One of the most despicable themes throughout Jon and Kate Plus 8 was the tendency of Kate and to some extent Jon to talk freely about their children's most negative behaviors and personality traits. This clip of Kate calling sweet and remarkably intelligent Mady "awful" is but one of the many examples of exploiting the children's worst moments for profit. Never a care or thought is given to how showing the children's bad days will affect them at school and with their friends. Never a care or thought is given to how labeling and pigeon-holing the children could stick with them a long time, especially if it's documented on film.
In this particular clip, Kate is cooking in the kitchen and has started without Mady. Mady eventually comes down from her nap. Mady is upset because she says that Kate promised to come wake her up before she started cooking. Kate, however, plays with semantics and says she only promised to "come get" her, and that since Mady was sleeping when she went to get her, Kate decided not to wake her up. Mady is understandably irritated. Kate tells the camera that Mady can be "awful" after waking up from a nap, and goes on about how she needs her sleep. Then she makes a sour face at the camera as Mady continues to whine. Mady gets her back though by eating pretzels directly off the floor with a defiant smirk at her mother. Go Mady.
Jon and Kate Plus 8: Sugar Rush, Season 2 Episode 6, 11/11/07.
68 sediments (sic) from readers:
But you can definetly see how Kate has changed...and not necessarily in a good way either...
She once dressed like a normal mom, she once lived a normal life, she once went to church, she once was in love and she once was a nurse.
Today she dresses like a (your own words), she lives in a big house, she does not go to church (that we know of), she is no longer in love and she is no longer a nurse.
I'm not defending Kate on this one (heaven forbid!), and let me preface my comment by saying that at no time should a parent berate a child, especially on national television, by calling attention to negative traits.
That said, Kate's use of the word "awful," is common where she was raised in Lancaster County. It doesn't mean that Mady is extremely bad, ugly or horrible. If we say that a child is "awful," we mean that their demeanor/behavior is not going to be too pleasant. In other words, when she says that Mady is going to be "awful," she means grumpy or grouchy, which she indeed was (she was whining). I've heard parents here ask their child, "Why are you being so awful today?" It's not a put-down...it just means that the child is grumpy and having a bad day.
Some kids can be like that if they are gotten awake, and it's best to let sleeping kids (like dogs!) lie...
Kate is like a zombie in this episode. Very monotone voice and moving in slow motion. Notice how she equates eating food on the ground with licking people's stinky feet? What a gross woman she is.
Second, Mady is 6 and a half in this episode and clearly more articulate and mature than the tups who are not much younger. This surprises me.
Even if Kate meant "awful" in a nicer way, she's still talking negatively about this poor kid. That's the bigger issue is talking badly about your kids then putting it on TV. You tell your parents or close friends your child is difficult after a nap, not 3 million viewers.
What also struck me about this clip was how justified Mady was in being upset. As she USUALLY IS. Clearly she had the understanding that Kate would wake her up from her nap when she started to cook. Kate being the manipulative narccicist that she is, doesn't wake her up as promised then starts cooking then pretty much ignores Mady's complaints that Kate didn't wake her up AS PROMISED.
Kate pokes this kid and eggs her on. It's sick. What is the point of promising a kid you will come get them unless they are still asleep?
I gotta say this is FAR from the worst stuff you could show on Kate. If anything, I'm totally shocked at how I had forgotten she was once somewhat reasonable and pleasant with her kids. When she's talking to Mady, she's not yelling, she's not being ugly, she just keeps coming back to asking her if she wants to help her cook.
Kate is about 50 times worse than this now. Hell, she hardly looks at the kids nowadays.
And I agree: I'm in Texas and we use "awful" the same way. Awful behavior. Not an awful kid. When I heard it, I immediately knew that's how she was using it.
I can't stand Kate, think she's an @sshole narcissist grifter queen, but this clip is so mild as to be unremarkable to me.
Admin, your bigger point is still valid and in my mind will always be valid: WHY PUT THIS ON TV? It's your kid's LIVES! I've said to friends and relatives about my daughter, "watch out, she just got up from a nap, she's going to be a real toot." But it's not on video forever and ever, amen.
Kate is still technically a nurse. She renewed her license last October.
Oh and yeah, she should have waited to start cooking until Mady got up if she didn't want to wake her and she needed her sleep so badly. Kate obviously didn't want to do that, so shouldn't have promised it.
Not the worst thing she's ever done to those kids, not by a long shot. Still crappy. And taped forever.
"Thank you Mommy"
Joan Crawford made her kids say "Thank you Mommy Dearest" too.
Anyway, I agree, Kate broke her promise to wake Mady up - period, end of argument. Mady asked her to wake her up when she started cooking...well that means idiot stick Kate KNEW she's have to wake her up to come get her. No difference, except that Kate likes to be away from the kids as much as she can and she couldn't slither her way of this lie no matter what she thinks she said.
That's okay because Mady has that old witch's number, and has for a long time. Kate better be on her best behavior around that kid, because one of these days Mady is going to stick it to her and make her do some explaining.
She's my little hero.
"Very monotone voice and moving in slow motion. Notice how she equates eating food on the ground with licking people's stinky feet? What a gross woman she is."
Kate has really gone back to her county roots on this one. My mom used to tell me the same thing. You never eat anything off the floor, because it's like licking "smelly" feet. We never had the "it never hit the floor" or the "five second" rule here. NOTHING was ever eaten if it fell on the floor! I bet Kate was told the same thing when she was a kid.
Why not use the dentist episode as an example of berating a child on national television? Not only did she comment about the sad state of the girl's mouth, but we got to see a close-up of it on the x-ray. This was invasion of privacy and humiliation wrapped up in one episode.
I couldn't read all of it, but at the end of the upper cabinets, very visible to the camera is a coloring page that one of the children, either Mady or Cara colored. It says something about "best Mom" and is positioned to ensure it is in the camera shot. She almost seems drugged out or something - very odd. What a difference in her appearance from then to now.
So, Kate, are you "awful" when you wake up? Or are you a bundle of joy? I've seen you leaning against the counter with a mug of coffee first thing in the morning, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
The point is that Mady believed Kate had made her a promise. Kate later put conditions on it based on what she wanted to deal with and did not make those conditions clear to Mady beforehand. She did not want to deal with a child who was grouchy after a nap, so she justified herself by telling Mady basically "it was your fault, child. You were asleep. What was I supposed to do?" I'm guessing she fully intended to get the cooking done before Mady set foot in the kitchen just so she would have the room to herself. I think she was ticked that Mady dared to wake up earlier than expected.
Mady did brighten up when she got to lick the beaters, so I guess she ended up being OK about the whole thing. But I did notice that she ptooied the pretzel bit from her mouth into the garbage can. A subtle "pppphhhhhhhh" to Mommy?
Oh, and I think the little dickens look was for the camera, not Kate. Mady was proud of herself. JMO
No not the worst clip. But still needs to be documented. I am going through the episodes from the beginning. This is the first time I've seen them since they originally aired. So I want to do this systematically.
The more I think about it the more I think this is such a CLASSIC narccicist move. Promise a child something, go back on your promise after inserting some bizarre condition the child couldn't possibly have expected or done anything about, ignore the child's complaints of injustice, then blame the child. This clip has value for that.
Kate is so Stepfordish in this clip it's creeping me out. Seriously. I shudder to think what life is really like at the Gosselin compound when the cameras and boom mikes are turned off.
Kate was so quiet and normal looking! If you didn't listen closely, you'd think she was actually a human being.
God bless you, Mady. Keep up the good work.
I think Maddy is great.
She is quick-witted and intelligent. And it just cracks me up knowing that she is giving Queen Katie Irene a run for her money at the Gosselin Orphanage.
It's just a shame that total strangers see that she's a great kid -her parents certainly don't.
If they would get their heads out of their rear-ends they would see just how unique Madeline really is.
Go Mady go! This child is brilliant. It's mindblowingly FRUSTRATING to live with a person that is a narcissist-worse if the narcissist happens to be your mother. Shame... But there is hope for Mady. She has witnessed her mother's ugly behavior throughout the years, and how it made her feel. I'm pretty sure she will go out of her way to NOT repeat the same errors that her mother and father have committed. My prayer is: may this child blossom as she matures, and may she meet people that will love and appreciate her for her strengths.
When I first watched this, I thought, Eh, not the worst Kate clip. But when watched in terms of how she set up Mady for bad behavior by betraying her, then making her feel crazy by her twisted Kate-logic, the same type of non-logic she used regarding the sextuplets having three 6th birthday parties, it's typical Kate crappy mothering. No wonder Mady is tied up in knots all the time. She never knows when the next shoe is going to drop. She has a mother who uses f&%$ed up logic to explain away anything, justify anything, and Mady's too smart for such nonsense. It's crazy-making.
Speaking of bad mothering, I saw a clip of Kate, crying into the camera on Inside Kate's World, saying that every mother's biggest fear is that she's a horrible mother. Well Kate, project much? I never fear that I'm a horrible mother. It never crosses my mind. With my kids, I fear car crashes, kidnappers, cancer, a broken heart, but it never occurs to me to worry about me being a horrible mother. That's because it's the one thing I can control. I am a wonderful, warm, affectionate mother. I can take that to the bank. So don't pretend to speak for all mothers. And guess what, your biggest fear has been realized. You ARE a horrible mother. You're cruel, selfish, INSANE, cold, rude, dismissive, heartless and just plain mean. You can hop on your broom and take THAT to the bank.
That is just the tip of the ice berg b/c when Mady reaches the rebellious teen years I hope it drives Kate to thinking what did I do to this poor child????
The wonky Kate Gosselin is CRAZY...To compare the mom,and the children ,the children are smarter than the mom..
I'll agree that this is a mild clip, but I don't like how Kate blames the child "you were sleeping" as the reason. As a mom who has left her children sleep rather than wake them up on a number of occasions, I think the better way to handle this would have been to simply apologize rather than try to justify. Children deserve the respect just as much as any adult.
i was glad to see this clip of Mady. Although one of the most mild examples, it shows how Mady has been long scapegoated as "awful". Having Mady to blame for the tensions in this family became something of a pattern. Mady always seemed intelligent and aware of the hypocrisy that was happening in the name of "reality tv" in her home. Who could ever forget her comment at the 3rd birthday party for the tups birthday for filming purposes in Florida? After learning there was to be yet another birthday party, Mady cried that no one cares about her and she should die. What pain in this young girl's heart and who is there to comfort her? Not her narcissistic, selfish parents.
Mady will be speaking out in a few years, no question. I worry about her welfare in the interim. Again, Kate is shown breaking a promise. Of course not waking her up for a nap in order to help her does not compare to "Mommy and Daddy will always be together". Of course Kate probably did not wake her as promised in order to have some more"Me time". Kate, before you know it, those children will be grown and gone.
Cara was at a friend's house... another way their lives used to be more normal than what it is now. When was the last time you heard the word "friends" mentioned on an episode of J&K or K+8?
There are two Mady instances that stick in my mind, however I can't pinpoint the exact episodes.
The first example was brief and it was in one of the first episodes. Actually it might have been in the one of the Surviving Septuplets specials. Anyway Kate was in the kitchen with Mady who wanted to talk to the camera but Kate wanted the camera on her and told Mady to leave so she could fix dinner. Mady's feelings are hurt so she leaves the kitchen making a comment - I couldn't catch it - and Kate said something like "whatever Mady". Looking back it set the tone for me when it came to Kate and Mady.
The second episode was near the end of the series. It was when Kate and kids went to Ronald McDonald house, where Kate said over the intercom something like "come and get it compliments of Jon and Kate + 8 - Jon". What I remember reading (I did not see the episode) was Kate said to one of the people there something along the lines of "living with that child (Mady) on a daily basis is very trying". I don't think those were the exact words, perhaps someone here remembers this scene and exact comment?
This morning I went over to GWOP to see if I could pinpoint the Ronald McDonald house episode so I could get the exact quote that Kate said about Mady.
However, while reading the recap from the backyard camping episode, I did find the following tidbit entertaining, especially after the rumored fit Kate pitched in Alaska:
"The producer asks Kate if she would ever go camping in the wilderness. Kate giggles, "I can't answer that. Like where there are bears? Camp like a real person?" Real person. That about says it all. Thanks Kate! She ends by saying she will go camping again. She'll do it for her kids. She'll do anything for her kids. And she'll tell you about it over and over. "
We don't know for sure if Katie Gosselin is still a nurse, after all she had to pass the exam to renew her license. We don't know that she did.
After I posted this morning, I kept on googling.
It seems that the episode where Kate goes to Ronald McDonald house is called "Bikes and Trikes". If I get bored later today I might youtube it.
BUT IIRC Kate donated the pink scooter she got from the chopper guys. But this morning I find on another blog that the charity event that was scheduled was in fact cancelled. So much for "reality" TV - what ever happened to the pink scooter?:
"The next day, Kate goes with the kids and donates her pink scooter. She and Jon stayed at a Ronald McDonald House after they had the kids. Kate signs the front fender, which doesn't make it less ugly.
Sadly, I read on a blog posting that the Ronald McDonald auction was cancelled due to a general lack of enthusiasm by the locals. The scooter is back in the Gosselin garage."
Read more: http://blogs.newsobserver.com/tv/jon-kate-plus-eight-recap-jon-gets-manly#ixzz0w7HjHWQk
My how times have changed since this clip. I was going to comment, like everyone else, how "normal" Kate looked back then as far as how she dressed, her hair, makeup etc... A far cry from the hooker heels and mini skirts of today.
I think that is why people initially tuned in to watch this family; their normalcy. Kate was still mean, but there was something relateable to her back then. She had a nice normal figure (not the manufactured one she has now), wore those yoga pants all the time, was filmed cooking meals in the kitchen (granted the meals didn't reallly consist of much for the kids but at least she was filmed cooking) etc... Nowadays, you would see Kate caught dead with a spatula, or a box of triscuits, slicing hunks of cheese for the kids' lunch. She makes it clear that she is so much more above that now. She probably thinks taking care of one's own children is for the small people.
In the beginning I overlooked her behavior as just being stressed with all those babies and a camera in her face, but these snippets reveal her true character emerging as she grew more comfortable with the camera. For some reason, I guess because they realized how polarizing she is, TLC made lemonade out of lemons by letting her evolve into the nasty person she is today. Well, TLC is paying a price now because they have created a monster. I bet there are discussions about how much longer they'll put up with her. Seems to me TLC is moving on with new faces. All I can say is TLC has left a path of destruction when it comes to this family.
I am waiting to see an episode where Mady's outburts are NOT justified.
I watched the 3rd Birthday episode where Kate makes fun of Nana Janet riding on a pony. There is a shot where Alexis is crying because Mady took back her doll. Kate of course is yelling at Mady to not do that and to give her her doll back.
Well, turns out, if you listen to Mady's explanation and believe it, which I do, it was not Alexis' doll at all, but Mady's. Mady let her borrow it for "five minutes" and the five minutes was up. Why should Mady have to just give up her toys to the Tups no questions asked? They have plenty of their own toys. She was kind enough to let her borrow it but borrow does not mean take it for good.
I don't think this episode was aggregious. Some kids, heck even adults are sour pusses and grump when they awaken. Should she hold up her schedule for Mady? No. Get started and let Mady join in.
No biggie here.
Except this. Kate made a point to mention that at 6 1/2 yrs old, the twins still need down time and naps, especially in the summer. Listen, I think that's Kate's "code talk" for putting all the kids down for hours so she can get things done. Or not. Maybe just get a break from them.
So how, how at 6 yrs old do 6-6 yr. olds tolerate long days of shooting, in extremely dangerous heat no less? How on earth do those kids keep up with their filming schedule?
Full Name License Number Profession License Type License Status City State Zip Code
KATIE IRENE GOSSELIN XXXXXXXX Nursing Registered Nurse Active Sinking Spring PA 19608
Actually, she is a nurse. She renewed her license before she would have to take more testing. It is valid until 10/31/11
Kate could have waited until Mady woke up. But, no. Kate is "always on her schedule". Why wait a few minutes, ya know? Poor Mady. I give her lots of credit though. I think she'll be one of the few that come out of this unscathed. She's a bright one, & she'll be lawyering up as soon as legally possible to emancipate from that mother of hers.
I agree, this was nothing compared to what we have seen. I think Mady did need to sleep. On the other hand, Kate probably hoped she would get the cooking done before she woke up.
Tired of hearing about Kate's license. MUSTLOVEDOGS, you do not have to take an exam to keep your credentials current. She pays a $25 to 50 fee and gets a new piece of paper. The end.
BTW, I adore Mady and Colin for that matter. But these clips you are putting up really bother me. I know your reasoning Admin, not sure it is in the kids best interests though.
She's a bright one, & she'll be lawyering up as soon as legally possible to emancipate from that mother of hers.
Don't know the law in PA, but in some states children can decide which parent they want to live with. I think the age is 14, but could vary depending on the state.
August 9, 2010 6:54 AM
LisaNH said... My how times have changed since this clip. I was going to comment, like everyone else, how "normal" Kate looked back then as far as how she dressed, her hair, makeup etc... A far cry from the hooker heels and mini skirts of today
So true. I watched the very first special they did and WOW what a difference, even from THIS clip. I had never seen the very first one, and the Health channel had it on a few weeks ago. She was so sweet and believable with her affection and caring for the little babies. A totally different person than we see now. I was really amazed at the drastic change in just a few short years.
Denise said...
Full Name License Number Profession License Type License Status City State Zip Code
KATIE IRENE GOSSELIN XXXXXXXX Nursing Registered Nurse Active Sinking Spring PA 19608
Actually, she is a nurse. She renewed her license before she would have to take more testing. It is valid until 10/31/11
I have to say that I happen to believe that the only reason Kate renewed her license is because it was a topic of discussion on the blogs.
If nothing else, bloggers themselves reminded her that she needed to renew it because if she did not it would cost her more time and money to get a new license issued.
pitched in Alaska:
"The producer asks Kate if she would ever go camping in the wilderness. Kate giggles, "I can't answer that. Like where there are bears? Camp like a real person?" Real person. That about says it all. Thanks Kate! She ends by saying she will go camping again. She'll do it for her kids. She'll do anything for her kids. And she'll tell you about it over and over. "
You should post the video on that, since it ties in so well with the camping fiasco...to show that her "everything for the kids" means absolutely nothing in her narcissistic world.
I wonder if she still makes the tups take naps??
At this point in the series, I was a fan. I can now see very clearly why I cannot stand this woman any more. I stopped liking the show and the woman after this point and today she is nothing at all like that person on that video. She was much more likable and 'real'. Not real in the sense of a normal person, but not the fake witch she is today. These are 2 completely different women. I have no idea what this says about what she really is inside, but it is blatantly visible when you watch a video from back then and see how she behaves now. I can't stand to look at her now, there is nothing real about her. Everything is fake, except for that nasty, controlling, entitled, 'I'm so wonderful, look at me, cater to me, worship me' attitude she has. And she is a horrible mother.
Boy, it shows Katie has had a lot of face work done.
Also, she talks as if drugged. Weird.
Comparing Kate then and now...One of the big differences IMP, is Kate loves babies. She loses interest when they get out of that
baby-ish stage.
Don't know the law in PA, but in some states children can decide which parent they want to live with. I think the age is 14, but could vary depending on the state.
In PA, there is no minimum age. The court takes into consideration the maturity, intelligence and reason for preference, and as the child grows older, more weight is given to the reason that the child wants to live with the parent of preference. A minor, age 14, cannot just decide on his own that he wants to live with one of the parents. It's all part of the custody arrangement. At age 18, of course, they can make the decision for themselves.
Sorry if I missed it, but have the ratings numbers come out for the Wednesday night "new" shows? I hope they were LOW.
sienna said...I wonder if she still makes the tups take naps
I doubt it. That would be designated as one of the nanny(s) duties.
I don't think Kate has much to do with them other than for filming purposes. No wonder they cry when they go home.
She was 6 1/2, in school full time, maybe summer but taking a nap? Gee, I wonder if that means the younger children still are required to take naps? They are 6 and in Pre-K.
She seems to hate cooking with the kids anyway. Grumpy about this, grumpy about when Cara/Mady took cooking class (hence, only once) when they tried to bake with her, and again when the boys wanted to help make 4thof July cake, "Girls" only. Now thatis rude and selfish in itself
You said, "I have no idea what this says about what she really is inside..."
For starters, it says everything about her character; she doesn't have any.
Much has been studied and said about people who become rich and/or famous overnight. The most important thing, imo, is that the ones who "turn into completely different people" were WEAK and lacking A BACKBONE to begin with. Sort of like the meek, shy person who "turns into" a raging maniac when they're drunk. Doesn't mean the alcohol made them do it, but that they were ALWAYS carrying around unbridled rage just below the surface and the alcohol simply allowed them to let go. Excuses, excuses.
I think Hate's always been an angry, shallow, unformed and unevolved person; her inability to learn anything from her mistakes will always prevent her from maturing like NORMAL people. Her overwhelming ineptitude and FEAR of life will continue to come off as ARROGANCE; it's her defense mechanism. Too bad, so sad she's such a miserable failure at the most basic level. "What this says about what she really is inside" is A BIG FAT ZERO!
Pseudo-fame and money are the only tools she has to make her feel POWERFUL; the rest of us have confidence and self-respect. I think she does have some idea that other people KNOW who the "real Take" is. What a waste of a life.
I know some of you may have seen this before - Admin - not sure if you will let me post the link but these are Kate's Top 10 worst moments - I think they sum it pretty well
Isn't one of the signs of narcissism that you set people up to fail or be miserable? That seems a bit like what Kate has done here with Mady. You got a problem here, Mady? It must be your fault. I'm the loving mother here making broken pretzel pie (or whatever).
One thing that struck me as odd here (and probably did when I saw it the first time) is that she was making Mady nap. By this time she was in school and most likely not taking a nap during the school year. I agree that you should let your child nap as long and as often as that individual child does, but I just got the feeling that this particular napping was done for Kate's benefit and not Mady's.
On the repeat "new" episode of Kate + 8 when they go to Discovery Cove, one of the pop-ups was that the children had napped after their lunch before they moved on to the next activity. In the middle of their day at Discovery Code. This was so obviously a "nap" for Kate's benefit, or likely for the benefit of TLC and the filming. Normal 6 & 9 year olds can make it through a day at a theme park without a nap....those who are not absolutely required to be happy and not have meltdowns, at least.
Mickey- the episode you're thinking of is when Jon & Kate took the kids to visit the NICU where they were born. (Sorry, don't remember the name of the episode). They also stopped to see the condo Jon & Kate stayed in, and that is where Kate thinks that Mady is acting up, and she says " DAY AFTER DAY OF THAT CHILD!" I must say, that comment really ticked me off! Hope this helps you!
fidosmommy said...
"Isn't one of the signs of narcissism that you set people up to fail or be miserable? That seems a bit like what Kate has done here with Mady. You got a problem here, Mady? It must be your fault."
A classic example of this is featured over and over again in the “Mommy For A Day” episode. Kate sets the twins up for failure countless times in those 22 minutes. Have them make an impossible hot lunch (when Kate herself routinely goes to no more trouble than to put out scraps for the kids to eat), let the tups run wild while Mady and Cara desperately try to control them, goad Hannah into saying that no one can compare to KATE, the BEST mommy, etc. An entire episode contrived to stroke Kate’s mounting ego, IMO.
I really hope that this episode is given its own flashback. I remember being so shocked and sad for those poor twins. I also remember it being the last time I allowed Kate on my television screen.
Children live up to your expectations of them.....whatever they may be. A parent tells Mady she is awful, she is a brat, whatever....she will be it. You tell a child she is smart and thoughtful, whatever...she will be it. That is just one reason why I think children should not be on reality tv. You are giving your power, as a parent, away to a production company. And, then they label, in this case Mady, your child as a brat. For all the world to see. Why do that to your child? Children need positive reinforcement, not being criticized like this.
There was an episode filmed in the downstairs family room of the E-town house. It might have been the same one where we saw the infamous squirming-on-the-floor scene. One of the twins walked into the room, and Kate yelled at her, "Get out of here!" or "Go away!" and I thought to myself...what is wrong with that woman?
Admin - after reading several of the posts on this thread, I was wondering if we could have a thread sometime where we can all post what our "moment" was that made us realize just how bad Kate really is. Or should I say, how AWFUL Kate really is?!
Kate had some awful moments back in the old days, but I don't see this with Mady being all that bad. I remember years ago, back on the long gone TWOP forum, the posters agreed this was one of Kate's "best" moments. Mady was upset about missing the cooking, but Kate realized part of her meltdown was jealousy for Cara being at her friend's house. Kate quickly distracted her and let Mady crush the pretzels in effort to channel her anger. I see this as one of Kate's more creative moments, not necessarily good or bad. Still, it should not be on TV at all, as some posters have stated.
Moose Mania, can you be a bit more specific? I saw all the J&K episodes, and don't recall that one.
Anonymous said...
Moose Mania, can you be a bit more specific? I saw all the J&K episodes, and don't recall that one.
I wish I could. I know it was downstairs on Andrew Avenue, and Kate yelled at one of the twins that they didn't belong there, or to get out. It was so very cruel.
I'll see if I can find it.
@ Moose- I believe that was the episode where J & K went back to the E-town house after moving. They were downstairs prepping more boxes to take with them, and I think it was Hannah who came downstairs. Kate yelled at her to get out. Could be remembering wrong, but I really do think that was the episode.
Oh man, now I am forced to defend Kate. I HATE having to do this. Let me say that Mady is and has always been my favorite Gosselin. But smart, emotional kids like Mady can be a handful sometimes and Mady is no exception. Mady definitely has had her difficult moments as a girl who thrives on being the center of attention but found herself permanenly upstaged by 6 (SIX!!) little siblings all at once. I remembered this clip as a time when Kate was a real mother. As someone who HATES whining, I thought she handled her well and in no way felt that she was calling her child awful to the world.
The irony of everything is that I think that before J&K, with the birth of the tups, became fame and money whores that they were good parents. I think this because Cara and Mady (we met them at 4 years old) were always articulate, special litte girls - "A" students to this day. I remember the early episodes where you could see Jon's face melt with love for his twin girls and the way they ran to him, and Kate seemed to have a good lock on the intricacies of each of their personalities and never stifled their individuality. And yes Kate knew/knows how special Mady is. When asked what future she saw for Mady, she responded that Mady will one day be President.
As I type I am getting sad because I really feel that more than just losing privacy and normalcy, what these kids really lost were the two people who were their parents. Now they just have a manager and an emancipated minor where they used to have a mom and dad.
Honestly, I don't think it is going to Mady who is a problem during the teen years - Mady has a very forceful personality and she demands what she needs from her parents (that's why I love her!). The problem kid is going to be Cara who keeps things bottled up until she blows.
Children live up to your expectations of them.....whatever they may be. A parent tells Mady she is awful, she is a brat, whatever....she will be it. You tell a child she is smart and thoughtful, whatever...she will be it. That is just one reason why I think children should not be on reality tv. You are giving your power, as a parent, away to a production company. And, then they label, in this case Mady, your child as a brat. For all the world to see. Why do that to your child? Children need positive reinforcement, not being criticized like this.
Isn't one of the signs of narcissism that you set people up to fail or be miserable? That seems a bit like what Kate has done here with Mady. You got a problem here, Mady? It must be your fault. I'm the loving mother here making broken pretzel pie (or whatever).
You said, "I have no idea what this says about what she really is inside..."
For starters, it says everything about her character; she doesn't have any.
Much has been studied and said about people who become rich and/or famous overnight. The most important thing, imo, is that the ones who "turn into completely different people" were WEAK and lacking A BACKBONE to begin with. Sort of like the meek, shy person who "turns into" a raging maniac when they're drunk. Doesn't mean the alcohol made them do it, but that they were ALWAYS carrying around unbridled rage just below the surface and the alcohol simply allowed them to let go. Excuses, excuses.
I think Hate's always been an angry, shallow, unformed and unevolved person; her inability to learn anything from her mistakes will always prevent her from maturing like NORMAL people. Her overwhelming ineptitude and FEAR of life will continue to come off as ARROGANCE; it's her defense mechanism. Too bad, so sad she's such a miserable failure at the most basic level. "What this says about what she really is inside" is A BIG FAT ZERO!
Pseudo-fame and money are the only tools she has to make her feel POWERFUL; the rest of us have confidence and self-respect. I think she does have some idea that other people KNOW who the "real Take" is. What a waste of a life.
Sorry if I missed it, but have the ratings numbers come out for the Wednesday night "new" shows? I hope they were LOW.
She was 6 1/2, in school full time, maybe summer but taking a nap? Gee, I wonder if that means the younger children still are required to take naps? They are 6 and in Pre-K.
She seems to hate cooking with the kids anyway. Grumpy about this, grumpy about when Cara/Mady took cooking class (hence, only once) when they tried to bake with her, and again when the boys wanted to help make 4thof July cake, "Girls" only. Now thatis rude and selfish in itself
I'm not defending Kate on this one (heaven forbid!), and let me preface my comment by saying that at no time should a parent berate a child, especially on national television, by calling attention to negative traits.
That said, Kate's use of the word "awful," is common where she was raised in Lancaster County. It doesn't mean that Mady is extremely bad, ugly or horrible. If we say that a child is "awful," we mean that their demeanor/behavior is not going to be too pleasant. In other words, when she says that Mady is going to be "awful," she means grumpy or grouchy, which she indeed was (she was whining). I've heard parents here ask their child, "Why are you being so awful today?" It's not a put-down...it just means that the child is grumpy and having a bad day.
Some kids can be like that if they are gotten awake, and it's best to let sleeping kids (like dogs!) lie...
Full Name License Number Profession License Type License Status City State Zip Code
KATIE IRENE GOSSELIN XXXXXXXX Nursing Registered Nurse Active Sinking Spring PA 19608
Actually, she is a nurse. She renewed her license before she would have to take more testing. It is valid until 10/31/11
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