In this clip, Alexis' first trip to the dentist is terrifying for her. The Gosselin children were often filmed when they were at their most vulnerable. We never heard any discussion about turning the cameras off and letting them have their moment in peace. No, in fact, the camera just gets in closer when she starts losing it. A child's fears and anxieties should not be for our personal entertainment. These children should not be filmed at all, but certainly when a child is this upset, the cameras should be shut down immediately so that they can have privacy.
It's easy to say well, this was just a trip to the dentist no big deal. But it sure was a big deal for Alexis. Why are her feelings not important? Because she's three? People marganalize and brush aside children for no good reason other than that they are "just" children. But children are people and there is no good reason why they don't deserve the same exact respect, dignity and privacy you would show an adult. Raise a child with respect, dignity and privacy, and they will learn that all people are to be given the same. But disrespect a child, and they will learn to be disrespectful right back. (Incidentally, it was 6-year-old Alexis who was seen spitting on her sibling in North Carolina this week).
For the few left who think filming these children is okay, I ask you to put yourself in Alexis' shoes and think about what moment in your life terrified you the most. Perhaps it was losing someone you love, or being laid off from your job, getting a scary medical diagnosis, or breaking up with your significant other. Perhaps you cried and were upset like Alexis was. Now imagine you are forced not only to have a camera inches from your face as you experience this horror, but you then have the experience replayed over and over on a cable network in reruns, as well as DVDs for sale in Wal-Mart. It matters not what someone is upset about, only that they were upset.
To Discovery, Kate, and Jon: This was and is wrong.
74 sediments (sic) from readers:
THRASHSYLACIUOS? OMG, what a fricken moron. I hate everything about her. What a cruel bitch.
This video is not entertaining. I doubt that Alexis or any child finds it particularly entertaining (or funny) sharing private moments on national t.v. You know what would really be entertaining? For a change, the Gosselin 8 get the opportunity to mock and humiliate their mother for the viewing audience. I can't wait for the episode where the kids mouth off to their monster mom- make her cry a bit, then shove a camera in her face while it's happening. Yeah, and then critique the scene afterwards in mocking tones. That'll work for me just fine...
Hey Kate, that so-called 'ear-piercing shriek' sounds familiar. Hmmmm, where have I heard that before (finger tapping chin)....OH! I know, the front gate of your estate, when none of your kids wanted to go home to 'their house'.
What a fricken' witch. You, Jon, Steve, TLC brass, etc. are all going to burn in hell. Will you be thrashylacious then? Will film be available?
I have never seen this episode or most of the show but how sad.
As someone who hates going to the dentist and used to require as many as 3 novacaine shots for one filling, my heart goes out to this little girl.
It is her mom's JOB to keep her safe and comfort her in situations that bring fear to her. Instead this witch not only can't or won't comfort her but instead shoves a camera in her face and tapes it for everyone to see.
She sickens me!
I hope they don't film the older girls going to the gynecologist in a few years.
I also hope they don't film any of them who are in the hospital suffering from a terrible illness or following an accident.
But, I put nothing past this mother.
Reminds my how much filler has gone into her face...
Kate, (I know you google yourself and read this stuff) doubling the number of syllables in a word doesn't make it cute....or are you really that stupid? She was thrashing (verb) not thrashylacious (made-up adjective)
You are truly a moron, and morons who come into big money, end up broke and alone. Your kids hate you and you are a horrible mother. It hurts to use the word mother when referring to you because you are the antithesis of what God planned for motherhood. Look it up..I don't make up words.
Admin, very well said. Not only about the part that states kids are people too, as I am a firm believer in that children should be treated like people, and not little show pieces. But also what you said about having someone's worst moment videotaped for the world to see. Very well said. I applaud you!
Thank you Hippie Chick. For every last remaining sheeple who defends this, I want a camera crew in their face at their worst moment. Then I want that moment replayed over and over for everyone to see and be entertained by. For that matter, how about Kate's worst moment? Where were the cameras when she found out Jon pulled the kids off the show? Let's see her reaction to that and replay it over and over. Why do her kids' worst moments get exposed but hers remain private?
I've been waiting to post this clip to say that it's no wonder Alexis is so disrespectful at six. Look how she's been treated all her life--with completely and utter disrespect.
I don't remember ever seeing this before. Kate seems to get pleasure from Alexis' misery. That is just sick. She could be consoling her but she's laughing. Sweet Aaden, he tried.
Catherine - AMEN!
Even at that early age, Alexis knew she was going to get no comfort from her mother.
When Collin had his bowel problem and was screaming for attention, Jon said "Your Mother won't help you." He was stating a fact.
Because Alexis was able to answer the dentist's question, Kate was able to pass her daughter's very real terror off as a con job.
I believe that Kate knew that getting Alexis' blankie would comfort her, but withheld it in order to maintain the upper hand and keep the cameras rolling.
The woman is a despicable piece of work IMO.
I'm using Name/URL today but it's really me.
To Administrator: PLEASE keep exposing this disgusting witch and that useless turd of an ex-husband of hers until she is OFF the TV for GOOD. KHATE was smiling while her daughter was in pain. I have four children and have been to the dentist with all of them. I NEVER laughed and smiled when my kids were scared and upset! She is a sick, sick, sick, sick, sick woman.
Cathenine...AMEN again. And IDModo...you are so right!
To Boston Bonnie...and SMILES about it. That is contrary to any parenting instinct and that is what I don't get. Can someone please help me out here why Kate Gosselin did not have the INSTINCT to comfort her child?
I remember taking my son to the dentist when he was about that age and he reacted the same way. It was horrible to sit there and not be able to comfort him; I was crying too, not sitting there getting some sick enjoyment. Of course Kate knew that this meltdown would be great for ratings. Kate is a very sick woman who needs psychological help. Those poor children. They deserve so much better.
The dentist should have told the camera crew to leave seeing the mother is too stupid to do the right thing. The witch was smiling as her child was screaming and cameras are being shoved down her throat. Loved how TLC played the music to soften the childs screams, bunch of idiots.
I still say when Kate is old and in a nursing home with incontinence, dementia, etc., that the kids make a reality show of her life....ya know...so they can always have the "memories".
They could bring Kate to their homes for the weekend and put her on the laundry room floor after she misses the bed pan....or better yet...show the camera what's IN Kate's bedpan or diaper.
Sound cruel? It's the SAME thing she's doing to them!
On that same note as my above post:
"We don't chew gum when we're 89...mom, your teeth are going in the trash if we can't get the gum out!!!"
Side note : apparently this office is/was the office in which Jon's dad practiced. Wonder what the staff thought of this.
These flashbacks are just as bad 2 years later as they were when they first aired. Collingate ( Collin's constipation) and Joelgate ( when K8 makes a very ill Joel lie down on the floor of the laundry room) are 2 of the worst, IMO.
K8 is a vile, sick biatch.
I've not seen this before and I find it hard to put into words how badly I feel for this little girl, Alexis. The poor little girl is terrified! We hear of little children in third world countries being exploited but here we have a child, accompanied by her mother being filmed for public entertainment - now if that is not exploitation I don't know what is.
New pics of the Diva leaving Bald Head yesterday, now the town can breathe a sigh of relief. = )
Geez, not only Alexis, but little Aaden is traumatized too. He's trying to console his sister and they grab him out of there which probably further exacerbated the terror for both of them. But hey we forget. This is normal. The kids love the camera. Can't you tell.
BTW...what the hell is wrong with the dentist for allowing this, too. Does everyone give up their ethics for TLC?
I don't recall seeing Alexis behave disrespectfully. Admin, refresh my memory. I think all the kids are pretty well behaved.
Juat read the comments on Katy Halls column in Huff Post.
Out of 251 comments, 4 were pro-Kate.
Tick tock...
It sounded like Hate pronounced her made-up word as "thrash-salacious." If you look up the word "salacious" in the dictionary you will see that Take hit the nail on the head as she terrorized, embarassed, and made fun of a three-year-old child who, most likely, was also in pain and being held down in the chair by much bigger adults. I think Hate's a sadist.
MY GOD; What gives Hate the RIGHT to "gaslight" and "mind f_ _ _ _ k" her own children? Oh yeah, that's where Take gets the right to do these mental illness driven antics - she thinks she OWNS her children and that it's o.k. to treat them like the slaves and property that they are.
I've always wondered since the "Special Delivery" show, if maybe Hate was ANGRY WITH THOSE SIX KIDS for cramping her style when they came along, what with the TONS AND TONS of extra work and lest we forget the awful strangers/volunteers who would require even MORE of her time since they also had to be "taught" and "managed." And God forbid if any of them dared to bring more gifts that lacked the correct pedigree, e.g. Onesies with a Members Mark or Target label; perish the thought! As strangers held, fed, played with, bathed, and TOUCHED those precious babies, Take was busy cleaning up the MESS they all made and answering all their STOOOPID questions. I mean, my God! Take could NEVER HAVE KNOWN how unbelievably busy those (damn) kids and their necessary "helpers" were going to make what was left of her already too busy life. On top of everything else, she'd have to make MORE trips to the consignment shop now, since Target labels are for toilet paper and Members Mark means the paper towels came from Sam's Club. HER children wore only the best labels, Carters and Gymboree and what's the name of that little baby boutique on Robertsons Blvd. right before you enter Rodeo Drive? THOSE LABELS ONLY!
As the work piled up, I think Hate's anger grew into RAGE; she may even have known how
irrational that was but it didn't make it go away. And now six years later, she's still HATEFULLY angry at those kids, and a slew of others: her parents, siblings, people who "helped", anyone non-TLC related. Take had a plan, all ribbons and rosebuds; however,the REALITY of those six kids didn't fit her vision of motherhood; in fact,they really messed it up.
And she's still punishing them for it.
I think if Kate had any maternal insticts to begin with they went out the window when she signed on the dotted line. The friggin camera trumps everying. I actually took my son (then 8) and walked out of the dentist office. Of course I phoned later and explained that the hygenist was not very sensitive to my terrified son. I cannot relate to this crazy mother o' 8 one iota.
Love your countdown clock!
My problem with this whole thing (besides what has been said above) is that Kate snickers -
SNICKERS - over her daughter's fears. And with every snicker, she turns to the camera to make certain they are getting all this on film. Why, this is hysterical, isn't it?
Making memories, huh Kate? Your kids are just going to love leafing through their personal albums to see incidences like this, and their mother smirking at their pain. Sure 'nuf.
I have a severe fear of needles, and I am in my 50's. To this day a blood test, an immunization or a dental filling requires the use of Valium. I credit my own mother with this, because she refused to offer any comfort to me when I was in a procedure room. She thought I was "a baby" for crying about something that did not bother her. My anger at her haunts me still. I hope Alexis is more forgiving that I have been able to be.
Any relation? I wouldn't be surprised at all.
"This is normal. The kids love the camera. Can't you tell."
Yes. Alexis is "just playing" in this video, as they do every time they are filmed.
My mom & dad were really bad at keeping up w/ my dentist appts when I was a teen, & when I hit 18, got dental insurance & went to the dentist, I was terrified. Thankfully, I had only 2 cavities, but I would have been mortified if that was on video. At 18!! I was crying in the chair as the dentist poked around, asking me questions, he was very kind, & probably thought I was some kind of nut, but still today, I am a nervous wreck going to the dentist, and would hate to have that on tape.
What kind of monster would put their child through that kind of terror? Again, I know because I went through it at 18, and again every 6 months. I sometimes have to take a xanax before I go to the dentist just to calm down. Poor Alexis. This sets up a bad precedent for her future dentist visits also, & is Kate going to tape those too for ratings? A screaming, terrified Alexis is only good for one thing, huh Kate? You evil, soulless wench. It blows my mind how she treats her own children. HER OWN CHILDREN!!
I just spent months looking for a good pediatric dentist for my younger kids. I had to do this because they were frightened at the thought of going to the dentist. It was an anxiety filled experience for my kids when we finally went to the appointment, but fortunately the dentist was amazing with the kids. It would had been just ctuel of me to have such a scary, private moment in my kids lives filmed. And for what?? Not many kids care to remember visits to the dentist when they are grown, it is not a memory making kind of event. A first visit from the tooth fairy is memorable. Poor Alexis, when she realizes what her parents have done to her in front of all of America to see.
Sorry I meant "cruel".
They came back yesterday
Admin said
"... I ask you to put yourself in Alexis' shoes and think about what moment in your life terrified you the most. Perhaps it was losing someone you love, or being laid off from your job, getting a scary medical diagnosis, or breaking up with your significant other. "
That statement helps me relate to what the Gosselin kids are going through. I'm career-oriented at this time in my life and I have been through some really tough times with my career. What would it be like if I had a camera in my face when I was being laid-off or being reprimanded by my boss. And then for people to have access to it on You Tube would be simply mortifying and humiliating.
It sickens me to see how Kate makes Alexis' trauma all about HER and how it's irritating FOR KATE and on and on and on.
I know that Kate lost her clothing deal with Walmart. What if cameras were in the meeting to film Kate's disappointment and humiliation because Walmart kyboshed the lucrative deal.
How would Kate feel? She would DEMAND that the camera be turned off so she could deal with her emotions privately.
She sure doesn't allow her kids the same consideration. No, she just makes fun of them. She is a cruel bitch.
The footage of Kate having a tantrum at the Palin camping disaster WILL BE BURIED. But if the Gosselin kids had a meltdown TLC would use the footage.
About Kate smiling at Alexis' dental horror: She is SADISTIC. My 29-year-old daughter (who has a genius I.Q.) still sleeps with her blankie--she would have gone IN with it at that age, and I never saw the blankie materialize when Alexis screamed for it. Kate took pleasure in withholding it. She is a sick bitch.
AMEN to every single word Lauren wrote.
The recent photo's on gossipcenter.com shows a close up of Stevie. It clearly show's his left hand, but I don't see a wedding ring. Humm....
I did something today that I never do - I went over to celebrity-gossip.net and I clicked on the recent Gosselin photos where they are leaving Bald Head Island.
I noticed that Kate is not wearing a ring on her left hand and I LMAO. I guess her strong suggestions for a ring that is a mother of pearl surrounded by 8 diamonds to replace her wedding ring has not produced any results yet from any generous fan.
I then noticed in another photo that Steve is not wearing a ring either but then I don't know if he ever did. I did see a tan line though for a watch on his left wrist which leads me to believe he is right handed.
But then I noted that a child was walking down the stairs that looked like Hannah but the hair was short. Then I specifically looked through the photos and saw that Hannah's hair has been cut!
Talk about traumatizing a child!
Why was it cut? Because Kate said so? Or because a poster said she had to because in their opinion it was too long for a 6 year old child due to sanitary reasons? Obviously we will never know the answer unless Jon tweets it.
Hannah told her mother she wanted her hair cut some time ago. Kate said no, the stylist said no. Maybe this time Hannah's voice was heard. Or, maybe Kate got tired of it hanging in her face. Who knows? I hope Hannah likes it.
Thank you for remembering this tidbit. It is helping me to calm down.
When I was Hannah's age I met a woman with very long hair. She told me that if I brushed my hair 100 times a night my hair could be as long as her hair.
In high school I was known for my long hair. When I was 35 I cut it to my mid back and I got my first perm. Yes, it was a big deal.
Now if Hannah wanted to cut it, great! But if Kate decided to cut it for reactionary purposes for a reality TV show, then you can add this to the list of things to do to your child with a camera in her face in order to traumatize the child for the entertainment benefit of complete strangers in TV land.
Sigh....all this talk of dentists.
A half hour ago I ate a crunchy salad not realizing that part of the crunch was my front crown. Needless to say I shall NOT hunt for the (ahem)crown! A 2 ct diamond yes. A crown no.
OMG, I don't think I can stomach these clips. This mother is clearly enjoying her daughter's terror, she things this is entertaining and funny,the viewers will eat this up. Not this viewer. Shame on you Kate Gosselin.
IDModo is always right, it's scary!
Mommyinca, I agree with what you say about the Elderly Kate Reality Show. When she pukes up her prune juice and oatmeal, one of the kids can yell, "Look what your mom DECIDED to do today!!"
Of course, I don't think any of her kids will be with her in her old age. She will be alone.
Oh please, just looking at the leaving Bald Island pics (sorry, slow day here), I am impressively struck by how the mother of 8 who does everything, everything by herself, is garbed in all white (for a day of travel!?!). On the ferry she strips down to her strapless tank, no doubt all to show off her vacay tan. I only had 3 kids, but if I ever wore white home from our summer vacations, it would be smeared with any and everything from the car, the lunch stop, whatever. Guess the woman who does everything really does have people who haul the luggage, feed the kids, keep the sticky kids away from Her Highness - just saying . . .
Thanks Dani-
IDModo IS always right....except when she's wrong...
New pics, all the happy children:
She has no mothering skills. Her children are a meal ticket, and entertainment. That's it. THAT'S why the kids always look miserable with her.
I remember when the kids used to hit each other, and she just ignored it.
Kate Gosselin Wants Love
Kate Gosselin Wants Love – Kate Gosselin is looking for a new man in her life. She has reportedly said that she does not want to be “alone” anymore and is looking to meet a new man. She revealed that she is tired of being in charge all the time and would like for someone to take charge of her and her kids.
GUESS...Steve is not leaving his wife anytime soon. Bet, KKate is giving him an ultimatum.
To MickeyMcKean,
I just thought of something. I saw the pictures
of them leaving the vacation house. Leah and
Hannah had the same length hair now. No sign of Alexis...I'm waiting to see a pic of her. Anyway, is it possible that Kate had all the girls' hair cut the same length to make the "sextuplet look" last a little longer? With the hair all different lengths, it was easier to see them as individual people, just
3 sisters, not part of a matched set.
Just a thought.
What happened to Kate saying to the kids "I'm in charge and that's not going to change"?
Someone to look after her?Puh-leeeze! She has kicked anybody who tried to look after her to the curb.
She wants somebody older and wiser. Anybody older and wiser would take one look and wisely run away screaming.She wants what she has always wanted: somebody to take over all the responsibilities and decision making that she has to do, so that she can blithely go through her empty tanning, shopping and mani-pedi days without having to ever have an original thought of her own.
Did anyone notice the older girl in the pic at celebrity buzz? She looks so depressed, is this what she usually looks like lately? Never appears to be a happy child. In the article it said Ms Gosselin had a tuft with one of the hired hand.
Betsy said...
Did anyone notice the older girl in the pic at celebrity buzz? She looks so depressed, is this what she usually looks like lately? Never appears to be a happy child. In the article it said Ms Gosselin had a tuft with one of the hired hand.
That's Cara. I saw that picture too and she looks sad.
Does anyone know what crossed arms indicate?
New pics, all the happy children:
Notice that Steve is not wearing a wedding ring, nor is there a suntan line from where a ring would be. I do see a suntan line from a wrist watch, though.
Anyone know if he usually wears one? Admin, do you remember if he had one on when he grabbed you?
IDModo said...
What happened to Kate saying to the kids "I'm in charge and that's not going to change"?
Someone to look after her?Puh-leeeze! She has kicked anybody who tried to look after her to the curb.
She wants somebody older and wiser. Anybody older and wiser would take one look and wisely run away screaming.She wants what she has always wanted: somebody to take over all the responsibilities and decision making that she has to do, so that she can blithely go through her empty tanning, shopping and mani-pedi days without having to ever have an original thought of her own.
I think it's damage control to deflect from the lesbian and Steve-affair rumors.
It's never going to happen. Any sane man will not put up with her.
Dani said,
"Mommyinca, I agree with what you say about the Elderly Kate Reality Show. When she pukes up her prune juice and oatmeal, one of the kids can yell, "Look what your mom DECIDED to do today!!"
"Ew, yuck, she's Vomitous Mom!"
It looks like he has his wristwatch on his right wrist (?), unless it is some type of buckle on bracelet.
Lauren said... Betsy said...
Did anyone notice the older girl in the pic at celebrity buzz? She looks so depressed, is this what she usually looks like lately? Never appears to be a happy child. In the article it said Ms Gosselin had a tuft with one of the hired hand.
That's Cara. I saw that picture too and she looks sad.
Does anyone know what crossed arms indicate?
I noticed this photo, too. I thought Cara looked tired and also had dark circles, as if she hadn't been sleeping well. If she look "tired but happy" (as my little son used call himself) that would be one thing. But tired, angry, and miserable--after a week at the beach? Very telling.
Crossed arms seem to be getting more frequest in shots of the Gosselin children, IMO. Crossed arms are a defiant "I'm shutting you out" gesture. I decided to verify that, though. One website said:
"Arms can act as the doorway to the body and the self. When they are crossed, they form a closed defensive shield, blocking out the outside world. Shields act in two ways: one is to block incoming attacks and the other is a place behind which the person can hide and perhaps not be noticed.
"Crossed arms may thus indicate anxiety which is either driven by a lack of trust in the other person or an internal discomfort and sense of vulnerability (that may, for example, be rooted in childhood trauma).
"The extent of crossing indicates how firmly closed the person is. This may range from a light cross to arms folded to arms wrapped around the person. An extreme version which may indicate additional hostility is a tight close with hands formed as fists."
I don't think that dentist was much more sensitive than Kate. She should have taken her instruments out of the child's mouth and let her take some deep breaths and get her blankie. It would have taken just a few moments and would probably have settled her down. But I guess nothing can interrupt the show going on, eh? Disgusting. Alexis has always been my favorite and to see her go through all that was heartbreaking. Kate has no empathy nor motherly instincts, but then, you all knew that.
I have been noticing all the crossed arms, too.
They have no one to protect them.
It still amazes me how much nastier she acts nowadays. Now it's like she can hardly be bothered to do anything, much less summarize yet another exploitation of her moneymakers.
But yeah, it's pretty bad to allow that to be aired. Or even taped. I know I wouldn't, I figured that was just parenting instinct.
"Notice that Steve is not wearing a wedding ring, nor is there a suntan line from where a ring would be. I do see a suntan line from a wrist watch, though.
Anyone know if he usually wears one? Admin, do you remember if he had one on when he grabbed you?"
He wasn't wearing one last summer...
Once again, TLC tries to soften the horror of the situtation with cheerful music. Also love how Alexis has to request her blankie a bunch of times before dear Mom fetches it for her. Isn't that Mothering 101? Give the comfort item to the child BEFORE they become hysterical. But I guess then TLC wouldn't have had any good footage to show, huh?
"The kids are just playing in front of the cameras." ~ Kate Gosselin, Larry King Live, 8/23/09
Alexis is "just playing?" I'd hate to see what she does if she's really frightened!
Poor Alexis. I wanted to jump through the monitor and yell at your mommy and the dentist for not comforting you. I am so very sorry for you. Looking at you screaming made me cry for you. I am so very sorry you have a lousy mother.
Kate, how could you laugh and let the camera film your daughter, Alexis was terrified! My cat had more concern for her kittens than you do for your kids. EVERY time they cried, mommy cat ran, yes ran to them. Kate, you are truly disgusting.
Cathenine...AMEN again. And IDModo...you are so right!
Catherine - AMEN!
I hope they don't film the older girls going to the gynecologist in a few years.
I also hope they don't film any of them who are in the hospital suffering from a terrible illness or following an accident.
But, I put nothing past this mother.
Hey Kate, that so-called 'ear-piercing shriek' sounds familiar. Hmmmm, where have I heard that before (finger tapping chin)....OH! I know, the front gate of your estate, when none of your kids wanted to go home to 'their house'.
What a fricken' witch. You, Jon, Steve, TLC brass, etc. are all going to burn in hell. Will you be thrashylacious then? Will film be available?
THRASHSYLACIUOS? OMG, what a fricken moron. I hate everything about her. What a cruel bitch.
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Swiffering to create the outcome I want??? Give me a break, rubyred. I swifter to try to create a nice place, that's the outcome I want. A few people like you ruin it.
Any further infighting will be deleted, period. MOVE ON.
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