First up, in one of the most egregious examples of exploitation ever aired on this show, little Collin is having some constipation issues. How do we know this? Well, because Kate and Jon told us all about it. On what planet would it ever be okay to talk about your child's bowel habits with three million strangers? Collin, who was three at the time, is nowhere near old enough to consent to such information about him being disclosed. Not only is the child dragged to a furniture store to film an episode when he's extremely uncomfortable (he is seen just sobbing), but Jon removes his impacted bowels on national TV. All the while Kate sits around wondering which beds to pick. As if TLC didn't already pre-approve which beds they would get and paid for them all.
Jon and Kate Plus 8: Babies and Bedrooms (Part 1), Season 2 Episode 9, 11/26/07.
170 sediments (sic) from readers:
I find that almost too painful to watch. That any mother would neglect a child in that manner is mind-boggling enough. That this episode was even aired cannot be morally or ethically justified.
Leave the kids behind. Eight kids have no business running around a furniture store while their mother is selecting beds. No business whatsoever. All this episode did was to serve as proof of the lack of parenting skills she has. Shame on everyone involved in the production of this episode.
Until this minute I had not remembered just how horrible this segment was. I knew it was bad, but this reminded me just how unfeeling Kate can be when confronted by a child's problem that interferes with what she is doing.
Flash forward to little Collin in a panic and crying because she won't tell him if it's OK to cross over the garden hose with his car.
That's despicable.
What evil, stupid a$$ holes Kate Go$$elin and Jon Go$$elin are. This footage is truly unbelievable. Kate Go$$elin has got to be mentally ill and that worthless Jon, well, he is just an idiot. Collin is forever going to be known by his classmates for being disimpacted in public.
I remember that this was one of the weeks where a lot of us started questioning the program and what this family was really all about.
Before that, it was just that we were all amazed at these sextuplets and were interested in how they all got along and were cared for.
Then these insidious little incidents began to pop up, and most of us started getting really annoyed at the parents' actions.
This episode alone should shut down production. It is child abuse, plain and simple. Collin was in agony and he begged Kate to help him, very disturbing to watch. Every tv program that has Kate on should preview that clip before she takes her seat. What a vile disgusting human being she is.
I'm flabbergasted with the number of times Hate says "HOW HARD" it was FOR HER to pick out furniture while her child was suffering. Yes, indeedy, shine that light back over on HER, no matter whatever else is going on. She really does have a myriad of mental illnesses and personality disorders.
As usual, both Con and Take have diarrhea of the brain and mouth during their pathetic couch "interview." DISGUSTING, as always.
This video is so upsetting.
I am in shock at Kate rolling her eyes while her little boy is sobbing and calling for her. Don’t bother mommy while she is picking out bunk beds. And then J&K sit on the couch and laugh during the interview. Disgusting.
She can’t escape from the video tape. Sure it will be embarrassing for the kids but it will be even worse for Kate. It shows how cold, callous and narcissist she is.
No wonder she is trying to sweep the last 3 years under the carpet by “rebranding” herself as “clean slate Kate” or “can do Kate.”
when you listen to this 54 seconds into it, Jon is attenmpting to confort Colin and says " Mommy is not going to help you" if we had known then what we know now.
I guess she did not have the not-a-nanny then? But, did the camera HAVE to follow Jon to the van?
I just wanted to add that I think the flashback posts are an outstanding idea.
Kate and her team are working so hard to sweep the last few years of Kate's horrible behavior under the carpet. The new hair and the "can do" and "clean slate" nicknames are part of it.
We should NEVER forget how Kate has lied and exploited her children out of a desire for money and fame.
Thanks Admin.
I had hoped this video would be forever erased from my memory banks, but it won't leave me. I
am truly speechless about Kate's reaction to her young child.
I have not re-watched it, and I don't remember:
Did Jon KNOW he was being followed by cameras to the car? If I recall, the cameras were a
fair distance back, not right on the scene.
Is it possible Jon didn't know they were filming this?
Even if that's the case, to laugh - LAUGH - about it and talk about it on TV is beyond reprehensible. I know parents talk between themselves about icky jobs they had to do with their kids, but it's a PRIVATE matter! A conversation between 2 responsible adults, showing concern for their children's health. Bowel problems are not entertainment, people!
My father heard about my problems with the flu when he got home, but it was so he could come into my room and sit down to talk and bring me something I wanted. He would have no more told the neighbors about it than peed in their bushes, much less tell strangers on the other side of a TV screen all about my discomforts.
Thank goodness there are still parents out there who put kids first.
Seriously, have you absolutely no shame. What in the world would make you post this video and continue to humiliate this child? You are no better than those you claim to despise - Kate Gosselin and TLC.
My kids mom, I knew some people would not want me to show this. But I have to balance the interest in showing something again that has already been aired hundreds of times on TV and the internet and can be found anywhere, versus exposing the truth about this family and making sure TLC doesn't succede in having us just conveniently forget what has happened to these kids. Usually I come out on the truth side.
"Seriously, have you absolutely no shame. What in the world would make you post this video and continue to humiliate this child? You are no better than those you claim to despise - Kate Gosselin and TLC."
Uh-oh. Didn't this poster promise Admin that she wasn't going to say another word about posting pictures and videos? Or was that someone else?
"But I have to balance the interest in showing something again that has already been aired hundreds of times on TV and the internet and can be found anywhere, versus exposing the truth about this family and making sure TLC doesn't succede in having us just conveniently forget what has happened to these kids."
I hope it succeeds in having TLC realize the part they play in the exploitation of these kids. But, alas, since it's all about money to them, and they have no conscience, it most likely won't matter at all. Do the suits at TLC have kids of their own? Would they film their own children in a situation such as this?
I had not seen this entire episode when it originally aired. Thank you for posting it. I was under the impression that TLC had conveniently lost or cleaned up so many of these episodes so Kate wouldn't come off looking like a villain. It just serves to reinforce the cruelty inflicted on this child by his mother...a mother he desperately wanted and needed when he was in pain. It also serves as a reminder to those Kate lovers who insist their hero can do no wrong. How do they justify this? Is this the way they treat their own children? What a sad commentary on parenthood.
Not only was she too busy to help him, but she is supposed to be an RN!? They KNEW he had a problem before they left the house, yet she did nothing to help him. This episode always burned me up.
"...but Jon removes his impacted bowels"
I hope Jon didn't remove his bowels!! The child might have died!
I agree that they should not have displayed such a private moment on TV. One thing that bugs me is that I hear it referred to as "impacted bowels"....I assure you he did not have that condition. He was constipated. Impacted bowels is a very serious condition that in worst cases will require surgery.
Didn't watch the video, it is burned into my brain.
What this epi convinced many of us when it originally aired was something that Kate (the contract honorer) had known all along. This is not a reality show, it is totally scripted. The script for this epi said the entire family will go to the furniture store and pick out Free bedroom furniture for the kids. Get it done, the cameras are rolling, the crew has a schedule. Katie I. Gosselin, RN and Mother was not about to alter the schedule. Colin had the misfortune to become ill during a shoot. How dare he! Cara did the same thing last year during Family Game Night. How dare she complain about an ankle injury and require a trip to the doctor's office during a scripted shoot.
THis was the episode that did me in. THe kids run wild in the store, the mom ignores them, the dad is ineffectual, then the little boy is in pain, and his mother ignores that in favor of shopping. I'd never seen anything like it!
How could either of them think it was OK? How were they raised so that they thought this was normal behavior?
No more show for me after that.
And My Kids Mom? It's for sale on DVDs online and at your local Target. The only reason J&K would object to this is because they wouldn't get any royalties for every sale/viewing.
I didn't watch the video. It was upsetting to watch it the first time around and I couldn't bring myself to relive it again. It is ashame that there are too many of these types of moments: sick child laundry room floor, stuffed animal being threatened to be taken away. 4th of July vacation chasing the boys out of kitchen and not allowing to help, crayon factory, toys r us, sprained ankle being ignored, promising child the parents would be together forever when the marriage was already over....and so on and so on.
Even though I do not want to rewatch this disgusting episode, I do believe that posting flashbacks when "it is slow" is a good idea.
Why? Because not everyone has seen all the shows where these two parents have most definitely allowed their children's innocence and private moments to be exposed to the world forever and then laughed about it all the way to the bank.
The flashbacks will remind people why Kate+8 need to fail as a show because only the viewers can save these kids by not watching it. Also, it will also show that it really is not about the haterz being jealous and wanting Kate+8 off the air so Kate can't get free trips anymore, it is because the 8 Gosselin kids are entitled to become private citizens through what is left of their childhood.
Finally, I agree that it is easy to forget everything these 8 kids have been through over the years just so Jon and Kate can have their fame and $$$$$$$$.
So please go ahead and post the flashbacks with all the undeniable evidence what these parents have allowed to happen to their CHILDREN in their short lives. Who knows, maybe even a Sheeple or two or three will finally take off their rose colored glasses and see things from a different point of view and decide to jump the fence where the grass is greener.
Sickening the first time. I won't watch it again. Never understood why they didn't stay the hell home and help the little guy out.
It goes without saying no set teacher or on-set advocate would ever let a child in this much pain work. Production would be shut down and rescheduled or the show would go on without him.
I agree with the statement that this is not reality. In real life no one would drag this many little children to a store. This was designed to put the children in a situation that would CAUSE meltdowns, which frankly I find just plain sick. In real life, even if you did do that, if one child was sick you would change your plans. Dad would stay home with him, or you would go to the store another day. But Jon and Kate Plus 8 minus Jon and Collin at home sick isn't "perfect."
Votes on which horrible flashback to show next?
I like this idea. Keep 'em coming, Admin!
How about Kate or Jon telling Mady that she'll have a beautiful smile ... someday.
My kids Mom said...
Seriously, have you absolutely no shame. What in the world would make you post this video and continue to humiliate this child? You are no better than those you claim to despise - Kate Gosselin and TLC.
My kids Mom, just so you know, there are now two of us who find this shameful.
Why don't you all ask Colin if posting this again? Do you think he will thank you? The hoopla is dying down about this woman - why don't you all? Or is getting your "gossip fix" more important than leaving this children alone? You're as bad their parents.
I have to agree with the other poster. I can't stand Kate, but I don't think it's right to dredge up old, humiliating videos that embarrass the kids. If you re-ran Kate's worst meltdowns, hen-pecking, self-absorbed, lying bitchyness, I would be all for it, and there's plenty of it. If you want to show how badly she treated Jon (e.g., Toys R Us) or the kids (think Crayola or cupcakes) you would make your point and spare the innocents.
Showing Kate's worst meltdowns does not prove the point I'm trying to make. That only proves she has meltdowns. The point being made is that this show exploited the kids. Kate is a mom who has ridiculous meltdowns and henpecks her husband, that will be true whether she has a show or not. But absent a show/media, etc., the kids are not being exploited. Kate's meltdowns confuse the issue. I think that actually reduces are credibility, because that's just going after Kate for a personality quirk that has nothing to do with what she has done to her KIDS. That just feeds into everyone saying we simply hate Kate and this has nothing to do with the kids. No, this has everything to do with the kids.
Unfortunatly the exploitation is there whether it's shown or not. It still exists and I find it a little scary to just forget about it....there are still not proper laws to prevent this from happening again. If it's forgetten, archived, the next family could get away with this. Do I feel uncomfortable showing this again? Absolutely. But it's a judgment call, I see it as a greater good. I've said before I've never seen anything accomplished by pretending something isn't happening or turning your back. Your opinion is to ignore it, you've been heard loud and clear and considered.
I think the day the DVD is pulled off the market or the rerun is shelved is the day the Admin has to remove this post. Until then, she's just posting a snippet from a video that continues to sell and provide income to the parents/family. They are the ones profiting off the little boy's unhappiness. Admin is the one trying to let people know why the show was objectionable in the first place, and that no whitewashing now makes it OK.
I of course meant OUR, not are. Spelling police don't tar and feather me again.
This is not gossip, gossip is the habitual spread of intimate rumors as facts and the endless speculation on those rumors. This is a fact that that happened three years ago and is important in the timeline of what has happened to these kids. Nothing was intimate about it at all that is the whole point. Gossip would be if we sat around speculating about Collin's bowel habits. Sadly we have it all for us right here in black and white.
A lot of things in history are uncomfortable. Just like anything, history can make you squirm. Doesn't mean we should ignore.
I have never seen that before. I am cringing right now. What mother does that to her child? I am without words. Just speechless...That poor little boy only wanted his mommy. I just don't have the words to express my anger. If I saw that hateful, vile woman, I would punch her, just for that, right there. And I'm a pacifist.
Mykidsmom, you have been given incredible freedom here to post dissenting opinions. But when you keep violating rule 2 by saying the same thing over and over and over and refusing to let things go, your posts will be deleted.
This is a warning, if it continues, you're banned.
I had not seen that segment before, in fact I didn't start watching the show until mid way through the final season. The video that is shown is outrageous for so many reasons. I find that the woman who is shown as sitting there trying to decide on furniture while her little boy is obviously in pain can laugh about it afterwards is now being heralded by some as some sort of supermom. Poor poor little children.
Oh Hippie Chick, now you're going to have Mr. Steve and the "protect Kate brigade" after your butt.
Oh I do remember that episode when she continued to sit on her ass and pop her bubbalicious between her fat lips and ignored her kid as he cried. The others were jumping on the beds like wild animals as the sales associate stood there baffled. He had been constipated for a few days and the two ding bats ignored it and did nothing about it. I'll never forget the doorknob one too, she scolded the boys and chased them into their rooms just because she found the knob. Shes crazy I thought.
These episodes were aired on television for all the world to see. Repeatedly. Yet a few people are outraged that they are on this blog? Stop barking up the wrong tree, folks.
TheresaB, you're right! I'll hit him 1st with my fists of fury! Ok, ok. I'll just yell obscenities & tell her how awful she is. And I'll tell her it's from all of us, the "haterz". :) Then I'll pick on her toe, & her hair & her accent & her lack of style. Oh, there's so much...
I didn't bother to watch the video and didn't see the original airing. I must ask, is posting this really in the best interests of the child involved? How is this any better than what Kate is doing?
"A lot of things in history are uncomfortable. Just like anything, history can make you squirm. Doesn't mean we should ignore."
Collin will appreciate hearing that, I'm sure.
This episode is on Youtube along with others. They also still sell the videos on TLC called Season one through ( I don't know 6) I guess. So who is making the money on the poop scenes here..not me. Seems like mama and papa Gosselin are rolling in the dough through their kids.
Just because this video is posted elsewhere, doesn't make it right. Nor do two wrongs make a right! I'm only thinking of the kids!
Administrator said...
"Mykidsmom, you have been given incredible freedom here to post dissenting opinions."
Admin...you have a heck of a lot more patience than I would have!
My kids said:
"You're as bad their parents."
You said this twice. I think Admin "got it" the first time. I think many can appreciate your passion on this subject, and and while not everyone shares your opinion, there are those who certainly can see where you are coming from. But constantly harping on it is like beating a dead horse, so to speak. And it does wear thin after awhile, and your opinion doesn't have the impact it had the first time around. It loses its punch.
I'm curious, though, and this isn't meant to be rude, condescending, or snarky. Do some posters, with dissenting opinions, hide in wait until something objectionable appears, and then jump on the board and keep making the same point over the over again? If they don't like what is posted, and find the blog so dispicable, then why do they keep reading it on an almost daily basis? I'm baffled by that.
If this video opens the eyes of only a few who had never seen it before, then you've done your job. Maybe those few will pass it on to a few more, and so on. Let no one forget what TLC and the parents have done to these kids. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This is a show that's going to be recorded in psychology journals in the years to come, and that's not something of which to be proud.
Leave the video up!!!!!!! Its on one of their seasons up for sale at the TLC website and the parents don't seem to care and maybe it'll open others eyes as they view what this Kan do Mother actually does while her kid cries in pain. I won't forget Mady demanding her mother take her twin to the doctors cause she had been limping around the house for two weeks.
IMO showing this in no way does anything to help that child. It does help generate hit on a monetized site. It keeps bloggers from losing interest in the topic.
I guess you might as well exploit it for what it's worth.
And when everyone's eyes have been opened and Kate is off TV, what in a month, a year...whatever, everyone will move on to other "crusades" and other blogs and all this will fade from bloggers' memories.
But each time one of Collin's classmates brings something up about his constipation when he's in Jr. Hi and Hi School, he won't be thinking, "Gosh those bloggers really cared about me." Yes, the parents are to blame for the loss of the kids' privacy, but does that give total strangers license to add to the miseries those children have suffered?
That it's all over the internet does not mean it's fine and dandy to create a headline and article about his bowels. I believe this is a first. It's not buried in a video, it's now a headlined event. It is beyond thoughtless.
Thank you for validating this. It still boggles my mind. He was IMPACTED, and the procedure to relieve his pain was done in the parking lot. Why 8 poorly behaved children had to jump around a furniture store while she sat and looked AT A CATALOG, was beyond me. Look at the pictures at home Kate! And at the end, after that poor clerk was ready to beg her to get her diva ass out of his store, she cackles "Men. Arent they lovely?" right into his face, while standing there with her elbows propped on her hips.
Now let's couple this with Jon's words later to his wife "Kate get the stick out" and one can begin to understand the comments that Colin will deal with from peers until he is likely 35 years old.
How. Dare. These. "Parents".
My Kids Mom, Do you really think it would be in the best interest of these children to turn a blind's eye to their mistreatment? This video is exhibit A and there are videos to run through exhibit Z on how these kids have been exploited and tortured through the years. To complain that these videos are posted here is just wrong. No one should forget what these kids have gone through because the sad saga continues. It is Jon and Kate that have allowed their children to have their private agony played before the public, not this blog or any other that expresses outrage over the painful lives of these children lead. I hope that the children do know that there were many caring strangers that wished for so much better for them.
Dammit there is really something wrong with that woman's head. The little guy is in PAIN and she sits there with an indifferent look on her face and says he'll have to go with daddy because she's "working" with this man Getting something free is her idea of work alright, so nothing has changed since this episode aired.
The salesman didn't look very pleased with her either.
Anyone who defends her behavior has got to have very low standards when it comes to parenting. Blaming the administrator for revisiting these moments is like shooting the messenger. The disgust you feel would be better spent aimed at the woman IN the video.
Admin - for whatever my opinion is worth, I dont think that ignoring these horrible incidents, hoping that it will "die down" and just go away, helps the children. It HAPPENED, it as FILMED and broadcast and sold on DVD. Pretending it might all just go away makes us conspirators in this ongoing abuse of the children.
@Auntie Annie, the salesman wanted to get rid of her ass cause all she did was pop gum and ignored her kids as they jumped around his business like a pack of animals. He must have put the closed sign up when they left and downed a bottle of Tylenol. The poor salesman was beaten. Wonder if TLC ever did cut the guy a check.
Unbelievable. One of Kate's finest moments. Great Mom! Everything I do is for my kids. Right. As long as she doesn't need to film a show. Disgusting.
Sadie...lol - I'll bet you're right and I'll also bet he downed more than just Tylenol after she left.
Votes on which horrible flashback to show next?
Well, let's see. To continue the Collin's elimination habits theme, there was Kate closing the door and turning off the light as he sat on the potty because he would't urinate on her schedule.
Joel on the laundry room floor.
When did she call Joel "an antelope"? What was that occasion? I think he was sick that day.
Kids at dentist for the first time, Alexis shreiking for her blankey and Kate snickering and mugging for the camera because it was so hysterical to her.
Mady needs braces episode.
Cara needs to go to get her foot looked at episode.
Of course, no list would be complete without Kate stripping Hannah down to her bare skin, feces everywhere, and shrieking at the little girl while the cameras rolled.
Boys on outdoor potties at Bob and Beth's house, and discussion of the sons' feelings about defecation discussed by their parents.
Taking pictures of kids sitting next to smelly potties to commemorate a moment.
Showering kids like they were cattle getting ready for a county fair. Hose 'em down, Sam!
Alexis' vomit bag displayed so Kate could show
what she has to deal with.
The sadness of Alexis' face as she (privately) told her Daddy she didn't like it when he went away. Too bad it wasn't kept private, huh?
OK, Admin. Pick one. Any one. One's as exploitive as the other, IMO.
Some people are of the opinion this is exploitation and this is no better than Jon and Kate. I will try to say this without sounding cruel, but I think ignoring it and pretending it didn't happen is CONDONING IT, and THAT is no better than Jon and Kate. When you look away and let things happen while this continues you are just as reasonable. It's kind of like Jon, who is just looking away as the kids piss away their summer working. He is taking a lot of crap for that. I think he is wrong, and so do a lot of people. I think he is no better than Kate.
When the blog just posts about manicures I'm accussed of not really being about the kids. When I post about the kids, I'm accussed of exploiting them. I've come to realize I can't win so I just make the best call I can and do my best and understand I can't please every single person at all times.
I deleted that post because it's full of libel, but are the sheeple admitting this WAS exploitive? They seem awfully upset at me. I thought nothing Kate did was wrong. If this wasn't wrong, why are they upset? Me likes making sheeple get all upset!
WTF this is not about me, I have a great job and I'm not exploiting kids to do it. This is about 8 kids who are getting screwed over with their 15%. Imagine if you only saw 15% of your paycheck, how would you feel. The kids are probably not old enough to realize how shafted they are, but they will be. Kate admitted they don't have fully funded college funds and that they are not set, it's not speculation it's a fact. And here is the video proof in her own words: http://www.realitytvkids.com/2010/06/kate-still-crying-poor-says-she-doesnt.html
For the life of me I do not understand WHY there are people who will read and posts on blogs where they know they will not like what they read or see. What is the purpose?? I do not go to blogs I do not like. Period. Do these trolls who frequent here think that their comments will change my mind?? They don't. Because I find it odd that they criticize us for being addicted or just gossiping, but here they are spending just as much time reading and then bashing.....such hypocrites. I searched the web and found there are still quite a few pro-kate sites left. No reason to post here if you do not like what you see or read.
"IMO showing this in no way does anything to help that child."
I think you're missing the point, or haven't been reading administrator's reasons for posting the video. It most definitely is too late to help that particular child. It's over and done. But if it can call attention to what unscrupulous film companies will do for the sake of ratings,and how low a child's parents will stoop in their pursuit of the almighty dollar, perhaps this exploitation will never happen again.
Awareness is a powerful tool.
"But if it can call attention to what unscrupulous film companies will do for the sake of ratings,and how low a child's parents will stoop in their pursuit of the almighty dollar, perhaps this exploitation will never happen again."
Too bad it's not doing any of those things. :-(
kateruinskidslives said...
For the life of me I do not understand WHY there are people who will read and posts on blogs where they know they will not like what they read or see. What is the purpose?? I do not go to blogs I do not like. Period. Do these trolls who frequent here think that their comments will change my mind?? They don't. Because I find it odd that they criticize us for being addicted or just gossiping, but here they are spending just as much time reading and then bashing.....such hypocrites. I searched the web and found there are still quite a few pro-kate sites left. No reason to post here if you do not like what you see or read.
Talk about hypocrisy! Allow me to re-write your post from a different perspective:
For the life of me I do not understand WHY there are people who will follow Kate Gosselin's every move when they know they will not like what they read or see. What is the purpose?? I do not follow celebrities that I do not like. Period. Do these people who follow Kate's every move think that such behavior will change her mind?? Because I find it odd that the anti-Kate crowd criticizes people for following and posting on a blog with which they disagree when they are addicted to and gossip about a celebrity with whom they disagree. I searched the web and found there are still quite a few anti-kate sites that don't allow divergent opinions to be expressed. No reason to post here if you do not like what you see or read.
"I think you're missing the point, or haven't been reading administrator's reasons for posting the video. It most definitely is too late to help that particular child. It's over and done. But if it can call attention to what unscrupulous film companies will do for the sake of ratings,and how low a child's parents will stoop in their pursuit of the almighty dollar, perhaps this exploitation will never happen again.
Awareness is a powerful tool. "
You forgot to add "at the expense of Collin Gosselin."
This episode ranks right above the one where Jon and Kate leave all the kids, some of them very sick with the flu, in the care of Jodi and Kevin just so that Jon could get his free hair transplants. Both episodes sicken me and proove what horrible parents the Gosselins are.
Sadie.. the one thing I loved about that epi was the little dance that Colin did when Kates back was to him! I fell in love with that little kid at that point, if you know what I mean. all I kept saying was "you go Colin". to this day I will giggle feeling that maybe at that point he got the "last word in" in his little mind.
and please others don't call me coo coo for saying I love a child that I don't even know. it's a feeling you have for these 8 kids and pray that they come out at the end without being to screwed up.
were you all waitin for a post like my previous one to pounce on?? Are you folks for real?? What are you really doing on this blog??
If you watched this video clip the first thing you should be thinking of is how badly you feel for Collin. Then you should be reaching for a tissue. Probably after that you'd think of how much you hate that vile piece of #%$& excuse for a mother. Then of course you'd fume that this was all taped for the love(greed)of money.
I fail to see how rerunning this clip makes the
(s)heeple think this will embarass Collin later on. He'll be far too busy disowning her.
I agree with those who say that the video is out there in many forms as it is, and posting it here is not going to change that fact nor add to the exploitation of the children. What it may do, however, is show someone who is "on the fence" or still in denial what horrible things have been done to the Gosselin children in the name of "education people about families with multiples" and "supporting our family financially." There have already been several commenters who have said they had not previously seen that episode and who are now shocked by the actions of TLC and the Gosselins.
As far as other videos which could be shown, I think that Gumgate is a perfect example of how Kate treats her children and other adults. The insensitivity she showed towards Collin (?? was it his bear she freaked out over?) and the disrespect she showed on camera towards her sister-in-law were just insane.
"What are you really doing on this blog??"
1. Attention
2. Ego
3. Boredom
Bloggers who can't stir up dissention on other blogs that share their viewpoint, end up on blogs with the opposing viewpoint because of the thrill they get from the shock value. Hence, attention, because they don't get lost in the shuffle of other blogs that share their viewpoint; ego, because they believe themselves intellectually above the bloggers; and boredom, simply because they're tired of reading same-old, same-old gushing on pro-Kate sites.
Does anyone think that now, three years after this shameful event took place, if Kate were to look at this clip that she would feel the least bit of remorse in the way she treated her son?
Nah...on second thought, a leopard can't change its spots.
It Works Both Ways -
I wont repost the entire exchange all over again, except to say that Kate is not a celebrity that people follow. She is 'just a mom' who is making a career and a divahood out of neglecting and emotionally abusing her children while asking us to cut her a check for doing it. Many idolize her for this and wish they would have thought of it first. Others are horrified that we fell for it in the beginning for just a few minutes and we see the abuse getting worse - mainly because Kate so gleefully flaunts it.
Let's not forget Mady asking for water in the green room.
I agree with this episode being one of the first real eye-opening moments of the show. Everything in me wanted to reach through the screen and comfort Collin. Forget the beds, forget the cameras, there is a child in PAIN. For him to get to that level of agony suggests it wasn't a surprise and something that Kate, as a nurse, should have recognized and started to treat hours earlier. Even if it was a surprise most mothers would have taken the brochure, thanked the store owner and left. Or at the very least excused herself and her child to see what she could do to help ease the pain. But no, not Kate.
Admin, I've been trying to think of suggestions for the next flashback but there are so many to choose from!
- Either of the recent "specials". Though nothing 'huge' happened they're the epitome of exploitation and created for the sole purpose of filming. The kids didn't travel at all between October and May yet as soon as the cameras return they go on three vacations in two months?
- The magazine photoshoot where they were forced to wear winter clothing in 100 degree weather and WORK two full DAYS. Wonder if they got that paycheck...
- I think it was last season, there was an episode where they were followed to a tv studio and the tups were bribed with suckers to be quiet during the interview. Would a tv interview be working or playing? Where was the on site teacher and paycheck for that?
- 5th Birthday party when it's obvious the marriage is on the rocks and the kids are forced to party
- Joel on the laundry room floor suffering alone
- 4th Birthday "party" cupcakes. Both Jon & Kate are deplorable in this episode with the insults they hurl at the children.
- The craft jewellery and Kate's mocking of Mady's heartfelt gift
- The "one kid" outings, Mady's in particular when she's getting her ears pierced. There are also the boy episodes where Kate couldn't be bothered to go. No trouble getting a sitter FIVE times to go with the girls.
- Any potty training episode
- Gumgate. Poor Collin
- The one where Jon & Kate take the twins to audition for an agent
- Jon's Hair Implants when they cheerfully leave 6 sick kids and 2 sick cousins with Aunt Jodi & Uncle Kevin
BeDoneNow said...
It Works Both Ways -
I wont repost the entire exchange all over again, except to say that Kate is not a celebrity that people follow. She is 'just a mom'...
Uh, yes, she is. When people are looking at her pictures on tabloid web sites and re-posting them on their blogs, she's a celebrity people are following. If she were "just a mom" her pictures wouldn't be on ROL, etc. Nobody is learning anything about "abuse" by looking at pictures of her at Target and commenting on her outfits or physical appearance.
I saw that episode when it was first aired, and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Why would anyone put this sort of thing on television; just make it part of the show?
Now, seeing it again after all this time and so many other examples of Kate's mothering skills, it is even worse than I remember. She's so damn cold.
Speaking of cold, my vote for the next video would be Joel on the laundry room floor or gum gate. How a human being can do those things to her children is beyond me.
OMG I never have watched the show..watched the clip and I am horrified..child abuse pure and simple..choosing beds over a child in agony? How cruel..TLC no longer exists
I commend the blog owner for simply showing the sparklecows -- there is video evidence of Kate being the frigging bitch that she is. Remember this! And there is so much more that has been archived.
Moose Mania,
Would Hate feel the least bit of remorse if she viewed this clip today?
HECK NO. However, she WOULD feel remorse for how her hair, make-up, and clothes looked back then.
She'd be embarrassed at how "non with-it" she looked. (I'd disagree.)
Anyone what about the video being mentioned on Twitter that Jon or his friends made referencing Kate as a bitch?
I vote for Kate threatening to throw out Colin's special stuffed animal because it had gum on it. I remember Mady advocating that Mom not throw it out because it was so special to him. Kate of course did not care and maybe did not even know what was special to her own son. Such cruelty to a child!
I remember watching this and thinking how come a mother, who's a NURSE, would not attend to her sick son but be more concerned about ordering furniture? There really is something wrong with her. Then again, Jon should have told the camera crew to take a hike. Goes to show they are both unfit.
Admin, I will continue to support what you are doing in posting the flashbacks. As the flashbacks are put up it will remind everyone what happened to the Gosselin children by their parents and TLC for money.
I agree that the point being made here is that J&K+8 exploited the kids and Kate+8 is continuing to do so. Only when filming of the kids has forever stopped - when K+8 is OFF THE AIR - will the exploitation of the 8 Gosselins finally be over.
This really is about child exploitation for $$$ - to attempt to forget about it because it was X years ago is not acceptable. Trust me when I say that I did not find watching this little boy obviously suffering while his mother was picking out free furniture "entertaining". I'm not a mother but even I know that something was seriously wrong when the filming continued ... and then Jon and Kate later laughed about it!
It is sad to say that at this time there are still no laws in place to prevent this from happening again. So if the actions of Jon and Kate, as well as TLC, are swept under the rug then the next reality TV family could get away with this type of behavior too with their children for money.
A lot of things in history are uncomfortable to deal with but it is what it is. We most definitely should not ignore what has happened! Besides, we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, NOT repeat them.
Again, if any of the posted flashbacks winds up opening the eyes of just one person of the child exploitation that is still going on that TLC, Jon and Kate want to call "entertainment", then this blog has most definitely served a purpose.
I have never seen this show and am sitting here with tears in my eyes for poor Colin and a sick feeling in my stomach.
All that pain for some free bed bunks. That would is vile and any adult, with any common sense, would have looked at those brochures, made her decision and gone with the details all nailed down.
But then of course that assumes that A. Kate has common sense or B. that this wasn't all for the show. So much for reality.
Sweet......Kate Gosselin wins another one ! Bless her heart !!!
Hmmmm nice article in the Boston Herald (entertainment) section. I guess some journalist really do have her number.
i vote to show that very sad birthday when those little boys were denied their cupcake.
You could pick any single episode to show the
exploitation of the Gosselin 8. Putting them on TV is exploitive all by itself. Jon and Kate only wanted to show off their children for money and recognition. They did it over and over and over without a second thought.
Do an experiment in your own house. Get your videocamera out and follow members of your family around for 4 or 6 hours. Adults, children, teens, everyone. Tell them you are making an hour long video to send out to all the members of the family. At first it might be fun. It won't take long before they will be begging you to put the camera away and leave them alone. Then do it again the next day. See if they don't run and hide to avoid you. People usually like their privacy more than they like being followed around. Please notice I said usually. There are exceptions but most people don't want to be on film all the time.
Can you make the next flashback about Joel being put on the floor,yelled at and pulled and pushed around all as a punishment for being sick,having fever and throwing up? Thanks
Wow Admin, you do seem to be getting the sheeple & trolls a bit twisted with this thread. I've thought about this for a bit - whether this thread in itself is exploitive of the children - and I don't really think so. In fact, I agree with the poster above who suggested that a lot of new observers of this farce came into the mix around the time of Kate's DWTS appearances. Many of them never watched the original J&K+8 shows, so had no idea what we had seen and been concerned about for several seasons. Maybe they should have a look at Kate in her natural surroundings, being the "realest" Mom on TV! It was also my impression that many of the video clips from the earlier shows had been altered or edited to soften her image somewhat - bring them on, I say. I'm sure there are plenty of readers who have copies of the originals in all their glory. As for the sheeple objecting? There is at least one Kate "fan" site whose owner displays pictures of those children as if they were her own. So this truly goes both ways - just from different perspectives. Since nothing else has worked - let's have a look at some of the video evidence of her outrageous behavior towards those children (and her now ex-husband).
I think the main reason for the video is show what a lousy mother Kate is (and always will be). She will always put her needs, wants and desires ahead of anyone else in life, whether it's her children, her spouse, her parents, siblings etc...
Admin is NOT exploiting Collin by posting this video. The outrage some people feel about it towards Admin should redirected toward Kate! She is the one who was in the wrong, not Admin. She was just making a point about Kate's behavior and lack of parenting skills. Kate was in the wrong in this video, not Admin for posting it.
My computer froze up while trying to post my last comment. If it did go through sorry if this is a duplicate message:
To all of the posters who think that the video on this blog is exploiting Collin, that's not so. What Admin is doing is showing what a lousy parent Kate is. Kate is and always will put her needs and desire ahead of everyone in her life, including her children, her spouse, her parents and siblings. Her child was in distress and what did Kate do? Ignore it because it didn't fit into what she wanted to do.
The anger that those posters feel is mis-directed. You should be outraged at Kate, not Admin. Admin is NOT exploiting Collin, Kate was. Direct the anger at Kate, where it belongs. Admin was just trying to show what a lousy person Kate is. The proof is right there on the video. Get mad at Kate, not Admin.
To "Just saying."
Go shut down TLC, youtube and Netflix. Leave this site alone.
As long as Gosselins and TLC are making money off these kids, we have a right to educate the public on why this operation should be shut down. Call it EVIDENCE.
As for KrazyKate....it's been evident all along her "SHOPPING" is the MOST important thing in her life.
.....and that takes money, lots of it.
"Then again, Jon should have told the camera crew to take a hike."
I'm really surprised that the camera crew didn't follow Jon to the van and get a close-up shot of his gloved hand when he cleaned out Collin. I wouldn't put anything past them. Who knows? Maybe they did, and they it just wasn't included in the final clip.
This episode was crigeworthy, but in watching it again after all this time I realize Kate was not as bad as I remembered. In my recollection she was much more dismissive than she actually is. She even kissed and hugged Collin.
Just a thought: Is it possible TLC would not allow Kate to leave the store until they got the footage they needed? If it were me I would have taken my child home and shopped later. Kate would never bad-mouth TLC but this whole sad episode might have more to do with a tight filming schedule than neglectful parenting.
Although it is hurtful to see a clip like this I am glad that something was accomplished in showing people who had never even seen it. I guess because I used to watch back then, I just assumed they had all viewed it.
And someone mentioned that laundry room floor when Joel had a fever. These are things that a mother would never do--nevermind a NURSE.
And I remember the cupcake episode, too. I remember the parents just brushing it off when the boys didn't ask for the cupcakes the next day. They were probably so used to daily disappointments that they didn't even bother to ask.
It is possible that they had been giving him plenty of liquids the night before and the day of this filming; but even a mother who is not a nurse would resort to some type of juice who would help the child along, or even race to the drugstore and get some infant suppositories which work in minutes, if she was actually worried about her child.
These children certainly earned their house, didn't they?
Dear TLC Operatives:
Thank god for sites like this one that continues to expose KKate's cruelty.
To her kids, her husband, her family, her co-workers, the volunteers, her friends, her "fans"......the dogs, the chickens......really, anyone that has been within 10 feet of her, recognizes sadism.
She routinely laughs at others pain. It is entertainment to her.
If there's ONE word to describe KKate it's Cruella.
Odd, that about the only long term person that she has not gone off on is................Steve.
Wonder why.
What also bothered me about this "episode" was the camera focusing on the little guys walk and backside, knowing the pain he was in. How could the camera man and crew do that. As a parent, the minute I saw that video would have been the time to end it. Knowing he was being made fun of is despicable and no one would convince me to allow it.
What also bothered me about that "episode" was the camera focusing on the little guys walk and backside knowing he was in pain. Like they were laughing at him and how the camera man and crew could do that is despicable. Once J & K saw that film I don't understand how they allowed it to be aired. Oh wait, I forgot it's our life and for big bucks we will do and allow any thing. I hope Collin throws that in their face once he grows up. So many things on film which will bite J7K BIG TIME once the kids grow up.
Keep posting the shows to let others see how J&K sold the kids childhood for their own easy lifestyle.
Remembering episodes that gave us shivers?? Theres been some deserving ones mentioned so far but lets not forget another very telling "episode".. when they get the dogs. First Kate says that SHE will name the dogs even though the twins desperately want to and start to cry. Then when they get to the kennel Kate runs out ahead of all the kids (in her hooker heels) to get to the dogs first. Then once they are home when the children all chime in with a big "thank you!!", queen Kate responds "you're NOT welcome". Aww doesn't it just warm your soul??
That episode was the final straw for me, although I had been losing respect for either Kon all along. Joel on the floor being "all vomitous" and all the bossing and yelling had made me realize these two creeps were never meant to be parents. As a mom who actually does love and respect her children as human beings, individuals and precious people in my life, I had tears in my eyes watching the cruel and ignorant way Kate behaved. TLC will film anything, but it was up to these so-called parents to say, no, we aren't filming today, we have a sick child and we need to be at home or at the doctor's office.
History will not judge us well for thinking this kind of program is entertainment.
Ughhhhhh the episode where it was each kids day (TLCs idea) and this time it was Madys . Mady was dressed real cute and was talking to her mother when out of the blue, Katezilla yiped how disgusting madys teeth were and that she was not brushing properly and yelled for Jon to take her in the bathroom to brush her teeth. I remember thinking, Ya dumb bitch, do ya realize all her classmates are going to make fun of her when they see this. I was horrified for the child.
Anonymous said...
What also bothered me about that "episode" was the camera focusing on the little guys walk and backside knowing he was in pain.
I noticed that too. Whoever was behind the camera had to shoot from way down almost a foot off the floor to follow Collin. I wondered how he could film from that angle, did he have to squat walk behind him? It's unreal what cruel lengths TLC/Kate and Jon put their kids through to get an episode in the can. They knew Collin was sick that morning BEFORE THEY LEFT. But they went ahead and put him to work anyway.
And it's further proof what a freaking lunatic Kate is. How many two-year-olds care about picking out beds? It's not exactly a day you'd look back on and fondly reminisce about when you're older.
I agree with the Admin, posting this again. Most of those who agree with Kate think everyone is being too hard on a "poor single mom, just doing her best with 8, count em' EIGHT kids" With a husband who cheated on her. They don't know about this.
THIS was the episode that made me question things...it was just too weird/neglectful and just plain horrible to watch. I was thinking "Kate is an RN! She should have taken him home and gave him a laxative and comforted him."
THIS episode is all about TLC making drama to make money. You people who want to forget this ARE THE PROBLEM!
People who advocate for Kate haven't watched from the beginning like many of us have. They don't know about this. Post more.
This episode is so upsetting for many reasons:
I never understood why all the children had to go to the furniture store in the first place.
I also never understood why this was such an important decision that it overwhelmed Kate to such an extet; let alone to the extent that it would cause her to neglect a child who is pitifully crying for her attention.
I was touched by one of the twins' offer to help Collin.
I was appalled that Jon used a plastic grocery sack to disempact his child. The sanitary risks of that seem horrifying.
I find myself wondering if they even still have those beds for which Collin sacrificed his physical and emotional comfort.
This is just one of many examples where Kate pushes the children off on Jon when they are upset or misbehaving.
This video is just so heartbreaking.
I remember watching that episode and being completely horrified. Not only was that uncalled for to film, it was completely unsanitary to do. Seriously,Jon using a dirty bag that's been lying in the back of the van? Poor Collin. Why didn't they load him up and take him to the ER? They could have helped him and it would have been done properly with a lot less discomfort for Collin.
Admin said: Showing Kate's worst meltdowns does not prove the point I'm trying to make. That only proves she has meltdowns. The point being made is that this show exploited the kids. Kate is a mom who has ridiculous meltdowns and henpecks her husband, that will be true whether she has a show or not. But absent a show/media, etc., the kids are not being exploited. Kate's meltdowns confuse the issue.
I totally agree with your comment. I am not suggesting the following as a Flasback Post but I can't get it out of my mind. Remember the Hawaii epi's and the multiple times that Kate repeatedly told the kids that "Mommy & Daddy will be together forever". It has always bothered me that she did this knowing full well that the marriage was on life support. The children knew that in real life they were fighting all the time and the stress level had to be high. For Kate (&Jon) to have lived this lie "for the show" was selfish, confusing and mean. I believe that to have consciously (scripted) and repeatedly tell your children this lie was abusive. I wonder if some of Mady's numerous meltdowns during this trip had anything to do with this in your face lie? Kate told us that Mady's response when told that her parents marriage was over was not one of shock or surprise, in fact she told Kate & Jon that she knew.
Lori Anne, your scenario is possible, but it seems unlikely. However, this is but one example of a poor parenting choice on Kate's part - there are too many other examples of her poor parenting out there for this one instance to be excused.
And besides, even if what you proposed were the truth of the situation, it doesn't make Kate any better of a parent that she would choose to be a "contract-honorer" (as she put it) over the comfort and well-being of her 3 yr old child.
Here are my ideas for future flashback posts
Marriage vow renewal. That one is pretty much a slam dunk.
Cupcake-gate, Gum-gate, Laundry Room-gate.
The Mady's Day episode. J&K make fun of Mady's teeth during couch interview;
The episode of J&K calling Cara homely during a couch interview. I don't remember the episode.
The breathing episode when Kate told Jon to stop breathing so loudly.
I could go on and on...
I also thought (at the time and now) that when Jon says that Mommy wasn't going to help him....he said it with an edge that parents do when they are hinting that the other spouse isn't worth their salt. You know, like a little hidden remark there.
As a nurse, does she not know that an infant suppository, small and gentle, could have helped this little boy before they ever left home?
I don't understand why that little family was sent to these nincompoop parents.
That episode is one of the many, many reasons bloggers flocked to sites to protest the exploitation of the Gosselin children and to speak out against reckless filming and editing of such personal occurances in any child's life.
I believe the Sheeple are here due to the fact ROL has not been describing (glamorous working mother) Khate's each and every move lately. Remember any Khate story on ROL generates well over a thousand comments. Their little chat room has been (temporarily) shut down.
"The breathing episode when Kate told Jon to stop breathing so loudly."
I think administrator wants to post some videos regarding the exploitation of the kids. Kate emasculating Jon is another issue with a topic all of its own! ;-)
Speaking of breathing, what about the epi when Kate told one of the boys (Collin?) that she didn't want to even hear him breathe? I remember that dear little soul sitting on the steps of the garage looking so pathetic. I thought to myself...she had babies in the NICU with other babies fighting for every breath, and she dared to make a remark like that to her son. Unconscionable!
Julianna said...
"The breathing episode when Kate told Jon to stop breathing so loudly."
I think administrator wants to post some videos regarding the exploitation of the kids. Kate emasculating Jon is another issue with a topic all of its own! ;-)
Well Julianna, why don't you let Admin speak for herself.
We may need to define "exploit the kids". Kate being mean isn't necessarily "exploiting" them is it? I guess I see exploitation as using the kids to make the show happen, like using Collin's problem to make footage and grab attention. I assume Kate was mean to Jon whether the cameras recorded it or not. Ditto the kids. But she can't "exploit" the kids unless it is put out there for her benefit and
and some kind of audience. For example: Taking the twins to the Fourth of July parade as babies on a hot day was not exploitive. Putting a sign on their carriage hoping to generate attention for the family was. Also, taking Collin on the bed-buying trip, even if he was bloated, was not exploitive. Mean and careless, yes. But having it filmed for all the world to see - that was exploitive.
Just my opinion.
There is a pic of Dina Lohan right now on Radaronline and it looks like she and Kate are sisters.
I posted the following comment in July and Laura D was kind enough to respond and I believe that her recall is correct. Someone else posted that they thought it was the epi withe Emeril -the 100th Episode, but I can not find it on that epi. If anyone else has a clue please post, Thanks!
I need some help! I have a vague memory from an epi of J&K that aired last fall. Two of the little boys were filmed playing outside. They thought that they were "hidden" and had no idea that TLC captured this and aired it. I remember at the time being really appalled that TLC had reached a new low. It felt like an even more egregious violation of their privacy than TLC's usual & customary baseline of sleazy exploitation. Does anyone have any idea what I'm so poorly trying to describe? I wish that I had better recall of the details involved but I don't. I have been trying unsucessfully to figure out what epi this was in for awhile now. Hoping someone out there has better recall than I do :) Happy 4th to all.
July 4, 2010 9:59 AM
Laura D. said...
NancyB, my memory is not much better than yours. But I think it was Collin and Aaden trying to hide a toy car in the pocket of a coat, and they asked the camera crew not to watch them. The boys were under the impression that this was a private moment. Maybe someone else can add more details.
July 4, 2010 10:04 AM
Then there was the crayola factory when Jon called Kate neurotic and said "can't these kids have fun?" and Kate said "no not these kids"....claiming it was too much work for HER to clean their clothes. She was really bitchy and cruel towards both Cara and Mady that day too.
fidosmommy-I think K&J put the sign on the twins carriage because they were taking part in the July 4 parade.
Hi Everyone,
I would just like to interject that not everyone who disagrees with the posting of this video is a "sheeple" or "troll" or Kate/Jon/TLC fan. There are many readers, myself included, who despise what these parents and TLC have done to these children, and have been extremely vocal about criticizing them for it, but who also believe that it is not necessary to perpetuate the exploitation here. This is obviously a philosophical difference, and has nothing to do with ignoring the tragic state of the Gosselin children's reality.
The administrator of this site has always shown herself to be squarely and unwaveringly on the side of the children. This doesn't mean that everyone must agree with her decisions all the time.
I would sincerely appreciate it if those who feel they must attack others for voicing a differing viewpoint would tone down the anger a bit. Some posts are sounding dangerously close to the ignorant voices of Kate's fans, and this site was never about that kind of rhetoric.
Thanks for listening.
Just want to share this with all the real moms on this blog:
My 28 year old daughter, herself a nurse, just had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. "No problem, Mommy,(I am still 'mommy' often) Mr Perfect Fiance will be here with me."
They were home for 30 minutes and he was on the phone to me. Yep, she wanted her mom. So over I went and took care of her for 2 days. While I sat on her couch with her head in my lap, washing the blood from her mouth, I cried at how blessed I am; and I remembered all the teething, fevers, chicken pox, flu, gashes, for all 4 of my now-adult children and thanked God for every minute He let me have.
How sad for a woman who gave birth to 8 that she will never know that feeling.
Well, this one isn't exactly about exploiting the kids, but....remember the "Going Green" special?
Kate was the rudest, most condescending, eye rolling bitch I have ever seen. It was absolutely uncomfortable to watch that poor man giving her allllll that stuff for her new house, and see her treat him that way...and be allowed to do it.
Pictures on INF of Jon and the tups; he took them to an arcade.
On a side note, I was busy starting to cook dinner and switching channels on my TV and there were the Duggars on "Say Yes To The Dress". Towards the end of my cooking, I switched channels (I wasn't watching SYTTD) and there the Balloon boy family was on Wife Swap on Lifetime. So many fame whores so few channels!
HW said... This episode is so upsetting for many reasons:
I never understood why all the children had to go to the furniture store in the first place.
Because it was just another "working day" and come hell or high water, or unbearable pain, those kids will report to work.
It was just another day at the loving Gosselin household.
"Guess what YOUR son DECIDED to do today?"
Yeah, Kate. The kid puked to INCONENIENCE YOU!
Spoiled, entitled, wench.
I HAD NO IDEA - I only started watching the show midway through the final season. After reading the above posts describing some of the previous episodes, I am shell-shocked. I believe what I have read but I can't believe that TLC has promoted such delinquent parents.
Everyone please read Call Me Crazy's post made today at 3:37PM.
This is an excellent example of how to disagree with something without being a total jerk about it. It is also a good example of how to follow the 4 simple rules I ask you to follow. Posts like these will always be allowed through. Posts that don't follow the rules are subject to being deleted.
Thank you, Call Me Crazy.
I am encouraged that this is important by the several posts here from people who say they had never seen this before, "I had no idea" or they did not remember this that well. That was certainly the point of this. This bit of history is still unknown to people following this family.
There are some people who disagree and that opinion is respected. I think there are also some sheeple here in wolves' clothing crying that this is exploitation and trying to distract the issue onto me and not Kate because when I post things like this, it doesn't help their idol move on and sweep this under the rug. Exploitation that happened ages ago cannot be dismissed as "oh that happened years ago" when that same exploitation continues. Why would sheeple want us to remember something like this that makes her look so bad?
As for the point of this new endeavor, it is indeed to show examples of exploitation, and not simply to show what a bitch Kate is.
If Kate has a meltdown at a store clerk, that's not exploitation. If Kate has a meltdown on a child and allows it to be filmed and broadcast over and over, that is exploiting that child. The second is far more relevant, to me. The videos are not simply to pick on Kate's worst moments. It goes deeper than that.
"Well Julianna, why don't you let Admin speak for herself."
Well, Lauren. She did. Several times, in fact, in the intro and in subsequent posts. I thought she explained her purpose quite well, and in no way was I trying to dismiss your suggestion about showing Kate's reprimanding Jon on his breathing as not being valid. In fact, this might be an interesting topic for other threads-- examples of Kate making Jon feel like a non-entity.
Administrator wrote:
"...Kate is a mom who has ridiculous meltdowns and henpecks her husband, that will be true whether she has a show or not. But absent a show/media, etc., the kids are not being exploited. Kate's meltdowns confuse the issue. I think that actually reduces are credibility, because that's just going after Kate for a personality quirk that has nothing to do with what she has done to her KIDS. That just feeds into everyone saying we simply hate Kate and this has nothing to do with the kids. No, this has everything to do with the kids."
"As for the point of this new endeavor, it is indeed to show examples of exploitation, and not simply to show what a bitch Kate is."
Thank you for confirming that!
"There are some people who disagree and that opinion is respected. I think there are also some sheeple here in wolves' clothing crying that this is exploitation and trying to distract the issue onto me..."
How right you are. When a poster says the same thing over and over again, and claims that you (and the blog) are as bad as the parents and are exploiting the kids, many here get their dander up and confront that person. When a different opinion is presented in a respectful manner and there is no name-calling or snotty remarks, you don't find those on the other side of the fence firing back at that person. That's how it should be.
For your child to say "no one cares about me, I will just die", and let that be shown on national TV and CONTINUE filming, is very abusive/exploitive, IMO.
Mady in "Sextuplets 6th Birthday" Extravaganza
Not sure if my post went through...
If this is a duplicate, please delete one.
Mady saying "no one cares, I will just die" (or something similiar) and letting that be broadcast on national TV is not only exploitive but abusive, IMO. Then to go on with filming?
"Sextuplets 6th Birthday Party" Extravanganza
When I was watching the video, I wondered what would have happened to Collin if Kate and Jon had been divorced at that time, and there was no Jon to take care of him. If Steve had been there, would she had sent him out to the van to dis-impact her son? Isn't that what all bodyguards do?
I'm normally not supportive of ANY attention being paid to this worthless excuse of a human being but after thinking about this particular entry, I have to say I totally support THIS.
Well, I had read about and heard about this episode, but never actually saw it myself. To read about it is one thing--seeing it? I just cannot even FATHOM ignoring my child's very obvious pain and desperate requests for me for a TV SHOW!!!!!! THAT would be the moment it'd be over for me. Not that I'd agree to this ridiculous spectacle in the first place, but I'd never put my child's well-being above something else, much less a TV show and bunk beds.
It's like she doesn't even know how to be a real mom.
If posting these things shows people what they have missed, then GOOD. This is just despicable. He should have been taken home. He should have gotten something--mineral oil, a stool softener, medical attention, SOMETHING. Instead, his dad has to pull his poop out of his butt with a dirty plastic bag in the back of a van while cameras for a national TV show FILM IT.
The horror and humiliation this poor kid is going to feel when he realizes this is out there and on countless DVDs. And then the anger and resentment.
Wow. I would NOT want to be Miss Thang in about ten years or fewer.
Collin did not have the luxury to call in sick as I did when I had tummy issues.
How about the episode of Mady & Cara's birthday at American Girl. Mady had a meltdown because Kate, once again, ruined the day.
Next flashback will be tough to decide on – there are so many to choose from. Joel on the laundry room floor, gumgate, Mommy for a Day episode (Mady gets mocked by her parents while Hannah gets her hair stroked) or, IMO, the meanest one of all : the tups 4th b-day, when the boys put in a FULL day of work at the cupcake shop, are denied their birthday treats, and are forced to watch their sisters devour theirs. Reprehensible. Just sickening.
TLC, try as you may to sweep the last few years under the carpet, you can't erase people's memories. KATE, YOU SUCK!!!
I congratulate you, Admin, for showing up-close and personal the depths to which Kate, Jon and TLC sink to exploit those poor kids. Yes, that clip is horrifying, as are countless others, and it has infuriated me lately the way Kate's image has been whitewashed, implying she's some kind of uber-mom, when anyone with an ounce of sanity can see plain as day that she is one of the worst mothers (I shudder writing that word) out there. Yes, there are sick mothers who do unimaginable things to their kids, but they are ARRESTED and SCORNED, not held up as some kind of heroic figure, as ABC, TLC and Zondervan have been doing for Kate. I say keep showing the clips. They are all horrible. Let people who haven't seen them, or don't remember the details, squirm a little, lest they start to fall for the TLC/ABC whitewash of this tramp. The truth is ugly as hell, and the truth may one day set those kids free.
Collin is crying uncontrollably, in serious distress, and all the while TLC's cheerful misic is playing in the background. Disgusting network, featuring a disgusting mother.
I agree with reposting ALL the "good, the bad and the UGLY". Why is it that the mainstream media only reports on her "diva" behaviour like somehow it's endearing or cute? Why have they not done any REAL digging (isn't hard) and show what an incompetent selfish immature mother she REALLY is? She's being "spun" as a mother we should all emulate, look to for advice etc... ??? People new to her don't know WHY the many MANY blogs came about. I say do a daily "back in the day" Maybe you could forward them to the ladies at the View, in particular Sherri. Maybe send them to the Today show, ATTENTION: Meredith!
Okay, sorry..... that's "music" not "misic"! :)
Collin is crying uncontrollably, in serious distress, and all the while TLC's cheerful music is playing in the background. Disgusting network, featuring a disgusting mother.
Okay, sorry... that's "music" not "misic". :)
Collin is crying uncontrollably, in serious distress, and all the while TLC's cheerful music is playing in the background. Disgusting network, featuring a disgusting mother.
Admin said "Not only is the child dragged to a furniture store to film an episode when he's extremely uncomfortable (he is seen just sobbing), but Jon removes his impacted bowels on national TV."
Just a correction here. We don't know that he had impacted bowels. This is a condition different than constipation. An impaction is the result of constipation when the mass hardens and cannot be removed through evacuation. That said, neither Kate nor Jon knew if this was a case of constipation or impaction. Collin was in distress to the point that he was crying and clearly in pain. It was not known at that point if this was an emergency situation, but they also didn't know that it wasn't.
Case in point. My niece experienced the same symptoms as Collin. Her parents thought it was just a case of constipation because she was having movements, although very tiny and in "installments." She developed a fever rather quickly, was admitted to the hospital, and the diagnosis was impacted bowels. They were able to treat the condition without surgery, but were also told that if it had gone on another 24-48 hours, surgery would have been indicated.
Why take the chance? Collin clearly cried for his mommy to help him, and she continued to shop. Certainly Jon was there to help, but that wasn't what this child wanted. HE WANTED HIS MOMMY! At that point, all filming should have stopped, and as a precaution, if no movement was produced, he should have been taken to his pediatrician. As adults, we pretty much know when something is really out of the ordinary regarding our health. We know our bodies. A three-year-old only knows he's in pain and can't really tell us the seriousness of it. As parents, that's our job -- rather than to risk a health crisis, we err on the side of caution. Mothers cannot put the responsibility on the father because they have more important things to do -- like the selection of new bunk beds.
By the way, why were these kids dragged to the furniture store...three year old selecting beds? They should have been left at home. Who was ultimately responsible for picking out the beds? I really doubt the kids had any input at all. The only thing apparent was that they ran wild in the store, which is what happens when you turn three-year-olds loose in a store with mattresses!
I wish that these abusive episodes could be sent to places like Zondervan, and others that think so well of this monster! I have never seen this episode,it is so abusive of a mother,who also claims to be a nurse! Stupid Cow.
I have never seen this epi,but heard about it.It is child abuse,I wish these shows could be sent to places like Zondervan Publishers, and other places that think this stupid cow "is doing it all for the kids". Stupid.Cow.
let us not forget Alexis' ears. Kate explaining first it was one ear and then the other. Good grief, this is an RN that doesn't realize ear pain should be attended to! How does Kate really view the children?
"let us not forget Alexis' ears. Kate explaining first it was one ear and then the other. Good grief, this is an RN that doesn't realize ear pain should be attended to! How does Kate really view the children?"
Not only didn't she know if Aaden was near-sighted or far-sighted, but she didn't know the difference between the two!
I was appalled when I saw this on TV. Poor Colin. People pick on Jon but if you watch this clip again you will see that the REAL parent was and is Jon. He has bathed, consoled, and spent much more time with the children then the witch Kate.
I wish the View and any other show that wants this horrible person to have a career would wise up. With all this reality TV there are plenty of somewhat normal people they could concentrate on.
The clip with the kids screaming and crying for Jon is proof enough these kids want and need their father. For the sake of the children I hope to God Jon is given custody of these children. The children cried like 2 year olds being dropped off at daycare when he was leaving. They are 6. What 6 year old carries on that way?
Thanks for posting these videos and truthfully not only do I hope Kate loses the kids, her ridiculous non career and her house to Jon but she should put in jail. In my mind she is a con artist criminal. Anyone who buys her con job must have brains up their A$$$!
I was appalled when I saw this on TV. Poor Colin. People pick on Jon but if you watch this clip again you will see that the REAL parent was and is Jon. He has bathed, consoled, and spent much more time with the children then the witch Kate.
I wish the View and any other show that wants this horrible person to have a career would wise up. With all this reality TV there are plenty of somewhat normal people they could concentrate on.
The clip with the kids screaming and crying for Jon is proof enough these kids want and need their father. For the sake of the children I hope to God Jon is given custody of these children. The children cried like 2 year olds being dropped off at daycare when he was leaving. They are 6. What 6 year old carries on that way?
Thanks for posting these videos and truthfully not only do I hope Kate loses the kids, her ridiculous non career and her house to Jon but she should put in jail. In my mind she is a con artist criminal. Anyone who buys her con job must have brains up their A$$$!
"let us not forget Alexis' ears. Kate explaining first it was one ear and then the other. Good grief, this is an RN that doesn't realize ear pain should be attended to! How does Kate really view the children?"
Not only didn't she know if Aaden was near-sighted or far-sighted, but she didn't know the difference between the two!
let us not forget Alexis' ears. Kate explaining first it was one ear and then the other. Good grief, this is an RN that doesn't realize ear pain should be attended to! How does Kate really view the children?
Collin is crying uncontrollably, in serious distress, and all the while TLC's cheerful misic is playing in the background. Disgusting network, featuring a disgusting mother.
I agree with reposting ALL the "good, the bad and the UGLY". Why is it that the mainstream media only reports on her "diva" behaviour like somehow it's endearing or cute? Why have they not done any REAL digging (isn't hard) and show what an incompetent selfish immature mother she REALLY is? She's being "spun" as a mother we should all emulate, look to for advice etc... ??? People new to her don't know WHY the many MANY blogs came about. I say do a daily "back in the day" Maybe you could forward them to the ladies at the View, in particular Sherri. Maybe send them to the Today show, ATTENTION: Meredith!
This episode was crigeworthy, but in watching it again after all this time I realize Kate was not as bad as I remembered. In my recollection she was much more dismissive than she actually is. She even kissed and hugged Collin.
Just a thought: Is it possible TLC would not allow Kate to leave the store until they got the footage they needed? If it were me I would have taken my child home and shopped later. Kate would never bad-mouth TLC but this whole sad episode might have more to do with a tight filming schedule than neglectful parenting.
When I was watching the video, I wondered what would have happened to Collin if Kate and Jon had been divorced at that time, and there was no Jon to take care of him. If Steve had been there, would she had sent him out to the van to dis-impact her son? Isn't that what all bodyguards do?
"Guess what YOUR son DECIDED to do today?"
Yeah, Kate. The kid puked to INCONENIENCE YOU!
Spoiled, entitled, wench.
i vote to show that very sad birthday when those little boys were denied their cupcake.
Moose Mania,
Would Hate feel the least bit of remorse if she viewed this clip today?
HECK NO. However, she WOULD feel remorse for how her hair, make-up, and clothes looked back then.
She'd be embarrassed at how "non with-it" she looked. (I'd disagree.)
I commend the blog owner for simply showing the sparklecows -- there is video evidence of Kate being the frigging bitch that she is. Remember this! And there is so much more that has been archived.
BeDoneNow said...
It Works Both Ways -
I wont repost the entire exchange all over again, except to say that Kate is not a celebrity that people follow. She is 'just a mom'...
Uh, yes, she is. When people are looking at her pictures on tabloid web sites and re-posting them on their blogs, she's a celebrity people are following. If she were "just a mom" her pictures wouldn't be on ROL, etc. Nobody is learning anything about "abuse" by looking at pictures of her at Target and commenting on her outfits or physical appearance.
Let's not forget Mady asking for water in the green room.
Does anyone think that now, three years after this shameful event took place, if Kate were to look at this clip that she would feel the least bit of remorse in the way she treated her son?
Nah...on second thought, a leopard can't change its spots.
I agree with those who say that the video is out there in many forms as it is, and posting it here is not going to change that fact nor add to the exploitation of the children. What it may do, however, is show someone who is "on the fence" or still in denial what horrible things have been done to the Gosselin children in the name of "education people about families with multiples" and "supporting our family financially." There have already been several commenters who have said they had not previously seen that episode and who are now shocked by the actions of TLC and the Gosselins.
As far as other videos which could be shown, I think that Gumgate is a perfect example of how Kate treats her children and other adults. The insensitivity she showed towards Collin (?? was it his bear she freaked out over?) and the disrespect she showed on camera towards her sister-in-law were just insane.
If you watched this video clip the first thing you should be thinking of is how badly you feel for Collin. Then you should be reaching for a tissue. Probably after that you'd think of how much you hate that vile piece of #%$& excuse for a mother. Then of course you'd fume that this was all taped for the love(greed)of money.
I fail to see how rerunning this clip makes the
(s)heeple think this will embarass Collin later on. He'll be far too busy disowning her.
Sadie.. the one thing I loved about that epi was the little dance that Colin did when Kates back was to him! I fell in love with that little kid at that point, if you know what I mean. all I kept saying was "you go Colin". to this day I will giggle feeling that maybe at that point he got the "last word in" in his little mind.
and please others don't call me coo coo for saying I love a child that I don't even know. it's a feeling you have for these 8 kids and pray that they come out at the end without being to screwed up.
"I think you're missing the point, or haven't been reading administrator's reasons for posting the video. It most definitely is too late to help that particular child. It's over and done. But if it can call attention to what unscrupulous film companies will do for the sake of ratings,and how low a child's parents will stoop in their pursuit of the almighty dollar, perhaps this exploitation will never happen again.
Awareness is a powerful tool. "
You forgot to add "at the expense of Collin Gosselin."
"IMO showing this in no way does anything to help that child."
I think you're missing the point, or haven't been reading administrator's reasons for posting the video. It most definitely is too late to help that particular child. It's over and done. But if it can call attention to what unscrupulous film companies will do for the sake of ratings,and how low a child's parents will stoop in their pursuit of the almighty dollar, perhaps this exploitation will never happen again.
Awareness is a powerful tool.
I deleted that post because it's full of libel, but are the sheeple admitting this WAS exploitive? They seem awfully upset at me. I thought nothing Kate did was wrong. If this wasn't wrong, why are they upset? Me likes making sheeple get all upset!
WTF this is not about me, I have a great job and I'm not exploiting kids to do it. This is about 8 kids who are getting screwed over with their 15%. Imagine if you only saw 15% of your paycheck, how would you feel. The kids are probably not old enough to realize how shafted they are, but they will be. Kate admitted they don't have fully funded college funds and that they are not set, it's not speculation it's a fact. And here is the video proof in her own words: http://www.realitytvkids.com/2010/06/kate-still-crying-poor-says-she-doesnt.html
My Kids Mom, Do you really think it would be in the best interest of these children to turn a blind's eye to their mistreatment? This video is exhibit A and there are videos to run through exhibit Z on how these kids have been exploited and tortured through the years. To complain that these videos are posted here is just wrong. No one should forget what these kids have gone through because the sad saga continues. It is Jon and Kate that have allowed their children to have their private agony played before the public, not this blog or any other that expresses outrage over the painful lives of these children lead. I hope that the children do know that there were many caring strangers that wished for so much better for them.
IMO showing this in no way does anything to help that child. It does help generate hit on a monetized site. It keeps bloggers from losing interest in the topic.
I guess you might as well exploit it for what it's worth.
Leave the video up!!!!!!! Its on one of their seasons up for sale at the TLC website and the parents don't seem to care and maybe it'll open others eyes as they view what this Kan do Mother actually does while her kid cries in pain. I won't forget Mady demanding her mother take her twin to the doctors cause she had been limping around the house for two weeks.
"A lot of things in history are uncomfortable. Just like anything, history can make you squirm. Doesn't mean we should ignore."
Collin will appreciate hearing that, I'm sure.
Mykidsmom, you have been given incredible freedom here to post dissenting opinions. But when you keep violating rule 2 by saying the same thing over and over and over and refusing to let things go, your posts will be deleted.
This is a warning, if it continues, you're banned.
I think the day the DVD is pulled off the market or the rerun is shelved is the day the Admin has to remove this post. Until then, she's just posting a snippet from a video that continues to sell and provide income to the parents/family. They are the ones profiting off the little boy's unhappiness. Admin is the one trying to let people know why the show was objectionable in the first place, and that no whitewashing now makes it OK.
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