Kate threw a pool party July Fourth with the kids. The kids were spotted playing with the chickens at the pre-esembled coop.
158 sediments (sic) from readers:
Good Heavens!! Really??? No boob job?
OK - I wish I knew how many anonymous people are posting here - because the above comment sure sounds like speculating to me. I wish one of you would just pick a name and go with it.
This attention whore will never go away. Since she thinks she looks so great, here is an idea. Kate, branch out on your own without filming your kids. Let's see how you do. I am sure the kids would love to have their privacy back as any normal child would. Deep down, the kids are Kate's financial security blanket, as she knows deep down, she is not good at anything without her kids. She needs them so people would actually watch her in any capacity. And she plays a "role" as a mother, which, she was never cut out for.
Sucked on DWT, her books were either written by others(Beth) or were so full of exploitation for $$$$ that no one takes her seriously or are offended by her as an author, cook (what a joke with her TLC chefs when she is even home). The View -had absolutely nothing to contribute but lies (Joy and Whoopie and many many others have her number.) Kate had a boob job and botox or eyelift- own it- people are not morons.
Seriously, what does this woman have to offer other than her huge delusional ego, and exploiting and earning a living off her children's backs. If Kate is so great, she can make her own living without the kids. Her bills are minimal as she has managed to have pretty much everything paid for by sponsors- food, clothing, shelter, endless freebies.
Why no money in the college funds with her financial set up is simply selfish and completely negligent, considering her other 8 costars draw the crowds, and deep down, I think she knows that she has nothing to offer that anyone would be remotely interested in.
Finally, singing Kate, of course she has to USE her kids as the back up as no one cares what she does. She is really a nobody without her kids and she knows it.
Kate- Leave your kids alone. Do your Twisted Kate or Twist of Kate show, and let your kids have a normal childhood. They have more than earned this after so many thoughtless selfish years of filming, photos, etc..
As a parent, provide for your kids without exploiting them with all of the world to see. We already know that most of your bills are paid, so go out on your own and leave the kids out of your selfish need to "provide." I always hated when she used that word. Provide for who???
Good points Desperate Kate. Kate is always saying she is working to "provide for her children." I would take exception to that and say it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE.
The whole thing has passed ridiculous and is now just absurd!!
I wonder what follows absurd!!!! Kate Gosselin is never, ever going to give up.
Well, if anybody on the planet ever wondered what Kate looked like "au natural", the wondering is over. That third picture looks like she's nude from the waist up. I'm sorry this happened to her in her own yard, but then again, if she doesn't know the cameras are out there by now, she needs to wise up.
If my niece and nephew had ever seen pictures like this of their mother on the internet, they would have tied a handkerchief to a stick and left home. This needs to stop.
Height of sublime narcissism to think wearing so little in front of your children and supposed guests at a pool party is in anyway ok - especially when you truly know that cameras are popping. If she thinks that this is attractive . . .
From another site--wife was NOT there:
"For the Fourth of July, mother-of-eight Kate Gosselin entertained bodyguard Steve Neild and his family at her $1.1 million home in Wernersville, Pa.
At the pool party/picnic, she mostly hid from photographers. However, the reality star, 35 - who last week denied having any plastic surgery except for a tummy tuck - was snapped briefly prancing around in a skimpy bikini.
"Steve brought his two sons and one of their girlfriends, and they all pitched in, playing with the kids and helping with the cookout," a witness tells UsMagazine.com. "They grilled on the back patio behind the house and made a bonfire in the back horse paddock where they roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. The kids were running around laughing and having fun, playing hide-and-seek."
Thanks Mona- Which brings us back to why she could not have thrown on a cover up before prancing out front?! She has done this before without any thought of how her kids would feel with the world seeing her nearly naked.
Narcicism is a bitch! These kids will never get a break, as she continues to film/photo her self-absorbed behavior. And insists that the kids be filmed come hell or high water, with all of her insane narcistic behavior. God help these kids in trying to defend their mother's vanity shots and insane behavior. I truly feel sorry for them that someone could ever be so selfish to put them in this position.
Kate's compass is all about what she thinks will earn money(those pesky photographers she keeps calling to earn money), regardless of any impact it will have on her kids. Great mom, I think not.
If Steve's wife was not there, and Kate was wearing that bikini...sumthin's up. She's either making a play for him or they're already a couple, although I find it very difficult to believe she has any interest in intimacy.
How reliable is USmagazine?
I wonder what Steve's son's girlfriend though of Kate running around in a flesh colored bikini?
I'd be wiling to bet neither Steve nor his wife were there. My money is on Khate and Jamie having their own personal "fireworks" show. Throwing this "story" out there about Steve is just a way to get people speculating about the 2 of them. This is exactly what they want. It's far more acceptable for her to be banging another woman's husband than it is for her to be having a more than platonic relationship with a divorced (single) woman. Sad but true.
I'm just waiting for the pics to come out this week of her running five miles in 100-degree temperatures (heat index 110, excessive heat warnings). After all, she DOES run five miles every day, and this is a week of record-breaking temps.
Did she specify that she only ran outside in the heat and not inside on the treadmill?
Jamie is a TLC bought-and-paid for "friend," so that Kate will appear more normal. Normal people spend holidays with their families. Kate has no relationship with her family and has not spent a single holiday with ANY of them in the entire history of the show, except for Jodie and Kevin, and she had them removed from the show. The kids that she loves so dearly (pardon the sarcasm) are being denied an important, primary relationship with their grandparents and aunts and uncles thanks to Kate's selfishness. And, yes, TLC is reading these blogs, because the day after all the posts about her not holding her own children's hands, she appeared with Cara holding her hand in every photo--amazing how the paps are always there at just the right time. And now, after the criticism of the hooker heels and high-heeled flip-flops, she is in flat flip-flops in the pics. Everything about this situation is manufactured by TLC to change Kate's innate image in order to protect their investment in Kate. People have her number, TLC knows it, and they are counting on being able to manipulate the public. But the people on this particular blog are three steps ahead of TLC.
JudyK, by that logic Kate NEVER held any of her kids hands before that day holding Cara's hand. And that's not true. Also, about the high heeled flip flops . . . Yesterday was not the first time she went without high heels. So it's not because people on anti Kate blogs complained. Please don't give her this much credit. No one is that smart. lol
I'd like to add that she is soooo different now than when married to Jon. Remember when she surprised Jon with that Florida trip, just the two of them? She covered herself up on the beach. Now look at her running around in front of Steve and his teenage sons. I say again----something is up because where was Steve's wife? I know many think Kate doesn't like men, but she and Steve are way too close. Radar, as usual, loves to comment on her body when the real story here is the Neild family sans Mrs. Neild at a holiday celebration.
Jay, I am not saying Kate has never held any of her kid's hands, but I've seen ALL the pics for years--believe me. It's unusual for her to touch her children. I'm not giving Kate credit--I don't think she's that smart. She misuses words all the time and says "I" when she should say "me." I'm giving TLC credit for seeing the criticisms and attempting to change her public image.
Staged Pics. She's on the side of the house where the paps can't get a pic, notice the gas meter, phone junction box and all the other utility meters going into the house. Those aren't in front of the house. Kate gives the paps a photo shoot, Kate gets paid. End of story.
Exactly Kelly! Astute observations! Glad to see you posting again.
It's just the cop in me. I can spot a squirrel with a stolen pistachio. I just can't catch the damned thing.
Spend a few thousand dollars on a bunch of trees to hid from the so-called paps taking your picture and a couple of days later, they end up in your private backyard taking pics of your half naked disgusting 'plastic' body!
Kate is just disgusting and I'm just hoping that she is shaking in her hooker heels waiting in anticapation for Al's book to hit the shelves.
Anonymous Jay, Just because Kate specifies something or doesn't specify something does not mean it is true. I tend NOT to believe most of what comes out of Kate Gosselin's mouth. I'm guessing that Kate isn't running 5 miles outdoors in record breaking heat, but I doubt she is running 5 miles a day on her treadmill either. I said doubt - don't know for a fact.
"She's on the side of the house where the paps can't get a pic, notice the gas meter, phone junction box and all the other utility meters going into the house."
Kelly...I noticed that when I was trying to figure out why all of those wires were hanging out and realized that nothing like that is ever placed on the front of the house. However, depending upon where the utility box is set, couldn't the paps still position themselves at an angle where they could get those pics?
Pepper, I agree with you. I too doubt anything that comes from her mouth. Can't prove some of it but a gut hunch is always worth considering over someones denials.
Two things my mother always told me that I hold dearly to this day. Always trust your gut and make sure you have clean underwear on in case you get in an accident.
My response to my mother was, I'll always trust my gut but if I get in an accident, my underwear will probably not be clean. Any suggestions Mom?
Kelly -- I also thought that about the meters, etc...
Well, if people really are hunting her down like that for photos (let's just say...) then wouldn't most moms throw on a beach cover up if they are going here and there in the yard, then leave it on a chair when they go in the pool?
What am I saying??? She doesn't like the water. OK, but still, if she is "hounded" by the paps, wouldn't it be a good idea to wear a beach cover up? I know that the actual pool is surrounded by trees/bushes for privacy. Reminds me of the woman recently who sued because she was made a target at work with remarks and stares from co-workers. However, she had implants and dressed in an unprofessional manner to the office. Hmmmmm...look at those people trying to look at me.
These pictures are no accident. If she had to be within camera range, she could have put on a cover-up.
PA Mom,
If you look at the footprint of the physical structure of the house, there is no way for the paps to get a shot from either side of the house or the back of the house, without being given access to the property on either side of their home, or coming through the woods from the rear. They live on nearly 24 acres and zoom lense can get a clear shot but the clarity of those photos doesn't lend to a zoom lense from either side of that house.
Time for Sasquatch to plant more trees. (roll eyes)
Is the chicken coop in the backyard or front yard? There is a picture of Alexis holding a chicken by the coop. More proof the "paps" were given access to the Konpound. How did they get that shot?
Anon 5:37,
Kelly the Cop posted some interesting observations in the previous thread: K8 in her Bo Derek-nude bikini is pictured walking in front of wiring that apparently is not visible from the front of the house. A (ROL) pap would have to have had access to get the shots.
Are you sure someone wouldn't have access from a neighbor's property on the side? I've driven past the house many times (no, not stalking them!), but never really took the time to slow down to see what's on either side of them.
It is possible that it is not a pap taking those photos, but rather someone from inside the property who could be selling those photos? Would the cop in you check out possible "leaks" among employees, neighbors, friends of neighbors, or even acquaintances who might be there?
PA Mom,
No, it wouldn't be the cop in me to spend a second checking out Kate or the employees, leaks, neighbors or friends that are posting these pics. I only comment when I see B.S but wouldn't spend a moment of my time investigating Kate, her family or her lies, just to post the results on this blog or others.,
I'll leave that to Al Walentis and others who have the time to prove she is a fraud. I'll spend the inordinate time on this blog and make my snarky comments and call her on her B.S. Kate will be her own worst enemy.
Remember one thing, when you lie, you have too much to remember. When you tell the truth, it flows freely.
I totally agree... one of the things that my mom taught me that stuck, lies are to hard to remember just tell the truth
Alright, I have teenage boys and if this woman walked in front of them like that, not only would they be embarrased but they are going to look. How dare she walk around like that in front of teenagers and a married man? She has sure grown into a tramp since her breakup with Jon. I wouldn't care if she walked naked on her own property alone, but when you invite guest to your house you throw on a cover up and cover your arse.
So . . . you can't wear a swimsuit to go swimming if males are around? Should she instead wear the suits the Duggars wear? My single sister wears a bikini in front of the married brothers in law and no one thinks anything of it. I guess it depends on the way you were raised. We just don't see the big deal.
WOW....to get those shots the pap had to be on the property. I remember seeing a video of her telling that same guy that follows her and Jon if she was having a party and she said yes, but your not invited, bet she changed her mind and invited him for photo shots in exchange for cash. That pool is in the back hidden by trees, he had to have been there.
Well Ms Anon, there is a thing called CLASS, if you have a married man, teenage boys at your pool party and his wife isn't there than you cover up, period. I'd be raising hell if my husband and sons were there and Ms Tramp decides to run around almost naked in front of them.
The big deal isn't about her wearing a bandaid in front of her kids. No one cares if she walks outside with her mammories swinging side to side. I don't think anyone cares if he backside is covered in dental floss.
What we are venting about is that she talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. She claims to want privacy yet she goes out, in public looking like a hooker on a war ship. She wants to be the Mom of the year yet we don't see any mothering. She claims to hate the paps but she's dressed like a craigslist poster that begs for attention.
She can wear a swimsuit, a parka, a bandaid or whatever she chooses to wear in the privacy of her home. Where we all come in and bust on her is the fact that she claims to want privacy but puts herself out there for publicity. She's fair game and each when the media stops giving her a bye, you'll see these blogs fall by the wayside.
Don't lecture us for snarking on Kate Gosselin, a woman who cares more about her public personna than her role as a mother. There are plenty of mothers (Moms) on this blog and plenty of others. How many of these Moms on these blogs, are putting themselves out there for money???
The Moms here are venting, Kate is schleping and all of these Moms have a right to call B.S.
Mady and Cara are going to have to hide their boyfriends from this one, won't be long before they have pool partys of their own with girlfriends and boyfriends and here comes mama with her itsy tiney bikini prancing around all hot and bothered. Ughhhh she is reminding me of Mommy Dearest and its scarey.
I have teenage boys myself and when my friend came to my house to a pool party and came out of the bedroom with something similar to what she was wearing trust me, they were uncomfortable. They tried not to stare but her hooters and ass was hanging out. I never invited her to my pool partys again, even their friends were embarrased. Guess Ms Anon don't have kids or at least sons.
Betsy said...
Alright, I have teenage boys and if this woman walked in front of them like that, not only would they be embarrased but they are going to look. How dare she walk around like that in front of teenagers and a married man? She has sure grown into a tramp since her breakup with Jon. I wouldn't care if she walked naked on her own property alone, but when you invite guest to your house you throw on a cover up and cover your arse.
I agree with this completely.I find it very offensive that this piece of plastic sh*t would parade around on a daily basis for the cameras and pretend that the paparazzi are camping out at her property following her every move.
She is a very sick human being that has absolutely no self pride left.
I can't imagine acting and dressing that way in front of my son and his friends when I was her age.
Sorry but its called respect for yourself and your children.
That little flesh colored bikini is not what a mother of eight, count'em,eight, kids, should be prancing around in.
Save it for your private hotel room and the jet spa with married purse carrier.
TLC stinks, you mentioned an episode I have thought about lately, the Florida trip she took with Jon only. It was when the tide turned in my mind. She arranged this trip and excursions for the two of them. She went on and on about how the sun doesn't like her and then refused to wear sunblock and got sun burned or poisoning. Then she talked about that while Jon took care of her. They were on a boat and he was comforting her while she whined about how she always refuses to wear sunblock and this happens every time. I remember thinking, "Why would you sabotage your husband's trip YOU planned for him to make it about yourself?" But yes, she was covered up and I used to think she was so pretty, if not a ditz. Now I don't see it as ditzy, but narcissistic. Kate, please find who you are again; your children really need you!
Betsy said...
Alright, I have teenage boys and if this woman walked in front of them like that, not only would they be embarrased but they are going to look. How dare she walk around like that in front of teenagers and a married man?
I guess it's safe to assume that your sons have never been allowed to go to the beach or to a public pool. Good grief.
"No, it wouldn't be the cop in me to spend a second checking out Kate or the employees, leaks, neighbors or friends that are posting these pics. I only comment when I see B.S but wouldn't spend a moment of my time investigating Kate, her family or her lies, just to post the results on this blog or others.,"
Oops. I screwed that up. I didn't mean Kate specifically, I mean in general, as a cop. If you know photos are being taken, wouldn't you cover all bases to determine who would have taken them and how they would have gotten access, rather than to come to the conclusion (without investigating) that she posed for them, knowing she was being photographed?
See someone here is so snarky with my comments, well lets just say that girls at the beach are a whole different story than some friend of mine that the kids see weekly and respected till she got divorced and ran around like a tramp. Yes my dear, they have and do go to the beaches but my friend does not come here very often, not until she cleans up her act and acts her age in front of teenagers. I don't know how old you are but when you have kids you'll understand, I could only hope anyways
PA Mom
Honestly, I've never been put in the position to investigate photo's, who took them access or all those things. I've handled everything from petty thefts to homicides and all the crimes in between.
We guaged the investigation as to the severity of the crime and were able to track suspects from being stupid and leaving traces at the scene of the crime to tracking cell phone towers and those who were obviously guilty and pin pointing their movements within 500 feet.
If we were investigating one of the "Paps" for a particular crime, we could tell how far he was from the photo shoot, where he was standing when he took the photo shoot and everyting about him. Cell phones give off an address and a location like GPS. However, you need a reason and a suepona to get that information and it doesn't come easy.
We don't need to go to that extent to catch Kate in one of her lies. She's doing fine, all by herself.
A few points:
1. The ENTIRE thing about the "paps" is ludicrous on the face of it. Why? If she REALLY hated the paps so much and didn't want them ever taking pics of her and/or the kids, she could just call the police. She lives on a private road. A few times of having to ask paps to leave or possibly give them a nice escort and you can bet that problem would be nipped quick.
Think about this: how often do you see totally candid pics of major celebrities just hanging out on their property? Robert Pattison is hot right now. He surely has a home. Ever see him just lounging about in his back garden? Or even in the front? Oh, you mean you don't even know because you've never seen anything like that?
Yeah. Exactly. You can find scads of pics of him in airports, at movie premieres, getting into cabs and limos, etc. I can't even find anything about WHERE his home is, though I presume he lives somewhere in London.
How about Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck? You've seen pics of them out with their kids, but what about candid shots without their knowledge at their home? Nope. You haven't seen them.
So just the fact that they photograph her at home at ALL is disingenuous. It's totally easy to stop if she wanted it stopped. TOTALLY.
Obviously someone either working for TLC or an agency they cooperate with comes out to take pics on certain days at certain times. Ditto the out shopping crap so she can feel and look like a "real" celebrity.
2. It's pretty obvious even a truly unwanted pap wouldn't be able to get shots of the back of the property. Not with the longest zoom lens in the world. So it's obvious this photog was allowed on the property for the purpose of snapping a few pics. Remember all the criticisms of how she and the kids are ALWAYS on display in the front of the house? All the questions about why they never use the back of the property?
Well now Kate et al can whine and cry about how it DOESN'T MATTER (cue sad face), the paps even CHASE HER TO THE BACKYARD! (choke back sob)
Every picture from her property is STAGED and done with her knowledge and consent. Every. Single. One.
And I'd say the ones taken out in public are set up on purpose, as well. What, is there a big name pap agency located in rural Pennsylvania just waiting with baited breath to take pictures of the international super star and elusive beauty Kate Gosselin?
Again: please. Give me a huge break. You don't even see Lindsey Lohan snapped this much just out and about and she's a big cracky mess these days.
Kate better be banking those dollars, those kids aren't getting any younger. The American viewing audience is famously fickle and likes kids young and cute.
random and anonymous people prancing around on a beach or at the pool practically nude is a bit different than someone you know, who has invited you to their pool party at their house, who is also the mother of eight young children prancing around practically nude. Big difference!!!!!
Every picture at her property is STAGED. Every one. If she really didn't want paps taking pictures, she could call the police and get it taken care of. She lives on a private road, for crying out loud. Think of the biggest celebrities you know of right now. How often do you see pics of them at their HOME?
Yeah. Exactly. It doesn't happen.
And because people were asking why she was always on display in the front with her kids, now they've got shots in the back.
Where NO PAP could possibly get without access. I don't care if they had the longest zoom lens in the world, couldn't happen. And of course now she can cry MORE about how they (wring hands here) just won't (make sad face) leave me alone! (choke back sob here)
Honestly, and I'm not going to tell Admin her business, this isn't my blog (I like the aim here as far as bringing attention to child exploitation in reality shows), I'd refuse to post any pic of her or her kids on their property OR out and about (those are staged, too--I mean, there's no international paparazzi agency based in rural Pennsylvania just to take pictures of the international super star and reclusive stunning beauty Kate Gosselin, LOL).
Why give any legitimacy to the game known as Kate Gosselin? She's a game. Pics are taken with knowledge and consent, they are published, they are put up on blogs, comments are made, they're read by TLC people, adjustments are made. ANYTHING to keep her in the public eye, because God knows those kids aren't getting any younger and she doesn't have any talent to go any further on her own. Right Breast and Left Breast don't count as talent, either. Even the hungriest wanna-be in LA has those.
When did Kate ever say she wanted to be mom of the year? She's a mom like the rest of us. And yes, I have kids. I don't think it's terrible that they see myself or my friends in swim suits. We have pool parties every summer and myself and the other moms wear swim suits. Our husbands and sons aren't hiding their eyes and trying not to look. The female body is nothing to be ashamed of.
Anyone know how much one of those magical, invisible bras are Kate Gosselin wears? Anyone that remembers Jon and her taking the kids to that windy, sand-blowing beach in Florida with the kids, Kate in her modest black swim-suit knows this magical bra has powers like the seeds for the story for Jack and the Beanstalk. Miracle-Grow bra?
My comment posted twice, sorry. The first one got a huge error message so I assumed it didn't post.
All this stuff about her body is just side crap. Red herrings. Fluff.
She stages photos on her property and while out. She's desperate to stay in the public eye. She exploits her kids and their private lives for fame and fortune for herself.
That's far worse than that bikini she's wearing.
But you see, if we're busy talking about the bikini or the dress or the shoes or the hair, maybe we'll forget about her bigger crimes. And TLC's bigger crimes. And the fact that they want us talking about the fluffy crap.
Stay focused. More staged photos? YAWN. If this gets very little attention, she'll be forced to carry out bigger antics (God forbid) but our collective response should still be a shoulder shrug, if that.
GET. THE. KIDS. OUT. OF. THE. PUBLIC. EYE. And let them have lives. Make money on your OWN, Gosselin. I dare you.
Jay, comparing your situation, as a married mother wearing a bathing suit with other moms at a pool party, is not remotely the same as this situation. Kate Gosselin is wearing a SKIMPY bikini at a pool party with NO OTHER MOMS, only her MARRIED bodyguard (big, huge difference) and his two sons.
And the bikini was worn knowing the photographer was being allowed access. All staged. Totally 100% staged.
When she cries and complains about the pics being "out there" please note no actual tears come out of her eyes. An actress she is not.
I'm afraid to say it, but next will be a nip slip. And not a little quick one, either. Gotta be enough to get her back into the big rags, this show with the kids isn't cutting it so much anymore.
Carol...Well said my dear..this is a photo op and she staged this while we were sleeping. I could care less if she wanted to walk nude (she almost is..snark) but you can clearly see she threw her kids along for the ride. That chicken coop is behind the garage and for that shot of the kids playing around that nasty coop to be taken, her best buddy Chris was invited to the party to take some candi shots...No lens no matter how good could have gotten a clear view of them kids. As for her running round half naked in front of Ginas' husband, well shame on Gina for even letting this snake get that close to her husband. I know I would have ripped her hair extentions from her big head if she dare try to pull this number on mine...
Come on Jay - TLC is touting Kate as if she is the Mom of the Century. What is the premise behind Twist of Kate. Isn't it so that she can visit with Moms who need her advice and assistance.
Wearing a swimsuit by the pool is much different than wearing a flesh colored bikini and having your boobs and butt hanging out. Is this your ideal swimsuit?
I must agree with some of the posters above. It would appear highly unlikely that any media organization has a photographer camped out in rural PA to capture daily photos of Kate. An especially good point is the one raised by a couple of posters - why do we almost NEVER see such photographs of *real* celebrities in their homes? Or in their yards? Or going about their daily business (and on a near daily basis to boot!)? To me this reeks of pre-planned photo opportunities, or an otherwise out of work photographer who has found a niche for himself and a buyer for his photos. Kate just isn't that big a celebrity, despite what TLC and Kate herself would have us believe. I am consistently offended that the TLC/ABC/DISCOVERY collaboration imagines their audience to be so stupid! It's concocted BS. All of it, in my opinion. A star indeed... Bwa..ha..ha!
Pepper, you are making me horny baby
"She's a mom like the rest of us."
I seriously hope not. If there are many out there like her, heaven help us all.
TLC announced in early April that Kate is "America's Favorite Mom." I didn't read about her denying it.
Kelly, you are absolutely right. Kate is her own worst enemy. She lies, and lies and then lies again. She has forgotten what the truth is. For people to say it is o.k. for her to wear that kind of bikini in anything other than an intimate setting with an individual, is a sheeple. There is no other explanation. Of course, she doesn't have to dress like Michelle Duggar. But Kate has dressed appropriately for being around young children in the past and now suddenly she looks like a comoplete slut. She has young boys she is raising. And young, impressionable girls. I guess Kate will tell them 'do as I say, not as I do' --- which would fit perfectly with her controlling, bitchy attitude. She certainly doesn't look like she runs 5 days a week.
"As for her running round half naked in front of Ginas' husband, well shame on Gina for even letting this snake get that close to her husband."
Wait a minute! Didn't Steve pick out (or advise) her on the new purchases? Shouldn't he at least be allowed to see how they held up (or what's holding them up!)?
That swim suit is fine and Kate looks fine. You'd see much more revealing ones on a public beach. I sense more jealousy. Kate looks better in a bikini than most ladies on this blog would and they can't take it. JMHO!
"I sense more jealousy."
Check your spelling! It's JELLUSY!! LOL!
Kate’s been having major landscaping done...Small town Gosselins has pictures, the before and after.
No wonder why the today pictures were taken from near the house. Maybe Chris has the code now to open the gate.
Gee Jay - since you're a mom with kids who wears her swimsuit in front of her husband and kids, your last comment to me is really gross and out of line. If you're the "anonymous" calling the rest of us jealous, you need to grow up. I guess you're not above speculating because you don't have a clue as to what a single one of us looks like.
Hey "anonymous" I couldn't give half a rat fart what her body looks like or what she does with it or what she wears. The entire topic is quite boring, to be honest.
What I DO think is pathetic is how every single picture of her is arranged, staged, and done with her knowledge and consent. Poor desperate Kate. Next she'll have to run around nude to drum up any attention.
Girlfriend's 15 minutes are nearly up, so I hope she's able to snag some stupid rich guy since she's obviously blowing through the millions she's gotten so far on her kids' backs.
Anonymous said... I sense more jealousy.
She looks like cro magnon man running for cover. Jealousy? Yeah, right.
Ouch, Kate is practicably naked in front of teen aged boys and I'm regulated to a tasteful one-piece because I'm modest and wouldn't want to embarrass my boys. When you have a good body, it doesn't matter what type of suit you where. Her body, IMO would look BETTER in a one piece.
Meanwhile, I'm "not taking it" cuz I'm so damn jeallus. WHY aren't the paps taking humiliating pics of me? Whahhhhwawawawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sorry I'm late to the party. All I can say is...(repeated from another post I made)...Oh for the love of Pete!!! Come on Kate. Get real. Sorry, but this latest display for the paps is gross. She needs her head examined. Is she really that desperate to keep herself in the spotlight?
JudyK said...
Kate Gosselin is wearing a SKIMPY bikini at a pool party with NO OTHER MOMS, only her MARRIED bodyguard (big, huge difference) and his two sons.
You reckon Kate and Steve have 'come out' to their inner circle, i.e., TLC, Gina and the kids? I have to second 'she answers to stumpy', that 3rd pic of her, really does look like Bigfoot!
I find it amazing how far she's come in just a few mos. Why, it seems like only yesterday, she was telling the public that she wanted to be discreet w/her costumes on DWTS, as she didn't want her kids seeing her dressed in revealing outfits, like they typically wear on DWTS. Guess she does realize her 15 min. is slipping away, she's getting mighty desperate.
I was lurking at another katekreider blog,and read a poster's comment about how she has seen different pics of "The Body", in different outfits, and says there is NO WAY she doesn't have implants! And no one called her down for saying such a hateful/jellus thing about their girl! I think even her few supporters know the truth, you would have to be blind not to see that there just is no magic bra, just a skilled Doctor of Plastics! And that this woman is still just lying, about so many things.No one can be that dumb- can they?
One does have to wonder what she'll do next? It's kinda 'scary', as far as the kids' are concerned. How much more can she humiliate and embarrass them?
KATE AND/OR JON BE SURE TO READ THIS: I was looking at the photo of the kids at the chicken coop and they are not wearing shoes!! Since IMHO chickens are dirty birds and they poop everywhere, you may want to insist that the kids wear some kind of footwear when visiting the chickens versus going there and walking around barefoot. JMO
LisaNH said:
Sorry, but this latest display for the paps is gross. She needs her head examined. Is she really that desperate to keep herself in the spotlight?
Yes. Yes, she is. And TLC is that desperate, too, though she has far more at stake than they do.
Remember how Kate planted those huge trees just a few days ago. You can see how the trees look at:smalltowngosselins blog. It is funny they just planted the trees and yet those photos of Kate running half naked on the side of her house in her bikini.
>>Anonymous said... That swim suit is fine and Kate looks fine. You'd see much more revealing ones on a public beach. I sense more jealousy. Kate looks better in a bikini than most ladies on this blog would and they can't take it. JMHO!
July 5, 2010 8:37 PM <<
I'm just curious how many women on this blog you have actually seen wearing a bikini? Oh. None you say? On the other hand, of all the videos and pics I've seen of Kate's fans, most of them look like the result of inbreeding and I'll be grateful if I never see any of them in anything less than the potato sacks they wear.
Anyway....seeing as though we've now seen a fairly revealing look at Kate's body (since coincidentally a photographer just happened to get that shot after the trees were planted to block their view)and until the paps catch her butt ass naked in the hot tub, here's a tip: She would look much better in a one piece like Sunflair Bahama Nights (got that TLC?). It would at least contour her trunk and make it appear as if she had a waist.
Remember the olden days? It wasn't too long ago when pretty much all there was to snark about was her hair! :-)
French Canadian said...
Kate’s been having major landscaping done...Small town Gosselins has pictures, the before and after.
You're totally right; she's had landscaping done on her property AND her ugly body.
When I saw the photos and read that Rat Claw's teenage sons were at the party, sans their mama, my first thought was "cougar on the prowl".
To quickly address the effect of clothing on teenage boys~
I used to work as a receptionist at a physical therapy office. For some reason, my 16 year old son was with me one day.
One of our clients was a prostitute. She was very upfront about it. She was also quite beautiful. She dressed exactly like Kate.
She came when my son was there, in a bathing suit with a towel for her hydrotherapy.
My son said, "She makes me nervous. She's talking to me about school and stuff like everything's normal, but all I can think about is my penis, I hate this feeling."
Imagine how Steve's boys must have felt.
Poor Kate is now a desperate divorcee. She took up running, she is on a diet, she lost some weight and now she wears the most revealing outfits possible hoping someone/anyone will comment on HER hardwork. She feels so empty inside, so hungry for touch and attention, and her life, her "real life" is now one long corporate picnic, she surrounded at holidays by her co-workers er children, and her staff. How sad. And how pathetic. And how uncomfortable for people now seeing the outfits get smaller and smaller, the hair blonder and blonder, the ditzyness just as irritating. I am sure Kate is online throwing herself at strangers desperate to haul a new boyfriend in. She needs to be seen dating. Wouldn't doubt if TLC hires an actor boyfriend just to remove the stigma of poor lonely unattractive undesirable Kate. And the more she tries to be perceived as datable, sexy, etc, the more repulsive she gets. And how it must irk her that Jon moved on so quickly and remains just as committed to never being with Kate again. Each new woman he brings into his life tells Kate she holds no desire or interest for him. Kate hasn't hit rock bottom yet. There will be topless photos surfacing, she'll quit wearing underwear, she'll likely pull a Britney, and through it all the paid staff are her only link with "reality". What a trainwreck. Those poor kids.
Just checked out the 'before & after' landscaping pics and it sure will be interesting if we see anymore driveway/yard shots. From the looks of things, the photographer will have to either be trespassing or invited onto the property to keep Katie 'relevant'. I'm guessing they'll (he'll) be invited.
Jon Gosselin -- a wordsmith?
It’s true. After his ex-wife Kate penned a series of best-selling books, the former reality television star is attempting to strike gold with an upcoming tome A Slice Of Life: Jon Gosselin’s Story.
Jon and his life-coach, Sylvia Lafair, are currently writing the new book, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned.
It will tell Jon’s journey from being a relative unknown to reality TV patriarch and regular tabloid fodder.
Co-author Lafair, who takes Jon on soul searching missions into the mountains of Pennsylvania at $10,000 a trip, tells RadarOnline.com: “The book is about having eight kids all at once when he was under the age of 30.”
She says, “It includes some of the lessons that Jon has been learning with helpful hints on how he is working to reframe his relationship with his family including his two brothers and his mother.
“It also explores how the death of his father affected him.
Jon is working hard to re-invent himself. As RadarOnline.com revealed, he got an enormous dragon tattooed on his back to symbolize his rebirth.
Sylvia has been working as Jon’s life coach for more than one year, but it wasn’t until five months ago, that he got serious about the quest.
He told her, “I’m really ready to do some work.”
Sylvia says she suggested the reality television father join her six-month leadership program high above Pennsylvania.
“It provides life-changing results,” she says.
pepper, great comments
Anon: Nope, no jealousy here. Snarky comments are made about K8's attire because she has ZERO CLASS.
Yes. And snarking on how other people look is soooo classy.
Gang, I have always felt the rumors about Kate and Jamie were foolishness. I totally, 100% believe Kate and Steve have been having an ongoing affair. Why? I was shocked to learn of an ongoing affair of a very close friend with the husband of a neighbor (these two couples even vacationed together). Total sneaking around and lying for years. Husband of cheating wife was kicked out of the bedroom 2 years ago with lame excuses and wife of cheating husband is in total denial believing every word her husband is saying. It happens. And I think Jon, even without any proof, spoke the truth when he sensed Kate pulling away from him; and Gina, well, she wants to keep her marriage intact and believing what Steve tells her is her way of coping, I guess. I think the USmagazine article has some elements of truth: Kate loves Steve but he's not leaving his wife. Anyway, the bikini pics, no Mrs. Neild, and the sons there for a holiday speak as to what the relationship is.
The pictures of Kate remind me of "Big Foot" pictures! She looks like she belongs to a lost tribe!
Yes. And snarking on how other people look is soooo classy.
As is continuing to use Anon when the blog owner has repeatedly asked you not to.
It's just so baffling to me that the sheeple will condemn "the jellus haterz" for their comments but fail to recognize any of K8's shortcomings, and there are many.
With all that "working out" Khate does, she is as thick and unfeminine as she can be in that flesh-colored bikini. The woman has no waist and looks like what we used to call "good, solid, german stock" (no offense to anyone in Germany). Who is it that thinks this is hot? Mean just radiates from every pore on Khate.
So only sheeple think its wrong to snark on someone's appearance? Sorry, but I don't think it's OK that kids are on reality TV. I also don't think it's OK to name call and make fun of someone's appearance. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
I am confused about what recent pictures and posts have to do with child exploitation. I enjoyed this blog for its seemingly legit concern about the Gosselins and child reality stars in general. It seems this blog has morphed into nothing but a place to gawk at Kate's body and make judgements about her clothes/hair/shopping habits.
Barbara in VA said...
With all that "working out" Khate does, she is as thick and unfeminine as she can be in that flesh-colored bikini. The woman has no waist and looks like what we used to call "good, solid, german stock" (no offense to anyone in Germany). Who is it that thinks this is hot? Mean just radiates from every pore on Khate.
July 6, 2010 6:03 AM
Gee, why would anyone from Germany be offended to be called "thick and unfeminine"?
Molly -
No, absolutely not.
My point was that my commenting on K8's always-inappropriate attire cannot be compared to her behavior knowing that pics will be published for the masses to see. I am not making fun of her - I am simply commenting on what I see. As far as the name calling, well we will have to agree to disagree on that one. I've always subscribed to the notion that if it walks and talks like a greedy, selfish biatch........
Disappointed: Everything Kate is able to do:shopping, plastic surgery,DWTS,the huge house,all the freebies, and indeed, running around in a barely there bikini for photographers,is because she has exploited her kids. I've said this before: KG would just be an obscure PA housewife if it weren't for her kids.
So IMO anything she does that might embarrass those children to whom she owes so much is fair game.Anything she does with their money to alter her appearance is fair game. Any freebie she receives because she is their mother is fair game.
So clothes, hair, shopping habits, all fall within those parameters.She is nothing without the earnings of the little Gosselin Sweatshop 8.
Those kids work hard to keep up her image, and have lost their childhoods and their privacy as a result of her greed.
We would stop "gawking" at her body if she removed it, and the children, from the public eye.
To Disappointed,
Think of the children. Think about them having them realize that pictures of their MOTHER in barely there clothing are all over the internet and very likely in tabloid magazines. They have enough to deal with considering the show and the problems being talked about there, but
for their ostensibly conservative and modest mother (didn't want to wear anything revealing on DWTS) is bending over to display her breasts,
knowing the cameras are probably there, running around her yard in a very skimpy bikini when the pool party guests are children, teenaged boys and her bodyguard, knowing the possibility of cameras is very real..... well, think about the children and how they feel.
They don't seem to like the cameras. They don't smile for the cameras. Yet their MOTHER, the person who is supposed to protect them and
provide a safe environment, chooses to parade her body in public and at home, drawing the very attention that seems to bother her children.
So yes, IMO, discussions of Kate's choice of wardrobe or lack of wardrobe does factor into the discussion of child exploitation.
Kate can run around the Konpound naked for all I care, and she probably will before summer is over. She figured out a long time ago that when other big celeb news comes along no one cares about her or gives a crap about what she's doing. Therefore, we have the photo-ops at Target and gas getting while wearing her newest Fredrick's of Hollywood ensemble. This is how she makes side money now. Two years ago, Kate was a modest born again Christian who pasted bible verses all over her house. She made side money by going into churches and whining that they were struggling to build college funds for their kids. While they were making $75k an episode for J&K+8. As soon as they could no longer grift the church circuit, they no longer went to church.
As far as being jellus (lol) I would only be jellus if Kate attained that body with NO help from a plastic surgeon, housekeepers or nannies. But she didn't. She got a free tummy tuck, regular people who do not have the magic uterus have to pay $6,000-$8,000. She got a boob job and she is bold face lying when she said she didn't. She does not do any housework and little to no cooking. This began even when they lived in E-town. She has a team of nannies. With the surgical enhancements and all the extra time on her hands due to not being a hands-on mom in any capacity whatsoever, she SHOULD be fit and toned.
The other thing I'm not jellus of is how Kate may be living it up now, but come 8-10 years from now when those kids start rebelling and having issues from this Truman Show, broken home, isolated from everything and everyone life, she will pay. Dearly. I doubt she will have a relationship with any of them and I can't wait for the books. For the life of me, I don't understand how People mag can splash her and the kids on the cover and triumphantly celebrate her wonderful life, while the next issue or two has Gary Colman on the cover, the byline promising to tell us how sad his life was after he grew up on TV and his parents spent all his money. WTF? I get the irony, if you fans don't and continue to think the exploitation of the Gosselin kids is ok.... I feel sorry for you.
To Disappointed...
I agree that snarking about Kate's hair, clothes, etc. doesn't address the exploitation of kids except that she spends money on such things on herself solely from working her kids, and the bikini pics are fair game as she is dressing inappropriately in front of a married man and his teenage sons, IMO. TLC attempts to pass this woman off as some type of role model that single moms should emulate and I don't think too many married women out there would appreciate their husbands and teenage sons (raging hormones) being exposed to Kate's "exposure". I am embarrassed for Cara and Mady.
Hmmmm I remember episodes back in the days when I use to watch and how Kate would make snide remarks on Jons appearance and his weight, that was done on TV, one stands out in my mind and that was when she made an awful remark about Madys teeth and her having no sense of oral hygeine. After that and her telling her husband not to breathe I was done watching this vile woman. She makes nasty remarks about her family so making some observations about her when she throws herself out there for Chris the pap isn't so bad after all is it.
Who cares that Kate or anyone else 'has no waist'. How does pointing this out help keep the kids off TV? Isn't that what we all want? To keep the kids off TV? Or are some folks here just to make fun of Kate because 'they can'? Isnt that what bullies do?
Disappointed said...
I am confused about what recent pictures and posts have to do with child exploitation. I enjoyed this blog for its seemingly legit concern about the Gosselins and child reality stars in general. It seems this blog has morphed into nothing but a place to gawk at Kate's body and make judgements about her clothes/hair/shopping habits.
Sadly I must agree with this poster.
Last night I got curious as to what breed of chickens they got for the coop - did they get a
common breed or an unusual one like Martha Stewart - so I blew up the above photo.
I was stunned to see that the kids were in the chicken coop area with NO shoes on! So I posted a note to Jon or Kate right here on this blog (how else to get one of them aware of this photo) because IMHO no child should be barefoot around chicken poop due to health issues.
Then this morning I see that my post was deleted and yet I don't know why because I don't know what rule I violated.
So why is it more important to blog about Kate's clothes/hair/shopping habits versus the obvious health risks her kids are exposed too while walking barefoot in a chicken coop???
Mickey I deleted your post about the kids walking barefoot because I thought it was an imposter pretending to be you exaggerating.
I didn't honestly think anyone was truly concerned the kids were going barefoot on nice grace on a nice day. It sounded off to me. Sorry, apparently you were serious. In any case I doubt Jon and Kate are weeding through 200 comments to see your warning.
I can't believe you removed my comment!! It was perfectly legitimate. What are you afraid of? Being exposed as bullies? Apparently so. So sad. Nothing but a lot of 7th grade bullies.
Sorry about the German stock phrase...I think I meant to say she looks like what we used to call good, stout peasant stock.
Not sure if the kids are old enough to realize that their mom is dressing inappropriately and prancing around the town in these hooker outfits, maybe Mady and Cara because they probably see and hear more about it than do the little ones. I grew up in FL on the beach and so I'm used to people wearing bathing suits and all kinds of beachwear...yep, even mommies.
But this woman so obviously speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Mrs. Religion, taping Bible verses all over her house, Ms. Conservative Mother, don't dress her provocatively on DWTS, etc., has absolutely no style or class. I happen to believe she chooses her own outfits and clothes. No stylist would put those thick cankles in glad sandals or ankle-strap shoes.
I blew up the above photo of the kids at the chicken coop to see what breed of chickens they got - a standard breed or an unusual one like Martha Stewart?
The fact is I was stunned to see the kids walking around a chicken coop area with NO SHOES ON.
The health risks of walking barefoot in a chicken coop - especially by children - I find disturbing on many levels due to the health risks. Chickens are dirty birds, and the visual of their poop oozing through a child's toes ...
KATE AND JON - when you read this blog, please tell your children to WEAR SHOES AROUND ALL LIVESTOCK AT ALL TIMES!
TLC stinks said...
Gang, I have always felt the rumors about Kate and Jamie were foolishness. I totally, 100% believe Kate and Steve have been having an ongoing affair. Why? I was shocked to learn of an ongoing affair of a very close friend with the husband of a neighbor (these two couples even vacationed together). Total sneaking around and lying for years. Husband of cheating wife was kicked out of the bedroom 2 years ago with lame excuses and wife of cheating husband is in total denial believing every word her husband is saying. It happens. And I think Jon, even without any proof, spoke the truth when he sensed Kate pulling away from him; and Gina, well, she wants to keep her marriage intact and believing what Steve tells her is her way of coping, I guess. I think the USmagazine article has some elements of truth: Kate loves Steve but he's not leaving his wife. Anyway, the bikini pics, no Mrs. Neild, and the sons there for a holiday speak as to what the relationship is.
I could have written this myself.I agree with every word.
I think the time is near when we will see Kate and the married father of two teenage sons together as a couple and proud of it!
Disappointed: Everything Kate does and has is a direct result of exploiting her children; a mansion, complete body makeover, a gig on DWTS,new hair,freebies for advertising purposes,trips to LA and NYC. If it weren't for those children and the hours they put in in front of the cameras, Kate would be an obscure nobody.
So IMO it's fair game to criticize the hair and body that they bought for her; the clothing that she sold their childhood for; the embarrassing behaviour that they will have to live down in later years; and the fact that she has sold their privacy to pay for her greediness.
If she were not continuing to exploit her children there would be no reason to be critical.
Google is eating my postings today but this is really me.
Sorry for posting essentially the same message twice; Blogger has been having problems on this and other sites and messages are deleting themselves, only to reappear later!
Like IDModo I must also apologize for essentially posting the same message twice about the kids not wearing shoes around the chickens - there is obviously a glitch today.
Admin, thank you for letting me know that you deleted my post last night because you thought I was an imposter.
I can only hope that Jon, Kate or someone who can contact them can see where it is not adviseable for any child to be in a barnyard and not wearing any shoes of any kind. However since Tony Dovolani did say that Kate reads the tabloids, I have to think that this could mean that Kate does keep up with the blogs too.
Storylady, good story.
Here's my take on the Kate/ Steve item. She might be invested in him emotionally and maybe even romantically at the moment, but she would never plan on it being long term with Steve. Why? He doesn't have enough money or celebrity for her. Even if he does get a great salary, after a divorce, half of everything would go to Gina plus alimony. Nah, if she's looking, it's someone with big bucks. I'm still reserving my opinion on the rumored Jamie/ Steve/ someone else/ or no one else. Leaning to the 'no one else'option.
For the life of me, I don't understand how People mag can splash her and the kids on the cover and triumphantly celebrate her wonderful life, while the next issue or two has Gary Colman on the cover, the byline promising to tell us how sad his life was after he grew up on TV and his parents spent all his money. WTF? I get the irony, if you fans don't and continue to think the exploitation of the Gosselin kids is ok.... I feel sorry for you.
GREAT, GREAT, GREAT Quote!! I'm stealing it.
The snarking on Kate's appearance is patently fair. For years, she has chosen to sacrifice privacy in exchange for money and trying to emulate a celebrity lifestyle. She's fair game.
Kate and the kids are splashed on the cover of People heralding her fab new life! and then one or two weeks later, People runs a picture of the late Gary Colman on the cover. Sadly proclaiming how troubled his life was after growing up on TV, only to become an adult and find his parents spent all his money. I just can't fathom how people who defend Kate don't see the irony and don't think the Gosselin 8 will not face the same difficulties as adults. My heart breaks just thinking of the day the kids realize it is NOT normal to be in a reality show and be followed by a film crew, that most kids DO NOT have 3 highly personal books written about them before the age of six, that potty training is usually a private celebration between parent and child... not 4.5 million TV viewers, that other kids have friends and sleepovers, that most kids are close with and have regular contact with grandparents and extended families, that most kids are not raised by nannies, that kids do not support their parents but the other way around (what a concept) and that 99.99999% of PA citizens are not followed by paparazzi, and the very worst of all, which I hope NEVER happens... "what do you mean there's no money for college? WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE MONEY!!!??"
The posts today are wonkier than Kate's eye! I posted twice as well about how Kate's appearance is fair game since she seemingly wants attention and how the fans aren't seeing the big picture re: the kids future. I thought my first post may have been rejected for length so I revised it. Sorry!
Kate's "good bra cost $9,000
silicone or saline
What Kate wears and how she looks in those clothes does not have anything to do with child exploitation. However, the fact that we are able to see how she dresses is a direct result of the exploitation of said children. She knows her pictures are splashed on the cover of tabloids, she knows they are again shown all over the internet. We have become emotionally involved in the future of those children because Kate allowed us to. Therefore, IMO it is very natural to comment on her appearance since it does affect her children.
She can't say that she doesn't want to dress provacatively in front of her kids on DWTS and then dress even more so at her own home. Which is it Kate? Do you really care what your kids think or what the other children will tease them about?
pepper, soooo true.
OT - does anyone know if Al's book has a name? If so, what is it?
The only thing all these pictures prove is how desperate she and TLC are for attention. They are ALL staged. They are ALL intentional.
For that reason and that reason alone, I think they should be completely ignored.
It is continuing to sell the kid's private lives for money and fame that I find absolutely abhorrent. Everything else is just further nails in her coffin.
If people really stopped to think how obvious it is that all these pics are intentional, they'd almost feel embarrassed for Kate and her desperation and pathetic grasping for attention. Almost.
What it comes down to for me is lies. How do you trust a woman who lies so easily? How will the kids ever know the truth if so many times what she says is proven to be a lie? How do you trust anything your mom says to you without wondering?
ex. Dress modestly for DWTS yet dresses like this and allows pictures to be taken
ex. The big lie, that she and Jon would be together forever and yet a short time later they were getting divorced.
ex. Celebrating Christmas for the camera which required lyinh about the actual date.
CJ said...
Here's my take on the Kate/ Steve item. She might be invested in him emotionally and maybe even romantically at the moment, but she would never plan on it being long term with Steve. Why? He doesn't have enough money or celebrity for her. Even if he does get a great salary, after a divorce….
I so agree. Kart is looking for someone who will keep here in her white trash with money lifestyle that she has become accustomed to. Steve would never be able to provide that for her.
Remember back in the very beginning of this farce, when Kate stated she was always attracted to Asian men? Stever doesn't look too Asian to me. Perhaps another of Kate's mis-truths??
Carolina Gal said .... does anyone know if Al's book has a name? If so, what is it?
I believe the title is, "The Secret Life of Jon and Kate" by Al Walentis.
OMG, I’ve been lurking on “the other side” and the Kate lovers are salivating over these photos. They think she looks hot, and they pity her for being hounded by those pesky paps on her own property. Imagine that!! Hellllloooooo! Oh, and they’re almost wetting their pants in anticipation of the next “special” on July 11th. These fans are women with children! I don't get it. They’re in a crazy little world of their own.
It is hilarous how gullible you all are. Steve's wife was there, but that would not be so much fun to report would it? How boring to think they all had a nice 4th of July together as friends, much more fun to make it salacious!
Anonymous said...
It is hilarous how gullible you all are. Steve's wife was there, but that would not be so much fun to report would it? How boring to think they all had a nice 4th of July together as friends, much more fun to make it salacious!
And you know this how, Anonymous? Please don't call people gullible if you aren't willing to share your source.
I don't care if Buddha were there. The pictures are STAGED. All of them.
Anonymous, First of all how do you know that Steve's wife was there? If you really don't, you shouldn't speculate and make your comments sound factual. I would throw your very own comment back at you "the pot calling the kettle black".
Even if Steve's wife was there, it would still be worth commenting about since Kate was running around in her next to nothing bikini in front of
Gina's husband and sons.
"salacious" - don't you sound smart. Guess what, doesn't impress me much.
"I don't care if Buddha were there."
LOL!! You beat me to it. I was just about to post that even if Elvis was spotted at the barbecue chowing down on peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, who cares? Under discussion is the fact that the photo was staged. It was not taken by an Amish farmer who happened to wander onto the property in search of a missing rooster who had the hots for one of Kate's new hens. It was staged by the very person who claims that she hates the paps.
My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower) and I rather doubt our close-knit parents nor the director would have allowed our children to rub elbows with those of media whores. Kart claims her children have scholarships.......undoubtedly another lie because 'paying' families and their fundraisers cover those scholarships. A family grossing well over a million/year hardly qualifies for any kind of financial aid -- a discount for sheer numbers perhaps.
And thank you, Mickey, for pointing out what even a city girl like me knows about bare feet around animals. Khate's 'cleannesses' escaped her for a moment and I bet now that she's read it here, there was hell to pay!
I'll also bet dollars to donuts Mady made a few snarky comments of her own about Mommydearest's bathing costume. That child will prove to be the voice of reason in future years.
"Khate's 'cleannesses' escaped her for a moment and I bet now that she's read it here, there was hell to pay!"
Funny, Kate won't walk barefoot on hotel carpeting, but her kids can walk in chicken S#@@&. She sucks at 'mommying'.
Hard to Keep Loving Jon said...
My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower) and I rather doubt our close-knit parents nor the director would have allowed our children to rub elbows with those of media whores.
Just when I thought I'd heard it all here, this gem appears. You wouldn't allow your children to "rub elbows" with the child of an adult you considered a media whore? What would you suggest the parents of children at the Gosselins' school do? Refuse to allow their children to eat lunch or play with the Gosselin children? Should the other children turn their backs when a Gosselin child approaches?
I can't imagine a school I'd want my children to attend less than one where a bunch of snobby parents banded together to decide who was and wasn't good enough for their elite club. And I shudder to think about the children educated in such an environment.
"My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower) and I rather doubt our close-knit parents nor the director would have allowed our children to rub elbows with those of media whores."
This is joke, isn't it? The poster is just pulling our legs, being sarcastic. It has to be. I can't imagine a parent enrolling a child in a school like that, much less ADMITTING it on an internet blog.
"And I shudder to think about the children educated in such an environment."
I guess for some, "brainpower" takes precedence over social interconnectedness and humanism. So sad.
I really, really hate when parents of children who attend "prestigious, private schools" come on here and act as though they and their children are better than any other child. I guess snobs do not allow their children to "rub elbows" with children of "media whores" because it is a genetic flaw that is undoubtedly passed on to the children and might rub off on the "snob's" children. Give me a break.
Yes, Kate is a media whore and so much more, but please leave the kids alone. They can't help who they were born to. If anything, those kids need more nurturing than most others.
"My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower)"
Do you mean PRESTIGIOUS? Brainpower is highly overrated. Ted Bundy was considered to have a superlative IQ, a genius, in fact, and look how he turned out.
HAHA I didn't even realize that the parent of a "brain power" child can't spell.
"He looks...... like a man.". - My daughters first reaction to the bikini shots (both saw them for the first time just now.)
Instant nausea pics, my lord. Third one down, my daughter said, "There is the sasquach in its natural enviroment- with tons of paparazzi to feed off of. The lens is slightly blurry because no sasquach can be seen through a naked lens- THANK GOD!!!" She had me in stitches - I didn't know if I was going to throw up from laughing or from the photos, but she kept me from doing so regardless. I am so lucky to have her - awesome responsible mature 13 going on 40 kid, the kind you don't expect exists in real life(rarer than a sasquach!).
"He looks...... like a man.". - My daughters first reaction to the bikini shots (both saw them for the first time just now.)
Instant nausea pics, my lord. Third one down, my daughter said, "There is the sasquach in its natural enviroment- with tons of paparazzi to feed off of. The lens is slightly blurry because no sasquach can be seen through a naked lens- THANK GOD!!!" She had me in stitches - I didn't know if I was going to throw up from laughing or from the photos, but she kept me from doing so regardless. I am so lucky to have her - awesome responsible mature 13 going on 40 kid, the kind you don't expect exists in real life(rarer than a sasquach!).
"My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower)"
Do you mean PRESTIGIOUS? Brainpower is highly overrated. Ted Bundy was considered to have a superlative IQ, a genius, in fact, and look how he turned out.
"And I shudder to think about the children educated in such an environment."
I guess for some, "brainpower" takes precedence over social interconnectedness and humanism. So sad.
Hard to Keep Loving Jon said...
My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower) and I rather doubt our close-knit parents nor the director would have allowed our children to rub elbows with those of media whores.
Just when I thought I'd heard it all here, this gem appears. You wouldn't allow your children to "rub elbows" with the child of an adult you considered a media whore? What would you suggest the parents of children at the Gosselins' school do? Refuse to allow their children to eat lunch or play with the Gosselin children? Should the other children turn their backs when a Gosselin child approaches?
I can't imagine a school I'd want my children to attend less than one where a bunch of snobby parents banded together to decide who was and wasn't good enough for their elite club. And I shudder to think about the children educated in such an environment.
My children attended a pretigous private school (children were there for brainpower) and I rather doubt our close-knit parents nor the director would have allowed our children to rub elbows with those of media whores. Kart claims her children have scholarships.......undoubtedly another lie because 'paying' families and their fundraisers cover those scholarships. A family grossing well over a million/year hardly qualifies for any kind of financial aid -- a discount for sheer numbers perhaps.
And thank you, Mickey, for pointing out what even a city girl like me knows about bare feet around animals. Khate's 'cleannesses' escaped her for a moment and I bet now that she's read it here, there was hell to pay!
I'll also bet dollars to donuts Mady made a few snarky comments of her own about Mommydearest's bathing costume. That child will prove to be the voice of reason in future years.
Kate can run around the Konpound naked for all I care, and she probably will before summer is over. She figured out a long time ago that when other big celeb news comes along no one cares about her or gives a crap about what she's doing. Therefore, we have the photo-ops at Target and gas getting while wearing her newest Fredrick's of Hollywood ensemble. This is how she makes side money now. Two years ago, Kate was a modest born again Christian who pasted bible verses all over her house. She made side money by going into churches and whining that they were struggling to build college funds for their kids. While they were making $75k an episode for J&K+8. As soon as they could no longer grift the church circuit, they no longer went to church.
As far as being jellus (lol) I would only be jellus if Kate attained that body with NO help from a plastic surgeon, housekeepers or nannies. But she didn't. She got a free tummy tuck, regular people who do not have the magic uterus have to pay $6,000-$8,000. She got a boob job and she is bold face lying when she said she didn't. She does not do any housework and little to no cooking. This began even when they lived in E-town. She has a team of nannies. With the surgical enhancements and all the extra time on her hands due to not being a hands-on mom in any capacity whatsoever, she SHOULD be fit and toned.
The other thing I'm not jellus of is how Kate may be living it up now, but come 8-10 years from now when those kids start rebelling and having issues from this Truman Show, broken home, isolated from everything and everyone life, she will pay. Dearly. I doubt she will have a relationship with any of them and I can't wait for the books. For the life of me, I don't understand how People mag can splash her and the kids on the cover and triumphantly celebrate her wonderful life, while the next issue or two has Gary Colman on the cover, the byline promising to tell us how sad his life was after he grew up on TV and his parents spent all his money. WTF? I get the irony, if you fans don't and continue to think the exploitation of the Gosselin kids is ok.... I feel sorry for you.
Disappointed: Everything Kate is able to do:shopping, plastic surgery,DWTS,the huge house,all the freebies, and indeed, running around in a barely there bikini for photographers,is because she has exploited her kids. I've said this before: KG would just be an obscure PA housewife if it weren't for her kids.
So IMO anything she does that might embarrass those children to whom she owes so much is fair game.Anything she does with their money to alter her appearance is fair game. Any freebie she receives because she is their mother is fair game.
So clothes, hair, shopping habits, all fall within those parameters.She is nothing without the earnings of the little Gosselin Sweatshop 8.
Those kids work hard to keep up her image, and have lost their childhoods and their privacy as a result of her greed.
We would stop "gawking" at her body if she removed it, and the children, from the public eye.
"I don't care if Buddha were there."
LOL!! You beat me to it. I was just about to post that even if Elvis was spotted at the barbecue chowing down on peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, who cares? Under discussion is the fact that the photo was staged. It was not taken by an Amish farmer who happened to wander onto the property in search of a missing rooster who had the hots for one of Kate's new hens. It was staged by the very person who claims that she hates the paps.
The pictures of Kate remind me of "Big Foot" pictures! She looks like she belongs to a lost tribe!
Yes. And snarking on how other people look is soooo classy.
Jon Gosselin -- a wordsmith?
It’s true. After his ex-wife Kate penned a series of best-selling books, the former reality television star is attempting to strike gold with an upcoming tome A Slice Of Life: Jon Gosselin’s Story.
Jon and his life-coach, Sylvia Lafair, are currently writing the new book, RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned.
It will tell Jon’s journey from being a relative unknown to reality TV patriarch and regular tabloid fodder.
Co-author Lafair, who takes Jon on soul searching missions into the mountains of Pennsylvania at $10,000 a trip, tells RadarOnline.com: “The book is about having eight kids all at once when he was under the age of 30.”
She says, “It includes some of the lessons that Jon has been learning with helpful hints on how he is working to reframe his relationship with his family including his two brothers and his mother.
“It also explores how the death of his father affected him.
Jon is working hard to re-invent himself. As RadarOnline.com revealed, he got an enormous dragon tattooed on his back to symbolize his rebirth.
Sylvia has been working as Jon’s life coach for more than one year, but it wasn’t until five months ago, that he got serious about the quest.
He told her, “I’m really ready to do some work.”
Sylvia says she suggested the reality television father join her six-month leadership program high above Pennsylvania.
“It provides life-changing results,” she says.
To quickly address the effect of clothing on teenage boys~
I used to work as a receptionist at a physical therapy office. For some reason, my 16 year old son was with me one day.
One of our clients was a prostitute. She was very upfront about it. She was also quite beautiful. She dressed exactly like Kate.
She came when my son was there, in a bathing suit with a towel for her hydrotherapy.
My son said, "She makes me nervous. She's talking to me about school and stuff like everything's normal, but all I can think about is my penis, I hate this feeling."
Imagine how Steve's boys must have felt.
>>Anonymous said... That swim suit is fine and Kate looks fine. You'd see much more revealing ones on a public beach. I sense more jealousy. Kate looks better in a bikini than most ladies on this blog would and they can't take it. JMHO!
July 5, 2010 8:37 PM <<
I'm just curious how many women on this blog you have actually seen wearing a bikini? Oh. None you say? On the other hand, of all the videos and pics I've seen of Kate's fans, most of them look like the result of inbreeding and I'll be grateful if I never see any of them in anything less than the potato sacks they wear.
Anyway....seeing as though we've now seen a fairly revealing look at Kate's body (since coincidentally a photographer just happened to get that shot after the trees were planted to block their view)and until the paps catch her butt ass naked in the hot tub, here's a tip: She would look much better in a one piece like Sunflair Bahama Nights (got that TLC?). It would at least contour her trunk and make it appear as if she had a waist.
KATE AND/OR JON BE SURE TO READ THIS: I was looking at the photo of the kids at the chicken coop and they are not wearing shoes!! Since IMHO chickens are dirty birds and they poop everywhere, you may want to insist that the kids wear some kind of footwear when visiting the chickens versus going there and walking around barefoot. JMO
Sorry I'm late to the party. All I can say is...(repeated from another post I made)...Oh for the love of Pete!!! Come on Kate. Get real. Sorry, but this latest display for the paps is gross. She needs her head examined. Is she really that desperate to keep herself in the spotlight?
Anonymous said... I sense more jealousy.
She looks like cro magnon man running for cover. Jealousy? Yeah, right.
Kate’s been having major landscaping done...Small town Gosselins has pictures, the before and after.
No wonder why the today pictures were taken from near the house. Maybe Chris has the code now to open the gate.
That swim suit is fine and Kate looks fine. You'd see much more revealing ones on a public beach. I sense more jealousy. Kate looks better in a bikini than most ladies on this blog would and they can't take it. JMHO!
Kelly, you are absolutely right. Kate is her own worst enemy. She lies, and lies and then lies again. She has forgotten what the truth is. For people to say it is o.k. for her to wear that kind of bikini in anything other than an intimate setting with an individual, is a sheeple. There is no other explanation. Of course, she doesn't have to dress like Michelle Duggar. But Kate has dressed appropriately for being around young children in the past and now suddenly she looks like a comoplete slut. She has young boys she is raising. And young, impressionable girls. I guess Kate will tell them 'do as I say, not as I do' --- which would fit perfectly with her controlling, bitchy attitude. She certainly doesn't look like she runs 5 days a week.
Pepper, you are making me horny baby
Come on Jay - TLC is touting Kate as if she is the Mom of the Century. What is the premise behind Twist of Kate. Isn't it so that she can visit with Moms who need her advice and assistance.
Wearing a swimsuit by the pool is much different than wearing a flesh colored bikini and having your boobs and butt hanging out. Is this your ideal swimsuit?
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