At first we thought this was just another shot of Collin hiding from the paps. But when we looked at the other pics, we realized Collin is in white and Joel is in navy.
That's Joel hiding from the paps yesterday in New York City! One by one the kids are defecting. Keep it up, kids!
98 sediments (sic) from readers:
I wonder if she's telling them to do that, to garner sympathy. In her weird logic she has placed the evil on the paps even though she's the one that put herself out there in the first place.
I can now put all the other evil stuff that this woman does aside and say simply - what kind of mother would continue to do what she is doing once she sees her children HIDING their faces from the camera? It cannot get any simpler than that. Shame on you, Kate Gosselin, shame on you and your greedy, greedy needs.
Oh, and I also live in LA, on a street where we often have tv/movie filming - paps are kept far, far away from the actual shoot, so yes, she and TLC are allowing the close proximity. And I agree with Admin, out here in LaLaland, the real celebs go quietly about their lives and do everything to PROTECT their children from the intrusion of cameras.
The situation with the children gets more pathetic each day. Walking around the city in the hot and humid weather with a mother who is dressed like a real tart. I read somewhere that she and Steve went for a run in Central Park and later the whole troup took in Ellis Island. At least the children will get to visit the Statue of Liberty but with the scrutiny of the camera and crew, it is still a working vacation.
Look at poor Leah's face... can a child be LESS than happy about going on the Statue of Liberty ?? By God they have to stop that. NOW
Wow! That pap is close and also must be kneeling down to get a picture that close and at that angle.
Which of the boys was it that Kate said was going to be a model? Anyone remember that?
It was Joel who was singled out as the future model and also with inuendos from his own parents that he might be gay.
Yesterday, it was reported here that one-third of all ER visits was heat-related this week...heat stroke, dehydration, etc. Ambulance crews were handing out bottled water for construction workers and other people who had to be outside to do their jobs. Many, many employers told their workers not to report. It was *that* bad, and I'm in a rural area.
And those dear little children were paraded around the hot streets of New York City!
They have to be called out on this, and the legality of it examined.
This is outrageous! Those children look terrified.Leah looks tentative, as though she is expecting something bad to happen. Collin is miserable.And little Joel, the most gregarious of the lot, is hiding his face.
Kate and TLC are destroying those children's spirits. They should be able to go anywhere without fear.As it is, they can't even get off their own school bus safely.
Technically, in Pennsylvania, this is not child abuse. Morally, ethically, and actually, it is.
Anyone with information who has not spoken up is equally guilty for what is happening to the children.Surely there must be someone who is not afraid of TLC.
If Jon sees these pictures and does nothing
to protest, he is a shameful father.Jamie and Steve are parents too; how they can allow this to happen to the Gosselin children is beyond my comprehension.
Kate Gosselin enjoys a lollipop while taking the kids to see the Statue of Liberty.
28 pictures, It is a bit to much
How interesting to find out that Kate PR person, Julie Carson May could possibly be Beth Carson's sister in law.
Look at the client shots and see who they manage "We work with only select leaders various fields, develop compelling messages and branding, and fully nurture and build powerful media and product platforms."
Those pics of Kate sucking on the lollipop make me wonder just what she is auditioning for next!If you printed the pics,and stapled them together in order, you could make a little flip book showing the action- remember those?
And Ms. Germphobic is walking barefoot on the streets of New York.
This is all getting way too surreal.
When I first starting seeing pics of Kate and the kids in NYC, my first thought was "those shoes will not last" smart people wear comfortable walking shoes and they dont put their kids in sandals. I took my son to NYC 2 years ago in June and it was a massive heat wave then, We did so much walking in the heat and it was exhausting. Now to see Kate in bare feet is just to funny. Those kids have to be exhausted.
I feel bad for those kids.I wish someone in that camera crew would have the balls to say ENOUGH!I guess no one wants to risk losing their job.Being a 5ft.5inch women(I'm guessing that's Kates height)you can tell from her face, she's hot. Being a 3ft. tall child,(guessing again)they are so much closer to that steamy,hot pavement. They've got to be just miserable.Poor babies.
I remember when Kate made a big deal out and a rule of NO BARE FEET in the hotel rooms when the family drove down to Disney World. Germs, ya know. Now she walks around in her bare bigfoot paws on the streets of New York? I hope she steps in a big ol' wad of gooey chewed up gum. Maybe later, when the kids get a break from 'playing', they can rub mama's sore stumps. Then they can get the hell out of her sight while she gets ready to go out with the bodyguard she's not banging and go somewhere where she can hustle up another celebrity to pose with - if she can chase one down that is.
If this is what she meant when she announced she was "pursuing her career" when the marriage was collapsing, she succeeded. She made a name for herself and that name is "the biggest idiot who ever appeared on tv, reality or otherwise". We could all have a good laugh watching her go down like an old ship, except she had to involve her children. That makes it not funny. That woman is more insane than she was a year ago and sliding downhill FAST.
Looks like the majority think Kate deserves an Emmy over at People's pole.
Yeap, she does deserve an Emmy for
"The Trashiest Mom On TV"
Kate defends walking barefoot in public because she said the rain cleans the streets/sidewalks. Yep, she said that. Kate reasoning at its best. Maybe she hasn't realized that it hasn't rained in days in NYC. There is pigeon poop, spit and worse on the streets of NY.
It's funny because I'm trying to plan a day to go into NYC to meet with someone and I want to bring my girls. I'm waiting for the heat wave to pass because I don't want to bring my girls into NYC in this heat. I really know how uncomfortable it is. Even the horses in Central Park get the day off when the temps hit 90 degrees.
OMG SchmeckyGirl. You're kidding! That's her reasoning?
Well, I rest my case then. She's gone right over the edge.
I just came upon this site through GWOP- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! Those poor children denied a normal life.Playing in the pool, having friends or I dare say cousins over. IT IS JUST SO SAD!! GO AWAY K(H)ATE!!!!!!!!! Let's hope that she and the bodyguard go off into the distance far far far far away!His wife must be clueless!!
Yes. She said that on a Viewer's Questions show when a viewer called her on it. Funny thing is the gas station she was standing barefoot in had a cover over it so it didn't get rainfall directly on the street she was standing on.
She's getting worse and worse at keeping her lies straight. Some nasty bacteria must have gotten into the germ-freak's brain and messed up her memory.
Can you imagine how HOT those sidewalks are on her bare feet? What kind of creature has asbestos feet?
fidosmommy said...
Can you imagine how HOT those sidewalks are on her bare feet? What kind of creature has asbestos feet?
Hmmmm, Big Foot???
Reportedly she went jogging in Central Park. That means she had running shoes with her. Which is what a normal person would have worn for sightseeing. But, we all know she's not normal and those shoes aren't stylish enough.
Remember when Joel's feet hurt from his boots...what did Kart tell him??
Act like a man?
Lordy be! Kate with a lollipop. I think the Radar pap has a fetish because there are about a million shots and most are terribly, ahem, unflattering and rather innuendo-filled.
Poor Kate:
ATE Gosselin is gagging for it!
Sources say the reality TV star — who has eight child with ex-husband Jon Gosselin — is desperately in love with her burly bodyguard Steve Neild — and is furious that he won’t leave his wife to be with her!
“Kate is doing everything she can to keep Steve close, including buying him presents. His whole wardrobe comes courtesy of Kate.
“She even asks his advice on all her outfits, even modeling lingerie for him. She asks, ‘Does this make me look good?’ and ‘Would this turn a man on?’ She’s trying to entice him. No wonder Kate tries to be in full hair and makeup whenever he’s around.”
“Steve knows Kate wants him” the source added, “and he eats it up — it’s great for his ego. On a recent trip to Los Angeles, Steve even admitted to Kate that he had feelings for her.
“Unfortunately, all that does is get her hopes up. Not only is it emotionally crushing for Kate, but as long as she’s in love with Steve, she’ll never find a man of her own.
“She spends all her time obsessing over him, so she isn’t open to meeting someone new. It’s so lonely for her.”
How did you get here from GWOP? I thought they didn't post links.
Hey, if everybody is in New York who is taking care of the chickens?
Did Kate hire a chicken nanny?
(sorry, I just couldn't help myself - I think the heat is getting to me!)
Just a reminder...
I'm sure you won't want to miss ET tonight. Kate will be co-hosting and giving us her work out tips.
Oh goody,I cant wait. Let me pop my popcorn, grab my blonde wig, "good bra", Nike tights and Boob Holder !
Okay......I'm ready !
Good gosh, Judy, you must be joking. Yes, we DO want to miss Kate on ET and whatever else she's on. All the good stuff will reach the blogisphere before the credits roll so please don't torture yourself dear blogger friend.
I am sure she went straight for a pedicure to soak her feet after having to walk bare foot because she was to stupid to wear comfortable shoes
I just saw the pictures the children look miserable just going out the door of the hotel.
Kate always wants the best of the best!
I wonder if the children walked up the 354 steps to the crown? It is twenty degrees warmer inside the crown and there are no bathrooms at the top!
When will this madness stop!
Phooey on her ET appearance. Kate's just going to sit there and look stupid and say stupid things like she always does. Not even worth watching her make an ass out of herself for billionth time. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Judy wrote that post TIC (tongue in cheek).
I wonder if the children walked up the 354 steps to the crown? It is twenty degrees warmer inside the crown and there are no bathrooms at the top!
WHAT? TLC didn't build bathrooms up there for Kate and the 8?
I sure am glad those Kate and her brood got to see the Statue of Liberty (for free)! Whew! I've lost many nights sleep over the fact they were denied that little jaunt last summer.
Love the pics of Kate sucking on that lollipop. What a woman!
TO: Free Publicity at 2:12 pm
Oh, trust me, I GET IT. There is a lot of free publicity for the new show this week; once again we have proof that TLC is manipulating the viewing public by generating a lot of interest as is evident on the blogs.
Folks, when they were filming the 100+ episodes of J&K, did anyone see daily releases of photos of their filming? NO WAY!!!!
Yet in the past few days we not only have photos released to various web sites but snipets of videos as well.
Gee, imagine that! This of course is all the more incentive for the haterz to be **sure to tune in** when K+8 is on the air. DUH!
There is no doubt about it: the joke is on the haterz!!! At this point in time I'm sure there are more haterz than loverz and yet Kate is still on the air. Why? Because the haterz are guaranteed to tune in just to snark at her boobs, shoes, clothing, hair, etc. These same viewers seem to forget that as long as there are viewers who watch the show the kids have to continue to show up to WORK.
One more time: to be a true child advocate and to save the children one cannot watch Kate+8 unless it is a RERUN.
So Judy, IMHO Free Publicity is not a blog bandit but trying to get bloggers to see outside of the box. More to the point, that they are being manipulated to be sure to tune in which of course means that they will be counted as a viewer.
More viewers = more sponsor money = the kids have to work even when it is recommended that it is so hot outside that for health reasons people should stay indoors.
That poor little girl (not sure which one) looks so scared to be walking out to the vulchers. Can you imagine the fear on their faces each time they step out to screaming and snapping of lenses?
MickeyMcKean said...
"So Judy, IMHO Free Publicity is not a blog bandit but trying to get bloggers to see outside of the box. More to the point, that they are being manipulated to be sure to tune in which of course means that they will be counted as a viewer.
Thank you for you post. A voice of reason! I know there are many out there... somewhere.
From the INF article (Statue of Liberty)comments section today. Apparently Mr Knox thinks 'mother knows best':
"Marlene Metzler
July 9, 2010, 3:06 pm
There are no specific temperature-range limitations or limitations on the number of hours which can be worked by a child performer (from birth to age 18) nor are there any prohibited hours of work for child performers. Those limitations were not written into the Child Performer Education and Trust Act of 2003. Statutory authority has been created to enable the Commissioner of Labor to promulgate such regulations for child performers; but the promulgation of those regulations has not been completed.
Please note, however, that the Commissioner of Labor has general legal authority to act to protect the physical safety, educational and moral development of child performers. Employers must make certain that child performers are not exposed to danger, exhaustion, or morally questionable situations.
There is a panel studying how to prevent eating disorders in Child Models and Child Performers. It is possible that the promulgation of regulations will be coordinated with the implementation of the recommendations from that study. Until then the situation is as described above.
It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online.
Mark Knox
Supervising Labor Standards Investigator
(518) 457-1942 or 485-1953 (direct)
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00 PM
To: labor.sm.ls.CPInfo
Subject: Restrictions on child labor in hot temperatures.
To Whom it may concern, I would like some more information on the restrictions of child performer laws in high temperatures. I had noticed that New York had aexcessive heat warnings on 7-6-10, 7-7-10 and 7-8-10.
I had photographic evidences that the Gosselin children employed by the TLC network and Discovery were in the heat for a very long period of time, exposed to long distance walking and sun exposure without hats and sun protection.
I thought you should be aware those conditions are not safe for children and the matter should be looked into.
Thank you
Marlene M.
St Louis Missouri
~~ this was sent to me by the labor department… saying since Kate is present, she can do just about anything she wants to those kids , they have no say.~~~ just my 2 cents for today."
"It would mean the world to those kids if she weren't on TV anymore, and there's only one way to make sure that happens. The NY Dept. of Labor has washed their hands of it."
Yes it does seem that the NY Dept of Labor has decided that if the mother deemed it safe for her children to be out in the heat working along side of her, then they will not step in and save the children.
So once again TLC and Kate get to have their 8 little money makers working.
The ONLY WAY to give the Gosselin children their freedom and childhood back is to NOT WATCH KATE PLUS 8.
To snark on Kate by watching a brand new episode keeps the children W-O-R-K-I-N-G.
From INF Statue of Liberty article today. Somebody contacted Mark Knox (NY Dept Of Labor) and he apparently feels that 'mother knows best'.
Have to break into 2 parts, starting with letter to Mr. Knox:
"Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 2:00 PM
To: labor.sm.ls.CPInfo
Subject: Restrictions on child labor in hot temperatures.
To Whom it may concern, I would like some more information on the restrictions of child performer laws in high temperatures. I had noticed that New York had excessive heat warnings on 7-6-10, 7-7-10 and 7-8-10.
I had photographic evidences that the Gosselin children employed by the TLC network and Discovery were in the heat for a very long period of time, exposed to long distance walking and sun exposure without hats and sun protection.
I thought you should be aware those conditions are not safe for children and the matter should be looked into.
Thank you
Marlene M."
St Louis Missouri
Big Foot walks the streets of NY barefoot and she claimed shes a germaphobic, more like a slob. Who walks the NY streets without shows? Even the homeless know better..she is a pig n slob..lets call her the pig in TLCs pocket
(Part 2 of Marlene's post)
"~~ this was sent to me by the labor department… saying since Kate is present, she can do just about anything she wants to those kids , they have no say.~~~ just my 2 cents for today."
There are no specific temperature-range limitations or limitations on the number of hours which can be worked by a child performer (from birth to age 18) nor are there any prohibited hours of work for child performers. Those limitations were not written into the Child Performer Education and Trust Act of 2003. Statutory authority has been created to enable the Commissioner of Labor to promulgate such regulations for child performers; but the promulgation of those regulations has not been completed.
Please note, however, that the Commissioner of Labor has general legal authority to act to protect the physical safety, educational and moral development of child performers. Employers must make certain that child performers are not exposed to danger, exhaustion, or morally questionable situations.
There is a panel studying how to prevent eating disorders in Child Models and Child Performers. It is possible that the promulgation of regulations will be coordinated with the implementation of the recommendations from that study. Until then the situation is as described above.
It is worth noting that in this particular case, the mother of the child performers was not only present but working with the child performers. Since she was actually present with the children she had first-hand knowledge of the conditions (heat) and was arguably better able to monitor the condition of her children than is possible from the snap-shots one can see online.
Mark Knox
Supervising Labor Standards Investigator
(518) 457-1942 or 485-1953 (direct)"
Mickey McKean hit the nail on the head. Kate publically denies a boob job and keeps wearing skimpier and skimpier clothing. Why? Look at the interest it's generating - a lot of it thanks to us who despise her. I swear the photos of her pleasuring the sucker are just a jab at blogs like this. Kate's way of saying "suckers" and we're falling for it hook, line and sinker. These blogs are doing nothing to get her off the air. The PA legislature is now in the know and IMO we've done our part to protect the children. The best thing we can do now it stop looking at the photos, analyzing the "look at me" clothing, etc. It's playing right into Kate and TLC's hands. I've checked the fansites and they don't generate nearly the traffic sites looking out for the children do. The only way to end this is don't look, don't read, don't comment.
Sorry that the post from Marlene/Knox came through 2x. Said was too long initially.
Did you ever think they do this because they are playing with you? Think about it, both Kate and her buddy both have white short shorts on.
Hmmm.. me thinks they read here and like to pull your chain......
All the FREE sandals SKETCHERS sends her and yet this dope can't put on a pair to be comfortable and pratical. Who walks around touring in NY with heels? I still say she is dumber than a bag of rocks..
Whoo hooo. Another one gets it. I knew you were out there. Let Kate fade away, for the sake of those poor children.
I'm going to go a step further and say get Kate Gosselin completely out of your lives. I'm including myself in that, though I NEVER watch anything she's in on TV, even if it's a brief two minute clip. Nothing, nada.
In fact, this is the only place on the internet I even read about her or comment. I've noticed when regular celebrity gossip blogs run a story on her, the number of comments is dwindling.
I appreciate the job admin has done here, but maybe since this is really about all kids being forced to sell their private lives on reality TV, the blog could bring some light to other parents doing the same thing the Gosselins are? The Gosselins are only the worst example, there are others out there.
Meanwhile, the fastest way to get this sorry excuse for a mother to go away is to totally ignore her.
Carol said...
I'm going to go a step further and say get Kate Gosselin completely out of your lives. I'm including myself in that, though I NEVER watch anything she's in on TV, even if it's a brief two minute clip. Nothing, nada.
In fact, this is the only place on the internet I even read about her or comment. I've noticed when regular celebrity gossip blogs run a story on her, the number of comments is dwindling.
I appreciate the job admin has done here, but maybe since this is really about all kids being forced to sell their private lives on reality TV, the blog could bring some light to other parents doing the same thing the Gosselins are? The Gosselins are only the worst example, there are others out there.
Meanwhile, the fastest way to get this sorry excuse for a mother to go away is to totally ignore her.
Carol how right you are. So glad to see some people coming around. Perhaps it's the horrible reality of how Kate is torturing those kids.
Stop enabling KATE and TLC. They're thriving on all the publicity.
Just saw Kate on ET where she said she lost 6 pounds in two weeks--not 10 like she told the magazine that did the article. Poor Kate is really too stupid to lie and should just stick to the truth. She was asked about Jake and Vienna and said she didn't have time to get into their relationship because of all the hours they all put in practicing. Uh, Kate, you didn't put the hours in that the others did. Another lie. And it's lonely having a glass of wine by herself after the kids go to bed. Here's an idea: Invite Jake over. You are both so controlling that you would implode each other.
You know people on ecstacy often have a big urge to suck on something. A sucker or pacifier or whatever they can. Whatever, Kate is losing it.
JudyK said...
Just saw Kate on ET where she said she lost 6 pounds in two weeks--not 10 like she told the magazine that did the article. Poor Kate is really too stupid to lie and should just stick to the truth.
There was no quote from Kate in the article saying she lost 10 lbs. in two weeks.
to: Free Publicity said...
MickeyMcKean said...
Count me in! Used to blog over at GWOP, then Z, occasionally I'll say something hear, but I haven't watched since the vow renewal, I try to stay off the web's that have Kate on! Don't buy the mags., thank's Preesi for the scans, and for a good laugh I'll check out Jibberjabbers.
"Stop enabling KATE and TLC. They're thriving on all the publicity."
Now I'm take this one step further. Congratulations to Kate and TLC because they have an ace in their pocket: GWOP.
Yep you read it right, GWOP aka Gosselinswithoutpity. More likely than not the first web site you found when you figured out something did not smell right in Gosselinland, went to the Internet for answers and discovered you were not alone.
Well IMHO due to their rule #10, where NO PLEADING is allowed to keep their bloggers from watching the show, GWOP is a "hate" site that encourages the show to continue.
One way to put it is that GWOP has jumped the shark.
See, the mods on GWOP do not want their bloggers to FEEL GUILTY when they watch Kate+8 so they can snark all they want on their web site about her boobs, hooker heels, etc. Course watching the show keeps the 8 kids WORKING yet GWOP wants to be known as a child advocacy site. WTH?
Not a surprise, anyone who calls themself a child advocate but yet will watch the new show when their viewership counts and ultimately keeps the show on the air just to make snarky comments re Kate I personally label as a hypocrit.
Now I've saved the best for last: to really add insult to the haterz, especially the ones who are in a feeding frenzy with all the photos and videos that have been released in the last few days, just remember one thing: TLC and Kate are laughing all the way to the bank! Meanwhile the children look miserable and unhappy.
Thanks for the insight Mickey! That explains why my post from a few days back on GWOP didn't appear. Someone had commented that they were going to tape the show and just FF through Kate and watch only the kids. I posted that they are then victimizing the kids just as much as Kate did. My post didn't clear the mod. Now I know why.
I stand by my position. If you choose to tape the show and only watch the kids because you despise Kate, you're basically in bed with Kate in the exploitation of the kids.
Wanda said...
All the FREE sandals SKETCHERS sends her and yet this dope can't put on a pair to be comfortable and pratical. Who walks around touring in NY with heels? I still say she is dumber than a bag of rocks..
July 9, 2010 3:51 PM
I've seen many, many women wandering the streets of New York in heels! It is, after all, one of 4 fashion capitals!
MickeyMcKean said...
"Stop enabling KATE and TLC. They're thriving on all the publicity."
Now I'm take this one step further. Congratulations to Kate and TLC because they have an ace in their pocket: GWOP.
Exactly why I stopped going over there. Nicely put.
Yes Anne, no doubt that is why your post never got past the GWOP mods.
You were right of course, to record the show and then plan to FF through all scenes with Kate just to see the kids still KEEPS THE SHOW ON THE AIR.
Again, GWOP wants their bloggers to be able to talk about the show which means they don't want anyone to make them feel guilty for doing so.
It goes without saying that I have lost respect for GWOP because they feel it is OK to watch the show just to snark about Kate.
But dammit, it keeps the kids WORKING!
As for me, I'm sick and tired of all things Gosselin and have to be patient until their 15 minutes are up. Suffice it to say I hope and pray this will happen by the end of 2010.
"I've seen many, many women wandering the streets of New York in heels! It is, after all, one of 4 fashion capitals!"
How many of those women have eight children with them? Kate's making a fashion statement? Geez...you could have fooled me!
These kids look so sad and unhappy, with not a thought or dlimpse from their mom, who is trying to score any attention she can get.
Free the Gosselin 8! Stop it seriously. These kids deserve so much better, and any person in their right mind can see this circus of photo opps and filming needs to stop now. These kids are miserable puppets.
I always thought that GWOP didn't want bloggers to tell others what to watch and what NOT to watch because TLC could come down on the site for interfering with their enterprise. They could try to prove that there was a conspiracy of sorts on the blog for trying to get TLC to shut down. If TLC lost viewership because of bloggers telling other bloggers not to watch, legal action could be taken against GWOP.
But, what do I know? LOL!
To Watch Or Not To Watch, thank you for that information but I have never heard of such bologna!!!
You can tell people to watch or you can tell people to not watch and there isn't a law on the books that can do anything about it. I'm curious what law GWOP thinks prevents them from allowing that. No, I think GWOP doesn't allow discussion about "not watching" because they're worried about losing bloggers. I permit it as long as you follow the rules because I don't want this blog to have a zillion stupid rules.
I am not scared of TLC. We haven't done a darn thing wrong to them.
Think about what a stifling law like that would do to the entire gigantic online community commenting on anything in the TV industry. Not to mention free speech. This is just common sense and I hope no bloggers falls for this nonsense.
I wonder what legal rights, if any, the grandparents have concerning the children?
"To Watch Or Not To Watch, thank you for that information but I have never heard of such bologna!!!"
Is that the way you spell it out there? Here, it's baloney or boloney! Bologna is the sandwich meat. I just bought some at market today, so it's still fresh in my mind (and in my refrigerator)...
Regardless of whether it's nonsense (baloney), or the stuff you put between two pieces of bread (bologna), that's the understanding of the "don't watch" rule that I got from reading various comments.
Why do you suppose the moderators stopped doing the recaps, since the recaps obviously generated a multitude of comments from bloggers? It would seem to me that if they were afraid of losing bloggers, the recaps would have continued.
I don't know...I'm just asking. What's your theory?
It is so disgusting. You have to look at this. And please read the few comments that are made; they nail it on the head. This is a UK paper.
Also on ET, Mary opened with a question for Kate. Did you lose 10 pounds in 10 days? (Remember the headlines from a rag magazine). Kate said no, she has lost a dress size and about 6 pounds in 2 weeks from running outside. She said she is committed to being fit for life. She was NOT the co-host. I swear I don't know why they even had Kate on the show. Everyone else were promoting movies, hit shows, etc. and Kate is complaining about being lonely when she is drinking wine alone at night. Oh and least I forget, they plugged her show where she shrieking, screaming, acting like an ass, chasing chickens, and changing window screens. I think Kate does all that screaming and shrieking because she honestly has nothing to say and it is her way of filling up time with noise. She thinks it adds drama and fun to her show. Yeah, right. Her kids act more mature then she does.
"that's the understanding of the "don't watch" rule that I got from reading various comments."
No I'm not disagreeing that's what they may think. I'm saying their premise is based on a totally ridiculous assertion. Come on, the GWOPers are smarter than that. I suppose they fed that nonsense to their followers to scare them into not telling people to stop watching knowing full well that's the most absurd thing we've ever heard? For some reason when some people hear lawsuit they run scared. I guess I'm not threatened by that stuff when I know there is nothing illegal about any of this. GWOP is afraid of losing readers is my only guess.
Folks, you can ask people here not to watch the show ALL YOU WANT. Be my guest. And TLC and GWOP can suck it as Kathy would say because there is no law that says we can't say this. I'm not afraid of losing readers, I don't care if two people come here or two hundred or two-thousand because it's not about the numbers to me. Not that I don't appreciate you all coming here, but I won't hold a grudge if anyone leaves because someone said don't watch!
I think they lost their good recappers.......think about it.
Kate gets paid to spend time with her kids, but only if a film crew is tagging, so to trust a mother who profits off her kids working, and who keeps publically complaining she is broke and needs the money, tells me she is not fit or competent to monitor their work conditions, she is biased to keep them working no matter what. And she has done this despite all the evidence about child stars.
Administrator said...
I think they lost their good recappers.......think about it.
Ahahahaaaa ... I will go out on a limb and take a wild guess that GWOP lost their BEST recapper :)
To "Anonymous" who said there was no quote from Kate saying she lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks--actually, she said she lost 10 pounds in 10 DAYS and then said on ET she lost 6 pounds. She can't keep her lies straight.
COVER STORY: Kate Gosselin — How I Lost 10 Pounds in 10 Days!
June 30th, 2010 3:02 am / Author: OK! Staff SHARE
Mother of eight Kate Gosselin has her sexiest, most toned body at age 35 — and she’s feeling great about it! After she got voted off Dancing With the Stars on April 20 and returned home to Wernersville, Pa., Kate was concerned she’d lose the tone she’d worked so hard for. So she stepped up her workouts, began running a hilly 4-mile course three times a week and honed her eating plan to make her body leaner.
“Kate has kicked her routine into overdrive. Dancing With the Stars set her in motion, but she’s now even thinner than she was on the show,” says an insider.
JudyK said...
To "Anonymous" who said there was no quote from Kate saying she lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks--actually, she said she lost 10 pounds in 10 DAYS and then said on ET she lost 6 pounds. She can't keep her lies straight.
COVER STORY: Kate Gosselin — How I Lost 10 Pounds in 10 Days!
June 30th, 2010 3:02 am / Author: OK! Staff SHARE
Mother of eight Kate Gosselin has her sexiest, most toned body at age 35 — and she’s feeling great about it! After she got voted off Dancing With the Stars on April 20 and returned home to Wernersville, Pa., Kate was concerned she’d lose the tone she’d worked so hard for. So she stepped up her workouts, began running a hilly 4-mile course three times a week and honed her eating plan to make her body leaner.
“Kate has kicked her routine into overdrive. Dancing With the Stars set her in motion, but she’s now even thinner than she was on the show,” says an insider.
Read the article. There is no direct quote from Kate regarding a 10 lb. weight loss, regardless of whatever headline the tabloid chose to use. Facts matter.
MickeyMcKean, I agree with what you said about GWOP.
Not a surprise, anyone who calls themself a child advocate but yet will watch the new show when their viewership counts and ultimately keeps the show on the air just to make snarky comments re Kate I personally label as a hypocrit.
I honestly believe the time has come to let things happen naturally. Let a no-talent "celebrity" disappear into oblivion due to lack of interest. It happens all the time with people who are talentless. They disappear from TV. Kate doesn't deserve all the acclaim.
Come on, people. Remember, while Kate revels in the attention we give her, 8 little kids are paying the price.
"I guess I'm not threatened by that stuff when I know there is nothing illegal about any of this."
..and you also know as well as anyone that frivilous lawsuits, lawsuits without merit, are filed every day regardless of whether the suit can stand up in court. I think that's what has/had some people worried...not the fact that the plaintiff could win, but because the suit could be filed.
hmmmm......Or maybe they fired their best recapper. Maybe this person wanted to say things like "don't watch the show" etc. and her posts were deleted too. Maybe this person was tired of a tyrant deciding everything over there and defected and made her own site which is now way bigger and better. Tee-hee sorry I'm snarky today.
"I think that's what has/had some people worried...not the fact that the plaintiff could win, but because the suit could be filed."
I didn't say they are not worried, I said I'm not worried.
They are silly to be worried for that very reason--the suit would be frivilous and would be thrown out before it even got in the door. You actually do have to point to some kind of law when filing a lawsuit. But in America we are trained to be scared of the big bad lawsuit.
By the way I got a few anonymous big bad scary "cease and desist" threats when this blog first started, obviously from sheeple who are out of ways to refute the actual issues and now must attack and threaten the messengers. (Real lawsuits aren't served via a comment form on a blog). I ignored them, yawn. Here we are almost a year later, I don't see a lawsuit, this blog hasn't been shut down, TLC hasn't said a darn thing, we haven't been bullied into submission, free speech prevails of course.....crickets.
"By the way I got a few anonymous big bad scary "cease and desist" threats when this blog first started, obviously from sheeple who are out of ways to refute the actual issues and now must attack and threaten the messenger"
Do sheeple know how to write "cease and desist" threats that sound like they are actually coming from literate people, rather than from, well...sheeple?
No. They don't.
Their father barely has any rights so their banished grandparents have about as much rights as you do.
The Gosselin children don't have grandparents, do they (being snarky).
Folks, you can ask people here not to watch the show ALL YOU WANT. Be my guest. And TLC and GWOP can suck it as Kathy would say because there is no law that says we can't say this. I'm not afraid of losing readers, I don't care if two people come here or two hundred or two-thousand because it's not about the numbers to me. Not that I don't appreciate you all coming here, but I won't hold a grudge if anyone leaves because someone said don't watch!
"You actually do have to point to some kind of law when filing a lawsuit. But in America we are trained to be scared of the big bad lawsuit."
Could it be that they are not so much worried about the big bad lawsuit as they are about the big bad attorney's fees that they would have to pay, regardless of whether it actually makes it to court?
Don't hit me!
Kate said no, she has lost a dress size and about 6 pounds in 2 weeks from running outside.
I guess running outside, made all the difference. LOL...methinks Kate wasn't running so much, INSIDE.
GWOP seems to have relaxed the rule. There have been posts on recently telling people that if they want Kate to go away, they should stop watching.
"IDModo said...
GWOP seems to have relaxed the rule. There have been posts on recently telling people that if they want Kate to go away, they should stop watching."
Probably back-peddling after we called them on it here. We say they only made the rule to keep people watching the show, all of a sudden they relax the rule and pretend they don't have that rule. Odd.
Folks, you can ask people here not to watch the show ALL YOU WANT. Be my guest. And TLC and GWOP can suck it as Kathy would say because there is no law that says we can't say this. I'm not afraid of losing readers, I don't care if two people come here or two hundred or two-thousand because it's not about the numbers to me. Not that I don't appreciate you all coming here, but I won't hold a grudge if anyone leaves because someone said don't watch!
MickeyMcKean said...
"So Judy, IMHO Free Publicity is not a blog bandit but trying to get bloggers to see outside of the box. More to the point, that they are being manipulated to be sure to tune in which of course means that they will be counted as a viewer.
Thank you for you post. A voice of reason! I know there are many out there... somewhere.
I sure am glad those Kate and her brood got to see the Statue of Liberty (for free)! Whew! I've lost many nights sleep over the fact they were denied that little jaunt last summer.
Love the pics of Kate sucking on that lollipop. What a woman!
I just saw the pictures the children look miserable just going out the door of the hotel.
Kate always wants the best of the best!
I wonder if the children walked up the 354 steps to the crown? It is twenty degrees warmer inside the crown and there are no bathrooms at the top!
When will this madness stop!
Good gosh, Judy, you must be joking. Yes, we DO want to miss Kate on ET and whatever else she's on. All the good stuff will reach the blogisphere before the credits roll so please don't torture yourself dear blogger friend.
Hey, if everybody is in New York who is taking care of the chickens?
Did Kate hire a chicken nanny?
(sorry, I just couldn't help myself - I think the heat is getting to me!)
Lordy be! Kate with a lollipop. I think the Radar pap has a fetish because there are about a million shots and most are terribly, ahem, unflattering and rather innuendo-filled.
Can you imagine how HOT those sidewalks are on her bare feet? What kind of creature has asbestos feet?
Kate defends walking barefoot in public because she said the rain cleans the streets/sidewalks. Yep, she said that. Kate reasoning at its best. Maybe she hasn't realized that it hasn't rained in days in NYC. There is pigeon poop, spit and worse on the streets of NY.
I feel bad for those kids.I wish someone in that camera crew would have the balls to say ENOUGH!I guess no one wants to risk losing their job.Being a 5ft.5inch women(I'm guessing that's Kates height)you can tell from her face, she's hot. Being a 3ft. tall child,(guessing again)they are so much closer to that steamy,hot pavement. They've got to be just miserable.Poor babies.
Kate Gosselin enjoys a lollipop while taking the kids to see the Statue of Liberty.
28 pictures, It is a bit to much
I can now put all the other evil stuff that this woman does aside and say simply - what kind of mother would continue to do what she is doing once she sees her children HIDING their faces from the camera? It cannot get any simpler than that. Shame on you, Kate Gosselin, shame on you and your greedy, greedy needs.
Oh, and I also live in LA, on a street where we often have tv/movie filming - paps are kept far, far away from the actual shoot, so yes, she and TLC are allowing the close proximity. And I agree with Admin, out here in LaLaland, the real celebs go quietly about their lives and do everything to PROTECT their children from the intrusion of cameras.
Or maybe Kate's 6 inch heels got the worst of her that day, I can imagine those majorly hurt after a while. Yeah but still, walking barefoot on the streets in a city is just gross and can imagine would leave you with burning feets in a heatwave. And isnt that dress that Leah was wearing that same ones that the girls wore during that Hawaii wedding? Trying to dress the kids up for the paps?
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