Just for fun ...
Kate's Emmys Cameo 

2010 Primetime Emmy Awards, Sunday August 29, 8 p.m. ET on NBC (pre-shows begin several hours before on various networks).

Keeping a lookout for snipers or gazing at his girlfriend amorously? Kate's boyfriend/bodyguard and Emmys date spotted on the red carpet by an eagle-eyed reader.

3:30PM PST: Ross the intern (Ross Mathews) gets a dancing lesson with Chelsea Hightower. "That wasn't that bad. I was at least a little better than Kate Gosselin, right?" Ross quipped.
4PM PST: Kate arrives on the Red Carpet in a modest black gown, hair slicked back and makeup heavy. The kids love filming, she made sure to tell reporters. Defensive much, Kate? Why, has it been suggested they don't love filming?
5PM PST: Kate in full Paparazzi costume offers to join the Glee singers to help raise money for Emmy tickets. Tiny Fey says yeah thanks but no thanks. Audience laughs.
5:10PM PST: Kate joins other real celebs like Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey on stage for a Glee spinoff opening to the show.

290 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»I think if she is actually on stage as part of the show, her gown will be very appropriate for the mother of 8 children. I'm sure TLC will insist on it. I think her hair will be done up in curls rather than the stick-straight mess she usually wears.
If she is in some kind of opening skit or something, I assume there will be costuming selected for her by the Emmy organization that will fit the theme of the skit.
Somebody will have to fill me in, because I won't be watching. I don't care for the Emmy awards anyway, but this year will be particularly uninteresting to me.
Just what this narcisscist needs, more exposure. She thinks everyone loves her, in a few years she won't be but a distant memory.
I'm surprised there aren't any pics of The Queen and Steve flying out to LA. I would imagine all the real actors will snub her now more than ever if she is really getting the reported salary of 250k per episode for being nothing more than a royal bitch who knowingly had a litter of kids to make money from. Actors work for years to get descent parts and TV roles in that business many never get to where they want to be after many years of struggling. It's an insult to real actors and actresses that she's even there at all.
I don't watch the Emmy Show ever - just a lot of people patting each other on the back. I just hope if Kate is appearing on stage they don't include a "clip" from one of the shows with the children. If she is interviewing on the red carpet, I predict she will make a fool of herself - cackling away while she interupts the "stars". I'll just be contect knowing the children will be safely thousands of miles away, looking forward to going back to school on Monday instead of going to "work".
While I won't be watching, the thought of Kate having to speak about other people fascinates me.
Having to tell people how nice they look, ask who their wearing. I know her ear piece will tell her the name of the real celebrity and what they were nominated for but for once, it's not going to be about her. How many times will say she she can't wear something like that because she's the mother of 8.
Jimmy was on Larry King and my understanding is that she will be with several other "celebrities" in the opening act. I don't think there will be a one-on-one with just her.
It really doesn't matter what she does.She will end up being the comedy act for the evening anyway.
She's a big joke and a laughing stock,just being used for ratings,for all the media.
The funniest thing to me is....she doesn't even know it!
I believe that she will be dressed like an "upgraded hooker",on TLC's dime.
Just like they have paid for Steve's tux !
I've never watched and won't start now, but I hope you'll fill us in with some details, such as how much boobage is on display, who her date is, and how many times she interrupts the real stars she is supposed to interview, to interject something about herself.
EMS chick.. I dare you to go over to ROL and say that! lol ;) Those fools would trip all over themselves to tear it apart. Funny thing is that it would only be about 3 or 4 commentors and they would work it with a rabid furor that would justify Steve being Kates BG.
Maybe they'll haul her onstage strapped to a fridge cart - like they did Billy Crystal a la Hannibal Lector style at the Oscars one year - wearing her stupid red pa pa paparazzi paso doble dress, with her mouth duct-taped shut. And then haul her right off again.
I'm going to ask again... HOW did this *talentle$$* $hrew get this job at the Emmy's?? NOBODY seems to know.
I am pretty sure that the skit will include her wearing that red,fugly outfit,and the paparazzi song she butchered her "dance" to.She is such a laughing stock,she should really have her own comedy show,without the kids,as everyone always laughs so hard at her stupidity.
If you get a chance, check out the clip from America's Got Talent where the 2 little kids dance the same # that Kate butchered. These kids were awesome!
"Just what this narcisscist needs, more exposure. She thinks everyone loves her, in a few years she won't be but a distant memory."
I'm not so sure. I think she'll be written about in many journals of psychology and psychiatry, and referenced in quite a few addresses by child psychologists, therapists and the like. It will be interesting to see how this goes down in entertainment history, as more and more reality television families fall prey to network predators. She'll be the topic of study among sociologists, and there will be research conducted into the demographics of those who supported this exploitation, a.k.a. "sheeple."
The family will be the subject of many a graduate thesis on the dysfunctional family as it pertains to the exploitation of children in the entertainment industry.
It's not how she wants to be remembered, but that's the way the cookie will crumble.
Julianna said... It will be interesting to see how this goes down in entertainment history, as more and more reality television families fall prey to network predators. She'll be the topic of study among sociologists, and there will be research conducted into the demographics of those who supported this exploitation, a.k.a. "sheeple."
I agree, however don't leave out the phenomenon of the "haterz" and their blogs as well.
One man's "hater" is another man being outraged that something like this could happen to eight little kids brought into this world just to make money for their parents while their mother stomps around at the Emmys brushing shoulders with real celebs. So if that's hate, so be it.
Sorry, didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. I was using the term "haterz" sarcastically. Notice the quotation marks and spelling? That's what the Kate fans call anyone who criticizes Kate.
Listen, I'm still baffled that she has anything worthy to give the Emmys never mind actually be a part of it. Anyways I believe her comedy skit will be maybe 1 minute with Jimmy Kimmel doing her dance to Paparazzi. She will be stuck outside with a mice and dumbfounded on who these people are and what movies they have been in. Betch her PR team is going over it right now with her as she lays tanning by the pool side.
She is a correspondent for ET...
I'm speechless
Sorry, I meant a 1 minute pre/recorded dance routine with Jimmy Kimmel and she will thrown outside with a mic to her hand dumbfounded. I do not believe her part will be live thats why I said pre/recorded, but then again nothing surprises me anymore with her.
I'd much rather see Octomom be invited to the Emmys and be a correspondent to E than this woman.
I heard octo is going to be on DWTS, I think I would much rather see octo on the emmys as well atleast she isn't pimping out here children even though she has had many offers to do so....
Does everyone remember when she 'interviewed' the other DWTS people for ET? Her famous line, that she repeated over and over was 'Whattayathink'. What an utter dunce. She is so impressed with herself and doesn't even realize she is the butt of the joke. I will not be watching and I won't miss it. I never watch the Emmy's anyway so it's no big deal. But I surely wouldn't watch even if I loved the Emmy's.
So, the Emmy's are dumbing down this year. What a shame.
I'm actually kind of glad she's doing this, because the more she's around real celebs, the faster people will see that she sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't belong, and the faster Hollywood will tire of her and kick her to the curb. I doubt very seriously her presence will boost ratings, and when these producers/ execs realize she was a waste of time, money and their sanity, they'll stop having her around.
I predict come Monday, the tabloids will have stories of her diva'ish behavior, and stories of people she insulted or was rude to while she was in LA.
"Hollywood will tire of her and kick her to the curb. I doubt very seriously her presence will boost ratings, and when these producers/ execs realize she was a waste of time, money and their sanity, they'll stop having her around."
...then why hasn't it happened yet? Why does it take so long for these producers/execs to learn? Wouldn't you think that the DWTS fiasco would have been a wake-up call? Nope...the're gluttons for punishment, and keep repeating the same mistakes in hopes of generating ratings.
It's hard to say how people will react to her. Just keep in mind that although she wants to be a real star and command an army of servants, her type of fame won't last. Doesn't she realize that the real stars aren't the ones with the mic in hand.
Kate is an insult to EVERY hard working star who pays their dues. That includes the child actor all the way up to the seasoned actor of your parents generation. Kate is part of a bigger problem.
The desire to give every fool a reality show and pay them insane amounts of money for a commodity that has a limited shelf life. Why? Because the public wants to see the latest train wreck. Thats why Cop's has been so successful over the years.
This is OT but when someone mentions that the real stars don't know who Kate is, it reminded me of a few weeks ago when my husband and I were at a fertility clinic. We are starting IUI treatments in the next couple of months. I had just finished telling the doctor about a friend of mine who is in her second pregnancy using the clinics services. The doc asked if we had any questions and I asked (with tounge firmly planted in cheek) if while using clomed I would end up like Kate Gosselin. The doc looked confused and asked if that was my friend. I said no Kate from Jon and Kate plus 8. She responded laughingly that no I wouldn't get 8 kids, and that multiples are not the goal. (which I know, but being a twin myself I can only dream) So if everyone could cross their fingers for me that would be great.
So a well respected fertility doctor has never heard of Kate.
Kate is going to be interviewing "stars" at the ET after-Emmys party.
Turd-boy Jon Go$$elin was out partying at ULTRABAR in Washington DC Friday night until 3am in the morning Saturday. What a douche bag. He has EIGHT children. He is not a 20-year-old college frat boy. I can't wait until Ellen Ross wises up to him and dumps him. Seriously, what kind of a future does Ellen have with a fat, balding jerk with EIGHT kids???
Good point Troy - the *STARS* aren't the ones with the mic in their hand trying to get an interview! I am confident Kate will make an ass of herself in one way or another as usual. And I agree that there are probably a number of real, hard-working ACTORS AND ACTRESSES (vs. reality fakes) who have their noses out of joint now that they know how much money she commands per episode, not to mention her diva ways. Even some of her D-list co-stars on DWTS referred to her as a "nobody". Believe she's way out of her league with this one. I hope she is snubbed and embarrassed for the imposter she is - not so different than the White House dinner crashers...nothing but an imposter.
Marge as much as you or I may not like his choice of employment, it was at least a paying gig. Frankly, Jon & Kate would both be better served by 9 to 5 jobs like most people. Then the Gosselin children could live in a somewhat normal childhood. At least he didn't use the kids this time the way Kate always does!
Gawd, how many times is she going to say:
"I'm a single mom!"
"I have eight kids."
"When I was on DWTS, I...like...totally had to......."
"Did I mention I have 8 kids?"
"Honestly, ...."
"To be honest, ...."
"So how...like...do you rate me? How am I'm doing?"
"This is soooooo fun...hee hee hee. I could do this all the time because I...like...totally...have the gift of gab!!!"
@Marge..."He has EIGHT children."
Okay. He has eight children. What if he had one child? Would it be acceptable then? He had a paying job at a bar. He went. They paid. He was out until 3 a.m. (allegedly). He's unmarried. His children were at home with the nanny. Is a single father not allowed to be out until 3 a.m. when his children are in bed under a nanny's supervision? He was not dragging his children all over New York City during a heat wave.
Should he have a curfew? Is there a rule book of do's, do not's, and penalties for a father of eight who misbehaves?
You forgot the million
Let's hope they make her spit out the gum before she speaks! We really don't need to see her chewing her cud!
Of course K8 will make a complete ass of herself. Why would/should we expect anything different ?
Turd-boy douche bag fat, balding jerk
Hey Marge
A little harsh dont you think? If it's not his turn for visitation you know Kate won't let him see the kids. Should he just stay home because he's a father?
Barbara, I DO remember that! After the first couple of "whaddayathink" follow-ups to her own question, accompanied with a self-satisfied look to the camera instead of looking at the person providing the reply, I was thinking, "OMG, how many times can she do that?" Then I had a few more thoughts of, "I can't believe it, she just did it again!" She was terrible. But she seemed quite pleased with herself, didn't she?
I sure hope Kate and Steve get some much needed "alone time" while in L.A., because I sense that after this she's going to be at home for a long stretch.
As for Kate's ET gig, I imagine it will be nothing but a disaster.
PatK said...
I sure hope Kate and Steve get some much needed "alone time" while in L.A., because I sense that after this she's going to be at home for a long stretch.
If Twisted Kate is supposed to premiere in November, I would think that she's going to be busy filming...flipping pancakes, hauling trash, and giving parenting advice to families on budgets.
Does Steve go home when she and the children aren't filming, or does he just hang around to take them to the bus stop?
Jon Gosselin needs to set the record straight about who broke up the marriage and when he and Kate officially began living separate lives while pretending to be happily married for the sake of the show. That is step 1. Step 2 is to settle the question once and for all about Steve Neild and what role, if any, he has played in Kate's reimaging/branding. Frankly I don't think anyone really believes Kate Gosselin needs a full time bodyguard as much as she needs someone to help her be Kate Gosselin without losing her mind.
MARGE said...
Turd-boy Jon Go$$elin was out partying at ULTRABAR in Washington DC Friday night until 3am in the morning Saturday. What a douche bag. He has EIGHT children. He is not a 20-year-old college frat boy. I can't wait until Ellen Ross wises up to him and dumps him. Seriously, what kind of a future does Ellen have with a fat, balding jerk with EIGHT kids???
Hey Marge, Jon needs to get the kinks out after being chained down by Kate. No need to be so harsh.
@ Marge, So what, Who Cares, he left his kids at home and got paid without throwing them out there. Kate on the other hand has to ride her kids coat tails to make the dough.
love the 8 kids comments from the sheeple, if Jon had 6 kids or maybe 7 it would have been okay.
I think she got the job because TLC has very deep pockets and bought her the job.That's likely why she is just doing the AFTER party,and not the red carpet.Tlc is not dumb enough to parade this hayseed around the red carpet,making a fool of herself,everytime she opens her mouth, like DWTS fiasco.And by the way Marge,does kate have a curfew that night,like you think Jon should have?? If she truly cared about those kids,she would have had the kids stay with their Dad, instead of alone,with nannies.
Jon gets a curfew from the Sheeple but Kate gets a free pass, figures
Jon needs to take his kids off TV for good and stop cashing his hush money from TLC. I'm not defending him on that point. But Jon didn't even have the kids when he was in DC. He and Ellen went down to D.C. for this event. Jon made a public appearance at this place, he wasn't just "bar hopping". It was scheduled, he was booked by POP which hosts parties. This is what a lot of celebs do. The Real World former cast does this ALL THE TIME.
Sooo...Jon can't make public appearances when the kids are not with him? Did the sheeple never set foot around alcohol after their kids were born? It's not okay to go to a bar if you have kids? But it is okay if you don't? Sorry I didn't see the "no parents" sign outside the bars I've been to.
Irony is there is probably a lot more inappropriate crazy shit that goes down at Emmy parties Kate will be at then some mediocre bar in D.C.
"Jon gets a curfew from the Sheeple but Kate gets a free pass, figures"
Looks that way, doesn't it? He's supposed to sit at home on non-visitation nights, and she's off and running to NYC with Steve, and then off to the Emmys! Typical sheeple thinking...
"And by the way Marge,does kate have a curfew that night,like you think Jon should have??"
If not, then why not? After all, she has EIGHT kids, too! She should be on the red-eye back to the kids before 3 a.m., instead of enjoying champagne at an after-awards party!
I have an idea on this. It sure looks like Twist of Kate is not going to happen. Kate is not happy about that. But TLC needs to keep her happy so they can keep filming the kids while stringing her along.
So they arrange things like DWTS and the Emmys (by putting down a lot of money and making a lot of calls) to keep her happy and distracted. It's all about keeping Kate just happy enough to give TLC access to the kids. If for any reason the kids can't be filmed anymore, Kate's "gigs" will suddenly dry up.
This isn't all that an original of a theory and it seems right on the money to me.
Anonymous said...
I have an idea on this. It sure looks like Twist of Kate is not going to happen.
Except that it's scheduled in television listings DISH) to begin in November. Who knows what the story is with this?
Marge Who cares if Jon is out at 3am at a paying gig? He's grown man not a teenager. And why does it matter that he has 8 yes 8 kids at their Mother's house?? What if he has 3 or 4 would it then be ok? I'm soo sick of 8 kids blah, blah, blah, who cares. As I've posted before I am one of 9 kids who was raised and sent to college without the benefit of a reality show. Imagine that?? And I never heard my mother bitch about her kids even once. She chose to have 8 kids just shut out and deal with it.
MARGE said... what kind of a future does Ellen have with a fat, balding jerk with EIGHT kids???
So Marge if we use your logic....what kind of a future does (insert name here - Jamie/Steve) have with a horse toothed jack-ass (Kate) with EIGHT kids??? It works both ways my dear
I'm more concerned with the future of eight kids who happen to be the product of the "horse-toothed jackass" mother and the "fat, balding jerk" dad. They're going to be sorry they've done this to them when their children start getting older. We who have grown kids know the early years are the easy ones. When they hit puberty - look out. Jon and Kate are in for a huge surprise. They'd better hang on to their nannies because neither one of them is mature enough to handle the real-life parenting part.
This isn't meant to pick on you, butt......
WHY is it that no one ever says "What kind of future does Yawn have" - by himself?
Why is everything in his life always framed by the relationship he's currently in?
Today someone finally asked what the future holds for Take; does she think TLC is going to support her until she dies, just because she was dumb and selfish enough to turn over her life, and the lives of her children, to a money hungry conglomerate of strangers? This too shall pass... nothing is forever. For being a "goal-directed gifted gabber" she sure as hell hasn't made any long range plans for her life. Except for wanting a "man."
Sometimes it just amazes me how relationship-oriented our society is. Didn't anyone's parents teach them the importance of being "...first a person, then a partner...?" Such shallow lives, without a thought concerning what kind of PERSON I am, YOU are; what qualities and values do I possess that make me valuable and desirable as a human being? Only then will I have something to offer my children, my partner, my spouse. In the world of UNreality t.v., it seems everyone's worth is tied up with WHO they're attached to.
Yawn's 15 mins. of going back to high school have gone in to overtime; the vanity license plate on that horrendous van is obsolete. Time to graduate from self-centeredness and egoism and move on to bigger and brighter horizons. After all, he's got HOW MANY kids to rolemodel for? Oh yeah. Eight.
So someone cannot have a future with someone else who is fat and balding? Wow tell that to half of America's happily married wives.
Alana myself and others said ages ago that the second TLC has no use for Kate they will drop her like a rock. For her to actually think this is her career and that she's good to go is irresponsible and illogical. It shows how green she is to the world of entertainment where the hottest star at one moment is nobody the next. She acts like this concept won't touch her. The day will come when TLC will drop her. With the exception of consignment shopping the other day, she hasn't done a single thing in the past 24 months to demonstrate she's prepared for the REAL reality of her life after TLC.
"...the world of entertainment where the hottest star at one moment is nobody the next.
Touche', Administrator, touche'.
You've nailed it.
I just had a thought. We think that Kate used to look more wholesome and prettier - and now she is looking cheaper and almost hooker-ish. Well, her outside is now, finally, starting to match her insides. She is making herself into what she really is. JMO
Admin said: "So someone cannot have a future with someone else who is fat and balding?"
Didn't you mean to say, "So someone cannot have a future with someone who is fat and balding?" The "else" in there implies that the both people (the woman, too) are fat and balding! LOL!
Does Steve go home when she and the children aren't filming, or does he just hang around to take them to the bus stop?
Steve is only with Kate when he is being paid to be there. He was not at the bus stop, he was at home with his family. People find it very hard to grasp the fact it is his job, nothing more nothing less. This continued speculation really is just so boring.
Anonymous said... Does Steve go home when she and the children aren't filming, or does he just hang around to take them to the bus stop?
Steve is only with Kate when he is being paid to be there. He was not at the bus stop, he was at home with his family. People find it very hard to grasp the fact it is his job, nothing more nothing less. This continued speculation really is just so boring.
Interesting because both ROL and US reported he was there, and he can be heard speaking to the pap in one of the videos.
I find bald men HOT. Maybe I'm weird that way. BTW Jon is not bald.
A horse toothed jack-ass, not so hot.
(laurie I spit up my coffee on that line!)
I live in the DC area and have passed by ULTRABAR. It is a nightclub/dance club. POP brings in various people to host parties so it was a job. The Examiner is a free paper given out at the Metro and other locations. On Friday, the Yeas and Nays column had a story about Jon blocking the event planner on Twitter by mistake.
I agree with the substance of your comment. Why would Ellen choose to be with Jon? What does he bring to the table as far as security, maturity, stablity etc...not to mention the baggage. I question her as a person. Is she a co dependant type? Is she looking for some short lived publicity? I do not think this will end well for Jon. I also believe she will in the end, cash in on Jon and throw him under the bus. My opinion is she is not all that!
Trucker said... Marge,
I agree with the substance of your comment. Why would Ellen choose to be with Jon? What does he bring to the table as far as security, maturity, stablity etc...not to mention the baggage. I question her as a person. Is she a co dependant type? Is she looking for some short lived publicity? I do not think this will end well for Jon. I also believe she will in the end, cash in on Jon and throw him under the bus. My opinion is she is not all that!
And your opinion that Ellen is "not all that" is based exactly on what? Ellen has shown much maturity and discretion, affection for the children, and comes across as a real person who is not remotely interested in the camera or personal recognition.
I was raised with "sayings" and little anecdotes that have a broad interpretation. I was also taught that when it comes to picking a man first observe him around animals and children. Jon is a great dad under the circumstances he has to deal with and he rescued the dogs from the prison gates. He was the primary caregiver of those children until Khate kicked him out so she could be with another. He would never have left his children otherwise. He is not fat - nor is he slim. But anyone who would pick a mate based on looks would be in a for a rude awakening, most likely at an inopportune time.
I like to watch the preshows for the Emmys, the red carpet, etc., but won't this time as I would be sick if I caught a glimpse of Monster Mom living it up off the backs of her children. For she most certainly would not there without them.....
Anon 7:13
Interesting anecdote !
I flip flop when it comes to my feelings on Jon.
pros: gentle with the kids, very hands-on, kids obviously adore him, seems to have a genuinely good heart, numerous stories of his pleasant demeanor , works hard when given a job to do (I think he would do really well on DWTS btw !)
cons: complicit in the exploiting the kids, questionable behavior and lack of good judgment , caved to TLC , seemingly lacking in ambition and direction
He is most definitely the lesser of 2 evils, but the evil still lurks........
Moose Mania said...
Anonymous said...
I have an idea on this. It sure looks like Twist of Kate is not going to happen.
Except that it's scheduled in television listings DISH) to begin in November. Who knows what the story is with this?
Is there a link to this? I don't even see Twist of Kate listed on TLC.
The only good decision Jon has made since the divorce was to stop the filming, and he not only caved in on that one but is receiving compensation for having caved, as well.
He hasn't made good choices in where he was living - (if it's true his current apartment is only 1 BR he's still not making good choices about his living arrangements),
he hasn't made good choices about the company he's kept,
he hasn't made good choices in attempts at employment (considering how he's been perceived by many since the divorce, as the one who cheated and was being irresponsible, it would just be smarter for him to stay away from gigs like that which make him out to be a partier, reinforcing the irresponsible philanderer image),
he hasn't made good choices about the kids' future, and what few efforts seem to have been made are questionably timed, such as the "I want full custody right as Kate is probably going to be eliminated on DWTS, thereby generating publicity, and now she's been voted off so I'm withdrawing my claim,"
he has introduced more than one girlfriend to his children in less than a year which is one of the worst things I think he's done because one of the hardest things for kids to deal with after a divorce is new relationships by the parents.
I agree the kids seem more relaxed and happy around him but why do so many defend him when he's really no better than Kate? Sure, she's dragging them around NYC in 103 degree heat, but where was he? Home. Watching movies. In the a/c. Letting it happen.
Reality Bites said...
Jon Gosselin needs to set the record straight about who broke up the marriage and when he and Kate officially began living separate lives while pretending to be happily married for the sake of the show. That is step 1. Step 2 is to settle the question once and for all about Steve Neild and what role, if any, he has played in Kate's reimaging/branding.
Why? To satisfy your curiosity? Seriously, I would like to know why.
Ellen is the only girlfriend to spend time with the kids. Skantero wasn't a girlfriend.
Yes, Jon makes bad choices. He married Kate.
I live on the East Coast and on one of the morning radio shows just last week they were talking about recruiting people to be on a TLC show - they had the producer of the TLC show on the phone - they want mothers of many kids, not necessarily multiples, who do physically demanding jobs. He hinted that they would be on with another "TLC Celebrity" who has her own show and has a lot of kids.
Interesting because both ROL and US reported he was there, and he can be heard speaking to the pap in one of the videos
Just the media putting a spin on it, and really seriously you hear him speaking, I would get your hearing tested.
Questions said... Reality Bites said...
Jon Gosselin needs to set the record straight about who broke up the marriage and when he and Kate officially began living separate lives while pretending to be happily married for the sake of the show. That is step 1. Step 2 is to settle the question once and for all about Steve Neild and what role, if any, he has played in Kate's reimaging/branding.
Why? To satisfy your curiosity? Seriously, I would like to know why.
I know I want to satisfy MY curiosity!!
I just tweeted this: As an alternative to the Emmys, turn to Animal Planet tonight for the documentary The Cove about dolphin captivity. It will blow your mind.
Now you can watch it for free. Think Discovery Code is cute and innocent? This is a MUST SEE.
August 29, 2010 8:31 AM
Anonymous said... Interesting because both ROL and US reported he was there, and he can be heard speaking to the pap in one of the videos
Just the media putting a spin on it, and really SERIOUSLY you hear him speaking, I would get your hearing tested.
SERIOUSLY? Kate, is that you. (Rhetorical question--no need to answer.)
@ Admin, TY for the heads up on Animal Planet although I really do not watch the Emmys or Oscars. I do like to see Joan Rivers take the following day on who wore what...other than that I could care less about them...so Gosselin, I won't be watching your 1 minute act..Jon, continue writing that book.
Bubbles, you are so right... Jon "Turdboy" Go$$elin i$ no better than Khatezillla "Hor$eteeth" Go$$elin. Turdboy was at home on hi$ lazy ar$e while hi$ kid$ (the little money-maker$) were in NYC in 103 degree $weltering heat. Turdboy let it happen. Khate is a jerk too. I am not a Sheeple, by the way.
I will not watch anything Kate G, but look forward to reading the blogs in the a.m. Hope TLC loses lots of money on this chick. No one should make a living off the backs of their children who were born to support the family! This is so wrong on so many levels. Jon doesn't get a pass from me, either. He was right there with her until the divorce. Both fake and phony greedy grifters.
"Why would Ellen choose to be with Jon? What does he bring to the table as far as security, maturity, stablity etc...not to mention the baggage."
Why does anyone choose to be with anyone? Could it be that she knows him, really knows him, his thoughts and feelings, because she's THERE and up close and personal, not sitting afar reading media-spun accounts, or scrutinizing paps' photos of him that cast him in an unfavorable light?
"Anonymous said... Interesting because both ROL and US reported he was there, and he can be heard speaking to the pap in one of the videos"
What video is this?
Cali Girl, on my computer, one video was silent and one was not--can't remember which. You'll have to listen, but you can hear his Aussie accent in the background.
Administrator said...
I just tweeted this: As an alternative to the Emmys, turn to Animal Planet tonight for the documentary The Cove about dolphin captivity. It will blow your mind.
If I were forced to select between the two shows to watch, I'd take Kate at the Emmys. I cannot watch anything that has to do with animals in captivity/animal cruelty. I cannot even watch those commercials where they show the dogs/cats in cages begging to be rescued. I flip the channel until the commercial is over.
It's just too heart-breaking.
"Cali Girl, on my computer, one video was silent and one was not--can't remember which. You'll have to listen, but you can hear his Aussie accent in the background."
JudyK: What video is this? Do you have the links?
JudyK said... Cali Girl, on my computer, one video was silent and one was not--can't remember which. You'll have to listen, but you can hear his Aussie accent in the background.
Well there you have it, he is not from Australia, he is from New Zealand, and their accents are very different.
Cali Girl, it's on Radar Online and on US...it's the video of Kate taking the kids to the bus for their first day of school. The two videos are somewhat different. I can't remember which video is silent. You can Google it--they are both on the internet. But, when you Google it, you can also read that BOTH sources said Steve WAS THERE, as well as watch and listen to the respective videos.
Anonymous, yes, you are correct--it is New Zealand, and I actually know that. The point is that it is a distinctive accent.
I guess as a "celebrity", Kate will be visiting the "gifting suite". Steve better be close by to carry all her grabbed goodies. I wonder if he is considered a celebrity too - make that a double grab.
I will say this about the gifting suite.. I am "jelus"! From what I hear they have all kinds of cool stuff that they let the "stars" pick from or bags pre-arranged. The downside to that though.. some stars would get GREEDY and take LOTS of each item and then sell or give away to friends/hanger-oners. Lohan, Hilton are just a couple of names that come to mind for examples.
Eh, might not be so nice. The IRS is very clear on this, Emmy "gifts" are not gifts at all, but taxable income.
How does the IRS know when stars take stuff from the gifting tables?
How does the IRS know anything? When you deduct a home office they have no idea whether you really have a home office unless you are audited.
It's also possible they may give you forms, maybe the 1099 I think?
You're supposed to claim the gifts you pick up. If you get audited then it could be a big problem. If you don't, then you got away with cheating the government.
I'm sure that the Emmy administrators keep track of who takes what and submits a form to the IRS.
Also, Troy Chula Vista - Those two kids on America's Got Talent were fantastic! Wow! That's they way that dance SHOULD have been done - not that Tony didn't try.
regarding the comment that Australia and New Zealand accents are different. Yes they are. THOUGH to our ears they sound the same. I've been to New Zealand and met people from Australia there and they sounded the same (TO ME!) I'm sure the Kiwi's can tell the difference. I went to England and Scotland and the only difference was that the Scottish were a bit harder to understand.
Can all you sheep go back to your Baby Mamma? Please.
Administrator said...
You're supposed to claim the gifts you pick up. If you get audited then it could be a big problem. If you don't, then you got away with cheating the government.
That's right, and isn't that something to be proud of...NOT! But, as we already know, people who only think of themselves have no moral compass.
Not True.. this isn't ROL and you can't start a war... the kids may not have been there, but she made sure we knew they were watching - insert heart sign here - or that she SHOULD have won - or that she couldn't dress too revealing because she's a "mom". Satin shorts be dammed!
Don't forget Kate blamed the kids being in town for the reason she didn't rehearse the week she was booted off. Basically she blamed them for her sucking. Nice.
Who copies off whom? Does ROL gets info from US, or vice-versa? Both of them, in their account of sending the kids off to school, report that the children were in matching sweatshirts, boys in black, girl in white, in jeans. None of this was true. No black sweatshirts (all wore white shirts) and no jeans, but rather khakis and jumpers.
I wouldn't put any credibility in what either one of them reports.
Moose Mania said... Who copies off whom? Does ROL gets info from US, or vice-versa? Both of them, in their account of sending the kids off to school, report that the children were in matching sweatshirts, boys in black, girl in white, in jeans. None of this was true. No black sweatshirts (all wore white shirts) and no jeans, but rather khakis and jumpers.
I wouldn't put any credibility in what either one of them reports.
August 29, 2010 11:45 AM
And the day she worse that green dress, ROL said she was "pretty in pink."
WTH???? ROL has some serious morons working for them.
I actually saw a segment on ET last night showing how the "gift bag goodies" work. Celebs can take whatever they want BUT have to have their pic taken with the item (for PR, why else do people give away such expensive stuff?). So, I'm sure the celebs would have to sign a pic release of sorts and then the IRS trail starts!!!
Just passing on what I saw, and that's about as close to watching the Emmy's as I'm gonna get.
"WTH???? ROL has some serious morons working for them."
Well, the old "color blind" excuse won't work here, because you can clearly see in the photos that there were no sweatshirts and no jeans!
I hope the goodie bags are restricted to members of the Academy and if so, Kate would be ruled out - although I don't think that would stop her from grabbing.
Can't stand to see Kate on the Emmy's....I won't be watching. Even if I didn't despise the woman for what she has done to her kids, she is just painful to watch on TV.
OT- For anyone wanting something of value to watch instead...Animal Planet is airing "The Cove" tonight at 9pm (8c).
A lot of people call Jon lazy but do we really know the whole story? Isn't it possible that he is still under contract with TLC? How do we know that he still is not being paid for that show. He surely gets paid residuals for the repeats. He could still very much be under TLC's wrath and unable to do a lot things. Where else would he get the 20k child support he was ordered to pay? The courts don't order that kind of money unless there is a source it's coming from. Jon might just be laughing all the way to the bank at the people who call him lazy. At least he isn't pimping his kids out anymore. He could still be doing that if he wanted to.
"Bubbles, you are so right... Jon "Turdboy" Go$$elin i$ no better than Khatezillla "Hor$eteeth" Go$$elin. Turdboy was at home on hi$ lazy ar$e while hi$ kid$ (the little money-maker$) were in NYC in 103 degree $weltering heat. Turdboy let it happen. Khate is a jerk too. I am not a Sheeple, by the way.'
Gee, Marge...you could have fooled me. You sure dish it out with the same language that the Sheeple use!
I don't think Jon had a choice in "letting it happen." Could he have stopped them from filming in NYC? Of course not...not if they're under contract! Certainly he could have pulled the plug on filming way back when, but there may be so many things that have happened, or are happening right now between him, TLC, the lawyers, and the child custody issue that we just don't know. I would think that TLC rules with an iron fist, but I wouldn't be surprised that in the near future, there's going to be a shake-down. Just my gut feeling.
Would it surprise you to know that your "turd boy" is the hands-on parent, supporting his children in all of their school activities, events, conferences, sports, trips, etc., and is there WITH THEM when the occasion calls for a parent to be there? He doesn't sit on his lazy ar$e, but rather he's there when the "other" parent is nowhere to be found. I can't think of any parental "job" that is more important than making sure that children know that, in all of their school activities, a parent is going to be there for them, through the good times and the bad. And he is.
We're not supposed to discuss school events here, and I won't go any further than that. I just thought, however, this should be pointed out. Not all criticism of him is warranted or fair, and the name-calling is immature and unacceptable.
No, I'm not Ellen.
I can picture Kate asking for eight extra gift bags, because she has eight (count 'em, eight) children to provide for.
Anonymous, @ 1:02 P.M., what an excellent post and one I agree w/ 100%.
Anonymous @ 1:02 PM - Thank you for your post. I have long felt Jon is the hands-on parent and Kate is merely performing with the children when the camera is on. In the video which was shown a few weeks ago about Collin being constipated, Jon was the one who showed true concern while Kate took her time looking at brochures. It was Jon who later said, "I felt really sorry for him, he was in pain".
Well, it's amazing what a real stylist can do for a person. She actually looked very nice. The girls are ginormous, of course. No surprise there.
The person interviewing her asked her what people have been saying to her ( on the red carpet ), are they saying they love the show and how nice she looks?...and Kate's reply was, "All of the above. They are saying that and other things." The lady asked her where the kids are, and she said they are out there running around, then she said she was kidding. They are home watching with popcorn because they were excited about DWTS and they are excited about the Emmy's.
Then they showed her posing for photos. She just looks like a fish out of water. She actually looks nervous and a little awkward. People are having to direct her movement and where to stand. She hasn't made a total ass of herself ( yet ), but did have a little bit of that valley girl talk going on.
I did not see Steve.
I was watching tv guide preshow and was able to screen capture a couple of pics
I just saw Kate on E-live..get this people...walking the red carpet ! She was posing for the cmera shots just like the REAL CELEBITIES .
At least she had her "silicone girls" covered up with a black halter style dress and actully her hair was up and looked pretty good.
When Kate Gosselin is walking the red carpet, you have to know that there is something terribly screwed up in Hollywood !
Judy said... I just saw Kate on E-live..get this people...walking the red carpet !
I'm guessing, then, that the "celebs" next in line behind her were The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Added a first look at some red carpet photos. Kate in a black ballgown. Didn't hear the designer yet.
I hope those puppies stay inside that halter top!
Ya know...No matter what designer dresses her, what star interviews her, what make-up artist packs on the layers on her ugly face, she still is just a pig with lipstick on !
I still can't believe I'm living in a world where Kate Gosselin got to attend the Emmys. She has no class and no poise.
Kate thinks she is a "star" and invited for her talent, did no on tell her the reason she was invited was to be made "fun of AGAIN" Kate said "this is my first emmy's" does she really think she will be back again lol....IAMO
Does anyone notice the 'peek-a-boo' section under the cowl where you can definitely see the bottoms of her breast(and no miracle bra)...TRASHY! ! !
Did she steal Heidi's implants? ROL already had her listed as one of the "best dressed."
Radar probably wrote up the review before she even set foot in California...or her PR person did, maybe even Steve.
ROL doesn't have taste in design, hooker-ish wear is coutre to them.
In the second picture, is that Steve I see in the right background with the water bottle trying to get out of the way so that we don't speculate about their relationship?
and not just because I hate her, but I don't think she looks good at all. The black dress is too harsh a color for her and speaking of color, that hair is just a bleached out peroxide mess. Again, she looks hard and the breast implants are awful. In my opinion, Kate looks cheap. I am not watching either, just looked at this blog.
Ughhhhhhhhh Kate Gosselin and the Emmys just left a bad taste in my mouth...now I have no respect for the Emmys at all...do you see who actually is attending this thing? Kim K, Heidi, all Z listers and then there is Gosselin...OMG..Not watching it but reading it in other sections...what has happened to Hollywood?
I am not saying this because I do not like Kate, but her dress is BORING, her hair hideous & her makeup understated. All in all, she looks BLAH.
Oh, & she could have steamed her dress.
Who is she blowing a kiss to? Maybe Chris...
The sad thing about this who Emmy foolishness is one of my favorite shows (Mad Men) is nominated for best drama. And so many of the talented cast members are nominated as well. And yet it all seems so cheap and meaningless because of Kate being part of the Emmys. Seems to take all of the excitement right out of the whole and makes it seem like the Emmys are a big joke this year.
At least Mad Men won best drama last year and the year before. So I'm glad that show won before the downfall of the Emmys.
YUP they made fun of her!
Is Kate thanking her kids for getting to be ON STAGE at the Emmys? Does she know how hard most people work for this opportunity? Does she know how many people with Hollywood stars in their eyes dream for this?
Granted, she normally looks worse than this, but I agree with the others: she just looks hard and like any other D list wanna be in Hollywood. She also looks much older than 35. There's nothing young or fresh about her. I think who she is on the inside is showing more and more on the outside.
Gosh, Kate, what happened to crying on DWTS because you just wanted to be home with your babies baking cookies? I think you have more than enough money to do that. It's pretty obvious what's more important to you. P.S. No one wants to see you at the Emmys, honey.
Her first Emmy's?! And her last, ROTFL - we just watched the intro and yes, you were all so right - obviously taped on her covert trip to LA post Alaska, in her hideous paso doble outfit, and yes, they so, so made fun of her - I am sure she has no clue. And now I can watch the rest of the show in peace - she certainly was on no other red carpet show other than E's, at least not from what I saw. Just another harsh, cheap blond in a black dress.
Completely and totally unimpressed with the dress, the hair, the whole look. I just don't see what the attraction is with her.
Well, at least she looked like a total asshole in front of a ton a celebrities on national TV dancing. She still can't dance. She has no presence. And she looked nervous. And fat. And they stuck her in the back!! HAHAHA
Someone here called Khate's role at the Emmys -- spot on!
I think she looks very nice. Well, for Kate.
But what's happened to her face?
Speaking as a size DD (thanks to my pregnancy), when you have big girls you cannot wear a halter top. doesn't work Between the large boobs and broad shoulders, it is one of the WORST dress styles to wear. The girls always look droopy (Kate's look like they are mid torso, not lifted at all and the top of the halter looks too big because it doesn't cling to the skin) and the appearance is one of a linebacker on top.
I don't think that dress flatters her at all. It makes the girls look HUGE! I am small chested, and always go for tops with extra fabric around the bustline to add volume. She needs zero extra volume...it only adds to her torpedo-like boobs. I think a nice & snug fit strapless would have looked nice.
I still can't believe she's even there, and I'm still watching "The Cove" instead :)
Hahahaha, I am wiping tears away. OMG. I caught the first part of the Emmys. The skit was a cute idea. Pushing her aside was appropriate for the skit. When I saw her doing the group Glee dance, I had to blink, but yep, there she was, at least in the rear row. But guess what? SHE STILL SUCKS!!!!!!!!! I guess a person who doesn't have grace inside cannot have grace outside. The sermon at church today used scripture that said, "You will know them by their fruit." (It's Matthew, Chapter 7.) It refers to BAD fruit and evildoers. And boy howdy, this lady appears to be drowning in some very rotten fruit. Hope she redeems herself someday. Tonight could have been it, if she had applied herself to the practice/learning of the dance, but may I reiterate: she still sucks.
As for KKate being the butt of the joke....well, we all know she would do ANYTHING to become rich and famous. Including having high order multiples.
Jon biggest mistake was trusting Kate on ANYTHING.
Jon and Ellen are at home eating popcorn with the kids laughing their asses off...
Well, if she wasn't bitten by the Hollywood bug before ( wishful thinking ), she sure is now!
I think she will attempt to claw her way up the celebrity ladder even more viciously now that she got to walk the red carpet and "perform" with real celebrities tonight. There is no way she will quietly walk away from all that glitz and glamour once her show peters out. Kids be damned, mama's gonna be a star if it kills her!
She's a boil on the butt of humanity !
(thanks Weezer :)
I don't think Kate looks fat at all, but halter-type dresses are so yesterday and they are for small-busted women. The dress is not right for her. A straight-across cut strapless would have been slimming and much more elegant. And PJ's momma, I will just reiterate what you said about her performance. It was pathetic.
I didn't watch but I have no problems with Kate having a spot in the emmys. Sure she isn't a star and doesn't belong there, but at least she didn't drag her kids this time.
Two observations:
1. She still can't dance.
2. Hope the crumb-catcher dress is returnable.
Was her performance live or pre/recorded?
Admin, you gotta revise your recap! Tina Fey was saying "we need more people!" and Kate popped up and Tina said "uh...no, we have way too many people!" then they walk away with Tina saying "we need more people!" a TOTAL slam on Kate and she was dumb enough to participate!
Also, did you notice she changed into a miniskirt for the live part? Lame.
I love Ross the intern, I wish he would interview Kate. I think she looks totally boring. don't like the hair,dress or the make up. I still can't believe she's even there. Hopefully this is the first and last time that the Queen will ruin the Emmys for those who do enjoy it. This time next year she won't be infecting our tv's any longer. Kate is going to in my opinion have a serious meltdown when there is no interest in her anymore and I don't think it's to far off. I wonder what the ratings for her snoozefest episode tomorrow will be.
Must Love Dogs, that abomination of a "performance" was live, in front of millions of people. The first part of the skit may have been pretaped though.......
I swear, Frankenstein does not stomp around nor have arms as stiff as Kate Gosselin.
Wah Wah!
TMZ put Kate in the "Fashion Fiasco" category for her Emmy rent-a-mess dress. LOL.
I'm sorry but I refuse to watch anything Gosselin, so what i'm hearing is that part was taped and then a spinoff live.
Thumbs up for the hair and makeup. Thumbs down for the dress, which isn't flattering.
The less said about the performance, the better.
I can't wait to hear what the Fashion Police have to say about her tomorrow. Depending on who's on the panel they can have no mercy. I hope Peter Ishkans is there, he always tells it like it is and is very funny.
I've seen that dress before. Not sure who wore it, or even when I saw it, but it looks familiar. It also looks a bit dated.
I got blasted when I suggested that she is only at the Emmys due to the kids, and wouldn't it have been so special for Mady and Cara to get all dressed up fancy,and sit in the front row to enjoy the evening with their mother.When it comes to kate,I am always wrong!kate lovers said I was dumb to think it's a place to bring kids,but I did not agree.I think the twins would have felt so special,and they sure do need to feel that way.They do get lost in the shuffle of the tups.And we see once again,a huge smile on her face,just because the kids aren't with her.So sad,and she will keep mentioning them all night,so will appear to be a good mother.She is just soo fake!
I still can't believe she was invited to the Emmys, and walking the red carpet. I have lost any little respect I may have had for the Emmys after this.
Must Love Dogs said... I still can't believe she was invited to the Emmys, and walking the red carpet. I have lost any little respect I may have had for the Emmys after this.
Totally agree that I too have lost some respect for the Emmys. When I was scrolling through some of the pics (looking for the Mad Men cast) I noticed the Kardashians are there too. They are as bad as Kate as far as being famous for being famous and having no talent, but at least they only exploit themselves.
But I'm still hoping Mad Men wins and some of the cast as well. Those people have real talent.
Must Love Dogs.........I agree with you, but they dissed her and mocked her and then she made a complete fool of herself. It was actually a good thing, I think. She's put her complete lack of talent or grace out to an extremely wide audience and there will be no damage control for that scope of exposure! If her correspondent gig goes as badly as it did post-DWTS (I, me my), she is toast.
I didn't see it. Had to run out for Chinese take-out, which was probably way better than her performance.
What did she do?
She looked fat, top heavy, dated, and the dress looked off the rack from WalMart. Completely forgettable. She also looked pathetic and desperate on the red carpet. E didn't even acknowledge her, no mention of her name even. And she was the butt of the opening segment. Karma's a bitch, bitch.
I'm sorry to be such a pest here but DWTS seemed like so long ago and her being there is just ridiculous. I guess they asked and of course she jumped for it even if it meant that she was going to be made fun of and out of place. Will she also be invited to the Governors Ball as well?
Kate was awful. No one laughed in the audience because they didn't even know who she was. Her DWTS partner Tony should have been dressed in her costume. At least that would have been entertaining and funny to watch. If this no talent, paid too much, Neanderthal baby bearing mammal is the best that TLC can offer, maybe they need to clean their own house and hire new executive management. TLC just adds more spin-offs on multiples, extra large families, little people, etc. Why don't they have shows about gay couples trying to raise families? Maybe they are getting ready to bring in Sarah Palin as the next President of TLC. She can fill up their tv schedule with her own family and friends/foes reality shows.
Must we always have a close up of this womans armpits? Sheesh.
The absolute worst part of this is the smile, really look at the smile, she is lit up like Christmas morning. The contrast between's Kate's expression in these photos and those dour, suffering expressions that she always has when with her kids couldn't be more obvious. Kate is a high gloss, low class celibuwhore
That dress makes her boobs look pointy. She has the Madonna cone thing going on.
I saw Ryan Seacrest TRY to interview her on the red carpet and it's like pulling teeth to get her to give an answer to the simplest questions. She is void of ANY personality and emotion. Just more of the DUMMIFICATION of America that anybody watches that show. It doesn't interest me in the least so all I knew about her was from the rags.
Same was with the Jersey Shore kids when they have no script. Nothin.
The Jersey Shore interview was hysterical. They were just like Hi Ryan we're hanging out, uhhh!
But at least with them there appeared to be some kind of lengthy five second delay in the audio. What's Kate's excuse?
What the Emmy people may not realize is that a narcissist doesn't even care WHY you are paying attention to her, only THAT you're paying attention to her. I'm not saying she doesn't care at all that she was the butt of a huge joke, I'm saying I doubt she realizes it! You think any of the TLC people are going to tell her that? No way! They set this up!
So they don't tell her, no one else is close enough to her or cares enough to tell her, and all she thinks is "THEY LIKE ME, THEY REALLY REALLY LIKE ME!" Or rather in her brain: "ME ME! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME! ME! ME ME ME-ME-MEMEMEMEMEME!!!"
That's how it sounds in there. Ah, the narcissist has a long steep precarious fall when they do fall, all the steeper because they didn't even realize they were going over the edge.
By the way, I didn't see a bit of it. Too many Sunday night errands to run, tomorrow's a busy day.
Kate loves this kind of thing way more than hanging out with the kids, that's obvious. She even admitted it in her book, she truly loves the media she said.
She was grinning like a cheshire cat at the Emmys. And also when she was making money at the consignment shop. But bringing her kids to the bus stop for the milestone first day of school? FROWNS all around.
Linda said... What the Emmy people may not realize is that a narcissist doesn't even care WHY you are paying attention to her, only THAT you're paying attention to her.
Bingo. The problem with a lot of the comments here is that they are made from the perspective of people who are mentally stable. You are imposing your mental stability on Kate. The narcissist's brain simply isn't wired like ours.
Well, what can we say folks? She's there in all her glory rubbing shoulders and guffawing like a donkey with the Al Pacinos, Tom Hanks, and Glenn Close's of the world. Whether we like it or not. Not! As for the get-up...I say it's an improvement on her usual transvestite, titties-exposed, CFM shoes, etc. Unfortunately, the hair-do, dress and high-sheen smooth botox-ish forehead, make her look 50+ years old. Exactly what most of the folk on that red carpet are trying to avoid. She looks like she could be the mother of one of the 20-something starlets... Sigh...it seems she will simply NEVER go away. I hope she gets at least a bit of "and you would be WHO?" attitude from the legits.
I just had to see how BM's site was site was dealing with this nightmare.
They couldn't ignore it, but could they summon praise? Silly me, of course they're praising her. A few snarky comments made it through, but were quickly deleted.
If someone comes to THIS site and says something nice about Kate, Admin. doesn't delete their post. The person may get knocked around a bit, but they can speak their mind. If you don't swear to be a Kart-loving wannabe over there, they delete you.
Someone is insecure and it's not our Admin!
Anonymous Love your description of Kate as a Neanderthal, baby bearing mammal! I burst out laughing when I read that. Great description!!
I thought she looked like a 48-year-old who looks young for her age.
She is 35, she is very young, she should be looking young still. It is a shame someone who actually is young can't embrace that, has to try to tweak it already. I can't figure out why she looks so old. Makeup, tanning and botox or a combination I suppose.
I don't blame Kate for this, I am sorry that our society pressures a 35-year-old into getting work done on their face already.
Good point about how Kate looks about 20 years older than she really is. Had I not known who she was I would have guessed she were in her fifties.
Administrator said...
Bingo. The problem with a lot of the comments here is that they are made from the perspective of people who are mentally stable. You are imposing your mental stability on Kate. The narcissist's brain simply isn't wired like ours.
So any attention is what she craves - good or bad?
LOL!, I don't delete posts praising Kate. There just aren't that many. Heck I was the last one to praise her for going to a consignment shop.
I do delete posts that violate the rules whether they praise Kate or diss Kate. But I haven't deleted more than one or two in the past several days. You guys have been good, thank you for allowing me to enjoy my weekend without keeping a close eye on things here.
I really don't delete much.
I'm having fun reading all your comments! Tomorrow should be interesting! Don't y'all think she looks like Kelly Pickler's mom? Not only looks like her mom, but that she looks OLD ENOUGH to be Kelly's mom, even though Kelly is 24.
The latest most absurd idle speculation is that Kate will be replacing Mary Hart on ET.
Now that is truly delusional!
Kate Gosselin
The Worst
Oh Kate... Where were the "Dancing with the Stars" when you left the house tonight?
According to Fox News
She is not a good actress erther
The part Kate was in on video (pre-taped)
Wasn't is dangerous for Steve to let our Queen walk the Red Carpet alone. She could have been assassinated or attacked by a crazed fan or a hater. I wonder who designed Kate's gown? Maybe Steve was wearing matching Armani
OK, I can admit the gag of the Glee folks and Tina coming across Kate in her awful red dress was funny, and I am sure Kate knew she was the butt of the joke yet went along with it. OK.
That said, she had NO BUSINESS being on the stage with the actual TALENT for that opening number!!!!
JFS in IL - I totally agree. Kate was clearly "in on the joke" at the beginning of the skit. Had they left well enough alone at that point, it might have actually done a bit of good PR-wise...gee maybe she isn't such a self-important hag after all...that sort of thing. But I couldn't agree more - SOMEONE or SOME NETWORK decided that she deserved to be out among the truly talented singers and dancers for the remainder of the skit. OOps...bad move TLC. Now she really will be getting the "Who are you? Oh, a nobody??". Bye... If I was Kate, I'd fire my PR people. In thinking about it, they could have used this as an opportunity to lighten her up a bit...I fear they've made another boo-boo.
Thanks for the link French Canadian.
The joke is on Kate.
This a metaphor for how people in H'Wood really feel about Kate.
I think the message came across very clear.
Who got her this gig anyways, was it TLC?
Interesting article,
Tick Tock, Tick Tock...
My mother wore a dress exactly like that for Nixon's inaugural ball. I think I still have it somewhere. Kate could have saved some money. I would have loaned it to her!
Is that look back in style?
Thanks for posting the video, Admin! It made me howl all over again! That part in the dance where they are hunched over and snapping their fingers while moving toward the left? She looks like she's trying to hit the toilet before puking!!! Maybe they should lay her on the laundry room floor for her own good. Oh my gosh, I am enjoying this wayyyyyyyyyy too much.
Added video clip of Kate's cameo!
No one even laughed and as expected she made a complete ass of herself. She obviously doesn't seem to notice or care that she is a complete joke. I suppose in her mind it's all about getting attention even if it's negative.
Yep ditto for me Canuck.
When I saw the very first part, I was thinking that was actually a VERY smart move. Self deprecating humor is always a good ice breaker and image improver. K8 was the butt of the joke and took it in good stride.
THEN....dum, dum, dum.............SHE DANCED.
Why, oh why couldn't the producers just stop while they were ahead ? She looked ridiculous and had absolutely no right to be there with people who are TRULY talented - how absolutely insulting . Who the h8ll thought K8 had any right to be remotely close to the likes of Tina Fey ?!?!?
Tina Fey's Emmy acceptance speech from a few years ago was very moving: "I want to thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done -- that is what all parents should do!"
Tina Fey has more talent in her little finger....
Admin, I remember that speech very well. Tina Fey rocks (pun intended) !
"She could have been assassinated..."
emschick1128 that was a LOL statement!
You know, when you put your trash to the curb, it's available for anyone to go through it. Kate's trash has been to the curb many times.
People who raise kids like Kate does, what can you do for ME, raise insecure under-acheivers who think the world will be given to them. When they realize that's not how it works, they will crash and crash hard.
People who raise kids like Tina Fey's parents, you can do whatever you want you have the talent to do it if you just work hard enough, raise well-adjusted go-get-em adults who achieve far more than their talents would normally warrant.
Lauren, basically.
I'm the one who was raised by a narcissistic mom. I've seen this kind of person up close for far too long.
Yes, Kate was aware of the joke in the actual skit. She didn't care, and wouldn't. What mattered is that she was in a skit with stars on TV, which in her mind means SHE'S A STAR!
Then they allowed her to actually be part of the dance number on stage. Her estimation of her star quality in her own head was already wildly out of proportion with reality; this has just put it in the stratosphere.
The bad thing about that, for her, is that when her inevitable drop from the public eye happens (and it will happen, sooner rather than later), it will be all that more stunning to her, since she's thinking she's a REAL star with the kind of qualities it takes to be one.
And we all know (hell, even some people who like her will admit) that she doesn't have those qualities. There's basically nothing she can do TV or movie wise. At all.
Anyway, all of this would be news to her. It's kind of pathetic to watch, really. But yes, narcissists like, want, need, crave ANY attention. Good attention is best, obviously. But just as long as everything is ABOUT THEM, then they're ok. They really feel very badly about themselves inside, so the overinflated false ego is all they have and they fear losing it, so they have to pump themselves up constantly.
I like how Kate was telling everyone this is her first trip to the Emmys. As if it's your first trip to Disneyworld and you fully expect to be back.
Anon 7:54, I was raised by a textbook narcissist and I'm not an insecure underachiever. Her kids CAN overcome the effect of having her as a mother. It will be hard, but with counseling and a lot of work, they can do it. I do feel for them, they have a long road ahead.
If anything I went the opposite direction and hate any attention or spotlight on me. I nearly didn't attend my own baby shower because I was too embarrassed at being the guest of honor. Seriously. I had to learn how to balance things out, that I didn't have to be the exact opposite of my mother, who was an attention hog to the nth degree.
And I've achieved plenty, I'm not sure that's related. I have a master's degree and have gone far in my field, but my mother got her master's too. She really didn't have the entitlement issues that Kate seems to have. She worked for what she got, she just wanted and demanded that everything be about her all the time.
Yeah, I think it would have been funnier if they had Kate onstage as an "outsider" who was
mimicking the dance routine off to the side, and doing it really, really badly. You know, kind of I Love Lucy style where Lucy is pushed aside by the real dancers and is miffed about it.
What they did instead was put her in the back so she really would not be noticed during the dance routine. Red dress aside, she was barely noticable on the stage.
Thanks Linda.
If I didn't dislike Kate so much I might pity her.
Your posts are painful to read, I'm so sorry you had a narcissist mom. You, more than most of us probably see and recognize a lot more of Kate's problems. I appreciate your insider's view as to Kate's actions and behaviors, and hope you post frequently.
But it breaks my heart to think about what's ahead for the Gosselin children. You worked hard and got better. But you were STILL uncomfortable about being the guest of honor at your baby shower. That's really sad.
Do you, or does anyone here have any insights as to what causes narcisism? I don't believe Kate was abused or neglected as a child. Maybe she was born with the "wannabe" gene? Another question, are narcissists ever REALLY happy?
Is it me or is that a see through cut out going across her boobs? She had to show the boobs off somehow. She can't be classy, no matter how hard she tries.
The hallmark of a narcissist is the development of a superiority complex as a response to feeling inferior. This involves exaggerating his own achievements and putting down anyone that he perceives as a threat.
The following parenting behaviors may result in a child becoming a narcissist in adulthood:
Permissive parents who give excessive praise to the child, thus fostering an unrealistic view of themselvesRef
Overindulgence and spoiling by parentsRef
Failing to impose adequate disciplineRef
Idealization of the childRef
A child who is spoiled or idealized will grow into an adult who expects this pattern to continue. Idealization may require the child to suppress their own self-expression to meet the desires of the parent and to gain their love and approval. To develop a realistic image of the self the child must be provided with realistic information of discipline and reasonable limits must be set by the parents as to what the child can and cannot do. Narcissists generally feel unprepared for adulthood, having been fostered with an unrealistic view of life.
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