The Donald confirmed that he thinks Kate would be "fantastic" on celebrity apprentice and that "we are talking to her." Kate and the Donald were spotted at a Lady Gaga concert together last week in New York.
Other D-listers he might be looking to snag? Rachel Uchitel and Lindsay Lohan. Kate with those two ladies sounds like the recipe for an explosion.
155 sediments (sic) from readers:
Administrator, I have two questions: 1. All money goes to charity for Celebrity Apprentice, doesn't it? So Kate Gosselin wouldn't get any money out of it, would she? Also... 2.) Why are the SIX-year-old sextuplets allowed to get a work permit from PA, when, according to Murt, they have to be SEVEN years old to work on TV? Thanks in advance for your response.
"Kate would be fantastic on CA."
Translation: She's driving everyone insane with her delusions of grandeur and I am chomping at the bit to be an instrument of her further destruction. The ratings resulting from watching her implode would be insane.
I don't think it's a matter of being "allowed" to work on TV. The law says 7-17 year olds require a permit. It can be argued that those younger than 7 do not require a permit.
Tish: NO, celebs get a salary on The Apprentice. Only the money they win from completing the challenges Trump assigns them goes to their charity IF they were the project manager. So you can potentially go on Celeb Apprentice and NEVER win a dime. Since very few celebs would be willing to do that not being guaranteed any money, he probably has to pay them something to agree to go on. Piers reported his salary was $16,000 to be on the Apprentice for three weeks. Not including the charity money he won. Totally separate.
I don't know why or how the Tups got permits. There is some confusion in the law, I'm guessing that's why they were issued them. The law seems to simply ignore children under 7. Not saying they can work, and not saying they can't. It needs to be fixed to give them some direction as to what to do with a child under 7.
Think of it as a law that says "People with brown hair are permitted to swim in the lake." It doesn't exactly say people with blond hair CAN'T. It doesn't say ONLY people with brown hair may swim. That's called a flaw or mistake in the law and believe it or not it happens all the time. Human error.
Yes, let's get Kate on every reality show and talk show known to man! The more she puts her foot in her mouth the better.
Tick-tock, Kate. Tick, tock.
Since really anything goes right now for kids under 7 I think Murt really wants to push them and force them to make concrete laws for this under 7 category. So at least SOMETHING will be on the books to protect them.
lol PatK. I used to think ignoring her might be the best strategy. Now I think maybe over-saturation would work better! Get her on EVERYTHING!
'Celebrity Apprentice-Famewhore's R Us Edition'.
I have only seen this show once-last season's finale-just to see Bret Michaels return. It would be interesting to see Katie's stupidity and to watch her get put in her place. Everything she's tried to 'market' (aside from the beginnings of J&K+8)have failed. Too bad Joan Rivers or Sharon Osbourne couldn't be on again.
During the opening of CA they show each celeb. doing what they are most famous for. What would they show Kate doing? Or Rachel Uchitel for that matter...um never mind about Rachel, I don't want to know.
Twinner said...
During the opening of CA they show each celeb. doing what they are most famous for. What would they show Kate doing?
Pulling $100 bills out of the kids' ears?
PatK said...
Yes, let's get Kate on every reality show and talk show known to man! The more she puts her foot in her mouth the better.
I've got mixed feelings. I'd enjoy watching her just being her lame-brained, vocabulary challenged self on CA and having to work hard (since I understand they work 7 days a week?) and apparently Trump is a tough taskmaster.
However, I also like the picture of Kate being in a crowded room yelling, "Heeelllloooo I'm Kate Gosselin, can anybody hear me" in a crowded room and no one pays any attention. Ignore her in other words.
She always turn up like a bad penny, though. It doesn't seem like anything phases her. She may be around for a very long time be it good press, bad press, no press.
Hmmmm. That makes me think I should move on. I don't think she's going anywhere.
Bonafide Nutcase said...
She always turn up like a bad penny, though. It doesn't seem like anything phases her.
When you have no shame, nothing will phase you indeed.
Guess all she can seem to do is Stupid Reality Shows, shes not a journalist, producer, actress, writer, the only thing she is good at is making an ass out of herself and talking about it. Donald would put D-listers on his show along with some B listers....kinda mix it up, she would bomb and whooooshhhh there she goes in the car back to PA again. Not interested in watching her, glad shes been out of the gossip news, maybe she got sick from inhaling all them eggs and that would be a good thing
"Too bad Joan Rivers or Sharon Osbourne couldn't be on again."
Maybe they'll design the show around Kate and surround her with, shall I say, people who are not too bright, (perhaps people who have burned out all their brain cells with drugs) making Kate look almost smart. Then she can be the project manager.
I think if she appears on everything possible in, say, the next year/year-and-a-half, everyone will be so sick of this no-talent celebrity wannabe fraud, that her reign of terror will finally come to a screeching halt and we'll be rid of her.
Unfortunately, her children never will be, but we can't do anything about that.
From what I've seen on that show most celebs are very bright, very hard working, very motivated. That's how they got to be celebs. You know, they have talent and brains and all that jazz. Lots of people are good looking, lots of people have talent. Few can tie it all together in such a way to elevate them to a true celeb. A few appear to be operating at a genius level which is hysterical for a D-lister but hey even D-listers had to get there somehow.
Kate's celebrity is a fluke and unlike most celebs has nothing to do with actual talent or brains.
Trump has had other questionable celebrities on that show. Omorosa for example did it and she was only famous from being on his other show. Khloe Kardashian was on too. I question HOW she could raise $$ for tasks? They typically need to call in $$ from friends. Other than the folks at TLC - does she have those connections? Also what business/marketing/computer/anything savvy does she have to really work at tasks? Just a ratings game.
Kate on Celebrity Apprentice? And dealing with Donald Trump's version of perfection?
It's just too funny. I've never watched Celebrity Apprentice, but I might have to figure out its premise and tune in. HAHAHAHAHA!
Too funny to believe. Just too funny. Oh my.
'HO, 'HO, let her appear. She will make even a bigger fool of herself. Trump is smart---he knows people will watch just to see her implode. I won't, never have because I can't stand Trump. I am so tire of these stupid shows.
$16,000??? That's hairdo and tanning cash! You can't support 8 kids on that. What is wrong with THE DOnald?
Fanastic?!?!?! The man has no idea who she was till some CA producer tried to explain it to him. Let Trump use her (for ratings) like the rented mule she is. TLC has already ridden her hard and put her away wet with every outing of K8. This nag is one step nearer to total uselessness.
At least some charity could benefit. She may do it for charity because a camera would be on her ..... its the only way any charity would see a dime from her!
Admin -
I agree, the celebs on the last CA were, surprisingly in some cases, very capable and intelligent. However, if Trump is planning a version with Rachel Uchitel (famous for having affairs with married REAL celebs), Linday Lohan (not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you've seen her interviews) and Kate (enough said) - well, it may very well be a low-wattage season of CA.
Also, do you think she realizes that "The Orphanage" does NOT qualify as a charity???
The only celebrity show she should be appearing on is Celebrity Rehab.
Oh well. Now what do we do? She is going to invade another show.... ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just when my wife & I were starting to enjoy CA.
Now it may be good to see her get bit^^ slapped by Donald but I don't think it will happen. TLC will insist that she be treated with kid gloves and not shown in too much drama.
Kate will make her own drama in front of and behind the camera with her requests and expectations of everyone around her. She will get kissed and hugged (no group hugs) and everyone will be expected to sign on the line that they make "nice" with her and NEVER look at her in the eyes (because YOU may be out to get her) I wonder where they will put Steve's chair? Maybe he can fill in for Ivanka as a special judge ;)
Remember the year that the other NBC show "Last Comic Standing" just vanished, poof off the air? They said it was ratings, etc. The show has beenn dreadful over the years but it shows that ANY show can become yesterday's news by the viewers not watching.. I'm just saying...
I bet she gets it in the contract that she can wear an earpiece. You know TLC will want to either shoot some at the same time as NBC or get some of the footage for her other show(s). Speaking of other shows, why is that a lot of blogs and articles on the web always use the sentence "Kate is busy filming her two shows over the summer" not verbatim, but you get the idea. I am only aware of 1 show in production.
Stay Cool! It's 84 degree here in SD.
Would love to know what Sharon Osbourne would have to say about it...!! Did any of you see Sharon on Ellen show (quite awhile ago)? Ellen was showing her photos of 'celebrities' and getting a one or two line reaction from Sharon. When Ellen handed her a photo of Kate, she basically snorted and threw the picture over her shoulder onto the floor. How I wish Sharon could be on Apprentice in some sort of capacity with Kate present!! I would pay money to see that catfight... Still dazed...still confused...about what this woman's appeal is. Simply $$ and ratings, I imagine - certainly nothing to do with any modicum of talent (for anything!). She still doesn't realize she's the butt of a whole lot of Hollywood jokes...
Hi, Admin I read that the 16K was in English money, which translated to about 25K in US money. Whatever the amount is, Kate is NOT going to put forth any effort at all for that measly amount. She made a reported 500K plus on DWTS and look how lazy she was on there. I doubt very seriously if the Donald negotiates salaries.
"Stay Cool! It's 84 degree here in SD."
It's been 100+ up here in Sacramento. Ugh....I want to move. At least it's not humid like the east coast. :/
Regarding Kate and her possibly being on CA, I say good. The more exposure she has, the more people will question who is taking care of the kids. Kate's schtick is being a super-mom - but wait how can she be a super-mom when she's never at home.
The general public is catching on to the "real" Kate Gosselin. They are commenting about the hypocrisies and lies that come out of Kate's mouth. Finally.
For Kate it turns out that her overly ambitious pursuit of F-A-M-E has turned into a double-edged sword.
Dennis Rodman was kept on the last CA waaay too long, for the ratings. Trump may be a hard taskmaster, but this is a reality show and he wants big ratings, period. He will keep Kate on as long as possible to that end. She'll implode big-time, week after week. This could be immensely entertaining! This also proves she is not going on these shows to 'feed her kids'. There may be a payment, but not enough IMO to justify being on this show for over a month away from the kids. This proves she is a famewhore plain and simple, not that there was more 'proof' needed but...the nail in the coffin I hope!
Well i have to admit that at least its a show that does not involve exploiting the children and its in NY which is a short drive for her compared to flying to LA for each taping of DWTS.... or do they stay right there in the Trump Hotel for the whole thing?? I haven't watched the show enough to know what the in's and out's are.
I'm tempted to say let her do whatever she wants as long as the children are not paraded in front of the cameras. But of course this is another long stint away from the children - which would probably suit her just fine. My concern is for the eight children who I believe are going to need some serious therapy. Call me old fashioned, but I don't believe a bunch of nannies to be a substitute for a mom.
I agree with those who say at least this is not involving her kids. And yes, this will PROVE that she is only after attention and fame. This is certainly NOT for the money.
Lauren...it is a very dry 111 today here in the Las Vegas Valley. 110 for tomorrow. I feel your pain. :)
"Anonymous said... My concern is for the eight children who I believe are going to need some serious therapy. Call me old fashioned, but I don't believe a bunch of nannies to be a substitute for a mom."
I am sure they need the therapy NOW as well as in the future. Even Kate said this in her People interview in Jan or Feb of this year. Even though she didn't get them the therapy she said they needed, this came out with the custody suit that Jon filed. I agree in most cases a nanny does not replace a parent. HOWEVER, I have seen pictures of Kate picking up the kids and they run to the nanny with affection and smiles on their faces. In this case, the nanny may be the saving grace for these children.
Sheepish said...
This is the one place I come to to keep up with Kate the Great.
Typical misspelling Sheeple. It's Kate the GRATE. Gosh.
KateandTLCSuck (aka KateSucks) said...
Sheepish said...
This is the one place I come to to keep up with Kate the Great.
Typical misspelling Sheeple. It's Kate the GRATE. Gosh.
In past episodes, the participants on Celebrity Apprentice often had to call up their high-rolling friends for big checks. Hey Kate: Who're you gonna call?
Maybe one of the (many) ways Trump will indulge the diva is to build a mini-boardroom for the 8? Maybe they'll film in diva's basement? In one way or another, rest assured Trump will bend to diva in the name of ratings. Both will look like fools in the end. However I do agree that with all the public scrutiny on Kate and her seeming lack of interest in consistent, daily mothering...another run at publicity and stardom will only serve to shine the spotlight on her even more brightly. I would guess the demographic for CA might NOT be the same as for DWTS or TLC - therefore, she will be exposed to yet another slice of the viewing public, and her horrible personality and lack of motherly empathy exposed as well (including any lawmakers who might be investigating as we speak)
I thought one had to be a celebrity to be called "a celebrity". Kate is not. When they show what each celebrity is famous for doing, I imagine they'll give us all a shot of Kate's clown car uterus in the beginning.
When you have no shame, nothing will phase you indeed.
Not to mention, when you're a narcissist, you believe, first off, that you're all 'that' and a bag of chips, and you believe everyone is DYING to watch you, see you, loves you, can't get enough of you, etc.
At least Trump doesn't pretend he's something other than he's not. He's chasing ratings, he's chasing whoever is hot at the moment, he has never apologized for that or tried to pretend it's not about that. I'm very impressed with his kids, by the way. They've always come across as very poised, respectful, soft-spoken, intelligent. He's got to have had something to do with the way they turned out.
...anything to get far far away from her kids, eh?
Remember the year that the other NBC show "Last Comic Standing" just vanished, poof off the air?
Last Comic Standing is still on TV! Mon. nites I think, on NBC.
Making a separate topic of Kate being on CA is exactly what TLC and Kate's PR are looking for. All these posts are playing right into their hands. As long as you keep talking about how great it would be to watch Kate make a fool of herself the more we will see of her. They are using all this controversy to get her on shows. TLC is loving all these posts on different blogs.
I always watched every CA since it started but, like DWTS, I would not watch when she is on.
Maybe the children will not be on the show personally but it is because of them that she is even known or being considered. Also, it will be one more thing for them to read or hear about now and in the future as far as people talking about what a fool their mother made of herself.
I also think that if she goes on CA it will be fixed like DWTS. They know she has nothing to offer so she will be guaranteed a certain number of weeks before she even signs on the dotted line. They would never let her go on if there was a chance she would be the first one to go.
These blogs can be a good thing like helping with getting laws in place for the children. They can also have a down side by encouraging the media to keep Kate in the public eye and humiliating the children.
Just my opinion.
I would imagine the product Kate will want to market is herself.
Another show I never watched and never will.
Kelly said...
I thought one had to be a celebrity to be called "a celebrity". Kate is not.
She's not a 'star' either and look where being 'not a star' got her...'Dancing With The Stars'.
I think if she's on with Uchitel and Lohan the ratings will plummet. Surprised Trump hasn't yet called on Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee, Hailey Glassman and Heidi Montag yet.
Oops on the double 'yet'.
With the report of Uchitel and Lohan being on the show, wouldn't it put CA on the same level as when Jon wanted to the "Divorced Dads" with Lohan et al. LOL Too funny.
Hey Kate: Who're you gonna call?
Ghostbusters ?
Sorry, couldn't resist =)
K8SUCKS said...
Hey Kate: Who're you gonna call?
Ghostbusters ?
Sorry, couldn't resist =)
Maybe all her good 'friends' from DWTS or The View, or Billy-the-brown-noser-Bush and the other tabloid tv show talking heads who think she's a 'goddess' (gag).
I see no problems with this. The kids aren't on the show. So why does it matter? Kate can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't drags the kids into it.
Kate said on in interveuw with access Hollywood that she wont be on Celebrity Apprentice .
Rumurs all the time...It is like the custody battele when DWTS began..I am sure they put that out to give a reason for Kate to be awfull. They just don't have anything to say so...
jibberjabbers said...
I see no problems with this. The kids aren't on the show. So why does it matter? Kate can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't drags the kids into it.
This could all just be some PR fishing to see if there's interest in her being on the show. I agree with a poster who doesn't have a problem with it. As long as the kids are not involved, let her go for it.
It's amazing to me how many times TLC has tried to find exactly what this woman's talent really is and she has failed---Paula Deene pilot, DWTS, The View, etc. And where is "Twist of Kate"? I don't think that is going to happen. She can earn a living however she wants, just stop the kid pimping.
From looking at the picture she is standing to the side and it looked like the Donald and his wife were trying to get by till I guess her pap Chris said " Hey Mr. Trump, ya mind if Katie I Gosselin jumps in and gets a picture with ya", bet thats what happened. The Donald does not look amused.
What's next? Will Kart insist she get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? (Bleeeeck- Sorry I just wretched a little bit).
I really, really, really wish all these entertainment outlets like ET, DWTS and now CA would just stop encouraging this woman and playing to her ego. She's a nobody, with no talent, no brains, no appreciation for all she has received. She is such a poster child for people who get everything who don't deserve it.
She needs to make a living, Celeb Apprent is as good as any other way. As long as the kids arent involved.
Kate is guaranteed watercooler chat.
Anonymous said...
In past episodes, the participants on Celebrity Apprentice often had to call up their high-rolling friends for big checks. Hey Kate: Who're you gonna call?
She'll call all those stars she danced with and then she'll hit up TLC, the owners of Crooked Houses, Steve, her new celebrity hairdresser, the ladies of the View, ET tonight,etc -- you know, all her good friends!
Kate's the master of scamming people -- she'll come up with something... or maybe she'll check under her sofa cushions...
Maybe she can hit the churches up for more "love offerings." The woman has no moral compass and is despicable.
Yes, she needs to make a living. That's for sure. And she should be receiving all of America's support for that faux-celebrity kind of a living for having a clown car uterus.
Administrator said...
From what I've seen on that show most celebs are very bright, very hard working, very motivated. That's how they got to be celebs.
Kate's celebrity is a fluke and unlike most celebs has nothing to do with actual talent or brains.
You seem to have a very elevated opinion of celebrities. No doubt many are bright, talented and hard-working, but Kate is not a fluke. Reality TV has created a generation of famous people without any discernable special talents. Is Paris Hilton talented and hard working? Kim Kardashian? Nicole Richie? Snookie or whatever her name is from Jersey Shore? Etc., etc.
Hawks Fan said...
The only celebrity show she should be appearing on is Celebrity Rehab.
Here we go again. What is she being accused of being this time? A drug addict? An alcoholic?
Anonymous said...
Hawks Fan said...
The only celebrity show she should be appearing on is Celebrity Rehab.
Here we go again. What is she being accused of being this time? A drug addict? An alcoholic?
No, just a fame addict.
If Kate manages to worm her way onto CA, she won't have to do any work. Her PR people will do all the brainstorming and the contacting of her "celebrity" friends. All Kate will have to do it show up for filming.
If Kate is not a fluke why are no other multiples families superstars? Many have had reality shows, many have allowed some documentaries of their children. None of them are on the cover of US Weekly.
Kate is a right place right time D-lister, she is not here because of any talent.
I don't consider Reality TV stars "celebrities." I consider them Reality Tv stars/whores.
"What is she being accused of being this time? A drug addict? An alcoholic?"
No one has ever said Kate is any of those things.
PaMa said...
If Kate manages to worm her way onto CA, she won't have to do any work. Her PR people will do all the brainstorming and the contacting of her "celebrity" friends. All Kate will have to do it show up for filming.
Absolutely. There is NO WAY Kate would do the show unless $$ was guaranteed as was the fact that it would be an easy gig. IF it ever happens, TLC will work furiously behind the scenes, trying as hard as humanely possible to make Kate look good.
IF she is on the show, if she doesn;t fall flat on her face and get fired the first episode, it's fixed, absolutely and completely. She's a moron when it comes to interacting with people in a non-scripted environment. What's TLC going to do? Write out lines for EVERY "celebrity" that interacts with Kate? She can't even speak English correctly. She couldn't even participate on the View, which is a pathetic hen/cackle talk show.
I still think it's all just publicity.
If Kate is not a fluke why are no other multiples families superstars? Many have had reality shows, many have allowed some documentaries of their children. None of them are on the cover of US Weekly.
Kate is a right place right time D-lister, she is not here because of any talent.
I don't consider Reality TV stars "celebrities." I consider them Reality Tv stars/whores.
I didn't say she had talent. I said there were a slew of other people who have become famous in the same manner which is a statement of fact.
Yes, they are celebrities. Perhaps not worthy of fame, but celebrities nonetheless.
I'd love to see your list of "real celebrities." There are a hell of a lot of famous actors out there who made it on their looks and little but of luck, not on their talent (or lack thereof).
Anonymous said...
IF she is on the show, if she doesn;t fall flat on her face and get fired the first episode, it's fixed, absolutely and completely. She's a moron when it comes to interacting with people in a non-scripted environment. What's TLC going to do? Write out lines for EVERY "celebrity" that interacts with Kate? She can't even speak English correctly. She couldn't even participate on the View, which is a pathetic hen/cackle talk show.
I still think it's all just publicity.
Just like DWTS, I am still convinced that show was rigged to keep Kart on as long as possible, for ratings, then they finally had to end it so as to not look too obvious. I suspect this will happen on CA if the ratings are good. They'll keep her around long enough to get some ratings then they will "fire" her. Unless, by some miracle, the ratings tank at the start, then they will probably toss her to the curb.
I personally don't think Kate will do CB, because she would have to work and she's just too damned lazy to do anything herself. Miss Priss doesn't even "want to get wet."
Kate Gosselin would have been a flash in the pan if not for the public divorce and some very excellent PR from TLC (and being attractive has its benefits. A plain Jane does not make good TV). As with the examples stated by Admin. above (Paris Hilton, etc.), she falls right into that category of slutty airheads who will do ANYTHING to get time on TV. Kate Gosselin fits right in. This type of programming will eventually go away and something new will take its place. It always has and it always will. So I say, let her make a fool of herself as long as it's just her and not the kids she drags along her fame whore ride.
She'll be on CA. It's probably a done deal. Trump is salivating at the ratings because he knows what a disaster she'll be on the show. And if you believe his show and DWTS aren't rigged, then I have some swamp land to sell you. Get real. These shows are not left up to chance. It's all about ratings and making money.
Just a side note: Since Mel & Oksana have taken Kates thunder for a bit, I thought I would post one of the comments from TMZ
"I wish you people would stop bashing Oksana. She gives to several charities. In fact, she even has a charity set up to help disadvantaged women in the Ukriane get internet connections so they can meet American men and improve their lot in life"
Disclaimer: I do not condone violence on anyone.
In TV language, the shark has officially jumped, but I am not sure in which direction. Trump will get his ratings, Kate will probably hit bottom far faster than on DWTS since CA will require her to talk, and she is not so good at that - in the end Ms. Attention 'Ho will still not understand how she is being used by TLC, Trump, etc. - and her children will be raised by the nanny corp. Business as usual. Oh, and the tabloids will get her pic on the cover for awhile. It is predictable, sad, and all that anyone has said above.
You do realize that the picture above has been cropped to include Kate?
It's not cropped, there are a whole bunch of photos of her with the Donald, in many he has his arm around her so that would be quite a feat to crop that. For some reason that one looks photoshopped because Kate is turned at a different angle and has different lighting on her. Plus a ton of people posted that they were seen together at the concert.
Here's another one:
I've seen a couple of people ask what that countdown ticker is up in the right hand column of the blog. Did I miss the answer? It's counting down to sometime 8 years in the future. Is that when the twins turn 18? LOL
If she is on CA she will be having the TLC interns doing the work. She will have an earpiece or at night TLC will call and give her suggestions on what to do where to get stuff. She really cannot do this on her own. Maybe she will know the projects before hand and the interns will be up and running and briefing her.
No sight of her for a week....trip or more non plastic surgery?
I was playing with the counter the other day and didn't finish it. I put a title on it now. As you can see, it's the days until Kate is NOT in charge! Or the twins' 18th birthday.
I enjoy watching Celebrity Apprentice so am torn about the possibility that Kate might be on the next one. It's bad enough when she appears on Ellen or The View spouting her lies, do I really want to see her whining & crying her way through CA? On the other hand it would almost be cosmic justice to see her in such misery (presuming it's real and not her fake pity-me tears).
My prediction is that if she does do the show it'll be a repeat of how Holly Robinson-Peete treated Cyndi Lauper but instead of holding her head up and fighting to proove her worth, Kate will fall back on her excuses (I've got eight, count 'em eight, kids) & crocodile tears and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if TLC or her management prepared a 'crisis' to get her off the show.
I must admit I would love to see Donald Trump go off on her in the boardroom and fire her. Doubt that would happen though - he tends to coddle and/or leer when it comes to women.
PS. I'm really tired of reading comments like "don't watch" or "don't talk about her". Perhaps these posters could take their own advice and leave the rest of us to decide when/if we should turn our attentions elsewhere. TLC & Kate will continue to promote themselves with or without our commentary or attention. We're not the ones that need convincing her 15 minutes is up. It's those who don't seek out the truth and get only the sanitized version TLC is handing out that are the ones your attention should turn to. Get THEM to stop watching, stop buying her books, and stop praising her non-existant struggle to support the kids her nannies are raising. The ratings are already showing what happens as more and more people start opening their eyes to the truth, and that's because of blogs like this. So talking about her does help!
Is Paris Hilton talented and hard working? Kim Kardashian? Nicole Richie? Snookie or whatever her name is from Jersey Shore? Etc., etc.
I am proud - PROUD - to announce that I don't have a tinker's idea who any of these people are. Not one.
I just realized why she wore that belt with the bedazzles that don't go all the way around - definately makes her big waist look much smaller. Just an observation...
I've never watched Celebrity Apprentice. So wI went to the website and it says:
"Just as in the regular "Apprentice," the celebrities will be subjected to long hours , grueling mental challenges, personality clashes, and intense scrutiny -- all without the help of their regular support system of agents, managers, and personal assistants.
WTF? Does Donald Trump KNOW who and what Kate Gosselin is?? If she has to play by those rules, why even consider her? She doesn't even qualify for emptying the wastebaskets on this show.
Tony Dovolani, in People Magazine Online:
“I enjoyed every bit of last season — well, most of it, I mean,” Tony Dovolani, who partnered with controversial contestant Kate Gosselin last season, told PEOPLE at the ESPY Awards Wednesday in L.A. “Next season I would like to have a more able partner, someone who doesn’t have so many distractions in their life. The producers know how I feel.”
“Next season I would like to have a more able partner, someone who doesn’t have so many distractions in their life. The producers know how I feel.”
Tony was really sugar-coating that comment ... as if the other celebrity dancers didn't have a multitude of distractions in their lives, too??? ... e.g., Evan was flying back and forth from the East Coast performing in an ice show for the entire run of DWTS.
Another thought besides.... No sight of her for a week....trip or more non plastic surgery?
How about Chris is on vacation and only pap that covers her now?
Kate no longer goes to Target? Kate no longer goes to Whole Foods? Kate isn't getting manicures anymore? Yeah RIGHT.
I think now that the cat is out of the bag that it's just Chris who follows her around and that it couldn't be more obvious he is only called in when she wants to call him in, they're backing off.
This blog and many other places around the net has heavily criticized her for allowing her kids to be photographed constantly, and have called her out over and over on all these staged trips to Target that she keeps calling Chris for. That's why they made an episode about planting the trees to block the paps so we can all say SEE she cares about her kids' privacy she even redid her landscaping for him! Like plugging one hole in the bucket and expecting water not to leak out the other five holes.
I think they're laying low not staging much right now because it's just too obvious at this point.
They will come up with a non-obvious place for Chris to show up. Perhaps at the library. Or in New York somewhere. Then we'll see more photos.
Yes, all of a sudden Kate disappears, which just conveniently coincides with the repercussions from the low ratings, labor laws, and Tony having the balls (yay Tony) to tell the truth about the living lie that Kate is. Do you remember on the last Kate Plus 8 how she said she "put in the time on DWTS"--another bold-faced lie. I've lost count of her inconsistencies and lies. And TLC didn't count on people like us catching the lies and calling her/them on all of them. TLC, you are dealing with professional people on this blog, and we will continue to dog you and call you out. You are transparent and pathetic.
Administrator said...
Kate's celebrity is a fluke and unlike most celebs has nothing to do with actual talent or brains
Admin: Kate's "celebrity" is an overstimulated reproductive system and clown car uterus.
Dazed and Confused in Canada said...
Maybe one of the (many) ways Trump will indulge the diva is to build a mini-boardroom for the 8? Maybe they'll film in diva's basement? In one way or another, rest assured Trump will bend to diva in the name of ratings. Both will look like fools in the end.
Dazed, I ALWAYS thought Trump looked like a total fool to begin with. That comb-over - good grief. He may have money but he doesn't have class.
There is speculation on other blogs that Kate might be having more plastic surgery done. It fits the pattern because right before she announced her new hair style she had disappeared for a few weeks. Kate hasn't been on her usual Target/Mani/Pedi photo op lately so she is probably having some work done.
Adding to Admin's comments about staging photo-ops, it just shows that TLC and/or Kate's management is monitoring the blogs.
They will be laying low and Chris the Pap is probably sitting in a lawn chair, inside one of the crooked houses, waiting for the red phone to ring to announce her hiney's latest outing.
There is a family in Greenwood, Nova Scotia, who had multiples, five babies. They already had children at home. Are they on TLCs show? NO. These dedicated parents are raising their children the best they can and, yes, they have the community helping out because it take a Village to raise a child (not TLC). Their children are two years old now and thriving from all the love they receive from their parents and volunteers.
Kate is possibly having more work done? Kate is almost young enough to be my daughter, and I don't think I look much older than she does, and I've never had any work done. It's sad when a 35-year-old woman "needs" work--even more work than she's already had done. Another indication she's probably doing CB. TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF. And TLC, you need to send those nannies who are raising the children 24/7 on an extended luxury vacation.
Khate is probably out house shopping in a state with the least amount of child labor laws.
JudyK said...
Kate is possibly having more work done? Kate is almost young enough to be my daughter, and I don't think I look much older than she does, and I've never had any work done. It's sad when a 35-year-old woman "needs" work--even more work than she's already had done. Another indication she's probably doing CB. TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF. And TLC, you need to send those nannies who are raising the children 24/7 on an extended luxury vacation.
It's sad that you feel need to go on a diatribe based on random Internet gossip.
It's Gossip Not Fact said...
JudyK said...
Kate is possibly having more work done? Kate is almost young enough to be my daughter, and I don't think I look much older than she does, and I've never had any work done. It's sad when a 35-year-old woman "needs" work--even more work than she's already had done. Another indication she's probably doing CB. TRANSPARENT BEYOND BELIEF. And TLC, you need to send those nannies who are raising the children 24/7 on an extended luxury vacation.
It's sad that you feel need to go on a diatribe based on random Internet gossip.
July 18, 2010 5:27 PM
Even more sad and puzzling that you feel the need to respond and defend.
fidosmommy said...
Is Paris Hilton talented and hard working? Kim Kardashian? Nicole Richie? Snookie or whatever her name is from Jersey Shore? Etc., etc.
fidosmommy - with all due respect, have you been living in a vacuum? LOL These people are all over the TV and on the front of rag mags.
I'll 'buy' that she may be having more 'work' done..but when we're 2-3 wks. out from the next "Kate" appearance on TV, her photos will be all over the place.
Hawks Fan said...
Khate is probably out house shopping in a state with the least amount of child labor laws.
I think you might be right!! Maybe NC
If true, this will really put her in a bad light...skirting the law!!! Wouldn't Jon have to approve for them to move out of state?
Carolina Gal said...
fidosmommy said...
Is Paris Hilton talented and hard working? Kim Kardashian? Nicole Richie? Snookie or whatever her name is from Jersey Shore? Etc., etc.
fidosmommy - with all due respect, have you been living in a vacuum? LOL These people are all over the TV and on the front of rag mags.
Sorry. I don't read "rag mags", nor do I look at them wherever displayed. I don't watch Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition or whatever. I just don't know who these people are. I couldn't tell you who the most popular actors are out there either. Most are names I've never heard of. I haven't been to a movie or watched a movie in more years than I can count. The last few I did see were crushing disappointments, so I just stopped watching.
I'm not passing judgment against those who read the magazines or tune in to the shows. Not at all. They're just not on my radar. Pop culture is not for me. It took me months to figure out Brangelina, and I'm still not sure I have it right. Frankly, I don't care.
Are these people exploiting their children? Then I want to know about them. If not, then no thanks.
In most cases, the parent the children don't reside with would have to agree to a move out of state. But since those kids are Jon's source of income, too, why wouldn't he approve? He wants to keep them working and bringing in the bucks as much as Kate does.
I sure hope she doesn't uproot those kids again. At the risk of sounding er...jelus of Kate, I think they have a beautiful home there even though that garden hose doesn't stretch all the way around the house. The G8 probably love it. Unfortunately there is always the risk that Kate, being the never-satisfied-with- enough narcissist that she is, would go to any length to keep her name out there, including selling the property her kids had to sacrifice their childhood for. If it means moving to another state where the labor laws are more lax, I don't think she'd hesitate to do it.
And I agree with JudyK. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Kate shows up with some new attachment on her ever-changing body while Chris the shutterbug takes a little vacation.
I'm not passing judgment against those who read the magazines or tune in to the shows. Not at all. They're just not on my radar. Pop culture is not for me. It took me months to figure out Brangelina, and I'm still not sure I have it right. Frankly, I don't care.
The only place I read any of the rag mags is in line at the grocery store. How did you happen to learn about Kate and the 8 and their exploitation, if I may ask?
I think you might be right!! Maybe NC
If true, this will really put her in a bad light...skirting the law!!! Wouldn't Jon have to approve for them to move out of state?
Someone just posted in the last few days, on one of the threads here, the laws and requirements for each state for minors in the entertainment industry. I believe NC had as good as any, and better than alot of the others.
fidosmommy said...
Carolina Gal said...
fidosmommy said...
Is Paris Hilton talented and hard working? Kim Kardashian? Nicole Richie? Snookie or whatever her name is from Jersey Shore? Etc., etc.
fidosmommy - with all due respect, have you been living in a vacuum? LOL These people are all over the TV and on the front of rag mags.
Sorry. I don't read "rag mags", nor do I look at them wherever displayed. I don't watch Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition or whatever. I just don't know who these people are. I couldn't tell you who the most popular actors are out there either. Most are names I've never heard of. I haven't been to a movie or watched a movie in more years than I can count. The last few I did see were crushing disappointments, so I just stopped watching.
I'm not passing judgment against those who read the magazines or tune in to the shows. Not at all. They're just not on my radar. Pop culture is not for me. It took me months to figure out Brangelina, and I'm still not sure I have it right. Frankly, I don't care.
Are these people exploiting their children? Then I want to know about them. If not, then no thanks.
Can't imagine how you found your way onto this blog. Gosselin's are not even on the radar of many people. Just curious what brought you here.
Paris Hilton isn't just in the rags or on ET or Inside Edition. Pick up a newspaper, watch a news station and chances are that sometime you're bound to come across the name. I don't read rag magazines or watch those television shows, but I do know who she is. In fact, one of the major news channels just did a piece on her recent arrest. There have been stories on her in Newsweek, People, and major magazines. Do you know the name, "Hilton?"
I'm assuming, then, you don't click on ROL to read about the Gosselins because Paris has been all over there.
Now, Snookie...there's one I don't know!! LOL!
Fidosmommy - you are not missing much, but I guess you already knew that :)
If Khate's under the radar (on line), pun intended, you can be certain she's up to something (NOT) happening.
If things are quiet and she's not popping up on Radaronline, then I agree she's having some plastic surgery done or at some fat farm taking off more pounds. Probably getting ready for CA. Next time she pops up she'll look like Joan Rivers! Really, it makes no sense since she's supposed to be such a jogger, eats healthy, etc. It's all a lie for image.
Admin, why don't you answer my question? Why do you keep deleting my question?
How much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there".
"No sight of her for a week....trip or more non plastic surgery?"
All I know is that I liked not seeing yet another photo of her in a parking lot, whether it be for a mani/pedi or to shop. Enough is enough. Besides, what other "celebrity" needs a PR team to flood the public with such photos each and every week?
Also, just because Kate has not been seen does not make me assume that she is getting additional surgery. I thought she might be on another trip with the kids but since we have not heard or seen evidence of it she probably is just sitting at home. See, I think Kate might be adjusting to the fact that Kate + 8 lost over a million viewers since last month and Rep Murt might have found a loophole to pull the plug on the show.
We (including Kate) know that Kate is nothing without the kids, and if the public is not into the kids anymore then of course there is no Twist of Kate show either.
Tick tock tick tock ...
Anonymous said...
Admin, why don't you answer my question? Why do you keep deleting my question?
How much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there".
She did answer your question. In fact, I've read it several times over several days after losing my place and trying to find it again.
P.S. to Anonymous--Maybe you can't find Administrator's answer because you asked the question on the July 15 article--not on this one. Go back to the pic of Tony and Kart pretending she's dancing.
To Anonymous here is your question and the answer:
Administrator said...
Anonymous said...
Just curious, how much are you getting paid to keep Kate's name "out there"?
A lot less than Kate gets paid to exploit her kids.
Also, here is Admin's #1 rule Please do not use Anonymous unless you absolutely have to--like you have legit inside information
JudyK said...
P.S. to Anonymous--Maybe you can't find Administrator's answer because you asked the question on the July 15 article--not on this one. Go back to the pic of Tony and Kart pretending she's dancing.
It's ALSO on the thread from July 13th.
Since our miss Katie is MIA, I thought I would read what ROL is sharing with us. Nothing really. I did see a story about Jake Pavelka being in the sun surfing with a lady friend, ya hoo! Now my day is complete! I laughed when they said his "chisled body is one of the hottest in Hollywood" ha ha ha ha ha..... I wish Bonnie Hunt was still on the air, she always disected him and his "talent" and it was funny.
They will come up with a non-obvious place for Chris to show up. Perhaps at the library. Or in New York somewhere. Then we'll see more photos. Admin...
Well if Chris is not in the crooked house like Kelly...maybe he is in the garage apartment. Maybe the Gosselin kids staged a coo and have him gagged & tied up in the 1br apt....They may have even taken the camera & have the million dollar photo! Team Kids!
We moved the online petition...the signatures were not showing up....http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/kate-plus-8children-are-not-a-kommodity
We have 70+ signatures in two days and are trying for 1,000. We could use all the help we can get. Thanks in advance....voices from all over the country are signing...Please email to people and/or facebook....
Monetizing a blog is very common. Thousands of bloggers do it.
More importantly, wouldn't the better question be: How much are you getting paid to sort through the huge pile of Kate's lies?
Hello Admin,
I find it hard to follow threads when posters use "Anonymous". You don't know if you are reading or posting to the same person or not. Why not just put a sign up and say all "Anonymous" posts will be deleted. How hard is it for them to pick a name any name so know if same person posting. Goodness knows my real name is not Daisy Girl!
Re those who use anonymous posts:
I have had great difficulty posted using name/email address. For some reason, it does not work. I don;t have a choice. It happens on some blogs and on other blogs I have no problem.
Anonymous, just click on Name/URL (IGNORE URL)and post any name you wish to use, press Continue, and then Post Comment. I have to hit Post Comment twice to make it post.
This is fidosmommy, using Anonymous.
I've tried twice to post using Name, and twice
it has gone to an error page, losing my post.
It worked last night, just not today (Mon)
Kate responded and said she was not doing CA>
If you can't get your name to show up, sign your name at the bottom of your post
I don't think even Kate would be having more plastic surgery at this juncture. Her absence is most likely due to dodging the work permit issue. IF they can't find her, they can't ask her about this. Or else she realises she is over-exposed and she(with encouragement from the Donald?) is staying out of the media until her next gig, to build on expectations?
No matter what the reason, she is not in the news and neither are her kids and that it a godsend. Hopefully, her strategy will not pay off and people won't be clicking away at the next round of pictures that appear on ROL.
China Girl said...
Kate responded and said she was not doing CA>
That's not saying much - given her reputation for fibbing. But who knows, she might be telling the truth for a change. Maybe she's been advised to stay away from CA after making such a twit of herself on DWTS.
From Werny Gal @ Small Town Gosselins blog:
Hi Georgia, I heard she and the kids are in Europe. I'm sure pix of wherever she is will come out soon. Where Kate is, radaronline is sure to follow.
July 19, 2010 | Registered Commenter Werny Gal
The kids were with Jon this weekend.
I love this site but it seems hard to get to the latest post - am I doing something wrong??
Thanks for the link. Really sweet pics. But where are the twins?
This is just my opinion (and I could be wrong)...but IF Kate goes on CA, I believe that Donald Trump would NOT coddle her at all...and in fact wants her on the show to be another Omarosa. This show would be the perfect set-up for her. I'm sure D.Trump has seen all the negative press and wants her on his show specifically for that reason.
Having a new villain should definitely bring in good ratings....but would also give her more negative press.
I also believe that Kate would rather be successful on her own, without the children. To be a star. The children are the ones who bring in the ratings on TLC but I think she'd rather be a star on her own.
Maybe Kate should consider Celebrity Rehab. Rachel Uchitel was offered $500,000 to do the show. I'm not sure what her addiction is, other than loving the spotlight, so I'm sure Kate would meet the admissions criteria.
Let's see if I have this right - Admin bashes Kate for exploiting her kids for money, but it's okay for Admin to exploit the Gosselin kid, via this blog, for money?
I'm confused....
"but it's okay for Admin to exploit the Gosselin kid,"
Any "kid" in particular?
"I'm confused...."
Apparently so.
Who initially made the erroneous assumption that Kate and the kids are in Europe? Where did this come from?
Maybe Kate should consider Celebrity Rehab. Rachel Uchitel was offered $500,000 to do the show. I'm not sure what her addiction is, other than loving the spotlight, so I'm sure Kate would meet the admissions criteria.
Kate responded and said she was not doing CA>
Re those who use anonymous posts:
I have had great difficulty posted using name/email address. For some reason, it does not work. I don;t have a choice. It happens on some blogs and on other blogs I have no problem.
Hello Admin,
I find it hard to follow threads when posters use "Anonymous". You don't know if you are reading or posting to the same person or not. Why not just put a sign up and say all "Anonymous" posts will be deleted. How hard is it for them to pick a name any name so know if same person posting. Goodness knows my real name is not Daisy Girl!
Monetizing a blog is very common. Thousands of bloggers do it.
More importantly, wouldn't the better question be: How much are you getting paid to sort through the huge pile of Kate's lies?
"No sight of her for a week....trip or more non plastic surgery?"
All I know is that I liked not seeing yet another photo of her in a parking lot, whether it be for a mani/pedi or to shop. Enough is enough. Besides, what other "celebrity" needs a PR team to flood the public with such photos each and every week?
Also, just because Kate has not been seen does not make me assume that she is getting additional surgery. I thought she might be on another trip with the kids but since we have not heard or seen evidence of it she probably is just sitting at home. See, I think Kate might be adjusting to the fact that Kate + 8 lost over a million viewers since last month and Rep Murt might have found a loophole to pull the plug on the show.
We (including Kate) know that Kate is nothing without the kids, and if the public is not into the kids anymore then of course there is no Twist of Kate show either.
Tick tock tick tock ...
Kate is guaranteed watercooler chat.
From looking at the picture she is standing to the side and it looked like the Donald and his wife were trying to get by till I guess her pap Chris said " Hey Mr. Trump, ya mind if Katie I Gosselin jumps in and gets a picture with ya", bet thats what happened. The Donald does not look amused.
jibberjabbers said...
I see no problems with this. The kids aren't on the show. So why does it matter? Kate can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't drags the kids into it.
K8SUCKS said...
Hey Kate: Who're you gonna call?
Ghostbusters ?
Sorry, couldn't resist =)
Maybe all her good 'friends' from DWTS or The View, or Billy-the-brown-noser-Bush and the other tabloid tv show talking heads who think she's a 'goddess' (gag).
Oops on the double 'yet'.
Kelly said...
I thought one had to be a celebrity to be called "a celebrity". Kate is not.
She's not a 'star' either and look where being 'not a star' got her...'Dancing With The Stars'.
I think if she's on with Uchitel and Lohan the ratings will plummet. Surprised Trump hasn't yet called on Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee, Hailey Glassman and Heidi Montag yet.
I would imagine the product Kate will want to market is herself.
Another show I never watched and never will.
Making a separate topic of Kate being on CA is exactly what TLC and Kate's PR are looking for. All these posts are playing right into their hands. As long as you keep talking about how great it would be to watch Kate make a fool of herself the more we will see of her. They are using all this controversy to get her on shows. TLC is loving all these posts on different blogs.
I always watched every CA since it started but, like DWTS, I would not watch when she is on.
Maybe the children will not be on the show personally but it is because of them that she is even known or being considered. Also, it will be one more thing for them to read or hear about now and in the future as far as people talking about what a fool their mother made of herself.
I also think that if she goes on CA it will be fixed like DWTS. They know she has nothing to offer so she will be guaranteed a certain number of weeks before she even signs on the dotted line. They would never let her go on if there was a chance she would be the first one to go.
These blogs can be a good thing like helping with getting laws in place for the children. They can also have a down side by encouraging the media to keep Kate in the public eye and humiliating the children.
Just my opinion.
I thought one had to be a celebrity to be called "a celebrity". Kate is not. When they show what each celebrity is famous for doing, I imagine they'll give us all a shot of Kate's clown car uterus in the beginning.
KateandTLCSuck (aka KateSucks) said...
Sheepish said...
This is the one place I come to to keep up with Kate the Great.
Typical misspelling Sheeple. It's Kate the GRATE. Gosh.
I agree with those who say at least this is not involving her kids. And yes, this will PROVE that she is only after attention and fame. This is certainly NOT for the money.
Lauren...it is a very dry 111 today here in the Las Vegas Valley. 110 for tomorrow. I feel your pain. :)
Would love to know what Sharon Osbourne would have to say about it...!! Did any of you see Sharon on Ellen show (quite awhile ago)? Ellen was showing her photos of 'celebrities' and getting a one or two line reaction from Sharon. When Ellen handed her a photo of Kate, she basically snorted and threw the picture over her shoulder onto the floor. How I wish Sharon could be on Apprentice in some sort of capacity with Kate present!! I would pay money to see that catfight... Still dazed...still confused...about what this woman's appeal is. Simply $$ and ratings, I imagine - certainly nothing to do with any modicum of talent (for anything!). She still doesn't realize she's the butt of a whole lot of Hollywood jokes...
Admin -
I agree, the celebs on the last CA were, surprisingly in some cases, very capable and intelligent. However, if Trump is planning a version with Rachel Uchitel (famous for having affairs with married REAL celebs), Linday Lohan (not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you've seen her interviews) and Kate (enough said) - well, it may very well be a low-wattage season of CA.
Also, do you think she realizes that "The Orphanage" does NOT qualify as a charity???
"Too bad Joan Rivers or Sharon Osbourne couldn't be on again."
Maybe they'll design the show around Kate and surround her with, shall I say, people who are not too bright, (perhaps people who have burned out all their brain cells with drugs) making Kate look almost smart. Then she can be the project manager.
Guess all she can seem to do is Stupid Reality Shows, shes not a journalist, producer, actress, writer, the only thing she is good at is making an ass out of herself and talking about it. Donald would put D-listers on his show along with some B listers....kinda mix it up, she would bomb and whooooshhhh there she goes in the car back to PA again. Not interested in watching her, glad shes been out of the gossip news, maybe she got sick from inhaling all them eggs and that would be a good thing
During the opening of CA they show each celeb. doing what they are most famous for. What would they show Kate doing? Or Rachel Uchitel for that matter...um never mind about Rachel, I don't want to know.
lol PatK. I used to think ignoring her might be the best strategy. Now I think maybe over-saturation would work better! Get her on EVERYTHING!
Tish: NO, celebs get a salary on The Apprentice. Only the money they win from completing the challenges Trump assigns them goes to their charity IF they were the project manager. So you can potentially go on Celeb Apprentice and NEVER win a dime. Since very few celebs would be willing to do that not being guaranteed any money, he probably has to pay them something to agree to go on. Piers reported his salary was $16,000 to be on the Apprentice for three weeks. Not including the charity money he won. Totally separate.
I don't know why or how the Tups got permits. There is some confusion in the law, I'm guessing that's why they were issued them. The law seems to simply ignore children under 7. Not saying they can work, and not saying they can't. It needs to be fixed to give them some direction as to what to do with a child under 7.
Think of it as a law that says "People with brown hair are permitted to swim in the lake." It doesn't exactly say people with blond hair CAN'T. It doesn't say ONLY people with brown hair may swim. That's called a flaw or mistake in the law and believe it or not it happens all the time. Human error.
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