Now that they're back to doing the job kids are
supposed to do, school, maybe these kids won't have to perform for the cameras so much anymore.

Can't help chuckling at the way Collin is bolting for the bus. Is he that eager to learn, or does he just want to get away from the circus?
91 sediments (sic) from readers:
Just want to make this clear as I continue to get these comments from more than one person.
I'm not going to allow posting the name of the children's school and any other details about the school. It does not matter it is "out there," this won't be one of the places you can find it. It's creepy and obsessive. It's the one place they have privacy and we're not going to interfere with that.
I'm not going to allow posting when they are in school and when they are not, what times they get out and what times they start, and other stalkerish information. The only time I WILL allow posting about when their school is in session is when it is relevant to their exploitation, such as if they are pulled out of school to film (as did happen for the Florida trip). Then I WILL allow posts that simply state the days school is in session relative to when the kids are filming.
Here's hoping the filming is coming to an end anyway.....sounds like they have another set lined up to take their place.
I'm sure it's quite chilly that early in the morning so I refuse to give mommy dearest credit for the sensible outfit. Snarky, but she has quite the turkey neck for a 35 year-old. Kate will not naturally age gracefully. She will have to fight the process tooth & nail.
There's an internet article from US today saying a witness saw Kate and Steve taking long, romantic walks on the beach at Bald Head, definitely looking like an "item."
Funny how Kate seems to be "acting" like she is telling them to run to the bus. In her own delusional world, she has to "act" like the paps are after her and her brood. Chris must be finding this act getting old fast. If you don't want your kids to be filmed or photographed on their first day of school, simple solution. Quit calling Chris or better yet, take them yourself. Be a real mom for once in your life instead of acting like one.
Nice to see her dressing like a real mom for a change.
Charlie Rose
I am just so glad one of the kids didn't trip. This was an accident waiting to happen and I hope they don't have to bolt from the van to the bus every day. This looks like a different pickup, maybe. And perhaps they were the first to load. Looks like she had a parent helping to hide the kids with her vehicle. It is very sad.
Well, Lordy be...she actually came home from NY for the good mommy photo op. Surprise, surprise.
My how conservatively Kate is dressed! What a nice change.
As for bolting to the bus, I have to say that most kids are excited to go back. It's not until a month in they start complaining at least from my experience as a teacher and mom.
A picture is worth a thousand words:
Oh, this is rich: From ROL:
"The kids (twins Mady and Cara, sextuplets Aaden, Joel, Collin, Alexis, Hannah and Leah) were clad in matching sweatshirts -- boys in black, girls in white -- and blue jeans, as Kate and her silver fox bodyguard Steve Neild saw them off."
Stevie is there awfully early in the morning.
When is this woman going to stop treating her children worse than a sack of groceries? Must she yank their arms and pull them? This is one of the many things that have always angered me about her and her exhusband. If it is such an ordeal to get them on that bus why not just drive them yourself! I did a 45 minute each way drive with my son for 12 count 'em 12 years. Why? I worked (odd concept for this woman to grasp I know)full time and the private school we chose was close to where I worked. I could be there in a heartbeat if he was ill, etc. and the conversations we had to and from school were priceless. Some days I had several of his friends with us as well; it was crazy but I loved it and so did he:)
I never had the opportunity to be home on my kids first days. I always had to work but if I hadn't I would have driven them right to the school. Why doesn't she? She is not working a 6-230 job M-F. She has the time.
I suppose it is because they dont want Chris taking pics at the school itself but they still have to have pics to show what a good mom (barf) she is. So we have the bus stop pics again. (and again and again and again)
I did not recognize Momzilla dressed in everyday Mom clothes - perhaps the Summer of Slut has come to an end? An oh the hypocrisy when 'silver fox bodyguard' Steve-o is there for the send-off. Do you think he has filed a change of address with the PO yet?
Looking at Colin bolting for the bus makes me think of Martin Luther King's speech...."Free at last...."
Can you post that romantic beach stroll video US weekly is reporting? THe sheeple will say it is exercise no doubt.
This is an interesting article from Preesi's site from the Star:
I watched the INF video. She's got those kids diving out of the van onto the bus like they're diving into a bunker to avoid mortar fire. Do they deserve privacy on their first day of school - absolutely! But Kate needs to realize she sold their privacy. I still don't get how you can film every little thing they do and sell it or write about what they do in private and sell it, but it's that pesky paparazzo Chris that is the problem in their lives.
I think most of the print media is starting to know the 'real' Khate and its what we've all known from day one!
If you watch the video on INF there's a woman who pulls up in a white SUV and at one point gets off the bus and has to go fetch all the backpacks out of the van. I'm assuming this is one of her hired slaves, didn't see her nannie Steve though. But seriously, is she really that lazy or really not capable of doing anything with her kids without help? Or a combination of the two? They are 6 and 9 it's not like 8 toddlers who will start running in opposite directions. It's totally pathetic.
Looks like I was wrong about her flying out to LA before school started. It is kind of ironic that this woman who has made a career out of shilling her kids is now pretending they need privacy. There mustn't be any money to made from INF or she would have parked a half a mile away from the bus and taken a leisurely to stroll across the parking lot with them.
I watched the INF video and she's nearly hurling them from the van to the bus. I guess it's good that she's protecting their privacy on this important day, but it's ironic that she parades them all around with NO regard to their privacy when she's filming and getting paid. Poor kids. I do hope they have a great day at school and it will be interesting to see what outfit mommy comes in to pick them up. Hopefully she will let Jon pick them up, so both of them can enjoy this momentous day with THEIR children. (FWIW, it always bugged me that they would be sitting side by side on that couch and each of them would be saying MY kids instead of OUR kids.)
Whereas we bloggers know that Kate is probably going to be leaving for LA sometime today for the Emmys which is why Steve is there, after watching ACCESS HOLLYWOOD last night (see Kate & Steve thread for comments) nonbloggers will note he was there awfully early too :)
Billy Bush's last comment I'm sure was based on the saying "where there is smoke there is fire" LMAO
Oh TLC, how will you spin the belief that Kate and Steve are now an item?
Won't it just be easier to cut the Gosselins kids loose, they are afterall in school now and not available 24/7, and just move on to the quints and the NY tups who are cuter and younger? Besides I'm sure it is cheaper to do those two families versus just Kate and all the drama that tags along with her.
tick tock tick tock tick tock
I watched the video, and she really pulled / yanked on some of those kids arms to get them out of the van.
GOOD!!! Run,kids, RUN!!!
Seriously, I hope that the Gosselin 8 have a successful,happy,sound & stable school year.
The question is, what will she & TLC do before Monday to try and get a spike in their viewers? Probably more Street wear?
Did anyone see the story on Access? I missed it and wanted the latest. I hope Billy Bush wasn't kissing her behind again.
US Magazine is also reporting that, although Jon wasn't there this morning, Steve Neild was. And, if you watch the ROL video, you can hear Steve talking to the SINGLE, LONE PAP.
I hope Jon tells ALL in his book. And I suggest he read Mommy Dearest and see the movie before he finishes his book. Just look at the images on google.
He needs to validate what his kids are going through and stop the silence and enabling of the abuse.
These kids will be scarred for a lifetime. They need to know their father acted to protect them, and the "real" reason Jon was rejected. For Steve.
Steve is a thug. And I would NOT want this "bodyguard" disciplining MY kids!!! TAKE it to court!! Get custody and child support. She'll have to sell that big house she loves so much. Let's see how her and Steve do in the "real" world.
I've wondered about the profit margin since the $250,000 per episode figure came out. It looks like Kate Plus 8 is running about the same in the ratings or lower than Jon& Kate Plus 8. It was reported in last year's TV Guide that they were making $75,000 per episode. How do you make it look like a good financial decision to give Kate a $175,000 per episode raise and have no dramatic ratings increase to justify it?
Admin, thank you for not allowing any info pertaining to the 8"s schooling. Not only for their protection/privacy but for entire student body as well. When I read comments on other sites it makes me cringe.
I forgot to add- for the first time in I don't know when, Kate actually looks like a normal mom.
Apparently, she does care what people say about her.
Meanwhile, the speedy drop-off at the school bus was incredible! If Kate had a catapult, she would have used it to get those kids into the bus.
Maybe she was in a rush to leave them, so that she could head out to the west coast for the Emmys....
Oh, one MORE thing. I'd like to know how much time Kate actually spent CARING for her kids....instead of mindless calender making, post-in bullshiting, coupon cutting, hiding in the kitchen, phone calling and ENDLESS shopping trips in order to AVOID caring for her kids.
I really REALLY don't think she LIKES kids. She usually is putting them down, laughing AT them, or yelling at them.
Steve seems to be her ONLY priority, {that's why she's always on the road.}. Hope she's on birth control.
"Quit calling Chris or better yet, take them yourself."
I know not everyone agrees, but I still think Kate does not communicate with Chris. It's easy for him to follow her because now that the noise has died down he parks on the side of the road in front of the house again, so he doesn't have to quickly run 1/2 mile back to his car to tail her. (With her lead foot, by that time she'd be long gone.) Also, he's been the most consistent paps all along and he knows Kate's schedule, including the school bus schedule. Maybe someone in the house is tipping him off, but I really don't think it's Kate.
Isn't Kate's Emmy bit being taped? I suspected maybe that's why she was in New York last week. She doesn't have to go to the west coast to tape her bit. She could just tape it here on the east coast. It would be much cheaper, easier and convenient, plus they wouldn't have to put up with her divalicious ways at the actual event.
Could she have parked any closer to that school bus? Maybe they should just have a privacy screen. Could she be heading straight to the airport? Can't believe I'm even typing any of this. Sheesh.
I just don't understand why she goes out of her way to shield them from paparazzi, yet freely lets TLC film them and splatter it across national tv.
If only she would've never resumed filming after the divorce, the kids could've had a pap free day today. Yes Kate, the paps WILL eventually go away if you stop exploiting your kids. It's a funny little thing called "out of sight, out of mind". I guess that's what you are afraid of.
At least she wasn't dressed like a hooker today and spared the kids being mortified in front of their friends.
( LOVED the article in STAR Magazine about her today....mentions her hitting Jon and hitting the bottle. )
I have one question!! When is she going to take the time to teach those kids how to tie shoes? They will be wearing velcro shoes till they're 40. Also, says that on Access hollwood it was said that Steve disiplines the kids and TUCKS THEM IN BED AT NIGHT!! Why is he there at night in the house? Why does she need protection in her own house? Not a couple my ass!!! Excuse my french!!!
Odd...Jon makes an effort to hide the children from the paps the other day. We have seen Kate cover her own face but NEVER has made an effort to protect the kids. Everyone was proud of Jon for making a statement with the towels now ALL OF A SUDDEN! Kate decides to try and protect her children from the cameras this morning? Glad to see but she made it a bigger deal then it had to be. Let the kids off the van and let them get on the bus. Everything with her is a production. She really is a joke
Oh, and by the way, she's looking chunky again! (why does she bring the ugly out in me?)
At least she was more appropriately dressed for the early morning school bus run. We can be sure the children will have some normal time now while Kate is in LA for the Emmy show. They are probably delighted to be back in school where they can be themselves and not have to perform for cameras.
I'm just soooooo happy for these kids that they will now be in school with normal people.
I like the idea that they will have a structured day, with nice teachers and they will get to sit down, too, not be dragged off somewhere.
I seriously think that every one of them will come to appreciate schooling and have fond memories of attending.
It will be their one wonderful place of peace and sanity.
I know some have said that Steve is just a "cover" etc...but I can remember that Jon first was suspicious of Kate when she started primping and dressing better and traveling with Steve. Isn't that what most people do when they are very interested in someone? They will begin to take better care of themselves and become much more fastidious about their looks. I think Jon might have been right back then when he told her relatives how suspicious he was of her.
Even though she dresses in revealing mother-wear,I have always thought of kate as a-sexual, don't know why,just a gut feeling.If she and stevie are a couple,I just can't see it lasting for very long.Once again,don't know why,just another gut feeling.
Check out INF and Kate's day without the kids. Taking the kids used (and probably donated) clothes to a consignment store to be sold. She truly confounds me. Why not give them to someone who needs them? There's no shortage of needy people in today's economy. I work at a food bank and I see it every day!
I think this is all of TLC's plan to get them out of the limelight. Planting the "privacy trees," filming ALWAYS away from the house, hiding the kids faces, intentional bad press, more info re a possible relationship between Steve and Kate, Kate now wearing mommy clothes in a photo op, it all adds up to TLC ending the show as the fallout is becoming too much. Kate is transitioning to becoming (to us anyway) a noncelebrity, with either Stevie lover or Jamie lover living with her in the house.
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole crap load was choreographed. Everything else has been.
"I just don't understand why she goes out of her way to shield them from paparazzi, yet freely lets TLC film them and splatter it across national tv."
Exactly why Jon doesn't deserve any kudos for covering them with towels, either. He is equally to blame for the pap presence. Why cover them in non-TLC show situations, because they aren't "working" then? But they aren't "working" on the show, either, according to J&K. The hypopcrisy is unbearable.
A little too late to be trying to hide the kids' faces Katie Irene. Because of your ridiculous drive for stardom, your kids are well known. Let them try to have a normal day at school without trying to make a big deal about it. Why the big circus trying to get them from the van to the bus? Why not drive them yourself? Good grief.
GKWay, I can't get your link to work, which happens more often than not when people post links. Can you copy and paste or tell us the gist of this? Thanks.
Kate will never change ... in her world it is always gimme gimme gimme freebies but it is not in her to donate anything to charity!
Also it looks like rumors are flying about Steve and Kate, and not just on ACCESS HOLLYWOOD.
Tell me TLC, can this show survive with a homewrecker as the "star"?
off the subject, but is it it time to keep the calendar of missing days at home again? I found that very telling seeing exactly how much she is gone from her children. Thanks so much.
My explanation for the "ruff" treatment the kids got today, especially the boys, IMO:
1) The kids have now told both Jon and Kate they no longer want to be taped. Especially the boys.
2) Where as Jon makes it into a Fun Game, Kate "punishes" them with RUFF physical pulling and pushing. Who knows what they "got" when they went home, they have made Mommy Dearest VERY unhappy and embarrassed. Kids need to speak with a school counselor.
What's next, home schooling, Kate? So you can better isolate them? Spankings by Steve? Kids talk you know....
When do they get taped again???
INF says:
We only ever have Chris on the Gosselins. When you watch a video and hear a camera clicking away, that’s Chris doing both at once. I have no idea how he does it; he’s like an old-timey one man band.
So, the video also has a camera clicking. Whether it's just Chris and/or another pap, why would Steve be there anyway? The van is pulled very close to the bus, the kids have little exposure....inquiring minds want to know why Steve is there and why so early? He's not shown in the video, so where is he? I didn't see him in the van. Is ROL accurate on this?
In case anyone is interested, here's the latest from Rep. Murt on "Z on TV":
"They will be wearing velcro shoes till they're 40. Also, says that on Access hollwood it was said that Steve disiplines the kids and TUCKS THEM IN BED AT NIGHT!!"
My kids were wearing velcro sneakers in Kindergarten, too, as were so many of the other students. The shoes would always come untied in PE or at recess and it was so much easier on them (and the teachers) if they didn't have to keep re-tying them.
Did AH report that Steve tucks them into bed at night at HOME, or when they were on location filming?
When I seen the video at the bus stop, I thought they declared a state of emergency in Pennsylvania. She practically threw those kids out of the van and in the bus. What was the hurry? No floods or famine were declared in Pennsylvania as far as I know.
Was she protecting the kids from Chris the pap? You know, the one she calls when she goes hither thither and yon.Her fourth son.I agree with Ellie, Kate likes to make a big productions out of everything.In Kates world, if there isn't drama she'll create it.To bad that drama also includes the kids.
"Kate will never change ... in her world it is always gimme gimme gimme freebies but it is not in her to donate anything to charity!"
I don't think she realizes that she's not going to net that much from selling used clothing. The smart thing to do is to donate them, get a signed receipt and take the tax deduction for them. She'd be way ahead of the game, money-wise, that way.
I think it is very odd that these children have to be picked up by the school bus everyday in a public place not even close to the house. This is a daily photo op that anyone with half a brain can figure out the timing on. Since Kate is all about the hired help, why not have one of them drive these poor kids to school instead of putting them in front of cameras or gawkers every single morning.
I've read interviews where she has defended the show as, "I get a chance to work and be with my kids." I don't get it - if by "work" she means she is paid by TLC to be with her children - isn't that what mothers do - look after their children.
Great, she bolts the kids out of the van into the bus like they were dolls, then she holds the bus up while some woman grabs back packs and takes them on the bus. This woman has no consideration for other children, typical Khate.
Did anyone see the video of her yanking the kids by the arms from the van to the bus? I don't have any children, so my experience with handling children is pretty limited but come on!! She appeared to me to be pretty rough with them.
"Let them try to have a normal day at school without trying to make a big deal about it. Why the big circus trying to get them from the van to the bus?"
I guess I'm missing something. I didn't see a big circus. They went from the van to the school bus. She wasn't holding up her hands to hide their faces. They weren't covered with towels. She wasn't blocking them so that they couldn't be seen. They went from the van to the bus in orderly fashion without fooling around. If they had parked a distance away, and took their good old time, marching parade style, then she would be accused of staging pubicity shots, taking their time, holding up the bus and delaying other kids who were also riding the bus. How were these kids supposed to get into the school bus? No matter what she would have done, it would have been criticized. At least SHE WAS THERE and didn't miss seeing these kids off for the first day as so many figured she would do (leave for the Emmys early). I don't see her getting any credit for that, but boy, if she weren't there she'd be royally slammed for it.
That said, yes, she should have driven them to school on the first day, totally throwing off the photographers who never would have gotten those coveted "first day" shots.
Miss "Gift of Gab" is gonna be an ET Correspondent at the Emmy's, and interview REAL celebrities at the Entertainment Tonight after-party.
Stupid Samantha Harris said, "I can't wait to hang out with Kate again".
Wonder how much muhla TLC paid ET so their golden girl could get that gig?
Very curious as to why she's trying to protect them from the cameras now all of a sudden? I guess the only time she allows them to be exploited is when she's being paid for it. She gets more disgusting by the day.
No of course not! Kate would not donate anything to charity. She had to drop her kids outgrown "feebie" clothes at a consignment shop so that she would get a percentage of the sale. This multi-millionaire woman would never give things she didn't need to those in need. Like so many others, I have given my kid's outgrown winter jackets, bikes, etc to the Salvation Army for years and my mortgage payment has been late more than once!
Watching Entertainment Tonight and they announced that Kate will be a special correspondent for them at the Emmys. Unbelievable.
I love the descriptions they put on Celebrity Gossip, Kate "spent the morning loading her kids on to the bus" She has sooo many kids apparently it takes on entire morning to get them all on the bus. And she needed Steve and a nanny to do it. What about the pics of her pointing a stern finger and obviously cussing out of them while there on the bus.Typical bitch as usual. She makes me sick. And no hooker wear again today while at the consignment shop.
Why do people want to know where these kids go to school? Geez! i realize there are fans that are infatuated with the kids and might want to take them, this is why she and Jon need to be careful and protect them. I do agree with some that the way she was tossing them from the van into the bus was ridiculous. She never seemed to mind the paps being there before, why now? Why wasn't Jon there to see them off as well?
Just read that she is going to be interviewing the real stars on the red carpet, for Et. Just watch,she will make all the interviews about herself!!
I don't have a problem with Kate trying to get them on the bus fast.
But like others have said, oh NOW she wants to protect them from the paps. Now their lives are private. No matter she put them on TV, and SHE REFUSED to take them off TV. This is her fault, now all of a sudden the paps aren't to get photos of her kid.
Come off it Kate.
Well, the implants are certainly more than obvious in that shirt.
She's on her way out. I don't know if she realizes this or not, but the viewing public is fickle times infinity and she's worn out her
welcome, plus the kids aren't babies anymore.
She'll screw up being a "special correspondent" and it'll probably involve about two minutes of air time, if THAT. She'll have scripted questions ready and she'll be totally wooden and horrible, because you have to talk about the people you are talking TO, not yourself, and she simply cannot do that. She just can't. It's like it's physically impossible for her.
This "special correspondent" job will be her last, besides the show, which is losing interest.
TLC knows all this. They're preparing to let her go.
Kate only knows to talk about herself. She cannot interview; she would have to feign interest in another person
She took the kids clothes to a CONSIGNMENT shop???? THAT blows my mind. This greedy ass made almost 2 million THIS year, probably over now the Emmys and ET "correspondance" bs The churches gave them so much. Why not REPAY something to the church? CONSIGNMENT? I forgot all about the bus loading LOL I am just glad she did make it for the first day of school. Steveo IS up pretty early.
"Miss "Gift of Gab" is gonna be an ET Correspondent at the Emmy's, and interview REAL celebrities at the Entertainment Tonight after-party."
Isn't it "Gift of GRAB?"
So Kate is doing the AFTER party? Isn't that sort of like the Emmy equivalent of moving someone's desk to the supply room?
The place they can stick her where she'll do the least amount of damage.
Wishing a happy, fun, quiet, uneventful school year for the Gosselin children.
The infdaily video from yesterday did not have sound - was this just my computer? I'm asking because the brunette said something to the camera guy and I'm curious what she said.
Also, is she a nanny or the school bus driver?
I also do not have a problem with Kate getting the kids on the bus fast BUT you have to admit it sure is a far cry from a year ago when Kate parked the van in the back 40 so they could walk 1/2 the parking lot to the school bus for a photo op.
Anyway it will be interesting to see if yesterday's first day of school was just for show after Jon's towel incident or if it will be repeated every day for the rest of the year ... or until her show is cancelled and there is no more interest in her so Chris the pap stops showing up.
Funny how she only started doing this after they started being filmed morning, noon and night, day in and day out. Who is she trying to kid - it is merely like with the breakup of her marriage - you will have to watch the show if you want to see the kids just like you had to watch the show to see if they got divorced.
Somewhere I read that is the reason she is so picky about stains so she can get top dollar at the consignment shop. She is not going to donate anything to anybody. She would throw it away first. I think it was Al's book that said that about the stains and Consignment.
TLC is probably furious with her about being open with Steve in Bald Head when thankfully, there was a reporter right next door. Thank you reporter lady for exposing the truth about this woman. That wasn't meant to happen. Just goes to show not everything goes her way.
I also noticed that she was sort of yanking the kids to get them onto the b us. But, then again, what do you expect from her?
About the used clothing -- Hey, now Kate.....there's a whole new multiple crew coming on board with TLC. Share your clothing, outgrown toys, etc with them.
Anonymous said... TLC is probably furious with her about being open with Steve in Bald Head when thankfully, there was a reporter right next door
Being open about what exactly? Once again no photos to back up bogus reporting. Everyone has a cell phone camera these days, and stating "oh he made me delete it" - Yeah right
"Being open about what exactly? Once again no photos to back up bogus reporting. Everyone has a cell phone camera these days, and stating "oh he made me delete it" - Yeah right"
Didn't the reporter write that Steve made her delete the photos, but it didn't matter since she already had taken the ones she wanted? I thought she was talking about the "touching legs" shots. If so, then where are those photos? Is she waiting to sell them to tabs, or is she going to post them on the internet? I would think that if the photos had existed, they would have surfaced by now.
To the anonymouses...PLEASE pick a name! It's so difficult responding to an anonymous when there are multiple ones posting! There are four consecutive "anonymous" postings here!
"This "special correspondent" job will be her last, besides the show, which is losing interest.
TLC knows all this. They're preparing to let her go."
If she's on her way out, then why does she keep cropping up everywhere...on new gigs week after week after week? It was said that she was on her way out last year, after the divorce...that the show, Kate Plus Eight, would never be aired, that Kate's days are numbered.
Seems like each time one thinks TLC is going phasing her out, there she is, with some new stunt. Now it's rumored that Twisted Kate will premiere in November. Does this sound like she's on her way out? Sure, it will flop, but after near-drowning experiences, she just keeps resurfacing and swimming to shore.
I remember the quote from Halloween: "You can't kill the boogie-man."
I've been seeing quite a few comments about Jon's tell-all book recently. Could anyone tell me the name of it and when it is supposed to come out (given that the information is available)? I hope this is true and not just a rumor, because I'd really love to read his side of the story. Thanks!
TLC is probably furious with her about being open with Steve in Bald Head when thankfully, there was a reporter right next door. Thank you reporter lady for exposing the truth about this woman. That wasn't meant to happen. Just goes to show not everything goes her way.
I also noticed that she was sort of yanking the kids to get them onto the b us. But, then again, what do you expect from her?
About the used clothing -- Hey, now Kate.....there's a whole new multiple crew coming on board with TLC. Share your clothing, outgrown toys, etc with them.
So Kate is doing the AFTER party? Isn't that sort of like the Emmy equivalent of moving someone's desk to the supply room?
The place they can stick her where she'll do the least amount of damage.
Well, the implants are certainly more than obvious in that shirt.
She's on her way out. I don't know if she realizes this or not, but the viewing public is fickle times infinity and she's worn out her
welcome, plus the kids aren't babies anymore.
She'll screw up being a "special correspondent" and it'll probably involve about two minutes of air time, if THAT. She'll have scripted questions ready and she'll be totally wooden and horrible, because you have to talk about the people you are talking TO, not yourself, and she simply cannot do that. She just can't. It's like it's physically impossible for her.
This "special correspondent" job will be her last, besides the show, which is losing interest.
TLC knows all this. They're preparing to let her go.
The question is, what will she & TLC do before Monday to try and get a spike in their viewers? Probably more Street wear?
Did anyone see the story on Access? I missed it and wanted the latest. I hope Billy Bush wasn't kissing her behind again.
I don't have a problem with Kate trying to get them on the bus fast.
But like others have said, oh NOW she wants to protect them from the paps. Now their lives are private. No matter she put them on TV, and SHE REFUSED to take them off TV. This is her fault, now all of a sudden the paps aren't to get photos of her kid.
Come off it Kate.
Looks like I was wrong about her flying out to LA before school started. It is kind of ironic that this woman who has made a career out of shilling her kids is now pretending they need privacy. There mustn't be any money to made from INF or she would have parked a half a mile away from the bus and taken a leisurely to stroll across the parking lot with them.
Looking at Colin bolting for the bus makes me think of Martin Luther King's speech...."Free at last...."
I never had the opportunity to be home on my kids first days. I always had to work but if I hadn't I would have driven them right to the school. Why doesn't she? She is not working a 6-230 job M-F. She has the time.
I suppose it is because they dont want Chris taking pics at the school itself but they still have to have pics to show what a good mom (barf) she is. So we have the bus stop pics again. (and again and again and again)
Well, Lordy be...she actually came home from NY for the good mommy photo op. Surprise, surprise.
I'm sure it's quite chilly that early in the morning so I refuse to give mommy dearest credit for the sensible outfit. Snarky, but she has quite the turkey neck for a 35 year-old. Kate will not naturally age gracefully. She will have to fight the process tooth & nail.
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