You don't need box seats in Philadelphia to enjoy time with Daddy. Jon took the kids to a minor league game in Reading on Friday, where they had funnel cake, he tweated.
39 sediments (sic) from readers:
Look at the extra bottles of water he has on the table for the kiddies, seems he does let them drink other than the other parent. Funnel cake is great and so is a ball game, bet the kids had a normal blast for a change
Nice pics! They always appear happy when they are with him, and I like the appearance of the girlfriend. She doesn't seem to be a camera poser.
The kids are saying " Hey look Mady, we are having a great time with our daddy and there is no TLC cameras pointing and zooming in on our faces." Happy 4th of July Everyone!!!!!!!
I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here. If those were pics of Kate and say, Jamie, what would y’all be saying?
“Where are the other kids?”
“Look at poor Mady. She’s making a face in TWO of those pics that says she is bored, and look at poor little Joel, hanging over the railing. He looks soooo dejected.”
“See Joel hunched over sitting at the table? He never smiles anymore.”
“There’s Kate on her phone, AGAIN. You’d think she could stay off the phone for just a few minutes when she’s with the kids.”
I for one do not want to even see photos of
the Children. But if photos are out on the net, I would much rather see these children having a normal parent/child kind of day with
Jon instead of the photo-ops Kate does.
Devil's Advocate~ I see what you're saying. Honestly when I saw those pics, I noticed right away how Jon was on his phone while one of the boys was leaning over the railing (a little too far for my comfort). I think the difference is I tend to give Jon more grace than Kate because like someone else pointed out, Jon takes them places without TLC cameras in tow. He still does "normal" things with them. At least that's the impression I get.
Vicki said...
I for one do not want to even see photos of
the Children.
And that is how it should be. Good for you.
Hey Everyone, I know this is off topic but was hoping you could all send prayers/good thoughts to one of our soldiers today. My friend's father had a heart attack AND massive stroke this week. My friend is in Afghanistan serving right now.
Anyway, he is on his way home to see his father who is in critical condition. Will you all remember this family in your prayers today? Thanks everyone :)
Mommyinca, I will send prayers up for your friend and his father. And while I’m here, I’d like to remind everyone that today we celebrate our independence. So remember to say a prayer of thanks for all the brave men and women who have fought for us so that we can continue to have the freedoms we do, even the freedom to gossip endlessly about unimportant things. Today is also Sunday, a day of rest. Let us rest from gossip and think of:
Proverbs 26:20-21
Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down. As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.
Ephesians 4:29;31
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers... Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Devil's Advocate said...
I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here. If those were pics of Kate and say, Jamie, what would y’all be saying?
Devil, we wouldn't be saying anything because Kate NEVER takes the kids for a fun, "just because" outing. Her outings involve a film crew, "helpers", Steve the booby guard & purse holder, cameras and a paycheck from TLC. And preferably, a destination that is so expensive, 75% of America cannot afford to take their families there (paid for by TLC, of course.)
Kate rarely does anything with her children outside the house that isn't for photo op or filming purposes. I thought everyone knew that by now.
I need some help! I have a vague memory from an epi of J&K that aired last fall. Two of the little boys were filmed playing outside. They thought that they were "hidden" and had no idea that TLC captured this and aired it. I remember at the time being really appalled that TLC had reached a new low. It felt like an even more egregious violation of their privacy than TLC's usual & customary baseline of sleazy exploitation. Does anyone have any idea what I'm so poorly trying to describe? I wish that I had better recall of the details involved but I don't. I have been trying unsucessfully to figure out what epi this was in for awhile now. Hoping someone out there has better recall than I do :) Happy 4th to all.
NancyB, my memory is not much better than yours. But I think it was Collin and Aaden trying to hide a toy car in the pocket of a coat, and they asked the camera crew not to watch them. The boys were under the impression that this was a private moment. Maybe someone else can add more details.
mommyinca said...
Devil's Advocate~ I see what you're saying.
It's good to know some don't have to be hit up side the head with a 2x4. LOL
The kids do not look happy or like they are having fun in those pics! I did not see one smile! With as little time as Jon gets to spend with them, you'd think he'd stay off his phone!!
mommyinca, I rarely agree with anything you say, but, no matter, I would be happy to include your friend's family in my prayers today. Thanks to people like him, is why we enjoy the freedoms we have today! I hope all ends well for the family!
Well HURRAH for taking them somewhere they can just have fun and not to film an episode. THAT is the main difference here.
I went with my kid to a minor league baseball game recently. And I was on my phone once or twice. Once to check my bank balance and once because a friend called we were going to meet up with after, she needed to change plans.
Big deal. My daughter's enjoyment of the game wasn't marred by those three minutes.
Whereas with Kate you never see her really interacting with the kids, enjoying the kids, enjoying their company. As when they were little and all she did was bitch about how HAAARRRRDDDDD it was with eight, she never gets any true pleasure out of life.
Jon, on the other hand, seems relaxed and happy (and good Lord, who wouldn't be after getting away from her?).
Hi Just Sayin'. Maybe it's unfair but whenever I see Kart on her phone I immediately assume she's plotting, with her agent or publicist, the next exploitation of her kids. With Jon, I tend to think it could be a friend or his mom just checking in. I think people give Jon more benefit of the doubt than Kart.
Jon hardly EVER, or never COMPLAINS about the children. Where KrazyKate, ALWAYS complains about "her" children.
And those kids get to see her in her glory....over and over and over again when they get older.
Good luck with that. They get to see first hand how KKate chased their their father away.
Berated him constantly, and complained religiously about HOW MUCH WORK HER KIDS WHERE.
Her meltdowns, going "nuts" [her words], feeling crowded and suffocated by her children, that she chose to have artificially....
Just how many embryos where implanted?? If SEVEN took. Ten-twelve? She really really wanted multiples.
She is the star of her own show....the kids are and have always been, just window dressing.
Mommyinca--saying a prayer for the father/son. How sad.
At the last ball game Jon took them to, Joel was really interested, and Jon spent a lot of time explaining the game to his son. Now Joel looks like he understands, and is watching excitedly.
I like the way the kids aren't all bunched up in a little line, but wandering about like kids do; some of them bored, some of them enjoying the game, just like real kids in a large family would be.
And it's not even a major league game with free access to box seats,pics with ballplayers, and TLC cameras everywhere! Just a normal day in the life.Go Jon and Ellen!
Mommyinca, our prayers are with your friend's family.
Just how many embryos where implanted?? If SEVEN took. Ten-twelve? She really really wanted multiples.
None. She had hyper-stimulated ovaries. Something completely different. Not defending her. I still think she abused clomid and had sex when told not to.
>>I still think she abused clomid and had sex when told not to.<<
And that is what I think the women on the View were aiming for when they asked Mrs. Reality about scheduled sex with Jon.
She had hyperstimulated ovaries. That was NOT from Clomid. Clomid just jump starts ovulation. You only have a slightly increased chance of TWINS, you do not get higher order multiples from Clomid. (I took Clomid.)
She was taking a much stronger drug. I read all about her account of it back then. Her ovaries were so hyperstimulated she had to be hospitalized and the doctor strongly advised her to sit out that cycle, as the chances for higher order multiples was VERY high.
She did not sit out that cycle, obviously. Obviously Jon cooperated, but seeing what I did of their relationship, I doubt very seriously he was given the chance to object. Kate gets what she wants and she certainly did with Jon.
A loooong time ago, before I really knew who they were, I was flipping channels and caught the show on TLC. The kids were probably two? One thing I was immediately struck by was how much she griped, near constantly, about the kids. How HARD it was, how much WORK they were, how AWFUL it is. OH! EVERYTHING IS SO HARD! IT'S SO MUCH WORK!
And I remember thinking they must have gone through some extraordinary measures to get eight kids, so why was all the work such a shock to her? Why would you constantly bitch about your kids in front of them?
Then I saw how she treated Jon and was totally turned off by her because of those two things. That was my first introduction to her: constant bitching about the kids and the browbeating of her husband. On camera. And I know they show the best bits on the show on reality shows, so I could only imagine how she acted when the cameras were turned off!
I find the sign they are standing under interesting. It basically sums it all up - Kate, Jon and the pro and anti Kate and Jon blogs. Each could say the other has "A different way of thinking" which in the others mind is the correct way. In time it will all be brought to light.
Not sure where to post this, but I was reading a fave celebrity gossip (CDAN) site & came across this juicy comment from a poster:
"How about this .... ask questions about DWTS and, if I know the answer(s) I'll spill today. Then, from next season on, I'll email to Enty. I'll start with this and it totally won't surprise any of you. That "Kate creature" was so hated by the cast and crew she was the only contestant, in the history of the show, who was NOT invited out to party after every Monday night show. Tony hated her so much he would only speak to her when the cameras were on (He seriously did quit ... that wasn't just for show and drama!!)"
The link to this comment & the site is: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2010/07/blind-items-revealed_455.html
Laura D-- Thank-you very much for your recollecions. Yes, they even told the film crew that this was "private" and then TLC film crew just ignored them and filmed it. Thank-you so much for posting. Now, I know that I did not "dream" it :)
If anyone can remember which episode this was on, please post.
Just saying said...
mommyinca, I rarely agree with anything you say, but, no matter, I would be happy to include your friend's family in my prayers today. Thanks to people like him, is why we enjoy the freedoms we have today! I hope all ends well for the family!
Just saying...that's sweet of you, that in spite of not agreeing with much of what mommyinca says, you'll still pray for her friend(s). How magnanimous of you. (Was that 1st sentence really necessary? You couldn't have just said 'of course I'll pray for your
mommyinca, I will be praying for your friend and his father. I hope he gets home in time to be able to speak w/his dad, in the event he does not survive the stroke/heart attack.
Regarding the boys hiding the toy in the coat and it being a secret, I believe it was after they'd moved to the new house. I'm pretty sure it was the episode when "Mother's Day" was celebrated at the restaurant. Jon and Kate were already separated.
I can't swear to it, but that's how I remember it.
... with Jon, Ellen and Jon's photographer friends!
One thing that has bothered me (and I am not trying to be pro-Kate here... just want the facts straightened out) is that people say that she had hyperstimulated ovaries and then hoodwinked John by doing the deed with him and then got her mega multiples. However, in Multiple Blessings (yes, when it first came out I read it) she states that when she was in the hospital she had already taken a pregnancy test a week or two before that and it was positive. The staff at the hospital was aware and monitored her HCG (pregnancy hormone levels) and they skyrocketed which gave her an inkling that she was carrying more than one baby. I guess what I am trying to figure out is if people know this account of the hyperstimulated ovaries and think it is a lie...?
He ruined it by TWEETING. Just do it and shut up. No one needs to know what a good Dad you are being but your kids. Just because he and Kate are making "parenting" an all for show contest.
kate in cali :
I underwent infertility treatments and therefore know a thing or two.
- If K8 were already pregnant, she would not be hospitalized for overstimulated ovaries
- Very suspect that K8 would see one fertility doctor for the twins and another for the tups
Without going into a lengthy discussion, let's just say that K8's ENTIRE infertility story is full of holes.
One thing that has bothered me (and I am not trying to be pro-Kate here... just want the facts straightened out) is that people say that she had hyperstimulated ovaries and then hoodwinked John by doing the deed with him and then got her mega multiples. However, in Multiple Blessings (yes, when it first came out I read it) she states that when she was in the hospital she had already taken a pregnancy test a week or two before that and it was positive. The staff at the hospital was aware and monitored her HCG (pregnancy hormone levels) and they skyrocketed which gave her an inkling that she was carrying more than one baby. I guess what I am trying to figure out is if people know this account of the hyperstimulated ovaries and think it is a lie...?
kate in cali :
I underwent infertility treatments and therefore know a thing or two.
- If K8 were already pregnant, she would not be hospitalized for overstimulated ovaries
- Very suspect that K8 would see one fertility doctor for the twins and another for the tups
Without going into a lengthy discussion, let's just say that K8's ENTIRE infertility story is full of holes.
He ruined it by TWEETING. Just do it and shut up. No one needs to know what a good Dad you are being but your kids. Just because he and Kate are making "parenting" an all for show contest.
Not sure where to post this, but I was reading a fave celebrity gossip (CDAN) site & came across this juicy comment from a poster:
"How about this .... ask questions about DWTS and, if I know the answer(s) I'll spill today. Then, from next season on, I'll email to Enty. I'll start with this and it totally won't surprise any of you. That "Kate creature" was so hated by the cast and crew she was the only contestant, in the history of the show, who was NOT invited out to party after every Monday night show. Tony hated her so much he would only speak to her when the cameras were on (He seriously did quit ... that wasn't just for show and drama!!)"
The link to this comment & the site is: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2010/07/blind-items-revealed_455.html
At the last ball game Jon took them to, Joel was really interested, and Jon spent a lot of time explaining the game to his son. Now Joel looks like he understands, and is watching excitedly.
I like the way the kids aren't all bunched up in a little line, but wandering about like kids do; some of them bored, some of them enjoying the game, just like real kids in a large family would be.
And it's not even a major league game with free access to box seats,pics with ballplayers, and TLC cameras everywhere! Just a normal day in the life.Go Jon and Ellen!
Mommyinca, our prayers are with your friend's family.
NancyB, my memory is not much better than yours. But I think it was Collin and Aaden trying to hide a toy car in the pocket of a coat, and they asked the camera crew not to watch them. The boys were under the impression that this was a private moment. Maybe someone else can add more details.
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