Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kate takes back her landscaping project!

After photos surfaced of Steve overseeing the latest landscaping project at the house while Kate hung back passively, Kate was seen today back in action, carrying plants and shouting at the gardener. Much more Kate's style!

43 sediments (sic) from readers:

Kelly said... 1

WOW!!! Kate had two landscapers in last nights photo, Steve holding a story board and then Kate standing in the background while all four of them were making plans for a couple of ferns in clay pots to be delivered to the McMansion. Talk about micro managing.

I wonder if she does the same thing while planning lunch consisting of a few grapes, a micro piece of cheese and a shaved turkey slice for the kids.

lalalinda said... 2

Man, that's a giant toe...yabba dabba doo!!!

betsy said... 3

Must be nice to hire several gardners to move a few potted plants..moneys rolling in like crazy now ~ Administrator said... 4

I just had to laugh, I have no idea if they were reading here but it sure looks like somebody said, Kate the bloggers say you just let Steve take over the gardening....quick get out there and carry a few potted plants! Look involved!

I'm sure it's a coincidence but the timing is funny.

Kelly said... 5

Just noticed that Big Toe. Holy go to hell Ms. Murphy, I'm not sure if that toe should have been planted instead of the ferns. That thing is up in the air like a palmetto.

K8STFU said... 6

Looking at the first pic, K8 appears to be yelling " HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" at the poor landscape guy. Old habits die hard I guess.

BTW, totally laughing at THE TOE. Kelly, what say you ??

AuntieAnn said... 7

That is one hell of a big toe. That might just confirm what I've always suspected.

Compare these two pictures and tell me it's not just a coincidence.

Kelly said... 8

I think the toe was also yelling "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Kelly said... 9

I just hope that's the only toe we see. After the way she's been going out in public, Camel toe would be a real deal breaker.

betsy said... 10

That toe poked Jon too many times, thats why he left.. = )

betsy said... 11

I read somewhere that Kates shoe size was a size 6, how could that be if her toe is that size alone?

Kelly said... 12

If her toe gets any bigger, Katoe is going to have to wear the shoe boxes.

betsy said... 13

Its all the horse manure she has been walking on barefoot that is making that toe grow each day

Kelly said... 14

Go easy on her toe people. TLC reads these blogs. TLC will have her toe in the doctors office, reshaping it, putting veneers on it, installing a few miles of extensions on it, maybe a few enhancements to it and wala, her toe will look like Matt Damon on a snow shoe. Make no more comments about her toe or there will be TLC special dedicated to it. Toe the line everyone.

betsy said... 15

Hahaha... that was great Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!

sadie said... 16

I'm not surprised about the flintstone toe as much as she is actually wearing a beach cover up, maybe she does read these blogs after all. ~ Administrator said... 17

Please read and follow rule 1, 2, 3, and 4....everyone has been pretty good lately so I can leave unmonitored off, which is tons easier for me.

Anonymous said... 18

auntie ann! hysterical comparison.


Linda in NS said... 19

Interesting timing that Kate suddenly became "involved" in the "gardening". It does look like she is bellowing "hellooooooooooo"! That is her signature fog horn reply isn't it?

betsy said... 20

Ok ok, I'll be nice, was she filming when this shot was taken?

Anonymous said... 21

Ugggggh I can't stand to see her walking outside
bare foot ! Wow great example Kart to set for
your 8 kids. I can't believe she's a nurse ?!
Has she no knowledge of hepititus a b & c ?

Kelly said... 22

Kate hiring landscapers to move a couple potted ferns is ridiculous. Next photo op, Kate will hire a pool boy to move the water around the pool. HEY KATE, we know you're reading these blogs. Do us all a favor and stop showing skin. If we wanted to see leather, we'd be surfing the Lazy Boy Furniture website. Speaking of Lazy boy, give a shout out to the hubby for us.

Kaitlyn said... 23

I honestly don't know why this would even be newsworthy....
Here's a suggestion for the media why don't you show Kate Gosselin the professed single mother of eight going to have a family reunion with her parents/siblings. How about her taking her children to church? All we see about Kate Gosselin in the media is provocative clothes, things to pamper her vanity and pictures of children who are not impressed with being stalked by the media. Nothing that makes anyone envious of Kate but rather a woman who is obsessed with staying the media and exploiting her children.

Kaitlyn said... 24

Jon is also allowing the media to exploit his children. I don't know how many freebies he is getting besides a TLC paycheque but he isn't any better at protecting his children than Kate.

Camel Toe Friday said... 25

Kelly, you totally crack me up!!!

Anonymous said... 26

Kelly probably has a huge ass camel toe. He/she is the one who brought it up. Fixated on Kate's crotch much Kreepy Kelly?

Kelly said... 27

YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!! Go ahead, turn around. TURN AROUND!!! Put your hands behind your back. DO IT!!! Now, call a friend and have them transport you to the nearest police station, POSTE HASTE!!! You are being charged with Disorderly Thinking. When you are on your way to the station, have you friend stop by Dunkin Donuts and pick up some Honey Dips and present them to the duty officer who is working the desk. They will go easier on you.

Now, get moving.

Kelly said... 28

I am perfect in every stretch of the imagination. If you'll excuse me, I have to get back up on the wedding cake.

Carol said... 29

Oh, my goodness. It looks as if someone came to anonymously white knight poor betrodden Kate Gosselin.

LOL. What a waste.

Not my brand said... 30

Anonymous, I’m sure we’re not all perfect, far from it. But we’re not asking you to support us either. If you bought a car or a washing machine that turned out to be crap, you might get on the internet and badmouth said brand. All we’re doing is badmouthing a bad brand. If she doesn’t like it she should get out of our marketplace.

Anonymous said... 31

PS. I guess I missed when the show title was changed to "Kate's Perfect Toe + Eight." In that case, your silly analogy about cars and washing machines would at least be relevant. As it stands, her toe is not being marketed and therefore shouldn't be part of the discussion.

fidosmommy said... 32

That poor landscaper takes me back to the Jon years. Kate's whipping boy. If she can't yell at him and can't yell at the hired help, who's left? The kids? I hope not.

IDModo said... 33

IMO Kate really looks to me like she is mentally falling apart; either that or abusing some substance, judging from her facial expressions, exaggerated body language and her lack of self-care.(I don't mean tanning, manicures and Botox);based on recent candid shots where she did not have an opportunity to pose.
The pic in the white shorts, black top and F-Me shoes makes her look quite demented.In the second pic above she appears disoriented.She doesn't look healthy to me. Does anybody else see this or am I just being a silly old Modo?

Vanessa said... 34

I tuly believe she's bipolar.

Amy said... 35


No offense, but the pic from last night was for a MUCH larger job than just ferns...she has a very large project going on right now at the house.

lanscaping said... 36

I think adding planters and boulder rocks always adds to the exterior of your property, Thanks and more power!

Unknown said... 37

Thanks for taking the time to discuss this,would you mind updating your blog with additional information? It is extremely helpful for me Landscapers Las Vegas

lanscaping said... 38

I think adding planters and boulder rocks always adds to the exterior of your property, Thanks and more power!

Not my brand said... 39

Anonymous, I’m sure we’re not all perfect, far from it. But we’re not asking you to support us either. If you bought a car or a washing machine that turned out to be crap, you might get on the internet and badmouth said brand. All we’re doing is badmouthing a bad brand. If she doesn’t like it she should get out of our marketplace.

Kelly said... 40

YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!! Go ahead, turn around. TURN AROUND!!! Put your hands behind your back. DO IT!!! Now, call a friend and have them transport you to the nearest police station, POSTE HASTE!!! You are being charged with Disorderly Thinking. When you are on your way to the station, have you friend stop by Dunkin Donuts and pick up some Honey Dips and present them to the duty officer who is working the desk. They will go easier on you.

Now, get moving.

IDModo said... 41

IMO Kate really looks to me like she is mentally falling apart; either that or abusing some substance, judging from her facial expressions, exaggerated body language and her lack of self-care.(I don't mean tanning, manicures and Botox);based on recent candid shots where she did not have an opportunity to pose.
The pic in the white shorts, black top and F-Me shoes makes her look quite demented.In the second pic above she appears disoriented.She doesn't look healthy to me. Does anybody else see this or am I just being a silly old Modo?

Anonymous said... 42

auntie ann! hysterical comparison.


Administrator said... 43

Please read and follow rule 1, 2, 3, and 4....everyone has been pretty good lately so I can leave unmonitored off, which is tons easier for me.