After Kate has made them work most of their summer in New York, Alaska, and Los Angeles, the kids are finally home, Steve and Ashley and another bodyguard with them. And after weeks of sad faces, look at this, kids beaming away as they finally set foot on Pennsylvania soil after two weeks on the road!

They sure look happy to be back on their stomping grounds, back at their own home and own swimming pool. Here's hoping for a carefree, quiet, private August for them before they're back to school.
102 sediments (sic) from readers:
Now the little girls are covering their faces. What a way for children to have to live!
They seem happy to be going home and sleeping in their own beds for a change. I know when we leave for a vacation and as nice it is to get away, its always nicer to go home and sleep in our own beds...She better get them Flintstone feet in that chicken coop and start cleaning 3 weeks of bird shit.
I'll bet the children are happy the road trip is over.
Time for the children to clean up after the chickens and mommy to hit the nail and tanning salons.
I hope they get to stay & play at home (in the backyard) for the rest of their vacation. When does school start there? Not too soon I hope!
I couldn't figure out why Kate is wearing a long sleeve top AND a vest. If you look closer at the pictures, you can see Kate's top is see through and her bra is visible. THAT'S why she is wearing the vest.
I wonder if Kate dressed like this to add more fuel to the fire about affair allegations. And why is she dressing like this around her children?
I wonder if the reason why the children are looking happier is because Kart threatened punishment under severeness if they didn't start smiling for the camera?
To: The people who do not believe that Kate and crew read the blogs
A few days ago right here on this blog there was a discussion as to how the black bodyguard was holding the wrist of the child.
In today's photo the child is now holding his finger.
She's wearing a black bra under a white shirt.
Yeah, she sure does need a stylist.
TheresaB said...
She's wearing a black bra under a white shirt.
Yeah, she sure does need a stylist.
She's doing it on purpose.
Very strange that ROL has not posted any pics of Godzilla in the last few weeks. Could this be cause Chris her adopted son had a falling out with ROL and has now started selling his pics else where
Sadie, I agree. ROL has been strangely quiet about Kate. Used to be 2 plus threads a week. Now nothing.
Another question. Anyone know the signifigance of the necklaces she wears???
Seems the 2nd one (nearly identical) showed up between week one and week 2 of DWTS.
Kate may be wearing a black bra underneath her white top, but Steve and the boys are dressed in color coordinated polos. A spouse or girlfriend would dress her man and sons similar. I don't see the real bodyguard wearing an orange polo shirt.
AWWWWW, isn't it *cute* how the two girls AND Kate are smiling in that bottom pic?? Just a complete coincidence to get a pic of them smiling with Kate, when it's just been a hot topic on here how few pics there are of the children actually smiling around Kate...
And a quilted vest in Pa during the dog days of summer??? Whats up with that???
"And a quilted vest in Pa during the dog days of summer??? Whats up with that???"
Could it be that it gets chilly in First Class?
My daughter (16) and her friends wear dark bras under light-colored scanty tops. She's trying to recapture her youth.
The pic of the real bodyguard in back and Steve in the front put me in mind of a reverse mullet haircut - "a party in the front and business in the back."
Ahhhhh yes thats right, Katezilla rides first class while the others go coach..me forgets
The girls' smiles are lovely. I was thinking Daddy might have been there to greet them (but would Kate be smiling at Jon?) OK, maybe not.
Hot in Pa. LOL!!!! I am in Ct and for sure not wearing a quilted vest.
Lori Anne. I think those 8 are happy to finally be in the million dollar house they have bought and paid for. Maybe a little down time is in order for them.
@ Livvy..I have noticed her diamond necklaces also, I remember Nancy Grace giving Jon Boy a hard time about him a hard time about his earrings he wore on the show and yet Katezilla sports not one but two diamond necklaces...and yet she cried months back that she had a purse full of bills...what would Nancy say now?
Who knows why the kids are smiling. Maybe Kate promised them a cold drink in an airport food booth. Or that they had first dibs on the bathroom stalls.
At least they are smiling. That's good.
Does anybody besides me want to throw Kate down in a chair, grab a pair of scissors and hack those bangs off? I'd say she's flipping the bird to Ted the Expensive Hair Guy for insisting she have bangs when she didn't want them. Kate will make her point one way or another.
sorry...I repeated myself there..worked a double shift today...
I'd like to see her take off the extensions. Her head will have bald spots like Brittany before long.
Sadie, Didn't see Jon w/Nancy Grace but I can only imagine. NG is so over the top with her sensationalism. Gave up on her during the Caylee Anthony case. She reports breaking news that is three days old.
Wonder what happened to the straps of Alexis' dress that required it to be hiked up higher,
tied differently and a skirt underneath? Just curious - but she's not dressed identically!
OH NO! Is she really part of "the set"? Is she a stray child who got mixed up with the Gosselins on the way home? What, WHAT? :-)
Love the picture of Stevie boy carrying bags in both hands and a knapsack on his back, all the while he's supposed to be the bodyguard. He's executive protection alright!!! I think Tom and Jerry had more protection with the Acme Protection company than Kate has with this tool.
Stevie boy, we know you read these blogs. Grow a set. Tell your charge you don't carry bags, you are agile, ready and willing to do what is necessary to keep your client from harms way. Carrying your clients bags makes you hired help, not a professional body guard.
"Gave up on her during the Caylee Anthony case. She reports breaking news that is three days old."
I gave up on her shortly after she had the twins. I was tired seeing her family photo album and hearing what gorgeous, marvelous kids they were. Then she got really nasty, over the top, disrespectful of her guests to the point that it was embarassing to watch. At first I thought it was postpartum depression, then I figured she was PMS-ing, but dismissed that because she was nasty every day of the month...
She really did a number on Jon that was so biased that I was amazed that he stayed in control. She tore him apart. Nothing bad, of course, about Kate.
Poor Collin - he certainly doesn't look happy in that first picture.
Kate wearing a vest, yet all the girls are sleeveless.
"Kate wearing a vest, yet all the girls are sleeveless."
Kate flies First Class. It's cooler there. The girls fly coach, much warmer there!
Would love confirmation that Kart is in first class while the kids fly steerage.
Also, I knew if I posted how "happy" Angelina and her cheeful brood looked deplaning --- Kart would alter her sour puss now and then.
I posted earlier that my bizarre mind realized the tups would be 19 before they graduated from high school. Hopefully, they won't remain matchy/matchy, don't continue eating from prison plates or drink (beer) from sippy cups.
What's up w/the matchy/matchy Steve and the boys?
Kate will have to go back on her starvation diet, looks like she gained all her weight back. Brace yourselves for a flurry of slutty dressed Kate picking up her mail, jogging down her street and filling the SUV with gas.
Sturdy....yeppers, she looks sturdy.
Oh Kate you are just too cool for us. Wearing a black bra under your top. How do you manage to be the front-runner in fashion, take care of a house, chickens, and your 8, count 'em 8 children.
Oh please Kate, pen your next bestselling tome on how to dress fashionably on a poor single mom's income.
I was just watching a program on TV called Wild About Animals, which I had never seen before.
They featured animal trainers, etc...and reported that for American movies, the American Human Association is always on set to prevent any abuse of an animal during filming and to make sure the animal isn't made to do anything they are not willing or ready to do. The AHA will make sure that if the trainer is not "comfortable" with what is asked of the animal for the shoot, the animal will not be subjected to it.
Nice to know, huh?
I'm having difficulty coming up with a theory for why they spent time in LA. For starters, I would never go looking at houses dragging 8 children with me. Kate seems like the type who would rather make a trip to LA solo (with bodyguard, of course) for this...rather than having to deal with a whole entourage along with her.
A second possibility....she's in discussions with someone regarding some sort of entertainment option (for herself)...but again, for this she would go solo and not with the whole entourage, IMO.
So...I'm going with the theory that it was to look into entertainment options for the children (or one of them or several of them).
Now I do realize that Kate likes the photo ops...and I did take this into consideration...but to be tired from days filming in Alaska where she had to be with her own children for days....it seems unlikely to me that she would then opt to take them with her to LA to look at houses or to discuss personal entertainment options with someone there.
So I'm going with something related to possible entertainment options for one or all of the children.
Let me also add....boy, are the kids getting tall! Especially the girls (which is normal...boys catch up later). Mady almost comes up to Kate's shoulder.
Also....I did think that it looked like Kate had put on a little weight...but then I also noticed that it could be the denim skirt with the fade marks making it appear that way.
That looks downright embarrassing that Steve is matching the kids with his orange shirt. It was a pointed effort, I'm sure, to look like a "family". (rather than a coincidence--"Oh my goodness...we're all wearing orange shirts today!")
OK, in defense...........look for orange --- in case you're lost???
@ dee3, I agree, the kids are getting big, no more toddler stage for sure. I didn't know that they will be 6 1/2 when they start kindergarten! Her twins I read somewhere will be in 4th grade this year and they are nearly 10. Seems like her kids are behind a year than most kids, they will all be 19 when graduating from high school when the actual age is 17.
Hard to keep loving Jon.....
LOL. Actually I've read somewhere years ago an article on kids safety that said when in a group keeping to one color helps identify who belongs to what group. Young kids can identify colors more readily than letters.
But......other than Kate's tan, she is not dressed in orange. Does this mean she doesn't want to be found?
Hard to Keep Loving Jon said...
Also, I knew if I posted how "happy" Angelina and her cheeful brood looked deplaning --- Kart would alter her sour puss now and then.
Please get a grip on reality. Kate does not live her life based on what you post on a blog. Are you always this delusional?
It's not necessarily cooler in first class than coach--on a long-a** flight back from Hawaii last year (Oahu-Newark, NJ) I was cold. My teenaged daughter (who wouldn't listen to me on what to wear on the plane, lol) had a sundress and sandals on. Mid-flight, she snuggled up to me for warmth, and even though she already her own blanket, I had to give her mine, too. Her dad had to relinquish his carry-on hoodie to her as well.
I personally would not have dressed my small girls in flimsy sundresses for the flight.
The only ones that match colors is Stevie Boy and the boys, same polo and color. He is such a turd for a bodyguard. All the others are in different colors so the theory of them looking for the same color if one gets lost just went down the toilet.
Is it true that she still has the tups use high chairs, bibs and sippy cups? I can't even IMAGINE that she does that, considering how tall they are now. I have to say....they most definitely ARE beautiful children. Most mothers would be thanking their lucky stars every day for having them.
Re: the Necklaces.
I went for a look to confirm my thoughts, and was interested that Kate started sporting the single one a while ago, before her hair went long. I think the photos I found (simply google imaged 'Kate Gosselin') were from around the time the divorce was announced.
The reason I wanted to look at them was because my personal thought was they really aren't that impressive. I have diamond earrings bigger than her pendant and I'm only a school teacher, a far cry from a dlist reality star.
I've never seen necklaces like that for sale, but I can't imagine that the diamond is over a carrat in size, from the photos I've seen it would be lucky to be .75 if that, nothing to write home about. Where I'm from, bragging only really starts at 2-2.5.
According to the most recent issue of In Touch magazine, Kate only tells Jon at the very last minute, that she's taking the children on these filming trips (Alaska, N.Carolina, etc.)....and that he is furious about this and that it's one of the issues in the ongoing custody dispute.
Apparently, she is basically finding more or less of a loophole in terms of the custody agreement that each of them will notify the other if they plan to take the children out of the state. She technically remains within this....but only tells him at the very last minute, when it's already almost a done deal.
In fact, when it comes to this most recent trip to Alaska, he found out about it from the children...and was again, furious about it. The intent of this specific stipulation is that both parents should discuss and agree on these trips with the children.....not just get notified as they're boarding the plane.
Oh...and one other little thing. The article mentions that "Twist of Kate" is supposed to be debuting "later this summer". Being that it's August tomorrow....I'd say we're getting pretty darn close to the end of "later this summer".
"All the others are in different colors so the theory of them looking for the same color if one gets lost just went down the toilet."
Not at all. The boys and the girls don't wear the same outfits...never did! I never saw the boys wear sundresses or capris. "All" the others aren't in different colors. In these photos, the boys all wear orange shirts, the girls wear bright pink sundresses. Makes them much easier to see in a crowd. Aaden, Joel and Collin would revolt if they had to wear pink dresses to match the girls!
"Seems like her kids are behind a year than most kids, they will all be 19 when graduating from high school when the actual age is 17."
The "actual" age from graduating from high school is not always 17. It depends upon when the student entered kindergarten, if they made the cut-off for the school's requirement, and their age during the graduation month (depending upon their birth month). There are many kids who are 18 when they graduate, several of whom are my own. They were never kept back...it all depended upon when their birthdays fell.
The tups' birthdays are in May. Graduation is the third week of May. The tups will only have been 19 for two weeks when they graduate. It's inconsequential.
Cara and Mady will be 10 in October. That means they will be 18 when they graduate, which is certainly the age when many or most kids graduate. They were not kept back.
Anonymous said..."Please get a grip on reality. Kate does not live her life based on what you post on a blog. Are you always this delusional?"
First of all...good morning (Kate??). Kate may not live her 'entire' life based on what is posted on the blogs, but there can no longer be any question that she reads them. If an observation (or criticism) is posted on the blogs, rest assured...the correction in Kate-land is forthcoming. We've all seen it hundreds of times now. Why even this most recent set of photos shows Kate carrying her own big bag and holding not one, but two of the little kids' hands (one of them being an icky boy hand!). Now why would that be?? Possibly because it was noted on their outbound trip to Alaska that one of the little girls was carrying Kate's big bag, and Kate was holding none of the childrens' hands - that task was left to helpers, nannies, and bodyguards. This is but one tiny example of adjustments made by Kate after criticisms are expressed. As always, she's a bit 'too little, too late' - her natural mothering instincts simply don't exist, otherwise she would be doing these things BEFORE, not AFTER, observations are made on the blogs. Ask anyone here...we've all seen it so many times, it's almost an amusing joke to see her adjust her behavior when her shortcomings are revealed. Now who's delusional?
I find this while phenomenon of waiting for the next round of pics of Kate and entourage and then spending at least one day analyzing no hand-holding vs wrist holding vs finger holding, size and exposure of toes, shoe size, Velcro vs shoelaces, matching outfits, vests vs sleeveless, temps in first class vs coach, and on and on and on, to be indicative of something like an addiction....at the very least, something not quite healthy and a sorry, nonproductive way to spend hours each day.
And apparently you all think that the Gosselin group voraciously read this blog, take and compare notes and then make a point of correcting their "bad behavior" the next time pics are snapped. Makes it sound like you're as filled with your own importance as Kate.
This is all such small potatoes in the grand scheme of things and yet you keep waiting, sniping at each other over old unsolvable mysteries until new photos arrive. And all the while you're saying her 15 minutes are up and she needs to go away.
Sad or funny? Who's to say? It's definitely a study on where the "fine art" of mindless gossip can lead.
Just watching, I think it's even sadder to just lurk around here all day watching what people do then popping in once in awhile to criticize them and try to make them feel pathetic. You seem to know quite a bit about what is said here so who really is spending the hours??? Who's really pathetic here?
If you don't like it why are you hanging around watching it? You're like those people who hold up traffic watching a car accident. At least we are helping out the car accident. Move along oogling bystander, you're not needed here.
Now you see why I have to just ignore the endless comments that this blog is keeping the show going. If I admit the blogs keep it alive I'm accused of being arrogant and delusional. The blog will truck along as long as the Gosselins truck along.
Just Watching... just wondering...why the lengthy analysis of this blog? You take the time to read all the entries and then comment about how it's nonproductive. Sad or funny? Hilarious, actually.
Just watching said…
“And apparently you all think that the Gosselin group voraciously read this blog, take and compare notes and then make a point of correcting their "bad behavior" the next time pics are snapped.”
It shows how little you know about TLC and the blogosphere. TLC does read the blogs because when J&K+8 was in production they would use the show for damage control.
Example, you would see Jon and Kate discussing something similar to what had been discussed on the blogs. Coincidence? Nope.
@Blue in Horizon...ah ah the twins will be 19 when and if they graduate on time, they turn 10 in Oct the 2nd. They'll atart college at 19, my son is in his second year of college and he is 19.
Blue Horizon -- I meant to say that. I also graduated when I was 17, but I was one of the younger ones in my class, because of my birth month.
Most of the kids seem to average out at 18.
The blog that got me channeled most was that ROL. Kates' bloggers spend half and more of their day there. They scope the whole website and sit and blog. I come on once in awhile as the rest of my fellow bloggers do but to sit all day...thats jus plain nuts. To the poster who commented on the twins and their grade level, she did hold them back. My nephew who lives in Hershey, PA is 10 and in the fourth grade and he turned 5 in Dec when he started Kindergarten. The cut off in PA is 5 before the new year or at least when he started. You can hold your child back a year if they are close off to cutoff but then there are laws that if they are suppose to be in school than they have to.
Ooops sorry...yes they will be 18 but 19 if they start college like they are suppose to...oh well
Carry on my fellow bloggers...I have to take my kitty to the vet. I believe he may have a urinary tract infection..= ( Sorry bout the mishap with the twins... Love the kids but can't stand the parents...but then I love all kids and animals.. = )
Kate is so in need of a stylist, it's pathetic. Does she really think she is Hollywood material? She needs to start reading InStyle or something. She never dresses appropriately & frankly, her closet reads like a brand new hooker the 1st night on the job or an 18 year old, depending on the day. Dress your age Kate, you look ridiculous (& did you partake in too much MOOse meat in Alaska?)
Come off it, that is not the same at all. No one here is a public figure by definition of the law. Posting on the internet with a username does not make you a public figure no more than talking to someone in a public place in real life makes you a public figure. The internet has simply made it much easier for people interested in the same topic to gather. In the old days people would attend conventions about their mutual interest.
As long as people follow the rules they are permitted to post here without feeling like they are being constantly attacked. Attacks will be deleted. I do not permit personal attacks whether you like it or not. As soon as the posters on here start exploiting their kids to make their way, then I will permit personal attacks.
Moreover, personal attacks are off topic. Stick to the topic, or go elsewhere. Or start your own blog. This blog does NOT permit discussion of other blogs or other posters. That is called boards on boards, is not permitted at other big sites such as TWOP and for good reason. A blog to just talk about other blogs all day long is, in my opinion, useless.
I think it's perfectly acceptable to argue with one's opinion that's "public" on a blog. It's another thing to criticize a person who shares their opinion on a blog. Kate has made her entire life public. She proclaims to live one way, then turns around and is shown living opposite those ideals. She is selling a "brand" and many people stopped buying it because it became obvious that she is not who TLC tried to make her out to be.
People sharing opinions on a blog are not selling anything.
Sorry Admin....I had been trying to type my above post for 10 minutes and kept getting interrupted...I wouldn't have posted what I did, if I had seen what you just said :)
Mommyinca, you said it best. You may debate the opinions here. You may not criticize people for even having them and make it personal.
Don't like it, don't come here. Other blogs will have you.
Hmmmm. Jamie didn't go to Alaska or LA. Jamie has been wherever Jamie has been (maybe home in Michigan) without Kate to take care of, jog/walk with, shop with. She may have lots of time on her hands to get on blogs and defend Kate.
That you, Jamie? Just curious.
Sadie -- the tups will be 19 when they start college, having turned 19 in May of that year; the twins will be 18 when they start college in the fall of that year and will turn 19 in October of their freshman year...nothing unusual about that. Two of mine turned 19 in November and December of their freshman year, which means that for the fall semester of their freshman year, all eight of them will be 19...not at the same time, of course!
The opinions bloggers put on the internet are very much in the public view and are subject to analization/criticism/sharing with other blogs, etc. That is the nature of the internet. The opinions are being scrutinized, not the individual bloggers. There's a difference.
"The opinions are being scrutinized, not the individual bloggers. There's a difference."
And scrutinizing an opinion is fine and welcome here. But where it gets personal is saying things like "you have no right to criticize Kate, you are a hypocrite!" That's not scrutinizing an opinion, that's scrutinizing the person for having it. The difference may seem subtle to some, but it is a difference and it's not allowed here.
Saying "please don't want the show I think that just continues the problem" is scrutinizing an opinion, but saying "How dare you watch the show you are exploiting the kids!" is attacking the person.
Oh and believe me, it has gotten VERY personal elsewhere. Which is why I have a zero tolerance policy here for that.
"My nephew who lives in Hershey, PA is 10 and in the fourth grade and he turned 5 in Dec when he started Kindergarten. The cut off in PA is 5 before the new year or at least when he started. You can hold your child back a year if they are close off to cutoff but then there are laws that if they are suppose to be in school than they have to."
According to the Pa education code (compulsory age requirements), children do not have to be enrolled in a public school system until they are eight years of age. That's public school. It's a whole different ball of wax for private schools. The Gosselins are in private school. The tups can be held back as long as needed, and placed in the grade/program that is the best match for their skills and development based on testing.
The twins were not held back. They are exactly where they are supposed to be.
I may be in the minority, but I think holding back or red shirting is one of the best things you can do for a boy who is into sports. It doesn't seem to matter as much for girls since they mature faster anyway, but a boy who is playing football at 17 is a totally different player as he reaches 18 or 19. Sure enough, the majority of professional players across the board were red shirted as children. Collin seems the most athletic of the bunch, holding him back may give him opportunities and playing time in sports he desperately needs to shine.
I think the concern is this undertone vibe we're getting this has nothing to do with a well-thought reason like that and everything to do with 1. keeping the kids small, little, and cute because Kate just likes babies and 2. having as much time to film them as possible.
To say doing something is hypocritical is not calling an individual a hypocrite. Are you saying you deleted a post because the poster said, "How dare you......" or "You have no right to......"?
That's exactly what I'm saying. And yes to me that is calling a person a hypocrite.
That's like saying I don't understand why they are upset when I said their nose is ugly. I didn't say THEY were ugly, I just said the nose was! Please, same thing.
It's my call and I decided it's not permitted, end of discussion.
Please everyone, all our Admin is asking is that we not turn on each other. The more we go after each other the less focus there is on the
8 Gosselin children's plight.
If you want a blog that will implode from the
interpersonal attacks, go make your own blog and have at it. Some may tune in just to see the train as it slowly runs into the ditch, giving you lots of hits.
But let this nice blog stay on track, or at least show some measure of comradarie between bloggers, won't you please? Thank you.
"I think the concern is this undertone vibe we're getting this has nothing to do with a well-thought reason like that and everything to do with 1. keeping the kids small, little, and cute because Kate just likes babies and 2. having as much time to film them as possible."
I've said it before, so here it goes again. Please bear with me! Regarding the tups being kept back in school because Kate wants to keep them as babies and being able to film them as much as possible. It was NOT Kate, nor Jon, nor Steve, nor TLC and Eileen O'Neill who put the kids in a Pre-K program. It was the result of comprehensive testing that determined what grade level was best for the kids. Kate could have yelled and threw hissy fits that she wanted them in such and such a program, but it wouldn't have mattered. If they weren't ready for Kindergarten, they wouldn't have been placed in Kindergarten. If they wouldn't have been ready for Pre-K, they wouldn't have been placed in Pre-K. If she would have wanted them in full-time Pre-K and they weren't ready, they wouldn't have been placed in full-time Pre-K.
As far as Kate "babying" these kids, with bibs and highchairs to keep them cute and tiny, that opinion may have some validity, but when it comes to keeping them behind in school for that reason, nope, it doesn't fly.
I totally agree with Admin in that the boys, when ready for sports, will really shine. They will have been given the chance to develop physically and mentally, and when the time comes for them to play soccer, lacrosse, baseball, tennis, basketball, the opportunity will be there for them, and they'll be ready.
fidosmommy said... Wonder what happened to the straps of Alexis' dress that required it to be hiked up higher,
tied differently and a skirt underneath? Just curious - but she's not dressed identically!
Ha. It looks like Ashley dressed the girl with the extra skirt and the higher neckline because it was more modest. It looks like Kate dressed the child with the dress almost revealing her
torso because it was more Kate's sense of style.
I think you can't have it both ways.
On the one hand, I have seen plenty of people here assert that Kate's people do check these kinds of blogs and possibly even alter her behavior accordingly. (And honestly, I have to wonder---I've seen too many instances of that happening...)
On the other hand I've heard it's ok to pay this much attention to Kate because she's going to keep on going and doing whatever she wants whether or not this blog is around. (I even used to say that before I remembered the one thing a narcissist needs is attention and the one thing they hate the most is being ignored.)
But if the first is true, then it works to feed the whole Kate trainwreck phenomenon. If the second is true, then the first can't be true.
I believe that blogging about the show and the issues involved is very different from actually watching the show. As far as the children being on TV, it's simply a matter of what ratings the show receives. It's all about money and advertising dollars. There are plenty of individuals who get attention/press, be it negative or positive, and it doesn't necessarily result in significant money for them.
In fact, I have a hunch that this will become evident if Twist of Kate ever airs...after the first one or two episodes.
Take Lindsay Lohan for example. She is all over the internet and the mags but she's been having difficulty getting roles for quite some time now...despite all the attention she's gotten. In the end, you have to be able to perform well enough to attract a large audience and you have to be someone the employers can work with.
On the blogs that are run by and read by intelligent people, there are several issues that make this situation relevant...and not just useless gossip. First and foremost is the exploitation of children issue. But there is also the issue of reality TV in general....what it's become and what effects it has on society.
In an article in the Washington Post (regarding the newest Real Housewives show), the author wrote-----------
"It's sad because of everything that got us to this point. It's sad because of how little we ever see of "real" women on television; it's easy to look around at our culture and feel that the scales have tipped, and more people are pretending to star in their own reality shows, supplying their own cameras".
I remember watching "Sweet Sixteen" on MTV several years ago and wondering, when the birthday gal said, with total seriousness, "I am gonna be a diva when I grow up"......how in the world are these shows affecting our children? They think Hollywood is a hop and a skip away.
Carol said... I have seen plenty of people here assert that Kate's people do check these kinds of blogs and possibly even alter her behavior accordingly. (And honestly, I have to wonder---I've seen too many instances of that happening...)
You know, if blogging gets Kate to show a bit more love to her children by holding their hands and interacting with them more - then I say, Let the conversations roll!
Interview of the Gosselin children in the year
Interviewer: Hi Gosselins! Welcome to New York! I see you are all quite the individuals now! Please tell me your memories of being children on a reality TV show and watched by millions.
Aaden: (with black contact lenses) I remember
my Mom said I wasn't normal and being teased at school. Also, I got carpel tunnel syndrome from the stress; I used to clamp my hands shut all the time because I was angry all the time.
I've had 2 surgeries on both hands. It literally scarred me for life.
Leah: I remember going places. Lots of places....where was it we went when we were just staring Kindergarten, Alexis?..... oh yeah, Alaska. Yeah, I remember that really well. Mother said I'd never forget the experience of meeting some lady... who was that, Alexis?.....
Collin: I remember being very clean and neat.
I do laundry about once every 3 months now - oh, I can see this shirt has some stains on it. Sorry. And I remember being stubborn and big headed. Oh yeah, that was Mom who said I was stubborn and big headed. My teachers expected the worst from me. They said they'd been warned.
Alexis: I remember being pinched a lot and told
to shut up. Then they wanted me to talk, but only to say what they wanted me to say. And I remember being upset when my Daddy left and everyone thought it was cute and heartwarming.
That's my main memory.
Joel: I don't remember much. I was the forgotten child, so I've decided to forget the show. I don't miss it. My mind is at peace.
Ohhhhhmmmm, ohhhhmmmmm, ohhhhhmmmmm......
Hannah: I had the prettiest hair, but it was always in a rat's nest on the show. I have decided to shave my head bald so it will never droop all over my face again.
Mady: I felt like an 8th wheel a lot. I was the second twin and the tups' big sister. I lived in obscurity unless I made myself noticed. Nobody could even spell my name right. By the way, I have changed my last name to Jones. It's easier that way.
Cara: I remember I didn't like it very much.
Just in general. I can't really separate out the things I hated from the things I really hated and the things I just plain despised about it. I don't have a TV in my house. Paul Petersen and I keep in touch; he comes to my house for therapy sessions. I'm still decompressing.
Interviewer: How's your Mom?
ALL: Aunt Jodi is fine, thanks!
I see that Kate is back to her hard working, attentive mother routine now that she is back in Reading PA. 3 hours today for a mani/pedi, then some tanning and shopping again. Looks like once she gets home, cashes the kids paychecks, she's back out pampering herself as she usually does.
Kate is such a hard working mom. I'm pretty certain that she doesn't get half the time for pampering as all you moms out there with 1, 2, 3 or more kids. You moms out there take too much time going to the salon, the tanning booth and all the other non essential things you do that Kate doesn't get the chance to do.
You see, Kate has a purse full of bills that she carries around with her, wondering how she's going to pay the pool boy, the landscapers, the not a nanny's, the chef the luxury car payments and the bodyguard.
Shame on you working moms for judging poor Kate. You should be doing more for your kids other than just taking them to the soccer games, lacrosse meets, girl scout meets, cub scout meets, to the 7-11 for slurpees, the zoo, shopping for their clothes and all the other non important things you do for you kids and grandkids.
Speaking of grandkids, shame on you grandparents out there who let your kids sleep over and get to know you. Shame shame shame. Shame on all you aunts and uncles out there who are part of your neices and nephews lifes. You are disgraceful. You moms, grandparents, aunts and uncles should be ashamed of yourselves for taking an interest. You all should be out there, shopping, tanning, mani/pedi, traveling, interviewing for casting calls, hob nobbing with Donald Trump, TLC, DWTS, Bachorlette shows and any camera lens that aims your way.
I thought you would be more considerated than that. What have you done to yourselves??????/
(Random Observation) I just noticed that she looks like Kathie Lee Gifford in these photos.
sorry about the typo "considerated" I meant "considerate". Sometimes, in my life, I have committed inarticulate statements with typos and the such that cost me a few convictions on charging documents; i.e. writing a statement of charges that I smelled alchohol on the defendants breath at which time I was eaten up and spit out by a wise defense lawyer that alchohol has no smell or odor thus having an arrest I made thrown out for lack of better phrasing.
Bubbles said... (Random Observation) I just noticed that she looks like Kathie Lee Gifford in these photos.
Actually, there are pics of Kate in which I think she looks like a young Meredith Baxter.
Kelly said: "sorry about the typo "considerated" I meant "considerate"."
Kelly, you've been listening to Kate too long. If ever there was a Kate-ism, that's it!
I don't get what's up with Steve's wife? Why doesnt she go on some of these trips since her husband is more busy babysitting than actually doing any bodyguard duties. Kate and her I thought were friends so it would make sense if she went. One more set of hands so Kate can do even less. How can he possibly protect our Queen from a deranged fan when he's carrying bags and holding a child's hand? Even if there is nothing going on between them most normal women would still have an issue with your husband spending all this time with another woman. Well I hope Steve's saving his money also since he'll never get another "bodyguard" gig again thats for sure
emschick1128 said...I don't get what's up with Steve's wife? Why doesnt she go on some of these trips since her husband is more busy babysitting than actually doing any bodyguard duties.
Maybe she has a job and can't go on trips all the time. Maybe she doesn't like traipsing through airports with 8 kids, a camera crew and various nannys and bodyguards and paps. Maybe she's glad when he's gone because his rat claws give her the willies. Maybe they're getting a divorce.
"Why doesnt she go on some of these trips since her husband is more busy babysitting than actually doing any bodyguard duties."
Maybe she has a fear of flying. Maybe she'd rather stay home with her OWN children, rather than passing them off on a nanny. Maybe she wants to remain in the background and not generate speculation and innuendo about WHY she is traveling with them. Maybe she's just a private person and wants to remain that way.
Can you imagine the field day the blogs and tabs would have if she traveled with Kate and Steve? "Gina's traveling with Kate so she can keep an eye on her husband," etc. etc. You get the picture.
"I don't get what's up with Steve's wife? Why doesnt she go on some of these trips since her husband is more busy babysitting than actually doing any bodyguard duties."
"Friend or not, Kate would NEVER want Steve's wife along on her filming road trips. Narcissist that she is, Kate would expect Steve's undivided attention. Share Steve with his wife? I don't think so. Remember, "Mine, all mine."
I guess the point I was trying to make was that she must be very tolerant or maybe Steve and her are laughing behind Kate's back and keep collecting those reported $1,500 per day checks for babysitting Kate knowing they will be coming to an end in the near future. Believe me I know Kate would never want another woman in the picture stealing her thunder.
soo did anyone besides me noticed hannah covering her face? Admin I expected you to draw attention towards that too,not just toward the happy things
"soo did anyone besides me noticed hannah covering her face?"
Yes, and I thought it might be possible that she might have been rubbing her eyes. It's kind of hard to tell from photo.
soo did anyone besides me noticed hannah covering her face? Admin I expected you to draw attention towards that too,not just toward the happy things
Kelly said: "sorry about the typo "considerated" I meant "considerate"."
Kelly, you've been listening to Kate too long. If ever there was a Kate-ism, that's it!
sorry about the typo "considerated" I meant "considerate". Sometimes, in my life, I have committed inarticulate statements with typos and the such that cost me a few convictions on charging documents; i.e. writing a statement of charges that I smelled alchohol on the defendants breath at which time I was eaten up and spit out by a wise defense lawyer that alchohol has no smell or odor thus having an arrest I made thrown out for lack of better phrasing.
What's up w/the matchy/matchy Steve and the boys?
Would love confirmation that Kart is in first class while the kids fly steerage.
Also, I knew if I posted how "happy" Angelina and her cheeful brood looked deplaning --- Kart would alter her sour puss now and then.
I posted earlier that my bizarre mind realized the tups would be 19 before they graduated from high school. Hopefully, they won't remain matchy/matchy, don't continue eating from prison plates or drink (beer) from sippy cups.
"Kate wearing a vest, yet all the girls are sleeveless."
Kate flies First Class. It's cooler there. The girls fly coach, much warmer there!
I'd like to see her take off the extensions. Her head will have bald spots like Brittany before long.
The girls' smiles are lovely. I was thinking Daddy might have been there to greet them (but would Kate be smiling at Jon?) OK, maybe not.
My daughter (16) and her friends wear dark bras under light-colored scanty tops. She's trying to recapture her youth.
The pic of the real bodyguard in back and Steve in the front put me in mind of a reverse mullet haircut - "a party in the front and business in the back."
I hope they get to stay & play at home (in the backyard) for the rest of their vacation. When does school start there? Not too soon I hope!
Now the little girls are covering their faces. What a way for children to have to live!
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