Kate to paps: 'Don't take any more pictures, what's your point?'
Why is Kate yelling at the paps when Jamie's kids are there, but not when her own kids are?
"Chris" the pap caught Kate going to the store with Jamie and her two girls. No twins or sextuplets in sight. After telling Chris she runs about five miles a day, Kate snapped at him to stop taking pictures.
OMG, cover those girls up! Please!!! Interesting that she's holding that girl's hand when she's rarely holding her own kids' hands (but is always holding her cell). Sorry, feeling extra snarky today.
Now here's the REAL KATE...bitchy as all get out. The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children.
I just want her to tell the paps to take a hike when they are trying to get a picture of Collin. Why defend Jamie's kids from the paps but not her own?
Jamie's kids look kind of excited about this like it's a novelty. Sure it's fun for them since they don't have to deal with this every single day. After awhile the novelty wears off and you just want to be a kid, like Collin.
I can't believe she is asking him :" what's your point?"... Huuh Kate that's HIS JOB ... DUH! She should know the camera is HER JOB. What's the difference... Oh yeah I forgot... she 's not getting paid for THAT camera.
I didn't listen to the video because I want to puke at the sound of her voice. Looking at the picture...what's up with her revealing the boobies every chance she gets? She is seeming more and more desperate for attention even though she acts annoyed with the paps. I think she's just putting on an act in front of Jamie. Why would she mind a pap snapping away at Jamie's kid when she whores her own out daily?
Isn't this the same guy that 'follows' her around all the time? It sounds like the same guy that 'follows' Jon too. So there really isn't all this paparazzi chasing her is there? It's just one guy asking stupid questions. Did TLC tell Steve not to bother coming to work today because it was just going to be Chris snapping pictures? Like someone posted before, it's probably a TLC intern. That fame whore is more than ready for her close-up.
The first thing I noticed was her holding hands with someone else's child too. And with ease like she actually liked it. Not just grabbing a hand to make sure a kid doesn't run off.
Totally inappropriate display of boobage, especially in front of children. And the tatas are looking lopsided: different sizes and one is higher than the other. The single pap who follows her around is creepy. She pretends to be annoyed with him yet probably told him to meet her at the store. The guy is probably on TLC's payroll and is tipped off by Kate's people as to her whereabouts. She is hardly being followed by the paparazzi, as she claims. Rather, she tells the same lone photographer where to find her everyday. So sad. If TLC stopped paying him, would she ever be in the tabloids? She is a pseudocelebrity.
Anonymous said... "The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Well, the boobaage is obviously the strategy to date to keep Kate on the pages of the tabloids and thus keep her in the interest of the public. Not only have we had photos upon photos of Kate's cleavage lately, we have the "scandalous" story of Steve advising Kate on implants. All calculated to get her high mention on the blogs and to be translated into viewing interest. It's just like when ROL puts in a story about "the loving Mom of 8". They are throwing meat in a shark tank, knowing they will whip up some public outcry. Kate really proves no publicity is bad publicity and apparently, her handlers think it is the only publicity she can garner. Although it is no accident that this woman is a freak show, the harm to these children is a price Kate and her handlers are more than willing to pay for profit.
I find it hard to believe that the big, lumbering, tortoise-like Kate runs "5 miles, most days". The woman can barely lift her feet off the ground and looks like she's dying when she runs. In fact, she doesn't even look like she's running so much as shuffling at an iceberg's pace. Is she even getting any cardio benefit moving so slowly? Being generous, let's say she can run a ten minute mile. So she's running 50+ minutes most days? I am a former runner and can tell you she'd be drenched in sweat running that far and long on a hot summer day. I've never seen her work up a sweat... ever. She was in terrible shape on DWTS; so tired looking and slow moving. I figured her runs were merely photo ops and excuses to expose her nasty belly and fake boobs. Love how she taunts that same, lone fake-pap by saying she won't tell him where she runs. As if he'd find/follow her without being told where to go by Kate's people. Kate is certainly able to fly under the radar when she wants to (plastic surgeon's office, etc) which leads me to believe that she is not followed by paps but rather showing up for planned photo ops (much like the driveway pics everyone rolls their eyes at). She would just shrivel up and die if the cameras stopped showing up.
That pap "Chris" seems to be the only pap ever filming or talking to Khate or Jon now. Guess he is on ROL or TLC payroll and other paps have moved on to more signficant/public appealing "celebrities". Oh and she shows "the girls" now cause that's her only "talent".
This is just a photo op that's all.It comes on the heels of everyone speculating why Jamie spends so much time caring for, and vacationing with the Gosselin kids, but never includes her own.
If EVER anyone needed a pair of dark Hollywood sunglasses, that picture proves it. Notice how just the very edges of her Botoxed forehead are trying to furrow?
Anonymous said... "The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Look at the picture a little more closely, Anonymous. Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand? It looks more to me like Collin didn't like the camera and took his mother's hand for comfort. You know, a version of covering his face.
Oh, I see now. She had to hold her purse AND Collin's hand with one hand so she could point with the other one.
The timer around her neck reads 2:56:02. Do you suppose she'd actually been running that long? I agree with the runner above - she'd be pouring sweat if she had been.
Maybe Kate is a special breed that does not sweat?
fidosmommy said... Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?
When my two kids were toddlers, and I had to hold both their hands, not being an octopus, sometimes I'd have something else in one of those hands too. I can even remember sometimes holding BOTH their hands in ONE of my hands while a tried to open a car door, pick up something I dropped, etc. Can we GET any pickier???
Linda in NS said... Judy those pics are f'ugly aren't they. I think Chris took those on purpose in the most unflattering ligth he could find. Ugly goes right to the bone. ~~~~~~~~~~ Linda~ those pictures are of the REAL Kate.That's exactly (minus the fake boobs)what poor Jon woke up to every morning ! Holy cow...I'm feeling pretty good about myself about now !
What's with that said... fidosmommy said... Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?
When my two kids were toddlers, and I had to hold both their hands, not being an octopus, sometimes I'd have something else in one of those hands too. I can even remember sometimes holding BOTH their hands in ONE of my hands while a tried to open a car door, pick up something I dropped, etc. Can we GET any pickier???
Well, let's try.
You held your purse and your TODDLERS' hands when both hands were occupied, right? Take a look. There is not a toddler in sight. The purse is the only item she is carrying. I see six year olds. Kate has one empty hand. If she were going to lovingly hold a six year old's hand, why not switch her? It just does not look like a bonding moment on Kate's part to me.
Pat, PatK said she was tired of looking at Kate's boobs, really tired of it.
The suggestion was made, subtly, that if she's tired of it, she does not have to look, as in if you're tired of being fat you do not have to stand in line at an all you can eat buffet. Not sure how you relate that to sex toy, privacy, etc.
Exactly how many times a week does this woman have to run into town to pick something up anyway? Didn't she pride herself on being the organized list-maker at one time?
You'd think someone with eight kids to look after would be at home most of the day with a laundry list of things to do.
What an insane, creepy woman Kate Gosselin is. Even Stephen King couldn't have dreamed up a more whacked out nutjob than her in a million years.
Ya think she could save some of the kids money and mow her own lawn and work up a sweat instead of jogging for the pap (boyfriend)..therfore she would have at least accomplished something worth while...
sadie, Yeah, and the nutjob could kill two birds with one stone if she'd jog into town every few minutes to pick up whatever it is she thinks she needs. She'd get her exercise and she'd save some of the kids money she wastes on gas.
1)Botox apparently inhibits the sweat glands. It is sometimes used to treat bad cases of sweaty palms. Maybe that's why she doesn't appear sweaty. 2)In the immortal words of Roseanne Barr: "You're worst nightmare! White trash with money!" 3)That is the worst boob job I've ever seen.
I wind up at Target a few times a week but it's because I like getting out of the house at night after my DH gets home :) I don't go spending tons of money but I'll sort of stretch out my shopping over a few days. I need some down time because we homeschool our four children and two of them have SN's. I don't begrudge Kate going shopping at Target, etc. I think the problem most people have with her frequent trips is that she rarely seems to be with her children. She has a few nannies (at least), Jon has the kids every other weekend?, and she has spent a considerable amount of time traveling for work. I'm sure she has an assistant that can run these errands so she can spend more time with the kiddos especially since they are now home for the summer.
The other thing is that Kate has always made a HUGE deal about how hard it is taking all 8 kids anywhere. It's so hard getting them ready, packing them up and keeping an eye on all of them. I have several friends with 7+ kids who are always on the go with all of their children. (no helpers). They also have young children so it's not like they have older kiddos to help out. Kate makes everything in her life appear to be as difficult as climbing Mt. Everest. It's hard, yes. However, it can be done and even done in such a way where there is limited yelling and the kids are actually having fun with NO cameras. Imagine that!
Why Kate Rates said... PatK said... I'm so damn tired of seeing her boobs. I really am.
What would you say to the overweight person who was standing in line at the buffet when she said, “I’m so damn tired of being fat...I really am?" ***************
"Kate is more like Norma Bates - the nutjob mother of Norman."
Mrs. Norma Bates had been dead for years! Kathy BATES (Misery) is still alive, though!
"Yeah, and the nutjob could kill two birds with one stone if she'd jog into town every few minutes to pick up whatever it is she thinks she needs. She'd get her exercise and she'd save some of the kids money she wastes on gas."
It would be one heck of a run. It's about eight miles to Target in 100 degree heat. Not much gas to waste, there, though...and it's just about $2.69 round trip.
Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance! And btw, no surprise that BFF's kids are in town since we all questioned why she left them in Michigan.
It would be one heck of a run. It's about eight miles to Target in 100 degree heat. Not much gas to waste, there, though...and it's just about $2.69 round trip.
Perfect. Kate could collapse from heat exhaustion. What a great episode that would make.
$2.69 is a waste especially when you threaten to shoot your husband for buying a shower head without a coupon. She'd like you to believe she's an economical spender. Bwahahahahha. Let's face it. It's all a big freakin' joke. Kate Gosselin has never really given a shit about 'saving' $$. It would be a different story if she had to work for it, not her kids.
lalalinda said... Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance! ~~~ LOL, I thought the same thing...appeal to Kate's vanity, she can't pass up a chance to talk about herself.
As for the running, I too was a big runner for years; in South FL. no less. I could NOT go running in the daytime, just tooooo hot. I would head out after dinner, about 7 pm. Even then, there was still the hideous humidity, and I can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins. I used to run for an hr. or two, and when I got back, I'd just get in the shower and peel my clothes off, and wring them out, they were soaked. My face would be beet red as well!
" can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins."
Exactly. I'm in her area. Our summer has been brutal, with excessive heat warnings. It's painful to even be outside. I can guarantee you that she would fall over if she tried to run two blocks. Our evening temps have been in the 80s.
"Perfect. Kate could collapse from heat exhaustion. What a great episode that would make."
I watched my grandfather, during a trip to Florida in August, collapse from heat exhaustion. He darn near died. It's not a pretty sight. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
" can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins."
As said upthread, the timer on Kate's chest reads 2:56:02. That's a long time to be running and not break a sweat anywhere, even if her botoxed face doesn't perspire.
Maybe that's her 15 minutes of fame clock ticking.....??
PA Mom ALSO said...I watched my grandfather, during a trip to Florida in August, collapse from heat exhaustion. He darn near died. It's not a pretty sight. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Let me clarify my post for you PA Mom ALSO. I didn't "wish" a heat stroke on Kate Gosselin. It's called snark. Kate is a phony. She bitches about exhaustion ALL the time...her middle name is exhausted. "Perfect" meant TLC/Kate Gosselin would finally have something to film besides bullshit trips to vacation spots and constructing chicken coops IF she jogged five miles jog a day. Please, she doesn't do that. Anyone who believes that story also believes she's a talented, strong woman capable of raising eight kids with her right hand tied behind her back without any help from anyone. We're discussing the Kate Gosselin, the Lying Child Exploiter here who, for lack of any other talent, has decided to try to convince the masses that she's now an exercise freak. It had nothing to do with wishing heat exhaustion on her. I have seen a lot worse "wished" on that woman on this blog though than that.
They're discussing Jennifer Capriati's "accidental" overdose on HLN. It ALL keeps coming back to being in the spotlight, being defined by celebrity, not having a life or identity outside of celebrity, and the damage created by GROWING UP IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Yooooo Whoooooo... calling Meredith Viera and any and all other Hate Greedslin apologists. Is anyone listening to us "haterz?" It certainly was never those eight children we "hated." Now do you believe us?????
Tragic. Kate apologists of course will say not all child actors end up like that!
This reminds me of smoking. Everyone accepts now that smoking can cause cancer and serious health problems. But because not EVERYONE will get cancer and die from cigarettes, we shouldn't say anything about the dangers of smoking?
Why is she on the cover of OK magazine again? Why are people buying any magazine with her on the cover? Why do tabloids think she is important? When will it all stop?
"As said upthread, the timer on Kate's chest reads 2:56:02."
Wait...3 hours? We're supposed to believe that Kate has been running for almost 3 hours? Even assuming she runs very slow and does a 15-minute mile, that means that she had been running almost 12 miles during this run!!! She wouldn't be sweating - she'd be passed out!
Either that timer is waaaaaaay off, or it is really 2 minutes, 56 seconds, and 2/10 of a second...and that would mean that she hadn't had time to break a sweat.
There's just no way Miss Katie had been running close to 3 hours. In her own words, she runs only 5 miles a day - so that's a little more than a mile an hour...verrrrry slow.
Regarding the timer-she could have started it 2-1/2 hours before she ran out the door. She didn't have the stamina to 'dance' for 90 seconds, there's no way in hell she runs 5 miles a day. Another TLC created LIE.
Let's face it. It's all a big freakin' joke. Kate Gosselin has never really given a shit about 'saving' $$. It would be a different story if she had to work for it, not her kids. _____________________________________________
I remember that episode, where she had a fit over Jon not using a coupon for a shower head. Idiot. I also remember the ep where she went to the grocery store and used coupons. Wasn't impressed.
I use coupons. I am one of those crazy coupon people who sometimes can items free or items for under a dollar with a coupon. I take the free items or really cheap items and put them in a basket. When the basket is full, I put together care packages for the troops in Afghanistan or Iraq.
The only thing Kate did with a coupon was complain and moan. Yet sheeple think she's an ispiration because she used to use coupons (I'm pretty well convinced that she probably doesn't use them anymore since she's all hoity, toity now).
"Let me clarify my post for you PA Mom ALSO. I didn't "wish" a heat stroke on Kate Gosselin. It's called snark."
Sometimes snark gets carried too far, such as saying Kate falling over from heat exhaustion would make a great episode. Snark is cruel humor or malice in speech. Why not make a point without resorting to it?
I don't care how much of a phony she is, how vile a woman she is, a great episode would not be filming someone in a state of heat exhaustion.
"I have seen a lot worse "wished" on that woman on this blog though than that."
Just want to add PAMA, that before anyone schools me on misdirected snark, I watch my son damn near go into a coma from low blood glucose levels all the time. He has this lifelong incurable disease called Type 1 diabetes mellitus. He has to know the carb, calorie, fat, fibre, and salt content from every morsel of food that goes into his body EVERY time he eats anything every day. He takes three to five needles a day (depending on what he's eaten) and has for the last eight years of his life and will continue to do that for the rest of his life. He is expected by society to live a 'normal' life because he has genetically engineered medicine injected into his body, but the REALITY of it is that his life is anything but normal because of it. He could pass out from LBG or even worse, have his sugar levels sky rocket to the point where he goes into a ketoacidosis coma. It's a hidden disease because you can't tell by looking at him that he has it. He has to carry ID on him alerting people to the fact that he has it in case someone finds him laying on the sidewalk passed out and mistake him for being drunk. His friends devour sweets and junk food without a worry. He has to calculate how many units of insulin to inject if he plays basketball or goes swimming. There are no days off from Type 1 diabetes. He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure.
There are other diseases out there much worse and more devastating, but then we all have our crosses to bear. Knock on anyone's door and I guarantee they will have a story to tell you about themselves or someone close to them that is suffering from something terrible.
I listened to Kate whine about her low blood sugars on the Discovery Cove episode. If it's true she has hypoglycemia all she has to do is get some sugar into her system pronto. She's a nurse and should be educated about that. If she passes out from heat exhaustion it will be because she brought it on herself, not because I wished it upon her. The fact of the matter is, Kate Gosselin has nothing to complain about. She has eight healthy kids (physically, that is). She put them to work to get herself everything anyone would ever want in the way of material things. She has lied her way through the last six years and by the looks of it has no intention of stopping. She's on a constant self-pity campaign to get people's sympathy and money to continue living high wide and handsome. I was insulted by her low blood sugar complaint which she had to throw in there. One of these fine days, her lies and deceptions will all come home to roost. No one gets away with anything forever. So, if my snarking on her about passing out from heat exhaustion bothers you, so be it. You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her.
PAMA? As in Panama? LOL! That's a new one. I kind of like it!
"He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure."
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
"You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her."
I said nothing about feeling her pain. I'm not sure she feels any pain (from exhaustion) because it's doubtful that she really runs as much as she says she does. My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
You can zoom in on the timer attached to her chest and see for yourself what it says. I could be wrong.
Anyway, all the "running" pictures of Kate look more like "walking" pictures of Kate. I'm not too sure she runs any distance at all, but walks her routes. Just a guess.
Even when she did that marathon with Cara and there was VIDEO footage (not just still shots) of her she was still trotting/walking. NOT "running" It's a crash/liquid/cleanse kind of diet that's made her lose 10 pounds in a week (totally unhealthy, she didn't need to lose any weight THAT drastically) She's starving herself. Like many have said, she has a very demented relationship with food. Tell me? Why she didn't lose any weight during DWTS?
I agree, you gain "muscle weight" when you excercise, but you also lose inches. No such thing happened with Kate during DWTS. She did not look any trimmer and fitter during her stint. Now all of a sudden 10 lbs drop in a week?
PA Mom ALSO, My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
And I stand by my comment that I wasn't hoping (or wishing, whatever) that she should. I said if she passed out from heat exhaustion it would be a great episode, which was implying that TLC/Kate would milk it for all its worth. That's not to say I'm not without my prejudices against her. Believe me, I have no compassion for her whatsoever.
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
I appreciate that. It's a miserable disease for anyone to have but it robs kids of a part of their childhood. I didn't write that post to garner any sympathy for him. He would be appalled if he knew I even mentioned it.
Time to move on?
Definitely. Why get our panties in a bunch over something that's never going to happen anyway. As you said, I doubt if she even runs anywhere near even a mile a week.
I agree, you gain "muscle weight" when you excercise, but you also lose inches. No such thing happened with Kate during DWTS. She did not look any trimmer and fitter during her stint. Now all of a sudden 10 lbs drop in a week?
PAMA? As in Panama? LOL! That's a new one. I kind of like it!
"He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure."
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
"You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her."
I said nothing about feeling her pain. I'm not sure she feels any pain (from exhaustion) because it's doubtful that she really runs as much as she says she does. My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
This is just a photo op that's all.It comes on the heels of everyone speculating why Jamie spends so much time caring for, and vacationing with the Gosselin kids, but never includes her own.
I find it hard to believe that the big, lumbering, tortoise-like Kate runs "5 miles, most days". The woman can barely lift her feet off the ground and looks like she's dying when she runs. In fact, she doesn't even look like she's running so much as shuffling at an iceberg's pace. Is she even getting any cardio benefit moving so slowly? Being generous, let's say she can run a ten minute mile. So she's running 50+ minutes most days? I am a former runner and can tell you she'd be drenched in sweat running that far and long on a hot summer day. I've never seen her work up a sweat... ever. She was in terrible shape on DWTS; so tired looking and slow moving. I figured her runs were merely photo ops and excuses to expose her nasty belly and fake boobs. Love how she taunts that same, lone fake-pap by saying she won't tell him where she runs. As if he'd find/follow her without being told where to go by Kate's people. Kate is certainly able to fly under the radar when she wants to (plastic surgeon's office, etc) which leads me to believe that she is not followed by paps but rather showing up for planned photo ops (much like the driveway pics everyone rolls their eyes at). She would just shrivel up and die if the cameras stopped showing up.
Anonymous said... "The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance! And btw, no surprise that BFF's kids are in town since we all questioned why she left them in Michigan.
I didn't listen to the video because I want to puke at the sound of her voice. Looking at the picture...what's up with her revealing the boobies every chance she gets? She is seeming more and more desperate for attention even though she acts annoyed with the paps. I think she's just putting on an act in front of Jamie. Why would she mind a pap snapping away at Jamie's kid when she whores her own out daily?
I can't believe she is asking him :" what's your point?"... Huuh Kate that's HIS JOB ... DUH! She should know the camera is HER JOB. What's the difference... Oh yeah I forgot... she 's not getting paid for THAT camera.
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93 sediments (sic) from readers:
OMG, cover those girls up! Please!!!
Interesting that she's holding that girl's hand when she's rarely holding her own kids' hands (but is always holding her cell).
Sorry, feeling extra snarky today.
Now here's the REAL KATE...bitchy as all get out. The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children.
I just want her to tell the paps to take a hike when they are trying to get a picture of Collin. Why defend Jamie's kids from the paps but not her own?
Jamie's kids look kind of excited about this like it's a novelty. Sure it's fun for them since they don't have to deal with this every single day. After awhile the novelty wears off and you just want to be a kid, like Collin.
Yipe the snarky bitch that we all know. I swear this ROL guy has a crush on her cause he is always there chasing her around PA
I can't believe she is asking him :" what's your point?"...
Huuh Kate that's HIS JOB ... DUH!
She should know the camera is HER JOB.
What's the difference... Oh yeah I forgot... she 's not getting paid for THAT camera.
I hope that's not the outfit she runs 5 miles a day in.
I didn't listen to the video because I want to puke at the sound of her voice. Looking at the picture...what's up with her revealing the boobies every chance she gets? She is seeming more and more desperate for attention even though she acts annoyed with the paps. I think she's just putting on an act in front of Jamie. Why would she mind a pap snapping away at Jamie's kid when she whores her own out daily?
Isn't this the same guy that 'follows' her around all the time? It sounds like the same guy that 'follows' Jon too. So there really isn't all this paparazzi chasing her is there? It's just one guy asking stupid questions.
Did TLC tell Steve not to bother coming to work today because it was just going to be Chris snapping pictures? Like someone posted before, it's probably a TLC intern. That fame whore is more than ready for her close-up.
It would be funny if Chris the pap retorted "What's the point of YOU filming YOUR kids????"
I'm so damn tired of seeing her boobs. I really am.
And Kate, you and Jamie both knew damn well her kids were going to be photographed if they are out with you. Who are you trying to kid?
"The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Never? Really?
The first thing I noticed was her holding hands with someone else's child too. And with ease like she actually liked it. Not just grabbing a hand to make sure a kid doesn't run off.
'Don't take any more pictures, what's your point?' is what she said.
"Don't take any more pictures, what's your point? These kids aren't worth a dime to me." is what she meant.
Totally inappropriate display of boobage, especially in front of children. And the tatas are looking lopsided: different sizes and one is higher than the other. The single pap who follows her around is creepy. She pretends to be annoyed with him yet probably told him to meet her at the store. The guy is probably on TLC's payroll and is tipped off by Kate's people as to her whereabouts. She is hardly being followed by the paparazzi, as she claims. Rather, she tells the same lone photographer where to find her everyday. So sad. If TLC stopped paying him, would she ever be in the tabloids? She is a pseudocelebrity.
Anonymous said...
"The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Never? Really?
I think the better adjective would be rarely. In that example it looks more like Collin is holding HER hand and she's holding onto her purse.
Kate holds somebody's hand all the time. Pink iphone, the seventh tup!
Administrator, make that the 12th tup, it is after all, her 5th pink iPhone! Lol!
Well, the boobaage is obviously the strategy to date to keep Kate on the pages of the tabloids and thus keep her in the interest of the public. Not only have we had photos upon photos of Kate's cleavage lately, we have the "scandalous" story of Steve advising Kate on implants. All calculated to get her high mention on the blogs and to be translated into viewing interest.
It's just like when ROL puts in a story about "the loving Mom of 8". They are throwing meat in a shark tank, knowing they will whip up some public outcry. Kate really proves no publicity is bad publicity and apparently, her handlers think it is the only publicity she can garner. Although it is no accident that this woman is a freak show, the harm to these children is a price Kate and her handlers are more than willing to pay for profit.
That boobage is not attractive. It obviously gets attention, but I don't think it is the attention she is wanting. It is more like ewwwwwwww!
I find it hard to believe that the big, lumbering, tortoise-like Kate runs "5 miles, most days". The woman can barely lift her feet off the ground and looks like she's dying when she runs. In fact, she doesn't even look like she's running so much as shuffling at an iceberg's pace. Is she even getting any cardio benefit moving so slowly? Being generous, let's say she can run a ten minute mile. So she's running 50+ minutes most days? I am a former runner and can tell you she'd be drenched in sweat running that far and long on a hot summer day. I've never seen her work up a sweat... ever. She was in terrible shape on DWTS; so tired looking and slow moving. I figured her runs were merely photo ops and excuses to expose her nasty belly and fake boobs. Love how she taunts that same, lone fake-pap by saying she won't tell him where she runs. As if he'd find/follow her without being told where to go by Kate's people. Kate is certainly able to fly under the radar when she wants to (plastic surgeon's office, etc) which leads me to believe that she is not followed by paps but rather showing up for planned photo ops (much like the driveway pics everyone rolls their eyes at). She would just shrivel up and die if the cameras stopped showing up.
**Why defend Jamie's kids from the paps but not her own?**
Simple: "NO ONE GETS PAID [attention or photographed or publicity or fill in the blank] BUT ME!!! BWA HA HA!!!!"
TLC would probably have to pay Jamie extra.
That pap "Chris" seems to be the only pap ever filming or talking to Khate or Jon now. Guess he is on ROL or TLC payroll and other paps have moved on to more signficant/public appealing "celebrities". Oh and she shows "the girls" now cause that's her only "talent".
This is just a photo op that's all.It comes on the heels of everyone speculating why Jamie spends so much time caring for, and vacationing with the Gosselin kids, but never includes her own.
One tiny breeze and it's gonna get a little nipply and highly inappropriate!
Will be glad when winter gets here and she covers up her breast somewhat...right now people her breast are for show n look
She looks more and more like a hillbilly with money.
PatK said...
I'm so damn tired of seeing her boobs. I really am.
What would you say to the overweight person who was standing in line at the buffet when she said, “I’m so damn tired of being fat...I really am?"
After she sees this, Chris (pap) won't be her friend any longer.
Judy those pics are f'ugly aren't they. I think Chris took those on purpose in the most unflattering ligth he could find. Ugly goes right to the bone.
Judy, thanks for the link. That is one ugly mug. It looks like her dentures are about to fall out.
If EVER anyone needed a pair of dark Hollywood sunglasses, that picture proves it. Notice how just the very edges of her Botoxed forehead are trying to furrow?
Anonymous said...
"The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Never? Really?
Look at the picture a little more closely, Anonymous. Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand? It looks more to me like Collin didn't like the camera and took his mother's hand for comfort.
You know, a version of covering his face.
Oh, I see now. She had to hold her purse AND Collin's hand with one hand so she could point with the other one.
Judy said...
After she sees this, Chris (pap) won't be her friend any longer.
The timer around her neck reads 2:56:02. Do you suppose she'd actually been running that long? I agree with the runner above - she'd be pouring sweat if she had been.
Maybe Kate is a special breed that does not sweat?
fidosmommy said... Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?
When my two kids were toddlers, and I had to hold both their hands, not being an octopus, sometimes I'd have something else in one of those hands too. I can even remember sometimes holding BOTH their hands in ONE of my hands while a tried to open a car door, pick up something I dropped, etc. Can we GET any pickier???
Linda in NS said...
Judy those pics are f'ugly aren't they. I think Chris took those on purpose in the most unflattering ligth he could find. Ugly goes right to the bone.
Linda~ those pictures are of the REAL Kate.That's exactly (minus the fake boobs)what poor Jon woke up to every morning !
Holy cow...I'm feeling pretty good about myself about now !
What's with that said...
fidosmommy said... Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?
When my two kids were toddlers, and I had to hold both their hands, not being an octopus, sometimes I'd have something else in one of those hands too. I can even remember sometimes holding BOTH their hands in ONE of my hands while a tried to open a car door, pick up something I dropped, etc. Can we GET any pickier???
Well, let's try.
You held your purse and your TODDLERS' hands when both hands were occupied, right? Take a look. There is not a toddler in sight. The purse is the only item she is carrying. I see six year olds. Kate has one empty hand. If she were going to lovingly hold a six year old's hand, why not switch her? It just does not look like a bonding moment on Kate's part to me.
Dear Kate Rates....not quite the same at ALL.
Thousands in plastic surgery? For what? To try and look like a sex toy??
That's what KKate is trying HARD for....her new makeover is "SEXTOY"...instead of ........simply mother.
She want her life on tape/TV, well she got HER WISH. But what about her eight kids? Did THEY "choose" notoriety over PRIVACY and anonymity.
Anonymity once lost is gone FOREVER.
She SOLD her children's anonymity for FAKE BOOBS, plastic surgery, a big house, and a boytoy bodyguard.
We will see how the eight deal with her over the years........
...not exactly a natural beauty.
Fidosmommy - did you ask this question?
"Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?"
Yes you did. I answered that question.
Pat, PatK said she was tired of looking at Kate's boobs, really tired of it.
The suggestion was made, subtly, that if she's tired of it, she does not have to look, as in if you're tired of being fat you do not have to stand in line at an all you can eat buffet. Not sure how you relate that to sex toy, privacy, etc.
What's with that said...
Fidosmommy - did you ask this question?
"Who holds hands with her son while also holding her purse in that same hand?"
Yes you did. I answered that question.
I'm letting this go......Rule #2
Exactly how many times a week does this woman have to run into town to pick something up anyway? Didn't she pride herself on being the organized list-maker at one time?
You'd think someone with eight kids to look after would be at home most of the day with a laundry list of things to do.
What an insane, creepy woman Kate Gosselin is. Even Stephen King couldn't have dreamed up a more whacked out nutjob than her in a million years.
Ya think she could save some of the kids money and mow her own lawn and work up a sweat instead of jogging for the pap (boyfriend)..therfore she would have at least accomplished something worth while...
Yeah, and the nutjob could kill two birds with one stone if she'd jog into town every few minutes to pick up whatever it is she thinks she needs. She'd get her exercise and she'd save some of the kids money she wastes on gas.
1)Botox apparently inhibits the sweat glands. It is sometimes used to treat bad cases of sweaty palms. Maybe that's why she doesn't appear sweaty.
2)In the immortal words of Roseanne Barr: "You're worst nightmare! White trash with money!"
3)That is the worst boob job I've ever seen.
I wind up at Target a few times a week but it's because I like getting out of the house at night after my DH gets home :) I don't go spending tons of money but I'll sort of stretch out my shopping over a few days. I need some down time because we homeschool our four children and two of them have SN's. I don't begrudge Kate going shopping at Target, etc. I think the problem most people have with her frequent trips is that she rarely seems to be with her children. She has a few nannies (at least), Jon has the kids every other weekend?, and she has spent a considerable amount of time traveling for work. I'm sure she has an assistant that can run these errands so she can spend more time with the kiddos especially since they are now home for the summer.
The other thing is that Kate has always made a HUGE deal about how hard it is taking all 8 kids anywhere. It's so hard getting them ready, packing them up and keeping an eye on all of them. I have several friends with 7+ kids who are always on the go with all of their children. (no helpers). They also have young children so it's not like they have older kiddos to help out. Kate makes everything in her life appear to be as difficult as climbing Mt. Everest. It's hard, yes. However, it can be done and even done in such a way where there is limited yelling and the kids are actually having fun with NO cameras. Imagine that!
AuntieAnn said... Even Stephen King couldn't have dreamed up a more whacked out nutjob than her in a million years.
You must not have read "Misery."
Ha. Annie Wilkes doesn't hold a candle to Kate Gosselin.
Kate is more like Norma Bates - the nutjob mother of Norman.
Anonymous said...
AuntieAnn said... Even Stephen King couldn't have dreamed up a more whacked out nutjob than her in a million years.
You must not have read "Misery."
Ha, aren't "Misery" and "Kate Gosselin" synonymous?
Dang. K8's "normal" appearance only lasted a day.
Sadly, Kate clearly avoids the bra, jewelry and "Up Do's for Dummies" aisle on her frequent trips to Target.
Why Kate Rates said...
PatK said...
I'm so damn tired of seeing her boobs. I really am.
What would you say to the overweight person who was standing in line at the buffet when she said, “I’m so damn tired of being fat...I really am?"
Huh? What?
"Kate is more like Norma Bates - the nutjob mother of Norman."
Mrs. Norma Bates had been dead for years! Kathy BATES (Misery) is still alive, though!
"Yeah, and the nutjob could kill two birds with one stone if she'd jog into town every few minutes to pick up whatever it is she thinks she needs. She'd get her exercise and she'd save some of the kids money she wastes on gas."
It would be one heck of a run. It's about eight miles to Target in 100 degree heat. Not much gas to waste, there, though...and it's just about $2.69 round trip.
Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance! And btw, no surprise that BFF's kids are in town since we all questioned why she left them in Michigan.
It would be one heck of a run. It's about eight miles to Target in 100 degree heat. Not much gas to waste, there, though...and it's just about $2.69 round trip.
Perfect. Kate could collapse from heat exhaustion. What a great episode that would make.
$2.69 is a waste especially when you threaten to shoot your husband for buying a shower head without a coupon. She'd like you to believe she's an economical spender. Bwahahahahha. Let's face it. It's all a big freakin' joke. Kate Gosselin has never really given a shit about 'saving' $$. It would be a different story if she had to work for it, not her kids.
lalalinda said...
Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance!
LOL, I thought the same thing...appeal to Kate's vanity, she can't pass up a chance to talk about herself.
As for the running, I too was a big runner for years; in South FL. no less. I could NOT go running in the daytime, just tooooo hot. I would head out after dinner, about 7 pm. Even then, there was still the hideous humidity, and I can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins. I used to run for an hr. or two, and when I got back, I'd just get in the shower and peel my clothes off, and wring them out, they were soaked. My face would be beet red as well!
" can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins."
Exactly. I'm in her area. Our summer has been brutal, with excessive heat warnings. It's painful to even be outside. I can guarantee you that she would fall over if she tried to run two blocks. Our evening temps have been in the 80s.
"Perfect. Kate could collapse from heat exhaustion. What a great episode that would make."
I watched my grandfather, during a trip to Florida in August, collapse from heat exhaustion. He darn near died. It's not a pretty sight. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Just caught the end of the kids 6th birthday party.
Collin was miserable. Trying to smile as if some TOLD him to smile or else. Horrible, poor boy.
KKate as usual made it all about HER. SHE is getting older, poor hag. And she is SO sad her kids are growing up.
We all know she can't handle "kids", she only wants "babies". And of course with plenty of volunteers around to take care of them.
Only two girls seemed "happy" being filmed...guess who.
I wonder if Kate is worried about this:
Naomi Campbell's bald spot from too much hair extensions!
" can assure you, if Kate is running during the day, she's not running 5 miles in 100 deg. temps, and if she's running day or nite, she'd be sweating profusely w/in the first 5 mins."
As said upthread, the timer on Kate's chest
reads 2:56:02. That's a long time to be running and not break a sweat anywhere, even if her botoxed face doesn't perspire.
Maybe that's her 15 minutes of fame clock ticking.....??
PA Mom ALSO said...I watched my grandfather, during a trip to Florida in August, collapse from heat exhaustion. He darn near died. It's not a pretty sight. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Let me clarify my post for you PA Mom ALSO. I didn't "wish" a heat stroke on Kate Gosselin. It's called snark. Kate is a phony. She bitches about exhaustion ALL the time...her middle name is exhausted. "Perfect" meant TLC/Kate Gosselin would finally have something to film besides bullshit trips to vacation spots and constructing chicken coops IF she jogged five miles jog a day. Please, she doesn't do that. Anyone who believes that story also believes she's a talented, strong woman capable of raising eight kids with her right hand tied behind her back without any help from anyone. We're discussing the Kate Gosselin, the Lying Child Exploiter here who, for lack of any other talent, has decided to try to convince the masses that she's now an exercise freak. It had nothing to do with wishing heat exhaustion on her. I have seen a lot worse "wished" on that woman on this blog though than that.
They're discussing Jennifer Capriati's "accidental" overdose on HLN. It ALL keeps coming back to being in the spotlight, being defined by celebrity, not having a life or identity outside of celebrity, and the damage created by GROWING UP IN THE SPOTLIGHT.
Yooooo Whoooooo... calling Meredith Viera and any and all other Hate Greedslin apologists. Is anyone listening to us "haterz?" It certainly was never those eight children we "hated." Now do you believe us?????
Tragic. Kate apologists of course will say not all child actors end up like that!
This reminds me of smoking. Everyone accepts now that smoking can cause cancer and serious health problems. But because not EVERYONE will get cancer and die from cigarettes, we shouldn't say anything about the dangers of smoking?
Talk about rode hard and put away wet - Kate Gosselin looks 10 years older than she is in this picture:
Why is she on the cover of OK magazine again? Why are people buying any magazine with her on the cover? Why do tabloids think she is important? When will it all stop?
"As said upthread, the timer on Kate's chest reads 2:56:02."
Wait...3 hours? We're supposed to believe that Kate has been running for almost 3 hours? Even assuming she runs very slow and does a 15-minute mile, that means that she had been running almost 12 miles during this run!!! She wouldn't be sweating - she'd be passed out!
Either that timer is waaaaaaay off, or it is really 2 minutes, 56 seconds, and 2/10 of a second...and that would mean that she hadn't had time to break a sweat.
There's just no way Miss Katie had been running close to 3 hours. In her own words, she runs only 5 miles a day - so that's a little more than a mile an hour...verrrrry slow.
Regarding the timer-she could have started it 2-1/2 hours before she ran out the door. She didn't have the stamina to 'dance' for 90 seconds, there's no way in hell she runs 5 miles a day.
Another TLC created LIE.
AuntieAnn said...
Let's face it. It's all a big freakin' joke. Kate Gosselin has never really given a shit about 'saving' $$. It would be a different story if she had to work for it, not her kids.
I remember that episode, where she had a fit over Jon not using a coupon for a shower head. Idiot. I also remember the ep where she went to the grocery store and used coupons. Wasn't impressed.
I use coupons. I am one of those crazy coupon people who sometimes can items free or items for under a dollar with a coupon. I take the free items or really cheap items and put them in a basket. When the basket is full, I put together care packages for the troops in Afghanistan or Iraq.
The only thing Kate did with a coupon was complain and moan. Yet sheeple think she's an ispiration because she used to use coupons (I'm pretty well convinced that she probably doesn't use them anymore since she's all hoity, toity now).
"Let me clarify my post for you PA Mom ALSO. I didn't "wish" a heat stroke on Kate Gosselin. It's called snark."
Sometimes snark gets carried too far, such as saying Kate falling over from heat exhaustion would make a great episode. Snark is cruel humor or malice in speech. Why not make a point without resorting to it?
I don't care how much of a phony she is, how vile a woman she is, a great episode would not be filming someone in a state of heat exhaustion.
"I have seen a lot worse "wished" on that woman on this blog though than that."
Perhaps. But that doesn't make it right.
I stand corrected. "Great episode" and "Kate Gosselin" do not belong in the same sentence.
Just want to add PAMA, that before anyone schools me on misdirected snark, I watch my son damn near go into a coma from low blood glucose levels all the time. He has this lifelong incurable disease called Type 1 diabetes mellitus. He has to know the carb, calorie, fat, fibre, and salt content from every morsel of food that goes into his body EVERY time he eats anything every day. He takes three to five needles a day (depending on what he's eaten) and has for the last eight years of his life and will continue to do that for the rest of his life. He is expected by society to live a 'normal' life because he has genetically engineered medicine injected into his body, but the REALITY of it is that his life is anything but normal because of it. He could pass out from LBG or even worse, have his sugar levels sky rocket to the point where he goes into a ketoacidosis coma. It's a hidden disease because you can't tell by looking at him that he has it. He has to carry ID on him alerting people to the fact that he has it in case someone finds him laying on the sidewalk passed out and mistake him for being drunk. His friends devour sweets and junk food without a worry. He has to calculate how many units of insulin to inject if he plays basketball or goes swimming. There are no days off from Type 1 diabetes. He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure.
There are other diseases out there much worse and more devastating, but then we all have our crosses to bear. Knock on anyone's door and I guarantee they will have a story to tell you about themselves or someone close to them that is suffering from something terrible.
I listened to Kate whine about her low blood sugars on the Discovery Cove episode. If it's true she has hypoglycemia all she has to do is get some sugar into her system pronto. She's a nurse and should be educated about that. If she passes out from heat exhaustion it will be because she brought it on herself, not because I wished it upon her. The fact of the matter is, Kate Gosselin has nothing to complain about. She has eight healthy kids (physically, that is). She put them to work to get herself everything anyone would ever want in the way of material things. She has lied her way through the last six years and by the looks of it has no intention of stopping. She's on a constant self-pity campaign to get people's sympathy and money to continue living high wide and handsome. I was insulted by her low blood sugar complaint which she had to throw in there. One of these fine days, her lies and deceptions will all come home to roost. No one gets away with anything forever. So, if my snarking on her about passing out from heat exhaustion bothers you, so be it. You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her.
"Just want to add PAMA"
PAMA? As in Panama? LOL! That's a new one. I kind of like it!
"He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure."
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
"You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her."
I said nothing about feeling her pain. I'm not sure she feels any pain (from exhaustion) because it's doubtful that she really runs as much as she says she does. My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
Time to move on?
You can zoom in on the timer attached to her chest and see for yourself what it says. I could be wrong.
Anyway, all the "running" pictures of Kate look more like "walking" pictures of Kate. I'm not too sure she runs any distance at all, but
walks her routes. Just a guess.
Even when she did that marathon with Cara and there was VIDEO footage (not just still shots) of her she was still trotting/walking. NOT "running" It's a crash/liquid/cleanse kind of diet that's made her lose 10 pounds in a week (totally unhealthy, she didn't need to lose any weight THAT drastically) She's starving herself. Like many have said, she has a very demented relationship with food. Tell me? Why she didn't lose any weight during DWTS?
"Tell me? Why she didn't lose any weight during DWTS?"
Muscle weight gain? It happens when you exercise.
I agree, you gain "muscle weight" when you excercise, but you also lose inches. No such thing happened with Kate during DWTS. She did not look any trimmer and fitter during her stint. Now all of a sudden 10 lbs drop in a week?
My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
And I stand by my comment that I wasn't hoping (or wishing, whatever) that she should. I said if she passed out from heat exhaustion it would be a great episode, which was implying that TLC/Kate would milk it for all its worth. That's not to say I'm not without my prejudices against her. Believe me, I have no compassion for her whatsoever.
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
I appreciate that. It's a miserable disease for anyone to have but it robs kids of a part of their childhood. I didn't write that post to garner any sympathy for him. He would be appalled if he knew I even mentioned it.
Time to move on?
Definitely. Why get our panties in a bunch over something that's never going to happen anyway. As you said, I doubt if she even runs anywhere near even a mile a week.
"Definitely. Why get our panties in a bunch over something that's never going to happen anyway."
I'll second that. Bunched panties are annoying any time of the year, but in this heat, they're just downright miserable!
I agree, you gain "muscle weight" when you excercise, but you also lose inches. No such thing happened with Kate during DWTS. She did not look any trimmer and fitter during her stint. Now all of a sudden 10 lbs drop in a week?
"Just want to add PAMA"
PAMA? As in Panama? LOL! That's a new one. I kind of like it!
"He doesn't ask for sympathy, just a cure."
I'm so sorry about your son. It must be terrible to go through life with that disease. He needs not to give up hope...the answer is out there somewhere.
"You're entitled to feel her pain if you want to, but I won't feel the least bit sorry for her."
I said nothing about feeling her pain. I'm not sure she feels any pain (from exhaustion) because it's doubtful that she really runs as much as she says she does. My comment was that watching her pass out from exhaustion would not be a great show. Simple as that. And I stand by that comment.
Time to move on?
Judy, thanks for the link. That is one ugly mug. It looks like her dentures are about to fall out.
Judy those pics are f'ugly aren't they. I think Chris took those on purpose in the most unflattering ligth he could find. Ugly goes right to the bone.
PatK said...
I'm so damn tired of seeing her boobs. I really am.
What would you say to the overweight person who was standing in line at the buffet when she said, “I’m so damn tired of being fat...I really am?"
This is just a photo op that's all.It comes on the heels of everyone speculating why Jamie spends so much time caring for, and vacationing with the Gosselin kids, but never includes her own.
I find it hard to believe that the big, lumbering, tortoise-like Kate runs "5 miles, most days". The woman can barely lift her feet off the ground and looks like she's dying when she runs. In fact, she doesn't even look like she's running so much as shuffling at an iceberg's pace. Is she even getting any cardio benefit moving so slowly? Being generous, let's say she can run a ten minute mile. So she's running 50+ minutes most days? I am a former runner and can tell you she'd be drenched in sweat running that far and long on a hot summer day. I've never seen her work up a sweat... ever. She was in terrible shape on DWTS; so tired looking and slow moving. I figured her runs were merely photo ops and excuses to expose her nasty belly and fake boobs. Love how she taunts that same, lone fake-pap by saying she won't tell him where she runs. As if he'd find/follow her without being told where to go by Kate's people. Kate is certainly able to fly under the radar when she wants to (plastic surgeon's office, etc) which leads me to believe that she is not followed by paps but rather showing up for planned photo ops (much like the driveway pics everyone rolls their eyes at). She would just shrivel up and die if the cameras stopped showing up.
That boobage is not attractive. It obviously gets attention, but I don't think it is the attention she is wanting. It is more like ewwwwwwww!
Administrator, make that the 12th tup, it is after all, her 5th pink iPhone! Lol!
Anonymous said...
"The most interesting thing about this to me was the fact she is holding hands with Jamie's daughter but never holds the hands of her own children."
Never? Really?
I think the better adjective would be rarely. In that example it looks more like Collin is holding HER hand and she's holding onto her purse.
Chris is one smart photog! He knows that KatieK is way too into herself to pass up any chance to talk about her appearance! And btw, no surprise that BFF's kids are in town since we all questioned why she left them in Michigan.
I didn't listen to the video because I want to puke at the sound of her voice. Looking at the picture...what's up with her revealing the boobies every chance she gets? She is seeming more and more desperate for attention even though she acts annoyed with the paps. I think she's just putting on an act in front of Jamie. Why would she mind a pap snapping away at Jamie's kid when she whores her own out daily?
I can't believe she is asking him :" what's your point?"...
Huuh Kate that's HIS JOB ... DUH!
She should know the camera is HER JOB.
What's the difference... Oh yeah I forgot... she 's not getting paid for THAT camera.
Yipe the snarky bitch that we all know. I swear this ROL guy has a crush on her cause he is always there chasing her around PA
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