Another bystander forced to endure the spectacle that is the Gosselins has posted some pictures and a recap. The photos show the camera crew literally hovering over the children in the airport, as well as several other passengers staring and taking photos of them in the background like it's monkeys in a zoo. So dysfunctional.

Says the passenger who traveled with the Gosselins on their flight to Alaska:
- Two of the kids threw up on the plane. Aw.
- The flight was a whopping eight hours, a new nonstop flight from Philadelphia to Anchorage.
- Everyone in the Gosselin entourage was up and down so much during the flight this passenger couldn't get any sleep.
- When Kate wanted the kids to move, she simply told them "Walk!"
- The kids didn't seem to mind the camera crew. This has become that normal for them? Scary.
51 sediments (sic) from readers:
Gee. Where's Kate? More happy faces.
Kate MIA in Alaska
These pictures will break your heart
she looks more like a tour guide. when I took my 6 kids flying, especially when they were younger, I was holding bags, and bears, and food. All she has ever is her coffee. Never a kid's coat, or their things. When I flew with my 6, count them 6 kids, it was exhausting for me. I don't see this with Kate. The kids are props
I hope I live to read the books that those kids will write when they are older.
As a frequent flier, I can only imagine how disruptive that flight must have been for the passengers.
The blogger also says the kids were well behaved. Most likely that early in the morning they were just numb from being tired, and from the looks of the photos shot in Alaska, the kids were still numb with adjusting to the time change. HA, HA, no pre-week-long vacation in San Diego like the trip to Hawaii to adjust to the time change this time around.
I assume EVERY minute in the airport is filmed and then is edited. I wonder if they filmed on the plane too? I wonder if Kate and Steve sit next to each other? Why is the film crew responsible for getting everyone's luggage?
Her kids always seem to be throwing up their cookies or sick when she takes them on the road. Whats up with the pole and mic?
This was interesting. NY Daily News reported on the In Touch Weekly article regarding Palin and Gosselin, yet when NY Daily News contacted TLC to confirm, the TLC spokesperson had no comment. I don't get that since if true, the story is already out there so why not promote it? I would love it if Palin backed out. She really is foolish to let TLC use her to promote Kate Gosselin.
If she had gone to Alaska with a nanny and no camera crew just for a family trip this staring and taking pictures would not have occured. She brings thi all upon herself and the kids cause she insist on filming every trip these kids go on. She loves being the ring leader and drawing attention to herself and her kids.
I read this - while I suppose it would be nice to think that people would not be standing there snapping away with cell phones, they certainly create their own circus with the camera crews, bodyguards, etc. I find it all very sad. Perhaps Kate was grumpy because she had to fly coach with her family.
You would think with all the money TLC makes that they would fly Ms Bimbo and her kids to these places on a private jet so they wouldn't disturb paying customers on these flights. If I were this guy I would demand my money back.
What bothers me about these photos is that it is not just the passenger who wrote the article that took photos, but the other passengers in the photo too.
TLC Cameramen are literally their faces all the time and complete strangers everywhere they go. Then of course there are always the pesky paparazzi too who have to take their photos too.
These kids are just like animals on display in a zoo ... and the parents and TLC laugh all the way to the bank.
I find this whole Gosselin fiasco disturbing on so many levels. I hope and pray that Kate+8 will tank soon and be off the air by Dec 2010.
I also watch the Duggar family when it's on, and it seems like pretty much everyone in that family (including the mother) get carsick easily.
Nice - fly your kids to Alaska and then leave them with bodyguards and nannies while you and Mr. Steve do something more interesting - insane. At least at home they would be in their comfort zone. Or perhaps swimming with Daddy.
Re: kids without Mommy.
I wonder how long those stuffed animals are going to last. One fine day, when the kids are in school, I predict a room raid by Mommy and a
"charity" yard sale featuring stuffed husky dogs times 6. Remember when Kate told Mady that stuffed animals were the WORST things on earth?
I guess right now it's "normal" for these little kids to be filmed and have mikes shoved near them.
However, as they grow, they will probably go stark, raving mad from never, ever having a moment of peace.
Can you imagine never being left alone?
fidosmommy said...
Re: kids without Mommy.
I wonder how long those stuffed animals are going to last. One fine day, when the kids are in school, I predict a room raid by Mommy and a
"charity" yard sale featuring stuffed husky dogs times 6. Remember when Kate told Mady that stuffed animals were the WORST things on earth?
July 24, 2010 8:05 AM
Perhaps Kate bribed them all with the stuffed animals (dogs) and said, "if I buy these, then you have to stop asking about the real dogs that we got rid of." It's pretty easy for a 6-year old to fall for that type of bribe since they usually can't reason beyond that which is in front of their eyes...
Message for Kate: material things don't substitute for the real thing and especially for LOVE!
Sadie said...
You would think with all the money TLC makes that they would fly Ms Bimbo and her kids to these places on a private jet so they wouldn't disturb paying customers on these flights. If I were this guy I would demand my money back.
July 24, 2010 7:14 AM
If I were able to afford a trip and got stuck on a plane with the Gosselin Traveling Circus, I'd probably end up escorted off the flight by an Air Marshal. Katie, Steve and crew's ears would be bleeding once I got done reading them the riot act. The complete and utter disregard for other paying customers so this b!tch can film a stupid tv show is simply astounding.
Sadie - TLC probably gets a break from the airline in exchange for "promotional consideration" on the show - therefore it's less expensive for them. They're maximizing their profits.
Claire said...
Her kids always seem to be throwing up their cookies or sick when she takes them on the road. Whats up with the pole and mic?
They're filming. It's part of the equipment. It goes with them everywhere.
"When Kate wanted the kids to move, she simply told them "Walk!"
I say this to mine when they start to run and they need to slow down. Perhaps that's what they were doing in the airplane, and she said, "Walk!"
Quite honestly, I have a problem looking at these photos anymore, especially the ones with the camera crew at the airport. It's just too heartbreaking to think that a mother can do this to her children.
Markiesnana said...
I guess right now it's "normal" for these little kids to be filmed and have mikes shoved near them.
However, as they grow, they will probably go stark, raving mad from never, ever having a moment of peace.
Can you imagine never being left alone?
Why do people here feel such a need to exaggerate? They are not filmed 24/7. To claim that they will go stark raving mad from never having had a moment of peace is pure hyperbole.
"To claim that they will go stark raving mad from never having had a moment of peace is pure hyperbole."
...which means it is not to be taken literally, so why is the statement a problem?
Hyperbolic -- I am not exaggerating.
You don't have to read my opinion. Just sit back and see for yourself what happens to their lives.
I will reiterate: Can you imagine never being left alone?
Age Of Aquarius said... ...which means it is not to be taken literally, so why is the statement a problem?
Except the one who made the statement doesn't believe it to be hyperbole.
Is it too late to stop this nonsense, or has the damage to these kids already been done? Is she going to continue with this throughout their childhood? At what point will TLC decide to cast them aside like a pair of old worn shoes?
When that happens, will the children be able to live without the trips, the backstage passes, the lunch rooms set aside just for them, the luxury suites at the baseball games? If this is part of their lives now, is withdrawl going to be welcomed, or painful?
"Except the one who made the statement doesn't believe it to be hyperbole."
I'm not the one who said it was a hyperbole. I didn't know if the writer meant it to be or not. I was just stating that a hyperbole is an exaggeration not to be taken literally, such as "It's raining cats and dogs."
If the writer doesn't believe it to be a hyperbole, that's her opinion and she has a right to it. Who knows -- unfortunately, she just might be right. Only time will tell.
At what point will TLC decide to cast them aside like a pair of old worn shoes?
When the ratings plummet and stay low meaning TLC can't sell the show to advertisers. That why all this hype, gotta keep the viewers.
I'm amazed that Kate allowed any passenger to take pictures of her and her children and didn't have Steve demand that the pictures be deleted. She did this once before in a public place. I just can't remember when.
I totally agree with you. The older those kids get, the more they are going to resent the cameras. If you exaggerated a little to make your point, SO WHAT!!!!
"She did this once before in a public place. I just can't remember when."
Please Touch Museum in Philly. They don't bother with places in their own state anymore, though. They're above that. I remember when they went to Hersheypark, the Crayola Factory, Young Chefs Academy, Hands On Children's Musem, Sight and Sound Theater, Shady Maple Smorgasbord, Sesame Place, the Phillies game, Strasburg Railroad, Dutch Wonderland, to name a few.
Now they're off to bigger and better things...camping with a former governor. Betcha, though, they'd rather be checking out Hersheypark's new water fun.
Thanks Pepper and Age of --
Yes, I actually DO believe that never being left alone will push these kids over the edge someday. No, not over a "literal" edge.
But what I consider over the edge is what we have seen out of Lindsey Lohan, Brittney Spears, Mel Gibson and many, many more.
Yes, unfortunately, I think the "star" factor leads people to very disturbing end results; and these poor kids didn't even aspire to stardom.
Shame on the parents and TLC.
Markiesnana said...
Hyperbolic -- I am not exaggerating.
You don't have to read my opinion. Just sit back and see for yourself what happens to their lives.
I will reiterate: Can you imagine never being left alone?
I will reiterate: they are not filmed 24/7 and it is an exaggeration to state that they are never left alone. You are not privy to 90% of their lives.
I think you and many others want these kids' lives to implode so you can say "I told you so."
"I think you and many others want these kids' lives to implode so you can say "I told you so."
You're so far off base that you're not even in the ballpark.
What an absolutely cruel, cruel thing to say. I "know" the blogger you reference (from another site), and this would be the last thing in the world that she would want. She's been a proponent for the privacy rights and general well-being of these kids for years, always concerned about the long-term consequences when cameras deprive a young person of a normal childhood.
will reiterate: they are not filmed 24/7 and it is an exaggeration to state that they are never left alone. You are not privy to 90% of their lives.
I bet it seems to the kids, like they never have a second to breathe, without a camera, mic, mom, etc. up in their face. I know they sure haven't gotten to enjoy much of their summer thus far.
Age Of Aquarius said...
"I think you and many others want these kids' lives to implode so you can say "I told you so."
You're so far off base that you're not even in the ballpark.
What an absolutely cruel, cruel thing to say. I "know" the blogger you reference (from another site), and this would be the last thing in the world that she would want. She's been a proponent for the privacy rights and general well-being of these kids for years, always concerned about the long-term consequences when cameras deprive a young person of a normal childhood.
Since I wasn't referring to a specific blogger from another site I have no idea who you "know." You may have found the remark cruel, and I certainly will admit that it wasn't nice, but I actually believe it to be true in the case of some individuals. I think that the hatred for Kate supercedes concern for the children in some, certainly not most or all, instances.
Carolina Gal said...
I bet it seems to the kids, like they never have a second to breathe, without a camera, mic, mom, etc. up in their face. I know they sure haven't gotten to enjoy much of their summer thus far.
I'm not sure how you would know that since you do not know these children and have not witnessed the majority of their summer, except for a few paparazzi photos here and there.
I'm not sure how you would know that since you do not know these children and have not witnessed the majority of their summer, except for a few paparazzi photos here and there.
A few photos here and there?
I'd hate to see what you consider to be too many photos.
Thanks, Carolina --And I haven't forgotten about our project...
Here's what I would LOVE for those kids:
To duck every camera that their parents have sent their way, to grow up at home, even if their mother wants to travel and be filmed. I'd also like for each of them to carve out a peaceful life (incognito) and enjoy the simple pleasures of adulthood in small towns. I'd like them to pursue their interests, no matter how insignificant they may seem to their fame-chasing parents. I'd like them to have careers that matter to them and their future families; but never have to try to keep up with the limelight or try to be on the cover of People. That's what I'd love for them. No imploding at all.
A question for the sheeple...
The sheeple try to defend kate over and over again for her treating the tups like babies.No...kate would never do anything to try and keep them looking small and 3 year olds not like 6 year olds.
Why are the tups still sitting in high-chairs and wearing bibs? ( I bet thier peers at school love that) Why is it that they have no individual intrest's?Are they still drinking out of sippy cups yet?
Remember when Cara and Mady were 6? They both had great vocabs and did things that they wanted to do.Mady with the violin and Cara with the piano.Cara went skiing with dad.They went alone to a cooking class!
Kate is doing everything she can to try and keep the tups looking small and babyish.And that includes UNDER-feeding them.If kate is such a super-mom...why would she do anything to hinder thier growth and well-being? Before the tups get snack at school,do they don thier bibs and climb into the highchairs?
Kate is doing nothing for the kids other than setting them up for failure and ridicule!She should be ashamed of herself...and so should you sheeple for BUYING into her shit!
@Hyperbolic Much...weren't you referring to a specific blogger from THIS site, -- to the comment made by Markiesnana in which she wrote that these kids were going to grow up with emotional issues? Your comment was: "I think you and many others want these kids' lives to implode so you can say "I told you so."
If the "you" in your comment was not directed at that person, then who is "you?" I simply replied that I knew this person from another site and that the last thing in the world she would want is for these children to implode. I'm sorry you misunderstood my reply.
Regardless of the person to whom this was directed, it was still a cruel comment that was inappropriate.
@hyperbolic much........ I also took your off-base comment to be directed at Markiesnana, and you are very, very wrong.
I don't care if the cameras are in the kid's faces once a week. It is still infringing on their privacy, and once they get alittle older they are going to resent the fact that their parents let it happen.
pepper said...
I don't care if the cameras are in the kid's faces once a week. It is still infringing on their privacy, and once they get alittle older they are going to resent the fact that their parents let it happen.
Perhaps they will, perhaps they won't. That will be up to them to decide, not you.
"Perhaps they will, perhaps they won't. That will be up to them to decide, not you."
Where did Pepper say that she's the one who will be making a decision for the Gosselin children? I must have missed that.
OK anonymous - chances are good that the kids will resent the cameras once they are old enough to realize that is is NOT NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!! Some are already showing signs that they DO NOT want the cameras in their face.
OK, I get it now. This "vacation" was a preplanned publicity for the airline pushing their new nonstop Philadelphia/Anchorage flight. I guess they think Palin is going to make Alaska the new Riviera and the Gosselins are on the brand new flight. MORE CORPORATE PROMOTION PEOPLE.
No, not pre-planned publicity for the airline. It was planned so that TLC can film an episode of the Gosselin 8 camping out with Palin in Alaska.
"OK, I get it now. This "vacation" was a preplanned publicity for the airline pushing their new nonstop Philadelphia/Anchorage flight."
LOL...don't think so! The 2.3 million viewers (or whatever the heck it is) aren't centered around Philly. Viewers are nationwide. I doubt there are that many viewers in the East who are going to rush to Philly to grab a non-stop flight to Alaska! TLC wouldn't spend all of that money to stage a publicity promo for the select few who want to fly direct out of Philadelphia!
Silly Kate, why didn't she think to negotiate private air travel for them? It would have been much easier for her family.
"OK, I get it now. This "vacation" was a preplanned publicity for the airline pushing their new nonstop Philadelphia/Anchorage flight."
LOL...don't think so! The 2.3 million viewers (or whatever the heck it is) aren't centered around Philly. Viewers are nationwide. I doubt there are that many viewers in the East who are going to rush to Philly to grab a non-stop flight to Alaska! TLC wouldn't spend all of that money to stage a publicity promo for the select few who want to fly direct out of Philadelphia!
Carolina Gal said...
I bet it seems to the kids, like they never have a second to breathe, without a camera, mic, mom, etc. up in their face. I know they sure haven't gotten to enjoy much of their summer thus far.
I'm not sure how you would know that since you do not know these children and have not witnessed the majority of their summer, except for a few paparazzi photos here and there.
Markiesnana said...
Hyperbolic -- I am not exaggerating.
You don't have to read my opinion. Just sit back and see for yourself what happens to their lives.
I will reiterate: Can you imagine never being left alone?
I will reiterate: they are not filmed 24/7 and it is an exaggeration to state that they are never left alone. You are not privy to 90% of their lives.
I think you and many others want these kids' lives to implode so you can say "I told you so."
At what point will TLC decide to cast them aside like a pair of old worn shoes?
When the ratings plummet and stay low meaning TLC can't sell the show to advertisers. That why all this hype, gotta keep the viewers.
"Except the one who made the statement doesn't believe it to be hyperbole."
I'm not the one who said it was a hyperbole. I didn't know if the writer meant it to be or not. I was just stating that a hyperbole is an exaggeration not to be taken literally, such as "It's raining cats and dogs."
If the writer doesn't believe it to be a hyperbole, that's her opinion and she has a right to it. Who knows -- unfortunately, she just might be right. Only time will tell.
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