Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jon to write book about having 8 kids

A Slice of Life: Jon Gosselin’s Story

Life coach Dr. Sylvia Lafair is helping him with it. The book focuses on having eight children before hitting the age of 30 and what it’s like to live the hard life that Jon lives.


Why do both these parents continue to exploit their children's privacy while they're going through a heartbreaking divorce?

UPDATE: Jon's rep Canaan Rubin says he's "considering one in the near future," but that "Nothing's being written right now."


72 sediments (sic) from readers:

Linda in NS said... 1

I wonder if TLC will somehow shut this down.

Marlene said... 2

In all honesty I think that if the book is about him and him only on his point of view being a father and raising a lot of kids early on (which was Kate's idea).
I have a hard time believing that Jon will include anything that shocking but we shall see.
Somehow I doubt it will be child exploitation kind of thing.JMHO

PJ's momma said... 3

Oh my goodness. Those poor kids. What is wrong with these parents??? I had similar parents who treated us as if we were a hindrance to their carefree lives (and my mom treated us like servants and did nothing around the house) and while I was aware of the instability as a child, I am acutely tuned in to the fact that it was very damaging to us kids, shaped us in ways that are just wrong, created scars and resentment that run very deep, and that the behavior is very damaging to children in general. I'm sad for these little kids.

Kelly said... 4

As bright and articulate as Jon is, that book will probably be all of 2 pages.

Mimi to 3 said... 5

You can bet I'll buy this one just to read Jon's take on things rather than Kate's constant lies. It is so good to see him stepping out and talking -- finally. I suppose it remains to be seen how much he talks about but I am glad to know it is probably driving Kate-control-freak nuts knowing he is getting his turn with no input from her.

PatK said... 6

I think this would be as boring as Kate's letters to her kids book. He obviously can't write that tell-all we've been waiting for, lest he lose his TLC income, so what's the point?

Judy said... 7

And why shouldn't he ? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
As I don't agree with some things that Jon has done, I still won't forget what I saw on all the earlier episodes of the show.
I saw a loving, giving, hands-on, father, that until a year ago, raised his eight kids by himself, even though there was a "pretend mother" on the "set" as well.
I'm still ticked that Kate ended up with just about everything from that marriage and it seems as if Jon got the full shaft . It just doesn't seem fair.
Sometimes the system stinks, I think.

Westcoaster said... 8

Life coach, tatoos, no job, 8 kids - amazing. Prediction is that this complete waste of trees/paper will sink as fast as Kate's letters to her children - wonder if the kids will want to go into the witness protection program with new identities when they turn 18?

Nancy said... 9

What could he say in this book that we haven't seen or heard before, enough in wasting good trees for these two Fame Seekers and be done with their lies and pitiful lives.

Anonymous said... 10

More whining.

IDModo said... 11

From the description of the book, it sounds like it will be about Jon's journey towards some sort of self- awareness, his feelings about his family of origin, his relationship with his father.
I believe Jon has been released from his TLC contract, so he will be able to say whatever he wants; I am guessing that he will talk about the kids only peripherally as part of his journey.

We have been saying Jon should get a job; when done sincerely, writing a book is a more respectable way to make money than many he could have picked.Being an author is a job,unless the book is completely ghost written.

What is wrong with having a life coach? This is what many people were saying Jon needed in the first place, when he was making all those poor choices. Now he's got one, and is being criticised for it.

CS said... 12

Who gives a damn about "what it’s like to live the hard life that Jon lives." Oh! Boo hoo, what about the hard life his children have to live at the hands of Jon & Kate?
Jon is starting to sound like Kate. Why is it that we never hear from the other parents of multiples crying about how hard it is?
They must be busy working, playing and enjoying their children.

Marlene said... 13

In no way he isn't receiving income somehow... he has to... even a 1 bedroom apartment costs at least $800 a month.. plus utilities.... what he doesn't EAT?? I mean come on be realistic people
I am sure there was a settelment between him and Discovery so he would agree to let them film. Noone can be sure of what the deal is... I don't get paid during the summer because I work for a school, and believe me we can barely make it for those 3 months. No way he hasn't been employed in over a year and isn't living on the street... I mean give me a break.
I will read the book to know if my suspiscion are true about a lot of things... might not amount to anything but I am willing to give it a try. PERIOD. I don't think he's a deadbeat... after all he worked all those years every day until the tups were at least 3 or longer. Not bad to provide for 10 people.

Marlene said... 14

At least he has someone trying to give him direction...Kate trusts her UPS clerk and tanning sprayer to give her psych relief.
Spending days browsing online searching Towel like dresses to go out on errands 7 times a week between ridiculous Gigs (The View).
I mean she's keeping Fed Ex and UPS in business all by herself.She needs to get a life... filming your every day building a chicken coop that you didn't pay for IS NOT A JOB. Getting dolled up to say 4 words on a morning show IS NOT A JOB. Those things might give her money and exposure but certainly not self respect and respect from others, among most important HER OWN KIDS.

Kaitlyn said... 15

I would buy the book written by Jon. I am not sure how much he is really allowed to say but I would like to hear his side of things.

MickeyMcKean said... 16

I admit I am curious as to what Jon will put in his book.

Will he just talk about being a father at such a young age to so many kids or will he bring up the fact that he and Kate technically sold their family to a network who took over every area of their lives?

Also it will be interesting to see if TLC has a 10 year or more confidentially agreement hold on Jon. My guess is yes so again, I'm curious as to what Jon's book will actually be about.

In the meantime I'm waiting on Al Walentis' book being released this week or next.


WakeUpPeople said... 17

So I have been on vacation for two weeks, totally Kate free/Gosselin free. I returned yesterday to see much has gone on in Gosselinland. However, I see that it exists only on this and all the other Gosselin blogs. Nothing has been in the mainsteam media. So I have come to the conclusion that YOU bloggers are keeping Kate alive and well. You are being taunted and baited into posting millions of pictures and stories, comments about her. You are being manipulated. YOU MickeyMckean, NC Mom, SchmeckyGirl, Kelly, IDModo, Marlene, etc., As far as I am concerned, I am finished. The only place for Kate to continue to have support is on blogs like this and others. This is officially my last Gosselin-related comment ANYWHERE. I am over her and the kids. THEY ARE BORING. My own life and family and way more interesting and I have spent way too long worrying about them. I also can't help wondering who financially supports all these blogs. Alot of time and money has to fo into them. Very interesting if you found out.

Jamie said... 18

I will give his book a try too, I mean from I read about her books it couldn't possibly as bad. I know he has to have income coming in from Discovery, he made a deal to shut up and let them film his kids and gets paid a percentage of that. I agree with the other poster, he has income coming in to afford a lifestyle and keep a roof over his head and its all thanks to the kids. As for Kate, she too can thank her lucky stars that those kids are still providing for her also, she has nothing to give to the public other than whinning " poor Meeeeeeeee"

JudyK said... 19

I will read it, too. Jon was always the supportive parent. Kate forced him to quit his job in order to be around the house more...he really got the short end of the stick in the divorce settlement. One could say it was because he had a sleazey attorney, which he did, but it wouldn't have mattered. Kate was backed by the TLC machine and no attorney Jon could have hired would have made any difference. Just as there would have been no show without the kids, there would have been no show without Jon. He's entitled to share in the profits, and the fact that Kate has that property all to herself and can ban him from the premises is just plain criminal.

Anonymous said... 20

Radaronine, USMagazine, Hollywoodinsider, E!Online, Perez Hilton, Just Jared, Huffington Post.

Yeah, only the blogs keep her in the media.

nanb said... 21

I'll take a wait and see approach to the book. If this Sylvia LaFair is responsible for Jon's recent more laid back life, maybe it will be good. I do hope it's about him and how he is trying to change.

There was a report the other day about Jon, Ellen and some relatives taking in the 4th of July parade in Wyomissing. Maybe he is trying to mend his relationships with his family. It had to be bitter sweet watching the baby carriage parade and remembering the twins in it.

WhatAWaste said... 22

He's paying ten grand for every trip up in the mountains to his life coach. What a pity.

nanb said... 23

His life coach is his co-author. I'm sure he's not paying anything, except a larger % of the $ from the book!

Anonymous said... 24

I agree from the few shows that I saw when the children were much younger, Jon was the hands-on parent. I stopped watching when Kate's harping at Jon became just too much to bear. When I read that she was spending a lot of time away from home making personal appearances promoting her book, lecturing, etc. I formed the opinion she enoys all the attention, paps included and that first and foremost she sees herself as the celebrity she wants to be.

AuntieAnn said... 25

I'm sure Kate is squirming in her lawn chair a little over this. Jon might tell a side of the story that she doesn't want anyone to know, as if we all just fell off a turnip truck and believe what she says in her books. He isn't that bright, but it does seem as if he came from a stable and loving home. Jon and Kate both said his dad adored the twins and if he would have lived, he might have talked some sense into the two idiots before they sold out their babies.
This might be a more interesting read than anything mother goose Gosselin scratches out on paper.

Anonymous said... 26


mommyinca said... 27

I'm suspicious of this "life coach". I have a feeling that it's yet another person taking advantage of this family. Jon needs to take responsibility for his own life. I realize he is trying to make a better life for himself but he could get free counseling from his church pastor. He boasted of his faith for years on the show....was that just all talk?
Why spend thousands of dollars on a life coach when the bible is free? (sorry, not trying to sound all preachy...but I think it's yet another example of how we were all played by TLC....)

Amanda said... 28

OMG...I will buy this book...not lol either

TLC stinks said... 29

Will not buy Jon's book because I don't think he will enlighten us on anything that hasn't already been published. And people, the guy is getting money from somewhere....he is still a part of TLC as far as I can see. He sold out his kids. That said, if he doesn't sugarcoat his involvement in exploiting his kids, then maybe by writing the book, he will have closure. It will be interesting to see if there is any TLC connection regarding what Jon can or cannot publish.

mommyinca said... 30

Summary of Jon's book:

I had 8 kids before I was 30. I lost my father. My wife and I didn't know how we would pay the bills. TLC saved us. The kids are great and have been given many opportunities. I am working hard to try and change my life. Kate and I are working on keeping the peace. I love TLC and my life coach because they told me to.
The End.

AuntieAnn said... 31

I'm not spending a dime on his book either. I did comment that it would be more interesting than Kate's blather. But the instruction booklet and warranty for a new toaster would make for better reading than her bs.

justme said... 32

TLC will never let Jon's book leave for publication unless it passes their final inspection. They'll have the final say in what gets left in and what gets left out. It's going to be a watered down version of what Jon really wanted to say.By the time TLC gets done with Jon's book, it might as well be a fairy tale.Wait for Mady's book, that will be a humdinger.

Jon Has Lost His Mind said... 33

OMG $10,000.00 per visit to his life coach!!!

Talk about wasting his kid's money.

Carol said... 34

I'm not going to buy it, not by a long shot, but why shouldn't he be able to publish a book, too? His hag of an ex-wife has published what, three books?

So let him.

And it'll probably tank like his ex-wife's books.

And the clock keeps ticking. Hopefully the kids will be able to get some counseling as adults and get themselves sorted out.

Hawks Fan said... 35

Neither of these 2 grifter parents will be seeing a dime of my money.

HI 50 said... 36

I'll read the reviews & excerpts 1st. With Sylvia Lafair as his co-author, it might be an interesting read. How does a young father of 8 transform his life after 10 years of marriage to Katie Irene? What happens to a person after the reality show meltdowns? What now?

PatE said... 37

Jon needs to stop beating himself up.

He let KrazyKate wear the pants in the family and he now suffers the outcome. INCLUDING loosing the rights to his home and family. He is still letting her call the shots.

I would buy his book, if he tells what really went down in the marriage. And tells what it was like living with KKate behind close doors. The REAL truth. Don't wimpout on "protecting" the kids. They have a right to know the truth. Especially since as adults they might end up with all of KKate's neurosis, plus a few more.

Nothing I hate more than a crappy selfish mother.

And TLC producers belong in hell....and take KKate with them.

jessica said... 38

. . . . .of all the life coaches in the universe, Jon finds the one that wants to co-author a book on his life and the exploitation of his children. If he didn't have bad luck, he would have no luck at all. They both do alot of TALKING about change (Clean Slate Kate and New Beginning Tattooed Jon). Their ACTIONS continue to be much ado about nothing.

Choice Not Luck said... 39

jessica said...

. . . . .of all the life coaches in the universe, Jon finds the one that wants to co-author a book on his life and the exploitation of his children. If he didn't have bad luck, he would have no luck at all.


What does "luck" have to do with it? He chose his life coach. He is choosing to write a book, if these stories are accurate.

Dani said... 40

According to Al Walentis, no book in the works.

Dani said... 41

According to Al Walentis, No book in the works.

Dani said... 42

Sorry for the double post.

Lauren said... 43

I usually try to only post thoughtful comments but with this one I just don't know what to say other than - Jon is a total tool.

TLC stinks said... 44

Ha, Ha no book in the works according to Al Walentis. See....TLC is his puppet master.

All Gossip All The Time said... 45

"According to Al Walentis, no book in the works.
http://www.greaterreadingonline.com/pimp-my-sextuplets/post/1163280 "

So this blog is just an extension of the gossip magazines - no verification necessary before posting articles?

PA Mom ALSO said... 46

Back in the day, most of us had a life coach. It was called a parent. The life coach didn't charge by the session. Their services were free. Imagine that! All the life coach expected in return was love and respect in hopes that his/her young "students" would grow to be decent, honorable human beings.

Unfortunately, the eight little ones under discussion here may end up shelling out big bucks for advice from an external life coach because one or both of their parents are without the qualifications to act in that capacity.

How would the parents react if the shoe were on the other foot, and they were the ones who were exploited? To bring up a child in the way he should go, a parent should travel that way himself/herself once in a while.

"Choose wisely, young grasshopper." Sadly, these kids weren't offered a choice of parents, nor can they opt out of filming and being under the media microscope. Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.

The question yet unanswered is...will they be able to forgive the very ones who should have given them the most "freebies" (guidance and lessons in life) as they made the transition from childhood to adulthood. Those persons are their parents, their life coaches.

IDModo said... 47

All Gossip All The Time- Do you really think that every blog administrator on the subject of the Gosselins should research and verify every story about them in the tabloids?

The stories are posted here for us to comment on. If they are subsequently proven not to be true, then more fool us for blindly believing the tabloids; but I don't see it as the job of a blog admin to verify them before posting.

For instance, how would an admin verify a story about Kate saying she didn't have implants? Track down the surgeon who did them and get a signed affidavit, before posting it?

That doesn't make this blog an extension of the gossip mags IMO; just in error on this particular issue.

Gossip Gossip Gossip said... 48

IDModo said...

All Gossip All The Time- Do you really think that every blog administrator on the subject of the Gosselins should research and verify every story about them in the tabloids?

The stories are posted here for us to comment on. If they are subsequently proven not to be true, then more fool us for blindly believing the tabloids; but I don't see it as the job of a blog admin to verify them before posting.

For instance, how would an admin verify a story about Kate saying she didn't have implants? Track down the surgeon who did them and get a signed affidavit, before posting it?

That doesn't make this blog an extension of the gossip mags IMO; just in error on this particular issue.
July 6, 2010 4:21 PM
This blog's Administrator encourages the spread of unfounded gossip by openly soliciting anonymous "tips." While it may not be her responsibility to verify the rumors out there, she has taken it a step further.

IDModo said... 49

This wasn't an anonymous tip, though, and I agree those should be verified; this was a story reported in more than one place; elsewhere Dr.LaFair is quoted in an article about it. Seems to me to be be enough information to assume that it might be correct.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 50

Excuse me, but Jon's rep did not deny he is writing a book.

This rumor has been circulating awhile and finally got a few sources. His rep said he is CONSIDERING writing a book in the NEAR FUTURE. That's hardly a denial and this story is hardly bogus.

There are a lot of stories I don't print because I'm not satisfied with the source. I never posted the story that Kate is making an xmas album with the kids. I wasn't satisfied it was true. I don't post plenty of things that "smell funny."

This one smells right and sure enough his rep said this is in the NEAR FUTURE. I don't see how this is a denial.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 51

I think it's great Jon is seeing some kind of life coach. I think it's deplorable if he is using the children's hush money to pay her $10,000 a pop fee.

Think about it people, he hasn't worked period in a year. He is living off his TLC paychecks. He is complacent in their exploitation and in fact is even taking money for it.

Judy said... 52

Administrator said...

Think about it people, he hasn't worked period in a year. He is living off his TLC paychecks.
It just irks me to no end that Jon is still living off his children.
I do believe that he is the better parent and truly loves his children, but I find it disturbing that neither parent knows what "working to support your children" means.
If it were my husband or my son, they would work at McDonalds, if needed, to take care of their children.
These two are just plain lazy and non productive.
Children should not be responsible in supporting their parents.
Period !

AuntieAnn said... 53

Let's face it, it all comes back to both of them sucking a living out of their children. I can't see how anything either one them does to make money in the entertainment business can be justified by saaying they HAVE to do it to make a living. They had six babies they couldn't afford to have and they chose to support them by putting them on exhibition. It's sick, and anyone who comes along spouting their righteous indignation about how unfair it is that we comment and snark on all the crap they do to keep their paychecks coming in doesn't have a leg to stand on. They should be ashamed of themselves for turning their kids into money making machines instead of putting their shoulders to the wheel and supporting their children with actual jobs. How's that going to look to their kids when they grow and discover their parents were too fucking lazy to that?

Carolina Gal said... 54

Where did anyone get the impression this 'news' about Jon not writing a book, came from Al Walentis? Could you post it coming from Al?

Admin, the article also said:
"No, they were thinking of that, but it's not written and may never be," Rubin said, adding that it would likely be quite some time before Jon puts pen to paper on his life story. "That was just tossed around."

So, basically, the article itself, was a contradiction in terms. Geesh.

AuntieAnn said... 55

That should say too fucking lazy to DO that.

Betsy said... 56

I still say that he should write a book and see what happens after that, his ex-wife did and went on a year book tour leaving him home raising the kids then swoooosh, the marriage was over...again wierd.

Anonymous said... 57

PA mom ALSO, Great post.

MickeyMcKean said... 58

WakeUpPeople said...
So I have been on vacation for two weeks, totally Kate free/Gosselin free. I returned yesterday to see much has gone on in Gosselinland. However, I see that it exists only on this and all the other Gosselin blogs. Nothing has been in the mainsteam media. So I have come to the conclusion that YOU bloggers are keeping Kate alive and well. You are being taunted and baited into posting millions of pictures and stories, comments about her. You are being manipulated. YOU MickeyMckean, NC Mom, SchmeckyGirl, Kelly, IDModo, Marlene, etc., As far as I am concerned, I am finished. The only place for Kate to continue to have support is on blogs like this and others. ...


As a blogger mentioned above I respectfully disagree with you. My POV is that posting on the various blogs does not keep the Gosselins on TV, it is whether or not I WATCH THE SHOW.


I did NOT/have NOT seen Kate + 8 on TV or YouTube nor do I plan to watch it anytime soon.

FTR I did see some - not all - episodes of J&K+8 season 5 in Feb 2010 on YouTube when it was raining and I was bored. As you can see my blogging life did not end if I did not see new episodes of either the old or new show.

FWIW I could care less what Kate wears/buys/shopping habits and very rarely will I even post a snarky comment on it. Yes I have learned how TLC reads blogs and makes changes based upon what is found on the blogs, and that reality is not real.

Yes it does bother me when bloggers who claim they want the kids off TV but will watch the new show to snark on Kate. Better yet, they claim they watched the show because the cat accidently stepped on the remote and it changed the channel to TLC or whatever excuse they use.

I am well aware that all I can really do is to plead with the bloggers to NOT watch the show when it is a brand new episode because to get Kate OFF THE AIR ONCE AND FOR ALL everyone will have to not tune in when the show is on TV.

It really comes down to the ratings. If I don't watch I don't keep the kids working and supporting their parent's lifestyles. The more people (haterz) who join me and not watch, the sooner Kate will be history.

BTW I did not say I would buy Jon's new book but that I am curious as to what he would write. No way no how do I want to put any money into either Jon or Kate's pocket. I am disgusted with both of them at this point.



TLC stinks said... 59

If people were silent, then the status quo would be ok----so I guess if people were silent, we'd still have slavery? Bloggers are not to blame for Kate Gosselin being on the air, it's the people who watch because it's all about advertising revenue and the advertisers would not hawk their products on a show nobody watches.

Anonymous said... 60

I was never an avid watchers of J&K+8 until an epi where they were asked about the negative press. I thought "negative press? who is saying negative stuff about the GOSSELINS?" So I googled and found some blogs. After that I became an avid watcher just to see what the blogs would say about the epi. If it weren't for the blogs I wouldn't have started taping every epi.


TLC stinks said... 61

It was the exact opposite for me. I was an avid watcher of the show, even the marathons. Then I heard about negative stuff on the blogs and it opened my eyes. I no longer watch. I just read the reviews of the show, especially David Zurawik's reviews. I find Kate Gosselin so irritating that there's no way I can stomach her voice anymore. I agree that the bloggers who post recaps and then comment have probably contributed to some people tuning in, but bottom line, that's a minority to what the core audience is. What it is going to take is for that core audience to get bored with the show.

Anonymous said... 62

I didn't even know what day or time the show played. I'd be flipping thru the channels and if my kids were with me they'd yell to stop since they were the same age and wanted to see kids. So we'd watch, probably about once a month. After I googled though, I started recording it. I never would have become a fan if not for GWOP.


TLC stinks said... 63

I totally agree GWOP added to audience numbers.

Judy J said... 64

I'm so tired of hearing about how hard it has been for Jon to raise so many children at such a young age. Ummm....he's not that young. And yes, it isn't as common to have large families like it used to be, but 8 kids before your 30 isn't that big of a deal. My great-grandparents got married when they were 16 and had 12 kids. Grandaddy never wrote a book about how he sacrificed his youth.

When does Jon think that men start families? In their 60's?

IDModo said... 65

JudyJ- and I bet your great-grandparents did not have a whole entourage of bodyguards, nannies, cleaning help, personal chefs, etc.to assist them.

In the olden days there were also extended family members- I remember my two great-grandmas living with us and looking after me while Gram baked bread and my Mom worked outside the home, because my Dad was in the army.

Nobody felt they had sacrificed their youth; that was what you did when you married, you looked after your family.

I bet your great-grandparents also were able to raise productive members of their community, with eventual families of their own.

What a contrast to the Gosselin parental crybabies!

TLC stinks said... 66

I totally agree GWOP added to audience numbers.

Anonymous said... 67

I was never an avid watchers of J&K+8 until an epi where they were asked about the negative press. I thought "negative press? who is saying negative stuff about the GOSSELINS?" So I googled and found some blogs. After that I became an avid watcher just to see what the blogs would say about the epi. If it weren't for the blogs I wouldn't have started taping every epi.


Carolina Gal said... 68

Where did anyone get the impression this 'news' about Jon not writing a book, came from Al Walentis? Could you post it coming from Al?

Admin, the article also said:
"No, they were thinking of that, but it's not written and may never be," Rubin said, adding that it would likely be quite some time before Jon puts pen to paper on his life story. "That was just tossed around."

So, basically, the article itself, was a contradiction in terms. Geesh.

Dani said... 69

PA mom ALSO, Great post.

Administrator said... 70

Excuse me, but Jon's rep did not deny he is writing a book.

This rumor has been circulating awhile and finally got a few sources. His rep said he is CONSIDERING writing a book in the NEAR FUTURE. That's hardly a denial and this story is hardly bogus.

There are a lot of stories I don't print because I'm not satisfied with the source. I never posted the story that Kate is making an xmas album with the kids. I wasn't satisfied it was true. I don't post plenty of things that "smell funny."

This one smells right and sure enough his rep said this is in the NEAR FUTURE. I don't see how this is a denial.

PJ's momma said... 71

Oh my goodness. Those poor kids. What is wrong with these parents??? I had similar parents who treated us as if we were a hindrance to their carefree lives (and my mom treated us like servants and did nothing around the house) and while I was aware of the instability as a child, I am acutely tuned in to the fact that it was very damaging to us kids, shaped us in ways that are just wrong, created scars and resentment that run very deep, and that the behavior is very damaging to children in general. I'm sad for these little kids.

Linda in NS said... 72

I wonder if TLC will somehow shut this down.

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