Amazingly talented and creative PA local Emily Anthony, a professional caricaturist, designed the new above banner mostly by herself with just a tiny little input from us. Sort of like how Steve put in his two cents when Kate got her boob job. Emily was also once a fan of the show and has since seen the error of her ways, tee-he. This banner is sort of her statement about how she feels about the situation--and I think she sums it up famously.
She's got a web site, Facebook page, the works, so check her out. Emilyarts.com. No I'm not getting kickbacks, no this is not some kind of arranged lucrative deal on the order of Juicy-Juice. No kids were exploited in the making of this makeover.
113 sediments (sic) from readers:
Love the new look!
I was just shutting down for the evening and thought I would check in.
Emily did a great job "capturing" the real Jon and Kate.
Good night!
Great look! Love the caricatures. Can't wait to see what the sheeple think of it. :)
Whoa...Love the dark art. Can't wait to read the hyena/sheeple response when they see their idol's cariacture! Let the games begin!
Love the new look; it's captured the essence of J&K totally.
Looks great.
On the right side, the blue lettering on the black background is a little hard on my eyes; but that may be just me.
"Jon" looks like Jon but "K8" looks like Mary Jo Buttafucco =)
Love the new look !
I agree with Markiesnana when it comes to right side. The color do need to be bright a little.
Markiesnana said...
Looks great.
On the right side, the blue lettering on the black background is a little hard on my eyes; but that may be just me
I agree. It's only the links that are difficult to read.
It's great- really- but much harder to read at work without getting caught :-)
WONDERFUL! The evil that is Kate shines thorugh. In a perfect world this is what Kate should see every time she looks in the mirror.
As you go down the right side, I also am having a hard time reading the blue on the black (blog archive/favorite links).
I like it for both the ridiculousness of Jon & Kate that it captures and the fact that the kids faces aren't shown!
Agree with others the blue on black is a bit hard to read but I just love the new look of the site.
Glad everyone likes it. Oops, sorry it makes it harder to hide at work, lol!
I will toy with the blue links I'm sure I can fix that. Polite suggestions have always been welcome here!
Yep, us 'old' folks (me) have a bit of trouble reading the blue on black. Otherwise, looks good, like we're going 'Hollywood'!
Emily, great work!
The banner is just awesome. Kudos to the artist!
I cracked up on seeing Jon's "Diamond" studs.
The new look makes me feel like I'm at Dollywood and J&K are the main attraction.
Great job Administrator !!
Love it!! Little Collin covering his face, Kate's frown marks between her wonky eyes and wow those veneers look like the "real" thing. Hats off to Emily. And you too Admin, it looks great.
Kudos, admin for not including these children's faces in the banner. Now, take it a step further and don't include these precious children in any of your posts.
Even though you gave us a heads up a change was coming ... I was still taken by surprise by Emily's artwork!
^5 Emily!
But I must also agree with the other posters - the dark blue print is hard to read in the black. Specifically it is the darker blue print color that are your links; the lighter blue headings tho are just fine.
Well this new look I'm sure will stir things up ... eventually I will have to make a trip over to the dark side to see what the sheeple are saying :)
Have a good day everyone ~
Emily ... perfect likeness especially of Katie!
Thanks to admin for bringing this artwork to her website.
Wow! I came over here this morning, like every morning, and I am still giggling. I love it!
Emily- Great job.
Since she's getting herself 're-freshed', will Emily's hard work have to be updated to keep up with her changes?
And if the paps can find her everytime she leaves the house, why is no one privy to where she is now? Is there a secret entrance on the back 40 out past by the chicken house? and where's Waldo, I mean Steve?
Congratulations the comments are so much easier to read. Great art work too!! Happy to see the children's little faces are not being revealed.
Great Job, Emily!
"Now, take it a step further and don't include these precious children in any of your posts."
How'd it be if Admin blurred the kids' faces when their pics are posted here? I think we all know what they look like by now. People (read sheeple) could stop accusing this blog of exploiting the G8, while still exposing their parents/TLC of the act. Thoughts anyone?
I can read fine and looks great. Maybe those who think the ends are too dark might make their computer monitor on a lighter setting.
Oh, I thought you meant the top. You guys are right. The right side which has writting all the way down is too dark and hard to read the blue on black. I think people will pass that by and not read.
What surgery is left for her to get?? She's only 36!! Is this true?
She's going to have to raid the college funds if she keeps having surgery at this rate...
The posts under 'blog archive' don't show up at all. I 'find' them by running my cursor over the area. I think she could feasibly get lipo (?) on her not-a-waist.
AuntieAnn - I totally agree w/you and My kids Mom, we know what the kids look like. I say we just post on Kate and Jon.
Looks good! A lot better than before. Good job Emily!
RE "How'd it be if Admin blurred the kids' faces when their pics are posted here? I think we all know what they look like by now. People (read sheeple) could stop accusing this blog of exploiting the G8, while still exposing their parents/TLC of the act. Thoughts anyone?"
* Admin is NOT the pap taking the photo(s)
* Admin is NOT selling the photo(s)taken by a pap and sold to media outlets
* This is not the first blog to post the photos
* This is not the only blog that posts the photos
* Even with faces blurred, the sheeple will not be happy
It seems to me that the sheeple can't figure out who is really responsible for putting their children's faces out in the public domain, so the suggestion to request that Admin blur out their faces would be a lot of extra time out of her busy schedule.
However, if Admin wants to take the time to blur out the faces that will be fine with me. If she does not, that is OK too. Her choice.
My POV is that this is shutting the barn door after all the horses got out and are running down the road, and then blaming Admin who by the way does not even know where the barn is located in the first place :)
Love the new look! And I agree; blurring the kids' faces would be a great idea.
@mickeymckean - Why do you insist that the children must be shown on this blog? This blog should be about continuing the exposure of the exploitation of these children by their parents. By wanting to see pictures of these children, you are contributing to their exploitation. Just because other sites post pictures does not make it right. Be above it all - let this blog be about Jon and Kate ONLY. Leave those kids alone!!
I agree, MM. Although my analogy would be that the sheeple are yelling at Admin to shut the barn door even though the horses are already out and it won't do a bit of good.
Either way, it's Admin's blog and her choice. I don't think the Kate fans will be happy until the "haterz" stop blogging/talking about the Gosselins all together. They don't want anything negative out there that would question their idol.
I agree with not watching the show because that contributes to the ratings. However, blogging about the ridiculousness of the situation and the blatant exploitation of these kiddos only seems to spread the word to more people that this is NOT ok. Think of how many casual Kate fans knew nothing of the behind the scenes crap until they found this blog or others like it? For better or worse, our society runs on a mob mentality. A minority on both sides of the issue with a bunch of sheep in the middle easily persuaded to either side. JMO
I love it. You did a great job. That caricature of Kate is so much like her it is scary. It brings out her rotten inner soul. The only thing that would finish it off is showing the line of her extensions. Great, great job!
Great job with the new look and the art work - it is a real summer treat and a laugh as well.
To answer what I think about "My kids Mom" has to say over and over - I think someone listens to Dr. Laura just a bit much - this handle is her signature line. Let it go.
I agree with what you're saying Mickey. I suggested doing that (blurring or smudging) more with the idea that it will be making a statement that this the blog is not exploiting those kids further. Maybe TLC and Kate can take the hint and follow suit by not filming them at all anymore. And of course the sheeple won't like it, butthen you can't please the sheeple even some of the time ;)
It goes without saying that it's Admins decision one way or the other.
And I highly doubt that this blog is here to please the sheeple lol.
She looks like an older Carol Brady, and Jon well, great job...posting pics of the kids or not will not stop J and K from putting them on TV and getting that People Magazine cover.
@My kids Mom
I am NOT insisting that the kid's faces be shown on this blog.
As proof I wrote: "However, if Admin wants to take the time to blur out the faces that will be fine with me. If she does not, that is OK too. Her choice."
This blog is in the care, custody and control of Admin.
Rest assured that your viewpoint has been noted.
Whatever Admin chooses to do, or not do, is fine by me. I think she has done a fantastic job in helping people understand that Jon and Kate have exploited their own children for financial gain ... and *want.to.continue.to.do.so*.
I, however, will be happy if I never see these kids again which is why I do NOT watch the Kate+8 nor do I go to ROL and other sites and click on the story with their photos.
Oh you better believe that I will be happy if these 8 children live the rest of their lives as private citizens; I hope and pray that the damage that has been done to them by the overexposure will not keep them from being productive and functional adults.
The only way this can happen is if the show is off the air:
No viewers = No ratings
No ratings = No sponsors
No sponsors = NO SHOW!
The one of Jon is pretty good.
But the one of Kate isn't very good. I would not have recognized her had you not told me it was suppoed to be Kate.
The artist is okay, but she could do better with Kate.
"Why do you insist that the children must be shown on this blog?"
MM DID NOT insist that the children be shown on the blog; in fact, she remained neutral and said that it is Admn's choice what to do. I'm baffled as to how a post could be interpreted like that. MM pointed out that ADMN is not the one who takes the photos, etc., but says that anything she does is fine with her. READ!
Wow. Just wow. Perfect
Love it! LOL.
Love the new look! Loved the old look, and just love this blog!
Thanks for the constantly good and updated entertainment...
Yikes! Those caricatures are disturbing! Aw. Collin is hiding his face too.
I like that you moved the "circus" to the sidebar too.
I too like that the kids faces aren't shown.
I notice how the mouth is smiling but the eyes are not. The eyes look cold as ice. It looks just like her.
Imagine the fun Emily could have had with the spikey hairdos Kate and Jon both had once.
It's a very good job.
Schmecky Girl said...I too like that the kids faces aren't shown.
I agree, and I'll just make one more comment and let it go. Among other things, I like the way the artist has intentionally drawn the kids to where their faces are not shown. I noticed it right away. The money above their heads is definitely a bold announcement that Jon and Kate are making money off their kids. In keeping with Emily/Admin's idea of not showing their faces, I suggested that she do the same when she posts photos of the kids.That way, the administrator & others who post here cannot be accused of taking advantage of those children. The comment that she not post photos of them or even discuss the children at all seemed rather silly to me. It's unavoidable, as this blog addresses the near lawlessness (up to this point) of kids on reality tv.
If or when Jon and Kate ever take those kids off tv and find a way to make a living on their own to support them, I guarantee there will be a victory celebration going on here and I for one will never bring them up again.
Darcy said...
What surgery is left for her to get?? She's only 36!! Is this true?
It's pure speculation based on the fact that people haven't gotten to see pics of Kate lately. Of course, the only "logical" explanation is that she's off having work done.
"But the one of Kate isn't very good."
I think that perhaps the reason you think it isn't very good might be partly because of the hair color and style. Because of staying consistent with the color theme, the hair in the caricature is platinum, with silver/gray overtones. This makes her look more like an older woman. Kate doesn't have gray hair. I think if the hair would have been more of a summer/light honey blonde, showing a more "choppy" unkempt look (shaggy layers), the resemblance would have been on target.
I'm wondering, though, if the Kate caricature were standing alone, sans Jon (and the kids) how many would know who it is supposed to be. Jon's perfect. While Kate isn't dead on, I love the teeth, the boobs, and the ll lines between the brows!
I must say that I agree with the poster who said that Kate looks like Mary Jo!
Anyone know where I can find the pics of when the TLC camera crew came bearing presents for the kids when they resumed filming Kate Plus 8? I can't find them.
Google numbering comments in Blogger. There are a few listings where people have tutorials on how to do it.
The re-written main text tells me 100% that this blog is NOT about other kids being exploited in reality TV, it's only about this particular case.
I still say what people like Kate Gosselin need is less attention, not MORE.
Oh...Lordie bee...now this is worth monkey munch!
I just got off the telephone with Deborah Wagner from the Pennsylvania Dept of Labor.
717-787-4671 or 800-932-0665
I asked her this: My name is Irene Smith I have a 2 year old that I am interested in getting into entertainment what are my responsibilities as a parent?
Deborah stated that I am to go to the following website
She told me I am to read all the laws & regulations and follow all of them. I am to in combination with the production company fill out a request for a permit & it must be notarized. I asked her if there were any other forms to get a permit for my child who is under 7...she said, "none that this was the only permit"
I asked these question to:
If I leave the state to film do I have to get a special permit? She said I have to follow each state & follow their laws my permit in PA is not valid in another state.
Who enforces these permits?
She told me their dept has investigators who diligently make sure of enforcement.
How many permits do I need?
For every job my child does I need a seperate permit. They only cover job to job.
This permit on the PA DOL website & the one My fox philly received do not look the same to me. Are permits not public record? Why is their a Gosselin permit? If there is why not admit it & ask for clarification from the Attorney General of Pennsylvania? hmmm...does the Pa DOL work for Figure 8 and TLC? Or do they enforce laws for their children?
Try calling and asking.
"She told me their dept has investigators who diligently make sure of enforcement."
Did you ask her the manner in which they do this? Who? How often? Where?
This is especially important -- knowing the specifics. Where are the results of these investigations recorded? Is it a matter of public record?
Did you report this conversation to any legislators who might be interested?
What is the responsibiity of the production company in making sure that the permits are posted (as required by law) at EACH place of employment (filming), and do the investigators check to make sure that this is done?
Betcha there would be alot of hedging on answers!
Awesome...original, it POPS and so do you!
Emily's artwork reminds me of another fabulous caricature artist that does all the Housewives (and their hubs). He has a website called Pretty on the Outside.
Very nice new header and layout (what I can see of it: my screen isn't very wide and i run at 800 x 600, but it looks as if the main body section is viewable without scrolling horizontally, so yay!)
Bunny in yard, Reading Al's book, Comic Con starting (vicariously thru Twitter), had my first computer virus everand it took forever to get it off the 4 thumbdrives, 3 desktops, 2 laptops, 1 camera, and a partridge in a pear tree, so I've only been to Werny's (and Facebook) lately. Must run thru some subject headers (while I'm tryin to reinstall my apps. (who knew there was a Conficker cleaner tool and we didn't *have to* reformat and reinstall Windows...))
Love the header w/o the kids' faces showing. About blurring, though - since there's no question about the identity of the children, and since the photos do not originate here, the idea of blurring their faces just hits me in the gut emotionally - as if you'd be blurring their identities out. Negating them somehow.
Rubbing them out seems like adding insult to injury, and weirdly like turning them into six plus two matching, completely interchangeable, things. Kind of exactly like the way their mother sees them.
What about cropping pix so that just the parents show, where that's the only relevant thing? Or just continuing as you have been - the truth of the matter is, how the children interact with the parents has everything to do with what's wrong with the choices the parents are making.
If the photos are out there, it's better if the parents are called out on their behavior, and calling them out is more difficult unless the evidence is irrefutably shown.
Home from work now....Now I can see all of it and LOVE it Admin!
As for the faces of the G8- I agree with Lee. Admin isn't taking the pics and by the time we see them, they are all over the internet (or wil be by the time it takes to copy and psste here). If someone is truly that sensitive about just that issue, they need to read somewhere else. We are a well (internet)read bunch of bloggers and Admin is helping all of us educate and spread the word of all child abuse in TV.....and we are all learning as we go as well. The difference is, we are learning. Katie Irene hasn't begun.
How does showing pictures of the Gosselin children in their private moments help educate us about child abuse?
I have been the hardest on the Administrator the continued pictures of the Gosselin children. I commended her for not having them on her banner. Again, this blog should be about exposing Kate and Jon - not oogling over the latest pictures of these precious chidren.
There's a great pic of Jon on Us Weekly. He's looking pretty darn good ! Tell me Ellens not good for him.......
Eat your heart out Kate...his body is not silicone,plastic,veneer and horsehair like yours !
P.S. Even his tan is real :)
Sorry..I meant that Jons pic is on...
Yes, Jon does look good in that picture. This picture also calls into question another bloggers assertion that is drinking heavily currently. If someone was that heavy of a drinker, they would not be in the shape Jon is in now.
"Carol said...
The re-written main text tells me 100% that this blog is NOT about other kids being exploited in reality TV, it's only about this particular case."
The old text wasn't about other reality kids either so I don't know what your point is. This blog was never created to chronicle ALL reality TV kids. What a huge topic. This blog was created to follow the LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE DIVORCE, and when news of that dried up, we shifted focus to the family in general. It started as a Gosselin blog, it is still a Gosselin blog, so stop trying to say we're hypocrites. I think the description I have in About Us is exactly on point: "We just don't want the kids to be filmed anymore. They've had enough. Most posts will be about the new Kate Plus 8 and any other projects this family does to further exploit their children, as well as the efforts in PA and other states to draft better child labor laws. Enjoy the discussion." This description has been up for months. It is how I see the blog, agree with it or not that's fine but ENOUGH already. Apparently there are other blogs out there that just talk about this blog and others, perhaps they might welcome your complaints there.
I never claimed to be about all reality kids. This blog is about the Gosselins and in the process many have said here they are concerned for all reality children, that is part of the concern that has flowed from this. I don't understand why this is such a sticking point for a few people. I am also concerned about oil spills and many other things that I have no obligation to share here.
So yes you are right, we are about the Gosselins. Sometimes we talk about other reality TV kids when we see issues there. This issue is closed, I don't want to hear more bellyaching about this. If you don't like the topic of this blog, go visit another blog.
My worry about trying to leave the kids completely out of the equation is that I will lose the excellent record created here of everything that has happened to them. Right now I see that as more important than protecting their privacy--their privacy is GONE, SOLD, NO RETURNS. Please stop harping about this point as well, specifically you Kids' Mom. I need some time to think about it and telling me your opinion over and over and over is not helping me decide but in fact simply annoying me.
I can't keep up with all the demands of everyone. I do what I can. Real life goes on for me, this is just a little hobby and is supposed to be fun for me, not a chore. Did my first oral arguments in the appellate court last week...and just found out we WON, so it's been a whirlwind and wonderful several days. My focus has to be on real life as always, not a little blog.
Admin, I know you got my point, it is the many others who want to continue to see the children's pictures that I was addressing. I remember some of your same posters aghast at another blogger that had pictures of these children posted all over it - a pedophile's dream.
But, as per your request, I'll say no more.
Congratulations Admin. about your win in appellate court. That's fantastic. And, for the record, I LOVE your perspective about your blog.
"Again, this blog should be about exposing Kate and Jon - not oogling over the latest pictures of these precious chidren."
We know that. We get your point. Honestly, we do, but why must you repeat it over and over and over again, refusing to move on?
I wonder if Emily has or will get any grief from Kate's PR team or TLC over this spot-on caricature of Kate.
Congrats, Admin.! Must feel very rewarding to win!I love this new site, I think the artist did a great job on both Jon and Kate, for those who say it did not remind them of Kate,then perhaps it is because she is not frowning, which she seems to always do when she is with her kids. And about the blue color on the black, I am starting to think that something is wrong with my vision, as I am easily able to read them, and it does not bother my eyes. So no worries for this woman, but do what you think is best Admin., as it is YOUR blog!!
Nancyb - I hate to do this..has Preesi (remember I can't post there) ever thought of putting the newest comments first, then the oldest. Or, IS there a fast way to go from page 18 on one thread, back to the list of threads? TIA!
Please don't stop putting up pictures of the kids!! A picture is worth a thouand words!!
The pics of the kids playing with their Dad and Ellen were heart lifting to see those open happy little faces, instead of the hot sweating kids in NYC!
The child who hides behind a jacket--describing it would lose something important, but seeing it shows the pathos of the situation.
Please don't blur those sweet faces--what in the heck would that accomplish??
LOve the new header--I would recognize Kate anywhere--I think it captures her beautifully!!
I wish you would dump the complainers that inflitrate this blog from time to time--they waste my time!
Why do you have to be uplifted by the Gosselin children? Are you that invested in them?
Irene S. said
"This permit on the PA DOL website & the one My fox philly received do not look the same to me. Are permits not public record? Why is their a Gosselin permit? If there is why not admit it & ask for clarification from the Attorney General of Pennsylvania? hmmm...does the Pa DOL work for Figure 8 and TLC? Or do they enforce laws for their children?"
Irene, I believe you fill out the application from the website on PA DOL, and then get issued a permit. What's on the Dept of Labor website is the application, NOT the permits that are issued.
Does that make sense?
Just trying to clear up the confusion.
"But as per your request, I'll say no more."
"Why do you have to be uplifted by the Gosselin children? Are you that invested in them?"
Well, that lasted less than a hour! LOL!
I think the cartoon Kate's hair looks a lot like Kate's hair - rather like a broom.
Well Gawker is reporting that the state of Pennsylvania says she can continue to exploit the kids, so I guess this blog gets to keep on talking about it! WHOOO! Let's keep giving Kate lots of attention!
So is she really getting more plastic surgery? For her to be out of the limelight and not photographed at the local Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, or gassing up, is unusual. And Jon does have the kids.
What do you bet she gets the chin job done this time? I called it a while back and will be interested to see if she gets it done. Other choice would be that she gets the tummy redone to have more curves.
I think the artwork is awesome. She got it right and I love the tops of the kids' heads.
Wow. Kate's eyes are dead-on; Jon's earring made me lol!
Well done!
Kate, Steve, Ashley and all the kids have been SEEN in Alaska on a working vacation. That's the latest scoop. I didn't hear whether Jamie was there or not. No word on Chris either.
That's the latest scoop. Take it for what it's worth.
LOVE the purple passion! Works for me!
"What do you bet she gets the chin job done this time? I called it a while back and will be interested to see if she gets it done."
Not unless she's getting it done while the kids are off making baked Alaska!
Love the new header -- Jon is spot on, kids & $$$ are perfect....but Khate doesn't remind me of the Khate I know. Perhaps a slight adjustment to Khate (IMHO) could be drawn.
Carolina Gal said...
Nancyb - I hate to do this..has Preesi (remember I can't post there) ever thought of putting the newest comments first, then the oldest. Or, IS there a fast way to go from page 18 on one thread, back to the list of threads? TIA!
Carolina Gal,
If you are 'logged in' at Preesi's site (sounds like you aren't a 'member'?) once you refresh the page any new posts to topics are highlighted in red. Once you click on the topic, a gray 'view mark' bar starts at the point you left off at. Again, you have to be a 'member' & 'signed in' for this feature to work.
Sorry, I have to agree with the minority. I didn't recognize Kate in the caricature. Now if the skin was more ORANGE, the eyes more WONKY, and the hair more VARIGATED yellow it would have been Kate spot on. The donkey mouth smile and blowup boobs are correct, tho.
This is kind of how I thought the hair should look...style and color. You're right about the skin tone. Orange-ish would have been really funny!
I looked at the hair in the caricature and noticed the broom-like bottom of the haircut, and figured maybe that's what the artist was going for...the witch motif! But as far as I know, Kate's hair has never worn her hair in an exaggerated blunt cut like that.
Still, the work as a whole is great and the message of American greed that it portrays comes across loud and clear.
No disrespect to the artist, Emily but I can't resist saying this.
The caricature of Jon reminds me of....
Beavis and Butthead. LOL!
The lips, eyes and the funny turkey neck remind me of B&B.
Kate doesn't get off easy either - Emily really pegged that "see right through you" look that many have mentioned about Kate. The eyes are haunting.
" realize that caricatures are meant to be extreme portrayals, but Kate is entirely unrecognizable in this graphic."
I said something similar upthread. Taken as a whole, you know it's Kate. Looking at the caricature without Jon and the kids and the glitz, you'd have no idea who it is. I've seen plenty of great caricatures of celebrities and one look will tell you exactly who it is supposed to be. That's not the case here.
I can see where you are coming from in respect to the seriousness of the situation, but if you look at the graphic, and think beyond the comic aspect of it, I can see that it does show what it's intended to show, which is greed and exploitation by two parents. Kate and Jon are prominently featured, with the kids taking a much lesser importance, barely visible. This means that it's all about the parents and their importance. There's a tragedy in the comedy of the graphic...if that makes any sense.
Kate looks scary because Kate IS scary, not necessarily her physical looks, but what she has done to the family unit and her control over the kids. I'm not sure how else
could she be presented. She's no June Cleaver.
But I do understand your take on this because I had similar concerns when I looked initially looked at it.
Love the new look! It's very bold and really pops off the screen when the page comes up. It's really cool that you found a local artist too, especially one who's seen the light. Those little hands over the face of the little one are classic!
" realize that caricatures are meant to be extreme portrayals, but Kate is entirely unrecognizable in this graphic."
I said something similar upthread. Taken as a whole, you know it's Kate. Looking at the caricature without Jon and the kids and the glitz, you'd have no idea who it is. I've seen plenty of great caricatures of celebrities and one look will tell you exactly who it is supposed to be. That's not the case here.
I can see where you are coming from in respect to the seriousness of the situation, but if you look at the graphic, and think beyond the comic aspect of it, I can see that it does show what it's intended to show, which is greed and exploitation by two parents. Kate and Jon are prominently featured, with the kids taking a much lesser importance, barely visible. This means that it's all about the parents and their importance. There's a tragedy in the comedy of the graphic...if that makes any sense.
Kate looks scary because Kate IS scary, not necessarily her physical looks, but what she has done to the family unit and her control over the kids. I'm not sure how else
could she be presented. She's no June Cleaver.
But I do understand your take on this because I had similar concerns when I looked initially looked at it.
This is kind of how I thought the hair should look...style and color. You're right about the skin tone. Orange-ish would have been really funny!
I looked at the hair in the caricature and noticed the broom-like bottom of the haircut, and figured maybe that's what the artist was going for...the witch motif! But as far as I know, Kate's hair has never worn her hair in an exaggerated blunt cut like that.
Still, the work as a whole is great and the message of American greed that it portrays comes across loud and clear.
Google numbering comments in Blogger. There are a few listings where people have tutorials on how to do it.
Love the new header -- Jon is spot on, kids & $$$ are perfect....but Khate doesn't remind me of the Khate I know. Perhaps a slight adjustment to Khate (IMHO) could be drawn.
Darcy said...
What surgery is left for her to get?? She's only 36!! Is this true?
It's pure speculation based on the fact that people haven't gotten to see pics of Kate lately. Of course, the only "logical" explanation is that she's off having work done.
I think the artwork is awesome. She got it right and I love the tops of the kids' heads.
"Why do you insist that the children must be shown on this blog?"
MM DID NOT insist that the children be shown on the blog; in fact, she remained neutral and said that it is Admn's choice what to do. I'm baffled as to how a post could be interpreted like that. MM pointed out that ADMN is not the one who takes the photos, etc., but says that anything she does is fine with her. READ!
And I highly doubt that this blog is here to please the sheeple lol.
@mickeymckean - Why do you insist that the children must be shown on this blog? This blog should be about continuing the exposure of the exploitation of these children by their parents. By wanting to see pictures of these children, you are contributing to their exploitation. Just because other sites post pictures does not make it right. Be above it all - let this blog be about Jon and Kate ONLY. Leave those kids alone!!
RE "How'd it be if Admin blurred the kids' faces when their pics are posted here? I think we all know what they look like by now. People (read sheeple) could stop accusing this blog of exploiting the G8, while still exposing their parents/TLC of the act. Thoughts anyone?"
* Admin is NOT the pap taking the photo(s)
* Admin is NOT selling the photo(s)taken by a pap and sold to media outlets
* This is not the first blog to post the photos
* This is not the only blog that posts the photos
* Even with faces blurred, the sheeple will not be happy
It seems to me that the sheeple can't figure out who is really responsible for putting their children's faces out in the public domain, so the suggestion to request that Admin blur out their faces would be a lot of extra time out of her busy schedule.
However, if Admin wants to take the time to blur out the faces that will be fine with me. If she does not, that is OK too. Her choice.
My POV is that this is shutting the barn door after all the horses got out and are running down the road, and then blaming Admin who by the way does not even know where the barn is located in the first place :)
The posts under 'blog archive' don't show up at all. I 'find' them by running my cursor over the area. I think she could feasibly get lipo (?) on her not-a-waist.
AuntieAnn - I totally agree w/you and My kids Mom, we know what the kids look like. I say we just post on Kate and Jon.
Since she's getting herself 're-freshed', will Emily's hard work have to be updated to keep up with her changes?
And if the paps can find her everytime she leaves the house, why is no one privy to where she is now? Is there a secret entrance on the back 40 out past by the chicken house? and where's Waldo, I mean Steve?
Wow! I came over here this morning, like every morning, and I am still giggling. I love it!
Emily- Great job.
Kudos, admin for not including these children's faces in the banner. Now, take it a step further and don't include these precious children in any of your posts.
I cracked up on seeing Jon's "Diamond" studs.
The new look makes me feel like I'm at Dollywood and J&K are the main attraction.
Great job Administrator !!
Yep, us 'old' folks (me) have a bit of trouble reading the blue on black. Otherwise, looks good, like we're going 'Hollywood'!
Emily, great work!
I like it for both the ridiculousness of Jon & Kate that it captures and the fact that the kids faces aren't shown!
It's great- really- but much harder to read at work without getting caught :-)
I agree with Markiesnana when it comes to right side. The color do need to be bright a little.
Great look! Love the caricatures. Can't wait to see what the sheeple think of it. :)
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