Friday, July 9, 2010

Camera crew up in the kids' faces in New York

INF has posted a short video clip of the filming in Chinatown on Wednesday in the record heat (103 in Central Park), and it's disturbing how intrusive the camera crew is. At one point Kate pulls the children aside to look at something and a cameraman approaches Hannah very closely with the camera at her level. Later, the camera impedes on poor Mady as she walks down the sidewalk with the crew. The cameraman can't even let her have the sidewalk to herself.

It looks to us like they shut the street down with a firetruck. A crew member appears to shout something to the effect of, "I got shots, shots on this side."

The kids are playing, but Kate is working, according to Kate.

84 sediments (sic) from readers:

AuntieAnn said... 1

My God. Those kids are herded around like little sheep.

Good idea to get them out of the shade so they could get a better shot in the sunlight. Bitch.

What a sickening person she is.

Linda in NS said... 2

Oh yeah they LOOK like they were playing. What a horrible mother that woman is. She's a mother all right but certainly is not a mommy.

my9cats said... 3

I live in the NY metro area and can vouch for the awful HHH (hot, hazy humid) weather. My contractor (having work done on the house) wouldn't let his crew work because of the heat. And these are grown men. Poor kiddies.

mama mia said... 4

Kate will no doubt make a show about how hot it was to film this episode, she doing all the whining and complaining while showing video of her kids cooling off in the hotel pool. She is evil.

mama mia said... 5

Saw a blurb about Kate being in talks to do Celebrity Apprentice. The rules are she has to work 6 weeks straight, Mon-Sun filming the show, the kids can not appear on it. Of course she'll take it. What is 6 weeks out of 8 lives already ruined?

K8SUCKS said... 6

And once again, I shall declare:

I am a hater, I HATE her.

Yes, AuntieAnn, K8. IS. A. BITCH.

Vanessa said... 7

Did you hear her?? "Because I'M still SHOPPING"
There is a HEAT ADVISORY!! Don't those kids suffer from some lung/breathing problems because they were preemies? Even so, did you see all the other people fanning their faces?
I can't BELIEVE nobody in the industry is calling her out??? I didn't see any other children just walking around while their mother SHOPPED>

Canuck said... 8

I just don't understand why there isn't someone out there who can do something about this situation. Someone? Anyone?

Betsy said... 9

Doesn't she feel like an arse dressed like a hooker with a camera crew just to go to Chinatown directing her kids to get a better camera shot?

lalaland said... 10

I think Mady says "But what are we still looking for?" and Kate says something I can't understand and then "because I'm still shopping and......" and it cuts off. I think Mady was probably complaining about how hot & bored she was, don't you? (and rightly so!)

Betsy said... 11

These kids are going to work all summer and when they start school she'll run off to do her tacky show...wanna bet. The kids look bored and it seems like Cara is hiding from the crew.

Sandra said... 12

She did say cause "I'm still shopping" WTF. So this is all about her and not the kids playing and having fun.

Markiesnana said... 13

lalaland -- In that clip she then said "school shopping". School shopping in Chinatown.

SAHM said... 14

Kate: "No Aiden you may not."

Mady (or Cara): "What (or why) are we still looking for?!" (in a very whinny, heat exhausted voice)

Kate: "Because I am still shopping."

REALLY KATE?! When are you going to get it? These kids care nothing about the streets of Chinatown or shopping in 100 degree heat. These kids want to be back at "their" house splashing around in "their" pool and enjoying "their" summer.

BUT... its all about YOU and your "huge legal debt" that you have to pay back and the botox you have to get next week and the mani/pedi that you have to get bi-weekly and the fake and bake you get done on a daily basis.

When are you going to get it??????????????????

Markiesnana said... 15

My mistake.....I guess that's all she said "I'm still shoppng".... sorry for the mix up.

Lucy said... 16

It's disgusting to view that video and see those kids "cough" playing! They should be at home in their expensive swimming pool other kids don't have ... isn't that why they have it ... to enjoy it? I don't understand why anyone in the public passing by doesn't yell at Khate to STOP filming those kids! Geez if I was there Steve would have to move me along cause I'd be very vocal!

Babsy said... 17

The children don't look so happy to be with their crew or to be filming...

Another of Katie Irene's tall tales!

IDModo said... 18

In the videos the kids have water bottles, but in the still pics they don't. Maybe they were drinking too much water and Stevie came around and collected them. Can't have kids needing the bathroom in the middle of filming!

Try and imagine what it would be like if TLC ruled the country: an abusive dictatorship with no freedom of speech;the return of slavery disguised as contracts;child labour;storm troopers disguised as bodyguards;the world's best propaganda machine; and no votes for ordinary citizens, indeed no forum for dissent except underground blogs...The eye of the camera everywhere...

OK, Modo, go get some sleep,you're going a little overboard...

Kelly said... 19

Here's why Kate won't do the Celebrity Apprentice show. Someone else already mentioned that it's a six week committment from Monday to Sunday and her kids can't be part of it.

So, with that said, Kate cannot make a committment to work and I mean actually WORK, seven days a week for a month and a half. Secondly, her winnings have to be donated to a charity of her choice so there is nothing in it for her. Doubting that she could actually be kept on for the entire six week period, Kate getting kicked off early would be seen as yet again another non success with reality television and her marketability at that point would be whittled down to nearly nothing.

Julie Carson is probably advising her at this point to go with the hype but at the last minute, decline due to a "faux heavy schedule" when in fact there is really nothing out there for this pig in the first place.

Her handlers and PR people are going to try to get the maximum spin out of these rumors, just to boost whatever media interest there is for Kate at this time and at this time, the only media interest is waiting for her to crash and burn.

Vanessa said... 20

I know that the "earnings" (donations) the contestants garner up on Celebrity Apprentice go to a charity, but I really believe they all get a salary, and a good one at that. She could probably negotiate a hefty sum because, of course, she brings in viewers, just like she did for DWTS. She will not pass the $ up, not Katie Kreider.
There is no way any of the celebrities or non-celebrities do not earn a paycheck doing these shows.
She will again make an absolute fool of herself, she'll get preferential treatment BECAUSE she has 8 kids (dance floor at home?)
she'll bitch, moan, complain, argue, not put in ANY effort etc. and then when she's FIRED, she'll have all the excuses in the world, AGAIN.

Kelly said... 21

I wasn't aware of this until today. Beth Carson is the sister in law of Julie Carson May, Kate's P.R. Spin maker.

Naomi said... 22

This woman is the most annoying creature in the world! Very self centered even though it's "all about the kids".

Naomi said... 23

I have read in a Jolie interview about how Brad and Angelina will travel places with their children were there are no paps, just so the kids will not have to experience it. There are MANY real celebs who shelter their children from the media because they know the damaging effects. This woman does EVERYTHING in front of the paps for attention.

Hawks Fan said... 24

Yes Kelly, I just discovered this too with Al answering questions on his blog, that Beth and Julie May are sister in laws. Beth's silence all makes sense now. I hope she feels real good about her silence. It wouldn't surprise me if TLC wasn't paying for her silence.

Babsy said... 25

Kelly said...

I wasn't aware of this until today. Beth Carson is the sister in law of Julie Carson May, Kate's P.R. Spin maker

I don't think Beth and Julie are related by marriage -- I think the "Carson" name is the only coincidence these two women have -- oh, and knowing Kate...

justme said... 26

Something was up with Cara in that video.When exiting the store,Kate said something to Cara and Jamie is seen stroking Cara's hair.

Just Wondering said... 27

Those kids are working - taking direction from Kate, the minders, the crew. This is child labour.

On another note, she implies that her "huge legal bills" are because of the divorce (read Jon). I expect that she has lawyers working on all kinds of things such as contracts, appearances on shows (the view, DWTS), and so on. It is unlikely that all her legal bills are due to the divorce. ~ Administrator said... 28

There's just no way Donald Trump would be able to secure the celebs he does without paying them. No way. I suspect they get paid a certain amount much like DWTS. The longer you stay on the more you make. Then any winnings you get go to your selected charity. Only the team leader gets the winnings so lots of people get nothing each week. No way celebs would do a grueling shoot like that for nothing.

I thought Kate would last at least a little while on DWTS but I don't think she'd make it past week two or three on this. She simply doesn't have the work ethic. People on this show routinely pull all nighters and work their butt off on each task. When one task is over you don't wait a week like people think but "next week" is in fact the very next day. People have said how exhausting it is. Her team would quickly get annoyed when she doesn't pull her weight and throw her under the bus. Just like how Tony got ticked when she wouldn't do what he wanted.

I also think Donald is smart and knows she'll be a draw and will try to get her on even if she only lasts a few weeks.

I think TLC will try to make this happen. It's just another excuse to delay, delay, delay Kate's non-existant show about her. It was all about filming the kids from day one. ~ Administrator said... 29

Actually Naomi I would even go so far as to say MOST celebs shelter their kids from the paps.

Most celebs buy houses with stone fences and gates that don't allow the paps to get in. Most don't call the paps to tell them they're taking the kids to Target. I live in LA, the paps are not hiding behind bushes. I've only even ever seen paps lurking a few times. One time on a popular beach, and one time at a local market. I see celebs all the time with no paps lurking around to find them. Unless you are so hot they are trailing you like they did to say Britney Spears, you have to tip them off. There are 100s of places a celeb could go each day, do people honestly think there are paps at ALL these locations? Gimme a break. I saw Paris Hilton once walking down a street in Bev paps. She TIPS THEM OFF.

Most celebs use fake names if they have to at hotels, don't tell anyone where there wedding will be, don't tell anyone where their vacation will be, have nannies pick up the kids so no one knows it's their kids, and other things you can do to protect your kids. I nannied for kids of rather famous parents and most people had no clue who they were. People used to think I was their mom. That's because the last time they were in a paparazzi photo was 10 years ago when they were babies.

People think Michael Jackson was so weird for covering up his kids with masks. Yes that's extreme, but he was a child star himself and there's a reason he did that. They were only exposed to the media when they were much older and better able to handle it.

JudyK said... 30

Of course the celebs get paid for Celebrity Apprentice--the charity money is separate from their pay. And since Kate can't get along with anyone and the only way she can hide her nasty personality is for a scripted interview, plus the fact that she is lazy and wouldn't have helpers doing the actual work, she'd be gone after the first week. Of course, she could feign illness the way Sharon Osbourne did to avoid the work. And I can assure you that, should Kate be chosen, she would absolutely manipulate a similar scenario to avoid working.

French Canadian said... 31

On all pictures she is "bare feet" not sure how to write it

French Canadian said... 32

A picure of Collin hidding again from the pap yesterday

Judy said... 33

The "Real" Kate jogging in Central Park..
I'd like to see this pic beside the one of her with Donald.

Kat said... 34

The next Apprentice is not supposed to have celebrities, so if Kate was begging to be on, she would have to wait for a long time before the next one is filmed.

Love how they had to block off the whole sidewalk for her family. Poor people can't even shop. I hope she at least bought something for exposing these people to the mess.

Judy said... 35

Looks like Chris (The Pap) is on the payroll and gets to go on all the fun trips.
The last pic I posted (without makeup)his name is under the pic, so I assume he is taking all the other INF pics.
Kate doesn't travel lightly and she sure ain't cheap to keep.
By the way, those pics of Kate without shoes is just disgusting.
I go barefoot all the time in my house, but never would I think about walking around NYC without shoes.

Kat said... 36

Is this not gross from a mother? Definately no botox around the lips there. How gross can she get with that pose?
And I guess she and Jamie are putting to rest the white shorts. They are both matching so everyone knows that Kate DOES NOT wear the same size shorts as Jamie!

Kat said... 37

Katei finally got her free trip to the statue of liberty. Too bad she will only take her kids when it is being filmed and it is FREE! Job messed it up last year but she showed HIM! Get divorced and get TLC to put the kids back on the air so she can have her free trip to see the Lady!

Pat said... 38

I remember when one of the boy's feet hurt because he was wearing boots....and what did KKare tell him? Man-up?

Loser Mother.

Hot In PA said... 39

"On all pictures she is "bare feet" not sure how to write it"

Betcha this is the last time she wears hooker heels in NYC! I can just imagine how hot that sidewalk was! Wouldn't you think someone with her organizational skills would have slipped a pair of flip-flops into her purse...just in case?!!

Kelly said... 40

Kates Kankles looked pretty swollen. I've seen tree trunks smaller than those.

justme said... 41

Kate wanted to show everyone in NYC what a hot,cool mamma she can be, but with her bare feet stomping the pavement, ended up looking like Ellie Mae Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies.

Sorry, to all you 'yungins' who never seen the Beverly Hillbillies.It was a stupid TV show in the 60's,you didn't miss anything.

Don't think so... said... 42

Sharon didn't fake illness, she really was sick.

IDModo said... 43

French Canadian: this is totally off topic but I just want to remark on how much your English has improved since you started blogging! I know if I were in Quebec, although I read and write some French, it would take me years to get to the point you are at now.
Le Francais est trop difficile pour moi a parler sur un blog.
-A fellow Canadian

AuntieAnn said... 44

Hawkes Fan,
You're right, it does make sense now. Kate told us Beth Carson was an angel sent from heaven and her dearest BFF. She said she met her when Beth 'volunteered' to help with the babies. Could it be Julie May sent her knocking on the Gosselin's door, and the "friendship" and Multiple Blessings was born? It was all just to build up the brand?

There's an awful smell wafting over everything Jon, Kate, and TLC... and it keeps getting stinkier.

marlene said... 45

There are no specific temperature-range limitations or limitations on the number of hours which can be worked by a child performer (from birth to age 18) nor are there any prohibited hours of work for child performers. Those limitations were not written into the Child Performer Education and Trust Act of 2003. Statutory authority has been created to enable the Commissioner of Labor to promulgate such regulations for child performers; but the promulgation of those regulations has not been completed.

Please note, however, that the Commissioner of Labor has general legal authority to act to protect the physical safety, educational and moral development of child performers. Employers must make certain that child performers are not exposed to danger, exhaustion, or morally questionable situations.

There is a panel studying how to prevent eating disorders in Child Models and Child Performers. It is possible that the promulgation of regulations will be coordinated with the implementation of the recommendations from that study. Until then the situation is as described above.

It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online.

Mark Knox

Supervising Labor Standards Investigator

(518) 457-1942 or 485-1953 (direct)

From: Jeff and Marlene Metzler []
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00 PM
Subject: Restrictions on child labor in hot temperatures.

To Whom it may concern, I would like some more information on the restrictions of child performer laws in high temperatures. I had noticed that New York had aexcessive heat warnings on 7-6-10, 7-7-10 and 7-8-10.
I had photographic evidences that the Gosselin children employed by the TLC network and Discovery were in the heat for a very long period of time, exposed to long distance walking and sun exposure without hats and sun protection.
I thought you should be aware those conditions are not safe for children and the matter should be looked into.
Thank you
Marlene Metzler
St Louis Missouri

Marlene said... 46

There are no specific temperature-range limitations or limitations on the number of hours which can be worked by a child performer (from birth to age 18) nor are there any prohibited hours of work for child performers. Those limitations were not written into the Child Performer Education and Trust Act of 2003. Statutory authority has been created to enable the Commissioner of Labor to promulgate such regulations for child performers; but the promulgation of those regulations has not been completed.

Please note, however, that the Commissioner of Labor has general legal authority to act to protect the physical safety, educational and moral development of child performers. Employers must make certain that child performers are not exposed to danger, exhaustion, or morally questionable situations.

There is a panel studying how to prevent eating disorders in Child Models and Child Performers. It is possible that the promulgation of regulations will be coordinated with the implementation of the recommendations from that study. Until then the situation is as described above.

It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online.

Mark Knox

Supervising Labor Standards Investigator

(518) 457-1942 or 485-1953 (direct)

From: Jeff and Marlene Metzler []
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00 PM
Subject: Restrictions on child labor in hot temperatures.

To Whom it may concern, I would like some more information on the restrictions of child performer laws in high temperatures. I had noticed that New York had aexcessive heat warnings on 7-6-10, 7-7-10 and 7-8-10.
I had photographic evidences that the Gosselin children employed by the TLC network and Discovery were in the heat for a very long period of time, exposed to long distance walking and sun exposure without hats and sun protection.
I thought you should be aware those conditions are not safe for children and the matter should be looked into.
Thank you
Marlene Metzler
St Louis Missouri

~~~ This was my actual e mail sent this morning... I got a response saying that she can do just about anything she wants to those kids without being regulated.~~~

Marlene said... 47

So in this email he's telling us that anyhow when she is there she can mostly do whatever she wants to those kids.

SG said... 48

I thought there had to be a "third party" there to regulate the children filming etc in NY.

Marlene said... 49

sorry about the double post my pc is acting weird. ~ Administrator said... 50

Labor Department says: "the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children"

Apparently the Labor Department doesn't see the giant conflict of interest Kate has in monitoring her children's conditions. She's getting paid to film. If she wants to stop filming because they're hot, she doesn't get paid. If she wants to stop all this madness because the kids' are distressed and covering their faces, she doesn't get paid. This is why law after law after law after law has made it clear parents CANNOT SHOULD NOT SHALL NOT be the person charged to monitor their child's well being. A neutral third party advocate such as a set teacher is better suited for the job. Someone who gets paid whether the kids film OR NOT.

Paul Petersen has pointed out the huge flaw in New York Law. When it was re-written in I believe 2003 to add a Coogan law they accidently left out that children can work as many hours as anyone pleases.


AuntieAnn said... 51

So they're thumbing their noses at PA/Murt et al right now by running off to NY to put the kids through the ringer. Once again, money has spoken louder than any sense of reason here. If the kids get sick from the heat, I guess they'll have to hope for the best and find someone there who knows how to look after them. Their mom sure doesn't.

Kate is a bad mother. It can't be said enough. Kate is a bad mother.

Yikes said... 52


Do you really want your email address and full name on here? Maybe I'm paranoid, but that seems like a really bad idea.

French Canadian said... 53


Thank you, but I have to limit what I say on the blog because I don't have the English words to explain my opinion.

Peut-être un jour!

It is interresting to read all of you!

K8SUCKS said... 54

Marlene -

I applaud your efforts and I am appalled at the response you received - basically Mr Knox couldn't care less.

The part " the mother was present" is laughable -isn't it obvious that the mother only cares about filming ? Ridiculous.

Also, I agree with Yikes. The sheeple trolls now have your email......

Not paranoid just careful said... 55

Yikes, yes my jaw dropped when I saw the name and email address actually posted here. You're not paranoid. All you have to do is read some of the rabid Kate supporter comments to see it's not a good idea to have your email and real name and city and state posted on the internet.

Admin, you really need to delete her post, take out the personal info and repost. Unbelievable.

Marlene said... 56

I don't have a care in the world, I unlike other people have nothing to hide, it's just a hotmail addy anyhow, nothing work related....I also have a spam filter... I am not worried in the least, if not then I should call discovery to have Steve escort me to Target tomorrow... LOL.
They can come knock on my door... I live in nowhere land.

CJ said... 57

So, if the idiot mother was beating the children or making them walk barefoot through hot coals it would be OK because said idiot mother was there monitoring the children (and they looked fine to her)?

Boy, is that a f-ed up law. Again, supermom gets another pass.

Puhhhleeeezzze said... 58

Hawks Fan said...
Yes Kelly, I just discovered this too with Al answering questions on his blog, that Beth and Julie May are sister in laws. Beth's silence all makes sense now. I hope she feels real good about her silence. It wouldn't surprise me if TLC wasn't paying for her silence.
That was a 'tacky' thing to say about Beth. Beth had/has class....she would not take money to be 'silent'. I'm sure she had to sign a confidentiality agreement while she was on the show. Beth got screwed over by Kate and Jon, when it came time for the book to come out. I'm sure it was because Kate, at the last min., chose to put Jon's name on the book too, more $$ for the G's. You all get a bit 'carried away' w/your snarking. Please don't forget, just because Beth was at one time friends w/Kate, she was a classy, generous, lady who also got 'dumped' by Kate, over what else, $$. She and her husband sold their gorgeous, big home shortly after she and Kate were estranged, understood they were downsizing.

JudyK said...
And since Kate can't get along with anyone and the only way she can hide her nasty personality is for a scripted interview, plus the fact that she is lazy and wouldn't have helpers doing the actual work, she'd be gone after the first week. Of course, she could feign illness the way Sharon Osbourne did to avoid the work.
Sharon Osbourne shared on a talk show after The Apprentice was over, that she was diagnosed w/Swine flu while on the Appren. and hadn't wanted to talk about it, for fear that the other contestants, who had been exposed to her, would be upset.

Marlene said... 59

To be honest I just copied and pasted from my e mail.. didn't think too much about it... but believe me no one will bother... these people are more worried about making sure they have the "same" hair as Kate and melt over how women should be strong... blergh ... such blah. BORING.

Marlene said... 60

Vraiment je pense que ton anglais est tres tres bon, pas mal pas mal pour une Quebecoise!!
Au moin on peu leur dire que les filles de Quebec on se debrouille!

LaLa said... 61

I live in nowhere land.

Sure that's no lalaland?

JudyK said... 62

Puhhhleeeezzze said...

JudyK said...
And since Kate can't get along with anyone and the only way she can hide her nasty personality is for a scripted interview, plus the fact that she is lazy and wouldn't have helpers doing the actual work, she'd be gone after the first week. Of course, she could feign illness the way Sharon Osbourne did to avoid the work.
I already knew that was her "excuse"--she wasn't too concerned about it because, if you watched Celebrity Apprentice, she was coughing (fake coughing IMO) all over the food at an event in one of the episodes. It was disgusting. Her cough always developed at convenient times during the assignments.

Marlene said... 63

Not much ever happens here! so yeah nowhere land

LaLa said... 64

Hopefully your phone number is unlisted out there in nowhere land.

Anonymous said... 65

It just took me 2 minutes (literally) to find the Facebook pages of Marlene, her husband and her young child. I'm sure if I looked any further I could find address and telephone info. (To be abundantly clear, I'm not planning to stalk this person, I am making a point.)

Administrator, please delete that information. If Marlene isn't able to recognize the potential danger in putting her info. out there, it seems that you should take care of the problem from your end. It's just not smart to do that.

LaLa said... 66

Anonymous said...

It just took me 2 minutes (literally) to find the Facebook pages of Marlene, her husband and her young child. I'm sure if I looked any further I could find address and telephone info. (To be abundantly clear, I'm not planning to stalk this person, I am making a point.)

Administrator, please delete that information. If Marlene isn't able to recognize the potential danger in putting her info. out there, it seems that you should take care of the problem from your end. It's just not smart to do that.


Bingo! I won't detail how easy it is in these times when we've lost all our privacy.

Thanks for making the point to others who may have come late to the www and have no idea how easy it is to find anyone!!

Hopefully Admin will see these pleas to get personal info off this page!

Stop it, stop it said... 67

Mark Knox
Supervising Labor Standards Investigator

"It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online."


To all of you who thought that sending NY Labor Dept. links to this site and to the gossip magazines, please note the last paragraph.

In other words, the NY Labor Dept. isn't going to take seriously, information provided from gossip magazines and blogs.

For some reason, people justify their incessant ragging, snarking, gossiping to helping get Kate of TV. It ain't workin'.

To everyone who keeps saying when will it end......


Troy Chula Vista said... 68

WOW, Kate had to take her shoes off, go figure. Gee Kate, if you wore shoes that were meant for walking and not your hooker heels maybe your dogs (feet) wouldn't be growling at you. You can see where her, ahem, wonder bra is doing it's job as well.

This will be TLC's MO each month, have kate play out her drama bs AND film (for next month show) all this the week before each monthly show airs. This will kill two birds with one stone. Create buzz about this faux celeb and keep the cameras rolling for the next month show.

PatK said... 69

Now that I know Beth is Julie May Carsons' sister-in-law, there is no doubt in my mind that being a "graceful lady" has had nothing to do with keeping her mouth shut.

She just lost all my respect.

fidosmommy said... 70

PatK, please understand that it is false that Julie Carson May and Beth Carson are related either by blood or marriage. Carson is not an unusual name, and it is sheer coincidence that they share it.

That question was cleared up several years ago with an article about Beth. I'm sorry the rumor has found new life.

Carolina Gal said... 71

One thing Kate could have trouble with on the Appprentice is, all the members of a team are expected to get big bucks donated, the team leader especially. Most of them know at least a couple or few rich dudes. Does Kate? Will TLC pony up the big bucks for Kate, oh wait....of course they will. Matter of fact, Donald kinda confronted Jesse James as he didn't get any donors I don't believe, and Don kept pumping him at the board room table as to why he didn't approach any of the starts that surely his (then) wife knew. Don would't let it go, he was like a dog w/a bone. Jesse said he wouldn't do that, use his wife like that. Kinda funny in hind sight, eh?

I'm Outta Here said... 72

PatK said...
Now that I know Beth is Julie May Carsons' sister-in-law, there is no doubt in my mind that being a "graceful lady" has had nothing to do with keeping her mouth shut.

She just lost all my respect
And guess what, with that one comment, you just lost all of mine. Do you all not see that you lose all credibility when you "decide", based on rumor and innuendo (see fidosmommy's comment after yours) that, now out of the blue, Beth Carson is evil. Now you're just starting to sound like a paranoid, obsessive gossip. I doubt this is a huge conspiracy theory going on w/Beth and Julie Carson, and they're not related. Quit speculating, go w/what you KNOW, not what you have contrived in your vivid imagination. Since both you PatK and JudyK were snarking on Beth and Sharon Osbourne, respectively, would it be safe to assume you all are sisters? I mean you both have the last 'name' K???? Get a grip!

PatK said... 73

Yes, I have since found out that this is only an old rumor about any relationship existing between Beth and Julie May Carson. My apologies.

To the Admin... said... 74

Admin, please delete Marlene's post, remove her e-mail address and re-post it. It's wrong that it's been left in.

Oh reaaalllly? said... 75

PatK said...
Yes, I have since found out that this is only an old rumor about any relationship existing between Beth and Julie May Carson. My apologies.
I'm sure Beth will be elated.

Realllllyyyy? said... 76

PatK - BTW, thanks for apologizing. I just hate to see 'us' here go off on wild tangents. Kate provides enough to snark on, without going after some of the really good people that USED to be in her life, especially Beth. She'll live to regret kicking all her family and friends (ex) to the curb. Also, it was my understanding that Kate added Jon's name to the book at the last minute (she probably knew she was going to do that though from the git-go) so they would end up w/the larger share of profits. She's scum.

Realllllyyyy? said... 77

PatK - BTW, thanks for apologizing. I just hate to see 'us' here go off on wild tangents. Kate provides enough to snark on, without going after some of the really good people that USED to be in her life, especially Beth. She'll live to regret kicking all her family and friends (ex) to the curb. Also, it was my understanding that Kate added Jon's name to the book at the last minute (she probably knew she was going to do that though from the git-go) so they would end up w/the larger share of profits. She's scum.

To the Admin... said... 78

Admin, please delete Marlene's post, remove her e-mail address and re-post it. It's wrong that it's been left in.

Stop it, stop it said... 79

Mark Knox
Supervising Labor Standards Investigator

"It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online."


To all of you who thought that sending NY Labor Dept. links to this site and to the gossip magazines, please note the last paragraph.

In other words, the NY Labor Dept. isn't going to take seriously, information provided from gossip magazines and blogs.

For some reason, people justify their incessant ragging, snarking, gossiping to helping get Kate of TV. It ain't workin'.

To everyone who keeps saying when will it end......


PatK said... 80

Now that I know Beth is Julie May Carsons' sister-in-law, there is no doubt in my mind that being a "graceful lady" has had nothing to do with keeping her mouth shut.

She just lost all my respect.

JudyK said... 81

Puhhhleeeezzze said...

JudyK said...
And since Kate can't get along with anyone and the only way she can hide her nasty personality is for a scripted interview, plus the fact that she is lazy and wouldn't have helpers doing the actual work, she'd be gone after the first week. Of course, she could feign illness the way Sharon Osbourne did to avoid the work.
I already knew that was her "excuse"--she wasn't too concerned about it because, if you watched Celebrity Apprentice, she was coughing (fake coughing IMO) all over the food at an event in one of the episodes. It was disgusting. Her cough always developed at convenient times during the assignments.

Vanessa said... 82

Did you hear her?? "Because I'M still SHOPPING"
There is a HEAT ADVISORY!! Don't those kids suffer from some lung/breathing problems because they were preemies? Even so, did you see all the other people fanning their faces?
I can't BELIEVE nobody in the industry is calling her out??? I didn't see any other children just walking around while their mother SHOPPED>

mama mia said... 83

Kate will no doubt make a show about how hot it was to film this episode, she doing all the whining and complaining while showing video of her kids cooling off in the hotel pool. She is evil.

Linda in NS said... 84

Oh yeah they LOOK like they were playing. What a horrible mother that woman is. She's a mother all right but certainly is not a mommy.