No she's not getting an Emmy. But an insider is reporting that Kate has been lined up to be part of the Emmys' opening act, which is often a comical roundup of the year's happenings in the entertainment world. Jimmy Fallon is hosting the show that will air live Sept. 28.
183 sediments (sic) from readers:
The woman is neither funny, nor an actress. She has absolutely no business being there. I hope she gets booed off the stage.
Kate Gosselin has sucessfully ruined one of the the only things left that I enjoy in my old age
......television !
Well I just read the article and it sounds like Kate is going to be the butt of the joke on Emmy night, with Jimmy Fallon getting right to it :)
Of course Kate will be there with Steve ... anything for the kids!
The only thing that would make me watch would be to see her get BOOED. Since I honestly can't stand to look at her I'll be missing the opening portion of the Emmys.
Maybe this could be why she was in LA to meet with the network and book the job.
I wonder how a real actress feels about this. Someone like Edie Falco who's been acting since a high school production of My Fair Lady. Someone who actually worked their butt off to get to earn the right to sit front row at the Emmys and be nominated for lead actress, instead of just having a magical uterus.
I doubt she will be appearing live at the show/on stage. These things are usually taped spoofs, with a few seconds on each scene -- like the one Chris Hansen did in "To Catch a Predator" style, or the one where the host got dropped into various shows like Lost for a second or two. At least we can hope that's all it is.
I want to add that I don't normally watch the Emmys nor will I watch it in September since Kate is going to be on it.
I will NOT be counted as one of the viewers! Dammit I want her OFF MY TV!
Instead I will wait to hear all about it.
Admin, you may be right - Kate might have been in LA to talk about/book this gig. I, however, liked the idea that Kate might have been in LA for a buttchewing with TLC execs after her alleged diva antics in Alaska.
What a joke! This is a joke, right? Tell me this is a joke, please. Kate Gosselin at the Emmy awards? Yeah, and Meg Ryan is going to bring Russell Crowe as her date! LOL
I can't imagine that TLC will let its golden girl take a hit. I'm sure it will be some tongue-in-cheek ribbing, where Kate appears to have some good-natured fun and shoe she can laugh at herself. Just more sanitized schlock for the masses.
Don't hold your breathe waiting for a Kate takedown. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
Admin, her uterine isn;t magical. It was manipulated just like the whole gosselin mess.
As long as the children are not part of the show and Kate is the butt of the joke that she is - I'm fine with that.
Unless it's taped beforehand, I can't imagine Kate handling a live audience. Look how nervous she was (terrified) when she was on DWTS. She didn't have any lines to remember either. If she's in an opening sketch that's "live", she will have to have comedic timing as well as remember lines. It should be interesting at best.
Why? Just why? What has she done to really deserve something like that? Okay, so she's had 8 kids, we ALL get it! We've ALL seen it! We ALL know about it!
Reality TV "celebrities" just give the real working, honest(non-drug, violent) celebrities a bad name that's ALL.
Her show isn't entertainment so why is she allowed or even thought of being asked to do this?
Let's see: The View, Larry King, Merideth Viera, ET, Dancing with the Stars...on and on. I do not nor have I ever thought Kate who went for utility treatment deserves a tv show. I will not divert my attention to the monstrosity that is Kate her will to continue to groan how HARD it is to support her kids. Lots of people have more than 8 children and they do without making it television news worthy! (Duggars not included).
I am watching for the day her stage of pr, nannies, camera crew, freebies and talk show rounds come to a permanent END!
Since Jimmy Fallon is hosting and since he imitated her infamous Paso Doble (sp?) on his show, I suspect her appearance has something to do with that. Even for comic relief, though, she has no business on that stage amid true celebrities.
The only time Kate appears to be a comedic actor is when she is, dead seriously, trying to convince us that her version of events is true. At that point she is completely laughable.
Read her TLC blog. Watch her interviews.If a true comedic actress were reading those lines, such as Lisa Kudrow for instance, we would be rolling in the floor with tears in our eyes.
Man TLC is trying SO HARD to get this woman in the public. Fallon might have her "dance" again. LOL I can just see the real A lister stars snubbing this "reality" star. LOL
Who is Edie Falco?
If this is true...
This will be just another experience that she squanders with her diva attitude and mistreatment of others.
The producers of the Emmys are obviously exploiting her for ratings. Aren't most award show ratings pretty low. This is a cheap stunt if I've ever seen one.
I wonder how Kate will act around so many REAL stars? Will her Divaness get smacked down? Plus, how many people will be nice about her if she is a uber Beotch? TLC may have a lot of spin power, but NOT that much!
Kate has shown that she can't even remember simple things. Lets not forget the opening SECONDS of the DWTS final show. She couldn't even do a simple dance line. I think each Network wants their shot at her just for ratings.
TV land just goes lower and lower - we were at the Hollywood Bowl last night, saw a production of Rent, one of the cast members was Nicole the Pussycat Doll. I actually don't know much about her, did know she was on DWTS with the talentless Kate. Seriously, watching real talent, and remembering Kate's total lack of same, the idea of her at the Emmy Awards, being there merely for being famous for being famous, just makes my skin itch. Sad, sad, sad - reinforces her concept of how special she is not.
I could care less if she was there for the emmys. I never watch either of those shows in the first place. They could have the entire female population of Orange County run out on the stage wearing saran wrap and I still wouldn't watch the Emmy's.
I agree that this is just for a gag and she doesn't mind being the butt of jokes. From the Halloween wig to Kathy Griffin's spoof, she just thinks it's sooooooooo funny!!
People make fun of her and she turns it into gold. Unreal.
Jimmy Fallon's imitation of Kate dancing in drag was really one of the funniest bits ever.
Again, people are laughing AT her, not WITH her, and she eats it up.
it's official: I now want to throw up.
Perhaps as bad as being exploited by their parents, these children will also have to grow up explaining them. They will never have a private life even after the cameras go away. How can anyone say they are privileged? Of course, this is just my opinion, but I just don't get it.
How unfortunate. I don't normally watch the Emmys but this year I wanted to see how the last season of Lost fared, but I will not watch or record the show if she's on it. Guess I'll have to rely on Twitter for updates!
Does anyone remember the LAMBLASTING that Jimmy Fallon gave her regarding her 'dancing' skills...where he epically toasted/roasted her Paparazzi dance on his television show. I will bet dollars to nickels that this will be another moment like it. For those with a short memory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5xcoHS3uF8
I guess I would really just give a rat's a$@ except for the free ride (first class) this talentless publicity 'ho will get to LA, plus the hotel, costume, pampering, etc. plus all the red carpet attention her tv-land people will give her, which just adds to the entitlement mega-issues she already has. Insufferable now, she will be even worse next month. And yes, the uber-narcissist will not even understand that she is being made fun of, sad.
Oh good grief. I'll bet she wet her pants when they asked her to make an appearance at the Emmys. I can just hear her saying they love me they really love me....when she put down her pink phone.
Unfortunately, the sad thing about all of this is that she won't see it as people making fun of her... in her narcissistic mind its a form of flattery.
She's only going so she can score some more swag at the gift suites.
Hope she remembers the IRS has now said without a doubt that those Emmy swag bags/gift bags are taxable income.
Aww, shucks Kate.
One thing that we can take solace in is knowing that she will look like an idiot one way or another. Either she will do it herslf or someone else will do it for her. She proven over and over she doesn't care if she makes a complete ass of herself as long as she's out there in public. It is though an insult to the real actors who have struggled for years and actually accomplished something to have her there at all.
The Emmys!!!!!! What movie did she debut in?
Jimmy will probably dress as Kate and that ridiculous Paparazzi dance get-up, and Kate will be a judge who either bashes him or praises him. Kate will probably be dressed as Carrie-Ann, Len or Bruno.
Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll blow at it. Well, actually, she would probably be GREAT at passing out criticism. She's a master at that. It's pretending to praise that she would really suck at.
I'm sure the real stars will be insulted that they couldn't find a better act than her.
Ahhh DWTS, TV Appearances on every Talk Show, Guest Hosting on the View and she is portraying a regular mom in between for her show...cleaver TLC but I'm not buying it or watching it. Now an appearance on the Emmys...What world are we living in when a nobody from PA who used her uterus like a clown car becomes soooo famous. One question, Will Octomom be joining her?
Oh God!! This will involve a red carpet appearance as well.
I always thought that you had to work hard in the entertainment business to reach certain special heights and get to attend important events.
This is just ridiculous.
I am also extremely disappointed in the last few years where "reality" shows make quick, faux stars, who don't seem to really have any talent. However, if you act up, fall down drunk in public or wear gawdy outfits, you can get your own show, or be featured on TV and the internet.
Very sad. I think the real stars are people like Patricia Neal, who just passed on.
Why is bad behavior rewarded with big contracts and notoriety? It's all backwards.
The It-less Girl strikes again, next thing it will be announced she is hosting SNL. Not sure America can take much more of no talents Gosselin but whomever is bankrolling her is certainly keeping her in the spotlight.
Its August 29 that she will be appearing. Its posted on People Mag and other sites. I guess she thinks she is so special now that the kids will never hear the end of it...yuck
Well, just one more reason not to watch the Emmys. I personally think these self-adulating
awards shows are over the top. These people get paid plenty of money, isn't that reward enough? And now to drag Kate Gosselin on the stage....for WHAT was it again? Pit-ee-full.
kate would fit right in having her own reality show-just her,no kids-on the VH1 network, they have the bottom-of-the-bottom of reality shows.she could fit in as the #1 skank.
I'm sure glad I have plans for that night.
Don't know what they are yet, but I have plans.
This news about Kate appearing at the Emmy Awards is sickening! I will not tell others what to do, but I will not be watching! This woman is being rewarded for making a living off the backs of her 8 kids. They have been the attraction; not Kate and Jon. Please explain what is going on if possible.
Could have sworn I posted earlier, didn't think I'd broken any rules.
I did say pretty much what Markesnana said...yet another reality fool that is rewarded for bad, nasty, irritating behavior. I saw Anderson Cooper on TV this morning. He made the comment that he refused to watch RHODC, for this reason. He finds it repulsive that Michelle Salahi and her husband, pull such a stunt, crash a WH party, and now are rewarded w/a spot on TV. It sure makes you wonder, doesn't it? Have we, the American public, really become THIS dumbed down?
It should be the tups and the twins doing the Emmys, as it is all because of them that anyone even knows kates name! She could be in the front row in the audience, cheering them on!
She is such a twit that she probably thinks she is up for an Emmy.
@ Auntie Annie...Holy moses...I was thinking the same thing..that darn pink phone
"Anything for the kids"....I love it.
Despair not, Lovelies. Kate gave Jimmy his best material ever, so of course he wants to resurrect her corpse dance for a laugh. Don't tell her, but the laugh is on her, and this is her swan song. Bye Kate!! It's been fun. Now go away.
my9cats said... I'm sure glad I have plans for that night.
Don't know what they are yet, but I have plans.
@my9cats - weren't your plans with me? I think we were going to get together and swill some nausea medication, then exchange pictures of our kids with their grandparents and aunts/uncles. I bet we even know their names, without earpieces!
How exciting for the twins to go to school the next day and hear "I saw really famous people making fun of your mom again on TV. Why is your mom so weird?" "And while we are on the subject Mady, why does your mom call you ugly?" Unless Kate thinks all the parents at the school will boycott the Emmys in their own living rooms?
ROFL... Pepto does it for me! With a DiGel chaser.
Not only do we know our relatives names but also their dates of birth. And where they live.
and I'm sure that BeDoneNow and my9cats also know which hand their children/grandchildren write/draw with too!
Great recap of Kate's last primetime appearance:
"Someone invited Kate Gosselin to the Emmys?!?!"
By Annie Barrett
”Watching Kate Gosselin dance to ‘I Will Survive’ was one of the worst moments of my life. And I’ve had a horrible life.”
Kate is no comedian. How sad, she is willing to embarrass herself just for the opportunity to go to the Emmys and possibly mingle with real stars. It's even worse for her kids - who will no doubt be even more embarrassed by her actions and face repercussions at school.
It's one thing to be embarrassed when your parents do something silly, but it's another when this is broadcast for millions to see. What a disgraceful mother!
The Emmy show stinks anyway, so this is just another reason to avoid it. Watch out....there'll be pictures the next day of Kate rubbing elbows with the stars. It just really gets me that someone like Kate Gosselin is even invited to the event.
And she is co-hosting The View on Thursday! I guess it's time for damage control. Not surprising since her ratings are tanking. The View is a worthless show anyway. If those women had any guts or real journalistic integrity, they wouldn't give her a pass every time she's on. Well, at least she won't be at the Konpound scaring her kids into submission.
BTW, Admin, I doubt she would have had to be in LA to seal the deal for the Emmy appearance. I thought that's what you had agents for. I am surprise that TLC is still trotting her out after the Palin fiasco, but as I said before, it's all about damage control. I still think she got a dressing down from TLC, maybe O'Neill herself in LA, for ruining the Palin crossover filming. I would think keeping Palin happy with TLC is a primary concern.
This "fan" comment on Kate's latest bullog (lol) disturbs me:
"Hello everybody! I was just wondering, Kate, do you always read all of your comments? Can't you please have an "answering questions" post, where you could answer our questions? I'd love that, and I don't think I'm the only one!
Anyway, I actually do understand Heather, but that does'nt mean that I agree, not at all! But she's a little, tiny tiny little, right..
But who cares, I love you guys, no matter how you feel about things! (:
Okey, this may sound silly, but, I'll tell you..
As you all know, it's vacation by now. I spend it on an island here in Norway. One day when I had nothing to do, I pretended like Alexis stood in front of me, and I asked her:
- Alexis, why are you here?
She answered, - I'm lost, we're here on vacation..
I, still pretending, remembered which cottage/ lake house you had. I followed her home, and you were so grateful! You trusted me to take your little kids for a swim, I learned Hannah and Alexis some Norwegian and we all had a blast! I had so mutch fun, for real, even though I made it all up.. Now i feel even more bonded to you than before! <3
Hope you took tou some time to read trough this! :))
Posted by: Astrid, 13, Norway | 08/06/2010 at 03:50 PM "
At 13, pretending like this can't be normal, and this can't be how kids in Norway grow up, is it? Just disturbing.
US Mag had an article on MS. Cheapola, They said she spends hours making herself up and combing her hair before she steps out to run her errand. I believe that, who else wears mini skirt and heels to take their kids for 13 dollar haircuts but her?
Anybody know how to send the clip of kids hysterical at Jon's leaving to Jimmy Fallon?
TLC stinks, I am pretty sure I read that The View show will be a repeat, the last time she was on it.Remember,Joy asked kate-"So what have you been busy with?" And kate replies"Nothin.Just hangin out", in her valley-girl voice and her very poor english! Yep,she is real classy, that one!
I like Jimmy Fallon and his dance debut of her was so hilarious. I played it back several times just for a good laugh. He did the dance better than she ever could.
Well, maybe jake palveka and kate should go to the Emmys together, as kate fans said they made such a nice couple on DWTS,were hoping they might date! I think they are the same when it comes to media attention-they will take anything!
cathy518 said... Anybody know how to send the clip of kids hysterical at Jon's leaving to Jimmy Fallon?
May I ask why?
Few in the media have seemed to care or addressed the exploitation of the Gosselin children but there is outrage amongst them now that she has been inappropriately invited to the Emmy's. All the articles now are negative. To bad the are just starting to care now.
emschick1128 said... Few in the media have seemed to care or addressed the exploitation of the Gosselin children but there is outrage amongst them now that she has been inappropriately invited to the Emmy's. All the articles now are negative. To bad the are just starting to care now.
Can you post some of these articles? Thanks!
I can't believe that they would actually put Ms Good for nothing on this show amongst all the hard working people who actually deserve to be there. Does this dimwit even know how long and hard these Stars work to get where they are today? She deserves to be there like the Octo-Mom does. She is way out of her element to actually have the gall to think that any Star would give the time of day. Hope she gets the cold shoulder and gets sent back where she belongs.
This is Sharon. I have read several articles about this Emmy appearance and almost all the comments have been NEGATIVE! I loathe this woman and her entire brand!
p.s.- Sharon again- The View is a rerun. It was Kate's last appearance. She was horrible on that show. Did not contribute anything, didn't know where the camera was, looked awkward and fake on camera... I could go on but you get the picture. No damage control here because all of this new stuff hadn't even happened. I hope this is the last time she is on this show because I loathe this woman and her entire brand!
I searched by Kate at Emmys and the first article that came up was from EW Online. It's a sign of things to come.
"Someone invited Kate to the Emmys?"
Oh no! According to E! Online, terrible ballroom dancer and reality TV desperadina Kate Gosselin will display her “not-so-serious side” at the very beginning of August 29′s primetime Emmys telecast alongside host Jimmy Fallon. It will be just like this photo, except presumably Kate and Jimmy will not be attempting to convey the harsh realities of fame via the power of the paso doble. This does not bode well.
Does anyone remember the last time Kate Gosselin tried to display her not-so-serious side during network primetime? It was the during the season 10 finale of Dancing With the Stars. You did not watch it, so I will just tell you what happened: It was a dark and stormy night. After a bunch of nobodies like Shannen Doherty performed their exhibitions, Glamorous Star and Record Ratings-Monger Kate appeared! First she re-danced her cringe-inducing ”Paparazzi” paso doble. Then suddenly more of her legs were showing and without any warning whatsoever — SCENE CHANGE — she was grinning ”serenely” atop a forklift as a low-powered smoke machine sputtered below. The audience’s reaction was nil; nobody had a clue what was going on. Tom Bergeron had to diffuse the intense awkwardness of the post-dance atmosphere by joking that she’d be up there for the next two hours, and you could tell the audience members who’d woken up by that point were like “Oh, wow, that’d be great!” PopWatch reader LR summed it up better and more depressingly than I ever could: ”Watching Kate Gosselin dance to ‘I Will Survive’ was one of the worst moments of my life. And I’ve had a horrible life.” That’s the spirit! What a season!
If nobody in the live audience of a ballroom dancing reality show of which she was a legitimate cast member could be bothered to care about Kate’s tragic attempt at levity, I can’t even imagine how the audience (let alone viewers at home) will react during the freaking EMMYS.
Oh my!
"Someone Invited Kate Gosselin to the Emmys?!?!
Oh no! According to E! Online, terrible ballroom dancer and reality TV desperadina Kate Gosselin will display her “not-so-serious side” at the very beginning of August 29′s primetime Emmys telecast"
"Does anyone remember the last time Kate Gosselin tried to display her not-so-serious side during network primetime? It was the during the season 10 finale of Dancing With the Stars. You did not watch it, so I will just tell you what happened: It was a dark and stormy night. After a bunch of nobodies like Shannen Doherty performed their exhibitions, Glamorous Star and Record Ratings-Monger Kate appeared! First she re-danced her cringe-inducing ”Paparazzi” paso doble. Then suddenly more of her legs were showing and without any warning whatsoever — SCENE CHANGE — she was grinning ”serenely” atop a forklift as a low-powered smoke machine sputtered below. The audience’s reaction was nil; nobody had a clue what was going on. Tom Bergeron had to diffuse the intense awkwardness of the post-dance atmosphere by joking that she’d be up there for the next two hours, and you could tell the audience members who’d woken up by that point were like “Oh, wow, that’d be great!”
I've never watched the Emmys and won't start now, but I had a thought. Hasn't stuff been reported as fact that never happened? I remember something being reported as fact a few months ago that never materialized. I just wish I could remember what it was. For the kids' sake, I hope it's not true. She deserves no air time and will be made a mockery of and those kids will hear about it at school or possibly even see it on TV. Even though they won't understand it now, they will someday - and they already have WAY FULL plates in that regard. I feel soooooo sorry for them.
As you all have said in your comments -- media reports decidedly negative. I like that this author mentions the hypocrisy of using her kids and that she is a lousy mother,
Why's Kate Gosselin on my TV? Enough with Kate Gosselin! This one is my fav or them all for mentioning, while even briefly, the kids.
By:Alice James-Rodgers
Date: 2010-08-09
Why is Kate Gosselin on my TV? Why is Kate Gosselin have any credibility? Why is Kate Gosselin even relevant? Hasn’t the world had enough of Kate Gosslein?
Are we so starved for entertainment in this country that we will watch anybody make an ass of themselves? Have our minds gotten so lazy that we would rather watch meaningless, talentless, mindless reality TV than allow ourselves to be mentally challenged by intelligent, thought provoking, well written shows? Whatever the reason, it is apparent that America has reached a cultural low.
Rumor has it that Kate Gosselin will be invited to a certain show and make an appearance in the very beginning of it.
Why does the world keep giving Kate Gosselin credibility? Why in the world would she be invited to this show? She doesn’t deserve it. She hasn’t done anything at all to be given this honor. She doesn’t even deserve he own show!
Ever since Kate Gosselin came on to the scene she has been nothing but a blemish on the face of American entertainment.
We are talking about a woman who is self righteous, selfish, and egotistical. We are talking about a woman who took fertility drugs just so she could have eight kids and get famous. It is my opinion that she didn’t care about the welfare of her children but only what they could do for her career. And we in America award her for this behavior? It is shameful that a woman like Kate Gosselin can climb to the top of American entertainment for being the kind of person she is. America should be ashamed of themselves for even paying attention to this woman!
I was watching America This Morning on ABC in the middle of the night. They reported the Emmy story and then made fun of Kate for several minutes asking why her 15 minutes was so long. The woman (Vinita?) said that the kids were cute, the relationship with Jon was entertaining but it was OVER and Kate had no talents or reason to still be on TV. They decided that Kimmel would just use her for a joke and that was it.
Thanks for the update. Glad The View is a rerun. Wonder why they are using a show with her highness on it. I wish they didn't. I wish they'd never have her on it again.
There is no real scoop about Kate on the Emmys. All the entertainment media outlets are using the same tag lines from the TLC press release. Fortunately some of the writers do add their own comments, which are negative. It's a ratings ploy obviously and if the skit is at the beginning of the show, will people tune out afterwards? The only thing about the Emmys that is interesting to me is seeing what the women wear, and you can save yourself time by just checking the internet the next day. The rest of it is b..o..r..i..n..g. I don't think they should even televise it anymore. Times have changed.
Kate thinks she can be a comedian (she cackles after her own unfunny comments) and she wasn't funny in that skit on Leno. I can't imagine who talked Fallon into working with her, but I hope Fallon isn't told to keep his mouth shut about the experience.
If it wasn't for the Gosselin children Kate would be nothing,but she going to be in the TV land ..I wish somebody would find Kate another makeup and hairdresser before she goes on the award show b/c I believe they hate her the way she looks when they finish with her makeup and hair do..
I still cannot fathom what is going through the heads of those who worked hard and long enough to earn a right to sit front row at the Emmys while they watch Kate and her magical uterus get to open the show.
I honestly think the real stars will boo her. Maybe, MAYBE, they'll be some sympathy for her, but it's highly doubtful. People are sick are her antics. This, IMO, will be another nail in her coffin. Let her get humiliated, by real celebrities that actually did something & deserve to be there. She will be the butt of the joke.
If they continue to put this trash on, I will have to put the TV by the curb. Enough with this woman. She is NOT a celebrity, but a total annoyance.
WTH is wrong with the TV industry. If she is the best they got, they may as well close up.
Anonymous said... Oh God!! This will involve a red carpet appearance as well.
August 9, 2010 11:56 AM
Well she's got the hand-on-the-hip/Hollywood pose down pat. I guess she's been practicing that in the mirror for hours while the kids are with the nannies.
TLC stinks said... Thanks for the update. Glad The View is a rerun. Wonder why they are using a show with her highness on it. I wish they didn't. I wish they'd never have her on it again.
I think they are rerunning Kate's from July which is so soon to be doing that because they want to keep her name out there and cause a buzz on the bloggs about her and thus they will watch the Emmeys. Somehow Barbara Walters is very tight with TLC. She had Kate on her list.
When does she have time to do all of this? Isn't Twisted Kate supposed to make its debut this month? Shouldn't she be off filming somewhere?
Kate will be out of place at the Emmy Awards,but it all about the $$$$$$$$ with Kate,and she thinks she a celeb right along beside the REAL celebs.....
It remains to be seen whether Kate will make a flesh-and-blood appearance, or whether this is just a publicity stunt, and she will "appear" only via Jimmy Fallon's dressed up body.
If it is a publicity stunt, the Emmy producers are getting exactly what they want - a lot of indignant viewers now very caught up in and aware of the Emmy broadcast.
If she is there in person, it is a complete slap in the face to the Reality Show hosts who are nominated for an award. Given that the Emmy producers just completely dissed those hosts by removing their category from the broadcast to make time for a special award, it is hard to fathom how they could waste one broadcast second on the likes of this horrid woman.
In whatever capacity she "appears," we all know she will be the brunt of jokes, and will be used for laughs. I just don't think the celebrities sitting in the audience will find her amusing at all. She is not even on their radar.
The whole idea is just wicked twisted.
When she was the 'star' of the show back when she was doing her church scam speeches, she sat up on the stage like she was the queen of Egypt, legs crossed with that one leg pumping away like crazy. Her sheeple were flocking to see her and I think that's when she decided to make a 'career' out of being noticed.
Fast forward to DWTS and she clammed up with stage fright and made an ass out of herself and Tony. When she went on talk shows her nervous jitters were obvious until Tony was beside her on Jimmy Kimmels couch. Only then did she get brave and mouthy. Now wait and see... the Emmy Awards is a live show and she's just no good at pulling off live events. I don't watch the Emmys anymore but I recall the audience being less constrained than the Oscar audience. They just might heckle her, but worse she may be greeted with dead silence. Out in Hollywood, she's nothing but a little tiny frog in a great big pond. The big fish will swallow her alive. I won't be watching, but I'm sure we'll hear the reports.
As an aside, I've lost 10 pounds on the Kate Gosselin diet. If I happen to hear her voice or see her face before I eat I lose my appetite. At least she's good for something.
The winner here will be Jimmy. Kate is so unaware of anything except herself I bet Jimmy could put plastic buckets with toilet seats as chairs in the skit and she wouldn't get why everyone is laughing.
Morning laugh - some blog called her a 'reality show desperadina' - new descriptor. Guess I will skipping the Kimmel opening act this year, not sure if I can stomach watching Kate on a red carpet, either.
Y'all need to settle down. I'm bet the farm her 'appearance' will be a 2-3 second clip in a montage of other clips capping the past season on TV. Blink and you'll miss her!
How did the opening go from Fallon to Kimmel?
Just kidding.
So when the Emmys are over, what show will they plunk Kart on next? Guest appearance on Mad Men, House Hunters, House Hunters International, Hell's Kitchen, CSI (New York and Miami), LA Ink etc...? When will this madness stop? Seriously!! I'm so tired of this woman being every where.
On the upside, maybe all this media saturation will finally convince more and more of the public that they are once and for all truly sick and tired of this woman. Please, let this happen soon.
I think the media and public are finally tired of her, the articles about her invite to the Emmys are pretty clear. How will Merideth console her buddy Kate. Will Merideth bash all the articles and blog sites as "mean" and unfair? Now Kate & Merideth can go get their botox and mani/pedi's together and boo hoo about how Kate was treated.
I think Cable TV and the Networks are trying to hard for our attention. Reality TV is cheaper vs. shows with real talent in front of and behind the camera. These shows are really dumbing down this country. Put a camera in front of someone and watch how they change. Just note how many fools jump and wave their arms behind a reporter when they see a camera.
ANNA said... Y'all need to settle down. I'm bet the farm her 'appearance' will be a 2-3 second clip in a montage of other clips capping the past season on TV. Blink and you'll miss her!
That I could deal with. It was clearly reported that she is making a live opening appearance with Jimmy Fallon.
PJ's Mom, I hope it's a rumor too. But alas, I'm afraid TLC is putting their Golden Girl wherever they can find a place to put her.
I can say that if this time on the Emmy awards show is to mock Kate Gosselin, that the kids are going to bear the brunt of that. School or no school, having your mom become a major network laughing stock is no deal for those kids. Kate should think of them before she thinks of herself.
Does anyone know what the ratings were for last week's show? I have not been able to find them anywhere.
I think after the Emmy's, Kate will have had her "Jump the shark" moment and then she'll be gone where the gobblins go. I just hope they don't decide to put her uterus in the Smithsonian Museum like they did with Fonzie's leather jacket.
Preesi has the cable ratings posted Kate did not make it into the top 25. Post pics and articles here #7. Scroll to the bottom.
What's Next - I don't think you will find the ratings for last weeks show, they had to have been very low. I mean it was a repeat wasn't it, only this time w/some messages popping up? They are really 'working' it when it comes to Kate, why did they do that anyway? There must have been some point for doing it, but I sure can't imagine what it was. To prove to Kate she's just not all 'that' and a bag of peanuts anymore? I just have this gut feeling, even TLC is about ready for her to "move on", i.e., GO AWAY.
What's Next-good question! I have been trying to find out what the numbers were,everyday, starting the next day, but still have not come up with an answer!Does anyone know how many watched?
Kelly said... I just hope they don't decide to put her uterus in the Smithsonian Museum like they did with Fonzie's leather jacket.
What's Next - I don't think you will find the ratings for last weeks show, they had to have been very low. I mean it was a repeat wasn't it, only this time w/some messages popping up******************************************
True, from what I hear - didn't watch, but they billed it as a new episode, so I expected for there to be ratings. I just wanted to hear how low they were, which I expect is the case. I agree that TLC is most likely over her and her Diva attitude.
I agree with Anna's comment at 10:41 a.m. Kate will probably just be part of an opening montage of clips. That will be her big 2 second appearance at the Emmys. Even her horrible DWTS dancing is old and by the time she appeared in the finale no one even paid attention to her.
Kelly said:
I just hope they don't decide to put her uterus in the Smithsonian Museum like they did with Fonzie's leather jacket.
Don't you think that this would be one of the best things that could happen? At least it would be out of commission and nothing more could pop out of it! Otherwise, she might just put it on eBay.
I posted this on GWoP, but felt it belonged here too.
OMG! I just got my TV Guide and it has the top earners on TV listed. Kate Gosselin is listed at $250,000 per episode! WTF! To put it in perspective, Patrick Dempsey on Grey's Anatomy makes the same. Julianna Marguiles makes $175,000 per episode for The Good Wife.
Again, WTF!
"OMG! I just got my TV Guide and it has the top earners on TV listed. Kate Gosselin is listed at $250,000 per episode!'
But she has bills in her purse that she can't pay! With earnings like that, what in the world must those unpaid bills total? LOL!!
"There must have been some point for doing it, but I sure can't imagine what it was."
I wonder if TLC was testing how well Kate Plus 8 could do without all the additional marketing i.e. tabloid rumors, promo commercials, etc. - would ratings remain steady from first airing or significantly drop? What are the numbers for her true audience (those willing to watch Kate over and over again)? If they continue to be steady like other TLC shows ( ~1 million viewers like The Little Couple and Cake Boss), then maybe they would extend production of these "specials". However, since this mini-marathon of Kate Plus 8 didn't leave a blip on tv ratings lists, I'm assuming they might want to hold off or limit production on Kate Plus 8, possibly even Twist of Kate. Kate Plus 8 is an expensive production, so TLC wants to make sure it's getting its money's worth.
I've noticed that Discovery Health still lists Jon & Kate Plus 8, but they've replaced it lately with other shows instead. It's interesting that after 100 episodes, Discovery Health was repeating the same 10 or so episodes (from the early seasons) over and over again.
Michelle said...
I posted this on GWoP, but felt it belonged here too.
OMG! I just got my TV Guide and it has the top earners on TV listed. Kate Gosselin is listed at $250,000 per episode! WTF! To put it in perspective, Patrick Dempsey on Grey's Anatomy makes the same. Julianna Marguiles makes $175,000 per episode for The Good Wife.
Again, WTF!
August 10, 2010 4:16 PM
What's the date on the TV Guide? Just searched tvguide.com for article and didn't see it in past day or two.
And oh yeah. Poor, poor Kate.
KateJonandTLCSuck said...
What's the date on the TV Guide? Just searched tvguide.com for article and didn't see it in past day or two.
It came in today's mail and has TV listings for August 16-29. I scanned the TLC listings and don't see any episodes of Kate Plus 8 listed for the entire 2 week period.
They have lots of salaries listed. I just can't believe Betty White makes $75,000 per episode of her show and Kate makes $250,000 per episode.
What an insult to Betty White. I'll always remember her SNL opening. In her day seeing people's vacation videos was considered a punishment. Now Kate makes 250k a pop showing her vacation videos to millions.
RE; The ratings last week. The lowest rated show list was IIFC 1.2 million. So, I think Kate plus 8 was less than 1.2 million.
Michelle- Wow! a quarter of a million a show. That means for her 12 episodes of Kate plus 8...she made 3 million this year alone. Plus her dancing and this emmy show and her 10,000 books she sold. lol.
I wonder if the 10,000 that bought the last book are her fans. If we quit looking for the train wreck, she'll be gone. IMO.
If Kate makes $250K per episode, then think about what kind of money TLC is raking in, plus the cost of paying the crew, hotels, Steve, etc. Of course, she is filming much less, so maybe it's a wash as far as what she was earning when they filmed weekly episodes. At least she's helping to contribute to paying down the U.S. deficit with all the federal taxes she's paying ;)
What I don't get is how in the devil did Jon end up paying so much child support?! It just doesn't pass the smell test. My God, Kate should be paying Jon alimony (maybe she is) and that's why he's keeping his mouth shut....no income for Kate means no alimony for Jon.
I'm telling y'all, "Twist of Kate" doesn't exist.
They have lots of salaries listed. I just can't believe Betty White makes $75,000 per episode of her show and Kate makes $250,000 per episode.
I haven't seen Betty White's show. Kate's "specials" are an hour in length. Are Betty's shows one hour or 1/2 hour long? That could make some difference in the salaries.
Kate's opening appearance: Jimmy and Kate will show up in the same sparkly red and black dresses and will do a Harpo Marx/Lucy Ricardo mirror dance.
That's my bet.
But I won't be watching.
fidosmommy said... PJ's Mom, I hope it's a rumor too. But alas, I'm afraid TLC is putting their Golden Girl wherever they can find a place to put her.
I can't help but wonder, IF the story of Alaska trip is true, would they have still put her on the Emmys? I'd guess that engagement had to have been scheduled before she went to Alaska, anyone?
One quarter of a million dollars an episode??? I'm speechless.
"The's opening appearance: Jimmy and Kate will show up in the same sparkly red and black dresses and will do a Harpo Marx/Lucy Ricardo mirror dance.
I love that spoof. She could never pull it off. I won't be watching, just in case you're correct. I don't want Lucy's mirror dance forever ruined in my mind!
JudyK said...
That I could deal with. It was clearly reported that she is making a live opening appearance with Jimmy Fallon.
Hi JudyK.
Could you let me know where you read that Kate will be live at the Emmys? The few articles I read all very cleverly used ambiguous wording as far as her appearance. One talks about Kate being "thisclose" to the celebrities, which leads me to believe that it is Jimmy Fallon dressed as her and cozying up and annoying the celebs. I can't imagine they would let her near any of them.
I agree with others who have predicted that there will be a clip of her on DWTS, and then Fallon doing his sendup of her. They will have to show a clip, because a lot of these celebs probably never saw her on DWTS or on her own show. In the grand scheme of stars, she is a nobody.
Isn't it obvious why TLC would want Sarah Palin seemingly endorsing Kate Gosslein vis a vis an appearance on her Alaska based reality tv show?
REP. MURT and the hearings in PA.
Palin is a REPUBLICAN.
If Kate Gosselin is making this kind of money why isn't her unemployed ex-husband taking care of the kids and she paying him child support? Why is she paying nannies to raise her kids when the children's dad is available and the kids clearly appear to need and want to be around him? Let Kate move to Hollywood and pursue a career in acting like that other fame hungry reality tv personality Jake (The Bachelor) who also appears to have a problem with asexuality.
Linda said... I'm telling y'all, "Twist of Kate" doesn't exist.
You could be right. It was not supposed to come out until the fall, however. At least according to Kate. K+8 would debut in the summer, ToK in the fall.
Featured Poll
Kate Gosselin is reportedly taking the stage at the Emmys. Does she belong?
# No! She doesn’t belong at TV’s biggest night! 84%
Music to my ears and by the way where are the promos for Twisted Kate?
Kate Gosselin 15 minutes of fame over? Is Kate Gosselin through?
By:Alice James-Rodgers
Date: 2010-08-10
Are Kate Gosselin's fifteen minutes of fame over with? Is Kate Gosselin finally fading away? What can Kate Gosselin do to stay in the public eye?
Despite Kate Gosselin's recent invite to you know where, it appears that the public is finally growing tired of Kate Gosselin.
The ratings for 'Kate Plus 8' are just atrocious and have been getting worse each and every week. That is why TLC has tried to cross promote Gosselin's show with another show featuring a certain former governor. It is apparent that if Kate Gosselin's show doesn't improve there will be no more Kate Gosselin. Now while most people would be happy about this there are some out there that would be upset about it. For some reason there are way to many people that like Gosselin. For what reason I have no idea but there is no doubt she has her fans.
There were supposedly two other shows that TLC had in mind for Gosselin after 'Kate Plus 8' ended but now those shows have been put in doubt due to horrible ratings. If those two shows are canceled it would spell the end of Kate Gosselin for good. With no discernible talents and fading public interest it is doubtful that anyone else would take a chance on Kate Gosselin.
Kate Gosselin has had a good run but it looks like her fifteen minutes a fame are finally coming to end.
Kate's show did not place in the top 25.
Oh, Admin, I really think that there is significant value in posting the re-runs. If for no other reason it will build on the excellent data base and chronolgy of abuse to the children that you have created here.
I think it's wishful thinking about Kate's 15 minutes of fame are up----I'll believe it when I hear TLC cancel officially "Twist of Kate". I think there will be a last ditch effort, and then poof. Maybe putting her on the Emmys for a few minutes is that very thing.
I would love to see this ride end for Kate, and Jon too (how lazy can someone possibly be?). If Jon is getting his money from Kate via TLC, a normal person would take this down time preparing for the job market by training for something instead of spending his days spooning with his young girlfriend watching movies. I will always believe Kate, the narcisist, went after Jon because he was weak. Those kids were going to lose the minute they were conceived.
Call Me Crazy said... JudyK said...
That I could deal with. It was clearly reported that she is making a live opening appearance with Jimmy Fallon.
Hi JudyK.
Could you let me know where you read that Kate will be live at the Emmys? The few articles I read all very cleverly used ambiguous wording as far as her appearance. One talks about Kate being "thisclose" to the celebrities, which leads me to believe that it is Jimmy Fallon dressed as her and cozying up and annoying the celebs. I can't imagine they would let her near any of them.
I agree with others who have predicted that there will be a clip of her on DWTS, and then Fallon doing his sendup of her. They will have to show a clip, because a lot of these celebs probably never saw her on DWTS or on her own show. In the grand scheme of stars, she is a nobody.
Hi Call Me Crazy--Everything I've read has said she is going to appear, and I attempted to cut and paste w/ no success. However, I sincerely hope that your interpretation is correct and mine is not correct, because I will not watch the Emmys if Kate appears in the flesh. No one dislikes Kate the Liar more than I do.
Kate Gosselin is a joke ....
Khate Gosselin will soon go the way of the Pet Rock.
$250k/eipisode et al.
I wonder what Meredith, Sherri and Elisabeth make "per" episode? They are paid by a yearly salary, so if they were to calculate what they actually earn per "episode", how would it compare to what their Heroine makes? I don't believe she makes that much. I'm thinking she negotiated the same $ they would have earned when they were ready to film the 40+ episodes.
When all the legal mumbo jumbo was happening, with Jon's cease and dissist and the closed door meetings, TLC paid them WELL to shut their mouths.
NancyB said... Music to my ears and by the way where are the promos for Twisted Kate?
Kate Gosselin 15 minutes of fame over? Is Kate Gosselin through?
By:Alice James-Rodgers
Date: 2010-08-10
Oh no!! Does this mean Rat Claws will get laid off? I'm sure he'll be able to find gainful employment protecting some dignitary or statesman (snicker, snicker). He's so darned qualified after all these years carrying Kate's purse, wheeling her luggage around and designing the landscaping at the McMansion.
I've said over and over that there was never any real intent to do 'Twist of Kate." It was a carrot dangled in front of Kate to keep her lock-step with TLC as they battled Jon so they could work the kids again. TLC got the kids and suddenly there was NO MORE MENTION of 'Twist of Kate.'
It was never going to happen.
Yeah, saw her salary posted in TV Guide and it said she makes 250.000 an episode, Yikes. Thats why she has TLC filming the crap out of them kids. Whenever the cameras start rolling she hears " caching, caching". Not to mention the photo covers she gets paid for and her guest appearances too. Better not hear her cry poverty ever again on that Today Show. I'll have to remember that salary when they replay the chicken coop episode and she complains how expensive eggs are. LMAO
It will not be soon enough when we finally see the last of this broad.
I thought I read somewhere within recent months that Kate was paid a straight $100,000 per month?
Does anyone else remember this?
I think that everyone who is saying that Twist of Kate does not exsit is right. I think the reason is that TLC found out that kate is lazy and doesn't want to do any kind of work at all. She's fine with making the kids work but if it involves her doing anything,she's out. Just like with the chicken coop. She wasn't even out side for the longest time letting the crew watch the kids.Another example is the camping trip. She's rude,lazy and has a great sense of entitlement.
Good God Almighty! The Masche's were on The Today Show just now and those kids WERE HORRIBLE!!!!! They were screaming and running all over the place, hitting each other,tantrums, fighting, crying, and one was even hitting Jenny and Natalie Morales! They were completely out of control and so ill behaved it was ridiculous. It's a good thing Kate isn't their mother or they all would've been pinched and spanked on live tv. That was the worst segment ever...you couldn't hear a word anybody was saying and no attempt was made to corral those kids and stop the bad behavior.
They showed a clip of them waiting in the greenroom and both Bryan and Jenny were sitting on their butts on a couch while other people tended to the kids.
Bryan and Jenny should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their kids to behave like that and I don't care if they are "only" 4 ( or almost 4 ). They needed their butts whooped, and I'm not even a big believer in spanking, until now. If Bryan and Jenny had a brain they would've brought coloring books and crayons or some small toy to entertain them for 5 minutes while they talked.
I think it's safe to say that these reality show parents of multiples are piss poor at parenting, hence the need for a reality show so they can make themselves feel better with money and trips. I think I did hear Bryan say that Thursday is their finale and final season....I think. Thank God!!!!! They were AWFUL!!!!!!!
Exactly Sadie! (love your name BTW, Beatles song!!) I never want to hear Khate crying over how she can't send her kids to college, or how she has a mound of bills, etc. She is just fine thank you, making 250k an episode. Khate is a liar and a fraud. We've known it from the start. There she is, in her hole. How is she going to dig her way out of this one? I really hope a reporter has the cajones to ask about this one. I really wish I was a reporter right about now. I would be flinging curveballs at Khate faster than you can say "Child Exploitation"! The earpiece won't help her now.
Speaking of I Love Lucy. Remember the episode where Lucy was doing a play? or whatever it was and she sand "I am the queen of the gypsies"
OK. Picture Kate in Lucy's part and have her sing "I am the queen of the grifters" lol.
I cannot get that song out of my head now.
I think Kate can't let Jon have the kids. It would ruin her career? She is the super mom of 8, count em 8 kids. Kate would be nobody without the kids. It isn't about what is best for the kids. It's about what is best for the money.
And, I think Jon pays that much child support because they have that much money. JMO.
Did the article mention what the G8 earn per episode?
Since the conversation has turned to Kate and her paychecks the above is a link to Access Hollywood and an interview a few months back with Billy Bush asking the questions. Interesting...
I have felt the same thing about "Twist of Kate", I highly doubt it's going to happen. And not just because I can't stand Khate and all she represents. First, the show was going to be about Kate doing real jobs like waitressing or working on a trash truck. Then some TLC lackey said it was going to be about Kate visiting fans and providing guidance or some kind of life coaching (lol). Both ideas are equally ludicrous. Judging by the horrible way Kate has historically treated ACTUAL celebrities, what is TLC thinking by having her have ANY contact with the "little people" she so openly despises??
As shown by the filming of the haircuts last Friday (for the umpteenth time), Kate is only interested in filming shows which involve HER and only HER bossing around the eight kids while taking them to something TLC is paying for. Dressed in her latest Frederick's of Hollywood ensemble. Whenever TLC has tried to throw other people into the mix, she treats them like dirt. So TLC has tried to appease her by filming on her terms, but it looks like they're running out of ideas. It seems like when anyone says "finally, it looks like Kate's 15 minutes are up!" Kate's 15 minutes drag on for another year. But hopefully.... with her uber-diva behavior and large paycheck the numbers no longer justify, her end is soon coming.
According to this, she is set to both attend and perform in the opening act.
The former "Dancing with the Stars" contestant and reality TV mom is set to attend the Aug. 29 Primetime Emmy Awards, according to E! Online. Gosselin will appear as an opening act in a comedic segment with the Emmy's emcee Jimmy Fallon.
From this article:
Cheesy TLC said... Isn't it obvious why TLC would want Sarah Palin seemingly endorsing Kate Gosslein vis a vis an appearance on her Alaska based reality tv show?
Not really seeing what Palin and Murt both being repulicans has to do with anything.
Why, why, why??????? Sorry, I'd rather eat dirt than to see her on t.v. again. Let someone else feed her monster ego.
I won't be watching.... but would love to see when the camera pans to the audience during the opening act and the looks on all the A list celebrities faces.... probably thinking "who the hell is this woman on stage??"
Itsaboutthekids - Thanks for posting that link. It was interesting. Another LIE that Kate told Billy! She said and I am paraphrasing: the crew are like "family" and love and adore her children. The crew have come to visit the kids several times since the show stopped airing because they love the. The kids go crazy when they come through the door and they scream. Well didn't Kate say (according to published reports in People and in Admin's recap of the 1st epi of Kate plus 8) That the kids had NOT seen the crew since Jon had shut down the show & tapping had been halted. That she had seen them a few times here in there when she was traveling. That the kids had missed the crew soooo much. Which one is it Kate? The crew visited several times or they visited zero times?
This is from aceshowbiz.com:
The first piece of news about the content of upcoming Emmy Awards has arrived. Kate Gosselin, mother of eight and star of TLC's "Kate Plus 8", is set to open the awards show on August 29 with a number of other celebrities familiar to TV fans.
Reports said Gosselin, who is neither nominated nor announced as the presenter, will appear at the start of the show as part of a humorous sketch where she interacts with some of TV's biggest stars. The awards show's host Jimmy Fallon would be one of them and he, according to E! Online, would "kill it right out of the gate."
If she claimed her performance on DWTS was so crappy because of her nerves, how is she going to handle being on stage at the Emmys in front of an audience full of actual talented celebrities? Might be a two box of wine afternoon.
Nancy B...
I'm dumb. What did Fallon mean by saying he would "kill it right out of the gate"?
Dare I hope it means she will be put in her place?
The ratings show that Kate did not make the top 25 cable shows. They didn't give her numbers.
where she interacts with some of TV's biggest stars. The awards show's host Jimmy Fallon would be one of them and he, according to E! Online, would "kill it right out of the gate."
Maybe when she interacts with some of TV's biggest stars, they'll all comment, "now who are you, what movie, TV show were you in", to of course emphasize, the fact that she doesn't have any discernable talent, is truly a nobody, and has no talent, other than of course, that clown car uterus.
Wish I could take the credit, but one article started with, (paraphrasing) 'Kate Gosselin and Emmy Awards should never be in the same sentence unless the word NEVER was in the somewhere in the middle.'
She only gets these gigs because we all get upset and give them publicity and ratings.
Kate Gosselin doesn't get a fraction of a rating point from me and she never will. Narcissists are dangerous to their families and associates, and a complete bore to everyone else.
When the show was new and the kids were babies, the whole family was the focus. Now, from reading the updates, it sounds like the whole focus is Kate, Mady, Collin, Hannah, and very occasionally Leah and Aaden. What's up with Joel and Cara? What are TLC and Kate trying to hide?
You know everyone,there are soo many "reality" shows on these days,seems like any types of human beings are picked to be on them, especially the ones with many types of negative qualities.You can be young,old,fat,skinny,smart(I guess not smart enough!)dumb,really dumb,un-educated,speak poor english,have had a plastic surgery makeover,sell your kids,lie,lie,lie,tell us you are a chrisitan,(did you forget that part,kate?)have no talents,etc.,but can still be made to be a "Star"!I just bet that the people who have worked long and hard and honestly to become a real Star, just do not like kate,or alot of these Reality-type show people.I think that after this year, that there should be an awards show just for Reality shows, not mixed in with the real Stars,not ruin the fancy award shows for the real actors.There are more than enough of these shows and people who are part of them-will not call them Stars-to be large enough to warrant their own evening.And they would have tons of room/time to be able to give out awards in so many categories.Like- most lies,most plastic surgery,most lieing about plastic surgery,worst parent involving their own kids in the show,most faked,most bit*chy,most stupid,most slutty outfit,highest hooker heels,most un-motherly mother,mother who doesn't dress like a mother,most days,weeks away from their children,biggest gas guzzler,and I am sure you can all add alot more categories. That way we could once again tune in to the real and fancy award shows,and not have to watch the dumbest character that is shoved down our throats-kate,the christian kreider.
You know what's funny, I think before the reality TV craze most people thought of celebrities as rather shallow, not necessarily all that bright, and their only talent was they happened to be born with the acting gene.
Post-Kate now all these celebrities suddenly seem so full of talent and poise and such hard workers. They're like this whole other species compared to the garbage on reality TV. It's sad some of them practically look like the pope next to all this garbage.
The image of all the "real" celebrities sitting in that front row watching Kate prance around on stage is just such a contrast.
I do know for a fact that many actors are very disappointed and discouraged that this reality craze has gone on so long. For every reality TV show that takes up a time slot, that's one less time slot available for a real program for them.
First you say thankfully Kate wasn't their mother or they would have been hit and then you say the Masche kids should have been spanked.
From what you described Jenny and Bryan have not disciplined their children or raised them properly. Why should the children be hit for that? It's not their fault. Hitting them for not behaving when they obviously haven't been taught how is not the solution.
Sounds like an interesting clip though. Is it online?
NancyB said... Itsaboutthekids - Thanks for posting that link. It was interesting. Another LIE that Kate told Billy! She said and I am paraphrasing: the crew are like "family" and love and adore her children. The crew have come to visit the kids several times since the show stopped airing because they love the. The kids go crazy when they come through the door and they scream
I noticed the same contradictions. Also if you look at the video when the crew returns, one of the twins is standing in the background, holding a doll and looking very sad.
About the $250,000 per episode, I am sure TLC is assuming that is for nine people NOT just Kate. The other 8 are putting in the same time as Kate.
I believe that Kate is trying to cut the strings from TLC and trying to move on to bigger and better things. She knows that as long as she does the show with the kids she is branded as just Kate plus 8, me thinks she don't like sharing the spot light with them kiddies. She is hoping to strike it big and a movie producer will notice her and offer her a big movie part. Shes' demented to even think that without TLC she is rubbish.
Sounds like an interesting clip though. Is it online?
Brace yourself....
I saw the clip with the sextuplets. The producers are the ones who should have been hit. There should have been a backup plan. If the kids get out of control, someone should have gently guided the kids off the set and then Natalie should have continued the interview. The kids were HORRIBLY behaved. But what were the parents to do...get up from the couch repeatly to hit or scold the kids. I blame the producers, they previously saw the kids behind the scenes and knew what to expect. It was stupid to conduct an interview during that comotion. In fact, I stopped watching it. I literally couldn't take it. Makes me wonder how all those Duggars ages 1 through 6 act like angels during their interviews.
Hey , I've been on vacation but surprised to see TLC stinks commenting on this thread. I've been that name for over a year. Would you mind changing to something else?
Hey , I've been on vacation but surprised to see TLC stinks commenting on this thread. I've been that name for over a year. Would you mind changing to something else?
I saw the clip with the sextuplets. The producers are the ones who should have been hit. There should have been a backup plan. If the kids get out of control, someone should have gently guided the kids off the set and then Natalie should have continued the interview. The kids were HORRIBLY behaved. But what were the parents to do...get up from the couch repeatly to hit or scold the kids. I blame the producers, they previously saw the kids behind the scenes and knew what to expect. It was stupid to conduct an interview during that comotion. In fact, I stopped watching it. I literally couldn't take it. Makes me wonder how all those Duggars ages 1 through 6 act like angels during their interviews.
First you say thankfully Kate wasn't their mother or they would have been hit and then you say the Masche kids should have been spanked.
From what you described Jenny and Bryan have not disciplined their children or raised them properly. Why should the children be hit for that? It's not their fault. Hitting them for not behaving when they obviously haven't been taught how is not the solution.
Sounds like an interesting clip though. Is it online?
You know what's funny, I think before the reality TV craze most people thought of celebrities as rather shallow, not necessarily all that bright, and their only talent was they happened to be born with the acting gene.
Post-Kate now all these celebrities suddenly seem so full of talent and poise and such hard workers. They're like this whole other species compared to the garbage on reality TV. It's sad some of them practically look like the pope next to all this garbage.
The image of all the "real" celebrities sitting in that front row watching Kate prance around on stage is just such a contrast.
I do know for a fact that many actors are very disappointed and discouraged that this reality craze has gone on so long. For every reality TV show that takes up a time slot, that's one less time slot available for a real program for them.
Why, why, why??????? Sorry, I'd rather eat dirt than to see her on t.v. again. Let someone else feed her monster ego.
I won't be watching.... but would love to see when the camera pans to the audience during the opening act and the looks on all the A list celebrities faces.... probably thinking "who the hell is this woman on stage??"
If Kate makes $250K per episode, then think about what kind of money TLC is raking in, plus the cost of paying the crew, hotels, Steve, etc. Of course, she is filming much less, so maybe it's a wash as far as what she was earning when they filmed weekly episodes. At least she's helping to contribute to paying down the U.S. deficit with all the federal taxes she's paying ;)
What I don't get is how in the devil did Jon end up paying so much child support?! It just doesn't pass the smell test. My God, Kate should be paying Jon alimony (maybe she is) and that's why he's keeping his mouth shut....no income for Kate means no alimony for Jon.
I have felt the same thing about "Twist of Kate", I highly doubt it's going to happen. And not just because I can't stand Khate and all she represents. First, the show was going to be about Kate doing real jobs like waitressing or working on a trash truck. Then some TLC lackey said it was going to be about Kate visiting fans and providing guidance or some kind of life coaching (lol). Both ideas are equally ludicrous. Judging by the horrible way Kate has historically treated ACTUAL celebrities, what is TLC thinking by having her have ANY contact with the "little people" she so openly despises??
As shown by the filming of the haircuts last Friday (for the umpteenth time), Kate is only interested in filming shows which involve HER and only HER bossing around the eight kids while taking them to something TLC is paying for. Dressed in her latest Frederick's of Hollywood ensemble. Whenever TLC has tried to throw other people into the mix, she treats them like dirt. So TLC has tried to appease her by filming on her terms, but it looks like they're running out of ideas. It seems like when anyone says "finally, it looks like Kate's 15 minutes are up!" Kate's 15 minutes drag on for another year. But hopefully.... with her uber-diva behavior and large paycheck the numbers no longer justify, her end is soon coming.
Cheesy TLC said... Isn't it obvious why TLC would want Sarah Palin seemingly endorsing Kate Gosslein vis a vis an appearance on her Alaska based reality tv show?
Not really seeing what Palin and Murt both being repulicans has to do with anything.
Kelly said... I just hope they don't decide to put her uterus in the Smithsonian Museum like they did with Fonzie's leather jacket.
Does anyone know what the ratings were for last week's show? I have not been able to find them anywhere.
ANNA said... Y'all need to settle down. I'm bet the farm her 'appearance' will be a 2-3 second clip in a montage of other clips capping the past season on TV. Blink and you'll miss her!
That I could deal with. It was clearly reported that she is making a live opening appearance with Jimmy Fallon.
I still cannot fathom what is going through the heads of those who worked hard and long enough to earn a right to sit front row at the Emmys while they watch Kate and her magical uterus get to open the show.
There is no real scoop about Kate on the Emmys. All the entertainment media outlets are using the same tag lines from the TLC press release. Fortunately some of the writers do add their own comments, which are negative. It's a ratings ploy obviously and if the skit is at the beginning of the show, will people tune out afterwards? The only thing about the Emmys that is interesting to me is seeing what the women wear, and you can save yourself time by just checking the internet the next day. The rest of it is b..o..r..i..n..g. I don't think they should even televise it anymore. Times have changed.
Kate thinks she can be a comedian (she cackles after her own unfunny comments) and she wasn't funny in that skit on Leno. I can't imagine who talked Fallon into working with her, but I hope Fallon isn't told to keep his mouth shut about the experience.
I was watching America This Morning on ABC in the middle of the night. They reported the Emmy story and then made fun of Kate for several minutes asking why her 15 minutes was so long. The woman (Vinita?) said that the kids were cute, the relationship with Jon was entertaining but it was OVER and Kate had no talents or reason to still be on TV. They decided that Kimmel would just use her for a joke and that was it.
"Someone Invited Kate Gosselin to the Emmys?!?!
Oh no! According to E! Online, terrible ballroom dancer and reality TV desperadina Kate Gosselin will display her “not-so-serious side” at the very beginning of August 29′s primetime Emmys telecast"
"Does anyone remember the last time Kate Gosselin tried to display her not-so-serious side during network primetime? It was the during the season 10 finale of Dancing With the Stars. You did not watch it, so I will just tell you what happened: It was a dark and stormy night. After a bunch of nobodies like Shannen Doherty performed their exhibitions, Glamorous Star and Record Ratings-Monger Kate appeared! First she re-danced her cringe-inducing ”Paparazzi” paso doble. Then suddenly more of her legs were showing and without any warning whatsoever — SCENE CHANGE — she was grinning ”serenely” atop a forklift as a low-powered smoke machine sputtered below. The audience’s reaction was nil; nobody had a clue what was going on. Tom Bergeron had to diffuse the intense awkwardness of the post-dance atmosphere by joking that she’d be up there for the next two hours, and you could tell the audience members who’d woken up by that point were like “Oh, wow, that’d be great!”
Anybody know how to send the clip of kids hysterical at Jon's leaving to Jimmy Fallon?
This "fan" comment on Kate's latest bullog (lol) disturbs me:
"Hello everybody! I was just wondering, Kate, do you always read all of your comments? Can't you please have an "answering questions" post, where you could answer our questions? I'd love that, and I don't think I'm the only one!
Anyway, I actually do understand Heather, but that does'nt mean that I agree, not at all! But she's a little, tiny tiny little, right..
But who cares, I love you guys, no matter how you feel about things! (:
Okey, this may sound silly, but, I'll tell you..
As you all know, it's vacation by now. I spend it on an island here in Norway. One day when I had nothing to do, I pretended like Alexis stood in front of me, and I asked her:
- Alexis, why are you here?
She answered, - I'm lost, we're here on vacation..
I, still pretending, remembered which cottage/ lake house you had. I followed her home, and you were so grateful! You trusted me to take your little kids for a swim, I learned Hannah and Alexis some Norwegian and we all had a blast! I had so mutch fun, for real, even though I made it all up.. Now i feel even more bonded to you than before! <3
Hope you took tou some time to read trough this! :))
Posted by: Astrid, 13, Norway | 08/06/2010 at 03:50 PM "
At 13, pretending like this can't be normal, and this can't be how kids in Norway grow up, is it? Just disturbing.
Great recap of Kate's last primetime appearance:
"Someone invited Kate Gosselin to the Emmys?!?!"
By Annie Barrett
”Watching Kate Gosselin dance to ‘I Will Survive’ was one of the worst moments of my life. And I’ve had a horrible life.”
Kate is no comedian. How sad, she is willing to embarrass herself just for the opportunity to go to the Emmys and possibly mingle with real stars. It's even worse for her kids - who will no doubt be even more embarrassed by her actions and face repercussions at school.
It's one thing to be embarrassed when your parents do something silly, but it's another when this is broadcast for millions to see. What a disgraceful mother!
ROFL... Pepto does it for me! With a DiGel chaser.
Not only do we know our relatives names but also their dates of birth. And where they live.
It should be the tups and the twins doing the Emmys, as it is all because of them that anyone even knows kates name! She could be in the front row in the audience, cheering them on!
Well, just one more reason not to watch the Emmys. I personally think these self-adulating
awards shows are over the top. These people get paid plenty of money, isn't that reward enough? And now to drag Kate Gosselin on the stage....for WHAT was it again? Pit-ee-full.
Ahhh DWTS, TV Appearances on every Talk Show, Guest Hosting on the View and she is portraying a regular mom in between for her show...cleaver TLC but I'm not buying it or watching it. Now an appearance on the Emmys...What world are we living in when a nobody from PA who used her uterus like a clown car becomes soooo famous. One question, Will Octomom be joining her?
She's only going so she can score some more swag at the gift suites.
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