mine are too young), we certainly have access to its curriculum and academic standing. There are plenty of schools in the surrounding districts with equal or better standing, so frankly I'm not all that impressed.
As for talk among parents and students, no single person can lay claim to knowledge of every student/parent or parent/parent interaction. You need to realize that the distinction of "private" school does not exempt its members from being human beings. You can delude yourself into thinking nobody in the school gossips about the Gosselins -- or worse, mocks them. But you're fooling yourself.
Which brings me to naming the inevitable elephant in the room: You "in the knows" claim to be above gossiping about the Gosselin kids, yet here you are posting on this blog and on other Gosselin-related blogs. If you're so above the gossip, why are you even here to begin with????
And before you try to argue that you're "setting the record straight" -- let's just recognize that, at the end of the day, you're just gossiping like the rest of us. You can't speak for the Gosselins any more than the rest of us can. Get over yourself and stop pretending you don't love having your 15 seconds of fame as someone who is vaguely involved on some peripheral level of the Gosselin lives. Makes you feel pretty important, huh? It's no wonder Kate chose that school. Birds of a feather....
IMO, it is the student and not the school that determines success. An intelligent, driven, motivated child attending an average, less expensive school will do much better in life than an intelligent, undisciplined, unmotivated child will in an expensive, private, highly rated school. I have seen it over and over again.
I am not saying that the G kids are simply average or unmotivated. However, without parental guidance, it really isn't going to matter in the long run what schools they attend.
The tups are going to be more than 7yrs. old starting regular K. I personally have never heard of this before.
"Why do you think "Kate + 8" is already airing, yet Twisted Kate is barely even mentioned anymore?"
Because TLC couldn't find anyone other than pathetic sheeple (who would make a fool of themselves on national television) who would want her advice?
Betsy said...
Ummmm for someone who claims she is poor than whats up with all the shoes, handbags, clothes, manis, pedis, shopping trips all over PA, NY and LA? Someone who claims they need money and spends like her needs to have her head examined
She would have enough money (and the kids would have fantastic college funds) if she'd stop spending it all on herself. What a nasty bitch ! Those kids will be lucky if they have enough to buy a cheeseburger by the time they are 18 !
would you complain that the person was "crying poverty"? Somehow, I doubt it.
Sorry, this quote was what I was responding to...If someone made the money she did, yeah, I'd be thinking WTH have you done w/all the money the kiddos earned?
Anonymous- If you listen to the above interveiw- Khate mentions tuition twice, second time for kids 9 and 6 years old. This woman, in my opinion, is trying to expand her face in the media, and now try to get people to contribute to a college fund for her kids. What person making millions of dollars per year cries about college funds for 6 and 9 year olds.
I did listen to the interview; I simply disagree with your interpretation of it.
Since she made no mention of a college fund to which the public can contribute, I don't see how you can conclude that she is asking anyone to contribute anything. She wasn't "crying" about college funds. She was asked whether she is in a position to retire and answered the question. This is much ado about nothing.
Anonymous- If you listen to the above interveiw- Khate mentions tuition twice, second time for kids 9 and 6 years old. This woman, in my opinion, is trying to expand her face in the media, and now try to get people to contribute to a college fund for her kids. What person making millions of dollars per year cries about college funds for 6 and 9 year olds. Seriously, this is ridiculous, and you must know this if you have kids. Never mind, she has not put much money away for the 8, with all of the money she has made. These kids should be getting 8/9s of the pay from her Kate Plus 8 shows. Let her use her other earnings to support her kids, which is what parents do. What a greedy self-centered withc.
Oh I forgot, she made no mention of paying real estate taxes or car payments. Guess TLC is paying these bills as well as this is part of their "set" (filming kids in house, and in cars) and of course she needs her car payments made to get to all of the staged photos opps set up by TLC and other TLC filmed events, to keep her piggish mug out there.
Back to it appears she is only paying for tuition for kids, and food when not filmed or not traveling, or getting ready to travel.
So, why is there no money in the college funds for the 8/9 of the workers? Disgraceful. Kate will never come out and say what TLC pays for, but by ommission, I think it speaks volumes. Where is the money, greedy Kate?
2exhausted2name said...
"PatK said... I feel terrible for this financially-strapped woman. Is there someplace I can send a donation to help her out?"
AuntieAnn said... "Ummmm. Would you mind sending a Target gift card instead?"
Auntie Ann! Didn't you read the Gosselin rules on donations? Cash only!! :) Back when Jon was running their website this was one of their 'requests', wish I could find it to quote directly (anyone...?)
"It's the best education anywhere in the state, and those kids are exactly where they should be."
Then why are all eight a full year (plus!) behind their peers in education? IIRC the twins will be entering 4th grade in September while the sextuplets will start senior kindergarten. Personally if my children were that far behind I'd be seeking out another school. Like one close to home so they don't spend two hours on a bus each day.
If you watch the first special "Twins, Twins & Sextuplets" there is 5yr old Mady reading the instructions left by Kate for the care of the sextuplets. I dunno a 5yr old with the reading skill she showed there suggests she's intelligent with no need to be held back especially at an age where you're only required to know the alphabet, count to one hundred and use scissors without harming yourself.
It's just odd to me and I don't understand how *every* child in this family would be held back! I could summarize given that the twins are a year behind that it's a school thing. But Kate stated the sextuplets weren't "ready" and were held back a year. So I wonder if it's that SHE wasn't ready. If that's the case it fits right in with her selfish agenda - hold `em back to keep them younger longer, then ditch them all on the nannies when fame finally comes a'callin.
There is more to being ready for kindergarten than knowing the alphabet, being able to count to one hundred and using scissors without harming yourself. Children are expected to have a set of cognitive, social and motor skills. Go look at any school readiness assessment and see for yourself.
I'm not sure why it's so difficult to accept that the sextuplets were not ready for kindergarten last year. Nobody watching them on television is positioned to make that call. Is it really so difficult to believe that the parents and the educators working directly with the children have a better sense of their readiness than television viewers do?
2exhausted2name said...
“Speaking of which... anyone have that photo of Kate & the twins from the twin parade? The twins were 1-2 years old and there's a sign on them "Gosselin twins". Even then she was trying to gain accolades for her golden uterus.”
I do not like Kate one bit, yet I have to say, because she and Jon decorated a stroller to participate in a Fourth of July Parade back in 2001 doesn’t mean she was trying to gain accolades. Not saying she wasn’t either, but with all the things we know she DOES do with no regard for the children, isn't there enough material without searching out an incident from 9 years ago that COULD be interpreted she was looking for accolades. I suppose all the other parents of babies in strollers were just enjoying participating in a small town July 4 parade, and Kate was famewhoring.
I'd love for someone with full Gosselin knowledge to interview Kate. When she babbles about how the crew loves the kids and even visited them when they weren't filming and how positive that is for the kids have the balls to ask her about Beth, Carla, Jodi, Kevin, cousins, etc. Weren't they positives that would have been in the kids lives without the show? Wouldn't it be more positive to have people without a financial interest in the kids (i.e. crew) involved in their lives? Of course then she'll babble about Jodi and Kevin profiting off the kids which is BS, but even say it wasn't, would they have had the opportunity to profit off the kids without the show.
I really hope Al's book finally blows the lid off this woman's trail of lies once and for all.
Honestly, if you saw the June '10 episode of Kate Plus 8 (I watched it on You Tube), it is CRYSTAL clear that Mady and Cara have had enough. I think it is part 4. Mady is disgusted by her mother's hypocrisy and Cara has totally and completely withdrawn. Their actions speak volumes on whether they want to continue with this show.
Never mind Collin hiding his face every time he sees a camera. I am sure he is prompted or bribed when TLC crew is there. The boy tups are almost like the forgotten children as they barely say or do anything, but rather try to stay in the background. How telling must it get. Sure, they scripted Aaden to say Everything is back to normal with no reference. The poor kid was probably parroting what had been said Khateful, with the promise of a reward, and this sick bunch chose to misrepresent his comments.
I truly feel for the G8. I truly wish all 8 were confidentially asked by a psychologist if they still wanted to still film, with no input from Khateful. I guarantee only 1 or 2, if that, would still want to be filmed. What a self absorbed, money grubbing piece of crap this witch is. She WILL answer for this one day, and her children will hate her for this. She is so narcisstic, she can't stop her insane ego. Can't wait for the books from the kids. They will have a chance to respond to Kate'sm "I Just Want You to Know " book. Mom, I Just Want You to Know, you ................ It will all come out then. The children are not old enough to enter into any contract/confidentiality agreement with TLC. What goes around, comes around.
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