Just for fun ...
Kate's Emmys Cameo 

2010 Primetime Emmy Awards, Sunday August 29, 8 p.m. ET on NBC (pre-shows begin several hours before on various networks).

Keeping a lookout for snipers or gazing at his girlfriend amorously? Kate's boyfriend/bodyguard and Emmys date spotted on the red carpet by an eagle-eyed reader.

3:30PM PST: Ross the intern (Ross Mathews) gets a dancing lesson with Chelsea Hightower. "That wasn't that bad. I was at least a little better than Kate Gosselin, right?" Ross quipped.
4PM PST: Kate arrives on the Red Carpet in a modest black gown, hair slicked back and makeup heavy. The kids love filming, she made sure to tell reporters. Defensive much, Kate? Why, has it been suggested they don't love filming?
5PM PST: Kate in full Paparazzi costume offers to join the Glee singers to help raise money for Emmy tickets. Tiny Fey says yeah thanks but no thanks. Audience laughs.
5:10PM PST: Kate joins other real celebs like Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey on stage for a Glee spinoff opening to the show.

290 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 290 of 290 Newer› Newest»I can't remember the name of the book I have (something about a face in the mirror) that really helped, but here's a great article on dealing with the narcissist mother:
(Actually NPD was only one of my mother's diagnoses, and her more minor one. The worst was the Borderline Personality Disorder. I haven't had anything to do with her in over a decade and hope never to, unless she becomes incapacitated. There is not a single person in our family who cares about her or who hasn't been harmed by her in some way. She has alienated every single person in her life and is totally alone.)
I went to TMZ to see what they listed as the best/worst fashions at the Emmys,and the picture of kate,with the man holding the water bottle in the background,showed alot more of the guy on TMZ,with his gray hair,pretty sure it was Stevie boy! Go there and see for yourself.
You can also see the gray-haired man(stevie) on BM blogsite,as well as kate posing for a picture with Jane Lynch,who just married a woman as her wife this past spring.
WOW! 210 comments, and I thought no one was interested in Kate anymore.
Very disappointing, IMHO.
Congrats on how well you've done with this site.
You keep it lively and entertaining and it's really refreshing!
The after show reprise by our 2 local NBC news people and 2 others who helped critique what the celebrities wore. When they put up a picture of Kate all of them started laughing and said, "Why is she even on the red carpet?" and another said "who knows". Also said her dress looked like something cheap from the 1970s and also looked like polyester. The laughed at her spray tan too. Way to go Kate!!
Tick tock
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Don't cha LOVE IT when they turned her down...she REALLY LOOKED desperate AND it didn't take much acting, she really meant it! BEST of all, they stuck her in the back row!! Hahaha, wonder if she pulled a diva moment with the comedy crowd, WRONG MOVE!! Comics are the bomb, I'm sure they put her in her place ASAP!!
The photo of her blowing a kiss? That was her farewell kiss to the sheeple! Wonder if she was thinking, "Adios sheeple! Look what I've been reduced to...from entitled diva to back row, wannabe dancer nobody wants and everyone's laughing at...I'm doing it for my kids. Kisses!"
Hahahaha, sorry Admin, couldn't resist! Lurking but reading everyday to boost my immune system with daily humor from the blogs...THANX!!!
Wasn't she supposed to be interviewing someone? When did this happen?
I watched the YouTube clip on GWoP. I noticed Take's costume for the Jimmy Fallon skit was a floor length "gown" in the beginning and the same dress in the "dancing" finale, except it was shortened to a knee length dress. Also, the first part of the skit where she greets JF in the hallway looks like they filmed two separate parts: Take alone saying her lines, and the others doing their part on the other side of the doors. Then they put them together. No way could Hate handle the whole thing at once; she would have held everyone up with her screw-ups, no?!
Coming out of "lurk mode" for a little bit...
For anyone curious, Kate's handler is seen wearing a tux (in the background) milling about, ready to tackle her attacker(s).
For the record- I did not watch the Emmys, but I AM enjoying all the negative reviews Ms. Heinous is receiving from viewers,etc...
Too bad Kate doesn't realise what a big, joke she is....
What is she famous for again?...
Kate was funny in the opening Emmy Performance. She was invited because the entertainment industry LIKES her AND she got paid!
LA Times blog says Kate kept it "linguistically simple" on the red carpet, with her cliched use of the word amazing, etc. The more she is allowed to speak unscripted, the more people will catch onto what a dunce she is. She will NEVER have a job as a talk show hostess, etc. Too stupid and unable to speak of anything but her pathetic self. Oh, and the dress was hideous. She looked 45 years old tonight.
In re the photo of Kate with the guy in the background trying to get out of the photo, did you crop it?
I went over the dark side and saw it on another web site. However it is larger there which is why I'm sure it is Steve trying to get out of the camera range and out of the shot :)
Guess that bodyguard hasn't figured out yet that one place to stand so he would not be in a photo would be standing next to the photographer ...
That dress looks so cheesy!
The fabric looks really cheap or something. Wait a minute.
Look who I'm talking about! Nevermind . . .
She certainly is liked in the entertainent industry. That's why the show was nominated for an Emmy, and why her appearance at the ceremony is being panned on just about every celebrity buzz site, and will be the subject of ridicule among talk show hosts. If that's being liked, I'd certainly hate to be disliked!
I would believe that she was invited not because the industry likes her, but for the same reason she appeared on DWTS...a ratings boost. Not because she's liked, but because viewers are going to tune in to see a train wreck in perpetual motion.
She (and the Sheeple) just aren't smart enough to know it. TLC and the networks are slow learners, too, but I'm thinking that they'll recognize that this is the beginning of the end.
Steve has been SPOTTED. Photo added to the post.
Thanks, readers!
Yeah the networks do love her, all the way to the bank. They use her just like she uses her kids. Difference is, she's a consenting adult.
Yes, they want her for her exceptional talent. That's why she was in the front row. She's being compared to Kim Kardashian, a woman famous for her sex tape. Kate is being made the laughing stock of Hollywood but you go on thinking she's just earning money.
Still sending those love offerings?
Who cares when Kate did not want to be married to Jon anymore? I don't. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce anyway and parents of multiples have an even higher rate of divorce. It takes two people to make a marriage work and it takes two people for a marriage to end.
If Jon writes a book I want to know about his very public womanizing, chronic lying, chronic unemployment, stealing, breaching his contract with TLC when he only had 5 months to go, why is he so broke, why he went weeks without seeing his children, why he tweets all the time about his kids now when he had the Twitter account for months and didn't tweet anything 'bout them, why he has not paid Hailey back the $200,000 she loaned him, what is real reason why Morgan Christie kicked him to the curb, did he sabotage his apartment, etc.
People need to get over Jon and Kate and why it is over. I do not know of anyone that publicly rehashes their relationship and divorce with a past lover.
MANY parents use/exploit their children. I'm sure Lawrence Fishburne, Kurt Russell, Jodie Foster, Christina Aguilara, Justin Timberlake, Bow Wow, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Janet Jackson and others are GLAD their parents used/exploited them.
Reality TV is a relative new TV genre that is very lucrative. Sometimes unknown everyday folks become celebrities and use it as a springboard to entry in the TV, film and music industries. Besides regular folks profiled on reality TV, there are business people, sports figures, film actors, etc., cashing in.
Elizabeth Haselbeck was on Survivor, Billy the Exterminator was profiled on Dirty Jobs, Wayne Brady was an audience member. The Teutels (American Chopper) are famous and Orange County Choppers is very profitable and I'm sure there are others.
Jon went from being chronically unemployed to being employed by TLC for 5/6 years and he became affluent and famous. Kate went from being a broke ass nurse to fame and fortune also.
The Masches (Raising Sextuplets), The Hayes family (Table for 12), the Duggars, the Roloffs, One Big Happy Family, Buddy Valastro (Cake Boss)........ All have profited financially being featured on reality TV.
How can somebody 21 years old be "chronically unemployed?"
Lawrence Fishburn's daughter is now making hard-core porn. Is that what you want for the Gosselin Children?
Goody2Shoes, yes lots of children have been exploited. That doesn't make it right. I disagree that everyone on that list was an exploited child. We don't really know that.
We need to look at the definition of exploitation. Loosely put, to mistreat or unfairly use for the benefit of others. The treatment of human beings as mere means to an end—or as mere objects. Many of us believe the Gosselin kids are undeniably being exploited.
As far as the Gosselins being glad they were exploited? Is that why Collin covers his face wherever he goes? The problem is they are not singers or actors like the Jacksons who would grow up to have amazing careers. This reality career is going nowhere and setting them up for nothing. What, they expect to have their own show when they are adults? They are not special, they are just normal kids--as they should be. The only thing they are doing is being dragged from one place to another while cameras film. Their mother hasn't set them up for life financially, she admitted it. So not sure what exactly they will be glad for when they are older. That they got carted to LA and Alaska and NYC and Florida when they were six?
"Parents of multiples have a higher divorce rate..."
BALONEY. or bologna or both. BBBBBALONEY Sheeple do ya hear me???
That is PURE B.S. that Hate made up off the top of her head - ANOTHER LIE. Go to ANY of the HOM websites and there will be at least one article saying "...a higher rate of divorce among parents of HOM HAS NOT been scientifically proven." SHE LIED SHE LIED SHE LIED.
Anyone else notice in that red carper interview clip how Kate's eyes turn dark the moment she's asked about the kids. Her expression goes from nervous to defensive in a nanosecond. She did the same thing on DWTS when one of the judges told her to get acting lessons. She hates it when anyone has her number. Kudos to the interviewer.
Red carpet, not carper. Geez, freudian slip. Got her confused with a cold fish.
"MANY parents use/exploit their children. I'm sure Lawrence Fishburne, Kurt Russell, Jodie Foster, Christina Aguilara, Justin Timberlake, Bow Wow, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Janet Jackson and others are GLAD their parents used/exploited them."
You forgot Paul Petersen. Why not wander over to A Minor Consideration and ask him if he's glad he was exploited by the entertainment industry?
"The Masches (Raising Sextuplets), The Hayes family (Table for 12), the Duggars, the Roloffs, One Big Happy Family, Buddy Valastro (Cake Boss)........ All have profited financially being featured on reality TV."
I don't think anyone believes that they've done this gratis. What's the point?
"If Jon writes a book I want to know about his very public womanizing, chronic lying, chronic unemployment, stealing, breaching his contract with TLC when he only had 5 months to go..."
Why? Maybe Kate isn't the one who needs a bodyguard!!
Another slam on the Kate's Emmy outfit. LOL!
Anyone who doesn't think Kate Gosselin is obsessed with being the center of attention needs a reality check! Seriously, I can't fault ET for hiring Gosselin following her much publicized stint on DWTS but what a nightmare for ET correspondents like Kevin Frazier and Steven "Cojo" Cojocaru both of whom had to interview Gosselin tonight and suffer through her idiotic comments and self-important attitude. At one point Gosselin actually pointed out to the camera she had no diamond ring on her 4th finger. What a loser.
Miss Goody really needs to channel her hate in another direction. We snark on Kate but hate the kids working. You sound like you personally have been shunned by the man.
Auntie Ann said...
Anyone else notice in that red carper interview clip how Kate's eyes turn dark the moment she's asked about the kids. Her expression goes from nervous to defensive in a nanosecond.
Yep, I caught that too.
"Miss Goody really needs to channel her hate in another direction. We snark on Kate but hate the kids working. You sound like you personally have been shunned by the man."
LOL!! I was just about to ask if she is a jilted lover! You beat me to it!
Why would she wear a dress that calls attention to the fact that she has no waistline? Who dresses this woman?
Added a new pic to the beggining of the post, check it out!
I think I figured out who Kate reminded me of. Sort of a poor man's Charlize Theron.
Steve seems more like a shadow rather than Kate's boyfriend. He's always looking over her shoulder or observing her. That's some strange relationship they have there.
Or Rebecca Romaine Stamos O Connell.
Haha I just thought of something - remember that article That said Kate wanted a man like David Hasselhoff or Jeff Goldblum? Wonder if either was there at the Emmys? Could you imagine Kate trying to introduce herself to them? Or trying to get an interview, if it's true she was doing after party ones? She'd wanna hope neither of them read that article and want to keep as far away from her as possible lol.
Now she wants to try acting! Hasn't she been acting all along?
What are the chances that "another" man with an "accent" would be at the bus stop? Geesh! Yes, to us, an Aussie or New Zealand accent sound the SAME! What world do these sheeple live in???
Didn't watch but gosh, her stylist hates her, lol. Why do they keep making her look so old? Since playing mother to her own kids is too dull for Kate no doubt she is trying out for some movie roll playing somebody's mother.
Did she say "the kids don't see the cameras" when asked how the kids feel about being filmed again??? Really?
I just laughed my ass off when I saw the pic of Steve in the back round, bow tie and all. Watching our Queen from a far.
JFS in IL said... OK, I can admit the gag of the Glee folks and Tina coming across Kate in her awful red dress was funny, and I am sure Kate knew she was the butt of the joke yet went along with it. OK.
That said, she had NO BUSINESS being on the stage with the actual TALENT for that opening number!!!!
Yes, exactly. Precisely on point.
Comcast report:
"But the show started with a bang as Fallon joined forces with stars from ‘Glee’ who complained, that, in the tradition of the high school players they play, they couldn’t afford the tickets to the Emmycast. Solution: put on a show! The ‘Glee’ stars joined forces with Tina Fey (’30 Rock’), Jon Hamm (’Mad Men’), Jorge Garcia (’Lost’), Randy Jackson (’American Idol’) and others in a song-and-dance rendition of ‘Born to Run,’ complete with Fallon in jeans and T-shirt channeling Bruce Springsteen."
---"and others" -- "Look, kids, they mentioned MY name!"
She wants to be an actress:
In fact, performing alongside the likes of Fey, Jon Hamm and Joel McHale made Gosselin think that maybe there’s more to this Hollywood thing than just doing reality shows. “Doing that little part in the skit was so amazing for me, being around so many wonderful actors. I so want to give it a try!” Gosselin said. “I think it is so fun to be somebody else, to get out of me and be somebody else.”
This remark confirms it in my mind that her show is about over. Once again she puts it out there what she wants. Boy, does she think she is hot stuff. It looks like her head is so big now that I'm thinking she doesn't need the kids anymore. Fine. Go for it.
I wonder what Gina Neild thinks when she sees her husband in a tux escorting Kate in Hollywood? Did the other stars have bodyguards there? Can't say as I know, but I'm sure there was adequate security at the event. So, if Kate goes Hollywood, would Steve move out there? How would she explain that to the sheeple?
Good morning all.
I'm not a fan of kate, but here
s my (prolly unpopular) opinion.
I loved the Emmy's. I thought Jimmy Fallon did a great job and the entire production was entertaining. While I'm not sure why Kate was chosen (except that it was a comedy skit and we are all laughing at her anyway)I realized that the Emmy's are about television and like it or not, reality TV is a huge part of our tv culture now. For a split second I had a fear that K+8 was up for an Emmy (and I would have died if she (and not the 8)but thankfuly I was hallucinating.
Anyway, I'm just thankful that she was a mere blip in the show.
In the live portion of the opening she's dancing with the dude from Lost in the back row. They knew she wasn't important enough to be with John Hamm!
Bodyguard my ass.
Oh Crap..didn't play the video this time, once was enuf. She claims she wants to be an actress real bad now and that Reality TV for her is over. Read it on another site. I knew as soon as she could get her hoof through the door she would leave her kids and TLC in the dust. What makes her think anyone in Hollywood would take this ding bat seriously?
Another bad review
Must Love Dogs said... Oh Crap..didn't play the video this time, once was enuf. She claims she wants to be an actress real bad now and that Reality TV for her is over. Read it on another site.
You read that she said Reality TV is over for her? Do you have a link? Thanks.
Notice how when an interviewer asks her if people are saying things to her, Kate acts dumb and says, "In regard to what?" (She did the same thing when a reporter asked her if her first book was "hard to write.") No one was approaching her (well, because she's Kate), but she didn't want to say it, just like she didn't/couldn't admit that she didn't write the first book!
Oh, Kate. Wish I could take more credit for having your number, but your act is so transparent, it takes the art out of it.
Random question. Would Kate have needed a SAG card to appear at The Emmys?
This might have been a way for her to GET a SAG card. I believe you only need one line to get one.
lalaland said... In the live portion of the opening she's dancing with the dude from Lost in the back row. They knew she wasn't important enough to be with John Hamm!
Careful there, Lala...I love Lost, miss it very much, and I LOVE Hurley, Jorge Garcia. I almost cried that they paired her with him...he's a sweetie though so I'm sure he handled it much better then I did. Even my husband asked what in the WORLD was she doing at the Emmy's! And Maddy, aka Anon @6:09am is right...Reality TV is overtaking our televisions and our culture. This generation and the next, if we're not careful, will strive to be reality tv stars instead of something with dignity. Our society is taking a deep dive off a short cliff.
"Do you, or does anyone here have any insights as to what causes narcisism? I don't believe Kate was abused or neglected as a child. Maybe she was born with the "wannabe" gene? Another question, are narcissists ever REALLY happy?"
I was formally married to a narcisist, and my ex MIL was one, I think the grandmother was one also, based on the stories I heard. It makes me wonder if it is a learned behavior. That said, there may be narcissists who have not had any in their family line.
I think it boils down to a since of self absorbed entitlement unnaturally mutated into something abnormal and monstrous, like we see in the monster Kate.
I will venture to guess that at least one of the evil woman's kids will walk away a full blown narcissist and the others will have issues at varying levels to deal with.
I think Mady will walk away the healthiest, as she seems to be the most willing to challenge her mothers evil, hateful and selfish behavior.
I watched the Emmys. I love award shows like this (and the Oscars). I always dreamed of being an actress and had huge aspirations when I was a kid. My mother was narcissistic and told me I had no talent. (she was always depressed and couldn't stand anyone else being happy around her).
I hope Kate doesn't stifle her children's dreams if they differ from "her" plan.
Anyway...I loved the show last night. Jimmy Fallon was a riot. I loved the opening act with the Glee kids. Kate did ok (it pains me to say that). I thought her acting wasn't terrible...but the camera definitely knew not to stay on her expression for too long as she has no acting experience and she doesn't know how to hold a pose for any length of time without looking awkward.
I didn't see any pics of before or after until I came here. Kate looks out of her element and desperate.
I also think delusional is a perfect fit for Kate's acting aspirations. Seriously Kate? People go to school for years to perfect their talent. Yes Kate, TALENT. Acting is not all parties and awards shows. It's hard work. It is learning how to take directions from someone else. It's using real words someone else has written and making them come to life. It's not making up words, yelling at other people, blaming other people and eating at fancy restaurants!
I think I'd really like to be a neurosurgeon.....I'm going to get a bodyguard and go down to the hospital in some hooker heels and see if someone will let me do surgery'ish on their brain thingy.
Khate would lie when the truth would serve her better. They don't see the cameras just the crew. Ok, what about that boom mike hanging in front of their face which if they made a sudden move would slap them in the face. I guess they don't see that either just the beloved sound man behind it. Newsflash - there is something terribly wrong in your children's lives if they love the crew (mostly new) that much dear.
"Kathy said...
Or Rebecca Romaine Stamos O Connell."
Not even a "poor man's" Rebecca Romijin. I never saw an orange Rebecca, and she has a waistline!
Her personality...well, maybe!
I love this blog and follow it daily, but have never posted before.
That dress she wore is something else. At least it was modest and the shoes were actually decent.
With the two sheer insets on top and the long one on the bottom it kind of looks like an evil jack o' lantern face grinning on the front.
Loved the opening skit, not so much Kate's involvement though. So glad she was way in the back and didn't get much camera time.
That dress is a fashion don't. It's wrinkled all the way down the front. Big no no.
It's the Emmy Awards-I'd choose something that didn't look like I bought it at JCPenny's.
No offense to JCP.
The makeup is spot on, and her hair is OK, just OK. Again, it's not up to the level it needs to be for such an event.
I think I know why kate always looks like a sausage when she gets dressed up.It is due to wearing Spanx! I tried a pair on one time,but did look like a sausage,as the fat rolls don't just go away,they are just all smushed together,looking all stuffed in,with no defination of a waist.I have seen this on other women who have worn Spanx,as well as myself-no,I did not keep them! I wonder,with all of her kids'money,all her help,all the sleep and rest she must get-why does she ALWAYS look so much older than her 35 years?? Not as if she works soo hard.
Hot in NYC said...
That dress is a fashion don't. It's wrinkled all the way down the front. Big no no.
It's the Emmy Awards-I'd choose something that didn't look like I bought it at JCPenny's.
No offense to JCP.
The makeup is spot on, and her hair is OK, just OK. Again, it's not up to the level it needs to be for such an event.
Her bracelet and ring were nice touches but the earrings were way to small. She needed some earrings that were a little bigger and possibly a different style.
I love in every picture of the opening skit, they cut Kate out. Its just Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey & the Glee cast. No Kate! Love it!!
"Loved the opening skit, not so much Kate's involvement though. So glad she was way in the back and didn't get much camera time."
I'll never be able to listen to Bruce again and not think of her. Darn...why does she have to ruin everything sacred! LOL!
So basically a narcissist is nothing more than a spoiled-brat who was raised to think the world should be handed to them because they were never given any responsibilities? Wow, sounds a lot like my brother to be honest...
And it does sound like Kate, I hope her kids don't pick up these habits but...this is what they know any chance her kids could be better than she is?
Wow the sheeple are really bleating their last baaa.
There are hardly any commments on the Emmys over on the dark side. But look at all the outrage here.
Last night I saw Joan Rivers and three other people talking about the emmys and the red carpet. Joan was hilarious when she talked about Kate Gosselin. She had everyone in stitches. Wish this could be replayed on the internet.
Also, I hope kate saw the show, too. That should have brought her down a peg or two. Kate is a no-class nasty person. Notice how fat she got? It must be from raising all those kids and hard work!
Moose Mania said... Anonymous said...
I have an idea on this. It sure looks like Twist of Kate is not going to happen.
Except that it's scheduled in television listings DISH) to begin in November. Who knows what the story is with this?
Twist of Kate has been removed from the TLC website. If it were going to premiere in November, don't you think there would be plenty of promos for it on TLC and that Hate would be flapping her lips about it any chance she got? We have not heard one single word about it from TLC and Hate. Interesting.
Lauren said... Hot in NYC said...
That dress is a fashion don't. It's wrinkled all the way down the front. Big no no.
It's the Emmy Awards-I'd choose something that didn't look like I bought it at JCPenny's.
The dress was a disaster. It looked cheesy and very polyester-"ish." The cowl thing hanging down over the chest was a terrible choice for her - her boobs are far too big and they were exposed through the mesh of the dress. That kind of cowl thing only flatters flat-chested or very small breasted women. But, why should we be surprised by her choice of attire? She has no fashion sense, no taste, and no class. She only knows how to dress like a $2 'ho.
Hot in NYC said...
That dress is a fashion don't. It's wrinkled all the way down the front. Big no no.
It's the Emmy Awards-I'd choose something that didn't look like I bought it at JCPenny's.
No offense to JCP.
The makeup is spot on, and her hair is OK, just OK. Again, it's not up to the level it needs to be for such an event.
Her bracelet and ring were nice touches but the earrings were way to small. She needed some earrings that were a little bigger and possibly a different style.
Must Love Dogs said... Oh Crap..didn't play the video this time, once was enuf. She claims she wants to be an actress real bad now and that Reality TV for her is over. Read it on another site.
You read that she said Reality TV is over for her? Do you have a link? Thanks.
Notice how when an interviewer asks her if people are saying things to her, Kate acts dumb and says, "In regard to what?" (She did the same thing when a reporter asked her if her first book was "hard to write.") No one was approaching her (well, because she's Kate), but she didn't want to say it, just like she didn't/couldn't admit that she didn't write the first book!
Oh, Kate. Wish I could take more credit for having your number, but your act is so transparent, it takes the art out of it.
Random question. Would Kate have needed a SAG card to appear at The Emmys?
Coming out of "lurk mode" for a little bit...
For anyone curious, Kate's handler is seen wearing a tux (in the background) milling about, ready to tackle her attacker(s).
For the record- I did not watch the Emmys, but I AM enjoying all the negative reviews Ms. Heinous is receiving from viewers,etc...
Too bad Kate doesn't realise what a big, joke she is....
What is she famous for again?...
Oh Crap..didn't play the video this time, once was enuf. She claims she wants to be an actress real bad now and that Reality TV for her is over. Read it on another site. I knew as soon as she could get her hoof through the door she would leave her kids and TLC in the dust. What makes her think anyone in Hollywood would take this ding bat seriously?
Wasn't she supposed to be interviewing someone? When did this happen?
You can also see the gray-haired man(stevie) on BM blogsite,as well as kate posing for a picture with Jane Lynch,who just married a woman as her wife this past spring.
The hallmark of a narcissist is the development of a superiority complex as a response to feeling inferior. This involves exaggerating his own achievements and putting down anyone that he perceives as a threat.
The following parenting behaviors may result in a child becoming a narcissist in adulthood:
Permissive parents who give excessive praise to the child, thus fostering an unrealistic view of themselvesRef
Overindulgence and spoiling by parentsRef
Failing to impose adequate disciplineRef
Idealization of the childRef
A child who is spoiled or idealized will grow into an adult who expects this pattern to continue. Idealization may require the child to suppress their own self-expression to meet the desires of the parent and to gain their love and approval. To develop a realistic image of the self the child must be provided with realistic information of discipline and reasonable limits must be set by the parents as to what the child can and cannot do. Narcissists generally feel unprepared for adulthood, having been fostered with an unrealistic view of life.
Anon 7:54, I was raised by a textbook narcissist and I'm not an insecure underachiever. Her kids CAN overcome the effect of having her as a mother. It will be hard, but with counseling and a lot of work, they can do it. I do feel for them, they have a long road ahead.
If anything I went the opposite direction and hate any attention or spotlight on me. I nearly didn't attend my own baby shower because I was too embarrassed at being the guest of honor. Seriously. I had to learn how to balance things out, that I didn't have to be the exact opposite of my mother, who was an attention hog to the nth degree.
And I've achieved plenty, I'm not sure that's related. I have a master's degree and have gone far in my field, but my mother got her master's too. She really didn't have the entitlement issues that Kate seems to have. She worked for what she got, she just wanted and demanded that everything be about her all the time.
Lauren, basically.
I'm the one who was raised by a narcissistic mom. I've seen this kind of person up close for far too long.
Yes, Kate was aware of the joke in the actual skit. She didn't care, and wouldn't. What mattered is that she was in a skit with stars on TV, which in her mind means SHE'S A STAR!
Then they allowed her to actually be part of the dance number on stage. Her estimation of her star quality in her own head was already wildly out of proportion with reality; this has just put it in the stratosphere.
The bad thing about that, for her, is that when her inevitable drop from the public eye happens (and it will happen, sooner rather than later), it will be all that more stunning to her, since she's thinking she's a REAL star with the kind of qualities it takes to be one.
And we all know (hell, even some people who like her will admit) that she doesn't have those qualities. There's basically nothing she can do TV or movie wise. At all.
Anyway, all of this would be news to her. It's kind of pathetic to watch, really. But yes, narcissists like, want, need, crave ANY attention. Good attention is best, obviously. But just as long as everything is ABOUT THEM, then they're ok. They really feel very badly about themselves inside, so the overinflated false ego is all they have and they fear losing it, so they have to pump themselves up constantly.
You know, when you put your trash to the curb, it's available for anyone to go through it. Kate's trash has been to the curb many times.
Tina Fey's Emmy acceptance speech from a few years ago was very moving: "I want to thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done -- that is what all parents should do!"
Tina Fey has more talent in her little finger....
Thanks for posting the video, Admin! It made me howl all over again! That part in the dance where they are hunched over and snapping their fingers while moving toward the left? She looks like she's trying to hit the toilet before puking!!! Maybe they should lay her on the laundry room floor for her own good. Oh my gosh, I am enjoying this wayyyyyyyyyy too much.
OK, I can admit the gag of the Glee folks and Tina coming across Kate in her awful red dress was funny, and I am sure Kate knew she was the butt of the joke yet went along with it. OK.
That said, she had NO BUSINESS being on the stage with the actual TALENT for that opening number!!!!
She is not a good actress erther
The part Kate was in on video (pre-taped)
I'm having fun reading all your comments! Tomorrow should be interesting! Don't y'all think she looks like Kelly Pickler's mom? Not only looks like her mom, but that she looks OLD ENOUGH to be Kelly's mom, even though Kelly is 24.
Administrator said...
Bingo. The problem with a lot of the comments here is that they are made from the perspective of people who are mentally stable. You are imposing your mental stability on Kate. The narcissist's brain simply isn't wired like ours.
So any attention is what she craves - good or bad?
Anonymous Love your description of Kate as a Neanderthal, baby bearing mammal! I burst out laughing when I read that. Great description!!
Well, what can we say folks? She's there in all her glory rubbing shoulders and guffawing like a donkey with the Al Pacinos, Tom Hanks, and Glenn Close's of the world. Whether we like it or not. Not! As for the get-up...I say it's an improvement on her usual transvestite, titties-exposed, CFM shoes, etc. Unfortunately, the hair-do, dress and high-sheen smooth botox-ish forehead, make her look 50+ years old. Exactly what most of the folk on that red carpet are trying to avoid. She looks like she could be the mother of one of the 20-something starlets... Sigh...it seems she will simply NEVER go away. I hope she gets at least a bit of "and you would be WHO?" attitude from the legits.
Kate loves this kind of thing way more than hanging out with the kids, that's obvious. She even admitted it in her book, she truly loves the media she said.
She was grinning like a cheshire cat at the Emmys. And also when she was making money at the consignment shop. But bringing her kids to the bus stop for the milestone first day of school? FROWNS all around.
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