By their own admission, Jon and Kate permitted TLC production crews to install permanent heavy duty studio lights throughout the house. Reportedly, TLC picked up the high utility bills for all these extra lights. Because of oddities like this, the children's home was not (and still isn't) a safe haven, a place of quiet and privacy, as most children's homes are, but instead was a fully functioning television set in which the children's own schedules, needs and wants were given little to no consideration and where there was no place to go home to that wasn't "on set."
In this clip, which happens to be the same episode in which Collin was forced to work while painfully constipated (and it may be that this equally exploitative moment with Cara has been overshadowed by what happened to Collin just a few hours later that day), Cara is rudely awakened by a flash of bright lights. The reason? The crew had flipped on the lights in the basement where she was asleep. She was sleeping in the basement because her room was being remodeled. Cara goes to Kate for hugs and comfort. Not only do the lights hurt her eyes, but Jen, a producer, and another crew member, who are taping this all, are seen laughing at her.
Just because happy upbeat music is playing doesn't mean it's funny when a child is in discomfort.
32 sediments (sic) from readers:
When asked who turned on the lights...Cara said "those people".Are those the people who the kids just love so much and and cry over when they leave? The kids dont know the names of thier loved-ones?
The most disturbing video of these kids yet to be posted on youtube.Please leave your opinion here or there.The sheeple find it CUTE
I am disgusted...
And yes Admin, it's not often that a six years old girl is awakened by the studio lights in her home :(
Kate thinks everything harmful happening to her kids is just hilarious as long as it is packaged as entertainment. She wasn't even comforting Cara, she was just letting her hang on while Kate talked to the crew. Same with Collin being constipated, they tried to make this look hilarious, zooming in on the way he waddled in his diaper, having Jon talk about extracting the poop from the van, we were supposed to chuckle along, but most of us were stunned and shocked and upset by these abusive pair who clearly are not protective of their children. Most episodes when a child is in pain, terrified or simply in need of comforting, Kate laughs about them to the camera.
Home Sweet Home, Grrrr...
That production crew were the stupidest, most inconsiderate people around the kids....AND Katie says they kids LOVE them?! What choice do the kids actually have? None.
For some reason, my audio isn't quite right in this video. Did Cara say that the lights woke her up and blinded her? Did she say that she woke up fast (jarred awake)? All I could hear was "lights." If she was sleeping in the basement, why isn't she in pajamas...why is she in shorts and a tee shirt if she got awake fast and needed to be comforted? Since all I could hear was "lights," do we know that they were production lights and that they didn't just switch on the regular basement lights before they went down there? Another thought -- Kate wasn't in the basement. Why would production (male and female) have just gone down there on their own when Cara was sleeping? Scary thought, huh? Crew members in the basement alone with your daughter!
Don't you just want to shine some bright lights into the eyes of laughing production? What childish behavior on their parts!
"Those people" you know, "The Crew" "The Posse" "that other family of ours" "The ones that watch me when I sleep, go potty, eat, play, cry, am sick on the laundry room floor". "Those people who lied to us and told us it was Christmas when it wasn't even thanksgiving yet". "You know, THOSE PEOPLE who are on us like flies at a picnic at the landfill". "Do you know their names yet mommy cause we don't".
"They come and go like Daddy's barmaids". "Can't we get a bodyguard like you have"?
Cara sleeping in the basement??? why didn't mommy dearest put Cara in one of the other girl bedroom until her room was finished??? Oh! well what can anyone expect our of a mom that denied Mady of her water and then drinks it in front of her??Kate makes the children sleep in the dirty laundry room when they are sick..I'm surprise that Kate didn't make Cara sleep in the dirty laundry room.. Kate have turned into a bad mom...
Didn't even notice this until now! Great job picking it up, Admin. As you said, this was overshadowed by poor Colin later in the episode. I guess this is exactly the point of featuring these flashbacks -- showing the scenes in isolation really make what the Gosselin kids have been through thus far that much more apparent.
SHAMEFUL all the way around. TLC, Jon & Kate Gosselin lack integrity, and are morally twisted. AGAIN, AGAIN & AGAIN...
Someone asked if this could be regular basement lights not studio lights. No, it was studio lights. On one of the Making Of shows they did they showed this clip again and laughed about the studio lights.
Even if it were regular lights, it's still rude of the crew to turn them all on while Cara was sleeping.
It's all just so sickening. Why was the camera crew allowed to go into any room without Jon or Kate's knowledge, must less one with a sleeping child? What monsters they all are.
And I love the phony editing of Kate acting scared about the last piece of wood coming out to make the window. Was she even in the room? It didn't look like it to me, since she was in front of a painted, finished wall, and that was an attic they were turning into a bedroom, which they eventually painted bright pink. Then Jon says, yeah I hope the wall doesn't fall down, in his monotone, phony acting voice. The more I see this BS, the more ridiculous it is. Jon sounded as sincere as when he said, paraphrasing, 'I went on AllState's website and was able to take care of everything so quickly'. Remind me never to do business with All State, cuz it's ALL FAKE!
Oh, and don't you love how they have all the septuplets bunched together, in the way, just so Jon can say, "Here comes the window, get out of the way" They probably herded the kids up from the basement dungeon just for that scene.
Admin, I bet there are about 100 phony scenes in every episode if every one was analyzed in snippets like this.
For those of you haven't seen this before. It has Kate's Top 10 worst moments......
What am I saying, of course Kate wasn't in the room. They hadn't installed the CHILD-BLINDING lights in the attic yet.
And in real-life, one guy would have been sawing out that piece of wood at the bottom, while the other guy would have had a hand on it to grab it and keep it from falling on anything. Either way Kate would not have heard it fall when she was in the kitchen. That window was installed on the side of the house, since the front of the house was finished with all those dormers. The only wall to put a window on was the side, not anywhere near Kate's kitchen. Really bad acting, Jon & Kate. No Emmy Awards in your future, except for Kate maybe, as Best Villian.
Does the crew have the run of the house? Are they actually allowed to enter the children's bedrooms while the children are sleeping? The more I read about this family, the more I realize they don't live in a house, they are living on a TV set.
I swear I read once that TLC had the keys and could come in and set up before "Queenie" got up.
Sorry, just watched it again. The guy DID hold onto the board, and nothing fell down. Terrible acting Kate. This gets worser and worser, to use Kate-garbled-speak.
roxyhelen said...
The most disturbing video of these kids yet to be posted on youtube.Please leave your opinion here or there.The sheeple find it CUTE
I am disgusted...
I must be missing something. I have long said for strangers to be making their own personal videos of the Gosselin kids and putting them on Youtube is sick. That said, I'm not sure what is "disgusting" about the particular video you linked. I’ve seen far worse. The only thing I can think of is, are you thinking the video is incestuous or something?? I’m baffled.
Slightly OT but interesting nonetheless...
The name of the producer in this video Jen. Remember the episode where Kate threw a dirty, fully-loaded diaper at Jen?
Kate appears to be completely unaware of what's going on around her in this clip. She has to ask who turned on the light? Apparently the crew is allowed to wander through the house filming whatever they want without her knowledge. This clip pretty much proves it. I guess we don't know if the door to the room where Cara was sleeping was open or closed? What if a child is changing clothes behind closed doors? Is the crew allowed to open doors when roaming through the Gosselin house?
Sorry,still learning how to use computer, but when a youtube is mentioned,do I type in every letter,character,mark on it to get there to watch it?? thanks:)
Lauren said... Slightly OT but interesting nonetheless...
The name of the producer in this video Jen. Remember the episode where Kate threw a dirty, fully-loaded diaper at Jen?
August 23, 2010 9:09 AM
Is that the reason why she quit? Toward the end of the J&K+8 run, she was no longer producing. I always wondered what happened to her. Maybe she couldn't take Kate anymore?
Also slightly OT but this video reminded me of how much Kate Gosselin has altered her physical appearance in what appears to be a never-ending quest for fame and fortune.
Mady and Cara have taken the brunt of this show since the very beginning. Kate considered the twins' privacy as insignificant as long as there was money to be made by allowing TLC to intrude upon it, and still does to this day. She should have asked Jen to be more careful and to apologize to her daughter. You can bet she would have chewed Jon's head off if he had turned on those lights...and then dared to laugh about it.
Her name was Jen Stocks. She got this show going and I am sure has seen horrifying things. She has had a baby and is no longer working with Kate.
WHY was the crew in the basement waking her up and taping her?
And her parents weren't down there?
I'd be upset about both of those things! That they woke her up AND that I wasn't down there when they came upon her sleeping. Production crew or not, no.
But then, I love my kids and so I'm fairly protective of their safety and well-being.
Sorry but I didn't play the video back, her voice is so annoying.
It looks like this was morning...Kate in bathrobe, kids eating cereal. So, my question again is...why is Cara dressed in shorts and a tee shirt if she was awakened by the lights turned on by the film crew? She certainly didn't take time to get dressed before running upstairs to her mom.
Admin said: "Even if it were regular lights, it's still rude of the crew to turn them all on while Cara was sleeping."
Nobody from the crew, or the producer, had any business being downstairs when Cara was sleeping...UNLESS their mother didn't tell them anyone was down there (which wouldn't surprise me). But there's no reason to laugh about it.
I remember Jen Stocks. She was one of the original crew that left right after, was it Season Two? Together, they said they left because there were "things that consistently happened that they objected to on moral grounds." Spankings? Screaming? KON fighting?
I remember thinking at the time, right before I discovered GWoP, that if things were THAT BAD in the Gosselin household, the crew should have AT LEAST filed a report with family services. But then, heads would've rolled and we know the re$t...
Moose Mania,
About Cara's outfit - that is not a t-shirt and shorts she's wearing. Those are summer pajamas, made to look like "regular" play clothes, but made of flannel, cotton lawn, or some other soft knit. They've been really popular the last three or four years; in winter, the pants are long with a drawstring waist. There are no buttons or zippers, making them appropriate and comfortable for sleeping.
P.J.s, yes, however I've seen more than my share of teens and moms wearing them everywhere, from the grocery store to the mall. Eeeew!
Macy's carries three brands I can think of: Jenni, Lauren by Ralph Lauren, and their own brand, Charter Club.
"About Cara's outfit - that is not a t-shirt and shorts she's wearing. Those are summer pajamas, made to look like "regular" play clothes, but made of flannel, cotton lawn, or some other soft knit."
Got ya. Thanks. All we have in our house are Dora, Cinderella and Sponge Bob pjs (ordered online!)...
Please keep the flashbacks coming Admin. She's always portrayed as supermom by the mainstream media, maybe some of them will find this blog.
"We can't go back" Why the HELL did you go forward in the first place????
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