Friday, July 23, 2010

Production guides Leah where to go in Anchorage

Still in Anchorage on Thursday, Kate and the kids were spotted at yet another touristy gift shop only outsiders actually go to, Once in a Blue Moose, in the heart of the city.

An interesting photo from the day shows a production assistant with a clipboard putting his hand on Leah's back, apparently trying to guide her to stand somewhere. Oh how real this reality show is. If this were really about reality, shouldn't production refrain from interacting with them at all?

We think the kids continue to look exhausted, as does Kate with her tall coffee. Well, traveling the country for work all summer is exhausting, no wonder. Meanwhile, sources are saying Kate is planning a camping trip with other media famemommy Sarah Palin. You betcha.

110 sediments (sic) from readers:

kidsRablessing said... 1

How in the world, can Kate continually put the kids through this?? And where's their father in all this nonsense? My goodness, my kids and I are exhausted from all our local summer ongoings(no major trips for us this summer, we have to pay our own bills around here). I cannot imagine how tired and run down these children are. I bet their oh so called organic eating is out of the window, with all their running around too. Kate is, well, there are no words, really.

kidsRablessing said... 2

Oh also, the look on Joel's face tells alot. He's probably longing to be playing in his pool back in PA on his summer vacation, not being cold.......he has all winter for that!

Tish said... 3

Administrator...WHO on God's green Earth is taking care of the chickens in the chicken coop? I am serious. One of the reasons I can't stand that fame-seeking WITCH Kate Gosselin is that she will use anyone and anything to further herself. She used that stupid "We must get a chicken coop" story just as a plot line for her dumb show.

French Canadian said... 4

Travelling with Kate Plus 8

Westcoaster said... 5

You betcha, the real Alaska is to be found in a series of touristy souvenir shops - not. And they all look exhausted. We went to Alaska last summer - this is certainly not the way to see this beautiful state.

AMD said... 6

TLC employees should have a "Hands-off" policy with the Gosselin children. Kate should not be allowing this to happen.

Trucker said... 7

How do you and Ash justify her helping to exploit the Gosselin kids? is it because Kate is gonna do it anyway? Ash will get a big paycheck, just like you got Kate’s unwanted cabinents? Is it the perks for your family or do you justify like we have been around from the beginning..the only one’s left who have been ripped from the kids. Is it something like that. I don’t mean to be sarcastic, but you seem like good people. I don’t see anything good in Kate. And I feel so bad for her kids. Jon is no better. I would think the best you could do for her family is to get them back into Church and not futher aid in the kids exploitation.Walk you walk Carla.

I just left this on Carla's blog. I am sure she won't respond, but she is a fraud in my opinion. There is no way with her strong Christian beliefs, and Ashley attending thee most conservative, evangelical college in the country that they could truly be ok with what is going on with the Gosselin children. I think it is about the money Ash makes and the freebies Carla gets. I am appauled.

kidsRablessing said... 8

trucker, she needs to hear that.....I also don't get why she even associates with that stuck up snob.
If I go posting crazy here, stuck at home weathering tropical storm Bonnie, I love Florida, but sure am tired of these storms/hurricanes, LOL.

fidosmommy said... 9

To anyone from Alaska,

Since I'm too lazy to look up the local temps in Anchorage, I ask if it's cold there this week? I see the kids, Steve and Kate have on winter garb, while Cara looks like she might be hot - she has her sleeves pushed up. The guy with the clipboard is in a light flannel shirt, the guy in the background seems to be wearing a
regular Oxford shirt.

Are the kids dressed appropriately for the weather, or is it because they're in Alaska and have to dress a part?

Anybody want to guess whether the TV show viewers are going to get a few shots of the kids wearing traditional Inuit animal skins?

CJ said... 10

fidosmommy ~ I checked Anchorage weather several days ago when these pics first hit. The high for the week (every day) was listed in the low 60's. I remember photos from last winter in Wernersville when the temps were 30 degrees colder and everyone was either in no coats or coats hanging open. Remember the pic of Kate and Jamie out shopping, coats unbuttoned, blowing in the wind. That was a very nasty day. I think Kate figured it was Alaska, it must be freezing and snow all year. Remember she's dumber than a rock.

KateJonandTLCSuck (aka Katesucks) said... 11

My previous post re: where you found picture above...Never mind! I found 'em.

Oh the Drama said... 12

Tish said...

Administrator...WHO on God's green Earth is taking care of the chickens in the chicken coop? I am serious. One of the reasons I can't stand that fame-seeking WITCH Kate Gosselin is that she will use anyone and anything to further herself. She used that stupid "We must get a chicken coop" story just as a plot line for her dumb show.


Good grief. People with animals travel all the time. I'm sure SOMEONE on God' green earth is taking care of the chickens.

Lauren said... 13


Production staff shouldn't be putting their hands on the kids.

What will have to happen before Kate takes responsibility for her own children. Right now they are being treated as props by the production staff so Miss Katie Irene can get her press-on hair and her weekly mani/pedi appointments.

Kelly said... 14

The chickens have a not a nanny too. I understand that Kaopectate went to Sesame Street Live and hired Big Bird to watch over the chicks while she's out in Alaska learning how to Bear Hunt. Can't wait to see Steve go into full protection mode when a Grizzly gets a whiff of Kaopectates scent.

Trucker said... 15


Would you consider a post addressing the hyposcrisy behind Ashley and Carla's complacency and how they to benefit financially from the children.

I am not suggesting a bash, but would like for Ashley and Carla to know where people stand. Perhaps we can get a response from them.

Wonder if the Imperfect Woman have ever thought of interviewing one of them?

VERY Hot in PA said... 16

I checked with a friend of mine who lives not far from Anchorage, and it's in the low 60s. That's great weather. In fact, in Kate's PA neighborhood, it's nearing 100 degrees, with record-breaking temps expected tomorrow. Weather-wise, it's much better to be in Alaska right now than in PA, and MUCH better than dragging them around NYC when it's 103!
I'm thinking about booking a flight to Moose country just to get away from this nasty heat!

I'm just wondering if they're abiding by the child labor laws there, particularly the number of hours those kids are allowed to work.

Anonymous said... 17

This guy was on the same flight as the G's.

Anonymous said... 18

Regarding the 'hands-on' production person - possibly he's positioning everyone for a second "take". This is reality?? I often wonder how many "takes" are involved in putting together one show.

Anonymous said... 19

Trucker said...


Would you consider a post addressing the hyposcrisy behind Ashley and Carla's complacency and how they to benefit financially from the children.

I am not suggesting a bash, but would like for Ashley and Carla to know where people stand. Perhaps we can get a response from them.

Wonder if the Imperfect Woman have ever thought of interviewing one of them?


Didn't you already let her know where you stand by posting on her blog? Leave these people alone.

Westcoaster said... 20

If you read the blog from the guy who flew with them to Alaska, plus his cell phone pictures, you really get a good idea of how intrusive the cameras are ALL the time - in the airport, at the seats, so no, you cannot call this a vacation - this is Work with a capital W. Nice, (not) to read that two of the kids tossed their cookies on the trip - really, why would anyone want to to this to their children on a regular and repetitive basis?

LisaNH said... 21

I've always been on the fence about Sarah Palin. Didn't hate, didn't like her, just on the fence. But if she's going to associate with Kart for whatever reason, I know which side of the fence I'm leaning on now. Gross!!

Kate Gosselin is no Mama Grizzly. In order to be that, she'd have to be willing to protect her cubs, the way a bear would. But she couldn't care less. If it made her a buck, she'd put those poor kids in a circus (I mean Ringling Bros.). If it meant breaking a heel or a hair out of place, Kate wouldn't lift a finger to protect her kids.

Kelly said... 22

Sarah Palin is nice to look at but once she opens her mouth with that shrill voice, a bucket of Viagra couldn't get the job done.

NancyB said... 23

Remember when Kate's last book 1st came out and she was gushing in several tv appearances that her book was going to beat the sales #'s of Palin's book? Soooo funny. It was a similar Kate move like her initially expounding on Leno that she would take 1st place on DWTS. Kate continually puts her foot in her mouth. I'm sure she remembers saying that. I'd think that she would feel some emabarrassment in front of Palin for being such an ass.

Kelly said... 24

NancyB, Kate can't put her foot in her mouth. Her big toe gets in the way.

Kelly said... 25

Palin's book rank: 853
Kate's book rank 6,014

Wow Kate, you sure outdid her:

Markiesnana said... 26

Please remaining Dionne sisters....Please reach out and contact Kate and warn her personally.

PJ's momma said... 27

You know what I think about when I see that? I wonder if those little kids are going to have proper filters about who should be directing them and telling them what to do, because they have so many people doing it all the time. Of course they will 'get' that their teachers, parents, family members, etc., are allowed to do that, but they have so many people in their lives telling them what to do, that I hate to think they might go along with some random person that gets too close. It could happen in a playground or park or whatever because it's hard to watch that many children at once. That's scary to me.

kidsRablessing said... 28

Hey Oh the Drama,
are you sure someone is watching those chickens?? From the treatment Kate gave the dogs they owned, I wouldn't be so sure.

Who is watching the chickens said... 29

I'm sorry to see Carla and Ashley are now becoming the object of idle Gosslin-blogger wrath.

If Farmer Fred or whatever his name is takes care of the chickens while K&8 are away, will he also come under scrutiny? Will he be doing it for freebies, or if he takes payment, will he be taking the kids' money?

Claire said... 30

Shes' going to different gift shops seeking moose head to hang over her bed post...

Sadie said... 31

They are all wearing the same clothes from yesterday or these are more pictures from Wednesday and just shown now...maybe they are pretending its the same day wearing the same clothes...who knows!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadie said... 32

As for the chickens, these people have no right to get any animal period. They couldn't even handle mans best friend for crying out loud..This family should never own an animal...

Julianna said... 33

"They are all wearing the same clothes from yesterday or these are more pictures from Wednesday and just shown now...maybe they are pretending its the same day wearing the same clothes...who knows!!!!!!!!!!!"


They do that for continuity in the scenes. It's so much easier if everyone is dressed alike and it appears that it was filmed on the same day.

CJ said... 34

Admin ~
"An interesting photo from the day shows a production assistant with a clipboard putting his hand on Leah's back, apparently trying to guide her to stand somewhere. Oh how real this reality show is. If this were really about reality, shouldn't production refrain from interacting with them at all?"
If you view all the photos of this series on ROL, you will see the production assistant (?) is holding Leah back from the street, so she does not step off the curb. To me it doesn't look like he is trying to direct (herd) her into a 'shot' area.

Moose Mania said... 35

"If Farmer Fred or whatever his name is takes care of the chickens while K&8 are away, will he also come under scrutiny?"

Why would he? The person who took care of the dogs didn't come under scrutiny.

Claire said... 36

Why does she always wear her sour puss? She should have a grin from her ass all the way to her wonky eye seeing that she don't have to pay a dime for any trip and watch them kids either. See how the P-on is guiding her kids and yet all she can do is look on with that ugly puss..

Who is watching the chickens said... 37

"Why would he? The person who took care of the dogs didn't come under scrutiny."

Yes he did. He was accused of running a puppy mill and not being a responsible breeder. I never saw any actual proof of that. Just idle speculation to stir the pot of controversy for the moment.

I Have Questions said... 38

If you view all the photos of this series on ROL, you will see the production assistant (?) is holding Leah back from the street, so she does not step off the curb. To me it doesn't look like he is trying to direct (herd) her into a 'shot' area.

Yes, that's the way I see it, too. Leah is standing right at the edge of the curb, which looks to be rather high and the guy has his hand on her back to keep her from stepping backward.

Abbey said... 39

Joy Behar has this womans number and I can tell ya, Joy despises her. Whoopi and Joy are two smart cookies to beleive any of her bull crap.

A picture is worth 1000 words said... 40

Since we're speculating about what the photo that accompanies this article tell us, how about this:

"Kate Gosselin, appearing groggy and bleary eyed, gets reminder from friendly Alaskan pedestrian that one of her neglected brood is about to fall off the curb into the street, as her ever faithful bodyguard, Steve, scans the surroundings, always on the lookout for possible snipers hiding in the bushes."

fidosmommy said... 41

Problem 1 with pictures on Radaronline: Leah has her face practically in the pants of the flannel shirt guy in one photo. The familiarity is unsettling to me.

Problem 2. Steve. Just Steve. What is he doing there? Is he deciding when it's safe to cross the street?

Problem 3. Why isn't Kate standing nearest the
curb to make sure her children are safer? She's the Mom. She's in a safe spot while her kids are almost toeing the curb? Could it be for camera shots?

I don't know, but she certainly does not come across as very protective of her children in this series of photos. THIS might be the time to ask the kids to hold hands with each other instead of in parking lots in Reading.

Problem 4. Why does Kate look like she's in a whole other world with her coffee cup in so many of the shots? What do the kids get to energize themselves while she's chugging coffee to wake up?

kidsRablessing said... 42

Kate DOES not take care of her OWN kids. She has ALWAYS had help. When Kate does parent her kids: 1. They suffer from constipation on national TV while she shops for beds.
2. They sleep on a cold laundry floor when sick.
3. They potty train on national TV
4. She potty trains her kids in the dark if they do not go when she wants them to.
5. They get deprived of their cupcakes ON their birthday!
6. She embarrases the family at Toys R Us.
7. She threatens her kid's lovey because of a little gum.
8. She embarrases her daughter on national TV at her orthodontist appointment.
9. She gives the moneymakers 3 birthday parties and maybe 1 to the neglected twins.
10. She purposely keeps the kids away from family.
11. Works the hell out of them(under the guise of "memories"), to maintain her lavish lifestyle.
And the list goes on...........
Kate is not a real mom, she only plays one on TV, her nannies and Steve take care of the kids.

Moose Mania said... 43

"Yes he did. He was accused of running a puppy mill and not being a responsible breeder."

I'm not talking about the breeder. I was referring to the person or persons who babysat the dogs while the family was off on one of their many trips.

Julianna said... 44

Claire said: She should have a grin from her ass all the way to her wonky eye seeing that she don't have to pay a dime for any trip and watch them kids either.


Am I the only one who is bothered by references to Kate's "wonky" eye? I understand that the boobs, extensions, veneers, aren't off limits
because she did that to herself, but when mockery is made of a physical abnormality of which she has no control, I just question if this is really the right thing to do.

If she was born without a leg, would she be called the hobbler, or if she had been born with a cleft palate, would she be known as old hair lip?

Just wondering...

Kk said... 45

I believe the Kate-goes-to-Alaska thing is a CROSS-OVER show, ala TLC. Remember when Kate went to Kleinfeld's for her vow-renewal dress? Both TLC shows. Remember when Mama Dugger went to Kleinfeld's for HER vow renewal dress? Both TLC shows. (TLC is certainly low on original concept, by the above comparisons). Well, Crossover "Event" Boringaire: Kate and 8-and-a-Half.

JudyK said... 46

I hate Kate Gosselin and wrote a scathing review of her and Sarah Palin (two peas in a pod)for the PopEater article on AOL today, but it didn't get published. That said, I don't think there's anything wrong (and I think it is really reaching to say there is) with the crew member lightly touching/guiding the little girl, especially since it's in full view of the witch mother.

Puddymoors said... 47

Hi All,

I'm curious about the quote that I'm seeing 'camping trip will be fun and educational' and then something about bears. The reason I'm curious is because it's being attributed to both Kate (on one site) and Palin on others. So who said it! It's beautifully phrased so it can swing both ways.

Willy Wonka said... 48

Julianna, everything on Kate is ugly because she's an ugly person inside. If a dear sweet person had a wonkey eye it would never be mentioned.

Laura D. said... 49

kidsRablessing, right on!! Even before I quit watching the original show, and before I grew to hate Kate, I always thought her "making memories" line was hoky. Memories happen incidently while you live your life. They're not manufactured. having said that, based upon your list I would not want ANY of those memories!

ha ha said... 50

it's "harelip" and it's wrong.
I agree about the eye thing too.

fidosmommy said... 51

I agree about the eye too. She cannot help it.
I don't think surgery would help it. She has no control over some things, and I don't see the value in mentioning it. ~ Administrator said... 52

JudyK said... I hate Kate Gosselin and wrote a scathing review of her and Sarah Palin (two peas in a pod)for the PopEater article on AOL today, but it didn't get published. That said, I don't think there's anything wrong (and I think it is really reaching to say there is) with the crew member lightly touching/guiding the little girl, especially since it's in full view of the witch mother.

There's nothing wrong with letting someone you trust gently guide your child with a hand on their shoulder. I assume Kate knows this crew member and trusts him, let's hope.

What's wrong about it is that they are not just living their lives. They are on a set. Whether they are being guided to step away from a curb, or go to a different spot because of the shot, the bottom line is they are interacting with a crew. It's NOT reality, it's NOT just living their lives. Real life doesn't involve a crew member guiding you somewhere regardless of the reason.

Julianna said... 53

"Julianna, everything on Kate is ugly because she's an ugly person inside. If a dear sweet person had a wonkey eye it would never be mentioned."


Okay, and then by that logic, it's fine to call Jon "Stubby" because he, too, is an ugly person inside. I remember when that mockery was going around. So if someone is a mean, miserable person, calling attention to a deformity is that right?

I don't know...I guess it's just me, but I would never make fun of a person's physical abnormality no matter what I thought of that person. But, that's just the way I was raised...

"it's "harelip" and it's wrong."

LOL!! You're right! I knew that! I was thinking about hair extensions and at the same time, watching a greyhound take off after a live rabbit at the race track. I got my hares mixed up! Thanks for the correction!

Judy said... 54

Julianna said...

If she was born without a leg, would she be called the hobbler, or if she had been born with a cleft palate, would she be known as old hair lip?

Just wondering...
I say..."Hell yes !"
Every single thing she has been,or will be called,she deserves.
She has taken away the childhood of eight children and sold them out to the highest bidder.
I'd say...she deserves whatever she is called and I call her a "Famewhore With A Wonky Eye !

My kids Mom said... 55

It seems the sheeple are frustrated they can't post their nonsense on ROL, so they come over here to take up for their beloved Kate. I truly do not understand the mindset of people that can still worship this woman after everything that has been revealed about her. Could you explain it to me?

Anonymous said... 56

Any truth to the rumour that Sarah Palin has chosen Kate Gosselin as her V.P. running mate?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 57

Kate - Should I film more shows, dragging my kids in +100 degrees heat, and then drag them to Alaska, like it or not, just because I wanted to go (so TLC would pay for yet another trip). Of course!!! My kids are chimpanzees, who will act on my every desire, while I am being paid by TLC. I am the mother, and will insure that my kids "perform" to my desires. I need more money! I can never have enough money, ever.

Pamela Jaye said... 58

jon is on twitter, twittering up a little storm ~ Administrator said... 59

I'm going to do a post when things are slow about all the things Jon is saying on twitter....for instance apparently he thinks he will make money doing online surveys instead of getting a job. ~ Administrator said... 60

I looked at the photo again after someone said maybe he was guiding Leah away from a curb. I added the photo to the post. There is a curb there but you can see it ends at least a foot or two from where Leah is standing. They are standing on a flatter surface with no curb. She's nowhere near any danger of falling. And the production assistant isn't looking at the curb, he's looking forward toward Steve. If you were trying to make sure someone didn't fall, wouldn't you actually be looking at the curb? Not buying it.

It does beg the question, if they step in to stop a child from falling off a curb, why not step in when a child is constipated?

LisaNH said... 61

Pure and simple, Kate is a parasite. She has no talent on her own so she sucks the life out of her children's childhood for the sole purpose of finantially enriching her own life. She doesn't care at all about her children. So consequently, if people want to comment on her "Wonky eye" or her "Cankles" so be it. I have no sympathy for this woman. She is the one who used her children as an ATM so if people want to make fun of her physical issues, so be it.

If she were kind, generous and good mother to her children then people would have a valid argument about the physical characterics that she cannot control. But since she is such an awful, selfish, self serving person, I say it's all fair.

Kelly said... 62

I have no problem talking about Kate's wonky eye, here donkey teeth, her swiffer hair extensions, her witch cackle laugh, her domme personality, her black widow wife tendencies and all her other faults. Why? She puts herself out there like she is the mom of the year, the single mom of the planet and the best author, most accomplished dancer, great cook, organic chicken farmer, dog trainer yet, in fact, she's a total fraud. When you see a bullshitter getting away with pissing on your leg and trying to tell you it's raining, you call them out on it.

Laura D. said... 63

Oh gosh Kelly, you're killing me! ~ Administrator said... 64

You know how a lot of people say if you sit back and just let somebody do something wrong you're just as guilty as them? In law that's called aiding and abetting.

Well Jon is aiding and abetting while he sits on his butt at home enjoying his Farmville and his online surveys and walking Ellen's chihuahuas and screwing around on Twitter all evening while his kids work their little butts off in a far-away cold place all week so they can pay his little hush money paychecks every month. Maybe his kids want to sit on their butts this summer and walk their dogs that their parents got rid of and play fun games like Farmville. It's THEIR summer. Kate and Jon's lives are just one giant summer vacation. These kids not only have to work but school is supposed to be their full time job.

When you're 17 you ask your friends what did you do this summer and everyone says WORKED. You're not supposed to say this when you're SIX.

Jon needs to grow a pair and fast.

fidosmommy said... 65

Anonymous said... Any truth to the rumour that Sarah Palin has chosen Kate Gosselin as her V.P. running mate?


That would depend on what they're running to be
President and VP of.

Kelly said... 66

You are correct Admin. What Jon is doing is tantamount to what Pimps do with their hookers. They put them out there on the streets, against their will, force them to earn the dollars and at the end of the day, collect most, if not all of what the hookers earned. Jon and Kate are pimping their kids to the camera lense and TLC so the two of them don't have to go out and earn a living.

Just sayin.. said... 67

"I looked at the photo again after someone said maybe he was guiding Leah away from a curb. I added the photo to the post. There is a curb there but you can see it ends at least a foot or two from where Leah is standing. They are standing on a flatter surface with no curb. She's nowhere near any danger of falling."

There is a photo on ROL that shows how close Leah and the man are standing to the curb (which meets at a 45 degree angle where they're standing.) Leah's foot is at the very edge of the curb as are the man's heels in one photo. No doubt the feet could have moved a bit as shots were being taken.

We all see what we want to see or need to see to make a point we want to make.

Kelly said... 68

I'd rather be in Alaska right now than in Baltimore. It's hotter than a well diggers ass here right now. My dogs are flipping me the paw, my house plants are bent over like a porn star and my phone rings with an obscentity that would make a sailor blush. I've taken so many cold showers tonight, I'm starting too look like Rose Kennedy. ~ Administrator said... 69

We can't know what is happening in the photos. We can only make an educated guess, as we have done here all along.

Maybe she was about to fall, it makes little difference to me. The point is a crew is interfering with her. It's not real. It's not what would have happened should he have not been there.

Do I think the crew should stop a child from falling? Absolutely! But again, that's not reality now is it? The fact is this is a production with interference from the crew on a constance basis.

Brutally Hot In PA said... 70

"I've taken so many cold showers tonight, I'm starting too look like Rose Kennedy."

That bad? She's been dead for 15 years!

Yeah, you know it's hot when it's 92 degrees at 11 p.m. and the heat index is 98. Nasty stuff! ~ Administrator said... 71

I went to radaronline to look at all the photos. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just didn't see any photo where Leah is remotely close to the curb and no photo where she looks even remotely close to falling. Produciton looks like he just has his arm around her. Please direct me to the photo where she's on the edge of the curb.

Actually this one is a much better shot at how far away they were from the curb. You can see the curb ends and the surface slopes down to flat:

Are you people serious?? said... 72

Do you know how ridiculous you all sound?

I mean you are really reaching...looking for any little thing to criticize Kate about.

I sat here reading your comments and thought to myself these people can't be serious.

The kids are having fun in Alaska...NO BIG DEAL.

Kelly your crude comments are not funny. ~ Administrator said... 73

How do you know the kids are having fun? Did you ask them? I wonder if anyone asked them if they even WANTED to go on this trip. Which photo even remotely shows a kid having fun? There is not one photo of a child smiling in the many dozen photos we've seen so far taken by both Alaskans and the paps.

But just a few days ago there were photos of the kids AT A POOL, running around having a blast which huge smiles on their faces.

Jon said the kids are tired of traveling. He said they don't want to go to Korea, they want to swim in the pool. He snarked about sending them to the moon next. So is Jon lying, or is Kate lying? But they both can't be telling the truth.

You can't say for sure the kids are happy with any more certainty than we can say they are unhappy. Do you see the disconnect in saying things like "how dare you assume how the kids feel. They kids are happy!" Aren't you, in essence, assuming how they feel?

Kelly said... 74

Doesn't matter if she was close to the curb, not close to the curb or acting out in any way. Her mother was there and should have been the one to protect her, whether or not she was going to fall into the street or fall on the ground.

I've raised three kids, 5 less than Kate, yet I'm one of 8 kids. Being a parent, there are a few things that come with that title if you're at all involved.

1. Protective
2. Encouraging
3. Dialogue
4. Touch
5. Love

Kate gives none of those to these kids. If she was a loving, protective, encouraging, talkative, touching parent, she would have been the one to protect her child from falling off the curb or falling into harms way.

My ex and I used to make it a point to take our three kids out, each Friday night to a restaurant so we all could get out as a family. The kids were young, like Kates kids, but we made it a family thing. There were no helpers to protect them and I would have taken umberage if anyone put a hand on them to "Protect" them from harms way. We did quite well protecting them.

The picture on here is not only a photo op but a "retake" of what TLC wanted to show on the next special, just to get it right. If you look at the rest of the kids faces, they not only look pissed, spoiled and acting bratty, they were so done with the whole filming thing.

Working or playing?????? You decide. I'm erring on working. That's all they've ever known.

Kelly said... 75

Are You people serious said:

Kelly your crude comments are not funny.


Uploading an enema for ya. Enjoy. Take plenty of fluids and remember to flush.

annabelle said... 76

I never liked Sarah Palin and now that she has associated herself with a child exploiter I hate her even more. To say the kids are having fun being toted around the country with a film crew taping every little outburst they make is ridiculous. School will be starting in a few weeks and I'm afraid Ms Dimwit will showcase another shoe shopping excusion at Payless and spend half the night spreading peanut butter on two slices of bread and cutting them in half.

Moose Mania said... 77

"The kids are having fun in Alaska...NO BIG DEAL."

I would think that if they were having fun in Alaska it would be a VERY BIG DEAL!

If their faces in the photos show that they are having fun, then I'd hate to see them when they are truly miserable. ~ Administrator said... 78

Come now surely Mady was having fun at the filmed birthday party for the Tuplets, their third party that year, when she was sobbing and telling Kate "I'll just die!"

All fun, fun fun. Happy kids. ~ Administrator said... 79

Maybe Kate's last few remaining fans still waving the flag have a really hard time reading social cues that children give off.

I mean I think as a parent or anyone who has been around kids, most people know how to recognize the signs when a child is getting hungry, or tired, or sick of things. Kids are honest and they can't hide it when they're tired. I know I've sent plenty a lethargic and yawning kid to bed when it was time for that when he insisted he wasn't tired....yeah, well, everyone else knows the kids is tired.

You can also tell when a kid is uncomfortable around someone or something, it's all across their faces and body language.

I bet these people who insist these sad looking kids are having fun are the people whose kids get to stay up until midnight and then are exhausted all the next day. But that doesn't matter to the parents because they won't have to deal with it, just the teachers will.

Let's assume said... 80

Admin said...You can't say for sure the kids are happy with any more certainty than we can say they are unhappy. Do you see the disconnect in saying things like "how dare you assume how the kids feel. They kids are happy!" Aren't you, in essence, assuming how they feel?

But just a few days ago there were photos of the kids AT A POOL, running around having a blast which huge smiles on their faces.

This blog is all about assuming and saying things with certainty when, in truth, things are said based on pure emotionalism. Are you chastising/questioning someone for assuming the opposite of what the majority of bloggers here are assuming?

You're assuming from what you mistakenly have seen in a photo of the kids in Alaska. You're assuming the crew member is directing that child into position for a shot. You cannot see any other option. Check out photo $4 of 8 on ROL and see if Leah's feet are at the edge of the curb. If you're not seeing a curb there, what are you seeing?

And where is the photo of the kids running around the pool with huge smiles are their faces? You're assuming they had huge smiles on their faces. Ellen has a smile on her face. Where is a link that shows the kids with huge smiles on their faces? ~ Administrator said... 81

Pic of kids at the pooling running around smiling. There were many others:

Actually, someone chastized people here for assuming first, not the other way around. The conversation was going fine until a troll showed up trying to derail things.

Anyone is welcome to post their opinion that the kids look happy. But a post that for starters, begins with "Are you people serious??" is snippy, childish, rude, and of course is going to make people defensive.

I don't understand why people have such a hard time having a discussion in which you disagree. Kate's supporters always have to take it to that childish level. It's not welcome here. Bye.

ha ha said... 82

Julianna, I have a child with a cleft.
That's the only reason I corrected you. Many make that same mistake but the word itself is very offensive.

All my older relatives still say it and ALWAYS still correct them. It's origin has demonic connotations.

AuntieAnn said... 83

I noticed there's no Mady in sight. I'm going to go out on a limb and ASSUME she's starting to put her foot down with the traveling Gosselin circus and all the bs that goes along with it. I hope she had other/better plans and told her mom to shove this trip.

You go little girl.

ha ha said... 84

Laughing at "stubby" being considered a deformity.

my9cats said... 85

Admin, perhaps troll's childish behavior is because they ARE children. I came to that conclusion a few months ago that KAte's fan base are teens who really have to do more studying in school and spend less time on the 'net, and unintelligent adults.

TLC stinks said... 86

Those kids are way overdressed for the temp in Anchorage. Notice everyone else either not in jackets or at the very least a light jacket. Leah has taken her vest off and Cara has her sleeves rolled up. Temps in the 60's feel great, no need to wear those heavy vests. I wonder if TLC believes people are so dumb that they think Alaska is always chilly. I did see that temps are in the 50's today, but a light jacket is all you need, IMO. Sometimes I think Kate, under instruction from TLC, dresses those kids inappropriately and always, always alike. Really, it's getting old to have your 6 yr. olds dressed like clones.

MIA said... 87

AuntieAnn said...

I noticed there's no Mady in sight. I'm going to go out on a limb and ASSUME she's starting to put her foot down with the traveling Gosselin circus and all the bs that goes along with it. I hope she had other/better plans and told her mom to shove this trip.

You go little girl.

Then you're ASSUMing wrong. You can see Mady and Cara in their matching hoodies in this photo:

Julianna said... 88

Ha ha...

A "stubby" IS a deformity, the definition of which is a major difference in the shape of a body part OR ORGAN when compared to an average shape (or size) of a normal one.

But, yes, it's kind of funny when you think about it being called a deformity. I guess the wife or partner, however, doesn't always find it amusing!

Moose Mania said... 89

Administrator said...

Pic of kids at the pooling running around smiling. There were many others:


This pic only shows Ellen with two kids, one of whom is smiling. Are there other pool photos? Do you have the links? Thanks.

Julianna said... 90

"Check out photo $4 of 8 on ROL and see if Leah's feet are at the edge of the curb. If you're not seeing a curb there, what are you seeing?"


It looks like a curb to me. If it's not a curb, then what is it?
It looks like they are getting ready to cross the street, and he stepped in front of her and put his arm on her back...maybe because she's the first one in line and he didn't want her to walk into traffic. Yes? No?

Just sayin.. said... 91

Julianna said... It looks like a curb to me. If it's not a curb, then what is it?
It looks like they are getting ready to cross the street, and he stepped in front of her and put his arm on her back...maybe because she's the first one in line and he didn't want her to walk into traffic. Yes? No?

Yes, it's a curb and the guy is keeping her from stepping or falling off it. I don't see anything sinister or even controversial about it or why it deserves a headline.

Anonymous said... 92

Administrator said...

We can't know what is happening in the photos. We can only make an educated guess, as we have done here all along.

Maybe she was about to fall, it makes little difference to me. The point is a crew is interfering with her. It's not real. It's not what would have happened should he have not been there.

Do I think the crew should stop a child from falling? Absolutely! But again, that's not reality now is it? The fact is this is a production with interference from the crew on a constance basis.
You don't make "educated" guesses. You make wildly speculative comments that fit your agenda. Big difference. ~ Administrator said... 93

I happen to think that wildly speculative comments that "fit your agenda" are made on the other side all the time.

I find comments that the kids are happy, love the crew, and will grow up to be healthy and happy adults to be "wildly speculative" and not "educated" whatsoever.

So I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Moose Mania said... 94

The discussion about photo speculation reminds me of an exercise in interpretation we did in a college communications/journalism class. The prof showed us a photo and we were to write a short story about what was happening in that photo, based on our observation of various details in the picture. When we were finished and our writings discussed, he would tell us where and when the photo was taken, and under what conditions...what exactly was happening in the photo. The point of the exercise was to show how each person sees and interprets something very differently...and how the person arrives at that conclusion based on the little information he has.

It was interesting (and many times funny) when he revealed the actual story behind the photo.

The speculation here about what is happening in these photos that appear on this blog is just that -- speculation, and is open for discussion and interpretation. I wonder if Kate and crew, as well as TLC, are sometimes laughing their heads off with the "stories" that are posted about the the same way we, in college, chuckled about how wrong we were in our interpretation of the prof's photos!

Age Of Aquarius said... 95

Administrator said...

I happen to think that wildly speculative comments that "fit your agenda" are made on the other side all the time.


But does that make it acceptable and right...just because the "other side" does it all the time? I would think that this side would want to be better than that and NOT make the unsubstantiated "educated guesses" that so often pop up by the "you're just jellus" crowd.

Or...maybe not! :-)

MIA said... 96

AuntieAnn said...

I noticed there's no Mady in sight. I'm going to go out on a limb and ASSUME she's starting to put her foot down with the traveling Gosselin circus and all the bs that goes along with it. I hope she had other/better plans and told her mom to shove this trip.

You go little girl.

Then you're ASSUMing wrong. You can see Mady and Cara in their matching hoodies in this photo:

Who is watching the chickens said... 97

"Why would he? The person who took care of the dogs didn't come under scrutiny."

Yes he did. He was accused of running a puppy mill and not being a responsible breeder. I never saw any actual proof of that. Just idle speculation to stir the pot of controversy for the moment.

Julianna said... 98

"They are all wearing the same clothes from yesterday or these are more pictures from Wednesday and just shown now...maybe they are pretending its the same day wearing the same clothes...who knows!!!!!!!!!!!"


They do that for continuity in the scenes. It's so much easier if everyone is dressed alike and it appears that it was filmed on the same day.

Claire said... 99

Shes' going to different gift shops seeking moose head to hang over her bed post...

NancyB said... 100

Remember when Kate's last book 1st came out and she was gushing in several tv appearances that her book was going to beat the sales #'s of Palin's book? Soooo funny. It was a similar Kate move like her initially expounding on Leno that she would take 1st place on DWTS. Kate continually puts her foot in her mouth. I'm sure she remembers saying that. I'd think that she would feel some emabarrassment in front of Palin for being such an ass.

Anonymous said... 101

Trucker said...


Would you consider a post addressing the hyposcrisy behind Ashley and Carla's complacency and how they to benefit financially from the children.

I am not suggesting a bash, but would like for Ashley and Carla to know where people stand. Perhaps we can get a response from them.

Wonder if the Imperfect Woman have ever thought of interviewing one of them?


Didn't you already let her know where you stand by posting on her blog? Leave these people alone.

Anonymous said... 102

Regarding the 'hands-on' production person - possibly he's positioning everyone for a second "take". This is reality?? I often wonder how many "takes" are involved in putting together one show.

Kelly said... 103

The chickens have a not a nanny too. I understand that Kaopectate went to Sesame Street Live and hired Big Bird to watch over the chicks while she's out in Alaska learning how to Bear Hunt. Can't wait to see Steve go into full protection mode when a Grizzly gets a whiff of Kaopectates scent.

Oh the Drama said... 104

Tish said...

Administrator...WHO on God's green Earth is taking care of the chickens in the chicken coop? I am serious. One of the reasons I can't stand that fame-seeking WITCH Kate Gosselin is that she will use anyone and anything to further herself. She used that stupid "We must get a chicken coop" story just as a plot line for her dumb show.


Good grief. People with animals travel all the time. I'm sure SOMEONE on God' green earth is taking care of the chickens.

KateJonandTLCSuck (aka Katesuc said... 105

My previous post re: where you found picture above...Never mind! I found 'em.

CJ said... 106

fidosmommy ~ I checked Anchorage weather several days ago when these pics first hit. The high for the week (every day) was listed in the low 60's. I remember photos from last winter in Wernersville when the temps were 30 degrees colder and everyone was either in no coats or coats hanging open. Remember the pic of Kate and Jamie out shopping, coats unbuttoned, blowing in the wind. That was a very nasty day. I think Kate figured it was Alaska, it must be freezing and snow all year. Remember she's dumber than a rock.

Trucker said... 107

How do you and Ash justify her helping to exploit the Gosselin kids? is it because Kate is gonna do it anyway? Ash will get a big paycheck, just like you got Kate’s unwanted cabinents? Is it the perks for your family or do you justify like we have been around from the beginning..the only one’s left who have been ripped from the kids. Is it something like that. I don’t mean to be sarcastic, but you seem like good people. I don’t see anything good in Kate. And I feel so bad for her kids. Jon is no better. I would think the best you could do for her family is to get them back into Church and not futher aid in the kids exploitation.Walk you walk Carla.

I just left this on Carla's blog. I am sure she won't respond, but she is a fraud in my opinion. There is no way with her strong Christian beliefs, and Ashley attending thee most conservative, evangelical college in the country that they could truly be ok with what is going on with the Gosselin children. I think it is about the money Ash makes and the freebies Carla gets. I am appauled.

Tish said... 108

Administrator...WHO on God's green Earth is taking care of the chickens in the chicken coop? I am serious. One of the reasons I can't stand that fame-seeking WITCH Kate Gosselin is that she will use anyone and anything to further herself. She used that stupid "We must get a chicken coop" story just as a plot line for her dumb show.

kidsRablessing said... 109

How in the world, can Kate continually put the kids through this?? And where's their father in all this nonsense? My goodness, my kids and I are exhausted from all our local summer ongoings(no major trips for us this summer, we have to pay our own bills around here). I cannot imagine how tired and run down these children are. I bet their oh so called organic eating is out of the window, with all their running around too. Kate is, well, there are no words, really.

fidosmommy said... 110

Problem 1 with pictures on Radaronline: Leah has her face practically in the pants of the flannel shirt guy in one photo. The familiarity is unsettling to me.

Problem 2. Steve. Just Steve. What is he doing there? Is he deciding when it's safe to cross the street?

Problem 3. Why isn't Kate standing nearest the
curb to make sure her children are safer? She's the Mom. She's in a safe spot while her kids are almost toeing the curb? Could it be for camera shots?

I don't know, but she certainly does not come across as very protective of her children in this series of photos. THIS might be the time to ask the kids to hold hands with each other instead of in parking lots in Reading.

Problem 4. Why does Kate look like she's in a whole other world with her coffee cup in so many of the shots? What do the kids get to energize themselves while she's chugging coffee to wake up?

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