Thursday, June 17, 2010

Steve advised Kate on her boob job

According to a source, the surgery occured on March 30, 2009. Steve drove her to the surgery, and Kate changed her mind as to what kind of implants she should have after taking his advice.

91 sediments (sic) from readers:

pa mom too said... 1

I don't doubt it. He seems to advise her on all kinds of things. Isn't that what a bodyguard does ? ;)

Come n git yer melons said... 2

Isn't she on record somewhere denying the boob job? I wish someone could post a link. Kate needs to re-read the bible. Vanity is a sin and so is lying!

Denise said... 3

She implied that she didn't have "time" for plastic surgery.

Also she would never have a nanny.
And Mommy and Daddy will be married forever.
And she would never leave her children for several days again.....

PJ's momma said... 4

I hope it's not true about Steve. I feel sorry for his family. Even if it's not true, can you imagine how hurtful it is to read those types of stories? When do they get to see him? A few years ago, my husband's friend got busted having an affair (again). His wife was devastated but unwilling to give up her filthy rich lifestyle. My husband was talking to her, e-mailing, met her for coffee, and I finally told him to back off. I wasn't jealous or anything, but it wasn't appropriate. He needed to stay neutral, neither of them would ever change and he couldn't fix it. He agreed but didn't know how to pull out. I told him to just fade away and see if that worked and it did. If I was Steve's wife, I would have a problem with them spending so much time together, even though he's getting paid. She may trust him (and her) 100%, and that is great, but I just wouldn't like it myself. Heck, my husband is on travel this week, 17 hours time difference, and it is bothering me not to be able to talk to him! That's just 4 days! Steve was gone for weeks at a time recently!

Judy said... 5

Steve advising and taking her there doesn't surprise me at all.Who else does she have to be by her bedside and hold her hand while recovering?
You just don't wake up from this type of surgery and go home.You are on bedrest for a couple of days and restricted from normal everyday activies for about a week.
Why is Steve's wife still married to him? Anyone that is attached to Kate or Jon, for that matter, is as sick as Kate and TLC and I put Steve and his wife right up there on top.

Livvy said... 6

Here is the link to the March People Magazine interview where Kate denied the surgery.,,20359633,00.html

Just one more lie. Surprise, surprise.

justme said... 7

I feel bad for the Neild boys.Being a teen or pre-teen isn't an easy time as it is. To have your father spend most of his time baby sitting a thirty something woman must be humiliating to say the least.Now,this new tabloid goody has been released,I cannot even imagine what those boys are going through.Another family humiliated and in ruins.Is money REALLY worth all this???

BINGO said... 8

Also she would never have a nanny.
And Mommy and Daddy will be married forever.
And she would never leave her children for several days again.....

Come n git yer melons said... 9

Livvy, thanks for that link. Interesting how she circumvented the question and didn't really answer: "plastic surgery? Who has time to even think about it let alone do it." I'm sure in her twisted mind she did not tell a lie at all. Amazing.

my9cats said... 10

There are far better pictures of Kate's new boobs than were in US. Just look at the picture above, compare, and tell me it didn't happen.

Kelly said... 11

Kate is a boob job

tx mom said... 12

Well, perhaps Kate's house of cards is about to truth revealed at a time..(and the book by Al W. is going to be a BIG help).
It is interesting, it is obvious that Us is not in TLC's pocket, and RO is, since *they* are silent on this subject.
SO many people don't understand why so many are upset about her spending so much money on's because her kids EARNED IT. Others say, well this star works, leaves their kids with nannies, et al., but, the difference between a star and Kate is....Kate makes her kids EARN IT...she's truly pathetic.
I hope Steve is enjoying his new toys, he is always staring at them! lol!!

Kelly said... 13

I wonder if they come with a warranty? If those things got pushed up any higher they'd be wearing a hat and not a bra.

HI 50 said... 14

Ah ha! So the title Booby Guard was a fit.

Anonymous said... 15

I think there is more that bodyguarding going on here. I noticed in the video advertising the show a couple of weeks ago, Steve and Kate were sitting in the back of a limo and he reached over and touched her arm. It seemed a little too familiar to me. I think bodyguards are hired to protect not advise on person matters. There probably is a code - keep things at arm length.

AuntieAnn said... 16

She probably picked out a couple of kahunas that would rival Pam Anderson's. I can see old Ratboy advising her on size and shape. 'Well think about it now Kate, just because they're free doesn't mean you should poke people's eyes out with them".

And why doesn't that woman just say 'yeah I had boob implants, what's it to ya?'. She's such a habitual liar, she doesn't realize sometimes it's okay to tell the truth. She may as well give up on that wholesome mother image. We saw through it years ago.

Judy said... 17

tx mom said...

I hope Steve is enjoying his new toys, he is always staring at them! lol!!
Hey....he picked them out, so he is no doubt as proud of them as Kate i

Kelly said... 18

Maybe Jon's being nice to Kate now so she'll give him the name of her doctor. From what I hear, he could use a few implants himself.

I'm just sayin.

ughugh said... 19

@AuntiAnn - I think Kahunas are used to describe male parts and not female........ If ya know what I mean : )

Funbags said... 20

AuntieAnn said "And why doesn't that woman just say 'yeah I had boob implants, what's it to ya?'. She's such a habitual liar, she doesn't realize sometimes it's okay to tell the truth." You said it! If she had just told the truth we would have moved on. Instead there's been a year+ of speculation and blogging about it. There's no way she can get out of this looking good.

AuntieAnn said... 21

You're confusing them with cahonas, and she's still got Jon's in her pocket.

Moon and Mango said... 22

"I think Kahunas are used to describe male parts and not female........ If ya know what I mean : )"

Kahunas, as in the Great Kahuna, is Hawaiian, as in all-powerful wizard, mystic, scorcerer, priest. Cahones describe the "male part!" I don't think Kate had priests implanted in her chest!

LisaNH said... 23

Okay, so I'm thinking that Steve took resume advice from CT Atty Gen. Richard Blumenthal (who lied about serving in Vietnam)and has completely lied on his company profile. I mean seriously, if he actually was in personal protection, guarding dignitaries and Royalty would he stoop so low as to become nothing more than an agent or manager to Kate? Not only that but he's now giving her image advice as well? He's no bodyguard, never has been.

Kelly, you were so right about this guy, from your other posts a few threads ago. I think he's a grifter.

Kelly said... 24

She may have given them to the new chickens that have taken up residence in her yard. They're even laughing at the size of em. The rooster is walking around all proud too. His are even bigger.

Kelly said... 25

The whole chicken coop is laughing so hard they're laying eggs like roman candles.

prairiemary said... 26

Like I said earlier,in about 20-25 years,she will regret ever getting implants.By the way,the life expectancy if silicone implants is 10-12 years.

To Service and Protect said... 27

"I mean seriously, if he actually was in personal protection, guarding dignitaries and Royalty would he stoop so low as to become nothing more than an agent or manager to Kate?"

Don't all those serving as personal protectors give advice to dignitaries and royalty in regards to the type of implants they should have installed?
Kelly -- didn't you (and your friends) in that profession offer helpful suggestions as to the size, type, positioning, etc. of silicone? Isn't that part of the job description? LOL!!

Kelly said... 28

I don't think cares about what they'll look like in 25 years. By that time, the only thing between them will be her belly button.

Honestly?? said... 29

I bet Kate and Steve aren't having a great day today, you know she reads everything about herself daily! Can you imagine the explaining ol' Steve is gonna do on the phone tonight with the missus??? lol!!!
Ya know, big boobs aren't that great..I have 'em, they are HEAVY, you can't wear certain types of clothing, even if they are covered up guys still stare, and the worst part?? if you try to run, you get two black!!!!

mommyinca said... 30

"Would you invite cameras back into your life for another reality series?
Stuff like that, no. I don't want the camera coming home. That's just the type of person I am. I want a more private life."

Jon, you have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!!!!! The rest of the answers in that interview are just as insane. There is definitely something going on if you read between the lines.

IDModo said... 31

It's Spanish- cojones- meaning testicles...

Laura D. said... 32

I was reading some of the comments on that US Mag link. Too bad US couldn't have come up with more obvious before-and-after photos. The K-lovers are out in full force denying the procedure took place at all. I commend US for trying to expose the boob-job-cover-up, but I wish they would have put more effort into it.

mommyinca said... 33

Cojones, aguacates, twig and berries, family jewels, Kate has a collection in a glass case somewhere.

(sorry, I slept poorly last night. I'm cranky)

PatK said... 34

Of course Katie had to keep up the lie about not having the boob job so that her sheeple wouldn't know how much money she was pissing away on herself while crying that she couldn't pay bills.

And I think Steve is a real tool.

jibberjabbers said... 35

Of course Katie had a boob job... Plus, she asked Hailey's FATHER is she could get a FREE Boob Job while she was in for a tummy tuck consultation.

So OBVIOUSLY she was interested in getting enhancements. And now, since she has the money, she got them. And I'm guessing at least TWICE.

Kelly said... 36

To Service and Protect:

Yes, we always offered advice and input on implants, botox and other surgical enhancements. We also always answer, "NO, your butt doesn't look too big in those jeans"

What's a bodyguard for eh?

NT said... 37

Steve had better hope that this job with Kate lasts forever,cos I doubt he will ever get another body guard job. He talks too much about private things in the life of his client.

Moon and Mango said... 38

When did Kate start flaunting her new purchases? Up to that point, weren't "the girls" pretty much kept tucked in where they belonged? If she didn't get new ones, why, all of a sudden was she obcsessed with showing them off?

Moon and Mango said... 39

"What's a bodyguard for eh?"

To confiscate film in cameras, to ratclaw fans, to cancel dance rehearsals, to grab a client's daughter on plane trips to Utah, and to hide out in closets at book signings?

Kelly said... 40

Moon and Mango,
I wouldn't call them "Girls" I'd call them Official NBA Game Balls. I'm sure when the bra strap busts loose each night like a bungee cord on a pickup truck full of junk, you'll see "NIKE" written across them, point to point.

maggie said... 41

Star magazine is pure trash. I wouldn't put any stock into what they say about anything or anyone. Just my opinion.

mommyinca said... 42

Maggie~ It was an interview with Jon. Jon was quoted so it wasn't something reported by a third party.

(otherwise I would agree that tabloids aren't trustworthy)

Moon and Mango said... 43

"I wouldn't call them "Girls" I'd call them Official NBA Game Balls."

Celtics or Lakers?

Kelly said... 44

Lakers. I like the Celtics.

Anonymous said... 45

Funbags said...
If she had just told the truth we would have moved on. Instead there's been a year+ of speculation and blogging about it.

Tlc doesn't want us to move on. A year of speculation is just what they are hoping for.

Moon and Mango said... 46

"Lakers. I like the Celtics."

Ggggggrrrrrr....Kobe is going to mutilate them tonight! LOL!!!

Moon and Mango said... 47

"Of course Katie had to keep up the lie about not having the boob job so that her sheeple wouldn't know how much money she was pissing away on herself while crying that she couldn't pay bills."

Gee...I would have thought that TLC footed the bill. They always seem to be abreast of everything Kate is doing, and purchasing!

Anonymous said... 48

A couple of weeks ago Steve was the voice of reason keeping her in line. This week he's her plastic surgery adviser. What will he be next week?

Carolina Gal said... 49

I don't understand why the sheeple refuse to see what to me is quite obvious, Kate has a new boob job. I swear, she could light a puppy on fire, in front of the cameras, and those idiots would still think she was the neatest thing since sliced bread! I think her new boobs make her look fat and kinda like a cow.

AuntieAnn, I can't imagine anyone 'donated' thoser new boobs. TLC may have paid for them.

Carolina Gal said... 50

Pun intended? ;)

Just saying said... 51

How are Kate's boobs any business of ours? What would you say if a total stranger asked you if you had a boob job, or how much you weighed? I just fail to see how this relates to her kids, other than the fact you all think their money paid for the alleged boob job! Even then, it's none of our business! If you all believe anything that is written (whether it's about Kate, Jon, or Angelina Jolie)in US Mag who quotes "a source" or "unnamed source" then I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you!

Carolina Gal said... 52

Gee...I would have thought that TLC footed the bill. They always seem to be abreast of everything Kate is doing, and purchasing!
Lemme try that again...pun intended?

Carolina Gal said... 53

just saying...Kate makes everything 'our' business, she said so herself. She's a "celeb" now, don't most celebs get gossiped about?

pa mom too said... 54

Just saying said...
How are Kate's boobs any business of ours? What would you say if a total stranger asked you if you had a boob job, or how much you weighed? I just fail to see how this relates to her kids, other than the fact you all think their money paid for the alleged boob job! Even then, it's none of our business! If you all believe anything that is written (whether it's about Kate, Jon, or Angelina Jolie)in US Mag who quotes "a source" or "unnamed source" then I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you!

Well, I recall Kate crying last Fall about not being able to pay her bills . I also recall her lying about not having any plastic surgery. And she has a continuous pity party about how she has to work because she's a single mom of 8. I think the price of new boobs could have paid a lot of bills or bought a lot of food for the 8 mouths (9 counting hers) she has to feed. And you better believe that if Aunt Jodi popped up with some new huge boobs, the sheeple would be jumping all over it !...even though they don't think anyone should say anything about dear Katie.

For whoever asked when Kate purchased her new boobies, she had them last year when her, Steve and the kids went to the beach while her new free kitchen was being installed....thanks to her BFF Jamie's ex-husband. So the March 2009 date is probably right on the money.

Kelly said... 55

Anonymous said...
A couple of weeks ago Steve was the voice of reason keeping her in line. This week he's her plastic surgery adviser. What will he be next week?
Steve will be her OBGYN next for her dating show. He'll be proffering advice on which size IUD she'll need for her upcoming dating show.

"One car garage size or Two car garage size Kate? I recommend 2 car garage Kate." Love Steve.

mama mia said... 56

No matter how much surgery Kate has she remains unattractive. All I see is supersized greed plus a supersized ego.

Lauren said... 57

I think Steve feels sorry for Kate so he is taking the place of Kate's mother, sisters and friends.

With Steve, it seems like he can see through Kate's bullshit and be tough with her and she respects that. She doesn't run over him like she does with other women and weak men, like Jon.

Does anyone else think it's a little creepy to be so dependent on another person. I have a feeling that when and if Steve is out of her life for good Kate will pretty much self destruct because she depends on him too much.

Kelly said... 58

Off topic but true:

This morning, I got up at 6:45, took the dogs out for their constitutional came back inside and to my surprise, there was no coffee in the house. So, I had no other alternative but to head to McDonalds. When I arrived, I was wearing a pair of cargo shorts with my wallet in the back pocket, my cell phone in my right pocket and I put my car keys in my left pocket. I didn't have a belt on so I kept my hands in my pocket to keep my pants up.

After making my purchase of an egg mcmuffin and a large coffee, I was exiting the establishment holding the bag in my left hand and the coffee in my right hand. Immediately after exiting the building the weight of the items in my pockets caused my pants to drop all the way to the ground. Thank God I was wearing boxers. This was a teachable moment. Always wear a belt

jibberjabbers said... 59

I have nothing against woman with implants. But for a woman to say they're real when obviously they're fake, shows you an intent to deceive.

So what else is she lying about?

pa mom too said... 60

jibberjabbers said...

So what else is she lying about?
A better question might be ...what isn't she lying about ? She has told so many lies about so many things, it isn't even funny. How do you know when she's lying ? ...when she opens her mouth.

fidosmommy said... 61

How is this any of our business? For starters, she has admitted she has made her life our business. She suddenly "blossomed" before our eyes, and we weren't supposed to notice? Then,
she denied she had surgery. Well, since she has made her life our business, and since prancing around in clothes that showcase her new profile is part of her new life, then that means the surgery that gave her the new shape becomes our business too. And what she says becomes our business too. Remember, she has given interviews in magazines and on TV, so she clearly wants us to know what she has to say.
Again, that makes it our businesss. She has contradicted herself numerous times - and we're not supposed to call her on it?

If I got news that some anonymous woman in central PA got a breast enhancement I couldn't care less. But this particular woman has set her children and herself on national TV to make them all household names, and to use the money the children have generated from their labors to help pay the bill to have herself sculpted to suit herself. And apparently Steve.

It bothers me that she was so unsure of what size she should be that she was actually taking advice about it from someone other than her plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons are trained to help a woman decide the most flattering and the most reasonable size of implants. Last I heard, managers/bodyguards are not given that training. But Kate listened to Steve? Kate has no idea what she wants or who she is. She floats from idea to idea like a leaf in the wind.

I could go into making changes because she doesn't like who she sees in the mirror, making
changes from the outside hoping to find inner
satisfaction, etc. But somebody will get ticked off and start relating her own story, noting that she wasn't happy with her body and got lipo or a breast lift and is happier now, missing the whole point of Kate's basic dissatisfaction with her life. So I'll refrain. ;)

PA Mom ALSO said... 62

"then I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you!"

Price per acre?

CJ said... 63

Kelly ~

You seem to be having a lot of pants problems with your morning coffee. Might be a good idea to head off to the local grocery store and stock up on a can of Folgers, or the next time you go to McDonald's stick with the drive thru.

Anonymous said... 64

pa mom too said...
A better question might be ...what isn't she lying about ? She has told so many lies about so many things, it isn't even funny. How do you know when she's lying ? ...when she opens her mouth.


Exactly. I bet she got her boob for her kids?

What happened to the 8 diamond ring she was bragging about getting when she accused Jon "stealing" money?

Kind of hypocritical of her. Since she took out 100k months earlier and was forced to give half of it back to Jon by the arbitrator.

This was during the same "cry me a river" interview on the Today show. She was "stuttering" and struggling to search for the right words to say when she accidentally admitted to taking over 100k out of the joint account.

Moon and Mango said... 65

"Might be a good idea to head off to the local grocery store and stock up on a can of Folgers, or the next time you go to McDonald's stick with the drive thru."

Or buy suspenders. I hear Larry King is auctioning some on eBay.

Anonymous said... 66

^ I bet if Jon were to cry about it, people would be all "grow up Jon" It her money too...

Yeah, what you didn't know was Jon's paycheck went directly into that joint account. Kate has a private account where her money was deposited too.

Nice to see that Jon check was used to pay bills. While Kate checks was "hers" and "hers only". ~ Administrator said... 67

I think it should be clarified Kate didn't exactly "lie" about the boob job. When asked about the boob job, she replied, Plastic surgery? Who has time for that??

That's not a lie, that's avoiding the question. The interviewer didn't have guts enough to press her on it. If you think she didn't have a boob job you're living in a fantasy world. No miracle bra can do THAT.

Let's assume it was a TLC freebie. I don't think a lot of people understand that freebies from TLC are probably going to be considered "payment" in exchange for services. Just because you barter for your work in boob jobs and tummy tucks doesn't mean Uncle Sam doesn't want to know about it. A freebie is a PAYMENT. Whether she's being paid in cash or in boob jobs, she is still exploiting her kids for the cash/boob job.

Kelly said... 68

All I can say is the coffee was warm and the egg mcmuffin was comfort food. The rest is in the books.

Anonymous said... 69

Her actual response was...

Plastic surgery? Please, Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it? That's just plain ridiculous.

She calling it "ridiculous" that people would say she got breast enhancement. She is also claiming she doesn't have the time to do it.

Sounds like an attempt to deceive to me.

Kelly said... 70

You're a good attorney. Very good spin you put on Kate's spin. I think that people prefer direct instead of deceit. Kate knew the question posed and chose to dodge it as she does with everything that is asked. She speaks in phrases, code words and innuendo.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that at one point, Kate's chest looked like a water logged sand castle. Then, all of the sudden her chest looked like pimples on Miracle Grow.

She obviously thinks her fan base plays banjos in coal mines and drinks moonshine while waxing their Edsels. The problem is, everyone who interviews her, gives her a pass, a softball question and kisses her ass like it's the wailing wall.

Kate's not intelligent. She's just being used by intelligent people.

LisaNH said... 71

Kelly said...
Lakers. I like the Celtics.

Thank you Kelly!! LOL. Being a New Englander, we need all the support we can for our sports teams. We love them all to pieces, but they always choke right before the big win. We've accepted that and love them anyway. ~ Administrator said... 72

If Kate were in my court and answered my question that way, I would say objection your honor non-responsive, can the court please direct the witness to answer the question.

Kate certainly intended her statement to be taken as not having a boob job without actually lying about it--she's a Christian and she can't lie, right? Ha. I think avoiding the question makes her look even more guilty. If she didn't have the boob job why not just say, No I did NOT have a boob job.

I find it amusing Kate has lied about everything else but doesn't want to exactly lie about this. I also find it amusing she is willing to televise a tummy tuck, but can't tell the truth about a boob job. ~ Administrator said... 73

Kelly, the people who try to ask Kate REAL, LEGIT questions that REAL journalists ask, such as "How will the new child labor laws coming down affect filming?" get thrown out of the place by Ratclaws.


Moon and Mango said... 74

"It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that at one point, Kate's chest looked like a water logged sand castle. Then, all of the sudden her chest looked like pimples on Miracle Grow."

And the nuns taught you these similes? I'm sitting here laughing with the tears rolling down my face, and waiting for the Lakers to take down the Celtics!

Suzanne said... 75

Wait... you can carry a coffee AND your purse? At the same time? Without a bodyguard to help? Unbelievable!

Kelly said... 76

Kate lies about the boob job because there are too many REAL Moms out there who she thinks, emmulate her and adore her and those very Moms out there don't have the funds to get the boob jobs, the tummy tucks and the extensions.

How many of those moms out there feel self concious about there looks after having one, two or three kids? How many of those Moms out there want to feel as appealing to their spouse now, as they felt before the kids and the years in a marriage?

I feel for those moms who feel self conscious and make excuses for their aging appearance. The true measure of love is what a spouse feels for their partner, not what he sees. The old addage, beauty is skin deep, ugly goes all the way to the bone. That's Kate.

They could gild her in gold and her voice, her wonky eye, her demeanor and her lack of people skills would still make her look like a burnt hotdog on a raging grill.

Kelly said... 77

Moon and Mango said:
And the nuns taught you these similes?


Those nuns were spot on. A few battle axes but as frustrated as they were, they could make Sanjaya Malakar from American Idol into the next Mike Tyson.

AuntieAnn said... 78

Carolina Gal,
You're right. By 'free' I meant anyone but Kate paid for them.


Back at the vow renewal (remember, where Katie said mommy and daddy will be together forever and ever) she was wearing a kind of modest two piece and her boobs were their old size. Fast forward to the kids-need-a-new-kitchen vacation and the new girls are making themselves known in a whole variety of bikinis. Yep, she had a not-a-boob-job.

--not that anyone cares but you can see the "old" ones here at about the 17 second mark.

MickeyMcKean said... 79

I'm a little surprised that no one has pointed out yet that not only was it Steve who took Kate to the doctor in addition to giving her his opinion about the implants but that it was a few months BEFORE Kate filed for divorce.

It is one of those tidbits that made me go hummmmmmm :)


Linda in NS said... 80

LISA NH said "Kelly, you were so right about this guy, from your other posts a few threads ago. I think he's a grifter." I'd say ratclaws fits right in with Kart and TLC.

Kelly said "Kate's not intelligent. She's just being used by intelligent people. " Kelly, SNAP! You're dead on. She's too stupid to realize this too.

Kelly, btw, you used "eh" properly. You do Canada proud.

Linda in NS said... 81

I just looked at this picture of Kart and couldn't help but think WTF! Was she strolling down Main Street in her bikini? Sort of looks that way given she's walking next to an vehicle being driven.

PA Mom ALSO said... 82

"Was she strolling down Main Street in her bikini?"

She's in the driveway.

Laura D. said... 83

Admin: Kate is good at avoiding a question. When Natalie Morales asked her if she was *involved* with Steve, Kate said, “It is so unthinkable to me that to have to think about it makes me sick.”

Kate: If it's NO, just say NO for pete's sake.

Laura D. said... 84

Admin, Kate is good at avoiding a question. When Natalie Morales asked her if she was *involved* with Steve, Kate said, “It is so unthinkable to me that to have to think about it makes me sick.”

Kate: If it's NO, just say NO for pete's sake.

Steve -- An Ogre? said... 85

“It is so unthinkable to me that to have to think about it makes me sick.”

If I were Steve, I think I'd be a bit miffed about this comment. It sounds like even the thought of having an affair with him is disgusting, like he's physically repulsive!

Steve -- An Ogre? said... 86

“It is so unthinkable to me that to have to think about it makes me sick.”

If I were Steve, I think I'd be a bit miffed about this comment. It sounds like even the thought of having an affair with him is disgusting, like he's physically repulsive!

Linda in NS said... 87

I just looked at this picture of Kart and couldn't help but think WTF! Was she strolling down Main Street in her bikini? Sort of looks that way given she's walking next to an vehicle being driven.

Kelly said... 88

Moon and Mango said:
And the nuns taught you these similes?


Those nuns were spot on. A few battle axes but as frustrated as they were, they could make Sanjaya Malakar from American Idol into the next Mike Tyson.

LisaNH said... 89

Kelly said...
Lakers. I like the Celtics.

Thank you Kelly!! LOL. Being a New Englander, we need all the support we can for our sports teams. We love them all to pieces, but they always choke right before the big win. We've accepted that and love them anyway.

maggie said... 90

Star magazine is pure trash. I wouldn't put any stock into what they say about anything or anyone. Just my opinion.

mommyinca said... 91

Maggie~ It was an interview with Jon. Jon was quoted so it wasn't something reported by a third party.

(otherwise I would agree that tabloids aren't trustworthy)