Yesterday the kids went straight to Chinatown in New York City after their filmed train ride there, for even more filming. Temperatures were soaring high into the 90's with sticky humidity. Were they being provided adequate breaks, water, and a place to cool off? Are they complying with New York Department of Labor regulations, including obtaining permits and providing proof of a Coogan fund for each child that gives them 15% of not just the profits, as TLC says they have arranged, but of their earnings. Big difference.
Later that night guess the kids were left in the hotel with Jamie while Kate and Steve went to Madison Square Garden for a Lady Gaga concert. And who was she chit-chatting with there? Donald Trump, host of Celebrity Apprentice. Wonder if we'll see Kate on that this fall. The theme song seems to be a good description of her anyway---Money, money, money....MONEY!
162 sediments (sic) from readers:
One would think the kids would at least be wearing hats to protect them from the sun and heat. Downtown Manhattan is not the place for anyone to be in extreme heat conditions,especially children.
Those children look soooooo happy NOT.
Anyone know if NY-ers ignored her or were yelling things at her?
Real celebrities in NY are treated, for the most part, with respect, and left alone most of the time. NY-ers are in no way impressed by "fame."
Just wondering what type of attention Kate garnered from the natives.
I just want to say that this week on the East coast, it has been blistering hot--I mean UNHEALTHY hot and the lack of air/a breeze is just about deadly.
Shame, shame on her. No child should be outside in this AND if they HAVE to be....not without a hat.
Here's how we've been living: Go out and turn on the sprinkler on your garden/flowers, etc (to save them)...then return to the air conditioned house immediately. Pets and kids are actually unable to cope with the heat of the blacktop. It's been that bad.
It is appalling to think of anyone, let alone, children, filming in a hot city - shame on TLC and that sorry excuse for a mother. And could she find anything less appropriate to walk the streets of NYC in? I would imagine that TLC has BFF Jamie on the payroll, since she obviously has no trouble leaving her own children to play babysitter for Kate while her BFF and Handler go out to play in the big city - would not catch me doing that, nope. But again the real shame is having those kids outside, and yes, sans sunhats, doing the family job.
Out of three, in the photo of Kate with The Don and Mrs. The Don, Kate looks like the only one impressed. Trump lookes bored and his wife looks like she can't understand why this "small person" is even talking to them.
Kate you have such star power............not.
Can you imagine having to follow around that pointed-hat narcissist in these temperatures in the city, so that she can rub elbows in New York....while they have a refreshing pool at home?
To me, this is just beyond disgusting.
This goes for everyone, for all posts. The snotty, snippy, smart alecky comments are getting very old. If you disagree with someone, fine, but don't insult them in the process or be obnoxious about it. Rule 2 and 3 have repeatedly been violated over the past few days but I've been too busy to do a bunch of deleting. It is more fun when people are courteous to each other and not little brats. You know who you are. Stop hiding behind your computer screen and be polite to people.
Please regulate yourselves so I don't have to spend time doing it.
I guess Kate knows better than the National Weather Service which specifically instructed everyone to stay indoors. Just like she's above the PA Labor Department, California Parks Rules, etc.
The rules don't apply to her.
The kids all have that WTF? look on their faces in top photo.
If you look at the 2nd pic of Kate's feet, they look like she has stuffed them in a vice.
Her ankles are swollen and falling over the strap. The veins are about ready to pop.
My feet hurt just looking at hers!
What woman would put herself through that, just to look like a hooker with cheap taste?
I daresay attorneys are better paid than the grammar police who feel the need to patrol here now and again.
What a vain, stupid, silly, exhibitionistic piece of work that woman is!The contrast between her beautifully dressed children (though they should have sunhats),and her, striding through Chinatown with her tatas hanging out of that cheap looking halter is very evident.
For some reason that top picture just got to me.You're not cute, Katie Irene, you're not a princess. You are an orange woman with augmented tatas who is putting your kids through a shopping trip in NYC on the hottest day of the year.Shame on you.And Jamie and Steve. And TLC.
Isn't there one person somewhere in those children's lives that has the power and the gonads to step up and say this is wrong and needs to stop? Subjecting kids to extreme heat conditions in a large city when they have an air conditioned home and 24 acres in PA? For the sake of filming, and Mommy schmoozing with The Donald?I'm disgusted!
(Next time I won't hold back with what I think- LOL)
Markiesnana, I agree, and I've also done some proofreading for a paper and editing work for a publication. This is a blog--not a legal pleading.
Kate has a horrible jaundice color. Bet she glows in the dark.
The top photos looks like she's got a real dilemma on her hands...she'd rather not be with her kids but she has to drag them along in the crowded sticky heat so they can make her the $$. What an inconvenience that must be to her for the few minutes a day she's forced to pretend to be a loving mother.
Those children look so very unhappy.
And the nightmare continues...
She claims to be a nurse for God's sake. She should know enough to at least put sun hats on the children - she remembered to cover her own head!!
As for meeting The Trump - she probably will be on the next Apprentice series - she seems determined to make it in major TV network. I'm fine with that IF IT MEANS THE CHILDREN CAN RETIRE.
I actually hope she does do Celebrity Apprentice:
-the kids will get some relief from her
-it will another forum for Kate to make a fool out of herself in front of a new audience
PS In the top pic, Kate has a water bottle in her left hand. I don't notice that the kids have water bottles. There are really cute slings you can buy to put water bottles in, they hang over your shoulder like a shoulder bag.
How hard would it be to buy 8 of these at Target so that the kids could each be protected in the heat?
Seems to be that TLC is being overlooked in this; they drive the train and to bring children out to film on a day when warnings are issued to stay indoors is, IMHO, almost a legally culpable act. Shame on those who make these decisions; we know Kate just jumps at the chance to play in the big city - look at the pictures, do you ever see that happy smile when she is out doing her family job? No, it's only at night, and only for her starstruck, grossly immature and juvenile persona.
They were at Madison Sq Garden last night. My guess is that there were tons of "real" stars there taking their pics with Trump. ROL and others make it appear it was all about Kate. Real small fish in very big pond. I do like the dress. The problem with K wearing it is that the belt draws all your attention to her thick middle. Otherwise, one of the most tasteful dresses we have seen her in.
(NY) State regulations forbid minors under the age of 16 from being employed in or assisting in:
Peddling; drug traffic; or any practice, exhibition, or place dangerous or injurious to life, limb, or morals.
So, how exactly does TLC/Kate get past this? Aren't those kids at work if there are camera's rolling for the show?
Auntie Ann, to answer your question the kids are NOT working. They are being filmed so they can have memories of their oh so happy childhood. I'm sure when they look back they'll remember all the happy times.
You can tell that Kate has lost weight. Her arms are thinner, and her face is where you can really tell it. With her slimmer face, but still the same 'bulky' bottom, she's looking more like a 'bobble head' doll...the kind you put in the rear window of your car.
I so want to see her on the Apprentice. She should make a complete fool of herself there!
The look of the kids in the top photo with Kate in the hat posing for the camera says it all. Bored kids staring at their narcissistic mother in all her glory.
If she drags the kids along with her, she can write the whole trip off as a business expense.
She's using Jamie the same way she did Jodi and Beth, but I think Jamie has more fringe benefits.
That first picture is hilarious! Kate posing with that hat on.Little Joel looking up at her as if to say "Mommy's cuckoo." Priceless
BTW, which boy is that putting his face down in the second pic? She's holding his hand so he can't cover his face. I'm sure he's been warned. Look at the girls in the back also walking with their heads down. Mady is even behind Jamie. Who is watching this girl in a strange big city?
You're right. How silly of me. I should have said they're 'playing'. Mommy is the one 'working'.
When is someone going to arrest this woman for impersonating a parent?
Auntie Ann I hope you realize my earlier post was being sarcastic and not a personal attack. I just couldn't resist getting in the playing and memories we heard about ad nauseum. Kate doesn't even do a good impesonation of a mom.
Found this on the NY DOL website:
Child Performers
Worker Protection Central Processing Unit
State Campus, Bldg 12, Room 266A
Albany, NY 12240
Tel. (518) 457-1942
Fax (518) 457-2731
This group has Statewide Jurisdiction on this matter.
I'm making a call at lunch time.
These pictures speak volumes - again - don't they? Nary a water bottle in sight (except for Kate's) on a blistering day and not only do the kids look miserable, but so does their mother, as usual. Hopefully there are water bottles there somewhere (and sunscreen). The first shot is hilarious to me because the kids are not amused, they look like their mother has lost her mind. But when she's standing next to the Trumps (which they don't even seem to notice as they are apparently looking at another camera), she's all smiles, absolutely giddy! Time spent being a mother: Misery. Time with celebs: Fun!
Notice how the kids and Kate together are never smiling but when she's with a celeb, she's showing those piano keys with a big fat smile.
Oh I did, Linda! lol.
Kelly Kate has been compared to the Donkey in Shrek in the past. In the picture with the (bored) Trumps she looks like she's getting ready to bray!
Livvy said...
I do like the dress. The problem with K wearing it is that the belt draws all your attention to her thick middle. Otherwise, one of the most tasteful dresses we have seen her in.
She still looked 'DESPERATE' in that dress. Do you know of anyone that wears a black cocktail dress to a Gaga concert?
Look at the other people, they in in jeans,T's and sandles.
She must have thought Lady Gaga was an OPERA.
Even Donalds wife has on casual pants and top.
Kate thinks she's a total Hollywood diva and in reality, she is a small time classless,tasteless, piece of trash, with a little cash, that insists on dressing like a low-class, $10 hooker.
Yeah, doesn't it look like an opportune time to shove a big old dirty sock in that piehole of hers. She always puts on that phony open mouth smile when she's around real celebrities.
Oh goodie goodie gum drops!!
Another opportunity for Kate to gain more haters and for us to laugh our asses off at her stupidity.
DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, Kate. It's for the kids.
It will be interesting to see if Kate is offered a spot and then decides to appear on Celebrity Apprentice. She would love the being on TV part, but hate the giving all your earnings to charity part. Do the "celebrities" (and I use that term loosely) on this show get monetary compensation other than their charity earnings?
She looks photoshopped into that picture of the Trumps. Either that or she got as close to them as possible then yelled NOW to the photographer; hence the opened mouth.
I'd rather watch her participate in an MMA contest. Now that would be interesting television.
I agree, the pic does NOT look real. The proportion of her body is very different then theirs.
They are also in motion--look at their feet. This was not a stand-still/smile consensual pic, if it is real and not photoshopped.
"She looks photoshopped into that picture of the Trumps."
LOL!! I was thinking that very thing, but then I looked at the other photos linked, and she really was there with them. In the photo on this page, notice how she's standing sort of in front of them, and not actually in line with them. They are looking in another direction, and it appears that she just jumped into the photo! I'm wondering if this was the first photo taken and she did just that, and when the Trumps realized that she was in the photo agreed to take additional photos showing that she really "belonged" in the pictures!
Love how everyone is in flip-flops, sneakers and sandals to walk around NYC.... EXCEPT KATE... who has to prance around in her hooker heels.
Oh, I bet the water bottles are being toted by Steve or a TLC production assistant, complete with a bag of ice. And they're going to be doled out when Kate says, which will be when she's thirsty and not a second earlier.
Hats would be a bonus on a hot day. Remember when they all got hats to go out to the dude ranch? This might be a comparably hot location.
When the kids start to feel the effects of the heat, they are going to get weak and very cranky. Kate will attribute it to low blood sugar. Maybe that will get them inside a store to get an ice cream treat that will cool their core temperatures.
"They are also in motion--look at their feet."
Look at Melania's feet...I don't know too many people who walk with their left leg tucked behind their right leg!
Donald Trump also has a new dating show.. . I think it's called "The Perfect Merger" currently Omarosa is on it. I bet this is Kate's new gig.. she is going to be a bachelorette.
The Narcissist Mother K8 is making sure she is photographed with Collin because Ellen was shown giving attention to the boy. One small bottle of water which SHE is carrying for herself? Each child with red, overheated little faces while The Narcissist poses like a "China Doll" she claims her children are, now we know who wants to be the China Doll.
Very interesting child labor laws in NY. Is TLC complying and paying the children accordingly? Come on, "The View" and show your fake concern for these children, put your "journalists" on the hunt for the truth. Hey Meredith! Isn't this your life?
Haha, Go ahead Donald..put K8 on your show. Expose her some more, everyone enjoys a train wreck or watching others meltdown, however watching meltdowns and narcissistic behavior gets damn old sooner or later. Kate Gosselin's behavior falls in the later category. Will Steve or TLC be Kate's sidekick on The Apprentice so she can appear even somewhat capable?
FREE THE GOSSELIN 8! and chickens!
"Isn't there one person somewhere in those children's lives that has the power and the gonads to step up and say this is wrong and needs to stop?"
I wish I knew. Something has to be done. It is absolutely inexcusable that those kids were dragged to NYC in this heat. I'm at a loss for words as to why any mother would do this to her kids. We had plans yesterday to go to an amusement park. I postponed it because even though the kids would have had fun (unlike the Gosselins in the concrete jungle), it was just too hot. I didn't feel it was safe for young children to be out and about in the heat. My dog stuck her head outside and refused to venture any farther. That's how hot it couldn't get your breath outside -- it was enough to knock you over.
Sorry for the rant about the heat, but this really has me upset. Who was on the "set" in NYC to make sure that these kids were okay?
Why can't Kate drop her arms down to hold the kids hands instead of making them hold their hands up over their heads so she can drag them along? They look so uncomfortable, no wonder they run their arms constantly. I wish someone would haul Kate around like she hauls them around so she gets a taste of how it hurts.
And god, that woman is UGLY! I don't know if it is the skimpy clothes, the orange skin, the overplucked brows and just her ugly personality shining through, but I am repulsed by her looks.
I remember on some J&K+8 episode a long time ago she said she loves those hooker shoes because they make her look taller and slimmer. Now they just make her look like a madam. Which, of course, she is.
Beejcctx said...
Found this on the NY DOL website:
Child Performers
Worker Protection Central Processing Unit
State Campus, Bldg 12, Room 266A
Albany, NY 12240
Tel. (518) 457-1942
Fax (518) 457-2731
This group has Statewide Jurisdiction on this matter.
I'm making a call at lunch time.
Please let us know what they say.
Here's the scenario for the Trump photos:
TLC: Kate, we got you tickets for the Lady GaGa concert.
Kate: Who?
TLC: You know, remember on DWTS, you danced to her song? Twice...
Kate: Oh, her.
TLC: OK, put on something decent and you go to the Garden with Steve, we'll get your picture with a celeb. There's going to be lots of famous people there.
Kate: Do I have to. I want to go to Nobu and my feet hurt. Famous rich people? Oh, I like famous and rich.
At the Garden... Steve with his always present phone for protection.
Steve: Kate, you keep walking around this area, a celeb is bound to show up. And keep smiling.
Steve... his phone rings, it's the producers: "The Donald is coming your way!"
Steve: Kate, walk slow, and smile BIG like we taught you. We'll signal when The Donald is close.
Steve: Kate.... NOW!
Camera man: Hey Donald! Can we get a picture of you and your wife with Kate?
The Donald: WHO????? Oh, ok do it fast.
The Donald: Who was that donkey faced broad and why was she drooling all over me? Dayum, now I have to change my jacket.
It is really amazing. We sit at our screens and shake our heads at the daily joke that the Gosselins try and pass off as thier life. We only see what the network wants us to see, nothing more, nothing less. If you catch the promos for Kate Enslaves Eight, the first words are Kate cackling like a chicken. Everyone in the blogospere has mentioned how they hate that laugh/shriek/cackle that Kate manages to produce. So no surprise that TLC uses it, front and center.
IMHO Amazing Race is the only show worthy of family enjoyment and spending time together. Even Survivor has lost it. How many times can 1 person find the "hidden" idol before people see the lack of "reality" and complete manipulation of viewers.
Hawks Fan said...
"BTW, which boy is that putting his face down in the second pic? She's holding his hand so he can't cover his face. I'm sure he's been warned."
I agree. That and because of the pics with Ellen. Little Collin cannot be photographed anymore out with Mommy covering up his face, oh Lordy no. (He didn't do it with Ellen, did he?) Bless Collin's heart, the child isn't allowed to speak his mind and heart. It is all about pleasing the flucked up adults in his life and the GREED that feeds them along with rabid TLC. TLC, you best be following NY State Child Labor Laws and paying these children. Kate and TLC ought to thumped for having these children out in the heat.
ROL/TLC will now start ragging on Jon again to distract people from what the narcissistic mommy and greedy child exploiting TLC does. It works often and Jon falls into their trap and/or goes along. Shame on all them, karma will be cruel.
Look at the kids' faces! They are red with the heat.
Kate holding a water bottle, CLASSIC!
Seriously, NO surprise. The Gosselin 8 probably had access or someone was on hand to give them water but Kate might have commanded the crew to ration the water because that would mean a bathroom break which is also mean filming would have to be stopped and Steve/Jamie would be on potty duty. Classic!
No surprise, Kate/TLC chose one of the hottest days in New York to prance around & drag those poor little kids around for her filming pleasure. She looks like she's paying more attention to Jamie than to her own kids. Classic!
EllieMaeClampett said:
Will Steve or TLC be Kate's sidekick on The Apprentice so she can appear even somewhat capable?
The 'bigger' question is, will Steve and/or TLC be Kate's sidekick, when she is no longer relevant (i.e. off TV) or the kids grow up, whichever comes first? Sooner or later, the price of narcissism is going to take a heavy toll on Kate. What goes up, must come down.
(Kelly, what does MAA stand for?)
I thought the same thing about the picture with the Trumps looking photo shopped but then I saw the rest of the pictures taken and in this one it looks more like she is walking away. I don't know why the admin choose this one.
That picture of Donald, Melania and Kate looks to me like Kate bumped her way into the camera shot. See how Melania looks off balance, like
Donald got pushed into her by Kate?
Why can't Kate drop her arms down to hold the kids hands instead of making them hold their hands up over their heads so she can drag them along? They look so uncomfortable, no wonder they run their arms constantly.
C'mon guys, seriously??? Don't be absurd. Any typical sized child, 6 y/o, holding his mother's hand is going to have to raise his arm some, depending on the height of each.
Carolina Gal said...
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
The looks on the kids faces is priceless in that first pic of her posing with the coolie hat on. They're looking at her like " What in the hell is wrong with you?"
"Why can't Kate drop her arms down to hold the kids hands instead of making them hold their hands up over their heads so she can drag them along? They look so uncomfortable, no wonder they run their arms constantly."
I remember holding my kids hands like that when I was trying to hurry them across the street, for example. On the Celebrity Gossip link, there's a picture of Kate holding a couple of the kids hands like that, and in back of her is Jamie holding one of the kids hands like that... and they walking across the street.
Score one for Mady. I think she's holding a bottle of water in the Chinatown pic. I just wonder how long she had to beg for it. You go, little girl.
Re: how Kate often holds their hands while walking. It has been a sore spot with me since the last time they were in NYC, and I mentioned it then. She is capable of holding their hands at a more comfortable level. I wish she would.
And, BTW, just because we do things the same as Kate does not make it right. Maybe we can each learn a lesson about child care from each other here.
fidosmommy said...
Re: how Kate often holds their hands while walking. It has been a sore spot with me since the last time they were in NYC, and I mentioned it then. She is capable of holding their hands at a more comfortable level. I wish she would.
And, BTW, just because we do things the same as Kate does not make it right. Maybe we can each learn a lesson about child care from each other here.
Here that, Snark Much? Fidosmommy doesn't approve of your parenting. You were looking for lessons in child care from a snarky stranger, right?
If Kate is working as she claims, WTF are the kids doing? If standing in front of a camera is work for Kate, well then, all 8 of those kids are doing the same thing. Or Would Kate be playing and the camera is just filming it?
"And, BTW, just because we do things the same as Kate does not make it right. Maybe we can each learn a lesson about child care from each other here."
When I was hurrying my children across a busy street, I held their hands and pulled them close to my body. My arms were raised to around waist level,(the childrens arms weren't being yanked out of their sockets) and I could pull them closer, a natural instinct to protect them by having them as close to me as possible, as if hugging them to me. It's called a natural instinct. If we were strolling down the sidewalk, I didn't feel the instinct to have them pulled in close to me, and my arms were at a more natural level.
Does Kate have that instinct? I do not know. I won't imply anything insulting to you as you did to me like insinuating I could learn something about parenting. Instincts are strong. Some people have them, some don't.
Way Too Much said...
Here that, Snark Much? Fidosmommy doesn't approve of your parenting. You were looking for lessons in child care from a snarky stranger, right?
Yeah, I noticed. One tiny example of something away from the group speak and someone crawls down your throat. Maybe I should have mentioned, when I'm walking my dog, my arm is down at my side.
She made an ass of herself on DWTS, imagine what we'll see when she has to SPEAK, use PROPER ENGLISH, be on a TEAM, LISTEN TO OTHERS,
oh boy oh boy! Tony was ready to throttle her, and he's a TEACHER by profession, he's supposed to have patience. Imagine the clashes with some of the other cut-throat contestants on Celebrity Apprentice? Sorry, but that would make GREAT TV! I would love to see her ass served to her on a "golden platter"
OK, let me try again.
I have commented before on how Kate holds her children's hands up in the air. I think it looks uncomfortable for them and totally unnecessary. I have also commented on other
things that disturb me about Kate's parenting.
I think most of us have done so, and with good cause. I have learned much from you about tips
for dealing with children appropriately, even though the children I care for are not mine.
Often on this board, as well as on other boards,
posters comment "well, I do that too, so I don't see it as so bad". Maybe the comments directed at Kate (ie. let your kids be individuals, don't smack your kid for minor infractions, your kids are more important than
your job, whatever, and yes, make sure your children feel led and not yanked) can be used by all of us to glean some ideas on a better way to deal with children.
That's all.
I don't have a history of snarking on other posters. I didn't here, either.
Yesterday there were a couple of comments about the little girls' hair looking so unkempt all the time. The nanny must be along on this "trip", too, because today there's not a hair out of place. And she must have brought along her suitcase full of Goode hair decorations; product placement fee$$$$$, anyone? HA!
My 2 cents Re Donald Trump/Celebrity Apprentice
A few months ago - probably during the time Kate was on DWTS - there was a blurb on THE INSIDER or ET where Donald was specifically asked about whether not he would consider having Kate on his show.
Donald's response was to repeat her name and look like it was certainly something to think about.
FWIW my impression was Donald was not going to have her on his show. Also, that it would never occur to him to do so in the first place because she has nothing to offer, she is just a reality tv mom.
I'm willing to bet that Donald not only saw Kate on DWTS where she did not put forth any effort nor think it was important to do so, but also heard the rumors re Kate's behavior behind the scenes. So ratings or not, I'm sure Donald does not think Kate is worth the trouble. Besides, Donald knows what is going on especially with celebrities and I'm sure he believes that Kate's 15 minutes are running out fast.
My impression of the above photo is that Donald and his wife are detached from Kate. In other words, Kate made the most of a photo op because she was in the vicinity of Donald and his wife. Not a surprise ROL posted it for the bloggers and to generate new rumors of Kate being on Donald's show.
People, the last few days of photos are obviously staged photo ops, nothing more. I really, really believe Kate is aware that the clock is ticking and all of this will end before then end of 2010.
Geez as I type this I wonder if Kate was brazen enough to walk up to Donald and introduce herself. If so, would she go up to him and ask him for a job? After all Donald does have a TV show and this time she would not have to dance ...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese. You may like China dolls, but your Korean Children are real people, not objects to be played with.
I think we all see things Kate does that we as parents would not do. (That's true with anyone though...I have friends that parent their children in ways I wouldn't...for better or worse)
If I see her do something that I feel is inappropriate, etc, then maybe I'll comment on it because she is a public figure and boasts of a certain lifestyle while living another. She is a walking contradiction and I have no problem calling her out on that.
I also notice her holding her kids hands up high a lot. This wasn't the first time I noticed that. If she was just an ordinary mom walking down the street and did that, I probably wouldn't think anything of it. BUT....since it's Kate, it just seems like more evidence of her narcissism. She has the kids WORKING in 100 degree heat to serve her own wants and desires. Everything she does seems to serve one purpose and that is Kate Gosselin.
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
If Kate would stop wearing the six inch hooker heels she'd be closer to the children's level and they wouldn't have to hold their arms up so high. Of course Kate has to be ready for work at all times; question is, what "work" does she do? Being in front of the cameras for Hooker-Heels is play unlike what the kids have to do.
Linda in NS said...
If Kate would stop wearing the six inch hooker heels she'd be closer to the children's level and they wouldn't have to hold their arms up so high. Of course Kate has to be ready for work at all times; question is, what "work" does she do? Being in front of the cameras for Hooker-Heels is play unlike what the kids have to do.
Either both the kids and Kate are working or neither the kids nor Kate are working. You can't have it both ways.
Which Is It? said... Either both the kids and Kate are working or neither the kids nor Kate are working. You can't have it both ways.....
My statement was a play on the phrase Kate often uses; SHE is working the kids are PLAYING. Now it would appear the kids truly are working and Kate truly is playing; we ALL know she loves to be the ceter of attention so being in front of a camera wouldn't be work for her.
What do you mean you can't have it both ways? Kate has been saying this for years.
Puleeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz stop asking for her to be on the Donalds Show, enough Reality and TV for her. The Donald is one show I can enjoy without having to see her mug there....Shes got her mug on her own two shows which I do not watch and I am tired of flipping channels when her mug shows up...Donald, jus say nooooooooooooo...
Oh yeah, nice friend she is. leave her with the kids and she gets to go the concert...WTF...She is treating her the same as she did to Jody, Kevin and her other friend, whats her name?
Nothing like 3 diget temps out there and decide to stroll through NY City with a mama wearing 6 inch heels and looking like the hooker she so desperately wants to be.
ust When I Thought I'd Heard It All said...
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Did Kate say the children are Chinese? Since your post was in response to pictures of Kate and the children in CHINATOWN, you seem to be implying that they shouldn't be in Chinatown because they are part Korean. If that's not what you meant, what the hell was your point?
More filming...The tramp just gets better and where in hell is someone to protect these children?
Ya' hear me Jon???? For God's sake ! You are their father !
Enough is enough. How much filming can anyone expect eight little kids to do in the streets of NYC in 100 degree weather?
Just When I Thought I'd Heard It All said...
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Did Kate say the children are Chinese? Since your post was in response to pictures of Kate and the children in CHINATOWN, you seem to be implying that they shouldn't be in Chinatown because they are part Korean. If that's not what you meant, what the hell was your point?
Sorry, I thought the comment was from Bubbles. Let me rephrase:
What the hell was Bubbles' point?
Kate has no problem with the heat because she is totally used to it; she did, after all, sell her soul to the devil. This is just a "test run" for where she will ultimately end up.
>>Sadie said... Puleeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz stop asking for her to be on the Donalds Show, enough Reality and TV for her. The Donald is one show I can enjoy without having to see her mug there....Shes got her mug on her own two shows which I do not watch and I am tired of flipping channels when her mug shows up...Donald, jus say nooooooooooooo...<<
I’m with you. I don’t want to see her mug nor hear her voice on my TV. I would watch an interview where she finally faces a serious journalist pitching hardball questions for which she has no scripted answers. But we all know that’s never gonna happen.
If I HAD to watch her on tv, I'd love to see her stand in front of Judge Judy and explain herself. She'd rip her a new one.
And I don't even like JJ.
I was at work so I couldn't view the pics on the celeb website. Just took a gander now that I'm home. Yikes. What is the deal with the black dress Katie is wearing. I mean it's not a bad looking dress but on her, it doesn't work on so many levels.
And man oh man, the way she drags those poor kids around like they are rag dolls. They look so pitiful. As for Jamie, well I figured it out. Her real name is Tanya Harding. She looks just like her. Watch out for you knees Katie.
just want to say that this week on the East coast, it has been blistering hot--I mean UNHEALTHY hot and the lack of air/a breeze is just about deadly.
Shame, shame on her. No child should be outside in this AND if they HAVE to be....not without a hat.
Here's how we've been living: Go out and turn on the sprinkler on your garden/flowers, etc (to save them)...then return to the air conditioned house immediately. Pets and kids are actually unable to cope with the heat of the blacktop. It's been that bad.
I am with you on this. Temperatures have been extremely high in this area, and is certainly no time for an "outing" in New York with 8 (count them) small children!!!! I think this proves exactly what kind of mother she is. Camera rolling, $$$, gotta go....
Love the photo of her with her lampshade hat. The kids' reactions shows what an idiot they think their mother is. As usual, Kate is simply taking care of herself, other than a picture or two, where she holds their hands, to pretend she is a super mom. Kids are almost an afterthought on her part.
Trump did not seem the least bit interested in having a photo taken with Kate.
Since she has no sincere opinions on anything other than herself, I doubt Trump is even remotely interested in having her on his show.
Just When I Thought I'd Heard It All said... What the hell was Bubbles' point?
I have absolutely no clue. Still trying to figure it out.
There was an early episode of J&K+8 where she referred to her girls as 'little China Dolls' may have been the Korean Dinner episode...let me see if I can do a quick search on YouTube...
EXCLUSIVE! Kate Gosselin IS In Talks To Appear On ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’!
We should officially dub Kate Gosselin the queen of reality TV. After appearing on Jon & Kate Plus 8, Kate Plus 8 and Dancing With the Stars, the supermom is now in talks to star on The Celebrity Apprentice!
“The producers of Celebrity Apprentice are very interested in Kate,” a source close to the show tells exclusively. “And she has expressed interest as well, but there are a lot of kinks to work out before anything concrete can happen.”
Such as?
“It’s a six-week commitment and her kids are not allowed to be part of the show; the Apprentices work every day, Monday through Sunday,” our insider explains. “Many people get to the final stages and almost do the show, but it then turns out that they are unable to appear because of scheduling conflicts.”
Might be a good thing for the kids. A REAL vacation..away from their mother for a few weeks !
Did you get the part that they WORK Mon-Sun ?
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
And here I thought those children were 100% American...silly me
KateandTLCSucks (aka KateSucks) said...
There was an early episode of J&K+8 where she referred to her girls as 'little China Dolls' may have been the Korean Dinner episode...let me see if I can do a quick search on YouTube...
Nope. That wasn't the episode. Must have been an earlier one. This episode just provided us with these gems from Katie re Jon's recipe 'Ancient Chinese Secret' and 'Real cooks don't use recipes'.
Maybe someone with better recall can remember the exact episode, but I am 100% certain she called her girls (or 1 of them) her 'little China Dolls'.
Re: Kate's Asian fixation/confusion. Just a few memories of episodes come to mind, so it sent me to Google.
Apparently, it is considered very bad form to put eating utensil chopsticks in the hair. There are special hair sticks for this purpose, but you don't eat with them.
The site said that putting chopsticks in your hair is like putting a spoon in your hair.
Which leads me to say, eating with a hairstick would be like eating with a hair comb. Ugh.
So, in the Korean Dinner episode when Kate did up Mady's hair with their eating chopsticks, it was a big faux pas. That might be why Jon was totally unimpressed by it.
I didn't know all this myself, so maybe Kate didn't either. But she's determined to foster the Asian in her children. I don't think she much cares if it's Chinese Asian, Korean Asian,
Laotian Asian or Japanese Asian. It may be all the same to her. I've never heard her talk about being KOREAN to her kids, but she's talked about being ASIAN a lot. Remember when they were all sitting around the table announcing who was the "Asianist" of them all?
Chinese cooley hat or Japanese kimono or
Korean whatever all fit her image of her family.
If Kate has to actually 'work' Monday-Sunday you can forget that gig.
Celebrity Apprentice - Kate could start a business employing children. Oh, wait, she already did that.
As for KG doing Celebrity Apprentice, Ughhhhhhhh, they would have to find a team to want to put up with her sarcasm, rudeness, laziness, woo meee, and her awful laugh..Good Luck Donald, let her have it, but I won't watch that one.
Kate is co-hosting tomorrow on ET.
Re: China Doll reference.
The episode you are looking for MAY be
Feb. 25, 2008 = Viewer FAQ. Jon and Kate answer viewer questions....
Hmmm, my grandmother and grandfather were born in Ireland and came here just before my father was born. I guess I'm not an American. Where's my drink?
I haven't watched Celebrity Apprentice, but isn't Trump hard on the participants? Are they competing against each other to start a business? I was under the impression the contestants had to prove they were pretty smart or he'd unceremoniously fire them.
I'd like to hear what Donald would say to kate if she came out with one of her brilliant statements like, "If you have a problem then there's a problem and that's a problem."
Of course he'd no doubt keep her on for the ratings like in DWTS and everyone would be yelling and screaming WHY is she still on.
I'd like to see her work Mon through Sun though. She'll probably do it if the salary's big enough. Maybe they'll have to increase the filming of the kids in order to accommodate her being on CA.
She's a ratings getter, no doubt about it. She'll always be offered these opportunities as long as she causes so much controversy, and you can tell by some of the blogs that a lot of people aren't interested in letting her go yet.
Sadie said...
As for KG doing Celebrity Apprentice, Ughhhhhhhh, they would have to find a team to want to put up with her sarcasm, rudeness, laziness, woo meee, and her awful laugh..Good Luck Donald, let her have it, but I won't watch that one.
I am really ticked because C. A. has been one of my favorite shows. I have never missed a show. Looks like that will change. I refuse to listen the "Cackling Hen" on any show.
My nerves just can't take it !
She'd last about as long on the Apprentice as I would counting cash in the ghetto. She'd attend a board meeting to talk about the thingish she has come up with and those pesky reportish things she has to do.
She'd eek and akkk and squeel and cackle and come off as some ditz that was trying to be cutesy but I'd guarantee you, Donald Trump would hand her big fat head right back to her in an organic bag.
I wonder if the gossip mags read these blogs and then post stuff just to keep everybody talking?
Re: The Apprentice
Well, wasn't Kate doing a talk show with Paula Dean? Wasn't she doing an organic farm/restaurant show? Wasn't she going to do a "dirt jobs" type show where she worked a day at a number of different jobs?
I don't believe it for a nanosecond. There's no way she could ever commit to being away from her kids for six weeks onsite in another state.
Also, I received an e-mail from the NYS labor department and all the kids have the proper work permits. The labor department employee, however, asked more information regarding the kids being filmed on 100+ degree heat, so I sent him the link to this page and to the other pics at
So TLC actually DID comply with getting permits. Very interesting. They KNOW they are being scrutinized now.
"She'd eek and akkk and squeel and cackle and come off as some ditz that was trying to be cutesy but I'd guarantee you, Donald Trump would hand her big fat head right back to her in an organic bag. "
You'd hope so, but she lasted 5 weeks on DWTS, and all the shows are about those advertising dollars. I'm sure they'd keep her on a certain amount of weeks to get the big ad dollars.
K8 has indeed referred to one of the girls as her "little China doll " - I think it was Leah because she is so little.
K8 also referred to golden child Hannie as her "little Hula girl".
Please do not get me started on that bogus Korean Dinner epi. It was so full of blatant ignorance on K8's part it was embarrassing:
1) chopsticks in hair - see fidosmommy's post
2) bending at the waist and steepling her hands , bowing with a big "ah so"
3) calling Jon's grandma's recipe an "ancient Chinese secret"
fidosmommy : Korean HANBOK =)
I think they should put Kate on Wife Swap with Spencer Pratt. Kate and Spencer would fight so much you'd think you were watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. Then again, on the other side, you have Jon and Heidi and with Jons penchant for babes, 9 months later another liter of Korean babies that can continue the income. Perfect programming.
fidosmommy said...
Re: China Doll reference.
The episode you are looking for MAY be
Feb. 25, 2008 = Viewer FAQ. Jon and Kate answer viewer questions....
Nope, just suffered through that episode & it wasn't in there. Have to suspend search now to watch LeBron screw Cleveland over.
Could it be that Kate thinks Korea is a province in China?
Kelly, I think I would love to see Kate on Deadliest Catch (Especially on the FV Wizard since they love to torture greenhorns and Kate would be the queen of greenhorns). I'd love to see her trying to clod around a wet deck in her hooker shoes.
"Also, I received an e-mail from the NYS labor department and all the kids have the proper work permits."
But were they in compliance with the PA laws that state the PA permit must be posted at the place of filming, even if the filming took place outside of PA?
Hot In PA said...
"Also, I received an e-mail from the NYS labor department and all the kids have the proper work permits."
But were they in compliance with the PA laws that state the PA permit must be posted at the place of filming, even if the filming took place outside of PA?
According to the NYS labor rep, the kids have permits from the NYS labor dept. to film in NYS. I don't know anything about PA. I doubt NYS has jurisdiction over PA laws. I guess that would be a question for the PA labor dept. But as far as NYS goes, TLC has the appropriate permits.
I am very happy to hear that the LD says they got their permits. Shows they ARE listening and ARE trying to foul applicable labor rules.
PA has some bizarre labor rules that I tend to agree they can't really enforce. Once you step outside PA they can't control what you do. I read something about their law where you need a PA permit too. I don't see how they can make you do that when you're no on their soil. They also have a law that the hours you work out of state COUNT towards the hours you may work in PA. I think they could enforce that one and I think that's a great law. Prevents forum shopping to work the kids as much as they can then come back to PA and start the clock again at zero. Sorry, doesn't work that way.
Sorry foul should be follow!
Typos happen you type fast and aren't thinking. Don't kill me.
2010 will be it for Kate Gosselin. I've said this before, but it bears repeating: I hope she's banked at least something so that she can live off the interest, because by the end of this year, it will be obvious there is nothing left for her. She MIGHT could milk the Kate Plus 8 show into summer 2011, but that's stretching it, I think. The kids will be seven at that point, not as cute as they were at three (*I* don't personally feel that way, but I know the viewing public tends to think the younger, the cuter). It's painfully obvious she has no real talent for anything.
I have mixed feelings about the Celebrity Apprentice rumors. On the one hand, if Trump is smart, he wouldn't touch her with a twelve foot pole. And the less attention she gets, the faster her time will run out.
On the other hand, she'd get eaten alive, something she greatly deserves. Not that she'd learn anything from it--one of the hallmarks of narcissism is the ability to blame everything on everyone else and never take responsibility for anything.
Kelly, Spencer is about as looney tunes as Kate is, but in an even scarier way, if you can imagine. THAT would be a trainwreck from hell. Seriously, someone would get hurt.
Does anyone know if the travel time counts as time worked? Seems to me a train from Lancaster to NYC would be a loooong ride.
The point I was trying to make with my comment about the children's heritage being Korean is that Kate has made incorrect references to their heritage on more than one occasion, as K8SUCKSBIGTIME posted just a few posts above this one.
I'm sorry if it seemed as though I meant that the children shouldn't be visiting Chinatown because they're not Chinese - that's not what I meant at all. It just bothers me that Kate is so clueless.
I'm confused as to why above, some folks claimed Kate probably 'jumped in' on the photo w/Donald and Melania? There are pics of him w/his arms around both women...
I just saw the pics of her and the kids leaving the hotel this morning, w/her white shorts and black hooker top on. I hate to say it, but I still am not convinced these blogs aren't just fueling the fire. I think those slutty outfits are Kate's way of 'flippin' bloggers the bird!
Carolina Gal said.. I hate to say it, but I still am not convinced these blogs aren't just fueling the fire. I think those slutty outfits are Kate's way of 'flippin' bloggers the bird!
I agree. Since all the talk about her boob job, her lying about it on The View and everyone going ballistic about her lies, she's been going braless…for days. I think she’s saying, “I lied. You know I lied and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She said she got a good bra and then she doesn’t wear it. Yep, flippin’ bloggers the bird big time.
"Does anyone know if the travel time counts as time worked? Seems to me a train from Lancaster to NYC would be a loooong ride."
I make the trip quite often, and it's about three hours, give or take a few minutes, depending upon which train you take.
Good question as to whether travel time counts as time worked. I'd have to check the PA child labor laws.
I would believe that travel time IS counted as working time. They're taking pics of them in the train station, sounds like the kids are working to me....
Bubbles, I knew what you were trying to say.
K8 is so ignorant she basically clumps all Asian countries together.
***Carolina Gal said...
I'm confused as to why above, some folks claimed Kate probably 'jumped in' on the photo w/Donald and Melania? There are pics of him w/his arms around both women***
Uhhhmmmm, could it be that we don't click on pics of Kate and we had only the photo provided by admin to go by?
"They're taking pics of them in the train station, sounds like the kids are working to me...."
Was TLC filming in the train station, or were the paps just taking photos of them?
Guess we'll find out if anyone watches the show.
If I remember right on an earlier post Kate was holding the hand of one of Jamies' kids through a parking lot (Target?) and bloggers wonders if she had EVER held the hand of one of her own kids. Low and behold there she is holding one of the "icky" boys' hand.
I noticed too in pics this week Kate is always holding one of the 8's hands. Again she is responding to the blogs complaining she never touches her children. If thats what it takes for Kate to have physical contact with her children, whatever works!! It appears from previous posts that TLC and Kate are in compliance with state law concerning child labor. It that is true, the laws need a huge overhaul. I would be interested in knowing how many production companies have suspended shooting in NYC in the past days because of heat and health issues. Real "stars" would never work under those conditions. Wonder if TLC was the only one still filming and with children at that.
TLC was filming at the train Station.
You can see them in the background in some of the photos.
"TLC was filming at the train Station.
You can see them in the background in some of the photos."
I need glasses. Could you please link the photos?
I added a photo of the camera crew at the train station to the post about the train station, because apparently my word that the kids were filming there (I viewed all the pics but only posted a few) wasn't good enough.
Check it out.
Do you know what I would love to see. I would love to see Kart sitting quietly with the children and holding them and showing affection to them. I visit my grandson every day and he sits on my lap and cuddles. This totally de-stresses me and there is nothing like the pure love of a child. Kate doesn't know what that is.
Linda in NS said...
Do you know what I would love to see. I would love to see Kart sitting quietly with the children and holding them and showing affection to them. I visit my grandson every day and he sits on my lap and cuddles. This totally de-stresses me and there is nothing like the pure love of a child. Kate doesn't know what that is.
July 9, 2010 2:22 AM
And if you saw that, people would be a) complaining that it was staged and b) insisting that it was a result of bloggers' comments.
She burns our eyes said...
Uhhhmmmm, could it be that we don't click on pics of Kate and we had only the photo provided by admin to go by?
Uhhhmmmm, then maybe you might not want to comment, if you haven't seen the pics.
And if you saw that, people would be a) complaining that it was staged and b) insisting that it was a result of bloggers' comments.
That's right. K8 has long lost the right to having the benefit of the doubt. At this point, the only thing that she could do to prove she "does everything for the kids" is to stop filming them, stop pimping books about them and stop using them to garner pity.
They have a big pool at home. Those kids should be in it playing and cooling off. Shame on TLC . . . the new "sweat shop".
Just had a thought re; the Apprentice. These 'celebs' DONT GET PAID to do the show; they are on it to raise money for a charity. Yes, many do it also to gain publicity for thier future projects, but these are real celebs who have some sort of talent going in. Will Kate really do this if she is not getting paid? Dont think so! After all, her excuse for doing DWTS etc. was that she had sooo many mouths to feed. If she does Apprentice she has to finally admit its fameseeking, nothing else?
>>Why Bother Commenting? said...
She burns our eyes said...
Uhhhmmmm, could it be that we don't click on pics of Kate and we had only the photo provided by admin to go by?
Uhhhmmmm, then maybe you might not want to comment, if you haven't seen the pics.<<
Uhhhmmmm (an this is my last uhhhmmm) I do not look at any pics other than what Admin posts.
My comment was relevant if you bothered to follow the thread from where it originated.
>>Why Bother Commenting? said...
She burns our eyes said...
Uhhhmmmm, could it be that we don't click on pics of Kate and we had only the photo provided by admin to go by?
Uhhhmmmm, then maybe you might not want to comment, if you haven't seen the pics.<<
Uhhhmmmm (an this is my last uhhhmmm) I do not look at any pics other than what Admin posts.
My comment was relevant if you bothered to follow the thread from where it originated.
"TLC was filming at the train Station.
You can see them in the background in some of the photos."
I need glasses. Could you please link the photos?
If I remember right on an earlier post Kate was holding the hand of one of Jamies' kids through a parking lot (Target?) and bloggers wonders if she had EVER held the hand of one of her own kids. Low and behold there she is holding one of the "icky" boys' hand.
There was an early episode of J&K+8 where she referred to her girls as 'little China Dolls' may have been the Korean Dinner episode...let me see if I can do a quick search on YouTube...
Carolina Gal said.. I hate to say it, but I still am not convinced these blogs aren't just fueling the fire. I think those slutty outfits are Kate's way of 'flippin' bloggers the bird!
I agree. Since all the talk about her boob job, her lying about it on The View and everyone going ballistic about her lies, she's been going braless…for days. I think she’s saying, “I lied. You know I lied and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She said she got a good bra and then she doesn’t wear it. Yep, flippin’ bloggers the bird big time.
just want to say that this week on the East coast, it has been blistering hot--I mean UNHEALTHY hot and the lack of air/a breeze is just about deadly.
Shame, shame on her. No child should be outside in this AND if they HAVE to be....not without a hat.
Here's how we've been living: Go out and turn on the sprinkler on your garden/flowers, etc (to save them)...then return to the air conditioned house immediately. Pets and kids are actually unable to cope with the heat of the blacktop. It's been that bad.
I am with you on this. Temperatures have been extremely high in this area, and is certainly no time for an "outing" in New York with 8 (count them) small children!!!! I think this proves exactly what kind of mother she is. Camera rolling, $$$, gotta go....
Love the photo of her with her lampshade hat. The kids' reactions shows what an idiot they think their mother is. As usual, Kate is simply taking care of herself, other than a picture or two, where she holds their hands, to pretend she is a super mom. Kids are almost an afterthought on her part.
Just When I Thought I'd Heard It All said...
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Did Kate say the children are Chinese? Since your post was in response to pictures of Kate and the children in CHINATOWN, you seem to be implying that they shouldn't be in Chinatown because they are part Korean. If that's not what you meant, what the hell was your point?
Sorry, I thought the comment was from Bubbles. Let me rephrase:
What the hell was Bubbles' point?
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Did Kate say the children are Chinese? Since your post was in response to pictures of Kate and the children in CHINATOWN, you seem to be implying that they shouldn't be in Chinatown because they are part Korean. If that's not what you meant, what the hell was your point?
ust When I Thought I'd Heard It All said...
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I have no idea what anything in that paragraph meant.
Which Is It? said... Either both the kids and Kate are working or neither the kids nor Kate are working. You can't have it both ways.....
My statement was a play on the phrase Kate often uses; SHE is working the kids are PLAYING. Now it would appear the kids truly are working and Kate truly is playing; we ALL know she loves to be the ceter of attention so being in front of a camera wouldn't be work for her.
What do you mean you can't have it both ways? Kate has been saying this for years.
Bubbles said...
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese.
WTH? Since when do you have to be Chinese to go to Chinatown? I have friends with kids who are half Chinese and half Korean. Are they allowed in Chinatown or is that an affront to the Korean part of their heritage? Please enlighten me about the rules!
I think we all see things Kate does that we as parents would not do. (That's true with anyone though...I have friends that parent their children in ways I wouldn't...for better or worse)
If I see her do something that I feel is inappropriate, etc, then maybe I'll comment on it because she is a public figure and boasts of a certain lifestyle while living another. She is a walking contradiction and I have no problem calling her out on that.
I also notice her holding her kids hands up high a lot. This wasn't the first time I noticed that. If she was just an ordinary mom walking down the street and did that, I probably wouldn't think anything of it. BUT....since it's Kate, it just seems like more evidence of her narcissism. She has the kids WORKING in 100 degree heat to serve her own wants and desires. Everything she does seems to serve one purpose and that is Kate Gosselin.
Dear Kate,
I know that you aren't happy that you had to have a sperm donor to create your Multiples Farm, but please remember the children are KOREAN, not Chinese. You may like China dolls, but your Korean Children are real people, not objects to be played with.
Way Too Much said...
Here that, Snark Much? Fidosmommy doesn't approve of your parenting. You were looking for lessons in child care from a snarky stranger, right?
Yeah, I noticed. One tiny example of something away from the group speak and someone crawls down your throat. Maybe I should have mentioned, when I'm walking my dog, my arm is down at my side.
fidosmommy said...
Re: how Kate often holds their hands while walking. It has been a sore spot with me since the last time they were in NYC, and I mentioned it then. She is capable of holding their hands at a more comfortable level. I wish she would.
And, BTW, just because we do things the same as Kate does not make it right. Maybe we can each learn a lesson about child care from each other here.
Here that, Snark Much? Fidosmommy doesn't approve of your parenting. You were looking for lessons in child care from a snarky stranger, right?
Carolina Gal said...
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts
That picture of Donald, Melania and Kate looks to me like Kate bumped her way into the camera shot. See how Melania looks off balance, like
Donald got pushed into her by Kate?
Kate holding a water bottle, CLASSIC!
Seriously, NO surprise. The Gosselin 8 probably had access or someone was on hand to give them water but Kate might have commanded the crew to ration the water because that would mean a bathroom break which is also mean filming would have to be stopped and Steve/Jamie would be on potty duty. Classic!
No surprise, Kate/TLC chose one of the hottest days in New York to prance around & drag those poor little kids around for her filming pleasure. She looks like she's paying more attention to Jamie than to her own kids. Classic!
Hawks Fan said...
"BTW, which boy is that putting his face down in the second pic? She's holding his hand so he can't cover his face. I'm sure he's been warned."
I agree. That and because of the pics with Ellen. Little Collin cannot be photographed anymore out with Mommy covering up his face, oh Lordy no. (He didn't do it with Ellen, did he?) Bless Collin's heart, the child isn't allowed to speak his mind and heart. It is all about pleasing the flucked up adults in his life and the GREED that feeds them along with rabid TLC. TLC, you best be following NY State Child Labor Laws and paying these children. Kate and TLC ought to thumped for having these children out in the heat.
ROL/TLC will now start ragging on Jon again to distract people from what the narcissistic mommy and greedy child exploiting TLC does. It works often and Jon falls into their trap and/or goes along. Shame on all them, karma will be cruel.
"She looks photoshopped into that picture of the Trumps."
LOL!! I was thinking that very thing, but then I looked at the other photos linked, and she really was there with them. In the photo on this page, notice how she's standing sort of in front of them, and not actually in line with them. They are looking in another direction, and it appears that she just jumped into the photo! I'm wondering if this was the first photo taken and she did just that, and when the Trumps realized that she was in the photo agreed to take additional photos showing that she really "belonged" in the pictures!
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