The episode title says it’s called “Home Roost” but the TV guide says it’s called “Chicken Coops.” Eh, neither is all that creative. Try again.
Yup, Kate is going to cluck and cackle throughout this episode, I guess I'll have to just accept it. She is literally just throwing in cluck sounds in mid-sentence. There’s been a lot of concern the past few weeks about how Kate sort of seems to be …well, losing it lately. You know, with the uncombed hair and the bare feet and the lollipops. Quite honestly I think she’s just trying to stick it to everybody, F-you. But clucking mid-sentence for no apparent reason doesn't help.
Kate says they’re going to get chickens. That’s fine, as long as they are well cared for and you don’t give them up when it gets hard like you did the dogs. At least giving up a chicken is probably not as hard on the chicken as it is on a dog. Dogs are one of the planet’s most social creatures and they get attached. My dog babysitter and very patient friend Leslie says my doggie cries for about two days when I go on vacation. Poor doggy. And poor Leslie.
Kate babbles that it’s “amazing how we have the organic space” for this project. Um, as opposed to the hazardous waste areas of the property?
I guess we’re supposed to feel sorry for Kate because eggs cost her $3.50 a dozen and she always has to buy a lot because she has eight, count them, eight kids! Three-fifty for eggs? They better be golden. I’m guess those are organic eggs. If she bought regular eggs like other families of multiples, they go on sale all the time and she could get them for 99 cents sometimes, full price maybe $1.60. This is why Kate is in the situation she is now, because she is so unwilling to slum it with the rest of us making omelets with just a sad old regular toxic egg.
There’s that Amish farmer neighbor of hers. At least I think it’s the same guy. Farmer Dan? I can’t blame Farmer Dan for associating with Kate because I assume he really doesn’t watch T.V. or read the tabloids and doesn’t realize what Kate has done to her kids. Traditionally the Amish have always been so against exploiting their kids. The few documentaries that have managed to get clearance to film, they’ve had their children’s faces blurred out. And they absolutely refused to participate in the movie of the week made about the tragic shooting at one of their schools several years ago. Good for them. Your children didn’t die so the public could enjoy a melodramatic Lifetime movie about it. My grandfather is neighbors with some Amish, they bring him vegetables and they’re good people.
That’s odd, Collin is looking really apprehensively at Farmer Dan and whispers fearfully, “He looks scary.” Surely Collin has seen many Amish where he lives. Or maybe he just has a good sense about people. He certainly has a good sense about the paparazzi.
Kate has unrealistic expectations about this project. She thinks the chickens will just be all fun for the kids. It probably will be fun for a few weeks, then it will be a chore. See, kids realize they will get eggs whether they do the chore of gathering them or Mom buys them at a store. So why do work when you will get them anyway? As long as Kate is committed to making the kids follow through on this chore. Kids in the 19th century gathered the eggs every day. They had to so they could eat. I’m sure these kids are capable.
They pick a beautiful grassy field for the chicken coop. Speaking of the 19th century, the kids prance cutely through the field and Kate opines, “Looks like Little House on the Prairie!"

Actually, it kinda does:

Except the Ma on that show had work ethic and was always home baking pies fo

And since Kate brought it up, I have to share this link. Little House on the Prairie meets Brokeback. Worth your time. Little House was a good show but it was so schmaltzy you practically had to wipe the drool off it. Which is exactly why it’s still so good actually.
Kate chomps away on some cud or gum or something as they pick a good spot in the horse barn to put the chickens in the winter. Ha, Kate says the farmers arrive with the assem-le-able coop. Assem-le-able? Really, Kate?
“Wanna go help?” Kate asks the kids excitedly. “No,” one of them retorts. I don’t know which one. Ha, I love these kids more every day. Sometimes they are about as sick of this shit as Ma is, aren’t they?
Kate is slowly starting to realize that eight kids means eight pairs of helping hands on the farm. Back in the olden days people had eight kids on purpose for that very reason. This chicken coop is literally coming to them on a truck in 200 different pieces. I thought this thing was pre-assembled. Coming up, Kate pretends she is running the house on her own.
We’re back! This coop is certainly not pre-assembled, or at least they don't want us to think it is. Maybe their company web site which says it is, means they assemble it for you on site?
Shouldn’t you decide which way the coop should face before you start building it? Predictably, Kate is that nightmare homeowner who doesn’t lift a finger and then says at the end of all the work, Eh, can you move it six inches to the left?
Does TLC really think it’s interesting to spend this much time watching strangers put together a coop? Kate acts annoyed that the workers/strangers let the kids go up on the chicken coop roof while she went back to the house. Well, don’t leave your kids alone with strangers and that won’t happen.
Lunchtime, and Kate is freaking out on the kids for playing with the sliding glass door. A couple of them are even in time out. What, TLC doesn’t pay her air conditioning bills?
Why is Kate in such a pissy mood? Be happy, it's more free stuff. She's gotten so complacent. Proof she is hardly ever with her own children to know these things, she tries to yank the backyard hose around to rinse off the picnic area they were eating at, only to discover the hose doesn‘t even begin to reach this far Haven't they lived here for more than a year now and she never noticed this? She then blames the hose and not her own stupid self. Then she says the house is full of half-functioning equipment and then bitches that she runs “twenty-six acres alone” and “nobody will help.”
........ Hahhahaha. Who runs this pr----sorry, hahahhahahaha. Ok, I’m good. As I was trying to say, who runs this property when she is in New York and L.A. then? Fairies? Unicorns? Kate, just stop. We know you have nannies, assistants, bodyguards, gardeners, and tons of other people making this house run. We have the photos. Also when you actually let Jon on the property he used to help out like take out the garbage, we have photographic proof of that too. You most certaintly do not run this by yourself, your kids have worked long and hard for you to afford to pay people to do it for you, so knock it off.
I also need to put in an additional hahaah because she never would have had this problem in the first place if she had just stayed at their old little house on the Andrew Ave. prairie and had been content with what was quite truly a very nice middle-class American lifestyle most people would be so lucky to have. You wanted your mansion, now you got it with all the hard work that comes with it. It’s yours, all yours! As far as the eye can see! Suck on that, Kate.
I adore six-year-olds and I nannied for one, but sometimes asking a six-year-old to help out ends up just being more energy for you. Like you think you are saving energy by asking Aaden to run up the hill and turn on the hose. But first he can’t find the end of it anywhere and is running all over the place like a six-year-old would. Then he fumbles around not turning it on enough and it takes him forever to finally get it right. Kate is shouting instructions at him the whole time. Yeah, just do it yourself, it‘s easier.
Back at the homestead, Mady and Cara are on the couch making fun of Kate. What’s funny is this show might be saved if it’s going to be about how the kids are slowly turning on Kate the older they get. Mady with a roll of her eyes says well, I guess we got chickens because we needed to stop buying eggs apparently??? I love how this kid is basically like “WTF” to every ridiculous thing Kate does for the cameras. If she’s this awesome at ten, imagine her at thirteen or fifteen. And imagine her tell-all.
Kate’s clucking again and the kids are looking at her like she’s a nut. Oh, that’s good to hear, the chickens were only transported 200 feet in those cardboard boxes because a neighbor was keeping them until the coop was ready. You can call off your letters to Pam Anderson and PETA.
Kate says that chicken feet are dirty. But the streets of New York aren’t? It is after all the concrete jungle just like Jay-Z says.
It’s kind of neat to see how the kids are getting older and a lot more capable of doing big boy and girl stuff like filling up a water jug for the chickens and carrying it over all by themselves. And then I catch myself and remember these are not our kids, they are not the public’s business, and we have no business finding pleasure in watching these strangers grow up. When will their lives be their own again and not ours?
Collin seems to be the one who is loving all the new responsibilities of the chicken coop the most. Collin’s a “great kid” Kate says. Yes, he is Kate. But that’s for you to know, not us. So why are you continuing to put him through this? In the meantime the rest of us will continue our normal lives, which might include a pie or two we baked for our husbands, without the cameras watching.

230 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»Great recap...thanks for watching so I could have a life.
About the eggs. I have 8 kids. I go to walmart and/or Sam's and buy the 5 dozen box...I guess that would be slumming it to that single fame seeking u know what? Huh.
I think the chickens are just the entertainment episode. I give them til Christmas. Heck the dogs were supposed to come back this spring (not that I am complaining either.) But, gosh, Kate sure does lie or misrepresent the truth in interviews.
So, so happy to get your great recap and NOT even thinking of watching Krimes of Kate & Kompany.
Does anybody else remember Chicken Lady from the Kids In The Hall show? The description of Kate's cackling and screeching reminds me of her.There are probably some you tube videos of it.
Glad I didn't watch. Thanks for the recap, Admin! Go Mady!!
Honestly she would need a lot more chickens in order to produce the amount of eggs she says she goes through a day. My husband grew up on a farm and they had chickens and he said an individual chicken doesn't lay an egg every day, more like every other day at the most. Plus realistically if this is being done to save money when you factor in the cost of the chicken house and coop plus all the supplies it would be a long time before you would be saving money.
Also, did you catch the remark Kate made to the children that cleaning out the poop tray would be delegated the one that misbehaves and that it would need to be sparkling white when they were done. Nice...
Did they cut the footage where Kate was on the roof carrying a screen in her short, white skirt? I don't remember seeing it.
I was surprised they showed her minor meltdowns about the kids, including the "I need to get out of here" line.
Such a wonderful mom.
I didn't see Kate on the roof and I also don't remember seeing any footage of Alexis using a power screwdriver like in a preview I saw, unless I somehow missed it. I said something about it here yesterday. Wonder if they panicked at the last minute and cut it. I mean she is SIX and it's a POWER TOOL.
I remember a long conversation about poop but I don't remember Kate saying poop duty goes to the bad kid. Nice, so really make looking after the chickens a PUNISHMENT so no one ever wants to go out there and chip in.
Christmas? I give this a month.
If Kate were really taking care of 26 ares on her own, she wouldn't have time to do a show and certainly wouldn't have time to take vacations .....If I had a nickel for every time Kate lied, I'd have as much money as her!
Admin, I agree with you regarding the poop tray cleaning and to be more exact I believe she said "the one who disobeys" which in her world would be the bad kid, especially if they didn't want to film.
Gotta say my husband never watches it, but he walked in during the part where Kate was having her meltdown about the water hose and he said "My gosh they're only children she needs to calm down!".
Pure speculation on my part, but do you suppose since she made a point of showing her household management notebook and making a big deal about the title that she has hopes of making that her next book deal - some sort of home management geared towards single moms/women.
PatK said...
I was surprised they showed her minor meltdowns about the kids, including the "I need to get out of here" line.
To me the minor meltdown was way more than the situation warranted. What were the children doing besides trying to help and not knowing which way to turn the faucet? Making that statement makes the speculation that Kate is happier when she is without the children seem more valid.
Great recap! Thx for doing it. I read on another blog Kate had a run-in with a hose?! What was that all about? Hopefully, no nails were broken in the filming of "Big House on the Prairie".
"To me the minor meltdown was way more than the situation warranted. What were the children doing besides trying to help"
The children weren't doing anything but being well-behaved kids. They were all sitting at a picnic table quietly eating their half peanut butter sandwiches and fruit salad. One of them even said thank you for lunch, Mommy, and the others chime in yeah, thank you, Mommy. It was sweet.
They were trying to enjoy a nice lunch and Kate was screaming at them they couldn't use the sliding glass door they had to go around (you can't use your own door in the own house you bought???) and screaming about a hose that wouldn't reach and trying to tell us she runs this house on her own.
The kids kind of just looked at her and kept eating. I imagine they are used to these kind of meltdowns by now.
Can you imagine when these kids are 14 and Kate is crying about a hose? "Yeah well dumb-ass mother go to home depot and buy an extension and while you're at it tip off Chris for a shopping cart photo opt. Bring me my peanut butter."
I think we really missed a lot of the glass door discussion. Or maybe we didn't. This is Kate and her bizarre rules and regulations don't always make sense. Two of them were in time out for a reason I couldn't figure out. I saw a child opening the door for Kate, what is wrong with that? I don't think she was screwing around with it I think she was trying to be helpful. Her butt ends up in time out for it, nice.
It reminds me of Cara getting punished for calling Mady a cheater seconds after Kate herself said winners never cheat.
Kate brought up the word cheat, not Cara. But somehow Cara got blamed for it all.
In any case why are we privy to the children's moments of disipline?
As a child if I did something wrong in front of a friend my mom gave me the dignity of telling me "we'll discuss this later." I wasn't punished in front of my friends but afterward I was in private. These kids have 3.4 million people watch them being sent to time out. It's sick.
Don't you think kids in school watch this and tease them for being sent to time out like a baby?
Forgot to mention the rooster. If you didn't watch all the children went with Kate to gather eggs (I firmly believe the eggs were planted there because all of a sudden after Mady and Cara had been checking frequently with only one egg now and then, magically there are 2 or more eggs in each nest). But as they open the egg gathering lid one of the children mentions blood and it turns out it is a rooster who has been violently pecked (hen pecked) by the chickens. The rooster is removed and later Kate comments that the irony of the situation did not escape her. I think she meant it as a dig on Jon, but I immediately thought it was quite symbolic of the way Kate had hen pecked Jon.
I also thought it was interesting that after a dinner of all egg dishes in celebration of the chickens I hear Mady (who had earlier commented that she doesn't like eggs and that the meal was disgusting) say "We're really, really appreciative that you make stuff like this for us." Oh I'm so sure that is the way Mady really felt and that's how she talks and not a line (script) she was given to say. C'mon TLC this is getting absolutely ridiculous. On the other hand maybe Mady didn't want to clean out chicken poop.
PatK said...
I was surprised they showed her minor meltdowns about the kids, including the "I need to get out of here" line.
What was she referring to, PatK? I didn't watch. She has so little patience!
I think Kate is easily overwhelmed/frustrated and takes it out on those around her. Doesn't matter who, any warm body will do. She needs to read Love and Logic and soon.
I couldn't even bring myself to recap this part of it but at the end of the episode Collin warms up to the Amish guy and is hugging him and Kate says something to the effect of Collin warmed up to him because he feeds into his desire to always have a job to do, he's nice, HE NEEDS THE MALE INFLUENCE.
WTF...Collin has a father. His name is Jon. A boy's father is supposed to be your influence.
I thought it was a dig at Jon. A subtle one but Kate is passive aggresive like that.
She could have said you can't have too many male inflences for your boys, rather than make it seem like the boys are crying out for someone like them.
I don't know how Jon stands it.
Isn't 6 too old for time outs?
"We're really, really appreciative that you make stuff like this for us." Oh I'm so sure that is the way Mady really felt and that's how she talks and not a line (script) she was given to say"
I haven't watched the second episode yet, but I don't know I think Mady really does appreciate Kate. Mady is a good kid. She notices things around her, she notices when someone does something for her. And despite her mom being a total whack job Mady still appreciates the moments of normalcy and still thanks her for it. In other words Mady doesn't stoop to her level and just write her off like Kate has written so many off.
And kids want your approval, so so badly. Even Kate's approval, Mady wants it.
I think any mommy would be thrilled to have a child as bright as Mady around. It makes me so sad for Mady the way she's been portrayed on this show. She is not that kid at all.
Jon stands it because he gets free $$$ from TLC and his outlandish alimony is paid. Unless and until he can make his own funds he will idly sit by and let her run off her ugly, mean mouth.
Kate talks about the Paps taking her pictures is the reason for the trees. She even references the one at the fence, which we all know is a paid pap by ROL/TLC because his pictures are the exact ones posted. Plus there wasnt tons of paps, only the one.
I love how she says "Steve happened to be over", ya OK.. spin that anyway you want but doesnt he have a life when he's not guarding the queen or did she feel that she needed protection from the gardners/power wash company?
I think they cut a few scenes from the final episode: the skirt, and her saying she didnt want to get wet.
I didn't and won't watch any shows with Kate Gosselin in them. She's a total whack job. That woman is clueless and completely bizarre. I have no clue why TLC thinks she is such a hot commodity. Oh wait, Kate isn't the commodity, it's the eight who are and she's just baggage along for the ride that they have to buy off. If she did say I have to get out of here it shows how much she hates to be near her children. Clearly she is not being fed lines via an earpiece.
All boys need their dads. Kate forced Jon out, with her cruel behavior. She banished their uncle, her brother, because he was standing up to her about her exploitation of these children. Theses kids are so needy that I worry they are ripe for attention of the wrong kind, any adult that will pay attention to them.
I am so glad I didn't watch this.
Great recap ! (I didn't watch the show)
So hmmmm, Kate takes care of 26 acres all by her itty bitty little self ? How interesting. Is she THAT delusional or is she thinking she's fooling someone ? And her house is full of half functioning equipment ??? Is she looking for freebies again ? I'm surprised she didn't ramble off a list of everything that's not functioning correctly, unless she made a list and handed it to TLC and expects all the new "free goodies" shortly. What a loser bitch she is.
Just reading your re-cap as I didn't watch the show last night, Kate claimed on Access Hollywood that they go through "A Gizzilon Eggs" and they cost her over $4.00 at the store. She says, according to your re-cap that she pays $3.50 per dozen. Kate can't keep her lies straight.
For the record, I didn't watch. I decided to watch paint dry which, apparently, was more exciting than Kate and her eggs.
Speaking of eggs, wasn't there an episode a while ago when Kate took the boys to a ranch and an egg fight ensued between Gosselins and crew? Why does TLC think we're so stupid to think those eggs are actually going to be eaten, and why do they keep doing shows about eggs?
TheresaB --
Just wanted to say that there really isn't an "age limit" for making use of time out for a behavior problem.
Some use the basic rule of 1 minute for each year of age of a child, to calculate the time spent in the time out area.
I have seen the Supernanny show parents how to use time out and I have worked with people with behavioral problems where we used time out.
Just wanted to mention that, although I no longer watch Kate the Narcissist and I hope for the best for her children, who will have a lot to overcome in their attempt to grow into adulthood.
We had chickens growing up, lots of them, and never once did I see the rooster getting pecked up by a hen.Maybe, just being a kid, I wasn't that observant.We had a Road Island Red Rooster, he was notoriously mean.If you got to close to any of his lady hens,or he felt you were a threat to his harem,look out!You were in for a good flogging.He was hell on two legs.I think if the rooster was bloody it's because he got into a fight with another rooster, or maybe, he tried to flog Kate and she beat the hell outta him.
I noticed two things in the episode:
1. Kate really sounds like a chicken when she clucks (esp that noise she made when describing how the chicken reacted when Kate tried to pick her up. I mean, it's kind of remarkable. She should do sound effects for cartoons. I mean this sincerely.
2. Did anyone else think the "household manual" was perhaps a foray into another book project? Something along the lines of "Kate helps you single mothers run your house?" It just seemed completely unnecessary if it didn't have a long-term financial goal for her. As others have pointed out, she really doesn't run this house. I just got the thought while watching that this might be the next "book."
If Mady ever writes a book, or basically does anything for profit, I'm buying. I love that kid.
One time last night I flipped from Next Food Network Star (during a commercial) out of curiosity. It was during the hose scene and Kate screeching, "I feel like I'm surrounded by kindergartners," and one of the kids says, "We ARE kindergartners." As usual, she's doing nothing but screaming orders at the kids as though they are her personal army of ants.
Proud to say that I did not watch this vile garbage! Watched my all time favorite movie instead... Pearl Harbor.
Wonder what the ratings were though... if any one knows... post them.
The insulting, nasty tone Kate used when shouting orders at the Hispanic man who was doing the actual power-washing (not the supervisor) was totally reprehensible. I wish he had turned the hose on Kate to wash out her mouth.
Couple of other observations:
That poor water-testing man sure got his cojones handed to him. But then he did have the nerve to show up at his appointment time just when Kate decided to have a screamfest at the kids (I am in charge and that's never going to change!)
Hilarious how when the tree-planting to protect from the photographers was taking place, she pointed to the lone photographer -- Chris -- standing at the fence line. This is the same Chris that TLC and Kate call to accompany Kate on her excursions and feed the tabloids. And didn't Kate mention how she's taken to road running now that the photographers have dispersed? Hmm.
How disrespectful of Kate to ask for Farmer Dan's hat so she could vogue for the cameras and cackle that she's a farmer now?
For someone who portrays herself as "Can Do Kate" who does it all herself, she was sure quick to ask someone else to remove the injured rooster. Apparently she thought it was cute to play the helpless little girl.
Gag. Great recap by the way
So glad I took a double shift at the hospital, from reading this blog, I see I missed nothing special. Her being rude to her hired help is nothing new, the guy should have picked up his tool box and told her where to go then left. Now that would have been a man with BALLS.
Thanks for the re-cap, Admin.
Given your background, can you shed some light on how now, apparently, Jon is no longer able to be at the house? I seem to recall both Jon and Kate saying that it's the kid's house, so they'll take turns staying there.
Did Kate buy Jon out? Did he EVER have his name on the deed/mortgage? How is it that he is banished such that Kate runs the whole estate "by herself"?
Perhaps this is just more mud-slinging at Jon to make him look like an absentee Dad. Kate's hen pecking innuendo and the remarks about the boy needing male influence are beyond the pale.
Or, is Jon really that detached?
Also on the agenda for the summer: power-cleaning the outside of the house, checking its water filtration systems, paparazzi-proofing the area of the yard — “I’m willing to spend whatever it takes so the kids will have privacy when they’re playing,” Kate said. “We’ve decided to buy a lot of trees and shrubbery,” — and writing and compiling the Gosselin Household Systems & Maintenance Manual: Everything a Single Mom Needs to Know to Run Our Little Piece of the World.
Kate is really something.
Kate said Colin is happiest when he has a purpose, he likes to help out. I think he really enjoyed the entire project with Dan, and yea, Kate did say he misses a male influence. I guess even tho Steve is always around, it just isn't the same.
Regarding Colin, that little boy won't break a rule. He knows. He ran around for a long time trying to ask his mother how to get his car out our the garage because he was told by her not to go near it. He was in the garage getting chalk to outline their boundary. He asked the camera man, several brothers and sisters and finally found Kate who basically told him to go away. Finally, out of her lips, on her time table, she told him he could drive over the hose.
I felt bad for him, but this kid is smart and articulate. He knows his place and he may be my new favorite Colin next to Mady.
Joel seems to be lagging a little bit and sweet Alexis is still in her own world.
Sounds like they will be entering Kindergarten, even though Colin and Leah could porbably smoke first grade.
Kate yelling that she wanted to get out of there and that a one bedroom apt looked good to her, that was her shining moment where real Kate showed thru.
Honestly, I think the kids have a clamer life when she is gone. Thank goodness she travels. And seriously, if anyone thinks Jon is a good role model for these kids is wrong.
Kate & Jon were saying the house was the "kid's house" because they wanted the viewers to think that the kids were their number one priority. From the documents people have posted re: the house, it was in the name of a trustee.
Perhaps the divorce decree changed the trust and all is now in Kate's name. Obviously, she knew this was going to be "all mine as far as the eyes can see." Also, Jon is probably not all that bothered about not being able to stay at the house -- Kate probably screamed & complained at everything that was done or not done in her absence and of course blamed it all on Jon. He probably agreed to not stay at the house because he just didn't want to deal with the Wicked Witch of Wernersville.
I know the kids seem happier with Jon; however, I feel he has wimped out. He seems to be taking the easy way out of things either because he is too damned lazy or because he just doesn't really care unless it is of benefit to him. I'm not saying he doesn't love his children, I just think he doesn't want to put all of the effort into them as they require. He had forgotten what the easy life (no real responsibilities) was about (based on his life prior to Kate) and now that he's re-tasted it, he doesn't seem to want to give it up.
Kate doesn't seem to want the responsibility either and that's why she cries the "woe is me" song all of the time.
Kate & Jon need to find their Bibles that were so important to them at one time -- open them up and re-read (and digest) all of the Scripture they were so fond of quoting and posting on note cards around their house... lessons that come to mind are: the LOVE of money is the root of all evil; we reap what we sow, etc.
So glad this site is working for me again and so glad to see everyone. Thanks so much for the recap, Administrator. I stopped watching the show quite some time ago and I'm one who believes that the only thing that will get these children off TV is to stop watching the show....and that it is NOT sites/blogs like this one that keep them on TV but viewership numbers ONLY. And forget Nielsen numbers, the current age of digital cable, everyone's viewing patterns count....including taping of the show and watching it later.
Because I could not access this site for so long and am missing lots of info, has anyone posted what (or if) there have been any ratings or viewership numbers released regarding Kate plus 8 so far? I'm very curious to know how the show has been doing, ratings-wise.
As far as Kate herself goes, my impression of the barefoot/sucking on a lollipop stuff was mainly Kate thinking she was being cute. She often seems to exhibit behavior that appears to be her attempts at being cutesie....and playing the "little girl" act....."ain't I cute?"
She clearly owns plenty of comfortable footwear, including flip-flops and running shoes....but chose to wear high heels in an inappropriate situation (not to mention with inappropriate clothing/shorts and a plunging neckline/halter-type top) and as would have happened to anyone, her feet began to hurt, I'm sure, and she ended up barefoot on the hot and dirty pavements of NYC.
IMO...just a poor choice of footwear for the situation and inappropriate combination of clothing/footwear (which she seems to be doing quite a lot lately).
And finally...if she could not handle dogs, she has no business having chickens.
Didnt watch, instead enjoyed something on Animal Planet called "Queen of the Warthogs".
first of all, the ONLY reason for the tree planting is to stop the pics that are being leaked and messing up the lies and persona being spun on the shows.
Second of all, I wonder if they boys are covering their faces because Kate has told them how horrible it is that photogs are taking pics that she doesnt get paid for. They are doing it only to please their mother.
Third - "I do it all by myself. No one will help." WHO do you expect to help you Kate? your brother? The childrens father and technically co-owner of the property? Your own father? Your former brothers-in-law? The only people you havent driven far far away are the ones who just got a pay raise to put up with you. WHO DO YOU EXPECT TO BE YOUR PARTNER IN LIFE, KATE? No one likes you unless they are paid to pretend they do.
With all this discussion of defamation vs. slander, this is timely:
So, does Hailey have a shot in hell to win?
While reading your so called recap I kept asking myself did she watch the same show I did??
Talk about putting a spin on something.
Wow, I see people still can't pull themselves away from this garbage and don't understand that watching is what is keeping these kids working. Even though admin said she would do the recap some people just couldn't help themselves. Why complain about what she is doing if all who watched is contributing to exploiting these kids? As long as there are viewers, this will never end.
No viewers=no advertising dollars=no show
Administrator said...
Don't you think kids in school watch this and tease them for being sent to time out like a baby?
Yes, I think that the other kids pass around URL's with each other and their parents - just like the people on the blogs do - and have a grand old time laughing at the G's. I believe that the kids in the twins class know that there are blogs in cyberspace that talk about Katie Irene being a nut-job, etc. and read them.
To go a step further, (IMO) those kids are teased about a lot more than a simple time out. I see some major league issues for some, if not all of them. At the end of the day, however, that's the trade off the parents made.
Of course Sandy, Them girls are heading to the fifth grade this year and they do know how to get onto the internet and so do their friends better than we do I betcha. Their going to get teased and so will the lil ones as well, kids can be mean and the Gosselins kids are easy targets with parents like these. Glad I opt not to watch...Haven't seen their show since last year and from what I read here, didn't miss anything...hahaha
dee3 said...I stopped watching the show quite some time ago and I'm one who believes that the only thing that will get these children off TV is to stop watching the show....and that it is NOT sites/blogs like this one that keep them on TV but viewership numbers ONLY.
No viewers=no advertising dollars=no show
Dee3, the sites/blogs, fuel the controversy manufactured by the PR. ROL, Celebrity Gossip, etc., put photos on their sites and then people spread those links around the internet and speculate about them endlessly. The speculation raises the curiosity factor and people tune in to the show.
I’ve got to give credit where credit is due (although it irks me to do so). TLC/Eileen O’Neill understood the circle jerk and how it could save the show and they probably also realized that the people that participated in the blogs were too personally invested to admit that they were complicit in keeping Kate on the air.
Kate is the performer, gossip sites and blogs are the middlemen and TLC is the producer. Kate gets her big check, TLC gets the advertising dollars, the gossip sites get their hits and advertising which keeps them going and the bloggers get their daily Kate-fix.
It seems when I cannot be surprised by anything the sheeple say, I read Kate's blog on TLC and found the following comment:
"Hey ,Kate you don't know me & I have never written to any one who was in the prying eyes of the poparatseie
Hope I spelled that correctly ,any way I just admire you alot &think you are a wonderful mother and would love love to help you out with the farm stuff , i' m a country gal at heart I take care of 14 horses and 22 acres of farm land I have a husband and a 18 yr.old &14yr.old daughter and really really really would like to meet with you !
Hope to here from you soon
My name is Kandy Wyatt"
This is a perfect example of the illiterate sheeple that idolize Kate. Who in their right mind would post this? Or is this a TLC intern trying to sound like one of the sheeple?
Why do I even care? That is the hardest question.....
"While reading your so called recap I kept asking myself did she watch the same show I did??"
What part of thr recap contained erroneous information?
Regarding the recap, I thought it was dead on.
Jan, Did you really think her followers were smart and normal? America does have stupid too you know.
We now get to see krazy kate turn her wrath against defenseless children.
Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.
Clearly she wants to be in New York or LA...with Steve and without your children.
BeDoneNow said... Didnt watch, instead enjoyed something on Animal Planet called "Queen of the Warthogs".
I didn't know Kate had yet another show with her name on it.
Anyway, great job of recapping a not so great show Admin. I admire your ability to sit through it in it's entirety and then write about it. I can't watch or listen to Kate in large doses at once. Anything more than 30 seconds at a time and this uncontrollable gag reflex sets in. I'll watch it in short clips later on YouTube, so thanks for softening the blow.
You said Mady and Cara were making fun of Kate. That just confirms that TLC is now exploiting Kate's idiocy. They have to because she's got nothing else going for her. They know, we know, the kids know she's lost her marbles and that's the focus now. I'm sure even Kate knows too, but the show must go on and she did say she was willing to do anything to stay on television, or something like that.
But when you think about it, how sad that even her children can see their mother's mental state rapidly deteriorating and sadder still that TLC has them speak about it on camera. Shitheads.
To those of you who do not watch the show anymore because you're so disgusted, why are you so happy and appreciative to have the recap to read? How disgusted and fed up are you if ook for it and feel the need to comment?
Admin said:
Kate acts annoyed that the workers/strangers let the kids go up on the chicken coop roof while she went back to the house.
Of course she did, she assumed they'd babysit her kids just like she expects everyone else to do who enters the McMansion.
Admin, I saw the same preview w/one of the girls 'holding' a power drill. I also saw a man's hand right next to her hand which was holding the drill, while she was trying it out. I can't believe any moms or dads here haven't let their kids try something like that while being right there next to them. I doubt the idea was to teach her how to use it, then leave her to "get the job done".
Regarding whether or not the blogs have anything to do with the show being on the air: I was never an avid watcher of the show until I found the blogs. But the blogs fueled my interest and now I DVR them just to see what the blogs will say. And I am not the only one. So, yes, in my case, the blogs have a LOT to do with this show still being on the air.
JanSpec, I agree w/ you regarding the fact that most of Kate's sheeple appear illiterate or maybe just uneducated. I once read someone say she tried her best to look like Kate, to act like Kate, and to dress like Kate--just about the most pathetic thing I've ever read.
"I can't believe any moms or dads here haven't let their kids try something like that while being right there next to them."
I would never, under any circumstances, let a six-year-old "try-out" a power drill, even if I was there every minute. Things go wrong, accidents happen, equipment malfunctions. It's just not something I would do, or ever did.
I read nothing erroneous on the recap and thought it was excellent. Admin did a great job!
I would be interested in what specifically "Huh???" saw differently.
"Then he fumbles around not turning it on enough and it takes him forever to finally get it right. Kate is shouting instructions at him the whole time. Yeah, just do it yourself, it‘s easier."
It's much easier to do it yourself, but then the child is never going to learn. Then there will be those who ask, "What? Is the kid so developmentally delayed that he doesn't even know how to turn on a hose?
Well, yes...if the parent does everything for him, how is he going to learn?
Johnnie Cade said...
Regarding whether or not the blogs have anything to do with the show being on the air: I was never an avid watcher of the show until I found the blogs. But the blogs fueled my interest and now I DVR them just to see what the blogs will say. And I am not the only one. So, yes, in my case, the blogs have a LOT to do with this show still being on the air.
Thanks for your honesty. And yes, you're right--you're not the only one.
I am reading blogs and see that many "haters" watched and some "accidently watched" and some watched only when commercials came on the channel they were watching.
Yeah, last month's rating weren't all Kate fans by a long shot.
Kate's going to be around for a long time.
Power tools are not meant for childrens use period. Whether there is an adult there or not she should have known better and TLC as well. Kids are curious and will think that jus cause mommy is out doing her spa thing lets all try the power tools. The woman is dumber than a bag of rocks and will remain so.
Is it true that she has 6 year olds still in highchairs and bibs? WTF
It appears that Kate didn't furnish lunch for the 3 workers that delivered the coop and assembled it, along with watching her children. Her rudeness is so appearent and brings up a little vomit in my throat.
"It appears that Kate didn't furnish lunch for the 3 workers that delivered the coop and assembled it, along with watching her children. Her rudeness is so appearent and brings up a little vomit in my throat."
My husband does handyman stuff for a living and 9 times out of 10 the homeowner does not feed him. Nor does he expect it. I'll let him know that they are rude for not offering. Maybe he'll vomit on them to show them his displeasure.
Another Kate said...
It appears that Kate didn't furnish lunch for the 3 workers that delivered the coop and assembled it, along with watching her children. Her rudeness is so appearent and brings up a little vomit in my throat.
I also noticed that. She is TOTALLY self-absorbed. I fix ice water w/ lime for my three (3) yard guys when they come for thirty (30) minutes. Those guys were there a long time working in the heat AND babysitting for Kate. It's always all about Kate and the hell with everyone else.
Regarding the lunch for the workers - no doubt TLC fed them.
You know, the same place Kate gets all her food from.
JanSpec said...
Regarding the lunch for the workers - no doubt TLC fed them.
You know, the same place Kate gets all her food from.
LOL, another point I meant to make. Kate went in the house to "cool off" from the heat. If she's not being filmed, she is not cooking or preparing anything. It's a good thing she has this easy gig, because in the real world, she couldn't begin to handle the pressures of a real job.
Johnnie Cade,
People tune in to see thousand pound people carted off to hospitals on a flatbed truck and two girls sharing one body. They watch men who have fungus growing on their bodies and stage mothers who force their kids to be in beauty pageants. Kate's abnormalities are no different. Face it, TLC is in the business of exploitation and it makes astronomical amounts of money for them. Blogs aren't going to make OR break them.
Unfortunately for the G8, it turns out they were just a segue for a narcissist to get on tv.
Kate Gosselin will burn herself out and people will actually get to see it happen. TLC isn't going to let that one slip through their fingers. They know people will tune in to watch her steady decline. They keep her on the payroll for that reason. It's just too bad the kids had to have all this inflicted upon them by their own misdirected parents.
" Is it true that she has 6 year olds still in highchairs and bibs?"
Yes, and kids in high chairs don't use power drills!
"It appears that Kate didn't furnish lunch for the 3 workers that delivered the coop and assembled it, along with watching her children."
I've had workers here doing a considerable amount of renovation work...painting, flooring, landscaping, and these fellows do not expect to be served lunch. They either brown-bag it, or take off for McDonalds, just happy to get away from the job site for awhile! I'll offer them water or another beverage, such as mint tea (especially on a hot day), but I'm sure they don't consider me rude if I don't make lunch for them. I'll ask them!
Having a film crew come to your house with scripts in hand for the kiddies and having people do all the work for you is considered a job, well where the hell can we all sign up? Bet all your lives are more interesting than this Bimbos.
Huh??? said...
While reading your so called recap I kept asking myself did she watch the same show I did??
Talk about putting a spin on something.
I'd be curious, what did YOU see or NOT see that varies from this recap? Please, put your money where your mouth is....
Nice that Kate gets to "cool off" whenever SHE wants. Too bad the 8 not-working employees can't cool off in an air-conditioned home or pool on blistering hot summer days.
Also on the agenda for the summer: power-cleaning the outside of the house, checking its water filtration systems, paparazzi-proofing the area of the yard — “I’m willing to spend whatever it takes so the kids will have privacy when they’re playing,” Kate said. “We’ve decided to buy a lot of trees and shrubbery,” — and writing and compiling the Gosselin Household Systems & Maintenance Manual: Everything a Single Mom Needs to Know to Run Our Little Piece of the World.
WAIT!! So she really is writing a book about how to run a house as a single woman??? SERIOUSLY???? UGH
I was reading on another site that Ms. Gosselin said, "I have to pee." Did anyone hear her say that, or was it something that just sounded like that?
Could she really have said that on national television? I mean, nothing would surprise me, but still...
Thanks for watching so I didn't have to. The promo will all the clucking was enough for me. Thank you for all the comments - sounds like the older girls have her figured out.
Didn't watch, but someone mentioned Mady and Cara made fun of Kate? That even they see her idiocy? I agree, but I also think they imitate what they see. Kate from the beginning made fun of her kids, her husband, her sister-in-law, Nana Janet, Emeril...the list goes on. Those kids are just living what they've learned.
i cant get my head around how many eggs these children are being fed that is if we are to believe kate uses 2-3 DOZEN a day.
I watched the show and thought how much better that type of filming is than pushing those poor kids in hot NYC. I personally think that the show would have been adorable if they had left Kate completely out of it. I like watching the boys problem solve the water carrier, enjoyed the children interacting with the farmers.
Watching the kids running through the meadow is what I would hope happens daily on the compound. They looked so carefree and like children should look--free to run and explore.
The six are adorable and I love their chatting together. I think the twins are sharp girls and see it all, but are yet powerless to do anything, other than to verbalize their dislike of situation.
Also, do you think Jon only gets the kids every other week-end? That isn't good if that is happening. I think it is terrible that he isn't allowed on the property, as he used to really do lots of outdoor things with the kids. I do hope he is allowed to watch the kids when she is out of town. His visitation is kept pretty quiet. I wonder how he feels as he watches all of these things which are set up to make Kate look like "womder mother"!
The whole set up is sooooo disgusting!! and the problem is that I don't think Kate is going anywhere soon, even tho, at times, I feel like she is imploding!
"TLC isn't going to let that one slip through their fingers. They know people will tune in to watch her steady decline. They keep her on the payroll for that reason. It's just too bad the kids had to have all this inflicted upon them by their own misdirected parents. "
I would add- and all those who tune in to watch the show and click on the links and gossip and rehash things that have been said for 5 years for their own enjoyment.
TLC and Kate are not the only ones responsible for the suffering of those children.
Dee3, the sites/blogs, fuel the controversy manufactured by the PR. ROL, Celebrity Gossip, etc., put photos on their sites and then people spread those links around the internet and speculate about them endlessly. The speculation raises the curiosity factor and people tune in to the show.
I agree Circle Jerk. Seems the faithful bloggers though, console themselves with "this is making lawmakers sit up and take notice", or "no, it's the viewship, that's the ONLY thing that counts", etc. I bet they think it was an "accident" that Kate, that Kate 'slipped' and apparently made the comment last nite that "I need to get out of here". It's scripted, so TLC can read the blogs today and find out if as they had planned and hoped, the blogosphere would be 'atwitter' over that comment.
overthehill said...
i cant get my head around how many eggs these children are being fed that is if we are to believe kate uses 2-3 DOZEN a day.
I can't imagine the tups eating that much and Mady doesn't like eggs. Maybe Kate is including all her hired help in the count. Also, the chickens aren't going to lay enough eggs to produce that amount daily.
"PR. ROL, Celebrity Gossip, etc., put photos on their sites and then people spread those links around the internet and speculate about them endlessly. The speculation raises the curiosity factor and people tune in to the show."
Is it possible that TLC insisted she take the kids to NYC on the hottest day of the year for that very reason...they knew that the sites would publish pictures of the kids being so miserable, and therefore, would tune in to that episode to see just how horrible it was for them?
The Power Of Publicity said...
Is it possible that TLC insisted she take the kids to NYC on the hottest day of the year for that very reason...they knew that the sites would publish pictures of the kids being so miserable, and therefore, would tune in to that episode to see just how horrible it was for them?
Absolutely! All the NY stuff will be on the next episode. It's kind of a double whammy. Have Kate do outrageous things for the next show right in time for the upcoming show. That guarantees ratings for the upcoming show and the next one as well, and you can be sure that in about 2 weeks time Kate will start in again the the wild and weird stuff just in time to get the FREE BLOGGER PUBLICITY.
I'll Drink to That said...
I agree Circle Jerk. Seems the faithful bloggers though, console themselves with "this is making lawmakers sit up and take notice", or "no, it's the viewship, that's the ONLY thing that counts", etc. I bet they think it was an "accident" that Kate, that Kate 'slipped' and apparently made the comment last nite that "I need to get out of here". It's scripted, so TLC can read the blogs today and find out if as they had planned and hoped, the blogosphere would be 'atwitter' over that comment.
Exactly, and you can bet that all the outrageous things Kate did last week were to drum up the frustration and anger, get the blogs going ballistic... just in time for Sunday night's program.
Jerk you make some good points...
I do believe though that the Wernersville witch showing her true colors is making it easier for the Pa Legislators to join in Rep Murt in updating the laws of Pennsylvania.
Look at her...even in jest joking about chicken coop cleanup as a form of punishment to kids.
Irene S, I have no idea if the PA legislators have time to keep up with Kate's weekly shenanigans and if they are I doubt they're discussing the minutia of chicken coops and eggs. The NY Dept. of Labor poo poo'd Kate's parading of the kids through the streets of hot NY City because the info he received was from gossip sites and blogs. Who's going to base an investigation on a bunch of gossips?
While we wait for legislation, we need to be ridding ourselves of the sick need to talk about Kate every day. Her ratings need to plummet, and TLC needs to stop making big revenue money from her show.
Do you all know what the term Circle Jerk means? It's a pretty vulgar term to use on a blog...I mean, I know this woman is trashy and all, but wow...
Drill Baby Drill...Or Not said...
I would never, under any circumstances, let a six-year-old "try-out" a power drill, even if I was there every minute. Things go wrong, accidents happen, equipment malfunctions. It's just not something I would do, or ever did.
My 3 dtrs. are grown now, w/kids of their own, but all 3 were quite curious as youngsters, about how things worked, perhaps they 'inherited' it from their dad, who was an chemical/metallurgical engineer. I will never forget when my oldest dtr., who is now an attorney, was trying to figure out how the remote control to the TV worked. In an effort to find out, she shoved a pencil down the 'light' on the front of the remote (I'm thinking she was 7-9 y/o) since she knew that 'light' somehow made it work. Her dad, rather than punishing her, sat down and took the whole thing apart and explained how it worked, to her. Yes, accidents happen, things go wrong, equipment malfunctions, but if we shelter our kids to the point that they never get to try anything new, never get to have their curiousity quenched, never learn how to make wise decisions, etc., how will they ever grow up to be independent, strong, self confident adults? I'd wager more children are hurt due to parents driving while talking on their cell phones, than while "trying out" Daddy's power drill for 10 sec., w/him holding her/his hand. BTW, my other two dtrs. are an architect, and a music director respectively, and they all have their fingers, toes and eyes. The youngest (34 y/o) did lose her colon at 20 y/o, but I'm pretty sure that had nothing to do w/her "helping" daddy, when she was 9, change the oil in his car. :)
Who all is in that house for breakfast on an average day? Does Steve sleep there? Are the nannies overnighters? Does the gardener make his bed in the bushes? Does the crew not eat breakfast before they come?
I cannot imagine that Kate Gosselin gets up and prepares breakfast for all these people. Nope.
If the TLC crew is eating breakfast there, you can bet that TLC foots the bill for it. So why would Kate be griping about the cost of eggs?
This episode had nothing to do with eggs, in my opinion. It was simply an idea to make Kate look domestic. It took a stupid episode to try for that, but try they did.
I didn't watch. I watched raccoons eat cornbread and peanuts in a friend's back yard.
It was entertaining, fascinating, natural and
a great way to spend a Sunday evening with a real person, eating a wonderful Italian meal. Not a shriek or squeal to be heard all night....
a portland granny said...
I watched the show and thought how much better that type of filming is than pushing those poor kids in hot NYC. I personally think that the show would have been adorable if they had left Kate completely out of it. I like watching the boys problem solve the water carrier, enjoyed the children interacting with the farmers.
Regardless of what you like to watch, this is still WORKING for those kids so their greedy parents can reap the financial reward? Why is this message not connecting? If you watch this show, you're part of the problem these children are having and will continue to have, supporting the family and a loss of their childhood.
Just Hose Me Down said...
It's much easier to do it yourself, but then the child is never going to learn. Then there will be those who ask, "What? Is the kid so developmentally delayed that he doesn't even know how to turn on a hose?
Well, yes...if the parent does everything for him, how is he going to learn?
I just saw/read your post, after writing my little 'diatribe' above. As you can see, I agree, kids need opportunities to learn and it's best done w/mom or dad teaching them.
Attn susan:
Question: What does circle jerk mean:
Answer: It is slang for a lot of activity or energy expended with no result.
Look it up.
Hummm. Who's trashy?
Number one, a power tool is not a TV remote. A TV remote can't cause you serious injury. Number two, a six year old child (JUST turned six) is developmentally not usually advanced enough to understand 1. power tools are dangerous 2. power tools should not be used without an adult around. They will easily go right off to the shed alone and fire it up without an adult next time. At that age they just want to touch and try out everything. They are not old enough to be trusted to understand this activity is okay now but not okay later.
The power tool was way too big for her little hands. I don't recall her wearing safety glasses. She wasn't even on a flat stable surface, she was on a roof. One slip and she's power drilled her fingers. A six year old developmentally does not have the dexterity yet to be able to hold something like that in a proper and safe manner.
We don't let six year olds drive cars sitting in a booster seat because their reaction time, hand eye coordination, reasoning, everything is too underdeveloped to handle it. Watch the kids drive the electric toy cars and that's why kids don't drive real ones. It's not their fault, their brains just aren't ready yet.
6 year olds should not operate power tools, drive cars, swim without adults there, etc. These things will come in time, be patient. The beauty of childhood is reaching these milestones. At this age they CAN help turn on a hose, fetch water, feed the chickens, gather eggs. At this age of course they can look at the inside of a remote or a radio or anything that won't hurt them. There is sooo much they can do that's SAFE, why put them in danger?
What's the magic age to learn this stuff? I don't know, maybe 10, 12? Depends on the kid. But it's sure not SIX.
Hawks Fan said...
Why is this message not connecting? If you watch this show, you're part of the problem these children are having and will continue to have, supporting the family and a loss of their childhood.
THAT is the question. Why is this message not connecting?
One possibility is everyone is addicted and cannot see that they are and/or won't admit they are.
Who else is to blame said... I would add- and all those who tune in to watch the show and click on the links and gossip and rehash things that have been said for 5 years for their own enjoyment.
LOL. Just how are you going to go about convincing three million people to stop watching the show? By coming on all the blogs and telling people not to? If you are, you have your work cut out for you.
And not to break rule #2, because I'd sincerely like to know - why do YOU visit these blogs? You realize you're preaching to the choir here, don't you?
Free Publicity/Circle Jerk/Hawks Fan:
We.Get.Your.Point. We really do. Unfortunately, the daily scoldings are not making any difference. People will stop watching on their own terms and not anybody else's.
I did not stop watching because people told me to. I stopped because I couldn't take K8's incessant narcissistic drivel and pathological lying.
And if you feel the blogs are keeping the kids working, why are you continuing to blog?
Hawks Fan said:
If you watch this show, you're part of the problem these children are having and will continue to have, supporting the family and a loss of their childhood.
But, blogging about every bit of minutiae, has NO impact on any of this huge, pathetic disaster these kids are living w/on a daily basis, right?
Oh, and also that little exploitation thing K8 has going...........
Well Jerk...all I can say is 75 legislators are co sponsoring a bill in Pennsylvania & they have my utmost respect for standing firm and saying....No more without guidelines of our kids in Pennsylvania. Rep Murt is brave!
As far as blogging I think as Anderson Cooper related on AC 360 recently that bloggers keep things honest so to say. TLC can dish out all the bologna they can but bloggers will get to the bottom of it....
Carolina Gal ~ Totally agree with you re young kids and tools. Both of mine showed an interest in learning about them at a very young age. Son got his first real tools & tool belt at 4 y.o. He was so beyond the Fisher Price plastic ones. At age 5 he was helping his father do Real work. But he was also trustworthy & knew 'on the penalty of serverness' not to touch them without adult supervision. Knew the power tools weren't his, they belonged to dad. One of my daughter's friends, in third grade took apart the home computer, fixed it, then put it back together. Today he is a degreed Electrical Engineer.
Some kids are ready for this stuff with supervision, others aren't.
"And if you feel the blogs are keeping the kids working, why are you continuing to blog? "
Not everyone that reads these blogs posts. If people reading can understand that the continual talking about kate and her exploits is merely free publicity for the show and that is exploiting the childrlen, then it's worth posting about.
The die=hards aren't going to "get it" or refuse to "get it."
Irene S said...
TLC can dish out all the bologna they can but bloggers will get to the bottom of it....
Yes, I'd say the bloggers in this case, are definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Dee3, the sites/blogs, fuel the controversy manufactured by the PR. ROL, Celebrity Gossip, etc., put photos on their sites and then people spread those links around the internet and speculate about them endlessly. The speculation raises the curiosity factor and people tune in to the show.
To: It's a circle jerk.....I do agree with you that this can definitely be a significant factor and can contribute to ratings but I was mainly referring to those of us who want to see the children off TV....but who I see still watch or tune in, if only for a few minutes. I feel that if we all stopped watching and solely relied on those, like Administrator, who watch and re-cap for their blogs...the numbers would decrease.
From what I've seen over the past several years, many initial fans of the show were not rabid fans (or "sheeple", as some call them). They were simply watchers who thought it was a cute show and didn't initially see the downside of it. I do feel that a certain percentage of them caught on more quickly thanks to blogs like this one....that this/these (blogs, articles, etc.) raised the downside issues and made them more aware of them more quickly.
It seemed very clear, at least to me, that there was a huge turn-around, in terms of TV personalities and magazine/newspaper writers/reporters....turning negative on Kate and on the show.....after the Murt hearings happened. They (TV hosts, reporters, etc.) jumped from positive to negative in large numbers overnight. To me, this was a situation where...once a person of consequence (Rep. Murt, a politician) deemed the child exploitation issue to be relevant, many suddenly jumped ship....and I think that blogs like this can also have that effect on a certain number of watchers. Many people want to go with what's considered to be the popular and or professional opinion.
Also, the bottom line is viewership numbers and advertising dollars. And for example, even though Lindsay Lohan continues to be talked about and discussed a great deal in magazines and on the internet....over time, she began to lose roles due to her own negative behavior. So there's not always a total tie-in with getting shows and gossip/celebrity.
But I do agree with you that it can absolutely have the opposite effect. I just don't like to see so many who really would like to see the shows with the children on them come to an end, continue to watch and to tune in.
And to the person who posted and asked why I was thanking the Administrator for the recap if I found the show "disgusting". (I can't seem to find that post now but it was here earlier).
First of all, YOU used the word "disgusting"...not ME. I never said the show was disgusting.
And second, by having the Administrator watch and recap them, I can keep up with what's going on. And thereby not contribute to the ratings.
And just because I have a problem with the show and filming the children, does not mean that I cannot read, blog, and keep up with the situation. Just because I have a problem with something, it doesn't mean I cannot remain interested in it and keep track of it.....which I am totally free to do.
I think I'm showing my age rather than my nastiness level and I didn't mean to imply that you are nasty. Back in the day, the term had a vulgar meaning...I didn't know if it still did.
Dee3, the sites/blogs, fuel the controversy manufactured by the PR. ROL, Celebrity Gossip, etc., put photos on their sites and then people spread those links around the internet and speculate about them endlessly. The speculation raises the curiosity factor and people tune in to the show.
To It's a circle jerk:
I do agree with you that this can be a significant factor in raising ratings.
But I also feel that it can have the opposite effect in some making people more aware of the downside of the show...more quickly. There were many fans who initially simply thought the show was just a cute, harmless one....but came to see it differently over time.....and blogs/articles, etc. could contribute to this.
Also, I think there can be situations where celebrity doesn't always cause roles. Lindsay Lohan has received a great deal of celebrity but over time, she has received less and less roles due to her own behavior....despite continued celebrity.
But I do agree that it can also raise the numbers, like you said. And for the most part, I was referring to those who know the situation and want to see the children off TV but continue to watch and/or to tune in for a brief time.
Kate is willing to spend any amount of the kids hard earned money to landscape their yard so their play won't be filmed by the paps she invited to intrude upon their private lives.
What a mother.
And to the person who had posted to me and asked why I'd thanked the Administrator for the recap if I found the show to be "disgusting"(but that I can no longer locate).
First of all, I never used the word "disgusting". YOU did.
Secondly, I am totally entitled to be interested in and to follow the situation....and the Administrator's recaps allow me to do this without watching the show...and thereby not requiring me to contribute to the ratings in order to keep up.
Just because I or anyone else here doesn't approve of a situation or views it negatively...does not mean that we are not interested in it/keeping track of it....and it is totally within our right to do so.
There is no law that says that if a person doesn't like something or doesn't approve of it....that he/she cannot be interested, follow and blog/comment about it.
Susan, as far as I know "circle jerk" DOES still have that same nasty connotation to this day.
It's certainly not a nickname I'd chose to post with.
Of course, that should be "choose", not "chose".
Dee3, thank you for your reasoned and polite reply. We agree on many points.
susan, that you for the apology. I accept.
I have to say that I was really tired of hearing her go on about be single. She must have mentioned it at least 6 times. We know already, and who's fault is it? Yours, Kate. Also, I thought she had 24 it has increased to 26 acres. I have personally been past her house...she has a huge yard, which I'm sure she has the landscape people working on. 1 acre, maybe 2 acres, require some maintenance (mowing), but to act like she personally has to take care of it is ridiculous. She was very rude to all the people that came to the house. I thought it was funny that she didn't want to get wet, cause she was wearing white....what she didn't have a clue they were coming? Who wears white when they are "working" outside?
Sorry everyone....I see I posted twice about the same thing. The first time I wrote it, it told me that it was too lengthy when I attempted to post it and then it appeared that I had lost the entire post or I'd have just split I wrote it again (a little shorter, though). I'm really surprised to suddenly see it showed up here.
IACJ....You're welcome. I am perceiving your screen name as similar to something like "It's a Clusterf*ck"....referring to the TLC/Gosselin situation. One that would include a loaded word or term but that when taken in context, could make sense.
" TV remote can't cause you serious injury. Number two, a six year old child (JUST turned six) is developmentally not usually advanced enough to understand 1. power tools are dangerous 2. power tools should not be used without an adult around."
Especially if they're not developmentally advanced enough to enter Kindergarten!
"Them girls are heading to the fifth grade this year and they do know how to get onto the internet and so do their friends better than we do I betcha."
Fourth grade.
Dee3, I think "cluster f*ck" is a funny term in some instances, but naturally wouldn't use it in a blog. I not even quite sure what it means.
Actually a circle jerk just means people going around and around in circles and getting nowhere.
I suppose some people have used it with obscene intent, but the meaning is what it is, no more, no less.
The more people who watch - the longer Kate will be on T.V. Now do you really want that?
Don't watch. Read the recap. Admin watched so that she could provide us with a recap. Other than that, just turn the channel.
Just stop.
It's really easy, just pick up the remote and turn it to something else.
Read a recap of the show.
Cathy said... Also, I thought she had 24 it has increased to 26 acres.
24 or 26 acres, she'd better get TLC to buy her some sheep to keep that grass down.
(Did you get that, TLC? By next episode, okay?)
IACJ....I think that clusterf*ck is supposed to mean a "total disaster" or something along those lines. And yes, there are situations where it can be really funny when used....when things are just totally screwed-up until you're at your wit's end. Come to think of it, there's another sorta loaded word...screwed-up...due to the one particular word that has a sexual connotation.
I'm guessing that the problem is the sexual connotation of the word "jerk"(with the word "circle" then making it done in a group, so to speak)...but like the other word, is also excellent when used to describe going in circles and getting nowhere/an exercise in futility.
Cathy...Kate has a long history of this "woe is me" behavior. I think it is indicative of narcissism, where she is unable to empathize with others and therefore genuinely assumes that others will agree with her...that she's overburdened. The reality is that she has much more than most people do and needs to focus on that and have gratitude.
"I'd wager more children are hurt due to parents driving while talking on their cell phones, than while "trying out" Daddy's power drill for 10 sec."
That's all it takes. 10 seconds. And we're not talking about using a cell phone. That's a bad analogy. It's about a six-year-old using a power tool, not changing oil in a car. A POWER DRILL. It's also about parental responsibility. Using a power drill at age six is no guarantee that the child is going to grow up to be an architect, an engineer, or contruct a new Utopia. All youngsters are curious, and their curiosity should be encouraged, not stifled. However, using power tools at age six can wait until they are older. Why rush it? There's plenty of time, and I'm sure no psychological damage is going to happen to them...or they won't have to go into therapy because they weren't able to take a power drill apart and see how it functions.
In early spring, a child in the next neighborhood was using a power saw. This was a middle school student, two days shy of his 12th birthday. He now has two fingers. 10 seconds is all it took. Attempts to attach the severed ones failed. The sad part about it is that this kid wanted to be a pianist for Broadway musicals, and had performed in several local shows. His parents are devastated, and the guilt of this accident will never go away. It changed the course of his life.
dee 3 said...I'm guessing that the problem is the sexual connotation of the word "jerk"(with the word "circle" then making it done in a group, so to speak)
Gosh, what a lady-like way to say that! LOL. Sort of a do-it-yourself orgy or something. Anyway, that would have nothing to do with the Gosselin fiasco... but cluster... Yeah, that would work.
Not everyone that reads these blogs posts. If people reading can understand that the continual talking about kate and her exploits is merely free publicity for the show and that is exploiting the childrlen, then it's worth posting about.
The die=hards aren't going to "get it" or refuse to "get it."
I see your point but it goes both ways. There are also many folks who are tired of K8 who have never watched a show, never commented on a blog. These folks may be curious to find out what the hoopla is about and reads this or another blog. This doesn't mean that this person will watch the show because of what is said on a blog.
And absolutely, the die hards will continue to watch the show, so getting back to my first post, the daily scoldings will not change anything.
My understanding of Circle Jerk: teenage boys/young males make a circle and "jerk off" -- a contest to see who can shoot the farthest.
Woe is me, perhaps you need to hang out with another "circle" of friends.
I've posted the definition. However your friends interpret it isn't my problem.
Hehe....I was re-reading the recap and the comments again. The recap really is very funny and so are many of the comments....many funny and clever people here.
I love the comment by XYZ'd...that she chose to watch paint dry instead and that apparently it was more interesting than Kate and her eggs. Also the person who wrote the comment that the Hispanic power-washer should have turned the hose on Kate.
I've missed so much but someone here mentioned that they think that TLC is now intentionally showing the worst of Kate.....and from the sounds of it, I tend to agree. Someone here also posted that they stopped watching simply because they could not stand to watch her....and that's exactly what happened with me. I especially hated (aside from some of her parenting choices and her belittling of Jon)...her cackling, mugging for the camera, "ain't I cute?" behavior. It made me uncomfortable and I had to look embarrassment. And it sounds like they're showcasing a great deal of that same behavior.
I'm posting lots because I really missed being able to access this blog. I could access it but the letters were SO tiny that I was unable to read them even with a magnifying glass. So happy to find it back to normal today.
Does anyone know what the amount of viewers were last night?
Ratings aren't out yet. Tomorrow at the earliest.
The blog said my comments were posted, but I don't see them. Admin, if I broke a rule, I'm sorry, but I'm going to try again. Delete if necessary.
The scene where Kate asked the Amish man to give her his hat really disturbed me. Amish men wear hats for religious significance, not just for sunscreening. The width of the brim is symbolic to them. With width of the hatband is of great importance to them. In cooler months they wear
black felt hats all the time. In warmer months they wear straw hats, but they wear their hats!
It is important to them as Amish people.
That hat did not make him a "farmer". It made him Amish, of a particular order, wearing what has been deemed acceptable to his order and his faith. It was not acceptable for Kate to plop it on her head and declare herself a "farmer".
For those of you who are happily married to the person you love, Kate's gaffe would be comparable to that Amish gentleman asking you to remove your wedding band so he could wear it and look "English".
She is either clueless or insensitive or just plain uninformed. How very sad.
I havn't posted in a long time but I cruise by here on a regular basis to see whats up. However, I just had to post something I noticed today. This is the FIRST time I can think of that Kate is not in the "trending now news" on the front page of Yahoo the day after one of her shows. Not only that, but in the Yahoo "trending" news you will see her Dancing co-stars, Chad and Erin mentioned because they both have new shows. I imagine this really frosts Kates butt! Not only is she not on the front page of Yahoo but 2 of her "friends" are. So much for those friendships, 2 more kicked to the curb.
For anyone that is interested, Kate's 26 acres that are too much for poor lil ole Katie to handle are 23.88 acres per the Berks Co Courthouse. Everything grows in her mind. Like when she says she spent 30 weeks on bedrest when she was pregnant with the tups. She was only pregnant for 30 weeks total. She was not confined to bed for the Entire Pregnancy.
There is a still picture of Alexis (?) using the power tool here:
She is kneeling on the sloped roof, surrounded by her siblings. She has no eye protection and the drill is leaning. There is an adult with his hand near but it could have been a catastrophe.
sorry, I started as K8STFU until I saw someone else using it.
sign me,
CJ said...
Carolina Gal ~ Totally agree with you re young kids and tools. Both of mine showed an interest in learning about them at a very young age. Son got his first real tools & tool belt at 4 y.o.
CJ, I think much of it has to do with the times. Our generation of kids (yours and mine) were given more freedom all around. There wasn't the over the top fear of them being 'snatched' while playing outside w/their friends all day, etc. I guess that has changed now. I took my 6 y/o grandson fishing last summer. He had gotten a fishing pole from his other granddad and I was kinda disappointed that my SIL hadn't taken him fishing w/it yet. But, he understood that you don't mess around with the hook. I guess some people wouldn't be ok w/that either. I dunno.
(and CJ...I 'know' you, it's Linda from Moons & DD's site? Lived in your area years ago, then IL, NY, TX, etc. Remember? :)
Denise said:
There is a still picture of Alexis (?) using the power tool here:
She is kneeling on the sloped roof, surrounded by her siblings. She has no eye protection and the drill is leaning. There is an adult with his hand near but it could have been a catastrophe.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Just about anything, heck, even drinking a glass of water COULD be a catastrophe. The child COULD drown.
This is my last comment on kids and drills.
Dee3 - glad you're back! I haven't read all the comments yet but in case the viewer #'s didn't get posted...IIRC, the numbers for her 1st special were around 3 million.
Kate seems to very often wear inappropriate shoes --remember last year when she took the kids up in the air balloon and she had on some of her spikey high heels? I am very disturbed about what Admin posted in the excellent re-cap about still disciplining these kids in front of millions of viewers. That is such a humilitating way to parent. BLECH--she makes me sick. Oh and I just love the new rule -- whoever disobeys will have to clean out poopy chicken trays. That's so sad that she would use negative reinforcement. I think she is a mean mother and I get upset hearing the recaps--I could never tolerate watching her show.
Carolina Gal ~ I've known it was you for a long time ;) Does Pat have your email addy? I could tell her to send mine to you. Then we could take these conversations off line.
After I posted about my kids & tools, I remembered when I was around 6, my Dad took me to the basement to use his industrial size jigsaw and drill press. Every kid in my family was initiated at this age, our first project was a scotty dog pencil holder! And no, I did not wear safety glasses, but when my kids used power equipment they each had a pair. And that old equipment did not have the safety guards that the new stuff has.
If Alexis had been hurt by the power drill I don't know how anyone could say it was just an accident and there was nothing wrong with playing it.
All the examples people are giving are SAFE things to allow a six year old to play with. Fishing hooks? Remote controls? That's not the same thing at all. No one said to never let a 6 year old do anything. What was said was a power tool is not appropriate. Just a power tool. Not everything!
I just looked at the pic. The tup girl is NOT drilling with a power drill. It looks to me like they changed out the drill bit for a screwdriver bit. She is just power screwing in a screw. It's much safer than drilling and harmless with supervision.
If you all would stop watching. Kate plus 8 the show would go away.
I see both points about the power tool. I guess it just depends on how we grew up ourselves, what our traditions are. It's not wrong either way - closely supervised use or no power tools -
because every family does things differently and has different early lessons to teach.
My parents had us swimming in the lake on our property without safety equipment when we were practically newborns. When I was one year old, my brother and sisters would throw me in and tell me to swim to one of them. I did. Nobody thought a thing about it, and I grew up being a competitive swimmer for a nationally ranked team.
Other parents were aghast that my parents did not have me swathed in floaties, safety vests or other gear. Mom and Dad didn't think a thing about it, and never once did I wander down to the lake by myself. I was watched by an attentive mother and father!
I live in farm country. As soon as the kids can reach the pedals, they are allowed to drive the tractors around the farmland with a parent watching very closely. This appalls some.
But these farm kids learn a trade early in life.
It's all in how you are raised and how close the supervision is.
Just an opinion.
SchmeckyGirl said...
I just looked at the pic. The tup girl is NOT drilling with a power drill. It looks to me like they changed out the drill bit for a screwdriver bit. She is just power screwing in a screw. It's much safer than drilling and harmless with supervision.
Oh my! You're right SchmeckyGirl. Like those people who blew up photos of Kate's boobs, I enlarged the photo of Alexis with the power tool to 500%. She is using it as a screwdriver...has a screwdriver bit in it.
If it was a power screwdriver that seems a lot safer to can't screw a screw into yourself right?
I still worry that she will then think a staple gun is safe, a power drill is safe, a power saw is safe.
Admin ~ I'll make one last post on tools, then I'm done. A remote control is not a tool. The only way a kid could be hurt with it is if you hit your little brother in the head w/ it. Fish hooks? they are very dangerous. Did you watch the show last year when Jon took the kids fishing in a pond near their home. I was cringing the entire time waiting for one of them to hook a sibling's eye with the hook. (and yes, my kids went fishing for the first time at the age of 4)
To a point I agree with you about power tools. But, it depends on the child and what kind of tool it is. Yes, mine used drills, No they did not use power saws. I, myself and my kids were brought up around tools and learned to respect them. We also knew they belonged to our Dad. They were not toys, we could only touch them when an adult was helping us. The Gosselin tups, I would never let them near something like that. Those kids have been treated like two year olds for the past four years. They are NOT mature enough to understand the difference between power equipment v toy tools and the consequences of mishandling them.
It frustrates me to see on this blog that people are wishing she would go away and take the kids off of tv. How is that ever going to happen if everyone keeps watching???? You are contributing to the ratings! We all know Kate will never stop the show so the only way it will end is for the ratings to flop and hopefully they cancel it.
I still have two questions. 1. Why was the power tool scene cut out? I just checked the episode again to be absolutely sure it was cut. It's GONE. Did someone think maybe this wasn't the best thing to promote?
2. Would a set teacher or child advocate approve the children to play with power tools?
Does Katie K think it's cute to wriggle her fingers together when she is pretending to be anxious about something...she is just really silly looking...
The poster who earlier called my recap spin was only here to discredit me in an attempt to make the people who have chosen not to watch anymore have doubts as to the truth of what I was reporting. I'm still waiting to hear WHICH PART of my recap was inaccurate.....
Anyone is free to read the several other recaps on the net and compare (so far, they're all lookin' pretty similar!). Anyone is free to watch the rerun themselves. Anyone is free to ask me about something they think sounds wrong. Anyone is free to ask other people who watched if it was accurate.
I don't hold anyone back from doing their own investigation. But I won't put up with people implying my recap is a lie and then not backing it up.
"That hat did not make him a "farmer". It made him Amish, of a particular order, wearing what has been deemed acceptable to his order and his faith. It was not acceptable for Kate to plop it on her head and declare herself a "farmer"."
Absolutely. She should have know better since she grew up among the Amish. One never asks an Amish man to remove his hat, the same as one never asks an Amish woman to remove her bonnet, or a Mennonite girl to remove her "soup strainer" (head covering). It's just not done...a faux paux of gigantic proportions.
I didn't watch the show. Was he reluctant to take it off?
Regarding Aaden and the hose, I think it's great to involve a 6 year old in something like that. But a better way to do it is to say, come here Aaden I'm going to give you a hose lesson. Then walk with him over to the hose, explain where it is, show him how to turn it on, and have him give it a try.
The way Kate did it was sorta like, ehhh I'm too lazy to walk up that hill who's around??? Aadenn!!!! Come here!! (without a PLEASE). RUN UP THE HILL NOW!!! No, not there over there, no no, there, Aaden follow the hose!!! Yes turn it it working? turn it harder boy!!!!
If she doesn't have Jon to order about she will have the kids.
It was not about teaching Aaden something new. It was about Kate not having to treck up a hill.
6 y/o with a power tool, regardless, is STILL NOT age appropriate. I use power tools. A power tool with a screwdriver is STILL NOT SAFE! She could easily puncture herself or someone else and then what will people say? It's ok because it was a screwdriver, not a drill?
EVERY child tries to satisfy their curiosity. Today its a power tool with adult supervision but what happens when there is NO adult AND the child is curious? S/he will take out a power tool, not knowing how dangerous it may be, try to operate the power tool THEN either the child will self injury or there will be injury to an innocent bystander.
Admin reports Katie being upset because the crew allowed the kids to climb on top of the chicken coop. There won't be adult supervision every wehre, all the time. When the kids are hurt, WHO will she blame because she went back in the house to cool off. Inexcusable. Stop making excuses!
fidosmommy- Your comment about the total dis respect that Kate showed towards the Amish man was excellent! I did not know that she did that. Actually, I am a little surprised that he accomadated her overtly discourteous request. I'm actually gobsmacked at her total lack of respect and knowledge of her neighbors.
Administrator said...
I still have two questions. 1. Why was the power tool scene cut out? I just checked the episode again to be absolutely sure it was cut. It's GONE. Did someone think maybe this wasn't the best thing to promote?
2. Would a set teacher or child advocate approve the children to play with power tools?
I think you nailed it!!
ADMIN - I love your comment @ 6:34 :)
Hi NancyB! So nice to see you again!
And thanks for last week's numbers. I just learned that Big Brother's ratings are out but not Sunday's episode of Kate plus 8....hmmmm.
My prediction was that there would be an initial bump due to curiosity but then the numbers would begin to drop. I'm interested to see if I was right.
3 million for the first one was a good number if it was an average....but not all that great from the first episode, as now it would need to maintain (or raise) that number. And I really cannot see Twist of Kate getting better ratings or even ones as good...without the children, who are a huge draw.
It sounds as though Kate is really starting to behave bizarrely and/or TLC is intentionally showcasing her negative traits and behavior....possibly a combo of both?
Administrator said...
The way Kate did it was sorta like, ehhh I'm too lazy to walk up that hill who's around??? Aadenn!!!! Come here!! (without a PLEASE). RUN UP THE HILL NOW!!! No, not there over there, no no, there, Aaden follow the hose!!! Yes turn it it working? turn it harder boy!!!!
If she doesn't have Jon to order about she will have the kids.
It was not about teaching Aaden something new. It was about Kate not having to treck up a hill.
July 12, 2010 6:37 PM
Several months ago I theorized Katie Irene would start treating her boys, if she hadn't already, the SAME way she treated Jon.
Thanx Admin for the recap. SOOOOO, she the slave master is beginning her antics with the boys. LOVED your descriptor of the hose incident BUT AM REALLY beginning to understand WHY Jon said Kate was despicable!
Remember Mady's description of Mommy Dearest?
"Mommy just sits in the chair & yells @ Daddy...she doesn't get up..."
Admin...sorry so many typos...end of a long day but reading your recap REALLY ticked me off. The queen bee pimp slave master now has 8 little subjects to crack her whip at. Hope there are other adults around to soften the blows by this crazed woman.
Kate needs to avail herself of some parenting classes.
Collin will enjoy the chickens. I hope they stay for him.
CJ - Pat should have my addy, I've emailed her several times, so please do email me. Trying to go back and remember what I said that tipped you off that it was me. LOL
Plain and Fancy,
The Amish gentleman did not hand over his hat immediately. It's not clear from the clip I saw on Entertainment Weekly if he didn't hear her, didn't know she was talking to her, or was just simply dumbfounded by the request. So, Kate indicated again she wanted his hat, and he
handed it over with a big grin (and I think a small bow from the waist as he reached it over to her). Somebody informed her she was about to put it on backwards, so she turned it around.
I'm surprised the TLC crew didn't step in and quiet Kate down about it with a little shake of the head or a hand up. Maybe they don't know the Amish neighbors either.
The Amish are known to be generous and willing to be peaceful at any cost. To get into a disagreement over a hat would probably never occur to them. Far more proper to hand over the hat than to get heated about it. He would have let Kate have the hat and get himself another one the next day if necessary.
Far more proper to hand over the hat than to get heated about it. He would have let Kate have the hat and get himself another one the next day if necessary.
It's called gracious. Yeah, Kate doesn't really know what that word means. Not that I can see anyway.
(Had to chuckle at the above post about the Menonites. We used to live in a city w/a heavy Menonite population (and Amish). We didn't call their hats 'soup strainers, we called them 'sin sifters')
Ok...I did not watch and cannot click on any youtube, video feed or the re runs.
Someone discussed here the kids had power tools. Now in rerun am I to understand that scene was edited out?
Ok... well that makes no difference to me. The kids were on the set using power tools. Whether it makes the cutting room floor or not it is dangerous, right?
From what I know and have read, the Amish way of life is one of peace, hard work and living off the land with few "modern" conveniences.
That said, I do find it rather odd that this Amish gentleman would agree to appear on a television show ?
Just wondering.
Guess it depends on whether you think a power screwdriver is dangerous. One of the little girls was using a power screwdriver to drive in a screw. There was an adult standing over her, with his hand about 5 inches from her hand.
You know, we ought to pick the show apart more
freely. If TLC deletes all the parts that are
objectionable, show poor parenting, or otherwise
paint their star in a very bad light, then there will be no show left. Kate+8 will simply evaporate!
"That said, I do find it rather odd that this Amish gentleman would agree to appear on a television show ?"
It's really not odd. It depends upon to which sect they belong. Most Old Order Amish would forbid it, but New Order Amish, and various other Amish sub-sects agree to it. There is just not one "Amish." It is not all-inclusive. In my work with the PA Dutch community, filming documentaries, and involvement with the tourist industry, I've come across those who want nothing to do with cameras, and those who are happy to be filmed. It all depends on each sect's beliefs. In fact, some have to get permission from the bishop in order to appear in educational videos or documentaries. Others just go ahead and do it! Some allow the use of electricity; some allow filming in videos, but not for television. It all comes down to the beliefs of each individual group.
Hi Irene -
On another blog there is a picture of Leah using a power tool.
From what I understand it was cut from the most recent episode which aired on Sunday 7/11.
I don't know about you but seeing little Leah use that power tool gives me the shivers.
Get it straight.
Power and no power - big diff.
Double sheesh.
It's a screwdriver said...
On the one hand, the kids are being held back and aren't experiencing things appropriate for their age.
Well you are right about one thing and that is - the kids aren't experiencing things appropriate for their age.
Power tools aren't appropriate for 6 year old children. I'm tired of all the rationalizing on this board just to make this behavior acceptable.
For Cara and Mady using a power screw driver - with adult supervision - is fine but not 6 year olds.
It's a screwdriver said...
Then keep them in their high chairs.
They're already in them. Looks like they're going to be in them until they are old enough to drive, too. ;-)
If it was no big deal why did TLC cut it out at the last minute?
I find it interesting that Kate in a white skirt on the roof and Leah and the power screwdriver were left out of the episode. I remember reading comments here regarding both prior to airing of the show and can't help but wonder if TLC does indeed read here and thought better about leaving those parts in the show based on the negative feedback expressed here.
Apparently you've never seen a battery operated screw driver in action. It's not like a power drill, but I understand you have to make this a bad thing, one way or the other.
I've seen a battery operated screwdriver. My family had a workshop in the basement. But do you think a six year old is able to go into that workshop and understand using the batter operated screwdriver is not the same as using the staple gun, the power drill, the nail gun? I mean, they all can have batteries.
I hope you don't have a 6 year old.
It was not a battery operated screwdriver. It was a power drill but the "drill bit" was removed and a screwdriver bit put it its place. It may have been battery powered or electric... Doesn't matter really.
I am experienced with power tools. I would never let my 6-yr-old daughter use a cutting power tool like a hand or table saw but I would let her use a power drill with a screwdriver bit... With supervision. I am VERY safety conscious. More than any other parent I know in fact.
All power tools get locked away, etc. It's like anything else, a knife, pizza cutter etc, you teach your kids they came use them unless you are there and you keep them in a safe place. At least that's what we do.
I won't comment on the powerdrill/screwdriver again... I know rule #2. ;)
That was some long extension corn.
"It may have been battery powered or electric... Doesn't matter really."
Don't you mean it "shouldn't matter?" The kid screwed in a screw and probably got a kick out doing it. She was supervised.
"I would let her use a power drill with a screwdriver bit... With supervision."
Right, and she was supervised.
It's a screwdriver,
Why are you arguing with me? Can't you see that I agree with you? I think she was supervised and it wasn't dangerous. JMO.
We have very long outdoor extension cords... That's what they are made for. I didn't notice the back end of the drill to tell whether it was battery or electric. It does not matter which it is... They are both safe. What was wrong with that sentence? Doesn't matter... Shouldn't matter. Both apply.
What I find most interesting in this ongoing screwdriver/power tool discussion is that while the safety of using said object is being hotly debated, I haven't noticed even one objection to the children being ON A ROOF while it was happening.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like that's probably not the best environment for 6-yr-olds, especially not while they're "learning" to use sharp pointed objects.
SchmeckyGirl, I'm sorry I sounded like I am arguing with you. I'm not. I'm agreeing with you. My apologies.
I think it was the roof of the chicken coop, not very far off the ground, unless Kate had them repairing the roof of the house. But I think that will be for another episode.
Ok, the screwdriver topic has been thoroughly discussed, move on.
Some people don't think it was ok and they are reasonable. Some people think it's ok and they're probably reasonable people too. People can have different ideas about parenting without being tools about it--pun intended.
Look closer you guys. It's a cordless drill, a heavy one with a battery pack and there is a twist drill bit in it.
Sorry admin, I was looking at the photo.
But yes, let's move other things like why the hell didn't Kate buy a decent hose on one of her shopping sprees at Target. Maybe she's waiting to be gifted with one?
Carolina Gal ~ I'm going to email Pat and ask her to send you my addy. I'm not sure if she saves our email addys, if you do the same, we'll be set :)
Plain and Fancy : thank you for the info.
It really doesn't matter what kind of drill/screwdriver it was. A responsible parent locks up or otherwise secures her power tools so that they can only be used by children under supervision.
Incidentally, how come no comments about the Duggar kids and their unsupervised use of power tools?
The important phrase IMO is WITH SUPERVISION.
Any ratings info?
Admin, I think I found the answer as to why the poster “Huh?” saw your recap as inaccurate. If you go over to The Gosselin Family Fansite you’ll see their version or a re-cap, written by Michelle Kemper Brownlow. I cut/pasted a couple of choice paragraphs (split into 2 posts b/c of length):
>>“Here’s my run down of the things I noticed that I would have just thrown my hands up and sighed: When the chicken coop was done, there were specific instructions given which included that a new discipline tactic would begin immediately. Anyone who disobeys is on chicken poop detail. Instructions and consequences delivered plain and simple. Done RIGHT, Done WELL, Done EFFICIENTLY and Done ONCE!Immediately after children were done eating lunch Kate retrieved the hose to hose down the picnic table and patio only to find the hose was not working. She then went, got another hose, hooked it up and finished the job. SIXTEEN little brown eyes absorbing the work ethic along the way. Done RIGHT, Done WELL, Done EFFICIENTLY and Done ONCE!
Then, my Mom Goddess Kate, speaks a language a wish I shared... "The Gosselin Household's Systems аnd Maintenance Manual: Everything a Single Mom Needs tο Know tο RÏ…n ουr LÑ–ttlе Piece οf thе World.” She explained that she is not someone who just wants to "have it fixed;" she wants to know WHY it stopped working, what it NEEDS to be fixed and how to MAINTAIN it so it stays functional. Done RIGHT, Done WELL, Done EFFICIENTLY and Done ONCE! When she finished her day of manual writing, learning about the maintenance of her water softener, having privacy shrub plans approved, power-washing the house, she said, "I did what I set out to do and my goal was met.<<
Then BabyMama in her infinite wisdom added this little comment: “I also want to add that mothers complain all the time. Its called raising small children. If the idiot trolls are complaining about Kate complaining, then they are not raising young children. Am I wrong about this???”
CJ said...
Carolina Gal ~ I'm going to email Pat and ask her to send you my addy. I'm not sure if she saves our email addys, if you do the same, we'll be set :)
Will do CJ...thanks!
Hot in PA, I would respond to that but I'd be guilty of breaking Rule #4. ;)
The only thing I have to saw is that the kids should be wearing safety goggles when working with that power tool.
This is why TLC didn't air it.
She then went, got another hose, hooked it up and finished the job. SIXTEEN little brown eyes absorbing the work ethic along the way. Done RIGHT, Done WELL, Done EFFICIENTLY and Done ONCE!
Kate Gosselin hosing Chicken poop. WOW! Give her a fucking trophy for MOTHER OF THE YEAR.
Kate couldn't even pitch a tent for her kids backyard camping outing. She couldn't even grill chicken correctly. And she couldn't even start a bond fire.
Kate Gosseoin CAN hose down chicken poop though. But when her kids needed a diaper change, she SCREAMED for Jon to do it.
Do it once? Nah
Do it right? Nah.
Let Jon do it. Yes! ~ Kate Gosselin parenting manual.
WHEN has K8 ever shown any work ethic ?
Any sheeple reading this, please provide some insight, WHEN ?
IIRC, the only ones who showed any work ethic were the kids.
"She couldn't even grill chicken correctly. And she couldn't even start a bond fire."
I think she needs to be careful about burning those bonds. She may have to liquidate them when the cash stops flowing in...
Maybe the "Amish" farmer handed over his hat because he's really not Amish? Over at WernyGal's site she says that no one recognizes the guy (he's not a local) and that she thinks he's just a farmer in Amish garb. I wouldn't put it past TLC to do that. Someone brought up Henry the organic farmer that was in an episode and Kate explained that the Amish do not like to be photographed, so Henry's face was not shown in the episode. The only other explanation was that TLC found an Amish guy who is pretty liberal when it comes to having his face filmed, but let's see if anyone can figure out what the deal is.
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