The brilliant and hysterical funny woman Kathy Griffin, who has defended Kate in the past, revealed on her show
The D List today that she once had lunch with Kate and her bodyguard Steve. She called Steve "hot" and said she would, uh-hem, "f--- him" too.
"After that ----ing tool Jon Gosselin, I'd ---- a hole in a piece of fruit," Kathy went on.
Thanks, Kathy!
35 sediments (sic) from readers:
Sorry. Not impressed with Kathy or her humor.
Talk about somebody screaming for attention!
She just does it with her mouth instead of her implants.
Fido I agree she is screaming for attention but she is still brilliant. It is very sad how insecure she is because she could be even funnier. She basically outlines a few topics she wants to discuss for a show and goes on for an hour. Very impressive.
"Fido I agree she is screaming for attention but she is still brilliant."
It's pathetic that she can't be impressive without dropping the F-Bomb every other word. Anyone who has to resort to that to be funny can't be all that brilliant. I'd love to hear her clean up her act and then see how much of a genius she is.
Personally I think Kathy is a hoot and love her show especially when her Mom is on. As for Steve Neild and Kate Gosselin humping? No way. Kate doesn't like boys. They're icky.
I love Kathy too. I lost major respect for her when she kissed up to Kate and said how nice she was. Now she says she had lunch with Kate and "the bodyguard she's banging." Joking or not, Kate will not be happy.
I have a feeling Kathy was just "collecting material" and will be trashing Kate as long as Kate stays in the public eye.
In her latest Bravo special "Kathy Griffin does the Bible belt" she made fun of Kate and her performance on DWTS. It was pretty funny.
She managed to spend hours on CNN this past week plus past guest hosting spots on The View all without swearing and she was just as funny as she is with the "potty mouth". So I totally agree with Admin that she's a brilliant comic.
I don't really dig her...just more attention for Katie K at the expense of Jon...
I have a friend who uses the "F" word in every sentence, and I have to tell you it is wearing--not to mention embarrassing, inappropriate and offensive to most people. She's been that way for more than 20 years though. Kathy is not my cup of tea for the same reason, but she is brilliant, was "using" Kate for material, and I totally agree with Kate is banging the bodyguard and has been for a very long time.
I've never found Kathy funny at all. She reminds me of Gallagher, that guy who likes to smash fruit up on the stage. Personally, I don't think Kate is banging Ratclaws. Kate only likes things in life that are green and small. I suspect she is banging the Geico Lizard.
I used to find Kathy funny, but in recent years I've lost respect for her. She tries too hard to be controversial just to get in the limelight (sound familiar?).
I give her credit for going to Iraq to perform for the troops, a few years ago. But I'm not so sure if it were not for her show D-Listed she would have gone. I'm not so sure she did it as a way to show appreciation and thanks to the troops but because it was written into the show's plot that she had to go.
Personally I think she is repulsive. Everytime she's on a show I watch I change channels. She's a never will be.
I do agree Griffin is very funny however was very disappointed to see her, face to face, suck up to Khate. If I met Khate I would not change my opinion of her and play nice. It's all about protecting Griffin's big paycheque and huge home. What about the children Khate abuses by making them film (cough work) for a living? Is that so funny Griffin? Same thing for Barbara Walters and Meredith Viera. The love of money ...
Controversy keeps you on top of the charts. It works for Kathy, it works for Kate. It works for many famous people. The very fact that we cannot come to a concensus on whether Kathy is
brilliantly funny or disgustingly vulgar says she'll be the topic of debate for awhile longer.
The fact that the larger world can't come to a concensus about Kate's parenting skills will keep her around, too.
Isn't that what spells success?
I saw Kathy on the View recently. She didn't use foul language but it was still inappropriate I thought. She has some body jewelry she wouldn't shut up about. It was not funny and it was not cute. I turned the channel.
The new KKate:
I have hated Kathy Griffin since she brought Jerry the wrong Bar-b-que sauce on Seinfeld. She is an attention whore and will play both sides of anything.
Denise, you do realize that Seinfeld was a scripted TV show, don't you?
Yes, but even her character was obnoxious and grating - as is she.
pate said...
The new KKate:
pate - This is somewhat 'old' news...See the "Mercy" thread.
Caroline...can't keep up with you gals!!
Kathy's like Kate. You either love her or you hate her. There's no in between.
pate said...
Caroline...can't keep up with you gals!!
Neither can I. I didn't see the botox article yesterday. lol.
Kate's gradual makeover so far has given her Gary Busey teeth and Jocelyn Wildenstein eyes. What's next, Nadya Suleman's lips? Ratclaws isn't giving her very good advice in the makeover department.
"Ratclaws isn't giving her very good advice in the makeover department."
Maybe Ratclaws is a Trekkie and prefers that Spock look!
Lost interest in Kathie Griffin when she cozied up to Kate.
Ratclaws likes the dominitrix look....:)))
"Thanks Kathy"??? For what, she is a comedian. This is what they do, make fun of people. Or do you think she is talking directly to you and this blog? Scary.
AuntieAnn said:
Jocelyn Wildenstein eyes.
I had to google her, OMG, what is wrong w/some idiots? Wow, just wow. She looks like her skin is raw, ooh, creeps me out!
Carolina Gal,
Scary isn't it. Kate had a wonky eye to begin with so she'd better be careful with that botox crap, or we'll be calling her "Kat" Gosselin. I swear with her crossed eyes, she looks like a Siamese cat.
If Kate keeps up with the botox, she'll look like that Housewive of NJ, Danielle Stab who looks like she just had her neck bolts tightened and the saran wrap stretched over the facial bones.
Why would anyone spend that much money to try to defy age and look like that? Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and a well perserved body.
We should be arriving in that grave, skidding in sideways, wine in one hand, Hershey Bars in another hand, body thoroughly used up, beat to hell, worn out and us screaming "WHAT A FRIGGIN RIDE".
Sounds like a great way to check out Kelly.
Tony Banderas told his wife (Melanie Griffith) to stop the plastic surgery or else because she was getting so many procedures done it wasn't funny.
Poor pitiful Katie, she's chased everyone who could have given her good advice out of her life. Sucks to be her.
Does anybody else see Katie's recent appearance changes and public behaviour as the beginning of a long slide into madness?
I wonder if TLC will make a special of her first psychotic break, complete with TLC-paid psychiatrists to do a play-by-play.
IMO these are not the actions of a mentally healthy person. Those poor kids.
Kelly, that's my quote on Facebook! Sliding in sideways! That's the way to live! :)
I'm definitely not a Kate Gosselin fan but Kathy Griffin is such an annoying jerk. The woman is not funny...she's nuts.
Sounds like a great way to check out Kelly.
Tony Banderas told his wife (Melanie Griffith) to stop the plastic surgery or else because she was getting so many procedures done it wasn't funny.
Poor pitiful Katie, she's chased everyone who could have given her good advice out of her life. Sucks to be her.
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