Not only has Collin said on the first episode of Kate Plus 8 that he doesn't like the paparazzi, not only do we have photos of the child covering his face on many separate occasions, we now have video evidence. The Kate supporters can no longer deny it.
In the following video, the paparazzi approach Jon with a video camera as he loads up the van. A few moments later the children appear on the side of the van to get in. The camerman turns the camera on them and you can hear a camera clicking away. Collin snaps his hands up to his face and covers his eyes. No one was joking with him, he wasn't playing peek-a-boo....his cowering was clearly in direct response to the flashbulbs. A pap appears to be calling to him, "Aw, come on!"
He ... is..... six. Poor, poor baby.
Monday, June 21, 2010
More shocking video of Collin hiding from the paparazzi
Kate and Jon, look what your greed has done to your precious little boy!
89 sediments (sic) from readers:
These parents are DISGUSTING. Please don't write and tell me that you think Jon is a better parent than Kate. They are an abomination. Neither is deserving of being called a parent, much less, a better parent.
Parents protect their kids like mother bears protect their cubs. Parents will sacrifice themselves for their kids. This is NOT parenting. This is a peep show that parents are benefiting from and it is criminal.
This is just so wrong.
Aaden seems to have a problem to with the paps.
Could you imagine 15 secondes for 8 kids to go in a van...pretty fast.
That's Kate's influence. She's taught them to hate the paps, but love the camera crew...there's money in the latter. Sick sick sick. When will Jon and Kate listen. This is NOT healthy.
I have watched this 4-5 times now and each time I focus on another child other than Collin.They all look pretty upset to me and seem to be saying, "Stop, I've had eneough of this crap." Their parents put them through this on a daily basis. Everywhere they go, including their own driveway,some idiot has a camera stuck in their faces !
We can't save them. Someone much higher up than us can put a stop to this nightmare, but they just keep turning their heads.
Kate and Jon will pay for this one day. It may not be here on earth, but they have to answer to someone much higher up and HE isn't going to be too happy with them.
AuntieAnn, I think you've nailed it on the head. I'm sure she's drilled into the kids that they don't make any money off the pics the evil paps take.
This brought tears to my eyes, really.
I have a son the same age as Collin and all I could do was think about him in that situation.
It's heartbreaking. Poor babies, all of them.
Jon and esp K8, may you spend your eternal life where the sun don't shine.
That is the same pap reporter that Kate was talking to the same weekend telling him she is lonely, what gives with this reporter and this family?
Jon and Kate are so enamored with the cameras and the money that something MAJOR will have to happen before they realize that the show and the choices they have made are detrimental to their kids.
Both of them are blinded by fame and fortune and TLC. They have thrown their children under the bus.
I want to kick Jon in the head. Instead of talking about his 'opportunities,' he should be saying, 'Please don't photograph my kids or talk to me when I am with them. They are scared and I don't like that.' Kate does not talk to them when she's with the kids, but I wish she'd say the same. That would shut that guy down but quick, and earn them a little respect. Princess Diana walked up to cameras more than once and covered them and told them to leave her children alone.
That's just sad. I wonder how the Kate defenders will twist this to make it seem like Colin isn't upset about the paps. I've always said it's because of the way Kate taught them to react to the "p people". She needed to let them feel peace around them despite how she feels about them. And she only felt that way because she wasn't making money off it. Now that she realizes any publicity is good publicity she talks to the paps too. Remember when she said she hated them?
I am curious how Collin justifies in his head the difference between a guy standing there with a camera and .....a guy standing there with a camera.
I mean paparazzi or TLC, they are both guys standing there with a camera. What is the difference whether the video is on INF or on TLC????
This child I think needs to just get maybe two or three months older and he flat out isn't going to be want to be filmed period. I think TLC is railroading through as much as they can before they kids refuse.
SchmeckyGirl : the sheeple will think of some lame excuse, but there is NO denying that hiding his face is his reflex to the sight/sound of the cameras.
Admin : K8 has always labeled Collin the "stubborn" one, I hope she's right and that he soon REFUSES to film .
I seriously doubt the kids will be refusing to film anytime soon. They're still all at the age where Kate can dangle the trips and expensive toys over their heads and they don't know any different.
I wouldn't put it past them Pat. That's the thing, Kate thinks the best thing for them is toys and trips. But kids know better. After awhile like Jon said a kid just wants to play in the pool.
What I worry about more is what threats are being made to get them to do it.
She probably tells the kids they'll end up living on the streets if they don't 'play' for the camera crew. The guilt trips she lays on them will be remembered way past the trips to Discovery Cove and all the others.
I thought it was strange for a four-year-old to ask her mother 'how much dollars does it cost' when they bought the McMansion. What child that age concerns themselves with the price of a house? I'm sure Kate discusses money issues with her kids all the time.
"I have watched this 4-5 times now and each time I focus on another child other than Collin.They all look pretty upset to me and seem to be saying, "Stop, I've had eneough of this crap."
Is there more to this video than the clip on this page? I don't see the kids "pretty upset" at all. They are walking, very orderly, into the van, not bothering with the cameras at all. They just kind of have their heads down, looking straight ahead. "Upset" would be hurrying to get into the van, yelling for the cameras to stop (or crying) or backing away from the cameras. With the exception of Collin shielding his face, none of them appeared to be in a state of distress.
Oh, here we go.
"Upset" would be hurrying to get into the van, yelling for the cameras to stop (or crying) or backing away from the cameras. With the exception of Collin shielding his face, none of them appeared to be in a state of distress.
Is that what it will take until you're convinced? Colin covering his face isn't enough? You're not satisfied that Mady ducked out of camera range when the camera closed in on her dad? You won't be happy until they're all yelling at the camera? Typical sheeple reasoning.
ANd, we have a defense from the Katers!
"What the haters don't get is there is a difference between being stalked by the paps and being filmed/photographed when it is one's choice in an enviroment of one's choice." they not get that they are being STALKED by the paps BECAUSE of the FILMING????
BECAUSE of the filming. BECAUSE OF IT.
What I love is when the kids are smiling, they must be happy. But when the kids are solemn and covering their faces, that doesn't prove anything.
Nice logic sheeple!
Wrong. The kids don't get a choice with the paps nor with the TLC crew.
"You won't be happy until they're all yelling at the camera? Typical sheeple reasoning."
You know what? That's really uncalled for.
I'm not a sheeple at all. Far from it. VERY far from it. I didn't see that the children were pretty upset. To label me a sheeple and jump on an opinion because I didn't see what another poster did is really hitting below the belt.
These children will be under their mother's control as far as filming is concerned until someone convices her to release her grip (which we know won't happen); when something tragic happens, either at the hands of an obsessive fan; or one of those precious children suffers an emotional breakdown.
This is the tragedy of it all. It won't stop until the price has been paid. I hope and pray that I'm wrong. These children deserve so much better. They don't deserve a mother who refuses to see that greed has consequences. Right now we don't know the toll it will take on these young lives. All we can do is to keep plugging away in hope that somehow, and in some way, we can make a difference, either in the enactment of new laws, or just exposing the travesties that she continues to inflict on these kids.
By the way, I didn't know that sheeple had reasoning ability, typical or otherwise.
I'll apologize for reading your post as a sheeple's, but I think the video is enough to show they're upset. I would hate to see them have to be pushed to point of yelling or crying to prove it.
Touché, Shelly! While I don't agree that the other kids don't look bothered in the video, your comment is right on, IMO.
I totally agree with Auntie Ann & the other posters who have stated that Kate programmed the kids to hate the Paps & love the TLC crew.
The INF story says Kate was lost and asked the pap interviewing her for directions to WholeFoods, he leading her there and then helping her get back on the freeway. Does this mean Kate now loves the paps and will be teaching Collin to love them too?
I watched the video a half dozen times. It's apparent dear little Collin doesn't want the camera pointed at him. IMO it's also apparent none of the kids are happy there is a camera there. None of them are smiling and, typically around Jon, they do.
You have to be blind not to see their misery.
All the free trips,toys,electric cars,airplane rides and bribery can'd buy happiness for children.
The thing they long for most is, their parents total attention, approval and love.
Something they probably have never known.
Kate G was lost and couldn't find her way to Whole Foods, WTF, does she not own a GPS or is she too cheap to buy one? Maybe she is waiting for TLC to get her one. I believe that is the same ROL Pap that has followed this family around since their separation last year cause his voice is annoying on all videos. Maybe he and Kate are BFFs now..
I agree that one must be blind not to see their misery.
The kids are going on a trip ... one might think that they would be quite animated to get going. Yet they all get into the van like robots, very organized and as quickly as possible.
But yet Collin reacts to the cameras ... again.
I also find this video disturbing on many levels.
I also noticed the open door of the car next to the van - no doubt the pap was parked next to them just waiting to pounce on them as they came out of the apartment.
Such is life living in a fishbowl - and I agree Jon should have said something to the pap about not taking photos of his kids BUT of course Jon's priority is to keep them in the spotlight so it puts $$$ into HIS pocket. After all, if he does not, he won't have any "friends" in L.A. waiting to call him on a new show... NOT!
This kids do not look happy at all. From Mady turning her back on the camera to the two little boys covering their faces. The damage this is doing to these kids is just tragic. I really, realy hope that once these kids are grown and away from their parasite parents they will be able to find a way to be happy because as kids, as long as they are living with these two bone heads, they will never be happy.
TLC crew members apparently play with the kids and act as babysitters.
INF camerapeople don't.
Therefore, Kate has the leverage of "friends who play with you" versus "p-people who want to bother you."
Right around the 34 sec mark you even see Leah duck her head back to the left as the camera guy follows Jon to the side to close the door.
So sad. :(
Message to Jon and Kate,
Your kids look tired and worn out.They are tired of going hither thither and yon.Trips that would excite an average child are not exciting to your children anymore,They've seen them all many times over.Maybe,they just want to stay home and be like normal kids.Sleep in, lounge around in their pajamas till noon,watch Sponge Bob Square Pants on TV,ride bike with their friends,catch bugs.Childhood goes so fast,give them back the rest of theirs.
All I can say that those poor innocent children are in my prayers. I pray Jon and Kate wake up and see the errors of their ways and do right by their children and get them off the tv. I hope the show doesn't go on into their teens. I can only imagine the kind of teasing they will receive from other kids in and outside of school. Jon really was foolish to allow them to be filmed again. But I can only assume that his love of money just like Kate's altered his decision...They will have to answer to God for what they have done to their children.
Think of it this way. Most 6 year olds would love a banana split and gobble it down. And so you give them one every once in awhile when they're being good.
But let's say you give them a banana split every day. And then for every single meal. You think the 6 year old is really going to enjoy it anymore?
The trips and toys were probably fun in the beginning. Now it's so constant and the trade off so terrible, it's NOT necessarily fun. There is not some automatic rule that all children love trips.
Poor kid - I looked at it again and if you look at Colin before he slaps his hands up, his eyes are screwed tightly shut as he's walking. There are obviously at least two paps there, because you can hear a camera shutter and this is a video. I'm sure a psychologist would have much to say about this video. But nobody would listen.
The Kate defenders will twist this and say that he ws upset because he was with Jon and not Kate.
Has anybody noticed something that most of the Kate defenders have in common. Most of them sound like junior high school girls; they use words such as "jellus", "haturz", etc. I really can't believe an adult actually uses words like that. The remainder of the defenders are doubtless TLC implants.
IMO none of the kids look happy to see the paps there. Colin was just the most obvious. Really, that poor kid.
Just thought of something. Why aren't the Duggars bombarded with paparazzi? If Kate's "theory" of continuing to film and get paid because the paps will be there regardless were true, then why don't we see daily pics of the Duggars, the Masche's, Hayes,Roloffs? or any other TLC family?
Judy said...
This post has been removed by the author.
June 22, 2010 9:50 AM
I didn't know there was another Judy on here.I do not have 4 children, so I know it's not me !
■A grandiose sense of self-importance. These people may exaggerate achievements or expect to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements.
■Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance or beauty.
■Believes he or she is *special* and unique. They believe they can only be understood by other special or high status persons and that is who they believe they should associate with.
■Requires excessive admiration.
■A strong sense of entitlement. This may include unrealistic expectations of especially favorable treatment or an automatic compliance by others with his or her expectations.
■Interpersonally exploitative, often taking advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
■Lack of empathy, unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
■Often envious of others or believes others are envious of them.
■Demonstrates arrogant or haughty behaviors or attitudes.
mommyinca said...
Just thought of something. Why aren't the Duggars bombarded with paparazzi? If Kate's "theory" of continuing to film and get paid because the paps will be there regardless were true, then why don't we see daily pics of the Duggars, the Masche's, Hayes,Roloffs? or any other TLC family?
Maybe they are all happy and thankful with what they have.
Unlike Kate who is never satisfied. The more money she makes, the more she wants. The more hideous pictures that are taken of her, the more she wants.
The more comments made about her, the more she wants.
As long as people keep clicking on the links to the photos and videos of the G8, there will be people taking those photos and videos. If everyone would just quit looking, there would be no market for them anymore and the poor kids would have their peace. If you really want peace and normalcy for the G8 you will stop being part of the "feeding frenzy".
Zoe said.....
As long as people keep clicking.....
That is so true Zoe. Even negative comments on the articles keeps them going!!
Zoe said...
As long as people keep clicking on the links to the photos and videos of the G8, there will be people taking those photos and videos. If everyone would just quit looking, there would be no market for them anymore and the poor kids would have their peace. If you really want peace and normalcy for the G8 you will stop being part of the "feeding frenzy".
What seems so obvious to some, seems to elude others altogether. The entertainment value has clouded their good sense.
I flipped through the OK mag article and it seems that they are intentionally providing info for the "haters" rather than the "fans."
It says the kids are filmed 10 days a month, which is a lot for what? A one hour show? (but of course their filing it away to make $$$ later I'm sure). Kate also says she is looking on JDate to find a man. Hello! She rammed the church-going Christian card for YEARS, milking it for all it's worth.
Is TLC trying another tactic to get more publicity/blogger attention?
Judy~ I'm Judy too. I just don't like to post under my real blogger name. ;) Every once in a while I get too quick with the draw and I wind up clicking post comment before I edit my name..
The paparazzi would leave the famiy alone if Kate would get off tv for good.
JP, as long as there are people commenting on the pics and articles, they will keep snapping the Gosselins.
mommyinca said...
Just thought of something. Why aren't the Duggars bombarded with paparazzi? If Kate's "theory" of continuing to film and get paid because the paps will be there regardless were true, then why don't we see daily pics of the Duggars, the Masche's, Hayes,Roloffs? or any other TLC family?
cuz they don't have a NEED to keep their family in the press and get all that attention???
Thanks mommyinca !
WHY would Kate look on J=Date? Does she think "all Jewish men have money?" She'll have better luck on craigslist, with a mask.
Anonymous said...
Kate G was lost and couldn't find her way to Whole Foods, WTF, does she not own a GPS or is she too cheap to buy one? Maybe she is waiting for TLC to get her one. I believe that is the same ROL Pap that has followed this family around since their separation last year cause his voice is annoying on all videos. Maybe he and Kate are BFFs now..
Khate knew exactly where she was going and how to get there. She just wanted to make sure the pap knew where she was going so he didn't lose her.
Just saw that Al Walentis has his book completed and it will be out early next week, at the latest. As Bette Davis once said (and I paraphrase), "Grab onto your hats ... it's gonna be a bumpy ride."
mommyinca said... "Just thought of something. Why aren't the Duggars bombarded with paparazzi?"
Excellent point! And if you take a good look at when the papping first started (Jon's 'relationship' with the teacher) and how their popularity exploded because of it... I've always found it odd that all of a sudden there were paps following Jon's every move right after he announced on the season 4 finale that he no longer wanted to film, he started dating publicly and pretty much squirmed himself out from under TLC's thumb. I truly believe the first 'pap' was a plant used in the hopes of shaming Jon/praising Kate, then other so-called legit paps came running when they smelled a story.
It's equally odd that as soon as Jon starts complying with TLC paps no longer catch him being naughty. But unfortunately the damage has been done, he's been given a label he'll never get rid of.
I disagree with those who think the paps will stop if we just stop looking or clicking - hasn't worked for the show now has it? In order to stop something it has to be cut off at the source, not at the end result. This is why I believe there should be legal intervention with regards to paps and minors. Paps should NOT be allowed to take photos of any minor child (that includes any offspring of Brangelina). Not only is it intrusive but it can be down right dangerous when you have several clamoring for a good shot.
These kids did not choose their situation and they should not be harassed because of their parents greed & stupidity. Is there any way to make this suggestion to Rep. Murt and see if he'll include a pap clause?
I am literally sobbing and gasping on the floor at the way these children are so obviously abused. I thought the kids I deal with every day who are beaten and raped, drugged and locked in rooms by their parents were bad but this picture is a million times worse. America, we must come to their rescue. Shame on their whore father for pimping these kids out. Only he could have called them.
If all of us had not watched the show and not clicked the link to see the pics and/or left comments on articles pertaining to the Gosselins, they would have been gone a long time ago. Here we are still clicking on the links and commenting proving (to TLC and whoever)the Gosselins will still earn someone money!
Can anyone tell me what is the best website to order Al's book from when it comes out?
I no longer am able to drive, so I do most of my shopping online.
Thanks in advance.
Auntie Em...surely you are not serious? You really don't think that a child being beaten, raped and locked in a room is worse than a child covering his face because he doesn't want to be photographed?
Judy - Al's book will be available on Amazon, according to his blog.
Auntie Em ~ I disagree with you re Jon calling the paps for the pics. Everyone knew Jon would have the kids for Father's Day. All an enterprising pap has to do is follow the big blue van and you'll find the kids. You can hardly hide the van in the apartment parking lot. IMO I think everyone is ticked that the paps were there spoiling the day. Bet Jon thought he could have a nice private day with the kids at the 'private nature preserve' (right - it was probably one of many PA state parks in that area). Unfortunately, J&K gave up the right of privacy when they invited cameras into the house when the tups were babies. Those kids will never have normal private life.
Maybe it's me, but Miss Organic couldn't find her local Whole Foods, LOL!
I guess one of the things she doesn't do for the kids is food shop!
PaMa said...
Just saw that Al Walentis has his book completed and it will be out early next week, at the latest. As Bette Davis once said (and I paraphrase), "Grab onto your hats ... it's gonna be a bumpy ride."
Care to share the link where to found that? I think many here have been looking forward to the book coming out.
It's one of the last posts here:
Just found this on Amazon...
Al Walentis says:
Hello, everyone,
Edits are finally finished and it is just a matter of converting for Kindle and other e-devices (in addition to print, of course).
I will post a link when it is available, definitely by early next week.
Al Walentis
...and what is Kate's (and TLC's) response to this book being published? Any scuttlebutt on it?
It is so sad ,,, and so ironic that the mother who loved to call attention to the world that she and her family were followed by the `paps` ... is now being challenged by a wee 6 year old boy who wants people to respect his own privacy and blocks his face to the world. Imagine a 6 year old ... with more knowledge, common sense and more dignity than his, what do you call her, sorry ... his mother
Looking forward to Al's book. Do you think her highness is a little scared?
The truth out of the mouth/action of babes ...
Imagine a wee six year old boy with more self respect and dignity than his, what is she again, oh yes, his mother, resorting to covering his face to hide from something his mother yearned so much for the world to know ... her and her family chased by the paps. Good for you little man .... Good for you!
Auntie Em- even if what you said was tongue in cheek, as I am hoping it was,IMO comparing abuse situations in such a way is really missing the point. Abuse is abuse, and it's wrong, and the severity of it is not as relevant as the impact on the child who is abused. Some children endure horrible scenarios and with good treatment are resilient enough to become healthy adults. Other children endure abuse that seems to be milder and less harmful and are scarred for life.
I dealt with the same kinds of kids as you, for 33 years, and am surprised that you did not take this into account.
It just goes back to the ridiculous logic that because there are other incidents out there where horrible things have happened to kids (kids molested, locked up, beaten up, killed), we should not be concerned about a little boy traumatized by a camera in his face.
It's like saying because there are horrible things happening in Darfur like you can never imagine, we should not be concerned about a little oil spill in the Gulf.
We should be concerned about ALL these things.
"Abuse is abuse, and it's wrong,"
Absolutely. Em referred to physical abuse. I would hope that she knows (or should know) that abuse takes many forms, one of which is emotional. This scars the mind instead of the body, but the consequences can be equally severe. The impact of this abuse may not be known now, and we can only hope that in the years to come these children are not left with the residuals from what happened during their formative years.
Just wondering said:
Just found this on Amazon...
Al Walentis says:
Hello, everyone,
Edits are finally finished and it is just a matter of converting for Kindle and other e-devices (in addition to print, of course).
I will post a link when it is available, definitely by early next week.
Al Walentis
Thanks for posting this JW.
I'm not sure Al's book is going to be such a good idea. All it's going to do is stir more controversy. More controversy means more people, possibly some who have never seen the show, are going to be curious an tune in to watch the show. Even bad publicity will spike the ratings. With this book will come the PR spin machine to counter everything said which means more coverage of Khate and more publicity. Do we really need a book to tell us what we already know? Pictures of her all over the net and on magazine covers whipping her kids didn't seem to hurt her.
"Auntie Em said...
I am literally sobbing and gasping on the floor at the way these children are so obviously abused. I thought the kids I deal with every day who are beaten and raped, drugged and locked in rooms by their parents were bad but this picture is a million times worse. America, we must come to their rescue. Shame on their whore father for pimping these kids out. Only he could have called them."
While I don't agree with filming the Gosselin children for kate+8 for many reasons, I find the above statement outrageous and an insult to children that are beaten, raped or drugged.
Hawks Fan said... "I'm not sure Al's book is going to be such a good idea. All it's going to do is stir more controversy. More controversy means more people, possibly some who have never seen the show, are going to be curious an tune in to watch the show. Even bad publicity will spike the ratings. With this book will come the PR spin machine to counter everything said which means more coverage of Khate and more publicity."
Ahh, but it also means Kate & team will be asked questions they've been able to dodge up to now. It possibly means at least one legit reporter will pull their head out their *** and start asking the real questions instead of taking TLC's statements as fact.
I for one can't wait for her to be sat down in front of a real reporter asking the questions any legit interviewer should ask. I for one can't wait for the inevitable melt down or temper tantrum that'll occur when she faces someone who won't take pre-formed answers or an 'um' as a reply.
I want to see how she responds to questions about child labor laws and why there was no compliance on her or TLC's behalf. I want to know why a 'couple of specials' would require 2 months of filming. Why she never took the kids on any trips while TLC wasn't filming. Why she has a "bodyguard" to protect her safety but there's no one to intervene on the children's behalf. Why she as a mother hasn't taken steps to protect her children from the paps (like filing a restraining order, moving their bus stop to a private location where the paps can't legally be, requesting help from police or local officials, landscaping their yard to block the peepers). Why she never questioned Jon's ability to parent for the 2+ years she left him home alone while she promoted the books other people wrote. There are so so many questions I'd love to see lobbed at her!
Yes there will be a spike, yes it will mean more Kate in our face but if it means her toes will be held to the fire I say bring it on! She's been coddled far too long and it's time for her to truly answer for her questionable choices when it comes to trading her children's innocence for infamy.
2exhausted2name said..
I wouldn't be holding my breath, waiting for that to happen. TLC will never let her have an interview like the one you want! All Al's book is going to do is keep the frenzy going! She will never go away at this rate!
You know, Kate ought to watch this video. Clearly, every one of the children is capable of getting into the van on his/her own - and
apparently can also buckle his/her own seatbelt.
Kate seems to think the children need to be lifted in and out of her car. I'm thinking her
insistence on getting on their school bus is to help then buckle up.
Kate, they are 6 and 9. Let them learn for themselves!
Auntie Em said...
I am literally sobbing and gasping on the floor at the way these children are so obviously abused. I thought the kids I deal with every day who are beaten and raped, drugged and locked in rooms by their parents were bad but this picture is a million times worse. America, we must come to their rescue. Shame on their whore father for pimping these kids out. Only he could have called them.
I'm sorry, but this comment is beyond outrageous. If you actually meant this literally, you should not be working with children.
Bravo Anonymous@4:52! You are so right.IMO It was a statement in poor taste and re-victimizes child victims by diminishing their pain.
Auntie Em said...
I am literally sobbing and gasping on the floor at the way these children are so obviously abused. I thought the kids I deal with every day who are beaten and raped, drugged and locked in rooms by their parents were bad but this picture is a million times worse. America, we must come to their rescue. Shame on their whore father for pimping these kids out. Only he could have called them
Get a grip Auntie Em. You CAN'T be serious, right? Geeez...
"I'm sorry, but this comment is beyond outrageous. If you actually meant this literally, you should not be working with children."
Sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, meaning that the Gosselins are not being abused when compared to those the poster allegedly works with. Nevertheless, said in bad taste...callous, coarse and uncouth. Offensive and unacceptable.
PA Mom ALSO said...
"I'm sorry, but this comment is beyond outrageous. If you actually meant this literally, you should not be working with children."
Sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, meaning that the Gosselins are not being abused when compared to those the poster allegedly works with. Nevertheless, said in bad taste...callous, coarse and uncouth. Offensive and unacceptable.
Unless someone else posted using the same name, based on this person's prior posts I don't think she was being sarcastic, but obviously I could be wrong.
Regarding Jon saying "sit" to the kids: I heard him saying "'sit " as in that's it.I don't think he was telling them to sit as they were already seated.
Auntie Em ~ I disagree with you re Jon calling the paps for the pics. Everyone knew Jon would have the kids for Father's Day. All an enterprising pap has to do is follow the big blue van and you'll find the kids. You can hardly hide the van in the apartment parking lot. IMO I think everyone is ticked that the paps were there spoiling the day. Bet Jon thought he could have a nice private day with the kids at the 'private nature preserve' (right - it was probably one of many PA state parks in that area). Unfortunately, J&K gave up the right of privacy when they invited cameras into the house when the tups were babies. Those kids will never have normal private life.
Judy - Al's book will be available on Amazon, according to his blog.
This brought tears to my eyes, really.
I have a son the same age as Collin and all I could do was think about him in that situation.
It's heartbreaking. Poor babies, all of them.
Jon and esp K8, may you spend your eternal life where the sun don't shine.
I have watched this 4-5 times now and each time I focus on another child other than Collin.They all look pretty upset to me and seem to be saying, "Stop, I've had eneough of this crap." Their parents put them through this on a daily basis. Everywhere they go, including their own driveway,some idiot has a camera stuck in their faces !
We can't save them. Someone much higher up than us can put a stop to this nightmare, but they just keep turning their heads.
Kate and Jon will pay for this one day. It may not be here on earth, but they have to answer to someone much higher up and HE isn't going to be too happy with them.
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