Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kate run errands before holiday

Kate was spotted pumping gas on Saturday and stopping by Famous Footwear and Bed, Bath and Beyond.

184 sediments (sic) from readers:

LisaNH said... 1

Oh for the love or Pete!!! Can she ever wear any normal clothing?

Anonymous said... 2

So where is that amazing bra now? She still looks the same....maybe it's strapless, anybody agree?

She Looks Nice said... 3

I like that outfit. She looks nice.

PJ's momma said... 4

What is that garment? It looks like a sewing project my mom took on in the 70s. Get a big towel, measure appropriately, cut 3 holes in it and wrap it around yourself, using one of the arm holes twice. Maybe it's a bathing suit cover up and she had to run and get floaties for the kids for the pool or something. Cute flip flops.

AuntieAnn said... 5

Hope a stray dog doesn't tug on that er..towel she's wearing. TLC will have to do a 'reveal' episode. ~ Administrator said... 6

Actually I like it too but I like funky stuff.

Certainly does call into question that wonder bra.

AuntieAnn said... 7

Why does that pap always catch her at the gas pump ? I think that's who she's calling when she's on her cell.

"Hey, Chris, I'll be arriving at pump #6 at about 11 am. Be there!!"

Kates theory of relativity said... 8

Bed, Bath & Beyond. Is that where she's buying her clothes now?

Sandy said... 9

OMG! Can this woman not know that a beach towel is not appropriate to wear to go shopping, I mean really.

Anonymous said... 10

I can't stand that retail business is open on the 4th and make it a point to NEVER shop on the holiday. Wish she would too.

Carol said... 11

I have a serious question:


Please tell me. I mean, there are celebrities (real ones) that I do truly like. People with talent who have worked hard for their career.

I do NOT see pics of them doing everything but picking their nose. Girlfriend, along with TLC, WANTS these pictures to be taken and distributed.

Which is why I think they should be given as little attention as possible.

Kate don't got fans said... 12

Carol said... Which is why I think they should be given as little attention as possible.

Right on! Slowly but surely people are catching on.

browneyedgirl said... 13

I know it's her money and all, but all she does is shop. She's out every day at one store or another. What happened to all that organization so she could get a lot accomplished in one trip? Does this woman have any hobbies?

IDModo said... 14

Kate seems to be getting along quite safely without Steve. We can see that she is not swamped by paparazzi or adoring fans jostling to get her autograph, in fact she seems quite alone except for ubiquitous Chris the PA photog.

Meanwhile, is Steve at home trying to explain to Gina: "It's not true, honey, it's only a tabloid story, Kate and I are just friends..."?

What a disgusting, poorly written soap opera this has turned out to be!

mommyinca said... 15

I actually really like her dress too. (I hate admitting

PatK said... 16

Ackkk!! There are those boobs exposed again.

Big Bill said... 17

No bra and out shopping and getting gas for that gas guzzler. What else is new?

Izzy said... 18

I know she has 8 kids and a friend named Jamie and of course her closest buddy Steve, but does this woman ever get invited to her sisters house for a gathering? Nice she has her kids but c'mon, where are her parents and siblings?

lori said... 19

Does Chris her pap ever get a day off even on a holiday? Let this guy spend some time with his family Kate and stop calling him to get your picture....geesh

Hailey said... 20

Must be exhausting deciding what to wear for her daily picture and handbag switching...and with 8 kids to take care of too...hope she watered them trees!!!!!!!!!

Judy said... 21

browneyedgirl said...
Does this woman have any hobbies?
Sure she has a hobby.

It's seeing how many times she can get her ugly a** face on the gossip sites in one week!
I'd say she gave up counting this week !

By the way...her dress looks like a damn towel to me.But if she likes wearing a towel...go for it Kate.

Carol said... 22

I just did a lot of searching on the term "Twist of Kate." I read a lot of industry items about it. The last real pieces written up on it were in APRIL. (Not just bloggers mentioning it, but Variety, The Hollywood Reporter--industry periodicals.)

April. TLC had announced that Twist of Kate would air "in the third quarter of 2010." That's July, August, or September. I thought the wording sounded off, so I read about other shows in development and one thing I noticed is that networks, including TLC, always mention a MONTH. They may not always give a specific date, like August 12, but they WILL say it will "debut in August." Not "the third quarter."

Not only that, but almost every story explained first that Twist of Kate was developed under the understanding that TLC wouldn't be able to film the kids anymore. Now they obviously can film the kids.

I've read that Twist of Kate is supposed to include 12 episodes. Wouldn't she be gone a heck of a lot more if she were busy going all over the place telling people how to live their lives on camera if she were doing 12 episodes of a show by herself?

That footage supposedly done in a southern state with a waitress was done in December of last year. I wonder if two things happened: TLC saw that, without the kids she's even worse on camera (witness DWTS) and since they can now film the kids they can forget about it anyway.

There literally has not been any new information or any announcement from TLC since early April. You'd think they'd want to snag the people watching Kate Plus Eight, wouldn't you? You'd think they'd want to promote it, right? Especially when it's supposedly coming up as early as this month.

I don't watch TLC as a rule, has anyone seen a single promo on the network? I would think I could see them on their site, but I went to the TLC site and there's not a freaking WORD about Twist of Kate, which I find extremely odd. I mean, they renewed American Chopper, and I found information on that. They're pimping out DC Cupcakes (a new show?) all over the front page.

But nothing about Twist of Kate. Utter silence.

It's not gonna happen.

mommyinca said... 23

Carol~ Kate plugged Twist of Kate on the View when interviewed by Bill Geddes (on "View Cam"). She talked about it then but not when she was with the other ladies at the table.
I agree with you that it's odd it hasn't been promoted more. I don't watch TLC...does anyone know if they've shown any previews of it yet?

Darcy said... 24

I am SO out of the loop. I didn't know they made beach towels that had "good bras" built in.

I learn so much from Kate. If she didn't have that one photographer following her, I'd know nothing about fashion.

Anonymous said... 25

I've said over and over that Twist of Kate was a carrot TLC dangled in front of Kate to keep her lock-step/good behavior/hating on Jon until TLC could strong arm their way back to exploitive filming of the kids.

Oh, they'd throw out ideas, Kate as a tour guide to organic farms/restuarants, Kate dating, Kate doing "a day in the life of" working other people's jobs, Kate dispensing advice to other families, and there was another one I can't think of at the moment. This was all a smoke screen.

TLC was able to get a destination/sponsor, get all the kids to FL, film, edit, and show one hour of footage in less than a month. And 'Twist of Kate' has been in the works since, what, November 2009?!? Puh-leeze.

Now that they have the kids, it's a guarantee that there will be no solo Kate show. Even TLC knows that premise is a loser. Kate's just a big donkey, following a fat carrot.

Oh--And why is TLC filming 10 days a month when they are only showing one hour of show each month? Why do they need to film 10 days for one hour?

Unknown said... 26

she looks like she is wearing the siding off the Partridge Family bus.

MickeyMcKean said... 27

FWIW I had NO problem with Kate's dress whatsoever UNTIL Anji pointed out that it reminded her of the paint job on the Partridge Family BUS.

What female - who does not wear size 0 - wants to wear a dress that reminds people of a bus?

Anyone wanna bet we will never see Kate wear this dress again? LOL

AuntieAnn said... 28

>>she looks like she is wearing the siding off the Partridge Family bus.<<

LOL! ...either that or the flag of Andorra.

Mimi to 3 said... 29

Can this woman ever have anything but a scowl on her stupid face? Good grief! She knows the paps are following her around and that her ugly mug will be on the rag mags or online and yet she still has to have that ridiculous scowl on her face. You know, like, I'm so important and I'm so overwhelmed with it all. Please.

Mona said... 30

The Miracle Bust Enhancer is still at home. Kate's breasts are almost down to her elbows.
It won't be long before she'll be needing a
lift unless she puts that super duper bra on sometime. Gravity and heft work against breasts. They need support.

mommyinca said... 31

Dang it TOTALLY reminds me of the Partridge Family bus!!! Maybe Kate's trying to channel Shirley Jones.....

Hello world, there's a song that that we're singin......great now that's stuck in my

Puddymoors said... 32

I actually was thinking that Kate doesn't look too bad. She has ditched the hooker heels, has her hair pulled back and looks almost normal. The dress I don't mind too much, but would love to know what material it is made out of as it looks like valour (sp?) to me ... and that stuff does not suit women with any bumps.
I would love to see her take the kids with her on these trips. At 27 I still love spending time with my Mum, especially running errands. With 8 kids quality 1 on 1 time must be so hard to come by, but then I guess Kate doesn't really want to parent, so why would she want to spend time with her kids.
*sigh* I feel sorry for these kids.

Beth said... 33

Puddymoors, good point. I'd take at least one kid on some errands, taking a different kid each time. They don't have to get out of the car when she's getting gas or anything, but it's fun to run around with mom (well, when your mom is normal) and I would imagine with seven siblings, divorced parents, and a mom who jets off to do interviews and whatnot all the time, individual attention is hard to come by.

fidosmommy said... 34

Puddymoors, good point. I'd take at least one kid on some errands, taking a different kid each time. They don't have to get out of the car when she's getting gas or anything, but it's fun to run around with mom (well, when your mom is normal) and I would imagine with seven siblings, divorced parents, and a mom who jets off to do interviews and whatnot all the time, individual attention is hard to come by.


Wasn't that the point of the special days for each child to go out singly? Kate said a year or more ago that she was not able to give each child special time.

Who knows, the kids may not want to go out with Mommy. The nanny may be more fun. And yell less.

cover up already said... 35

The boobs are awfully low slung, aren't they? The dress is not as bad as her usual numbers, but is still inappropriate because the boobs are still on display. Also, the get up is not particularly flattering. She is so lumpy in the other pics on ROL. Still has a bit of a gut and saddlebags. It's so strange how her weight seems to swing wildly within a matter of days. Does she dehydrate herself on her thinner days? I don't get it.

Gosselin penitentiary said... 36

Kate doesn't bring the kids on her errands because she is trying to escape them any way she can. Maybe she wanted that big house because it serves as a giant crate for the kids. Think Shoka and Nala

Pamela Jaye said... 37

>Oh--And why is TLC filming 10 days a month when they are only showing one hour of show each month? Why do they need to film 10 days for one hour?

Remember? Sometimes they would have to shoot all day to get usable footage? I assumed that meant footage where Kate isn't abusing the kids verbally or emotionally or not living up to even the "not perfect" supermom she was advertised as. ~ Administrator said... 38

>Oh--And why is TLC filming 10 days a month when they are only showing one hour of show each month? Why do they need to film 10 days for one hour?

This is what I was trying to tell people three years ago. Having been on both TV and movie sets since someone I worked for was a costume designer, I saw that the bigger the production the longer it took. Reality shows really aren't that much different, I knew the kids were filming hours and days just to get one scene.

One of the strongest arguments the sheeple used to have in favor of the child exploitation was that a half hour episode maybe takes a few hours at most to film. Now thanks to the paparazzi and Kate and Jon's own admissions, we can now prove that's not the case at all--a half hour takes 10 days or more. The sheeple who defend this has obviously never been on a set, nor have they ever seen children on a set and what it's like for them. I've seen both.

amyf said... 39

AuntieAnn - I'm impressed. How the heck do you know what the flag of Andorra looks like? I wouldn't have had a clue - and I've actually BEEN there! I'd still call it just an ugly towel, though.

alana said... 40

At the rate she's going, it would take 2 1/2 days (at most) for Hate to have Alone Time with each kidlet. On the other hand, maybe the kids see it like this: eight trips to Target, Bed, Bath..., mani-pedi-tanning, gas station, etc. etc. EQUALS eight times in 2 1/2 days that the kids are free of Hate for an hour or two. They don't have to worry about "The Door to Severeness" swinging open and that mean scowl looking down on them.
If Hate was my mother I'd jump for joy with RELIEF everytime she left.

Puddymoors said... 41

Beth & Fido's Mum, I remember those 1 on 1 episodes, but I also remember an episode where Jon was alternating taking kids with him on errand runs (he admitted to going through a drive thru for a coffee, and getting the child a doughnut hole). I guess that adds to the theory that Jon is the better Dad.

Anonymous said... 42

Reality shows really aren't that much different, I knew the kids were filming hours and days just to get one scene.

One of the strongest arguments the sheeple used to have in favor of the child exploitation was that a half hour episode maybe takes a few hours at most to film. Now thanks to the paparazzi and Kate and Jon's own admissions, we can now prove that's not the case at all--a half hour takes 10 days or more. The sheeple who defend this has obviously never been on a set, nor have they ever seen children on a set and what it's like for them. I've seen both.


Sorry, been on a set more than a few times in my life and your statement that reality TV is not much different than other TV or movie sets is not true. Reality or fiction, it takes a heck of a lot less time to do multi-camera videotape production than to shoot with film. Claiming that the kids were filming for days to get one scene is neither provable nor likely to be an accurate guess.

Anonymous said... 43

I know that filming takes a lot of time/days to get usable footage. My point is that if they are filming for specific shows, FL trip, chicken coop arrival, etc., that it wouldn't be possible to film the arrival of a chicken for 10 days to get the next show. So why all the excess footage, especially when half the time Kate just stands around talking to the camera?

I think TLC is trying to get footage to package a set of DVDs for christmas consumer season. So they are filming the crap out of the kids at all times over the summer, before school starts, before any new child labor laws are enacted, in order to make more $$$$$$ in case anything happens to slow down production.

Also, does anyone know how may episodes of Kate+8 there are this time around? IT looks like TLC is airing them once a month. So how many epis are there?

tammy said... 44

Yes..back in the days when I watched it, Jon would take maybe 1 than 2 or 3 to run errands. He always seemed patient with them. He also would take the girls to their cooking classes and wait for them which was more than an hour. Jody would take the kids for a few hours on Fridays so Kate could have some alone time, this was just before their blowup of whether Jody should get paid by TLC or not, Kate said NOT. I very seldom see her take even the older girls out nevermind the younger ones except for the filming of TLC to get icecream after the chicken run.

my9cats said... 45

When my husband passed away, CBS Weekend News did a little segment about him. This was done at our home. They arrived at 9am and left at 330. This was for a 2 minute segment.
Yes sheeple, it does take hours or days to film a show, and I was one adult. Not 8 squirming kids and a shrew.

JudyK said... 46

I saw these yesterday on ROL. Someone asked her if she was having a party and she laughed and said, "Yes, and you aren't invited." Aside from that, I think she looks adorable in these photos. Oh, how it hurts me to say that.

Joan said... 47

To be honest, she really looks like a normal person running errands in her dress and flip flops. At least she isn't wearing boot heels with shorts and the low cut halter top with her face packed with makeup this time. She seems to be a clothes horse though with so many different outfits each day while he kids wear the same clothes that look worn and wrinkled.

Film Student said... 48

Sorry but filming a Reality Show or filming a movie its still filming and they have to get enough good material to put it together and make a half hour show or an hour. It does takes days and 8 hours of filming to get the right shots and film to create the proper film that it requires to put it all together. Those kids have to work to get that half hour show done whether they like it or not.

TLC stinks said... 49

I like the dress (appropriate for a bbq or a pool party) but I think most moms don't dress like that to go run shopping errands. Once again, the style of dress and bright colors are solely to attract ATTENTION.

And I am sooooo tired of these photos of her pumping gas and shopping. Are these only to make her look like a normal person? You bet. I guess TLC wants moms to identify with her but there's absolutely no reason for her to be out shopping or pumping gas since she has hired help that are capable of doing these things.

PA Mom ALSO said... 50

"She seems to be a clothes horse though with so many different outfits each day while he kids wear the same clothes that look worn and wrinkled."

They're kids, and it's summer, and it's hot, and they're playing outside and hopefully having fun just being kids on vacation! If they'd be wearing designer children's clothing, all perfectly pressed, and matching, there would be screams of the children not being allowed to be kids, and play and get dirty -- they're dressed too perfectly, all she cares about is how they look for the camera, etc. etc.

MyTwoDogs said... 51

".....there's absolutely no reason for her to be out shopping or pumping gas since she has hired help that are capable of doing these things."

Perhaps she should just stay indoors? If there were pictures of her hired help doing all the shopping, pumping gas, schlepping around town, people would say she's lazy and can't even pump her own gas.

Katesucks said... 52

MyTwoDogs said...

".....there's absolutely no reason for her to be out shopping or pumping gas since she has hired help that are capable of doing these things."

Perhaps she should just stay indoors? If there were pictures of her hired help doing all the shopping, pumping gas, schlepping around town, people would say she's lazy and can't even pump her own gas.
Would the 'hired help' call the paparazzi to the gas pumps, Target or Whole Foods? Doubt it.

Abbey said... 53

Lil observation here, it takes 6 days of filming Ace Of Cakes to get one half hour viewing on network tv, yes they do have tons of footage left and thats where the webisodes come in. Gosselins are the same category, days of filming to put the right footage together and make that story line work.

Ma Mom said... 54

For someone who doesn't have a real job outside the house she sure spends alot of money on clothes and shoes for herself. I agree with the other poster that the kids almost always look like rag muffins unless TLC dresses them up matchy matchy for photo shoots and filming. Do thoses kids own a pair of sneakers or is those free clogs from Old Navy the only shoes they own?

Marlene said... 55

about the clothing issue...I think she is in that celebrity mood, se thinks she can't be caught wearing the same thing twice in a row.... yes the kids should be in comfy clothes to hang out around the house... but one thing I am noticing... the tups in particular seem to still be in the same little dresses and lifeguard ( red shirt) clothes than when they went to North Carolina.... they may not grow fast I guess and it's passed down to the smaller kids... but my kids in no way have the same clothes from 2 1/2 years ago or longer ... and aren't those Crocs getting a little small and worn for them?? they seem to wear JUST that.. I thought she bought them brand new Skechers to go to FLA?? just wondering since we can't seem to see her in the same shirt or dress twice in a row when she is out and about on her endless trips to strip malls and grocery stores?!?! I can see that she wears comfy clothes at home inside...I do.. but even when she runs she seems to have a different sports bra in every paparazzi caught "jog".

PA Mom ALSO said... 56

"Do thoses kids own a pair of sneakers or is those free clogs from Old Navy the only shoes they own?"

It's SUMMER! Let them wear flip-flops, clogs, no shoes at all... whatever they want. They wear sneakers to school (and the twins have uniforms) for nine months out of the year! TLC dictates so much of their to behave, what to do, how to act., that I would think being able to select their own clothing (and SHOES) would be a respite from their otherwise scripted lives.

MyTwoDogs said... 57

"I agree with the other poster that the kids almost always look like rag muffins unless TLC dresses them up matchy matchy"

I don't know what "rag muffins" are. It sounds like some strange food people might have come up with during the depression to survive.

Anywhoo, apparently people have very strong opinions about how the kids should look while playing and being filmed. No wrinkled clothing, no matchy matchy clothing. And oh my, let's not forget the shoes, style, size.

When my kids were little, they could walk out the door clean and "put together" looking, play, run, fall down, what all kids do, and come home looking like "rag muffins" too.

If anyone is concerned about the kids not growing, go to Youtube and check out the episode 5 videos (last years tup birthday party for example). You'll see they've definitely grown. Being part Asian, they may have a smaller stature in childhood and adulthood. Or, of course, maybe they're being starved to death.

I didn't get the memo. Is it "snark about the kids" today?

And it's ragamuffin, btw.

Katies Mom said... 58

I don't care if its SUMMER or not, those kids wear shoes that they have obviously outgrown for quite some time, plus crocs are not that comfortable and without socks makes your feet smell. Buy your kids some decent clothes Kate and shoes as well.

Anonymous said... 59

OK, the question I have re filming then is this:

If TLC is filming a specific event, such as a trip to Toys R Us, Crayola Factory, Discovery Cove, getting a chicken coop delivered, do the Gosselins spend HOURS at the store so TLC can get all the footage needed for the half hour (22 minutes, whatever it is)? Is the chicken coop delivered 5 times in order to get 5 min of kids' reactions? Do the kids visit the same dolphin three days in a row in the same swimsuits to get the footage for that particular episode?

Do you see my point here about the endless days of filming--what EXACTLY is TLC filming? Why do they need to film 10 days a month?

Westcoaster said... 60

What I think is sad is that when the children are with their father, as it happens in divorced families, she has absolutely nothing to do except go to Target or the gas station. I mean she has no family by choice, no real friends. My divorced friends would be spending the 4th or the 3rd with friends and family at barbecues, parties, etc. - Kate, who has a large family, does nothing of the kind; it is truly sad and pathetic. Her children will grow up and from the looks of it, could easily be gone far, far away. Sad. ~ Administrator said... 61

An insider with the boat company in Florida said they drove Kate and the kids around the water ALL DAY trying to get the right footage. When you watch Kate Plus 8, the whole scene is maybe a minute and a half.

Reality TV may not have a script (or does it?) but it takes a long time just like any kind of filming.

In fact if you were a producer and you came back with six hours of footage you'd probably be fired. As with film, TV AND reality TV, the more footage you can afford to shoot, the better your product.

fidosmommy said... 62

Re: filming. I think they really do follow the kids around for hours, grabbing any footage they can grab. Then they cull the footage and
use just what they want for the show. So, rather than have them visit the same dolphin 12 times to get dolphin footage, the film the dolphin once, the pirhanas once, the eels once, the goldfish once, then decide which footage is the cutest, most useful for their purposes.

As far as episodes with Crooked House delivery,
roof jewelry installation, etc, I've noticed there is actually less footage of the kids and more time with Kate On The Couch talking about the kids' reactions. Since you can only install a roof panel once and can only build a Crooked House once (or whatever), and the kids probably weren't all that interested in the project as it was going on, they just let Kate tell all about it. Just an opinion.

Anonymous said... 63

**An insider with the boat company in Florida said they drove Kate and the kids around the water ALL DAY trying to get the right footage. When you watch Kate Plus 8, the whole scene is maybe a minute and a half.**

Thanks for the clarification. When they WERE filming the kids supposedly just "playing" the all day filming made more sense. It's so sad that the kids have to act, re-enact, re-re-enact, ad nasuem, so TLC can get a minute of film. Disgusting. I can only image how many takes of each specific encounter the kids are forced to do. The 10 days of filming makes more sense now.

I guess that's why the clothes are sponsored. TLC/Kate undoubtably have a wardrobe person who handles the multiple, IDENTICAL "costume" changes for the kids after they get RUINED so that the filming can continue. It's also probably why the kids are dressed alike--there's no need for a continuity person to double check if Leah or Hannah was wearing the blue dress at the store, because they BOTH were. Sigh. ~ Administrator said... 64

We know they think about continuity because Jon TOLD US the producers said he couldn't shave his beard because it would distrupt continuity.

I guess if they decide later to cut and splice from hours and hours of footage and he has a beard in one and not in the other, that really messes up their game.

Oh how REAL this is, you can't even shave when you want to. Do they realize how controlled their lives are by a stupid little cable network???

Anonymous said... 65

Katies Mom said...

I don't care if its SUMMER or not, those kids wear shoes that they have obviously outgrown for quite some time, plus crocs are not that comfortable and without socks makes your feet smell.

Where are you finding all the pictures of the kids wearing shoes that are too small? I searched this blog and came up with a couple the showed the kids feet, but from the photo, there's no way of knowing if their shoes are too tight.

Sometimes I think people come on here to bait the participants by saying ridiculous things.

Sadie said... 66

I couldn't help but notice how she has her hair up and off her neck and pinned so neatly, yes its hot but the little girls seen in one pic looked hot as well, why not put their up and off their necks so they can be comfortable to

Judy said... 67

I think and have thought for sometime now, that Kate has a male friend that, so far, hasn't surfaced.
I have seen this dramatic appearance change on other women when they are on the "prowl" and Kate IS prowling to find a man or has one she's ready to replace.
She is so desperate to be "sexy" and has failed big time.
I used to think she was kind'a cute but I think she has ruined all that with the Barbie plastic look.
Hey Kate..... you should hire Jon to be your personal stylist. You looked pretty decent when he dressed you.
Just a damn shame that he couldn't change your ugly heart and mean spirit!

PA Mom ALSO said... 68

"Sometimes I think people come on here to bait the participants by saying ridiculous things."

Seems that way, especially when they can look at photos and determine that the kids are uncomfortable, the shoes don't fit, the hair should be pinned back, their feet smell, etc. I think it's reasonable to say that they're not walking around with open sores and blisters from crocs. If their feet are smelly, THEY WASH THEM! Good grief! I have no idea how many crocs the company sells, but I imagine it's a lucrative enterprise. There must be a multitude of folks walking around with smelly feet!

"When my kids were little, they could walk out the door clean and "put together" looking, play, run, fall down, what all kids do, and come home looking like "rag muffins" too."

LOL!! There were times when the kids went to play with their friends, all clean, tidy, Chlorox-white socks, hair neatly combed, and they'd come home with grass stains on their pants, strawberry drippings on their shirts, and mulch in their shoes, and I'd say, "Are you the same child that left here this morning? I don't recognize you!"

But, you know what? They're kids, and for them, those care-free summer days of rolling down hills and picking strawberries are what they are going to remember for the rest of their lives, not the fact that their hair wasn't braided, or that they were wearing crocs (or flip-flops) when they should have been wearing sneakers.

pepper said... 69

It looks like she took a beach towel and wrapped it around her body, and then went out in public. It's just tacky, tacky, tacky.

Anonymous said... 70

PA Mom ALSO, talk about smelly feet! My word, my kids would come home red faced, sweaty and smelly everywhere! I think that's what bathtubs are for.

I hope those kids are having a good summer. Baseball games and funnel cakes are a good start. They have a pool they might be swimming in. Just 'cus we don't see them swimming doesn't mean they're not.

I also hope whatever they're doing, they're not in the house looking up their names on the computer and reading all the snarks, be it about their mother, father or themselves.

PA Mom ALSO said... 71

"PA Mom ALSO, talk about smelly feet! My word, my kids would come home red faced, sweaty and smelly everywhere! I think that's what bathtubs are for."

I can remember undressing them on the patio (complete privacy!) and throwing them into the pool before I would even allow them into the house to take a bath! Those are the memories of summer, and I would hope that, in spite of everything, the Gosselins are making some of those memories.

Anonymous said... 72

Amen to that PA Mom.

K8SUCKS said... 73

Re filming the kids:

There have been numerous posts here and elsewhere from people with experience in some aspect of the entertainment industry - they all have said the same thing : it takes HOURS and HOURS of filming to get a few minutes of usable film. I can't see how filming the Gosselins would be any different.

Heck, my husband has been interviewed for local television snippets - he said that he was interviewed for over 2 hours for about 90 seconds of screen time. And he is not a STAH! like K8......

Judy said... 74

Want a good laugh?

More on Celebrity Gossip

Anonymous said... 75

Judy said...

Want a good laugh?

More on Celebrity Gossip

Yea! Perfect timing. We were all getting so bored.

fidosmommy said... 76

Judy said...

Want a good laugh?


Nike, Nike, Nike!

She needs that good bra with that bikini top. I vote she's seen a surgeon.....

Oh, say can you see... said... 77 bra, if you can!

I want one of those INVISIBLE wonder bras. Isn't is amazing how it matches her skin tone...exactly!

pepper said... 78

The kids should be off-limits. Leave the kids alone. Who cares how they dress or whether their hair is perfectly braided or not. As others have mentioned, kids don't care so much about their appearance. They are just having fun - hopefully.
Kate, on the other hand, asks for all the attention, and in my opinion, she deserves every, single snarky comment she gets.

What's next? said... 79

Judy said...
Want a good laugh?

More on Celebrity Gossip

As if the pictures weren't enough, the accompanying text makes it even more disgusting - " getting into an itsy bitsy bikini. That's when the temperatures really soared!"

AuntieAnn said... 80

And yet another bigfoot sighting.

Anonymous said... 81

I was going to say something really snarky, but my computer shut off! Then when I restarted it, it shut off again! So, obviously I wasn't meant to be snarky. So, never mind. There will be enough without me contributing.

JudyK said... 82

Hmmm, so the article says that "bodyguard pal Steve Neild" was there...the kids were with Jon, so who else was at this "party" besides Steve.

Barbara in VA said... 83

I also kind of like that outfit for a beach party or pool party, a BBQ -- any chance she was heading to one? Oh, that's right, she has no friends.

What can this woman be thinking? We know she is aware of the contempt in which she is held by many, many people because she said just that in an interview. Does she ask herself why that opinion is held? Is she not embarassed in her hometown to be seen as such a money-hungry exploitative jerk? Or is that the narcissistic personality, where if it is all about HER and HER needs and everyone else comes a sad second? I think I may have answered my own question.

There are a lot of similarities between Khate and KC Anthony.

Anonymous said... 84

It has been said that Kate once said, "Is there ever enough money?" If that's her philosophy, I doubt she worries about what anyone thinks or says. She gets more in-your-face every day with the boob shots, etc. She's going to the bank with her big checks, and figures we're not. So what does she care?

PatE said... 85

OMG...the Bride of Bigfoot:

IDModo said... 86

I found myself wondering how the photographer got those bikini shots of Kate in the yard; where was her security?

Then I realized that she was having a party, her kids were away, she was wearing a tiny flesh-coloured bikini, and Steve was at the party. No mention of Gina.

So the photogs probably snuck up when nobody was looking.

IDModo said... 87

P.S. Those are the first pictures I've seen of Kate actually RUNNING. 5 miles a day?

Anonymous said... 88

Film Student said...

Sorry but filming a Reality Show or filming a movie its still filming and they have to get enough good material to put it together and make a half hour show or an hour. It does takes days and 8 hours of filming to get the right shots and film to create the proper film that it requires to put it all together. Those kids have to work to get that half hour show done whether they like it or not.


No, it's not all the same. No one is claiming that it takes 1/2 hour of filming to make a 1/2 hour reality show. But, to claim that filming a movie and videotaping a reality show are one and the same is untrue.

PatE said... 89

MIA boobs:

AMD said... 90

A little tongue-in-cheek jab at Jon and Kate from the Toronto Star (but sadly not far off the mark)
By Malene Arpe
Pop Culture Reporter
"Jon Gosselin just got a giant dragon tattoo his back and hired a life coach while ex-wife Kate Gosselin has spent approximately $21,300 on upkeep of her hair extensions
The kids, meanwhile, are doing very well and are teaching themselves to spell out “please help us” in no-name Alpha-Bits."

PatE said... 91

Plastic boobs:

Anonymous said... 92

Westcoaster said...

What I think is sad is that when the children are with their father, as it happens in divorced families, she has absolutely nothing to do except go to Target or the gas station. I mean she has no family by choice, no real friends. My divorced friends would be spending the 4th or the 3rd with friends and family at barbecues, parties, etc. - Kate, who has a large family, does nothing of the kind; it is truly sad and pathetic. Her children will grow up and from the looks of it, could easily be gone far, far away. Sad.

It amazes me what conclusions people are able to draw from a few photos. There are lots of hours in a day. It's possible to buy gas, go shopping and attend a party all in one day. You have no clue what she did for the balance of the day. Do you really believe that you know Kate Gosselin's every move based on a few photographs? Reality check, please.

Anonymous said... 93

OK, the filming question came up because: One of the mags said that TLC is filming 10 days. TLC is airing what appears to be a half hour to an hour show once a MONTH!

The last season before filming stopped was what, 40 episodes? So if they are filming 10 DAYS for ONE episode, what was the filming schedule for 40 episodes?

Something just doesn't add up to me, that's all.

CURRENT FILMING: 10 days per month = 1 show
PAST FILMING: ?? days per month = 40 shows

Carolina Gal said... 94

Anonymous said...
I can't stand that retail business is open on the 4th and make it a point to NEVER shop on the holiday. Wish she would too.
The post says this was Saturday, which would have been the 3rd, not Sunday the 4th.

These pics were Sunday's....Kate's bra is working good, in spite of not having it on..I suppose the pics are to 'show' that no matter where she is on the property, the paps can still get pics...i.e., Radar

Another Just sayin.. said... 95

Anonymous said: “It amazes me what conclusions people are able to draw from a few photos. There are lots of hours in a day. It's possible to buy gas, go shopping and attend a party all in one day. You have no clue what she did for the balance of the day. Do you really believe that you know Kate Gosselin's every move based on a few photographs? Reality check, please.”

When I was little, probably 5 or 6, I saw my teacher at the grocery store. I was amazed. I thought she “belonged” to the school. I’d never thought of her being anywhere else. I guess after looking at so many pictures of Kate, people think that is the totality of her life. Her life freezes until the next picture shows up.

Anonymous said... 96

Yes, like if there's no photo, it didn't happen. LOL ~ Administrator said... 97

And no one said reality shows are exactly the same, I said they are "not that much different" in terms of time it takes to film.

No in theory there are no lines...(well, maybe), no extras (hmm), and no costume/hair/makeup (???). But it is run VERY similar to a real production with producers, continuity experts, scenes, takes, multiple cameras, sound, etc.

The point is it takes a lot of filming to get a one hour episode, and the higher the quality of production the more you film (to have a better chance of getting the best possible take.) For instance a cheap reality budget might only allow three days of filming for one episode. A more expensive one, such as this one, would allow for a ten-day shoot.

The bigger point is that a lot of people have underestimated how much work goes into one episode. Three years ago it was very hard to convince the sheeple these kids had to work hours, days, and weeks just to put together what they saw. The sheeple insisted it couldn't possibly be that much. Well, the paparazzi photos now prove that there is indeed a huge amount of filming necessary for just that little episode you saw in a half hour--thus, a lot of work for those poor kids.

Calculate said... 98

I suppose we should calculate in how much of the show consists of the kids and how much consists of Kate's ugly mug on the screen trying to be clever.

How long is a 60 show? How long and how many commercials? Say there's 45 minutes actual film time and Kate's on for 1/2 of it. That's about 22 minutes that needs to be filmed per month since there are 12 episodes.

So how long does it take to get 22 minutes of kids on film in a months time?

Anonymous said... 99

"It's possible to buy gas, go shopping and attend a party all in one day."
Kate? Invited to a party in her hometown? Seriously...people can't stand her! Kate has no friends!

mommyinca said... 100

Anonymous~ The "reality" is that Kate has said over and over that the paparazzi follow her everywhere all the time. We see photos of her several times a week shopping, getting gas, picking up at the UPS store. Wouldn't a picture of her going to someone's house, meeting with a relative, having lunch with a friend be worth more to the photogs? If Kate's story of the paps following her everywhere is true, than why aren't there more pics of her doing these things that you think she does?

mommyinca said... 101

Here's something that I've been thinking about. Jon and Kate plus 8 were mostly 30 minute episodes, right?
Kate plus 8 is supposed to be "specials" but not an every week series.
Well the kids started filming April 29th. There were TWO SIXTY minute shows on June 6th and there will be one 60 minute show on July 11th. So in essence that is equivalent to 6 episodes in two months (June/July when they aired).
TLC is trying to make it seem like the kids are filming less when in reality, they are probably filming just as much as before.

Anonymous said... 102

Anonymous said...

"It's possible to buy gas, go shopping and attend a party all in one day."
Kate? Invited to a party in her hometown? Seriously...people can't stand her! Kate has no friends!

--- do not have access to every detail of her life. You do not know whether or not she has friends. You do not know her!

Anonymous said... 103

mommyinca said...

Anonymous~ The "reality" is that Kate has said over and over that the paparazzi follow her everywhere all the time. We see photos of her several times a week shopping, getting gas, picking up at the UPS store. Wouldn't a picture of her going to someone's house, meeting with a relative, having lunch with a friend be worth more to the photogs? If Kate's story of the paps following her everywhere is true, than why aren't there more pics of her doing these things that you think she does?


I didn't say one word about what I "think" she does. I don't know what she does 24 hours per day because I do not know her and neither do you. That's the point. ~ Administrator said... 104

I think the point being made is that if the paparazzi can somehow find her at Target every day and Whole Foods every day and at the UPS store every day, why haven't they managed to find her going out with friends and family? They've caught her plenty of times with Steve, but never out just enjoying herself with girlfriends. The kids can't be her excuse anymore since Jon has them sometimes. Friday night she could have enjoyed some time with friends. I don't think we've ever seen one photo of her with her mother or any of her siblings. Is she estranged from all of them or just Kevin?

Either Kate is calling the paps in when and where she wants to, or she really doesn't have much of a social life. Both of which are sad.

Anonymous said... 105

I think the point being made is that if the paparazzi can somehow find her at Target every day and Whole Foods every day and at the UPS store every day, why haven't they managed to find her going out with friends and family? They've caught her plenty of times with Steve, but never out just enjoying herself with girlfriends. The kids can't be her excuse anymore since Jon has them sometimes. Friday night she could have enjoyed some time with friends. I don't think we've ever seen one photo of her with her mother or any of her siblings. Is she estranged from all of them or just Kevin?

Wow, and you folks accuse Kate of exaggerating? Hello kettle, meet pot. She is not found "every day" at any of the places you mentioned.

She's been seen out with her friend Jamie, but apparently that doesn't count.

Maybe she did enjoy Friday night with friends. You really can't claim to know either way, can you?

Anonymous said... 106

"I don't think we've ever seen one photo of her with her mother or any of her siblings. Is she estranged from all of them or just Kevin?"
All of them....sad, huh? I guess they "didn't know how to help".

Anonymous said... 107

Well Anonymous, I'm guessing we'll see Kate soon, now that it's been brought up that she has no friends (Jamie lives in Michigan) having lunch w/some 'paid' stand-ins. LOL

pepper said... 108

Anonymous, I've read several comments from an Anonymous on the different threads here, and one of them has left the impression that they do at least know Kate. Certainly not as a friend, but maybe as an acquaintance or someone who has been in near contact with her. Would that be you?
I don't think it is too far a stretch for anyone to say that it seems awfully strange that the paps only capture Kate on film shopping and doing only very mundane things. I would think that if she did have other things going on, that the paps would capture those events as well. Do you think Kate holds the power over every pap with a camera and what they film and what they don't? Also, have you truthfully never speculated about the Gosselins?

Anonymous said... 109

mommyinca said...There were TWO SIXTY minute shows on June

The second SIXTY minute show featured ONLY Kate.

Anonymous said... 110

Anonymous said...

Well Anonymous, I'm guessing we'll see Kate soon, now that it's been brought up that she has no friends (Jamie lives in Michigan) having lunch w/some 'paid' stand-ins. LOL


Let me see if I have this're claiming that she has no friends because you have no photographic evidence of said friends and it's impossible to accept that Kate Gosselin might have a life to which you are not privy. (Jamie doesn't count as a friend, apparently.) If she were to be photographed with friends, those would be "fake" friends, further proving that she has no real friends. Have I got it right, or am I missing part of the scenario you've created to fit your version of reality?

Anonymous said... 111

Many here subscribe to the theory that Kate calls the paps (or Chris the Pap) when she's going out to run errands. If that's the theory you believe, then that leaves a whole lot of hours in the day when she's not being photographed.

Personally, I don't think she hangs out with girlfriends, but there's a lot of time when she is NOT being photographed, and we do NOT know what she's doing.

I believe THAT'S the point. ~ Administrator said... 112

Actually it is nearly every day. Go read this blog.

Actually, she has never been seen OUT with Jamie enjoying herself. We have seen Jamie grocery shopping with her and watching her kids, nothing else. She and Jamie never go out to dinner or to a movie?

No one is saying we know what she has done Friday night, for pity sake! We are making REASONABLE inferences based on pretty much TWO YEARS of not one single photo of Kate doing anything socially with anyone. Except Steve of course. The only normal social thing I can recall her doing was taking the kids AND STEVE and TONY to a concert. When was that, six months ago?

No one is saying we know what Kate does. We are making a reasonable inference that after not seeing a shred of evidence this woman has family and friends and a social life, that she probably doesn't. Newsflash, a lot of people do not like this woman.

We have a track record here of making educationed guesses that turn out to be right. Such as our educated guess that Collin hated hte paps after he covered his face--guess what, he DOES. I'm going to bet on our educated guesses every time.

Calculate said... 113

"Actually, she has never been seen OUT with Jamie enjoying herself. We have seen Jamie grocery shopping with her and watching her kids, nothing else. She and Jamie never go out to dinner or to a movie?"

I thought there was a photo here of Kate and Jamie going out to dinner, the photo where everyone said Jamie was wearing Kate's shorts. LOL
Weren't they going to that restaurant --- Arnolds, Arnies something that starts with an "A"?

Anonymous said... 114

pepper said...

Anonymous, I've read several comments from an Anonymous on the different threads here, and one of them has left the impression that they do at least know Kate. Certainly not as a friend, but maybe as an acquaintance or someone who has been in near contact with her. Would that be you?
I don't think it is too far a stretch for anyone to say that it seems awfully strange that the paps only capture Kate on film shopping and doing only very mundane things. I would think that if she did have other things going on, that the paps would capture those events as well. Do you think Kate holds the power over every pap with a camera and what they film and what they don't? Also, have you truthfully never speculated about the Gosselins?


No, I've stated in this thread that I don't know Kate. It's possible she has no friends other than Jamie. I have no idea. It's also possible that, given how much crap people associated with her have had to take (her friend Carla's blog, for example, was overrun with incredibly nasty comments, as was Jamie's FB page) that Kate goes out of her way to ensure that she isn't photographed with anyone so their lives aren't invaded. For all anyone knows, she intentionally allows the innocuous Target, etc. photos so that the paparazzi get some pics and then leave her alone. Again, I don't know her and neither do 99% of the folks posting here. There's a difference between speculation and stating something as fact. Many people here make "factual" statements that are purely speculative.

my9cats said... 115

Since it appears you violate rule #1, please pick a name. When reading posts it is confusing as to whether it is one person posting or 6.
Admin, why are anonymous posts being aloud?

my9cats said... 116

Ooops bad typing:
allowed, not aloud. Sorry.

My Parents Hated Me and Named Me Anonymous said... 117

my9cats said...

Since it appears you violate rule #1, please pick a name. When reading posts it is confusing as to whether it is one person posting or 6.
Admin, why are anonymous posts being aloud?


The blog administrator should remove the Anonymous option if she doesn't want anonymous posts.

Calculate said... 118

"I'm going to bet on our educated guesses every time. "

And what is the educated guess that's come out of this debate? Kate has no friends? Kate doesn't go anywhere other than where we see her photographed?

Anonymous said... 119

Anonymous said...

Many here subscribe to the theory that Kate calls the paps (or Chris the Pap) when she's going out to run errands. If that's the theory you believe, then that leaves a whole lot of hours in the day when she's not being photographed.

Personally, I don't think she hangs out with girlfriends, but there's a lot of time when she is NOT being photographed, and we do NOT know what she's doing.

I believe THAT'S the point.


Indeed, that is the point.

pepper said... 120

anonymous - I wish Kate would go out of her way to ensure that she isn't filmed with her own children so that their lives wouldn't be invaded either. Seems strange that she would worry more about her friends than her own kids.
Also, how can you tell a factual comment from one that is just speculation? The only one I can find is the one regarding the crocs equal smelly feet. Come on, no one actually believed that this person knows for a fact that the crocs are too small or that all the kids have smelly feet. ~ Administrator said... 121

I have kindly asked people to not use anonymous. Many people have chosen to disregard my request and use anonoymous anyway. I am asking everyone again to please pick a name.

I don't always delete anonymous comments because I would be on here too much spending time deleting. I leave the feature on for two reasons, in case someone doesn't know how to pick a name and needs to ask, and in case inside info comes up.

I will tell you this, if your comment is borderline inappropriate or shit stirring, the fact that it is from anonymous makes it more likely than not I will delete it.

Again, PLEASE don't use anonymous. If you want to keep disrespecting that I can't stop you, but your disrespect is noted.

K8SUCKS said... 122

Too much speculating ? Maybe.

Too much "benefit of the doubt" given to the famewhore Katie Irene ? Absolutely.

pepper said... 123

By the way, I never take anything I read on a blog to be FACT. I do know the difference between fact and I'm sure, does everyone else who comments here. It is human nature to speculate. It might come out sounding like a fact, but it sure as hell isn't and we all know it. ~ Administrator said... 124

KATE8SUCKS well said.

For as much as we make a very educated guess that 9 times out of 10 turns out to be exactly right and are then accused of speculating, you could say Kate's fans give her WAY too much credit. Very well said.

PA Mom ALSO said... 125

"I leave the feature on for two reasons, in case someone doesn't know how to pick a name and needs to ask, and in case inside info comes up."

If someone has inside info, can't that person just post under a name and then never use it again? How is using anon any different from that? If someone uses anon for the purpose of posting inside info, is there any way to prove that the inside info is factual?

pepper said... 126

My point - you say it's gossip, but is repeated as truth. How do you know the difference? Just because something is repeated over and over again does not make it the truth or maybe it is the truth. How would you know? Why should this bother you so much. Anyone on here can claim to know Kate or live near Kate, or claim not to know Kate. We all know that. I would hope that most people aren't so gullible that they believe everything they read.

Since everyone here is really anonymous, why would you choose to use that as your name. It only confuses the situation when someone wants to address a statement that you have made.

pepper said... 127

My last comment was directed at a previous comment from "what shall I call myself today" that seems to have been deleted. Either that or I'm losing my mind.

Calculate said... 128

Gosh, I'm not using 'Anonymous' and I can't get two reasonable questions answered:

1 - I thought there was a photo here of Kate and Jamie going out to dinner, the photo where everyone said Jamie was wearing Kate's shorts. LOL
Weren't they going to that restaurant --- Arnolds, Arnies something that starts with an "A"?


2- And what is the educated guess that's come out of this debate? Kate has no friends? Kate doesn't go anywhere other than where we see her photographed?

c said... 129

Actually, four questions:

3 & 4 - How long is a 60 show? How long and how many commercials? Say there's 45 minutes actual film time and Kate's on for 1/2 of it. That's about 22 minutes that needs to be filmed per month since there are 12 episodes.

So how long does it take to get 22 minutes of kids on film in a months time?

AuntieAnn said... 130

She did say that during the divorce period, she found out who her real friends were and it seems to me they turned out to be the bodyguard and his family. All two of them.
Has Mrs. Reality ever mentioned where Jamie came into the picture as her BEST buddy? I recall her saying that Beth was an 'angel sent from heaven' and her very dearest friend and then the *poof* she was gone right after Multiple Blessings came out. Then there was another one way back in her nursing days she talked about once, but she was killed in a car crash.
If Kate is anything in real life like she is in her fabricated reality shows, in all likelihood she would make a lousy friend - as most narcissists do. They tend to use people for what they can get out of them, then spit them out when the next sucker comes along.

PA Mom ALSO said... 131

"I thought there was a photo here of Kate and Jamie going out to dinner, the photo where everyone said Jamie was wearing Kate's shorts. LOL
Weren't they going to that restaurant --- Arnolds, Arnies something that starts with an "A"? "

1. Austin's Restaurant and Bar in West Lawn.
2. Neither "side" will ever agree.
3. I think you answered this one yourself.
4. I would say that there are many variables on this one, such as how scripted it is, if the kids (and Kate) are cooperating, and how many takes are needed. I don't think you can pin it down to X number of hours. TLC could give a ballpark figure, but I wouldn't hold my breath for an answer from them!

Let's just say that I would hope that when the new child labor laws are passed, someone other than a TLC employee is on the set every minute to make sure no violations are occurring.

IDModo said... 132

My guess is that no paparazzi care enough about Kate to bother hanging around to see if she is going out with friends. The only paparazzo seem to be the one she calls to photograph her endless shopping trips.

If she is actually going out and having fun with friends, surely somebody in Wernersville or Wyomissing or Reading would have something to say about it; the whole state hasn't signed a confidentiality agreement, and surely somebody would like to make some extra bucks by selling the story!

It's not a great leap to conclude that she's not doing this, or we would have at least heard something..

Calculate said... 133

Thanks, PA Mom ALSO!

pepper said... 134

Calculate, Sorry, but didn't know the answers to your questions so I didn't want to speculate.
I didn't want anyone to interpret my answers as fact.

Calculate said... 135

pepper said...

Calculate, Sorry, but didn't know the answers to your questions so I didn't want to speculate.
I didn't want anyone to interpret my answers as fact.

Heaven forbid, pepper. LOL Thanks for the reply.

Put Up or Shut Up said... 136

Administrator said...

KATE8SUCKS well said.

For as much as we make a very educated guess that 9 times out of 10 turns out to be exactly right and are then accused of speculating, you could say Kate's fans give her WAY too much credit. Very well said.


By all means, feel free to list all those educated guesses that have turned out to be "exactly right." ~ Administrator said... 137

Oh sheesh.

Let's see, off the top of my head: Guess: Jon and Kate are headed to divorce. TRUE. Guess: The re-marriage was a staged set-up. TRUE. Guess: Collin is hiding from the paps and hates them. TRUE. Guess: Kate refused to go to counseling. TRUE. Guess: TLC will settle their suit with Jon. TRUE.

Anyone else want to add?

K8SUCKS said... 138

Guess: German Sheps were brought on for cuteness factor, will be gone within a few weeks. TRUE.

Guess: There is very little reality in this "reality" show. (Gosselin "autumn" photo shoot done in 90+ degree heat in the summer, K8 herself admits that Christmas morning was staged to get a real reaction from the kids) TRUE.

Guess: vow renewal was a total farce. TRUE.

K8SUCKS said... 139

oops, sorry about the vow renewal repeat.

Not A Divorce Divorce said... 140

Didn't quite a few swear up and down that the impending divorce was staged by TLC for ratings (and that the kids were "in" on it), that there never would be a divorce, and they would reunite at the last minute, professing their undying love for each other?

pepper said... 141

Not a Divorce........ Yes, there were a few who thought the impending divorce was staged, but only a few. The majority predicted the correct outcome.

Carol said... 142

On the topic of time to film---my husband and I are in a documentary. The director came out with his small crew and it took a total of nine hours to get everything done. And DAMN those lights were HOT. That's one thing I was struck by the most, just how hot the lights are that they need indoors.

In the end, when we saw the documentary, we were shocked that our time on camera didn't equal more than just a couple of minutes. It took NINE damn hours to get about two minutes of footage to use.

So don't tell me they just go out there, shoot a few hours, and wrap an episode. My ass.

GoPoshGo said... 143

Anonymous said...
"It's also possible that, given how much crap people associated with her have had to take (her friend Carla's blog, for example, was overrun with incredibly nasty comments, as was Jamie's FB page) that Kate goes out of her way to ensure that she isn't photographed with anyone so their lives aren't invaded."

BAWWWAAAWWWAAHHHHAAHHH. Thanks for the much-needed laugh. Kate going out of her way to protect the well-being of someone else????? Now *that's* a good one.

One fact alone blows your theory out of the water. If Kate really protects her loved ones by not allowing them to be photographed with her, then why does she provide the paps with endless photo ops of her and the kids (on the driveway, at Target, leaving the nail salon, etc. etc.)???? Because she certainly makes a point to have their 8 little lives invaded on a regular basis.

I think the bigger issue to consider is WHY everyone who comes close to Kate has to catch so much sh*t. Why on earth would a friend's blog and another's FB page be overrun with nasty comments, simply because they're associated with Kate? Do friends and family of real celebrities suffer similar abuse? I'm going to guess not.

I don't know Kate, but my inner-armchair-psychologist would bet good money that she is a toxic personality whose unquenchable narcissism feeds on the good will of others. Once she’s drained a person for all they can give her (or company: yes, I’m talking about you Starbucks and now, apparently, Target as well. Did your gift cards dry up *that* quickly???), she tosses them aside. There’s a body-trail to support this theory: Kate’s parents, Kevin, Jodi, Jon, Beth, Carla. And, when the need to prove that Kate has a friend wears off, Jamie, too, will be banished to the same used-n-tossed cemetery.

Personally, I do believe that Kate has no real friends, and that Jamie was brought in to make Kate seem more human and likeable. Apparently the two belonged to the same PA-based moms-of-multiples club when they each had their twins. Then Jamie moved to Michigan with her now-ex-husband and their kids. It’s been rumored that Jamie’s ex-husband works in the cabinetry industry, and had some involvement in the Gosselin kitchen renovation, but that’s speculation as well. However, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Kate grabbed yet one more freebie from an acquaintance with a connection. Because I honestly believe that’s all Jamie is: an acquaintance with whom Kate feels no emotional attachment, but who serves a purpose in maintaining Kate’s public façade. Anyone who has seen the photos of Kate and Jamie from last year would see how uninvolved and uninterested Kate is – even though Jamie is hanging all over Kate. And, really, Kate has lived in PA her ENTIRE life, yet her only friend has to be shipped in from Michigan???? I find it curious that she has no local friends, and that the few native Pennsylvanians who have appeared on the show have all been unceremoniously banished from Gosselin-land.

Something is rotton in the town of Wernersville.

Carol said... 144

It really doesn't take an Einstein to figure out Kate doesn't have any real friends. Or even just friends.

It just takes some basic understanding of human behavior and its consequences and knowing a bit about Kate treats people, natch.

I'm not even a very social person and if paps followed me (ha!), they could find and photograph me:

a) going to a restaurant for happy hour with several childhood girlfriends

b) going to a mini-high school reunion

c) going to my best friend's house to visit her kids and swim

d) driving out of town to visit an old college friend who stood at my wedding

e) going to pubs in the local area with one of my work girlfriends.

And that's just for starters. And that's just in the last four or five months. Oh, I forgot neighborhood cookouts.

She's always quick to moan and wring her hands about the horrible paparazzi following her just all the time! Well, if that were true, and she had at least a few friends, there'd be SOME pics of her out with friends.

But there's the factor of how she treats people, too. I don't need to infer or make guesses or anything of the sort on this. I have eyes and ears. I've seen how she treats people, over and over again. Only someone who has no choice (her kids) or those who are a glutton for punishment (Jon, for a while) or those who haven't figured her out yet subject themselves to it.

Anonymous said... 145

GoPoshGo said...

Anonymous said...
"It's also possible that, given how much crap people associated with her have had to take (her friend Carla's blog, for example, was overrun with incredibly nasty comments, as was Jamie's FB page) that Kate goes out of her way to ensure that she isn't photographed with anyone so their lives aren't invaded."

BAWWWAAAWWWAAHHHHAAHHH. Thanks for the much-needed laugh. Kate going out of her way to protect the well-being of someone else????? Now *that's* a good one.

One fact alone blows your theory out of the water. If Kate really protects her loved ones by not allowing them to be photographed with her, then why does she provide the paps with endless photo ops of her and the kids (on the driveway, at Target, leaving the nail salon, etc. etc.)???? Because she certainly makes a point to have their 8 little lives invaded on a regular basis.

I think the bigger issue to consider is WHY everyone who comes close to Kate has to catch so much sh*t. Why on earth would a friend's blog and another's FB page be overrun with nasty comments, simply because they're associated with Kate? Do friends and family of real celebrities suffer similar abuse? I'm going to guess not.

Nice to see you admit it's abuse, since it's perpetrated by your buddies at GWOP and the like. There is no excuse for harassing people in Kate's life who have done nothing other than dare to be associated with someone that a group of people have an extreme pathological hatred toward.

Anonymous said... 146

Carol said...

It really doesn't take an Einstein to figure out Kate doesn't have any real friends. Or even just friends.

It just takes some basic understanding of human behavior and its consequences and knowing a bit about Kate treats people, natch.

I'm not even a very social person and if paps followed me (ha!), they could find and photograph me:

a) going to a restaurant for happy hour with several childhood girlfriends

b) going to a mini-high school reunion

c) going to my best friend's house to visit her kids and swim

d) driving out of town to visit an old college friend who stood at my wedding

e) going to pubs in the local area with one of my work girlfriends.

And that's just for starters. And that's just in the last four or five months. Oh, I forgot neighborhood cookouts.


Well, since you're such a genius perhaps you can tell the class exactly what Kate did when she and Jon were switching out visitation time at their home. As I recall, nobody knew where she went. Was she kidnapped by aliens and then returned to earth when it was her time to be with the kids? Because you according to you fine folk, she can't actually be doing anything or having a life apart from what you get to see via the magic of the paparazzi.

I'm sure it was aliens. No speculating on my part.

pepper said... 147

I see we are back to being anonymous again.
We don't know what Kate did during Jon's visitations because for some reason Kate or TLC did not want us to know. Funny, but I don't remember anyone stating as fact where Kate was during those times. Funny, but I don't remember seeing any photos of her during that time either. I also don't remember any alien sightings during that time. What is your problem? Are you one of Kate's top secret friends?
You also didn't respond to my comment that Kate should worry about not invading her kids privacy as much as you think she might be going out of her way to protect her so called friends. Wait - that might have been a different anonymous. I guess we won't really know who we are addressing until you keep one name and stick to it.

Chill out, anonymous said... 148

Nice to see you admit it's abuse, since it's perpetrated by your buddies at GWOP and the like. There is no excuse for harassing people in Kate's life who have done nothing other than dare to be associated with someone that a group of people have an extreme pathological hatred toward.

Extreme pathological hatred

A few people harassed Carla so all of GWOP and any poster is now pathological?

What would you say about those who stalk, criticize, harass, follow and try to bully these pathological haters?

K8SUCKS said... 149

"As I recall, nobody knew where she went."

Maybe because nobody CARES where she went - except the lone ROL pap assigned to watch Queenie.

"Because according to you fine she can't actually be doing anything or having a life apart from what you get to see via the magic of the paparazzi"

Actually, K8 has whined about this very thing over. and over. and over. and over. For someone who is hounded by the paps, why is it then, that K8 is never photographed doing anything but shopping at Target/WF, going tanning and prancing around in her hooker garb? Like Carol mentioned, if K8 is stalked by the paps, why are there no pics of her with friends or family EVER?

Oh, and the aliens wouldn't want K8. I believe they are looking for INTELLIGENT Earthlings.

Carolina Gal said... 150

I'm so sick of anonymous posts. I've come to the conclusion that it's either people who are not very savvy on the computer, or cowards (not sure why they feel so protected w/the name "anonymous", wouldn't they feel 'as' protected w/the name "Love bug"), they are the ones using anonymous?

Admin, is it possible to remove the 'anonymous' option?

Carolina Gal said... 151

Calculate said:
And what is the educated guess that's come out of this debate? Kate has no friends? Kate doesn't go anywhere other than where we see her photographed?
No, the educated guess is that Kate has NO friends. She is 'above' all the good folks in Wernersville, just ask her, she'll tell ya!

As for 'guesses' - that Kate would be her usual nasty self on DWTS? Poor Tony can attest to that.

GoPoshGo - I always enjoy your posts. Another great one.

Anonymous said... 152

K8SUCKS said...

"As I recall, nobody knew where she went."

Maybe because nobody CARES where she went - except the lone ROL pap assigned to watch Queenie.


Did you type that with a straight face? You're posting on a blog where the Administrator used to keep a calendar of Kate's every move, and you're going to claim that no one cared?!?

GoPoshGo said... 153

@ Anonymous: First of all, like most Sheeple, you fail to address my main, valid point of how Kate sells her kids out to the highest bidder. For some GOD-KNOWS-WHY reason, you people continue to overlook this very obvious character flaw in Kate. You're all too busy playing high school games and calling other bloggers nasty names. Stop wasting your time fighting amongst blogs. If you have a conscience, you'll know that what Kate is doing it NOT in the best interest of her kids. There's nothing else to say. Done. How convenient that you ignore the truth of my post and instead choose to make the following accusation:

"Nice to see you admit it's abuse, since it's perpetrated by your buddies at GWOP and the like."

Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s ass how Kate treats her adult peers, as they can fight for themselves. Sure, I don’t like that Kate excludes her family from her kids’ lives, but that’s an aspect of Kate’s controlling nature that can’t be regulated. What I DO have a problem with is Kate using and exploiting her kids for the purpose of giving her bigger boobs, botoxed brows and a McMansion she could otherwise not afford. How about addressing the bigger issue of Kate exploiting the kids, just as she's exploiting those who (according to you) have been abused by the media and bloggers??? Because the truth is that KATE is the source of the abuse. Kate is the one who chooses to exploit. Kate is the one who decides who has access to her kids, dogs, chickens, boobyguard, whoever. Kate is orchestrating this whole game. She has you followers played like violins. When will you wake up and realize that Kate and TLC (and all their sponsors) are playing you all until your last penny is spent???? Please tell me you’re not that naïve – although from the past few years of blogging, I’m learning that the majority of people are SADLY very naïve as to how the media/Hollywood work.

Anonymous, the fact that you twisted my post to be supporting hate blogs versus my post’s real intention of arguing against selling out friends and family just shows how delusional and sick you are. You accuse others of being haters, when you are the worst kind of hater: one who pretends to be above it all, but who hates on everyone who doesn’t agree with her opinion. I post on GWoP, and I can say with certainty that it is not a HATE blog … it may snark from time to time, but when the day is done, it’s a REALITY site. MUCH more real than the sorry excuse of a show JK+8 or Kate+8 will ever be. You sheeple need to realize that disagreeing does not equal hate. If you took a minute to just stop being so defensive and just listen, you’d get it.

pepper said... 154

GO POSH GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... 155

Anonymous said:
Let me see if I have this're claiming that she has no friends because you have no photographic evidence of said friends and it's impossible to accept that Kate Gosselin might have a life to which you are not privy. (Jamie doesn't count as a friend, apparently.) If she were to be photographed with friends, those would be "fake" friends, further proving that she has no real friends. Have I got it right, or am I missing part of the scenario you've created to fit your version of reality?
Hmmm, yep you got it right!

Still Anonymous said... 156

GoPoshGo said...

@ Anonymous: First of all, like most Sheeple, you fail to address my main, valid point of how Kate sells her kids out to the highest bidder. For some GOD-KNOWS-WHY reason, you people continue to overlook this very obvious character flaw in Kate. You're all too busy playing high school games and calling other bloggers nasty names. Stop wasting your time fighting amongst blogs. If you have a conscience, you'll know that what Kate is doing it NOT in the best interest of her kids. There's nothing else to say. Done. How convenient that you ignore the truth of my post and instead choose to make the following accusation:

"Nice to see you admit it's abuse, since it's perpetrated by your buddies at GWOP and the like."

Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s ass how Kate treats her adult peers, as they can fight for themselves. Sure, I don’t like that Kate excludes her family from her kids’ lives, but that’s an aspect of Kate’s controlling nature that can’t be regulated. What I DO have a problem with is Kate using and exploiting her kids for the purpose of giving her bigger boobs, botoxed brows and a McMansion she could otherwise not afford. How about addressing the bigger issue of Kate exploiting the kids, just as she's exploiting those who (according to you) have been abused by the media and bloggers??? Because the truth is that KATE is the source of the abuse. Kate is the one who chooses to exploit. Kate is the one who decides who has access to her kids, dogs, chickens, boobyguard, whoever. Kate is orchestrating this whole game. She has you followers played like violins. When will you wake up and realize that Kate and TLC (and all their sponsors) are playing you all until your last penny is spent???? Please tell me you’re not that naïve – although from the past few years of blogging, I’m learning that the majority of people are SADLY very naïve as to how the media/Hollywood work.

Anonymous, the fact that you twisted my post to be supporting hate blogs versus my post’s real intention of arguing against selling out friends and family just shows how delusional and sick you are. You accuse others of being haters, when you are the worst kind of hater: one who pretends to be above it all, but who hates on everyone who doesn’t agree with her opinion. I post on GWoP, and I can say with certainty that it is not a HATE blog … it may snark from time to time, but when the day is done, it’s a REALITY site. MUCH more real than the sorry excuse of a show JK+8 or Kate+8 will ever be. You sheeple need to realize that disagreeing does not equal hate. If you took a minute to just stop being so defensive and just listen, you’d get it.


Thanks for the laugh. After calling me delusional, sick, a hater and of course the ultimate insult, a "sheeple," you tell me that I need to realize that disagreeing does not equal hate. Priceless.

You do have a valid point about exploitation. I completely understand why people feel that the children are being exploited. Where I would disagree with you is that it is your opinion that Kate would sell her children the highest bidder, not "the truth." I disagree with her decision to put the kids back on TV while going through the aftermath of their parents' divorce, but that doesn't mean I think she would sell her kids to the highest bidder, that she is evil, or that she is the worst mother in history. I've seen all those claims made repeatedly and to say I find them a tad on the extreme end of the spectrum is an understatement.

As for playing her followers like violins, seems to me that you and those of you who are so repulsed by the woman are the ones being played, because controversy is what keeps her in the spotlight. Surely you're not naive enough not to realize that.

pepper said... 157

No anonymous - we're not keeping her in the spotlight. We're not getting paid to snap photos of her, we're not begging her to televise her new shows, most of us aren't even watching her new show. If Kate would make the decision to stop exploiting her children with a new show, with books, with recording albums,etc. and stay off television completely .........The View, DWTS, etc. then and only then will she be out of the spotlight. Then and only then will her kids have some chance at a normal life.
Kate does not need to exploit those kids in order to raise them in the manner they deserve to be raised. She can't afford the lifestyle she desires, but she certainly can afford to raise eight kids.

maggie said... 158

Where did the 10 days of shooting come from? How does anyone possible know how many days TLC is now shooting for a 22 minute episode? In fact, we know that they were in Florida a fews days at most and filmed the entire episode from that.

maggie said... 159

Correction: They had enough film for an hour episode not just a 30 minute episode. ~ Administrator said... 160

I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe these kids are still being filmed in excess. Just read this blog--the photographic evidence is there. Maggie, the "entire" episode was NOT just the Florida trip. Read my recap:
1. filming of the kids reuniting with the crew--we have pics of the crew arriving with bribe gifts for them--at least one day
2. filming outside with their electric cars--we have pics of this too, DIFFERENT DAY
3. filming of kids in their high chairs as Kate tells them about their bday surprise. Since they are in completely different outfit we can assume different day. Unless are the kids doing costume changes now? Thought this was reality.
4. Filming at their airport--different day
5. filming in Florida....who knows how many days but there were at least two separate days of this, possibly three or four even.

So by that count we have SEVEN DAYS of filming right there. We also have film of Joel waving a flag around about the time the crew came back that was never aired. Cutting room floor (proof that lots of footage is taped in the hopes of getting something good) or they're saving it for a fake July 4th episode.

The only thing we didn't see filmed?? The fact that Kate sent the kids home on a plane BY THEMSELVES with nannies and she went off to Los Angeles straight from Florida.

This is not your local access station, this is TLC. They're going to want to film hundreds of hours of footage to get what they want. Why is this so hard to believe especially when there are pictures staring us in the face of all the days they have filmed. ~ Administrator said... 161

Oh I forgot the interviews! Kate and Jon said themselves interviews were all taped in a big chunk on their OWN DAY.

Kids were on the interview couch, different outfits DIFFERENT DAY. If that's not working to be made to sit on a couch all day and grilled with questions about all the free vacations you were pulled out of school for, what is?

Still Anonymous said... 162

pepper said...

No anonymous - we're not keeping her in the spotlight. We're not getting paid to snap photos of her, we're not begging her to televise her new shows, most of us aren't even watching her new show. If Kate would make the decision to stop exploiting her children with a new show, with books, with recording albums,etc. and stay off television completely .........The View, DWTS, etc. then and only then will she be out of the spotlight.


Yes, Pepper, you are helping to keep her in the spotlight, whether you realize or admit it. I'm not buying that "most" of you are not watching her shows. All you folks "not watching" sure do seem to dissect every appearance, special, etc. You talk about her endlessly, pick apart every photo, etc., etc.

I guess you believe she has an amazingly large fan base, because the bottom line is that she gets ratings. Either she's getting those ratings because she's controversial and people tune in as a result or she gets ratings because she's so widely popular.

K8SUCKS said... 163

Still anon:

I may snark on pics but I can assure you, I do NOT watch ANYTHING with K8 on it - her shows, The View, whatever. Just the sound of her voice makes me ill. I also stopped watching J + K after the St Jude debacle.

You may not be a sheeple , and you certainly write better than they, but you saying that you don't think K8 would ( or continues to ) sell her kids to the highest bidder is beyond my understanding. She has done nothing but for the last 6 years.

Posh, your comments are always right on the money ( pun intended ).

K8SUCKS said... 164

Did you type that with a straight face? You're posting on a blog where the Administrator used to keep a calendar of Kate's every move, and you're going to claim that no one cared?!?


Yes, my face was poker straight when I typed that comment. To clarify, I did mean that no REAL paps care about K8, just the low-level ROL pap hired by TLC.

That said, I really don't care where K8 goes and what she does as long as it doesn't involve: pimping her kids, her lying or her humiliating her children by dressing like a $2 tramp. Unfortunately, we all know none of those seems possible at this point, and as long as she continues her deplorable behavior to stay relevant, I will continue to snark.

Aly said... 165

Still Anonymous said... Yes, Pepper, you are helping to keep her in the spotlight, whether you realize or admit it. I'm not buying that "most" of you are not watching her shows. All you folks "not watching" sure do seem to dissect every appearance, special, etc. You talk about her endlessly, pick apart every photo, etc., etc.

I guess you believe she has an amazingly large fan base, because the bottom line is that she gets ratings. Either she's getting those ratings because she's controversial and people tune in as a result or she gets ratings because she's so widely popular.

I have to agree with the above, whether it was posted by a Kate fan or not. Although I’ve felt for quite a while that the on-going discussions about Kate have gone on way too long, I did participate in some at another blog for some time. It got old after a while, and I realized that people were saying the same things over and over. “Kate’s a bad mother,” “Kate is exploiting her children,” “Kate is a famewhore.” Etc., etc., blah, blah.

The bottom line for me is her first new show on June 6 brought in 3.6 million viewers. There are two things I do NOT believe. I do not believe Kate has that many fans and I do NOT believe that all the people who say they don’t watch her actually don’t watch her. Hence the 3.6 million (which is enough viewers to keep her on cable TV for a good, long time).

I think the continual talking and focusing on what the next show will be about (Kate with a chicken coop), checking out boob size, evidence of bodyguard boyfriend relationship, will her face be botoxed into a Halloween-like mask generate a huge amount of curiosity and people tune in to try and see if their “speculating” is in fact true. (Isn’t that a recent claim here?)

Your question to me will be why am I here then, right? Aren’t I contributing to Kate’s popularity? I don’t think encouraging people to stop enabling her and TLC is contributing to Kate’s popularity. I am away from the blogs for long periods of time. I come back and check because I’m extremely curious about why this part of the whole Gosselin phenomenon continues (the search for new pics and the repeating of what’s been said a thousand times). And why people constantly say they don't care what Kate does, and say it endlessly yet still talk about her.

I understand your defensiveness. My statements may seem like criticism of what seems to be a large part of you daily activities. Look at it as encouragement to find something else that doesn’t fuel Kate and TLC’s efforts to keep her AND her kids on television.

PA Mom ALSO said... 166

Here's the question: If every Gosselin blog, both pro and con, were shut down, would she and the show disappear, or would TLC find a way to keep her and the show alive, regardless of whether or not she's blogged about on internet sites? Would they find a creative way to do this, and what might that be? Is she in the spotlight because of the blogging, or in spite of it?

What exactly is the mission of all of the anons here (still anon, yet anon, now anon, etc. etc)? To make bloggers see the errors of their ways? To call attention to the fact that commenting on Kate keeps her in the spotlight, when, in fact, the anons are doing the same thing? Do you think that if enough of you band together that the internet blogs will disappear?
If you realize that none holds such power, then why jump on these blogs and fuel more discussion about Kate, opening up more controversy?
This is not snark, but rather asked in anticipation of an honest answer.

Anon said..."You're posting on a blog where the Administrator used to keep a calendar of Kate's every move,"

And you're posting on a blog where the Administrator had REPEATEDLY requested that you do not use anon, and yet all of you keep deliberately ignoring that request. Why is that?

pepper said... 167

Good post PA Mom also
Regarding Kate's schedule that was posted here, I believe that schedule was to show that Kate was not at home with her kids when she had custody of them. We really don't care what she did or where she was when it wasn't her turn for custody. That is the point!!!!!!!

I'll bet that even without any blogs regarding The Gosselins, Kate Gosselin and TLC would still find a way to keep her in the spotlight.

lalalinda said... 168

I think Anonymous is katiek's mean sister who was telling everyone how to vote and who to boycott during the dwts mess...inbetween her religious postings...

Can't Tell Based on the Info Given said... 169

I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe these kids are still being filmed in excess. Just read this blog--the photographic evidence is there. Maggie, the "entire" episode was NOT just the Florida trip. Read my recap:
1. filming of the kids reuniting with the crew--we have pics of the crew arriving with bribe gifts for them--at least one day
2. filming outside with their electric cars--we have pics of this too, DIFFERENT DAY
3. filming of kids in their high chairs as Kate tells them about their bday surprise. Since they are in completely different outfit we can assume different day. Unless are the kids doing costume changes now? Thought this was reality.
4. Filming at their airport--different day
5. filming in Florida....who knows how many days but there were at least two separate days of this, possibly three or four even.

So by that count we have SEVEN DAYS of filming right there. We also have film of Joel waving a flag around about the time the crew came back that was never aired. Cutting room floor (proof that lots of footage is taped in the hopes of getting something good) or they're saving it for a fake July 4th episode.


The problem with your "proof" of excessive filming is that you haven't provided any context by which to form an opinion based on facts. Your list above doesn't give me several key pieces of information I would need to decide whether or not the filming is excessive:

1) total # of hours filmed
2) maximum # of hours filmed on any given day
3) average # of hours per day filmed
4) # of specials resulting from all the filming described above

Based on your description, we have no idea if the kids were filming for 10 hours or 100. We don't know if that's the totality of filming for all the specials or all those days of filming resulted in one show. Etc., etc. There's not enough information to judge, one way or the other, whether the filming was excessive.

The only thing we didn't see filmed?? The fact that Kate sent the kids home on a plane BY THEMSELVES with nannies and she went off to Los Angeles straight from Florida.
Oh for goodness sakes, this is much ado about nothing. I've seen children as young as the Gosselins flying alone (no nannies) on many an occasion.

PA Mom ALSO said... 170

"Your list above doesn't give me several key pieces of information I would need to decide whether or not the filming is excessive:"

What, for you, constitutes EXCESSIVE filming? How many hours? What are your credentials (social worker, child psychologist, etc.) for determining how many hours of filming is excessive for children under the age of ten, and how many hours is acceptable? Are you associated with PDL&I?
Just curious!

Can't Tell Based on the Info Given said... 171

PA Mom ALSO said...

"Your list above doesn't give me several key pieces of information I would need to decide whether or not the filming is excessive:"

What, for you, constitutes EXCESSIVE filming? How many hours? What are your credentials (social worker, child psychologist, etc.) for determining how many hours of filming is excessive for children under the age of ten, and how many hours is acceptable? Are you associated with PDL&I?
Just curious!


Funny, but you haven't asked anybody else for their credentials. I guess as long as folks share the majority opinion their "credentials" are irrelevant to you.

I can't answer your question. If they filmed for 6 hours per day for a week and were done for the summer, that wouldn't seem excessive to me. If they filmed for 6 hours per day for weeks on end, that would seem excessive. That was my point -- there are a number of variables at play. Funny, but you're not asking the Administrator who is making the claim that filming is excessive to define her criteria.

PS. You're not "just curious" you're passive aggressive.

pepper said... 172

You know what - common sense should tell you what is excessive filming for children in a "reality show". In my opinion, 6 hrs. a day for a week is too much.

Can't Tell Based on the Info Given said... 173

pepper said...

You know what - common sense should tell you what is excessive filming for children in a "reality show". In my opinion, 6 hrs. a day for a week is too much.


I like to base my opinions on facts. I'm funny that way. I'm really not sure why that's such a terrible thing, but if you prefer to react emotionally to things rather than rationally, that's your business.

Apparently your common sense and mine don't coincide. That's why I'd prefer to make a judgment based on an appropriate set of facts.

pepper said... 174

Cant tell based on info,
The fact is: the Gosselin children are filming for a reality show. The fact is: the Gosselin children are posing for photo shoots. The fact is: They are not living the lives of children who are not performing for a camera. Therefore, my common sense still tells me that they are working too hard for their age simply to keep their Mom living the high life. Kate keeps waffling on her reasons why she needs to exploit her children. She is full of bull. She needs her kids to keep filming because she doesn't want to give up the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.
Sorry if I'm being too emotional for you. When it comes to children, I think the facts I do have are enough to back up my opinions.

PA Mom ALSO said... 175

"PS. You
PS. You're not "just curious" you're passive aggressive"

LOL!! I'm passive aggressive? Are you basing that on "facts?" Do you have enough evidence to make that determination? YOU made a statement that you need pieces of key information before you could determine if filming is excessive. Why is it important for you do determine this? This sounds like you are involved in some capacity with "working children." You didn't answer, and that's okay. If you were involved with the PDL&I, I was going to ask you a question about filming and child labor laws, and how they go about determining what is excessive.

"Apparently your common sense and mine don't coincide"

How would you determine if a two-year-old child should be allowed to play outside alone? Would you gather facts indicating how many kids were abducted, what time of day, the gender, the number of registered offenders in the area, or would you use common sense and not allow any two-year-old child to play outside alone under any circumstance?

How does common sense work, and how does one know when to rely on it? I didn't know that there were different kinds of common sense. I thought that common sense is common sense. Period.

pepper said... 176

To Can't tell based on info given, In my very humble and emotional opinion, any time children spend time filming for a reality show or posing for photo shoots and not playing or doing what other children who are not required to perform in front of cameras do, is excessive filming to me. I'm funny that way. You see, I don't need facts to come to that conclusion.

PA Mom ALSO said... 177

"PS. You
PS. You're not "just curious" you're passive aggressive"

LOL!! I'm passive aggressive? Are you basing that on "facts?" Do you have enough evidence to make that determination? YOU made a statement that you need pieces of key information before you could determine if filming is excessive. Why is it important for you do determine this? This sounds like you are involved in some capacity with "working children." You didn't answer, and that's okay. If you were involved with the PDL&I, I was going to ask you a question about filming and child labor laws, and how they go about determining what is excessive.

"Apparently your common sense and mine don't coincide"

How would you determine if a two-year-old child should be allowed to play outside alone? Would you gather facts indicating how many kids were abducted, what time of day, the gender, the number of registered offenders in the area, or would you use common sense and not allow any two-year-old child to play outside alone under any circumstance?

How does common sense work, and how does one know when to rely on it? I didn't know that there were different kinds of common sense. I thought that common sense is common sense. Period.

pepper said... 178

You know what - common sense should tell you what is excessive filming for children in a "reality show". In my opinion, 6 hrs. a day for a week is too much.

Can't Tell Based on the Info G said... 179

PA Mom ALSO said...

"Your list above doesn't give me several key pieces of information I would need to decide whether or not the filming is excessive:"

What, for you, constitutes EXCESSIVE filming? How many hours? What are your credentials (social worker, child psychologist, etc.) for determining how many hours of filming is excessive for children under the age of ten, and how many hours is acceptable? Are you associated with PDL&I?
Just curious!


Funny, but you haven't asked anybody else for their credentials. I guess as long as folks share the majority opinion their "credentials" are irrelevant to you.

I can't answer your question. If they filmed for 6 hours per day for a week and were done for the summer, that wouldn't seem excessive to me. If they filmed for 6 hours per day for weeks on end, that would seem excessive. That was my point -- there are a number of variables at play. Funny, but you're not asking the Administrator who is making the claim that filming is excessive to define her criteria.

PS. You're not "just curious" you're passive aggressive.

Can't Tell Based on the Info G said... 180

I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe these kids are still being filmed in excess. Just read this blog--the photographic evidence is there. Maggie, the "entire" episode was NOT just the Florida trip. Read my recap:
1. filming of the kids reuniting with the crew--we have pics of the crew arriving with bribe gifts for them--at least one day
2. filming outside with their electric cars--we have pics of this too, DIFFERENT DAY
3. filming of kids in their high chairs as Kate tells them about their bday surprise. Since they are in completely different outfit we can assume different day. Unless are the kids doing costume changes now? Thought this was reality.
4. Filming at their airport--different day
5. filming in Florida....who knows how many days but there were at least two separate days of this, possibly three or four even.

So by that count we have SEVEN DAYS of filming right there. We also have film of Joel waving a flag around about the time the crew came back that was never aired. Cutting room floor (proof that lots of footage is taped in the hopes of getting something good) or they're saving it for a fake July 4th episode.


The problem with your "proof" of excessive filming is that you haven't provided any context by which to form an opinion based on facts. Your list above doesn't give me several key pieces of information I would need to decide whether or not the filming is excessive:

1) total # of hours filmed
2) maximum # of hours filmed on any given day
3) average # of hours per day filmed
4) # of specials resulting from all the filming described above

Based on your description, we have no idea if the kids were filming for 10 hours or 100. We don't know if that's the totality of filming for all the specials or all those days of filming resulted in one show. Etc., etc. There's not enough information to judge, one way or the other, whether the filming was excessive.

The only thing we didn't see filmed?? The fact that Kate sent the kids home on a plane BY THEMSELVES with nannies and she went off to Los Angeles straight from Florida.
Oh for goodness sakes, this is much ado about nothing. I've seen children as young as the Gosselins flying alone (no nannies) on many an occasion.

pepper said... 181

Good post PA Mom also
Regarding Kate's schedule that was posted here, I believe that schedule was to show that Kate was not at home with her kids when she had custody of them. We really don't care what she did or where she was when it wasn't her turn for custody. That is the point!!!!!!!

I'll bet that even without any blogs regarding The Gosselins, Kate Gosselin and TLC would still find a way to keep her in the spotlight.

lalalinda said... 182

I think Anonymous is katiek's mean sister who was telling everyone how to vote and who to boycott during the dwts mess...inbetween her religious postings...

Administrator said... 183

I have kindly asked people to not use anonymous. Many people have chosen to disregard my request and use anonoymous anyway. I am asking everyone again to please pick a name.

I don't always delete anonymous comments because I would be on here too much spending time deleting. I leave the feature on for two reasons, in case someone doesn't know how to pick a name and needs to ask, and in case inside info comes up.

I will tell you this, if your comment is borderline inappropriate or shit stirring, the fact that it is from anonymous makes it more likely than not I will delete it.

Again, PLEASE don't use anonymous. If you want to keep disrespecting that I can't stop you, but your disrespect is noted.

My Parents Hated Me and Named said... 184

my9cats said...

Since it appears you violate rule #1, please pick a name. When reading posts it is confusing as to whether it is one person posting or 6.
Admin, why are anonymous posts being aloud?


The blog administrator should remove the Anonymous option if she doesn't want anonymous posts.