Food for thought … if you have to do an entire one-hour episode defending yourself, your choices, your actions….maybe you’re not doing something right?
Kate is apparently explaining a typical day for her and get this, she slept from 9 p.m. until 12 noon. That’s….fifteen hours! What? If any mother out there with children under 10 years old has ever been able to sleep fifteen hours straight please raise your hand. I’m guessing you don’t have four nannies. Then she and Tony rehearsed for four hours. Wow, a whole four hours--no wonder she stunk. She did not deserve to shed one tear over DWTS when she sleeps for fifteen hours and then only managed to drag herself out of bed and spend four hours with the amazing Tony before calling it quits. What a lazy sloth. What did Tony do with himself all day waiting for her to finally wake up and greet the morning? Er, afternoon. Other partners Tony has had to TELL to stop dancing, they're working too hard.
Yawn, Kate gets hair extensions. This piece goes on for what feels like hours but really it‘s only a few minutes. I can barely sit there for the two-odd hours it takes to dye and cut my hair, let alone watch somebody else do it.
Is Meredith Viera seriously defending $7,000 hair extensions? And telling us to get a life? Meredith, you get a life. You’re sitting there spending your morning defending a D-list reality star on her stupid show when there is a horrific oil spill going on in the Gulf and two wars in the Middle East and genocide in Africa. Maybe TLC could have donated $7,000 to Darfur instead of Kate. Go report real news, Meredith. For the record I like Kate’s new fake hair better than her old reverse mullet, that’s not the point.
They actually found some sheeple with credible journalism jobs to defend her. Like, two of them. Some Inside Edition guy says that good or bad Kate “has to make a living.” Huh? She made a living just fine before this. She was a nurse. She wasn’t even in debt, she said so in her book

Meredith don’t sell yourself short. You are not the same as Kate. Big difference: You ain’t exploiting your kids! I may not like your opinion but as long as you don't exploit your kids to make it, that's your right.
Haha, Kate gives us a great oxymoron. And another lie of course. “I can honestly say it has been solely myself, as a single mom.” Then she pauses a moment. “With help.” Hahhahaha, Oh, Kate!
There are the kids in their highchairs coloring. I thought this was supposed to be about Kate. But I guess they worried if they didn’t show the kids’ cute little faces now and again people would lose interest. Kate attempts to teach them a few simple shape lessons. To show us she is perfectly capable of home schooling them when she finally has to pull them out of school permanently to have enough time to film them.
Oh, that’s really interesting, Kate was asked to be on the previous season of DWTS but it didn’t fit with her schedule. I can’t remember what she was doing around that time.
People who have to preface every sentence with “honestly” I never trust to be all that honest. Kate and Tony practice in L.A. Kate stinks but at least she seems to know it. It is fine to stink at dancing but a four hour rehearsal isn’t going to help much.
This next part is basically, sob-sob waa-waa a lot of people think Kate is a bitch. Well, that would be because….she is! As they say, majority rules. They actually show a photo of Collin covering his face. Guess the editors let that damning photo slip through. Oops! Steve is basically her assistant and handler. That’s fine, but why keep acting like he’s just a bodyguard? Kate likes him the very bestest of all her bodyguards. We couldn‘t figure that out.
Steve says he’s “looked after” royal families and presidents. Looked after? He makes it sound like they’re kittens whose owners are out of town and he just has to put a bit of food out every few days and change their water. By looked after, does he mean stood in front of a door with ten other bodyguards while the dignitary attends a benefit 600 yards away?
The best part ever is that Steve says the fans are just as bad as those who don’t like Kate. He calls them “over-zealous.” I feel bad for her fans in a way. Any other celebrity in the business worth their salt knows the fans make you, creepy or not, and to never, ever throw them under the bus. I don’t care if they are breaking into your house putting on your makeup and trying on your clothes, you never talk badly about the fans. You gotta hand it to Joan Crawford--she understood this concept. So for Steve to basically make the fans seem like total whack-jobs is a real slap in the face. These “over-zealous” fans have spent years defending Kate’s every move against monumental opposition. And this is what they get.
Steve thinks the “vast, vast majority” of people are fans and not “against us.” Haha, wow, Steve. How’s that delusional cup of tea taste? Even Kate says 90% of people don’t like her. Your own employer admits it. Now he thinks the fans make the show. Well, actually, a ton of people were also tuning in to watch a train wreck. Don’t forget those people.
Kate’s book signing in Santa Monica. They show some stock footage of Rodeo Drive, which is absolutely nowhere near her book signing in Santa Monica. This is completely not Kate’s fault, but this book signing was BARELY advertised and nobody showed up, and she was embarrassed. I would be too, it’s embarrassing. I was at this book signing and I reported about 30 people were there, and I’m told not everyone believed me and claimed I was trying to make Kate look bad. But those who have been around here long enough know I don’t lie about anything, except to tell you you look great in that dress, and sure enough, even Kate is saying nobody attended this book signing. They show footage from the signing and you can see for yourself, nobody is there.
This is quite fascinating, Steve and Kate are locked in a closet at the book store and Steve is telling Kate to buck up and do the book signing regardless of how few people are there. I am torn about this. On the one hand, Steve is right, she needs to stop being a baby and get out there, especially for the sight-impaired little boy who was there with a walking stick--I was there and I saw him and he was thrilled to meet Kate. On the other hand, her team really screwed this up. If you don’t have time to organize a proper book signing where 1500 people will show up, it is mortifying to do anything less. I side with Kate on this and I would be beyond ticked; I would not want to go out there. And I would fire half my staff for screwing this up. I am not being sarcastic. It is unacceptable to arrange such a huge flop like this for someone as hot as Kate is right now. I know and have worked for many people who would not begin to tolerate this. This is yet another example of how green and unsophisticated Kate still is to the “real“ celebrity world. If she were say Elton John or even Angelina or somebody else seasoned, she would know to NOT stand for this. Incidentally, they don’t show me asking Kate how child labor laws are going to affect filming. But they do show the three teenage girls I was talking to who were cute, maybe about sixteen. They speak highly of Kate, but to me they said she could be a real bitch, too. Ha!
Kate plays with the kids in their crooked houses and throws Jon under the bus again--he doesn’t even have BEDS for the kids at his place they have to sleep in sleeping bags! She does realize that 5-year-olds usually adore sleeping on the floor right? Like camping out. She got them trundle beds, there's hardly a difference.
Steve and Kate are sitting in the limo, and Kate throws Jon under the bus a bit more. He is a big mean ex-husband who wants his kids when she isn’t even in the same state. Why can’t Jon have the kids when she is not home, so many of us have asked over and over. Kate needn’t worry, TLC will quickly pay Jon off and all this will go away shortly.
I kinda like how Steve doesn’t really play into all of Kate’s pathetic whining. He’s basically like, Kate, life is full of hard decisions, I can’t do it for you. I like people who aren’t interested in letting you constantly cry on their shoulder instead of getting down to business and tackling your problems like an adult, because that‘s how I am. Who knew I wouldn‘t mind Steve. And surprisingly, there is something about their dynamic that makes me think maybe they are not an item after all. Steve's personality isn't really what I think Kate exactly wants. He is definitely handling her every move, but he isn't putting up with her crap. Historically she prefers men who tolerate her crap, so this really doesn't add up. Not to mention I don't feel one ounce of chemistry between them, they are literally like brother and sister. They are no Erin and Maks. I think maybe she likes a man like him around just to have a man around for reasons women like that, but that doesn't mean she's inviting him into the bedroom. In college I had some male roommates I really loved having around for so many reasons, but I wasn't in a relationship with any of them. I'm very surprised I've come to this conclusion about those two after this.
Why is Kate so afraid she’s a horrible mother and a judge will take her kids away? What, is she doing something wrong?
Ehh, I’ll skip over this boring part. Kate is officially announcing her new child exploitation shows in New York. Steve admires Kate. Oh, Steve, for pity sake. Kate’s new best friend makes a few appearances to say nothing all that earth-shattering. She seems really nice. Too nice. Has she gotten the guts to ask for her fair cut yet? Her days are numbered with this family.
When Kate introduces herself she says “I’m Kate, and I’m a mom of eight kids.” The fact that she wraps her whole persona around those eight kids, exploiting them in every way possible to form her own image, is why the public is criticizing. If she said I’m Kate and I’m a nurse, no one would care. I don’t understand why this is so difficult to get. For a few at least.
Oh sheesh, Kate is one of those people who claims they can dance really well in rehearsal but once they hit the dance floor they are a mess. You know this kind of thing is only true for a very small, small minority of people. For the rest it’s just a way to save face when you really suck at something.
I’ve already recapped DWTS, don’t wanna do it again. Kate thought DWTS was a “career.” She does realize that it’s only for one short season, and that she could get voted off at any time, right? It’s like saying being a Census worker is a career. Yeah, for a few months every ten years! She and the Census workers all need new careers now.
Back at the orphanage, these highchairs drive me crazy, gaaa. I see Kate’s upped the food portions ever so slightly. They’ve got three whole carrots to eat now and a couple other mixed veggies.
How smart is Mady? She tells the tups to “play the quiet game.” And they’re all quiet! And Mady looks so proud of herself. What an awesome way to get your brothers and sisters to shush, and she knows it. This child is gifted and talented, period. I’ve seen enough now.
Aw how sad my tivo cuts off as Kate is spewing some stuff about how much she loves the kids or something. The end!
If this is Kate’s world, I recommend a new one.
117 sediments (sic) from readers:
Great recap ! I wonder if Kate hides in the closet at home too, when she's upset over something. What a freak of nature she is.
3 Million people actually watch her complain about how hard her life is and how great she is?? Dumbing down of America continues. But I wonder why they announced how great her ratings were, 3.4 Million sucks, no?? especially when you are a monthly special. Desperately trying to generate buzz, huh.
Thank you for the recaps, YOU should write a book about this family.
I'm unable to imagine these children growing up to be anything close to okay.
Great recap! How many ways in 2 hours can Kate exploit her the looks of this recap...she most definately can go lower/lower/lower.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
"I don’t care if they are breaking into your house putting on your makeup and trying on your clothes, you never talk badly about the fans."
BWHAHAHHAHAAAA! Love it! She really is an idiot, WHO, trashes their fans? Makes you wonder if there have been a few "incidents" involving them. Yes???
May I just say that I adore you? Well, your wit, measured with sarcasm and blunt honesty. Thank you for this. I did see the last 30 minutes of this show and thought much the same. Steve is her handler. I now think he is not there to protect her, but to keep her moving, hopefully in the right direction. That would explain why (even though she said they hired security to protect the kids), he is often seen only with her and she is out and about on her own in her town, as are the kids (with nannies or their dad) when she is out of town, which is a lot. He talks a good game, but he sure doesn't seem to show an ounce of any kind of emotion toward her; it's all business. While she whines and cries, he just presses on and tells her to buck up and make a decision, because he can't do it for her. That surprised me. She showed zero emotion or camaraderie toward him (as with everyone else except herself and the camera) and vice versa.
Anyway, thank you again. And that part about the census workers and their 'careers' lasting a few months every 10 years (no offense to census workers), slayed me! SO TRUE - IF she had done anything to stay, it would have been 10 weeks and that's it!
You rock!!!
Okay, I confess, I watched... I wasn't going to..but, I plopped on the couch after a very long day of walking...I caved...The one with the kids was mildly interesting.. I laughed that as kate goes on and on about how the kids are going to have so many meltdowns, the only person I heard screaming and melting down.. was..KATE!!! go figure that one... as for her world... that was nothing but an attempt at damage control.. but I agree with admin, unless Steve is also a great actor, I do not see any Chemistry between them.. he handles her, perhaps protects her somewhat along the way, and is a male figure to take the boys into the washroom because they are too old to go into the womans anymore. But, the show was b..o..r..i..n..g.. I kept wondering to myslef, why am I watching it.. but I won't be wasting my time from here on in...I doubt there will be 3 million viewers in July...
To all of you with backbones stronger then I.. you didn't miss anything, and what was good, we already saw prior to the show airing anyways.. TLC gave most of the good stuff away..
Just MHO...
So Admin, from what you have described about the closet at the bookstore -- that must have been why she was 30 minutes late! LMAO.
Regarding Kate's flop of a book signing event, who organizes them and who is in charge of the publicity? Is it Zondervan or Kate's PR team?
Zondervan has a lot of money riding on her books so why aren't they working with Kate's people to make sure the event is publicized.
Also, I think it's interesting that her over-inflated ego is bruised by such a poor turnout.
I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for Katie Irene.
Admin you are a brave person taking one for the team. So you believe Steve is Kate's handler; wouldn't surprise me. Many pictures he doesn't appear to be animated around her but does appear business like. He's probably there to keep her moving so people can't ask her a question that would require an "intelligentish" answer. His role is to keep Kate's mouth shut. It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove any doubt. As for the tups I cannot believe she still has them in high chairs. Good God they'll be in those chairs until they are 13!
NancyB said...
So Admin, from what you have described about the closet at the bookstore -- that must have been why she was 30 minutes late! LMAO.
Hi, I'm Kate and I hide in closets.
...glad to hear Kate finally came out of the closet...
Admin, thanks for the recaps!
I am speechless that the show referenced the woman sleeping for 15 hours straight. What point were they trying to address with that? Was this in PA or on the road? Was she ill? Intoxicated? Drugged? (or any combination) That's more sleep than I get in 2 nights (sometimes 3 nights), and I only have 3 kiddos (all older than Khate's). I cannot imagine being in my own home AND not making the effort to get up and kiss my kiddos goodbye, say "have a nice day" as they are leaving.
just wondering said...
Did Jamie give up custody of her kids? Her children still live in Michigan, don't they? How do they feel about their mom living with other kids? I think Jamie is in love with Kate.
I agree... I think Jamie is in love with Kate.
koopdedoo, I was shocked over the 15 hrs of sleep too. That's almost the amount of sleep I get in 3 days. Whether she was home or on the road, 15 hrs straight is crazy ! What do you think she'll do now that summer vacation is here and she'll be home with the kids and a handful of nannies ? She's a lazy money hungry shrew ...or a lazy self-medicating money hungry shrew.
lolly said...
...glad to hear Kate finally came out of the closet...
Maybe in 10 yrs or so.... ;)
Great recap!! I didn't watch the shows, but I can say with confidence that your recap is more entertaining the shows (sight unseen).
That is an interesting view about Steve and Kate. I've always been on the fence about whether they are an "Item". Kate just never seemed to be a passionate person to me. Okay, I'll say it, she seems like she would be frigid, cold fish. Having an affair with someone would mess up her hair, her make up, make her sweaty. Kate wouldn't go for that. It's too messy. So I'm not convinced that she would be involved in "that way" with Steve.
Sure, she dresses provactively, but I think that is to either get attention or she just has no fashion sense for a woman her age at all.
I'm still of the opinion that Steve was never very good at his personal protection job and that is why he took the job as Kate's handler. Like I said in a previous thread, he seems more like a bouncer. Maybe that's where he got his security experience, bouncing at night clubs back in the 90s? :-)
Steve is definitely a handler. They showed a scene where he was telling Kate & Tony how to handle the press line and which kinds of questions to take (and which to ignore.) Why would a bodyguard be doing that?
Also, the scene in the limo where she said she was exhausted b/c she had no sleep.....she seemed incoherent to me, like she was on something.
Okay, I just watched a bit here and there and YT. I fast forwarded through most of it since listening to the spin that comes out of Kart's mouth just make me feel sick.
Now that I've seen a bit of the show, I definately feel that Admin was right about Steve. He's more like an assistant/manager than he is a personal protection professional. He also seems to have very little patience for her.
If Kelly is around at all today, I'd like to ask, since you're in law enforcement, if you have observed Steve at all, what are your thoughts on his "protection performance"?
I can say one thing for sure Steve is no Bo Dietl that's for sure.
Why is Kate so afraid she’s a horrible mother and a judge will take her kids away? What, is she doing something wrong?
#1 Interesting that ROL has released not one, but two videos of Jon in a 24 hour period: JON STONED! JON DRUNK! Both filmed a year ago?
#2 Kate's Take, her made up blog, mostly professes to be worried about the kids' safety. "The scary part is that -- me, a typical mom, worrying for my kids’ safety and well being in my absence -- I don't know the details of the afternoon plans, and it makes me nervous. This is part of being a divorced parent and I must admit, it's difficult and probably won't get any easier anytime soon ... I hope that much safe fun is had by all!"...From Kate's flog
#3 Kids have to sleep on the floor and eat cupcakes and chew gum at Jon's.
#4 Hailey's a little pissed because she alleges Jon owes her money. I believe she even put a bounty out on him. Ask Baby Mama, I think she was trying to collect!
#5 Put them all together and sprinkle in a little TLC $$ and VOILA!! it all makes sense! Timing IS everything!!
I'm thinking Kate really is sweating, what we see is only the tip of the iceberg of the bizarreness that is these kids' lives. They have to make Jon look bad. JMHO,
Admin, thanks for doing the recap - I didn't watch either of the shows. I've always thought Steve was her handler - someone to make sure she presents the right fake image to the general public. IMO, Kate is like a volcano waiting to erupt and Steve is around to make sure that doesn't happen. I think TLC is using both of her shows as a venue to address all the criticisms ... just like ALL her appearances on ALL the entertainment shows the week that Jon filed for custody of the kids.
It will be interesting to see if Kate does any more book tours ... it looks like the book is still tanking on Amazon.
I didn't watch the show (of course) but there was reference in the recap to Kate doing a lesson with the tups on shapes? Seriously? Like they still need help with that at their age?
My kid is not even three and by the time he was two he knew about 10 different shapes including the appropriate word for a moon shape (crescent) and the difference between an octagon and pentagon. But these kids are SIX YEARS OLD and still working on shapes?
What the hell have these kids done every day since they were born...oh, wait...filming. I see....these kids seem educationally stunted on purpose!!
I've probably said this before...I think Kate is really worried about things that the kids might be disclosing while they are at Jon's, in a safe environment where they are free to talk without Kate or cameras.The fact that Jon is now living nearby and is able to have the kids at his place takes it out of her control. There are no nannies to spy and report on what is being said or done.
I have wondered if Jon spends time outside with the kids while at the house to keep their interactions more private.
In addition, Ellen seems sensible and low-key, much more appropriate for a mother-surrogate. She doesn't appear to be seeking publicity for her relationship with Jon.
Kate's biggest fear is that she will be "seen as a horrible mother and a judge will take her children away".She imputes this fear to all mothers. I don't know why, most mothers' greatest fear is that harm will come to their children.I think Kate has seen the writing on the wall and realizes she and TLC must attempt to destroy Jon's credibility before her own abusive and/or inappropriate behaviour comes to light.
I would imagine that the kids, particularly the twins, are grilled unmercifully on their return from their dad's.
I hope Jon realizes he is being set up and takes some legal steps to stop the innuendo put out by Hailey (read TLC)and Radar (read TLC).
IDmodo: If I had a loser, irresponsible ex-husband like Jon Gosselin, I would also grill my kids when they return. As a divorcee with a shady ex, I need to know that my kids are in a safe environment because their dad is questionnable. I imagine Kate would feel the same way.
To Gramof6 - Yes Jon may have shown some irresponsible behaviour once he broke free of Kate's tyranny but there is one thing you cannot question and that is his love for his children and their love for him. Just look at their faces when they are with him as opposed to their interaction with Kate. I would not say Jon is shady just that he made some immature and irresponsible choices. He can still grow up.
Kate just needs to realize and accept that she is no longer in control of every second and minute of their existence. She gave up that right the day she chased Jon away. She should have thought about it before she decided she was done. It is really nice to watch someone who is so totally controlling lose that control. She draws all the oxygen out of the room. Those kids and Jon deserve to spend time alone and away from Kate. If it drives her nuts, all the better.
Jen said...
I didn't watch the show (of course) but there was reference in the recap to Kate doing a lesson with the tups on shapes? Seriously? Like they still need help with that at their age?
My kid is not even three and by the time he was two he knew about 10 different shapes including the appropriate word for a moon shape (crescent) and the difference between an octagon and pentagon. But these kids are SIX YEARS OLD and still working on shapes?
What the hell have these kids done every day since they were born...oh, wait...filming. I see....these kids seem educationally stunted on purpose!!
I'm glad you brought this up because I wanted to, but forgot. You are absolutely who are 6 yrs old should definately know their shapes. If they are just learning this now, God only knows what else they should know but don't. By the time my daughter was 4 years old, she knew everyone's birthdays and ages (I'm talking parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts , uncles and cousins...she loved going over all of the birthdays and ages)...not to mention all the stuff she should have known for her age. She was also highly upset because she couldn't go to kindergarten that year, and she would have done great but she was too young to go. I am thinking no one practices anything with the Gosselin kids because the most important thing is filming and making money ! Talk about a dysfunctional family !
I predict that someday ,Kate will walk away from her kids , for the Hollywood life, and Jon will have full custody. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Are people so blind that they can't see how happy those kids are with they are with their dad ? Smiles and giggles.
It's like daylight and dark when they are with Kate. Miserable and scared.
Judy said...
I predict that someday ,Kate will walk away from her kids , for the Hollywood life, and Jon will have full custody. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Are people so blind that they can't see how happy those kids are with they are with their dad ? Smiles and giggles.
It's like daylight and dark when they are with Kate. Miserable and scared.
I agree. Once Kate+8 ends, she will wait awhile, then slowly stay away for longer and longer periods of time, hoping no one will notice. I think she should go now, the kids would be just fine with Jon.
Gramof6- The evidence we have of jon's "shadiness" is more than a year old.He appears to be behaving responsibly now, and he deserves the opportunity to prove himself.
Grilling children about their relationship with the absent parent is damaging to the children, because it puts them in a situation where their loyalties are compromised. If there is an issue with the ex spouse, it should be taken up with him/her and not the children. I am saying this wearing my professional hat as a (retired) therapist.
I'm sorry that you had bad experiences with your former spouse. I did too but would never put my children in that position. I am saying this as a mother of 3 and Gramof5.
Why do my posts keep showing up with a little garbage can next to the date ? I know this is so the post can be deleted. Nobody else has them.
I have just had some posts deleted over on GWOP with no reason given so far,although I have emailed the mods to find out why.
Was it something I said?
"Kate sucks the oxygen out of the room", exactly!!
Kate is the most hated women in the world, up there with Imelda Marcos and Marie Antoinette.
Congratulations Katie K. on your fame. You earned it girl!
Thanks to whoever got rid of the garbage cans. Maybe I just clicked on the wrong thing when posting.
Maybe it was Kate, doing her new Twisted Kate job as a garbage collector! Oooooh, I feel so honoured......
Oh shit they're back...
IDModo, that can is just something you can click on if you want to 'trash' (delete) your own post. We all get them on our own posts. No big thang!
I think she is on the "red carpet event" Mr. Fake Bodyguard told her to go to the right by the buses and the car would be waiting for her there. She looked at him like what? and said that she didn't understand a word he said, so he was like, just follow Tony.
IDMoso.. Everyone can see the little trashcan on their own posts so they can delete them if needed. Only you can delete your own posts.
The high chairs REALLY bugged me. I know she wants to keep them babies, but that's just ridiculous. Can you imagine being six years old and having a friend come over and see you sitting in a high chair eating from those slotted food trays? And why hasn't anyone taught the children how to properly use their eating utensils?
And the shapes, coloring, "school" work? It gave us yet another glimpse of how impatient Kate is with her children. Thank God they aren't home-schooled.
The tups will be seven by the time they finish kindergarten? What's up with that? My eight year old grandson is advanced for his age, but he'll be starting 4th grade this fall. The extremes are hard to reconcile.
Regarding Steve. I never knew what to think about his relationship with Kate. But now I see him as the overly patient babysitter that TLC hired to handle Kate. I don't sense any type of romance between him.
I don't know what to think about Jamie. She might just be paid to pretend to be Kate's friend, or maybe something else.
I don't sense ANY sexuality from Kate, which is weird. It's impossible for me to imagine she has a passionate side.
Just my observations. Admin, thank you for the fabulous recap. I'd like to see you write a book about the Gosselin family. You have a way with words.
I" predict that someday ,Kate will walk away from her kids , for the Hollywood life, and Jon will have full custody. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"
How can she do that? Her kids ARE the ticket to her Hollywood life. Without them, she's nothing.
Oh, I have a trash can, too!
I thought maybe it was a hint that my posts weren't very good.
So let me get this straight. Kate Gosselin spends the last five and a half years begging parishioners of her church and members of her community for money to support her family, cuts off her relationship with her parents, shops a production company to videotape her children in exchange for $$$, gets a bff to write a book about her life then gives her the boot, makes her kids act like trained monkeys for the camera, banishes her brother and his wife from their lives, performs a phony vow renewal for a trip to Hawaii, whines and cries until she get's a 6000 sq. ft. home on 26 acres, forces her husband to live in the garage, divorces him and gets $250,000 a year in child support, drives a $65,000 Land Cruiser, gets paid huge dollars to perform like the Robax wooden puppet on a dance show, sleeps and eats gratis in expensive resort hotels, has nannies, girlfriends and bodyguards and gardeners looking after her kids and herself and her property, gets two new cable shows, travels extensively to get away from her children, then does an hour special telling people it's tough to be famous. Are we supposed to feel her pain now, or what? What was the purpose of "inside Kate's world" again?,I SOO agree with you,for all the sexy clothes,high heels,I see a woman who I could NEVER imagine her having sex with anyone,farthest from a sexual being ever!!And about those ratings,I wonder how many of the 3.4 million who tuned in to see the kids,were sick pedophiles??
Steve thinks the “vast, vast majority” of people are fans and not “against us.”
Psh. Yeah right, Steve. He must mean that the vast, vast majority doesn't want to physically harm Hate. That doesn't mean they are "fans," just that they aren't crazy.
according to the fans, we are the sick ones to even consider that pedophiles might enjoy this show. They prefer to keep their heads buried in the sand.
Inside Kate's world was a total puff piece on Kate. TLC is trying desperately to change Kate's image.
Please don't forget all the terrible things she has done to achieve fame and fortune.
These "journalists" are being paid by TLC to say good things about Kate. Don't believe them.
Currently she is selling her kids off to the highest corporate bidder all while ignoring and mistreating Cara and Mady. Remember the empty pinata and Kate's cruel laughing in response to Mady's disappointment.
If Kate can't exploit you for money she will mistreat you. Kate can't exploit the twins so she is now marginalizing them.
If Kate is such a perfect mother then why did Mady react by saying, “I don’t want water because nobody cares about me, I want to die.”
The REAL Kate's world would reveal that she is cruel, exploitive, and greedy.
"Kate sucks the oxygen out of the room", exactly!!
Exactly how I feel as well. Well said Barbara!
Such a great post AuntieAnn! You have a gift with words!
AuntieAnn said...
So let me get this straight. Kate Gosselin spends the last five and a half years begging parishioners of her church and members of her community for money to support her family, cuts off her relationship with her parents, shops a production company to videotape her children in exchange for $$$, gets a bff to write a book about her life then gives her the boot, makes her kids act like trained monkeys for the camera, banishes her brother and his wife from their lives, performs a phony vow renewal for a trip to Hawaii, whines and cries until she get's a 6000 sq. ft. home on 26 acres, forces her husband to live in the garage, divorces him and gets $250,000 a year in child support, drives a $65,000 Land Cruiser, gets paid huge dollars to perform like the Robax wooden puppet on a dance show, sleeps and eats gratis in expensive resort hotels, has nannies, girlfriends and bodyguards and gardeners looking after her kids and herself and her property, gets two new cable shows, travels extensively to get away from her children, then does an hour special telling people it's tough to be famous. Are we supposed to feel her pain now, or what? What was the purpose of "inside Kate's world" again?
Recaps are both excellent Admin. I have an idea what was filmed and didn't have to watch.
I second what others have said about the shapes lesson. That is really really odd at their age.
I also agree that Steve is an overall minder for Kate.
re: the 15 hours of sleep comment. Was this when she was out of town for DWTS? I dream of sleeping in myself - someday!
Lauren said...
Remember the empty pinata and Kate's cruel laughing in response to Mady's disappointment.
I watched a clip of that segment on youtube a few times to see what happened. Mady and Cara hit the pinata, and candy flies out onto the grassy area and they run and pick it up. They show that a couple of times and then one of them hits it, it breaks, falls to the ground and Mady goes over, stoops down and the pinata is empty, the candy already collected from previous hits. Then the camera instantly goes to something else.
....the pinata is empty, the candy already collected from previous hits. Then the camera instantly goes to something else.
Lauren, are you saying TLC has already edited out Kate's laughter?
Lauren said...These "journalists" are being paid by TLC to say good things about Kate. Don't believe them.
.I can't take Jim Moret and Meredith Viera seriously. Inside Edition is trash tv and Today is trash tv that's been cleaned with a dishrag. As for Kate Coyne, if you replaced her head with that of a big old sow's head, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. AND she's harder to listen to than Kate Gosselin, if that's possible.
cheier1, thanks. What is disturbing is that a few people DO feel sorry for the POS. They believe everything she says. TLC knows better and opted for an hour of damage control because the majority of people who tune in to see KG know she's a clown act & that's why they watch her. They want to turn the tide. Good luck with that one.
Mount Joy Township, LANCASTER COUNTY - - A five year old boy ran away from the driver of a tan car who tried to get the boy to get in his car. It happened Saturday on Schwanger Road in Mount Joy Township.
The boy was playing in his front yard in the 1200 block of Schwanger Road around 2PM. There were two other children in the yard. The kids tell police that a man in his 20s or 30s with long hair and black rimmed glasses pulled up and opened the passenger side door. They say he held his arms out and told the 5 year old to come home with him.
The boy ran away and the suspect took off.
Police say he immediately went to his father who called 911.
This is from the Elizabethtown neighborhood Jon and Kate used to live in. Think pedophiles don't watch the show? Broad daylight! The show attracted many crazies (not saying this guy was in this area because of the Gosselins) driving by the old house.
I hope they have safety measures in place at their new home. If Steve is correct that people are leaving things on the door step and in the mailbox then they better be doing MORE to protect the children and Steve better be doing MORE than carrying a purse!
Thanks everybody for the info about the garbage cans. I think I'll stick to my fantasy that it was Kate in her new show though, it's more fun!
Huffington Post has an article by Chloe M. the queen of sleaze, about Jon's videos, with links to some other articles. One especially caught my eye- it said Jon is no longer allowed on the property but has to pick the children up at the gate.
Something is going on here that we don't know about yet, because the all-out effort to discredit Jon is intensifying at a great rate.
I'm wondering if Kate is terribly upset by the fact that Jon's "visits" with the kids are getting good reviews, and making her treatment of them look even worse.There is even a snarky article about the sleeping bags.
I believe this woman and her morally bankrupt employer will stop at nothing until the children's relationship with their father is damaged beyond repair,or until he has some sort of breakdown that validates their picture of him as an irresponsible and unstable person. Why? in order to maintain their "brand" and their control over 8 little money-makers.
Hey, just found this place! I love it! Very right on.
My last post for today, I promise! Does anybody out there know, in what capacity does Ellen Ross work for the Pennsylvania government?
"This is from the Elizabethtown neighborhood Jon and Kate used to live in."
I'm from this area, and we're all very concerned about this incident. It isn't the first time a loonie has tried this in Mount Joy.
Extensive security measures need to be in place at current home. The children need to be supervised at all times, which is perhaps one reason why they are not permitted to play unattended in the back of their 20-acre property. It's wooded and secluded. Anything can happen when a property such as that isn't protected by a fence or video cameras. Perhaps such measures have been put into place and we just don't know it. For the sake of the children, I certainly hope so.
"So let me get this straight. Kate Gosselin spends the last five and a half years begging parishioners of her church and members of her community for money to support her family,"
You got that right, except you forgot to go back in time just a bit. Nurses provided round-the-clock care for the tups the first year of their lives. When those "benefits" ran out, Ms. Gosselin begged the State of Pennsylvania to continue the subsidy, saying that modern medicine made it possible for fertility treatments to result in multiple births, and therefore the government should be responsible for providing such care (it didn't work -- the care was denied). As a resident of PA, whose tax dollars went for that care, I think a refund is in order!
It should also be mentioned that TLC picked up the bills for the nannies, gardeners, pool boys, and dry-cleaning, ad nauseum. It didn't come out of her pocket.
There is alot kate has done,that I will never understand,and buying that house is one that puzzles me.She has said many times,that the house was bought "for the kids",but if that is true,then why did she not look for a house that gave them alot more privacy,sheltered them from being seen,in the front,side,and back of the property?I have read how some say that there is no way the kids could be left to play in the backyard,due to the many acres of trees,where they could not be easily kept an eye on.If you are buying a house for your kids,wouldn't it make alot more sense to keep looking,until the right house,on the right property,could have been found? She had plenty of money,so I just can't figure out why she did not pay more attention to what she was buying.And if she had thousands of dollars to re-make her looks,couldn't she have spent some of the money the kids "worked for" on putting a high,secure fence around the house? I just do not understand just what she was thinking at the time,and now with all of that land,the kids are stuck playing in the driveway? How can her fans keep making excuses for the kids to always be in the front yard,in plain view of anyone and everyone.She seems to be the dullest knife in the drawer,IMO!!
AuntieAnn said...
So let me get this straight. Kate Gosselin spends the last five and a half years begging parishioners of her church and members of her community for money to support her family, cuts off her relationship with her parents, shops a production company to videotape her children in exchange for $$$, gets a bff to write a book about her life then gives her the boot, makes her kids act like trained monkeys for the camera, banishes her brother and his wife from their lives, performs a phony vow renewal for a trip to Hawaii, whines and cries until she get's a 6000 sq. ft. home on 26 acres, forces her husband to live in the garage, divorces him and gets $250,000 a year in child support, drives a $65,000 Land Cruiser, gets paid huge dollars to perform like the Robax wooden puppet on a dance show, sleeps and eats gratis in expensive resort hotels, has nannies, girlfriends and bodyguards and gardeners looking after her kids and herself and her property, gets two new cable shows, travels extensively to get away from her children, then does an hour special telling people it's tough to be famous. Are we supposed to feel her pain now, or what? What was the purpose of "inside Kate's world" again?
Best post of the day! Although, I have to say that I feel privileged to be posting with so many informed, perceptive, intelligent, witty people. I am going to be the lone wolf here and say, though, that I totally disagree with you all that Steve is merely a "handler." I think that's what TLC wants us to think, because they know people are onto them and it's part of their cleaning up Kate's image. I've been following this closely for a long time and have seen too many pictures of them together where they look way too cozy, plus I remember reading about a speaking engagement last year in New York where there was a transportation problem and a woman connected with the engagement showed up to transport them--it was a long ride, and they refused, waiting for a limo where they could ride alone together in the back with a privacy wall--there was lots of talk about it. Kate always says she's not interested in dating but if she were, it would be with "someone older"--i.e., Steve. It's not normal for a 35-year-old woman not to have an interest in dating, and, in fact, the speculation was that her affair with Steve was why she told Jon to go ahead and date, as long as he was "discreet," which he wasn't. And then there was the reporter who saw them holding hands in the hotel lobby last summer early in the morning. She spends a fortune on clothes and her appearance and that's not for naught--and she never used to care. Anyway, JMO, but I firmly believe they are together.
How can her fans keep making excuses for the kids to always be in the front yard,in plain view of anyone and everyone?
Because some of them are the very crazies that drive by to catch a glimpse of them --- they are an exhibit.
I'm confused. Are the "little kids" in school or being home schooled? And why are they still in kindergarten? Also, who is the other guy that was with Steve on the Florida trip? Does "Miss Thing" now need 2 bodyguards? I couldn't believe the fact that she kept saying this was the first time she took the kids on a trip by herself! Additionally, she keeps talking about how much she hates the photographers but it seems that all activities take part in the front yard! Why don't she and the kids have movie night, picnics, etc. in the back yard? She even parades around in her bikinis in the front yard! She knows they are there and just parades for them; even paraded around in the airport in heels on the way to Florida. This female doesn't have an honest bone in her body.
My post in two(or more) sections; it's too long otherwise....
Judy said...
I predict that someday ,Kate will walk away from her kids , for the Hollywood life, and Jon will have full custody. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
I respectfully disagree, Judy. Without exploiting her kids, she has nothing to offer. No talent what so ever, and that includes the ability to deal with other people in a rational, non self centered, non self serving manner. I think it is quite obvious Hollywood wants nothing to do with her, other than using her as a modern day one woman freak show. My fear is as her 15+ minutes fade into yesterday she will take out her anger, frustration, and failure on the children, abusing them more than we have already seen on tape, and suspect behind closed doors(Wooden spoon, bathroom). This is my wish list for the kids: The judge needs to appoint a guardian ad liteum for the children AND a child advocate, which in my country (Canada) is a person solely there for ALL and ONLY the child(ren)s interests. A court ordered family investigator involved with the family long term (working together with ad litem, advocate, and therapist.) so they can become as close to the children as the nannies and film crew ( >.< ) and get to the bottom of the family (dis)function, find out what the kids REALLY feel, need, and are experiencing. A order allowing the kids to live with which ever parent they choose, permanently or back and forth; what ever THEY want. Extensive therapy for EVERYONE - including kate. A legal order requiring the children to be paid for their work - Majority amounts as they carry the majority of the show, and kate can receive a stipend. The complete rights to all
film shot and products related to and of them. A on-set supervisor to protect the children. Laws that limit their exposure to too many things to list that are harmful to them that are already occuring and have occured in the past, are well known to all, and are already documented elsewere. The enforcement of those laws, regardless of what kate, jon, or tlc wants. The ability to choose whether or not to
be filmed, and not be coerced into doing it or punished for not doing it. The right to not be filmed period.
I believe my biggest, most important wish won't come true unless there is divine intervention(I pray for these children): That they would have a mother who loves them more than she loves herself. A mother who is more focused on their well being, happiness, and health than she is on attention(Both inner and outer directed) and "fame".
Many people on here say they don't hate kate. I do. I hate anyone who would abuse, harm, use, and neglect a child. My own family was abused, myself as a child and adult, my mother, and my own children, one horrifically for seven years while I was seriously ill and eventually on my deathbed. I was unaware of it and was unable to help as it left no visible physical bruises and she hid it well, not wanting to upset me. I will carry to my grave the hurt and pain I feel for her, and the guilt that that happened to her under my nose. It was a true miracle I survived - I believe it was God keeping me for my kids. kate seems to feel nothing at all toward her kids obvious pain - nothing - Only self serving comments on talk shows that bring the attention squarely back to her and HER "hardship.". That kate can actively harm her kids psyche and spirits willfully and maliciously (e.g.- the pinata, Mady wanting to die, disreguard for fecal impaction, laundry room floor, etc ad nausem) with no apparent guilt or remorse and no one stopping it shows that kate needs serious help and the kids, for now, need to be with their dad. A abuser uses the abusee(s) in their own sick way to feed their own sick needs. They suck the soul out of their victims until there is nothing left. I cannot stand to watch, on national television, with the sanction of a network which seems soley focused on money, such blatent abuse of not one but eight children, and until the divorce one adult. No ten year old should EVER, EVER want to kill themselves. kate, in my opinion, is a sick individual, this is a sick situation and Jon, the courts and government need to step in and stop it. My heart breaks for these kids. I do not watch any of her anymore - the sound of her voice, her self satisfied, poor me, narcissistic attitude twists my stomach and brings me to tears, and I was simply a viewer. How those children must suffer.
Gramof6, Jon is by far the better parent. These most recent shows have indeed shown just how sick kates world is. You may not like his behaviour with other adults, however his behaviour when he is with his children has been, to all appearences, exemplary. Jon had a relativly short period of misbehaviour - kate has had YEARS of it. There is a thing called parental alienation. Research it, and see if
you think it applies here. She is bashing Jon repeatedly in public - what do you suppose she is saying in the privacy of her home? I wonder.
AuntieAnn - I couldn't have said it better myself. Kudos to you. :)
LIWYD said...
Many people on here say they don't hate kate. I do. I hate anyone who would abuse, harm, use, and neglect a child. My own family was abused, myself as a child and adult, my mother, and my own children, one horrifically for seven years while I was seriously ill and eventually on my deathbed. I was unaware of it and was unable to help as it left no visible physical bruises and she hid it well, not wanting to upset me. I will carry to my grave the hurt and pain I feel for her, and the guilt that that happened to her under my nose.
Different Judy, but I hate her, as well. I HATE HER. And I was moved to tears reading your post. Agree 100% with each and every word you wrote. YOU should write a book; you are a great child advocate.
Spin Spin Spin said...
Lauren, are you saying TLC has already edited out Kate's laughter?
That was me, "My2Dogs." No, I was trying to dispel the growing rumor that Kate deliberately gave Mady and Cara an empty pinata. Not defending Kate...just wanted to try and stop that particular rumor. And, by doing so, it looks like another might be developing. LOL
Yes, Kate did laugh. Maybe she actually did think it was empty, I don't know. It was weird, but Kate laughs inappropriately all the time.
LIWYD and Judy K~~~ I hate her too and I don't care who knows it. I hate the way she treats those little ones I just want to cry for them.
I also hated the way she treated Jon. That man was a saint to put up with Kate all those years and I don't personally know any man that would have done what Jon did. I've been married over 40 yrs and I have never had a cup of coffee brought to my bed. (Well, maybe a few times if I was sick). Once Kate was finished with Jon,and she had used him all up, she threw him away just like the trash.
Kate WILL toss her children to the side of the road . The reason she will, is that they are getting too old to trust in front of the cameras. The twins are already being weeded out of the show. They have a mind of their own and so will the other six soon.
You remember the show "Children Say The Darnest Things " ?
I'm very curious as to how long it took to film that one little picnic bithday dinner. How many fits, tears, arguments, and nasty words in anger were in the few minutes that TLC so proudly aired .
Didn't Jodi say that it took many hours to film one little scene ? How many rides did those poor dolphins have to give fat a$$ Kate and those 8 kids ?
One other thing..... Kate and Steve have a little thing going on and sadly, along with some others, even his wife doesn't know it.Or else she doesn't care. And guess what ? Neither do I. I only care about getting those kids off tv.
"I'm confused. Are the "little kids" in school or being home schooled?"
All of the children are in the same school. The little ones just finished Pre-K. They will be in full-time Kindergarten next year.
With respect to my comments about the pinata being empty.
Admin wrote the following in her recap of the episode:
"Piñatas. How 80s! Love it. Mady and Cara get their own piñata. For some bizarre reason, it’s empty. Shafted again. Kate cackles like a Disney villain at this. She is mean to her twins, period."
I based my comments on Admin's recap. I trust what Admin says and I will not be viewing the scene on Youtube so that will just have to do.
Lauren, sorry to have ruffled your feathers. I can see the disadvantages now of people not watching the show, videos, clips, etc. (Didn't think I'd ever hear myself saying that!).
We are all allowed to come to our own conclusions however we like. I like seeing for myself before I do so.
The camera action was quick, jumping from one pinata to the next. It could have been easily missed unless you were looking specifically for what happened. Others saw what I saw and have posted what really happened (Z on TV for example.)
Regarding Book Signing:
It just occurred to me that the book signing was at the end of the week she was promoting her book on tv. She was all over the tv, including a visit to Jay Leno on Thursday night. Yes, she mentioned the release of her book, but her tv time was primarily spent on the custody battle, absentee mom, etc. I don't know how last minute the book signing was, but she could have at least mentioned her book signing during her Jay Leno visit the night before, right?
Did Kate and her PR team fail to properly promote the book by focusing so much on the custody issue, etc. instead of the book? Could they have picked a better location?
Loved the recap but you forgot to mention how these "journalists" were basically saying she's so famous that she's a pop icon - so famous that when you mention 'Kate', everyone knows it's about Kate Gosselin. Sheesh! When I think of pop icons, she doesn't even come close.
All this talk about how Steve speaks to and acts like, with Kate has now made me curious. Is there a site/link where you can watch any of this show?
I full on admit that I am a hater. I HATE K8 GOSSELIN.
Sending good thoughts your way - your story was difficult to tell, I'm sure.
I believe there was also a full page ad in the LA Times to publicize the book signing. There was plenty of publicity for this , as anon pointed out she was all over the media that week pushing her book. Low turnout, low sales ....due to plain old lack of interest (finally!) in this whackjob. If she was truly as popular as TLC thinks she is, there would have been quite a turnout for her that night. (IMO)
Please, someone, tell me what a handler's duties are???
VERY INTERESTING, Administrator, because I just watched these two shows, not even realizing they were on tonight, and the part where Mady says she "just wants to die" was EDITED OUT of tonight's segment. Good ole' TLC--constantly covering its A$$. Also, I wish I had actually counted the times Kate said "honestly" or "to be honest" tonight...I've noticed it before, but it was a part of almost every sentence she uttered tonight, and I agree w/ Administrator that if a person is answering a question honestly or making an honest statement, why prefix it with the word...QUITE TELLING. And, "other Judy," I am SO GLAD you agree with me!!! And, just one more note...I did not think ANYONE could be more obnoxious than Kate Gosselin, but that PEOPLE person takes the cake. I saw her on TODAY this morning commenting on Gary Coleman and thought she was TOTALLY unprofessional and crass and could not believe she was connected to PEOPLE and then saw her on Kate's Story tonight...she has NO CLASS, is loud, obnoxious, and opinionated--everything that someone in her position is NOT supposed to be.
Steve is there to prevent Kate's meltdowns in public. Somebody said that before (whether in this blog or another) but it was more clear when they were in the limo and in the bookstore. TLC wouldn't want Kate to show her true self in public, only for the cameras.
They showed a glimpse of Kate's diva attitude during the TLC upfront. She really must think she is TLC's #1 star especially the way she was acting towards the Talented Relations person who was in charge of running the event. Here she was getting her make-up and the lady was explaining that they needed to get her mic'd up and ready by 5PM. Don't know how much time they had until then, but basically Kate acted like she'll be on stage when she's ready to be on stage. Kate even commented that she knows how to push the limits and get what she wants. It doesn't matter that there are other shows and TLC "stars" promoting their own thing too.
If she was like this at a TLC event, I can only imagine how she was behind the scenes at DWTS. Maybe some of those rumors were true.
JudyK said:
"...the part where Mady says she 'just wants to die' was EDITED OUT of tonight's segment. Good ole' TLC--constantly covering its A$$."
I agree--very interesting, JudyK! If TLC cared about the kids, they'd be monitoring such things upfront. Instead, they wait until blogs such as this--people with a conscience--call them out on it.
You can almost hear TLC saying, "Oops, we let that comment slip--we're trying to prove the kids are happy, well-adjusted, and LUUUV filming! And we got caught! Delete!!"
Mady's well-being, her feelings, opening her up to teasing, AND the fact that this is a significant comment is not on TLC's corporate mind. Just "Brand Kate" damage control. Protecting the $$$$$$$$. (Yes, that was 8!)
(Every entry on these blogs could be titled "Why Having a Corporation Raise Your Children is Not a Good Idea".)
By the way, is more proof needed that TLC is on these blogs EVERY day?
Anonymous said,
"Loved the recap but you forgot to mention how these "journalists" were basically saying she's so famous that she's a pop icon..."
Hehe. I misread this as "she's a pop corn". Yeah, she's a popcorn all right. "GIT YEERRRRR POPPPPCOOORRRRN!"
There were a few questions about Kate's sleeping for 15 hours statement. She said she had just flown in from L.A. after an episode of DWTS. She then slept for 15 hours and later practiced for four.
I think her statement was intended to let us know how EXHAUSTED she was and to feel sorry for her--poor baby is working so hard she had to rest her wittle head for a full 15 hours to recover. Shows how out of touch Kate is, instead it just makes her look spoiled and lazy and too concerned about her 15 hours of sleep rather than taking her kids to school, kids she hasn't seen in how many days. Also makes you question her whole image wrapped around being this great mom. What mom sleeps for 15 hours? That sounds like someone who is depressed quite honestly.
If you've eaten and think you can keep it down "Inside Kate's World" is on YouTube. I confess I watched it after reading Admins recap. I wish I hadn't but I did so shoot me now and get it over with. It's the biggest load of BS that's ever come down the pike that could pass for television viewing.
I was not at all surprised that Kate was blubbering and incoherent in the back of the limo with Steve. Apparently that was the morning she learned that she might be taken to court over the kids, so she got him to cancel her dance rehearsal so she could go back to the hotel and take a nap. That must gone over well with Tony. Funny how she can turn that demanding gestapo voice into a poor little me voice the minute she's called out for her actions. It makes me wonder what TLC lawyers paid Jon to stop litigation this time. I agree with whoever said they're keeping an affair between the two under wraps. What handler says "loves her to bits" without it being a very personal opinion.
The only thing I can say about the book signing is if it had been a book worth reading, there would have been a crowd there to have it signed.
JudyK said... "...And, just one more note...I did not think ANYONE could be more obnoxious than Kate Gosselin, but that PEOPLE person takes the cake. I saw her on TODAY this morning commenting on Gary Coleman and thought she was TOTALLY unprofessional and crass and could not believe she was connected to PEOPLE and then saw her on Kate's Story tonight...she has NO CLASS, is loud, obnoxious, and opinionated--everything that someone in her position is NOT supposed to be."
ITA JudyK. If there was a contest for being obnoxious it would end up a draw between Kate Gosselin and Kate Coyne . I said it earlier and I'll say it again, Coyne and a big old pig are interchangeable.
Kudos back at you. Your post was very moving and I unequivocally agree with your wishes for the Gosselin children. I believe in miracles, too.
For those who can stomach it:
Admin, I swear she's like that when she's in the low swing of her manic/depression. She was on a high when she went into DWTS and when it turned out that it meant really WORKING she went into a pout. She thought she could get away with fooling even professional dancers. That 15 hour sleep was an escape from reality for her.
I didn't recap it in this much detail, but Kate did say something to the effect of she thought she could do DWTS but then reality set in and she realized she really stunk and couldn't practice enough to get good enough....I wonder if this 15 hour marathon slumber was after a particularily bad dance like papa-paparazzi where reality was indeed setting in and was depressing her.
I'm out of town for the next four days although I should have access to the internet. Enjoy yourself and thank you for making things pleasant.
If you don't show up for the next few days it's understandable. Keeping up a blog is time consuming. We'll still be here when you get back. Encouraging huh? lol. Enjoy yourself too.
I watched the part with Mady one more time. It was not cut out of the future airing that I saw.
And now I think she said, "Nobody cares about me I'll just die."
Not that there's a difference--I wanna die or I'll just die are both very concerning statements. When someone, anyone, threatens suicide, you always must air on the conservative side. How many suicides have you heard about where people look back and say, remember when he said that or did this? Why didn't we see this coming?
Poor Mady I wish her all the happiness she deserves and a childhood in privacy.
I totally concur that Steve is her manager/handler. Because TLC is so intent on sculpturing Kate, they made the mistake of having him speak on the show to defend her. I don't think he can no longer be labeled bodyguard by TLC or Kate. The reason that there has been so much speculation about a romance is that the guy is always around, having fun with her, taking care of the kids, etc. Remember, Jon said that TLC had him watched when issues regarding his nightlife surfaced so it looks like TLC hires handlers for problem celebs except Kate, probably much to TLC's delight, loves the attention of having a male companion.
I suspect on these type of trips where the kids are taken to film there is, in fact, a TLC supplied bodyguard. After watching on Youtube did you catch that there was a man sitting next to one of the boy tups on the plane?
Now that the truth is out there about Steve, if that guy ever touches anyone again or demands that they erase a picture (I heard about this when they were in Hawaii), then I would just say back off or I'll call the cops. The guy is only claiming he's her bodyguard to use intimidation. Perhaps TLC is ready to admit the guy is her manager/traveling companion; I can see no other explanation for having him speak on the show.
Administrator said...
I watched the part with Mady one more time. It was not cut out of the future airing that I saw.
Have to admit I was exhausted last night when I watched that and when I posted, but I had seen previews of her saying that and looked for it and never saw it. Was so tired I typed "prefix" instead of "preface" when referring to Kate's continual use of the words "honesty" and "honestly," so I could have missed it.
TLC Stinks (yes they do!):
Regarding the photos - if I am in a public place taking pictures, I don't think that ANYBODY has the right to tell me not to take pictures (unless there is a sign saying so).
I had read a post from someone who was at a DC museum and was taking pictures of HER OWN children,the Gosselins were nearby, and Steve ordered her to erase the pics. I would have told him to go to h8ll.
I never could understand why Kate only needed a bodyguard sometimes, if her life was so threatened. If someone was out to get her, like they are saying, wouldn't she need a bodyguard in her own town since that's the place she would most easily be found ? But she strolls around everywhere by herself or with the kids. The whole thing never made any sense to me !
K8STFU said...
TLC Stinks (yes they do!):
Regarding the photos - if I am in a public place taking pictures, I don't think that ANYBODY has the right to tell me not to take pictures (unless there is a sign saying so).
I had read a post from someone who was at a DC museum and was taking pictures of HER OWN children,the Gosselins were nearby, and Steve ordered her to erase the pics. I would have told him to go to h8ll.
wow, that's crazy ! Who the hell does he think he is, or better yet....who the hell does he think she is that someone isn't allowed to take pictures of their own kids just because Kate is in the vicinity ? omg... I can't wait until this whole thing comes crashing down around those freaks of nature.
Remember the Vanity Fair article?
“Who says I didn’t lose it—or may not?” Kate asks archly.
“I’m waiting for the call,” Goldberg says, laughing.
“I’m actually there to keep the paparazzi safe,” Neild jokes.
“Shut up,” Kate tells them sharply, frowning. “Now that’s where I draw the line.”
Somebody really needs to push it loudly and publicly the next time Steve tries to exercise his "power" over a private citizen.Manhandling people and telling them what to do with their own pictures is bullying.
If Steve felt that Admin was harassing Kate he should have called the police to deal with it, not taken matters into his own hands. Since she simply asked a question, of course they would have laughed in his face.Otherwise he should have kept his ratclaws off.
His bullying of fans and others under the guise of "protection" must contribute mightily to Kate's sense of entitlement.
If he were a gangster we would call him a "henchman" or "enforcer" in those circumstances.
Not to step on anyone's toes, but when Kate said that she got in at 9:00 and slept til noon, I took that as she got in at 9:00AM and slept til noon - three hours of sleep. She spoke of how she would often take the red-eye flight home from LA.
And for the record, I am not a Kate-lover by any stretch of the imagination. I think her behaviors and motives and integrity are quite questionable. I merely want to stick with known facts, not rumor or assumption.
What Steve did was assault in the U.S. too. It's actually civil battery as well.
Assault is intentionally causing a person to feel reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact. However, you may use assault to defend a third party. BUT only if it's REASONABLE.
I asked how child labor laws would effect filming. I didn't threaten Kate or ask it in a menancing matter. It was polite. Steve then snatched my arm and squeezed it with his rat claws and dragged me away. It was offensive contact. And it was not reasonable given my actions.
What would be reasonable would be to first say "Please step aside ma'am." Then if I didn't, maybe he might touch me.
I'm not suing little rat boy though, I have bigger fish to fry!
Hi pa mom too:
I will try to find the blurb - the Gosselins were in DC last Spring (2009) filming at the Smithsonian (wonder why those never aired?) and there were several sightings in the area.
"I'm not suing little rat boy though, I have bigger fish to fry!"
But you wouldn't necessarily have to sue him, would you? Couldn't you just have filed an assault complaint?
"I'm not suing little rat boy though, I have bigger fish to fry!"
And maybe that's why Kate is not sueing Kevin and Jodi for what they said.
GREAT RECAP! It is just amazing to see how many others out there feel the same way I do about Kate. It's just a sad situation that those "Eight Little Faces" are in.
I hope somebody reads these blogs and realizes that we're all onto Kate. She's a shrew! She's not a nice person!
I keep saying that "payback is tough," and it will come back to bite her in the a** someday.
I can't believe Kate still has them sitting in high chairs, and they are still only coloring and learning shapes. My oldest daughter just finished 5k today, and she is doing addition, subtraction, and reading level 3 readers! Soooo sad how Kate is keeping them babies. Oh, and my daughter is only 6 mo older than the tups!
Admin said...Not that there's a difference--I wanna die or I'll just die are both very concerning statements.
I'm pretty sure she said "I'll just die" too. But you're right, either way she's telling Kate she feels as if she's not even important enough to be acknowledged. Kate tried to justify the third birthday party by telling her it's still their birthday because they were in the NNICU. Oh please, they were all born on the same day. The NNICU had nothing to do with it. Mady knows it was put on for the show and she was right, it wasn't fair.
I don't see why she couldn't have the middle seat on the plane, either. Jamie could have traded places with her. I think Kate instigates Mady's meltdowns on purpose so she can keep telling everyone that she's her problem child.
She's not doing anything for her kids, she's doing things to them that are going to scar them for life.
Anonymous- Kate is not suing Kevin and Jodi because she is unable to challenge the truth of what they said in a court of law. She had to be content with smearing them and their good intentions all over the tabloids.A better question might be, why are Kevin and Jodi not suing Kate for the lies she told about them in numerous interviews?
AuntieAnn, you pegged it! Kate is already setting the stage to BLAME her kids for the way their lives turn out. She is characterizing Mady as the "difficult one". She will use that to her (Kate's) advantage when Mady starts acting out in a few years and winds up on Aunt Jodi's side. Kate will then say "Mady has always been difficult...I've done my best but she's making poor choices". Spin, blame, pity party....repeat x's 1 million.
I think Kate antagonizes Mady into acting out or increasing the acting out with her reaction to Mady's behavior. She could easily calm her down if she tried or wanted to, but prefers to act like the wounded mother figure who wants pity and attention. She has painted this girl as the difficult child in the family, for her own twisted reasons.Pathetic mothering that will backfire in a big way sooner than later.
Kate may have been 'exhausted' in the limo; hell, she's always exhausted. But I think she was plain ol' on something. She was falling asleep while being filmed? In the back of a car while someone was asking her questions? I call she was wasted
"A better question might be, why are Kevin and Jodi not suing Kate for the lies she told about them in numerous interviews?"
Because they have more class than that. Because they are family, and despite being alienated by Kate, I would believe that they still hope that, once Hollywood (and the fame that comes with it) tosses her out on her face, that she realizes that family is important and she's going to need someone. I believe that despite everything that has transpired, they will still be there for Kate and the children.
"I can't believe Kate still has them sitting in high chairs, and they are still only coloring and learning shapes."
My daughter was when 18 months old when she learned shapes, putting those blocks into the red and blue Tupperware shape-sorter balls in record time. If I asked for the triangle, for example, she'd find that one and put it into the appropriate hole. Granted, not all children learn to do this at an early age, but they should be able to recognize shapes at six years old!
And they should be able to tell the difference between a lemon and an orange.
"And they should be able to tell the difference between a lemon and an orange."
Or corn on the cob and an eggplant (Hands On House episode in Lancaster). This is farm country, for goodness sakes!
PaMomALSO; I know, and I have the utmost respect for Kevin and Jodi. I was just trying to make the point that IMO,Anonymous was not looking in the right direction for the people who had been wrongly treated in this scenario. They are Kate's victims, she is not theirs.
Maybe it's not Kate&Steve having an affair but Kate&Jamie having the affair.I do think Kate on something or taking something.
I also think she has some sort of mental disorder and why would Steve have an affiar with her unless he's a gigglo or something since he's getting paid
I'm no fan of Kate, but I honestly think Kate meant 9 AM not would make sense that she would have to fly home after performing.
Remember the Vanity Fair article?
“Who says I didn’t lose it—or may not?” Kate asks archly.
“I’m waiting for the call,” Goldberg says, laughing.
“I’m actually there to keep the paparazzi safe,” Neild jokes.
“Shut up,” Kate tells them sharply, frowning. “Now that’s where I draw the line.”
TLC Stinks (yes they do!):
Regarding the photos - if I am in a public place taking pictures, I don't think that ANYBODY has the right to tell me not to take pictures (unless there is a sign saying so).
I had read a post from someone who was at a DC museum and was taking pictures of HER OWN children,the Gosselins were nearby, and Steve ordered her to erase the pics. I would have told him to go to h8ll.
If you've eaten and think you can keep it down "Inside Kate's World" is on YouTube. I confess I watched it after reading Admins recap. I wish I hadn't but I did so shoot me now and get it over with. It's the biggest load of BS that's ever come down the pike that could pass for television viewing.
I was not at all surprised that Kate was blubbering and incoherent in the back of the limo with Steve. Apparently that was the morning she learned that she might be taken to court over the kids, so she got him to cancel her dance rehearsal so she could go back to the hotel and take a nap. That must gone over well with Tony. Funny how she can turn that demanding gestapo voice into a poor little me voice the minute she's called out for her actions. It makes me wonder what TLC lawyers paid Jon to stop litigation this time. I agree with whoever said they're keeping an affair between the two under wraps. What handler says "loves her to bits" without it being a very personal opinion.
The only thing I can say about the book signing is if it had been a book worth reading, there would have been a crowd there to have it signed.
JudyK said... "...And, just one more note...I did not think ANYONE could be more obnoxious than Kate Gosselin, but that PEOPLE person takes the cake. I saw her on TODAY this morning commenting on Gary Coleman and thought she was TOTALLY unprofessional and crass and could not believe she was connected to PEOPLE and then saw her on Kate's Story tonight...she has NO CLASS, is loud, obnoxious, and opinionated--everything that someone in her position is NOT supposed to be."
ITA JudyK. If there was a contest for being obnoxious it would end up a draw between Kate Gosselin and Kate Coyne . I said it earlier and I'll say it again, Coyne and a big old pig are interchangeable.
Kudos back at you. Your post was very moving and I unequivocally agree with your wishes for the Gosselin children. I believe in miracles, too.
For those who can stomach it:
All this talk about how Steve speaks to and acts like, with Kate has now made me curious. Is there a site/link where you can watch any of this show?
Great recap!! I didn't watch the shows, but I can say with confidence that your recap is more entertaining the shows (sight unseen).
That is an interesting view about Steve and Kate. I've always been on the fence about whether they are an "Item". Kate just never seemed to be a passionate person to me. Okay, I'll say it, she seems like she would be frigid, cold fish. Having an affair with someone would mess up her hair, her make up, make her sweaty. Kate wouldn't go for that. It's too messy. So I'm not convinced that she would be involved in "that way" with Steve.
Sure, she dresses provactively, but I think that is to either get attention or she just has no fashion sense for a woman her age at all.
I'm still of the opinion that Steve was never very good at his personal protection job and that is why he took the job as Kate's handler. Like I said in a previous thread, he seems more like a bouncer. Maybe that's where he got his security experience, bouncing at night clubs back in the 90s? :-)
I'm confused. Are the "little kids" in school or being home schooled? And why are they still in kindergarten? Also, who is the other guy that was with Steve on the Florida trip? Does "Miss Thing" now need 2 bodyguards? I couldn't believe the fact that she kept saying this was the first time she took the kids on a trip by herself! Additionally, she keeps talking about how much she hates the photographers but it seems that all activities take part in the front yard! Why don't she and the kids have movie night, picnics, etc. in the back yard? She even parades around in her bikinis in the front yard! She knows they are there and just parades for them; even paraded around in the airport in heels on the way to Florida. This female doesn't have an honest bone in her body.
AuntieAnn said...
So let me get this straight. Kate Gosselin spends the last five and a half years begging parishioners of her church and members of her community for money to support her family, cuts off her relationship with her parents, shops a production company to videotape her children in exchange for $$$, gets a bff to write a book about her life then gives her the boot, makes her kids act like trained monkeys for the camera, banishes her brother and his wife from their lives, performs a phony vow renewal for a trip to Hawaii, whines and cries until she get's a 6000 sq. ft. home on 26 acres, forces her husband to live in the garage, divorces him and gets $250,000 a year in child support, drives a $65,000 Land Cruiser, gets paid huge dollars to perform like the Robax wooden puppet on a dance show, sleeps and eats gratis in expensive resort hotels, has nannies, girlfriends and bodyguards and gardeners looking after her kids and herself and her property, gets two new cable shows, travels extensively to get away from her children, then does an hour special telling people it's tough to be famous. Are we supposed to feel her pain now, or what? What was the purpose of "inside Kate's world" again?
Best post of the day! Although, I have to say that I feel privileged to be posting with so many informed, perceptive, intelligent, witty people. I am going to be the lone wolf here and say, though, that I totally disagree with you all that Steve is merely a "handler." I think that's what TLC wants us to think, because they know people are onto them and it's part of their cleaning up Kate's image. I've been following this closely for a long time and have seen too many pictures of them together where they look way too cozy, plus I remember reading about a speaking engagement last year in New York where there was a transportation problem and a woman connected with the engagement showed up to transport them--it was a long ride, and they refused, waiting for a limo where they could ride alone together in the back with a privacy wall--there was lots of talk about it. Kate always says she's not interested in dating but if she were, it would be with "someone older"--i.e., Steve. It's not normal for a 35-year-old woman not to have an interest in dating, and, in fact, the speculation was that her affair with Steve was why she told Jon to go ahead and date, as long as he was "discreet," which he wasn't. And then there was the reporter who saw them holding hands in the hotel lobby last summer early in the morning. She spends a fortune on clothes and her appearance and that's not for naught--and she never used to care. Anyway, JMO, but I firmly believe they are together.
....the pinata is empty, the candy already collected from previous hits. Then the camera instantly goes to something else.
Lauren, are you saying TLC has already edited out Kate's laughter?
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