Steve was her date all night long as Kate hit up the afterparties.
Kate told reporters she was hoping for Emmys tickets (Why? What do the Emmys have to do with you or your kids?). Then Jimmy Fallon invited her to be part of the skit.
Kate told reporters she was hoping for Emmys tickets (Why? What do the Emmys have to do with you or your kids?). Then Jimmy Fallon invited her to be part of the skit.
Kate attended Jimmy Fallon’s post-Emmy shindig at the Trousdale nightclub in West Hollywood, a celeb hotspot frequently by wreck Lindsay Lohan. So to the sheeple who slammed Jon for making an appearance at a club in D.C. this week, will you slam Kate for making an appearance at a club in L.A.? What's the difference?
117 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'm hoping and praying for a pic of them inside this party. Sometime,somewhere,they will slip up and it will be revealed that they are a couple.
When exactly does Steve-o spend time with his wife and family since he is with Kate all the flipping time. I would think that his wife has to be a bit tired of sharing her husband 90/10 with another woman.
Administrator, can you post the link where they were "cozy"--I've read most of the articles this morning but haven't seen that.
US magazine says Kate was glued to Steve's side all night. I'm sure that Steve's marriage is over. The only reason he goes home is for his sons. I'm sure his wife kicked him out long ago. At that pool party Kate had over the summer,Steve was there with his sons and no wife. Why wouldn't she be there if she is one of Kate's good friends!!! And why does she need a boudyguard in her own home. Steve tucks the kids in bed at night!! Why Kate's not doing that is hard to tell,but why is he there so late. He lives there that's why!!! TLC needs to stop paying him now that he's there cos he wants to be there. IMO
And what is wrong with her face in that pic? Her makeup looks bad in that pic along side of her nose!!
Gee, what happened to the "I'm sooo happy to be here" look from the red carpet? Did someone explain that she had been the butt of a joke?
And to the sheeple people - Kate is dating a married man. Explain that one away please.
Yes, does anyone have a timeline as to how often he actually goes home? I think more and more the privacy fence is to ensure pics of Stevie boy aren't taken. They have to be living together at this point.
And of course, any NORMAL person would've jumped at the chance to invite a friend. Kate only has Stevie, her paid companion. Bet she's convinced him to give her $$ every month, too. So the longer he's around the more money SHE makes, you know, because he is now paying her rent.
Sorry, feeling snarky this am. So sick of this talentless famewhore celebubitch on my tv. GO AWAY!
But I would like to know the last time he was at home with his wife.
Teehee...this is exactly what I said over at the other thread for Khate's appearance...she looks "matronly".
I'd like to know how many other celebs brought their bodyguards into the parties. I'm sure these parties have pretty tight security at the door and would be packed if everyone had their bodyguard at their side.
IMO he was acting as an escort last night, not a bodyguard. I really don't think she was at risk in a party full of celebrities. He needed to be there as her security blanket, not actual security.
Also, with regard to the Big Apple circus, Khatezilla has **EIGHT** kid$ (money maker$) but there are **SEVEN**, only **SEVEN** ice cream cones!! What a crock of CRAP that "Realest of Reality Shows" is!!
Also, did anyone hear Khatezilla say in the ice cream shop "YOU GUYS WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT" when she handed off some of the ice cream cones to her hired help? She wants to pretend that she does it ALL ALONE... the single mother, boo hoome boo hoo me (add her $ick, demented crocodile tears). I do it all alone, but "YOU GUYS WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE" all her hired helpers on camera.
Finally, just because Kate is a loser does not negate that fact that Turd Boy Jon Go$$elin is not a loser also.
That dress is even more hideous in this photo. When someone told her she looks gorgeous in it, did she believe them...and why?
"Emmys Aftermath--Kate and Steve spotted very cozy at afterparty"
Is there a photo of them being "very cozy"...or am I missing something here? He's not even close to her, and is walking slightly in back of her. I'd like to see the "very cozy" photos, please!!
She is not happy at all in that dress, she can't show off her legs.
Kate doesn't have any friends, so rent-a-hubby had to play the role, yet again. I agree that Kate sees him as her security blanket, she can't appear anywhere "important" without him.
Katie Irene does not look one bit happy in this photo. Maybe someone had just told her that's considered to be poor form to bring your bodyguard as an escort?
Kate thinks she's hit the big time now, and there's no going back for her. Her only problem is how to get her eight--count 'em, eight--kids out of the way so she can continue to pursue her stardom without having to be hindered by her fraudulent good mommy act.
What happens when TLC dumps her and she has no need for a "bodyguard" anymore? It is clear that she is totally dependent on him for everything. Regardless if she's having an affair with him, it's obvious that he's a very close friend and confidant, and she has her emotions tied up in him. Can she cut him loose and just dismiss him like everyone else in her life, or will she keep him and pay him out-of-pocket when TLC clearly isn't going to foot the bill anymore?
What happens when a paid employee becomes much more than that?
Steve's wife must be very tolerant. More power to her-I couldn't do it. Must be really, really good money.
Steve is truly a rent-a-hubby, thank you Emmy. That's EXACTLY what he is.
Either he's getting paid a LOT to deal with her bullshit and he can't wait until this gig is over and is laughing all the way to the bank
he's having whatever kind of relationship you can have with a supreme narcissist (not much of one, I can tell you that).
The first way, well, I at least have some respect for getting that bank while he can. But he probably wants to chew off his leg most days to get away.
The second way? He's a freaking idiot of the highest degree.
But yeah, this is no friend or bodyguard situation. And I also find it sad that she had no one else to go with her. Sad as in I'm laughing.
People Magazine, AOL homepage and TMZ had her on the Worst-Dressed list.
Radar Online has her on the Best Dressed list.
Go figure.
If they aren't a couple, it is pretty sad that you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the Emmys and don't bring your mother or sister with you, but a paid employee. I really feel sorry for her in a way. Her life is so empty of the important relationships which is what makes a life, IMO. She summed it up best herself on DWTS when she said "I just don't get it". She really doesn't.
"Radar Online has her on the Best Dressed list."
The same ROL that thought the Gosselin kids were dressed in black sweatshirts and jeans for the first day of school? LOL! They probably think that she was dressed in a red strapless ballgown!
I don't know- can someone verify if Kate has the
numbers 666 stamped to the back of her head,please?
Whatever she wants, she gets. Without anything to offer in return. I smell brimstone...
So who got the 8 kids, count em 8, to school this morning?
Are we supposed to believe, that after an exciting night at The Emmy's all glammed up, and then after-parties with alcohol, more celebs and more media attention, that when Steve and Kate called it a night and went back to their hotel there was no hanky panky?
Who do you supposed Kate had unzip her dress?
I don't know how blind people have to be to not see that this relationship they have going on is romantic, and because he is a married man with children...inappropriate! They simply will not acknowledge the romance because of the fallout Kate will receive over it, so they just continue to deny and continue to play. They know it will destroy what little credibility she has left ( which is not much ).
This is why Kate hasn't started "dating" yet. She already has a man....someone else's man. TLC has probably forbidden them to acknowledge their relationship.
Gina Neild, you are a fool for putting up with this. Another woman is publicly schmoozing your man and you have no comment? Is TLC paying you that much money to stay quiet about this?
I guess the maddening thing about all this is that Kate is a true fraud. She gets everything she wants even though she is a fake and a phoney and a fraud. Her whole persona is a made up character.
It IS very sad that the only person Kate could bring was rent-a-hubby.
If she were even a little bit reasonable, I'd feel sorry for her.
If Kate considers Gina one of her friends why didn't she invite her? It certainly would've put to rest the rumors about her and Stevie Boy.
I don't feel one bit sorry for Kate. She has no friends and no family connections because she has dictated it be that way, in spite of the fact she is also depriving her children of a grandparent/grandchild relationship, of aunt/uncle relationships and of cousin relationships. She is a monster.
She could have brought her twins, they are old enough to attend. Where is her BFF Jamie? Instead she brings the hired help. What about her sisters or mother for crying out loud!!!! She is so off its pathetic.
What I think Kate wanted at the Emmy's was an 'all about me' moment. Her moment to stand out. However you can tell that it never happened. When they asked about the kids she went dark, when she was asked about Jon's book she went dark. She was hoping this would cut her out from the 'mom' role and become a stepping stone to stardom for her. Little does she realize that without her family she's nothing and she has nothing.
If it were me, I would have brought my daughter(s) to the Emmys. What a way to spoil them and give them the time of their life as well as to play 'dress up' and feel pampered. She doesn't see beyond the person in the mirror at all. I pity her.
Link to Kate's ET interviews:
http://www.etonline.com/media/flash/FlowPlayerDark224.swf?config=%7Bembedded%3Atrue%2CconfigFileName%3A%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eetonline%2Ecom%2Fmedia%2Fvideo%2F2010%2F08%2F90575%2Findex%2Ephp%27%7D" width="400" height="300" scale="noscale" bgcolor="111111" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer
Steve always looks like a dog craning his neck out of the car window.
Thanks Irish 0001
Once again, Kate goes into "valley-girl" mode while being interviewed. She sounds like a bimbo.
Did anyone notice how the charm turned off when she was interviewing Tony Dovolani. Wait...I thought they were good friends. I guess not.
And then there is Maksim. Check out the look he was giving her. He knows her bullshit game and he wasn't going to play.
Everywhere she goes Kate is making enemies. Not only is she a narcissist, she is completely unable to get along with anyone.
Oh and the wonky-eye of hers was on over-drive last night. It looked bad.
Kate's ET interviews were painful to watch. I knew they'd be bad, but not THAT bad.
You can tell that she's a fish out water and that Valley Girl talk doesn't help her. Once again, while interviewing others, she still makes it all about HER.
ET has a video clip of Kate interviewing Guests at the ET afterparty and in every scene she is talking about herself!!! She is using cue cards too for the questions for the guests and most of the guests that she interviewed were from DWTS.
Kate looks like the wicked witch of the east in that pic. I wonder if TLC sprung for her and the gigolo's matchy matchy outfits.
Anyway, I hope someone does offer that twit a job out in Hollywood. Just like she said she would love to be on DWTS, she'd get there and find out it's work, not candyland. If she had to show up on a set in the morning with her lines memorized she'd have another one of her phony meltdowns and bow out using her kids as an excuse for her exhaustedishness. She insults real actors who are dedicated to the profession. No one would put up with her idiotic behavior for long.
Read an article that Kate NOW believes she is "actor" material and believes she can do this for "real" and that is was nice to not be "herself" for a change (you know like a mother). She thinks dancing on the Emmys now makes her a bona fide star. Incredible. Give her an oscar now.
Irish0001, I couldn't get that link to work but went to Entertainment Tonight and watched her interviews. It's the second or third video down from the top.
She had to have questions written out for her! LOL! Mostly she talked with former DWTS people. AT one point she did her infamous screech and grabbed the ET mic from Kevin Frazier and said, "Someday I'll OWN this mic." At one point she also said, "I'm on this side now." There you have it. She figures or knows she'll be on ET soon.
Steve was looking quite dapper in his suit. Have we heard yet what designer Steve was wearing Armani, Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana? Emmy, you are totally right in your assessment.He's a rent-a-hubby/ security blanket since she has no friends or any one else to go with her. If that were most normal in her position they would have brought their best girl friend,sister or mother so they could check out George Clooney and all the other TV stars you've seen over the years. Also, what's up with his wife? I don't get it. It wouldn't surprise me if Kate is doing Steve but I see him more as her paid escort and adult nanny for her. If she wasn't such a bitch and a mean person you could almost pity her. She's really pathetic.
Now...I have to admit that I have seen Kate look worse than this, but she DID look so outdated with absolutely no sense of style.
Back in the 70's and 80's, I was lead singer in a band and I had a dress just like that one.I am very serious .
Difference being, it was in style back then and mine was very fitted, not like Kates.
I think she pulled it from the rack of a local "Goodwill Store".
Hell...that could have been MY dress!
I watched the ET stuff too. Typical Kate. Her interviews for the most part consisted of her either talking about her performance or reading scripted questions off cards. No natural interviewing skills at all. Like the previous posted said too, all but 1 interview was a DWTS cast member.
With all the negative press she's getting I can't believe ET wants her on their show. I'm pretty sure no one else from ET has to have their questions written down, and what lame questions they were. And as predicted she mostly talked about herself. What does ET want with her?
Kate's ET interviews are hard to watch. First of all she doesn't know how to speak into a mike properly. I guess she thought it would be easy after practicing with Mady and Cara's Barbie Microphone. She must have blown the sound man's eardrums more than once screaming into the mike like that. Secondly, she had nothing to say unless it was about her so they gave her a silly quiz card to ask celebs and then only made a fool of herself asking the questions. What a freaking joke. Go ahead ET. Hire the idiot. bwa haha ha
In her interview with EW I think her words sum it all up "I really love being some one else" Really sucks doesn't it Kate being tied down to those 8 ball and chains when you can could rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite. She'd dump those kids in a heart beat if she could and I really believe that
'''''Kate told reporters she was hoping for Emmys tickets (Why? What do the Emmys have to do with you or your kids?).'''''
So anyone with kids should not attend or be interested in the Emmy's? Tell that to the other majority of people in attendance or in the audience who have children.
Bonafide Nutcase said...
AT one point she did her infamous screech and grabbed the ET mic from Kevin Frazier and said, "Someday I'll OWN this mic." At one point she also said, "I'm on this side now." There you have it. She figures or knows she'll be on ET soon.
For sometime now, I have thought that she would be working for ET.
Can someone remember of anyone else getting this much attention from ET ? It's been in the
works for some time now.
Regardless of her show being dropped or not, she will invade our TV's one way or the other. , for some time to come.
Sadly her clock it tic- tic ticking.... but the battery still has some life left.
Michelle What do you mean by a once in a lifetime opportunity? I'm sure Kate will be there every year from now on since she was such a huge success and a real hottie on the red carpet. I think my grandmother worn that dress and her hair like that at her 50th wedding anniversary party.
Tony went to the same ET Emmy Party last night. I wonder if they talked...
Here's Tony with Melissa and Stacy.
I agree, Bonafide. Did you notice Maks didn't look to happy to be talking to her? I think it's pretty funny she could only get interviews with DWTS people.
This woman is laughing all the way to the bank. Body guard or not, it looks suspect to only be accompanied by this man. Kate G is delusional in her own importance and will fall very far down someday. This story will not be pretty forever.
The dress is aptly described as matronly. She needs a stylist to survive in Hollywood. Can you imagine trying to dress her? She would know more than anyone else, even the experts.
She is the most wretched interviewer ever. She tries to play the dumb card (oh wait, she is dumb) and her phoney smile makes me sick. She deserves nothing she has be handed, and Kate, you will NEVER "one day" be behind the michrophone.
please tell me that is not an areola showing through in this pic
"She had to have questions written out for her!"
LOL!!! The only words in her vocabulary are "I," "ME," and amazing!!
Yep...still the same old Kate. The sad thing is that she thinks she special.
And that screech...does she ever listen to herself?
Did anyone compliment her on the gown?
ET is hinting on their FB page that Khate wants a job. The replies are not in favor of this at all. I think they need more convincing.
You read on her fansites,just how supportive her sister and mother are,how they email nearly everyday-why would she not take one of her family,instead of her married man friend? Yeah,just the usual lies.I doubt she emails a word to her sis or her mother.And what about her bestest friend,Jaime? She could have brought her along,as gratitude for helping with the 8 kids! Doesn't Steve get to go along everywhere,all the time? Family? Friends? Yeah,right kate.And why did she not bring Gina,the married bodyguards wife to the Emmys? To try to make up for the constant travelling that takes Steve away from his wife? I think we can all figure out why that didn't happen.You are a joke,kate,to all of us!
She was the only one there with a (wink wink) bodyguard. She said she asked her "manager" to get her tickets to the Emmys. She portrays herself as a poor single mom just trying to put food on the table. How many poor single moms have a "manager" or, for that matter, a bodyguard, a p.a. etc. or a salary of $250,00 per episode. I didn't watch the show, but in the pictures I've seen, she looks rather matronly in that dated gown.
The look in her eyes is frightening. So methodical - I bet those sweet children see that look all the time.
This situation is so sad and not improving.
Her interviews. Pathetic.
First few were of course all about her favorite subject: himself.
AND, she is so after poor Mak. ...trying to make Stevie jealous?
"If they aren't a couple, it is pretty sad that you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the Emmys and don't bring your mother or sister with you, but a paid employee. I really feel sorry for her in a way. Her life is so empty of the important relationships which is what makes a life, IMO. She summed it up best herself on DWTS when she said "I just don't get it". She really doesn't."
I agree with what Michelle said in this thread, including the above post. Steve is nothing more than a paid "friend" or escort. It's sad that Kate really has no one else close to her to invite. I think this "paid companion" role of his goes way too far, but if Kate needs the security/company, TLC will provide. I predict Steve will be gone pretty quickly once TLC stops paying him that ridiculous salary.
She had to have questions written out for her! LOL! Mostly she talked with former DWTS people. AT one point she did her infamous screech and grabbed the ET mic from Kevin Frazier and said, "Someday I'll OWN this mic." At one point she also said, "I'm on this side now." There you have it. She figures or knows she'll be on ET soon.
(I'll pass on watching this on ET) but Tick Tock goes the Narcissism G8-Destroying Clock, doomed for the massive meltdown of the twisted momma. Shame on Steve (and his wife) and TLC, they are no different then Lindsay's leech-$ucking friends wanting to get the last photo-spread before she ODs so they can get the big $$$.
How many of those reporters telling people to 'get a life' now will be reporting on the tragedy of the Gosselin children down the road or telling people privately, "We would have done something, if only we knew!"
Warning to all "Mad Men" fans ... Kate wants to join the cast:
Kate Gosselin Emmys 2010: Reality TV mom is hoping to land an acting career and man in Hollywood
BY Cristina Everett
Monday, August 30th 2010, 1:35 PM
Pizzello/APKate Gosselin happily posed for photographers while on the red carpet at the Emmys on Aug. 29.
posed alongside 'Glee' actress Jane Lynch following their opening number at the Emmys. Out of all the people who walked the red carpet at the Emmy Awards Sunday night, one person in particular stood out in the crowd.
Posing among Emmy-nominated actors and actresses such as Jon Hamm and Edie Falco, reality TV star Kate Gosselin reportedly felt right at home at the star-studded event.
Gosselin, 35, who took part in host Jimmy Fallon's opening song-and-dance number, saw her invitation to the Emmys as the "perfect place" to network with casting directors and producers, according to PopEater.com.
"Kate has made her mind up that she's going to be an actress and hopes her new profession will result in her finding a new man," a Gosselin pal told the gossip website.
No folks, this is apparently not a joke.
Having enjoyed her time as a reality star – thanks to runs on TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" and ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" – the single mother of eight reportedly wants to shift gears and focus on scripted TV work.
"The show she would really like to be cast in is 'Mad Men,'" the source said in all seriousness.
And like many of today's Hollywood couples who fell in love on set, Gosselin is reportedly hoping her new break in show business will land her a new man.
"Kate looks at the happiness of couples who met on sets together – Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer and Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks come to mind – and believes that's how she is going to find love again," the insider said. "She has it all planned out and won't take no for an answer."
Michelle said... If they aren't a couple, it is pretty sad that you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the Emmys and don't bring your mother or sister with you, but a paid employee. I really feel sorry for her in a way. Her life is so empty of the important relationships which is what makes a life, IMO. She summed it up best herself on DWTS when she said "I just don't get it". She really doesn't.
I couldnt agree more. Bring a Paid Escort, and everyone knows that is what you are reduced to. Paying someone to have to be near you. So sad, it really is.
I am sure that Steve is a pleasant person with many redeeming qualities. HOWEVER, he always looks like he just got caught on camera as a politician coming out of a gay bar. While his shorts hurt.
PatK said... Kate thinks she's hit the big time now, and there's no going back for her. Her only problem is how to get her eight--count 'em, eight--kids out of the way so she can continue to pursue her stardom without having to be hindered by her fraudulent good mommy act.
Her hatred of Jon is standing in her way. It doesnt take a genius to figure out that ya make a big deal out of 'shared parenting' now, 'in the best interest of the children', because 'that's just who she is, doing it all for the kids, whatever it takes'. Dab eyes on cue here. But she hates Jon more than she wants this so-called 'career'.
As soon as Jon is publicly told that at least 50% of the custody time is his now, she hightails it out of PA, sets up her own little palace somewhere and snap- she is on Diva Dirty Housewife of This ZipCode Show. THAT is what she has been auditioning for, for over a year now.
But she has to swallow her pride first and allow the kids to go to Jon on a more permanent basis. Otherwise she will clearly be seen by all as a 2bit wanna be who abandoned her kids when they outlived their usefullness in PA.
She said about DWTS "I would like to do DWTS, It would be fun! So I can laugh at myself" We all know how that turned out.
Didn't Kate tell Tony during one of the feel sorry for me momnts, during rehearsals, that she can't pretend. Whatever she is thinking at the time, is what is on her face. Making dinner, mad at the tabloids, whatever it is, she cannot pretend.
Now she says about acting. “Doing that little part in the skit was so amazing for me, being around so many wonderful actors. I so want to give it a try!” Gosselin said. “I think it is so fun to be somebody else, to get out of me and be somebody else.” Well we saw how DWTS turned out. Now, she thinks she can just show up and start acting? LOL
A few times she said in interviews they rehearsed a lot, then at one she said they didn't have time to rehearse much?
So did she rehearse a LOT or not very much?
So which is it, she can't pretend, or she can? She thinks it would be "fun", something actors work and study and climb their way up to the top for, sometimes it takes years. Unless they have that special "it". that not many have. Kate surely does not have "it". Can you just see her tell the director "how" she "needs" to be directed? As she told Tony? LOL
That dress was too old for her. She does look drab. NOW is the time to dress, not necessarily bare the breast, but wear something splashy or really dress up. Many had strapless gowns or off one shoulder, without exposing themselves> they looked classy and sexy and up to date. There is no way she has a professional stylist.
On ET's FB page, there are tons of comments re. Khate's little stint as interviewer and ET was asking what people liked about her interviewing. this is my comment:
You notice that during K's interviews, all you hear is.."I did this...I did that.." Isn't the job of an interviewer to talk about the person you are interviewing and not about themselves? On her own show, Kate always talks to the cameras, you don't ever seen her talking to her kids. You see her talking AT them but not to them. She always says that her show is the 'realest of all shows' so does that mean she never talks to her kids when the cameras are off either? Unfortunately, she only PLAYS a mom on TV. You don't see her being a very happy mom when the cameras are not rolling. She interacts with the kids and takes them on vacation only when TLC and the cameras are on and paying for her.
Check out the comments on FB yourself..it's pretty interesting how many people do not like her!
I have finally figured out this whole Steve thing. He's not her bodyguard, but he is a paid employee. He must be her gigolo! He's paid to be with her, sacrafices time from his family and helped her pick out her implants. Yup, sounds like he is paid for his "services" and his pimp is TLC.
Now ET is asking this question:
Did anyone appreciate her sense of humor in the opening skit at the Emmys? You gotta admit, it's bold to make fun of yourself.
My response:
I would appreciate her 'sense of humor' if she actually had one! You never saw it on DWTS when she was working with Tony or did you see it when she was being given her feedback from the judges. She never had one when she was married to Jon and she thought it was funny to give him 'love taps' when it was all out slapping in the face. If the roles were reversed, there would be such an uproar, but mainstream media seem to give her a free pass on spousal abuse (verbal, emotional and physical). This 'sense of humor' that she suddenly has is contrived, fake and if mainstream media can't see through it, then $$ speaks louder than anything else. She wouldn't be where she is without her kids and that is the reason why she exploits them like crazy. Unfortunately, shows like "The View", ET, Access Hollywood, DWTS just give her more ammunition to think she is a bondafide STAR when she definitely is NOT.
The ET link is so funny. As usual it is all about Kate, wanting every person she interviews to comment on HER performance. Max, lol, says he missed it and she presses on telling him how great she did, while he makes "who gives a shit" faces. She asks him which celebrity he'd most like to meet and then doesn't let him answer, blabbing on about season 11 of DWTS. The frost between her and Tony was evident, she reading the question off the cue card to him, no smiles or shrieks. When she grabbed the mike from Kevin Frasier, Mark Steines doesn't react, then it is like, oh yeah, she is trying to be funny here,lets crack a smile. No wonder they stuck her in the back with the DWTS cast. She is so out of her league.
"Emmy said...
Kate doesn't have any friends, so rent-a-hubby had to play the role, yet again."
Is rent-a-hubby just a nice name for a gigolo?
So Kate wasn't interested in a trip to Sin City, but Steve wanted to go? Hey, Steve, maybe you should take your WIFE!;-) Maybe she misses your "hovering" by her side!
By the way...this Brooke person. Is she for real, or just drunk on the Kool Aid?
I just listened to Jon's radio show with Rabbi Schumley. The Rabbi managed to convey a lot about Kate without putting Jon on the hook legally for saying it. Jon talked about 2009, how he regretted being photographed with women and going to bars, how expensive it was to take on TLC, that he lost both that lawsuit and in the divorce, but he achieved his goal of getting his kids off tv and the divorce off tv. He said the fame ruined him and he fears it will destroy his kids (Rabbi Schumley set that up for him saying how MJ has said that about his own childhood) and then the Rabbi said here you are talking with me about wanting to be a better father and protect your kids and there is Kate with 10,000 paps on the Emmys right now, what would you say to her? And Jon says "you know this is not right". He talks about how he tries to normalize the kids who lead abnormal lives with Kate, how he takes them to his childhood park and has them around family and friends, and Rabbi interjects "that must be hard, gee it is dull and boring with dad but with Mom we get paps and film crews and everything handed to us,being with Dad just sucks" and Jon laughs and says yeah, it is hard but it is also normal and they need to see what normal looks like cause Kate is not providing them with that.
Sheeple = Stoooopid
For all their going on about Jon supposedly cheating on Kate, well, here you go. Courtesty of, BM's site of course...
tashapork said...
What I have seen has been Steve acting as more of a father figure to Kate that a boyfriend. I do notice when Gosselin news slows down, something has to fill the void, so this must be it. If Kate and Steve did want to date, I really think they would do it out and open it would not be a secret. I only hope that when Kate is ready to date, that she finds someone (not married) as solid and grounded as Steve though.
Holliday said....
Tasha, I frequently agree with you and on the Steve/Kate issue, I am nodding "yes". IF and it's a big, capital IF they have anything more than business/friendship, I think her fans can understand. It is possible that he and his wife could have been separated without the general public being aware. Only those involved know. I would certainly not judge. He seems solid, caring and intelligent. Plus, he is one good-looking man.
So there ya go, they wouldn't "judge" Kate, but now Jon.....
"I am sure that Steve is a pleasant person with many redeeming qualities. HOWEVER, he always looks like he just got caught on camera as a politician coming out of a gay bar. While his shorts hurt."
LOL...that's exactly what he looks like...or a television preacher who has been caught with a hooker!!
BeDoneNow said...
HOWEVER, he always looks like he just got caught on camera as a politician coming out of a gay bar. While his shorts hurt.
August 30, 2010 1:59 PM
He even looks a little like Charlie Crist, the
heterosexual ( cough,cough ) Governor of Florida.
I just saw a clip of Kate doing that "someday I'll own this mic" thing.
She looks foolish.
Go over to new york daily news. Kate wants to be an actress on the hit show Mad Men!
The woman is not got all her cylindars firing!
“I think it is so fun to be somebody else, to get out of me and be somebody else"
But K8, you WEREN'T playing somebody else, you were playing yourself. Good grief this woman is so moronic it's frightening.
As for attending the show with Steve instead of friends or family , what else is new? She had NOBODY from her circle attending her faux vow renewal , she was trying on wedding dresses by herself, no friends or family came to support her during DWTS, etc, etc. And the saddest part of all is that she doesn't care.
Do we know what Steve was wearing yet Armani, Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana?
prairiemary said... You read on her fansites,just how supportive her sister and mother are,how they email nearly everyday-why would she not take one of her family,instead of her married man friend?
Exactly. As many others have said, it's practically standard that if you don't have a boyfriend, you take your mother. There are a million examples of this, just at this year's Emmys. Kathy Griffin took her mother. When Matt Damon and Ben Affleck won their oscar they took their mothers. Most of the Glee cast brought their moms. Kate took her boyfriend, end of story.
I never bought for a second that Kate's mother was in her life and had any kind of meaningful relationship with her. If she is so supportive and they're so close, where was she? And if the sheeple say she doesn't like the cameras, lots of mothers manage to go to the Emmys without being seen on camera.
''''' So anyone with kids should not attend or be interested in the Emmy's? Tell that to the other majority of people in attendance or in the audience who have children.
Normal moms who are interested in the Emmys turn on their TV to watch it, they don't make their kids work for five years until they are famous enough to warrant getting tickets for it.
For those moms who were in attendance, I'm not aware of any of them who exploited their kids to further their own careers. Most of them there were either nominated or part of a show that was nominated.
What did Kate Plus 8 get nominated for?
Of course the sheeple are all set up to justify Kate's relationship with a married man IF it were happen. Talk about a preemptive strike.
Justify it all you want. Just explain how it's fair to Steve's kids, wife. Explain how it's fair to Jon, who stated that he was uncomfortable about Steve, who was with Kate months and months before she ever filed for divorce. Explain how it's fair to teach eight kids that it's okay to hurt people who are supposed to be your priority as long as you are in love. And also, explain how this fits into Christianity.
This cannot be justified no matter which way you slice it.
A good friend of ours attended the Emmys as a guest of her cousin, who shall remain nameless along with her show. I met the cousin a few years ago at a studio function and found her to be lovely, gracious, humble, and delightfully funny--very much an anti-Kate.
She could have asked anyone to go as her guest, and chose to give a Midwestern family member an evening she will never forget.
Shame on Kate for letting her greed override her family values. This is something she will never be able to reclaim.
While Kate had no business being here, I disagree she should have brought Cara and Mady. In that respect she did the right thing. The kids need to have a normal life and what is "fun" to some of us adults is a pain to a child. Remember these aren't kids who have never been around glitz, glam, and celebrities their whole lives and might see this as a fun novelty. Kids who have been around this lifestyle as the twins have usually see it for what it is--fake and boring. Yet another shallow celeb, yet another plane ride, yet another event. It would not be fun for them. They should be in school around normal kids doing normal things. Let their mother play Hollywood.
What's next for her, will she call her manager for tickets to the Oscars?
Did anyone see her on ET where she ripped the mic out of the mans hands and said "I want to own this thing", WTF. I bet she would be the first woman in a long time to bed an exec just to get what she wants. I was embarrased for her. She seemed so greedy and desperate for the mic. She is dying for Brooke Burke or Mary Hart to get canned so she can jump in their shoes. She has a gift for being obnoxious and not Gab..
OMG look what Tony tweeted lol
TonyDovolani My partner is so sweet :) Yey lol about 5 hours ago
Kevin Frazier and Kate Gosselin Fight for Power of the Mic at ET Emmy Party
Simply frightening.
What's next for her, will she call her manager for tickets to the Oscars?
That was another of Khate's lies. She didn't ask her manager get her TICKETS to the Emmys, she asked him to get her ON the Emmys. In Khate speak, it's the same thing.
GKWay, your comments remain on the FB site AND people are liking the heck out of them/you! You go girl! I'm not about to 'like' that site to be able to comment, but when I saw that the mods said, "Whoa, high emotion here, what exactly do you dislike about Kate?', I almost did. I'd love to say, "Watch 3-4 episodes of J&K+8 and watch how cruel and cold she is to her kids, how abusive she is to her husband, and how ungrateful she is to every single person who gives her everything for free. That'll give you a pretty good idea of what a soul-less witch she is. Oh, and if you want it to be extra fun, try to count the number of times she says I ME or MY and be prepared to count fast! I counted once on the K+8 episode, and it was over 40 in the first 8 minutes! I gave up after the first commercial break." I mean, really? How dumb can these people be?
Admin.-yes,you are right,I was wrong,not a great place to bring Mady and Cara,makes sense the way you put it! Oh,yeah,Admin.,thanks for this blogsite.You do a great job!
I think that the term for Steve is that he is her "general factotem"--that is, a personal servant who has many responsibilities.
I just went over to the facebook site and looked at the comments.
Here is the latest from ET. I almost can't believe it...
Entertainment Tonight It's great to hear everyone's opinions, that's one reason we became active on Facebook. To answer everyone's question, Kate Gosselin will be our guest correspondent for the upcoming season of DWTS. She will only appear in a couple pieces, a couple days a week. Mary Hart is still the host of ET.
21 minutes ago ·
Embarrassed to admit I watched her show last night and it was mind-blowing: PART I: First, she traipsed around NYC in a black halter top that revealed her boobs not only from the front but also from the side (and I mean half of her boob--NO BRA). Second, twice she snapped at Jamie (as though she were a servant) to take a "quick pic" of her and the kids at the Statute of Liberty. Jamie never said a word in the entire episode. Third, she complained constantly about being hot, never worrying that her kids were hot. They stopped in Chinatown for "dim sum"--she is so stupid she thought it was the name of the restaurant and didn't even know what it was, all the while complaining that she had to "EAT NOW" or she was going to pass out and then she gets flustered because of the kids and the seating and instructs Jaime to have so many kids sit with her. They all sit with Jaime and Kate has to grab a couple to sit with her. Jaime just takes a deep breath and sighs. Kate then says that she just can't handle it (or something to that effect), that she just can't "even process" right now, and that she's just not doing too well right now. ALL ABOUT HER. THE WHOLE SHOW. ALL ABOUT KATE. (To be continued.)
PART II: Sorry, this is so long. Administrator can do a better job. Just hitting what I can remember this early in the morning. Regarding the ice cream fiasco, when she returns with 7 (not 8) ice cream cones, either Mady or Cara cries that she asked for a milkshake and gets nothing. Then Kate says during her talk-to-the-camera time that the child never said it (to appear not to be the bitch that she is). Oh, and in the park, she tells the kids who don't want to do something that they will do it, or SHE WILL LEAVE THEM WITH PEOPLE IN THE PARK WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM. OMG. She also threatens them to all smile when a pic is being taken. I HATE this woman. I HATE HER, and don't worry, because I will never watch her ever again. She is manipulative and evil.
All this talk about Kate's desire to be on Mad Men makes me MAD!! This is my favorite show, but if she is does manage to make an appearance, I'll have to stop watching it and that would be sad for me.
I think this show would be too much of a "thinking" show for her to be on anyway. It's not like a superficial 20 second appearance in a skit for the Emmys. There is a lot of symbolism and thematic significances in every scene. It would be way too advanced for Kate's pea brain.
Trying to avoid the IRS, Katie?
Kate Gosselin mixed and mingled after her Emmy debut last night, but was she also on the hunt for some romance?
The reality show mom of eight was swagging her way through the P.F. Chang's Home Menu Frozen Moment Gift Lounge on Saturday when she came across The Body Shop's Maca Root men's line. "She asked if it actually came with a man," an eyewitness says.
So what did Ms. Gosselin go home with?
Not a new man, but a pink Palm Pre phone, a red Vera Bradley duffel bag, Body Shop products, Pretty Ballerina flats, Vintage Revolution jeans and an AMC Signature pass.
I'm told she refused to take any pics with her freebies.
This quote is from New York Magazine's Vulture column, recapping the post-Emmy's parties, and this is from the ET party:
"Speaking of DWTS, Kate Gosselin was the first to arrive on the carpet for ET, with bodyguard. She took no questions and basically spent the entire night alone. She never talked to anyone and seemed to stay for the entire night."
Ever popular Kate.
"Jamie never said a word in the entire episode."
Wasn't she talking to the children in the open-air bus, (there was the voice of a woman), and also making comments in the park?
I thought she said that she would leave them with people that they (the kids) didn't know. What she said was worse since she told them that they would be left with strangers. Doesn't she have a habit of doing this, however?...leaving them with people they don't know...sitters, new crew members, etc.?
In my opinion, this was one of the cruel comments I ever heard coming out of her mouth (and there have been plenty). It was a threat, and even though the kids are probably quite used to it by now, a parent should never, ever say that to a child, especially when so many people have been removed from their lives.
I wonder what a child psychologist would say about this.
"...She took no questions and basically spent the entire night alone. She never talked to anyone and seemed to stay for the entire night."
She and Stevie-Boy were "alone" together?
I just realized that Kate is carrying her own purse in the above pic. I guess things do change from time to time! LOL! (I know, I know, it's only a temporary thing.)
Who's the big burly fella in the picture with Steve? He's large and scary enough to be HIS bodyguard. Snerk.
somehow I just cant visualize "Kate" and "cozy" in the same sentence.
Who's the big burly fella in the picture with Steve? He's large and scary enough to be HIS bodyguard. Snerk.
"Jamie never said a word in the entire episode."
Wasn't she talking to the children in the open-air bus, (there was the voice of a woman), and also making comments in the park?
I thought she said that she would leave them with people that they (the kids) didn't know. What she said was worse since she told them that they would be left with strangers. Doesn't she have a habit of doing this, however?...leaving them with people they don't know...sitters, new crew members, etc.?
In my opinion, this was one of the cruel comments I ever heard coming out of her mouth (and there have been plenty). It was a threat, and even though the kids are probably quite used to it by now, a parent should never, ever say that to a child, especially when so many people have been removed from their lives.
I wonder what a child psychologist would say about this.
I just went over to the facebook site and looked at the comments.
Here is the latest from ET. I almost can't believe it...
Entertainment Tonight It's great to hear everyone's opinions, that's one reason we became active on Facebook. To answer everyone's question, Kate Gosselin will be our guest correspondent for the upcoming season of DWTS. She will only appear in a couple pieces, a couple days a week. Mary Hart is still the host of ET.
21 minutes ago ·
GKWay, your comments remain on the FB site AND people are liking the heck out of them/you! You go girl! I'm not about to 'like' that site to be able to comment, but when I saw that the mods said, "Whoa, high emotion here, what exactly do you dislike about Kate?', I almost did. I'd love to say, "Watch 3-4 episodes of J&K+8 and watch how cruel and cold she is to her kids, how abusive she is to her husband, and how ungrateful she is to every single person who gives her everything for free. That'll give you a pretty good idea of what a soul-less witch she is. Oh, and if you want it to be extra fun, try to count the number of times she says I ME or MY and be prepared to count fast! I counted once on the K+8 episode, and it was over 40 in the first 8 minutes! I gave up after the first commercial break." I mean, really? How dumb can these people be?
Michelle What do you mean by a once in a lifetime opportunity? I'm sure Kate will be there every year from now on since she was such a huge success and a real hottie on the red carpet. I think my grandmother worn that dress and her hair like that at her 50th wedding anniversary party.
Bonafide Nutcase said...
AT one point she did her infamous screech and grabbed the ET mic from Kevin Frazier and said, "Someday I'll OWN this mic." At one point she also said, "I'm on this side now." There you have it. She figures or knows she'll be on ET soon.
For sometime now, I have thought that she would be working for ET.
Can someone remember of anyone else getting this much attention from ET ? It's been in the
works for some time now.
Regardless of her show being dropped or not, she will invade our TV's one way or the other. , for some time to come.
Sadly her clock it tic- tic ticking.... but the battery still has some life left.
With all the negative press she's getting I can't believe ET wants her on their show. I'm pretty sure no one else from ET has to have their questions written down, and what lame questions they were. And as predicted she mostly talked about herself. What does ET want with her?
Now...I have to admit that I have seen Kate look worse than this, but she DID look so outdated with absolutely no sense of style.
Back in the 70's and 80's, I was lead singer in a band and I had a dress just like that one.I am very serious .
Difference being, it was in style back then and mine was very fitted, not like Kates.
I think she pulled it from the rack of a local "Goodwill Store".
Hell...that could have been MY dress!
Read an article that Kate NOW believes she is "actor" material and believes she can do this for "real" and that is was nice to not be "herself" for a change (you know like a mother). She thinks dancing on the Emmys now makes her a bona fide star. Incredible. Give her an oscar now.
Kate's ET interviews were painful to watch. I knew they'd be bad, but not THAT bad.
You can tell that she's a fish out water and that Valley Girl talk doesn't help her. Once again, while interviewing others, she still makes it all about HER.
What I think Kate wanted at the Emmy's was an 'all about me' moment. Her moment to stand out. However you can tell that it never happened. When they asked about the kids she went dark, when she was asked about Jon's book she went dark. She was hoping this would cut her out from the 'mom' role and become a stepping stone to stardom for her. Little does she realize that without her family she's nothing and she has nothing.
If it were me, I would have brought my daughter(s) to the Emmys. What a way to spoil them and give them the time of their life as well as to play 'dress up' and feel pampered. She doesn't see beyond the person in the mirror at all. I pity her.
If Kate considers Gina one of her friends why didn't she invite her? It certainly would've put to rest the rumors about her and Stevie Boy.
So who got the 8 kids, count em 8, to school this morning?
"Radar Online has her on the Best Dressed list."
The same ROL that thought the Gosselin kids were dressed in black sweatshirts and jeans for the first day of school? LOL! They probably think that she was dressed in a red strapless ballgown!
People Magazine, AOL homepage and TMZ had her on the Worst-Dressed list.
Radar Online has her on the Best Dressed list.
Go figure.
Steve's wife must be very tolerant. More power to her-I couldn't do it. Must be really, really good money.
One other thing. I thought Kate Gosselin was going to be an official corespondent for Entertainment Tonight?
I went over to ET's website and there is no mention or pic of Kate Gosselin. Did I miss something?
Kate thinks she's hit the big time now, and there's no going back for her. Her only problem is how to get her eight--count 'em, eight--kids out of the way so she can continue to pursue her stardom without having to be hindered by her fraudulent good mommy act.
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