Alexis covering her eyes now ....

Aaden makes a mean face at the camera ....

Bodyguard holds Aaden by the wrist ....
Meanwhile, Jon was spotted out yesterday at Marie Callender's near Wilshire Blvd. We hope he'll get to meet up with the kids while they're in L.A.
160 sediments (sic) from readers:
What did they do, fly from Anchorage to LA? Maybe she thinks she's invited to the DWTS reunion party. Poor, poor kids - life in airports and hotels, being dragged around on buses with hired peoples and cameramen is just no life.
Westcoaster said... What did they do, fly from Anchorage to LA? Maybe she thinks she's invited to the DWTS reunion party. Poor, poor kids - life in airports and hotels, being dragged around on buses with hired peoples and cameramen is just no life.
That was exactly my FIRST thought--she'll crash the DWTS dinner to prove "she's wanted."
Kate is actually holding one of the kids hands in the pictures. The body guard and Ashley are holding 2 each, but she is actually showing affection.
she is reading the posts. Hi Kate.. take the children home.
If you turn those pics upside down, all the kids will be smiling.
Wonder if it's safe to go to the Target in my 'hood today :)? Oh please, she's probably "taking meetings" because I cannot seriously think of what those kids might be doing here in LaLa land - 7 hour+ flight from Anchorage (I know because we did it last summer), and then after doing god knows what here, another long trip back to PA. Do you think that perhaps they are tired of hotel room service grilled cheese? My kids thought hotel food was a treat on the rare times we stayed in ones when they were that age, for these kids it is a sad way of life. Bodyguard, nanny, that Steve guy (yes, if I were his wife I would probably have tossed him by now) and Mommy dearest, who got off another plane with that sweet scowl on her face (note to Kate, take a look at airport pics of Angelina and her kids if you need some tips) - everyone looks so tired.
What a waste of 26 acres in PA.
AuntieAnn said... Admin,
If you turn those pics upside down, all the kids will be smiling.
July 28, 2010 10:44 AM
Good one! And sadly true.
I can't help but think this is Kate's sick way of telling her critics that if they don't like the way she travels and leaves her kids at home, then she'll keep them with her and drag them all over the country.
Kate treats them like they are pieces of luggage to be dragged around these United States. They are her own Louis Vuittons set.
Hannah is being Mommy's little helper again by carrying a bag nearly as big as she is. I'm glad she's being self sufficient enough to carry her own load. Maybe Mommy could take a lesson from her daughter....
I wonder if Steve's had a pay cut since he's now a man-nanny?
Where the hell is Jon in all this? That man needs to reattach his testicles and demand that his kids not be schlepped around the country and that they enjoy their summer. Maybe even spend time with him.
He's a kept man who can't fathom a hard day's work because as he's stated, he can't see having a boss. The man is what, 33? He's soft and he's lazy.
Kate's squeezing in as much filming as possible before those children go back to school
PA to Alaska to LA....Hummm, yup she might be trying to squeeze in more camera time before school starts OR
Maybe she plans to crash the DWTS Reunion dinner? OR
Maybe she found her invitation that was LOST in the mail. Just never know about her fame whorish behaviors. As usual, Katie Irene looks pissed walking through the airport with her kids. Rarely does anyone capture a happy picture of Katie with the kids, unless she's filming for TLC or trying to steal the thunder from the kids. Crazy!!!!!!
Tucker's Mom said... Where the hell is Jon in all this? That man needs to reattach his testicles and demand that his kids not be schlepped around the country and that they enjoy their summer. Maybe even spend time with him.
He's a kept man who can't fathom a hard day's work because as he's stated, he can't see having a boss. The man is what, 33? He's soft and he's lazy.
ITA! As much as I can't stand what Kate's doing to these kids, at least she's out there schlepping around with them for the TLC cash. Jon's like an overgrown teenager sitting around all day playing video games collecting his TLC allowance. Talk about being supported by your kids.
I remember when Jon was on the couch expressing his discontent at giving up his job to be home with the kids. Since he's now no longer home with the kids, where's the job!?! At least go to school and attempt working toward some type of career.
Basically he's making it clear it wasn't giving up his job that was causing his discontent, it was being home with his kids. He much prefers being part-time fun-time dad.
Kate can stop pretending any time that she detests the paps. That smug look on her face shows she couldn't wait to get back to familiar territory to strut through the terminal. She has to keep the 8 little props close by to turn heads her way in case she gets mistaken for nothing more than a cheap hooker just passing through town.
Depending on which news source you read, Jon and Kate's custody battle has been settled or not settled. Do we know if he asked or more visitation or perhaps full custody?
Holding hands isn't necessarily a sign of affection. In this case it looks more like a sign of control.
I would think that a mother who was being affectionate towards her child would look at her once in a while...
Those poor children. Makes me tired just thinking about all that travel. I thought the same thing about the hand holding - someone is reading the blogs and advising Kate. If only the other negative behaviour would change.
Back from Alaska and Kate immediately puts on her hooker skirt. And might I add, these people look ridiculous hauling all these kids around an airport. The body guard that isn't Steve looks like he's way out of his element on this jo, like he doesn't know what to do with the kids. And Steve, the "not real" bodyguard looks like a tool. He seems like he's got the personality of grape that's been stepped on too many times.
They really look like they're not in an airport but on a ranch hurding live stock hither, tither and yon.
The kids just look lost. Get used to that look because I'm afraid those kids will have that same look on their faces when they're 20 after the way their childhood (or lack there of) has been.
IDModo said...
Holding hands isn't necessarily a sign of affection. In this case it looks more like a sign of control.
I would think that a mother who was being affectionate towards her child would look at her once in a while...
Or perhaps your extreme dislike for Kate renders you unable to be objective. First, these pictures represent fractions of seconds. For all you know, she looked at the the child 10 times in between shots. Second, she's making her way through a crowded airport. I doubt you'd find very many parents looking down at their children while navigating their way through LAX. If she looked at her kid and crashed into someone with a large suitcase, she'd be accused of being negligent and putting her child in harm's way and/or being so narcissistic that she expected everyone to move out of her way.
Same old, good points. Those motorized cameras take scores of pictures a minute and we see very few. To automatically assume Kate didn't look at a kid is over the top. Emotionalism rules, not logic. BTW, I don't like Kate one bit.
Hi Same old Same old,
I was about to tell Admin. on the previous thread, that you meant Gina, not kate and you got your info out there quicker than I could. Good for you.
You know, I think for the most part, people have already decided if they like Kate or not and you are unlikely to change anyone's opinion. Perhaps, you enjoy debate.
I like this blog because I am not a fan of Kate's. I have never posted at Baby Mamas or Sages blog. Have you checked them out?
Have a good day same old same old
I don't really care if Kate was looking at her children or looking where to step. But my bet is they were walking at KATE's speed rather than at the kids' speed. They have shorter legs and have to expend more energy to cover the same ground as a long-legged adult. When Kate's ready to walk, everyone better keep up.
As tired as those kids look in the pictures, I would say this trip through LAX was very stressful for them.
Wouldn't put it past her to crash the DWTS reunion claiming her "invite" is probably in her mail box and since she has been in Alaska, she wasn't able to pick up the invitation.
Hi IDModo,
I have not seen these pictures, yet. I think Kate seems to just not be an affectionate person. I did not see much affection between Jon and Kate and sadly, not much between Kate and her kids. I do believe Kate loves her kids. But, warm and fuzzy...Kate is not.
Have a good day IDModo.
Diane said...
Hi Same old Same old,
I was about to tell Admin. on the previous thread, that you meant Gina, not kate and you got your info out there quicker than I could. Good for you.
You know, I think for the most part, people have already decided if they like Kate or not and you are unlikely to change anyone's opinion. Perhaps, you enjoy debate.
I like this blog because I am not a fan of Kate's. I have never posted at Baby Mamas or Sages blog. Have you checked them out?
Have a good day same old same old
Baby Mama is way over the top on the other extreme for me and I'm not a fan of the pack mentality at Sage's. I realize that my opinions will go against the grain here; if you choose not to post at sites where the majority will disagree with you that's totally cool but as someone who neither loves nor hates Kate I really don't fit in a neat niche in Gosselin blog land so I pretty much post wherever I feel like it.
Hope you have a good day as well.
Thanks same old same old,
I have wondered about why some people like to disagree and I appreciate your explanation. Blog on my friend.
Hi Diane-
I have to respectfully and completely disagree with you. K8 does NOT love her children. She merely tolerates them and barely , at that.
The only person K8 loves is K8 (well, ok, maybe Princess Hannah also). She loves the idea of being the supermom to multiples but not the actual work involved with validating that title.
Diane said... Hi IDModo,
I have not seen these pictures, yet. I think Kate seems to just not be an affectionate person. I did not see much affection between Jon and Kate and sadly, not much between Kate and her kids. I do believe Kate loves her kids. But, warm and fuzzy...Kate is not.
IMHO I think that Kate is affectionate when it is to her advantage. Remember the old videos they would show on J&K+8 of when Jon and Kate were dating and first married? She was pretty darned affectionate towards Jon in the beginning.
SameOld SameOld:
You are assuming that I have an "extreme dislike" of Kate. I don't even know the woman. I don't like her behaviour. That's different.
I am commenting on what I see in a series of 12 or 13 pictures.Maybe you're right, my opinion could be tainted by the many, many other pictures I have seen where Kate doesn't appear to have an emtional connection with her children.
Having said that, she is the only person with bodyguards that I have ever seen, where the bodyguards don't walk in front to fend off any crazed fans, people with suitcases,luggage trolleys etc. That would free her up to pay attention to the child she is in charge of, if she cared to do so.
Hi, Diane!
Can we put the insults about Gina Nield aside and talk about how it's just INAPPROPRIATE and IMPROPER for Steve to be spending this much time with Kate.
What we KNOW is that Steve is a married man and he is spending WAY, WAY too much time with Kate. That is just wrong.
Steve needs to put his family first. Plain and simple.
Lauren said... Can we put the insults about Gina Nield aside and talk about how it's just INAPPROPRIATE and IMPROPER for Steve to be spending this much time with Kate.
What we KNOW is that Steve is a married man and he is spending WAY, WAY too much time with Kate. That is just wrong.
Steve needs to put his family first. Plain and simple.
Well said, Lauren. (By the way, I wish my Mother had named me Lauren and not Judy [which I hate]--but at least I narrowly escaped being named Penny.) :)
Lauren said...
Can we put the insults about Gina Nield aside and talk about how it's just INAPPROPRIATE and IMPROPER for Steve to be spending this much time with Kate.
What we KNOW is that Steve is a married man and he is spending WAY, WAY too much time with Kate. That is just wrong.
Steve needs to put his family first. Plain and simple.
I feel the exact same way. It is beyond disrespectful to Gina that Steve spend an inordinate amount of time with Kate and her children. Steve is OBVIOUSLY more than a bodyguard-in fact, I hesitate to even call him that. He is her partner, handler and surrogate father to her children.
This issue rankled me back to when J&K were still married. Kate had no regard for how this would make her husband feel, nay, how it would make him look. Like a cuckold.
Kate has never had respect for Gina. When rumors swirled and tabloids buzzed about their suspected relationship, Kate should have replaced Steve, if only to defer to Gina's feelings AND the feelings of his children.
I find both Kate and Steve selfish for continuing their relationship. The better part of valor would have been to replace Steve.
Now, Kate will bemoan that she just can't help it if all those nasty paparazzi and tabloid hacks do this (and snap away at her children at every public turn they take), but here's the thing. SHE CAN.
She just won't.
When their lives started to turn into a spectacle, she pressed on, and turned up the volume.
Justifying what she does is insanity.
You know what else is incredibly disrespectful to Steve's wife? Dressing so provacatively with barely-covered breasts, short shorts and CFM shoes. I mean, who does this?
IDModo said...
SameOld SameOld:
You are assuming that I have an "extreme dislike" of Kate. I don't even know the woman. I don't like her behaviour. That's different.
I am commenting on what I see in a series of 12 or 13 pictures.Maybe you're right, my opinion could be tainted by the many, many other pictures I have seen where Kate doesn't appear to have an emtional connection with her children.
Having said that, she is the only person with bodyguards that I have ever seen, where the bodyguards don't walk in front to fend off any crazed fans, people with suitcases,luggage trolleys etc. That would free her up to pay attention to the child she is in charge of, if she cared to do so.
With all due respect, I don't think you've seen many pictures of celebrities with bodyguards as the bodyguards are often behind the celebrities. If you don't believe me, Google and see for yourself.
I've said it before many times. Kate loved the idea of having BABIES, but not CHILDREN. Once the cooing was over, so was she. So it will be with her grandchildren, I'm afraid. She will dote on them while they can be kept in cribs or behind barriers and out of her way, but once they start becoming children, she's done.
Or perhaps your extreme dislike for Kate renders you unable to be objective. First, these pictures represent fractions of seconds. For all you know, she looked at the the child 10 times in between shots. Second, she's making her way through a crowded airport.
Oh honey, I can assure you, Kate wasn't looking down at Leah if there was a camera fixed on HER!
Hi k8hasnoheart,
I do think Kate loves her children. I don't think she has that motherly instinct that most mothers have.
I do agree with you about Kate liking the idea of being a mother of hom, but, not the work or personal involvement. I have said before that I am always happy that Kate was not my Mother and will add my grandsons mother.
Hi LisaNH,
Yes, Kate can try to be affectionate when she should, but, it has been a long time since Kate and Jon were 1st together. I'm not sure she remembers how to be affectionate. I think Kate is totally overwhelmed with her kids.
Hi IDModo!
You're right, Same Old, I was thinking about people who were REALLY important who had bodyguards, like Prime Ministers, Presidents, Royalty etc.
But I sure would not want to be the celebrity who was in danger from a frontal attack by someone,and my bodyguard could not respond because a) he had 2 small children by the hand and b) because he was behind me, not between me and the danger.
It sounds like a celebrity's need for photo ops supersedes their need for safety.That's just plain crazy.
Didn't I mention the pix of Angelina Jolie and her 4 oldest arriving after a LONG flight to Japan -- looking happy, acting playfully, and full of smiles. Security and bodyguards obviously surrounded them, but SHE was smiling and lovingly holding their hands.
"With all due respect, I don't think you've seen many pictures of celebrities with bodyguards as the bodyguards are often behind the celebrities. If you don't believe me, Google and see for yourself."
With all due respect, as one who has traveled with a celebrity, security is not always in front of, or in back of, the celebrity. I've know them to be on either side, or directly in front leading the way and checking out the crowds that have descended from the front. It depends on the situation and location.
So Matt Heckman is still stirring up dirt. I thought he was gone, long gone.
Add this photo of the kids hating the paps to the file. Poor Aaden. Kate is a tool!
Lahaina Aloha said...
"With all due respect, I don't think you've seen many pictures of celebrities with bodyguards as the bodyguards are often behind the celebrities. If you don't believe me, Google and see for yourself."
With all due respect, as one who has traveled with a celebrity, security is not always in front of, or in back of, the celebrity. I've know them to be on either side, or directly in front leading the way and checking out the crowds that have descended from the front. It depends on the situation and location.
I didn't use the word "always" I used the word "often" so I'm not sure why you felt the need to correct me for something I didn't say. My response was to a person saying that Kate was the only person she'd ever seen who didn't have a bodyguard in front of her, which is simply untrue.
I love the look on the guys face who looks like a real bodyguard saying WTF am I doing holding these kids hands?? Is this part of the job description. Where ever you see pics of say Madonna or Britney Spears (real stars who have actually done something) their bodyguards are lurking around the perimeter keeping an eye on things around them. Actually ready to protect.
Anonymous said... So Matt Heckman is still stirring up dirt. I thought he was gone, long gone.
July 28, 2010 2:43 PM
That guy seems like a real nutcase, imo. Why is he so involved with this?
I don't understand any one's need to defend Kate or her actions. If Kate is truly doing the right things for her kids and for her family, then her actions should speak for themselves. If she is crying poor, then we should see her struggling. I doubt there is one struggling mother out there who has ever travelled first class, had plastic surgery, had mani-pedis, had thousand $ hair extensions, lived on a small estate, had a huge wardrobe of clothes, shoes and handbags, had nannies and chefs, housekeepers and groundskeepers and personal bodyguards etc. etc. If she claims to be such a great hands-on mom, then we should see her interacting with her kids, laughing and playing, cooking and nurturing, and totally engaged with her kids. We don't see her struggling or being a great mom or any of those things. We do see her totally consumed by her "shows" and her celebrity. Her celebrity is based on her two sets of multiples and nothing else. Her fortune is based on their being filmed and their childhoods exploited. Yet still people rush to her defense. I believe that her actions are totally and completely indefensible.
Steve has always been purseboy/now boobyguard. Long ago he stated he protected the people from Khate. (Jokingly ??? haha)
Diane said...
I do think Kate loves her children. I don't think she has that motherly instinct that most mothers have.
Hi LisaNH,
Yes, Kate can try to be affectionate when she should, but, it has been a long time since Kate and Jon were 1st together. I'm not sure she remembers how to be affectionate. I think Kate is totally overwhelmed with her kids.
I do hope that you are right, Diane, about Kate loving her children, for their sake. Her actions of late do make me doubt her feelings for her little ones. There is nothing worse, I would think, than growing up thinking your parent or parents don't love you.
I do agree with fidosmommy's statement that Kate seemed to be more enamored of her children when they were babies. As they grow and get older, it seems like her interest in them fades. I've thought that for a long time too.
emschick1128 said... I love the look on the guys face who looks like a real bodyguard saying WTF am I doing holding these kids hands?? Is this part of the job description. Where ever you see pics of say Madonna or Britney Spears (real stars who have actually done something) their bodyguards are lurking around the perimeter keeping an eye on things around them. Actually ready to protect.
I thought the same thing too, that the bodyguard has this sort of deer in the headlight look, like he has no idea how to deal with these little kids. Maybe he's thinking "Guess I should have paid more attention in babysitting class at the Rat Claw of Pretend Body Guarding/Babysitting/Purse Holding Academy". LOL
bearswife said... Add this photo of the kids hating the paps to the file. Poor Aaden. Kate is a tool!
I couldn't tell if he was glaring or if he was
having some fun with the camera guy. It's hard to tell from that picture.
What I have noticed about Aaden is the way his
hands are often clenched. In the latest magazine pictures his fists are clenched. I have been told that is a sign of depression, but I can't verify that.
In another picture in that same series, Aaden looks like he's trying to shrink in size, making his shoulders hunched up and pulling his arms into his side. That could be nothing, but
in that nanosecond it looks disturbing to me.
That guy seems like a real nutcase, imo. Why is he so involved with this?
Why every other blogger is involved - for the attention it brings.
SwingsandRoundabouts said... If she claims to be such a great hands-on mom, then we should see her interacting with her kids, laughing and playing, cooking and nurturing, and totally engaged with her kids...
Precisely. She's not a huggy kissy mom...most narcissists aren't. She hollers orders at them like a drill sergeant and she rarely uses terms of endearment with them. Most moms affectionately call their kids honey or sweetie a lot of the time. Not her. Their nicknames must be 'checking account #1 through #8'.
My kids Mom said... That guy seems like a real nutcase, imo. Why is he so involved with this?
Why every other blogger is involved - for the attention it brings.
My kids Mom, you are on thin ice. Don't come on this blog and say all bloggers are doing it for "attention." That implies this blog is, too. You are rude. That's not what I run this blog and I find that comment very insulting. Do not come here just to insult me or you'll be banned. Take this garbage elsewhere. I hear there are other blogs that just talk about these blogs that welcome comments like that.
You are welcome to post here if you follow the rules. This goes for everyone. I welcome ALL posts no matter what your opinion is, but almost every post that goes against the majority seems to want to insult everyone while they do it. That will no longer be tolerated period. ENOUGH.
Make the playground a pleasant conversation and we'll all have more fun.
When did KATE ever claim to be a "great, hands on mom?" I've never heard her claim to be anything great. I think that's a big misconception. Just because she has a lot of kids doesn't mean she's going to parent any better than anyone else.
Anonymous said... So Matt Heckman is still stirring up dirt. I thought he was gone, long gone.
He is mentally deranged, IMO. The latest post is a pack of lies & defamation. He also admitted on his Blog Radio program that HE posted the complaint about Rep. Murt on Ripp Off Reports. SICKO.
I don't know Kate gosselin or what goes on in that pea brained, extensioned head of hers. But I do not think she loves her children the way most people do. You know what I mean: would take a bullet for them, indulge them because they delight her so, do things that they want to do instead of what she wants to do, etc. I think she is incapable of that kind of love, being such a raging narcissist, right down to admiring her homely self in the mirror. I'm not defending her. Can't stand her. But think she loves them in an odd, self-serving way that most of us don't understand or care for. Those kids exist to support her, make her famous, allow her to be a martyr, and to give her the lifestyle she wants. Don't think she cares that they are suffering, unhappy, ridiculed or pitied.
Read somewhere Jon is in L.A. Maybe the children are going to spend some time with Daddy while Kate and Steve have some alone time.
"Why every other blogger is involved - for the attention it brings."
You're a blogger. Does that include you, or perhaps you are the exception rather than the rule.
Admin said:
"I hear there are other blogs that just talk about these blogs that welcome comments like that."
That's true. But here's the thing. If bloggers would post on those blogs, then they wouldn't be in the minority because there would be nobody to disagree with them, and no friction to stir up. So, for them, there wouldn't be any happiness in posting there because it would defeat the whole purpose, which is jumping on a blog for the sole reason of stirring things up with their dissenting opinion, or just for the sake of getting attention (or insulting others).
I am a REAL single mom. I have 4 kids, ages 16, 12, 7 and 5. I've been single since my (now ex-)husband "met someone" when I was 7 months pregnant with our youngest. The 12 y/o is a high-functioning autistic child who is very challenging.
I started a 2-yr nursing school program when the kids were 11, 6, 23 months and 5 months. I received $509/mo in child support, went to school all day 3 days a week and worked 1 job during the first year and went to school all day 2 full days a week and worked 2 jobs the 2nd year. My ex would see the children 4 days a month at most, until he moved to another state.
I was berated and gossiped about during those 2 years for not keeping my house clean enough. My ex still makes comments about my housekeeping to my oldest son (I fully admit I'm not a great housekeeper, because I will often neglect household chores in favor of doing something fun with the kids, especially during that time frame.)
I never had a housekeeper. I had to file bankruptcy because my ex let our house go into foreclosure when he stopped making the payments (which he was court ordered to do) so he could buy a house with his replacement wife.
I drove a minivan that was 5 years old at the time of our split until it literally died in the street, beyond repair. I replaced it with an 11 yr old minivan that broke down in the street last week, but I fortunately was able to have it repaired for $180. I drive 75 miles round trip to work because the pay is better in a bigger city, but I'm praying every time I get on the highway that the vehicle will keep running and not fall apart and crash and kill me.
(cont'd in next post)
(cont'd from last post)
I was unemployed for a few weeks this summer, and when it was time to go back to work, it took me 2 1/2 weeks to find someone willing to help me out transporting the kids to their day camps. For a total of 10 days of camp, I have 7 different people involved with transporting the kids. (I am grateful that I have the people to do it, but I had to ask each one and am paying every one of them.)
Until 2 years ago, my two youngest kids had never spent the night in a hotel. I was able to take them on a 3 night trip to a city 3 hours was great! Now they've stayed in a hotel about 3 more times, but those involved stays due to traveling to see their father (I drove them to see him).
We have $25 couches from Goodwill, my daughters' bed has an air mattress because I can't afford a real mattress, my son's mattress is on the floor because I can't afford a bed frame, but I admit I did buy a 32" flat panel TV for $329 when I got my tax return. Renting $1 movies from redbox is one of our favorite forms of entertainment as a family.
I haven't been out socially in over a year because I can only afford to pay babysitters while I'm working (at least $750/mo in childcare expenses)., real single mothers (and I consider myself to be a single mother even though I do receive some child support, because I'm doing all the work of raising these children) - real single mothers do not get to take numerous vacations, wear the most recent trends in clothing, drive $60,000 vehicles, have nannies, cooks, bodyguards, drivers, huge houses, beautiful furniture...
But my children are kind, loving, interesting, funny children who love each other and me; who understand they can't always have everything they want; who know they are each unique individuals that have strenths and weaknesses and who give me a purpose for living. I struggle with severe depression at times and there have been days where they are the only thing that keep me going.
The reason I can't stand Kate so much is because she has such an unbelievable sense of entitlement and an utter lack of appreciation/gratefulness for all the amazing blessings that have been bestowed upon her. I could take 1/10th of the material objects/money she has gone through in the last year alone and do so much for my children with it! I turn 40 later this year and I'm trying to scrape together $1000 to take the kids on a trip to Branson MO to kills me to see her being flown all over America for FREE!
Anyway...sorry this got long...I guess I needed to vent this frustration more than I realized.
MyKidsMom said: "Why every other blogger is involved - for the attention it bring."
I have a question for this blogger. This is not snark, it is not meant to be rude, it is not meant to be condescending, and it is not meant to incite anything. You posted on another thread here that, when warned by administrator, that you understood and would make no more comments like this.
But, you keep doing it...time after time again. My question is just one word -- WHY?
Name witheld,
Wow, what a compelling story you have. I am proud of how hard you have worked (and the sacrifices you have made) to give your kids a good life. I bet your kids are proud of you too!! You're an awesome woman!
To "Name With held because I usually post here"
God bless you. Seriously. I have no idea what struggles you are going through but your verbalizing them tugged at my heart. I'm sorry for the hard times you feel but am proud of you for not giving up and keeping your kids first and foremost.
Your struggle is hard right now and no words can make it easier for you and your kids. You have so much on your plate, yet you're giving it all you can and haven't given up. I wish, sincerely wish I could help you out. You and all the other single parents who are trying to find a way to make ends meet.
Your frustration, your feelings captured my attention. Giving pep talks like "it gets easier", "hang in there", you'll be better in the end" ......well, they just don't pay the bills and put food on the table and don't make the family smile. I sooo feel your pain. I really do.
Divorce is such a hard realization. Not only on the couple but for the kids. One parent always ends up trying to keep the remainder of the family together.
Your other frustration about watching Kate, being made out to be a single mom, raising a family on her own, earning millions and truth be damned, she's in it for herself.
You are not alone. It may get harder before it gets better. Put your kids first, human nature lets us all find a way and we do, no matter what comes our way, we do survive. Stay Strong. Don't give up. Keep your kids close, your heart open and reach out to anyone and everyone for help. You'd be surprised what complete strangers will do to support you.
Name withheld, Your children will pay you back 10 fold when they are older. They will love you and be there for you and appreciate everything you did for them. I know, I was raised in a similar situation. My Dad died very suddenly at age 35 and my Mom was left with four of us. As adults we are amazed at what she was able to accomplish with so little. As my Mom aged and became ill, we were falling all over each other trying to make her life as easy as possible for her. Yours will too. Good Luck Girl and you hang in there.
The woman is Vile and I hope she fades away fast into thin air. I dislike everything about her. Her ex husband on the other hand is one lazy tool and refuses to get off his high horse and make something out of himself. Their family show is over but these two dimwits seem like they just can't let go of the fame.
Name withheld, you have love, respect and joy in your home. That trumps anything we have ever seen in the expansive, barren Gosselin home. Brand name furniture and hotels are not what make family. You've got the idea just fine, and your family is blessed. Time, not money. Attention, not things. Appreciation, not convenience. Love, not me first. You have everything you truly need. Peace to you.
Name withheld, I must tell you this, you and your children are richer than Kate will ever be. Life is struggle for you that I wish you didn't have to go through. But to me, you're giving your children so much more than Kate has ever or will ever give her children; your love, devotion and your time. You make every day meaningful due to your dedication to them. That is something that they will have with them always.
My husband's parents never had a lot of money. His father worked several jobs to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. But the love that family had for each other was a beautiful thing to see. Sure, the kids wore hand me downs, my in-laws never owned their own home and their furniture was worn out, but that didn't matter. What mattered was family. There was more laughter, hugging, fun times in that house than the Gosselins will ever know.
That is the gift you are giving your children, the gift of family. If anyone deserves those kind of riches it's you. Those are the types of riches no one can take from you or your children.
Name With held because I usually post here,
Carry on. Your kids will not know that your purse is Target not Prada. When they are someday old enough to know, they won't care. But they do know what makes them happy. That's their mommy, there for them, guiding them, teaching them in the way they should go. Loving them unconditionally, fulfilling the need they have to just be loved and encouraged for who they are not how much money they bring in. They know what they need now and you're providing it and they will thank you for it sooner than you think.
And someday, when they are mommies and daddies, they will remember the example their Mommy gave them about how to provide for your family--not just the basics, but emotionally provide for them. And they will hopefully be a good parent just like you.
Kids are watching.
I truly worry about the kids and what kind of parenting skills they are learning. They are victims in this but someday they will be adults and what will they have really learned about how a Mommy and Daddy takes care of their family? Do they even know that parents are supposed to support the family, not the kids?
Name Withheld: Best of luck to you. I was a divorced mom of 2 until my second husband came along. I know it is tough. If I could help you I would. Sounds like you're doing everying right. Kate & TLC be damned. We are the true singles moms.
If you look at the pictures of Kate holding Alexis's hand when they go through the round-about door, Alexis is holding her shoulder, like kate pulled her through the round-about and hurt her shoulder. I think Alexis has her head down because she is crying because she was hurt.
Name Withheld, but I post here regularly said...
I hear and feel your pain. While I never had the difficulties you are having to deal with on a daily basis, I too raised my kids for the most part, by myself. Their father, while very successful in his career, looking back, I realize he really just didn't want to be a father (and shouldn't have been); he was and still is, much too selfish for the job. Some of the ways he would treat his children just break my heart for them. Also, I know that depression of which you speak, all too well, and it is hard, no question. (BTW, if you haven't already, please tell your dr. about it, he may be able to help.) As for the naysayers about your housekeeping, hold your head up high. Many women would have cried uncle by now! I'd bet most of those people couldn't hold a candle to all the work you do, just to keep your household going!
As Kelly said, there are no magic words to give you, but just as you have already, you will continue to dig deep down within you and find the strength, the will, the faith, and the "pluck" you need to raise your children. I pray they will be your crown of honor and bring you joy til your last breath! What more could we as a parent want, than to know our children loved, respected and honored us.
Name Withheld~ My first thought is where do you live so maybe I can help you out? I live in So Cal.
Second, you are the type of mom that inspires ME. I am not a single mother. I am a SAHM to four kids (two with special needs). It's exhausting but I have always said that single mothers are the true supermoms. God bless you and seriously, if you live in So Cal, let me know...I'd be happy to help you out :)
If she wants to go to Branson, she may be near me.
Name witheld, your story is inspiring, I commend you.
Thank you for all the kind words. I know that I have true blessings in my life (I even count the $25 Goodwill couches as blessings lol...that couch may be ugly but it's comfortable and has enough room for me and 2 kids to snuggle if we jigsaw-puzzle ourselves just right!) Even my time of unemployment this summer was a blessing, as I was able to enjoy most of the kids' summer break with them.
I do take an antidepressant and also fish oil supplements (fish oil can help with mood disorders) and it helps me a lot. I also do better in the summer when we've got lots of daylight, so this is a good time of year for me.
What keeps me coming back to this board even though I can't stand Kate G. is the people here, because everyone does truly care about the wellbeing of those children. I've wondered, too, how they will be as adults because they have no concept of "normal" at all. It's expected that as sextuplets/twins they'd have some "not typical" experiences in their lives, but almost all of the Gosselin kids' experiences are not typical.
CAmommy - I *wish* I was in CA! lol I'm in the midwest...within driving distance of Branson but I'd rather not get more specific. :) You're very kind, though, and I thank you for that!
DUH, if I knew the paps were watching, I'd be thumbing through the
Name withheld, your love will pay me. I also struggled, borrowed friends' cars, asked them for rides to work, rented rooms in my house, took the bus, walked, sent my kids home from sport practice in cabs, worked hard as an inner city teacher. But it all paid off! They did granduate from college, married, and made me a happy, happy grandmother. And they never forgot what all happened. I am now very, very rich in satisfaction and their love. You will be, too. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
To Name Withheld:
I can't add much more; but I'd like to say that as the kids grow, they will become more and more able to do things on their own. It's much harder when they are little.
Sounds like your little family makes a good "team" and you will get through this tough time, you'll see!
I always thought Jon was the better parent. Even in the early days, Jin was up early with the 8 and much more interactive a parent that Kate. Now. He is making his living on the back of those children. Two low lifes are Jon and Kate.
I really think this is the beginning of the end for Kate's aspirations.
A year or more ago, there seemed to be so many people in the media interested in her, gushing to or about her, and entertaining her ridiculous ideas as though she made sense.
The media tide seems to have made a sharp turn lately....with things such as many photos which highlight the kids' unhappy faces, DWTS info, the incongruity between her "poor single mom me" claims and her extravagant lifestyle.
It's just about over, Kate.
That picture of Jon was taken last year in NY..Look it up..As for the Parent Pimper pulling on her kids arm, what can I say but she is a shameless fame whore that will get hers one day..Who is the chubby girl, I know i've seen that face before?
I remember where I saw that picture of Jon, it was on ROL last year..I remember cause that was when he moved to NY and ROL was all over his trail...or Chris...hahaha
Hi Name Withheld - Stay strong for your kids.
My mom was a single mom and I have so much respect for her. My dad blew his family off to go live with his GF.
What I will always remember is my strong, loving, principled mother who kept us in church and made sure we were brought up right.
To this day I am very thankful for mom. I'm sure when your kids get older they will appreciate all your hardwork and sacrifices.
I see Jon is still living out his teenage years. Was he in L.A. working on his entertainment career - if he has one that is.
Someone needs to tell him it's completely inappropriate to attend business meetings in sneakers and mismatched clothing.
It makes me wonder how long the effects of Kate's narcissism will last on Jon. I hope he grows up sometime soon.
name witheld,
My heart goes out to you. Keep your chin up, your kids are blessed to have you for a mom.
These pics are absolutely disturbing.......and the nerve of Kate to act so smug. These kids are hating this invasion of privacy. Kate trys to play it off, but the more pics of the kids come out, the more their disdain for the very public life they lead is showing. And Kate is so drunk with fame, she becomes bolder and more pretencious everyday about her upper crust lifestyle. She loves flashing it in everyones face. Her kids well being is not ever going to be her priority as long as she craves fame/money.
Name Withheld,
Your comments touched my heart as did the responses to you. I'm so glad that you posted today! The integrity that is evident in your words, speaks for itself. The most important job any adult can have is that of parent. You have evidently been quite successful thus far. I'm proud of what you have created for your beloved kids and glad that you see the comfortable & ugly couch as a blessing! You Rock!
The tups are all in matchy-matchy outfits. Smells like more filming for Kate + 8 Meal-tickets.
Wow really they say it was taken yesterday.
I wish that the other body guard would learn how to hold a child's hand. The picture with his grip on Aaden's wrist/forearm disturbs me.
Sadie, the chubby girl is Carla's dgt. Ashley. Judy the other nanny was there in another photo you can see the back of her head.
Administrator said...
Wow really they say it was taken yesterday.
No, they don't. They say that someone spotted him yesterday at Marie Callender's, not that the picture was taken yesterday. That picture is clearly NY.
I don't like the way he is holding Aaden either. The children are old enough to be told to stand next to me and stay close. You don't have to yank them around by the wrist like they are chattle. LAX baggage claim is really not that chaotic I've been there many times, every terminal has a nice long straight hallway, not much place to go except out to the street. The kids could go stand by the windows to wait for the luggage.
He is a bodyguard, isn't he? Has he taken the Red Cross childcare course to become a certified babysitter? CPR, first aid training? What does he know about any of this. A good nanny would never do that to a child you could hurt them. Grabbing someone by the wrist bones HURTS.
So Jon is in Los Angeles, but the photo was from NY? Okay, I'll remove the photo. Thanks for pointing that out.
Talk about misleading people with a photo like that.
As a teacher I regularly, lovingly, hold children's wrists (to avoid germs). No one has ever complained. Am I wrong?
Who's in charge here? said...
As a teacher I regularly, lovingly, hold children's wrists (to avoid germs). No one has ever complained. Am I wrong?
No, you are not wrong! You can clearly see in that pic that he is not "grabbing" Aaden's wrist. His fingers are upward and not closed around the wrist!
If you're doing it to avoid germs and you're doing it gently, it's probably fine. I assume as a teacher you know how to treat kids. This is not a teacher, this is a huge bodyguard. Although I think they have almost as much germs on their wrists as they do on their fingers. A better way is to probably just wash with soap and water and try not to touch your face, and teach the child teh same. Was this bodyguard really afraid of germs?
You can see Aaden is pulling away from him, he isn't going along willing. Holding a wrist donates power over the child. The child cannot escape. Unlike holding a hand, where the child knows he can let go if he wants and doesn't feel so dominated and constrained. It's freedom of choice. You also have to be careful of injuries grabbing a wrist like that--you can pop a child's shoulder out of the socket if they rip away from you hard enough. Children break bones a lot easier than adults. It doesn't take that much force. In tragic cases where a child dies it is not uncommon to see three or four broken bones on the autopsy--from the emergency efforts on the kid. It only takes that much and pop, broken bone.
Holding wrists is actually recommended by some child development experts when you have a VERY out of control child who NEEDS to be dominated, needs to be constrained. It is recommended to constrain a child who is out of control and about to hurt himself. These Goselin children aren't out of control, they are sweet and docile. They go where they are told, we've seen it. Why not just ask them to wait by the windows?
Or perhaps the children are OVER these trips and have become out of control because they just want to go home?
These kids are constantly forced to submit by a bunch of Alpha adults.
TY, Just saying --- I was feeling badly.
When Kate hires these strangers, does she ask how many child development classes they've taken? If they have a course in teaching? How many years they've been a nanny? If they have a solid understanding of the physical and emotional needs of 6 year olds? They are not just bodyguarding they are being nannies, too. Background check and livescan and they're good to go I bet.
These are people who are looking after your CHILDREN.
Who's in charge here?, don't feel badly. There's a difference between having a TEACHING credential and gently holding a wrist because you don't want to get germs, and some random bodyguard from some randon agency who has suddenly been demoted to the nanny.
It's like hiring a chef then asking him to clean your house and expecting him to do a good job. No, hire a nanny if you want a nanny and a bodyguard if you want a nanny.
Ashley seems to be appropriate with the kids in the background and that's the type of people who should be there, people with childcare experience.
Sorry I meant hired a bodyguard if you want a bodyguard.
On another note, Kate can come off it with trying to protect her children from the paparazzi. She shleps them to L.A.??? You know, L.A., where most paparazzi are.
Granted you can waltz all around L.A. for weeks without ever seeing thea paparazzi, but come on Kate this is their home base.
Not buying it.
Name Withheld,
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
You are a woman to be admired and respected. I hope things get a bit easier for you soon.
Name Withheld,
Thank you for sharing your struggles and insights. I have a lot of respect for your perseverence and strength. I second what everyone else said and add that I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.
Why not just ask them to wait by the windows?
Are you kidding? At LAX? With the paps all around, not to mention weirdo strangers that know who they are?
"The tups are all in matchy-matchy outfits. Smells like more filming for Kate + 8 Meal-tickets."
When my kids were young, I dressed all three of them in the same color tee shirts and shorts/jeans when we went on an amusement park, on the boardwalk, wherever there were crowds. They HATED it, but that's the way it was because it was so much easier to spot them when they were on the rides, or waiting in a line, etc. Now that my daughter has two children, she recently told me why she understands the reason I dressed her and her brothers in matching outfits. My kids may have put up quite a fuss over the orange shirts, but at least I didn't lose any of them.
I remember one of the security staff at Disney commenting that it was such a good idea to do this. He said if any one of them was lost and security needed a description of what they were wearing, I could just point to another one of my kids and say, "Just like that!"
Have you been to LAX? I have. I practically live there sometimes. Their baggage claim area is right up against the windows. Or they could wait on the other side of it against the walls, I don't care where they wait but they are old enough to wait off to the side. The area is so narrow they would only be a yard or two away. The point is they can wait right next to their mother and helpers without having to have somebody drag them around by the wrist. By the way they had at least 3 helpers there why not have one or two people grab the luggage and the rest take the kids off to the side?
And who called the paps? LAX is a huge airport, I have never once since Paps there. Are we to believe they are just waiting around at every single baggage claim area just hoping for a celeb while they pay outrageous parking fees to park all day? No one has ever been at my baggage claim. And I've seen many celebs at this airport, but never paparazzi following them.
Moose, the difference is they are matchy matchy for filming and allowed to dress the way they want for Jon and when no one is filming.
You had singletons and dress them alike. It's different when you have multiples in terms of trying to make sure they are individuals. Multiples are already going to struggle with their identity, especially these ones. They're the six pack, they have a tv show about the fact that they are multiples. The matchy-matchy just further compartmentalizes them into this brand. It's disrespecting their identity for the convenience of the parent and the sake of the show. That's lazy parenting and it's disrespectful.
The kids don't just dress alike for trips, they are dressed alike when they are at home--if the camera crew is there. What, Kate is going to lose her own kids in her own home? Gimme a break.
The paps are not "all around" LAX. This was one pap, probably Chris the pap they are paying to go to Alaska with them who was caught in one of the photos a tourist took holding his SLR camera. They know Chris by name, Tony went to lunch with him! Bet Kate has asked Chris to watch the kids for a second.
dministrator said...
And who called the paps? LAX is a huge airport, I have never once since Paps there. Are we to believe they are just waiting around at every single baggage claim area just hoping for a celeb while they pay outrageous parking fees to park all day? No one has ever been at my baggage claim. And I've seen many celebs at this airport, but never paparazzi following them.
July 28, 2010 10:11 PM
Sorry admin, but I respectfully disagree! Granted I know you don't think of Kate as a celeb, I've seen many pictures of celebs taken at LAX.
No I agree I have seen photos before at LAX. What I'm saying is these people are tipped off, either by the celebs themselves, or other people.
What I said was the paparazzi are not just lurking around LAX like vultures at the 100's of baggage claims in this huge airport just hoping Kate will show up in the exact area at the exact time they are there. They were tipped off.
Any other scenerio is like finding a needle in a haystack. If you've ever seen documentaries about paparazzi, I believe E! had one once, that's exactly how it is. They operate almost exclusively on tips. Very occasionally for someone truly HUGE they will camp out outside someone's home then follow them.
But if a celeb just wandered LAX all day it might be years before they ever got a photo worth anything. TIPS.
Has anyone here also been to LAX and has anyone here EVER seen the paparazzi just camped out at random baggage claims hoping for a celeb to show up?
I rest my case.
Administrator said...
The kids don't just dress alike for trips, they are dressed alike when they are at home--if the camera crew is there. What, Kate is going to lose her own kids in her own home? Gimme a break.
I have twin nephews. I buy most of their clothes to help their single father out. From the ages of 2-8, it was easier to buy the exact same thing for each of them. Mornings (not all, but most)could be a nightmare when you had a blue shirt for one and the other wanted to wear it, but the one wouldn't give it up! After about 8, they each developed their own taste/style. It happened with Mady and Cara, I suspect it will happen with the tups!
One thing about LAX is that unless you have a ticket, you cannot get past a certain point. My DH dropped my daughter off a few months ago and couldn't walk her inside the terminal. It was hard to watch her walk away by herself but even he (her parent) couldn't accompany her inside the terminal...the same for when she returned. So if those pics were taken inside the terminal, the person taking the pics would have had to have had a ticket.
"The kids don't just dress alike for trips, they are dressed alike when they are at home--if the camera crew is there."
I never said that they did. I know that they dress alike at home. I was simply pointing out
the reason that I dressed my kids with the same color tee and jeans. The tups dress alike for filming quite possiblly for ease of's so much more simple to keep track of who wore what in the scenes...especially for re-takes.
"What, Kate is going to lose her own kids in her own home?"
Would that surprise you? Do you think that she knows where each of those kids is every minute?
They'll soon get tired of dressing alike and stage a revolution.
HEHE, I knew if I posted on several sites about Angelina holding her kids hands.........guess who would do it also! She forgot to smile tho. Same ole sour puss.
Easily could have been a cell phone of another passenger.
The paps pics? I don't think so. Even the new iphone doesn't take pics that good. It looks like an SLR to me. I.e., paps. And it got posted on INF early this morning. Hard to believe a passenger took them, managed to contact INF, INF reviewed them, decided what to pay the passenger, and posted the photos all within about 30 minutes.
It was Chris taking the photos and uploading them immediately.
Now the lesser quality pics in the philly airport on someone's blog was obviously a cell phone.
Yes, you're right, Admin.
Name Withheld
There is not much more I could say that has not already been said above.
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Name withheld:
How fortunate your children are to have you. Compare the lives of your children to those of the Gosselin and who are the "rich" children, clearly they are yours. They have security, love, guidance and all the most essential needs. I don't usually quote the bible but I can't help but remember a line about children who will "rise up their mother and call her blessed"(words to that effect) You are the real deal and god bless
Name Withheld: You are an inspiration and you are a single mother. You ARE doing it ALL ALONE. You have shown courage, strength, determination, love, and resourcefulness in the face of some seemingly insurmountable odds. I know that you will be richly rewarded one of these days, because karma is real. And, remember, that we are all here for you when you need to vent. You are a lovely lady, and you are also in my thoughts and prayers.
Who is tending to the chicken coop while her royal highness is pimping out her kids??
Chickens can't just take care of themselves you know?!
I do think that the wrist-holding just looks a little shocking because the guy is so huge next to such a little boy.
However, as mentioned about injuries to kids (or adults) the shoulder joint is the most easily dislocated of all. I learned this in massage school.
I and many others always cringed years ago when we would see Jon grab a kid and lift them into/out of the van door, etc... I was always expecting an injury.
From what Jon has been doing lately, it reminds me of a guy who is still in college. I think he has had time to revert back, seeing that he's not out working overtime like most parents of 8 would be. Still, I think he was as helpful as he could be waaaay back when the kids were little and he showed more parenting and caring than she ever did. They sure are a strange set of parents, though.
I never watch them anymore; but I enjoy seeing what other people have posted about recent events.
In that pic above, are those extra nannies in back of Kate, near the doorway?
The reason I wondered is that she likes to maintain that she will, for instance, have one babysitter.
I don't know if any other shots captured any other women walking with the children.....maybe not.
I would imagine that Kate wants to get as many episodes filmed as she can over the summer since they will be in school full time this fall I would imagine unless she can hold them back some how. At last count I think they were going to be graduating when they are about 19? It just totally boggles my mind that anyone in their right mind can possibly support what she is doing to these kids. Of course delusional Bonnie Fuller mentioned in her blog yesterday that the kids were coming back from their Alaska vacation. It's not a vacation you idiot THEY WERE WORKING. I have yet to see one picture where any of the kids or Kate for that matter looks nothing but totally miserable. This situation is so pathetic I don't even know what to say anymore. She is such an awful selfish person. I'm so sick of the excuse well she has 8 kids blah,blah, blah. Big deal, that was her choose to have that many kids so to bad. Just shut up and deal with it. You would think that she was the only person ever to have that many children and that it will cost millions and millions to support them even right now. My parents raised 9, yes 9 children without a reality show and sent us to college. Imagine that?? It was done by hard work but we never felt neglected. We had everything we needed, food on the table and loving parents. that's what kids want and should have. If she thinks it's so expensive now just wait until she has 8 teenagers. That will give her something to really bitch about.I manage to support my own 4 children on a lowly nurses' pay but I don't live in a ,million dollar home or have a 60k SUV. I know it's always brought up that she could never support her children on the "average nurses' salary but she most certainly could if she chose to live within her means. As a side not, can you imagine having Kate as your nurse?? You need to be compassionate and sometimes have the patience of a saint neither of which she has any of. I'm shocked that she chose a profession where you actually have to help other people. That's a totally foreign concept to her. Sorry for the rant but this vile woman makes me ill and what she is doing to these kids in full public view is despicable.
Speaking of Bonnie Fuller, she was on TODAY this morning with Meredith Vieria. There is an obvious TLC connection to the TODAY show (they frequently air old "Datelines"), which would explain Meredith Vieria's uninformed and blind allegiance to Kate Gosselin, and I'm thinking Bonnie Fuller must have a link there, as well.
Why was Bonnie on the Today Show? What did she say?
Maggie, she was talking about why President Obama wasn't invited to the Clinton wedding this weekend. I am SO UNIMPRESSED with her.
Look at the picture of the bodygaurd holding Aaden by the wrist. Look at the child beside Kate (Alexis?) She looks miserable! And before I get jumped on, I realize this may not represent how she was feeling the entire trip, and that the snapshot is just a moment in time. I'm simply making an observation; at the time the photo was taken, Alexis looks miserable.
Administrator said...
Have you been to LAX? I have. I practically live there sometimes. Their baggage claim area is right up against the windows. Or they could wait on the other side of it against the walls, I don't care where they wait but they are old enough to wait off to the side. The area is so narrow they would only be a yard or two away.
I have been to LAX at least 100 times in my life and I would never leave recognizable 6 year-olds whose names are likely to known by strangers standing alone off to the side somewhere while I focused on getting my luggage. To say that you "don't care where they wait" is mind-boggling.
I never said they should wait alone. I said: "By the way they had at least 3 helpers there why not have one or two people grab the luggage and the rest take the kids off to the side?"
How is that saying they should wait alone? I said the helpers should take them off to the side to wait instead of dragging them hither and thon by the wrists.
You also at one point said "they'd only be a yard or two" away, which most certainly implies that waiting alone is a viable option.
Whatever you think I implied that is not what I meant. I clearly said the nannies should go with them, so reading something else into it is just picking a fight. I was a nanny to 6 year olds, I don't leave them alone. I don't leave 10 year olds alone. I took the kids I nannied flying to visit their dad out of state, we went through LAX. I never left them alone. I never advocated leaving kids alone. Let it go.
I don't like the excuse that Jon's hands are tied TLC sued him. Excuse me these are his kids. Any judge in the land if you went to them and said this filming is damaging my kids and showed them just a few minutes of footage would say he can pull his kid off. TLC's own contract provided that he could pull them off. Jon wanted to pull them off while still making the same money, he can't have it both ways.
Yes, TLC put him through hell. But only financial hell. He could start over just like any other dad who loses his job and has nothing. He is putting easy money ahead of his own kids.
Again, they are his kids. They are not TLC's kids. If he wants to take them off the cameras he can do so. The trade off is the money will stop. Okay then, take some night classes and get yourself back out on the market. He is no different than anyone who has lost their job in this recession.
And here's a though genius, maybe you should have saved all the money you made off your kids over the past 5 years JUST IN CASE you ever had to pull them off the show for some reason.
There is no reason in 5 years they could not live a very comfortable lifestyle for the next 10 to see the kids through to 18. No reason except their own stupidity.
Actually, the kids would not even need to be in the luggage area; they could be taken to their waiting vehicle with one or more nannys while someone (bodyguard, Mr. Steve?)retrieved the luggage. I know this because last month on our BOS-LAX flight, Rhianna and her bodyguard were on our flight. When we were at the luggage carousel I noticed bodyguard but no Rhianna - when we came out to the street, a big black car came and picked him up - my assumption was that she was already inside. And there are behind the scenes elevators that I am sure Ms. Highprofile could have used at LAX - nope, this is done for the paps and the pics, part of the TLC deals I am quite sure. Poor tired kids.
Anonymous said... Look at the picture of the bodygaurd holding Aaden by the wrist. Look at the child beside Kate (Alexis?) She looks miserable! And before I get jumped on, I realize this may not represent how she was feeling the entire trip, and that the snapshot is just a moment in time. I'm simply making an observation; at the time the photo was taken, Alexis looks miserable.
I think it is indeed Alexis and I think she is being disciplined via her shoulder again. there is an additional pic on the website that shows it again.
Markiesnana said... I do think that the wrist-holding just looks a little shocking because the guy is so huge next to such a little boy.
However, as mentioned about injuries to kids (or adults) the shoulder joint is the most easily dislocated of all.
You do really have to be so careful with kids. I see a lot of even older siblings accidentally breaking a child's bone and then the parents could be blamed and lose their kids. It can be a real mess. Friend of mine when their son was three, Dad and older brother were taking him for a walk and holding him by the hands and sort of lifting him up to glide between them as they walked. You've seen people do this with a kid. Well, they glided him a bit too hard and all of a sudden POP shoulder dislocated. They felt absolutely terrible, the doctor said don't worry this happens a lot now you know how easy it is to pop it out so don't pull him around by the arms.
Hi Name Withheld,
Your story brought tears to me eyes. You are right to not worry about how clean your house is. Your kids won't. They will remember that you made time for them. My best friend had a cross stitch, little needle point thing someone made for her that said basically don't worry about the dust bunnies, play with your kids instead.
You are an inspiration and I am very proud of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers, too. I'm sure you will enjoy Branson. Good luck.
Diane, the cross stitch you mentioned reminded me of a small gift I received from a friend once:
"A clean house is a sign of a misspent life"
I love it!
Hi fidosmommy,
Yes, I do not remember the exact wording on that cross stitch. But, it did change how I looked at my house and kids. I like your saying very much. And, I don't think anyone will think you were sticking up for Jon on the other thread. I think we all understand.
Admin. brilliantly said....
And here's a thought genius, maybe you should have saved all the money you made off your kids over the past 5 years JUST IN CASE you ever had to pull them off the show for some reason.
And it would not have had to be because of the stress of filming or any adult's decision to respect the kids. It could be that (God forbid) one of the kids came down with a very serious illness, or something equally tragic.
You know, something completely unforeseeable.
Something tells me the family would not be quite as "saleable" as Anybody Plus Seven.
As the saying goes, you plan for the worst and hope for the best. You just never know what is around the corner. Save for that rainy day when you've got any chance to save.
OK, I'm done with the string of platitudes!
Kate should take a few tips from Jennifer Aniston when it comes to proper attire for air-travel...
"Song for a 5th Child"
by Ruth Hamilton.
"Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth, Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
I am confused, why is Jon in LA? Does he have a job there? Does he live there? Who paid for the airfare? TLC? Maybe they flew Jon there so there would be all this speculation as to why he is there when Kate is there so you would all keep up with what is going on in their lives and keep them in the public eye so that more people watch her stupid show? All these "internet" (Radar Online, Just Jared, INF) stories are just keeping them alive. I mean, they are not even on TV anymore and these blogs keep them going.
Wernsey --
Just so you know how some bloggers feel, I will blog to other people about children, knitting, recipes, events held in their area of the U.S. almost anything. Some bloggers actually find a lot in common.
However, none of us bloggers here are keeping the fame-chasing families in the spotlight. They are doing that themselves.
The people who write for Radaronline and the other sites are continuously reporting on them. The media, I guess, keeps thinking that they are somewhat interesting.
In any case, I'd like to say that I don't care one iota about Paris Hilton, and yet the media has reported on her for years now. I still don't know what her talent is or why they feature her.
So, I'm excused. I've hardly ever mentioned Paris Hilton's name, and she continues to generate talk and photos. Why, I'll never understand.
The beat goes on whether we dance to it or not.
Who is that young woman sitting in jail now for
traffic violations and missed appointments? I don't know her name and I don't care to know. All I do know is she's more famous now for her bad behavior than has been before. I don't know their stories but there are several Hollywood people who are the talk of the nation because of their bad behavior rather than for their great shows or movies.
Kate fits that bill. The interest is less on Kate's show and more on Kate's bad behavior as a disinterested mom, a provocative dresser, a
rude and dismissive neighbor, a spendthrift, a user, and a careless citizen. That's what keeps her in the limelight. Whether the show is on or off, whether Kate shows up in my living room or not, she will be talked about because of what she has shown herself to be. She will be around, even if it's just in the
back pages of some weekly tabloid on the Don't Dress Like This column.
Markiesnana said...
"Song for a 5th Child"
by Ruth Hamilton.
Oh thank you so much for posting that!! I haven't read that since I was a child. It always made me so sad, because it was exactly how my mom wasn't!
Hi Marliesnana,
I believe that is the exact one I was referring to. Thanks for posting that. It's touching.
Thanks, Markiesnana...I haven't heard that one for some time. The one I always thought Kate should read is Erma's Wet Oatmeal Kisses. Then I realized that, sadly, she wouldn't even care...
Wet Oatmeal Kisses
By Erma Bombeck
"One of these days you'll explode and shout to all the kids, "Why don't you just grow up and act your age!" And they will...
Or, "You guys get outside and find something to do -- without hurting each other And don't slam the door!" And they don't.
You'll straighten their bedrooms until it's all neat and tidy, toys displayed on the shelf, hangers in the closet, animals caged. You'll yell, "Now I want it to stay this way!" And it will...
You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't had all the olives picked out and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you'll say, "Now this is a meal for company." And you will eat it alone...
You'll yell, "I want complete privacy on the phone. No screaming, Do you hear me?" And no one will answer.
No more plastic tablecloths stained. No more dandelion bouquets. No more iron-on patches. No more wet, knotted shoelaces, muddy boots or rubber bands for ponytails.
Imagine.... a lipstick with a point, no babysitters for New Years Eve, washing clothes only once a week, no PTA meetings or silly school plays where your child is a tree, no car pools, blaring stereos or forgotten lunch money.
No more Christmas presents made of library paste and toothpicks, no wet oatmeal kisses, no more tooth fairy, no more giggles in the dark, scraped knees to kiss or sticky fingers to clean.
Only a voice asking, "Why don't you grow up?" And the silence echoes: "I did".
Ever since 1982,I had the last verse of The 5th Child taped to the front of my fridge,and tried so hard to be that kind of mother for my 3 daughters. I never knew about the other verses, so thanks so much for posting it! Sure brings back alot of memories.A few years ago,I lost one of my daughters to a rare type of cancer.I sure hope kate never has to go thru anything so heart-breaking, before she wakes up to the real world.She is just so sad, even with her money,nothing seems to make her happy, nothing.
Kate has no clue.
I wonder if Kate has a clue that her book has just reached over 25,000 on the sales rank meter
at That's the worst it's been so far in the American market.
You do really have to be so careful with kids. I see a lot of even older siblings accidentally breaking a child's bone and then the parents could be blamed and lose their kids. It can be a real mess. Friend of mine when their son was three, Dad and older brother were taking him for a walk and holding him by the hands and sort of lifting him up to glide between them as they walked. You've seen people do this with a kid. Well, they glided him a bit too hard and all of a sudden POP shoulder dislocated. They felt absolutely terrible, the doctor said don't worry this happens a lot now you know how easy it is to pop it out so don't pull him around by the arms.
When I was a kid, my dad was swinging me around, holding both my srms and he would rotate . . . WHEEEEEEE!!
And he popped out my shoulder, had to take me to the ER, and social services was called, my parents were interrogated relentlessly until they were satisfied it was an accident. It happens. And this was in the mid-1970s. This is why I will never swing my son around.
Hmm, a new bodygaurd. Where is Steve?
Thanks again for all the kind words of encouragement. Being back at work so many hours this week has made me realize really just how amazing the time off has been...I've missed my kids like crazy all week! I am off for the next 3 days and am looking so forward to spending time with them.
I'm going to print out that poem and the Erma Bombeck thing and hang them up.
just a thought -- lots of smack about Jon doing nothing, can we consider how much would be saved if the [ahem] bodyguard wasn't needed to carry bags or shepherd tups formerly Jon's job. Steve is making more $$$ than Jon. And, as far as we know, doesn't get sniped out by K8.
Kate has no clue.
Thanks, Markiesnana...I haven't heard that one for some time. The one I always thought Kate should read is Erma's Wet Oatmeal Kisses. Then I realized that, sadly, she wouldn't even care...
Wet Oatmeal Kisses
By Erma Bombeck
"One of these days you'll explode and shout to all the kids, "Why don't you just grow up and act your age!" And they will...
Or, "You guys get outside and find something to do -- without hurting each other And don't slam the door!" And they don't.
You'll straighten their bedrooms until it's all neat and tidy, toys displayed on the shelf, hangers in the closet, animals caged. You'll yell, "Now I want it to stay this way!" And it will...
You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't had all the olives picked out and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you'll say, "Now this is a meal for company." And you will eat it alone...
You'll yell, "I want complete privacy on the phone. No screaming, Do you hear me?" And no one will answer.
No more plastic tablecloths stained. No more dandelion bouquets. No more iron-on patches. No more wet, knotted shoelaces, muddy boots or rubber bands for ponytails.
Imagine.... a lipstick with a point, no babysitters for New Years Eve, washing clothes only once a week, no PTA meetings or silly school plays where your child is a tree, no car pools, blaring stereos or forgotten lunch money.
No more Christmas presents made of library paste and toothpicks, no wet oatmeal kisses, no more tooth fairy, no more giggles in the dark, scraped knees to kiss or sticky fingers to clean.
Only a voice asking, "Why don't you grow up?" And the silence echoes: "I did".
The beat goes on whether we dance to it or not.
Who is that young woman sitting in jail now for
traffic violations and missed appointments? I don't know her name and I don't care to know. All I do know is she's more famous now for her bad behavior than has been before. I don't know their stories but there are several Hollywood people who are the talk of the nation because of their bad behavior rather than for their great shows or movies.
Kate fits that bill. The interest is less on Kate's show and more on Kate's bad behavior as a disinterested mom, a provocative dresser, a
rude and dismissive neighbor, a spendthrift, a user, and a careless citizen. That's what keeps her in the limelight. Whether the show is on or off, whether Kate shows up in my living room or not, she will be talked about because of what she has shown herself to be. She will be around, even if it's just in the
back pages of some weekly tabloid on the Don't Dress Like This column.
I am confused, why is Jon in LA? Does he have a job there? Does he live there? Who paid for the airfare? TLC? Maybe they flew Jon there so there would be all this speculation as to why he is there when Kate is there so you would all keep up with what is going on in their lives and keep them in the public eye so that more people watch her stupid show? All these "internet" (Radar Online, Just Jared, INF) stories are just keeping them alive. I mean, they are not even on TV anymore and these blogs keep them going.
You also at one point said "they'd only be a yard or two" away, which most certainly implies that waiting alone is a viable option.
Why was Bonnie on the Today Show? What did she say?
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