Monday, July 12, 2010

Work Day and Kids Play--7/11/10 Recap--Did you know? Kate does it ALL!

This episode is called Work Day and Kids Play, but hysterically, TLC doesn’t put an episode title on the screen like they just did for the episode before it. They just tell us it’s “Day 3.”

Haha, I wonder if they felt kind of stupid still insisting that Kate is working and the kids are playing after they were called on that about a million times. If the kids aren’t working, why did they obtain permits for them the last time they filmed them in New York?

Kate is “running this house by myself.” The hell she is. She’s going to make a manual for herself to help run it. I don’t even get that, nor do I want to try to understand. I mean, I guess I get making it for someone caring for your house while you’re in New York. But for yourself? You live there! In chapter one she will explain to herself how the hose doesn’t reach the picnic table.

I was a nanny once for someone who always denied she had a nanny. Two nannies. She even told a magazine once that her husband just watches the kids. It was hurtful. Because me and the weekday nanny made her house run. And her kids would be fat and watching Spongebob all day failing all their classes if it weren’t for the two of us providing them with fun and educational daily activities. I remember one Saturday me and the boys made bread from scratch, washed every car parked in their driveway (there were about five), went to Little League practice then did the week’s grocery shopping, and read a couple chapters in their book. Then I tucked them into bed with hugs and kisses. It was a good day. I wonder if it is similarily hurtful to the many people who have worked for or continue to work for Kate that she keeps telling us she is doing all of this all by herself, every last bit of it.

I wonder how much Kate thinks she can brag about her huge mansion and how hard it is to take care of it before the last few remaining fans of hers finally quit.

When something breaks and Kate has to call someone, she wants to know:
1. What did you do?
2. Why did it do it?
3. Is it going to do it again?
4. If it does how do I fix it?

I bet you maintenance people all around eastern PA just can’t wait until something breaks at her house.

“Quiet!!!” Kate screams to the kids. “I’m in charge and that’s never gonna change, so shush!” Eh, me thinks that will change. Soon. Tick-tock. Hey, remember that 18th birthday countdown a couple blogs used to have for the Olsen twins? It was kinda funny. I’m going to make one for these kids in the sidebar. Only ours is a countdown to freedom from HER.

Jamie, the “Water Filtration Consultant,” not to be confused with Jamie “the new best friend” awkwardly steps into the room at this very moment. People that have no self-awareness invite people into the house while they are screaming at their kids. They also might film this all.

“Who cares?!” a child shouts. I‘m pretty sure it‘s Mady. Mady, we ask that every day.

Kate makes the water guy feel even more awkward by yelling at him where to stand and telling him he can’t put his toolbox on the table. Is he doing this for her for free?

Kate explains their water doesn’t taste good. Well, that’s what you get sometimes when you move to a rural area. My cousins live an hour outside Chicago and while their house is absolutely gorgeous, huge, and probably at least half the price they would pay in many other places, their water tastes like slime. Absolute sewage. There is nothing they can do. Nothing except buy lots of bottled water. It’s a tradeoff.

Kate’s water softener is working, he explains. Of course it is. It’s just probably not working good enough for Kate. Clearly he doesn’t know her.

Jamie tells Kate it’s easy to take care of her water system. Easier than dancing. Tee-hee, good one! Kate can’t take a joke though and snaps, “don’t make comparisons like that!” Geez.

Mady and Cara gather the eggs and only come up with one good one. This is a good activity for them. It’s peaceful out there, and it’s away from Kate.

This is rich. Kate is willing to spend whatever it takes to buy landscaping that will block the paparazzi from seeing the kids out front. But clearly the one thing she’s not willing to do is take them off T.V. She has convinced herself that T.V. has nothing to do with it. This happens when you are narcissistic and want everything to fit in with the twisted way you see your world.

There is just one hired gun taking daily photos of her right now and we‘ve learned his name is Chris. I have a few questions for Kate. How did Chris end up on an island to catch you at the Statute of Liberty? How did Chris get pictures of the chicken coop, which is out back? How does Chris know to show up at Target and Giant to snap you shopping but is never seen anywhere else? And was it Chris whom Tony tweeted he went out to lunch with? Was it Chris who got into a limo with you once? Juuuuuust wondering.

Oh, one more thing. Kate’s own quote in her own book I Just Want you to Know, is, “I truly enjoy the media.” It’s not me speculating she enjoys this attention. She said so herself. She loves it. She loves it more than her kids’ privacy, that’s for sure.

Oh, there’s Steve. Who is he body guarding?

As many have speculated, they probably want these trees so blogs like us won’t be able to document as easily how much they are exploiting the Dionne kids….sorry, Freudian slip! Gosselin!

Some more people come to spray wash the house and Kate is still gabbing about her stupid manual. I give it six weeks before somebody publishes this drivel. More questions for Kate: With all these people roaming the property helping her out, how does she figure she is doing this by herself?

Kate is awfully concerned about the kids touching the power hose and even makes Collin draw a chalk line near it so they won‘t go over there. But she wasn’t concerned about Alexis using a power screwdriver to build the chicken coop? I don’t think she was even there--she went inside to “cool off.“ If it’s fine for a six-year-old to use power tools, why did TLC cut this scene out at the last minute? Wonder if a set teacher or child advocate on a set would allow children to be around a hot and dangerous power washer or use power tools. The interesting truth is that real films use stunt doubles when a child so much as has to jump into a haystack. It is not worth the backlash if a child actor ever got hurt doing something remotely dangerous. Think about it, do you ever hear about children being hurt on a set? No. But you do see kids doing lots of dangerous stunts in the movies. That’s because it’s all fake. But those set rules don’t apply to this set.

Just a really quick story from a set I was on. There was a scene with some guns. They had some kind of blanks in them, not too dangerous. The handler in charge of the guns was so hyper protective of the guns for safety reasons. He wouldn’t let anyone touch them or even go near them. They were brought out only for the scene then quickly given back to him between takes. It was taken very seriously. Unloaded guns! They take even the slightest possible danger on sets very, very seriously.

Collin goes to ask Kate how to get his car across the hose. Kate snaps, “Can you just go? Okay bye-bye! Everywhere I go I’m mommied to death.” Collin retreats, his question unanswered.

Collin goes back to the cars and the kids and tries to figure out this problem and still can’t. He goes back to Kate a second time. This time Kate screeches, “Your snack and popsicles are coming I have to pee please let me go!”

Collin starts crying. Aw, baby. Finally, no idea how long later, Kate tells him he can just drive over the hose. For pity sake.

Kate stands around watching everybody else do the work at her house. Kate finally tries out the hose a bit, and is totally rude about it and then screeches, of course.

Mady and Cara are back gathering eggs. They find one. One. I don’t know if the cost-benefit of this coop is going to pay off the way Kate thinks it will.

Yawn, Kate is inside and explains her manual. Who’s watching the kids? They bought sixteen hens? That coop is not that big! Seriously how many hens do they suggest for that little thing?

Oh, my God. The hens pecked the rooster and there is blood. For those who didn’t grow up in rural America as I did, chickens will peck and peck at a chicken that is different than them until they kill it. Just like kids will peck and peck at a kid different than them. I hope school is going okay for these poor exploited kids.

Kate needs therapy, I’ll say it. “There’s possibly some irony? We’ve got issues with roosters.” It’s not funny. It’s an insult on the children’s father. Are you telling me the children will never watch the show and never hear that? Never insult your children’s parent, there isn‘t a therapist out there licensed or not who would say that‘s okay. It is incredibly hard on kids. It causes horribly confused loyalties. And eventually kids will realize that half of them came from that parent and will wonder if Mommy really loves Daddy’s half. It’s obvious to anyone with the emotional maturity of a slug how sick and twisted it is to do this to your kids, I need not go on.

The real irony is Jon actually was hen-pecked to death and that’s why he couldn’t take it anymore. Now she has no one to hen peck but the children, and eventually they won’t be able to take it anymore either.

They are gathering eggs and Kate holds up a small egg and at first says, see this one that’s smaller this is a new egg! I start hysterically laughing, because it sounds like Kate actually thinks that eggs start off small and then grow if you water them a little. Then she corrects herself and says this is laid by a new, young chicken who is small. Ha, that makes more sense.

“Excuse me children we’re in chicken school!” Kate shouts. Remind me never to send my kids to that school.

“I don’t want to do it. I know how to do it!” Mady snaps irritably. Once again Mady is right on. Mady is the one going out to the chickens to tend them. We saw her do it twice already with a smile on her face, no Kate in sight. Kate can’t just breeze in and try to exert control of a situation that she had nothing to do with in the past and expect everyone to go along, especially when Mady has been the one doing the actual work this whole time. Mady probably knows way more than Kate when it comes to the chickens anyway. Once again, point Mady. And Kate sucks.

I really can’t stand people like that, you know? People that breeze in and tell you what to do then breeze out but never actually pull their weight in anything. A lot of jobs have people like this. These people are lazy and never make it past middle management. Or past being a washed-up reality star. These people feel better about themselves by pretending you’ve done nothing and know nothing and they know it all and have done it all.

The kids are struggling with the hose again. “I’m about to go crazy I need to get out of here!” Kate bemoans. “I just can’t take it! It’s like working with a bunch of …. Kindergartners!“ She actually screams. She finally goes over to the hose herself like I suggested she do last episode. Kate later tells us on the couch she didn’t mean that. But what’s more important is did she cuddle her kids and kiss them and explain to them she didn't mean that?

She reminds us it “all rests on me. All, all, all.” No it fucking doesn’t, Kate. Shut up already.

Kate made all kinds of egg dishes for dinner. Ew, egg salad on a hamburger roll? Sure enough, “First dinner was disgusting,” Mady tells us. Cara, bless her little heart, says she loved it.

And you know why Mady is the best child in the world? Because even though she really thought the dinner was disgusting, she doesn‘t tell Kate that. Instead she says, “We‘re very, very appreciate when you make stuff for us.”

Some people think this line was scripted. I don’t at all, and here’s why. Mady is sick of this shit. She’s beating to her drum now. I simply do not believe Mady would be willing to say a line, any line, for the cameras. She’s gonna say what she’s gonna say and if you don’t like it, you can edit it out. She’s a wonderful, intelligent child who doesn‘t deserve to lose her privacy like this. Sad.

146 sediments (sic) from readers:

Lauren said... 1

Great recap!
Thanks Admin.

PJ's momma said... 2

Admin, I'm confused. Were there two shows, or did you do two recaps of the same show? For your sake, I hope it was the latter. I can't imagine living through even one episode. This recap makes me cringe. She is just downright mean-spirited and rude, as always. I don't know why she believes it's OK to treat people so disrespectfully, but at least she gets points for consistency. ~ Administrator said... 3

It was one big episode but clearly two very distinct episodes. They had two titles but TLC ended up only putting one title at the beginning.

Long story short, it was clearly intended to be 2 episodes but at the end for some odd reason they decided to treat it like one big episode. Maybe so they can say they only filmed the kids for one episode, not two??

It seemed logical to break up the recap in two.

prairiemary said... 4

Thanks, Admin., you always do such a great job with recaps! Love your bits of humor, and your personal experience stories!You know tlc reads all of these blogs, wonder how many ideas they get from these blogs? Maybe we should all be writing story lines for the shows, since we know they read everything here. Maybe we should all get together, and write a book about the many years of abuse by their big star, since we know so many things that have gone on with her. We could nmake it a best seller, blow hers right out of the park, and onto the best seller list!

Maggie said... 5

I didn't watch Sunday but I did watch on YouTube. Did you know that in the credits there is a writer? Yes, Ms. Glover is employed by TLC to write for this show. This thing is scripted!

I have to disagree. I didn't think Kate was rude to Jamie, the water guy or the 3 men that were spraying her house. And because it was on YouTube I actually played those parts back because of all the previous comments. She said please, and thank you to the water guy. She explained that they were eating lunch and asked if he could test the water elsewhere. But what really stood out for me was when Jamie the water guy and Kate went to the basement to look at the water meter. The guy was explaining that they used 300 gallons that day. Kate purposely looked past Jamie and was actually directing her ALL her comments to someone off camera. She said that a lot of the water usage was probably due to her long shower. I am convinced that she was directing all her comments in the basement to Steve. You can tell by her outfit that was the day that Steve was there to direct the planting of the trees. She was laughing with the power spraying guys. Even though she said "shut up" to one of them she was laughing when she said it. Anyway different people perceive things differently.

What I was floored over was Kate's treatment to all her kids. Wow! She totally flipped out over putting water from a hose into a bucket. I really believe it she doesn't enjoy being around her kids. For her to act that mean and stressed over the simple act of filling a bucket, you really have to wonder what she is like without the cameras rolling. Kate said, "I am about to go crazy. I need to get out of here". Kate literally screamed out loud with frustation. Admin. forgot to add that Kate said, "A one bedroom apartment seems very attractive". In fact, I think it was that very comment that Kate apologized to the camera for. Of course, it was a terrible thing to say in front of her kids. That she wished she lived in a one bedroom apt. instead of with them. But of course, it was also a knock against Jon. He lives in an one bedroom apt. away from the kids.

I don't know if Steve and Kate have a "thing" but I tell you without a doubt Kate is very, very, tied to him emotionally. She depends on him for everything.

And she is a liar when she says that "we" planted the trees (I think she meant she & Steve) to give the kids privacy from the paps when they play outside. If that was the truth, then how come she goes out of her way to purposely dress like a hooker when she is traveling with the kids. Remember in the airport for the kids 6th birthday party. She dressed to make sure all heads turned her way. And the same thing in New York city. She dressed to attract attention when she was with the kids all day. And don't think she wasn't sucking on the lollipop "that way" for no reason. She knew very well that the camera was clicking 28 shots of her sucking away. Yes, she was with the kids with her low cut shirts, 5 inch heels, just waiting for everyone and the paps to look at her and give her attention. All of this was when she was suppose to be with her kids giving them her attention. Also, if she didn't want to draw attention from the paps, then why does she dress like a tramp when doing everyday shopping. She is full of baloney when she says she is doing everything to prevent the paps from interferring with her and kids lives.

Kate is still the rude, mean, complaining person she always was. She hasn't changed at all.

Linda in NS said... 6

I did not watch and I will not watch. God how can any woman on earth treat her children so badly. I'm surprised they aren't covered with bruises or been hospitalized yet due to abuse. They need therapy so badly.

Puddymoors said... 7

Hi Admin,

It occurred to me while reading your recap that your comment about Kate breezing in at the end reminded me of the blog entry Kate wrote about busy people.
In her entry she said the following "So, the next time someone comes running into the waiting room or the meeting room late ... instead of assuming they are a slacker, just smile because they've probably accomplished more than you would think possible today! "
As someone who is overly busy and suffers from an inability to say no, I was disgusted by this. I too spend my life running from one chore to the next, from one problem child to the next (as a teacher) but I make it a priority to other people to be on time to importants. Being late assumes that everyone elses time isn't as important as your own ... I guess that's just Kate though!

Your comments admin (and it feels so funny to call someone that!) just reminded me of my annoyance at this.

Byebye Kate said... 8

Kate is a vile hateful bitch. She can't even pretend to enjoy or love her children; she IS in love with the camera, however. If only the camera reciprocated her feelings...for all her working out, wigs, manicures, tanning, and plastic surgery, she is still built like a refrigerator and has a horsey face.

Yes, Kate is homely and bitchy, but now she shocks us with her terrible treatment of her kids. This isn't funny, nor is it amusing. It's just sad. I can't stand to watch her abuse those kids any longer, even on YouTube. I predict her days are numbered; she has zero redeeming qualities.

chesterctymom said... 9

Just a quick comment about the "Amish Farmer". Chances are he is just a kid who dressed in Amish clothing. We have quite a few young guys around here that wear Amish type beards...

IDModo said... 10

Ic don't think we will have to wait until the twins are 18 to see some serious acting out taking place. Fourteen is the age when many kids find out that they are individuals with power,and that they are big enough to back it up by refusing to do things, talking back, dressing to shock or annoy.If Kate is reactive and controlling now, wait till the twins are able to feel safer in openly defying her!She will probably go ballistic.
Wait till she hears "I hate you! I'm going to go live with MY DAD!"

I really hope she gets, and takes, some good parenting advice before that happens, as she will need all the resources she has to keep from being even more verbally abusive than she is now!

dee3 said... 11

What usually happens in situations like this...where one spouse bad-mouths the other in front of the children (after a divorce) that over time, they resent her (or could be "him") because that parent makes them feel guilty for loving the other parent....and children DO love their parents. But they will feel like they are betraying the parent if they feel they have to agree with or listen to the other parent criticizing her/him.
It becomes so stressful over time that they begin to resent that parent more and more and often choose to go and live with the other parent when they are old enough to decide that legally.

We had an abusive mother growing up (7 kids) and because of her and the threat she posed, we became very close and basically allied ourselves as a cabal to counteract the threat....much more so than in other families where the siblings would compete with each other. We didn't compete with each other, we allied as a protective group due to her.
She also bad-mouthed our father (though they remained married until she died) and all of us kids grew up with a much better opinion of our father and also much closer to our father. And had they divorced, we ALL would have chosen to live with dad if we'd had a choice.

Because Kate's behavior is so extreme and she behaves like a child (with no filter at all)...the clever children will become very savvy towards her (rather than horribly fear her) but will also feel pity for her and protect her to some Mady. But for the children who she seriously intimidates and stresses, it could turn out quite bad for them eventually.

dee3 said... 12

IDModo....I agree with you and think that because Kate is a narcissist she has not and will not consider or prepare for when these children become teens. It is going to be interesting because at least some of the children could very well be well-behaved intentionally be a contrast to her (ie: "I do NOT want to be anything like her") plus some of them may actually choose to protect her.

It's very possible that as they see that they get along with others and are received better than Kate...due to her egregiously narcissistic and ungrateful behavior...they will behave graciously towards others.

There are many possible outcomes and there are many instances of children turning out to be fantastic adults BECAUSE their parents were such a mess and they intentionally didn't want to be anything like them. In fact, when this does happen, it almost seems unfair that THESE sorts of parents are able to end up with children that are well-respected, wonderful adults.

However...there could be some who will emulate and copy her bad behavior....and like I said, some who will be seriously intimidated and stressed by her.

IDModo said... 13

Dee3- I got a chuckle out of what you said, because my daughter was born in 1964, right when the world was beginning to change. She endured me being a feminist, a political activist, and a hippie who didn't dress like the other moms on school trips. All her friends thought I was cool.She rebelled by becoming a sensible and responsible young woman with a somewhat more conservative outlook.
She is doing a wonderful job of raising our granddaughter, who is more like Grandma than like Mom. We were joking that it skips a generation!
You're right. I tend to look on the dark side of what could happen, but the Gosselin kids might just rebel by being mentally healthy!

Anonymous said... 14

Ah, Mady... love ya, hon!!! You are the lone voice of reason at that house of horrors.

Oh Just Stop said... 15

Linda in NS said...

I did not watch and I will not watch. God how can any woman on earth treat her children so badly. I'm surprised they aren't covered with bruises or been hospitalized yet due to abuse. They need therapy so badly.


Comments such as this are outrageous. There are plenty of children out there who suffer horrible physical abuse. There is no evidence whatsoever that the Gosselin children are among them.

Anonymous said... 16

Ratings info, anyone?

dee3 said... 17

I'm really curious....I'm no expert on NPD but have tried to read up on it in order to understand Kate's behavior.....but when the girls become teens, would Kate/a narcissist, be more likely to:
A. Want them to be dressed in the best because HER girls should look better than the everyone else's daughters? OR:
B. Intentionally not allow them to dress in the best because she would compete with them?
I'm tending to think it would be option B but I'm not completely sure.

Another thing I'm curious about is....if TLC is now showcasing her egregiously narcissistic episodes (rather than cutting/editing them out of the film shown) the behavior we are seeing the real Kate or is her actual behavior when the cameras are NOT rolling much worse? Even with the extent of her filmed narcissism, is she actually toning it down for the cameras (as a most people would be prone to do) and is even much worse in real life/person?

From the reading I've done on NPD, my projection would be that although her abuse surely scares and intimidates the children NOW....when they grow into teens, the roles may reverse to a certain degree....and she will rely on her children and bewail any evidence of not meeting her every need. She will try to set them up against each other (ie: your sister isn't as pretty as you are, etc.), feel that she deserves eternal gratitude and service from her children simply because she gave birth to them and will exhibit extreme anger if any of them were to move far away and basically sever most of their active/face-to-face relationship with her and she will feel that these ones betrayed her (and will vocalize this vociferously). I'm hoping that Mady is one of the ones who moves far away. I am really concerned about all the children but I think I worry the most about the little boys.

Barbra said... 18

emotional abuse is almost worse than physical because no one actually sees it and therefore it might not be taken care of. she is a liar and what is worse she thinks people are too stupid to know it. she is scraping the bottom of even her barrel for show topics and it shows. someday tlc will realize that they are wasting time and money on her as no one is interested. and I REALLY wish some people would quit the comments about her spending $$$$$$ on unnecessary stuff rather than on her kids. THE STUFF YOU SEE ON THE SHOW IS 'NOT' PAID FOR WITH HER $$$$$$, IT IS PAID FOR BY TLC OR IS A PRODUCT PLACEMENT! We KNOW SHE DOESN'T GET IT but NOW DO YOU GET IT?

dee3 said... 19

To Oh Just Stop.....I tend to agree with you. Although there is a certain degree of some physical abuse, the situation with the Gosselin children is NO where near the physical abuse that happens to certain other children. I would not say that physical abuse is one of the main problems here.

What I WOULD say is that there IS a significant problem with psychological abuse....although having NPD, Kate would not necessarily do this intentionally but would just be acting out her (possible) diagnosis. Any way you cut it, there will likely be a degree of SERIOUS lack of self-esteem and many other issues...for some, if not all, of these children. Children whose parents divorce often have issues from just this and sometimes need counseling...but nobody in this situation has done anything to help these children through their parent's divorce and in fact, have continued to invade their privacy and to make them work/ there is a good chance many will have serious problems and issues from this as they get older.

K8SUCKS said... 20

Abuse is abuse is abuse, physical or emotional. They both hurt and they both leave scars.

JudyK said... 21

Puddymoors said...
Hi Admin,

It occurred to me while reading your recap that your comment about Kate breezing in at the end reminded me of the blog entry Kate wrote about busy people.
In her entry she said the following "So, the next time someone comes running into the waiting room or the meeting room late ... instead of assuming they are a slacker, just smile because they've probably accomplished more than you would think possible today! "

More justification for her poor behavior. I used to date a gorgeous (narcissistic) attorney who was always late for a monthly social group we belonged to and boasted that "he liked to make his presence known." Kate was criticized on DWTS for being consistently late for hair and makeup, even though she had been repeatedly asked to be on time. Again, her time is evidently more important than that of people who actually work (not play) for a living. Oh, and I'm not going to go so far as to say Kate will physically hurt those children, but her behavior is in line with that of an abuser. My boyfriend was verbally abusive to me for years before he finally slapped me so hard that he dislocated my jaw. ~ Administrator said... 22

"So, the next time someone comes running into the waiting room or the meeting room late ... instead of assuming they are a slacker, just smile because they've probably accomplished more than you would think possible today! "

Eh, no, they're probably slackers. Basically Kate is trying to say no one works as hard as her and that she should be excused from following the societal rules to be on time and not only that but we should wait for her and smile about it.

Why is Kate's time more important than anyone else's? Why does everyone else have to wait for her to show up?

She is so selfish and worst of all she doesn't know it. ~ Administrator said... 23

Contrary to popular belief the vast majority of child abuse cases involve drugs or mental illness. It's legal in this country to hit your kids and it's hard to prove that you hit someone more than what is legal.

But kids whose parents do drugs or are mentally ill are often are neglected and emotionally abused. Those kids don't have a scratch on them and may never have a scratch on them. There are also a lot of domestic violence cases. Society has finally accepted that it's emotionally abusive to hit a child's mother in front of him.

You can't assume because a child is not beaten he is not abused. There would be a lot of kids out of foster care right now if so.

Linda in NS said... 24

I remember having a party for friends and one couple came in about one hour late (for a sit down dinner). The husband said he likes to be "fashionably late". I was so pissed by that time (dinner was nearly ruined) that I said there is no such thing as fashionably late but there is something called inconsiderately late and that is blatently rude. Kind of took him back in his tracks but he made every other dinner party on time after that.

Just Wondering in Canada said... 25

Hi all. I mostly lurk, but enjoy seeing all the diverse opinions about this family.

After reading for so long, is that it seems clear to me that there is some kind of breakdown around the corner for this woman. Whether it be mental or abusive, something will crack and the children are going to be the ones to witness it.

I am feeling less and less inclined to discuss her attire, appearance, shopping habits, etc., and more disturbed by the behaviour. I almost think it unfair to continue to pick apart someone who is obviously not well.

Am I the only one? I am not slamming anyone here, I enjoy a good drubbing as much as the next guy! It just seems something is changing.

Linda in NS said... 26

Kate believes in her own "celebrity" and feel she is above everybody else and can do no wrong. She cannot see the proverbial writing on the wall for her sanity or her family.

dee3 said... 27

I personally do not believe in hitting children...ever. I feel it is completely unnecessary and in fact, counter-productive. So to ME, Kate's smacking of Leah, threatening the children with a wooden spoon, NOT okay.

And I absolutely do agree that abuse is it physical or emotional/verbal/psychological. And for anyone who would dispute my impression of Kate's abusiveness....I had an abusive mother and believe me, I recognize it on sight.....a big reason why I stopped watching the show. In fact, was horrified....and it was not because I didn't recognize that this happens in many families, but more that they would allow this to be televised on a family-friendly show. I almost couldn't believe my eyes.

But I do have to agree that from what I've seen, I certainly would NOT say that Kate seriously abuses the children physically nor that it rises to the level of serious abuse. However...emotional abuse is a whole other story. I would have to say, from what I've seen, that there is a significant amount of that....although like I've said...with severe NPD, Kate would have no insight nor much control over her own behavior. It's what one would expect of someone with that particular personality disorder.

dee3 said... 28

Just Wondering in Canada:
I agree with you and in fact, I have rarely, if ever, commented on Kate's terms of physical flaws that she has no control over (what she was born with, ie: eyes, body shape, etc.)

I also recognized her probable narcissistic personality disorder very this current behavior is actually not any big surprise to I have tried to read and learn about this diagnosis.

As a practical matter, she is, at some point, no longer going to be a celebrity...or at most, she will be a the ones who go on shows like Sober House, The Surreal Life (I think was the name of the show), etc.
And because of her NPD, which I believe she has, she will have MUCH more difficulty handling this than other celebrities that have had to deal with this. She could literally verge into "nervous breakdown" territory.
And she is also going to have a great deal of difficulty dealing with things like the children growing into teens and adults and Jon possibly remarrying....and any possibility that one or more of the children might opt to live with Jon....much more so than those without NPD who have to go through the same things.

I do have to add, however, that IF, indeed, TLC has decided to film Kate's negative behavior and traits intentionally, it would stand to reason that they would no longer be guiding her regarding her appearance and behavior....such as dressing like a "mom" rather than dressing provocatively. So I do recognize that this could also factor in to what we've seen recently.

Sadie said... 29

Pictures were posted last week of those kids playing with the chickens in their backyard, question remains. How did Chris the pap snap that picture unless he was on their property that day and how did he get a pic of her on the side rear of the house as well? She is working along with this pap for cash same as Jon did or shold I say does.

NancyB said... 30

Twisted Kate has such problems staying on script! It has become almost comical except that it impacts her kids. During DWTS, all we heard ad nauseum was that her costumes would reflect a level of modesty for a mother of 8. So that her children would not be embarrassed. Does she not see that the myriad of daily lies and direct contradictions that she spews does and will have a real life negative effect on her kids? So many blatant lies on a daily basis. Even if all the lies are compartmentalized she is still modeling unhealthy, very negative and dysfunctional behaviors that I believe are harmful to her kids. Even if she "just" lies all the time in her "celebrity" role but not at home (which I highly doubt)her behavior results in teaching them unacceptable behavior, IMO.

Tammy said... 31

One more thing before I actually go here, same old pap and same old mani/pedi appointment...on ROL of course. I didn't have to click but her usual worshippers are probably there googling her up and down and wishing it were them..I can't understand them either but hey, they still think she cooks eggs every day as well.

AuntieAnn said... 32

There's just so many things that are repulsive about that woman.

For one thing, Collin has no choice but to retreat when he's trying to ask her about the water hose. His mother screams at him to let him go because she has to pee, then slams the door in his and Leah's face. There was no call for that. Those children worked for that house. That's THEIR house. She could have, right then and there, told him he could drive over the hose, but nope, being obnoxious and slamming the door on her kids is her choice.

She was rude to the water guy ordering him where to stand in HER kitchen. Not your kitchen Kate. Remember when THEY needed new cabinets?

And I would bet money that the dispute in the kitchen before the water tester guy arrived was that perhaps a nanny had done something differently than Kate, therefore she had to make it very clear that SHE was in charge and that it was never going to change, now that she's home again. The nannies have been around that house a lot longer than Kate and the kids probably follow a routine closer to what they've laid out rather than by following what this stranger they're forced to call "Mommy" tells them to do in THEIR home.

Kate's complaints about the upkeep of the McMansion is starting to sound similar to the bitching she did before they moved out the overcrowded home she just HAD to get out of a couple of years ago. She said needed more space away from them so she couldn't hear them. Yeah, it's obvious she doesn't like being around those kids. And they know it.

Admin, I totally agree that Mady is very intelligent. She's got Kate's number and she does a better job of mothering her brothers and sisters than Kate ever will.

dee3 said... 33

Features of NPD: (Wikipedia)

* Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
* Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
* Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
* Requires excessive admiration
* Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
* Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
* Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
* Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
* Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

I also think that she exhibits a great deal of histrionic behavior. For instance....complaining that she has to take care of all the house and property by herself. Nobody forced her to buy that house. SHE wanted it. Her complaining about it now is out of touch with reality. And she feels that she is so unique and special because SHE is the only one who has to do this (care for the house/property)....and is completely out of touch with the fact that many single moms have to do the same thing...and with NO help. She likely thinks she's the only one who ever had children too (I'm exaggerating, of course....but to her, nobody's childbirth story could come close to topping hers and all her bed-rest sacrificing, etc. She likely also thinks that ordering the servants/nannies around is a difficult job.

Infrequent poster said... 34

Just Wondering in Canada said... I am feeling less and less inclined to discuss her attire, appearance, shopping habits, etc., and more disturbed by the behaviour. I almost think it unfair to continue to pick apart someone who is obviously not well.

Am I the only one?
No, you're not the only one. Since I feel Kate is mentally disturbed, or at the least completely run by her obsessive/compulsiveness, I refrain from making fun of her.

The ones I detest are those at TLC. I don't know if they think they're going to get an Emmy for documenting the breakdown of a mother of eight or what, but they're certainly not doing any editing to hide her frequent "meltdowns" as Kate calls them.

If they're doing it strictly for the staring at a train wreck factor, they're lower than snail snot.

Anyway, the Flintstone toe and wonky eye jabs are childish, overdone and not funny. The other criticisms of her behavior such as how she dresses, constant tanning, huge boobs are in such excess that I feel it says something about her mental condition. I can't bring myself to criticize someone who is mentally ill.

Oh Just Stop said... 35

Administrator said...

Contrary to popular belief the vast majority of child abuse cases involve drugs or mental illness. It's legal in this country to hit your kids and it's hard to prove that you hit someone more than what is legal.

But kids whose parents do drugs or are mentally ill are often are neglected and emotionally abused. Those kids don't have a scratch on them and may never have a scratch on them. There are also a lot of domestic violence cases. Society has finally accepted that it's emotionally abusive to hit a child's mother in front of him.

You can't assume because a child is not beaten he is not abused. There would be a lot of kids out of foster care right now if so.


No one here has made that assumption.

Jamie said... 36

All those egg dishes and the kids didn't throw up on her? Who in their right mind serves and prepares that many eggs? must have been for her show and now they are back to half a PB&J sandwich with a handfull of goldfish...Dinners ready kiddies....hahaha

Have to wonder said... 37

I think Kate lacks whatever we have within us to cope with the small stress of every day life. She has a manic need to have every single thing organized and in its place at all times.

When the water guy showed up at lunch, it must have made her nuts. She couldn't cope with having to deal with someone coming to the house AND giving her kids lunch at the same time. It disturbed her need for order and peace.

She throws herself into huge projects, sets unrealistic goals and then has continual meltdowns because of the added stress she puts upon herself.

She would have been content, maybe, if she lived alone in a small place that she could keep orderly and quiet, where there were no messes and no one around to disrupt her sense/need for perfection. Of all people to have 8 kids!

HI 50 said... 38

K+8, K's World, Twist of Kate......Didn't watch, won't watch, stopped watching BUT I appreciate the recaps. Some things NEVER change. Whine, whine, wine! B*tch, b*tch, b*tch! Lie, lie, lie!

SO is Katie Irene NOW editing the final outcome of the episode clips? Sounds as if. First you see the power tool clip, then it disappears. Then you see her up on the roof, in her mini skirt, flashing her cooch for the workers to see, then the clip disappears.

AND now with A LOT of negative responses to her assinine meltdowns in front of the kids, will the next episodes be sterilized so she doesn't look so B*TCHY!

AND WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS! When children start behaving like little robots, fearful of doing or saying the wrong thing, excessively PRAISING there mother, there is some sort of abuse going on. Verbal & emotional may be Kate's TAKE on how to discipline the kids. Of course there were pictures and other statements about the using a wooden spoon for physical discipline. AND now the kids are AFRAID to be spontaneous, age-appropriate 6-year-olds. They've learned to "walk on egg shells" around Mommy. It appears as if Mommy's well being is MORE IMPORTANT than the kids.

Kate having a meltdown with the hose, yelling at Collin when all he wanted to do was ride the kiddie car, and the rooster-gate. So let's go there with the rooster. On CAMERA, she admits to hen pecking Jon?! What happened, the rooster was relentlessly henpecked, was bloodied and had to be removed from the chicken coop. WORST of all, Clean slate Kate couldn't 'man up' & remove the rooster HERSELF -- chicken! She admitted the rooster had to be removed to have peace?! THEN she LAUGHINGLY ADMITS to having rooster issues. ANOTHER FREUDIAN SLIP!

AND NOW, on camera, she admits to being overwhelmed with being a mom of 8? Wait, before any die hards start a rant, this is a woman who CONSTANTLY goes on air, in interviews claiming she is DOING IT BY HERSELF! That's NOT the truth, she has HELP! LOTS OF HELP --Nannies, booby guard - sorry another Freudian slip, body guard, a work crew for the yard, home maintenance, a pool person, a chef/cook. Is this the same "boo-hoo, poor me, I'm doing it all for my kids" woman who CLAIMS she's all alone with her glass of wine night, alone with her aloness?! Her BULL SH*T is piling SO HIGH, she's going to need a special crew to come over & haul it away.

Admin, sorry, it's a never ending story of a grifter who is being rewarded by a big TV conglomerate for NASTY BEHAVIORS. Ok, I might be done for the day. But I'll be back.

Have to wonder said... 39

Jamie said...

All those egg dishes and the kids didn't throw up on her? Who in their right mind serves and prepares that many eggs? must have been for her show and now they are back to half a PB&J sandwich with a handfull of goldfish...Dinners ready kiddies....hahaha
Good example of how she goes to extremes. She could have made egg salad or hard boiled eggs or egg custard, but she did them all at once! So, yes, who in their right mind...

HI 50 said... 40

Humm, wonder if TLC, INF, ROL, People...all the supporters of Twisted Kate need a symbolic reminder of the their star. Maybe a wooden spoon in the mail might be a great reminder OR how about a stiletto OR maybe a rubber hose.

Just being snarky but I seriously cannot stand this woman's antics. CPS needs to investigate this crazed woman. Watching the kids' body language and how they approach their mom with hesitation...somethings going on!

IDModo said... 41

Nobody so far has thought of Attention Deficit Disorder as a co-morbid condition for Kate, but what Have To Wonder said got me thinking. She really has an overwhelming need for orderliness and seems to start to disintegrate when she needs to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. She seems to have trouble following more than one conversational thread (her appearances on the View for instance).
(Co-morbid simply means a secondary or also existing comdition.)
I'm starting to also feel that making fun of her is like making fun of someone with a handicap; but I'm still very concerned about her behaviour towards the kids, and hope that someone, somewhere, has enough influence on her to make her get some therapy.

Have to wonder said... 42

Don't you think that this was planned? She and TLC knew exactly when he was going to show up so they could film it. The water guy would have had to sign a release, and I'm betting he didn't pop in there without an appointment! It was scripted!
I don't care if it was scripted. That wasn't my point. She cannot handle the least bit of disorder, disorganization. If it was scripted, and she said ok, then she was once again setting herself up for added stress that she canNOT handle.

AuntieAnn said... 43

Jamie said...
All those egg dishes and the kids didn't throw up on her? Who in their right mind serves and prepares that many eggs?

First of all, Kate isn't in her right mind, but that aside, it was a jab at her little nemesis Mady, who hates eggs. Mady, who stands up to the woman 'in charge', will be punished one way or another.

That last scene reminded me of what Joan Crawford did to her daughter when she refused to eat almost rare steak she served to her.

AuntieAnn said... 44

That should be the almost RAW steak she served to her.

JanSpec said... 45

Everyone wants to diagnose her as NPD or ADD. Have we ever considered she is just one big old BITCH, and she is laughing her butt off at all the buzz about her mental state?

She only ACTS like she is overstressed about lack of organization, afraid of heights, or bare feet WHEN IT SUITS HER or when she thinks it makes her cute.

We can only hope the only time she interacts with the children is on film, and the rest of the time they are taken care of by kindly nannies.

One can only hope.

Have to wonder said... 46

IDModo said...She really has an overwhelming need for orderliness and seems to start to disintegrate when she needs to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. She seems to have trouble following more than one conversational thread (her appearances on the View for instance).
Good points. I also feel that her extremism fits in there somewhere. She didn't buy a bigger house, she bought a huge house on a huge piece of land. When she talks she exaggerates, it's not hot out, it's "938 degrees." She couldn't have 2 kids, had to go for multiples. It goes on and on.

"I'm starting to also feel that making fun of her is like making fun of someone with a handicap;"
I agree.

dee3 said... 47

I'm not totally convinced that all this OCD behavior is nothing more than just a shtick. For starters, she would NEVER walk barefoot on the streets and sidewalks of NYC if she was truly OCD about cleanliness and orderliness.

For ME...all her behaviors seem to fit right in with NPD. She wants everything HER way, in whatever order SHE wants them in...because it's all about her and the help is inconsequential. They are just there for her convenience. She feels that having to be the boss for all these helpers, cleaners and nannies is an exhausting job but has no sympathy or empathy for any of the work THEY have to do. I'm tending to think all this orderliness stuff is just Kate being a pain-in-the-ass and insisting everyone do things HER way....with NO exceptions. She feels that others are there for her convenience and that what SHE does is all that matters and all that anyone cares about.

Have to wonder said... 48

I think all of you who are saying she's acting or it's some kind of schtick are giving her too much credit. I don't think she could act her way out of a paper bag. Do you think she's just acting like she can't act? I do not think all her meltdowns in the two episodes on Sunday were an act. She was stressed, panicky and frustrated.

I think she displays NPD traits, but I think there's more to it.

K8SUCKS said... 49

"I'm starting to also feel that making fun of her is like making fun of someone with a handicap"

A handicapped person most likely is in his/her condition due to circumstances beyond human control. K8 is where she is because of her greed, selfishness and narcissism. No comparison.

AuntieAnn said... 50

dee3 said,
For ME...all her behaviors seem to fit right in with NPD. She wants everything HER way, in whatever order SHE wants them in...because it's all about her and the help is inconsequential. They are just there for her convenience. She feels that having to be the boss for all these helpers, cleaners and nannies is an exhausting job but has no sympathy or empathy for any of the work THEY have to do. I'm tending to think all this orderliness stuff is just Kate being a pain-in-the-ass and insisting everyone do things HER way....with NO exceptions. She feels that others are there for her convenience and that what SHE does is all that matters and all that anyone cares about.


ITA. Ever hear the joke "how many narcissists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Only one, but the whole world has to revolve around her". That is Kate. Things are done HER way, as with the spraywasher guy. Did you hear her say - STOP! I need to give YOU the rules - when he was trying to show her how to use the sprayer. Wow, the freakin' nerve of that woman. She isn't just displaying NPD traits, she IS the disorder.

JudyK said... 51

Kate has always been a BITCH and despite TLC's efforts to re-program her image, she is what she is which is a BITCH. It's simple people. She's just a BITCH. I'm not good at this, but find the clip of her telling Jon how to breathe and then snorting like a pig at him. She's a belittling, berating BITCH, and the worst part is that she enjoys it.

SG said... 52

I didn't read the other comments yet, but I think Kate was apologizing for the comment she made about a one-bedroom apartment looking good right about now, or something to that effect.

Kate may say things out of anger or frustration but she has to realize that those things will be there forever for someone (her children, ex, etc) to hear for years to come, when no longer in the heat of the moment.

fidosmommy said... 53

Re: Kate exaggerates.

A woman I know has a sister with severe diabetes. About 2 months ago, this woman came to church and told us (again) about her sister's dire condition, how she was afraid sissy would die in the night tonight or tomorrow. She told her story (again) and cried all through Sunday School, told her story and cried all through church and told her story and cried after church, clinging to people and asking for us all to keep everyone in prayer. (Of course we have been doing that.) She wailed that she would not know what to do when her sister died, that her sister was her life and her "baby".

The next day I called this woman to ask how her sister was doing and how we could help. Well, it turns out Sissy was out shopping with their Mom that day. Oh, did I forget to tell you that Mom was also on the critical list, going to die in the next week or so?

I have decided she is a narcissist who turns every single opportunity around to be about herself. If another person in church has a sad tale to tell about death or illness, this woman has 2 sadder tales to tell. The same happens with happy events. When we were discussing the fact that one of our church members was going to be celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary soon, this woman announced in a very shrill, singsongy voice that she and her wonderful husband were going to celebrate their 20th in November (!) and went on and on about how he sent her flowers and gave her a ring for their 19th. So much for wishing the 50 year couple more years of happiness, huh?

Yeah, these Kate-like exaggerations get tiresome. Good isn't good enough and bad isn't bad enough. It has to be uber good or uber bad
and if it isn't, well, we'll just have to make it sound that way. As long as I get sympathy and lots of attention, it's all good.

SG said... 54

I watched the episode online... I am so glad the one crew member actually spoke up to Colin and stopped him from touching the hot hose.

Colin was so confused and upset at how the others got on the other side of the hose that he was going to lift it after being told not to. Thankfully the camera man stopped him.

Why weren't they being supervised with that equipment around? It just goes to show you that even a child that listens and seems to know better will make a poor judgment decision. Colin assumed the other kids lifted the hose so he made the decision that it was safe for him to do so also.

I was surprised the camera man stopped him since it was interfering with "reality" but pleasantly surprised. Thank goodness for his good judgment call.

Notice though that poor Colin had to go around all upset and crying because the camera guy couldn't, or wouldn't, just tell him that he could drive over it. So emotional distress is okay for the child when it comes to filming, just not physical harm...

fidosmommy said... 55

Kate may be trying to save money by learning how to fix things herself. One thing I have learned from watching shows like Property Ladder is that there are many, many times it is cheaper to call in a pro who has the tools, who has the expertise and who has the time to do it right. I fear Kate will "fix it" only to find she has to call the plumber, technician or electrician anyway, and it will cost more in the long run.

Replacing fuses, flipping blown circuits and changing furnace filters are one thing. I hope she doesn't actually try to mess with dishwashers.

SG said... 56

Interesting observation about Kate talking to someone else off camera. I noticed that too. It wasn't the camera man because she wasn't talking towards to camera. She did it in the water filter scene and the power washing scene (when she said Shut up). I was wondering who it was...

SG said... 57

Regarding the water softener scene. The guy said her salt level was good. I have one. The salt has to be refilled regularly. My husband does it. The more water you use the more it has to be filled. They use a lot more water than the average family so someone had to be filling it up pretty regularly all this time. Who?

Troy Chula Vista said... 58

Hi all. Last night I was watching Cake Boss (yes TLC does still have a few fun shows) and thought to myself that it's amazing there is still ANY audience left for Kates behavior. The reason I thought this was that shows like Cake Boss show dynamics of love and fun and childhood and working together as a team. I'm sure there are scripted moments, but for the most part you feel like you are a family memeber along side Buddy.

My wife & I watched her behave like an idiot, cackle, screech & miss treat the kids and say she wished she wasn't there (sheeple alert: not exact words). She is clueless in what the REAL world has to deal with. Kates world is fantasy and enabling to the highest order.

As far as I am concerned, regardless of who or how many watch her show, she will go away. Most likly sooner rather than later. I'm curious if Kate thinks she can keep this train running forever. I bet she says to herself, "they love me and will watch me as long as I am on TV"

Another thing, how does she prevent Mady and Cara from looking up things on the computer? Is she going to try and pull a Spencer and shield (not allow) them to use a computer? Are they banned from using them at school?

AuntieAnn said... 59

"They use a lot more water than the average family so someone had to be filling it up pretty regularly all this time. Who?"


It could be any one of the notta's that live in that house. You know, the nottananny, nottagardener, nottahousekeeper, nottacook....

silimom said... 60

Kate isn't trying to learn to fix things - TLC needed an episode and this seemed like a good topic, i.e. "Let's have Kate try to fix things around the house!"

I need to preface my comment by saying that I have not watched the episode so I am only reacting to the opinions expressed here by others. That being said, I have to say poor Collin. I wish that Mady or Cara would have told him it was safe to just drive over the hose, but they probably have all learned to not do anything of their own initiative because they might get yelled at for it.

In some ways I'm glad the show is on, for the simple reason that if this is truly how Kate is, if she truly has issues like NPD, OCD, ADD, or even Bi Polar Disorder, than it's probably better for the kids that there are camera crews, nannies and bodyguards around to buffer her craziness. I say if it's true because we know that this is a scripted show and it is edited to present Kate in a certain light. At first they tried to make her the ubermommy. They soon realized that people were more interested in watching her craziness/bitchiness/what have you. So it could be that Kate is worse than she is portrayed on the show or she could be better than she is portrayed on the show.

Again, I just feel for those children. Living with someone who has mental health issues (as the show presents Kate as having) is so difficult and can truly mess you up. It sounds like Mady has a good perspective on her mom and hopefully she will be the touchstone her siblings need to get through childhood.

What's next? said... 61

Just want to say lots of good discussions going on and lots I agree with - too many in fact to list. I do think she may have more than one mental issue going on and I expect a major breakdown of some sort soon as her behavior and dress (or lack thereof) seems to be getting more and more bizarre.

I also thought that possibly a move is in the works due to all the mention of how it is so much that she has to take care of. I can see her moving to some luxury condo where there are no grounds to upkeep. Not that she really does the work. Or could be a lead in to another book she has in the works on household management. There are several on the market plus websites dedicated to that topic, btw, so it's not a new or original idea.

Markiesnana said... 62

dee3 --
I'm not sure if anyone else answered your question; but a narcissistic mother views her children as "extensions of herself" and I'm sure she will try to control how they look and want them to look a certain way.
Of course, we all are concerned about how our youngsters dress and act as they grow up; because we are trying so hard to guide them.
However, I think the older two will "break out" of her control as soon as possible. Well, maybe one of them, anyhow. She is doing a lot of crazymaking, even as far as we used to see on the program, when the whole family was together. I think those kids have roadblocks and landmines all over the place, put there by their mother. I feel sad for them.

Huh? said... 63

Troy Chula Vista said...

Hi all. Last night I was watching Cake Boss (yes TLC does still have a few fun shows) and thought to myself that it's amazing there is still ANY audience left for Kates behavior. The reason I thought this was that shows like Cake Boss show dynamics of love and fun and childhood and working together as a team. I'm sure there are scripted moments, but for the most part you feel like you are a family memeber along side Buddy.

My wife & I watched her behave like an idiot, cackle, screech & miss treat the kids and say she wished she wasn't there (sheeple alert: not exact words). She is clueless in what the REAL world has to deal with. Kates world is fantasy and enabling to the highest order.


You're amazed that there is an audience for Kate but watched the show with your wife? Uh, that would make you part of the audience so are you amazed at yourself?

jessica said... 64

Ratings just posted - 2.229 down from 3.5

Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said... 65

The diagnosis by Internet is a bit much. No one here has assessed Kate and I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals.

b said... 66

essica said...

Ratings just posted - 2.229 down from 3.5

Could you please supply a link.

jessica said... 67

Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 2.229 million viewers
- 1.5/3 HH
- 0.8/2 A18-49

Here is the breakdown. Past ratings were 3.4. Looks like over one million have come to their senses - let's hope.

JudyK said... 68

Huh? said...
Troy Chula Vista said...

Hi all. Last night I was watching Cake Boss (yes TLC does still have a few fun shows) and thought to myself that it's amazing there is still ANY audience left for Kates behavior. The reason I thought this was that shows like Cake Boss show dynamics of love and fun and childhood and working together as a team. I'm sure there are scripted moments, but for the most part you feel like you are a family memeber along side Buddy.

My wife & I watched her behave like an idiot, cackle, screech & miss treat the kids and say she wished she wasn't there (sheeple alert: not exact words). She is clueless in what the REAL world has to deal with. Kates world is fantasy and enabling to the highest order.


You're amazed that there is an audience for Kate but watched the show with your wife? Uh, that would make you part of the audience so are you amazed at yourself?

HUH...Troy Chula Vista said he and his wife were watching Cake Boss, which WAS ON LAST NIGHT--Kate Plus 8 was NOT ON, but I'm sure they saw previews of her screeching and cackling, because it's being repeated tonight.

Woe Is Me said... 69

What's the difference between a sociopath and an NDP kinda girl?
They're pretty closesly related as far as I know.

jessica said... 70

Can't paste the link but go to under new posts, they have all of Sunday's ratings

Ellie said... 71

Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said...

The diagnosis by Internet is a bit much. No one here has assessed Kate and I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals
Obviously the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals. But if you've ever had a Narcissist in your life or had your life ripped to shreds by a Narcissist, it isn't that hard to spot one. Narcissists are very text book and rarely sway from the typical behaviours described as NPD.

Of course we all have to say this is what we suspect and don't know for fact, but the people on this blog are not ignorant and have clearly followed the destruction of her personality for the past few years. In my opinion I'd say many of these posters are spot on.
During my year of torture with a Narcissist I did plenty of research on the subject just so I could understand why it was happening and what was coming next. And believe me, the effects on their victims are permanent. I get the feeling that some posters here have actually dealt with their own 'Kate'. So while there is armchair diagnosing here I wouldn't shrug thier opinions off too quickly.

AuntieAnn said... 72

"Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said... The diagnosis by Internet is a bit much. No one here has assessed Kate and I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals."


Well, a hermit living in a cave on the Bouvet Island without human contact, a phone, a television, a computer or a tabloid magazine stand within two thousand miles would only have to listen to Kate for five minutes and assess her as narcissistic. There's no need to call in mental health professionals for a diagnosis of that woman.

Huh? said... 73

JudyK said...

HUH...Troy Chula Vista said he and his wife were watching Cake Boss, which WAS ON LAST NIGHT--Kate Plus 8 was NOT ON, but I'm sure they saw previews of her screeching and cackling, because it's being repeated tonight.


Thanks, I'm capable of reading. He said he was "thinking about" Kate during Cake Boss and then referenced what he and his wife saw. It's your interpretation that he saw Kate "cackle, screech & miss treat (sic) the kids and say she wished she wasn't there" within a short preview. My interpretation is that they had watched the show. There was nothing to preclude him from watching Kate on Sunday and Cake Boss on Monday, so I'm really not sure why you're getting on your high horse.

PatE said... 74

We all know what happens to Narcissists.

They drown in their own reflections.

Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said... 75

Ellie said...

Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said...

The diagnosis by Internet is a bit much. No one here has assessed Kate and I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals
Obviously the vast majority of posters are not mental health professionals. But if you've ever had a Narcissist in your life or had your life ripped to shreds by a Narcissist, it isn't that hard to spot one. Narcissists are very text book and rarely sway from the typical behaviours described as NPD.

Of course we all have to say this is what we suspect and don't know for fact, but the people on this blog are not ignorant and have clearly followed the destruction of her personality for the past few years. In my opinion I'd say many of these posters are spot on.
During my year of torture with a Narcissist I did plenty of research on the subject just so I could understand why it was happening and what was coming next. And believe me, the effects on their victims are permanent. I get the feeling that some posters here have actually dealt with their own 'Kate'. So while there is armchair diagnosing here I wouldn't shrug thier opinions off too quickly.


Well, if we're going to play armchair psychologist, I'd say there's a hell of a lot of transference going on here.

narcissismdestroyssouls said... 76

Once again, Kate is an emotionally stunted six year old raising 6 year old sextuplets and even worse, 9 old year twins. From being "grandiose and exhibitionist" to being obsessed with their poop/potty habits and vomit in Ziploc bags, she is like a six year old seeking attention, unsure how to act. A 6 year old has an excuse, they are growing..finding their way. Kate Gosselin does not have an excuse and her narcissism is getting worse. Can you imagine what life is like for the Gosselin 8?
I despise you, Kate Gosselin, while at the same time I pity you, the emotional pain inside of you must be enormous. Because the children you schemed to create deserve so much more then the mother you "portray". Your children shouldn't be about getting you attention, wealth, fame, a TV job or freebies. You should be so busy running your ass off with the kids' activities that you don't have time to tan and get your nails done via your regular ROL photo op schedule.

dee3 said... 77

I think it's a huge leap to say that because people recognize NPD due to having dealt with one in the past is the same as transference. There's a big difference.

And I'm not a mental health professional but worked as a health professional for many years and we had to do a psych rotation when training. And I did a great deal of research on this topic back when Casey Anthony was in the news....and even more when I began to observe Kate's behavior.

Woe is me: That's a really excellent question. There can be a great deal of over-lapping with psych diagnoses and many features can be consistent with several different ones. And although there are most definitely overlaps, I would say Kate falls more into the NPD category rather than the sociopath one...especially due to the sociopath features of history of violence, stealing, being prone to getting into fights and often getting in some sort of trouble with the law....which do not appear to be main features in her behavior. But with NPD, she fits almost every single feature.
There are also many overlaps with, for instance, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder but there are also several unique differences.

There are also subcategories of NPD and while Kate definitely demonstrates histrionic behavior, I would not call consider her to be in the histrionic sub-type....whereas I probably would categorize the woman that a poster was describing here...who went to her church and always has to one-up everyone else with dramatic a histrionic sub-type.

JudyK said... 78

narcissismdestroyssouls said...

Once again, Kate is an emotionally stunted six year old raising 6 year old sextuplets and even worse, 9 old year twins. From being "grandiose and exhibitionist" to being obsessed with their poop/potty habits and vomit in Ziploc bags, she is like a six year old seeking attention, unsure how to act. A 6 year old has an excuse, they are growing..finding their way. Kate Gosselin does not have an excuse and her narcissism is getting worse. Can you imagine what life is like for the Gosselin 8?
I despise you, Kate Gosselin, while at the same time I pity you, the emotional pain inside of you must be enormous. Because the children you schemed to create deserve so much more then the mother you "portray". Your children shouldn't be about getting you attention, wealth, fame, a TV job or freebies. You should be so busy running your ass off with the kids' activities that you don't have time to tan and get your nails done via your regular ROL photo op schedule.
Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.

Livvy said... 79

I have two granddaughters. Ages 8 and 11. When they were younger I could have them at my home or go their home on weekends. Now they have soooo many parties, scouts, Judo, religion it gets hard to fit in. My DIL works days and spends weekends and evenings getting the girls to their appointments. Those 8 need outside socialization.

mary said... 80

Kate + 8 was beat in the ratings by Ice Road Truckers. Ha, ha!

Normal?!? said... 81

JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.
the posts here are a

Enough with the Dr. Google Diagnoses said... 82

dee3 said...

I think it's a huge leap to say that because people recognize NPD due to having dealt with one in the past is the same as transference. There's a big difference.
And I think it's a huge leap to diagnose people with mental illnesses based on what you've seen of them on television. I'm sure she'd be relieved to learn that you haven't diagnosed her as a sociopath though.

Good grief.

Kelly said... 83

Kate, the incredible author that she has proven to be, is, according to the following link, going to pen another tome on being single and advice for single moms.

Wow, I'm sure all the single moms are going to take advice from this pig. What advice could this animal possibly give other than being a total liar, total fake, total self absorbed human and a total fool.

She's failed at being a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a dancer, a liar, what advice can Kate possibly give single moms in her next book? I hope it's a coloring book because all the single moms can use their crayola's on her sorry face and color the word "Bitch" on each page.

Lucy said... 84

This is the link for the ratings:

Just wish everybody would stop watching, "accidentally" clicking on the show etc. At least the ratings are on the expected downward trend.

fidosmommy said... 85

I think Mady and Cara may have school activities we don't know about. We don't see them at the bus stop every day, so there may very well be days they stay after school for soccer practice, music lessons, something and another parent brings them home.

I think if the younger children had extracurricular activities we would know about them because they would be an episode.

Judy said... 86

jessica said...
Kate Plus 8 (9pm)
- 2.229 million viewers
- 1.5/3 HH
- 0.8/2 A18-49

Here is the breakdown. Past ratings were 3.4. Looks like over one million have come to their senses - let's hope.
I am proud to say that I am "ONE" out of that million!I came to my senses when they announced their divorce.

AuntieAnn said... 87

Narcissists are rarely diagnosed as such because they or the majority of them do not seek therapy. They don't see anything wrong with themselves. Their victims are the ones who look for help.

Kelly said... 88

Good news on the ratings slump. I too didn't peak, didn't watch, didn't tivo, didn't youtube it and quite frankly, didn't care.

Kate may have signed for 8 "Specials" this year but with each special, she'll lose another million viewers unless her last special is a porn flick and then she'll end up owing TLC money for those who didn't tune in.

IDModo said... 89

If Kate actually Has NPD, it IS beyond her control and therefore a handicap. That's why they call it a disorder.
Without treatment she can't help it, any more than somebody with any other kind of mental illness can help it.
It's like saying "Just cheer up" to someone with clinical depression. It doesn't work that way. Treatment and possibly medication is needed for such a person to function normally.
NPD is very difficult to treat but I believe it is possible.
For the record, I am a retired Mental Health Professional.

fidosmommy said... 90

I just had a thought that amused me.

Do you suppose all of Kate's paid helpers, including Jamie, have finally revolted and told her "We are not here to change filters, fix broken things, change screens, wash siding, or any of the other jobs you have us doing? We have enough to do around here while we raise your children, cook your food, clean your house and carry your purse. If you want those home maintenance things done, either pay somebody to do it or do it yourself"? Thus, the need for her "do it yourself manual" on all the household fixits, which will probably be turned into her next book for sale.

I'm chuckling at the whole idea of people standing up to Kate....

dee3 said... 91

I forgot to say thank you to Auntie Ann and to Markiesnana in my last post. Thanks ladies.

Boy, I have to say that I'm surprised that the numbers dropped that low. I'd expected them to stay up for a few episodes and then gradually drop. If this happened with Kate plus 8, can you imagine what type of numbers Twist of Kate will get? Without the children, who are a huge draw?

JudyK said... 92

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.

BULLSHIT...TOTAL BULLSHIT, yet we see pics of her on almost a daily basis going to Whole Foods, Target, getting coffee (always without the 8), yet we are expected to see there are NO PICS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR. TALK TO THE HAND. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE AND WE ARE NOT IDIOTS.

JudyK said... 93

* make that "expected to BELIEVE"...

fidosmommy said... 94

Just a question.

Were the World Cup finals the same night at Kate Plus 8? I don't follow soccer/football so I didn't pay any attention.

If they were the same night, that could account for a drop in viewership.

Normal?!? said... 95

JudyK said...

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.

BULLSHIT...TOTAL BULLSHIT, yet we see pics of her on almost a daily basis going to Whole Foods, Target, getting coffee (always without the 8), yet we are expected to see there are NO PICS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR. TALK TO THE HAND. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE AND WE ARE NOT IDIOTS.


Sorry, but anybody who believes that they are privy to the sum total of the Gosselins' lives is, in fact, an idiot. Or batshit crazy, if you want a clinical diagnosis.

K8SUCKS said... 96

Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.


And normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they read comments on a blog.

The case study for abnormal psychology definitely belongs with those who cannot/refuse to see K8 for who she is.

IDModo - Great explanation , but K8's behavior cannot be excused because "she can't help it". So, I will forget the NPD label and just stick with my opinion that K8 is simply a greedy, selfish, famewhore, pathetic excuse for a mother.

C&C'sMom said... 97

The World Cup Finals (live) were well before the show's airing, unless there was a repeat of the match in the evening as we had in Canada.

dee3 said... 98

I believe the final World Cup game was Sunday afternoon...between Spain and Amsterdam.

IDModo....isn't it also true that with NPD, Kate would learn no lesson or insight if she were to fail and begin to fade into obscurity? And she would blame everyone else rather than herself? So that rooting for her to fail won't really teach her anything whatsoever?
I've seen that there are those who want her to fail so that she will be taught a lesson or she will realize why she turns so many people off or why she should have spent more time with the children, etc. But this would teach her nothing and not change her perspective on anything. It would never reflect on her, in her opinion.

Also, IMO the rabid fans are much more likely to be experiencing transference than we are. One has to actually relate emotionally to the person...such as a patient falling in love with her/his psychologist, etc.

JudyK said... 99

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.

BULLSHIT...TOTAL BULLSHIT, yet we see pics of her on almost a daily basis going to Whole Foods, Target, getting coffee (always without the 8), yet we are expected to see there are NO PICS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR. TALK TO THE HAND. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE AND WE ARE NOT IDIOTS.


Sorry, but anybody who believes that they are privy to the sum total of the Gosselins' lives is, in fact, an idiot. Or batshit crazy, if you want a clinical diagnosis.
I don't want a clinical diagnosis from you and would bet that my education exceeds yours.

Normal?!? said... 100

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.

BULLSHIT...TOTAL BULLSHIT, yet we see pics of her on almost a daily basis going to Whole Foods, Target, getting coffee (always without the 8), yet we are expected to see there are NO PICS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR. TALK TO THE HAND. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE AND WE ARE NOT IDIOTS.


Sorry, but anybody who believes that they are privy to the sum total of the Gosselins' lives is, in fact, an idiot. Or batshit crazy, if you want a clinical diagnosis.
I don't want a clinical diagnosis from you and would bet that my education exceeds yours.


Apparently throughout your stellar education no one taught you to recognize sarcasm.

I'm far from uneducated, but certainly not interested in playing competitive games with you.

Just curious said... 101

Guys, do you have to post you whole argument each time you reply to each other???

dee3 said... 102

The rabid fans are much more likely to be experiencing transference than we are. We are being objective....they are being emotional. You have to emotionally relate to the person to experience transference. None of us relate to her at all.

The extremely virulent anti-Kate movement? I will agree with you to some degree regarding that...the ones who are really, really nasty with their ad hominem attacks of her. But most of us are not like that.

I want to add that I am also one of those who has some degree of sympathy for Kate due to believing she has serious NPD. For starters, she is not a happy person and has not been for a very long time. And she does not view the world, others, or herself the way most of us do.
It is very difficult to see the world and ourselves as she does....why reading about this disorder is so's very difficult to relate to it.
But it is a true disorder and she likely has little control over her behavior or how she sees things.
Apparently, even with lots of therapy, the prognosis is poor. It tracks back to the person's early childhood.

JudyK said... 103

Normal?!? said...
Apparently throughout your stellar education no one taught you to recognize sarcasm.

I'm far from uneducated, but certainly not interested in playing competitive games with you.
Nor I with you. Goodnight.

PatK said... 104

I'm glad to see the ratings were down. May it continue that way.

Normal?!? said... 105

Just curious said...

Guys, do you have to post you whole argument each time you reply to each other???


Sorry, I realized that I'd done that after I posted and can't edit.

MickeyMcKean said... 106

fidosmommy said...
Just a question.

Were the World Cup finals the same night at Kate Plus 8? I don't follow soccer/football so I didn't pay any attention.

If they were the same night, that could account for a drop in viewership.


Sorry, not sure why anyone would try to come up with a reason for 1 million viewers to be watching something else other than K+8.

It seems to me that the reason for the drop in viewership - which was expected by the way - is because people are not stupid. Kate's stint on DWTS backfired, her book tanked, her story has been overexposed and of course the viewers who tuned in last time basically saw Kate for who and what she is and have decided to NOT tuning in.

Yep, I'm even sure that some of these viewers were former sheeple.

Now, IF ONLY the haterz would stop tuning in just to snark on Kate on blogs then the Gosselin train wreck will finally run out of tracks.

Kinda simple really:

NO viewers = NO ratings = NO sponsers = NO SHOW

I hope and pray that ALL viewers stop tuning in as soon as possible so the kids can have their privacy back.

After all IMHO the six pack - even if they were born on my birthday - were not put on this planet for my personal entertainment. These kids are not actors playing a part, they are individuals and living their life. Each and every one of them deserve to grow up without the world tuning in; the filming needs to stop and the show needs to be taken off the air as soon as possible.


Livvy said... 107

Rep Murt is questioning the validity of the work permits issued by Pa.

He certainly seems to be on top of this issue.

fidosmommy said... 108

Thanks to those who courteously answered my question about the World Cup timing. I did not know when it was aired.

Judy said... 109

I don't have to be educated to know that the only thing wrong with Kate is that she is just a big bitch, that thinks of nobody but herself.
I think she reads these blogs, reviews and all the gossip sites, just to see her name in writing and her ugly ass face plastered all over the internet.
I'm impressed with anyone who has a degree of any kind, but in this case,a grade schooler could figure this one out.
Kate is a selfish, fake ass, idiot that decided money and fame were more important to her than her husband, children, family or her religion.
Plain and simple..Shes a bitch with no heart !

JudyK said... 110

Judy said...
I don't have to be educated to know that the only thing wrong with Kate is that she is just a big bitch, that thinks of nobody but herself.
I think she reads these blogs, reviews and all the gossip sites, just to see her name in writing and her ugly ass face plastered all over the internet.
I'm impressed with anyone who has a degree of any kind, but in this case,a grade schooler could figure this one out.
Kate is a selfish, fake ass, idiot that decided money and fame were more important to her than her husband, children, family or her religion.
Plain and simple..Shes a bitch with no heart !

Excellent post, and I had to look twice to make sure I didn't write it. You are absolutely correct--no one has to be educated to be able to see through Kate Gosselin and her enabler, TLC.

MickeyMcKean said... 111

Livvy said...
Rep Murt is questioning the validity of the work permits issued by Pa.

He certainly seems to be on top of this issue.


Whohooooo Rep Murt!!!!

I wonder how TLC and Kate will dance (pun intended) around the little tidbit that the kids are only 6 years old?

Kate will be a singer soon enough said... 112

Nancy B
Twisted Kate has such problems staying on script! It has become almost comical except that it impacts her kids. During DWTS, all we heard ad nauseum was that her costumes would reflect a level of modesty for a mother of 8. So that her children would not be embarrassed


What I find so funny and I think most of us can agree on - she said b/c she knew she didn't have the body to wear the outfits that most of the women wear. It had nothing to do with her kids - I think Kate for once has a sense of self and knew she couldn't pull it off...Hell I sure as couldn't BUT I would admit that fact and not come up with some lame ass reason - Dang, she uses those kids FOR EVERYTHING even her excuses on DWTS

Irene S said... 113

Z has a new post up....Rep Murt is asking the AG about the validity of the work permits. PA law says 7....THEY ARE 6....

Irene S said... 114

Sorry Mickey you got it up there. I was so excited I was copying/pasting so fast.

You guys are good.!!!! and on the ball

nanb said... 115

People were tuning into the next Food Network Star etc.

Next Food Network Star
- 3.579 million viewers
- 2.1/4 HH
- 1.4/4 A18-49

True Blood (9:02pm, 53 minutes)
- 4.682 million viewers
- 2.5/4 HH
- 2.7/8 A18-49

Ice Road Truckers (9pm)
- 2.766 million viewers
- 1.7/3 HH
- 1.0/3 A18-49

Considering, I've never even heard of two of these shows and they all beat Kate at the same hour gives me hope that people are finally tuning out of train wreck!

NancyB said... 116

WOW--Oh Happy Day!!! I'm loving Rep. Murt. He has proven himself to be the real deal. I can't remember another politician who I have had this respect for. This is not a sexy issue, as Kate's fan club like's to pretend. He has proven himself to be a man of integrity who is using his power to improve the labor laws. He is a honorable man.

Actually this is the very issue that so many of us could not figure out around the time of Murt's hearing. The law clearly states age 7. I would not be surprised if Aty General interprets some loop hole but...I am hopeful they will have a hiatus until the law can be changed. I am getting a lot of pleasure imagining Katie Irene's & TLC's reaction. OH to be a fly on the wall!

Anne said... 117

I used to see only two groups when it came to this woman: her fans and her detractors.

Now I think there are three groups: her fans (who seem to be dwindling in number every month), her detractors, and the people who don't like her, but who are now turning away from her and urging others to do the same.

That third group is growing, I think. I count myself in it. There comes a time when you need to say "enough." A lot of very good points have been made here about Kate's narcissism (I was raised by a narcissistic mother--you can spot them a mile away when you were "raised" by one) and TLC's craven compliance with her need for attention and money. Leaving the kids as the ultimate victims.

If we can agree that:

1. Kate is a narcissist who will keep going as long as there is an audience and money to be made and

2. TLC is just a greedy network cashing in on the trainwreck that is Kate and

3. the kids are the ones who are suffering, then

can we all agree that the best thing, the very BEST thing to do, is to COMPLETELY TURN AWAY?

I know it's sort of fun and interesting and helps a dull afternoon or evening pass more quickly to talk about Kate. God knows she gives us plenty to talk about, I mean she's a horrid mother to start.

But I urge everyone to do the best thing possible for these kids and completely remove this show, this woman, this topic from your life. The faster ANY attention ceases for this woman, the faster the ride stops. The faster these kids can get off TV for good. If what we REALLY want is for those kids to have a semi-normal life (as much as possible at this point), then we have to stop giving this woman ANY ATTENTION.

Trust me, the narcissist feeds on attention. Good, bad or ugly, as long as you are not indifferent she will thrive. My mother? HATED the idea of me getting married. Why? One simple reason: the attention would be on me and not on her. So she refused to let my dad pay for anything, refused to pay for anything herself, tried to sabotage it any way she could, then when we finally pulled it off, she sobbed LOUDLY throughout the entire ceremony, then FELL into the aisle as we were finishing. Obviously she was and is of the histrionic subtype, but I know from dealing with her that the most painful, most horrible blow you can deal them is to TURN AWAY.

I swear to you, Kate would shudder at the thought of her last 2 million viewers suddenly tuning out. It would be worse to her than almost anything else she can imagine.

So please. I'm here just to beg of anyone who will listen, drop her like a bad habit. Turn away. ~ Administrator said... 118

I don't think we can diagnose from the couch. But Kate's behavior is not normal and there has to be a reason for that--be it she's just a bitch, or she has a personality disorder, or whatever it is.

Kate herself told us what we see is all real. She has never complained TLC misled us or took something out of context.

I too have had a narrcisist in my life. Fortunatly she was not a parent, just an employer, and I could get out from under her toxic grasp by leaving the job. Unfortunatly her kids still have to deal with her.

I find it awfully interesting that so many people who have had narrcisists in their lives have chimed in independently at various points, she's just like my mom, or just like my sister, or just like this person or that person. And it really is a personality disorder that hurts its victims a heck of a lot more than it hurts the person with it. In fact the person with it is living the life. Attention always on them, me, me, me, like they are an infant forever and the world revolves around them. Does sound FUN! Narccisism is FUN for the people it strikes. Horror for their family and friends.

Like I said it's just so interesting so many people have chimed in over the years coming to the same exact conclusion. Is Kate right? Or are we all wrong?

CJ said... 119

Livvy said...
Rep Murt is questioning the validity of the work permits issued by Pa.

He certainly seems to be on top of this issue.
Yes, this is good news.
But, don't expect the political wheels in Harrisburg to move quickly. I am afraid that all the episodes of Kate+8 will be filmed before a decision is made. Keep in mind Tom Corbett the AG is running for Gov. He has bigger things on his mind than eight little kids. They will get pushed to the back burner or the whole thing will get dumped on Sandi Vito's desk, and she seems to be worthless. Her department (L&I) has ignored this situtation for years.

Plain And Fancy said... 120

" Just a quick comment about the "Amish Farmer". Chances are he is just a kid who dressed in Amish clothing. We have quite a few young guys around here that wear Amish type beards... "

I don't know if you watched the show, but it was no kid playing Amish dress-up. This was an older Amish gentleman.

2exhausted2name said... 121

I admit it, I watched the show. I blame summer really. With the heat it's too hot to be outside and there's nothing else on TV. So why not watch and mock?

It seems most of the things that irked me have been discussed multiple times. There's just one thing I did want to point out - Kate complained multiple times that she has 26 acres she has to take care of all by herself. That's called karma Kate. YOU picked that massive property, YOU kicked out the husband who WAS taking care of the house & surrounding area, YOU CHOSE THAT LIFE!! Or as my dad would say "You made your bed, now lie in it" (you do lie quite well!). So yeah, I'm not the least bit sympathetic. Instead of whining & complaining there are three options: 1. Move (obvious choice considering her incessant whining about money), 2. Hire a house manager whose sole purpose would be the upkeep of the house & land, 3. Give Jon his job & apartment back (free labor! And the kids actually get to see at least one parent the majority of the time). Considering she said multiple times that the house belongs to the kids shouldn't they be the ones to decide who is and isn't banned from the property?

fidosmommy said...
I just had a thought that amused me. Do you suppose all of Kate's paid helpers, including Jamie, have finally revolted

I wish! But no, this episode was obviously scripted - as in it was outlined beforehand that it would focus on Kate 'going it alone', what things she would tackle, what companies would be hired to carry out the actual work, and what role the tups would play. I'm willing to bet that she hasn't bothered with any of those tasks before or since and her total involvement in any household task consists of making lists of things for others to do. I don't even believe she makes meals unless cutting up already prepared food and placing it on a plate is considering 'making a meal'.

Kelly said...
Kate, the incredible author that she has proven to be, is, according to the following link, going to pen another tome on being single and advice for single moms.

Ha ha ha ha ha... excuse me a minute while I try to stop laughing. Is this going to be a fiction book? Because I would presume to write a non-fiction advice book on being a single mom you'd actually have to BE a single mom. As in the SOLE or PRIMARY caretaker of your children, not the dictator who sends instructions by text message or shows up at 'home' to play TV mom when the cameras are rolling.

It's total BS. The last two years of her marriage it was Jon raising the kids while she flitted about the country selling whatever her latest offering was. The past year it's been nannies raising the kids while she pursued fame "for her kids".

This book, assuming it deserves that designation, will be just another avenue for her to: 1) throw Jon under the bus, 2) praise herself for being supermom, 3) spend MORE time away from her kids, and 4) cry poor about everything under the sun (poor me for negative press, poor me has no money, poor me has to do all this all on my lonesome).

I can totally see these so-called specials TLC is airing focusing on the coping single mom aspect to help drive book sales, which means they can throw her out into public even more, drum up even more publicity and continue this gravy train for at least another year. Then they'll think up a new trick. Let's see, what else could Kate give advice on?

JudyK said... 122

Well, at 11:30 p.m. last night, I was channel flipping and happened upon the second half of Kate (have not watched either episode). I watched it for not more than two minutes before realizing I had zero interest in watching her perform and switched to Steve Urkel on Family Matters.

StuffASockInIt said... 123

Why does she need to scream like a friggin banshee constantly? I am not talking about screaming at her kids, it is that shrill annoying scream when she does something. do not watch this trainwreck, but my sons watch something on TLC just the commercial with her screaming (something with a powerwasher, on a roof with a window) was enough to make me crazy.

BeDoneNow said... 124

Just my hunch here, but Kate is deliberatley acting mean and annoyed by her children. She is auditioning for "Spoiled Bitch Diva Housewife of Any Damn Place". I am not at all saying she is actually a joyful person, but she is deliberately playing up the MeanAnnoyedMommy bit in order to audition for a show where she gets to party and scream at others for a paycheck.
Just another example of Kate being willing to purposfully be the cause of harm to her own children, for the attention and money. NOT to put chicken and milk on the table and $5 Crocs for the children, but in order to afford her nannies, hire companions, and extreme self pampering.

StuffASockInIt said... 125

Why does she need to scream like a friggin banshee constantly? I am not talking about screaming at her kids, it is that shrill annoying scream when she does something. do not watch this trainwreck, but my sons watch something on TLC just the commercial with her screaming (something with a powerwasher, on a roof with a window) was enough to make me crazy.

Kate will be a singer soon eno said... 126

Nancy B
Twisted Kate has such problems staying on script! It has become almost comical except that it impacts her kids. During DWTS, all we heard ad nauseum was that her costumes would reflect a level of modesty for a mother of 8. So that her children would not be embarrassed


What I find so funny and I think most of us can agree on - she said b/c she knew she didn't have the body to wear the outfits that most of the women wear. It had nothing to do with her kids - I think Kate for once has a sense of self and knew she couldn't pull it off...Hell I sure as couldn't BUT I would admit that fact and not come up with some lame ass reason - Dang, she uses those kids FOR EVERYTHING even her excuses on DWTS

JudyK said... 127

Judy said...
I don't have to be educated to know that the only thing wrong with Kate is that she is just a big bitch, that thinks of nobody but herself.
I think she reads these blogs, reviews and all the gossip sites, just to see her name in writing and her ugly ass face plastered all over the internet.
I'm impressed with anyone who has a degree of any kind, but in this case,a grade schooler could figure this one out.
Kate is a selfish, fake ass, idiot that decided money and fame were more important to her than her husband, children, family or her religion.
Plain and simple..Shes a bitch with no heart !

Excellent post, and I had to look twice to make sure I didn't write it. You are absolutely correct--no one has to be educated to be able to see through Kate Gosselin and her enabler, TLC.

Just curious said... 128

Guys, do you have to post you whole argument each time you reply to each other???

Normal?!? said... 129

Normal?!? said...
JudyK said...

Good observations, plus NORMAL parents' children have relationships and activities outside their own circle of eight: No Cub Scouts, no Brownie Scouts, no Sunday School or church, no musical lessons OUTSIDE the home (just in case TLC picks up on this and tries to have someone come to the house), no dance lessons, no sleepovers, no going to other homes for sleepovers, no friends over EVER or going to friends' homes EVER because, aside from Steve's family and the crew, Kate and her children have NO FRIENDS...and there is a reason for that...the kids are old enough to TALK. And, of course, NO RELATIONSHIP with grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everything about you Kate Gosselin and TLC is FRAUDULENT, and you are harming your children to promote your fame and fortunes, respectively. Some authority, somewhere, needs to step in and STOP THIS.


Normal people also know that just because you don't see something on television or in paparazzi photos doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Normal people understand that they don't actually know people just because they've seen on television.

The virulent anti-Kate "movement" (for lack of a better word) is a case study in abnormal psychology.

BULLSHIT...TOTAL BULLSHIT, yet we see pics of her on almost a daily basis going to Whole Foods, Target, getting coffee (always without the 8), yet we are expected to see there are NO PICS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR. TALK TO THE HAND. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE AND WE ARE NOT IDIOTS.


Sorry, but anybody who believes that they are privy to the sum total of the Gosselins' lives is, in fact, an idiot. Or batshit crazy, if you want a clinical diagnosis.
I don't want a clinical diagnosis from you and would bet that my education exceeds yours.


Apparently throughout your stellar education no one taught you to recognize sarcasm.

I'm far from uneducated, but certainly not interested in playing competitive games with you.

Markiesnana said... 130

dee3 --
I'm not sure if anyone else answered your question; but a narcissistic mother views her children as "extensions of herself" and I'm sure she will try to control how they look and want them to look a certain way.
Of course, we all are concerned about how our youngsters dress and act as they grow up; because we are trying so hard to guide them.
However, I think the older two will "break out" of her control as soon as possible. Well, maybe one of them, anyhow. She is doing a lot of crazymaking, even as far as we used to see on the program, when the whole family was together. I think those kids have roadblocks and landmines all over the place, put there by their mother. I feel sad for them.

fidosmommy said... 131

Kate may be trying to save money by learning how to fix things herself. One thing I have learned from watching shows like Property Ladder is that there are many, many times it is cheaper to call in a pro who has the tools, who has the expertise and who has the time to do it right. I fear Kate will "fix it" only to find she has to call the plumber, technician or electrician anyway, and it will cost more in the long run.

Replacing fuses, flipping blown circuits and changing furnace filters are one thing. I hope she doesn't actually try to mess with dishwashers.

JudyK said... 132

Kate has always been a BITCH and despite TLC's efforts to re-program her image, she is what she is which is a BITCH. It's simple people. She's just a BITCH. I'm not good at this, but find the clip of her telling Jon how to breathe and then snorting like a pig at him. She's a belittling, berating BITCH, and the worst part is that she enjoys it.

Have to wonder said... 133

I think all of you who are saying she's acting or it's some kind of schtick are giving her too much credit. I don't think she could act her way out of a paper bag. Do you think she's just acting like she can't act? I do not think all her meltdowns in the two episodes on Sunday were an act. She was stressed, panicky and frustrated.

I think she displays NPD traits, but I think there's more to it.

AuntieAnn said... 134

That should be the almost RAW steak she served to her.

Have to wonder said... 135

Jamie said...

All those egg dishes and the kids didn't throw up on her? Who in their right mind serves and prepares that many eggs? must have been for her show and now they are back to half a PB&J sandwich with a handfull of goldfish...Dinners ready kiddies....hahaha
Good example of how she goes to extremes. She could have made egg salad or hard boiled eggs or egg custard, but she did them all at once! So, yes, who in their right mind...

Have to wonder said... 136

I think Kate lacks whatever we have within us to cope with the small stress of every day life. She has a manic need to have every single thing organized and in its place at all times.

When the water guy showed up at lunch, it must have made her nuts. She couldn't cope with having to deal with someone coming to the house AND giving her kids lunch at the same time. It disturbed her need for order and peace.

She throws herself into huge projects, sets unrealistic goals and then has continual meltdowns because of the added stress she puts upon herself.

She would have been content, maybe, if she lived alone in a small place that she could keep orderly and quiet, where there were no messes and no one around to disrupt her sense/need for perfection. Of all people to have 8 kids!

NancyB said... 137

Twisted Kate has such problems staying on script! It has become almost comical except that it impacts her kids. During DWTS, all we heard ad nauseum was that her costumes would reflect a level of modesty for a mother of 8. So that her children would not be embarrassed. Does she not see that the myriad of daily lies and direct contradictions that she spews does and will have a real life negative effect on her kids? So many blatant lies on a daily basis. Even if all the lies are compartmentalized she is still modeling unhealthy, very negative and dysfunctional behaviors that I believe are harmful to her kids. Even if she "just" lies all the time in her "celebrity" role but not at home (which I highly doubt)her behavior results in teaching them unacceptable behavior, IMO.

dee3 said... 138

Just Wondering in Canada:
I agree with you and in fact, I have rarely, if ever, commented on Kate's terms of physical flaws that she has no control over (what she was born with, ie: eyes, body shape, etc.)

I also recognized her probable narcissistic personality disorder very this current behavior is actually not any big surprise to I have tried to read and learn about this diagnosis.

As a practical matter, she is, at some point, no longer going to be a celebrity...or at most, she will be a the ones who go on shows like Sober House, The Surreal Life (I think was the name of the show), etc.
And because of her NPD, which I believe she has, she will have MUCH more difficulty handling this than other celebrities that have had to deal with this. She could literally verge into "nervous breakdown" territory.
And she is also going to have a great deal of difficulty dealing with things like the children growing into teens and adults and Jon possibly remarrying....and any possibility that one or more of the children might opt to live with Jon....much more so than those without NPD who have to go through the same things.

I do have to add, however, that IF, indeed, TLC has decided to film Kate's negative behavior and traits intentionally, it would stand to reason that they would no longer be guiding her regarding her appearance and behavior....such as dressing like a "mom" rather than dressing provocatively. So I do recognize that this could also factor in to what we've seen recently.

Just Wondering in Canada said... 139

Hi all. I mostly lurk, but enjoy seeing all the diverse opinions about this family.

After reading for so long, is that it seems clear to me that there is some kind of breakdown around the corner for this woman. Whether it be mental or abusive, something will crack and the children are going to be the ones to witness it.

I am feeling less and less inclined to discuss her attire, appearance, shopping habits, etc., and more disturbed by the behaviour. I almost think it unfair to continue to pick apart someone who is obviously not well.

Am I the only one? I am not slamming anyone here, I enjoy a good drubbing as much as the next guy! It just seems something is changing.

Linda in NS said... 140

I remember having a party for friends and one couple came in about one hour late (for a sit down dinner). The husband said he likes to be "fashionably late". I was so pissed by that time (dinner was nearly ruined) that I said there is no such thing as fashionably late but there is something called inconsiderately late and that is blatently rude. Kind of took him back in his tracks but he made every other dinner party on time after that.

JudyK said... 141

Puddymoors said...
Hi Admin,

It occurred to me while reading your recap that your comment about Kate breezing in at the end reminded me of the blog entry Kate wrote about busy people.
In her entry she said the following "So, the next time someone comes running into the waiting room or the meeting room late ... instead of assuming they are a slacker, just smile because they've probably accomplished more than you would think possible today! "

More justification for her poor behavior. I used to date a gorgeous (narcissistic) attorney who was always late for a monthly social group we belonged to and boasted that "he liked to make his presence known." Kate was criticized on DWTS for being consistently late for hair and makeup, even though she had been repeatedly asked to be on time. Again, her time is evidently more important than that of people who actually work (not play) for a living. Oh, and I'm not going to go so far as to say Kate will physically hurt those children, but her behavior is in line with that of an abuser. My boyfriend was verbally abusive to me for years before he finally slapped me so hard that he dislocated my jaw.

dee3 said... 142

To Oh Just Stop.....I tend to agree with you. Although there is a certain degree of some physical abuse, the situation with the Gosselin children is NO where near the physical abuse that happens to certain other children. I would not say that physical abuse is one of the main problems here.

What I WOULD say is that there IS a significant problem with psychological abuse....although having NPD, Kate would not necessarily do this intentionally but would just be acting out her (possible) diagnosis. Any way you cut it, there will likely be a degree of SERIOUS lack of self-esteem and many other issues...for some, if not all, of these children. Children whose parents divorce often have issues from just this and sometimes need counseling...but nobody in this situation has done anything to help these children through their parent's divorce and in fact, have continued to invade their privacy and to make them work/ there is a good chance many will have serious problems and issues from this as they get older.

dee3 said... 143

What usually happens in situations like this...where one spouse bad-mouths the other in front of the children (after a divorce) that over time, they resent her (or could be "him") because that parent makes them feel guilty for loving the other parent....and children DO love their parents. But they will feel like they are betraying the parent if they feel they have to agree with or listen to the other parent criticizing her/him.
It becomes so stressful over time that they begin to resent that parent more and more and often choose to go and live with the other parent when they are old enough to decide that legally.

We had an abusive mother growing up (7 kids) and because of her and the threat she posed, we became very close and basically allied ourselves as a cabal to counteract the threat....much more so than in other families where the siblings would compete with each other. We didn't compete with each other, we allied as a protective group due to her.
She also bad-mouthed our father (though they remained married until she died) and all of us kids grew up with a much better opinion of our father and also much closer to our father. And had they divorced, we ALL would have chosen to live with dad if we'd had a choice.

Because Kate's behavior is so extreme and she behaves like a child (with no filter at all)...the clever children will become very savvy towards her (rather than horribly fear her) but will also feel pity for her and protect her to some Mady. But for the children who she seriously intimidates and stresses, it could turn out quite bad for them eventually.

Byebye Kate said... 144

Kate is a vile hateful bitch. She can't even pretend to enjoy or love her children; she IS in love with the camera, however. If only the camera reciprocated her feelings...for all her working out, wigs, manicures, tanning, and plastic surgery, she is still built like a refrigerator and has a horsey face.

Yes, Kate is homely and bitchy, but now she shocks us with her terrible treatment of her kids. This isn't funny, nor is it amusing. It's just sad. I can't stand to watch her abuse those kids any longer, even on YouTube. I predict her days are numbered; she has zero redeeming qualities.

Linda in NS said... 145

I did not watch and I will not watch. God how can any woman on earth treat her children so badly. I'm surprised they aren't covered with bruises or been hospitalized yet due to abuse. They need therapy so badly.

Lauren said... 146

Great recap!
Thanks Admin.