A grueling schedule of 50 episodes in six months, unheard of in the entertainment industry, finally broke Jon down.
Jon needs to get himself back to court so that he can have the children when Kate is off doing her Hollywood thing. There is no reason he should have to drop the children off with nannies when Kate is not even home. And he's taking another look at taking the kids off TV. Remember no TV contract lasts forever.
Full interview:
http://www.wabcradio.com/sectional.asp?id=36772Some clips:
42 sediments (sic) from readers:
I kind of feel sorry for him cause she will never let those kids have a normal life. She has this hunger for fame right now and its scarey
I listened to the interview earlier. It sounds like TLC still has a death grip on him. He was very careful to not say too much. It's sick that he can't , as a PARENT, say "Yes, this is detrimental to my children and I want it to end NOW". He has to watch his words because he could be sued yet AGAIN for asserting his parental rights?
What did he mean when he said he has to weigh what's best for his kids (in reference to filming). He said something about sometimes he/they have to do things that they don't want to do....please tell me he wasn't implying that the children need to continue filming because it may be best for them? (I think he meant it the other way around but he couldn't clarify that statement for fear of TLC)
I wish Jon would stop apologizing.
Their marriage was over when Jon started his bar-hopping adventures. He knows it and Kate knows it.
If anything Kate needs to apologize to him for her behavior with Steve.
This truly is completely unbelievable just as it always has been. It's his kids. It's a corporation trying to tell him what to do with HIDS KIDS. He wants the kids off so GET THEM OFF.
You know how all the sheeple say the kids are Kate's business and she has a right to raise them the way she wants to? Well it goes both ways. Why is TLC allowed to tell Jon how to raise his kids? Why are his kids their business? Why is what he wants any of their business?
Kate reminds me of many other women, that once they have left their husbands for another man....they lose interest in their children....and come to see the children as a burden.
Jon did an awesome job conveying what he can't say outright at risk of getting sued again. Kate is never home, she has no family or friends or anyone outside the TLC circle guiding her, she is obsessed with fame and money, the kids are harmed by filming, they filmed far too many episodes already (50 in six month timeframe which is unheard of), they feel entitled and are spoiled, that he could never win in the marriage, always had to give in and concede to Kate, he wants the kids off tv, she doesn't, yet she knows this is wrong, she is not being true to her Christian roots, he barely knows who she is anymore and given the choice she is burning up her 15 minutes of fame in pursuit of the fame and money whereas he wants to lend his name to mentoring and being a role model of what not to do with your celebrity. He also made it clear he can't discuss or reveal much when it comes to Kate and the kids or else TLC will sue him for breach of contract. Rabbi Schumley said he never met Kate but assumed her intentions were good, which made me laugh.
Jon could have been in control of his kids but he blew it when he breached his contract with TLC. Apparently in order to avoid a lawsuit by them he had to agree to certain things like keeping his mouth shut and allowing them to film on a lesser basis. Kate I'm sure threatened him too with all kind of nasty things if he didn't cooperate. Had he played his cards right from the start they would already be off television. It's pretty sad when two monsters control your childrens lives and theres nothing you can do about it unless you want to pay, pay, pay. Personally I wouldn't care about their threats. I would get a good lawyer and get those children off of TV. I would suffer the consequences for my childrens well being. I have a feeling he would have a lot of people behind him. That, to me would be better than having to explain to my children in years to come why I did not protect them. It's an awful feeling to know that your parent could have protected you and chose not to. I know.
Completely off topic, but Kate has a new blog up. It's 'kid's say the darndest things' and I'm sorry, but I think Kate really does write this drivel. Someone else would actually try to make up something more interesting.
I hope Jon is talking with Murt about the effects this filming has had on his family. Not only the kids but the entire family was torn apart by their decision to film. Now that hes 'sort of' out of the TLC family, he can see the damage that has been done and is continually being done to his children.
I feel really really bad for him right now. I remember seeing him sit on the couch with Kate before season 9 (I think it was) and him saying that he's not sure he wants to come back and Kate saying "Oh, we'll be back". The look on his face said it all, just defeated and deflated.
I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that Jon & Kate's children are going to have very deep issues simply BECAUSE of what their parents did, what they made these children do, and how they BOTH allowed a third party (TLC) to control their/and children's lives.
That is, if you really want to.
It's reverse sexism and I've seen it at work with the Jon and Kate thing for a long time and it disgusts me.
If he were to have treated her the way she treated him, people would be up in arms. But if she does it, well, she "has a lot of kids" or "HAS to be a bitch because of all those kids" or "SOMEONE has to be in charge."
If a man treated his wife that way--belittling her, humiliating her, constantly criticizing her, then he said well "SOMEONE has to be in charge" and laughed about it, it would pretty universally be seen as disgusting and worthy of condemnation.
But let a woman do it and a lot of women are ok with that, for reasons unknown and puzzling to me.
If you love and respect your partner, you should treat them that way, period.
And our society still has a long way to go in recognizing that dads are important in their children's lives, too. They are NOT expendable or replaceable. Just ask the kids whose hearts get broken by losing them for no good reason.
I didn't hear the radio thing but just looking at pictures of him with his kids doing simple things you just have to know that TLC filming his kids and making them work all summer has got to bother him. TLC should be worried about Cake Boss right now and not the Gosselin kids. As for his ex wife, she is in another world right now and has been biten by fame to even care about those children. Whenever she is doing a guest spot somewhere and acting like a complete idiot, someone will ask her where the kids are and her same remark, " they are at home watching meeeeee and eating popcorn." Yeah okay Kate, lets see in teen years if they will be still eating popcorn watching your ugly face on tv.
Do we know if he ever took advantage of Paul Peterson and Gloria Allred's offers of help?
@ Lauren, I agree that he really needs to stop apologizing and move on. He wasn't the only one who ruined that marriage. On one of the interviews someone asked the Goddess what she thought of Jon writing a book about Father hood and she replied with something sarcastic about him. I have never heard her apologize for anything and she has alot to apologize for.
Jon is like most people who have been in abusive relationships. They constantly apologize as though they are 100% at fault. If he is truly serious about getting his kids off tv he should probably go back to the lawyer his father knew or one that has no afiliation with TLC.
What Jon needs is a junk yard, pit bull attorney willing to take his case on pro bono.
An attorney that has a conscience...
I think it is a winnable case with the right attorney. Jon needs to stay away from fame whores though. He needs to quietly get all his ducks in a row then go for the jugular with Kate and TLC.
I do not care if Kate is their "birth" mother...she is destroying those children, and if it were not for TLC's legal mafioso goon squad, I believe the initial curt outcome would have been very different!
The woman is a rabid psychopath narcissist!! And TLC is feeding her the drugs of fame to keep their blood money flowing.
Jon said there was a point in time where they filmed 50 episodes within a six month period. It finally got to him but not Kate and it makes you wonder what kind of a mother would put her kids through that kind of brutal schedule except for a narcissistic one with no conscience. Kate is a sick woman, TLC knows it and has manipulated that sickness into a multimillion dollar money machine. What happens to those eight kids is inconsequential to them and apparently to Kate as well otherwise she would have jumped ship right along with Jon. There's a very dark sinister side to her. She made a deal with the devil when she traded her kids in return for all the glitz she's ever dreamed of. I hope Jon is successful in not only getting them off tv but away from her too.
The filming will never get to Kate G because she is "greedy." She is classless and crass and talks too much about money. Jon was always the underdog in this relationship. It's like a tiny dog living with a pit bull. We know how that doesn't work. They lost their "banker" when Jon's dad died. Thus, they sold their family to TLC to keep up the money. Most people couldn't even afford their home near Jodi and Kevin, much less the McMansion. Jon gets no pass, but he always seemed to be following Kate's lead. Sad story, all of it.
I do not know if any of you have been in a custody battle with someone with unlimited financial means but if you have you would understand that it is almost impossible to find a good lawyer that will fight a corporation with TLC financial clout without lots of up front money. I think that Jon is doing the best he can to ride out Kate's profitablity with TLC and when they dump her he will go back for his real day in court.
Update from Rep. Murt on "Z on TV" for anyone interested:
It is almost virtually impossible to take a child away from it's mother, even for a dad. Basically as long as there is food in the house, covers (doesn't have to be a bed) and you can't see daylight through any cracks in the walls they are satisfied. Lawyers know this and it is solely up to one dividual - the judge - and you never know how they might go - some being dissuaded by their childhood experiences. It is a sad commentary for not just these kids but all kids.
"Most people couldn't even afford their home near Jodi and Kevin, much less the McMansion."
I'm going to respectfully disagree with that. Many people can afford homes in the neighborhood, which is a middle-class community. It's not in an affluent residential area or exclusive gated community. It's a typical southeastern PA suburban neighborhood, with nice yards, a good school system for the kids...one that's not unique to the area.
The Wernersville property -- yes, that one comes with a price tag. The taxes, maintenance, and all of the upkeep would demand owners with means to be able to afford it. The value of the home, though, has dropped considerably since the initial purchase.
Jon, I know you are lurking and it's OK.
Think about a couple of things here. Please?
Meet with Paul Petersen, and dont keep it a secret. (Keep YOUR mouth shut.) Meet with his wife and explore the benefits of having a licensed teacher or pediatric nurse (or both) with your children during filming. Publicly challenge TLC nicely to provide this for your children. Even though you recognize it is not required by law, you ask them to step up and put the physical safety of their 8 employees at the forefront. Since they film physical activities now at a rapid pace, a nurse would be for their physical safety during filming.
Next, get a job. Of any kind. I know you have no real skills so start some training if you are not doing that already. Take a bartending course and get a job doing that at a decent place, something high-end. This would be nights so only work part time. Or be a maitre d somewhere very high end, train to be a hair stylist, a Chef, anything. - above all no sleaze and no drama.
See if you can upgrade in your building to a 2 bedroom apartment. Set one room up for the 5 girls, and the other room for yourself that can flip over to accomodate your sons during your time with them. During this time, you will use a sleeper sofa in the living room. This is essential for a judge to see that your are serious about stability for your children. I know you dont want them full time - that's OK, but if your wishes for them are to be taken seriously by the court, you must behave as a serious father.
Attend all school functions. NO DRAMA, just be there. Send an occasional email to a teacher telling them how wonderful the most recent essay was or the math test or whatever. Let the teachers see that you are involved but dont want anything from them! Ask about reading lists and check those books from a public library. Find a little church as close to your apartment as possible and GO. Take the children with you on Sundays. NO DRAMA. TELL NO ONE except the court when you need to.
If you are going to reduce the filming, you must have a serious voice. Jon and Ellen, I know the money is nice, but the children are being harmed right in front of your eyes, it's just not leaving bruises you can see.
Above all keep hugging them, validating them, encouraging them, and accepting each one for the incredible individual that each is.
Jon said (in #3)..."You will never change until you look inside yourself...you know what's wrong..."
I wish he would have elaborated on this, but of course he couldn't -- and he didn't diss her. Good for him. At least he's taking the high road, and the kids most definitely are going to remember that.
Very good advice from BeDoneNow. I will add that in addition to that he needs to start keeping a journal. He needs to keep record of visitations, conversations, etc... basically everything. If there was drama at a pick up or drop off w/ Kate or the Nanny or the kids... he needs to record that. If there was drama during a phone conversation, he needs to record that too. He needs to record little comments the kids make that he might not think at the time will come in handy, but it might later. This log/journal may become pretty extensive and may at some times seem pointless, but trust me... it will pay off in the end if you decide to go back to court. I did the same thing and its what help me win my case when my ex tried taking me back to court for moving out specified counties that i was restricted to when we initially got divorced. My ex waited almost 2 years after we moved to take me to court because he got some wild hair up his butt and was pissed that i remarried and thought he could get back at me. Well... after almost 9 years of documentation and his lack of being a parent and involved, i was able to prove my case to the judge and won. The joke was on him though because added to the case was a c/s evaluation and it turned out that he was making significantly more money and his c/s DOUBLED!! We heard him yelling almost every curse word in the book at his atty in the other room when he saw how much he would now have to pay. It was funny.
Anyways... Jon needs to take the high road now. He needs to make sure that all his I's are dotted and all his T's are crossed and really start to get involved in the childrens daily going-ons as well as school. In the end, it will come to light who really has the children's best interest at heart.
This would be the ultimate chance for Jon to show some guts and go after custody of the kids with the help of Paul Peterson and others. This would put Jon in a big win situation which would show he is sincere in putting the kids first before anything else. And as the kids become adults and they have the ultimate video proof of their narcissist Mother who is out for herself and a Hollywood career it will help them to not feel guilty for their problems which they will have only more and bigger if they continue on this path with Kate. She may be their Mother but she is using them for her own selfish goals, does not want to do the everyday things a Mother does and as they get older and wiser will not want to deal with them.
Her woe is me attitude says it all. She is always complaining and the children will feel so guilty for causing her so much stress and work. Jon could help prevent some of the damage that will continue if they keep on the course she wants them to. She wants the attention but none of the work.
People make comments about Jon not wanting the kids full time. Well Kate doesn't want them full time either. Yes, she lives in the same house as the kids but the nannies are taking care of them. If the situation could have been reversed I feel Jon would have been glad to be the one staying in the house and taking care of the kids.
That couldn't happen though because Kate has to keep up this image of a struggling mother taking care of 8 kids by herself (even if it isn't true). She needs this image to continue the show.
Kate is convinced she is a TV star on her own. Let's join her in her fantasy world and pretend she gets a full time TV gig. If that happens, I bet Jon will then get all the time he wants to spend with the kids. Since she no longer needs the kids to make money she will be more than happy to let him have them as much as he wants.
Kary said... Let's join her in her fantasy world and pretend she gets a full time TV gig. If that happens, I bet Jon will then get all the time he wants to spend with the kids.Since she no longer needs the kids to make money she will be more than happy to let him have them as much as he wants.
I don't think so. Kate is vindictive and I don't see any sign of her changing. In fact I doubt she has a smidgen of kindness in her soul. She will punish Jon forever for what she perceives are the wrongs Jon committed against her.
She could have allowed Jon to see more of the kids when she was off "dancing" with the stars, and she could stop all this foolishness about not allowing him to pick up and drop off the kids at the front door. But she's vindictive and mean and nasty.
Only the clips loaded on my phone, so I didn't hear the whole show. Did he really say the kids were acting entitled?
Puddymoors said...
Completely off topic, but Kate has a new blog up. It's 'kid's say the darndest things' and I'm sorry, but I think Kate really does write this drivel. Someone else would actually try to make up something more interesting.
Not if you're trying to sound like Kate Gosselin. Then you'd write mind numbing drivel to keep the mind numbed fans happy in their fantasy.
Why is it that kate's 12 fans think that Jon could be with his kids while she went to the Emmys,like he can automatically take them if she is out of town? I just HATE that they don't know what she allows or doesn't allow Jon!They are just soo ignorant of the truth! BeDoneNow-awesome advice! Have you done this before? I would say all the same things to Jon, I sure hope he reads what we all have to say here, in case he does, I think we should conitnue to talk to him.
prairiemary... Thank you for the kind words! I am a social worker and I know what the courts look for. Also, as a divorced mom of 4, my ex popped out of the wordwork after about 5 years, wanting custody (actually he wanted ME to pay HIM support...Oh never mind). The magistrate spent about 2 minutes chuckling about it before dismissing it and then holding ex's feet to the fire over non-existant child support.
The courts look at who is organizing the homework, the church activities, the doctors appointments, library events, extended family events are crucial, and individual activities- ie dance lessons for one, cooking club for another... Things absolutely do NOT have to be fancy at all, 'pricey' does not fool a judge for a minute. But Jon must have separate bedrooms for the genders; his current arrangement will not seem serious enough for the court.
Jon, if you want a voice that a judge will hear, you must behave in a way that shows you are a serious person with intentions that only a father can have. (Hosting pool parties in Vegas aint it.)
"The courts look at who is organizing the homework, the church activities, the doctors appointments, library events, extended family events
are crucial, and individual activities- ie dance lessons for one, cooking club for another... Things absolutely do NOT have to be fancy at all, 'pricey' does not fool a judge for a minute."
All that's well and good, and makes perfect sense. But what if she won't LET him do any of this? She won't even allow him on the property to visit them. Whatever happened to the "shared" house arrangement? She doesn't do the things you mentioned -- the nannies and personal assistants do everything for her. When she takes the intitative and does those things, such as doctor's appointments, educational trips, school shopping, etc., it's for filming purposes.
I would certainly hope that a judge would take that into consideration.
Not if you're trying to sound like Kate Gosselin. Then you'd write mind numbing drivel to keep the mind numbed fans happy in their fantasy.
First you have to grab a bottle of wine (or two or three) just to set the stage, define the mood, and get into character! THEN you write!!
midnight madness... (and Jon)
Hi, MM. yes, a court does take into consideration where the custodial parent interfers with the other parent's ability to be 50% involved. However, "she wont let me, waaaa" is never an excuse to the court. The non-custodial parent, in this case Jon, MUST show the court that he is an independent person in thought and action, as if Kate is not even a blip on his radar. Willing to work WITH her, not off of her or follow behind her. That is why it is up to HIM alone, to establish non-dramatic lines of communication with teachers, take the children to his church, ask THEM about school projects, get HIMSELF on school mailing lists, consult with the pediatrician as needed during Jon's visitation time, etc.
He needs to not be dependent on Kate for a single piece of information. When she tries to block him from attending the school play or whatever, THEN he notes that for the court.
Kate can arrange private lessons in the home from Baryshnikov if she wants, it carries LESS weight with Family Court than private daddy/daughter time going to $5.00 lessons at the YWCA.
Not if you're trying to sound like Kate Gosselin. Then you'd write mind numbing drivel to keep the mind numbed fans happy in their fantasy.
First you have to grab a bottle of wine (or two or three) just to set the stage, define the mood, and get into character! THEN you write!!
Puddymoors said...
Completely off topic, but Kate has a new blog up. It's 'kid's say the darndest things' and I'm sorry, but I think Kate really does write this drivel. Someone else would actually try to make up something more interesting.
Not if you're trying to sound like Kate Gosselin. Then you'd write mind numbing drivel to keep the mind numbed fans happy in their fantasy.
This truly is completely unbelievable just as it always has been. It's his kids. It's a corporation trying to tell him what to do with HIDS KIDS. He wants the kids off so GET THEM OFF.
You know how all the sheeple say the kids are Kate's business and she has a right to raise them the way she wants to? Well it goes both ways. Why is TLC allowed to tell Jon how to raise his kids? Why are his kids their business? Why is what he wants any of their business?
People make comments about Jon not wanting the kids full time. Well Kate doesn't want them full time either. Yes, she lives in the same house as the kids but the nannies are taking care of them. If the situation could have been reversed I feel Jon would have been glad to be the one staying in the house and taking care of the kids.
That couldn't happen though because Kate has to keep up this image of a struggling mother taking care of 8 kids by herself (even if it isn't true). She needs this image to continue the show.
Kate is convinced she is a TV star on her own. Let's join her in her fantasy world and pretend she gets a full time TV gig. If that happens, I bet Jon will then get all the time he wants to spend with the kids. Since she no longer needs the kids to make money she will be more than happy to let him have them as much as he wants.
Only the clips loaded on my phone, so I didn't hear the whole show. Did he really say the kids were acting entitled?
I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that Jon & Kate's children are going to have very deep issues simply BECAUSE of what their parents did, what they made these children do, and how they BOTH allowed a third party (TLC) to control their/and children's lives.
That is, if you really want to.
"Most people couldn't even afford their home near Jodi and Kevin, much less the McMansion."
I'm going to respectfully disagree with that. Many people can afford homes in the neighborhood, which is a middle-class community. It's not in an affluent residential area or exclusive gated community. It's a typical southeastern PA suburban neighborhood, with nice yards, a good school system for the kids...one that's not unique to the area.
The Wernersville property -- yes, that one comes with a price tag. The taxes, maintenance, and all of the upkeep would demand owners with means to be able to afford it. The value of the home, though, has dropped considerably since the initial purchase.
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