Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Has Kate become addicted to tanning?

Despite spending all day on the Fourth in a skimpy bikini in the hot sun, Kate was spotted headed to the tanning booth again on Monday.

30 sediments (sic) from readers:

Katesucks said... 1

What a life.

Judy said... 2

Who cares anymore ?
I'm so over this fake, plastic,kid pimping,worthless piece of trash !
She can fall asleep in that "Cancer Bed Of Doom" as far I'm concerned and stay there.
I just have to believe that her time is near.
Problem is...she has destoyed her childrens chances of a full loving,sucessful adulthood.
Kate Gosselin does not deserve the title and honor to be called "Mother".

PA Mom ALSO said... 3

It looks like she needs one of those $700 root touch-ups rather than more tanning!

Jus sayin said... 4

She just can't seem to bake n fry enuf...Her hair looks fried as well

Abbey said... 5

One question, Does this nanny ever get a day off?

PaMa said... 6

Has Kate ever said whether she spray tans or uses a tanning bed? Due to the orange color, she must be spray tanning. If so, I do have to give her at least a little bit of credit for choosing that over the tanning bed.

Westcoaster said... 7

Crazy narcissist with waaay, waay too much time on her hands; if she even spent 1/10 of the time she spends shopping, tanning, etc., doing anything to help someone else, or with her children and their new chicken pets (FYI, chickens are really not pets), that would be something.

PJ's momma said... 8

Meh, who cares, except that it's more time away from her kids.
I was watching Cake Boss last night and there were previews of K+8. In a 30-second spot (shown several times), she was doing that shriek: once trying to catch a chicken (obviously displeased at how dirty it was), once using a power washer (complaining she got wet), and once trying to hold a window screen. What IS that shrieking about?

Megan said... 9

and they say she has a job....hmmmmmmm

Queen of Shriek said... 10

"What IS that shrieking about?"

It's her way of staying in the spotlight. It's all about HER and that's her way of getting attention.

Marlene said... 11

Yuck she looks like she went for a swim in a Doritos Bag... all orange with a bunch of Black and browm specks. Wonder is Steve has to shower to wash off the orange afterwards??? I'm just sayin...

JudyK said... 12

Queen of Shriek said...
"What IS that shrieking about?"

It's her way of staying in the spotlight. It's all about HER and that's her way of getting attention.

That's absolutely right Queen of Shriek--remember that alligator almost came out of the water like "it wanted to take HER head off." I looked at a number of early interviews and pictures of her and she doesn't even resemble the person she originally was...even the shape of her face has changed. She is now 100% plastic to match her fake personality--job complete. And LOL @ Marlene and the doritos comment. I feel so sorry for those kids. If I were young and able, I'd take every single one of them and love them to pieces.

TLC stinks said... 13

Spray tanning is safe although I don't care for the fake look. If she's doing actual tanning, then that might explain her aging and her need for botox. You'd think with all that running she is supposedly doing, she catch enough rays normally. At least she's single handingly keeping the local tanning salon in business.

Carol said... 14





TLC contacts the photog, who apparently lives in Pennsylvania now, and he goes out and takes his daily picture of her doing fascinating things like walking, pumping gas, and carrying stuff in her hands.

Carol said... 15

I just checked about 15 different celebrity gossip blogs and not a single one has pics of Kate Gosselin lately.

If the goal of TLC and Kate Gosselin is to get more attention, it's not working, except for here.

Bonafide Nutcase said... 16

>I just checked about 15 different celebrity gossip blogs and not a single one has pics of Kate Gosselin lately.<

That's encouraging.

I see more comments here, too, about stopping the talking and giving her the attention she wants. If the interest dies down, the ratings die down.

mary said... 17

oompa loompa (sp?)

Anonymous said... 18

Hi - I've been thinking about Kate's Botox denial. It's possible she's telling the truth - Botox is a brand name, so she might have had Dysport injected or another competitive product. If the ladies of the View had asked the question differently - for example, have you had any nonsurgical facial cosmetic procedures (well, that's awkwardly worded, but you get my drift), Kate might not have been able to say "No" so definitively. But then, she lies, so ... meh

Pamela Jaye said... 19

Maybe not for Kate, but I do have some friends who have pet chickens (would you consider them pets if you diapered them and let them sleep on your headboard?) as well as pet ducks. My friend Katrina likes Seramas but says they often die suddenly. I don't think her turkeys made it either. I'm going to stick to the duck. (just the one duck) But here's an article about Kasia and her pets (and rescues)

btw, Animal Planet tried to corral her into a new program till she heard it was called something like Animal Hoarders. Does Animal Planet belong to Discovery too? (they wouldn't tell her the title of the show for a long time)

Sienna said... 20

My husband had a point, he said she might not have a breast augmentation but a drastic lift... theoratically it's not a breast augmentation... she'll never had to pass a polygraph on it so... we'll never know.

Bosom Buddy said... 21

"My husband had a point, he said she might not have a breast augmentation but a drastic lift..."

In order to have a drastic lift, doesn't there have to be something to lift? You can't make a grapefruit out of a nectarine.

LisaNH said... 22

I look at this pic of Kate and all I hear in my head "Rock Lobster" by the B-52s.

CS said... 23

Fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake boobs... KATE, are you sure you weren't made in China?

Laurie said... 24

Bosom Buddy said...
"My husband had a point, he said she might not have a breast augmentation but a drastic lift..."

In order to have a drastic lift, doesn't there have to be something to lift? You can't make a grapefruit out of a nectarine.
Bosom Buddy is right...you can't make a grapefruit out of a nectarine. I am a 10 year BC survivor and had a mastectomy on one side. I had the other side "lifted" so the girls would match a little better...alas, I am still an "A" cup. If the lift had magically made it bigger I would have gone for a bigger implant. No lift is going to make a mountain out of a molehill. Those are implants.

Anonymous said... 25

Hi - I've been thinking about Kate's Botox denial. It's possible she's telling the truth - Botox is a brand name, so she might have had Dysport injected or another competitive product. If the ladies of the View had asked the question differently - for example, have you had any nonsurgical facial cosmetic procedures (well, that's awkwardly worded, but you get my drift), Kate might not have been able to say "No" so definitively. But then, she lies, so ... meh

mary said... 26

oompa loompa (sp?)

Bonafide Nutcase said... 27

>I just checked about 15 different celebrity gossip blogs and not a single one has pics of Kate Gosselin lately.<

That's encouraging.

I see more comments here, too, about stopping the talking and giving her the attention she wants. If the interest dies down, the ratings die down.

JudyK said... 28

Queen of Shriek said...
"What IS that shrieking about?"

It's her way of staying in the spotlight. It's all about HER and that's her way of getting attention.

That's absolutely right Queen of Shriek--remember that alligator almost came out of the water like "it wanted to take HER head off." I looked at a number of early interviews and pictures of her and she doesn't even resemble the person she originally was...even the shape of her face has changed. She is now 100% plastic to match her fake personality--job complete. And LOL @ Marlene and the doritos comment. I feel so sorry for those kids. If I were young and able, I'd take every single one of them and love them to pieces.

Queen of Shriek said... 29

"What IS that shrieking about?"

It's her way of staying in the spotlight. It's all about HER and that's her way of getting attention.

Abbey said... 30

One question, Does this nanny ever get a day off?

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