Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kate was spotted outside with the twins on Memorial Day, displaying some pretty negative body language: scowling and crossing her arms.

77 sediments (sic) from readers:

JudyK said... 1

Yes, I've seen these pictures, and, as usual, never touching or hugging her kids. Also saw a video of her yesterday alone at Target or Wal-Mart loading up her car and scowling.

pa mom too said... 2

It would be nice to see pictures of her actually enjoying the time she spends with her children. Not a phony act just so people think she enjoys them (although she can't even manage to do that), but genuine happiness and interaction with them. I really don't think I've ever seen any like that, and it's very sad...not only for the kids, but for Kate too because she is missing out on so much.

SG said... 3

From those pics I'd guess the TLC cameras weren't there.

Markiesnana said... 4

I was just wondering about photos I've seen of her shopping at Target.
She seems to always have a store employee go out to the car with her and help her load her purchases into the car.
Is that just for a photo op?
I wonder if she asks them for help because she claims that she can't do it....or does she say that the press is bothering her? Wondering.

JudyK said... 5

Markiesnana, I wonder if she even tips them or just feels entitled to ask for special treatment. I would bet she doesn't tip them. I always tip the guys who load my car at the grocery store when I do a drive-through pickup.

Judy said... 6

The way Kate dresses lately, she reminds me of a teenage girl in heat ! Those way to little sundresses need to be put away for the twins.

pa mom too said... 7

Whenever you hear one of the paps asking her something, doesn't it always sound like the same guy ? Different times at the school bus, the time the kids were shooting them with water guns by the fence, the time they were talking to her after she got kicked off of DWTS and she was soooo depressed.. it sure sounds like the same voice to me.

Markiesnana, maybe she tells them she needs help loading her SUV because she just got a manicure and doesn't want to mess it up. Or maybe she tells them she was scrubbing floors all day and her arms are too sore to pick up the bags. She looks like a woman wrestler, she can lift her own bags, and she's so nasty and mean...she'd scare away anyone who got too close to her, so why does she need someone to walk to her SUV with her ? WTH does she do when she's done shopping ?...go to the service desk and have them call people to walk outside with her ? Fame whore ! If Target really wanted to treat her right since she's such a big star and continues to grace them with her presence, they'd install a moving spotlight on their ceiling and follow her around the store with it while she's shopping.

SG said... 8


Those dresses are from Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor LOFT. Both stores are geared toward women in the age range of Kate and even older. I have quite a few dresses from both stores but I don't buy that style because they are so loose fitting they look like muumuus. IMO.Asw3A

I don't think they are age inappropriate for Kate. If she was wearing skin tight lycra micro minis I might agree with you.

I also don't think there's anything wrong with her wearing two-piece bathing suits. She may not be built like a model but she's fit.

I think some people are just more conservative than others. Kate's style of dress is one of the few things about her I don't have an issue with (although I don't like all her styles).

SG said... 9

pa mom,

Yes, it sounds like the same pap. Not sure if it means anything though. I personally think TLC does set up the paps for certain shots, especially when it seems they are doing damage control.

SG said... 10

I'm glad the twins had a friend over to play. I wonder how the parents feel about her pics in the tabloids.

Denise said... 11

How can she spend so much time and money on hair and have it look so TERRIBLE???

pa mom too said... 12

A little info c/p from ROL today...

This Sunday night, TLC will air two debut episodes of Kate Plus 8, the revamped version of Jon & Kate Plus 8, which cuts him out.

The shows will focus on birthday parties for the Gosselin sextuplets, and Kate's annual trip with her kids to a resort in Florida.

The family also visits Discovery Cove, swims with dolphins, and gets involved in an orange juice squeezing contest.

The second hour concentrates on Kate and her life in the past year, including her bitter divorce, her relationship with the paparazzi and her other activities.

IDModo said... 13

That pic's not too bad, a generous soul would think Kate was just thinking hard about an answer for Cara, but there is another one in the series that shows an all-out pout, with Kate looking like a little kid who's about to have a tantrum.I don't think I have ever seen a "celebrity" so unaware or uncaring of the image she portrays of herself. Her body language and facial contortions are at odds with the persona she is trying to convince us that she is. She must know that wherever she is, there is a likelihood that a camera will be there too; she usually dresses the part; so why the disconnect?
Is Kate consciously or unconsciously sabotaging herself for a reason as yet unknown to us? Would she like a reason to retire with her millions and is hoping that public opinion will help her get it?
Naw, I don't think she is that deep...it was just my fantasy ..Drat..

pa mom too said... 14

IDModo, drat is right. LOL ! I think it's pretty clear that Kate doesn't care diddly squat about anything other than being a star. She doesn't care how she appears, as long as the cameras are facing in her direction and she's raking in the money. God help anyone near her when the cameras are turned off and the money stops flowing in her direction.

*Sugar@Spice* said... 15

Kate to me always looks like she is on guard. She needs to loosen up and have fun with the kids. Not standing hovering over the kids and slightly engaging what they have to say to her. She is more like their bodyguard/protector.

I really don't think that kate really knows how to even react or play with the kids. I think frankly she just love the little baby age till 3 than past that she is bored.

heather said... 16

*The second hour concentrates on Kate and her life in the past year, including her bitter divorce, her relationship with the paparazzi and her other activities. *

What is there to tell? Haven't we heard this ALL DAMN YEAR!! TLC makes it sound like this is new information.

NOTE TO TLC: That's the problem when you force a non-celeb, wanna be, reality worker down the media's throat for a year, running her from mag to mag, talk show to talk show, interview to interview, endless pics on radaronline, get her on DWTS. everything public all the time. When it's time to do the actual "show", everyone already knows everything. Yawn. Boring. Ratings tanking. Buh-bye Kate.

Kelly said... 17

Hey child advocates. We need to protest Miley Cyrus. Did you see her near naked getup this past weekend? Her skimpy outfit which clearly showed the outline of her privates? She is only 17. Let's petition her parents for allowing this slut to be all over our tv screen.

IATK said... 18

What is there to tell? Haven't we heard this ALL DAMN YEAR!! TLC makes it sound like this is new information

LOL, so right! I'm not watching, but I'm guessing whatever it is there will be tears involved...

Suzanne said... 19

I bet if you asked those children, they would much rather have a mother that was present and caring than one who was FAMOUS. Ugh she makes me sick!!

Judy said... 20

SchmeckyGirl.....I actually am very surprised that Kate's little dresses came from Ann Taylor. I shop there myself sometimes, but never saw those cheap looking sundresses before. I would have thought she would have bought hers at Target.
Maybe if she would just buy a size that actually fit her, it wouldn't look so tacky.
My only opinion about her tiny little ill-fitting bikinis is that, she needs to show some class in front of the cameras and her chidren. Save them for her backyard.
Everyone has a right to their opinions. That's how we all get along on these blogs, don't you agree ?

PatK said... 21

Somebody should count the times Kate references/disses Jon in these episodes, either verbally or by facial expression. You know it will happen--and captured for all eternity for those poor kids to see.

Or will TLC and Kate surprise us and be "high road takers"? Yeah...right.

Mimi to 3 said... 22

ITA with everything Heather said. The only thing about that second hour special will be Kate crying about how unfair life is and how the people just don't understand and ripping Jon a new one. It will be all her. No interaction with anyone but Kate. Poor, poor Kate. With a couple of her cackles thrown in for good measure. There is no way on this planet that I will watch.

Mimi to 3 said... 23

Forgot to say -- but I will eagerly be watching for recaps here and wherever they put them up.

As for the bathing suits/bikinis -- she can wear whatever she wants (obviously, because she does) but what message is she sending her kids when she dresses like that in front of them? All of her Christian values (if there ever were any to begin with) are long gone.

msb said... 24

The way Kate dresses lately, she reminds me of a teenage girl in heat !

ROFL!. Seriously, she really dresses quite badly in front of the kids - her nannys, who are way younger, look more appropriate. Won't be long before her boys are horribly embarrassed by the mom in bikini and sundresses showing boobage. There is taste, and there is Kate.

MickeyMcKean said... 25

Kelly said...
Hey child advocates. We need to protest Miley Cyrus. Did you see her near naked getup this past weekend? Her skimpy outfit which clearly showed the outline of her privates? She is only 17. Let's petition her parents for allowing this slut to be all over our tv screen.


Kelly? THE Kelly? The Kelly that is being discussed on the other thread?

Or a new "Kelly" posing as Kelly?

I, for one, have my guard up because if the protest for the G8 on 5/26 did not happen or if it had a low turnout, why all of a sudden would there be talk of another protest for another child?

Now in regards to Miley, who will be 18 before we know it, the writing is already on the wall. There is NO hope; her parents dropped the ball a long time ago.


JudyK said... 26

A different Judy but quoting the other Judy:
"My only opinion about her tiny little ill-fitting bikinis is that, she needs to show some class in front of the cameras and her chidren. Save them for her backyard."
When I first read that last sentence, I thought it said, "Save them for her bodyguard." ROFLMAO!!! (Which, by the way, would be more appropriate.)

Judy said... 27

Hey JudyK...I like your version better than mine! "Save them for her bodyguard."
I bet that's not all she has saved for her bodyguard. :)))

LifeinOH said... 28

Looking forward to the recap, Admin.

I definately will not be watching. Who wants to see Kate cry (again) about how tough her life is?

Re: the dresses... Grown women should not wear baby doll dresses,IMO!

I'm also tired of seeing her rump in bikinis - anyone else tired of it too?

IDModo said... 29

Kelly, or whoever is posing as Kelly, I'm outraged that you would call a 17 year old a slut.
Her dress may be extreme and inappropriate. I could go along with that. and her parents should surely not have allowed it.
But calling a 17 year old a slut is over the top IMO. Miley is not even a legal adult. She has certainly been badly advised by the people who are supposed to be looking out for her.
The Kelly who used to post here retained at least a semblance of good taste in his remarks, so I will conclude that you are not that Kelly.

Kelly said... 30

whoever is going by the name Kelly, is not me. I don't trash people like that on any blog. I have more class than that.

IDModo said... 31

Thanks Kelly,I didn't think it was you, and Im glad you cleared that up. Hope all is well with you.

AuntieAnn said... 32

I like how Mady is standing on a rock in that photo. Maybe she's telling mommy dearest about the facts of life and Kate doesn't like what she's hearing. Or maybe she's telling her to pull up her shorts, they're falling down and she looks ridiculous in them.
Whatever, if Kate thinks raising kids is difficult now, what little she does of it, she's in for a surprise. Maybe TLC is hanging in there long enough to capture the complete and utter meltdown of Kate when her kids are old enough to tell her to stick it.

JudyK said... 33

Other Judy said: "Hey JudyK...I like your version better than mine! "Save them for her bodyguard."
I bet that's not all she has saved for her bodyguard. :)))"
For a long, long time and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dimwit.

prairiemary said... 34

Just have abit of time today,going to present the Memorial Award in honor of my daughter,at the local High school tonight,but just wanted to comment that the kate shown frowning, looks nothing like the kate at DWTS,or any of the talk shows she has been on. Doesn't even look like the same person-can she not see the huge difference herself??How can she not?!

AuntieAnn said... 35

Which is it Kate, TLC??? Either he's a:

bod·y·guard – noun -
1. a person or group of persons employed to guard an individual, as a high official, from bodily harm.
2. a retinue; escort.

OR he's a:

gig·o·lo - noun
1. a man who has a continuing sexual relationship with and receives financial support from a woman.

2. a man who is hired as an escort or a dancing partner for a woman.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 36

"How can she spend so much time and money on hair and have it look so TERRIBLE???"

I was just about to post the same thing. My daughter's haircuts on her old Barbies looked much better than that. It's time to lop it all off and start over again. How much did she pay for a cut? $100? She was robbed...big time.

Laura D. said... 37

Cherier 1, count me as another one who is sick of seeing Kate’s rump in a bikini, AND her not-a-boob-job. Sun bathing in her own backyard is one thing, but bikinis are just not practical for a mom in public. Both the top and bottoms can be inadvertently pulled down, and I’m sorry to say this is firsthand knowledge. Her skirted tankini must have flown out the window along with her marriage. She’s a single gal now dontcha know!

NancyB said... 38

Kart's new blog entry:

Dancing, Check! On to the Next

Dancing, check! On to the next ... (In the words of Pam Anderson.) And with my totally hilarious send off into the sky (on a platform), my dancing days have officially come to an end!

I must say that the last week I spent with my dwts cohorts was THE BEST week of the entire experience!

Tony and I spent more time laughing and being somewhat disruptive to other couples' practices than we did actually practicing ... Which may be why our dance was so funny to us the entire one minute and twenty-five seconds it lasted.

During each and every practice, we used much time visiting with our new friends, who we had missed since being voted off ... and knew this was our last chance to “hang” with them as the cast of season 10 is in its entirety ... Sad very sad that it's all over now. By far, the socializing with everyone -- from the cast to the makeup, hair and wardrobe magicians -- was for me the BEST part of my experience!!

I will say that dwts was an experience that I loved more than most ... But now it's on to the next things ...

Kate plus 8 is returning! The kids were thrilled to be reunited with our beloved crew, and I am glad to have our “family job” back. It still makes me smile to be able to enjoy unique life experiences right alongside my eight favoritest people!

And then my newest project, “Twist of Kate,” will be coming soon, too! I look forward to being dropped into the lives of interesting and unique people and families. I am excited to take a peek into their lives and learn why they do what they do. I'll help where I can and learn a lot, too, I am quite sure (Kate on the back of a trash truck, anyone ... amongst other beyond-uncomfortable jobs?)

I have no doubt that I'll pop up here and there as other opportunities and challenges present themselves along the way ... as I always say, “It's better to be busy than to be bored.”

And I seem to forget what bored feels like ...

Does ANY working (or stay at home) single (or married!) mom out there know what it feels like to be bored? I think not ... it's not in our vocabulary!

It's a beautiful day! :0)


Sent from my (fifth!) PINK iPhone

NancyB said... 39
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... 40

You cannot know what she is saying or thinking just by her body language. Maybe the child she is talking to is asking her a hard question such as when are you and daddy getting back together. You just cant go and make things up even though some may find it funny. Did everyone make fun of Michelle Duggar when she whistled for her children and said they know I mean business when I whistle. They are children not dogs. JMO

Anonymous said... 41

No one is claiming to know what she is saying. All we're saying is that when every single candid photo of her with the kids she looks like a grump, you might conclude she's a grump.

Laura D. said... 42

Shortnsaszy, thanks, but we realize we don't know what Kate & Cara are talking about in the photo. The point is she never seems happy to be around her kids unless there's a camera rolling. She has earned the reputation of being a miserable person. You can't blame the public for commenting on it. About Michelle Duggar, you're probably right about the whistling. She is such a sweet woman that no one would read anything rude or condescending into her actions. Again, an earned reputation. JMO.

Judy said... 43

Good grief ! We are not just talking about these pics. We also are talking about every picture of her with her kids.
You have to be happy to smile and we all know that Kate is only happy in front of the camera with her new found friends.

NancyB said... 44

This was posted by Al Walentis on Amazon.

Yes, the book is for real. It should definitely be complete by the end of the month. I had a finished manuscript ready, but a collaborator in the tabloid media became seduced by the cult of Jon and asked that his notes not be used. Fair enough. I will rewrite sections but the basic facts will remain, how just about everyone who fell into the Gosselin orbit became corrupted.
Al Walentis

PA Mom ALSO said... 45

There's no way in you-know-where that Kate wrote that. She has neither the language nor the grammar skills.
Will the identity of the ghost-writer ever be revealed?

Paula said... 46

The "cult of Jon"? LOL and who/what would that be? I think Al Walentis is as big a fraud as the rest of them. In fact, it would not surprise me if Al were "Kelly" - he uses the same type of "Jon language".

AuntieAnn said... 47


I don't care about the Duggars either. So what if they're a nice wholesome family, Michelle and Jimmy bob boy sold out to TLC too. Same crap, different pile. Still smells the same.

BTW, that's Mady talking to Kate, not Cara. If you think 'maybe' she's asking her mother a hard question, 'maybe' she is. 'Maybe' she isn't. Don't guess at it either if you think other people shouldn't.

TheresaB said... 48

Is this a Duggar blog?

Laura D. said... 49

PA Mom ALSO, of course she does not write her own blog. After all, SHE.IS.A.STAR. She's got "pee-ons" for everthing. Joking aside, I used to publish a monthly newsletter for my company approx 15 years ago. Page one was always our General Manager's lets-pat-ourselves-on-the-back-it's-been-a-great-month piece, and it was always written by me, he just needed to OK it.

PatK said... 50

I wouldn't be surprised if Al Walentis' book sells more than Kate's last feeble attempt.

Laura D. said... 51

Yes, I would definately by the Walentis book but I'm disappointed about the tabloid informant who backed out. Is there anybody out there who is not directly or indirectly controlled by TLC et al?

NancyB said... 52

Posted on June 2, 2010 9:58 AM PDT
Al Walentis says:
Just wanted to let everyone know the book should wrap this week and be available on Amazon in another week or two.

Carolina Gal said... 53

"And with my totally hilarious send off into the sky"
Yes Kate, it was 'totally hilarious'. Whatever. More like totally freakish.

bbsak said... 54

NancyB said...Al Walentis says: Hi,
Just wanted to let everyone know the book should wrap this week and be available on Amazon in another week or two. Thanks! Al

Where is Al posting on Amazon? I searched his name and under the comments for Kate's book and came up with zilch.

Denise said... 55


NancyB said... 56

bbsak - I put into Google Al Walentis & Amazon and the page popped up. Here is the page:


JudyK said... 57

PA Mom ALSO said...
There's no way in you-know-where that Kate wrote that. She has neither the language nor the grammar skills.
Will the identity of the ghost-writer ever be revealed?
Ha, I have a B.A. in English, and I've always said that! It's so obvious.

Carolina Gal said... 58

Wow, speaking of Amazon, have you READ some of these reviews of Kate's 'book' I just want you to....etc???? OMG, the question is, has Kate read them? Click on my name to read...

Pa Mom ALSO said... 59

"The kids were thrilled to be reunited with our beloved crew, and I am glad to have our “family job” back."


I wonder if the crew thinks Kate is beloved. Is the feeling mutual? Let's see how long this crew lasts before they, too, have "moral" concerns with the goings-on when the cameras aren't rolling.

"Family job?" On what planet do 6-year-olds have jobs? I'm surprised that she (or the ghost-writer responsible for spewing forth this garbage) would dare to admit that the kids are working.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 60

I am tired of all the speculation about Kelly and further posts as to this topic will be deleted. Please comment about the post, not other posters. If Kelly wishes to join us again he's welcome to. If not, that's his choice. The endless back and forth is getting irritating to weed through. And no I have no idea where Kelly is I do not keep track of those who post here.

Anonymous said... 61

Wow, clicked on your name, Carolina Gal. What a poignent review of the book! The reviewer has her PEGGED! Every little effort she/tlc have made in trying to keep her relevant, trying keep the illusion/title of Supermom has done the total opposite. DWTS I think was the biggest mistake of them all. There she was introduced to a different type of audience, those who hadn't seen J&K+8. Just like myself, when I thought "hmm, something doesn't seem right" I went a googled "hate kate" WELL low and behold, there in cyberspace were the "explanations" of why I had those hunches. All the "untruths" she was defending turned out to be UNBELIEVABLE truths! The Aunt Jodi drama is what REALLY did it for me!

pa mom too said... 62

If Kate is writing the blog, which I don't think she is...how sad is it that Kate and her 8 favoritest people can only have unique life experiences when TLC is footing the bill ? It's the same thing when the sheeple go on and on about how wonderful this is for the kids. It's all about the materialistic things, and nothing about a loving family life.

pa mom too said... 63

Carolina Gal, thanks for linking your name to the book review. I didn't read the book, and never will, but I knew it would be more of the same old sob story about everything she sacrificed and how rough she has it. I can't even believe TLC is going to show more of this ridiculous garbage on only the 2nd show of their "specials". I thought maybe they'd show Kate boo hoo'ing somewhere down in the line of specials, but right away the first night it's on...wow. I would love to know the thoughts behind airing this, when her pity party has been shown countless times already.

Anonymous said... 64

There was not one photo of Kate doing anything with these kids in the nine months TLC wasn't footing the bill anymore, with the except of dragging the kids out to CA where they appeared to be holed away in a hotel much of the time like little prisoners.

They do fun things when someone else pays for it and not anytime else.

Though frankly I think the kids would just prefer to hang out at the house and swim if they're like kids I know.

SG said... 65


I know. Kate never took the kids anywhere when they weren't filming. Not even the freakin Statue of Liberty that she cried about on tv.

SG said... 66

Just to be fair I think shortnsnaszy was trying to share a valid opposing viewpoint. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a "good grief" (no offense to whoever said it).


I don't watch the Duggars. I saw one, maybe two, episode years and years ago. I don't agree with how they raise their children and that they have them on tv. I can't comment much on them though because, like I said, I never watched it. I do think though from the episodes I saw that the mother was very loving and gentle with her children and very respectful of her husband. He seemed respectful and loving of his wife as well.

I never heard the "whistle" thing, but I don't think I'd like that. How does it work? Does she have 19 different sounding whistles, one for each child? Sounds like Sound of Music... the movie where the nice and loving nanny came in and put an end to that. Children are not dogs, they shouldn't answer to whistles.

pa mom too said... 67

Anonymous said...
There was not one photo of Kate doing anything with these kids in the nine months TLC wasn't footing the bill anymore, with the except of dragging the kids out to CA where they appeared to be holed away in a hotel much of the time like little prisoners.

They do fun things when someone else pays for it and not anytime else.

Though frankly I think the kids would just prefer to hang out at the house and swim if they're like kids I know.

I think it's just more of the same selfish me me me attitude with Kate, and also her thinking the money is hers to do as she pleases. The kids aren't going to go anywhere unless TLC is paying for it. I wonder what the sheeple excuse for this is, being that they have an excuse for everything she does or doesn't do.

JudyK said... 68

CarolinaGal, did you write the blog? It was spot on. Only one site is even covering Kate, which gives me some hope that people are so sick of her that TLC is no longer able to buy promos for her.

Anonymous said... 69

pa mom too said...
Anonymous said...
There was not one photo of Kate doing anything with these kids in the nine months TLC wasn't footing the bill anymore, with the except of dragging the kids out to CA where they appeared to be holed away in a hotel much of the time like little prisoners.

They do fun things when someone else pays for it and not anytime else.

Though frankly I think the kids would just prefer to hang out at the house and swim if they're like kids I know.
I think it's just more of the same selfish me me me attitude with Kate, and also her thinking the money is hers to do as she pleases. The kids aren't going to go anywhere unless TLC is paying for it. I wonder what the sheeple excuse for this is, being that they have an excuse for everything she does or doesn't do.

Kate doesn't really have anything else to offer, thus the repetition of stories over and over. If she and the family was interesting enough they'd film that, but they're not. Trips worked for viewers in the past, so why not repeat.

Anonymous said... 70

If these kids take on kates facial expressions, at this young age, they will need botox by the time they're 16. Nothing seems to make kate happy or content...in Pa. Jon at least "shows" interest in the kids. kate just shows mad,bored,and so detached from this family.....

Payson48 said... 71

If these kids take on kates facial expressions, at this young age, they will need botox by the time they're 16. Nothing seems to make kate happy or content...in Pa. Jon at least "shows" interest in the kids. kate just shows mad,bored,and so detached from this family.....

JudyK said... 72

CarolinaGal, did you write the blog? It was spot on. Only one site is even covering Kate, which gives me some hope that people are so sick of her that TLC is no longer able to buy promos for her.

pa mom too said... 73

Anonymous said...
There was not one photo of Kate doing anything with these kids in the nine months TLC wasn't footing the bill anymore, with the except of dragging the kids out to CA where they appeared to be holed away in a hotel much of the time like little prisoners.

They do fun things when someone else pays for it and not anytime else.

Though frankly I think the kids would just prefer to hang out at the house and swim if they're like kids I know.

I think it's just more of the same selfish me me me attitude with Kate, and also her thinking the money is hers to do as she pleases. The kids aren't going to go anywhere unless TLC is paying for it. I wonder what the sheeple excuse for this is, being that they have an excuse for everything she does or doesn't do.

pa mom too said... 74

Carolina Gal, thanks for linking your name to the book review. I didn't read the book, and never will, but I knew it would be more of the same old sob story about everything she sacrificed and how rough she has it. I can't even believe TLC is going to show more of this ridiculous garbage on only the 2nd show of their "specials". I thought maybe they'd show Kate boo hoo'ing somewhere down in the line of specials, but right away the first night it's on...wow. I would love to know the thoughts behind airing this, when her pity party has been shown countless times already.

Anonymous said... 75

There was not one photo of Kate doing anything with these kids in the nine months TLC wasn't footing the bill anymore, with the except of dragging the kids out to CA where they appeared to be holed away in a hotel much of the time like little prisoners.

They do fun things when someone else pays for it and not anytime else.

Though frankly I think the kids would just prefer to hang out at the house and swim if they're like kids I know.

Pa Mom ALSO said... 76

"The kids were thrilled to be reunited with our beloved crew, and I am glad to have our “family job” back."


I wonder if the crew thinks Kate is beloved. Is the feeling mutual? Let's see how long this crew lasts before they, too, have "moral" concerns with the goings-on when the cameras aren't rolling.

"Family job?" On what planet do 6-year-olds have jobs? I'm surprised that she (or the ghost-writer responsible for spewing forth this garbage) would dare to admit that the kids are working.

pa mom too said... 77

It would be nice to see pictures of her actually enjoying the time she spends with her children. Not a phony act just so people think she enjoys them (although she can't even manage to do that), but genuine happiness and interaction with them. I really don't think I've ever seen any like that, and it's very sad...not only for the kids, but for Kate too because she is missing out on so much.