Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kate takes Cara along on errands

Spotted at Target the day after the premiere of Kate Plus 8.

Real Cara's so much more prettier than Photoshopped Cara:

86 sediments (sic) from readers:

Livvy said... 1

Cara & Mady are adorable. The need to photoshop the pic makes me sick. Even worse that Kate allowed it. I feel so badly for the twins as they are getting older and beginning to see for themselves what their mother is doing.

Kelly said... 2

Let me take a minute to dispel the myths of being inside Kate's world and all that has happened between her need for security and her latest show on TLC.

Tonight, I watched, on TLC, the second hour of inside Kate's World. It came on television at 7pm eastern standard time. It was a toss up between watching the "Deadliest Catch" and the Gosselin fiasco.

I watched both. I will share the following based on my training, experience, intuition and the professional in the situation that Steve was placed in, guarding Kate.

First of all, security is never known, just known that security is always there. Secondly, security never, EVER gives interviews, explains their charge, makes excuses for them and never gives interviews.

I was a member of a high profile, well trained police department in Maryland. I started out as a police cadet, attended the police academy, graduated at the top ten of my class and was assigned to the patrol district in a hard street worthy, road wise post in the Baltimore area.

Having worked the road and handling calls from petty thefts to homicides and all calls in between, I've seen the best and the worst of people. I've made discretionary decisions in minutes that most people wouldn't make in a lifetime.

Some I regret, others, I share at yearly reunions with the brothers and sisters in our positions that shared the same job, same experiences and we backed each other up without batting an eye.

Tonight, watching Steve Neild on Kate's special was such an affront to those of us who have been in law enforcement, handled calls that we had no idea what we were going up against and coming out safe in the end, he makes a mockery of us.

Having worked a post car, being temp'ed to the detective division while being a primary on homicide investigation's, that happened on my post, worked executive protection for visiting dignitaries and all the while remaining neutral during all of that, this guy is a fraud.

Steve Neild may have been a cop in Australia and quite possibly may have been protecting President Clinton, in his own mind, but I can assure you of these very true facts.

1. Steve Neild was NEVER part of the protection of a U.S. President, present or former. He may have been at an event where Clinton was there but there is NO WAY, he was part or parcel to his protection. Secret Service would never acquiesce to an outside agency

2. Steve Neild exhibits no signs of someone who was trained in executive protection at the very least. As I have said, many times in the past, someone trained in executive protection is first out, last in and he's always been opposite.

3. Personal bodyguards don't talk to the press, don't make explanations for their charge and will never make excuses for those they are supposed to protect. It's called "Silent Service"

The fact that Steve Neild went on camera to talk about his charge, violates all security and privacy that those who need them and their privacy.

Steve Neild is a figurehead that TLC wants and needs just to insure the continued ratings for a woman who has no talent. I only wish that Steve Neild would put forward his own credentials, both past and present so those who want to believe he is who he claims to be so he wouldn't be charged with impersonating a law enforcement officer, past or present.

Bodyguards don't speak, don't want to be noticed. They are just there, in the background. Steve Neild is nothing but a handler.

PJ's momma said... 3

Thanks for your post, Kelly. Quite telling, especially as Kate has no security as she's at Target in this photo. She went on and on and on about how 'they' decided the family needed security, but her children are rarely protected. It's all about her. That's why I believe he is more guiding her than guarding her. You're right, I can't ever recall a single personal bodyguard to anyone speaking out - and they must have some dirt too! You see them these big, herculean dudes, but you never hear a peep.
Much to say, but gotta run. Have a good night and thank you again.

Nancy said... 4

Thank you Kelly

Kelly said... 5

PJ's Momma,
Thanks for your response. I have no problem with anyone who feels the need for a bodyguard. That is their right, if they feel threatened. I take umberage when someone who claims to be a bodyguard, invokes experience and a claim to having been a cop or in law enforcement when the the closest they ever came was watching "Law and Order".

Those of us who are proud of the service, never knew what to expect but backed each other up like family wouldn't, we're damned proud of what we did. We didn't boast, didn't prod and only know that 20 years of putting our lives and family second for those who didn't have that opportunity, we are proud of it.

I'm pissed that this "Rat Claw" even claims to have been part of the service. If he truly was, he would have no comment about who he is protecting. He'd just do it and silently. I'm proud of what I did, in the past, for little money and will willingly talk about it. What I would never do is be in the position to protect someone, get camera time and brag about it.

Irene S said... 6

Hey have that whoever he is pretty sized up. I am starting to believe that he is nothing more than a babysitter & there to keep the reality show hooker in her place. Of course, I will never like him, never did from the start but when Rat claws put his hand on Admin....he crossed the

As far as taking her kid to Target...mighty nice of her & for paps to be available for everyone to see.

Lauren said... 7

Wow, thanks Kelly.

I too thought that it was totally unprofessional for Steve to speak about his client.

So I guess Steve is a bodyguard in his mind only.
I wonder how much TLC paid him....

Kelly said... 8

Just being real. There is a camaraderie between all of us on the job that we love to talk about and feel proud about it. We have reunions every year but there are two things we don't do during those reunions.

1. No cameras
2. No identity.

Those of us who are either on the job or retired, don't want our pics out there for obvious reasons. Steve Neild, isn't a bodyguard, otherwise, he wouldn't have put himself out there for the camera.

It's about protecting yourself and most importantly, protecting your family, you know, the wife and kids who the perps "DON'T KNOW".

He's a stooge for TLC, otherwise, he wouldn't put his face out there for future potential clients. I'm just saying.

mommyinca said... 9

So what it boils down to is Steve is about the equivalent to the security guards who walk around the Walmart parking lot late at night?

I have to admit I sorta have a crush on



With such an impressive background, how in the world did you end up here?

And, for someone who was protesting outside of TLC just a couple of weeks ago, you still watched the show?

kelly said... 11

mommyinca said,

have to admit I sorta have a crush on

That's the funniest thing I have read on any blog. Let's not turn this into

STATINGTHEOBVIOUS.....Yes, I admit, I watched the show, not on Sunday but on Wednesday, along with the Deadliest Catch. It was like watching a car accident......stuck in a traffic jam, taking a look when you finally got to the gridlock. I'm guilty. I watched it. Pilloray me.

LisaNH said... 12

Kelly, you ROCK!! (I love DC too, it's my favorite show.).

Thank you for your input on Rat Claw. Very informative. I always sort of had a funny feeling about him. Like you mentioned "First out, last in". In most of the photos or video I've seen, I always thought it strange that he was usually behind Kart. He also never seemed to be observing what was going on around them. Staying aware of movements of others etc...

Maybe Steve is really a Boarder Collie since all he really does is herd Kart from the door to the limo, from the limo to the door.

Nancy said... 13

Count me in too Kelly major crush on you from the get go. You are funny well spoken and honest. This whole thing has brought together an intelligent and amazing bunch of people from everywhere (yup I'm a proud canadian) in an effort to right a wrong that we all see and recognize and are trying in our small part to fix.

As a divorced parent of two amazing kids I know it can be done in a caring,loving and selfless way even when you don't agree or even like the ex I want her to wake up and appreciate what she has!!!

Kelly said... 14

There is never "One" bodyguard" There is one primary, two backups. The bodyguard that TLC or Kate wants is all for show. Never, one bodyguard and for that matter, you will NEVER know who the bodyguard is. Once the bodyguard is identified, they are always changed. It's all for show. Trust me on this. My opinion on the show may be personal but my experience is real life. There is NEVER one bodyguard. EVER.

LisaNH said... 15

Kelly, that is good to know. Do you think Rat Claw is a ruse and there are real protection people in place or is this whole thing another one of TLC's stunts to make Kart seem more exciting and more of a celeb because she has what they call "The Body Guard?

Anonymous said... 16

Haha, Boarder Collie, although that is a bit of an insult to the breed! I always found it odd about Steve, but could never put my finger on it, not being or knowing anyone in the security business.

Thank you for putting it out there plain and simple. What a joke Kate is and how sad, once again, for her children. She's more important than them. Does she have any security at her home when she's away, or at the bus stops, etc., etc.,?

Just turns my stomach at how stupid TLC thinks people are. Although, maybe they are brillant, in the thinking that if we repeat ourselves enough people will believe it. Kinda like how Obama got elected.

Kelly said... 17

Wow!!! My head is swelling. I never intended to have all these crushes but I'm flattered, nonetheless. Trust me, I wasn't here to get names or numbers. Just sharing my thoughts, like you all do too. My kids would be more than flattered that their Dad had all these crushes on him. I am too. Anyway, back to reality. I'll just temper my thoughts and hope by Friday that my girlfriend feels the same way. That would be awesome.

Kelly said... 18

Steve is not a bodyguard. He is part of TLC and just telling Kate what to expect, what is out there and how to respond. Notice him giving her advice in the Kate special. Bodyguards don't give advice as to how to respond. They plan an exit strategy with their charge, plan an entrance strategy and make ingress and egress happen. That is all.

For Steve to speak, show his profile, his identity just speaks volumes about the scripted version of Kate plus 8 and all that comes with it. Steve is a TLC plant and there is no way to hide it. From this point, TLC is just trying to spin. There is no way that Kate and Steve are having an affair. I can guarantee you that.

Steve lives with his wife in Rockville Maryland in a Ryland built home that is typical of the area. Steve and Kate are NOT having an affair and the insinuation from anyone saying so is so totally false. I'd share more but at this point, it wouldn't be fair to post it with him not having the opportunity to refute it.

I'm not sharing secrets that I can't back up. I'm just sharing fact that needn't go further.

LisaNH said... 19

Thanks again, Kelly. What you have discussed tonight makes things a lot clearer and explains so much about this twisted situation on TLC.

Well, I have to get to bed; gotta a busy day at work tomorrow. G'night everyone. Thanks for all the great discussions. This blog has become a daily stop for me because of the great conversations with really great people.

HollyMo said... 20

Well, I very rarely post but I try to read daily (love this place) but I have to throw my hat in Kelly's crush ring. Kelly, you seem like one hell of a man - and I mean that in the nicest way. No offense to you (or to my dear hubby!).

Pa Mom ALSO said... 21

Isn't Steve there to protect the public from Kate and not vice-versa...because you never know when she's going to go off on someone, hence a major lawsuit might ensue?

Knows Quality When I See It said... 22

Kelly, thanks for your insight; it's very revealing. I'm glad to see you back here on the blogs; when you disappeared for awhile, some of the sheeple were insinuating you were a troll...and I admit, I got discouraged and didn't want to believe it....I should have kept the faith!!!

Carol said... 23

I thought it was pretty obvious for a long time that Steve whatever his name is is a handler and not any kind of bodyguard.

TLC recognized that Kate is likely to go off and do....anything. Steve is there to babysit her, to subtly keep her in line as much as possible.

In other words, he's there to protect TLC's investment. End of story.

Obviously she is allowed to go to Target without a handler. Pretty much anyplace else, though, yeah.

I mean why would your bodyguard be giving you a pep talk to get out there and sign a few books when no one showed up to your book signing? The bodyguard wouldn't even be part of that conversation, that's not his job!

Steve's a TLC HANDLER. End of story.

Hawks Fan said... 24

He might not be a bodyguard but it wouldn't surprise me if he was a spy. A spy for TLC. They pay his salary, he reports to them what's going on, who has approached her. who has called her, etc. He's there to tell her when to keep her mouth shut because we know she has no common sense. At the same time he acts like he is her "friend." He would probably sell her down the river to TLC in a heartbeat. He's been with the family for a long time. Remember him on the ski trip to Utah? He's a TLC snitch. That's how they track her every move.


Carol said... 25

Hawks Fan, yeah so he's a handler for TLC. Exactly. He works for TLC, not Kate. They probably TOLD Kate he's her bodyguard so she'd feel all special. But he's not, anyone can see that. Never has been.

By the way, back when Britney Spears still had "people" she had a handler or two or three. Because they decided it was necessary because of her unstable state. (Nowadays she doesn't really have people, so she doesn't have a handler, just her dad as her conservator.)

But I'm sure even Spears knew her handlers were handlers. There to make sure she behaved.

Nancy said... 26


Never thought for one moment you were after names or numbers just justice you threw a bit of charisma in there and BAM there ya have it EH ;)

Seriously I took a break from all this hoping it would make a difference and she would go away and the kids could get some peace but like any cause worth fighting for I guess we have to keep shouting from the roof tops.

pa mom too said... 27

Thanks Kelly for so much excellent info !

Admin, when you tried to talk to Kate at the book signing, if Steve hadn't been there, she might have flipped out and started screaming at you. She must be a real nutcase, but then you can tell she's "not right" just with all of the inconsistencies (ok....LIES!!) she constantly tells. She is fully capable of contradicting herself 10 times in one short conversation, without even batting an eyelid. She's a narcissistic pathological liar / fame whore / child exploiter, and unfortunately a mom of 8 innocent children. said... 28


I've never taken Steve seriously. He's a "handler" not a bodyguard.

Sorry, had my caps on for the last post and it sounded like I was shouting!

Mimi to 3 said... 29

Why is he called rat claw? I've heard him called that but don't know the reason.

PA Mom ALSO said... 30

So, Kelly...when Rat Claws put his, well, rat claws on Admin., he was acting in the capacity of a HANDLER (literally)? Does TLC give him guidelines as to what he is allowed to do, or does he make that decision on his own? If his position is not that of a bodyguard, but only a TLC employee, then is TLC liable if and when he asserts (what he believes to be) his authority, grabs the wrong person and that person decides to press charges for assault?

LifeinOH said... 31


Admin referenced hands like rat claws when he laid hands on her at the Santa Barbara book signing debacle.

LifeinOH said... 32

TLC calls him a bodyguard because that sounds so much better than telling the world Super Mommy needs a handler.

Lauren said... 33

Does anyone think it was funny when Steve was giving Kate instructions and she didn't understand and Steve finally said "just follow Tony."

I guess Steve has to think for her too....

So I was reading here that Kate was misbehaving at a Discovery event. Can you let us know what happened....

AuntieAnn said... 34

My gawd Target must love all the free advertising Kate gives them. I see Kate isn't smiling....again.
And yes, Cara is very pretty. She always seems so quiet in the midst of all the chaos when they film. I'll bet she got along really well with her Aunt Jodi. They seemed to have the same temperament.

fidosmommy said... 35

I'm confused.

Didn't Kate say on a TV show that she didn't care if her book didn't sell even one copy that she was glad she wrote it for her kids? She had said that about Multiple Bles8ings, too.

If that was true, why would having basically nobody show up to her booksigning upset her so much that she would have to go hide in a closet? I don't get it. ~ Administrator said... 36

Because she got caught in a lie again? Her reaction to the book signing just proves it is all about selling books and looking popular. And not really about writing a bunch of heartfelt letters to her children.

Kate says whatever sounds good at that moment. Of what she says at another moment is different so be it.

I like that person who said, when you never lie, you never have to worry about remembering anything. So true.

mommyinca said... 37

Admin~ It was never about writing those books for the kids. If she wanted to write a book TO her children, she could have self published and printed 8 copies. Done.

Linda in NS said... 38

Steve is not a bodyguard OR handler. Steve is TLC's flunkey and Kate's lackey. Nothing more nothing less.

Not sure what the laws are in the USA but if Steve had pulled the stunt of putting his hands on somebody here in Nova Scotia as he did Admin, we would have been well within our rights to call the police and have him charged with assault. Yup. Assault. Steve really sounds like a pompous arse who thinks he is something, all thanks to his inflated resume. BTW Aussie's don't like anybody saying Steve is from Australia as it's an insult to them. Steve is a Kiwi.

pa mom too said... 39

Administrator said...
Because she got caught in a lie again? Her reaction to the book signing just proves it is all about selling books and looking popular. And not really about writing a bunch of heartfelt letters to her children.

Kate says whatever sounds good at that moment. Of what she says at another moment is different so be it.

I like that person who said, when you never lie, you never have to worry about remembering anything. So true.
no no no...Kate wrote the latest book so her children would know how much she loves them. I heard her say that with my very own ears, and she always tells the truth. Honestly. ;)

fidosmommy, the book was so the kids knew she loved them, just like starting the show back in the beginning was for the memories. Right. Everything she does is for money and fame.

Linda in NS said... 40

pa mom too said... no no no...Kate wrote the latest book so her children would know how much she loves them.

Love our tongue in cheek comment! I guess I'm just too lazy to write a book to tell my kids I love them. I'm actually so lazy that I just speak to them every day and tell them person to person.

Linda in NS said... 41

Yikes. PA MOM I meant "love YOUR tongue in cheek comment".

Nancy said... 42

Well I don't know what's up BUT the way ROL is going after Jon the last couple days is very telling. That only seems to happen when Kate's in trouble or has bad press?????

And all they can actually come up with is crap that happened a year ago and Haily Glassman

Markiesnana said... 43

I agree with everyone that Steve is her handler, paid by TLC.
I remember way back when she and Jon and the kids were traveling, and she was as lost as a child in the airport. She was flustered and barking at Jon to "lead" them; and that showed that she does not have the ability to focus, read signs and find her way on her own.

pa mom too said... 44

Linda in NS said...
pa mom too said... no no no...Kate wrote the latest book so her children would know how much she loves them.

Love our tongue in cheek comment! I guess I'm just too lazy to write a book to tell my kids I love them. I'm actually so lazy that I just speak to them every day and tell them person to person.
LOL ...thanks ! :) If we would ask Kate about this, I'm sure we would feel like such bad moms since we haven't shown our kids any love by writing books and exploiting them. How dare us ... we should be ashamed of ourselves!! ;)

nanb said... 45

Something must be going on. Jon seems to be tweeting freely again. Nothing special, just he seems to not be muzzled by TLC.

Anonymous said... 46

I still say Maddy needs some serious mothering.

IATK said... 47

For those who don't have twitter here's the tweets from jon and also an interesting one from Al Walentis to Jon. Al's writing the book that's due out very soon. It says

AlWalentis @jongosselin1 Hope u reconsider 1 hr interview. U don't have to share secrets, just clarify things. Only help U. U wont be ID'd as source.

about 5 hours ago via web from Mount Penn, Mount Penn in reply to jongosselin1

jongosselin1 I hope everyone has a great summer!Im looking forward to spending it with my kids.Enjoy your own families.Spend time with the ones you love!

about 5 hours ago via web

jongosselin1 Here is a good song I found today. I heard it on the radio and it is now stuck in my head.

about 5 hours ago via web

jongosselin1 I have decided to tweet about my life. Kids are great and I am fine. thank god last year is over. constant reminders. oh well. who cares?

about 5 hours ago via web

jongosselin1 I had an awesome time with my kids this past weekend. But now my house is full of silly bandz. Thats all they ask for now. "

about 5 hours ago via MyLikes

Kelly said... 48

PA Mom,
I'm not an attorney so I wouldn't want to profer any advice on whether or not TLC would be liable for ratclaws putting his hands on someone else. I would assume that both TLC and the firm Steve claims to work for would both be liable but then again, I'm not an attorney.

What I can say that being in executive protection, the one charged with someone else's safety can use such force as necessary to protect his charge from harm. Their primary responsibility is to remove their client in an expedient manor from any situation they feel is a danger. They never provoke a situation and most certainly never go fist to cuff with someone unless their charge is covered by a backup and removed from the situation. In extreme situations, when the person they are responsible for is attacked, they can use such force to neutralize the attack and once done, remove their client asap from that situation.

What ratclaws did to Admin on the day she was asking Kate a question was out of line and did constitute an assault as she wasn't being aggressive, merely asking questions and didn't pose a threat to Kate. Had she threatened Kate verbally or acted aggressive, Steve could have stepped in to take whatever means necessary to move her along. Generally speaking, in law enforcement, once an officer grabs a citizen, it is in the officers best interest to place that person under arrest. Otherwise, that too constitutes and assault and the citizen does have recourse.

AnnaBanana said... 49

Nancy Jo Sales, writer of the very telling and insightful article on Kate Gosselin (

is a finalist for Syracuse University's Mirror Awards for excellence in media industry reporting:

AnnaBanana said... 50

Oh sorry, I think she actually won the award today (Best Profile, Digital Media) according to recent tweets:

AnnaBanana said... 51

Kelly, funny thing about car accidents is that after viewing so many horrific and tragic sites, especially those involving children, you decide to stop watching because you've seen it all before.

AnnaBanana @10:58am said... 52

AnnaBanana @11:07:

I didn't realize there was another commenter going by the same name. I'll use another name going forward so that there's no confusion.

Anonymous said... 53

Kelly?? Are you Steve? ;) lol

GKWay said... 54

Werny Girl has a good topic on her site right now. It's Corey Feldman talking about child stars and his message to Kate Gosselin. Preesi has two articles on her site re. Khate addicted to fame, etc.

Life & Style scan:

InTouch scan:

It's interesting that most of these tabloids are starting to get a 'real picture' of Khate except for Kaydoronline. I guess they think that if they write the spin enough times, it wiil actually be true! So patheic!

Pa Mom ALSO said... 55

"Had she threatened Kate verbally or acted aggressive, Steve could have stepped in to take whatever means necessary to move her along."

Yes. If he's employed as a bodyguard and that's his duty -- protection. But if TLC employs him simply as a "handler," a confidant, a scheduler, a personal assistant, then isn't he just a "regular" person, and even if someone was threatened verbally, would he be justified in taking any steps necessary to move that person along? Wouldn't it just be one "ordinary" citizen man-handling another "ordinary" citizen and therefore subject to assault charges?

Irene S said... 56

Makes you wonder if TLC is doing Jon's tweets?

Kelly said... 57

Pa Mom,
You are spot on with your question and your observation as to Steve being a handler vs bodyguard.

I've made my position known as to his position and his position is NOT, that of a bodyguard. He is a handler. Furthermore, he had no right, either as a bodyguard or a handler, regardless of whom he works for, to lay a hand on Admin.

Wrong wrong wrong. According to her account of the situation, she was asking questions and when the questions were not to Kate nor Steve's liking, she was physically ushered out of the area. Assault, Assault Assault.

If you'll notice, those in Hollywood who are constantly confronted by the media, when they don't want to answer questions, they keep moving. When they are stationary, they block the camera. Only people like Sean Penn and a few other radical actors actually get physical with the paps and the camera crew and they have been charged.

There is absolutely no reason why anyone has a right to lay a hand on another person unless they are defending themselves from physical harm. If someone wants to call you names, berate you, get verbal or protest, that doesn't constitute physical harm.

If you are in fear of your life, imminent danger or the other side insinuates that they have a weapon or they have a weapon, all bets are off. Admin, according to her account was as far from being an imminent threat to Kate Gosselin as we are from the planet Mars.

Kelly said... 58

Just as an aside,
I fully understand Admin's not persuing anything legally in regard to her being grabbed by ratclaws. Had she done so, it would be a matter of public record. She has a career, an identity and probably doesn't want nor need the public scrutinty. I too would have handled it the same way, had I been in her shoes.

The blog she provides is an avenue for those of us who want to vent. Unlike Kate, Admin isn't doing this for money, fame or notoriety.

my9cats said... 59

Wasn't there an incident last year where a mom took a picture of HER kids and ratclaw demanded she delete the picture because it caught a bit of the Gosselin group? Whether he was a BG or a handler, 'the claw' was way out of line.

Kelly said... 60

Not that I would ever want to take a picture of her kids, I'd dare ratclaws to make me delete anything I have on my camera. I'd encourage him to take the camera. We live in a free society, without fear of censorship or jack booted thugs that want to control our every move.

Ratclaws wouldn't have a chance against anyone that wanted to photograph anything that family does when they are out in the public domain. Kate has made the entire family public figures by virtue of their horrible "Family Business" television show.

Anyone can photograph anyone in that entire family when they are in the public domain and there isn't a thing Ratclaws can do about it. I'm not sure why anyone would waste the pixels or the battery strength by doing so but they can.

Irene S said... 61

Yes, I agree Kelly...but when it comes to Kate she thinks she gets to make up the rules.

Al Walentis will have some interesting things to sew together in his book about the Gosselin parents....I wonder who will fair worse in this book....maybe Ratclaws would be on loan for some book signings...cuz the die hard Kate fans might just become furious.

fidosmommy said... 62

When is the Al Walentis book coming out? I'm
torn between utter fascination with what he knows, and having problems with keeping Kate Gosselin in the spotlight some more. I hope this book doesn't give her more "woe is me"
fodder and win her some sympathy.

Lauren said... 63


So I'm curious and I'm hoping you could answer a question for me.

If I saw the Gosselins in public and took a picture and Ratclaw Steve came over and told me to delete the photos from my camera - what would you suggest I do?

I do know for a fact that the Gosselins were filming at a museum in PA and visitors took pictures of Kate and the kids. A Gosselin bodyguard (not Steve) came over and demanded that they delete the pictures off of their camera. I guess he was pretty rude about it too.

HI 50 said... 64

Goggled photography in public and laws:

"Private parties cannot take your personal property without a court order. And unless a police officer is arresting you, he cannot take your property either.

But if someone does confront you about your photography, you can probably win by standing your ground."

This website gives advise if someone tries to intimidate you into deleting a picture or tries to assault you while taking a picture. This site also gives other good references.

Kelly said... 65

Those bodyguards cannot make you delete the pictures off your camera. No way, won't happen. They CANNOT make you do that and you DON'T have to do that.

Kelly said... 66

Trust me, I am NOT Matt Heckman, whoever he is. Really, that's ridiculous.

Lauren said... 67

Thank you Kelly and HI 50!

It's kind of sad that Kate and her krew of kronies bullied those museum visitors into deleting photos.

I'm a bit of a scrapper so I would have told the bodyguard to take a long walk off a short pier. LOL!

Irene S said... 68

fidosmommy if you go to Smalltowngosselins Werny has some excerpts and such on Al's book. I don't think you have to worry about either parent being shed in a good light. But, we will see. I think it will outsell the book of lies....which won't be hard.

Wow....Target must be sponsoring the Gosselin's. Kate goes there more than she is with the kids it sure seems like.

Anonymous said... 69

"Using your children so that you can become famous" via RobertJ....possibly one of the dumbest comments I've heard yet. Could this possibly be snark? Good Lord, if this is progressive, selling your kids' childhoods off to be famous then we are all doomed.,0,6300780.story

from the comment section

Heide said... 70

Didn't Mr. Gray also block the entrance to a public bathroom because Kate was in there? That doesn't seem legal to me. What could people have done in that situation?

Linda in NS said... 71

I copied this from teh Vanity Fair article on the old cougar that gave birth to a litter of cubs.

On The View, Kate talked—as she has recently on Today, and Larry King Live, and Live with Regis and Kelly—about one of her “meltdown moments,” when she cried and felt she couldn’t cope. “I don’t know why that came as a surprise to people,” she says. “I don’t cry often and I don’t allow myself to cry often. Crying to me is a waste of energy and a waste of time.”

Isn't this the same woman that cries at the drop of a hat? Everything that comes out of her mouth is a total lie. Of course to be a good liar you need to have an excellent memory; Kart doesn't.

Markiesnana said... 72

I was just going to comment about Target.
With all of the pics that are out of her shopping at Target, perhaps they have given her carte blanch for awhile.
Where else could they get such constant advertising?
There are a lot of young women who idolize her, and would probably then go to Target, too, just because it has her stamp of approval.

pa mom too said... 73

Heide said...
Didn't Mr. Gray also block the entrance to a public bathroom because Kate was in there? That doesn't seem legal to me. What could people have done in that situation?

Yes, that happened during the skating event. He also wouldn't allow other celebs to be near little miss Katie.

Save Cara and Mady said... 74

I don't care that she shops at Target. What bugs me is the paps follow her there. It's like she is portraying herself as an everyday mom shopping there for household stuff. Get real. She has helpers for that but it's all for the image. I wonder when was the last time she did any real grocery shopping? I bet she hasn't set foot inside a Costco since the last time they filmed. It just angers me that TLC insists on keeping up this image. She's a diva and everyone, except sheeple, get it.

pa mom too said... 75


IDModo said... 76

I just read the Kate Gosselin on Ice article. What a piece of work that woman is! And even then it was clear that TLC could not risk anybody speaking to her or being near her. She must be such a loose cannon when she is unscripted and in proximity to other celebrities!
Her apparent jealousy of other reality stars might have caused her to say something totally inappropriate, and caused an incident that would reflect badly on her and TLC.
I was thinking also about when Admin asked her that seemingly innocuous question and Ratclaws intervened physically. I think Katie Irene has a hair-trigger temper that TLC is striving to keep under wraps in public.Unless carefully managed, she could go ballistic on very little provocation.
Too late, Kate! We've seen it with your actions with your children!

The Names the Game said... 77

Lauren said...
I do know for a fact that the Gosselins were filming at a museum in PA and visitors took pictures of Kate and the kids. A Gosselin bodyguard (not Steve) came over and demanded that they delete the pictures off of their camera. I guess he was pretty rude about it too.

I read on another article here on 15 Minutes yesterday or the day before that the exact incident happened in DC. Hmmmmm

fidosmommy said... 78

I've heard of several instances where Kate's bodyguard asked a person to delete pictures. I remember one was on video more than a year ago.
I don't remember the setting, though. I do remember thinking that the camera was private property, Kate was in a public place and the bodyguard had no right to demand a picture be deleted. It seems to me that only a judge would be able to demand that. If the picture had been taken under the bathroom stall door or
something that would be illegal, but this was
in a public area. Same as the paparazzi - it may be questionable, but it's not illegal.

Why isn't Steve standing on the fence line of the house demanding the paps delete pictures? Could it be that the paparazzi pictures are Kate's bread and butter while grandmas don't pay to get out their Polaroid Swingers to get
a quick snap of Kate? Ya think?

Sad but true said... 79

fidosmommy said... "Could it be that the paparazzi pictures are Kate's bread and butter..... ya think?"


Kate's bread and butter are her kids.
The paparazai pictures are her free publicity. She and the paps work together to keep her face on the tabloids so her addicts can keep writing about her like she matters.

PA Mom ALSO said... 80

"I've heard of several instances where Kate's bodyguard asked a person to delete pictures."

The one of which I am thinking is the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to delete any photos, and I would have told him exactly where to go. If he got nasty or ratclawed me, I would have yelled bloody murder for security -- the REAL security.

Teresa said... 81

will now have to boycott Target. :(

IDModo said... 82

TLC doesn't want anybody but them or their tame paparazzi to make money from pics of Kate and the kids. That's why they try to get people to delete their photos.If some private citizen decided to sell their pics to a tabloid, not only would TLC not have any control over them, that private citizen might actually make some money that did not go into the TLC coffers.

PA Mom ALSO said... 83

"I've heard of several instances where Kate's bodyguard asked a person to delete pictures."

The one of which I am thinking is the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to delete any photos, and I would have told him exactly where to go. If he got nasty or ratclawed me, I would have yelled bloody murder for security -- the REAL security.

Heide said... 84

Didn't Mr. Gray also block the entrance to a public bathroom because Kate was in there? That doesn't seem legal to me. What could people have done in that situation?

Kelly said... 85

Those bodyguards cannot make you delete the pictures off your camera. No way, won't happen. They CANNOT make you do that and you DON'T have to do that.

fidosmommy said... 86

When is the Al Walentis book coming out? I'm
torn between utter fascination with what he knows, and having problems with keeping Kate Gosselin in the spotlight some more. I hope this book doesn't give her more "woe is me"
fodder and win her some sympathy.

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